Fur Fighters By Bizarre for Dreamcast FAQ/Walkthrough by Amy Freudeman amyw2004@hotmail.com Table of Contents -------------------------- 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Background 2.1 Roofus 2.2 Chang 2.3 Juliette 2.4 Rico 2.5 Bungalow 2.6 Tweek 2.7 General Bristol 2.8 Sergeant Sternhauser 3.0 Weapons 3.1 Close Attack 3.2 Pistol 3.3 Shotgun 3.4 Bomb Launcher 3.5 Rocket Launcher 3.6 Plasma Blaster 3.7 Neutron Gun 3.8 Freeze Gun 4.0 Items 4.1 Bear Disguise 4.2 Bug Shield 4.3 Meerkat Multiple 4.4 Pet Yums 4.5 Tokens 4.6 Miscellaneous 5.0 Notes ***** Walkthrough ***** 6.0 Fur Fighter Village Map 6.1 The Fur Fighter Village 7.0 New Quack City Map 7.1 New Quack City 7.2 The World Quack Centre 7.3 Lower East Quack 7.4 Quackenheim Art Museum 7.5 Saving Gwynth 8.0 Beaver Dam Map 8.1 Beaver Dam 8.2 Compound Factions 8.3 God Machine Valley 8.4 Beaver Dam 8.5 Saving Juanita 9.0 Cape Canardo Map 9.1 Cape Canardo 9.2 VAB Building 9.3 Plasma Beam Map 9.4 VLF Facility 9.5 Shuttle Launch Countdown Map 9.6 Space Station Meer 9.7 Saving Claude 10.0 Dinotopolis Map 10.1 Dinotopolis 10.2 Dinos Downstairs 10.3 Dinos Upstairs 10.4 The Rumpus Room 10.5 Saving Esmerelda 11.0 City of Fear Map 11.1 City of Fear (Anatat Tatatanat) 11.2 Jungle of Despair 11.3 Temple of Gloom 11.4 Maze Map 11.5 The Bad Place 11.6 Doors Map 11.7 The Bad Place Bug 11.8 Saving Winnie and Mai 12.0 Viggo-A-Goggo 12.1 HMS Viggolina 12.2 The V-100 12.3 Secret Island 12.4 The General's Lair 13.0 Mini Games/Cheats 13.1 Sliding Puzzle 13.2 Snake 13.3 Hot Air Balloon 13.4 Bear Squares 13.5 Bombing Buildings 13.6 Super Snake 13.7 Auto-Aim 13.8 Health to 100% 13.9 Ammo Boost 13.10 Invincibility 14.0 Credits 15.0 Copyright information ---------------- 1.0 Introduction ---------------- This is quite possibly the coolest game for the dreamcast ever put out. The graphics are rich, there is no end to all the different playing environments, there are all sorts of neat things to find, the music is great, and you get to relieve your frustrations with a whole lot of fluff. Not to mention you get to play six different awesome furry creatures. The other cool thing is that this is a first person shoot 'em up game, but you also have to solve all sorts of puzzles to complete each area and find your babies. NOTE: This is not a token guide--this is merely an in depth view if you are having a tough time with certain areas... this should definitely help you figure out what to do next or what sequence of events to follow. -------------- 2.0 Background -------------- Many years ago, the Fur Fighters were deployed to stop the evil General Viggo from carrying out his plans for global domination. Good conquered evil (of course!) and Viggo found himself breaking rocks in the hot sun. With their greatest foe behind bars, the Fur Fighters retired to a peaceful seaside village to relax and raise their children. But General Viggo did more than whittle soap guns in the Big House! He was scheming to take over the world again but, this time, he employed the mighty resources of Viggo Industries. In order to prevent the Fur Fighters from stopping him again, General Viggo and his army of stupid bears have kidnapped our heroes' families! What General Viggo didn't count on was the Fur Fighters' fury, furtiveness and skill with firearms! These six shaggy, stouthearted soldiers - Roofus, Juliette, Bungalow, Rico, Chang and Tweek - must combine their individual skills and their semi-functional telepoints, in their quest to find their families and defeat General Viggo once and fur all! 2.1 Roofus The oldest of the Fur Fighters, this tough hound has dependability stamped all over him. Raised in the brutal inner city kennels of Glasgow, he joined the army to escape the slums as much as to fight. He was a natural soldier and won many medals but shunned all offers of promotion. As the most experienced fighter, Roofus leads the Fur Fighters, steeling himself for one last battle to help save his family. WIFE: Winnie SPECIES: Hound SPECIAL SKILL: Burrowing 2.2 Chang Chang was born into a rich family in rural Hong Kong and raised in the bright lights of the country's southern boom cities. When the war started, he horrified his kin by choosing to become a common foot soldier. His encyclopedic knowledge of science and strategy combined with his natural agility and cunning, make him one of the Fur Fighers' best weapons. WIFE: Mai SPECIES: Firefox SPECIAL SKILL: Squeezing through holes 2.3 Juliette Beautiful and athletic, Juliette is a supreme warrior. She can be temperamental, stubborn and selfish with an annoying tendency not to listen to others. When frustrated, she becomes tempted to go it alone but, with persuasion, she'll stick with the team. HUSBAND: Claude SPECIES: Pussycat SPECIAL SKILL: Climbing 2.4 Rico Raised among the huge penguin communities of southern Argentina, this idealistic bird always craved more than his mundane life of fishing and dodging orcas. He set forth in search of his dream and stumbled on the Fur Fighters who have helped him to hone his talents. Rico is somewhat overconfident and prone to daydreaming. He isn't quite the hero he imagines himself to be, but there's no one more skilled in the water. WIFE: Juanita SPECIES: Rockhopper Penguin SPECIAL SKILL: Swimming 2.5 Bungalow Bungalow is a fully-grown male Kangaroo and best friend to Roofus the hound. Slow and easygoing, this massive antipode has a lot more muscle than sense. He is happiest when taking orders from others--usually Roofus or his domineering wife! WIFE: Esmerelda SPECIES: Kangaroo SPECIAL SKILL: High jumping 2.6 Tweek Tweek is less than a day old. The last of his mother's eggs to hatch, he only spent a few precious minutes with her and his siblings before General Viggo stole them away. Although he is the largest and slowest of his brothers and sisters, he knows he must fight to get them back. Clumsy and nervous, he finds his new world scary and fascinating. Luckily, he can rely on his instinctive knowledge of firearms and the other Fur Fighters looking out for him. MOTHER: Gwynth SPECIES: Dragon SPECIAL SKILL: Gliding 2.7 General Bristol Will usually appear in areas with difficult puzzles. If you see him and need advice, make sure you walk up to him a few times because he gives different tips about the same puzzle, which will help you figure out how to solve it. Sometimes gives you items once you clear an area. SPECIES: Ghost Walrus 2.8 Sergeant Sternhauser He will appear on occasion to check your 'fitness level.' You will engage in a short series of a memory game in pressing the controller buttons in a certain pattern. The Sergeant does not serve any particular purpose in the game, but he will reward you with some extra ammo, tokens, or occasionally a new weapon for completing his test. SPECIES: Antelope? --------------------------- 3.0 Weapons: As you get a new weapon, each one in turn will eventually be upgraded until it shoots faster, more, or even different ammo. 3.1 Close Attack: Not very effective against enemies (not to mention it puts you way to close for them to hit you). This is mainly for bashing in grates and bars and for moving things when you don't want to waste ammo. 3.2 Pistol: This is the gun you start out with. Pretty decent, but a little slow and sometimes not very accurate. 3.3 Shotgun: Also starts out a little slow, but has a really nice scatter effect. Quite effective when closer up to enemies. 3.4 Bomb Launcher: Good weapon for taking out a group of clustered bears at once. Bit of a time delay when resting on the floor, but immediate results when impacted directly with enemies. Bombs will bounce if shot at an angle to the ground. 3.5 Rocket Launcher: Great for both short and long range. If you are too close on the short range it can damage yourself. Long range is great for taking something out that is hard to reach but needs a lot of fire power, or if you want to take an enemy out with the fewest possible hits. 3.6 Plasma Blaster: Really effective against all enemies. Uses photon energy. When upgraded to the solid beam, it uses a TON of energy. 3.7 Neutron Gun: Short range weapon uses nuclear energy. I really don't use it too often. 3.8 Freeze Gun: Shoots out jets of icy cold. Upgrades to use fireballs. I don't use it too often. ---------------------------- 4.0 Items 4.1 Bear Disguise: Looks like a box with the outline of a bear drawn on it, this will keep you safe from bears for a limited period of time as long as you don't fire at them. 4.2 Bug Shield: Three bugs float around you until they are shot off by HEAVY artillery; will prevent most damage until they are destroyed. 4.3 Meercat Multiple: A group of small furry meerkats will join you in firing shots at whatever you shoot at for a short time frame. Very useful against bosses or bigger enemies for some extra fire power--use wisely (know that this will usually only appear when a boss fight is coming). 4.4 Pet Yums: Wonderfully yummy and delicious--recommended by all pets who try them because these treats restore health. The small cans restore twenty health points, while the larger ones restore forty health points. 4.5 Tokens: They look like 3-D triangles with a golden glow (blue if you restart a level and have already collected it). These power your teleport device and also restore health by two points at a time. 4.6 Miscellaneous: Throughout the game you will receive other items (usually noticeable by a golden glow) for a short time including but not limited to: keys, tanks, disks, etc. Since Fur Fighters is not 'menu' driven, these items will automatically activate, or be used when you move up to the appropriate area. ------------------------------ 5.0 Notes - The direction you walk through a teleport device is the direction the game will face you if you exit/reenter or fluff it and restart. If you don't want to face the wall when you start off again (mainly if there are enemies to shoot at your back), then back into the teleport device so you face outwards. - You can always reenter different levels to find more tokens or do a "Time Attack" (beat a certain time for completing the level) when you have found all the tokens. - Tokens not only help your teleport device--they give you health. - Try to get to telepoints often--they save your progress in the game. - Levels are linear--make sure you do everything possible from beginning to end and to go back to any unfinished puzzles before leaving. - Try to take on enemies from long range--it just may save you some health. - Learn to circle strafe around enemies--it makes you a moving target and therefore harder to hit. - I am not always going to tell you to collect certain tokens, weapons, or ammo--that is your job to explore fully and get what you need. - Most the buttons in this game are yellow; chances are, if you see a big yellow button, you have to do something on it or to it. - Avoid getting smooshed between doors/walls that automatically close--you will get fluffed before you can even say 'fluff match.' *** I have provided maps to the best of my ability because I am a visual person (please don't laugh at them :) ). I'm sure some of you will find them useful since some of the areas I find confusing if you never done them before--they should at least help you get your bearings. ------------------------- ***** Walkthrough ***** ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 6.0 The Fur Fighter Village Map ---------------------------------------------- ######################################### /----------------/ \----------------\ / |----------| |--------| / / |__ 1 __| | 2 | / / |____| |________| / \ __________________________________/ | | / / | |______________________________ / ___/ \___ ___ ______\ ############## / / \ / \_/ \#####| | | | / / \ | _ 4 |####| | | | ___/ | 3 | \___/ \______/#####| | 8 | | / | | |#####| | | | / ___ \ / |#####| \ / | / / | \___ ___/ |#####| \ / | / / | \___/ |#####| \__/ | / 5 / | ____________ |#####| | / / | | | |#####| |) ___ (\ / | | 6 | |#####| ________ |) (11 ) (\/ | | | /#####| | | |)10 / / | |___________|_____ ________/######| | 9 | |) / / @####### %%% #########\ \##############/ | | \)_/ / @######################| 7 |############/ |_______| | @#####################/ /############/ | | ______ | \ | | | \______________________________ | 12 | | \ |______| | Legend \____________________ ___| ( 13 ) \ \ 1. Juliette's House # Water \ \ 2. Chang's House @ Waterfall | | 3. Tweek's House % Water mill / / 4. Bungalow's House ( ) Denotes entrance to hub / / 5. Cape Canardo ______/ / 6. Undermill (| / 7. Bridge (| 14 / 8. Rico's House (|__________/ 9. Roofus' House 10. Viggo-A-Gogo 11. City of Fear 12. New Quack City 13. Dinotopolis 14. Beaver Power --------------------------------------- 6.1 The Fur Fighter Village --------------------------------------- You start out with a nice cut scene of all the fur fighters in their village (you cannot skip any of the cut scenes) -- I love the view of Bungalow ;) Once this cut scene is finished, General Bristol (I will refer to him just as Bristol for the rest of this walkthrough) directs you to the Undermill, which is their training facility. It is pretty self explanatory as Bristol and Sergeant Sternhauser (Stern for short) guide you through everything. Just be sure to explore everything fully and find all your tokens--this will give you the feel for exploring the levels. The Village is also your main access to all of the different hubs and levels of the game. Here, also, you will find all the Furfighter's houses in which 'mini-games' will open up once you rescue the significant others of everyone (or Tweek's mother). Playing these minigames and beating a certain score or time will unlock a cheat that you can use later on in the game. Once you are finished with the Undermill, head on over to New Quack City with the token that Bristol gave you and get on the subway. ----------------------- 7.0 New Quack City Map ----------------------- ( 1 ) ____________ Legend | | | | 1. World Quack Centre |___ __| 2. Central Quack | | 3. Quackenheim Museum | | 4. Saving Gwynth | | 5. Quackerfella Plaza /\ | | 6. Lower East Quack / \ ___________| | 7. Icy Courtyard / \ | | 8. Bristol Statue / \ | 2 | 9. Home / \ | | (/ / |______ ______| ( 3 ) (/ / | | (/ / | | (/ / | | / \ | | \ \ ( 4 ) | | \ /\ \ ______ | | \ / / \ | | | | \/ \ / | | | | ________________ \ \ | | | | | | \ \___________| 5 |______| | | | / \ |___( 6 )___ | / ______________________________ \ | | / / \ \ | |_________/ / \ | | | | | | _________ | 7 | | | | | | | | | | | \ / / |_____| | \_____________________________/ / \ / \ / \_____________ ____/ | | | \_______ | ______ ____ \_ | | 8 | |__9_| \ | |_____| ___________| |_______________/ ------------------- ------------------- 7.1 New Quack City ------------------- ------------------- Once you get into the city, go to the World Quack Centre. ---------------------------- 7.2 The World Quack Centre ---------------------------- Once inside, go forward and you will see a passage to your left, and one to your right. Go right ignoring the left passage for now. You will be in what looks like a dining room with some water tanks. Make an immediate left and you will hear one of Chang's babies in the back right corner of the next room. If you are not already Chang, you will find a teleport for him in the next room after that if you keep going straight. Once you rescue Chang's baby, go back to the entrance of the dining room. There will be a teleport for Rico inside the first tank there. Hop on in and follow the tanks all the way around. If you get confused on which way to go, there are arrows for your convenience to direct you the correct way. At the end of the tanks is Rico's baby. Once finished here, double back to the main entrance and this time take that left path we ignored the first time. Follow this path around, making sure you shoot open the glass-front stores as you go, killing bears/collecting tokens and whatnot. The third store is going to be up on your left, called Dirtree Dawg Air, with a Roofus teleport that you need to grab. Go straight ahead and just to your left some doors will open. Once you enter these doors, make an immediate right and you will see a burrow between a couple of pillars. Dig on through, and keep burrowing to each successive hole, at the end you will find a pup. Go back out to the hallway and continue to your left. Keep going until you see a big set of stairs. ((Straight ahead in that door is your first encounter with Stern if you want some extra goodies)) Go up the stairs and talk to the bird. He'll tell you that he can't let you go to the first floor until the clock says 8:45. Well, I guess we'll have to change that! Go down the stairs and outside. Make a left on the path and follow it all the way around until you come to what looks like a lift. Hop on and push the button. This will take you to the top by the clockface. Jump onto the clock hand sticking out in front of you, which will change the time and cause the bird to move out of your way. Go back up the stairs and take the middle elevator on down. When you get off the elevator, go left and you will see a treadmill directly in front of you in that next room, which has a kitten in it. The transport for Juliette is in the other treadmill just off to your right. Once you get your kitten, keep going past that second treadmill into what looks like a locker room. Go to the left into the ladies locker room, past the pink bird doing aerobics, and in the shower will be your second kitten. Once finished here, double back to the hallway with the elevator, but go past the elevator to that next room. This room has what looks like models of buildings in it. You will see a huge model of a yellow skyscraper on your left, with an arrow at the base If you try to go past this building into that next room, a bird will yell at you saying "authorized personnel only." Push against the building on the side with the arrow until it blocks the doorway right in the middle. Go in the room on the left side of the skyscraper, and you should go by undetected. This next area looks like office cubicles, and it contains a gauntlet of bears, so be ready. Once you get to the end of the desk cubicles, you will go through double doors and see a large room with a pool in it. In front of you is a ladder, but ignore this for the time being. Now the object of this room is to flood it so you can get to the vent above you on your