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F.CRYPT MAZE G.ONCE MORE TO MUSEVILLE H.PINE VILLAGE I.BANDIT'S TRAP J.BACK AT PINEVILLAGE K.BACK TO MUSEVILLE… L.Society Dungeon 10.UPDATES <1. ~AUTHOR'S NOTE~>: This is my very first walkthrough/FAQ in my whole life! I see all these reviews and all these people saying that Evolution 2 basically.. sucks, but hey if you enjoy this game, then good for you! I encourage you to play! Well I dunno if my FAQ well be good or if my FAQ will be even worse than the game! If there are any things you'd like me to add or anything you can e-mail me at Maglauncher2000@yahoo.com . I’ll give you credit. I found out Clement Chan beated me to making the first FAQ, and he finished it too.. unlike me=), I guess I slacked of but there will be updates, so don't worry! Right now though it’s better to look at the other guy’s FAQ. My FAQ right now is basically a really big spoiler for the parts I covered, so don’t read it if you want to play the whole game=) <2.~FAQ~>: Here is the FAQ I made from the questions I recieved from my e-mail, ask me any questions, related to this game and I'll post it up=) I won't post up any names so don't be shy. Q:What are HP, FP and TP? A:HP is health points, it is basically the life a character has left. FP is used in Evolution 2 to use skills during battle. TP is another element used in Evolution 2 to learn new skills. FP and TP are not necessarily usually seen in other RPGs. <3.~STUPID STUFF~>: I was so bored that I even decided to place things I have found out that you can do. You can check them out if you want, but it's just here for the fun of it=)If you find any more stupid stuff you can e- mail me them and I'll give you credit! Here's the list: 1. On the garage wall if you were to look at it and kept on pressing A all over the wall you would be able to have the character you are using say that there is graffiti on the wall. 2. If you change the character that leads the party you can get different reactions from each one of them. 3. After Forest Depths, if you talk to Pepper she tells you that Nina is a very good drinker. After the Crypt Maze she tells you that Nina had drank so much that she took off all her clothes on the spot, responsible Nina has a bad side afterall=)Now if you go back to the Society Museum and talk to Nina she'll ask you if Pepper told you anything, answer either yes or no, you can see the response for both by just heading out the Society Museum and coming back in! 4. A funny thing I noticed was in Pine Village when I had Chain talk wit Mosin, a guy near Carcano's room, Mosin told Chain that he wasn't interested in guys and Chain yelled at him, Chain *does* look like a guy doesn't he?=) <3.~CONTROLS~>: The default controls are as follows: D-Pad/Analog - Move around /Switch Between the Menu Screen Items A - Talk to people /Break open walls to secret rooms or break objects with treasure boxes inside/Open Treasure boxes or doors B - Cancel X - Switch View/top view/ shoulder view Y - Switch between characters START- Menu Screen A+B+X+Y+START - Soft Reset <4.~TRAPS/AFFECTS ON QUEST SCREEN~>: LAND MINE-gives you a slight amount of damage. HP RESTORED- Restores your HP FP RESTORED- Restores you FP POISONED- Slowly drains your life for a little while BLIND- Makes the screen dark however you are still able to see things so this isn't all that bad. PARALYZED- You walk slowly ALARM ENEMIES- I guess it makes the enemies come after you more SLEEP- You lie on the ground sleeping for a little while HOLE- A hole that you fall into where you go back to the level just before TRANSPORTATION- Brings you to another part of a maze SPIKES- Spikes come out of the floor or from the wall and deals damage to the party. LASER BEAM-You are pulled up and shot back down by a laser beam. <5.~HINTS~> 1. While you are traveling in a maze, it is better to travel on the sides of a hallway because in the center are were the traps are usually hidden at. 2. Make as many upgrades as you can on the cyframes you use most. 3. You don't necessarily have to always go and buy your equipment, it's better to find them and save money. 4. If you’re planning on gaining more money, you should probably not use Chain or Pepper because after a quest you’re going to have to split some money with them and that’s not going to help you gain too much money. Gre and Linear are good enough anyway=) Minja states that it is also a good idea to use the characters you like and at the end of the maze you can use the portal and go back to town and switch to Gre. It's all good=) 5. Always keep an escape incense with you while you're on your quest because you won't know when you're gonna have to get out, and besides, it heals your life and magic! 6. I won't tell you this on the walkthrough but it's a good idea to go to the tower of despair to gain more tp and to learn new skills, you can get new items anyway! <6. ~TOWER OF DESPAIR~> This is not needed to complete the game but it would be great if you did because of the items you'll get. It's not like you get the best items in the whole game, but hey it's good enough! You should definately go through the tower before every quest you go on because (1) There are less levels, (2) You get healed once you leave the dungeon! The dungeon gave me the same items each time I went through it in the same order so I suppose that there is an order to it. Keep in mind that the dungeon really isn't that hard, but don't really go there to level up your levels, because the enemies aren't really that great. After you recieve an item from the dungeon and leave, when you start over again you can restart from the level you left off from before. I think I'm missing the treasure for the 40th Floor so if someone can tell me if I am or not it would be nicer than