Giga Wing FAQ (Arcade) - [ By: Dingo Jellybean ] - - [ ] - - [ Version: 1.42 ] - - [ Date Started: 5/28/04 ] - - [ AIM: Dingo Jellybean ] - ============================================================================= ------------------------------- [ Copyright ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= This FAQ is not in any way to be used improperly, improperly defined as; using for profit, taking credit for this guide as your own, altering the guide in any way. You are welcomed to use the guide if you do not intend to do any of the above. Simple as that, I won't get into the legal mumbo jumbo. Copyright Dingo Jellybean; 1999-2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Revision History - Introduction/Game Engine (Please read before playing) - Choosing your character - Walkthrough - Secrets (Must see for even veteran Giga Wing fighters) - Game Dialogue - Character Combinations - Isha/Ruby - Ruby/Isha - Stuck/Isha - Isha/Stuck** - Stuck/Sinosuke - Sinosuke/Stuck - Ruby/Sinosuke - Sinosuke/Ruby* - Sinosuke/Isha - Isha/Sinosuke - Ruby/Stuck - Stuck/Ruby - Single Characters - Isha - Ruby - Sinosuke - Stuck - Closing Comments - Credits * Sinosuke/Ruby and Ruby/Sinosuke carry the same quotes. ** Isha/Stuck and Stuck/Isha carry the same quotes. ============================================================================= --------------------------- [ Revision History ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================= - 5/28/04: First version up. Added a walkthrough, character guide, secrets guide, game engine, and introduction. (Version 1) - 5/29/04: I added more to the Secrets section and added Game dialogue, but only Ruby/Isha's and Stuck/Ruby's. I'll add more when I have time to do so. Also, I've added some information regarding the Sky Continent (stage 4) about a glitch that occured. I'll hopefully finish the dialogue with the next update. (Version 1.21) - 5/30/04: After checking Regdren's guide, the giant tank in stage 4 is not a glitch after all. Check Sky Continent section for more details. I also added the rest of the combination quotes. There are 10 unique combination quotes total with 12 different combination endings. I'll most likely have the Last version of the guide on the next update, and by then I will add the remaining quotes and endings for the 4 solo characters. (Version 1.4) - 5/31/04: I've added the last of the four character quotes, additional information to the Game Engine and Walkthrough, and a copyright which I idiotically forgot to put on due to my long absence from writing. I don't want to make this the Last version just yet, I still plan on making a proper title for this guide instead of the drab "Giga Wing FAQ" title up top. I'll still continue to play the game to see how many points I can muster before I grow weary of the game. Also, check out my closing comments section. - 6/03/04: I reworked a few bits of this guide to make it a little more readable and accurate. I also added proof of my high score with a link to a screenshot in the Closing Comments section. (Version 1.41) - 6/06/06: I reworked a few more kinks in the guide. I also added a new points total...which was 15 trillion more than my previous high. The more I think I can't beat the score, the more I am able to beat check out the new high score in the Closing Comments section. I also added more tips to the walkthrough. (Version 1.42) ============================================================================= ---------------------------- [ Introduction ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= I haven't written in over 2 years, so I know some of you were joyed by that time. I decided to write this guide because of my fondness of shooters(as well as having nothing to do but wait until my summer session started), and that there is really more skill to them than just beating the game and pressing one button mindlessly. I know this game was released four years ago, but it quickly became my favorite shooter, surpassing my old favorite of 1944: The Loop Master. I have yet to play Giga Wing 2, but I have yet to find it in a local arcade. Also, feel free to use this guide for the dreamcast version, as the gameplay is identical, but just don't use this guide to look for any secrets regarding the Dreamcast version. Giga Wing didn't seem to fond well with the audience. In part due to the fact that many complained that it was too difficult and the reflect force took a bit of start up to begin. Personally, I don't find the start up to be a problem at all, why should it have to start immediately? Because some lonely person said so? Once you get use to a game like this, having a start up delay just gives the game more skill to contend with, which is a good thing because often shooters provide no skill for players to form. Giga Wing is a lot different from any of the previous shooters before it, just because of the reflect force. I like the insanity of the game and the challenge that it provides. This game is nowhere near as difficult as Mars Matrix, so I still fail to see why this game was received so harshly. I'm still a huge fan of the CPS-2 board and Giga Wing doesn't disappoint. Maybe it's just my old school nature, but I personally prefer these shooters to be on the CPS-2 board rather than the Naomi board like Giga Wing 2 was on. But like most games, if you give the game serious thought, it's a worthwhile investment. If you like shooters, play anyone of Capcom's or play some of Cave's, like DoDonPachi and Guwange. I also find Mars Matrix to be the most unique of any shooter since it only uses one button to do 3 functions, but it's also the toughest that I've played. So those are my recommendations. This game is short, you can beat it within a good half-hour or so, but that's not the point of shooters. You play for points, and I'll show you how in this guide. So hopefully you will enjoy this guide as much as I enjoyed writing it. ------------------------------ [ Game Engine ] ------------------------------ To play shooters, you need to develop a keen eye for a flurry of bullets, and 95% of the time there is a way out of these path of bullets without wasting a bomb. It's tough to do at first, and when you first play shooters all you care about is beating the game. It's not tough to get the hang of dodging bullets, but like Poker, it takes 5 minutes to pick up but forever to master. Playing Giga Wing might seem pointless if you do not pay attention to the score. You notice that when you die, all your points are lost and stored to the memory of the motherboard, even though you can still continue from where you last left off. The whole point of playing this game is to play for points, and when you play for points, the game becomes much more fun. The great thing about this is that when you play 2 players, each competes for points! That's right, there is competition even in shooters amongst humans. This isn't to say that you should only play this game on one player to play for points. At the end of each stage you get points for the following: the percentage of the enemies taken down, the number of bombs you have left, and the total boss break (this concept will be explained a few paragraphs below). Both players help each other in the points tally at the end of each stage because it's much easier to take down 100% of the enemies with 2 players than with 1 player. Note that even if your partner destroys 50% of the enemies and you destroy 50% of the enemies, you both get the 100% shoot down bonus at the end of each stage. Also if you both boss break the boss completely, you each get 100%. So this is a team game. NOTE: If you start over with a new credit at the end of the stage, your end of stage bonus will be significantly lower. Because the points icons you accumulate during the stage multiplies your end of stage bonus. So if you only have 1 diamond(the number of diamonds can be seen at the top left and top right corner for each player), you'll only have your bonus multiplied once. The only time you two do not share points is when you shoot down enemies and grab the points icons after the enemies explode. So although you both share the end of stage bonuses(except for the number of bombs), you two will compete for points. Now obviously the points you get from shooting down planes and tanks as well as collecting points icons are minute compared to the end of stage bonuses, but it can add up. So you must keep on firing, even if there is no enemy in sight, that way you can destroy enemies before they even come on the screen. -- [ Dodging ] -- Dodging is a bit of a loss art when people play shooters. Often when I see people play shooters they go berserk and even with just a few bullets around they hit the bomb button. Dodging is a concept that, like i mentioned earlier, resembles Poker. The bluffing element in this game is whether or not to use a bomb/reflect force or try to avoid enemy fire and try to dodge it. If you try to dodge it and succeed, well, you succeed. But if you fail, you lose a plane. If you use a reflect force or force bomb, you end up wasting a force bomb, or if there is more firepower ahead, you are left unprepared to defend yourself in heavy fire, so you will waste a force bomb or lose a plane if you don't have any force bombs left. The game slows down quite a bit sometimes, and remember, in shooters, slow down IS YOUR FRIEND. Slow down allows you to find a better path to clear the flurry of bullets and gives you more time to think whether you should use the reflect force or not. Personally, I find it easier to dodge when there is a ton of bullets on the screen and when it slows down, then if there is only a moderate amount of bullets with no slow down. Pick the pilot that is best for you and stick with it. While speed does play a factor into dodging, it's hardly that essential for it. While Ruby is by far the fastest plane, she moves around a lot with even the slightest nudge of the joystick, which can cause you to lose a plane if you're not careful. To make slow down more apparent, pick a fighter that clutters the screen like Isha or Sinosuke and always fire, no matter what. You have unlimited ammo and shooting consistently will cause slow down, and thus give you more reaction time. It'll take some getting use to, but try not to panic when there is just a swarm of bullets. Try to concentrate on your plane and not on the enemy because it's not the enemy who is in danger, it's you. When you are caught in a flurry of bullets, concentrate on the small area surrounding your plane instead of wondering where the enemy is going. Memorization is key, but that often takes a lot of money, so shooters often are not a wallet's best friend because of the numerous combination of enemies. If you can memorize the patterns of enemies and when they come out and time your reflect force to defend yourself, you'll be a master at this game in no time. -- [ Force Bomb ] -- It is essential that you avoid using Force Bombs unless you are in a situation where you do not have a Reflect Force charged up and you are completely surrounded by enemies. These force bombs are sources of a few million to even billions of points. Although they are key to survival, try your best not to use them. But don't be so concerned about points that you are willing to blow up because of it. You are given a new set of bombs for each turn (so that's 9 bombs per credit), so use it as a last resort, even though the special effects are quite eye pleasing. The force bombs completely destroys everything on screen and protects the player completely. To use the force bomb, press the bomb button (duh). NOTE: Although the force bombs destroys everything on screen, except for the pilot(s), it does have a concentration point. Move your plane around to the intended target and watch the target become toast quicker than anything else on the screen. This tactic is useful for bosses that tend to move around a lot. Also note that during the two player mode, only the player that has initiated the force bomb will be invincible. So if you come across a giant flying boss or strong enemy, don't go near them if you're the pilot NOT using the force bomb as you are NOT invincible. -- [ Reflect Force ] -- This is the most unique idea ever brought to a shooting game. It is also the most ideal for your survival. You can use this at will, but note that it takes about 5 seconds or so to recharge. You have an unlimited supply of these and you are not penalized for using them. With the Reflect Force you can reflect firepower directly at the opponent. One of the things I don't see people do when they use the Reflect Force is fire. You can still fire normally or use a Force Bomb. Also, even when the Reflect Force does not reflect firepower, it still does damage, so get near an enemy and fire away. With two players, you can pretty much survive without losing a plane by constantly taking turns protecting each other using the Reflect Force as each player is completely invincible during the Reflect Force. The bullets that hit the plane turn into shield points icons (more information on these are just below). Only those that successfully reflect back at an opponent will turn into a points icon. Get to know the enemies in this game and try to time the reflect force just before or during the time the opponent has a breakout of bullets. If you can memorize the patterns of bosses and enemies, you increase your chance for points and survival 10 fold. -- [ Power Up Icons ] -- These icons float around after you destroy those weird blue-gray flying objects that look like mini Deep-Sea Destroyers. Collect three of these to fully power up. They look like a floating block letter "P." -- [ Bomb Icon ] -- These come from blowing up mini Deep-Sea Destroyers as well. Collect them to use as end of stage bonuses. They look like a floating block letter "B." NOTE: You are allowed a maximum of eight bombs per plane. If you collect a ninth bomb, you are awarded no points and no points increment along with no extra bomb. -- [ Points Icons ] -- These points icons come in all shapes and sizes. They either look like gold stars or gold shields or gold snowflakes. If you manage to collect a certain amount of icons in a row, the amount of points of each succeeding points icon will increase. Note that when you destroy certain enemies with a force bomb, you often do not get all the points that the enemies are worth, which is another reason why NOT to use the force bomb. Instead of getting many points icons after destroying airships with regular blasts, you may get one because you destroyed an opponent too early. In this game, if you destroy an opponent too early, often they give you just one points icon instead of many. So while it is a great incentive to destroy enemies early, you would be sacrificing many points in the how delicious those points icons look to you might determine your fate. Note that all flying enemies give points icons, some ground enemies do not give points icons, such as small tanks, mini shooters, and grounders. Also, points icons are tallied at the end of each stage. You can see how many points icons you've tallied at the top left corner of the screen. This doesn't tell you how much you've collected, but how much these points icons are worth times some value at the end of each stage. So don't try to pick up any icons that gets you in harm's way, because you must be alive to redeem these points icons at the end of each stage anyways. I can't confirm what the names of each points icons are (if Capcom actually gave them a name), but each points icon is only an increment. The yellow number is the last value of your points icon while the red numbers are the previous values. As far