Guilty Gear X guide for Johnny- by Ruri-chan You may e-mail question or addition about this FAQ to me at Note: I'm not actually a GGX Grand Master but since no one is writing about Johnny so I decided to make a FAQ for him. Ver2.0 *********************************** Copyright *********************************** Copyright (C) 2001 Ruri-chan Do not reproduce this document anywhere without the permission of the author. Guilty Gear X and all its characters and game is Copyright (C) of Sammy *********************************** Table of Contents *********************************** 1.Introduction -A simple introduction on Johnny 2.Game system -This section would explain a bit about the system in GGX 3.Move list -List of all Johnny's moves 4.Combos -Something that you should try to pull out 5.Strategy -A simple guide on how to use Johnny against other character 6.Revision history -Check here if you want to see what has been changed since the last version 7.Johnny's Speech Translation - Taken from The True Warrior (Thanks). The coolest part of Johnny! 8.Credits and some meaningless stuff -List of all who help me and some useless stuff *********************************** Introduction *********************************** Okay, here is a simple introduction on Johnny. He's a leader of a group of female pirates. ^_^. He's proud and cool. He has some COOL words to be said at your opponent (ha ha ha I love this part). He has a very long-range attack (only Faust, Ky, Testament and Axl-Low can match his range) and does a pretty good damage too. He's a simple character with only a few moves, one overdrive attack and needs time to be mastered. The reason why I use Johnny is because he's cool (no doubt about it) he has nice posing and also a very damaging overdrive attack (That Is My Name). Both of us have so much in common. ^_^. Story about Johnny can be found at Guilty Gear X official web site ( ******************************** The good and the bad about Johnny ******************************** Good: · He has a very long-range attack due to the length of his sword · He has a very damaging overdrive (That Is My Name) · He has a lot of juggle startup · His normal moves also deal a good amount of damage · He has a very cool quotes and nice posing too · His Mist Refiner has almost has no startup lag Bad: · He's tall (some of his combos are hard to pulled out if you're fighting small character such as May or Baiken) · Most of his normal moves have a slow startup · His killer move (Joker's Wild) won't hit small character · He also recovers slowly from his moves Although Johnny has a problem fighting small character but don't let it discouraged you from using him. ^_^. ************************************ Game System ************************************ Guilty Gear X possesses some cool but unique system that is hard to find in any other fighting game. I'll explain the system in a simple way. Tension Gauge - My favorite part of GGX. This is a bar that shows your overdrive energy. Having less than 50% of the gauge would enable you the Faultless Defense (will be explained later). When 50% of the gauge is fill up (the gauge will turn red) you can do either an overdrive attack, a roman cancel, a dead angle attack or use it for the faultless defense. When the tension gauge is full (the gauge will turn red) you can do either 2 overdrive attacks, 2 roman cancel, 2 dead angle attack or keep using it for the faultless defense. The only way to fill this gauge is by playing offensive. If you were fond of turtling at the back, such thing as the 'Negative Penalty' would occur. Negative Penalty - Whenever a negative penalty occur your tension gauge would be reduced to 0%. Before the NP occurs a danger sign would pop up on your tension gauge and if you are still playing offensively the NP would occur. GGX is a game that would force you to play offensive unlike other fighting game. Faultless Defense (FD) - by pressing back + punch + kick button you'll will activate the faultless defense aura (you may hold the button for longer effect). The FD would neglect all guard damage and it would drain your tension gauge. It can also be performed in mid-air. Overdrive attack - Just a fancy name for 'supers'. An overdrive would require at least 50% of your tension gauge (Johnny has only one overdrive). Roman Cancel - by pressing any 3 attacks buttons simultaneously during a move that hits or blocked by your opponent would cancel the move motions immediately and you're free to move around. Recovery- By doing the Faultless Defence while you are floating in the air after being hit would recover you. Dead Angle Attack (DAA) - the alpha counter for GGX. By pressing forward + punch + kick