left. There are four plugs in the room which will be used to plug the pool at the bottom (in their respective four corners). First, get the plug to your right and then the second one further up the room on your right. Now go back to the ladder and climb it to reach Rico. Once you plug a couple holes, you will be able to reach the diving board straight ahead with another plug. Stop up another hole, and you will reach the board on your right with the last plug. Voila, swim on up to the vent on the left side of the room. When you come out of the vent you will see a ten ton weight to your left with Bristol. Carefully push that weight off into oblivion, then jump (CAREFULLY) onto the top of the elevator to your left. Look in front and just below, then jump into that opening. You will be back in that main hallway with all the elevators. Grab the Bungalow teleport, then go right back to where you just jumped in from. Now you will see the entrance to the secret elevator (which is green inside). Take this up to a penthouse which has Bungalow's joey in it. Take the elevator back to the main hallway and look to your right-- that middle elevator will be available for use. When you get to the top of the building, Bristol will have a chat with you. Make a right or a left, it doesn't matter--they both will take you to a small courtyard with a transport of Roofus and Bungalow, stairs that take you further up, and two yellow buttons for the manual tilting of the building. First, you need to move back and forth (about three times should do it) pressing the buttons in turn to get the buildings to tilt far enough to touch each other. Your pup jumps onto your building and is ready to be rescued right by the elevator you came up at. Grab Bungalow and take the stairs up to the very top of the building, which will show you a cut scene of the bears trying to land a helicopter, but unable to see. Jump onto the outer wall of the building, and carefully light the lights at the four corners. The Helicopter will land, jump in and on top of the brown box to get Bungalow's joey. Then push that box out of the helicopter and press the button on the side, which releases an inflatable gorilla, which then causes one of the helicopters to knock a walkway to the other tower. Take the walkway over, and grab Bungalow's last baby by the exit. Congrats--you've finished the first level of the game! Now let's head over to Lower East Quack. ---------------------- 7.3 Lower East Quack ---------------------- You start out on a subway station, and Bristol urges that Roofus catch up to the train to get one of his pups. Don't worry about that for now, we'll get there. Just turn around and go down onto the street level. Once down below, make a right and keep going--you will see a truck speed and turn around right in front of you. Nail all the bears, then continue on past it to the series of ladders. Climb on up until you see Chang, transform, then continue straight onto the ledge that loops around the building to your right. You will see a window to your right which will lead you into a room with a bunch of doors. One by one, open up the doors, pound the bears, and you will be rewarded by a cute and adorable firefox cub! Head back out the way you came, and once you get off of the last ladder, turn around and you will see an alley. Go this way and follow the alley all the way around until you are threatened to be fired upon by a huge tank. Hmmm... wonder what this could be??? Well, just keep going straight (keeping the tank on your left) and then around to the back where you see a fence with a target mark and the word 'target' on it. Pretty obvious, right? The tank will have followed you already (I hope you picked up that beetle shield from around the corner), so fire a shot, let the tank's fire come really close to you (enough to bust open that fence), and then move the hell out of the way. From where you were standing against that fence facing the tank, behind you to your left is another fence we must play target practice with. Get out of the line of fire once that last fence is busted and rescue Chang's next baby. Double back to the truck where we nailed all those bears, go just past it, and on your right you will see a building with a yellow button (kinda blends in with the building lights, keep your eyes peeled). Press this and a stairway will lower itself just above you. Follow the stairs all the way up to the last ladder that blends in very well with a blue wall (if you reached the top level with the floating tokens you've gone one level too far, we'll do this one in a sec). Here you find a Tweek teleport to grab, then go back down the ladder and around the building to that last level up with the floating tokens. Nice they've given you a hint, huh? Glide Tweek through these tokens to the other side, and follow the stairs/ladders all the way to the top to find a baby dragon. Get back to street level (you've got Tweek, you could glide if you're in a hurry) and continue in the direction you were heading before (away from that truck). Follow the street around, another truck with bears will screech around and attack you. Go up to the truck and make a right down the street, just up on your right will be another series of ladders and stairs where at the end you will find a pup (the Roofus teleport is just up farther on your left). Make a mental note about this Roofus teleport for later, we are going to have to come back here from the end of the level. Back to the street level, keeping the ladders behind you, truck to your left, head straight down the street you see. As you go along, some platforms with bears will rise up; on one of these is a yellow button. This one you can take like an elevator--if you look carefully in the crevices in this underground cavern you will find your first bomb launcher. When you do finally come back up, it drops you back down that alley by the huge tank with target practice. Go back around to the street you were following, and continue all the way around until you hear a pup jumping up and down--you should see him on your left in a corner. Right by where you found this pup is a bright yellow door, which leads to O'Quackers--they will let you roam their store for one minute and collect as much ammo/health that you want. If you hustle up to the second level you can get your first rocket launcher which will come in useful very soon. You can always come back and reenter O'Quackers later for more ammo and health--I think it's pretty much unlimited. When you come out of O'Quackers, go straight and around the building. Keep going straight and off in the distance you will see a basketball hoop on your left kind of hidden between buildings. Go back here and talk to the bird, he will challenge you to some hoops. This is really trial and error, but the way I find is most effective for me is to line the top of the basketball up with the very bottom of the net, making sure it's centered, and then hold the right trigger until the blue line is about halfway full. Three out of six and he will reward you with a dime. I know, it's not much but you need it for your taxi fare. He will let you keep trying if you don't get it at first. Now go back towards O'Quackers but make a right where you will see your taxi (which you can't take yet) and a drop off into water. Move onto the edge of the left side of the street and look down--you can either take the ladder or jump down to the little ledge where you'll find a baby dragon. Climb back up and move to the right edge of the street. Move out onto the little ledge you see, but don't try and glide yet. Equip your oh so handy rocket launcher and take out that peacock on the opposite bank--he should be easy to spot. He's going to be a pain in your ass if you don't just take him out first. Now take a good leap and glide on over to the opposite bank where it's all snowy white right next to what looks like a control booth. Go into the control booth and activate the bridge control--which will lower the bridge so it's passable. The only way to get out of here is to glide back to the bank where you just were (there is another platform right on the water). Once back on the original side, climb the ladder and hop in the now accessible taxi. The taxi will take you back to the opposite bank, and now the bridge is crossable by foot. Go the only way you can go (without getting stuck in the control booth) and you will walk with a building on your left and the water on your right. Keep an eye out because a little ways down on your left hidden in a small alley is what looks like a black square hole. Glide on down with Tweek and find your Rico teleport. Explore until you find a button just below water level in one of the canals. Pressing this will cause the water level to rise. Swim around until you find a ladder towards the other end of the canal, where you will find a baby penguin at the end. Another button and another ladder will bring you aboveground. Remember that Roofus teleport I said to keep in mind? Well back there we go. MAKE SURE YOU ARE GOING AS RICO! (this will save you some time/work) Go across the bridge and follow the street until it ends, then hang a left. Right where Roofus' teleport is, Bristol will direct you to jump for a subway ride. Directly accross from him is an open grating. This takes A LOT of patience for timing. Stand on the edge of the grating so you can see down into the opening. When you see flashes of light, wait a few extra seconds until you actually see a solid object moving underneath you (the subway). Jump down and then keep steady on the subway, making sure to maneuver any obstacles (it helps if you stand on the highest part of the subway). At the end you will find a baby penguin. Go out the only way you can go out, following the twisty blue hallway (if you reach what looks like a turnstile back to the snow-filled streets, DO NOT take this yet, double back to go the other path). Eventually you will come to another subway station with a train waiting for you. Right there is a Roofus teleport so you can get the pup. Aren't you glad you waited until you had Rico so you didn't have to do the subway ride two times??? So now you can go back out to the street, and you need to go all the way back to the big bridge over water at the end there. Once over the bridge, go past the taxi and past the underground water canals until you reach the end. You will see another kind of bridge with an opening in the side. Go in and get the Bungalow teleport you see. Follow the bridge on up to the top, and just on your left you will see an opening in the railing. This also takes a lot of patience and timing. Pay attention until you see a big red truck coming towards you (it may help you get prepared to know it will pass you on the right first before doubling back on your left). Angle Bungalow in just a way so he can jump on top of the truck right when it gets to you, keep going forward, and then jump onto that platform straight ahead of you with the golden tokens on it. Then turn to your right and look straight ahead--you should see a joey hopping up and down. If you have a hard time seeing the other platform (there is a bit of a gap between the two) then angle your point of view down and you should see the bluish white snow-covered platform. Jump on across to get your bundle of joy. Drop down to the bridge and continue to the side you have not done yet. All the way at street level, go straight ahead and get the Roofus teleport on your right. Look to your left and jump down on that huge iceburg (careful, it's slippery). There is a pup down there, but you can't seem to reach her yet. Turn and look straight above you until you see a huge barrel with a target mark on it and shoot it. This will cause extra water to flow down and get frozen, allowing you access to Kathrine. The exit is over by the Roofus teleport you used before... and you're done! Head on over to the Quackenheim Art Museum. ---------------------------- 7.4 Quackenheim Art Museum ---------------------------- Once inside, take the right path, which will lead you into a big atrium with a HUGE golden statue. Make a right and to your right you will see a room with gigantic bowling pins. Continue to the back of this room and then make another right. The next room you will see is split in two; go to the left side first and get Bungalow from behind that stair/island thingy blocking your view. Go back to the right side of the room, and you see that this is actually a guantlet you must maneuver to get your first baby. Get through it (watch out for the trap floor at the end), and once you finish make a right out of the gauntlet. Take that hallway to your left where you'll find a Roofus teleport. This hallway will dump you back into the main atrium, so then follow the spiral ramp on up. The first possible right you can make, go into this room where it looks like a lot of wardrobes. Look up and to your left where there is a sign hanging by mere threads on one side--shoot the threads to cause it to break. This will cause one of the wardrobes to fall to the ground floor and break that clear casing in front of the statue, which gives you a coat stub. Go back down and collect your coat stub and head on over to the cloakroom, which is pretty much directly across from the room with the bowling pins. Just before you can get there, that golden statue activates and is actually one of General Viggo's bots. Bristol directs you to aim for it's eye. Just to the left of the cloakroom entrance in the plants is a meercat multiple, which will help make short work of this bot (he really isn't that hard, just keep moving if you need to, aiming for his eye... when you get a hit, he will pause shooting and fling wildly, giving you another shot at him). Once you blow his head off (about two to four good shots with meercat multiple) the doors will reopen so you can continue to the cloakroom. Go in, deposit your coat stub, and collect your pup. Head back up the ramp to the wardrobe room. Just under that sign we broke is a hallway. Follow this hallway straight back (ignoring that right path until later) to the cinema and press the button right by the screen. Claude will show you a series of pictures that describe how much he likes certain things, then he asks you to put them in reverse order. Just turn around and at the back of the theatre are three pictures. The reverse order of what he likes is: water, yarn, and Juliette, so press them in that order. Claude will then tell you the code to the main vault (keep this for future reference for the end of this level): 6 counterclockwise, 2 clockwise, 4 counterclockwise, and 6 clockwise. Head back out and continue up that long ramp until you reach the room at the end. Grab Bungalow just through this room to your right, then use the rocks to jump onto the clear shelf to get to his baby. This next part is tricky and takes some precision: to open up the clear case by the bowling pins, jump onto the rocks until you are able to jump onto the highest one with the bowling ball and then push it off. Continue on through this room until you reach the next room which has meteorites in it. Go talk to the bird in the back right corner, he will 'drop' the key. Push the meteorite glowing with green waves until it touches the meteorite at the other end of the room, which will release the Exhibition Key. Use the key on the door lock right there and you now have access to the diamond room. There's plenty of health in here if you need it. Get Chang from the back right corner of the room, then push the mirror/crystal thingy carefully until it deflects the lasers. Walk between this contraption and rescue your firefox. Once you do this, that huge diamond in the middle will drop down into the vault, so you'll have to wait until later to get the baby dragon on top. Go to the ramp, back down to the wardrobe room and then underneath that sign we busted. This time instead of going to the cinema take the right fork to go to a large room with an enormous moving sculpture, which you have to get to the top of to rescue a kitten. Get Bungalow just to the left, and then hop on the moving wavy water. Stand on the water where you are facing a replica of General Viggo's moving arm, wait for a gray ship to pop up in front of you. Quickly jump on the very top of it and then jump onto the moving arm. Jump onto the next platform in front and to your right with the Juliette teleport. As Juliette, turn around and jump onto the whisker section of Viggo's jaw when it gets low enough (careful not to get inside the red maw part because you will get crushed when he chomps down). Move onto the middle part of his jaw, and climb the claw marks up his face to the top. Move out onto the edge of the 'fur' of his face, and time your jump to land on that circling helecopter. Then jump onto the platform where you see Roofus shooting his gun and collect your kitten. Try to jump down onto Viggo's arm to get down safely. Just underneath the ramp on the bottom of the same room you are in, is the entrance to go below the museum. Head this way and get the beetle shield because the next area is strewn with those damn peacocks with rocket launchers. Go all the way through until you reach the boiler room. Get Bungalow in there and talk to the bird--he tells you that he over-stoked the boiler. You have to go and press the buttons in order within a certain time limit: take the ramp up and press the first one on your left, press the one next to the very bottom part of the ramp, back up to the top press the last button, the last button is back on ground level. This opens the metal door so you can continue (don't worry about the dragon just yet). In the next area, use the boxes to get the Tweek teleport, go back and get the baby dragon by the boiler room, then go back to the room with all the blue shelves. One of the middle shelves has a ladder by some boxes, then glide from top to top to get the dragon in the back corner there. Continue through the room with all the boxes and then through a slender room with blue shelves and lots of boxes on it. When you see the Roofus teleport, get him and then go back to the slender room you were just in--climb the ladder you should see at the end of the blue shelf and follow it around to get your pup. Hate to tell you this, but go back and get Tweek (same way you did before with Bungalow on the boxes) and then go past where you just got