as I know, stars increment by 5 points, snowflake stars increment by 10 points, shields increment by 1, and giant snowflake starts increment by 20 points. If you lose a plane, your points icons restart. So if your last points icon collect was +1000, it'll now start at 0, so you'll have to collect all those points icons again. The Power Up icons are worth 100 increments each if you collect them while already being fully powered. Giant glowing stars are also worth 100 increments. Note however that the number of TOTAL points icons (the diamond number at the top left/top right of the screen) does not reset until you lose a essentially you will have your score continually multiply by cataclysmic amounts, and this can mean some insane end of stage bonuses. To get a better idea of how points work in this game, think of it like this: Say you have no diamonds to begin with. You collect a points icon that's worth 1 diamond, so you now have a total of 1 diamond. If you collect a points icon that increments 100 like a power up icon, the icon you just collected is worth 101 diamonds. Now you have a total of 102 diamonds. Lets say you collected a shield points icon, which is worth only 1 increment. When you collect that shield, it gives you 102 diamonds, so now you have a total of 204 diamonds. These diamonds will multiply your end of stage bonus, so obviously these increments can really add up...almost exponentially. ============================================================================= ------------------------------ [ Characters ] ------------------------------- ============================================================================= Picking a proper plane in this game that suits your needs is essential. If you want to play to stay alive and beat the game, chances are, Isha and Sinosuke are the players to pick because they can reach enemies across the screen. Ruby is better for points because she has a faster plane that can collect points icons across the screen. Stuck is a character that's a bit of an enigma...he's the 2nd fastest plane with range in between Ruby and Sinosuke. He's also the strongest if his firepower is completely concentrated on one target. Based on thousands of hours of experience, Sinosuke seems to be the worst plane for any situation, just because his firepower is so weak. He may have the greatest spread, but his power, or lack there of, comes into question. My personal favorite is Isha because of her strong frontal beam attack and her heat-seeking missiles that can destroy smaller enemies far across the screen. She can fire about 20 missiles every second, which is a huge asset to have, even if the missiles aren't that powerful...but at least they aren't that weak. - [ Sinosuke - Raijin ] - This plane has the widest shooting angle by far. It's easy to get 100% shoot down with this plane, but it's also the weakest, even if you're up close. It has average speed and often is the last plane I would pick, mainly because of it's weakness. This plane shoots waves of energy for practically the entire screen (when you're at full power), but it is so weak that the wide range is only useful for a ton of small objects. - [ Stuck - Widerstand ] - This is a very unique plane. While the frontal power is weak, the bombs themselves are incredibly powerful. You can aim your bombs if you stop firing and by moving up and down. So essentially you can fire in front of you, behind you, or to the sides of you. It's hard to really get use to this plane at first, but once mastered it can be a deadly plane. I do believe this plane is stronger than Ruby's, if you fire up close to the enemy so that all your firepower is concentrated. The great thing about the bombs is that they explode on contact and have an "aftertaste" effect. These bombs are still active even after they explode and are extremely powerful. Although the force bomb itself seems to have a concentration point in the center, you can still move the plane around and the bomb's concentration will follow the plane rather than the bomb's animation. NOTE: Flying enemies will be absorbed towards the middle of the screen. The other player must be careful to avoid going close to the middle because the enemies that are not destroyed can still touch the other player, thus losing a plane. - [ Isha - Porchka ] - This is probably my favorite plane because of the heat seeking missiles. As much as 10 heat seekers can come out at once at full power and this ship does have good frontal power. But it lacks speed severely and might prove difficult to dodge with. Be wary of enemies behind you, while your heat seekers will eventually find all enemies, it tends to go a long loop path before reaching it's target behind you. - [ Ruby - Carmine ] - This ship is easily the most agile. It's by far the fastest and has great frontal power, the most of any plane. I usually like this plane because of it's speed and because I can deliver power without getting close to the target. It's preferred if you use to plane for points rather than survival. You'll be hard-pressed to try and get 100% shoot down out of this plane, but you won't find one more powerful. From order of greatest to least: Speed: Carmine, Widerstand, Porchka, Raijin Power: Widerstand*, Carmine, Porchka, Raijin Spread: Raijin, Widerstand, Porchka, Carmine * The Widerstand actually is stronger than the Carmine, if you attack up close so that the bombs also hit the target at the same time. The speed of Porchka and Raijin are very minute in difference, but the Porchka is just slightly faster. ============================================================================= ------------------------------ [ Walkthrough ] ------------------------------ ============================================================================= Before I go on, I want to point out that the order of the stages change, with the exception of the last 3 stages (4 stages if you played the game to almost perfection: See secrets section), depending on which character you decide to select. Since Capcom did not name any of these stages, I will try my best to name them and the bosses (with boss names in parantheses). NOTE: In a two player game, the first player dictates where both players will start. If the first player is Isha and the second player is Ruby, you will start in the lava stage rather than the Base stage. Also note that while you may start at a stage like a lava stage, the difficulty varies depending on when you play a stage. So while the lava stage is easy for Isha when she first starts, it's more difficult for Ruby when she later plays that stage. When I describe bosses in each stage, I won't tell you how to defeat it exactly because all you have to do is bombard the damn thing. However, some of these bosses are a bit tough, so I'll try to add some helpful solutions to some of the bosses. The boss notes in each stage are to tell you how to achieve 100% boss break, which is todestroy as much as the boss as you can without completely destroying it. If you destroy the boss without taking out it's wings and such, you will not get 100% boss break, even though the boss was destroyed. However, if you do want to conserve force bombs, I suggest you read each section and try to memorize them while playing...which is asking a lot since you have to concentrate on the bullets coming at you. But remember, like I said earlier, the key to surviving is to not watch the enemy, but to watch the area surrounding your ship. Try to picture a small halo around your ship and if any bullet comes within that halo, dodge it. Note that part of your plane is invincible, but the cockpit is the main part that is the target. Sometimes it seems like it's impossible to dodge, but be more concerned with the cockpit area rather than the plane...sometimes a bullet or two might touch your plane without it blowing up. This happens often, so keep that in mind and realize that you stand a good chance to manuver around bullets. Ruby/Sinosuke will start at the base stage, their second stage will be the lava stage, and 3rd stage will be the train stage. For Stuck/Isha, their first stage will be the lava stage, their 2nd stage will be the train stage, and their 3rd stage will be the base stage. All characters have the same last 4 stages in the same order. NOTE: The secrets section will tell you more about how to reach the 7th stage, but here's a tip if you don't want a lengthy description: Make sure you have at least 5 force bombs and 2 planes left before reaching the forth stage. It is critical that you do not lose in any of the first 3 stages because they are relatively easy compared to the next 2 stages. If you lose even one plane by the 4th stage, your chances of reaching the 7th stage decreases 10 fold. By the 5th stage, you still must have 2 extra planes and at least 3 force bombs to stand a chance. TIP: When you play for points, it's a good idea to go for the big icons first before going for the little points icons. Why? Although the increments do not matter, the actual total does. For example, if you start with zero diamonds and you collect a shield points icon, it gives you one diamond. You collect a power up icon (when you're fully powered) you increment by 100 to 101, and when you collect that you have 102 total diamonds. However, if you collect the power up icon first, you get 100 diamonds, and if you collect the shields points icon you get 1 increment to 101, but now you have 201 diamonds instead of 102. So always grab the bigger points icons first prior to getting the smaller points icons. ------------------------------- [ Lava Stage ] ------------------------------ This stage generally isn't too tough, regardless of when you play it. You will encounter a mysterious enemy jet. This stage starts off at what looks like the base of a vulcano or something. Watch for those monster tanks during the middle of the stage, they often get in the way of your firepower so make sure you destroy all the green jets before the tanks have a chance to show up. This stage isn't too hard overall, but make sure to destroy the two cranes that use to hold onto the boss submarine. Tip: When you first see those red wing fighters (they look kind of a bit like squids) come from the bottom near the beginning of the stage, wait for them to spread their wings out, then destroy them. If you destroy them too early, they give only one points icon instead of many. Boss: (Submarine) This boss will be tough, regardless of when you fight it (even though it is much tougher when you face it as the 3rd stage). First off, destroy the cannons in front of the submarine and the heat seeking missile launchers to the side of it. Then take care of the cannons at the top half of the submarine. It'll switch to the bottom half of the submarine. This is where things can get tricky. You must try to take down all the cannons, even though it seems like suicide. Watch for the bombs it lays underlava because this is tough to avoid when you have bullets fired at you and the bombs are directly beneath the plane. I would recommend using a force bomb near the top half of this boss because a 100% boss break is worth more points than an extra bomb. To avoid using a force bomb, try to time your reflect force after the bombs have been laid and go close to the submarine and reflect back the shots. There is a good chance that you can dodge the mines and bullets without the reflect force, but this would require great skill...but it does allow you to save the reflect force for more dire situations. But the best chance to avoid using a force bomb and losing a plane is to stay near the bottom of the screen when the mines are set under lava. Move around the bottom and then quickly move up to the top half of the screen after the land mines have been set. This allows you to dodge the bullets instead of trying to dodge the mines and bullets at the same time. ------------------------------- [ Base Stage ] ------------------------------ This stage starts off above water in the mountains. This stage isn't too hard to beat. When you see lifts come out of the ground, begin shooting the opposite sides of the lifts first, because you can't shoot what's underground, and this will really help you avoid a loss of a plane in the stage. There's a strong silver/light-blue fighter near the end of this stage. It'll take quite a bit to take down, but it's firepower can be easily dodged. Watch for the multi-bombers that come down while you fight the silver fighter. Boss: (Red Baron Bomber) To get 100% boss break for this boss, you must destroy it's outer wings. This will eliminate 50% of it's firepower. The tail of the plane must be destroyed too, but watch for a black cargo box that falls off the plane. You must destroy that black box to get 100% boss break, otherwise you'll only get 95%. Now destroy the cannons that are between the wings and center of the plane. After that, just destroy the boss and 100% boss break is yours. ------------------------------ [ Train Stage ] ------------------------------ NOTE: Before shooting at anything in the stage, wait for the locomotives to pull the carts from out of the screen completely to get some extra points icons. You'll see a few small cargo trains at the beginning of this stage. Later a swarm of mini jets will come, which are destroyed easily. The tricky part are the 2 armoured trains that come up. Although obviously you can just destroy the locomotive and the rest of the train goes with it, you will not get the points for completely destroying the trains. It's imperative, for points, that you destroy all parts of the trains. There's a total of 6 carts (including the locomotive) on each train. At times the screen shifts out so some parts of the train are not hittable, so you must try to avoid the fire at this time until you are able to see the tail end of either train. Don't worry, you have an unlimited amount of time to destroy each train and their carts, so be patient. Destroy the left train first, because the right train will trigger a sequence where it blows up on a dam, leaving the other train and it's carts behind (and thus millions of loss points). After the dam explodes, don't bother trying to destroy the two gunners on the side, you can't destroy them until the music changes. Concentrate on the round shooters in the middle beforehand. Boss: (Deep Sea Destroyer) This is one of the more tricky bosses to getting 100% boss break if you do not have the Widerstand. First, destroy the boss' wings, they aren't that big so you'll have to manuver around to target them. Now take out the cannons on each side of the boss. Now on top of the boss are several propellers, you must destroy them to get 100%. Obviously if you touch the boss you'll lose a plane, so you'll have to either use a reflect force to get close to those propellers or use a force bomb. If you have the Widerstand you can just aim your bombs to shoot backwards and quickly fly to the top of the boss and shoot down, but beware, it often does not give you a great window of opportunity to shoot it's propellers as it often likes to fly above the screen. There are two gunners that are closed, they are right beside the medallion in the center. Wait for the gunner hangers to open to destroy you may have to dodge a bit. After that, destroy the boss for 100% boss break. ----------------------------- [ Sky Continent ] ----------------------------- This stage will be by far the toughest that you have encountered. Just before the boss of this stage you will see a charcoal colored shrine after destroying the armoured black tank. It'll gush out a ton of points icons, so try to grab as many as you can before enemy fire takes you down. Oh yeah, you'll also encounter that enemy jet