========================================= FIRE PROWRESTLING D BEGINNER'S GUIDE v1.9 ========================================= by Bill Wood (billwood661@attbi.com) Last modified: 4/12/02 Fire ProWrestling D (c) 2001 Spike/VAiLL NOTE: This guide views and prints best with a monospace typeface. ===================== ==TABLE OF CONTENTS== ===================== SECTION 1: VERSION HISTORY SECTION 2: INTRODUCTION SECTION 3: A BRIEF HISTORY OF FIRE PROWRESTLING SECTION 4: BASIC QUESTIONS SECTION 5: GAMEPLAY QUESTIONS SECTION 6: VICTORY ROAD STRATEGY SECTION 7: THE BIG LIST OF FIRE PRO D LINKS SECTION 8: CLOSING ============================== ==SECTION 1: VERSION HISTORY== ============================== 1.9 - Minor update. More FAQS added. 1.8 - Minor update. 1.7 - More FAQs added. FAQs rearranged in a more sensible order. 1.6 - This revision contains by far the biggest additions to date. Two new sections have been added, "VICTORY ROAD STRATEGY" (some of which was in the previous version) and "THE BIG LIST OF FIRE PRO D LINKS", a comprehensive list of sites featuring tons of excellent FPD material. Even more FAQs added, as well as a change in my e-mail address. 1.5 - Several new FAQs added. 1.4 - Minor corrections made, several new FAQs added. 1.3 - "A BRIEF HISTORY OF FIRE PROWRESTLING" section added, along with several more FAQs. 1.2 - Minor corrections made, several new FAQs added. 1.1 - Several corrections made, several new FAQs added. 1.0 - Initial release of the guide. =========================== ==SECTION 2: INTRODUCTION== =========================== Hello and welcome to the Fire ProWrestling D Beginner's Guide v1.9! This guide is here to help out those of you who are new to Fire ProWrestling D (FPD) for Sega Dreamcast. In FPD you can choose from hundreds of wrestlers from different promotions across the world, creating the possibility of endless dream matches. Combine this with an extremely challenging and rewarding gameplay system and you have, in my opinion, the best wrestling game out there. FPD is a great game, no doubt, but there's a rather steep learning curve that comes along with it. That's where this guide comes into play, to help newcomers over that curve. Hopefully it serves its purpose. For game conventions, commands, etc., I seriously recommend giving Frank James Chan's FPD Guide a thorough reading first. My guide is meant as a sort of companion guide for beginners, not a complete gameplay guide. =================================================== ==SECTION 3: A BRIEF HISTORY OF FIRE PROWRESTLING== =================================================== Since 1989, HUMAN Entertainment (and now Spike/VAiLL) have produced the unique and highly entertaining Fire Pro series of wrestling videogames for the Japanese market. In Japan, pro wrestling (or puroresu) is taken more seriously as a sport than it is in other regions of the world. Fire ProWrestling games are a reflection of this attitude, focusing on simulation and technique as opposed to flashy graphics. For that reason, Fire Pro has developed a loyal following in its native homeland and an ever-growing legion of fans in North America, Europe and other parts of the world. In the last decade, over a dozen Fire ProWrestling titles have appeared on several consoles, including PC Engine, SNES, Saturn, PlayStation, Wonderswan and GameBoy Advance. Some handheld versions have been released in the U.S., and it's rumored we soon may see a Fire Pro title for PlayStation 2 here in the States. Here's my list of recommended Fire Pro titles: * Super Fire ProWrestling X Premium (SNES/Super Famicom) * Super Fire ProWrestling: Queen's Special (SNES/Super Famicom) * Fire ProWrestling S: 6 Men Scramble (Saturn) * Fire ProWrestling G (PlayStation) * Fire ProWrestling D (Dreamcast) * Fire ProWrestling A (GameBoy Advance) If you want more details of the story of Fire Pro, read "History of the Fire ProWrestling Series" by the Mysterious Kagura. ============================== ==SECTION 4: BASIC QUESTIONS== ============================== Q: Where can I find FPD? A: As of this writing (early 2002), several online import retailers still carry FPD. Here are a few places you could try: www.ncsx.com www.tronixweb.com www.therage.com Q: What do I need to play this on my American Dreamcast? A: You only need a boot disc (because it's an import). A Gameshark or DC-X will do the trick. Utopia's boot disc works as well. Q: Where can I find screenshots of this game? A: http://dreamcast.ign.com/reviews/16172.html. From there, go to the media page. There are screenshots and videos (and a