simultaneously while blocking would enable the DAA. A DAA would cost you 50% of your tension gauge Dust Attack (DA) - by pressing both the slash and heavy slash buttons would activate the DA move. DA is an overhead attack, so it can't be block low. A successful DA would launch your opponent to the air. When your opponent is launched holding the up direction would make your character chase your opponent. Once you're in the range you're free to do any air combos. Sweep - performed by pressing the down on the directional button + slash + heavy slash. Your character should trip your opponent and it must be block low. Install Kill Mode - by pressing all 4 attacks buttons simultaneously you would engage the Instant Kill Mode. An instant kill is a move that would kill your opponent no matter how much life they have left. That's all about GGX important system. ****************************** Move list ****************************** Before I list all of Johnny's move here is some notation: P= punch cP= crouching punch jP= jumping punch K= kick cK= crouching kick jK= jumping kick S= slash cS= crouching slash jS= jumping slash HS= heavy slash cHS= crouching heavy slash jHS= jumping heavy slash F= forward df= D+F D= down db= D+B B= back ub= U+B U= up uf= U+F QCF= quarter circle forward (D,df,F) QCB= quarter circle backwards (D,db,B) HCF= half circle forward (B,db,D,df,F) HCB= half circle backwards (F,df,D,db,B) DP= dragon punch motion (F,df,D,df) *************************JOHNNY'S MOVE LIST**************************** Mist Refiner QCF + P/K/S This move is most likely what Johnny is all about. Johnny would sheath his sword and WHAM straight away hits your opponent. It has almost no startup lags, hits fast and does give out good damage. The bad about this move is it has a slow recovery; a May's Great Yamada Attack would hit you if a Mist Refiner were block. A cool thing about this move is it has some variation. Johnny would swing his sword at different direction depending on what button you press. QCF + P = Johnny would swing his sword upwards. Good against jump-in opponents. This move juggles opponent QCF + k = Johnny would swing his sword straight out. Good against dash-in opponents. This move juggles opponent. QCF + S = Johnny would swing his sword downwards. Good against turtling and dash-in opponent. This move sweeps opponent If you hold the attack button, Johnny will go into the Mist Refiner pose and when the attack button is released he will straight away go for the Mist Refiner. When you're in the Mist Refiner pose you cannot block. Pressing the HS button during the Mist Refiner pose will cancel the pose. Bacchus Sigh QCB + P Johnny would hold his sword high and step backwards, creating a mist in front of him. The mist will travel about ¼ of the screen. If the opponent touches the mist, the mist would follow your opponent for quite some time. Whenever your opponent is covered with the mist, Mist Refiner would be UNBLOCKABLE. If you managed to get a Mist Refiner done and hits your opponent the mist would disappear and your opponent can block your Mist Refiner again unless they got another mist around them. Glitter Is Gold QCF + HS Johnny would stand in a relaxed pose and throw out a coin! This is my favorite move and also Johnny's most important move. You would start with 8 coins (the amount of coins you have can be seen above your tension gauge) and it will be reset each round. If the coin hits your opponent your Mist Refiner level would go up. Mist Refiner LV1= nothing special Mist Refiner LV2= P, K & S Refiner would send your opponent to the air and they will fly VERY HIGH. If I'm not mistaken this LV of refiner won't allow your opponent to recover in mid-aid. The damage of the Refiner is also increased. Mist Refiner LV3= P, K and S refiner would do multi slash refiner on the opponent. The K & S refiner needs to be block low. Instead of just filling up your refiner LV these coins is also a juggle startup (explained at the combos section). Divine Blade DP + S,S Johnny would quickly jump towards your opponent (the height of his jump is high enough to get over your opponent)in a very cool way. If you press the S button afterwards he would stop and creates a pillar of flames directed below you. A very good move if you're trapped in the corner. You could really get your opponent stressed up if you're good with this move (a friend of mine always got mad at me whenever I got this move done). Remember this move can be used either as mean of transport or attack. Divine Blade(air) (mid-air) QCF + S Johnny would create a pillar of flames directed below you (the same as the ground ver.). This move could damage your opponent quite well and can be