again. This one is actually pretty easy to beat. You should never have to use a force bomb against this guy. When the plane appears, get underneath the jet while keeping your distance. When the 2nd wave of bullets appear to spread, use your reflect shield and get near the jet and stay right underneath the jet, barely touching it. This will allow you to more easily dodge the bullets than if you were far away because the bullets that the jets shoot out spread after leaving the cannon. Note: Okay, I finally got the idea of the 1-up in this stage. You must destroy the tank as fast as you can, then destroy the purple and red orbs and pick up the 1-up. The energy bulbs that appear are the result of you destroying the tank quickly, but not quick enough to get a one-up. To destroy the tank, it'll usually take two reflect forces returning all the bullets right back at the tank as well as you firing. After you destroy the tank, wait just a bit until the red orb is about 5 plane lengths from leaving the screen and then destroy it. If done right, giant orbs will appear that you can shoot down for giant snowflake points icons worth 100 increments each. I think you may have to destroy a few purple orbs before the red orb for this to work. Boss: (Guardian Robot) Many people often fail to recognize how to get 100% boss break on this guy. There are three targets to the boss. It's two arms and the main body. Take down the arms first, you'll have to shoot each arm down 3 times before the robot is no longer able to retract it's arms back. Now all you have to do is destroy it's main body as the arms are untargetable (if that's a word). I wasn't sure if the head can fall through one of the holes because I've tried numerous times without succeeding. If anyone has done this, please let me know. For this boss, you should never have to use a force bomb. If it's not common sense by now, the only boss you should ever have to use a force bomb for is the Sealed Shrine boss. Save your force bombs. Now, when the battle first starts, shoot it's center and when it releases its flurry of bullets, use your reflect shield. Try to move side to side at times to redirect enemy fire, and because it's easier to dodge the blue bullets from the side than from the front. The only time to use the reflect force is when the center body releases bullets, NOT THE SIDES. The bullets from the side can be easily dodged as well as the missiles. Be warned of the mini retractable arms on the boss' arms, it's easy to forget they are there when you are in a sea of bullets. This is where I see many people lose their planes. Destroy the giant arms matter what. That way you aren't stuck between a rock and a hard place when bullets are flying across the screen and the retractable arm is free to blow you up. TIP: For a cheap way to beat this boss, fly above its arms. Yes, you won't blow up because the robot is on the ground. Then just shoot away while trying to stay ahead of the robot. Try to take out the cannons first before taking out the missile launchers as they can aim above the robot. Once you knock it out, 99% of all bullets can't touch you are free to destroy the arms at will. Note however that when the wire arms come out (that is, after you destroy each arm three times) that this tactic fails to work as they can aim anywhere on the screen. ------------------------------- [ Sky City ] -------------------------------- This stage is even tougher than the last stage because of the absurd amount of bullets on screen. You'll face that mysterious fighter jet again (depending on how you fare throughout the game, this will either be the last time you face the jet or the 3rd time, you will face it a fourth time if you meet the requirements, check the secrets section below). Be prepared to use your reflect force and force bombs often in this stage, you're going to need it. For the enemy jet, it's easy to destroy without using a force bomb. To do this, get underneath the jet (while keeping your distance) at the start and keep firing and use the reflect force when the 2nd wave of bullets come, but during the time you are invincible during the reflect force, move to the left of the jet until it diverts the bulk of its bullets to the left and quickly swerve to the lower right while dodge the bullets. You'll have to be quick about this, as you must move directly underneath the jet before it fires out bullets from its twin cannons. If you done this correctly, you will have enough time for a 2nd reflect force, in which case after that the jet will be totaled. Honestly, for really experienced Giga Wing fighters, this stage should require you to use no more than 1 force bomb, as daunting as that task may seem, it is possible as I've gone through the stage using no force bombs, not even on the boss. After you destroy the black jet in the middle of the stage and after the mini fighters are gone, go to the top left of the screen and begin firing and moving moderately slowly to the right to take out the 5 odd looking shooters. Even Sinosuke can take these 5 out without them appearing on screen to release too many bullets. You'll see about 3 gold tanks next, but try to destroy them quickly, as you will encounter about 12 egg-shaped ships that bombard you with bullets. Try to wait until there is about 5 of these egg-shaped ships on the screen and use a reflect force, which should wipe them out. The next 7 you can take down, but you will need to manually destroy them with your fire before they appear on screen. If you take two down and you can hold out just a bit, you'll have a fully charged reflect force to use again to take down the next 5. Feel free to use a force bomb, but it's not necessary if you can time your reflect force. It's almost essential that you save your bombs for the next stage. Boss: (Phoenix Destroyer) This boss isn't too hard. Destroy both it's wings and it's tail. There's no trick to getting 100% boss break on this guy, just hit every conceivable target that you can hit. It'll eventually explode before the explosion is so bright you can't see anything. Try not to use a force bomb on this guy, save it for the next stage. So how, may you ask, can one do this? It's tough, but even the slowest ship like Sinosuke's can manuver slyly through the bullets. First and foremost, destroy it's tail. When you do that, you can actually touch the damaged tail without losing a plane...this will give you more room to manuver around bullets, especially when it gets heavy. Take out the left wing first and then go for the right wing. This boss is 10x easier without its wings...and also watch out for the laser beams that sometimes guides towards you...listen for a laser beam sound to let you know that you have to move vertically to get out of the way. NOTE: It's imperative that you not lose a plane from here on out because you will still have the same increments. If you left this stage with 3000 increments, you will continue with these increments in the next stage. ----------------------------- [ Sealed Shrine ] ----------------------------- This stage is only a boss. It's a big one, but if you didn't meet the requirements, it's the last boss. Now, to get 100% boss break you'll need patience and more patience. When the outer shell explodes, destroy the wings. Now each wing has multiple targets, first destroy the two cannons sticking out of each wing and then destroy the outer part of the wing before concentrating on the armpits of each wing. Here's a good strategy to beating the first part without using a force bomb. First when you begin, wait for it to spit out bullets, then use your reflect force near the source of fire (basically move your plane into the giant ship) and quickly pull to the bottom left corner of the screen. If you're gutsy you can go after the shields points icons, but be wary and dodge the bullets that come at you. It looks tough, but if you try to go between the small spaces between the "triplets" of bullets, you can hold out for yet another reflect force to use again. After your reflect force move to the bottom right corner of the screen and dodge, moving up and down between the fire until you have another reflect force to use. Once its outer shell blows up the wings come out, and they should be easy to take down. When you expose its heart it begins to pump out a lot of bullets, but stay to the bottom of the screen and move around the blue bullets while looking out for the red bullets. This isn't too hard if you just concentrate as you can keep dodging and holding out to use your reflect force over and over again until the entire ship dies. When you get to the rubix cube part, you should not have to use a force bomb. Yes, you heard correctly. As suicidal as this may sound, the reflect force is your friend, your best friend. Obviously the first part of the cube is easy to get by, you can easily dodge the red bullets and the green arrows, but it's imperative that you keep your distance to give yourself more time to dodge and more room to dodge. When it shoots out the blue rings, keep firing to nullify the yellow bullets. Now, it looks difficult to dodge the blue rings since there's so many of them, but the game slows down immensely during this time. Stay as far away from the cube as you can and simply dodge the blue rings. Remember, FOCUS ON YOUR SHIP'S AREA and not the boss. It doesn't matter where the boss goes, if you can keep a good eye on your ship and it's immediate area, dodging will be a piece of cake. When it stops shooting blue rings it'll start moving around in a circle and releasing bullets that release bullets themselves. Now go crazy and use a reflect force or force bomb, wait until the cube reaches the top of the screen. It'll shoot out red and blue arrows, use your reflect force now and get close to it, reflecting as many bullets as you can back at the cube. If you done enough, the boss should die after this...but remember, it will repeat this pattern the rest of the way. The luminous blue bullets are easy to dodge until you have a reflect force ready, so it's imperative that you use your reflect force when you see blue and red arrows being to shoot out. Congrats, you get an ending that is the "fake" ending, or you fight one more boss that puts this giant boss to shame. ---------------------------- [ Mysterious Pilot ] --------------------------- You finally get to meet the pilot that's been chasing you. Now, this guy is just absolutely insane when it comes to firepower. Although it takes about 1/2 the bullets to take this boss down than the last boss, he's still much tougher. To get 100% boss break, target the medallion first. It'll split up into multiple medallions that fire off HUGE energy shots. You must destroy every part of the medallion, even the parts that it splits off. After that, take down that damn plane that's been following you. Be warned though, you'll HAVE to use your force bomb on this guy, as good as you were dodging the previous boss, it's nothing compared to this guy. Try to use your reflect force often, but never hesitate to use a force bomb. After that, you get the REAL ending. To beat this boss might take a few planes, but after the opening dialogue, MOVE. The bullets the Medallion shoots out are quite fast and be absolutely sure to destroy the mini Medallions that spawn off the main Medallion. If you do not, they fire giant beams that take up 1/3 of the screen. The plane is now your main target, and boy he's a doozy. There are two prime times to use a Reflect Shield, when he moves wildly across the screen and fires off quadruplets of blue bullets in a circular and fast manner, and when he stops and releases hundreds of blue and green bullets. Try to get close to him when he beings to release these bullets with the reflect shield and watch him die quickly. It's insane how many bullets he releases, but they move slowly enough for you to recharge your reflect force. He really has just 3 patterns: When he stands still and shoots rapidly fast green bullets at you, spreads quadruplets of bullets in a circular motion, and when he releases slow moving (but very numerous) green and blue bullets. It might take a while to memorize the patterns, but USE YOUR FORCE BOMBS if you have to. You'd be insane not to use them. Trust me, I've racked up 8 trillion points or so, only to see it as my max score because I lost a credit while trying to conserve bombs. You're often much better off using a bomb when you can. TIP: Sinosuke and Stuck have the best chance to escape the Medallion splits without using a bomb because of their wide range. When the Medallion splits off into smaller medallions, stand to the bottom of the screen to get the best spread. It should destroy the medallions with ease. For Isha and Ruby, the best strategy I can offer without using a bomb is to get close to each medallion. The medallions first split off to the right, then to the left, and repeats. Luckily they don't split off more than 1 at a time, so you are given about a second to destroy each medallion split before a new one splits. Get close to each medallion split before they fire their giant beams and fire like there's no tomorrow. It's a longshot, but it does work. Note however that you can get through the entire game of Giga Wing without using ANY bombs. That's right, NO BOMBS. This boss is a heartache, but you must remember that there is only a small part of your ship that can actually be damaged...the cockpit. During the last part when the fighter begins to spit out a ton of slow moving green and blue bullets, you can actually split between the bullets and you have the best chance to do this in each corner of the screen. When you use your reflect force, move your ship towards the fighter and dwarf him with your reflect force. This way you not only damage him severely, but you get a ton of points icons to collect. Don't get greedy though, be sure you quickly move back to your corner when you still have some invincibility left. Then repeat. It takes a lot of practice to actually perform this manuver, but it's a great source of points if you manage to keep all your bombs in stock. ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Secrets ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= There's really only one secret to this game, and it's a bit of an Easter Egg. The "last" boss you face is a giant ship that is almost god-like. But that's not the last boss. The last boss is that mysterious fighter pilot that keeps running away after you destroy it. You notice that when you beat the game it says "The End...?" This DOES NOT mean a sequel to the game is in-store, even though a sequel has been made, it means that you got the false ending. Ruby, Isha, Stuck, and Sinosuke were never suppose to sacrifice their lives to save the world. Thus you will get a new ending that says "Fin" rather than "The End...?" So how do you get to this last boss? It's tough. You finish the "last" boss on ONE credit, that's right, ONE CREDIT. You will notice that after you defeat the giant ship that your points total up rather than jump straight to the "sacrifice" scene for each character. Now you know why you're given so much time to defeat the guardian of the Sealed Shrine. It's far more time then you need to defeat just one opponent. For a two player game, each player must not lose a turn. So each character must beat the "last" boss with one credit each. If one loses his/her first credit, doesn't have to be both players, then you won't meet the requirements to play the 7th stage. But I must say, it's much easier if you have two experienced Giga Wing players that can be on the same page. It's kind of cheesy, but talk to each other before you play and during play on when you will use your Force Bomb or Reflect Force to protect the other player. If you can time it right, using the Reflect Force back and forth can essentially win you the game with little hardship. But as far as I know, you must finish the first 6 stages with one credit. That's incredibly tough to do, but I did it. I picked Ruby and used her speed to dodge bullets and such. Each character will get a unique ending to the game if you face the mysterious pilot. Don't worry if you lose to the mysterious pilot, you'll be able to continue, just as long as you do not lose your credit in the previous stages. So alas, there are 7 stages to this game and not the 6 that 99.9% of the players played on. I didn't find this ANYWHERE on the net, so I hope this secret will bring new interest to the game. --- [ Alternate Colors ] --- You can get up to three different colors with each button (fire, bomb, start) for each pilot. Okay, so this isn't exactly as juicy as the Easter Egg above but who doesn't like colors? - [ Isha ] - Fire: Sky-blue(default) Bomb: Midnight-blue Start: Teal - [ Sinosuke ] - Fire: Hot-pink(default) Bomb: Purple Start: Dirty-pink - [ Stuck ] - Fire: Green(default) Bomb: Sea-green Start: Yellow-Green - [ Ruby ] - Fire: Red(default) Bomb: Yellow Start: Rose-Red ============================================================================= ----------------------------- [ Game Dialogue ] ----------------------------- ============================================================================= I can't believe I did this alone, but I managed to get the game dialogue for each of the two characters. So enjoy. Also note that for when the dialogue with the "real" enemy ensues, I will substitute his name as "Stone" simply because I do not know who the character is. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks. There are a total of 14 different quote combinations. 4 of them are the solo quotes, while the other 10 are the combinations of the two characters you pick, and yes, depending on who is 1st or 2nd player will determine different quotes, so you can obviously see how taxing this is. Fortunately there are just 20 different endings, so the order of the pilots do not factor into the endings. The way these combinations go, the first name shown is 1st player while the 2nd name shown is 2nd player. NOTE: Sinosuke/Ruby and Ruby/Sinosuke carry the same quotes. Just as Isha/Stuck and Stuck/Isha carry the same quotes. This is because when you pair two characters who have the same stage patterns, you'll get the same quotes. NOTE: Mono just means "monologue." There is no actual character speaking, perhaps it's the author. --------------------------------- [ Intro ] --------------------------------- The MEDALLION is the Stone created by the gods. It has the power to create or destroy life. Now, with the fate of humanity on the line, the final battle begins... ------------------------------- [ Isha/Ruby ] ------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Ruby: Well, now aren't you a cute pilot...are you going to destroy the stone too? Isha: Yes, because that is what must be done to stop the war. As long as achieving that is within my power, I must fight! Isha: Ruby, be careful. I have a strange feeling about that plane! Ruby: This looks like it will be exciting from the start! Isha: .......!! It's coming! Ruby: What were they thinking, building a base on lava like that! Isha: With the skills of the ancients and the power of the Stone, it was possible for people to live anywhere on earth... Ruby: Instead they choose to make a weapon like that. I have an uneasy feeling about the future... Isha: But we can't give up now! Ruby: That's right! Let's go on! - Stage 2: - Isha: Ruby: This is war. War brings out sorrow and hatred. These emotions bring about more war. Isha: It's like a circle...a line without an end. However, my purpose in this war is to break the circle forever... Isha: Ruby, why are you involved in this war? Ruby: Uh? Who, me? Well, you could say that it's for money, but it's really for the children. Isha: For money and for the children? Were you married, Ruby? Isha: How nice...a family... Ruby: I'm not married...But you can say that they are my family. - Stage 3: - Isha: They are coming from both the front and the rear! Ruby: They have no regret for what they have done. They must be punished! Isha: That sounds like you, Ruby! So, let's punish them! Isha: What will we do? It looks like they have already reached the floating continent. Ruby: You don't have to look so worried. We have things to protect, that makes us stronger! Isha: Yes, of course. It's to protect our world! Ruby: Good girl! It's no use being depressed. Let's get em! - Stage 4: - Isha: Why am I so afraid...? I can't stop shivering...That plane...What on Earth? Ruby: What's the matter? Keep your focus! Do you want to fail?! Ruby: If you wish to live, pull the trigger! Shoot them down and watch them go down in flames along with your fears! Isha: The Sky City in which the Sanctuary of the Seal is located, is near... Do you think this war will ever end? Ruby: We will put an end to it, with our own hands! Isha: Yes, as long as we fly upon these wings, peace is within our reach! Ruby: Your phrase sounded a bit too dramatic, but the idea is correct... We will obtain the treasure that is peace! - Stage 5: - Isha: I will fear no more...Whoever you are...I'll fight you so that I may live! Ruby: You're looking great! If I were a man I would have fallen in love with you... Ruby: The third time is the charm right? Let's get them! Isha: What is this place? It looks like we got caught up in the explosion. Ruby: It looks like it, can you feel that? It feels as though our planes are being dragged somewhere... Isha: Yes...the sealed shrine might be waiting for us up ahead... - Stage 6: - Isha: This world is unbelievable! The realm of another dimension...this is the perfect place... Ruby: Right...the perfect place to seal the Stone away...I can't help but to admire the wisdom of the ancient people. Isha: Now, all we have to do is crush the Medallion of Wisdom... Ruby: It might not be so easy, after comes the keeper of the's gigantic! - Stage 7: - Ruby: I never thought you would be our final enemy! Have you been controlling the Medallion, causing all these wars? Isha: But... how...? No one can control the Medallion! That's why it was sealed... Stone: Do you really think I could be as pathetic as you humans? Stone: It is the gambler who is in control of the coins... Ruby: Gambler...? Do you think that war is just a game?! Stone: Hee hee... To me, it IS... War is a game that has recured throughout human history. Isha: You! Don't you realize what sorrow and suffering war causes? Stone: What does it matter? When one plays, who cares what happens to the coins? They are merely tools for playing! Ruby: Stop it! Your talk is worthless! Isha: We are not coins, nor tools. We are people, with lives to live and defend! Prepare to understand who we are! - Bad Ending: - Ruby: Ha! Why don't you just die already?! You're just a piece of rock! Why are you trying to escape?! Isha: I won't allow this to happen...this will be settled right now! Ruby: What? What do you mean by that Aisha? Don't be so rash! It doesn't have to end here! Isha: This is the only thing left for me to do. Your kids are waiting for you to return. I should be the one to do this. Ruby: You were foolish to waste your life like that...No way! I don't believe it! Isha: I'm sorry, I didn't want the children to feel sorrow. I didn't want them to feel the same way I use to feel... Ruby: You! You made a BIG mistake...! Especially if you think you are alone! Isha: But...I have no family...I have no friends in the army... Ruby: But you do have something now, don't you? You have a friend...Me... And a family, too. Isha: Family? Ruby: Of course! Come to my place. They are a noisy bunch to live with, but I'm sure you'll come to like them! - Good Ending: - Ruby: We did it at last, didn't we? Isha: Yes... Yes...! Ruby: Hey... Don't cry... You should be smiling in a time of celebration! Now, smile! Isha: Yes... Smile... That's right! Ruby: Ha ha ha ha! We saved the world! We saved the Earth! Isha: Yes, we won. But what are we going to do now? I'm too happy... It's hard for me to think! Ruby: You'll see... I'll show you what we should do next! (A portrait of Ruby and Isha shows them celebrating) ------------------------------- [ Ruby/Isha ] ------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Ruby: Well, now aren't you a cute pilot...are you going to destroy the stone too? Isha: Yes, because that is what must be done to stop the war. As long as achieving that is within my power, I must fight! Ruby: I wonder how many children were in that town...? I'll take revenge on those who took their future away! Isha: Ruby... Let's take back our world and give it a future once again! Isha: Ruby, do you like children? Ruby: Huh? Well, yeah. Actually I decided to pilot this plane and fight because I needed money for the children... Isha: You had children? Yes, I see. You are beautiful too... Ruby: It's not what you think... I have no children of my own. The children I take care of are war orphans. Isha: I see. I kind of thought that at first... - Stage 2: - Ruby: It looks like it's coming! Are you ready? Isha: Yes. I am ready. Ruby: Don't think that way! If we fight them together, they'll be no match for us! Ruby: Is there someone waiting for you? You must have someone because you are so pretty... Ruby: The only thing I have waiting for me is a heap of children to take care of, but they're just so cute! Isha: It must be fun. I envy you. You have... a family... Isha: I was alone all the time... Ruby: ......... - Stage 3: - Ruby: That plane is overkill... I wonder what they're using it for? Isha: It seems that they want to fight us... Ruby: Well, that's too bad for them. Let's meet their challenge! Ruby: Shoot! It looks like they made it to the Floating Continent. Isha: It looks like they have a head start on us. If they use the ancient weapon... Ruby: Yeah. That's not good. Ruby: But we're here to stop it from happening. We can't break under pressure! Isha: Yes. The battle to come will be the real war! - Stage 4: - Ruby: Well, well, here they come again. Ruby: You have to respect them for trying so hard. Let's have fun with them one last time... Isha: I guess it cannot be helped, as long as they are blocking our way. Ruby: Here we are at last! Are you ready? Isha: Yes... There's no reason to hesitate. I'll do my best. Ruby: Ha ha, that's a girl! Isha: I'm very excited! I think about the Sky City and the Sanctuary of the Seal, and wonder what they are like... - Stage 5: - Ruby: They must be worthy opponents, considering they followed us this far... Isha: There's no solution to this problem other than to fight... Ruby: This has become a rather silly story... Oh well, I'll go the distance, just to see the end... Ruby: Darn! I goofed! We were involved in an explosion, and now I can't see anything! Isha: Also, our planes seem to have lost control. If we're lucky... Ruby: Yes... We might end up at the Sealed Shrine. Let's hope that is the case. - Stage 6: - Ruby: I think we reached our final destination, but I didn't expect the "Sanctuary of the Seal" to be like this! Isha: The realm of another dimension... Yes, they might have needed a place like this to seal the Stone away... Ruby: Even after those measures, they still ended up destroying themselves over it. It has to be destroyed! Isha: Agreed... However, it appears the ancients set up something else to protect it, and it's heading this way! - Stage 7: - Ruby: I never thought you would be our final enemy! Have you been controlling the Medallion, causing all these wars? Isha: But... how...? No one can control the Medallion! That's why it was sealed... Stone: Do you really think I could be as pathetic as you humans? Stone: It is the gambler who is in control of the coins... Ruby: Gambler...? Do you think that war is just a game?! Stone: Hee hee... To me, it IS... War is a game that has recured throughout human history. Isha: You! Don't you realize what sorrow and suffering war causes? Stone: What does it matter? When one plays, who cares what happens to the coins? They are merely tools for playing! Ruby: Stop it! Your talk is worthless! Isha: We are not coins, nor tools. We are people, with lives to live and defend! Prepare to understand who we are! - Bad Ending: - Ruby: Ha! Why don't you just die already?! You're just a piece of rock! Why are you trying to escape?! Isha: I won't allow this to happen...this will be settled right now! Ruby: What? What do you mean by that Aisha? Don't be so rash! It doesn't have to end here! Isha: This is the only thing left for me to do. Your kids are waiting for you to return. I should be the one to do this. Ruby: You were foolish to waste your life like that...No way! I don't believe it! Isha: I'm sorry, I didn't want the children to feel sorrow. I didn't want them to feel the same way I use to feel... Ruby: You! You made a BIG mistake...! Especially if you think you are alone! Isha: But...I have no family...I have no friends in the army... Ruby: But you do have something now, don't you? You have a friend...Me... And a family, too. Isha: Family? Ruby: Of course! Come to my place. They are a noisy bunch to live with, but I'm sure you'll come to like them! - Good Ending: - Ruby: We did it at last, didn't we? Isha: Yes... Yes...! Ruby: Hey... Don't cry... You should be smiling in a time of celebration! Now, smile! Isha: Yes... Smile... That's right! Ruby: Ha ha ha ha! We saved the world! We saved the Earth! Isha: Yes, we won. But what are we going to do now? I'm too happy... It's hard for me to think! Ruby: You'll see... I'll show you what we should do next! (A portrait of Ruby and Isha shows them celebrating) ------------------------------ [ Stuck/Isha ] ------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Stuck: It must be destiny that brought us into the skies to fight. We must first destroy the stone! Isha: Yes, that's right. But realizing our destiny means nothing if we do not achieve it. Let us go forth... Stuck: Hmmm...that plane has the same style as ours. Isha: Then, are they on our side? Something seems different about them... Stuck: Yes, they are the enemy. You could say that the enemy is trying to send us a message by having us defeat them. Isha: About our next destination...A long time ago, there was a beautiful lake there, with a ruin hidden deep beneath. Stuck: So you have memories of this place...the enemy must have seen the value in the stone structure of the ruins... Isha: All they can see is what they make use of. Anything other than that is invisible to them... Stuck: Some humans can be emotionless, and take the lives of others without regret. It's not surprising. - Stage 2: - Stuck: Something appears to be approaching from both the front and the rear. It appears to be the enemy. Isha: Yes, the main part is approaching from the rear. Stuck: The main appears to be the front of the large plane. Let's go. Stuck: It looks like the enemy is inactive for now...We should take this opportunity to move on... Isha: You are always calm, even when the shadows of war are upon us all! Stuck: Isn't it the same for you as well? The most important thing to do if you want to stay alive, is to stay calm. Isha: Yes, my mind has been properly prepared. I must live to fulfill my destiny as well. - Stage 3: - Stuck: The stone was made to amuse the heavens...Humans use gave them power to destroy themselves... Isha: know? What do you know about the Stone? Just what is this Medallion? Stuck: It looks like the Floating Continent rests in the hands of the enemy. Isha: How could they get there