ILLBLEED FAQ/Walkthrough v.06 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1. Time to get ILL: The Story of ILLBLEED 2. How To Play the Game 2.1-Controls 2.2-Combat 2.3-The Four Senses and Your Vital Signs 2.4-The Horror Monitor 2.5-Important Tips 3. Characters 3.1-Playable Characters 3.2-Non-Playable Characters 4. Enemies 4.1-Standard Baddies 4.2-Bosses 5. Items 5.1-Weapons 5.2-First Aid 5.3-Power-Ups 5.4-Key Items 6. Walkthrough: Shop Zone/Graveyard 7. Walkthrough: Minnesota Hell Cinema - HOMERUN OF DEATH 8. Walkthrough: Cinepanic - THE REVENGE OF QUEEN WORM 9. Walkthrough: Boogie's Fun Movies - WOODPUPPETS 10. Walkthrough: Shock It To Me Theater - KILLER DEPARTMENT STORE 11. Walkthrough: Hall of Resentment - KILLERMAN 12. Walkthrough: Child Palace - TOYHUNTER 13. Walkthrough: Michael Reynolds' Horror Museum - THE FINAL BATTLE 14. Fun Stuff 14.1-Secrets 14.2-Trivia 14.3-Goofs 14.4-Stuff I Really Want To See In ILLBLEED 2 14.5-Q & A 14.6-More About The Author 15. Denuement 15.1-Credits 15.2-Debits 15.3-Legal Crap & Disclaimers ___________ "In as much as liberals want us to ritualistically assert that 'Islam is a religion of peace', Muslims could do their part by not killing people all the time" - Ann Coulter* *This quote brought to you by the Foundation for Quotes That Have Absolulutely Nothing To Do With the Rest of the Document, or the F.Q.T.H.A.N.T.D.W.R.D. for short. INTRODUCTION Hi ho, everyone! I'm back in "da house" with yet another update to this monstrosity of ILLBLEED information. I'm very happy to tell you all that I've finally begun to pursue my dream of a career in acting..........I can hear you laughing over there, you know. Look, if that kid who screwed a pie or those two palookas from "Dude, where's my car?" can have an acting career, why the hell can't I? Amazingly enough, there are at least 7 well connected talent agencies here in Red Stick the I could hook up with, and I fully intend to do so. Wish me luck with that. Nothing particularly special in version .06, just correcting some spelling errors and making a few minor alterations. V.07 will be coming out once some big news hits the wire. Now, I've tried to make this FAQ as accurate and concise as humanly possible, but if you spot any errors, stuff I might have missed or ways I can improve this FAQ, don't hesitate to E-mail me and let me know about them(No l33t speak). Don't worry, I don't get my kicks from insulting people who try to E-mail me for help/to be helpful, unlike some of the other bastards stinking up the 'net(They know who they are and so do I), and you'll recieve full credit in the next update for providing any information(Requests for anonymity will be honored as well). This FAQ can only be as good as the kindly souls who assist in it's development. If there's one thing that makes me better than the other FAQ writers, it's that I don't act like my time is too important to help you. A lot of writers do this and it pisses me off to no end. If my time were so goddamn valuable, would you be reading this right now? Nope. The way I see it, when you log onto the world wide web, your time is public domain. It can't be wasted. If you wish to contact me with questions, comments or suggestions, my E-Mail address is in "Luke, I am yo fatha"). BE CAUTIONED: Flames hurled in my direction will be caught, filed down to little stumps and dropped at your feet. I am not Thomas Wilde! Your puerile attempts to ruffle my feathers don't bother me in the least. You're nothing more to me than a few bytes of information on my monitor. When I shut my computer off for the day, you are shut off right along with it. If I do reply to your flames at all, it's not going to be the answer you want. They don't roll right off my back; They never even touch it. For the most part, I've received positive messages from fans all over the world, but there's always a bad egg or two. It's a shame that I need to include a disclaimer like this just because of a few misanthropic dingleberries. And please: Don't bother making physical threats against me. I'm not the least bit intimidated by some milquetoast threatening to beat me up from 2000 miles away. And don't get any ideas: You wouldn't intimidate me if I came home and saw you sitting in my LA-Z-BOY holding a machete. If you ever met me in person, you wouldn't "kick my ass" like you promise to do. You'd probably call me "sir". Enough with the threats, you're only amusing me. Oh yeah, this is a very detailed walkthrough, and as such, it contains several SPOILERS. I've tried not to blow any key details before they actually appear in the game, but sometimes it's just not that easy to do. Anyway, let's get started. SECTION ONE TIME TO GET ILL: THE STORY OF ILLBLEED Our tale begins in Castle Rock High's auditorium, where we join the lovely Ms. Eriko Christy during a speech competition as she delivers a rather unsettling monlogue to her fellow students. In it, she talks of her estranged father's horror caravan as well as her state of fearlessness brought on by said caravan. What, could you do better with that kind of material? Afterwards, she is joined outside by two of her buddies; Kevin Kertsman and Randy Fairbanks, who congratulate her on a speech strangely done. Before long, an excited(Yes, that's her excited face. It's her only face, get used to it.) Michel comes bearing four invitations to ILLBLEED, the self-dubbed "Virtual Horror Land". Michael Reynolds, the certifiably *warped* brain behind ILLBLEED, is offering $100,000,000 to the first person to survive the entirety of his theme park. Apparently, no one has ever lived to claim the prize...... But Eriko, always the skeptic, doesn't buy into the hype. Her three friends, however, are taken by the idea of blowing through this "Virtual Horror Land" and collecting a cool 100 mil, so they opt to go on without Eriko. And all is well...... until they don't come back after three days. Concerned for her three airheaded comrades, Eriko decides to finally put her invitation to use, and ventures into ILLBLEED. Alone....... In a very short skirt...... ___________ SECTION TWO HOW TO PLAY THE GAME I must admit, ILLBLEED can be a hard game at first. The Graveyard "training area" is anything but, and level 1's difficulty throws a severe curveball at you(No pun intended). Here I'll explain how to play, how to fight and how to utilize the SENSORY METER and HORROR MONITOR to detect and disarm traps. 2.1-CONTROLS JOYPAD: This controls movement for your character. REMEMBER: Depress the joystick FIRMLY to run, press the joystick GENTLY to walk. If you want stop walking and start running or vice versa, you must LET GO of the joystick to stop first. Practice this a bit before you enter the first level, as it's important to your survival during combat. DIRECTIONAL PAD: Press up or down to switch between camera modes. There are four modes: Semi Auto-Follow 1(Passive, close), Semi Auto-Follow 2(Passive, far), Auto-Follow 1(Active, close) and Auto-Follow 2(Active, far). There's really no sane reason to ever use any mode other than Auto-Follow 2, but hey, whatever floats your boat.... START BUTTON: Brings up the menu screen in normal game mode, pauses game in combat. L TRIGGER: Centers the camera. That's it. R TRIGGER: Activates/deactivates the HORROR MONITOR in normal game mode, fires projectile weapon in combat(Assuming, of course, that you have one). NOTE: If you don't have a HORROR MONITOR, you'll simply switch to 1st Person perspective. Y BUTTON: Brings up the map in normal game mode, utilizes melee weapon in combat. NOTE: If you have no melee weapon, you use the Y BUTTON to attack by punching. X BUTTON: This is the jump button. Yes, you have to do some jumping in this game, I'm afraid. But don't worry, there's only a handful of Tomb Raider-ish "Oh God if I miss this jump I'm SO screwed" parts in the game. A BUTTON: Used to examine your environs for items in normal game mode, used to mark suspicious areas in HORROR MONITOR mode AND is used to dodge enemy attacks in combat. B BUTTON: Closes the map and menu screens and signals the getaway chopper in combat mode(press RAPIDLY). 