used as a combo ending. If your opponent block your air combo, use this move in the end because in would send Johnny a little bit backwards and this could avoid some counters ^_^. ***************************************** Combos ***************************************** Welcome to the dark side of Johnny! I've listed some of Johnny's wicked combo that would deal heavy damage to your opponent. You will see the value of a coin here so don't waste it. Anyway Johnny's greatest arsenal is his juggle so you need to master his entire juggling move if you want to use him well. ---------------------------------------------- Simple Combos ---------------------------------------------- P=>K=>S=>HS=>Mist Refiner Johnny's basic refiner combo(the truth is, it is almost everyone basic combo^^).This combo is simple but yet damaging. Please take note that Johnny's P sometimes won't hit small character. It is advised for you to skip the P and go for the K instead. The Mist Refiner can be replaced with That Is My Name. Glitter Is Gold=>F+K Johnny best Juggle combo. You need to make sure that the coin won't hit too fast(if you're near your opponent that is)because the F+K would take a hell of a time to hit. Since this combo is going to be use a lot after this and I'm lazy to write it again and again(Sorry) so I'll just call it the 2J combo. S=>F+P Johnny's most simple juggle combo. Doesn't take your opponent high, short range but can be use to juggle opponent who is in mid-air. Always remember that this combo is short-ranged so use it wisely. I advised you to use it IF you juggle your opponent with the 2J combo and he is STUNNED. If such opportunity arrives remember that you can switch from this combo to the F+K(exp.2J=>this combo=>F+K=>this combo=>F+K=>repeat till they fall) to juggle a falling STUNNED opponent ONLY(unless your opponent doesn't know to air recover.......Well can you find one in arcades?).If you're trying to pull this combo,2J and F+K alternately on a falling stunned opponent remember that you could always skip the S and the coin if the opponent is too near to the ground. jHS(jump-in)=>HS=>2J Another way to use the 2J combo. Like the other 2J combo make sure that the coin won't hit too early. If your opponent is too far away you could change the F+K to a Refiner(K/S) or you could even go for That Is My Name^^. cK=>cHS=>2J/Refiner/ThatIsMyName The same as above except this one doesn't require you to jump-in. Like always remember to see whether the second slash of the cHS is going to hit if not just cancel to the 2J/Refiner/ThatIsMyName.You could start this combo by adding the jHS in front(it would look almost like the combo above except this one hits low). ----------------------------------------------- Air Combo ----------------------------------------------- ....2J=>Uf=>P=>K=>Uf=>K=>Divine Blade After doing a combo that ends with the 2J(or any other juggle move may it be either the F+P,F+Kor even the throw)quickly chase your opponent in the air and start to pull out this combo. After the first K remember to jump-cancel forward so that you can hand out another kick. For the divine blade to connect you need to be very near to your opponent and some character such as May/Baiken would gives you extra trouble to hit with the Divine Blade (This goes for any other air combos). .....2J=>Uf=>P=>K=>Uf=>K=>S=>land=>Bacchus Sigh Almost the same as above except this one ends with the S attack. Be careful with the Bacchus Sigh, because if your opponent recovers to the other side, you might end up by doing a Refiner(If you start this combo with the 2J it would be a lot of waste of Refiner's level). .....2J=>Uf=>K=>S=>Uf=>K=>S=>land=>Bacchus Sigh Almost the same as above except this time you start with a K. Be careful with this combo because it is quite hard if you suddenly want to end it with a Divine Blade because the S would send you quite a way back. ......2J=>Uf=>K=>S=>Uf=>P=>HS=>Divine Blade *Thanks to Millenium Fault-sama Millenium Fault contributes this combo and it is good. The final HS would set your opponent position below you making it easier for the divine blade to connect. .....2J=>Uf=>P=>HS=>RC=>K=>land=>S=>That Is My Name/Refiner K *Thanks to Richard ^^ Well.... this combo doesn't deal so much damage but it makes you look like an Expert ^_^.With the combination of Roman Canceling and That Is My Name Johnny would look extremely cool looking and stylish! By the way, if you're going for the refiner make sure that your refiner would hit your opponent because you might want to delay it for a while. ------------------------------------------------------- Attacking opponent mid-air/OTG/complicated combos ------------------------------------------------------- (any