faster than us? The only ones who know about that place... Stuck: Yes, it should be only us. So this war is... Isha: Even if there is a reason, the only thing we can do is move forward! - Stage 4: - Stuck: They won't let us through so easily. Isha: Are we just pawns? Could this entire war be... Stuck: Hmmm, I wonder...We will learn the truth eventually. Until then, we must survive. Stuck: Now that we have made it here, what should we do? Isha: It looks like we will be led through to where the Sanctuary of the Seal is... Stuck: Whatever is beyond that will be the enemy's advantage...This will be interesting, indeed... Stuck: After difficulty comes the sensation of fulfillment. This is developing nicely... Isha: How can you feel that way about our situation? Oh no! Now I feel that way too! - Stage 5: - Stuck: Their desire to play with us demonstrates their greed... Isha: Taking lives is not a game, but it is becoming second-nature...It may be because we've gotten use to this war... Stuck: My dear, there is no right way to kill in a war. The only way is to fight any way you can so that you may live on. Stuck: That was a big explosion...It's blown us into a strange place. Isha: Apparently so...this place is filled with light, but beyond here must be... Stuck: The Sealed Shrine. That place is haunted by the curse of the ancient people...Let's see what it's like... - Stage 6: - Stuck: The ancient people sealed the Stone here...A stingy folk they were... Isha: The medallion's power is so seductive, it causes people to engage in terrible conflicts. It only brings about trouble. Stuck: Anything that has too much power will cause trouble...Besides, the Medallion was originally created for that purpose. Isha: Yes, the Stone creates prosperity, and the people fight to possess that prosperity. Hey! Our final opponent is approaching! - Stage 7: - Stuck: The Medallion is circling around that plane? Unbelievable. Isha: Why? Is it being controlled? This must be a dream... Stone: No Aisha...this is happening now...Of course, you were expecting this, Shutock... Stuck: It's you, as I suspected. Were you not satisfied with your tricks in the last World War? Why are you doing this again? Stone: Hmmm...I'm afraid the last World War did not meet my expectations... But this time, I'm very pleased with the results! Isha: You said you caused the last World War, AND this war? What kind of value do you place on our lives? Stone: You are merely tools for my gambling...The Stone is also an important tool...These tools are necessary for playing... Stuck: Enough of this! I don't want to hear anymore! Isha: It looks like we'll have to crush another enemy along with the Stone! Stone:'ve become motivated! I'll enjoy this very much... - Good Ending: - Isha: The battle is over at last. We can live in peace now, can't we? Stuck: We will, perhaps for thousands of years to come... Isha: What do you mean by that? You mean...the Stone is still alive? Stuck: No. By crushing the Medallion of Wisdom, other Medallions must have lost their powers. But, the Great is invincible... Isha: There's nothing to be worried about... Stuck: Huh? Although the Stone no longer exists, we can't stop people from fighting over each other forever... Stuck: Someday, they may fight again, just as they did in this war... Isha: If people start a war, there will be freedom fighters to stand against them, just as we did. Isha: Besides, I believe in the people. Whatever the situation, there will be people who will make a difference. Stuck: You sure have grown up, haven't you, my dear...Oops...I should call you "madam" from now on... Stuck: I will believe in the people, just as you do...As long as I can see your smile in my mind... Isha: Thank you...! (Isha smiles) ----------------------------- [ Sinosuke/Stuck ] ---------------------------- - Stage 1: - Sinosuke: Huh? Are you also fighting to destroy that stone? That sure is a strange mask you have on... Stuck: Mask? Oh...This is part of my body...A branding for a person who has been tempted by the power of the Stone. Sinosuke: I'll never forgive them! They've killed innocent people! Stuck: There can be no good victory in war. They have become drunk on the blood that feeds their desire for power. Sinosuke: Then I'll have to wake them up. I'll wake them with a vengeance! Sinosuke: Wow, those were some impressive manuvers, considering the battle took place at night. Stuck: Oh, you mean that. It all has to do with my right eye. Stuck: Even if it is at night, it makes no difference to me...I can see as well as I can see during the day. Sinosuke: If only I had a power such as that... Stuck: Hmmm... convenient, do you say? That ability came to me at a price...There is a price for everything... - Stage 2: - Sinosuke: It appears to be a comrade. Why didn't they identify themselves? Stuck: You can't tell a friend or foe by appearance alone! Besides, a black plane usually means that it's an enemy! Sinosuke: It seems that you may be right! Let's take it out! Sinosuke: Hey... Why are you fighting, anyway? Is there any particular reason? Stuck: Well, why are you fighting, Shinnosuke? Does that cut on your face have anything to do with it? Sinosuke: Umm, yeah... I'm sorry, I asked you a stupid question. Stuck: No... I asked you a rude question, too. Now, let's stop talking and get back to business. Sinosuke: It seems that they've come to greet us. Get ready to take them out! - Stage 3: - Sinosuke: It looks like the enemy has arrived! They are both in front of us and behind us! Stuck: The front is the main part. And the rear... is the Medallion. Sinosuke: Okay! Let's destroy them in one strike! Sinosuke: I'm worthless for letting them get ahead of us like that! I suck! Stuck: Well, the war isn't over yet. Do not judge the outcome prematurely... We have yet to know the truth. Stuck: Or would you prefer to give into defeat before the battle has even started? Sinosuke: Me...? Never! Sinosuke: If you're going to pick on me, at least do it fairly! - Stage 4: - Sinosuke: Huh? Here it comes again! It has something new attached to it! Stuck: It sure does look amazing. Something that looks that impressive is certainly worth defeating. Sinosuke: I don't understand you, sometimes... Sinosuke: This is the place they call The Sanctuary of the Seal. It is an amazing place... Stuck: It is the legacy of the ancient civilization. Our eyes seem unworthy of seeing it... Sinosuke: I envy you for thinking that way... Stuck: You will be able to think as I do as the years pass by... For that to happen, we have to win this war! - Stage 5: - Sinosuke: Here they come again! They never give up... Must we engage them again? Stuck: It seems that we are at the center of the enemy's attention... Why don't we show them what we're made of...? Sinosuke: Yeah, yeah... You're right... Sinosuke: Let's do it! Sinosuke: This isn't good, I can't see anything. I think we have a problem here... Stuck: I don't think so. Our planes are being dragged somewhere. If my guess is correct, ahead of us awaits... Sinosuke: ...The Sealed Shrine! Let's hope that your guess is right, and we'll see what happens next... - Stage 6: - Sinosuke: The ancients must have been desperate to protect the Stone... This is the perfect place to hide it... Stuck: To even see such a sight is rewarding enough for our efforts... Sinosuke: Hey! Please concentrate on our mission! The Medallion is literally in front of us, you know! Stuck: I know... However, we must defeat the enemy before we can break the Stone... - Stage 7: - Sinosuke: What?! Why is the Medallion of Wisdom circling around that black plane? Stuck: Hmm... I knew you were behind all this, but I never expected to see you on the battlefield... You seem to enjoy it... Stone: Yes. Very much so... Stone: The last World War was not as satisfying as I hoped it would be, but this time, I'm very happy with the results. Sinosuke: Hey! Are you implying that you are the one who caused the last World War, and this one too? Is that true? Stone: I would believe so. Shutock knows all about it. He can tell you about me... That is, if you survive... Stone: That's all I have to say. Are you ready to live the finale of the story? Stuck: That's what I've been waiting for. I'll crush the Stone, and destroy you! Sinosuke: Hey! Once this is over, I'll make you explain everything to me! You better not die until then! - Bad Ending: - Sinosuke: Rats! Why is the Stone still struggling to survive?! I won't let you escape! Stuck: Calm down, Shinnosuke. What are you going to do...? Sinosuke: I was pleased to fight together with you, Mister S.! We've come this far, thanks to you! Stuck: I don't want to hear such nonsense from you! Stop being so childish! We can still crush the Stone together! Sinosuke: Sorry, but I haven't really grown up yet. This is MY style. So long! See you again, someday! Stuck: Peace has been restored, thanks to you, Shinnosuke. The war is over and a new era has begun... Stuck: This is the world you wanted to live in... The skies are calm and free of conflict. Indeed, a beautiful sight. Stuck: The next time we meet, I'll still expect you to address me as "Mister S." I look forward to seeing you in the air again. - Good Ending: - Sinosuke: The battle is over... From now on, I can live a normal life. Stuck: Don't you want to know the truth, Shinnosuke? Sinosuke: What do you mean? I'm not asking you about anything, am I? Sinosuke: I don't care what the truth is... The only thing that matters to me is that peace has been restored. Stuck: Ha ha ha! Well, then I agree. You are an interesting person, Shinnosuke. It was an honor that we could fight together. Sinosuke: Hey, stop that! It was my pleasure to fight together with you! Stuck: Thank you... By the way, what are you going to do now? Sinosuke: Well... I'll go back to my country... But I'm not sure what I'll do after that... Stuck: Well, that sounds like you, Shinnosuke. See you again, someday... somewhere... Sinosuke: Yeah, I'll see you later! (A portrait is shown with Sinosuke and Stuck shaking hands) ----------------------------- [ Stuck/Sinosuke ] ---------------------------- - Stage 1: - Sinosuke: Huh? Are you also fighting to destroy that stone? That sure is a strange mask you have on... Stuck: Mask? Oh...This is part of my body...A branding for a person who has been tempted by the power of the Stone. Stuck: Thank you for greeting us... Sinosuke: You sure are calm. Show me your secret to defeating them... Stuck: It's not much to look at, but look if you want... Stuck: We somehow made it through. Are you all right, Shinnosuke? Sinosuke: Aside from the heat, I'm fine. What were they thinking, building a base in a place like that? Stuck: The importance of an experiment base increases the level of secrecy that it must be protected by. Stuck: Besides, don't you have an air conditioner? I think you do, seeing that your plane is the same type as mine. Sinosuke: Air conditioner...? Hmm... let me see... Sinosuke: Whoa, no way! - Stage 2: - Stuck: Well, well... They sure bring out a lot of weapons! Sinosuke: Hey! This is no time to be taking things easy! Stuck: Hm, hm. Yes, you are right. I will be serious. Stuck: Are you use to the plane yet? If you haven't maximized the plane's potential, the fight will be difficult from now on. Sinosuke: Yes, I'm doing fine. I can't die at a place like this! I have a destiny to achieve! Sinosuke: By the way, are YOU all right? How did you end up worrying about me? Stuck: I believe the next battle will take place at night. I'll show you what an advantage my right eye gives me. - Stage 3: - Sinosuke: Oh no! I didn't think they would blow up the town! Those are the kind of people that... Stone: Anyone who is connected to the Stone suffers from incredible sorrow. Yet, this is a fate that we could have avoided. Sinosuke: What do you know about the Stone? Stuck: The Floating Continent... The remains of an ancient civilization that once flourished... Sinosuke: What is the meaning of having a continent float in the sky? Stuck: When you have a skill or technology, you try to use it to its fullest potential. Stuck: It's not good that the ancient weapon has fallen into enemy hands. Sinosuke: Don't hesitate to think... We have no choice but to move forward. - Stage 4: - Stuck: They're stubborn. They will stop at nothing to introduce new weapons... Sinosuke: Don't let your guard down. It looks very powerful! Stuck: Well, if you look at the big picture, this is just another hurdle that we must overcome. Let's not get too stressed. Stuck: Above is the Sky City that the ancients had built. The fate of this place had been sealed along with the Stone... Sinosuke: Why did the ancient people seal the Stone? They should have destroyed it! Stuck: They must have tried, but failed. There must have been a war back then, like the one that is happening now... Sinosuke: And they were destroyed? How could they trade their existence for power or technology? Stuck: I see that once the power falls into one's hands, it's difficult to throw it away. It is the same way with us humans. - Stage 5: - Stuck: Such an attitude from the enemy warrants their defeat. Sinosuke: Agreed. We defeat each opponent and then the next... Does this mean that we are really strong? Stuck: That might be the case, but if we defeat this one, I'm sure that a stronger one will appear. Stuck: It appears that the explosion managed to blow us into an unknown place. Sinosuke: Right, and we've also lost control of our planes. What should we do? Stuck: Nothing. If we let out planes go with the flow, we'll eventually reach our destination... - Stage 6: - Stuck: We've reached our destination at last. I never imagined the Sanctuary of the Seal would be in a place like this. Sinosuke: This place is incredible... I'm pretty sure we're not on earth anymore! Stuck: The realm of another dimension... It is a suitable place to perform the finale of our show... Sinosuke: Let's not keep our host waiting... Let's do this! - Stage 7: - Sinosuke: What?! Why is the Medallion of Wisdom circling around that black plane? Stuck: Hmm... I knew you were behind all this, but I never expected to see you on the battlefield... You seem to enjoy it... Stone: Yes. Very much so... Stone: The last World War was not as satisfying as I hoped it would be, but this time, I'm very happy with the results. Sinosuke: Hey! Are you implying that you are the one who caused the last World War, and this one too? Is that true? Stone: I would believe so. Shutock knows all about it. He can tell you about me... That is, if you survive... Stone: That's all I have to say. Are you ready to live the finale of the story? Stuck: That's what I've been waiting for. I'll crush the Stone, and destroy you! Sinosuke: Hey! Once this is over, I'll make you explain everything to me! You better not die until then! - Bad Ending: - Sinosuke: Rats! Why is the Stone still struggling to survive?! I won't let you escape! Stuck: Calm down, Shinnosuke. What are you going to do...? Sinosuke: I was pleased to fight together with you, Mister S.! We've come this far, thanks to you! Stuck: I don't want to hear such nonsense from you! Stop being so childish! We can still crush the Stone together! Sinosuke: Sorry, but I haven't really grown up yet. This is MY style. So long! See you again, someday! Stuck: Peace has been restored, thanks to you, Shinnosuke. The war is over and a new era has begun... Stuck: This is the world you wanted to live in... The skies are calm and free of conflict. Indeed, a beautiful sight. Stuck: The next time we meet, I'll still expect you to address me as "Mister S." I look forward to seeing you in the air again. - Good Ending: - Sinosuke: The battle is over... From now on, I can live a normal life. Stuck: Don't you want to know the truth, Shinnosuke? Sinosuke: What do you mean? I'm not asking you about anything, am I? Sinosuke: I don't care what the truth is... The only thing that matters to me is that peace has been restored. Stuck: Ha ha ha! Well, then I agree. You are an interesting person, Shinnosuke. It was an honor that we could fight together. Sinosuke: Hey, stop that! It was my pleasure to fight together with you! Stuck: Thank you... By the way, what are you going to do now? Sinosuke: Well... I'll go back to my country... But I'm not sure what I'll do after that... Stuck: Well, that sounds like you, Shinnosuke. See you again, someday... somewhere... Sinosuke: Yeah, I'll see you later! (A portrait is shown with Sinosuke and Stuck shaking hands) ----------------------------- [ Sinosuke/Ruby ] ----------------------------- - Stage 1: - Sinosuke: Huh? That plane... It seems that we have the same intentions... Are you also taking revenge upon the Stone? Ruby: I'm not here for any special reason... Money is my employer for now, although it's not bad to protect the world... Sinosuke: Argh! What do they think they're doing?! They're destroying an entire city! They're crazy! Ruby: You got that right! Once they have the power, they will use it, and this is the result... Ruby: Hey kid! You're pretty good! I would have invited you to join me if we met a few years ago... Sinosuke: Hey! Why are you calling me a kid?! And what's this about inviting me? Ruby: Hmm hmm... You know there's only one thing I'd extend an invitation for... Ruby: To become a sky pirate! Sinosuke: A... A sky pirate?! - Stage 2: - Sinosuke: It appeared so suddenly! Were we being ambushed? Ruby: Don't jump to conclusions just yet. It has something big attached to it, but the front resembles our planes. Sinosuke: Something just doesn't seem right... Sinosuke: They sure put that base in an awful place! I feel like I've been boiled! Ruby: Yeah... You look like you were burning up... But my plane was quite cool. Sinosuke: ... !! Ah!!! Oh no! I had an air conditioner! Why didn't you tell me! Ruby: Oh... I'm sorry! But you're so easy to make fun of... Sinosuke: Hey! That wasn't very nice! - Stage 3: - Sinosuke: Huh? Something's approaching from the rear? Ruby: Yes, quickly! Something's coming from the front as well! Sinosuke: Leave it to me! I'll take them out in one blow! Sinosuke: They appear to be meeting at the Floating Continent, ahead of us! Ruby: Take it easy! We can still fight back... Don't give up. Sinosuke: Of course! Let's hurry onward! The real war begins now! Ruby: That's the spirit, boy! - Stage 4: - Sinosuke: You got away before, but not this time! Ruby: Keep your cool, or you'll get yourself hurt. Sinosuke: Okay, there's two of us... Let's do this right! Sinosuke: Whew... They sure brought some heavy hardware... We might be able to relax until we reach the end of the sky. Ruby: The ruins built high up in the sky... People from every age have dreamed of such a place. Sinosuke: I can understand... Higher and higher... Ruby: Yes, it's about romance. Because of the ancient technology we are now able to get there. Sinosuke: We aren't going to get through that easily. We might fight here. This is certainly a tough world to defend... - Stage 5: - Sinosuke: Argh! Here they come again! Why don't they just fight until the end and not run away? Ruby: They aren't fighting seriously! If you haven't realized that by now, you'll be in big trouble! Sinosuke: What are you talking about? Don't speak such nonsense! Look at how many there are before us! Ruby: You see, you really are just a kid... Forget about it... Let's get them! Sinosuke: Shoot! I can't see anything! I can't even move in this situation! Ruby: Actually, we wouldn't be able to move, anyway... Our planes are being dragged somewhere... Sinosuke: I wonder where we are going... Whatever happens, we'll have no choice but to deal with it. Ruby: It looks like it... Only the gods can decide our fate, now... - Stage 6: - Sinosuke: This is the Sanctuary of the Seal?! I did not expect it to exist in the realm of another dimension! Ruby: And... That's the "Medallion of Wisdom." That is what caused the conflicts in our world. If we could break it... Sinosuke: Yes... We accomplish our mission. But before that can happen... Ruby: We must defeat the keeper of the Stone. Wait! I'm picking up something huge on my radar! It's way too big! Be careful! - Stage 7: - Sinosuke: What?! Why is the Medallion circling around him?! Ruby: I don't know... But, I have a bad feeling about this... Stone: It's a pity... You have to finish the job... I trusted you... Ruby: Huh? Did you? I've never seen you before in my life! Stop being ridiculous! Stone: Well, well... I thought I had paid you to show my confidence in your ability... Ruby: You what?! You are... Why are you doing this...? Stone: I told you... I trusted you... And I also gave my trust to him... Sinosuke: You are... You're the one who gave me this plane... Stone: Ha ha ha! That's right! The conflicts of the people who fought over the Stone were fun to watch... Stone: But now, the time has come to end the game... We will fight the final battle to determine the future of humanity! - Bad Ending: - Sinosuke: Hey! Where are you going?! I won't allow you to escape, you pitiful Stone! Ruby: Are you crazy?! What do you think you're doing? Do you want to die or something?! Sinosuke: Ha ha... Sweetheart... I'll do what I believe I have to do... Because after all, I'm only a novice... Ruby: Hey, stupid! A kamikaze attack won't make you into a hero! Sinosuke: Ha, ha, ha... Maybe... But, I must do this. It is my destiny! Ruby: Where am I? I remember... I was in the explosion with someone... The kid! Where's the kid...?! Ruby: I'm sure he's all right. He's too stubborn to die! He must have survived, too... Ruby: I'll see him again, sometime, somewhere, I'll tease him again, when we meet again... Ruby: Because... he is kind of... - Good Ending: - Sinosuke: It's over. I feel at ease for once... I'm so happy! Ruby: We've overcome this bloody war at last! From now on, we can relax as much as we like to. Sinosuke: Yes, but I'll get bored if I relax and don't do anything else. Ruby: I guess you don't like staying in one place for a long time... What will you do now? Sinosuke: I'll return to where I was born. I will tell them that I carried out my revenge... Ruby: I knew you would say that... Then what? Sinosuke: I don't know... I have no idea what will happen after that. Ruby: Then, give me a call. There are lots of people who could be great friends with a guy like you! Sinosuke: Well then, I can hardly wait! I'll get a hold of you, I promise... I'll be seeing you later! Ruby: I'll be waiting for you... I won't forgive you if you forget your promise! Sinosuke: I won't! You can count on me, partner! ----------------------------- [ Sinosuke/Isha ] ----------------------------- - Stage 1: - Isha: Our machines seem to be the same, despite their different appearances... Are you also out to destroy the Stone? Sinosuke: You could say that, but my grudge against the Stone is personal... I'm not fighting for anyone else. Isha: What have they done... Then again, look at what I'm doing now... Sinosuke: I don't know what happened in your past... But for now you have to focus on this war, or you won't survive! Isha: What made them build a base like that? Sinosuke: Who knows... Perhaps they made it based on what they believe in... Isha: Yes... I also believed in something a long time ago. The country I grew up in... - Stage 2: - Sinosuke: Huh? What is that? It almost looks like one of ours... Isha: Be careful, I have a funny feeling about it. Sinosuke: What...?! It's targeting us! Sinosuke: It looks like we can take a break... You should take a rest... Isha: Thank you... I think I will. Don't you think it's impossible to relax alone, in the middle of war? Sinosuke: Yeah... you're right. But I've been alone for my entire life... Isha: Me too. We might be very much alike. - Stage 3: - Sinosuke: It's coming from the rear! Is that the Medallion? Isha: There's also something in front of us! Be careful, Shinnosuke! Sinosuke: Yeah! You too! Sinosuke: Curses! They've found the Floating Continent after all! Isha: It's all right. We can stop them. We fought them this far! Sinosuke: What...? Oh yeah, you're right. Sinosuke: I wouldn't be a man if I quit now! Let's go onward into the skies of battle! - Stage 4: - Sinosuke: They can't fool me this time around... Isha: We have to fight it, even without knowing the reason... Sinosuke: It doesn't matter if we know the reason or not... just concentrate on surviving... Sinosuke: Here we are at last... Our goal is to be found here! Isha: Yes, it is probably the Sanctuary of the ancient people who built the land that floats in the sky... Sinosuke: It is ironic, trying to Seal the Stone into something that was built by its own power. Isha: Now, we fight on to destroy it, on what was made by their own technology... Sinosuke: It's okay. To make a mistake is to be human. To be human also means to correct those mistakes! - Stage 5: - Sinosuke: Hey, here they come again! They sure are persistent... Isha: Shinnosuke, it doesn't matter how many times they come back, it's our duty to fight them! Sinosuke: Yeah, you're right... We can't let this annoyance set us back! Sinosuke: I'm so embarrased! Why were we involved in the explosion?! Isha: Shinnosuke, I think our planes are being dragged somewhere... Sinosuke: I see! Perhaps this means that the Sealed Shrine awaits us... Isha: We can only hope for that... - Stage 6: - Sinosuke: Whew! This is an incredible place! It is entirely different from our world... Isha: This place would have kept the Stone safe indefinately... Sinosuke: The Medallion of Wisdom is responsible for the recent conflicts that have plagued our world. We must destroy it! Isha: That might not be so easy... An enemy is approaching, and it's gigantic...! - Stage 7: - Sinosuke: Hey! Why are you here? Isha: He seems to be controlling the Medallion... Shinnosuke, watch out... Stone: Welcome... The final battle will take place here. I never expected you to get this far. Sinosuke: You! Show your face when you want to speak to someone! Just what are you?! Stone: You could not understand what I am, and appearance has no importance to me. Stone: Enough... Let the battle begin. You are here to fight. Isha: That is correct. We won't refuse your challenge! Sinosuke: Yes, I'll fight you! Come on! Stone: That's the spirit! Let us enjoy the battle! - Bad Ending: - Sinosuke: Why?! Why is the Stone so bent out on escaping?! Why can't I just blow it to pieces already? Isha: What are you doing, Shinnosuke? Stop!! Sinosuke: Ha ha ha! There's nothing to worry about. It'll be a piece of cake. Sinosuke: Allow me to go... Let me be the one to break the Stone! Because of the Stone, my family was... Isha: Shinno... ...suke... ...Shin... Shinnosuke! Sinosuke: (......Am... I... alive...?) Isha: Shinnosuke! Are you all right? Answer me! Can you hear me? Sinosuke: (Why... is she crying...? ... Ha ha, I'm okay...) Isha: Shinnosuke?! Are you alive? Say something! Sinosuke: Yeah... I'm alive... HA HA! I AM ALIVE! - Good Ending: - Sinosuke: It's over. It has finally come to an end! Isha: Yeah! We won! Sinosuke: Ha ha! We did it at last! Mother! Father! Makoto! I've avenged us! Isha: Congratulations, Shinnosuke... Sinosuke: Don't cry! We can laugh at it from now on! Our destiny has been achieved, and we are finally free! Isha: You're right. We are free to live our lives! Sinosuke: We now have a future ahead of us! It's so fun to think about it! Isha: Ha ha... You could say that again! What are you going to do now, Shinnosuke? Sinosuke: No... What are WE going to do, Aisha? (A portrait shows Sinosuke and Isha walking off together) ----------------------------- [ Isha/Sinosuke ] ----------------------------- - Stage 1: - Isha: Our machines seem to be the same, despite their different appearances... Are you also out to destroy the Stone? Sinosuke: You could say that, but my grudge against the Stone is personal... I'm not fighting for anyone else. Isha: What is this feeling? The emotion that is coming from that plane is causing me to shiver... Sinosuke: What is it? What does it have?! Isha: Don't be afraid. You aren't alone. If we can fight the best we can, we can win! Sinosuke: Good... we made it through. Your skills are superb! Are you suppose to be a fighter pilot? Isha: Yes... I trained to be a pilot for my country. Before I knew it, they were calling me an ace... Sinosuke: Oh, I'm sorry... I shouldn't have been so nosy. Isha: That's okay. It's good that the person I'm cooperating with to know me better. Sinosuke: Well, if you say so... - Stage 2: - Sinosuke: Why do you think people are so willing to kill or be killed in the name of their country or organization? Isha: It's because they believe that what they are doing is right. I use to think that way a long time ago. Sinosuke: Well, now it's your chance to face your guilt and make up for the actions you took in the past... Isha: Thank you. I was able to survive because of you! Sinosuke: Umm, yeah. Don't mention it. Sinosuke: It's a bit embarrassing... Isha: Really...? - Stage 3: - Isha: It's coming from both sides! The rear is... The Medallion! Sinosuke: You should laugh when there's no need to be worried. Do you think they'll be able to beat us? Isha: Yes, you're right... I'm okay now! Let's do it! Isha: It looks like the enemy is gathering at the Floating Continent. There is the ancient weapon hidden there... Sinosuke: Hmm, that's not good. We have to dispose of them quickly, or else we'll be too late! Isha: Ha ha... You say that so easily... Sinosuke: Of course! We can't let ourselves be defeated here! Isha: Yes, you are right. - Stage 4: - Isha: Why is that? I'm so afraid... I've never felt this way before... Sinosuke: Afraid? Them...? We have no choice but to fight them! Isha: I'm sorry. Don't worry... I'm fine. Let's keep going! Isha: Shinnosuke, we've arrived at last. In this blue sky, there is a city... Within that city is... Sinosuke: Yes... The Sanctuary that seals the Great Medallion. We'll make it there. We'll make it happen! Isha: It's nice to know someone who lives so honestly... Sinosuke: Wha...? Anyone can do that. A person may live as they please. It's that simple. Isha: Really...? Then I want to live too. As I please... - Stage 5: - Isha: No more hesitation for me... I'll pull the trigger on whoever our enemy is, no matter what their reason! Sinosuke: I'll do whatever I can until my wings are no more... I'm here to fight by your side! Isha: Yes... We've survived this long... We'll surely make it to the end! Isha: Are you okay, Shinnosuke? Sinosuke: Barely... I wonder where we are... This place seems so empty... Isha: I guess we're on our way to the sealed shrine. Sinosuke: You could be right. If that is the case, the sealed shrine might be more dangerous than we previously though. - Stage 6: - Isha: At last... We made it here... The Sanctuary of the Seal... Sinosuke: Yeah... But I never expected it to be like this! Isha: If we can crush the Medallion of Wisdom which is ahead of us, our mission will be complete... Sinosuke: Right... But it seems that we have to confront the enemy here first... - Stage 7: - Sinosuke: Hey! Why are you here? Isha: He seems to be controlling the Medallion... Shinnosuke, watch out... Stone: Welcome... The final battle will take place here. I never expected you to get this far. Sinosuke: You! Show your face when you want to speak to someone! Just what are you?! Stone: You could not understand what I am, and appearance has no importance to me. Stone: Enough... Let the battle begin. You are here to