2.2-COMBAT In your adventure, you'll frequently encounter instances where your Sixth Sense(See section 2.3 below) will start jumping. This can mean one of two things: Either there's a helpful item nearby, or there's a psychopathic monster waiting to disembowel you and feast on your entrails. If your screen flashes RED and quickly fades out; then brother, you got what's behind Door Number 2. Get ready to fight. In combat mode, the area is quarantined into a specific zone where you'll do battle. Attempting you flee on foot will cause the "arena" floor to glow bright blue, displaying your boundaries. In 95% of the fights you'll get into, you'll notice a large green and white "H" somewhere in the combat zone with the shadow of a helicopter hovering above(Even indoors!). If you don't feel like slugging it out, run to this helipad and press the B BUTTON rapidly until a rescue ladder is lowered to the ground, allowing you to make a "Narrow Escape". Watch out, though; Your oppponents won't take this sitting down, so you'll need to lure them away from the helipad when they get too close. Don't waste too much time, though, as the ladder will slowly start to pull back up if you dawdle for too long. On most of the early levels, you'll have only melee weapons for your protection, so you'll have to get used to close quarters combat. It's best to always go for the opponent's blind spot rather than going toe-to-toe. All melee weapons have a 3-hit combo. If it's at all possible, try to get all three hits in, that third hit deals the most damage. And don't forget, the A BUTTON is your best friend, use it to dodge any kind of enemy attack. With projectile weapons, however, you can sit back and treat your opponent to a nice lead shower from a distance. Just be sure to keep your distance from the bad guys at all times. When they try to close the gap between the two of you, stop shooting and run the other way to get some more leverage, then continue merrily blasting away. 2.3-THE FOUR SENSES AND YOUR VITAL SIGNS At the top of the screen you'll notice a meter that displays the names of four of your brain's sensory functions: Sight, Hearing, Smell and Sixth Sense(Taste and Touch got the week off, I guess) along with a a black bar that contains an ECG-style "line". Pay close attention to this SENSORY METER as you work your way through each stage, and pay even closer attention to your surroundings. The "Smell" meter is jumping; Is there something smelly nearby, like a toilet or a pile of compost? The "Hearing" meter is jumping, you say? Then look out for that phone sitting on the desk. Watch for details like this to determine what the trap is and where it might be. WARNING: Many, many traps throughout the game are randomized. Now for your vital signs. The green bar at the bottom of the screen displays your stamina, the blue box on the left displays your adrenaline count and the red box to the right is your current pulse. When you are hurt by a trap, you may see a red bar appear above your stamina meter, that's your bleeding factor. When it reaches all the way to the right of the screen, you die(Your pulse will start to drop when bleeding becomes too severe). Likewise, if your stamina drains to zero or your pulse climbs too high, you die. There's plenty of ways to croak in ILLBLEED, so watch your ass, okay? NOTE: When you're pulse starts climbing too high(Give or take 200), you're susceptible to fainting if you get scared by a trap or surprised by an enemy encounter. If you faint during an enemy attack, you'll be temporarily helpless and the enemy will be free to wreak holy havoc on your unconscious carcass. Keeping your pulse at or around it's normal level of 50 is crucial if you want to survive. Oh yeah, there's also lots of hidden booster items that you can use to upgrade your characters' stats. These are good. Utilize them at any of the ER stations littered around the park and it's attractions. 2.4-THE HORROR MONITOR Located near the start of each level(Exact locations will be given in the individual level walkthroughs), the HORROR MONITOR is instrumental to your surviving the horrors of ILLBLEED. Used directly in conjunction with the SENSORY METER. When you notice a partiular section of the SENSORY METER jumping, press the R TRIGGER to turn the HORROR MONITOR on. This will bring you into a 1st person viewpoint where you can scan suspicious areas(The monitor will automatically zoom in on possible traps). If you think that spot the Monitor zoomed in on is a trap, you can -provided you have enough Adranaline- press the A BUTTON to mark the spot. Marked locations are indicated by a glowing blue orb hovering above the area. When you approach or inspect the blue light, you'll disarm the trap and regain some Adrenaline. Sounds complicated, but it's not. NOTE: When the HORROR MONITOR is hidden nearby, all four senses will simultaneously begin jumping like crazy. 2.5-IMPORTANT TIPS 1. Notice how your bleeding meter flashes and your pulse stays high whenever you start running? Running speeds up the heart rate, which in turn causes your blood to flow through(And out of) your body faster. Take the hint and SLOW DOWN, your bleeding will decrease gradually and your pulse will slowly go back down to normal while you walk. Plus, it keeps you from accidentally running into traps and allows you to cover more ground than you can while standing still. Makes sense to me. 2. Don't bother hoarding items you've collected over the course of a level, as they disappear after the stage is cleared. Sadly, this also goes for weapons, too. But the booster items you find will roll over to the next levels. 3. While many traps are randomized, monster and item locations are always the same(A few monster locations may be random). 4. If you're fairly certain that there's an enemy hiding nearby, mark the area before you initiate the fight. That way, you won't be be knocked down(A costly error) and your pulse won't go up 20+ points. 5. Try to take full advantage of the ER Tickets by upgrading your characters within the level you find the Ticket in instead of at the Shop Zone. You can save a good bit of money on costly upgrading operations this way. 6. Activating the HORROR MONITOR costs 10 Adrenaline Points, marking an area will set you back 40 points. Don't play around with the HORROR MONITOR lest you exhaust all your adrenaline before you really need it. 7. The dodging technique may be cool, but please bear in mind that your pulse goes up 2 points each time you press the A BUTTON to dodge, whether you avoided an actual attack or not. Don't overdo it, try to run around baddies whenever possible. 