juggle)=>That Is My Name A very simple air juggle that would send your opponent to the ground. Please take note that this combo is rather tricky to connect on small character(May or Baiken again). (any juggle)=>Mist Refiner P Another simple air juggle that would send your opponent to the edge of the screen. Mist Refiner K/LV2 S=>F+HS=>air combo A very important way of juggling using the Refiner. Use this whenever you got the chance. cK=>S=>F+P=>F+HS=>air combo Well, this is quite an okay combo. I've seen people done this combo in a very massive way(It is rather hard when you're going for the air combo>_<). K=>S=>Sweep=>GlitterIsGold=>RefinerK/*ThatIsMyName This is another combo, who is good in dealing damage and looks cool (Always remember that you need to look cool while using Johnny^_^). This combo won't work on small character. You need to be very quick when canceling the first hit of Johnny's sweep into Glitter Is Gold. I'm not sure whether you can connect Refiner=> That Is My Name because I never managed to get it done. (If anyone managed to connect it please tell me^^) S=>HS=>RC=>F+K=>air combo/That Is My Name *Thanks to Richard My favorite roman cancel combo(Thank you Richard^^). This combo is really good because it does a lot of damage and it sets you up for an air combo. S=>F+P=>Refiner K=>F+HS=>air combo/That Is My Name *Thanks to Richard Be careful when you're going for the refiner because some character falls slower and you might miss your refiner.You might want to delay your refiner for a split second if your opponent falls slowly. S=>F+P=>Refiner cancel=>F+HS=>LV2 Refiner K=>F+HS=>That Is My Name *Thanks to Richard This is a tough combo.You need to be quick in canceling your refiner(refiner cancel :refiner pose=>refiner pose cancel)so that the F+HS would juggle your opponent.Make sure that your refiner is LV2 so that they can't recover. S=>F+P=>refiner cancel=>F+HS=>LV3 refiner(roman cancel at 4th hit!)=>F+HS=>That Is My Name *Thanks to Richard This combo is way cool.You need to be very quick in canceling the LV3 refiner so that the F+HS would juggle your opponent. K=>S=>HS=>refiner K=>RC=>F+K=>super jump=>HS=>Bacchus Sigh Well, this is my own creation (I know it sucks but I just write it anyway).Just remember the timing for the Roman Cancel because it is important so that you won't waste your time and money. ------------------------------------------------ Dust Attack ----------------------------------------------- DA=>U=>HS=>HS=>K=>S=>Uf=>P=>HS=>Divine Blade *Thanks to Millenium Fault Another combo contributed by Millenium Fault(Thank you ^_^).Well, this combo works fine and does good damage. The second HS can be skipped for an easier connection afterwards. DA=>U=>HS=>HS=>K=>P=>K=>S=>Uf=>P=>HS=>Divine Blade *Thanks to Richard This DA combo is wicked! It does heavy damage to your opponent and leaves you safe (Thanks to the Divine Blade).Just like any other DA combo, timing is everything. *I'm sorry because I seldom use the DA so I don't know how to use it in a very good way. ***************************************** STRATEGY **************************************** Okay here are some tips on using Johnny: 1.Try to juggle your opponent as many times as you can 2.Be patient. Johnny is NOT Jam. Using Johnny requires you to wait and strike 3.Don't play too defensive, although the Refiner is a defensive move but Johnny is not a good defensive character. 3.Always remember that Johnny has problems against small character 4.Try not to go for heavy combos too much. Since Johnny's normal move does great damage use the normal move instead of doing too much combo (use the F+HS if you see a chance to hit) 5.If you are fond of using grappler, throw as many times as you can. Since his throw is a juggle, so abuse it! 6.Remember that the 2J juggle can be change to GlitterIsGold=>Refiner(K/S) 7.Remember the range of all Johnny's move(especially the F+K & F+HS) 8.Always use Johnny's range against other character 9.Use the refiner cancel to reduce the recovery lag in some normal moves (exp : F+HS) 10.Try to get a Bacchus Sigh hit your opponent.It will pressure them and set you for a refiner 11.Use your Refiner (S) to trick your opponent 12.Try to get your refiner powered up.This one really helps. 