nice review). Q: I've seen pictures of this game and it looks like a SNES game to me. Are you sure it's that good? A: Two words; old school. Fire Pro _was_ an SNES game (actually there are several SNES versions) and it was great even back then. The gameplay is unique and has only improved with every incarnation. It's nothing like other wrestling games out there (obviously, they're all 3D), but once you get the hang of it, it's a blast, and extremely difficult at higher levels! Q: But isn't the whole game in Japanese? A: Yes and no. The menus, options, etc. are all in Japanese and you can't change them. That's where Frank James Chan's guide comes in handy. Read through it when playing and you'll be navigating Japanese menus in no time. You _can_ rename all of the wrestlers and their federations to their real English names. There is also a beginner's website for this game, listed at the end of this section, which contains on-screen translations for all of the in-game menus. If you find the task of deciphering Japanese from a guide a bit much, you will find this website to be a tremendous help. Q: Is there an official guide for this game? A: Yes there is, and a very high quality one at that. Problem is it's all in Japanese (what did you expect from a Japanese game?). The title of the guide is "Fire ProWrestling D: The Complete" and it is produced by Softbank Publishing of Japan (ISBN4-7973-1606-3). Although it's a little on the pricey side, it's a nice collector's item for fans of the game, even if you can't read a lick! Q: Can I play FPD online against a friend or do I have to live in Japan to do that? A: You can't play online, even if you move to Tokyo. The online features of FPD are primarily for data transfer, there is no Internet play. Q: Can you give me a list of all the wrestlers in the game? A: Instead of plagiarizing someone else's work, I'll refer you to Frank James Chan's Fire Pro D Wrestler List, available at GameFAQs.com. Q: If all of the wrestlers and promotions have fictional names, can you tell me what they are? A: Go here: www.fire-pro.net/names.txt Q: I only watch American wrestling. Aren't a lot of the wrestlers Japanese guys? A: Yes, but there are tons of WWF and WCW wrestlers as well, and you can create anybody that might be missing. Also, a lot of the Japanese wrestlers have interesting styles and are fun to use! Q: I know there are several major Japanese and American promotions in FPD, but can I create my own fed? A: Yes, you can create a total of five extra feds. You can even customize your own logo to go with your fed, or download one from the Internet. One of the first things I did when I got the game was recreate ECW! Q: Speaking of ECW, do the wrestlers bleed in FPD? A: Yes. Not a lot, but they do bleed. Q: How do I reorder the wrestlers in their promotions? For example, I want to put Keiji Mutoh at the top of the AJPW roster. A: Unfortunately you can't. Nor can you make any of your edits appear above the default wrestlers in their rosters. You _can_ send wrestlers to different promotions though (i.e. move Ric Flair to WWF). Q: I've downloaded some logos, but how do I implement them in the game? A: First off, make sure the files are on your VMU. They should read FIREPROD.P01 through FIREPROD.P05, those are the five slots for group expansion data. Second, a downloaded logo is actually an entirely new federation for you to use. For instance, if you downloaded on ECW logo, you could go to the Roster Change menu and put Sabu back in ECW. If you want to use the expansion data strictly as a mat logo, just change it at the pre-match options screen (the sixth option down on the regular match options). Custom fed logos will appear in order on the list after the last default group (Legend). Q: What are "add-on moves"? A: Add-on moves are moves created by Spike, the producers of FPD. Spike basically creates new moves for the game that you can download to your Dreamcast VMU. To date, Spike has released over 50 moves, including popular Japanese and American moves such as the Shining Wizard (Keiji Mutoh), the Last Ride (Undertaker) and Twist of Fate (Hardy Boyz). Q: Is the Vandaminator, the Tarantula or the Vertebreaker/Spinning Kudo Driver in the game? A: No, although those are three of the most mentioned add-on moves by fans in the U.S. You see, Japanese FPD fans get to vote on which add-on move they would like to see next from Spike, then Spike either creates the move or substitutes another move if they can't make the vote winner. UPDATE: At long last (and much to the delight of U.S. FPD fans), Spike