8. The stats of each character remain the same even after you've beaten the game. So you can continue upgrading each character on your subsequent plays through until you have a party full of ultimate badasses. 9. A good rule to follow when buying the items you need is to buy at least (3) of each low-recovery item(Hassy, Deep Breath and Bandage), (2) of each mid-recory item(Salad, Relaxation CD and Gauze Wrap) and (1) full-recovery item(Steak Dinner, Nitroglycerin and Coagulant). Don't ever buy less than that to be safe, but feel free to get more if you think you'll need them. Depending on how carefully you play, you may not need to buy any Adrenaline items at all, but I'd recommend you get at least 1 Injection or Intravenous Drip before starting each new level. The natural exception to this rule is level 1 - Homerun of Death, because you won't have nearly enough money to buy all this. 10. Don't panic if you can't meet the exact requirements for a certain level. Prize deductions aren't nearly as severe as you'd expect them to be. Even if you fail all of them, you'll still get plenty of cash. More tips will appear throughout the walkthrough as needed. __________ SECTION THREE CHARACTERS 3.1-PLAYABLE CHARACTERS There are five playable characters in ILLBLEED. You start out with only Eriko and must rescue the others before you can use them. There are also two special characters you will play as... NOTE: On your first time through the game, I'd recommend sticking with Eriko. But you can use whoever you want with little consequence. Eriko should also be the first character you start upgrading. ERIKO CHRISTY Eighteen year old senior at Castle Rock High School. Head of her school's "Horror Movie Research Club" which consists of four members(Everyone's gotta start small, I suppose) including herself. A lovely young woman who -thanks to the sheer trauma her father subjected her to as a child- has no sense of fear. She fancies herself to be the ultimate horror buff, she has appeared in several horror trivia game shows and even scored a starring role in "Killerman 8: Killerman Goes to Japan", which was produced by none other than Michael Reynold's himself, though she never actually met him on the set. An equal opportunity horror fan, she loves all genres with a near religious fervor. Be it splatter, supernatural, classic, slasher, Troma et cetera. One thing that has me curious: Is she a *natural* purple, or what? STATS: Pulse-255, HP-250, Adrenaline-540, Bleeding-100cc SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES: Rises to her feet quickly when startled. And that strained little T-shirt can't hold out forever.... KEVIN KERTSMAN Seventeen year old junior at Castle Rock High. 1st member to join Eriko's club, and five bucks says he wasn't a horror fan at all until he met her. He likes most types of horror flicks except for "splatter". But he prefers the oldschool, classics such as the Universal Studios monster flick, films made by Hammer studios and the like. He's stuck on Eriko, but luckily for us, his advances will never be reciprocated. STATS: Pulse-255, HP-300, Adrenaline-540, Bleeding-100cc SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES: He's a good all-rounder with average skills in each category. But really Kev, get a damned comb! MICHEL WATERS Seventeen year old senior at Castle Rock high. The brains of the outfit. Michel has been blessed with the gifts of ESP and telepathic communication. She has actually assisted in a few real exorcisms before. Michel is mostly into supernatural and religiously themed horror flicks. STATS: Pulse-255, HP-200, Adrenaline-720, Bleeding-100cc SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES: A smart gal, but a strong breeze could send her to the floor. Cute, but a little creepy. RANDY FAIRBANKS Sixteen year old sophomore at Castle Rock high. Randy is the most recent member of the Horror Club. He prefers slasher movies mainly because of the chestily endowed females who often grace films of that genre. He also has an affinity for horror movie memorabilia, and even owns a chainsaw used in a geniune splatter flick worth $10,000. Why he didn't bring it with him is anyone's guess, but I personally think it's because he's a moron. STATS: Pulse-255, HP-450, Adrenaline-270, Bleeding-100cc SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES: A tough guy, but basically paralyzed from the neck up. Talks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. JORG S. BAKER Twenty-one year old reporter for Amusement Topic magazine. Jorg was invited to ILLBLEED in order to investigate the operations of the park. He's got a good head for problem solving, and his analytical skills are well above average. STATS: Pulse-255, HP-300, Adrenaline-720, Bleeding-100cc SPECIAL ATTRIBUTES: The second best character behind Eriko, but nowhere near as slick as the game makes him seem. 3.2-NON-PLAYABLE CHARACTERS There are also a few characters you interact with(And a few you don't) as the story progresses. JIMMY BANBOLLOW Okay, so you never actually meet the kid in person, but it's all his father's fault you have to go through level 1. OPERATOR JACKSON This guy operates the animatronics in HOMERUN OF DEATH. What he needs is a damn good whacking..... DAVID RODRIGUEZ David hit it big with his highly successful worm farm and the help of his prized queen worm, Rachel. After Rachel's growth spurt spiraled out of control and she became too great a liability, David did the only reasonable thing to do; He commited suicide and left Rachel to eat everyone in the whole friggin' town. Maybe his ghost can give you a few pointers on how to put Rachel down permanently. GEORGE MACLACHLAN Okay, so you never actually meet the guy in person, but it's all his fault that you have to go through level 3. THE CAKE FROM HELL I don't know why, but I laugh every time I see this thing. MR. MEAT, THE STEAKHOUSE CHEF A meat lovin' redneck who hates vegetarians(Don't we all?). Make sure you're packing some dead animal when you run into him. JASON An employee of the KILLERMAN stage. A prime suspect in the Killerman murder case. CUNNINGHAM The shifty supervisor of the KILLERMAN stage. Another prime suspect in the Killerman case. CORK INDA Intrepid explorer and hunter of toys. His perpetual grin diguises his ability to kick names and take ass(And lots of it, wait 'til you see his girlfriend) like nobody's business. He is the Toyhunter, and he's available at a major outlet store near you for only $11.99! CUTY MARY That's pronounced "Marie", thank you. A "friend" of Cork Inda and Sexy Doll. SEXY DOLL When a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in yo' face you get..... Sexy Doll? This bootylicious figurine is the love interest of Cork the Toyhunter. POTEDON A Schwarzeneggeresque toy rocket that helps Cork out a few times. Ja, he does. MICHAEL REYNOLDS The reason you're stuck in ILLBLEED right now. The ultimate master of horror, he's poured over $5,000,000,000 into his proudest creation in order to create the most frightening experience in the world, ILLBLEED is that creation. Don't you