13.If your opponent is dizzied just use F+HS=>That Is My Name to avoid any unwanted mistakes(If you're really good with his combo then proceed with the combo you want).Whenever a character is dizzied they'll kneel down a bit, so be carefull because Johnny is TALL (some move just won't hit exp: P) 14.Start your match with a S or HS because it posses good range and recovery(you could even cancel it to a refiner) Well here's strategy on fighting specific character: *********************************** SOL BADGUY *********************************** He does high damages, flashy move(I hate this part) good recovery and nice air juggle too. Okay, if you're against him remember that Sol is mainly about pressuring you up. With all the flashy moves he had he could pressure you like hell. So, all you need to do is keep yourself steady all the time because IF you make a mistake he would gives you a very damaging combo and continue to pressure you again and again. DO NOT charge when he's doing the Gun Flame , Riot Stomp(he'll jump backwards and charge forward with a kick) or a Bandit Revolver. Whenever you see a Riot Stomp coming quickly get into Refiner Pose and do the Refiner when he's charging forward. Avoid from being cornered because he could pressure you like hell in the corner (most likely try to get a divine blade (ground) to escape). Do not jump-in carelessly and beware of his Grand Viper because it hits LOW. My final advise is to always remember that Johnny's sword is way longer that Sol's sword (Johnny's sword even look cooler than Sol's ^_^) ************************************ AXL - LOW ************************************ Axl-Low has a VERY long-range weapon, in fact his weapon is the longest in GGX. Make sure to get as near as you can to Axl-Low because it is a pain if you're far away from him. Axl-Low is good in hitting people from distance but he lacks some good short distance move. Be careful of his Rensen Geki because he can swing it upwards after the first hit. Be really careful of his annoying counter move! Use your strength as your advantage when you're against him and stay calm. Whenever you see the Rolento like move coming remember that it is unblockable so jump out of it. If you're against an expert Axl be very careful because Axl also have well short-range combo so don't let your guard down. ************************************* BAIKEN ************************************* She's destructive, fast, have good counters and looks mean (hmmm... She looks just like Kenshin Himura from Rorouni Kenshin don't you think ^_^).Always remember this when you're fighting against Baiken SHE'S SHORT. This will turn your P almost useless and make it even harder to connect the That Is My Name and not to be forgotten your instant kill cannot hit her unless she jumps. Be careful of her Tatami Gaishi because it would launch you to the air. Use your range as an advantage and be careful of her attacks because it does a hell of damage. Do not let yourself be tricked when she charge forwards because if she is charging forward with a Suzuran(this move will parry almost anything) then you're in for a ride. ************************************** JAM KURADOBERI ************************************** She is our crime-fighting cook that has complete sets of delicious and nasty heavy number of really annoying combos. As you're fighting against Jam remember that: 1. You're stronger 2. She takes a lot of damage 3. Her Dragon Kick (the one that she charge forward with a flaming kick) has a slow recovery 4. Fighting against Jam is also a pain in the neck because she can mix-up the up and low attack. Whenever she does her Dragon Kick block it and counter with a throw and go for a juggle or air juggle. Beware of her Aura Super(sorry, I don't know it's name) because it could whiff you out. Her Instant kill is fast, so watch out for it. Beware of her Burst Rush because she can either evade/sweep/fireball you. 5. You have a sword in hand so use its range to the maximum *************************************** MILLIA RAGE *************************************** Hmmmmmm, meet the cheapest character in the game. Millia is an unstoppable force. She can juggle you like hell and keep pressuring you up. The main thing about fighting Millia is to move around and slash her up when there is a chance. Don't charge forward carelessly because you might regret it. Beware of the Condemn Top and her cHS. Avoid being hit by her Dust Attack and her juggle. The hair slide could also trick you (remember it is needed to be block low). Use That Is My Name whenever she jumps in or go for a P Refiner. My finals advice is don't get yourself caught in a juggle because it is painful. **************************************** KY KISKE **************************************** Another hard to fought character. Ky is good in both defensive and offensive. His move is most likely is overhead or sweeps. The hadouken like move is also rather tricky and annoying. If you're against Ky remember to use your range and strength as your advantage. Punish his uppercut with a refiner or juggle. Beware of his