================================================ FIRE PROWRESTLING D VMU ORGANIZATION GUIDE v1.4 =============================================== by Bill Wood (billwood661@attbi.com) Last modified: 3/6/02 Fire ProWrestling D (c) 2001 Spike/VAiLL ===================== ==TABLE OF CONTENTS== ===================== SECTION 1: VERSION HISTORY SECTION 2: INTRODUCTION SECTION 3: FPD VMU SAVING CONVENTIONS SECTION 4: ITEMS NEEDED SECTION 5: MANAGING YOUR EDITS SECTION 6: MANAGING YOUR ADD-ON MOVES SECTION 7: OTHER FPD FILES SECTION 8: CLOSING ============================== ==SECTION 1: VERSION HISTORY== ============================== 1.4 - "MANAGING YOUR ADD-ON MOVES" and "OTHER FPD FILES" sections added. Also some minor corrections and formatting changes. 1.3 - Formatting changed slightly, e-mail address updated. 1.2 - Corrections on memory save data by Single J and Darkstalker. Other minor corrections. 1.1 - Minor corrections. 1.0 - First version. =========================== ==SECTION 2: INTRODUCTION== =========================== In Fire Pro D, downloading wrestler edits has replaced the old standard of meticulously printing out and copying templates, and why not? There are tons of excellent edit sites out there, and downloading edits directly to your VMU is dozens of times faster than recreating edits from templates. This guide is in response to several questions I've seen regarding VMU edit transfers in Fire ProWrestling D. Hopefully it will help those who need it. ========================================= ==SECTION 3: FPD VMU SAVING CONVENTIONS== ========================================= FPD uses many different file saves for game customization, such as name edits, costume edits, custom wrestler and federation edits, etc. These are the name of the slots used in FPD for saving edits: FIREPRO.E01 (Slot 1 - 64 blocks - 50 wrestler edits) FIREPRO.E02 (Slot 2 - 64 blocks - 50 wrestler edits) FIREPRO.E03 (Slot 3 - 64 blocks - 50 wrestler edits) FIREPRO.E04 (Slot 4 - 64 blocks - 50 wrestler edits) In addition, 16 edits can be saved to FPD's system memory. This makes a whopping total of 216 wrestlers that can be saved across five different files! =========================== ==SECTION 4: ITEMS NEEDED== =========================== Here's everything you need to perform the task: * A Dreamcast console with modem and ISP connection * A web browser disc (this should have come with your Dreamcast) * A copy of Fire ProWrestling D * A boot disc (i.e. Gameshark, DC-X) to load the game if played as an import * At least three VMUs == NOTE: This assumes you're using your Dreamcast to directly == download saves from the net. Since I don't have a Nexus card, == I really can't comment on how to use it. ================================== ==SECTION 5: MANAGING YOUR EDITS== ================================== This is where I see people having trouble, but it's really easy once you've done it a couple of times, assuming that you have at least three VMUs at your disposal. Use the following scenario: You've just downloaded a edit save to your VMU (VMU #1) from a website. This file has the file extension .E03 (this would be FPD edit save slot 3 obviously). Now let's say you're still browsing and come across another .E03 save that you want. If you try to download it to that same VMU #1, it will ask you to overwrite. You don't want that, so you download it to another VMU (VMU #2). You now have two .E03 saves on two different VMUs. This is a problem. The problem here is FPD will only load the first .E03 save it comes across, in this instance, the VMU #1 save. This means you won't be able to use all of the edits you've just downloaded. The solution? Combine both .E03 saves into one save. Sound complicated? It's not. Do this: turn off your DC, keep VMU #1 inserted, remove VMU #2 and insert a third VMU its place (VMU #3). VMU #3 must have at least 64 blocks of open space. Then boot up FPD and go to Edit Mode. Load all of the .E03 edits from VMU #1 one by one and relocate them to another save slot (let's say .E02) on VMU #3. This would also be a good time to do any tweaking you may want to do since you have to load all of the edits anyway. == NOTE: Don't forget to save when done! You can make all the == edit moves you want and it won't mean a thing until you == actually back out of Edit Mode. The game will then prompt == you to save to an actual VMU. You should now be at this point: VMU #1 = Original downloaded edits on .E03 VMU #2 = Original downloaded edits on .E03 VMU #3 = Transferred edits from VMU #1 on .E02 Now pop the lid open on your DC and you'll come to the DC blue sky screen. Go to "File" and delete that .E03 save on VMU #1 (you don't need this save since all transferred edits are now on VMU #3). The end result is that you now should have two usable saves - an .E03 save on VMU #2 and an .E02 save on VMU #3 . You can combine these saves simply by having both VMUs (#2 and #3) inserted, loading edits from one edit save and saving them into empty slots on another. Again, I'll explain: Let's say you now have 15 edits on VMU #2 (.E03) and 26 edits on VMU #3 (.E02). You will now load each edit from