just want to beat the crap out of this guy already? I want to eat his children. Don't we all? ;D _________ SECTION FOUR ENEMIES 4.1-STANDARD BADDIES A number of truly badass monsters populate ILLBLEED, and they all want you *dead*. INSIDE-OUT MEN Looks like a large, skinless man with organs and bones protruding from his body. They look tough, but they're actually slow and easy to kill. Inside-out men appear in levels 1 and 5. DUMMIES Crash Test Dummies brought to life by The Dummyman. They don't pack much of a punch, but they're fast as hell, making it difficult to run away. It's easier to just stand your ground and fight them. Dummies appear levels 1, 3, 4 and 6. THE DUMMYMAN Larger than the other Dummies, he wears a tattered orange jumpsuit and carries an enormous wrench. He's fast as hell AND packs quite a punch. You'll need to learn to use the dodge maneuver properly to take this jerk down. Dummyman appears in levels 1, 5 and 6. GIANT EARTHWORMS A horrific pain in the ass. Stalks you from underground and pops up to munch on you. Run in a circle to lure them out, then give 'em a good thrashing from behind. But it's best to just run from them whenever possible. Giant Earthworms appear in levels 2 and 4. MONKILLERS Horny little primate/trolls that attack you with meathooks. Don't try to fight them unless you're carrying a projectile weapon. Luckily, they're not too hard to run away from, just lure them away from the helipad when they get too close. Monkillers appear in levels 2 and 6. FACELESS WOMEN Decent looking broads from the neck down. Too bad there's no way of knowing just how nice they originally looked. Faceless Women always attack in pairs, and carry high caliber revolvers. They shoot at you from a distance and pistol whip you at close range. Faceless Women appear in levels 2 and 6. WOODCUTTERS A tall, disfigured lumberjack carrying a large axe. They're tough to bring down, but not too quick. Woodcutters appear only in level 3. WOODPUPPETS Ever seen those wooden models artist use to capture a specific pose? Well, that's exactly what these creeps are, only more evil. And stupid. They attack by spinning their arms like a helicopter rotor and by kicking at you. Easy to kill. Woodpuppets appear only in level 3. CASHMAN'S SPAWN Fat little spiders with an ugly face plastered on their abdomens. They attack in groups, but that still won't save them. Cashman's Spawn appear in level 4 and in the final stage. CUTY MARY This devilish dollie will steal your heart....... Right out of your chest. A mean, nasty little bitch; she hovers in the air and stabs at you with a giant survival knife. She assaults you on numerous occasions throughout level 4, but also appears in level 5. ROTTEN EGGS Yes, they really are giant green eggs with arms. They attack by jumping at you. You *can* run away from them, but killing them is just too damn funny to miss. Rotten Eggs appear in levels 5 and 6. ZOMBIES The old survival horror standby doesn't make an appearance until level 5, but at least they had the courtesy to show up. They attack in groups of five or six and -surprise!- they're *invincible*! Just lure them away from the helipad and run for it. Zombies only appear in level 5. 4.2-BOSSES The worst of a bad lot. The modus operandi for taking these bastards out can be found their respective level's walkthrough. GALE BANBOLLOW Okay, so the idea of a sports-obsessed father conducting a rampage on his son's behalf is nothing new, but how many OTHER little league dads would go batshit crazy with an acetylne torch when upset? Truly hideous in appearance and temperament, Mr. Banbollow has been on an uninhibited killing spree ever since the accidental death of his son, Jimmy. Banbollow gives you a hard time throughout level 1. RACHEL THE QUEEN WORM Were you wondering where those big, nasty earthworms came from? Hiya, Mom! Rachel is responsible for the destruction of Camp David(No, not that place the President hangs out at). Her former caretaker killed himself rather than euthanize her, so that job is now up to you. Rachel appears at the end of level 2. TRENT Like a crossbreeding of Adolf Hitler and a Sycamore, Trent was understanably miffed by George MacLachlan's attempt to cut him down. So he chowed down on MacLachlan and then took over his lumber mill. He's not going to be happy until all humans are either destroyed or assimilated and turned into living Woodpuppets. Trent shows up in level 3. DONALD CASHMAN Greedy department store owner Donald Cashman robbed and murdered all of his customers after learning that his store was on the verge of bankruptcy. After police arrived on scene, they promptly shot Cashman to pieces. But ever the scam artist, Cashman managed to talk Satan into allowing him to return to life. Turns out Satan's quite a scam artist himself, because upon his return, Cashman took on the form of a huge spider. Donald Cashman turns up in both level 4 and the final stage. KILLERMAN No one knows exactly what Killerman is or where he came from, but we know that he's been killing for well over 70 years. A mysterious entity that knows nothing but death and bloodshed, Killerman is far more dangerous than his somewhat goofy appearance would suggest. He makes his big entrance in level 5. ZODICK THE HELLHOG Hmm, he reminds me of someone I know...... As a guardian of Toy Hell, the fiendish Zodick is the arch nemesis of Cork the Toyhunter. He makes Cork's life miserable throughout level 6. OH NO! MAN Like a giant Ken doll with no head. He attacks with a pair of kama blades, oh no! The easiest of the 3 final bosses. DONALD CASHMAN'S SECOND COMING Insisting the first fight was rigged, Cashman wants a rematch. Mid-level difficulty of the 3 final bosses. BULLSTINGER Still upset over getting tarred and feathered by Eliot and Dogs back in Blue Stinger, the Bullstinger is looking to unleash some pent-up aggression. The hardest of the 3 final bosses. _________ SECTION FIVE ITEMS NOTE: The alternate names for certain items are from the Japanese version. 5.1-WEAPONS Exercise your license to ILL with these pain dispersal units, 'cuz you ain't got time to BLEED. FIST Your hand, curled up into a tight ball and swung at enemies. Very low range and power. It stays attached to your arm at all times(As it should), but you stop using it once you obtain a melee weapon. HOMERUN BAT Jimmy Banbollow's treasured bat, the very same Slugger that he hit his first home run with. Decent power and range. Found only in level 1. STEEL PIPE Said to be taken from the site of a mass murder. Terrible range and low power, it's a genuinely piss poor weapon. You're better off just using harsh language. Found only in level 2. FLAME THROWER A typical agricultural-grade flame thrower. Highly damaging, but medium range. Infinite fuel. Found only in level 2. AXE Believed to have once belonged to none other than Jason Vorhees of "Friday The 13th" fame. Moderate power, but short range. Found in levels 3, 5 and in the final stage. HATCHET/NATA Looks more like an oversized cleaver, and is just as effective. Excellent power and good range, it's the best melee weapon. Unfortunately, it is only found in level 4. MACHINE GUN A compact submachine gun resembling a Tec-9. High rate of fire, but low power. Infinite ammo. Found in level 4 and the final stage. SHOTGUN Like the Zombies, the revered boomstick is yet another survival horror staple that makes its appearance a little too late in the game. Very high power up close with wide damage radius at a distance, but rate of fire is slow. Infinite ammo. The shotgun can be found only in level 5. HANDGUN Apparently a Browning Hi Power 9mm pistol. It's said that all 13 of the gun's former owners commited suicide with it. 13 suicides, 13 bullets in a Hi Power's clip. Coincidence? Medium rate of fire and decent power. Infinite ammo. Found only in level 6. 