Rock Howard Character FAQ Garou: Mark of the Wolves FAQ by: GalFord ( \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///////////////// 08/08/00 Version 0.1 Got the FAQ done.. I wonder if people are still playing this like me? \\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////// This FAQ is free and may not be used for profit or promotional purposes; this MEANS being used by ANY Publisher of ANY Magazine (OK?), or be used in a Website without the Writers Consent. It may not be changed, altered nor edited in anyway. This FAQ was created and slaved over by Bob Ritchings a.k.a. GalFord ( And after going to the effort of typing this out... Ripping this off, will force me to do some Serious Spanking! Garou: Mark of the Wolves is (c) SNK. 1999 \\\\\\\ /////// This FAQ is here to tell you about the many uses of Rock Howard. Ever since SNK announced Garou I coundn't get used to the idea of Geese having a son. However, upon my first use of Rock I found him to be more than just a copy of his Father. Using the same kind of fighting style that Terry Bogard practices, Rock is a great new entrant in the SNK universe. If you have any questions about the game's system or such, then consult JKuroki's excellent FAQ for all the facts about this game. \\\\\\\\ //////// F = Foward B = Back U = Up D = Down A = Weak Punch B = Weak Kick C = Heavy Punch D = Heavy Kick AB = Overhead/Break Command D+AB = Evade Attack CD = T.O.P Attack (Only Possible in T.O.P Mode) QCF = Quarter Circle Forwards QCB = Quarter Circle Backwards HCF = Half Circle Forwards HCB = Half Circle Backwards CDU = Charge Down then Up 360 = Complete 1 Rotation of D-Pad/Joystick +COUNTER+ = Hmm... This wouldn't be a counter.. would it? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////////////////// (THROWS) Kokuusen = F or B+C whilst close to opponent (COMMAND CHAINS) Axe Kick = F+D after Standing close Heavy Kick. Rock Drop = C, then B whilst jumping Reppu Ken = QCF+A Double Reppu Ken = QCF+C Crack Counter = QCF+B Crack Counter = QCF+D Rising Tackle = CDU+A or C Hard Edge = QCB+A or C Rage Run -Dunk- = QCB+B Rage Run -Shift- = QCB+D Shinkuu Nage = 360+C (Br) Rasetsu = AB after Breaking the Shinkuu Nage (S.POWER MOVES) Raging Storm = QCF, QCF+A Shine Knuckle = QCF, QCF+B (P.POWER MOVES) Raging Storm = QCF, QCF+C Shine Knuckle = QCF, QCF+D Deadly Rave-Neo = HCB, F+A, A, A, B, B, B, C, C, C, D, D, QCB+C (T.O.P ATTACK) Overhead Kick = CD whilst in T.O.P mode \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////// Standing A (Far) Fast jab. This is a good poke, fast too! Use this to annoy the opponent as it comes out quick enough to interrupt a lot of enemy attacks! Standing A (Near) Quick elbow. This too is a nice little poke and you can cancel into a special move too. Crouching A Jab. Not bad but I tend to use crouching B over this one. Mainly because this can be blocked whilst standing. Jumping A Quick Elbow. It's OK. But again I prefer the crouching B. Standing B (Far) Shin Kick. Not that fast so don't rely on this. Standing B (Near) Quick Knee. Great little poke that can be cancelled. Crouching B Tap Sweep. Rock's best ground poke. ABUSE this as though your life depends on it! This is a great little attack as it's very fast and if your opponent blocks one you can use another to push yourself away. (Or Rage Run -Dunk-) Jumping B Straight Flying Kick. This is Rock's best poke. It has priority over most other jumping attacks. ABUSE it to the MAX! Make your opponent hate it! Standing C (Far) Swinging Hook. >_< Ugh. Useless! I hate this attack, the recoil on it is HUGE! It takes forever to retract so try not to use it. Standing C (Near) Quick Hook. Not a bad attack but, if you want to cancel to a special/super then you have to be darn fast. Crouching C Crouching Uppercut. More of a window on this to cancel to a special/super and it's fairly fast. Jumping C Downward Punch. Nice damage and it's quite fast. A staple jump-in. Standing D (Far) Roundhouse. Quite a lot of recoil but it can be used as a deterrant against jump-ins. You have to anticipate them jumping tho'. Standing D (Near) Soccer Ball Kick. It's OK but try not to rely on it as it's a little slow to come out. But it is kinda useful as you can then chain the Axe Kick (F+D) on to the end of it if the opponent is crouch blocking. Crouching D Sweep. You cannot cancel this into anything else but it's OK if all you want to do is Sweep. Jumping D Arcing Downward Kick. This kick is like Iori's from the KOF games. His foot is swung downward from his head and has a nasty pause between you pressing the button and connection! Apart from that it's alright to use. Standing AB (Overhead Attack) Roundhouse Axe Kick. Looks nice, but is a little too slow to do anything decent with. Crouching AB (Dodge Attack) Lunging Elbow. Beautiful, and it's one of his most cancellable attacks too! Use this after a Jump-in and the Elbow will reach across to poke the opponent in the head. Kokuusen = F or B+C whilst close to opponent It's a throw, use it in accordance to your ethics. I try not to