released the Tarantula as an add-on move on March 5, 2002. Q: Is the infamous "Ganso Bomb" in the game? A: There _is_ a move called the ganso bomb in the game, but it's not the move Toshiaki Kawada used against Mitsuharu Misawa. (In case you didn't know, the incident occured when Kawada reversed a Misawa huracanrana and dropped Misawa on his head. It's considered one of the more brutal spots in pro wrestling history.) Q: Will I ever be able to create my own add-on moves like Spike does? A: There's always the oft-rumored "move editor app" that would let you create moves on a PC, but at this point that's just a rumor. UPDATE: Recently there has been a breakthrough in user-edited FPD add-on moves. Through the use of a hex editor, FPD fans have successfully edited existing add-on moves, and have even renamed them in English! Note that this only applies to existing add-on moves, completely new moves are still quite impossible (for now!). Q: Every wrestling game nowadays has a Create-A-Wrestler (CAW) Mode. How does FPD's Edit Mode stack up? A: Quite nicely. With all of the moves and body parts available, it's possible to create a 90% likeness/moveset for just about anybody you can think of. Plus, if you have plenty of VMUs to spare, you can create a total of 216 wrestler edits! Most Fire Pro fans will agree this is one of the main selling points of this game. Q: How do I change my edit's other three outfits? A: Unfortunately you can't, only one outfit per wrestler edit. :P Q: How do I choose my edit's specialty moves and/or finisher? A: When choosing your wrestler's moves, pay attention to the two columns to the left of the movelist. The first column is where you select your wrestler's voice to accompany a move. If a voice is selected, it will say (kanji) 1 or (kanji) 2 in that 1st column. Press (Y) to preview the move and you'll also hear the sound your wrestler is making. The kanji in the 1st column is always green. The 2nd column is where you can designate the move as a finisher. Blue kanji in that column means the move is a specialty move, red kanji means the move is a finisher. You can have 4 specialty moves and 1 finisher per wrestler. In order to select a move as a finisher, you first must deselect any move already chosen as a finisher. The (A) button does this, (X) chooses specialty moves. So, to recap, from the move selection menu: Green kanji, 1st column = voice assignment Blue kanji, 2nd column = specialty assignment (4 max) Red kanji, 2nd column = finisher assignment (1 max) Q: How can I update the moves of the default wrestlers? If I want to make the Anklelock Kurt Angle's finisher, the only way to do it is to make an edit version of Kurt, then edit his moves, right? A: Yes, you want to make a copy of Kurt Angle first. This is the top option on the Wrestler Make screen (Select Wrestler Model). Once you do this, you may reassign his moves however you wish. Remember though, you also have to reassign all of his edit points (Punch, Kick, Instant-P, etc.) They will all reset to zero by default. Just check the stats page at www.gswf.org to check the stats of the wrestler you're duplicating. Once you have Kurt tweaked to perfection, you can hide the old default version of him by sending him to "hide" on the Wrestler Group Affiliation menu. At that menu, "hide" is the bottom option. Note that when you create an edit of an existing wrestler, he is treated like any other edit and therefore will not have his original four outfits to choose from. Q: Where do I download add-on moves, wrestler edits and other files? A: The current site is www.gswf.org. Spike's add-on moves are there for you, plus lots of wrestler edits and links to other great FPD sites. Q: I've heard stories of people using 3 or 4 VMUs with this game. What's up with that? A: There are a lot of different data save types for FPD: system data, rename data, recostume data, expansion (CAW) data, edit group data and add-on move data. All of these are optional, but you'll probably want to save your system data and at least one expansion data, which gives you 50 wrestler edits. These can easily fit on a single VMU. However, most FPD enthusiasts want all of this data handy, this is when multiple VMUs come into play. I'm currently using 4 VMUs because I have a ton of edits and a lot of Spike's add-on moves. It adds up! For more precise VMU info, please read Frank James Chan's FPD Guide. Q: I've heard I can put my own music in the game. How? A: That requires a burned copy of the game. I can't elaborate any further. Q: Help! My game is giving me some kind of warning I can't read! A: The FPD warning screen appears just before entering the main menu. The warning type is yellow kanji, and it means one of three things: 1) You have a wrestler in a created fed that is missing. This usually happens when you download an edit pack and the edit pack's creator has a created fed that you don't have. Solution: Locate the wrestler and move him to an existing fed. 2) You have a Victory Road title with a wrestler edit that is missing. Solution: Locate the missing edit or restart that particular title path with a new wrestler. 