Roofus' baby until you see a combination lock. Use the combination we got earlier from Claude, climb the stairs, use the boxes to get up high, then glide to the top of the diamond to get your last baby. Head on out the exit right behind you. ------------------ 7.5 Saving Gwynth ------------------ The pattern here is Gwynth charges around in a circle shooting fire from her mouth, you damage her enough, she will stop and shoot out a big fireball that destroys the roof of the building you were just on. You automatically get moved to the next building, but then search for the elevator to go up to the top level. Sometimes she will take flight, but be patient and she will come back to stalking the building top. The way to damage Gwynth is to shoot at her head, preferably when she opens her mouth and it glows yellow to shoot inside it. Watch out when she breathes fire as it is very damaging. There should be plenty of ammo and health laying around, and if you need a break you can always go back down below. If you accidentally fall off the building, try and glide down and land on the lower ledge. Keep following this pattern and you should beat Gwynth no problem. Bristol gives you the entry permit for Beaver Dam, so head back to the Village and then into Beaver Dam. ------------------- 8.0 Beaver Dam Map ------------------- ______ / \ | 2 | \_ _/ | | _____________| | / \ __________/ \_ __/ \________ ____/ \_ \ _________ ___ \_______________ \ 1 __/ \ / \ \ \___/ \ / \_____ \ \ / | | 4 \ / | |____ Legend \ / | |) 1. Home \______________/ |__________________|) 2. Stern ( 3 ) | |) 3. Compound Factions ________________ | |) 5 4. God Machine Valley / \__________ / | 5. Beaver Dam / \ 6. Ship / \ 7. Saving Juanita | \ | 6 | \ | \ ___| \_____________________________/( 7 ) --------------- --------------- 8.1 Beaver Dam --------------- --------------- Cut scene showing that General Viggo has taken over Beaver Dam. If you go to the left when you are in the main hub, you can meet up with Stern and get your first Plasma Blaster--quite possibly my favorite weapon of the game. ---------------------- 8.2 Compound Factions ---------------------- Go up and look to your right where all the big red crates are, and next to them are some boxes to get on top of them. To the right is a grassy ledge, go to the end to get the Juliette teleport, then double back to where you saw the sign with the picture of Juliette and an arrow next to claw marks. Climb up and at the end of this ledge is a kitten. Hop down, run up to the back of the yellow machine circling in the middle of that courtyard, and steal the starter handle off the back. Keep going straight and off to your right is another courtyard. When you enter it, you will see a scene of a pup stuck in a room. Look to your immediate right and climb the scratches up to find Roofus at the end of the little tunnel. Go down and to the right is another yellow machine. Walk to the back of it and insert the starter handle that it is missing. It will push a set of stairs over so you can access the pup. Climb on up the stairs and rescue your baby. Go over to where the machine stopped and burrow down with Roofus. Go up to the gate and open it by pressing the arrow button, now allowing you easy access between areas. Go back and get Juliette, then go through the gate and to the right climbing up the scratches that are just ahead of you. Follow the ledge until you get back to the gate, climb the signpost, walk carefully across the top of the sign, then climb down this side of the signpost to find your second kitten. Continue down the main path from before, all the way until you reach a BIG dropoff with a Chang teleport to your left. Get Chang, drop on down, and be prepared for some heavy duty fire from all the port-a-johns. Go straight ahead and in the next area there is a small green building to your right. Talk to the beaver inside, and he tells you that he is not giving out any safety certificates until he gets his square tool back. Right across from there is a large warehouse with explosives. First, just to the right of the warehouse is a tiny hole for Chang; go through and find a firefox baby at the end. Now go inside the explosives warehouse and be forewarned not to fire any shots at any of the boxes--if you see your target for your gun turn red on a wall nearby you then it's bad. There are crocodiles inside, so it's best to lure them back out into the hallway by Bristol--it's safe to shoot 'em down from there. Once you have all the crocodiles out of the way so they don't eat you up, head back in. Directions to get to Bungalow from the beginning... from the first opening on your left go: straight, right, left, right, left, straight, right, first right straight, left, right, left, straight, right, and around. As Bungalow, jump on top of the boxes (there should be a box low enough to get up on just around the corner). You will see a bright shaft of light on one side of the warehouse and on the opposite side on a lone box is the square tool. After getting your square tool, head toward the shaft of light and hop down until you see double doors. Push them open, shoot open the lock of the cage outside, and get your joey. Head out of the warehouse and see the beaver in the green building across the way again, and he will give you a safety certificate. Go back to the beginning (using Juliette) and get Roofus, heading back to the small green building with the beaver in it. Just to the left of the building is a path to a ball wrecker. Get in and use the wrecker to break down everything in sight, mainly that gray marshmallow looking thing. When you're done, go and get your pup from the wreckage of the gray marshmallow. Back out to the main path again, make a right and give your safety certificate to the beaver guarding the gate. Continue through until you see an opening with a lot of green grass and a yellow truck on your left. Take the ramp on your left until you are right by the tires, hop right into the middle of them (don't worry, you won't get crushed) and start walking towards the back of the truck 'hamster style' to get it moving towards the platforms. Jump onto the platforms from the tires, and then around and up the ladders to claim your pup. If you mess up at all, just get into the inside track of the back tire to move the truck backwards to start again. Get Juliette from by the explosives warehouse and come back to this ramp, going up, following the path all the way to the end to find a kitten. Exit the area with the platforms and truck, and make an immediate left. The next area looks mostly flooded with brownish/redish water and another warehouse on your left. Take the first door in and get Bungalow at the end. Use the boxes to get high enough to enter the next warehouse, and start moving away from the rolling machine. A cut scene begins showing that the rolling machine has been turned on and is headed your way! Just up and to your right are some boxes--get on top of these and turn to face the rolling machine. Time it so Bungalow lands directly on the rolling machine when it almost gets to you. Once outside, face forward (to get your bearings) and then look to your right. There is a ledge with a hopping kangaroo baby that you need to get--so time your jump once again to get up there and rescue the little guy. The exit is just past the warehouse you were just in to your right. Head over to God Machine Valley ------------------------ 8.3 God Machine Valley ------------------------ You start out on a ledge with Bristol nearby (if you want to get the quick intro to the level you can talk to him), so go down until you see an opening into a big area with a huge God Machine in it. Watch for it's mechanic arm to pass, then bolt to your left, taking shelter in caves along the way to avoid getting squished when the arm comes around faster than you can run. In the second cave get Bungalow, and at the end is a control booth for the machine you just dodged. Ignore this for now (remembering it for later), going over the gray ledges into the next area. There is a digger at work, so catch a lift on the shovel part, turn around and hop on the ledge for a joey. Back down and moving on, straight ahead is a big sign saying 'Danger, Blasting Ahead (don't worry, you can shoot all you want--these won't explode from your gun).' Take this path in: straight (kinda curvy) to the end, right, right, left, left. A crazy pup accidentally steps on the trigger for all the explosives, so now you need to run like hell out of there. Take this path out: curve to the right, right, left, left, straight out (kinda curvy). Whew! Once out, head to your left and then behind that green beaver building straight ahead there, where another joey awaits you. Then go inside where a couple of beavers challenge you to arm wrestle. It's pretty easy (use the red 'A' button), but SPEED is the key, not how hard you can hit it. When you win they will give you their Union Pass. Double back with Bungalow to that very first God Machine that I said to ignore. Go up the stairs to the beaver and give him your Union Pass. Press the button which will stop that arm from circulating around the valley. Wait for that silver scoop thing to slow down (a lot slower) and then hop onto one of the scoops. Take it up and jump onto the ramp, navigating a gauntlet. At the end is your third joey. Now go back and get Roofus from right by that green building where you arm wrestled, and go into where the explosives were to get your crazy pup. Exit the Blasting area, go left (note the sign on your left saying 'Caution, Drilling Ahead'), keep going straight past the yellow digging machines (okay, I'm sorry, I can't remember all the names of these stinking machines... so for now it's going to be the yellow truck or the digging thingy or whatever!). You will eventually see HUGE brown metallic doors with lift machines just inside. Go to the right of the lift machines and into the purplish/grayish cave on your right, swim through, and get Juliette from this cavern. Go back to the drilling area, take the stairs up to push the yellow button which will open up an area we will explore later. Now this part, for me, is one of the biggest pains in the @$$ ever. See that big, lovely, golden drill? We have to walk up it. If you are facing the main machine from the drill bit, then you need to be on the left side of the drill. Wait until the thread opens up at the bottom, allowing you easy access to jump onto it. Jump onto the thread (trust me, you do not want to fall down into that hole) and carefully walk your way to the top. What I find helps most is to face towards the center of the drill bit (which helps keep you from sliding off the edge) and gently, methodically, work your way up. You'll find there is something of a rhythm: walk, pause for more thread to become easily accessible, walk... I hated this part with a passion, so ANYWAYS. Once you are high up enough you will see the platform immediately in front of you to jump onto. Go up and go left into that red area right into the middle of it. Move out to your left a bit until you see the next platform in front of you (there is a break in the railings), take a jump, and find your kitten at the end. Jump down that hole the drill created before and get Chang from in there. Just outside the brown metal doors is an area that looks purple with huge yellow lasers going by. Move into the laser area right when it passes, and run like hell (moving towards the laser beam [ex: you go to the right, the laser is moving to the left towards your running path in front of you], taking a break in caves along the way. You will see breaks to go into the next laser area, just continue this pattern moving through the three laser areas until you reach a firefox cub at the end. Get Juliette again, and head over to those yellow digging machines we noticed on our way to get Juliette from before. Jump up progressively on the scoops of the three digging machines. When you get to the third one, turn around and hop onto that ledge to get your second kitten. Go back through those brown metal doors to meet your hippie, forest-loving beavers protesting the destruction of some old building. Look to your right on that ramp, and shoot at that small gray rock wedged underneath that large brown boulder until it comes free, causing the wanton destruction of the aforementioned building. Oh well. This will set the lift machines going, which is just what you need. Get onto the edge of that building facing the machines, and jump onto the turquoise tube when it stops right by the building. Ride it until it connects with another tube, run into this one, and then jump onto the ledge when it stops to get Jean-Luc (I love that name... am I a geek for liking Star Trek?) Go to exit this area, but just before you do there is a path to the left of those brown metal doors (get Roofus first, though). Follow this on down until you come to another large area with a machine with ramps sticking out of it (called the God of Processing). Go into the valley below and press the buttons inside the platforms on the ground connected to those large ramps, which will adjust where they lead to. Back up top, ride the walkways until you reach a cave, follow that to the end to get a pup. Go back down and press the buttons again to get them back to their original orientation. Go to the plateau, jump onto the moving ramp, skip to the next one at the end there, then jump into the opening of the green machine. When you drop down it should pop you right into a Chang teleport, but make sure just in case you miss it. The next area is yet another gauntlet, which is pretty self explanatory. When you land in water, move to your right and get on the gear. When you get up top, get onto the ledge right by that grate and use your paw power to break it open. Follow the shaft around and break the next grate. Jump down and take the stairs to the first level up. Go to the end of this walkway and take the ventilation shaft outside (P.S. If you explore the second level ventilation shafts before doing this you can get your first cluster bomber =)) three bombs are better than one, I always say). Talk to the beaver then do the control booth and use the claw to pick the pipeline up. Slide down the pipe and a baby firefox is right there by the exit. Do not exit the level yet because we still have some unfinished business. Jump as far to the right side of the river as you can, using the gray stones. You will probably fall into the water (there is just one ledge Chang can't reach), so if you do just swim to the right, go straight, when you see gray rocks swim right of them and back onto dry land. This puts you at the foot of the very first machine. Elevator is right there, head back over to the drilling area. Climb back down that hole the drill made, get Chang, then go deeper into the hole until you fall through into... DINOTOPOLIS. Yeah, surprise, right? Another cut scene, then exit the area to the Village (which will now create a nice entry to Dinotopolis for later when you do need it) and go back to Beaver Dam itself in Beaver Dam. -------------- 8.4 Beaver Dam -------------- Get Juliette from your left if you don't already have her, then head to your right and climb the wall on up. Walk across and jump down, where there are brown double doors. Press the button inside and take the lift up to an area with a helicopter (note the baby kangaroo in it for later). Past the helicopter are openings to the left and right. Take the right path and follow the grating around to your right (bypassing the stairs up and down for now) for a kitten. Go back and take the stairs up to an area that has multiple pipelines--a cement mixer. Go straight ahead just to the left and climb the claw marks to an opening. In this area is the excavator. First go up to it and jump on the big white feet sticking out on either side to stabilize it, then run back to where you first came in and shoot at the yellow button on the front of it, lastly press the button on the pipe there to start the sand pump. Get Rico and head back to the metal grating at the stairs, where just below the down stairs is the button to start the water pump. On the opposite wall of the tank is the tube to get your baby penguin. Take it through (the first chamber has your first seeker rocket launcher) continuing to the last chamber. Press the button right by the entrance, which will close the chamber and take the water level lower. Push the box underneath the hole in the ceiling, push the button again, and climb the box on up to your baby. Head back to the cement mixer, press the button right by it, then move over and press the button on the bigger green box by that drop off. Get Juliette and walk across to get your second kitten. Get Bungalow and go to the helicopter, break the glass on the front with your gun and shoot the button to get your joey from inside. Now take the left path and go inside the next building, looking immediately on the right ledge for Juliette, then on the left ledge for your third kitten. Take the ramps up until there is a door on your right, go in and free the beavers so they can start the first turbine engine. Get Tweek and the beetle shield hiding in the corner, then go to the ground level and into the door right below where you just were to get a baby dragon. Defeat the robot transformer and continue to the other side of the room into the sliding door. Follow this hallway to the end and take the elevator. When you get out, drop to the ground on the right side of the pipe and get Bungalow underneath the floor up there. Take the ladder back up (by the elevator), hop across the pipe and take the right path. Get Rico from the big room, and double back to take the left path. Either swim or jump (Rico CAN make it, just in case you accidentally drained the tank) to the other side and take the tunnel all the way until you can get Tweek. Exit into the even bigger tank with a ship in it, and immediately to your right is a ladder. To your left is a big lift machine (just past it there is a hallway leading to an elevator shaft that is not working) and some platforms with ladders. Head on up these platforms until you are high enough to jump onto the lift machine. Push the button and climb on out the white lift arm, riding it over to the ship. Jump on the ship in the water, then cross to the other side of the ship (or the other side of the