me going to the Tower of Despair all over again from the beginning. Here is the list of items I got from each visit: 10th Floor: Megaphone Parts(Mag's Cyframe) 20th Floor: Heavy Blade Parts(Chain's Cyframe) 30th Floor: Recovery Blast Parts(Pepper's Cyframe) 40th Floor: Cosmo Gun(Gre's Weapon)*inputted by Min pak "Minja" 50th Floor: Boss Fight *Note* Pack up some Naolin+ Golds because if your in this boss fight the same time as I've been, you'll notice that Linear is gone and your not going to heal very well, Unless your counting on Pepper's Recovery Blast or Gre's Manner Spells I don't think you should risk the fight. Moves: Regular Move: Shoots with it's machine gun arm at one target. Hellshower: Throws a red ball that spreads beams that attack the whole group. Prehistoric Cannon: Multiple Light Balls shot at one target. Strategy: I used Carcano, Mag, and Gre for this battle. This match is up to you, you don't really have to take it but hey if you beat this big crazy machine, you can raise your head in pride and say you've beaten this long mini-quest in the game! Mag: All I used was Magna Reverse and had him attacking when his FP ran out. If Carcano dies and Gre dies, then first raise Gre to raise Carcano, the red vipers or special vipers wouldn't be used in vain=) Gre: I used him to heal anyone who got killed or anyone who was hurt with items and his Manners skill. If there was no need to heal, then attacking was next or powering up the group or one ally. Carcano: I used his Final Drill to give a beating to Izmail, and when Carcano's FP ran out I was either attacking regulary with Mag or I had to bring Gre back to life if Gre died. Once you win you get a Source of Attack. After the Battle you go to Lisa the receptionist and she tells you you did a great job. She then gives you $25000 for completing that *quest.* I personally thought I would've gotten a cool new weapon for Carcano or even Mag *sigh* oh well. <7. ~CHARACTER SKILLS~> These are the skills the characters of the game learns, Unfortunately I learned all the moves without recording how much tp it takes to learn them so that I do not have it right now but don't worry I'll use up another 4 hours to learn all the skills and the tp requirements=) November 30, 2000: I have finally updated the Character Skills section with the help of Gdscytheh1. You can e-mail him at Gdscytheh1@aol.com if you need any help on this section. He gave the much needed help I needed to finish the TP Guide, thanks a lot! For the TP guide the numbers without the letters FP beside it is the amount of TP you need to learn the spell! Tell me if any of the tp of fp are wrong, the FP I've written down is the amount of FP you use to cast the spell when your Cyframe is max level and when you've learned all the other skills, so if your cyframe is level 1 and you've just learned one skill and the fp is totally different from what I have here, don't e-mail and complain until you maxed the cyframe and get all the skills please=) Mag: ~Hand Parts~ Magna Punch FP14 Magna Snap FP21 Magna Combo FP26 Mach Punch FP31 Dive Punch FP39 Magna Rave FP71 Giant Knuckle FP71 Magna Reverse FP82 ~Hammer Cyframe~ Magna Hammer FP18 Crash Hammer FP23 Swing Hammer FP28 Strike Hammer FP47 Trip Hammer FP60 Bottom Hammer FP75 Sledge Hammer FP109 ~Spinner Parts~ Magna Spin FP10 Loop-the-Loop FP12 Pinwheel FP20 Brain Twister FP28 Barrel Roll FP25 ~Megaphone Parts~ Echo Voice FP15 Startle Voice FP20 Damage Voice FP25 Silent Voice FP40 Final Voice ~Bowling Parts~ Magna Shot FP49 Great Bomb FP58 Cycle Bomb FP79 Divine Bomb FP105 Ultimate Bomb FP137 Linear: ~Health Recovery~ A Little First Aid FP15 First Aid FP28 Serious First Aid FP35 Welcome Home FP40 Major First Aid FP45 Welcome Home, Dear! FP60 Intensive Care FP100 ~Status Restoration~ Wake Up Touch FP10 Antidote Touch FP10 Unblocking Touch FP15 Refresh Everyone FP24 Hello Touch FP31 Energize Everyone FP31 Restorative Touch FP42 ~Spells~ Protection Spell FP28 Strength Spell FP28 Quickness Spell FP28 Luck Spell FP28 Prevention SPell FP30 Super Spell FP50 ~Prayers~ I Give You Health FP15 You Go First! FP60 I Give You Spirit FP0 Give Me Spirit FP0 I Give You More Life FP0 I Give You Life FP0 ~Ocarina~ Sad Melody FP15 Inviting Melody FP13 Shivery Melody FP13 Sorry Melody FP31 Slow Melody FP40 Boastful Melody FP47 Final Melody FP73 Gre: ~Manners~ Wake Up! Cheer Up! Buck Up! Get A Grip! Sit Up Straight! Stand Up! Perfect! ~Cuisine~ Mushy Soup FP28 Phage Casserole FP28 Funny Veggie Salad FP32 Ecargot Pasta FP35 Matango Steak FP47 Roasted Sea Urchin FP60 ~Store Up~ Store Up A Little! FP27 Store Up More! FP32 Store Up A lot! FP38 Store Up Thoroughly! FP45 This Is The End! FP53 ~Custom~ Boost FP43 Critical FP38 Special Machining FP51 Speed Up FP62 Auto Charge FP85 Energy-Saving FP140 Full Power FP160 ~Mag Only~ Encourage FP35 After You FP80 I Won't Let You FP40 Rouse FP60 Incite Anger FP70 Morning Call FP80 Chain: ~Blade Parts~ Double Blade FP15 Line Double Blade FP21 V Blade FP33 Air Blade NAME TP COST MAG: ~HAND PARTS~ MAGNA PUNCH 0 MAGNA SNAP 120 MAGNA COMBO 300 MACH PUNCH 900 DIVE PUNCH 2,500 MAGNA RAVE 5,400 GIANT KNUCKLE 7,000 MAGNA REVERSE 9,999 ~HAMMER PARTS~ MAGNA HAMMER 0 CRASH HAMMER 200 SWING HAMMER 600 STRIKE HAMMER 1,000 TRIP HAMMER 3,400 BOTTOM HAMMER 7,600 SLEDGE HAMMER 9,999 ~MEGAPHONE PARTS~ ECHO VOICE 0 STARTLE VOICE 480 DAMAGE VOICE 1,200 SILENT VOICE 3,100 FINAL VOICE 5,400 ~SPRAYER PARTS~ SLOTH SPRAY 0 EXHAUSTION SPRAY 400 BAD LUCK SPRAY 800 SMOKE SCREEN SPRAY 1,200 SINGLE BLOW SPRAY 3,200 ~SPINNER PARTS~ MAGNA SPIN 15 LOOP-THE-LOOP 700 PINWHEEL 1250 BRAIN TWISTER 1800 BARREL ROLL 3000 ~LIGHT PARTS~ PENLIGHT 0 BRIGHT LIGHT 1100 SPOTLIGHT 3200 MIRROR BALL 5300 ANGEL LIGHT 8000 ~MIND PARTS~ MIND SLEEP 0 MIND STOP 500 MIND BREAK 1400 MIND SHOCK 3400 MIND CONTROL 7200 ~BOWLING PARTS~ MAGNA SHOT 0 GREAT BOMB 1300 CYCLE BOMB 4200 DIVINE BOMB 7100 ULTIMATE BOMB 9999 GRE ~MANNERS~ WAKE UP ! 