3) You have a wrestler that uses an add-on move that is missing. This usually happens when you download an edit pack and the edit pack's creator is using add-on moves you don't have. Solution: Download the add-on move the wrestler needs. In some cases, the wrestler _may_not_appear_ on the roster if he's missing an add-on move. Q: I have a question about using my Nexus card with FPD. A: Sorry, I don't have a Nexus card and can't answer Nexus questions. :P Before we enter the next section of the guide, I'd like to mention the FPD beginner's site. It's a great site with visuals for those of you having troubles navigating through the game. Here's the url: http://www.fireprowrestlingd.co-ltd.com/ ================================= ==SECTION 5: GAMEPLAY QUESTIONS== ================================= Q: I'm just getting started and can't do anything! Help! A: Start off with learning the grappling system. This is a pretty tough learning curve for beginners. Regular kicks and punches aren't going to do a whole lot of damage, and they can be even more difficult to time than grapples. Q: OK, I'm trying to learn the grapple system and I lose every single time! What gives? A: It's time to learn the "Golden Rule of Fire Pro" - thou shalt not button mash. Unlike other games where you can do this with a moderate degree of success, in FPD you will be punished for hammering on buttons trying to pull off a move. The timing is like this: when the wrestlers are close enough together, they will automatically go into a "lock-up" where their arms lock up for a grapple. As soon as their arms meet, enter the desired command (Up + X, Down + A, etc.). Again, enter it once and only once, otherwise you will lose the grapple. If you entered your command before the opponent entered his, you'll see your wrestler execute the desired move. If you're still having troubles, you can do one of two things: a) Set the difficulty to 1. You should have no trouble at this level. b) Practice against a "dead" opponent. Set the other wrestler to 2P and leave the 2P controller alone. Remember, patience is a virtue! Q: My grapple timing is now impeccable. Problem is, every move I attempt gets reversed! A: You must first wear the opponent down with weak (X button) grapples, then work your way up to (A), (B) and (X + A) moves. Attempting stronger moves early in a match almost always results in a reversal. Q: I can't seem to hit my opponent. My moves whiff every time! A: In FPD, strikes are all about timing and distance. Sometimes you have to be lined up on a horizontal plane with your opponent to connect, although this is not an absolute rule. You can always use the "dead opponent" tactic to practice your timing and distance, but I much prefer practicing against a live opponent, simply because it's harder to connect when the opponent is constantly moving around. Q: How do I do my wrestler's finisher? A: It depends on the wrestler's real life finisher. For example, Triple H's Pedigree is done from a grapple, and Dragon Kid's Dragonrana is done from the top turnbuckle. If you want to know every finisher, I recommend reading Pink Spider's FPD Finisher Guide. Q: How do I win a Test of Strength? A: A "Test of Strength" is when two wrestlers enter a grapple command at the same time. You'll see them lock hands in an attempt to overpower each other. The player who enters the most d-pad commands wins. This can be done by wiggling the d-pad back and forth or by rotating the d-pad in a circular motion. Tests of Strength are IMO the absolute worst part of any Fire Pro game. Not only does it wear down the controller and your thumb, the CPU becomes ridiculously difficult after Level 5. My advice here is to give up on Tests of Strength and focus on better grapple timing. (Your thumb will thank you.) Q: How do I escape a pin attempt? A: Simply hold down the (A) button. You do not need to move the d-pad at all to escape a pin (trust me, I've been all the way through Victory Road using this method). If your wrestler has enough