5.2-FIRST AID ILLBLEED is a dangerous place. When the many horrors of the park begin to take their toll on your mind and body, insert any one of these items into the appropriate orifice to cure your ILLs. No point in giving locations since almost all of them turn up at least once in every level. HASSY Recommended by top veterans of BLUE STINGER, this energy drink provides you with a slight boost of health. SALAD/CHINESE NOODLE A grilled chicken caesar salad that gives you a larger boost of health. Pass on the croutons, they give me gas. STEAK DINNER/KAISEKI Your typical meat-and-potatoes fare(Hardy har), a steak dinner is not only delicious, it fills up your health to 100%. DEEP BREATH Apparently nothing more than a reminder to calm down, a Deep Breath slightly lowers your pulse. RELAXATION CD You'd normally never be caught dead with one of these in your CD player. In the world of ILLBLEED, however, you just might be caught dead without it. Your pulse takes a bigger drop when you spin one of these. NITROGLYCERINE A common medication used to treat angina pectoris(Stop giggling. It's a heart condition, you perv), Nitro fully relaxes your pulse down to it's normal level of 50. BANDAGE Band-Aid brand bandage used to treat minor scrapes and cuts, so what the Hell good is it going to do in ILLBLEED? Plenty, actually. Provides light bleeding control. GAUZE WRAP In real life, you'd put a dressing underneath this stuff to control bleeding. But it seems to work just fine on it's own here. Provides moderate bleeding control. COAGULANT Got hemophilia? Then you can't do much better than this stuff here. Fully staunches bleeding. AMPOULE Low on adrenaline? Chug down one of these to get some of that brain juice back. Gives a small boost of adrenaline. INJECTION The directions say to "Inject into the back of the neck", ouch. Provides a bigger increase of adrenaline. INTRAVENOUS DRIP A big, fat bag of adrenaline. Gives you a full adrenaline recovery. NOTE: This is the only first aid item that you must purchase, as it's not found in any level. EROLE Except to recreate the thrill of buying your first Penthouse magazine, there's really no reason to get one of these. No matter how bad you are at this game, you'll probably never need to use one. I certainly didn't. An Erole raises your pulse. AMAZON God himself supervised the creation of this cure-all drug. Fully recovers *everything*. NOTE: You cannot buy this item. It is only found in certain levels. GABOIE This Monster Rancher-ish item recovers some health, but raises the pulse. You'll probably never need to use it. NOTE: You cannot buy this item either. 5.3-POWER UPS Excellent stuff indeed. The majority of these goodies are automatically equipped once you find them. HORROR MONITOR Located near the entrance of almost every level, the HORROR MONITOR is instrumental to your surviving the many traps and shocks that ILLBLEED contains. You need to find this, so don't continue on until you do. IRON HEART Used at ER stations in conjunction with $20,000 to toughen the heart of the character of your choice, making them less susceptible to a high pulse. BIOBODY Used at ER stations in conjunction with $30,000 to steel your body against attacks, thereby increasing your maximum stamina. ARTIFICIAL PLASMA Used at ER stations in conjunction with $20,000 to take the place of your normal blood, slowing down the bleeding process. ARTIFICIAL BRAIN I know a *lot* of people that could use this one. Used at ER stations in conjunction with $40,000 to increase your maximum adrenaline capacity. PROTECTOR This body armor cuts all damage you receive by two thirds, bleeding is also slowed down. A very rare item. SPEED LADDER Causes the rescue chopper's rope ladder to drop twice as fast, allowing you to beat a much hastier retreat. CAUTION BOMB This item marks all suspicious areas within a 5 yard perimeter, saving you a helluva lot of Adrenaline. Use it wisely. ANTI-SHOCK BRACE/PLASTER Allows your character to immediately rise to his/her feet when frightened by a monster instead of crawling on the ground like an idiot while said monster beats on them. This item is a lifesaver, but it's useless if you're playing as Eriko, as recovering quickly is already one of her special attributes. CALCULATOR The calculator plugs into the HORROR MONITOR, allowing you to see the probability of your fainting or dying from the next trap. Not terribly useful, but it's still good to have. ITEM SENSOR Very helpful device that attaches to the HORROR MONITOR to reveal locations where items are hidden. Look for the throbbing white icons that appear on the map once the item sensor is obtained. SCAPEGOAT MARY/SACRIFICE MARY A replica of Cuty Mary that will take your place on the slab should you die, allowing you to return to life. ER DISCOUNT TICKET Using this gives you a 40% discount on any ER services performed IN THE SPECIFIC LEVEL YOU FOUND THE TICKET IN. HELL CAKE Would it be okay if I didn't explain this one to you? Thanks. 5.4-KEY ITEMS Stuff that you need to find to advance through the levels. For the purposes of not spoiling absolutely everything in the game, the files are not listed here. TESTIMONIAL PLAQUE Mr. Banbollow's pride and joy. Hangs in the dining room of Chateau Banbollow for all guests to see. Level 1. JIMMY'S TROPHY Mr. Banbollow's other pride and joy. Sits atop the dresser in Banbollow's bedroom. Level 1. ID CARD 1 Taken from Operator Jackson after he's rendered.......inoperable. Level 1. BABY BOTTLE Once used by David Rodriguez to feed his beloved Rachel, holds much sentimental value for David. Level 2. RUSTY KEY Used to unlock the path leading to David's old shack. Level 2. WRENCH Used to "knock down Dummyman", you'll see what I mean. Level 2 GAS TANK About half full, there's plenty enough to fuel an empty automobile. Level 2 INVOICE/MEMO A receipt for a lumber purchase. 