fight. Isha: That is correct. We won't refuse your challenge! Sinosuke: Yes, I'll fight you! Come on! Stone: That's the spirit! Let us enjoy the battle! - Bad Ending: - Sinosuke: Why?! Why is the Stone so bent out on escaping?! Why can't I just blow it to pieces already? Isha: What are you doing, Shinnosuke? Stop!! Sinosuke: Ha ha ha! There's nothing to worry about. It'll be a piece of cake. Sinosuke: Allow me to go... Let me be the one to break the Stone! Because of the Stone, my family was... Isha: Shinno... ...suke... ...Shin... Shinnosuke! Sinosuke: (......Am... I... alive...?) Isha: Shinnosuke! Are you all right? Answer me! Can you hear me? Sinosuke: (Why... is she crying...? ... Ha ha, I'm okay...) Isha: Shinnosuke?! Are you alive? Say something! Sinosuke: Yeah... I'm alive... HA HA! I AM ALIVE! - Good Ending: - Sinosuke: It's over. It has finally come to an end! Isha: Yeah! We won! Sinosuke: Ha ha! We did it at last! Mother! Father! Makoto! I've avenged us! Isha: Congratulations, Shinnosuke... Sinosuke: Don't cry! We can laugh at it from now on! Our destiny has been achieved, and we are finally free! Isha: You're right. We are free to live our lives! Sinosuke: We now have a future ahead of us! It's so fun to think about it! Isha: Ha ha... You could say that again! What are you going to do now, Shinnosuke? Sinosuke: No... What are WE going to do, Aisha? (A portrait shows Sinosuke and Isha walking off together) ------------------------------ [ Ruby/Stuck ] ------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Stuck: I didn't know that someone was elected to fight on this side of the war... Are you also out to destroy the Stone? Ruby: Well, this isn't something I was elected for. The money I get is my reward for doing this work... Stuck: Were they able to use the Stone's power to achieve this...? Ruby: Stop admiring such things! If we don't get him, destruction will be all that is left! Stuck: I'm sorry... It was foolish of me to be lured by the Stone's power again. Ruby: So, I see you don't just fly to show of... It's amazing that you could keep up with me! Stuck: Thank you very much. I will do my best to stay out of your way from now on... Ruby: Ha ha... What are you talking about? Feel free to help me from now on! You're a partner that I can depend on! Stuck: I feel the same, madam... - Stage 2: - Ruby: Here they come! I'm counting on you, pal! Stuck: So, you'll be depending on me... The front target is the main part. Let's dispose of them carefully... Ruby: Okay! Let's go! Ruby: I'm in great shape! I wish it were always like this so I can return home sooner! Stuck: Yes, indeed. Someone is waiting for me at home, too. Ruby: Yeah... at my home, there are many noisy kids but I miss their laughter. Stuck: It must be nice to have so many children... Stuck: Unfortunately, I don't have any children... Ruby: It looks like you misunderstood... - Stage 3: - Ruby: I couldn't believe I couldn't recognize it... That plane is impressive. Stuck: That plane... Could it be what is behind all this? Ruby: We'll know what is behind all of this someday... But for now, we have to destroy that plane! Let's go! Ruby: It seems that we're behind them. Stuck: No need to worry. The Floating Continent is not the target of our destiny. Ruby: That's true. We still have time to recover out* losses! Stuck: Right... Don't let the pressure get to you. We'll eliminate them carefully... * I assume this was a typo, I think "our" is the word they're looking for, but I could be wrong. - Stage 4: - Ruby: Here they come again. I don't know what they want, but they sure are starting to annoy me! Stuck: Well, if it's a fight they want, we'll give them one! Ruby: Yeah... Why not! I'm up to it! Ruby: A little further and we'll arrive at the Sanctuary of the Seal. That's where the Stone is sealed. Stuck: More specifically, the Sky City that the ancients had built... Stuck: They may call it a Sanctuary... I wonder... Ruby: Your calmness is an asset, but can't you* be... you know... Stuck: Hmm... I know what you're trying to say. Even if I carry this expression, I am really excited. * I'm assuming they meant "but you can't be...", but I could be wrong. - Stage 5: - Ruby: They are emerging... I'll have to assume that we are their favorite... Stuck: It seems that way... Let's fight our way to the end... Ruby: Yes... To the end! Ruby: Well, it looks like we're in for some trouble again... Stuck: I'm not so sure about that... I believe our planes are being dragged somewhere. Ruby: Perhaps to the Sealed Shrine. I look forward to where the Medallion of Wisdom is hidden. - Stage 6: - Ruby: Look, there's the Medallion... That is the Stone that caused all this conflict, even after it was sealed away. Stuck: The Stone was serving it's purpose... To destroy... As long as it exists, we will always be in conflict. Ruby: Should we follow our initial plan and crush it? That is the reason why we came so far... Stuck: Of course, but before we do that, there is something that we must do... Defeat the enemy... - Stage 7: - Ruby: Look! The Medallion of Wisdom is circling that plane! Stuck: Here comes the mastermind... If he can control the Medallion, he must be... Stone: I'm sorry that I cannot reveal myself to you... I have no appearance to offer to you, anyway... Stone: We met before, but what you saw was only a puppet, fabricated for your convenience... Ruby: I know nothing of one who has no appearance... Who the heck are you? Stone: I offered you money, and the plane, didn't I? Don't you remember me? Ruby: Wha?! Why did you do such a thing? What were your intentions?! Stone: I was betting. I wanted to see if people would volunteer to crush the Stone in spite of its power. Stuck: You haven't changed a bit. You like to fool around with innocent people, but it won't happen anymore... Ruby: A freak like you deserves to perish! I'll crush both you and the Stone! - Bad Ending: - Ruby: That's it? You're just going to run away like a chicken? I won't let you! Stuck: At this speed, my plane won't hold up much longer... The time has come to finish the battle. Ruby: But how?! We'll need an overwhelming amount of firepower to crush the Medallion... Stuck: But we have that, can't you see? Our planes themselves are all the firepower we'll need... Ruby: What?! Are you going to do what I think you're going to do? Stuck: That's right, madam... This is the only way I can atone for my sins... Ruby... you do look just like Elise... Ruby: Shutock, I saw you! I saw you fly away, after you crushed the Stone! Ruby: You must have gone back home to be with your wife... Now, I will also go back to where I belong... Ruby: Now is not the time to say goodbye, because I am sure we will meet again... When we do, remember to call me "madam." - Good Ending: - Ruby: It's over... Because of you, we were able to make it! Thanks, partner! Stuck: No. It was because we fought together, that we were able to accomplish the mission. Ruby: Well, that's true, I guess... Ruby: Now we can go back home in high spirits! I'll tell the children about the battle, and of course, about you. Stuck: That's great. Tell them how cool I was and what a handsome guy I am. Ruby: Yeah, you bet! Ruby: Well, I think it's time to say goodbye... Stuck: Right. We both have someone waiting for us to return... Ruby: I'll send you a letter, after I return home... Please drop by someday... Stuck: Thank you for the invitation. We'll meet up again. My wife and I will see you soon. Ruby: That'll be a promise! See you later! (A portrait of Shutock and Ruby is shown walking their seperate ways) ------------------------------ [ Stuck/Ruby ] ------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Stuck: I didn't know that someone was elected to fight on this side of the war... Are you also out to destroy the Stone? Ruby: Well, this isn't something I was elected for. The money I get is my reward for doing this work... Stuck: There they are... Looks to me like an appetizer... Ruby: You seem awfully calm and brave... You didn't seem at all surprised. Stuck: It's just the way I am. Besides, if you know something ahead of time, you won't be surprised anyway! Stuck: You're very aggressive. From watching your daring manuvers, I'm guessing that you must be a famous pilot! Ruby: Don't be foolish, trying to read into my past like that. It's just that the plane is very good. Stuck: Okay then, I'll take your word for it. I do agree that the plane has been of great support to us. Ruby: Yes... You seem to know what it takes to make a fighter plane work... We are the ones who are making it happen. Stuck: Nothing else matters, as long as we are flying towards our objective... - Stage 2: - Stuck: Ruby, it's approaching from both the front and the rear! Ruby: Well, don't let me down now! We're pals, right? Stuck: Right. Let's go, Ruby. Stuck: You seem to be a very healthy person, Ruby. Ruby: That was quite a remark... What's the matter? Stuck: When I look at you, I'm reminded of somebody I know. Ruby: What? Are you going to go into some story of your love affairs? If you are, do it somewhere else! - Stage 3: - Stuck: When one obtains power that is too great, destruction is inevitable. That is the purpose of the Stone's existence. Ruby: They don't realize that they will soon become victims as well... Ruby: By the way, just what is it that the Stone is suppose to destroy? Stuck: The enemy has demonstrated their cleverness by reaching the Floating Continent before us. Ruby: You're rather gutsy. Stuck: After you've lived a long life, your attitude changes. Ruby: Well, there is no time for us to lose. The enemy is waiting for us! - Stage 4: - Stuck: Here they come again. They've changed their parts... Do they have to be so elaborate? Ruby: I see that it's no surprise to you. I'd love to see your surprised by something someday... Stuck: Actually, I would like to be surprised too, but I've been this way since birth. By the way, they are starting to move. Stuck: This story is about to come to an end. Onward, to the ruins of the sky... Ruby: I never get bored when I'm with you. You make me feel that there are really different kinds of people... Stuck: Me? I consider myself to be a normal person... Ruby: I'd never thought you'd say that! That's why humans are interesting... They make you want to protect them. Stuck: Then let us protect them. If humanity survives this, we will all have a busy future ahead of us. - Stage 5: - Stuck: A third time? It never ends... We must answer their eagerness to fight... Ruby: I don't know what is on your mind, but don't be too eager yourself! Stuck: Yes, I agree. Your words will remain fresh in my mind... This war... It is our destiny. Stuck: This must be the work of the ancient people...I wonder what will lie ahead of us... Ruby: You're such an easy-going man... How can you remain calm under these circumstances? Stuck: New experiences make life interesting. If you don't try to enjoy them, you end up wasting your life... - Stage 6: - Stuck: This place is something else... I'm surprised that the Sanctuary of the Seal exists in a place like this... Ruby: Are you really? You don't seem to be surprised... Anyway, let's crush the Medallion and go home! Stuck: By the way, I doubt the Medallion would be so vulnerable to attack... We might need much more firepower... Ruby: Right... But let's think about how we'll deal with it after fighting this battle! - Stage 7: - Ruby: Look! The Medallion of Wisdom is circling that plane! Stuck: Here comes the mastermind... If he can control the Medallion, he must be... Stone: I'm sorry that I cannot reveal myself to you... I have no appearance to offer to you, anyway... Stone: We met before, but what you saw was only a puppet, fabricated for your convenience... Ruby: I know nothing of one who has no appearance... Who the heck are you? Stone: I offered you money, and the plane, didn't I? Don't you remember me? Ruby: Wha?! Why did you do such a thing? What were your intentions?! Stone: I was betting. I wanted to see if people would volunteer to crush the Stone in spite of its power. Stuck: You haven't changed a bit. You like to fool around with innocent people, but it won't happen anymore... Ruby: A freak like you deserves to perish! I'll crush both you and the Stone! - Bad Ending: - Ruby: That's it? You're just going to run away like a chicken? I won't let you! Stuck: At this speed, my plane won't hold up much longer... The time has come to finish the battle. Ruby: But how?! We'll need an overwhelming amount of firepower to crush the Medallion... Stuck: But we have that, can't you see? Our planes themselves are all the firepower we'll need... Ruby: What?! Are you going to do what I think you're going to do? Stuck: That's right, madam... This is the only way I can atone for my sins... Ruby... you do look just like Elise... Ruby: Shutock, I saw you! I saw you fly away, after you crushed the Stone! Ruby: You must have gone back home to be with your wife... Now, I will also go back to where I belong... Ruby: Now is not the time to say goodbye, because I am sure we will meet again... When we do, remember to call me "madam." - Good Ending: - Ruby: It's over... Because of you, we were able to make it! Thanks, partner! Stuck: No. It was because we fought together, that we were able to accomplish the mission. Ruby: Well, that's true, I guess... Ruby: Now we can go back home in high spirits! I'll tell the children about the battle, and of course, about you. Stuck: That's great. Tell them how cool I was and what a handsome guy I am. Ruby: Yeah, you bet! Ruby: Well, I think it's time to say goodbye... Stuck: Right. We both have someone waiting for us to return... Ruby: I'll send you a letter, after I return home... Please drop by someday... Stuck: Thank you for the invitation. We'll meet up again. My wife and I will see you soon. Ruby: That'll be a promise! See you later! (A portrait of Shutock and Ruby is shown walking their seperate ways) --------------------------------- [ Isha ] ---------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Isha: The sky shivers in fear... This war cannot be avoided. Isha: The only thing I can do is stand my ground and resist! If peace can ever exist again, I will not be defeated! Isha: That plane seems to be the same type as mine... Why is that? Isha: Wha...? It's coming this way! Isha: Whew! I managed to survive... I'd better be thankful I'm still alive! Isha: I'll be defeated if I relax my concentration, although I sure deserve a break! - Stage 2: - Isha: Seeing such cruelty brings nothing but pain to the heart of anyone who believes in righteousness! Isha: That lake... When I came here as a child, there was no place as beautiful as this... Isha: Now it has become a battlefield. I wonder if I will ever be able to see it again, even after the war ends. - Stage 3: - Isha: How should I go about fighting here? They're everywhere! Isha: A Floating Continent... It really does exist! It's too bad they will use any relic to suit their needs. Isha: Is my rival even human? - Stage 4: - Isha: I do not sense any human emotion from within that plane... I sense only contempt and conceit. Isha: The Stone's power is so great, its very existence is a threat to this world. That is why it was sealed. Isha: People cannot escape the desire to gain power, and fight to possess anything that will satisfy their ambition. - Stage 5: - Isha: No one fights without a reason! You keep on trying to defeat me... What is your reason to fight me? Isha: I can't see anything... Where am I? - Stage 6: - Isha: So... That is the Medallion of Wisdom, the Stone that drives people to madness. Isha: For our people, it must be crushed! - Stage 7: - Isha: A black body... Is that what is controlling the Stone? Can you do such a thing...? Stone: Yes, we can... The Stone is merely a tool we made... Stone: Yes, the humans did fight a lot to entertain us well. Stone: I see that the end may be near... Stone: The outcome will be decided in this battle... If humanity is to continue, you must destroy this Medallion first! Isha: Who are you...? Isha: No... It does not matter. I will not forgive anyone or anything who uses human life like that... Isha: All I need to do to stop the corruption of the world is to eliminate the root of evil. I will destroy the Stone! - Good Ending: - Mono: Her body is wrapped in the warm sunlight... The world is in a state of relief, and the days are now calm. Isha: From now on, I will live for myself, I will travel, and experience the world that the sky could not have shown me... Mono: As her mind fills with thoughts and emotion, she looks up into the sky... Isha: Before I go, I will enjoy this moment... I see the clouds and know that there is nothing more beautiful than the sky... (A portrait of Isha is shown sitting on steps looking up towards the sky) - Bad Ending: - Isha: I can't let it get away... As long as humans are driven by their desire for power, imbalances will result in war. Isha: That is why the Medallion of Wisdom, even with its incredible potential for good, is nothing but poison to people. Isha: This power is more than any human being should ever have. We must not allow it to exist... Isha: We must do what is necessary... Ship: "Self-destruct sequence in operation... Begin countdown... 