strength left, he will kick out. Q: How do I escape a submission hold? A: Move the d-pad around. I prefer wiggling it back and forth, but you can rotate it as well. Q: How do I do top rope moves? I always miss with my flying attacks! A: Just like regular strikes, high-flying moves require your opponent to be in a certain location in order to be successful. For example, a frog splash may whiff if the opponent is in the center of the ring, yet a flying headbutt may go the distance. Also note that your wrestler's offensive style dictates how effective he will be with flying attacks. Obviously a luchador will have more success attempting flying moves than say, a grappler. Here's another tip for all you potential luchadors: when the opponent begins to tire, use an (A) grapple move to knock him down, then climb the turnbuckle. Your can now perform your "top rope - opponent down" attack. If you use a (B) grapple move and climb the turnbuckle, the opponent will stand up dazed. You can now pull off "top rope - opponent standing" attacks (i.e. Dragonrana). Q: How do I do MMA/shootfighting in this game? A: MMA-style shootfighting, which involves ground techniques such as mount grapples, is a new system for the Fire Pro series. It can be very challenging to learn at first. If you're completely new to Fire Pro, I seriously suggest sticking to pro wrestling basics until you have that aspect of the game mastered, then move on to shootfighting. Once you feel you're up to the task, please read my "Fire Pro D: Royce Gracie" Character Guide, which contains a section devoted to the basic principle and timing of FPD shootfighting. Q: My wrestler is walking around with his shoulders slumped, gasping for air! What should I do? A: Breathe, man, breathe! [see next question] Q: How often should I breathe? A: Breathing is done by holding down the L trigger, and there is no definitive answer as to how often you should do it. It depends on several factors (your wrestler's attributes, attacks used, etc.). As a rule, I try to breathe at least every 2 minutes of FPD time. Q: How do I grab the back of my opponent's head and ram it into the turnbuckle? I see the CPU do it all the time and it looks cool! A: The move you're referring to is a corner setup move. Here's how it's done: When in a grapple, press d-pad in the direction of the corner you're closest to + (Y). For example, let's say you're both on the left side of the ring. Grapple, then left + (Y) to do the move. The only time this doesn't work is when you're close to the center of the ring or near the top or bottom turnbuckle. If you press the d-pad in the opposite direction, you'll Irish whip the opponent into the opposite corner. For example, using the last scenario, press right + (Y) instead of left + (Y). Either move will set you up for a corner move (i.e. Frankensteiner) if the opponent is worn down enough. Also note that you can only use the left and right posts for corner moves, not the top and bottom posts. Q: How do I execute a grapple reversal? A: You don't have to press a button to pull off a reversal (ala No Mercy and SmackDown). Grapple reversals happen automatically depending on the circumstances. For example, if you're Gran Naniwa and you try to suplex Andre the Giant, you will more than likely get reversed. Q: How do I pick up weapons? My wrestler just starts running! A: Picking up weapons can be tricky because you have to use the (Y) button (Run) to pick them up (bad idea Spike). However, there is a consistent way to do it. When you are just above the weapon, tap (don't hold!) down + (Y). It seems if you enter down + (Y) as a quick tapping motion you'll have more success. It takes timing, but it's worth the practice. Q: Do moves outside the ring do more damage than moves done on the mat? A: Yes, even more so when the outside is lined with barbed wire! Q: Do moves onto weapons (i.e. piledriver onto a chair) do extra damage? A: No. Q: How do I get up off the mat quicker? A: I usually wiggle the d-pad when I'm down, but I don't think this really helps (more of a nervous habit). However, you can stay down on the mat longer by simply holding down the (A) button. I have no idea why you would want to do this, unless you really like selling your opponent's moves! Q: How do I throw my opponent to the apron so I can do apron moves? A: With your back to the ropes, grapple the opponent and press down + the R trigger if you're against the southernmost ropes, or press up + the R trigger if you're against the northernmost ropes. You will throw the opponent to the apron. From there, grapple, then (X) (A) or (B) to do your apron grapple move. Q: How do I tag my partner in a tag match? A: Just press the L Trigger + d-pad towards your partner in your corner. Q: How do I get my partner to come in for the save during a tag match? A: You partner will automatically enter the ring to break up a pin or submission hold when he thinks you might be in trouble. In other words, don't expect your partner to break up a pin early in the match because you can probably kick out anyway. Q: What is "CRITICAL!"