0 CHEER UP! 300 BUCK UP! 800 GET A GRIP! 1600 SIT UP STRAIGHT! 3700 STAND UP! 5400 PERFECT! 7000 ~CUISINE~ MUSHY SOUP 0 PHAGE CASSEROLE 120 FUNNY VEGGIE SALAD 600 ESCARGOT PASTA 1200 MATANGO STEAK 3000 ROASTED SEA URCHIN 5600 ~STORE UP~ STORE UP A LITTLE! 0 STORE UP MORE! 850 STORE UP A LOT! 2000 STORE UP THOROUGHLY! 3700 THIS IS THE END!! 6000 ~CUSTOM~ BOOST 0 CRITICAL 780 SPECIAL MACHINING 1400 SPEED UP 3000 AUTO CHARGE 5200 ENERGY-SAVING 7800 FULL POWER 9999 ~MAG ONLY~ ENCOURAGE 0 AFTER YOU 900 I WON'T LET U 1500 ROUSE 3700 INCITE ANGER 5000 MORNING CALL 6800 CHAIN: ~BLADE PARTS~ DOUBLE BLADE 0 LINE DOUBLE BLADE 460 V BLADE 2120 AIR BLADE 4200 HYPER AIR RAVE 7500 ~BOOMERANG PARTS~ RUSH CUTTER 0 MOON CUTTER 300 CIRCLE CUTTER 800 ZIGZAG CUTTER 2100 SCREW CUTTER 3600 ~HEAVY BLADE PARTS~ ONCE BLADE 0 LINE ONCE BLADE 800 SLASH BLADE 3200 HEAVY BLADE 6500 HYPER STRIKE 8600 ~LIGHT BLADE PARTS~ TRIPLE BLADE 0 LINE TRIPLE BLADE 500 W BLADE 1100 QUICK RAID 3200 HYPER TYPHOON 6500 ~AXE PARTS~ FRONT AXE 0 BACK AXE 800 CHAIN WAVE 1800 FRONT CYCLONE 3000 BACK CYCLONE 4200 ~JET~ DASH ATTACK 0 REVERSE ATTACK 600 REVERSE TACKLE 2600 DASH CHARGE 3100 REVERSE CHARGE 4000 ~WING PARTS~ SPEED WING 0 THROUGH WING 500 HIGH-SPEED WING 1600 GUARD WING 2400 ETERNAL WING 5200 ~MURASAME PARTS~ HIGH-SPEED SLASH 0 FULL MOON SLASH 1000 SUPER SONIC SLASH 3000 THRASHING SLASH 5000 SABRE SLASH 7000 MIGHTY SLASH 9999 PEPPER : ~FIRE BLAST PARTS~ FIRE SHOT 0 BURST CANNON 1000 BURNING TYPHOON 5000 ~LASER BLAST PARTS~ SMART LASER 0 DOUBLE LASER 210 TRIPLE LASER 1600 SUPER BEAM 5200 ALL-RANGE LASER 7400 GRAND BEAM 9999 ~LIGHTNING BLAST PARTS~ PLASMA SHOT 0 PLASMA CANNON 1000 ELECTRIC TORNADO 5000 ~WIND BLAST PARTS~ WIND SHOT 0 WIND CANNON 1000 AIR STORM 5000 ~RECOVERY BLAST PARTS~ HEALING BLAST 0 MORE HEALIN BLAST 500 HEAL ALL BLAST 1400 SUPER HEALIN BLAST 3300 VIPER BLAST 4900 SUPER VIPER BLAST 8500 ~ICE BLAST PARTS~ COLD SHOT 0 COLD CANNON 1000 FREEZING TEMPEST 5000 ~HOMING BLAST PARTS~ POINT HOMING 0 TWIN BLAST 1000 HYPER HOMING 3500 RANDOM HOMING 5100 ALL HOMING 7200 HOMING RUSH 9999 ~SPECIAL BLAST PARTS~ FORGET BLAST 0 SNOOZE BLAST 1500 STICKY BLAST 3000 CONFUSION BLAST 5200 ROLLOVER BLAST 7600 STAGGERING BLAST 9000 CARCANO: ~WIRE PARTS~ WIRE HOOK 0 WIRE PUSH 0 WIRE CATCH 1000 WIRE DRIVE 1500 WIRE WHIP 3800 ~DRILL PARTS~ DRILL ATTACK 0 PENERTRATION DRILL 0 DRILL MIXER 1300 ROCK BRINGER 2100 TOWER BRINGER 4700 FINAL DRILL 7500 ~SHOVEL PARTS~ ACT HOLE 0 TRANCE HOLE 500 BLACK HOLE 1200 SLEEP HOLE 1600 POISON HOLE 2000 DUST HOLE 3600 ~PROPELLER PARTS~ SUCK YOU IN! 0 BLOW YOU AWAY! 500 TAKE THAT! 1900 HOW ABOUT THAT! 3500 THIS IS IT! 5900 ~VACUUM PARTS~ POWER DRAW 0 GUARD DRAW 500 SPEED DRAW 1600 LIFE DRAW 4800 ENERGY DRAW 7000 ~ROLLER PARTS~ ROLLER PRESS 0 DOUBLE PRESS 600 MEGA PRESS 1200 GIGA PRESS 3300 KING ROLLER 6800 ~DRYER PARTS~ BLOW SMOKE 0 BLOW COLD 800 BLOW HEAT 1600 BLOW WIND 2400 BLOW A FUSE 3600 LINEAR: ~HEALTH RECOVERY~ A LITTLE FIRST AID 0 FIRST AID NEED 300 SERIOUS FIRST AID 900 WELCOME HOME! 1800 WELCOME HOME,DEAR! 6800 INTENSIVE CARE 7500 ~STATUS RESTORATION~ WAKE UP TOUCH 0 ANTIDOTE TOUCH 150 UNBLOCKING TOUCH 800 REFRESH EVERYONE 1200 HELLO TOUCH 1500 ENERGIZE EVERYONE 3000 RESTORATIVE TOUCH 500[NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE] PROBABLY 5000 ~SPELLS~ PROTECTION SPELL 0 STRENGHT SPELL 300 QUICKNESS SPELL 600 LUCK SPELL 1200 PREVENTION SPELL 3000 SUPER SPELL 4200 ~PRAYERS~ I GIVE YOU HEALTH 0 YOU GO FIRST! 400 I GIVE YOU SPIRIT 1100 GIVE ME SPIRIT 2000 I GIVE YOU MORE HEALTH 4300 I GIVE YOU LIFE ??? ~OCARINA~ SAD MELODY 0 INVITING MELODY 190 SHIVERY MELODY 500 SORRY MELODY 1100 SLOW MELODY 3500 BOASTFUL MELODY 6000 FINAL MELODY 7600 <8. ~WALKTHROUGH~> Linear is shown with golden wings holding onto Mag. Then the screen shows a boy with red eyes saying Linears name. You see Mag running to the train in a hurry to catch up while Gre and Linear call for him. With a jump Mag gets on-board, what a relief! Once they get inside the train Gre and Linear asked Mag why he was late and Mag replied that he forgot a special item and that it was a secret. When they are finished talking they go to the next train car and meets Nina. Nina tells Mag how she was worried when she didn't see him on the , while they are talking an alarm sounds off and Mag's crew is free to walk around but there's practically nothing to do on the train- car your in so you might as well move to the next train car. Once there you see a mysterious person... it's Chain Gun! She claims that she jumped onto the train when the alarms where already ringing. After your conversation try to walk back to the train-car Nina is in and a scene will pop up. You'll get stopped by a man who pops into the car...his name is Carcano a bandit. After your conversation with him you get into a fight with him and two of his goons. Moves: Reg Attack- Hits you with his cyframe This boss fight is basically easy because 2 hits of Carcano and he's dead! And his attacks can only do a partial damage of 7-10 hp. Level 3 *Bandit Henchmen* Moves: Reg Attack-A punch to the face These goons can be killed in one hit a pop, and there attacks can do just 5 hits this battle should take just 2 turns. Team-Gre Level 5, Mag Level 6, Linear Level 4 Individual Strategy: Gre-if you want to end the match fast use mushy soup which should probably kill of the goons, and if they're still alive just use his trusty shot gun. Mag- his Cyframe can kill anyone of them in one hit, choose wisely, jk just attack whomever! Linear-ummm... nothign to do except attack, unless you really want to defend the whole battle and waste linears fp by making her heal, which can be