3221 pieces of 2x4 at $3.00 each. Level 3 JP: A mysterious note that simply says "MURDER". PIECE OF WOOD Oddly shaped piece of wood taken from a sleeping Woodcutter. Level 3 WUDOLLA INSECTS Large, glowing beetles that eat dead wood. Level 3 SEVERED HEAD A freshly severed human head. There's actually a use for this revolting item. Level 4 BAKED CAKE It's just a red herring, don't even take it. Level 4 SWEET STRAWBERRY Ditto for this. Level 4 BEEF A large chunk o' cow. Cockroaches love it. Moo, I say! Level 4 PORK A big, fat ham butt. Cockroaches love this too, even though they left in the sphincter. Level 4 CHICKEN The original white meat. Cockroaches like it, but they'd prefer beef or pork. Level 4 MARY'S CARDS 4 different cards that are combined to unlock a door. Mary really doesn't want you to find these. Level 4 MARY'S KEY Used to gain entry to Mary's final challenge. Level 4 MARY'S STICK Your reward for putting up with Mary's crap. Trust me, it's worth it. Level 4 CONTROLLER You need this to beat the "invincible" Cashman. Level 4 ID CARD 2 Used to unlock an emergency exit. Level 5 ID CARD 3 Cunningham's ID card. Use it's pin number to gain access to the power room. Level 5 GAS TANK 2 Used to fuel Potedon. Level 6 POTEDON CHIP Contains all of Potedon's data. Can be used with any Potedon toy. Level 6 SPECIAL HORROR MONITOR Uses 3x the normal amount of adrenaline. SECRET RUBBER SNAKE An old childhood toy belonging to Eriko. SECRET RIBBON Another of Eriko's belongings from her youth. SECRET ERIKO'S BABY SHOES Yet another of Eriko's childhood possesions. Are you getting curious about what these are for yet? SECRET _________ SECTION SIX WALKTHROUGH: Shop Zone/Graveyard. Upon beginning the game, you'll join Eriko at the entrance to the park(You'll also be brought back here after each level you beat). To the right you'll see Bloody Mary's Shop, Dummyman's Photo Stand and the ILLBLEED Visitor Bank. Off to the left is an ER Station, you'll want to go to the Graveyard first. To visit the Graveyard, take a right from the entrance to the ER and follow the tunnel. Those two freaky statues don't ever do anything, in case you were wondering. GRAVEYARD Starting from the right, follow the wall and read each hanging sign that you see. The second sign mentions that there is a HORROR MONITOR hidden where you are standing right now. Specifically, it's directly behind you at the center tombstone in the second row. After you've finished reading the signs, Check the two burial plots opposite where the HORROR MONITOR was found for a Hassy, Injection and an Iron Heart. Leave and return to the Shop Zone. BLOODY MARY'S SHOP Stop here before you begin each level to stock up on first aid items. Bloody Mary(Cuty Mary's more hospitable cousin) sells the following items: Hassies, Salads, Steak Dinners, Ampoules, Injections, Intravenous Drips, Deep Breaths, Relaxation CDs, Nitroglycerines, Eroles, Bandages, Gauze Wraps and Coagulants. You can buy up to 9 of each item. <>. Don't fret; there's plenty of extra items laying around throughout level 1, and that Injection you found will cover your adrenaline for now. DUMMYMAN'S PHOTO STAND You don't really need to yet, but you can save your game here now if you want to, I guess. Just walk up to Dummyman(Don't worry, he won't bite) and press the A BUTTON. It costs nothing to save your game. VISITOR BANK If you fail to save any of Eriko's confidants, the Faceless Woman behind the counter here will keep tabs on them. For a token fee($375,000), you can purchase your deceased buddy and bring him/her back to the land of the living. Hopefully, you'll never need to make use of the Visitor Bank, 'cuz $375,000 is a big chunk of money to hand over. ER STATION Here, you can use any booster items you find hidden in the levels to upgrade your characters, cure your ILLs with a recovery operation or revive teammates that have been killed in action(Not the same as the visitor bank. That's for characters you didn't rescue. This is where your character goes if you, the player, are killed in a particular level). You won't need to use this place just yet either. From here, just move on the the Cinema Zone. CINEMA ZONE Here, of course, is where you access ILLBLEED's 6 levels and the Final Stage. Here's a layout of the Cinema Zone: final stage _____________| |_____________ | | | | | 5 | | 6 | |___ ___| |___ ___| _______| |_______ | | | | | 3 4 | |_______| |_______| |_____________ ____________| |------| |------| ________|------|________ | | | | | 1 | | 2 | |___ ___| |___ ___| | | |_________ _________| | | entrance You have to complete these levels in sequence, and you cannot revisit them once they are cleared. When all 6 levels are cleared; the final stage, Michael Reynold's Horror Museum, is unlocked. Now that you've had a rundown of the pre-stage areas and purchased the items I told you to buy(Hint, hint), you're ready to begin. Proceed to level 1. __________ SECTION SEVEN WALKTHROUGH: Minnesota Hell Cinema - HOMERUN OF DEATH "Jimmy, my son........." REQUIREMENTS FOR $50,000 PRIZE Clear Time: 50:00/under Traps Disarmed: 25/over Pulse Rate: 120/under Hit Points: 150/over Adrenaline: 200/over Bleeding: 20cc/under ITEMS TO BUY: You only start out with $3000, so just buy 3 of each of the low-recovery items for now. WELCOME TO CHATEAU BANBOLLOW You begin at the front gate to the chateau. After you've noted the neon sign featuring a smiling figure with an AXE in it's head(Aww...), proceed through the front gate. And congratulations, you just experienced your first Shock Event(A fancy term for those traps I told you about)! Relax, that falling plank didn't hurt you at all and your pulse only went up five measly points. Go straight through the gate as there are traps hidden in the graffiti on either side. From there, go right past the picnic tables and hop the fence to get to that lone tree beside the house. Inspect the tree to find the revered HORROR MONITOR! After getting your HORROR MONITOR, go across the yard, mindful of those shallow ponds. The red pond contains a Hassy, but there's a trap hidden in one of the other ponds. There may be a trap hidden in the bloody cross(But there's a Gauze Wrap in the cross on the left). Check the nearby well for a Deep Breath, and get the Nitroglycerin from the flower bed beside the porch. Now go up the stairs and head for the entrance to the house. Be sure to mark the area in front of the doors before you approach them, and be mindful of the randomized trap hidden in the bloody window. After you've cleared the traps, continue through the doors and enter the chateau's foyer. FOYER After viewing a short cutscene, go right towards those two tables. There's a trap hidden in that soda can on the left table, but there's a Salad at the table on the right for you to take. Ignore the large painting against the far wall, as it's booby-trapped(one of the lights on either side contains a trap as well). There're also traps hidden in the telephone and in the file cabinets behind the desk(there's a Gauze Wrap hidden in one of the cabinets). Read the two newspaper excerpts detailing the opening and subsequent destruction of Chateau Banbollow if you like, and continue on through the doorway past the desk to the first corridor. CORRIDOR There are three random traps in here; One is hidden in a door, the other two are hidden in the light fixtures on the walls. Pay close attention to the Sensory Meter to find where they are hidden. Oh yeah, when you reach the door leading to the showers, ignore that right-hand turn unless you want to fight an Inside-Out Man while unarmed. If you can beat him(or just run away), there's a Steak Dinner waiting for you at the dead end. SHOWERS Check the lockers to your immediate right for a Calculator, there's a trap hidden in the lockers across from you, but you can find a Bandage hidden there as well. Be very careful, the next two rooms contain several traps. The only item is a Hassy in the last sink. But be wary, 1 window, the alarm in the washroom, 1 sink, the corpse in the bloody stall and 1 other shower stall are all booby trapped. All of these are random except for the corpse in the bloody