slide-sweep move because it hits low. Try to counter his super with a throw and then go for air combo. ***************************************** ANJI- MITO ***************************************** Anji is a defensive character that can pressure you up really bad. Most of his moves consist auto-block, which makes him a defensive while attacking character. Be careful of his Fuujin because he might attack low afterwards. Do a faultless defense whenever you're blocking his super. Anji's disadvantage is he's slow and tall(Almost like Johnny) which makes him a good target for both refiner and That Is My Name. Do not jump-in out of the blue because he got himself an air grapple which annoys me.His F+HS may cancel your refiner since it is a 1 hit move.Anji - Mito also can turn your guard meter full in just seconds so be carefull. ****************************************** VENOM ****************************************** A billiard player? Well, Venom is a DEADLY billiard player because he sure has a very good overdrive attack. If you're blocking it(the one that he creates a big billiard aura), make sure you use the faultless defense aura to back you up. Use your strength and range to the fullest while fighting him because he also has some nice range weapon. Don't dash in carelessly and beware of his billiard balls. Whiff him up with a refiner and That Is My Name. ******************************************* TESTAMENT ******************************************* The evil Testament is back with a new look. Just like in Guilty Gear he posses a very long-range weapon, monster on the floor, poison overdrive and a new crow/raven. Unlike the old testament this time he is a good keep-away character. Beware of his Phantom Skull because if you're hit then you're facing another trouble(his crow/raven would start to attack). The best thing to do while fighting against Testament is get near him. Most of his move leaves him way open for any of Johnny's combo/juggle. If his overdrive hits you remember not to go panic, instead fight normally because that the main reason for that super is to panicked you out (I think). ********************************************* MAY ********************************************* Ahhhh, our cute little pirate May ^_^.Well, May is really tough if you're using Johnny because she's SHORT (and cute too!).Beware of her F+HS, Great Yamada Attack, Anchor Frenzy and Overhead Kiss. The overhead kiss is really deadly if used properly(that is something that you wouldn't want, trust me).Her weakness is she has a very short-range attack and lacks of priority (This is really different from Johnny). So, use your range to the fullest and avoid being too near to her. Don't use the refiner out of the blue because she can counter it with a Great Yamada Attack. Enjoy the special opening ^_^. ********************************************** POTEMKIN ********************************************** The giant monster Potemkin. He's almost the same with Maxima from KOF except he has a bigger size of body. When you're against Potemkin don't stay too near or you'll be grapple for sure. Be careful when you're jumping-in or pressuring him because he could grapple you up. Beware of his charge forward attack because unless you could do a multi hit attack he won't stop. It is advised when you see that coming quickly go for the Refiner LV3 or That Is My Name. Avoid yourself from his Aegis Reflector like overdrive because it could stun you up and don't trade damage with it unless you're using That Is My Name.Try to poke him from a range where he cannot grapple you (in other words use refiner and HS a lot). ********************************************** CHIPP-ZANUFF ********************************************** Another cheap character(hmmm his name already mentioned that he is cheap). He's very fast, and posses quite some confusing moves. Beware of his Alpha Blade and Beta Blade. Since Johnny is a slow character, use your strength to the maximum and don't try any funny stuff because Chipp just need a few second to whip your @$$ out. When he try to do his instant kill counter it with a Refiner (P).Don't do too much funny stuff while mid-air if you're against Chipp and always try to find an opening for you to attack. ********************************************** DIZZY ********************************************** The ultimate boss which posses easy to combo moves, priority, grapple overdrive, ticking overdrive and innocent face. This is a tough part because Dizzy is a very deadly character if used by skilled player. She has easy combo and it does quite some damage. Please take note that I myself sometimes faces trouble fighting her, the strategy I listed in this part is only my way of playing against her, which sometimes won't work. It is up to you whether you want to follow or not because as I stated above I'm not a Grand Master. 