lock) and jump down onto a ledge that is barely visible. Push the lock control button, which will lower the water level, lowering the ship (which allows you to get the turbine to get the elevator shaft working). Go back on top of the lift machine and press the button again. It will get the turbine, which will start working so you can take the elevator. Take the elevator on up to get your baby dragon, then follow the tunnel to the end for the exit. Turn the corner to your left to go to Saving Juanita. ------------------ 8.5 Saving Juanita ------------------ Swim on through until you get locked in with Juanita. She will keep swimming below the metal walkway, the water level will rise so you can't get a foothold (try and take shelter in the entrance), then it will subside so you can get some more shots in. It is easiest to equip the bomb launcher (single so you don't waste as much ammo) and aim in the water to damage her. Make sure to avoid any fish thrown your way. When you get enough shots on her, she will start walking on the middle circle walkway throwing even more fish at you. Do your best to get behind her and use whatever weapon you want to damage her. Once you finish her off, she will shrink and Rico gets slapped for not keeping his big mouth shut ;) Go back to the Village and Bristol gives you the Astrophysics Degree, do whatever you want to do, then head on over to Cape Canardo and give the bird your Astrophysics Degree to gain entry. --------------------- 9.0 Cape Canardo Map --------------------- _______ _____/ \____ / \ / \ ______________ / \ | | / \ | | | |_________| |_______________ | 1 /| /| ( 2 ) | \|_________ ___________ \| | | | | ___| | \ / | | / | \ / |______________| \ \| | \ / \ \___| \____ ____/ / /( 3 ) |/--\--/--\| __/ / | | | | | _/ | |__| |_________ ________________| |___________ | | | | |____________________|_____ | _____________________/__\_| | \ / | | | ( 4 ) | | | | Legend ________________| |_____| | 1. Solar System Model | | /| | 2. Space Station Meer | | \|__________| 3. Saving Claude ( 5 ) |\ |\ | 4. VLF Facility |/ |/ | 5. VAB Building | | | 6. Home |________________| | / \ or / Denotes Doors | | \ | | | | |______________| ( 6 ) ----------------- ----------------- 9.1 Cape Canardo ----------------- ----------------- Nothing real special here, just head on over to the VAB Building. The VAB Building, just to warn you, is one of the more complex and difficult levels of the game (at least I think so). There are many steps to complete and you have to do them pretty much in order for it to work properly. Let's get started. ----------------- 9.2 VAB Building ----------------- Go straight until you see the elevator to your left, take it up and talk to the duck. He asks you to land a shuttle, which is tricky. When you get control, go straight and then around the NASDA building (either way) to get to the landing strip. The trick here is to land at the beginning of it as soon as possible so you have plenty of time to decelerate. Put out your landing gear and land as smoothly and evenly as you can; once you get down immediately decelerate as fast as you can. If you mess up, he will let you keep trying so no big deal (it's just another few billion dollars blown up). Go back down, then to the left and out into the big fenced in area. To the left are what looks like three big rocket thingies, so go to the third one and climb the ladder on up, getting Tweek at the top. Glide across the other two rocket thingies, then glide over to the wing of the shuttle. Jump into the doorway and climb the ladder to get your baby dragon. Go down and into the doorway just behind the shuttle and talk to Bristol there if you want to hear about what order to do everything in this area. Take the door to your right, follow the hallway around until you reach an opening on the left. Go into the next room to the right, get Chang, and take the ramp up and into the next room for a firefox cub. The tube room to the right has your first freeze gun. Go back out to the main hallway you were just in, make a left continuing the direction you were going, and get Bungalow from the right. Go straight ahead into the door, and go all the way to the end (skipping that hallway to the left for now) to get Joey (he's actually named that, bit of a pun, huh?). Watch out for when the fans turn on--if they blow you too far it's a good way to get fluffed. Go back to the hallway we just skipped, take the elevator up, and follow the hallway around to the big room. Head into the doorway to the right and hop into the area with the yellow joystick next to the duck. You will have to navigate a buggy to get it decontaminated. The chamber is not working, so break down the grate and follow the ventilation shaft, making a right into the big tube. Keep going all the way to the end where you will reach a bathtub. Knock the pink soap into the tub, then get in and get out--you will see that the buggy is clean now. Go back to the beginning with the broken decontamination chamber (make sure you don't land in the water or you will have to do this all over again) and take the ramp up putting the buggy inside the next chamber. You will regain control of Bungalow, so press the yellow button closest to load the buggy into the shuttle. Back to the room you were just in, and get Juliette from below the rampway. From the ground level, climb two ladders up the platform thingy in the middle of the room, then climb all the claw marks to the top (on the third set stay on them instead of climbing on the platform, it will make it easier). At the top, go to the panel and press the button. Jump onto the platform just below and to the left side (looking out from the panel you just pressed) and press the button on this panel. Get Tweek from the other end of the platform, glide down to the panel right next to the decontamination chamber and press this button. Now head to the hallway right next to the left of the panel (when facing) following it until you come out onto metal walkway with a lot of stairs. Take the stairs down and go into the hallway immediately behind/below the stairs to the right when you come off of them. In the next big area, take the stairs up to the top where a larger control panel is. Press the left button which will cause arms to grab onto the white rocket boosters. One didn't get picked up, so look at the rocket booster and shoot at the target on the side, then button. Now press the right button, which will load the boosters onto the fuel tank. Head back to the room that has Bristol in it (also the one with all the stairs) and climb the stairs up to the control panel. Press the button, and the shuttle will get loaded onto the fuel tank and boosters. In hall again just under the stairs, go to the next big area (there is what looks like a taaaaaaaaall ladder to your left with a platform on it, skip it for now) and go forward to find another control panel. This button will get the shuttle loaded to the final area. Now take the ladder in that same area and glide to the island in the middle. Turn left and glide into the opening in the wall straight ahead, following the hall to the end where the elevator will take you up. If you try to pass the bird, he will tell you only kitchen staff past that point. So go straight ahead through the silver door, skipping the bathroom doors to the left for now. At the end is a huge laser gun shooting out a plasma beam (behind it is your first plasma beamer--it just uses up ammo like there is no tomorrow). The idea is to redirect the beam so it shines on the toaster in the first room. Here is a map (mirrors numbered in order) if you get stuck. -------------------- 9.3 Plasma Beam Map -------------------- Legend Toaster / X Mirror not used / 3 Beam just catches edge of door / ______________________________ _/ | | _/ / | 1 /________________Plasma | _/ / 6 | / | Gun | _/ | | | ____________________| _/ | | | | 5 // | | | | _____/| ______| | | X| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ | | | | \|______________________________|/ | | 2 \ / table / 3 / 4 | | | | | | X | |_________| |_____|____|____| | | | | | | | | |____________________| Once the toast pops out, collect it and put it on the rolling tray--now you can get past the bird. In the next area get Juliette and negotiate your way through the firing rockets to the left, where you will find a kitten at the end. Back at the Juliette teleport, go into the hallway straight ahead until you reach what looks like a super computer room. Take the rampway up (ignore the door at the end of the ramp for now) and then go right to get Chang. Now go to the door we just ignored and follow the hallway to the end. Take the stairs up (you should notice that you are now in the room with the exit and the shuttle fully mounted) and hop into the shuttle door up top to collect an Unformatted Floppy Disk. Double back to the super computer room and pop the disk into the reader (located on the same side of the room as the duck cleaning the floor), which blows a fuse. Go up the ramp until you are able to jump on top of the super computer in the middle of the room (yes, on top of it) and drop down the hole inside the blue box sticking out like a sore thumb. Follow the path to the end (there really is only one way to go) and knock the fuse to the other side. The other paths you see leading up do/give you nothing and go nowhere if you don't want to waste your time. Now go back to the disk reader and try a second time, where you will get a properly formatted disk. Take the hall back so you can hop into the shuttle (yes, taking the stairs up again) and pop the now-working disk into the shuttle's disk drive. This will finally cause the door blocking your way to the pup down below by the exit to open! The short (and non-fluffing) way down is to carefully jump from the main grating where you came out on onto the red stand things, then maneuver so you can jump carefully onto the 'wheels' (they look like tank wheels) right below the platform you are on. Get Roofus from by the exit, claim your pup, and head on out. Head over to the VLF Facility and make sure you get Chang by the entrance/hall before entering. ----------------- 9.4 VLF Facility ----------------- Follow the hall until you see an opening on the right with yellow and blue pipes. Underneath the blue metal stairs when you go in is your first automatic shotgun. When going through this area, be careful if you shoot the pipes not to touch the emissions--the blue pipes will freeze you then cause damage and the yellow ones will scald you. If some emissions are blocking your way forward, then wait a few seconds for them to subside. Now go to the entrance on the left between the yellow and blue pipes. The path through is: right, left, keep going around, in the bigger area go right, right, straight, left, and then around. At the end it looks like a dead end into a yellow wall, but go to the right of it and squeeze between the wall and the pipe. In there you will see an opening to the right, go on through to get your firefox cub. Go back out from the pipe maze, up the stairs, then go right past the door where the Roofus teleport is. Go through the door at the end, get Bungalow from this area, climb the ladder to the platform, and press the three buttons at the top. This will set the satelite dishes in motion. Jump across all three and then to the platform to get a joey--this takes patience and practice. Sometimes you may need to wait a few rotations before they line up properly for a good jump. Go back to the door with the Roofus teleport right by it, get Roofus, and go inside. There is a puppy trapped that you need to set free. Down the stairs to the right is a button, press it and go into the small room that opens up. This will activate the mirrors in the next big chamber. Play around with them for a minute until you get the beam to hit the red target mark. Now you can get your pup! Head down into the opening to get to the area with the mirrors, and follow the walkway around to press the button (which opens the small exit at the floor). Go out and around the tree, following the path around until you get to a rocket stuck out of the ground (notice the other path going straight ahead, we are coming back here in a minute). Swim (or you can jump across all the logs and such) through until you reach the next 'beach' which is kind of curved around to the left, and get Rico from this spot. Jump back in the water and swim to the bottom of the shuttle that is stuck in the water. Find the thrusters down there and swim up the hole in the right one. Keep going on up until you can surface. Jump up the platforms, and when you get to the last one that looks like it has a yellow bow on it, shoot at the glass in front of you so you can get through. Carefully jump onto the stump that is jutting up, then turn around to jump on the top of the shuttle, getting your baby penguin at the top. Now get back in the water and swim to the area with the huge red lattice dome. Get onto the logs, and follow them all the way until you can get on the platform and get the four leaf clover (you must stay on the logs because the platform will not let you climb up it from the water). Now double back to the beginning of this area by the rocket sticking out of the ground, where I told you we were coming back to take the other path. Take this left path to the end, take the stairs up into the building and continue all the way to the top. A duck tells you that you have to compete with the bears for a launch window. Steer your shuttle to the end faster to win. I just bust down the first few buildings (try not to run into everything but there are some that are unavoidable) and the rest is self explanatory. This opens up the exit to the area for you, where a pup awaits. Go all the way to the ground floor, get Roofus from under the stairs, then go into the open door there. Go in and around to the right, where in the next room a duck scientist tells you he has a new invention. Move to the back of the invention, and shoot at the yellow/black striped button to break his contraption. Dismayed, he leaves you to the clutter. Get the lucky rubber band from the wreckage, and continue straight into the next door where you have to push the button to enter. Climb the ladder and jump across to get to the opening above to get your pup. Follow the hall around, down the ladder, get Chang when you see him, and move on forward. A rocket will begin firing it's thrusters, so avoid the fire best you can (wait for breaks). Just follow the path of tokens to a ladder, and get Juliette where a kitten is right there. Once you get the kitten, a timer will start (you have to climb up to a 'gantry,' whatever that is). Just do your best, despite the shaking, to get to the end. Climb the claw marks, jump onto the ledge, go around, climb more claw marks, and go into the room and to the left (totally ignoring the bear). You still get to give it another shot if you mess up. A duck gives you the lucky Rabbit's Foot for completing this. Now go on out from there, where you will end up back in the elastic band room. Take the door on the left first, get Bungalow, then go straight back through to the opposite door in the elastic band room. Back in the hallway, curve to the right, where in the next room is a countdown to beat so you can rescue a pup. He wants you to help launch the shuttle by pressing the buttons in order (it will keep restarting if you don't get it just yet). Below are maps on what order to press the buttons, start from 10 and work DOWN to 1 (count-down, get it?). --------------------------------- 9.5 Shuttle Launch Countdown Map --------------------------------- GROUND FLOOR LEVEL 2 Windows Windows __________________________________ _________________________________ | ________ | | ___________________ | | | 1 | | | | | 4 | | | | |________| | | | 6 |_______| 9 | | | D D | | |____| |____| | | ____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | 7 | | | | | |____| |____| | | ____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 | | 5 | | | _______ | | |____| |____| | | | 2 | | | _______ | | |_______| | | | 10 | | | ____ | | |_______| | | | P | | | | |_____________|____|______________| |________________________________| Legend P = Puppy D = Door Complete the countdown and go through the Authorized Ducks Only (we are coming back for the puppy in just a minute) door, not the plain brown one. Get on the bus, where the driver tells you that his passengers won't budge until they have their lucky charms. Lucky we've collected them along the way, huh? Give each one their lucky charms, and the bus will move into the next area. From the bus door (I hope you are still Bungalow) jump onto the bus stop sign in front of you, then jump on top of the bus stop cover to claim your joey. Now go up the ramp behind and to the left of the bus stop and follow it around to get Chang. Take that entrance by Chang (the one with the red railings on the stairs and walkway) and go to the ground floor to talk with the duck. He tells you that you have to pump the fuel in so you can get your cub. The key again, is speed (remember the arm wrestling in God Machine Valley from Beaver Dam?). Pound that red button on your controller, get your firefox, and go back up to follow the hall around to Roofus. Get Roofus, double back to the countdown room and get the pup back there BEFORE you take that elevator up. Get back to the Roofus teleport we just used, now you can take the elevator up, and rescue your last pup by the exit. ----------------------- 9.6 Space Station Meer ----------------------- This level can be confusing, so pay close attention. Also, this level is really fun because when you jump, your Fur Fighter jumps like three times higher than usual, neat, huh? The great thing is that it can help fight bears and you can use it to take shortcuts. Anyway, go forward and go through the door on the left. Now go across the hall and take the door just to the left. Talk to the meercat, who tells you that he lost his codes to keep the space station balanced, so he is keeping some bears and a joey locked in a room for now. Continue through the station (there is really only one path to follow at this point) until you see a red door straight ahead, and talk to the meercat. He thinks the station is boring, and walks off. Try to continue through the door that the game puts you by after your conversation with the