stall. And be especially careful with the window trap, it deals serious damage if you don't disarm it. After carefully making your way through the showers, head out into the courtyard. COURTYARD The only trap here lies in one of the two piles of straw on either end of the courtyard, you can safely ignore it. Go to the large fountain and inspect it to receive your first weapon, the Homerun Bat(Oh yeah, if you inspect an area that contains a weapon, the word "WEAPON" will flash on the HORROR MONITOR's display), and enjoy the brief cutscene. Inspect the tree in the center of the courtyard for an Iron Heart, and get an Item sensor from the tree across from the fountain. Now proceed to the entryway on the far end to find a Dummyman Photo booth where you can save your game. Check the lockers to find a Steak Dinner and a Nitroglycerin, and move on to the next corridor. CORRIDOR 2 There's a lone Dummy waiting for you once you round the first corner. You can either use this as an opportunity to try out that new Bat you found, or you can stay close to the left side of the corridor and bypass him completely. A little further down there's an Ampoule for the taking, as well as a pair of Dummies. As before, stay to the left to avoid them. Make sure to get the Relaxation CD and Injection before proceeding to the kitchen. KITCHEN This place has to smell terrible..... Anyway, there's a trap hidden in the pool of blood, another in the oven, one in the ventilation shaft farthest from you and another in the doorway leading to the dining room. From what I've seen, none of these are randomized. However, this kitchen and the adjoining dining room feature the only randomized monster encounter in the game that I know of. There may or may not be an Inside-Out Man waiting at the kitchen sink(He's rarely here). There's also a Salad in the pantry and a Steak Dinner on the counter. Go into the doorway(After you've disarmed the trap at the top of the doorframe) leading to the dining room. DINING ROOM Check the booths for a Hassy, but watch out for the ceiling fan, it's booby-trapped. MAKE SURE TO GRAB THE TESTIMONIAL PLAQUE HANGING ON THE WALL, but beware of the Inside-Out Man near the toppled table(If he didn't appear in the kitchen, he'll turn up here). There's also a trap at the cook's window that you should watch out for. Read the newspaper clipping on the desk if you please, then continue. CORRIDOR 3 Not much here. Get the Coagulant and look out for the collapsed ceiling at the end of the hall. BEDROOM Watch out for those beer bottles sitting on the table, the graffiti on the wall may be rigged too(Yup, even the Krylon can kill you in ILLBLEED). Grab an Injection from one of the beds, and check the washroom to your right for an Artificial Plasma and a Gauze Wrap. There's 1 mirror, 2 TV sets and (maybe) 1 lamp that contain traps throughout 5 different bedrooms; So if you don't find any of those in this room, they will turn up in one of the next 4. In the adjoining bedroom, look out for the second bathroom's doorway, there's an Inside-Out Man waiting to ambush you there. After beating his ass outside-in, continue on through the adjoining hallway. HALL 4 Again, not too much to fret about. That corpse lying on the floor is rigged, of course, so be sure to mark it. After that, count on at least 1 door(It's randomized) to hide a trap. Then move on to the den. DEN Read Banbollow's Diary on the desk to learn a little bit about how driven he was to see Jimmy succeed. That TV might contain a trap, but those windows definitely do. Get the Artificial Plasma and Bandage from those gray cabinets before going to the next room. MASTER BEDROOM (2) Check the refrigerator for a Hassy and then read another excerpt from Banbollow's Diary sitting on a bed that details Banbollow's grief over the loss of his son as well as his newfound hatred toward the kids responsible for Jimmy's death. TAKE THE TROPHY SITTING ON TOP OF THE DRESSER DRAWERS, then head downstairs for the storeroom. 2 Dummies will jump you once you reach the stairs, so settle your differences(I.E. Crack their skulls like a pair of coconuts) before heading down. STOREROOM The bloody bandages and forceps tell me that this is where Banbollow patched himself up after the fire. Check behind those crates to find a Gauze Wrap, then head upstairs. But watch out, there may or may not a trap waiting at the top of the stairs. Search around for a Deep Breath before going into the next bedroom. BEDROOM 3 Eew, bodies! Read the newspaper clipping on the floor if you wish, check the bed for a Hassy and watch out for the TV, mirror and lamp as according to protocol. Beware of the Inside-Out man hiding in the bathroom. After you've spanked him soundly, grab another Hassy from the sink. Moving on... HALL 5 There's a Nitroglycerin here for the taking, and that's it. Moving on.... BEDROOM 4 Check the bed for an Erole, get the Relaxation CD from the closet and get the Gauze Wrap from the Bathroom. And again, look out for the TV, mirror and lamp. BEDROOM 5 Here, you'll have your first run-in with The Dummyman. He's larger than the regular Dummies and a helluva lot meaner, use stick & move tactics to bring him down and make good use of the dodge button. After he's been dealt with, get the Artificial Brain and Ampoule from the bathroom. And yet again, be mindful of the TV, mirror and lamp. HALL 6 There are two booby-trapped doors in this hallway, along with a second encounter with The Dummyman about mid-way down the corridor. But don't forget about the Biobody and ER Discount Ticket hidden here as well. Now head downstairs to the basement. BASEMENT Here, you'll find another Dummyman Photo Booth to save your game(Do it now), and an ER Station. Since you probably won't have much money, just use that Discount Ticket and get a small recovery operation. Now head down the next flight of stairs to Jimmy's practice room. PRACTICE ROOM ........Freaky! Go to the display case on the right and place Jimmy's Trophy in the display. Then go to the display cases in the far left corner, read Banbollow's final Diary that was apparently written sometime after he snapped, and then hang Jimmy's Testimonial Plaque on the wall(You can see the imprint where it's supposed to go). Now run to trophy case near the entrance and place Jimmy's Trophy inside. After you put up Jimmy's memorabilia, the batter's box will begin to glow. Simply walk onto it to initiate a cutscene where Eriko plays a little game of "Make Fun of the Poor Dead Kid" before Banbollow himself comes out to say hello. Then, he tries to incinerate you into unrecognizable char. Hmph. BOSS: GALE BANBOLLOW Surprise, he's immortal! At least for now, so you'll have to run away. Avoid his blowtorch and lure him away from the Helipad when he gets too close. After you successfully duck him, leave through the opening he came through to enter the maze. MAZE 1 I wish there was a way to give you specific directions, but two factors keep me from doing so: 1. There are several different paths you can take to reach the goal. 2. Banbollow is stalking you throughout the maze, so you'll frequently have to stray off the beaten path to avoid him. So check your map often to navigate the maze successfully, and listen for the sound of scraping metal; it's coming from the