use throws if I can help it, but to each their own I guess. Axe Kick = F+D after Standing close Heavy Kick. This little baby can be really useful. If you jump in with an attack and it's blocked then instead of going thought the usual motions (Standing C, cancel to Reppu Ken/Hard Edge), hit D for the Heavy Kick. 80% of the time your opponent will crouch block, so all you have to do is F+D to Axe Kick them square in the head! Rock Drop = C, then B whilst jumping OK, so it's not really called that... gee... Anyway, it's a little 2 hit chain combo that is used while jumping in. However, as you may have guessed (or not) small characters (Ex: Hokutomaru) will NOT get hit by the second hit because Rock would've landed by then. Overhead Kick = CD Whilst in T.O.P Mode Slow, slow, slow. Rock jumps up, somersaults and twists his body around so he can then drop down on top of you with a solid boot to the head. I tend not to use this as it only hits on the way down and the success rate of hitting with it is minimal. Reppu Ken = QCF+A Nice looking but it won't win any prizes as the "most effective move ever". However, the Reppu Ken does have it's uses. It's OK to throw one once in a while to build that Super Bar, but beware of people who can Just Defend like it's second nature. It's fast enough to use in a fireball fight with Terry or Hotaru but be very wary when facing of aginst someone like Marco/Butt or Hokutomaru. Their fireballs and super projectiles will leave you in a crumpled heap on the floor if you're not careful. Using it to get tick damage as an opponent gets up is OK too. It won't take off much, so you can't be called a scrub :) Double Reppu Ken = QCF+C Again, nice looking but it does have a few more uses than the single Reppu Ken. For instance, if an opponent is good at Just Defending then screw them over by unleashing this straight after a single Reppu Ken. Quite a few opponents I've played seem to try to Just Defend the Double too early. Remember NOT to use this in a fireball fight... OK? Crack Counter = QCF+B/D Rock goes from standard stance to a block-like position when using this. He will then (When attacked) perform a forward flipping axe kick/Crack Shoot. Hmm... A reversal used by a member of the Howard family that ISN'T a fail-safe defence? Well, It's not so bad. Just remember to trick your opponent into attacking the reversal. i.e. If you Jump-in with a blocked attack then crouch and wait for a second. Perform the D button Counter (the crouching one) and watch as most opponents go for a sweep or crouching weak tap. Be wary of using the B Button Counter (the standing one) too much though, as most opponents will get wise to your antics and jump-in without an attack then throw you to death. Jumping in opponents should really have to be punished with... Rising Tackle = CDU+A or C One of Terry's trademark moves being used by someone else? Yup! And Rock's darn good at it too! This is the move you want to take jumpers out with as the start of the move seems to be quite invincible. Although the Just Defend seems to stop the effectiveness of this move. But this is a move that most people forget about because "He's just a poor man's Geese." Yeah, ri-----ght! Dream on! Hard Edge = QCB+A or C Rock's version of Geeses' Jaei Ken. The weak HEdge is just a straight dashing Elbow much like Andy B's Zanei Ken. But has very little recovery time on it. So, abuse it. If it Counters then the opponent will float up into the air allowing you to bat them with almost anything! The Heavy version of the HEdge dashes forwards with an elbow but upon connection Rock switches stance and open palms the opponent. On a Counter the damage for the Heavy Ver. is nice but that's it folks! Rage Run -Dunk- = QCB+B This little beauty of a move is great! At first it seems as though it's nothing but a very bad rip-off of Terry's Power Dunk, but now you can rest easy. The main quality of the 'Dunk is the overhead properties of the move. Set your opponent up by getting them to crouch block two ducking weak kicks and then cancel into the 'Dunk. Surprise! Another little use this has is the ability to be used as a quick teleport dash. Use this as the opponent jumps at you and before they know it... You're behind them! Rage Run -Shift- = QCB+D Now this one IS a teleport... But not a very good one at that. Upon use near your opponent Rock will dash up to them, blur then reappear behind them. The idea behind this move is good. Get behind enemy then attack with the Shinkuu Nage or a super. However, 8 out of 10 times you try it you'll get punished for your efforts! Shinkuu Nage = 360+C Yes! Geese Howard's Trademark Throw has been passed on to his son. Don't see how, but.. Never mind! Anyway, Rock's Shinkuu Nage is a little different from his parents'. First of all, it's a command throw and secondly he can "Brake" the move and deal out more damage!! More on that later! Rasetsu = AB after Breaking the Shinkuu Nage Ok... Now you've done the Shinkuu Nage, you've issued the Brake Command. Now what? How about holding the A and B buttons