fun for the first 5 seconds but not for a whole hour. When you are done fighting with Carcano he talks about leaving you alone for now because of your courage HA! I think he's just chicken don't you think ;]? One of his goons throws something and a flash of light appears and he's gone. Now go back to the train car where Nina is at and report to her of what had happened. She complements you of your driving off of Carcano and she tells you a little of what she knows of Carcano. You find out that he has stolen a "spherical appraisal item." Once you finished talking your train goes into The Town of Museville. Here is where you do everything! From shopping to selling to upgrading. Here is a map i made of museville: ________________ S.M _____________________ I _______ _____________ T.S_____ I I L I F.S I I I I I I I I I I H I I I I I I I IB I I I I_____I I___________I I T.O.D __________________I _______ I AI i I V.HI I ______ I I I I I I I I I I I I I U.SI I I I I I I_____I I I________ I I I I QI KEY: L-LOTTERY SHOP H-HOTEL U.S-UPGRADE SHOP A-ARMOR SHOP i-ITEM SHOP V.H- VERONICA'S HOUSE B-BAR F.S- FRUIT STAND T.S-ROAD TO TRAIN STATION S.M-ROAD TO SOCIETY MUSEUM T.O.D- ROAD TO TOWER OF DESPAIR Q-ROAD TO QUESTS You can talk to people but everyone seems so busy on the day of your arrival. Here is the list of items you can find around town: Town: 1. Top left of the map you can find a red viper in between the two houses. 2. In the middle right of the town map there are two trees the tree on the farthest right you can find a Naolin. 3. The Crate next to the barrel besides the bar gives you another item, I didn't record it sadly=*(. 4. In the lottery shop you can press A on the plant but the purse you find can't stay withyou because the Lottery Girl says that it's hers and she's been saving it, so you hve to sadly give it back=*(. Train Station: 5. The crate to the top right gives a Purol. 6. The crate to the top right side of the train station wall gives a venomol. Society Museum: 7. At the right side of the building where there are 4 bushes, check the 3rd bush to the right and get the Naolin + in there. 8. Check the top right side of the Society Museum and head into a garage where you can get a Mokana ampoule, musty herbs, and a Naolin+ in the boxes and the barrels. You can check for more items in the area, if there are any more you can tell me and I'll give you credit. When you're done go to the hotel and go talk to the man behnd the desk to get some shut eye. Mag's crew will discuss about how the trip was and finally everyone will go to sleep, in the morning everyone will say their his and off to the Society Museum you go! Once you're there go to the top floor of the museum and go through the door to a hallway in the shape of an "L" and go to the very end of the hall to a room where a man in a white lab coat sits with Nina. Nina talks about your courage and braveness on the train where you had defeated Carcano to the man in the white suit named Whitehead. He will ask you to go to the ruins called the Blaze ruins and gives you $1000 as a start up money and you are free to do what you want again. It would be good if you went to the armor shop and bought some armor, but the ruins you are going to actually won't be so tough that you would need to buy anything, the items you have right now can help you last through the whole maze! When you are done with whatever you want to do in Museville go to the road to quests and choose the blaze ruins to start on your quest. Monsters seen: Flying Mouse Flycatcher Panzar Beetle Maze: This is one of the easiest mazes I've played through in practically my whole life! The enemies are weak and easy to kill, so when you see one just go and attack it! It's even beter if you surprise your enemy because you can kill them without a scratch! Try to make Mag learn the Magna Snap so that you can be ready to use th Magna combo against the boss later on and try to teach Linear her first aid because I think your gonna need the Serious First Aid Move for the boss too.The stairways leading up are fairly easy to find and this maze should a least take 10 minutes to be finished with unless you're walking in circles. At the 5th floor you should go and take the upgrade kit and then go to the section with the glowing lights, go to the blue one and save, or go to the green one to go back to town, don't worry you can go back to this same floor even if you leave, just select this maze and choose which floor you wish to continue on, when you're ready step on the red button before the blocked door and go through it. Here is your first boss. Moves: Gust- (He starts out with this move) small tornadoes come from his wings and pull the whole group up and drops them back down. (65-75 damage) Wind breath- Spiraling winds fly out of his mouth hitting all the characters.(120-140 damage) Reg. Attack- Flys to one person and rapidly kicks at him/her Mystery Sound- Attempts to make all characters fll asleep. Strategy:Level 10 is a decent level to fight with. Bring Naolin+ or depend on Linear, this won't be too tough. I had Mag(Level 10),Linear (Level 10), and Gre (Level 10) Mag:I saved up Magna Combo's "learning for this match so that I could have a free shot with Magna Combo. I continually used Magna combo until I ran out of his Fp and by then I just attacked with his regular attacks. Linear: HEAL!! That's what you should od with Linear, if there is no healing to be done just attack because it's no worth risking Mag's or Gre's life to attack with her since her attack does so little damage. Gre: I either attacked or I enhanced Mag's Cyframe attack with the move Critical which makes Mag's next attack become mos likely a critical attack. Adding Critical Damage to Magna Combo is good but attacking with Gre can probably be