meercat, and an alarm will go off. Run to the red door and man the rear gun rack. There really isn't anything I can tell you about this, just keep shooting to keep the asteroids away, and when you are finished it will tell you the disaster was averted. Get Roofus and continue through the door that you tried before. Once again, only one path to follow, which will put you in the first Hydroponic Dome (looks rather like an arboretum if you ask me, but I will call it dome for short), which I guess is tropical. Get to the ground and look at the sign by the Gherkin (looks like a watermelon/bean) which tells you to keep out of direct sunlight. Hm, interesting, I guess we will have to disobey that ::evil laugh:: Anyway, go back and climb the ladder by the door we just entered by, and continue the path (these areas are where I meant you can cheat--if you don't want to walk all the way around, find two corners relatively close and you most likely can make the jump! low gravity is great). The next area is a raining dome (get Bungalow from below), continue through to the snowing dome. Get on the ground again, go straight from the ladder by the door you just entered with and just to the right is a tree--by this tree is an oxygen bottle to grab. Back to the path above, through the blue door, press the button (which will open up the Hydroponic Domes, causing the Gherkin to grow to astronomical [ha ha, get it? astronomical, space? oh, well, me and my cheesy jokes--sorry] proportions). Continue on through, into a room that has MANY lights all over, jump onto the top of one of the 'buildings' and look for an oxygen bottle on one of the lower buildings. Now go out the other end and then take the left door. You will see a big eye outside the window, so run to the panel--this will activate the telescope. Zoom into the lower left buildings with the right trigger, and you will see papers called the Gyroscopic Codes (I almost couldn't catch the name that quick, I must have been spaced out... haha! ok, I promise to stop, for now), then pick up the Print Out that appears on the floor. Exit the telescope room and go straight through the other door where you will have to balance the reactor. Start pressing buttons, and you will get messages that the reactor is too hot or too cold (you will see the levels rising or falling). What you want to do, is press it so it gets cold/hot, then run to another button and press it to do the opposite. So, if you press a button and it says that the reactor is too hot, then you want to go around and press one of the buttons that will lower the level (one that when you pressed before would say it is too cold). Now take take the only ladder down below, and find the third oxygen bottle. Climb back up and go through the door, following the path until you reach another room of lights. On the left side of the room is a lever which when you walk up to it, you are asked not to touch. The mechanics of this are, you press the lever, a machine comes to put it back, and you jump on top of the machine so you can get to the higher areas. So what I do: turn your back to the lever, jump backwards onto it, the machine will come to fix it, and you time your jump to get on top of the machine (remember that Bungalow jumps SOOO much higher than normal because of the lesser gravity, so it takes longer for him to complete a jump). Once you are on top of the machine, jump onto the 'building' in front of you (quickly because the machine will reset itself to it's original position). Now jump so you can get the last oxygen bottle at the other end of the room in front of you. I find what helps with aiming Bungalow in the low gravity, is to look straight down so you can get a better feel for where he is going, so you can better direct him. Get the Beetle Shield from this room, and head into the next, bigger room. An alien is waiting for you, but then someone comes in and sends it on it's way. You're thinking, yay now I don't have to fight it! However, your Fur Fighter will dispute the claims of this new party, and you will have to fight the 31st Century Fox. Pound him with whatever ammo you got, I find the plasma blaster works best and with the least ammo wasted. Once you nail this guy, continue through the rooms until you come out in the main curved hallway again. Go right, and into the first opening on the right. Talk to the meercat again, and he will open the clear door so you can get your joey. Continue forward on this path again, get Roofus, and into the first dome to get your pup from down below by jumping from that Gherkin. Double back to the main curving hallway, make a left, and then take the second door on your right in. The room has been depressurized, so keep running up to the panel on the right until all four of the oxygen bottles are placed there. Go on in, get Bungalow, and grab your high jumping joey. Do not go into the next door unless you are ready to leave, because this is part of the exit. We still need to get back and get Roofus for one last thing, anyway. Back to the curvy hall, go left and take the first door on right to get Roofus a few rooms in. Back to curvy hall again, go left and take the second door to the right to continue on where you just were. Now go through the next door, and be prepared to land another shuttle. Landing this one is just like the one we did at the VAB Building--'X' button decelerates and 'A' button puts out the landing gear. What I find easiest, is to go to the left of the NASDA building, staying low (there is a rock jutting out there) so you are closer to the landing strip. As soon as you get on the other side, straighten out along the landing strip the best you can, and land smoothly and straight AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so you have plenty of time to brake. Once you complete this successfully, there is a pup waiting for you at the exit. P.S. If you accidentally don't have Roofus, instead of taking the exit where the pup is, take the black entrance between the yellow walls, which will take you back to Space Station Meer. If you do have Roofus, MAKE SURE you get the pup before you exit or you will have to land the stupid shuttle all over again. Once out of there, go left for Saving Claude. ------------------ 9.7 Saving Claude ------------------ Juliette comes out and tries to talk to Claude, and he of course won't respond to her--so they fight. The pattern is: you walk out onto the 'arm' which supports a platform, Claude flys above, shooting plasma energy down at you which disperses in circles, you get a shot on him and Claude comes down and begins shooting a plasma beam at you. This battle is pretty tough with the lesser gravity. Be sure you look before you leap and take into account that you can jump farther. Again, use the trick with Bungalow from Space Station Meer--look down where you are jumping so you can better see where you are going and better control where you land. It's a long way to fall and get fluffed--and it sucks if you are almost done with Claude just to misjudge a jump to fall to oblivion. Usually you are pretty safe on the arm or further back on the station, just in case you want to take a break. As always, there is replentishing ammo and health if you need it (health is mostly on the station). Walk out onto the platform because Claude will not come down when you shoot at him if you are still on the arm. Start aiming up and shooting at Claude (all the while jumping to avoid the plasma circles), which will cause him to come down and start stalking you on the platform. You will probably need to circle strafe because of the plasma beam he shoots. Do your best to get as many hits as possible before he takes off again. You will know it is time to move to the next level because Claude will clutch his heart like he is really injured, and the platform you are on will begin to shake heavily. This is your cue to get the hell off of there--carefully jump back to the arm because that platform is getting destroyed. A panel will open up above you, and now you can climb the claw marks to the next level. Just repeat the process again until you have beaten him. When you get back to the Cape Canardo hub, Bristol will give you his old Bull Whip which he has no use for now that he is dead. Head on back home now, do whatever you need to do, then head over to Dinotopolis. --------------------- 10.0 Dinotopolis Map --------------------- _________________________________ ______________________________ | | | | | 1 ____ |______ | _____ 6 | | | | | 2 | | | ___| |________| |____________ |______ | | | | | | | ______| | | ________________________ | |___ | | | | | | | |___________| | | | | | | ____ _____ ____ |__________| ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____| |____| |____| |_____________/____\_____| |___| |___| |__| | | | | Legend |\ /| | 3 5 | 1. Home |/ \| 2. Grass | 4 | 3. The Rumpus Room |______/___\___________________________________________| 4. Dinos Upstairs 5. Dinos Downstairs 6. Saving Esmerelda ----------------- ----------------- 10.1 Dinotopolis ----------------- ----------------- Get Bungalow from right by Dinos Upstairs before going to Dinos Downstairs. ---------------------- 10.2 Dinos Downstairs ---------------------- Move forward and then go right, around the fireplace, and to the right is a large yellow button. Jump up as best you can with Bungalow to get that button, then turn around and head straight and just to the left until you hit the wall--just to your left is a Chang teleport. As Chang, go back towards where you entered the level and you should see a crack in the side of the fireplace-- go in and get your firefox baby (the button turned off the burner around him.) Out of the fireplace, go right and down the stairs (you should see table and chairs), then go left into what I guess you could call the study. Go past the red chair hanging in midair to your right, go to the bookcase (get Juliette from the left side) and climb the claw marks on the inside right to the top. Go to the left and jump onto the desk, then go again to the left and jump on the globe (quickly jump to get the claw marks on the top frame) to get the kitten on top. Now jump onto the red chair, punch the two buttons on the armrest, and climb the scratches on the seatback to the top of the chair. Go left and jump onto the piano to get Tweek. Move to the right edge of the piano, look to your left, and glide to that table (with the funny light coming out of the bottom) making sure you get on top of that plant to get your baby dragon. Now glide towards the next area (with that big mustard yellow easy chair), go to the back right side by the plant/ bookshelf and get Roofus. Now go on the bottom shelf right there and climb the green books to the burrow in the plant. Burrow through, get Tweek right there on the shelf, then glide to the remote control on the yellow easy chair to turn the television off. Glide towards the shelf that the television is resting on, get Bungalow, then go around and into the back of the television. Use the circuits to jump up to get the joey (try to land dead center on them because you will keep sliding off--it's tricky). Go back towards where you got Roofus by the plant and head down that hallway to your right. Take the stairs up to your left, then bounce on the foot pedal at the bottom of the refridgerator to open it up. Get Rico, then climb up all the levels to hit the button, which will melt everything in the refridgerator. Get to the bottom and swim in for the baby penguin. Get Bungalow again (next to the stairs) and go past the refridgerator. There is a puny chicken on the floor which is dehydrated. Search the countertops above you, shoot the glass of water you see which will hydrate the chicken making it grow to humongous proportions. Ignore it just for now, and find the dishwasher just next to the chicken. Angle yourself so that you can shoot the button at the top, then go on inside. To get to that joey up top, you need to get onto one of the dishes in the machine while it is moving. Be careful to avoid the blue lasers (I don't know what they use to clean their stuff!) and you will see that there is a pattern: they will dip in the water, come up halfway to get cleaned, then come all the way up top. Be on the dish when it goes all the way up, and it should be an easy jump for Bungalow. Now head back to the chicken (get Bungalow if you aren't already and climb it to get onto the counters. Follow the counters around towards the purple mama dinosaur (making sure not to get smooshed by her hand) and hop in the Roofus teleport just below. This part can kinda suck with the stove burners going off and on, so pace yourself. Pretty much, if there is a token in the burner, then it is active. Roofus' teleport is a safe area though. If you want a run-down of the order the burners are in (Safe [S] or Not Safe [NS]), then here it is starting with the teleport: S, NS, S, NS, NS, S, NS, S. At the end is a pup right by the bread box (Exit). Head on over to Dinos Upstairs. -------------------- 10.3 Dinos Upstairs -------------------- Go straight ahead into the next room ((if you want to get the tokens from under the bed, start with the shoes and work your way up to the nightstand with the remote control)) and get Juliette. Go left to the shower, shoot the button above to drain the lava, then get your kitten from off the soap. Continue around the bathtub, past the break towards the toilets, and climb the towel on the side of the tub. Carefully walk the edge of the bathtub until you can jump on top of the bottles by the faucet, then climb the towel to the top. Get Tweek from the shelf by the sink, then jump into the earhole of the dinosaur reading his paper in the bathtub. Shoot at his brain, and he will sit forward allowing you to glide out the front of his nose, to the table at his feet, to get the baby dragon. Get Juliette and head back to the toilets and past them, continuing through the bathroom into the next room. Shoot the daylights out of Mr. Dustee then go right to the bedroom (we are coming back here in a minute). Use the tank to your left to work your way onto the bed, shoot the box on top, then get out and climb the scratches on the nightstand next to the door. Get the battery off the bed and double back to the previous room. Get Bungalow to jump onto the shelves, put the battery into the back of that small drill machine, and then get Rico. Jump through the hole and get the baby penguin. Back into the bedroom, get Roofus from one of the cabinets and burrow in that plant next to the big tank to get a pup. Go back to one of the other cabinets to get Tweek, and you'll see the next area which looks like a nursery. Jump on the record player in the back corner of the room and press the button to get it started, which will cause the eggs to hatch. Jump onto the car play set next to the bassinet, climb it to the top, then jump onto the head of the bassinet. Jump from head to head (ooooh I HATE this part!) of the dinosaurs, then from the third one glide to the mobile straight ahead to get your last baby. It's Rumpus Room time! --------------------- 10.4 The Rumpus Room --------------------- Take the door into the pool room, go up and to your right to get Bungalow, then go back to the left of the door (to the bookcases) and get Juliette. Climb the claw marks up the bookcase, get off at the first shelf to rescue a kitten, then climb to the next shelf and get Tweek. Glide over to the pool table and drop into one of the pockets and down the center to claim a baby dragon. Get Bungalow again, then go straight and to the right climbing the stairs there. Stern is to the left at the top of the stairs if you want some tokens. Go through the door, look to your left, and climb into the jukebox from underneath it. Climb until you get on the pole that holds all the records, then turn around and go straight across the records to the other side. Turn around again to wait for the arm that grabs the records, hop on it and ride it to the top where your joey awaits. Climb the green books next to the jukebox to get onto the train set. Go straight, just past the buildings on the left, climb the track that goes upwards, then look to your left and jump onto the green hill there. Get on top of the digger on the side of the hill there, jump onto the train when it comes by, then jump onto the island in the middle to get your second joey. Along the left side of the train set is a pinball machine (if you are coming from the jukebox)--jump into the hole in the side and get Roofus. A pup is located in Viggo's maw towards the back, and you have to press a few buttons to get it to open. Start with one right behind Viggo's head, and keep pushing buttons until it's open (I think you only have to do three). Head on out of there, and get Chang from the other side of the pinball machine. Go to the opposite side of the room from the train set, and there is a hole in the wall (close to the stairs). Inside are some mice (to your left) who have one of your firefox cubs, they ask that you get rid of all the rats below in exchange for your cub. Go down below and explore until everything is exterminated (as long as you don't get too close, it helps to use the single bomb launcher so you can save more of your ammo), then talk to the mice again to get your cub. Now head down the stairs into the next room. Go left and climb the boxes until you can jump onto that thing (kinda looks like an elongated version of Tweek's face with a joystick on the nose), shoot/nudge the joystick thingy, and ride it until you see another one of those things on your right. Jump carefully onto that one, it will automatically take you upwards, and look to the left where there should be a thick beam with a baby dragon on it. Glide over to get him. Glide down and get Bungalow by the Exercisolator (the bike), jump onto one of the foot pedals, then jump onto the seat of the bike where your third joey (and your eighth baby) is hopping happy to see you. Now go across the room into the other door (it's the one on the left that you haven't explored yet), climb the stairs, and shoot the buttons on the washer and dryer to the left. Keep going across to the left and climb up until you get Roofus on the shelf there. Burrow in the plant, and keep burrowing through until you get Juliette. Jump onto the shelf that Roofus first burrowed into, go across and jump onto the washer below. Jump onto