VMU #2 one by one and save them into the empty slots on VMU #3 starting with slot 26 (which would be the first empty slot since you already have 25 edits on that card). The end result would be this: VMU #2 (.E03) = 15 edits (this file can now be deleted) VMU #3 (.E02) = 41 edits (26 from previous + 15 from .E03) By doing this over and over, it is possible to have edits from several different saves on one neat save slot. I hope this all doesn't sound too complicated, it really isn't. If you've ever played Resident Evil, it's sort of the same concept as those silly puzzles where you mix all those chemicals... ========================================= ==SECTION 6: MANAGING YOUR ADD-ON MOVES== ========================================= If you happen to be an FPD add-on move junkie, you know that all of the moves released to date equal nearly 500 blocks of VMU space. That's 2 1/2 VMUs just for moves! Add this to your edit saves and you're looking at several VMUs just for one game! But of course, none of this information is mandatory to enjoy the game. My advice to you is only download the moves you need for a particular edit. On the other hand, VMUs are dirt cheap these days, so go ahead and splurge! =) In case you're curious, here are the VMU block requirements for the moves released to date. This way you can decide what moves you need to download beforehand: File Name Blocks Move Name/Used By --------- ------ ----------------- .w00 6 Blazing Tornado Suplex (fictional) .w01 4 Eiffel De Parachute (fictional) .w02 4 Deadly Go Round (fictional) .w03 4 Super Muscle Buster (fictional) .w04 8 Shiranui (Naomichi Marufuji) .w05 9 Shining Wizard (Keiji Mutoh) .w06 17 The Worm (Scotty) .w07 8 Front Neck Lock (Jun Akiyama) .w08 8 Buffalo Sleeper (Hiroyoshi Tenzan) .w09 8 Last Ride (The Undertaker) .w10 9 6 Strike (Koji Kanemoto) .w11 9 Strike 3 (fictional) .w12 10 Brazilian Kick Rush .w13 9 Ruby Frosion (Akira Taue) .w14 5 Phoenix Kick (fictional) .w15 10 Londart Kangaroo Kick .w16 10 Side German Suplex (Mitsuharu Misawa) .w17 10 High Speed Dragon Screw (Keiji Mutoh) .w18 10 Turbo Drop (Jim Steele) .w19 9 Sweet Chin Music/Superkick (Shawn Michaels, others) .w20 9 Amaze Impact (Takeshi Morishima) .w21 9 Repeated Knees to Head .w22 10 Cobra Hold (Shinjiro Ohtani) .w23 10 Triple Moonsault (Super Crazy) .w24 6 Cattle Mutilation (Poison Sawada JULIE) .w25 9 Top Rope Tiger Driver (Mitsuharu Misawa) .w26 9 Leg Sweep using arm .w27 10 Blazing Chop (Etsuko Mita) .w28 7 Front Headlock Takedown .w29 9 Running to corner Shining Wizard (Keiji Mutoh) .w30 10 Anglelock (Kurt Angle) .w31 10 Minoru Special 2 (Minoru Tanaka) .w32 10 Dead End (Tamon Honda) .w33 8 Complete Shot/Flatliner (Kanyon) .w34 10 Electric Chair Drop (SUWA) .w35 10 Final Answer (Sanshiro Takagi) .w36 9 Reverse Waterwheel Drop .w37 13 Cycling Yahoo .w38 10 Skyhigh Chokeslam (Vader) .w39 8 Shining Black (Masahiro Chono) .w40 10 Twist of Fate (Hardy Boyz) .w41 12 Shubain (Mariko Yoshida, CIMA, Nova) .w42 11 Kea Rush (Taiyo Kea) .w43 11 Scissor Kick (Booker T) .w44 10 Hyper Knee Kuga (Mitsuya Nagai) .w45 10 Armbar/head Scissors (Milano Collection AT) .w46 10 Mounted Diving Knee Strikes .w47 8 Total Elimination (Eliminators) .w48 12 Stretch Muffler (Manabu Nakanishi) .w49 10 Yokosuka Cutter (Susumu Mochizuki) .w50 11 Koji MAX Hold (Satoshi Kojima) .w51 12 Second Rope Body Press (Giant Silva) .w52 7 Crazy Cyclone (Masayuki Naruse) .w53 22 Tarantula (Yoshihiro Tajiri) If you want more info on add-on moves, read chris murder's "Download Move List" guide at GameFAQs.com. ============================== ==SECTION 7: OTHER FPD FILES== ============================== So far, we've covered edit and add-on move saves, which will take up the majority of your FPD VMU space. Here are the other save files for FPD and what they do: SYSTEM DATA (FIREPROD.SYS, 36 blocks): This save stores many game options; your option settings, custom belts, custom refs, Victory Road progress, group reorganizing, tournament progress and 16 wrestler edits. Needless to say you want to save your system data. RENAME DATA (FIREPROD.REN, 27 blocks): This save stores the names you give wrestlers when you rename them. Unless you're fluent in reading Japanese and don't have a problem with fictional names, you'd better use this save too. RECOSTUME DATA (FIREPROD.REC, 21 blocks): Self-explanatory. If you want to update a wrestler's default outfit, it's stored here. You may only change one outfit per wrestler, but you can recostume as many individual wrestlers as you like. To remove a custom costume, simply select that wrestler in Recostume Mode, choose an unaltered outfit, then back out of that mode. GROUP EXPANSION DATA (FIREPROD.P01-P05, 26 blocks each): These saves are for the custom federations and mat logos you can create, 5 max. ====================== ==SECTION 8: CLOSING== ====================== In closing I would like to thank the following: * CJayC and GameFAQs for hosting this guide. * www.gswf.org for add-on move statistical info. * Single J and DarkStalker for clarifying some VMU issues for me. Fire ProWrestling D VMU Organization Guide (c) 2002 Bill Wood