1.Pressure her up with your long-range ability 2.Play offensive (don't go for the 2J too much instead try to get a refiner hit) 3.Dust Attack after That Is My Name 4.Use and Abuse the usage of That Is My Name 5.After a refiner quickly go for F+HS to hit her in mid-air or pick her (O)ff (T)he (G)round 7.Always jump whenever you see that Iron Coffin overdrive coming 8.Activate the Faultless Defense aura when you're blocking her Mega Optic Blast like overdrive. 9.Don't jump in carelessly our you'll eat up an ugly combo 10.Trick her using your 2J if she starts to play defensive (After the Glitter Is Gold delay your F+K a bit to trick her) 11.Try to trade hits whenever she's doing the Dizzy Cannon to reduce the damage you would receive. Well, that is how I play against Dizzy. You may also try to ask someone else who is much better me for help (sorry >_<) ********************************************** FAUST ********************************************** The weirdest character in the game. I kinda like him you know ^_^. Anyway Faust also posses long-range weapon and heavy damage, very much like Johnny do. The only difference is Johnny is a normal person and he's not ^_^. His move has quite some lag in both opening and recovery. Whenever he does that Pogo thing move quickly either F+P or F+K and go for air combo/That Is My Name. Beware of his Doraemon like magic door because..... you'll never know where is he going to come out. The main thing about fighting Faust is not to trade damage too much and pick him up after his move that has a lot of recovery lag. ********************************************** ZATO=1ONE ********************************************** Zato=1One : great damage, priority, good overdrive and I hate him. He can do a lot of damage is used properly. While fighting him, always remember that his giant drill is an unblockable move. Be careful with his minion that helps him during the battle(is it name is Eddy?).Well, Zato=1One sure doesn't have range like Johnny do, so use your range as your advantage. Do a refiner when he do anything funny/ call Eddy. Do not I repeat Do Not jump-in carelessly because he can snuff you in the air easily. ********************************************** JOHNNY ********************************************** NOOO, we have to go against our very cool looking man Johnny! Anyway, read the good and bad about Johnny and you'll get the picture. Beware of our very cool and flashy refiner which hits in a very cool looking manners ^_^.If you're hit by Bacchus Sigh avoid yourself from the all so mighty refiner. Be careful when jumping-in because the great Refiner and the ultimate cool looking overdrive That Is My Name is there. Take note of your opponent's Refiner LV because Johnny can beautifully slash you up both mid and low attack if he posses the great LV3 refiner. Don't get yourself juggled because..... you should know it already, right ^_^. Before I over praise him it is best for me to stop here. ********************************************** OVERALL ********************************************** Johnny posses long-range, damaging, juggling move and a lot of defensive move .Use his range wisely especially the F+HS and Refiner. Use the F+HS to OTG of hitting your opponent mid-air for extra damage. The That Is My Name has such thing called invincibility frame at the beginning so use it to snuff out incoming moves. Use the Bacchus Sigh if you have the chance(Best done after your opponent touch the ground) .After the That IS My Name try to go for a Dust Attack. If your opponent always block high go for the Refiner (S). Always remember to not using long combos too much because Johnny could do heavy damage with his simple combos/juggles. *The strategy section below is contributed by Richard there are situations where you can hit a downed opponent with a coin(exp.level2 mist finers)when opponent is down throw a coin=>run close to them and S=>baccus sigh! the mist should be really close or on to them when they get up! land another free mist finer hehe ********************************************** REVISION HISTORY ********************************************** Ver 1.0 23/6/01 : Nothing much to be said. Gotta finish the Dust Attack combo section and fix up some grammar and strategy error (if there is one).First release Ver 1.5 08/7/01 : Geez there's a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. I've added the Dust Attack, Combos and strategy with new stuff. Gotta check my spelling and grammar again(sorry because English is not