? A: "CRITICAL!" is what happens when a wrestler is critically injured by an opponent's move and is unable to continue. It usually happens with finishers, but can also happen with regular strikes and holds, depending on the wrestler's attributes. Pretty much the equivalent of a KO, which doesn't really happen in professional wrestling, but it's cool to see nonetheless. You can force a "CRITICAL!"ed opponent to continue a match by picking him up from the mat before the ref notices the "CRITICAL!". By doing this it is possible to score multiple "CRITICAL!"s on an opponent. Q: Why can't I ever get a "CRITICAL!" on my opponent when I want to? A: Oh no, a question I can't answer! Seriously, you could write another complete guide focusing solely on the frequency of "CRITICAL!"s, it's that complex. I will tell you, however, there is absolutely no way to guarantee a "CRITICAL!". Even if you create a wrestler with colossal "CRITICAL!" stats, it's still a matter of percentages. Q: How do I unlock the hidden wrestlers? A: You must win one title on Victory Road (the top-right option on the main screen). The easiest title to win is 8 Man Tag Title (the bottom one). Win this and all the hidden wrestlers are yours. Q: How do I unlock all the edit points for my edits? A: First off, you start with 150 edit points to assign your edit. This is more than enough to create a decent mid-carder if you're savvy. You must win all titles on Victory Road to unlock the maximum 300 edit points. Needless to say, this isn't easy. Q: That seems like a lot of work. Isn't there just a simple cheat code? A: Yes, but you'll have to find that on another guide. :) Q: I just beat New Japan with my wrestler and the hiddens still aren't unlocked! Why? A: That's because you have to win the whole title to unlock the hidden wrestlers, not just beat one promotion. There are nearly 200 bouts to go through in the quest for the Heavyweight title. That's why I recommend 8 Man Tag to quickly unlock the secret wrestlers. Q: Are there any Gameshark codes or hacks that will create different match types (ala No Mercy and SmackDown)? A: No. Remember we're talking sprites (2D) vs. polygons (3D), a lot of those hacks just aren't possible with this type of game. ==================================== ==SECTION 6: VICTORY ROAD STRATEGY== ==================================== Victory Road is a grueling challenge if there ever was one, especially if you choose the path of Heavyweight Title. Completing all Title Challenges could very well end up taking 40+ hours! Fortunately for you most lower level opponents are more than willing to "do the job", knowing what lies in store later down your path to glory. Level 9 and 10 opponents can be extremely tough. Your grappling skills need to be near perfect and even then it's hard. However, there are a few "tricks" you can use to help you along the way: USE STRIKES - Believe it or not, against tougher opponents is where weak and medium strikes come in handy. If you can use them regularly during the match, you will eventually wear the opponent down. Also note that strikes, if used consistently, will slow your opponent's walking and (as far as I can tell) grappling speed. This can give you a needed advantage. My own rule of thumb is this: the higher the difficulty, the higher the percentage of strikes used (as opposed to grapples). USE WEAPONS - Sometimes weak strikes won't get the job done. In this case you need to break out the heavy artillery! Use (X) or (A) to exit the ring, then against the ring + (Y) to pick up a weapon from under the apron. Reenter the ring and wreak some havoc! And remember, you can have more than one weapon at a time in the ring! Guys like Jumbo Tsuruta can give you nightmares on Victory Road. Best to pick up the old steel chair and dish out a few shots to the cranium. When the opponent begins to fall to the mat from the blows, switch to using submission holds and stretches. This will soon end the match. RING OUT (cheap!) - If you're _really_ frustrated, you can always go for the ring out. Just get the