the same thing, but hey it seems like a good idea=) Once the bird is down on the floor Mag is happy but Linear sees the Storm Bird get back up and tells Mag but it's too late, but luckily a mysterious woman pops up and shoots the bird down! Lucky Mag! The woman turns out to be Pepper! She tells you she has been sent to search the Blaze Runes too, but you beated her to it. She tells you that it would be nice if you worked with each other and then leaves. You then look through the big treasure box that the monster was covering and suddenly Mag when Mag opens the box a bright light flashes and Mag has a vision. After it he takes the "Lapis Orb" and next place you're at is the Society Museum talking with Whitehead. You give him the Lapis Orb and he tells you to go downstairs to get your pay for the job. Go downstairs and get your measly $3000. You can now upgrade or buy armor now, I bought a little armor for Linear and Mag, sold all the items I found and didn't need and saved around $3000 and went to the upgrade shop. I added another slot with the upgrade kit and I made my hand cyframe level 3, but you can do whatever you want. But you really shouldn't buy too much armor because your gonna regret it when you see the armor in the next quest. Go to the hotel when you're done and talk with the clerk and tell him you want to go hit the sack. A scene will come up where you see Linear playing on an ocarina on the balcony. Gre and Chain are downstairs at the lobby listening. Gre explains to Chain that Linear came to the Launcher's family house on a snowy day carrying a letter from Mag's father asking him to take care of Linear. Linear was always scared and so kind Mag gave his ocarina to Linear and taught her how to play with it. Mag then comes in and asks what they were doing there. Gre exclaims he was talking too much and decides to go to sleep. Then Mag asks Chain what they were talking about but Chain tells him she was going to sleep too. Mag says by himself that she could tell him. Poor clueless Mag. The next day early in the morning Linear comes out and bends down to look at a blue flower. And she smiles, but then a boy pops up behind her. He tells her he came just to see her and tells her his name is Yurka just like the flowers she adores. Linear is shy and stays away from him. He tells her he'll come back to see her again and disappears in pink bubbles and leaves as a golden feather into the sky. You'll be in control of Mag again so if you have gotten the armor and upgrades you needed and even stored some items in the hotel, it's time to go back to the Society Museum to get your new job. Once there Whitehead tells you of your job in the FOREST DEPTHS. Once you're ready head off to road to quests and pick the new quest, the FOREST DEPTHS. Monsters seen: Crawfish Poison Flower Escargoid Grand Statue Lynx Totem Pole This is a more challenging maze than the first even though it isn't harder, it's just longer. There are now more levels as well as higher leveled enemies but hey it's all the same to me! You're gonna past this maze sooner than you think though! Before you start this maze keep in mind that you should have enough tp to learn Mach Punch so that you can have a free hit on the boss. This maze is just 10 levels and it's kind of a good idea to actually bring an escape incense because once you go up your gonna wait till the end just to save, and unless you're zooming past all the enemies and all the treasure, which is really not a good thing, because you need the experience and the treasure isn't a bad thing to have around, then you'll just have to time to time use escape incense and save in town, but there's also the fact that you can be a freak who plays games for 4 hours each time then maybe it wouldn't matter to you, but to the game players who want to keep their dreamcasts will have to let it rest. Once you reach the 10th floor go to the left of the first opening you see and you'll be going in a half circle in the outstretch of the door to the boss. Once you collected the two treasure boxes you can go and press on the red button and go through the door. Get ready for this boss fight. Moves: Reg. Move: Shoots rapidly at one person Spiral Upper: Shoots multiple air slashes at one target, can paralyze target. Smoke Bomb: Attacks all characters with smoke bombs. Chest Beam: Makes a line on the floor and explodes upwards to one target. Strategy: You should be at least level 22 for this battle. I had Gre Level 21, Mag Level 22, Linear Level 21. This boss ain't too tough, as long as you keep hitting and healing you'll win in a few minutes! Mag: Use Mach Punch, if you saved your TP you can get a free shot at the boss without wasting your fp! Keep on using this and when you run out of fp just attack him regularly. Linear: Have Linear heal and when there is no need to heal attack regularly or even use spells to boost Mag's attack or defense up. Gre: Boost up Mag's Cyframe Level and his attacks so that this match will end soon. After you kill the boss and it falls to the ground Mag goes up to the treasure box and another vision comes. You see the screen going up through a hole and words appear with some kind of being and an armor. Then you pick up the Selene orb and bye bye Forest Depths! Once you're back to Whitehead's office he congradulates you on a job well done. After that collect your 5000 dollar award from Lisa and when you go out of the Museum you see Whitehead and Yurka talking together in Whitehead's office. He tells Yurka he has the two keys and asks for the locations of the remaining keys. He tells Yurka he doesn't care who he is he just wants to know where it is. When Yurka doesn't answer Whitehead, Whitehead tells Yurka that he'll find it himself and solve the prehistoric riddles. Then he asks Yurka