my native language). Fix Johnny VS May translation *Thanks to The True Warrior Ver 2.0 17/7/01 : Aquainted to Richard last week. Added the combo,DA and strategy section. Been practising roman canceling nowadays. Exam is getting nearer >_<. *Thanks to Richard ********************************************** SPEECH TRANSLATION ********************************************** This part is taken from The True Warrior ( speech translation FAQ (Thank you very much for giving me the permission to use your Johnny FAQ). As we all know THIS IS THE BEST PART of using Johnny! This is what he says when starting the match - Katten Kuruwa Ukish Konaize... = It looks like I won't get any curtain calls... - Ereganto Ikimeruze! = Let's make this elegant! - Pa...tey koze! = Let's spice things up! - Daynjan Ikuze! = Let's make this dangerous! - Sumatani Owarusiruka! = Let's finish this quickly! - Sakini tokuga Ora Perfecto daze! = Before we start, I must say that I'm perfect! (Yes, Johnny is apparently self-centered and proud.)(Yeah! he's perfect and cool!) - Motto Hadinikoze! = I'll make this more enjoyable! VS May- Ney Ney Johhny, Tekagen washitekureru yonei?! (Dame')... Ijiwaro! (Zanendeshta!) = Hey Johhny, are you going to hit me hard hard enough?! (No.)...Then you are an idiot! (I'm sorry about that!) This is what he says while taunting - Unbelievable daze! - Wonderfuru daze! = (Can you guess what this is?) That's wonderful! - Nanka Mieruzo... = I can see something... (Hmmm...I wonder what?) - Oreno Marude! = I'm normal! (I don't get it!) - Kakatekina! = Come on and fight! - Nandoro ogameru manjinaize! = You won't see this a lot! This is what he says while blocking - Sorode Owari? = Is it over? - Yarujanai = You're pretty good! - Ashini Kiskimatta! = It went to my leg! (I'm assuming that he's talking about the pain?) This is what he says when he won - Yudanshtana! = You didn't focus! - Shobo gatsitemo Kottow otuskuttow anai! = Even after the fight, you shouldn't be sad! - Sensugatchi Gandana, Sen suna! = Sensitivity is different, Sensitve! (I don't know what the hell that means, if you do, E-mail me!) - Mangawarinjanai no! = You have bad manners! - Akigamiga Kanjendaze! = You should know when to quite! - Oro Honkini sazetamowa Mistake dattana! = You made a mistake by making me mad!(YOU NEED TO LEARN THIS ONE) - Anta naganaga good o daze! = You did a pretty good job! This is what he says when dizzied - Miren daze...! = I can't move...! - Omai Honkide yatero! = You hit me too hard! This is what he says when tripped - Maitana! = Oh man! This is what he says when Installing Kill mode - Shimainia Kireruze! = If this keeps up, I'm going to get pissed! This is what he says when doing the Instant kill - Joker hijimattana! = I picked the Joker! Winning Quote vs. May: What are you doing here? I ordered you to stay on the ship! Winning Quote vs. Dizzy: There aren't many girls that I think are pretty...I'm sorry. (If this makes sense to you, E-mail me!) ********************************************** CREDITS AND SOME USELESS STUFF ********************************************** Well here is THE MOST important part of this FAQ. The Credits! The True Warrior - for permitting me to use your Johnny translation guide. Not to forget, you fix the Johnny VS May translation (I'm really gratefull for it) Millenium Fault - For guiding me in using May and allowing me to copy some of your FAQ format.I also wanted to thank you for providing me with Johnny combo GameFAQs - For posting this FAQ and hosting the GGX FAQ and message board Richard - For teaching me lots of combo and not to forget for giving me some strategies. Tiki_tiku - You sure impressed me with your May. Keep it up! Emi_Max - For being a good Faust opponent Arlieth - For inspiring me to write a FAQ.Anyway, I want to thank you for guiding me in Street Fighter III : Third Strike Sammy - For creating GGX the best fighting game ever created! Ashra - For being a good Zato-1One opponent. You - For reading this FAQ which is not good >_< Here is just some useless stuff that you might skip reading: a) Remember all Johnny's quote and repeat after him to get the REAL feeling of using him and to annoy your opponent ^_^ b)Keep playing GGX guys and don't let go of your skills c)If you have any question or addition, E-mail me okay?(addition on the DA section is always welcome ^_^) ************************************************** THINGS NEED TO BE DONE ************************************************** Still need to drill my skills and need to look for more combos!!!!!!!! *************************************************** END OF FILE **************************************************** Thank you for reading this FAQ. ^_^.