10... 9... 8..." (During this segment, a blue monochrome portrait is shown of Isha) Mono: That same day, as if a nightmare had ended, a cease-fire was agreed to in every country. It was the dawn of peace. Mono: The laughter of children could be heard in every town, and the streets were alive with energy once again. Mono: One could see the gently falling snow beginning to heal the wounds of the war-torn earth... --------------------------------- [ Ruby ] ---------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Ruby: This plane is impressive, indeed! A millionaire can get some insane hardware, but perhaps I'm the crazy one. Ruby: Even if it is for the children, I never thought I would be fighting like this! After all, I was once a sky pirate! Ruby: Their cruelty defies description! So many pointless deaths... Ruby: They exterminated people as if they were insects! I'll even up the score for those who cannot avenge themselves! Ruby: That was a mighty good run... The enemies fell swiftly before me. At this pace, I forsee no hardship! Ruby: Let me finish the job... Soon, we will be able to live as we please once again! - Stage 2: - Ruby: They are in sight... From the back?! Out of the water? That was unexpected! Ruby: They don't care what kind of sacred ground they desecrate, as long as it serves their needs. Ruby: It's ironic seeing them use those ruins, when they don't seem to realize why ruins exist in the first place. - Stage 3: - Ruby: What's the story with that plane? Are you trying to shoot me down? Interesting... I'll be your match! Ruby: I'm sure glad the plane had air conditioning! It was depressing enough to be fighting in a place like that... Ruby: It's time to move on, Full speed ahead! Next destination, the Floating Continent! - Stage 4: - Ruby: Who are these fools, and why are they following me? Don't they value their lives? Ruby: Whew! I made it this far... Ruby: I'll reach my final destination before too long. Children, I'll return home soon! I'll put an end to this war! - Stage 5: - Ruby: Get out of my way! I'm not getting paid to defeat you over and over again! I have no time to fool around! Ruby: What's going on? It's too bright to see anything! Ruby: My plane isn't responding, either. I don't know what to do! - Stage 6: - Ruby: This is a surprise... I would be rude if I did not fight with all my might... Ruby: Let's have fun! - Stage 7: - Ruby: Wha...? What are you doing here? It seems that you are in control of the Stone! Ruby: Who are you? Stone: I need not explain that to you... It is not something that you could understand, anyway... Stone: Anyway, what does it matter to you? You'll just do what is in your nature, anyway! Ruby: Hmph! You said it! I don't really care who you are! Ruby: What matters is that the Stone is destroyed! If you want to fight me, I'll be happy to oblige! - Good Ending: - Mono: The house is alive with the sound of children's laughter. When the children see Ruby, they scramble to her side... Mono: The children listen carefully to the proud sound of their mother... The one who saved their future... Mono: She looks at her children's faces, one by one, and realizes the happiness that her family brought her. (A portrait of Ruby playing with children is shown) - Bad Ending: - Ruby: Hey, wait! Do you think you're going to get away from me just because you're a rock? Ruby: It's too late to turn back now! You won't escape from me! Ruby: If the peace of humanity is at stake, I cannot return home. It looks like I went down the wrong road this time... Ruby: Children, I might not be able to return to you, but please live on bravely... (During this segment, a red monochrome portrait of Ruby is shown) Mono: Time passed... One of the orphans that Ruby adopted had joined the efforts to preserve peace around the world. Mono: A member of the press interviewed him as to why he became involved. Here is a comment from that interview... Mono: (Orphan) "I chose this path, knowing that peace cannot be achieved without sacrifice." Mono: "My mother told me that in order to put an end to war, the ambitions of powerful men must first be extinguished." Mono: (Reporter) "I apologize for mentioning this, but I heard that you were an orphan of war." Mono: (Orphan) "For a very short time, I had a wonderful mother. Mono: Although no one may believe me, she was the great woman who saved our planet from destruction." ------------------------------- [ Sinosuke ] -------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Sinosuke: Father, Mother, Makoto... It's time for me to leave. Sinosuke: I must destroy that Stone to stop the killing! This futile war has gone on long enough! Sinosuke: Curses! They drew innocent people into this war against their will! I'll teach them a lesson! Sinosuke: Villans always pay the price for what they do... For stealing the peace of humanity, they must suffer! Sinosuke: Now, I look forward to using my skill! Every time I fight them, I'll send them to their graves! - Stage 2: - Sinosuke: What?! Is that plane the same as mine? Is it on our side? Sinosuke: No, it's not! Here it comes! Sinosuke: They're crazy, trying to run experiments in such a place! I'm burning up now! Sinosuke: I'm all sweaty, and I don't have a changes of clothes! Ugh! I'll teach them a lesson! - Stage 3: - Sinosuke: What? They are approaching from the front and from the back... We are sandwiched... Here they come! Sinosuke: They've found the Floating Continent! There's no time to waste! Sinosuke: They enemy won't suspect that anyone else knows the code... The ancients' techniques are fascinating... - Stage 4: - Sinosuke: Here they come again! I'll settle this once and for all! Sinosuke: So, there is a sanctuary high up in the sky. I'll make it through no matter what kind of enemies will be waiting! Sinosuke: Father, Mother, Makoto... Please protect me... - Stage 5: - Sinosuke: What do they want?! It belongs to no army, so what kind of hatred could they possibly have for me? Sinosuke: What's happening?! My plane is out of control! Sinosuke: Gwaaaah! - Stage 6: - Sinosuke: It looks like I've been thrown into a strange place... Sinosuke: I've come this far... I won't let this be fight for nothing! I'll crush that Stone to pieces! - Stage 7: - Sinosuke: The Medallion is being manipulated by him?! What's going on? Stone: Hmmm... It seems that after millions of years, human beings have changed... Stone: It is amazing now that you have the desire to destroy this Medallion. Sinosuke: What are you trying to say?! Was it you who was controlling those countries and causing these wars? Stone: I have no need to answer that question. We will now begin the final war... Stone: The knowledge of my role would only serve to aggravate... Stone: The end begins now! Sinosuke: Yes... The end of you! I won't be defeated! - Good Ending: - Mono: The days of war are over. The pilot who put an end to the fighting returns, and enjoys the perfect tranquility... Mono: He thinks of how me might live the days of peace ahead of him... Mono: The meaning of peace is life itself... His mind fills with possibilities, as his body drifts into a deep sleep... (A portrait is shown of Sinosuke sleeping against a tree in a forest) - Bad Ending: - Sinosuke: Curses! I can't let it get away! I have to destroy it! Sinosuke: If I can't destroy it, my hardships will have no meaning! Sinosuke: I will chase it wherever it may go, even to the ends of time and space! (During this segment a purple monochrome portrait of Sinosuke is shown) Mono: A few days later, the luxury liner Agalta was met by a sudden flash and a roaring sound. Mono: A sailor described the situation that occured as follows... Mono: "The thunder was so powerful, I thought it would tear both sky and ocean apart. I thought the world was going to end... Mono: After we finished the voyage and came to shore, we heard that the wars around the world had ended. Everyone was happy. Mono: I now believe that the phenomena was the bell sounding to tell us that peace had finally come." Mono: After that, the name "Shinnosuke Sagara" mysteriously vanished from existence, never to be recorded in history. --------------------------------- [ Stuck ] --------------------------------- - Stage 1: - Stuck: War is the deadliest form of entertainment... How long must humans fight before they lose interest? Stuck: My wish is for this war to be the final performance... Elise, I will go now... Stuck: You came out of the shadows of the past to challenge me. Do you think you stand a chance against a perfect machine? Stuck: That wasn't the neatest job... An artist seeks perfection. Oh well... Stuck: Let me see... I guess I'll return once I have everything worked out! - Stage 2: - Stuck: Wow, that was some entrance! Now, show me your ability! Stuck: It looks like the next battle will take place at night. It's time for my right eye to seize the advantage! Stuck: No enemy can use the darkness to hide from my sight! - Stage 3: - Stuck: Never before have I seen such an unhumane regard for life! Yet I hesitate to even spill their blood. Stuck: I must be thinking selfishly again. I have to do what is necessary... Stuck: Even with the power to make land float in the sky, such a civilization could not escape from the fate of destruction. Stuck: Someday, it could happen to us... Not in this age, though. Not when there are things we must protect! - Stage 4: - Stuck: So, you're back... That plane does not belong to any army, yet it persues me. I wonder what its intentions are. Stuck: The Stone that was dropped on earth is the root of all that is evil, even in this war... Stuck: Why wouldn't the strong try to learn about the pain of the weak? They should see how people struggle, just to live! - Stage 5: - Stuck: That plane looks like it was made the same way mine was. Could the person controlling it be... Stuck: It appears that I've been involved in an explosion. Stuck: My plane has lost control, but it's still moving... I hope it is headed towards the sealed shrine. - Stage 6: - Stuck: This is a different dimension, with sights that no one has ever seen before. I should've brought a camera with me! - Stage 7: - Stuck: You are in control of the Medallion? So... I was merely a toy for your amusement? Stone: How have you been doing? Has it been 30 years already? Stone: It's said that people don't live long. It doesn't take long for your bodies to change... You've become old... Stuck: It might just be a moment to you, but for us, time means much more than you could ever imagine... Stuck: The Stone that you gave me did grant my wife immortality... Stuck: And I was given more power than any human could ever have... Stone: That's good. Well then, it's about time that you paid for it in full. Stone: You'll be the one who decides the outcome of the bet. Humans will either live on, or be destroyed completely. Stuck: I'll destroy the Stone once and for all so that you will never be able to gamble with the lives of people again! - Good Ending: - Mono: He lands in a place unseen by human eyes... The machine that saw him to victory will never be used again. Mono: The nearest town is 30 miles away. No one will find this place... Time will heal the memory of war... Mono: The man headed for town by foot, and thought of his wife waiting for him at home... (A portrait of Shutock is shown walking off in the sunset) - Bad Ending: - Stuck: The Medallion... It is the Stone that was thrown down from the sky. I do not know why such a thing was brought here. Stuck: The only thing that such power can grant is terror. Stuck: It's only logical that I must destroy it to stop this foolish war. Stuck: Luckily, this area will not be affected, even if the maximum level of power is used. Stuck: I will not hesitate to use my power now... Stuck: Elise, I wanted to see you alive again... It will not happen... This will be for you... In your memory... (During this segment a green monochrome portrait of Shutock is shown) Mono: A house waits for its master... In the back of the house, there exists a room that is hidden from sight. Mono: In the middle of the room, there is a delicate statue of a beautiful woman. Mono: The statue is of Elise, Shutock's wife. Shutock had once before been granted the power of the Stone... Mono: In exchange for stopping an incurable disease, Elise was turned into a living statue. Mono: Yet, the hardened cheeks and hair begin to soften as the color of life returns to them... Mono: The warm tint of her skin, the shine of her hair... A shivering eyebrow... Eyes that glisten... The drop of a tear... ============================================================================= --------------------------- [ Closing Comments ] ---------------------------- ============================================================================= So that's pretty much it. I hope you enjoyed this guide and I hope that there are many more Giga Wing fighters out there. I'm not just talking about the casual fighter, but experienced fighters. My personal best score so far is: 48,955,938,162,580 That's my high score. For proof, here is a screenshot: As for a last comment, I just wanted to state something about the 20 different endings. You noticed that these endings are the result of different paths taken, much like in life. Now, I may sound a little cheesy here, but try applying this to real life. Look at how many different paths you can take and realize that nothing is ever set in stone unless you make it out to be. With that being said, thanks and take care. - Dingo ============================================================================= -------------------------------- [ Credits ] -------------------------------- ============================================================================= - Capcom/Takumi For making possibly the most fun shooter around. - CJayC For making the GameFAQs website for almost 9 years running. - To the late Kao Megura Although Kao Megura was not my inspiration for writing, he was a great friend. I've known him since 1998 and his Marvel vs. Capcom FAQ really helped me jump into writing. As far as I know, he passed away on 5/21/04. Thanks for your contributions to the FAQ family, you'll be missed. - Dingo Jellybean For typing this FAQ. - [ EOF ] -