the dryer, then on across to the shelf where your kitten is. Go back towards the shelves from before, climb the claw marks on the wall to the top, get Roofus, and burrow through once only. Carefully jump across the moving bras until you get to the windowsill across the way with your pup on it. I have no clue how they expect you to get down for the exit without losing a lot of health, but anyways, shoot the door handle with your rocket launcher and you can exit on out. ---------------------- 10.5 Saving Esmerelda ---------------------- This just takes a bit of time to observe what is going on. She will shoot at you, and you cannot directly damage her. Look at the float she is on, find the yellow air intake valve, and shoot at it so the raft loses air and she takes damage from the lava. She will jump onto a different raft, so just keep using this pattern until you are finished. Take cover behind the ball on the float you are standing on, don't fall into the lava, and wait for her to run out of ammo temporarily to aim for the air intake valve. I find the shotgun works rather well--you don't have to be as accurate with your shots because of the gun pellets' dispersal. The first valve is on the bottom right of the raft, second one is on the bottom left, third one is on the right (hit two times), and the fourth one is on the back left of the raft (hit three times). Love that smack that Bungalow gets :) Head on out from there and talk to Bristol--he gives you his old Fedora. Now you can go on over to the City of Fear. ---------------------- 11.0 City of Fear Map ---------------------- river _____ ____/cliff\___ __ \___ / _____/ \___ _____ __ ___ / _____/ | t t \ ______ / \/ \/ / / / |/ |__| |_____| t t / / / |\ 1 ___ \ /t / |/ ____ / \ ____ \/ t/ | t| |/ 2 \| | | | t |____|\ /|____| _/ | t \___/ | | | |________________t______ |_____ | | | | | | Legend | | | t | 1. Saving Winnie |___ | and Mai | t | 2. The Bad Place | | 3. Temple of Gloom | ________ | 4. Stern | | | t | 5. Jungle of Despair | | |__ | 6. Home |\ | | /| | 3 | | 4 | t = Tree |/ | __| \| | | | | | |________| | | | | | | | / | | | | | \ t | | / \ | / | \__| | t / | t/ \ \ \ | __| t t | | / | | / \ / \ /\ | 5 \ / \ ____ | |____| \ / \ \ _________ _|_|_ \______ \__________________/ | |log | 6 | | |____| ______| \ / | / | / \____/ |/ ------------------ 11.1 City of Fear ------------------ Give the bird out front your bull whip and fedora which gains you entry. This opens with a cut scene of Viggo--he's lost much of his bear army because of the Fur Fighters. He says that he is going to open a portal to a place where all the bad bears go, so he can recruit an army of undead! I love the remark one of the bears has about wearing green leotards ;) This definitely isn't good, so we need to stop him before it's too late. Stern gives you your first Flame Gun if you complete his task. ----------------------- 11.2 Jungle of Despair ----------------------- Go straight until you reach an open area, where it looks like you can swim out to an island with a hydrogen bomb. Don't swim out there just yet, make note of it for us to return here later. Continue to the next area, and just before you reach it is a Roofus teleport in a cubby hole to the right. Get him, and go to the next area, where you will find a burrow just up to the right next to the trees/leaves. Burrow through (this is the easiest way to get to the island out there, the water current is very time consuming to swim) and talk to the bear standing guard in front of the hut. He tells you that he does not want to fight, that if you help him finish his raft he will release a puppy he has in his hut. Fair deal, I guess. From looking at the bear, look to the left and climb the palm tree that is farthest out left (or the tallest), making sure you get Juliette on the island first. When you get high enough on the tree, jump backwards to land on the palm tree that should be right behind you (make sure to position yourself if it's not). Jump up higher using the palm fronds and get Rico up top, then jump onto the last and tallest palm tree to find the raft sail. Get down from there, go to the back of the island, and swim down a hole in the sand. Keep going through until you come out in a cave on the other end, where you find the raft rudder. Head back and jump on the raft, which will automatically install your new items--the bear thankfully sails on off in the sunset. Get back to shore on the double, get Roofus, burrow back and get your pup from the hut. Back on shore, head to the left. When you see a split in the path, go left. Jump onto the ledge below to get Bungalow, use him to jump all the ledges up to the top to get Rico, then dive into the whirlpool to get a baby penguin from a hole down there. Climb back out, get Bungalow, and you guessed it--you have to jump all the ledges again to get high enough to get to the original tunnel you just came out from. Go back, and when the path splits, head to the left. When you come out in the open, go right until you see a bug (caterpillar?) on a ramp in front of a cauldron. Talk to him and he will ask you for help with his potion. Double all the way back to the beginning of the level where we saw the hydrogen bomb, and you will see a bunch of bugs worshipping it. If you try to talk to them, they say 'um worship holy bomb of um boom-booooooooommmmm'--I think this is hilarious! Well, anyway now the side panel on the back of the bomb is open, and we have to disarm it by shooting the wires. If you looked at the manual laying nearby, the order of colors is on the front: yellow, blue, green, red. Once you disarm it, jump inside to find a beetle--we will need this for later. Go back to where the bug with the cauldron is, and just past the front of the ramp is another path to the left. Go through here and note that the path divides again, but this time you want to go left. Go across the bridge, and allow it to fall, dropping you to the ground. Find the beetle by the big tree down there, and the main thing is to get Juliette. Right by her teleport is a tunnel, take this and it will drop you back by the bug with the cauldron. Go back into this area and past the cauldron--follow along behind the two huts there, and you will see a somewhat hidden path open up just past the ruins on the left. Take this on in and you will see the mother-lode of all tree houses! I wish I had this baby when I was a kid! Anyway, on the other side is a lift, once you are on it look straight up and fire a shot to get the elephant going. He operates the lift and takes you up a level. Follow the ramp around to your first kitten. Back to the lift, fire another shot to get to the second level, take this around to get your third and final beetle. The elephant will take you to the third level and then finally back to ground level. Now go back towards where you dropped with the bridge, but instead of going left to the bridge, take the right path. In the back of this area is a contraption that looks like a wooden elephant. Hop on in and maneuver it back to the area with the bug and cauldron. Go past the cauldron, make a right (which is back towards where you first entered), skip the first tunnel to the left, and head on into the last tunnel in the back there. Go right when given a choice, and go straight back to the gates of the elephant graveyard--they will open when you touch them with the wooden elephant. In the back right of the graveyard is a Fragrent Orchid. Back to the tunnel, go right to the path we just ignored into another beach area. Swim out to the island, enter the ruins right there, get Bungalow from the left of the inner ruins, and head on inside. If you stand on the different colored square right there, it will break allowing you to continue. Get the joey from the back left of these ruins (an easy rescue), then climb the stairs in the back right of the ruins. Keep going until you can hop on the ledge, follow it around until you are just in the middle of the ruins facing that house/island looking thing. Jump on top of it to get the Ancient Skull. Now, finally, go back to the bug with the cauldron (get Chang just before that area to the right before doing so). Give the bug the skull and flower--he will be ecstatic but will request a special kind of beetle to complete his potion. Fortunately for us, we've been collecting them all this time! Give him all three, push him into the cauldron, and he will finally release your cub (like he has any choice!). Rescue him, then go back to the collapsing bridge area. Drop down again and get Juliette. Climb up the side with claw marks and continue through. Be carefull on the log across the water because it shifts with your weight. Once across, just past the corner on the right between the tree and the wall is another nearly hidden pathway. Follow this, jumping over all the spikes, and claim your kitten at the end. Back to the main path, go right and you will see the exit in the back there. --------------------- 11.3 Temple of Gloom --------------------- Go to the right and into the next room where it has all the bear statues. The second statue on the right looks like a slot machine--fire a shot at the right arm and he will crank it down. You want to get three puppies in a row to set Roofus' pup free. If you get three bombs, get out of the there because the room will be bombed like mad, if you get three bears then you have to kill off a bunch of bears. Once the little guy drops down (we will come back later with Roofus to get him) continue into the next room which has a bear statue hovering over a large pool. If you are looking at him from the front, shoot at his right arm, right leg, and left arm to destroy them and cause the water to displace differently. We have to come back later here, also, with Bungalow and Rico. Continue through the door behind the bear, and you will see some railroad tracks. Go up to the rail cart and get it moving (you can either ride it or just press the button by itself) so it will come out to the other side. Stand right next to the button on the cart now, but so you are facing the water bucket with the faucet in the side. Try and make this as simultaneous as possible, because you want the water to fill the cart: shoot at the lever on the faucet then press the button to get the cart going again. If you did it right, the cart is now full of water, but on the wrong side of the tracks. Again press the button on the cart but do not ride it (easy way to get fluffed) because it is going to bust through that wall. Follow this path around until you find Bungalow, and head back to the room with the bear over the water pool (make sure all the excess parts are shot off--it resets each time you fluffed it). Go to the button on the long wooden shaft to the right of the bear and press it, then go to the platform with the arrow marker to the left of the bear. Jump on top of the arrow marker then on the platform to get the joey. Head back to the railroad area and past where you just got Bungalow. Keep going through the room with the melting pots (ignore them for now) and in the next room are three pillars in the middle. Jump to the highest one to get a silver mold, then go back to the melting pots. Place the mold in the one on the right side of the room (right by the Juliette teleport), pull the lever to pour the silver liquid, then collect your new silver key. Head past the three pillar room into another area--collect your joey from the low pillar/ledge on the left, then use the silver key on the door in the middle of the room with the large stairs all the way around the area. In this area is a big maze for you to navigate. Below is a map (of course I'm that good). -------------- 11.4 Maze Map -------------- Legend 1. Idol X (b) 3 2. Gold Mold 3. Area with ______________________====____________ Chang | | b | == Door/wall ____|____ ____| ________ | E = entrance | | | | | | | MM model map ____| ____ | |____| | |____| X = button | | | | | R Roofus TP | ____ | |_________ | ____ | | | | | a | | c = X (c) X (a) ___| | | |____ ====____ |_________| = 2 | | | 1 | | | MM ________| | |____|________| ____ | | | | d = | | | | | | ___= ____| | | | | | | | R | |____|_________| | |______________| E X (d) This is a map of a 'model map' located on the left side (or coordinates MM). I added a little extra bit of hallway by the MM or 'a' button, because it needed it and is kind of confusing to navigate without it (the map seemed incomplete). When you get to the model, you will notice that there are four buttons all around it (you enter closest to button C). Each button corresponds to a wall, and will cause it to drop down so you can get into the 'secret' area. Once you are inside each one of the wall/doors there is a button right there to reopen it so you can get back out. So, press button 'a' and go over and grab the idol, head back and press button 'c' and get the Gold Mold from back over there (the walls only stay down for a certain time period, so don't take too long or you will have to do it all over again). Now leave this area and go back to the melting pots. Put your Gold Mold in the spot just opposite from where you put the silver mold, crank the lever, and collect your Gold Key. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PLENTY OF HEALTH BEFORE CONTINUING IN THIS AREA Go back to the maze model and press the 'b' button, which opens up an area you need with Chang. Run on around to it, and put the Gold Key in the door lock to gain entry. Drop down into the trench below (unless you like being smooshed) and get Chang (press the button in the hall right next to his teleport before moving on). Go around until you find the ladder and take it back up. Go into the only hall open to you, and follow the ramp to the top. I hope you have plenty of health, because we are going to take a couple of falls now. At the top of the ramp, look down to the left and you should see another hall with some crates/boxes in it. Jump down and go into this hallway as fast as you can. In this area are what looks like shots that fire whenever you move or shoot your gun, but I TRIED to get damaged and it wouldn't touch me--I don't know if it is there for looks or what. Go across the way, put your idol on the platform with the sand, and take the sand. Head back out, and take the hallway with the ramps that go up again. Look across the way, shoot at the button, then walk across when the platform gets high enough to get the Spanner Mold by that button you just fired at. Go back across and down to press the button by Chang's teleport, then go back up the ramps. When you get to the top, look down and to the right where you will see the exit out. Jump down and go right to get on out of there. Go all the way out of the maze to get your firefox cub from on top of the arch at the beginning to the maze area. Go back to the melting pots and put the Spanner Mold in the only one left (the middle one), crank the lever, and get your Spanner. Get Bungalow from the previous room, then go back to the room past the three pillars. Go to the left where you see stairs with a huge gap underneath them, and get Rico from up top. Keep going ahead, and you will slide down another set of stairs. Immediately to the right are some cogs and gears--so run up and clog them with the spanner that you have. Keep going through (away from the area we just did) and you will notice that we are at the beginning again. Keep going until we reach the bear statue hanging over the pool, where we can now get our baby penguin from off of his nose (drop the statue into the water if it isn't already). Head back to the maze (I think it's faster going back by the jammed cogs, but it's up to you) and get Roofus from just inside to the right. Now go back to the Vegas style bear where your puppy is waiting (it's faster to go past the cogs again, and you can make it if you get a good jumping leap from the second step by the maze back across to where the jammed cogs are) and rescue him for being so patient. Go back past the cogs, and head straight across into the entrance above the broken bridge piece that we have ignored thus far. Go to the weighted platform in front of the doors and deposit your sand bag. Run through the field (fighting the wind) until you reach the building ruins at the end. On the right side of the building is a Roofus teleport just in case you do not have him yet, on the left side is a burrow you need to take on in. There is a knocked over pillar that you can use as a ramp to move upwards. When you get to the top, look to the left and jump under the bear's jaw to a ledge. Follow the ledges and pillars around until you come to a large platform with a dome in the middle. Enter the dome and you will see a cut scene of Winnie and your pup. Drop to the ledge below you, and follow the ramp and then ladder on down to the bottom level with the portal. If you talk to Bristol, he tells you to make sure you have all the ammo you need before entering. WARNING: BEFORE ENTERING THIS PORTAL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED. There is a bug in The Bad Place--if you leave and come back it is very hard to get to the next area without getting fluffed. ------------------- 11.5 The Bad Place ------------------- Read warning above if you are just scrolling down to read this section. This is easily one of the most frustrating levels of the game. Be careful how much you strafe because you don't want to fall off the walkways. This is definitely a case of killing as many bears (well actually skeletons) from far away--use your bomb launcher around corners to make sure you don't get ambushed. Now that that is said and done, on to the walkthrough. Follow the path to the end and go left. At the end of this path in a room is a beaver trying to torchure a bear (your punishment is a flogging!!!), but these imps are bothering him too much. So go back and take the right path (or it is just straight ahead to be easy) and you will see a small pool type thing on the right not too far ahead. Fire a few shots into the liquid so it catches fire. There are four of these, and lighting them causes the imps to be attracted to the fire and leave the beaver alone. 