opponent outside the ring and try to keep him there for the 20 count. This usually means pulling off a grapple move somewhere around the 16 count, then rolling back inside the ring. Like I said, cheap! DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE! - Not really a trick, but helpful nonetheless. Even if you're not getting hit, simply using your offense consumes energy. Every now and then, throw your opponent to the mat and hold the L trigger to catch your breath. If you're _really_ getting the tar beat out of you, simply exit the ring. Depending on your opponent, he may choose to wait for you to return while the ref counts. This is a perfect opportunity to breathe! Just remember, your opponent can catch his breath as well! COMBO WHENEVER POSSIBLE - Sure, a basic scoop slam will do damage, but it's always more devastating when followed with a few stomps to the groin and a sleeper hold! Always take advantage of your opponent being down to mount an offense. LEARN TO FOCUS - "Focusing" is my term for concentrating all of your attacks on a certain body part (arm, leg, neck). Submission holds are good for this. Keep applying submission holds to one area of the body and the opponent will eventually have to give up the match. KEEP IT SIMPLE! - Don't try fancy corner moves or Irish whip moves, higher level opponents tend to reverse these moves often. One simple strategy is to constantly use weak grapple moves to knock down your opponent, then use strikes and holds from there. USE CPU AI - Think of this as a last resort. You could just let the CPU control your wrestler and set the speed to 800%. This is done at the pre-match options screen. Eventually your wrestler will win the match, then you can move on. NEVER (EEEVEER) GRAPPLE VS. GIANT STYLE! - OK, maybe you can a little, but keep it to a minimum! Andre the Giant and Giant Baba (see the word 'giant' in their names?) are two good examples. They can reverse even your weakest grapples, frustrating to say the least. Their weakness? Man, these guys are slower than molasses! That means you can run circles around them, poking with weak and medium strikes all day long. =============================================== ==SECTION 7: THE BIG LIST OF FIRE PRO D LINKS== =============================================== Below is a list of websites containing edits, ring logos, message boards and other information related to FPD (all links active as of Feb. 2002): http://www.gswf.org http://www.fireproclub.com http://www.spike-online.net/firepro/ http://www.cybcity.com/rocknroll1/ http://www.fireprowrestlingd.co-ltd.com http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/dreamcast/data/30503.html http://personal.clt.bellsouth.net/clt/c/r/crh222/index.html http://www.geocities.com/will_rock00/goodreverends.html http://www.angelfire.com/ab5/fpd/fpd.html http://toryumonusa.tripod.com/fpdpage.html http://www.fire-pro.net http://www.geocities.com/hefstef/HYDRAPRO.html http://diymf.tripod.com/fpd/firestats.html http://www.buffnet.net/~celtics/fpd.htm http://www.python.freehomepage.com/ http://rottrathon.50megs.com/fpd/kingdom.htm http://maddogfireproedits.freehomepage.com/fppages/index.htm http://www.geocities.com/FirePro_D/ http://www.geocities.com/hyenazrulz/ http://www.geocities.com/substancej/fpd/ http://www.sickosonparade.com/vgl/firepro/index.html Do you have a FPD related link you would like to add to this section? E-mail me at billwood661@attbi.com and it will appear in future revisions of this guide. ====================== ==SECTION 8: CLOSING== ====================== Time has seen this FAQ go from a tiny 10k file to a full-fledged guide of its own. I hope you found it useful. In closing, I would like to thank the following: * Pink Spider, tokerblue and Makar 17 for their contributions. * CJayC and GameFAQs.com for hosting this guide. * Frank James Chan for writing the original FPD Guide, which without most of us would still be clueless. * All the experts on the GameFAQs and FPC boards. Thanks to those who share their knowledge of this game on these boards, I still find myself learning new things about FPD all the time! * The Mysterious Kagura for his "History of the Fire ProWrestling Series" document. Definitely recommended reading for Fire Pro enthusiasts. * Jim Freeman and the Fire Pro Club (www.fireproclub.com) for giving us a community to discuss this excellent game. * Jeff Scott and www.gswf.org for giving us access to tons of cool FPD stuff. This site should be your first stop on the road to Fire Pro bliss! Fire ProWrestling D Beginner's Guide (c) 2002 Bill Wood