why Yurka needed Mag, but Yurka tells Whitehead that he didn't need Mag at all. Yurka then says that soon the seal will be broken and smiles. After the scene go to Veronica's house and talk to Veronica and she'll ask you if you want to take her quiz, answer yes and then answer Anita to get a coconut. Once your done you should go to the hotel and sleep. Linear is on the balcony playing the ocarina and Yurka appears again. Linear says his name and he says that he's happy that she remembered him. He asks her what she's doing and he looks at the flower. He then uses his powers and kills the flower and seeds pop out of the flower. He tells Linear to lend him her powers and she uses it and turns all the seeds into flowers. After she brings the flowers back to life he claims they are two different sides of the same coin. He tells her that with their powers they cannot live with humans. When Mag's footsteps are heard Yurka tells Linear not to forget what he said. Mag comes out onto the balcony and exclaims he heard someone talking outside with her. Then he tells her that it's cold and they should go in and they both go in. After that event you go to the Society Museum again and talk to Whitehead to get your new mission: The Crypt Maze. Monsters seen: Ex Monitor Rhinoceros This Maze is a little different from the other two first ones because of the fact that instead of going up, you have to go down and so you shouldn't be looking for stairs anymore. Look for black holes near the wall because that's a stair way going down, I used to think it was just a hole before i made a closer look,but shhh;]. By the time you reach the 15th floor you'll come by a door where you'll have to open by stepping on a button. Once there Mag willl say his usual It's here... and a battle with a boss comes up. Moves: Vice Press- Uses big tongs and presses on a character 3 times(it only counts for one damage though!) Freeze Volley- Blows multiple blue balls to the ground and then ice shoots out from the ground hurting all characters. Reg. Move-Charges at a person and makes him/her fly up and back down. Auto-Repair Function- Heals damage done to him, for me he recieved 545 health points back but it does t when it's really low on life at the very end. Strategy: You should be level 38 or at least 32 during this battle(I was Level 32, but hey it's better to be strong than weak right?). I had Mag Level 32, Linear Level 32 and Gre Level 30, so that's basically all i can talk about=) You should also pack up a red viper because one of your characters may die and even if you have welcome home with Linear, it may be her that died which was what had happened to me but luckily I had a red viper with me, but that's only if you were the same level as me and if you're someone who likes to conserve your healer's FP to heal later like me, but I still had 170 FP with Linear after the Battle so I guess you shouldn't be as conservative as me=)You can basically use the strategy I used for Mag and Linear and have either Pepper or Chain use a skill with their CyFrame, which is better than what i used Gre for. Mag: For Mag you should have your Magna Rave ready. I didn't use my tp to learn this move until this battle, so I could have the first Magna Rave without using up any FP. I kept on doing Magna Rave till i ran out of FP and used regular attacks. And when my Fp was restored for another Magna Rave I did it again. Linear: What good is Linear for??? Healing!! So basically heal with Linear and I hope you ain't as conservative as me or one of your characters will die keep your life bars in check because was really surprised when he killed Linear once. When there is no healing needed you can give protection or raise attack powers for the rest of your crew. But if not then have Linear attack with her regular trusty "frying pan." If you have Linear start the battle you should definately use a spell to give your friends protection, and maybe later a spell to increase their attacks. Gre: For Gre I used him to power up Mag and increase Mag's Strength so that Magna Rave can be more affective and when I felt that I didn't need to increase anymore I just used regular attacks on the boss. It's also a good idea to increase Mag's Cyframe Level. The fight will end soon enough. After you finally win you come up to the box and a light appears where Mag has another vision. After the vision he recieves the Amber Orb and the next scene has Mag handing over the Amber Orb to Whitehead and you collect your $10000 fee. Once you're back to the hotel night falls upon the hotel and Mag stands on the balcony with Linear and asks her why she is always on the balcony. She replies that she is waiting for Yurka, Mag asks if Yurka is a friend and Linear replies yes. Mag tells her that he'd like to meet him sometime and then he said he'd better turn in. It's morning again and another day is another adventure! Go to the Society Museum and talk to Whitehead. He'll inform Mag that all the orbs have been stolen by that rotten Carcano. He tells Mag that the orbs had bugs placed on them and thus they know where Carcano has brought them. They are at a place called Pine Village and so that's where your next mission is! Go get equipped, pick another team mate and even upgrade and off you go to your new mission. When I came to this village I thought *whew* what relief! I thought it was going to be a regular puzzle on a town map, but no such luck. Climb the first ladder you see on the top of the village area and go into the room, you'll see Carcano and 3 thugs. You'll have a little chat with him and he'll drop you down into a pit, and afterwards he tells his goons to watch Mag and friends and see to it that they don't die, I guess he has a soft spot for Mag. Monsters Seen: Burgessia Paldian Lobster Saber