'Nuff said? Continue on and make a right just past the pool into an area with all these bones and snapping skulls that you have to go through. Go straight through the maws (yes you have to go through it, not around it). It is pretty self explanatory, it just takes timing and practice. When you come out at the end, shoot at the liquid pool and head back out of the boneyard. When you come out and see all the big spikes, make an immediate right. Follow the path around until there is another split, take the right path where you will see a room with another liquid pool in it. Shoot at it, head out and then go to the right again. Follow this all the way until you see a door in front of you--this is the Door to Nowhere. You cannot go in just yet, so make a left and shoot the last pool of liquid at the end there. Now double back to the beginning of the level where the annoyed beaver was, and talk to him. Now that you got rid of all the imps, he is able to talk to you. He gives you the Key to Nowhere. Go back to the Door to Nowhere by following the main path to the end--now you can enter! You are placed in halls that have red carpeting and have all these doors. None of the doors work, except those marked with the Fur Fighter's faces. You have to enter them in a certain order, though, and sometimes it's easy to get turned around in the halls. Because I'm such a visual person, here is yet another map. The numbers not only show where all the Fur Fighter's doors are, but in what order to tackle them. Once you finish a scenario (usually by exiting a door) it will automatically place you back in the main hallway by the door you just entered. --------------- 11.6 Doors Map --------------- 1 _____________________________________ | | Legend | __________ __________ | | | | | | | 1 Tweek | | 6 | | | | 2 Bungalow | | | | | | 3 Chang | | 3 | | | | 4 Rico | | | | | | 5 Juliette | | | | | | 6 Roofus | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | | | | | | | |_4________| |__________| | | | |_______________ _______________| | | | | | | | | | | | | |____| Entrance Now we still have to cover what to do in each scenario. The first one is Tweek, where he is back to just before he hatched. It's pretty self explanatory--jump all the platforms to the top of the nest with the eggs. Keep in mind he can still glide even though he is inside the egg, and many of the platforms will bounce, turn, or wobble. Bungalow is also self explanatory--just keep jumping up through all the ledges until you get to the door. ALL of the tokens are in this area, so if you reach the door and do not have them all, you may want to explore some more. I ignore the gators and bears--they will only keep regenerating. The key is to keep moving so they cannot get too close to you or have an easy lock. Also, if you have a hard time reaching a ledge, try from another part of it or approaching it from a different spot. Chang's scenario is pissy--you have to navigate a maze to get to a door above you somewhere, but all the walls are invisible! Use your target mark from your gun to see where walls slope and where they end--it really helps. With back facing the door, this is the best I could do for directions: left, right, right, left, left, left, right, right, right, right, right, left, left, right. Make sure before you make the next turn that you hit the wall first--that is how I based my turns from left and right. Let me know if I'm off on those directions, it was just really tough. Rico is also a no brainer--just like in New Quack City where you had to use the fire power of the tank to bust open the fences. Trick here again is to ALWAYS keep moving, kill the bears from a distance so you aren't dealing with the tank shooting at you AND the bears at once, do some back and forth motion and some jumping in front of the fences to get them busted open without you taking as much damage. NOTE: You only have to bust down the first two fences to advance in the area--the third one just holds extra plasma ammo and health (the door to exit is in the distance past the third fence). If you are already running low on health and can't take any hits, it might be best if you skip the last fence. Before you enter Juliette's scenario, equip your biggest, baddest weapon (I prefer the one that shoots fire--it gets the job done quick ;) ) and prepare to shoot at your own babies. Yeah, that's what I said. It's really freaky, too, because there is this high-pitched laughter. Kill them off as fast as you can (they're shooting some serious stuff at you, too) to get to the next area. Now on to Roofus--the hardest scenario of them all. I try not to waste my ammo because again, these bears are everlasting--they just keep coming and coming. In teleport bubble, take the tunnel off to the right and then exit out of the first right you can make. Get the Dynamite from that area, then from the tunnel exit you just came out of, make a right, cross the street, and go inside the building to get the second Dynamite. Turn around so you are facing the bridge, and run towards it to jump into the water on the right side. You should see another bridge in the distance, so swim towards it. When you get under it, get up to the ledge on the left and place the Dynamite at the brown wire at the far end of this ledge (careful you don't run up to it twice because the game will accidentally put BOTH dynamites there, and then you can't finish the scenario). Look to the other side of the bridge where there is a tunnel, and take this in to the ladder. From the top of the ladder, turn around, jump off the building, and go left to the end. You should notice that there is your brown wire running along the right side of the street, but you will see the detonator at the end of this street where it hits the building. Don't pump it yet, but turn so you can see the bridge. Wait for that crazy ammo-lovin' tank to get on the bridge, THEN you can pump that detonator. A cut scene shows how it is now stuck on the bridge that you blew up. Go right and follow the street again until you get to the other bridge (not currently occupied), jump in the water and swim to the now broken bridge to go through the tunnel and up the ladder again. At the top, turn around and you will see the back end of the tank that is now stuck. Get on the ledge at the edge of the building, and observe that brownish/reddish part sticking out from the back of the tank. It is also where the bombs get thrown out from. Get a good running leap onto that brownish part (it's tough but you CAN do it--may require some practice and precision) and once you are on top of the tank it will try to shoot itself. Now it is broken a cut scene starts showing that a new area opens up with a new tank running amok. Follow the street all the way around to where you hit the detonator (you should see the front of the busted tank) and go into the new area to chase after the second tank. Run up behind it and jump inside the black hole in the back (probably easier on turns and stuff) and Roofus will plant the second Dynamite. This breaks the new tank, and now your exit door appears on the bridge that was not blown up. Rescue the pup and you will automatically complete the level--there is nothing to see/do/explore in this area. Alternate method for defeating the first tank in Roofus' scenario: "NO!!!!!!!! sorry guys, but youre trying to hard! for bad place-(rufus), after placing the dynomite underneath the bridge and using the lever to blow it up, go to the small ledge, and instead of struggling to jump on the tank, simply shoot a granade high enough to land on top of the hatch, at the top of the tank. if you hit the right place, you will see a short scene of the tank blowing up and the second tank breaking through the wall." I have not checked this out, but according to FroggedUp this works. ----------------------- 11.7 The Bad Place Bug ----------------------- Okay, so just in case you already left The Bad Place, came back, and are having problems with the bug, this section is for you. Like I said before, the bug only happens when you leave The Bad Place and come back to finish the level. When you follow the path to go to the Door to Nowhere, it seems an invisible force that you cannot control will make your character suddenly turn around and walk themselves off the ledge, automatically fluffing you. So how do you get past it? With a little bit of precision it is not the end of the world (or game). Observe this map of the walkway at the end there: / / / / | | \ \ \ \X | | | | | | | \|/ | / / / / / / ___| |___ Door to Nowhere Note that the top of this map is where you are coming from the entrance of this level, and the Door to Nowhere is the spot that you are moving towards. 'X' on this map is approximately where the bug occurs. Move towards the left side of the walkway (when you are moving towards the Door to Nowhere), turn around so your back is facing the Door to Nowhere, and begin walking backwards so that you are moving parallel to the edge of the walkway. The bug will kick in and you will walk backwards, harmlessly, along the arrow on the path towards the Door to Nowhere. The bug will cease (seeing that you are safe on the walkway) and you will be free to continue to the next part of the level. --------------------------- 11.8 Saving Winnie and Mai --------------------------- Walk inside and burrow through to the next area. Chang comes through the teleport at the same time as Roofus, which causes a strain on the system. But now you can switch back and forth as you need to. It starts with Winnie walking around a big covered island, with Mai clinging to her neck. Run towards Winnie and walk underneath the middle of her jaw (it is the way to take the least amount of damage). Immediately turn around and shoot as much as you can at Mai on Winnie's neck. Winnie will stutter and turn around, just keep getting as many shots as possible while you have her in one spot. When you have done it enough, Mai will fall down and begin shooting laser beams from her eyes at you. It is really tough to avoid, so run like hell to the burrow and it will take you inside that island. Change into Chang, and switch to the freeze gun. Mai will come inside the island where you are, so do your best to aim where you think she is coming (by where the beams are coming from) and then freeze her when she is over that green liquid (it will only work on top of the liquid). Then use whatever weapon you want to damage her, and she will unfreeze. If you are fast enough, you can freeze and damage her several times on one go. When she takes enough damage she will move back to the outside and cling again to Winnie. Follow the pattern for both Winnie and Mai until they are defeated. You will automatically be transported to Viggo-A-Goggo. ------------------- 12.0 Viggo-A-Goggo ------------------- This is really a simple area, so I'm not going to provide a map. Get whatever you want or need from off the derelict ship in the middle, and head on over to the HMS Viggolina (it's the entrance with the aircraft carrier showing in the background, or the one closest to the end of the ship underwater). ----------------------- 12.1 The HMS Viggolina ----------------------- Instead of collecting babies, we are damaging all of Viggo's aircrafts. Take the ladder on the right side of the room up to the ledge, follow it around to get Rico at the end. Jump into the pool in the middle--I hope you are a good swimmer with Rico because the current makes it impossible to backtrack for a token you missed (or you can always do this area again). When you come out, go into the next room where you will see a lot of shelving and four missiles ready to be launched. Look straight ahead at the shelving unit there with Tweek on the top--we are coming back to it. Go right and press one of the buttons (it doesn't matter which one you press because we are going to do all of them anyway), then go to the other side of the shelving unit with Tweek at the top and climb up it. It kind of takes a certain angle to get up all the shelves because of how they have the boxes sticking out on them. The easiest way I know is to look at the box when you are on the shelf and run to jump onto the edge of it by running parallel to the shelf edge. _________ aim here X | | ______________| box |______________________ _____\ | | shelf edge looking outwards / |_________| When you get on top, grab Tweek, then look to the left so that the missiles are to your right. Glide onto the top shelf to your left, then go to the right and glide onto the shelf straight ahead and a bit to the right (you should now be on the shelf that you saw straight ahead from when you got Tweek and the missiles were to the right). Carefully go to the other end of this shelf and find the air vent shaft in the wall. Go through the air vent, when you get out curve around the corner to the right and follow the hall to the room called the Anti Air Craft Missile Launcher. Press the button and it will launch the missile you just loaded. Take the air vent back to the armory, jump down, and press your next button. Repeat the steps to get back through the air vent up top, press the button, and head back to the armory again. Keep repeating all of this until you have launched all four missiles. The bear button launches the Bear Homing Device, the aircraft button sends the Anti-Aircraft Missile, the yellow one does the Anti-Submarine Missile, and the blue one sends the Ship to Ship Missile. Now go back through the hall, but pass the vent you came through going all the way to the end. Climb the ladder up, get Juliette right there, and climb the ladder into the aircraft. Fly around and destroy the three other aircrafts (being careful of the damage you take and that you don't run into anything). I am not sure how you get down once you finish, so I just destroy the craft and restart after fluffing. If there is another way, let me know. Well, anyway, now climb up the tower type thing in the middle there. The first room you stop off in, the computer in the middle tells you the Friendly Fire Lock is enabled, and you need a code to disable it. Continue climbing up the tower until you come to the end where you see a bunch of platforms with tokens and such on it. Jump around the platforms until you get the Stateroom Key. Get down from there and climb the ladder to go back into the ship. Follow the hall again, but this time make the first left you can. You will come into a big room with several aircrafts in it--go up the ramps on both sides of the room into the control booths, and press all the buttons to destroy them. Now continue through the next door (the one with the short hallway before the sliding door) and press the button in the next room--it will start moving all those platforms on the top of the ship. Continue through the next hall and into the next big room. You will see a control panel in the middle of the room, and a ramp to the left. Take the ramp up, press the button (which will cause the rocket thingie to move), and then go down to activate the control panel. The rocket will activate and will burn to a cinder all the aircrafts on the other side of the wall. Now press the button at the top of the ramp to bring the rocket back to you, press it again, and quickly jump onto it. When it gets to the big hole, drop down and forward into the hole. Now there is a button in the back right of the room which activates the sprinkler system--you have two options. You can run through the fire, take about four/five hits of heavy damage, or you can jump across the aircrafts to the other side. The second option is definitely the safer one, but not guaranteed because it's easy to slip off the aircrafts, the first one is definitely easier/quicker. Once you get across, activate the sprinkler system (which now makes it safe to walk through there) and I would come back with Bungalow later if you don't already have him--it's easier to get the tokens with him. Go through the door with the light pouring in. An aircraft will attack you, but just shoot at the glass on the front--when it opens shoot at the bear inside. Keep this up and it will sink in no time. Now back to the rocket room. Go through the next door (the one closest to the ramp) follow the hall again, but this time we are skipping this room for the moment--we need Bungalow. Take the ramp up to the door, follow this hall and get Bungalow from the room you end up in. One at a time, activate each of the aircrafts, then climb the ramp to activate the homing bomb to destroy each one. Now double back to the room we were just in (climb the ramp and take the furthest door), and jump into the helicopter to press the button. The helicopter will destroy two more aircrafts, so now go out of the door where all the light is flooding in. Again defeat the aircraft that attacks you. Now go back to the room with the homing bombs (up the ramp and through the door), but when you come out from the door, look right and take that door you see. Take the first right you see, keep going until you see a large opening in the floor and a small door straight ahead to the left. Take the small door (as far as I can tell there is nothing in the room below but a Chang teleport if you want him, and a bunch of tokens) and then take the first right. Use the Stateroom Key to gain entry to the Stateroom, and get the Friendly Fire Codes off the table in the middle. Exit out of there and go right--when you come out you will have another scenario of the aircraft attacking you (same deal as before). Head back out of there and go all the way towards the beginning--directions if you need them: straight, follow hall, up ramp, left, door at left, follow hall, door under ramp, door at right, follow hall, door on left in control room, door at left, follow hall, first right, ladder up. Climb the ladder to the tower, go into the first room, and insert the friendly fire codes to deactivate the lock. Now head back towards the stateroom, directions from ladder back down inside: follow hall, first left, follow hall, door across to right, door at right in the control room, follow hall, left into door, take ramp above, door, follow hall, door to right, follow hall to the end where you see a gunnery in the window. Jump on the gunnery and shoot down all the aircraft. You should notice that they have patterns that they repeat, so if you pay attention you can anticipate a spot they will be in so you can get them easier. Once you blast the last three aircraft, you will automatically finish. Head over to the V-100--it is the entrance to your left, or the one right across from the Home entrance. --------------- 12.2 The V-100 --------------- Get onto the