a little longer? Doing this will start the Rasetsu. Rock then stands there with one hand covered in ethereal blue flame awaiting you to release it at the now falling opponent. To be honest, it looks cool but is useless unless you threw them into the corner. The damage on this move is also lame, so stick to braking the Shinkuu Nage and planting a Rising Tackle instead. S.POWER/ Raging Storm = QCF, QCF+A Erm... It's the most Ugly Raging Storm I've ever seen. But, it's possible to nail pretty much every jumping opponent with it! Just be sure your opponent won't Just Defend it. S.POWER/ Shine Knuckle = QCF, QCF+B Nice move.. It's quick and does a fair bit of damage. BUT, the range on it isn't great and you can be taken out of it quite easily. Stick to using Raging Storm for an S.Power.. P.POWER/ Raging Storm = QCF, QCF+C Again...ugly! But this is a great move! You can hold it for a short while by holding down the button. This has an invincibility window at the start in which standing attacks won't connect. Although it's best done after throwing the opponent into the corner with a Braked Shinkuu Nage. It's fun for all the family with this move! P.POWER/ Shine Knuckle = QCF, QCF+D Excellent. After nailing your opponent with this, Rock commits to a lunging elbow (D+AB) then into the highest Rising Tackle you've ever seen! From a Shinkuu Nage, this looks stunning and does great damage! P.POWER/ Deadly Rave-Neo = HCB, F+A, A, A, B, B, B, C, C, C, D, D, QCB+C Geese's 2nd trademark Super. His son does a great job of executing this technique and brings his own style into it as well. The Damage this causes is good and the final attack is wonderous to behold, but the best thing you can do whilst murdering your opponent with this is... Not finishing it. Yep, that's right! Take the move as far as the 9th hit then quickly hit another small combo. Rock won't do the Finish, but will carry on hitting them silly! :) \\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////// OK, so Rock isn't exactly a real powerhouse like Terry or Tizoc/Griffon. But he makes up for it when it comes to poking and annoyance. Your main objective is to poke your opponent with LOTS of jumping B's and crouching B's :) Soon enough, your opponent will make a silly mistake and jump at you... When you Raging Storm them out of existence!! The Rage Run's are good for a quick dash past your opponent when they jump at you. And a weak Hard Edge in the back is always a good thing! Just Defending to Guard Cancel is very useful with Rock as you can Shinkuu Nage if they're close, or just Reppu Ken if they're not. \\\\\\\\ //////// These combos are not all of Rock's repetoire, just the one's which I think are the most useful. Experiment and you never know... You might find something cool! J C/D, S/C C, QCB+A (Weak Hard Edge) #Nice, short combo that should be used as Rocks' basic combo. Using the Reppu Ken after the C attack isn't worth it.. J C/D, D+AB, CDU+C (Heavy Rising Tackle) #Again, a staple combo that should be in every Rock users diet! C Bx2, QCB+B (Rage Run -Dunk-) #Heh, heh... It doesn't combo.. but if you're opponents crouching when you start the 2 crouching weak kicks then 80% of the time they'll be nailed into the floor by the dunk! If they block the dunk, you're normally pushed away. All in all, it's fairly safe to use. J C/D, C C, QCF, QCF+B/D (S.Power/P.Power Shine Knuckle) #Nice basic combo involving a super. 'Nuff said really... QCB+A +COUNTER+ (Weak Hard Edge), QCF, QCF+A/C (S.Power/P.Power Raging Storm) #If you throw out a random Weak Hard Edge and it's COUNTER's then as the opponent floats up, start the motion for either Raging Storm and LET 'EM HAVE IT!!! Mwa ha ha ha! J D, S C, QCB+D (Rage Run -Shift), 360+C (Shinkuu Nage),AB (Brake), QCF, QCF+D (P.Power Shine Knuckle), CDU+C (Heavy Rising Tackle) #The opponent has to be in the corner for this to work. Start by jumping at them with the Heavy Kick, then Standing C cancel to the Rage Run -Shift-. The next part won't combo but sometimes the opponents are confused about with what you're doing... Pull off the Shinkuu Nage and Brake it, then wait for about 2 secs 'til the opponent falls to almost head height. Start the P.Power Shine Knuckle and Rock should pin them to the wall. Start to charge down here and when Rock lands from the Shine Knuckle, pull off the Rising Tackle for the grand finish!! \\\\\\\\\\ ////////// It's that part of an FAQ when I say "Now kiddies, did Uncle GalFord miss anything out?" If I have, put the answers on a postcard.. (Err...) Yeah, erm.. E-Mail me at:- ( And I'll credit ya with the info... Thanks for taking the time to read this 'lil FAQ. Erm.. A few people might realise that I've left out the F+A/C cancelling from the combo list. It's because I can't do it :P That, and I can't be bothered to learn it.. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////// GameFAQs ( = For the Hosting of FAQ's that I've done. RalfKick = For letting me practice my Rock against you. DoobyFrucan = Ditto really. :) This FAQ is (c) Bob (GalFord) Ritchings 2000.