Lynx Death Mushroom You'll start on the Basement Floor 3. This maze is quite a puzzle. Make sure you go all around, it wouldn't harm you to have a few fights. There is a save spot on BF3, and once you reach BF2 there should be a map revealer which makes the job so much easier. On BF1 you can get the Bandit's Key which will help you open all the previously locked doors. On every level check the whole area, and if you checked all the rooms and just can't continue on, you can do what I did and fall through a hole and go through the maze from the bottom again because you get new passages everytime you do something on each floor. Once you reach the top again you see Carcano once more and Mag tells Carcano to return the appraisal items. He says he can't because the Society will know his hideout, but Mag says they already know. Mag says if he returns the items, the Society may think he has turned a new leaf. Carcano tells Mag that he is too naive and get ready for the fight. Carcano Moves: Wire hook: shoots a hook and grabs target to first rank. Reg. Attack: Hits a person with his cyframe. Drill Attack: Attacks a person with a drill from cyframe. Bandit Moves: Killer Punch: A punch where the Bandit makes a sparkly punch. Reg. Attack: A regular punch. Relax: Heals himself for a little hp. Strategy: You should be level 30-33 by now. My Mag was level 33, Linear was level 32 and Gre was level 30. This isn't such a big battle because you can win pretty fast, if you do the right things. Mag: Start out with a Dive Punch on all three of the enemies, or if you have Giant Knuckle that would be a good thing to use too. Use Dive Punch on them until Carcano is alone and start using Magna Rave, when you run out of FP you can use regular attacks, but most likely Carcano and his bandits will be dead. Linear: If you get hurt at all, you can heal with her or you can just attack regularly, but one other good thing to use is her Ocarina move Sorry Melody or Final Melody to attack all three goons in the first round. Gre: Have him use custom Boost or Critical on Mag so that his attacks would be powered up. Another good thing is his cuisine moves when there are still 3 enemies around. When Carcano loses he says he must've under estimated Mag. Carcano gives back the 4 orbs and when the other bandits question it, he tells them to shut up. He tells Mag that he is giving the orbs to Mag, not the Society. Carcano then asks Mag to stay the night, but Mag passes it up. Mag then hears a voice calling out to him. Go out of the room and to the exit of Pine Village, you will see Yurka on the bridge talking with Mag. Yurka will tell Mag to stay away from Linear and shoots something at Mag. Linear tells Yurka to stop and he leaves telling Linear that she shouldn’t be with humans. Once he’s gone Mag asks Linear why Yurka went crazy and Linear tells Mag not to say anything bad about Yurka. Mag asks Linear why she was still helping Yurka when Yurka just attacked him. She doesn’t reply and so he leaves. When he leaves Linear says Mag’s name in a whisper. Once they are back in Carcano’s room, Carcano asks why Linear and Mag were acting strange. Mag stands with and angry face while Linear stands looking sad. Carcano then asks them to stay for the night again and they do. In the morning Carcano tells them that they can come back to Pine Village anytime and whispers to Mag that he should make up with Linear quick. Mag tells Carcano that it really wasn’t a problem. Carcano then gives Mag a bandit symbol, which shows that Mag is a member of the bandits, and a bandit backpack, which allows you to hold more stuff. Buy whatever you want and leave. Once you leave Pine Village you’ll be seen giving back the 4 orbs to Whitehead and Mag persuades Whitehead to not arrest Carcano. Once you finished talking go downstairs and collect 12,000 dollars. Once you leave the Society Museum you’ll see Yurka and Whiethead talking. Whitehead asks what Yurka what he’s supposed to do with the orbs. Once you go to the hotel and sleep. The sky will be dark and rain is pouring down. Linear stands alone holding onto Mag’s Ocarina and looks up when Yurka calls her name. He asks her why she’s sad and tells her he’ll get rid of her troubles. He tells her that she causes Mag to be in constant danger while she is around him. He tells her that she has to go away from Mag and she says she wants to be with Mag. He tells her they are the Evolutia and must be places and must fulfill their own roles. He asks her to come with her and she drops her ocarina. Next scene shows Gre running down the stairs exclaiming that Linear is missing. He gives Mag Linear’s ocarina that he found and says something must’ve happened to her and then Chain comes in to hear Gre telling her that Linear was missing. Chain tells them that she saw Linear walking with someone to the Society Museum. While in the Society Museum… Whitehead tells Yurka that the preparations were complete and says that he unveiled all the prehistoric civilization secrets and he will be able to find out why the prehistoric civilization was destroyed. Yurka tells Whitehead he has no more use of him, and then he knocks Whitehead to the wall. Linear and Yurka walk into the circle of pink light and disappears. Once Mag goes to the Society Museum Mag finds out that the door is locked and no one can get inside. While Chain prefers to knock it down with her Cyframe, Mag decides to ask Carcano for help. At Pine Village Mag asks Carcano how he broke into the Society Museum without destroying anything. Carcano tells Mag that if he was to tell him he wouldn’t be able to do it again, but in the end Carcano finally agrees to help. Carcano, Gre, Chain and Mag all go back to the Society Museum and they see Pepper, the screen turns black as Mag explains the