submarine, and you will see ahead of you ladders with guns to either side. Move as quickly as you can to climb the two ladders. When you get to the top of these, the submarine starts a dive, so head to the left and climb the long ladder to the top and drop into the hatch (if you don't make it on time you will get fluffed). Go right, and when you pass into the next hall Viggo will brag to you about his submarine, giving you the hint you need--that the only thing that can destroy it, is itself! Continue (there is only one path right now) until you reach a large room with a water tank in the middle. Go right, and then into the first door on the right. Kill all the bears and the beaver thanks you. Head into that torpedo tube with Rico in it (getting him while you're at it) and prepare to be launched. When it does launch you, don't worry about swimming forward because you have enough speed as it is. Move towards the end where you see that bright shimmering light, and make sure that you get right in the middle of it, where there is a metal wall to stop you from going any further. Climb up, then drop into the other hole. Climb the ladder and walk around the ledge to get the First Mate's Key. Take the ramp from the next room, where you will enter the Steering room. When you try to leave, it will activate so you have to run back to the red panel and steer the sub out of danger. Once you are done, continue through the rooms and hallways (there is only one way to go, ignore the small lift with the yellow button) until you come out in another big room with ramps and cylinders in the middle. Go to the ramp across from you, and take the door all the way at the top. Keep going through until you see a control room with a safe in the middle, with a spot for a key on both sides. Insert the First Mate's key you have on the left, and continue through to drop down by the ladder. The next area you will stop at has a Juliette teleport which has a control console by it. When you enter, it will warn you that during Proximity Alerts you have to man the station--when you try to continue through a Proximity Alert will go off. Just run up to the console and follow the key pad instructions as quickly as possible. When finished, get the Captain's Key from the next room. Double back to the safe with the two key holes on either side, and finally insert your Captain's key on the right. Turn so your back is facing one of the key holes, but so you are directly facing the other one. Run back to hit the one behind you, while at the same time fire a shot at the one in front of you so you can 'turn' both keys at the same time. Get the Torpedo Launch Codes from the safe and go back out to the large room with the cylinders. Go down the ramp and take the first door you see on the right. You will go through a hall with a lot of pipes, then end up back in the main chamber with the water tank. Make an immediate left and go into the first door on the left, where you will find another torpedo room at the end. Insert the torpedo launch codes by the only panel that has a torpedo by it, then run up to it again to launch it. The torpedo destroys the V-100, and you are automatically finished with the level. What I find amazing, is that Viggo doesn't seem to care that you have demolished all his stuff. He keeps saying 'no matter, I have you where I want you!' Yeah, buddy, whatever. Ok, so head over to the Secret Island at the end of the boat that is not underwater. ------------------- 12.3 Secret Island ------------------- This is basically a bunch of tasks you must complete just to earn the right to fight General Viggo. Exit the door and follow the circle to the only other opened door. Follow the walkway to the first door (nothing down below but tokens/health/ammo) and take this hall around until you come to another ramp. Press the button to the left, get Chang from the right, and go down below to crawl under that huge door. Viggo tells you that he has four 'challenges' to your existence which you must defeat. It is pretty easy as long as you stay on task. After the cut scene, go immediately to the left and up the ramp. The first cage on the left is where the first bear attacks from. Just pound him with whatever ammo you got, paying attention to where his body dissentegrates because that is where the key to Cage 1 will appear. Unlock where it looks like the door is, and press the button next to Stern. Keep following this pattern until all four cages are unlocked and the weapons are disarmed. Staying on the second level, go through the back entrance to another hallway. Keep going until you reach an area where Bristol tells you that you have to catch Fifi to continue. You should get the hang of this--it's a bit of an obstacle course with water and bridges. Make sure you get Rico before starting. If you are a little slow, Fifi will wait for you at certain points. Just try and get a head jump. Once you catch 'it' I guess, you will automatically be put in front of the door you just opened. Follow the hall around where you will come to a bunch of boxes--move so you are underneath the ramp you just came down on, where there is a ladder to jump down into. Go across the water to get Bungalow and go to the next ladder. Follow the grating to the next ladder to drop down into and get Chang. Through the tunnel and into the next area, there is a lift to the right of the big ramp you see. Take it up and continue following the hall/tunnel. You will reach yet another area with big boxes, maneuver them until you find a way to climb up on top and get Tweek. As Tweek, glide to then climb up the ladder. Follow the catwalks around, gliding and climbing, until you can press the button at the top. Go through the new entrance, continue through the next door where you see that you are back at the beginning. Make an immediate left and go into the first doorway on the left. Climb the stairs and keep going through until you can grab Juliette. Climb the claw marks on the 'bookcase' ahead into the next area, where Bristol tells you about Viggo training 100 bears that you have to defeat. When you move on, it will automatically move you into the action. Back up a bit so you are not so much of a target. There are three spots that bears keep generating out of--to the left, right, and straight ahead. Move to either the left or the right, using a pillar for cover, and launch some bombs to get rid of several bears at once. Every once in a while you may have to manually shoot just to keep good health and because of the time delay of the bombs. When you are finished with one area, move to the other side and take them out the same way, then move to the center one. Inside the box to the left is a Meercat Multiple, box to the right is a Bear Disguise, and the center one has a Beetle Shield. Once you have dispatched all but ten bears (all the ones on the ground level) go back and climb the claw marks on the pillar that was to the left of where you first came in. Go around and kill the last ten bears on the second level, then walk around to find the claw marks up to the third level and your way out. Go through the elevator and again continue to the end, press the button so the big door will open. Go through, get Bungalow from the left side of the large ramp, then climb the boxes on the right side until you come to a catwalk where there is another button at the top to open the next door. Go through until you reach an area with boxes, navigate them until you find Chang (it's really easy) then go back towards the door to get into the tunnel. Follow it to the end, get Bungalow, then go on the other side of the room to take a lift up to the level just above you. Jump up the boxes in the next area, press the button, and go through where Bristol tells you that you have 60 seconds at a time to defeat two bears. You can ring a bell to restart the timer, though, so here we go. Go in towards the blue background with the pink faces and turn right to get into the tunnels (it's easier to go right because the floor moves). In the middle of the next area are some rounded stairs, at the top of which is a bell. When I first get in I ring the bell just because of the time it took to get inside. Then kill the bears and keep pounding Mr. Grr and Mr. Arr. If you get down to ten seconds, go up to ring the bell. When you are done, continue into the next area which is yellowish with a rampway. Once you come out the other end, you are now back in the beginning area. Get Roofus from the center circle, and go into the doorway that is to your left where you just came out of. Press buttons and take the elevator up, exit and go to the right. When you go into the door, you end up in an arboretum. Fluff the funky looking bear and bunny, then burrow in the dirt (it's right by the door somewhere) to get to the other side. Through the door, grab Tweek, climb the ladder and glide from the end of the walkway to get to the other door. You come out in a huge area with a rock face all around you. Fifi is in a big aircraft of some sort. I find it's best to use the rocket launcher for this scenario. Run around the base of the crater and shoot at the four brown things sticking out from either side of the craft. Use the wall that sticks up for cover because the craft shoots at you whenever you get in front of it. Now shoot off the vents on both sides (next to the brown things). Then climb up the ramp around the crater (if you fall make sure to glide) to get the craft high enough so you can shoot off that piece directly on the bottom of it. I find it helps to get high up, then jump off and glide down, while I'm gliding I shoot at it. Now the craft can't maneuver up/down or side to side, so climb the ramp again and glide into the top of the craft (it looks like a yellow disk in the middle). Shoot at the yellow disk, when the craft is destroyed you will be placed back on the ground. Climb the ramp yet again to get to the door/exit at the top. You will automatically be in the General's Lair. ------------------------ 12.4 The General's Lair ------------------------ This is it, your final showdown with General Viggo. Enjoy (I guess... it's really a pain in the @$$). The first area contains large models of items from all of the levels that you have encountered. Viggo stands in the center continually shooting. You can take cover behind one of the buildings, but don't do this for too long behind one particular building because they shatter from too much firepower. This method I think works pretty well: move and jump out from behind the building, all the while firing at him. Take cover to do it again. Continue this pattern until he is defeated--you will know that you got a hit because he will look reddish. The way this is effective is because you are constantly moving over and up, his firing is trying to move with you but he is too slow. Yeah, you thought you were finished? That guy was only a clone! The next area is for clone reproduction from what Bristol tells you. You have to destroy all six fuse boxes to get them to stop. This area is a bit hard to write for because the clones are continually reproducing, it is difficult to get a moment's peace to observe and write properly. Tip: if you are in a crunch, and just want to get one of the Viggos off of your back for a moment, use the freeze gun. It will stall him temporarily so you can get away without fluffing him again. Also, if you fluff it, you do not have to redo the fuse boxes, but you will have to walk through the beginning area again (it does not restart you from the location of the last teleport save, but you don't have to fight the first clone again). Well, here goes. From where you talk to Bristol, go straight and a bit to the left where you should see an endless drop with Tweek's teleport hanging out in the middle. Jump down (making sure you get Tweek on your way) and glide down to get the first fuse box. Take the lift back up. From where you come out, go straight and to the right where there is a big yellow button underneath some yellow support beam type thingies. Press it and go into the door to the left. Go inside and climb the ladder, then glide across to where you see the platform with the Juliette teleport on it. Get her and climb the claw marks, continuing up until you reach the top with the second fuse box. I'm not sure how you're supposed to get down from here without taking damage, but drop down from the bottom-most part of the claw marks into the main area. Then look to the left where there are claw marks on the wall to an opening (between the Tweek teleport in midair and the waterfall). Climb up and up so you can get Rico. Drop down into the hole, and swim until you get swirled out by the waterfall. Go to the edge (you will see running water above you) and climb onto it to get the third fuse box behind the waterfall. Then swim out through the hole down below, climb the ladder, and jump down into the main area again. Just to the right of where you got Tweek from the elevator shaft is a spot that looks 'protected' by blue boxes/steps. Go in the middle of this area, climb the ramp in the wall, and drop into the water. When you come out (be careful not to get carried by the current to the drop) get Roofus, climb the ladder, and burrow through to get your fourth fuse box. Get Chang and go through the tunnel--when you come out go straight and then to the right where you should see two tunnels in the wall. Go through (either one, they both go to the same place) and destroy the fifth fuse box at the end. Exit on out and go immediately to the right. You should see another small tunnel with a larger one way above you. Go through, get Bungalow, and when you get out go to the right to climb all the blue ledges/steps. The pattern you need to follow is: up a level, then across diagonally. At the top is your sixth fuse box. When you destroy the Clone Machine, you finally get to face the big man, er, cat. When you go in to fight him, continue moving and strafing around him in a circle. Use something to damage him so that he pauses for a moment (I like the freeze gun or fire gun--they work faster) so you can get behind him and get some shots on his backpack with all the buttons. Keep doing this until one by one, each of these button type thingies blow up. He will then shrink down to normal size, so keep strafing around him and pump him with your choice of lead. Two main regenerating Pet Yums for health if you need it (which you probably will). When he flops in defeat, you get your long awaited cut scene, which is not too shabby. The great thing about Fur Fighters, is that when you finish the cut scene and the credits (you can skip these by pressing start) you can still go back and explore any aspect of the game that you want, including the mini-games. ----------------------- 13.0 Mini Games/Cheats ----------------------- When you defeat each boss of the game, a new mini-game will open for you to play. Each one, once you defeat it within a certain time, or beat a score, will open up different cheats for you to use later. (or to use if you decide to play the game again) Each of the babies you talk to right by the game will give you more detailed instructions on how to play the game and what to do. 13.1 Sliding Puzzle OPENS: After defeating Gwynth in New Quack City LOCATION: Tweek's house (by swimming in the circle of lava to a hidden room) HOW: Slide the pieces to fit together properly until it makes a picture BEAT: 120 seconds or less UNLOCK CHEAT: Rotate Cam WHAT: Able to rotate the camera angle 13.2 Snake OPENS: After defeating Juanita in Beaver Dam LOCATION: Rico's house HOW: Collect the green tokens without hitting yourself/walls BEAT: score more than 6,600 UNLOCK CHEAT: Rocket Cam WHAT: Attaches camera to your rocket missile when launched 13.3 Hot Air Balloon OPENS: After defeating Claude in Cape Canardo LOCATION: Juliette's house HOW: Use the balloon's thrusters to rescue your babies by beaming them aboard BEAT: score more than 15,000 UNLOCK CHEAT: Honey I Shrunk the Furfighters WHAT: Makes the Furfighters look really small 13.4 Bear Squares OPENS: After defeating Esmerelda in Dinotopolis LOCATION: Bungalow's house HOW: Move Tweek to escape the bears but cause them to crash into each other BEAT: score more than 20,000 UNLOCK CHEAT: Walter WHAT: Changes voices in cut scenes and voices of characters you talk to 13.5 Bombing Buildings OPENS: After defeating Mai in City of Fear LOCATION: Chang's house HOW: Drop bombs to clear the buildings so you can land the plane BEAT: score more than 55,600 UNLOCK CHEAT: Big Head Mode WHAT: Causes the Bear's heads to be HUGE 13.6 Super Snake OPENS: After defeating Winnie in City of Fear LOCATION: Roofus' house HOW: Collect the green tokens without hitting yourself/walls BEAT: score more than 6,600 UNLOCK CHEAT: Fish Eye View WHAT: Makes everything appear as if looking through fish bowl 13.7 Auto-Aim: Get this cheat by revisiting the boss Gwynth WHAT: Automatically aims your target at the closest enemy 13.8 Health to 100%: Get this cheat by revisiting the boss Juanita WHAT: When you pick up one Pet Yums your health is boosted to 100% 13.9 Ammo Boost: Get this cheat by revisiting the boss Claude WHAT: When you get any of an ammo, all of that ammo is boosted to 100% 13.10 Invincibility: Get this cheat by revisiting the boss Viggo WHAT: Causes your Furfighter to take unlimited damage without fatality WARNING: Does not make you immune to long falls or other 'auto-deaths' ------------- 14.0 Credits ------------- Thankyou Bizarre for putting out such an awesome game to write my first walkthrough about! I used their booklet for all the character Bios and background information about the game in the introduction. Thanks to PSalmon's walkthrough for details about the mini-games. By the time I finished writing this I was too lazy to go through and re-figure out what cheats the mini-games unlocked. Thanks to Lagunathemoron and Fatal Zapper for posting the secret cheats on the Cheat Codes and Secrets page for Fur Fighters on www.gamefaqs.com Alternate method for defeating the first tank in Roofus' scenario was posted by FroggedUp on the Fur Fighter's Discussion board on www.ign.com --------------------------- 15.0 Copyright Information --------------------------- Copyright 2004 Amy Freudeman If you want to use this guide (seeing as how it's so awesome) please let me know. Also, please leave it unchanged and do not take credit for my work.