situation at hand to Pepper and you see Mag finishing his last words when the screen shows everyone again. When the talking is over Carcano shoots a hook up to the top of the Society Museum, gets into the building and opens the door. Once the door is open you will have to choose 2 others to come along with you, I chose Carcano and Gre, but it’s up to you. Once you’re done, go up to Whitehead’s room and hear him blab about how wrong he was and what a mistake he made. He tells Mag that Linear went through the pink circle of light and you can either go in there for the final level, go shopping or level up some more, it’s up to you. Monsters Seen: Forgot=X This Dungeon is going to be a pain in the rear-end. It's much more confusing than the other mazes because you have to teleport around to get to certain spots. I can't really help you here except that you would have to have lotsa healing items or even just choose one of the girls to have for healing, or even Gre if you leveled him enough, if you are still low leveled. It's gonna be a long road from here~! As you head to level 16 you find Yurka and Linear. Obviously there's a fight that's going to go on so let's go and be ready! Moves: Absorb HP - As the name implies, he absorbs your character's HP. Spellbound Blindness - Hurts and blinds all your characters. Time to Freeze Solid - Another all character attack, better than Natural Disaster though=T Natural Disaster- A crazy attack that attacks all your characters. Strategy:You should definately be level 52 and over because this a*s sucker is a pain and besides, with all the enemies you fought, you should be diezel anyway. For this match I used Level 60 Pepper,Level 61 Gre and Level 63 Mag. Mag: This guy was and always will be my source of damage. Kill Yurka off with single attacks and if he doesn't die then just restore your fp and keep on going. Gre: I actually used Gre to heal/ fight because whenever Pepper was in a jam I had to use Gre to either use items or use his skills to heal people. Probably use him for items while Pepper heals. Pepper: As I said before this girl is used for healing if you got the Recovery Healing Parts. If not well.... maybe you shouldn't be here? Or you have to be a hell of a lot more level than 53~! Whoo hooo you kicked his ass didn't you? Well that's good cuz it ain't over yet~! Hehe. There is a teleporter that allows you to go back to town and suit up and Professor Whitehead and your two other party members are standing there, so you can change party members if you want. Right now you can save, freshen up, level and be prepared to walk some more. You have to walk... it's ok up to floor 25 where you will find the ulticannon. I would describe the scene that happened, but this scene is for your eyes to see only. I might write it out in later days when I feel like spoiling everything for you, but today I'm not so much in a spoiling mood=D Temptation to Sleep-Makes your characters go to sleep. Life-Weakening Beam-A life-weakening beam against one of your characters. Sublimation of Humanity - An attack against all of your characters. Gravity Free - Changes the formation of your characters while dealing damage. Return to Nothingness - Changes all stats to normal, what's the use of this move?=T Strategy:Hope you're over level 60 by now. I used the same strategy as Yurka, I'm too lazy to repeat it=D Mwahahhahahaha. Did you beat him? Did you really reallly beat him? Well too bad it's not over yet! Watch your ending and you'll see. Haha I'll spoil this cuz you have to win the whole game over again~! Well you don't have to but you get to see lotsa new stuff and well... if you like the game it's in your best interest=D Anyway later. 9.<~UPDATES~> ______________________________________________________________________ ~Version 0.1~ 1st Update: Added in Towers of Despair Guide September 30,2000 10:36am *INCOMPLETE* Added in Character Skills Guide September 30,2000 10:45pm *INCOMPLETE* ~Version 0.2~ 2nd Update: Added in FAQ October 8,2000 12:45pm Fixed Messed up Map October 8,2000 4:26pm Added in Items found in Museville October 8,2000 4:33pm *Happy PNg104291? I placed it in=)* Added in STUPID STUFF Guide October 8,2000 5:46pm ~Version 0.3~ 3rd Update: Added Chain in Character Skill FAQ November 19, 2000 12:20AM *INCOMPLETE* Placed in the Veronica House quiz, after the Forest Depths Guide and placed in the missing section of E. BACK TO MUSEVILLE ONCE AGAIN... (I didn't put in the whitehead conversation with Yurka and Yurka's visit with Linear again.) November 19, 2000 12:27AM Placed in new item for Tower of Despair November 19,2000 12:30AM *INCOMPLETE* Sorry I haven't been updating, I have mass projects and homework assignments. I'll most likely fill most of the FAQ up during the Winter Recess, send more e-mails of questions that you need help with, latez. ~Version 0.4~ Added in: 2 ~STUPID STUFF~'s WEDNESDAY November 29,2000 8:40PM Made 2 sections: Thursday, November 30, 2000 5:10PM *NEW* Thursday, November 30, 2000 10:19PM Given by Gdscytheh1 *Incomplete* missing I give you life for linear ~Version 0.5~ Added in: Boss Fight in Tower of Despair Saturday December 9,2000 2:28PM *Not sure if there is a 40th Floor item* 2 New Traps Saturday December 9,2000 2:31PM ~Version0.6~ Added in 40th Floor item Thursday, September 20,2001 10:00A.M Given by Min pak "Minja" *Note* I did not put in the Stone in this FAQ because Clement already wrote it and i'm trying to not be redundant. Thanks anyway^_^ ~Version0.7~ Added in The rest of the FAQ. Still have to add in the spoilers though, but if you don't want me to E-mail me and tell me not to~! If I get 10 e-mails I won't=D Friday, March 29, 2002 10:00A.M Wow a whole year since I last updated =X ______________________________________________________________________