blowtorch that Banbollow carries(Eriko will also look in the direction he's coming from). He teleports to random areas of the maze constantly, so you can't ever lose him completely. If you're caught, you'll go back into combat mode with a still-invincible Banbollow. Eventually, you'll come across a large bathroom. BATHROOM Upon entering, you'll see a cutscene of Kevin(!) lying on the ground unconscious as Banbollow continues to rant and rave about Jimmy. Banbollow then drags him off to God knows where, leaving you alone. You're safe in here, Banbollow won't enter the bathroom again. Take a second to get your bearings, then check the sinks and toilet stalls to find an Artificial Plasma and a Speed Ladder. After that, go in the direction Banbollow took Kevin. MAZE 2 See MAZE 1 for details. When you reach the end, heal yourself completely and save your game at the Photo Booth before heading into the boiler room. BOSS: GALE BANBOLLOW Hey, he ain't immortal anymore! You know what that means, don't you? When he tries to spray you with his blowtorch, run around to his back and give him three good whacks with your Bat. Rinse and repeat 'till he gives in. NOTE: You can also stand RIGHT NEXT TO his face and bash him without getting torched, just watch out for his acid puke. After beating him, one of the boilers will explode in his face, covering him in flames(This is a familiar sensation for him, I suppose). After he runs off, approach Kevin to wake him up. After a brief chat, he joins up with you, allowing you to choose him from the character select screen from now on. After Kevin leaves, check the shelves near the staircase for an Amazon and a Protector(Wonder why they're giving us these items now? hmm...) and head up the staircase. THE END.......? Head up stairs into what looks like another den. Before you can continue on; the lights go out and a now enormous Banbollow tears the room you're standing in away from the rest of the house, leaving you stranded out in the middle of a lake! And did I mention he's now enormous? BOSS 2: GIANT BANBOLLOW My, how he's grown! As you've probably guessed, you can't kill him with that little bat, so once again you have to run for your life. Keep jumping across the logs, making sure to dodge Giant Banbollow's attacks. Eventually you'll see an offshoot to Eriko's left, get on it. Continue avoiding Banbollow's attacks until you reach the control center on the shore. Go into the shack to meet the nutcase operating Giant Banbollow, Operator Jackson. Eriko pleads with him to shut down Banbollow, but to no avail. Well, when negotiations have failed, other means must be sought...... "BOSS": OPERATOR JACKSON No way you can talk this guy into cutting you a break, and even after you said "please". The only thing left to do is to grab your Bat and hang a beatin' on him, three hits oughta do the trick. After you've literally knocked his block off, grab his ID Card sitting on the desk next to his body. You can also check the locker room nearby to find a Salad. Now leave the shack and head towards the Goal on the other shoreline. THE END After getting back on the original path of the log bridge, press on until you reach a locked gate on the shore. See that card reader right next to it? Use Operator Jackson's ID Card to unlock the gate. Now use any leftover items to heal yourself, control any bleeding and lower your pulse(You can't take them with you and you'll want your stats as high as you can get 'em so you don't lose prize money. In fact, do this before the exit of every level). Then, simply walk through the open gate and follow the path. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE CLEARED LEVEL 1! __________ SECTION EIGHT WALKTRHOUGH: Cinepanic - THE REVENGE OF QUEEN WORM "I'll never forget you........ Rachel....." REQUIREMENTS FOR $80,000 PRIZE Clear Time: 30:00/under Traps Disarmed: NOT APPLICABLE Pulse Rate: 70/under Hit Points: 130/over Adrenaline: 200/over Bleeding: 30cc/under ITEMS TO BUY: Get extra stamina building and pulse lowering items, but DO NOT buy any Adrenaline recovery items before starting level 2. CAMP DAVID First things first, run to those covered vending machines and grab your HORROR MONITOR. A Monkiller stole your HORROR MONITOR, eh? Relax, you don't need it anyway; This level has *no* traps! After the stinky primate makes off with your MONITOR, go to the now opened barrier leading out to the campsite itself, but don't go through it yet. Inspect the one-armed corpse lying nearby to get an Item Sensor, then look at the map to find out where an Artificial Brain and and a few files giving you the backstory of this level are hidden, then leave through the aforementioned exit. CAMPSITE Looks like we know where that HORROR MONITOR went to, please tell me you were playing as Eriko..... After seeing this somewhat disturbing cutscene, you'll hear a cry for help that sounds a bit familiar. We'll find out who that cry for help came from a little later. Here's another maze-type area. I can't give you specific directions through this maze, because there are many items scattered off the beaten path that you'll certainly want to get and the Item Sensor can do the work of pinpointing them for me. These include: 1 Steel Pipe, 1 Steak Dinner, 1 Artificial Plasma, 1 Speed Ladder, 1 Bandage, 1 Anti Shock Brace, 1 Artificial Brain, 1 Nitroglycerin, 1 Amazon and several expository files. But be especially careful of the *11* Giant Earthworms and 2 pairs of Monkillers, 4 in total. Giant Earthworms can only travel through dirt, so you're safe as long as you stand on the pavement. You can also lure the Giant Earthworms to one side of the path, then dart around the other side to avoid them. If you happen to get caught by a Worm or Monkiller, just run like hell; That pipe is nearly useless. Throughout the maze you'll see signs pointing you in the direction of the drive-in theater, follow them to find the exit. Make your way out of this dump to emerge in another, slightly more varied section of the campsite. CAMPSITE 2 If you look to the far right, you'll see a garage. That's the level's GOAL, and it's also where the cry for help came from. If you want; you can bust in, go medieval on the 3 Monkillers inside and rescue Michel. But with only that wimpy pipe to do battle, you might want to try my alternate strategy: DON'T DO IT YET, those Monkillers can easily make mincemeat out of you if you don't have a decent weapon. Instead, go left and try to enter the gas station's convenience store. A voice coming from behind the doors rudely asks you to go away. Instead of arguing with said voice, go through the drive-in theater gates and jump across the wrecked van to get the Baby Bottle sitting on the ground. But be warned: Stay on the concrete! If you step on the soil, you'll be introduced to the boss, Rachel(Who is invincible for the time being), as well as have your pulse shoot up 25-30 points for no good reason. After getting the bottle, head back to the store. The voice concedes to let you through this time. CONVENIENCE STORE Check the aisles first; There is an Iron Heart, 2 Hassies and a Nitroglycerin for the taking. After cleaning out the aisles, go around to the little stockroom beside the cash register. After viewing a short cutscene where the picture on the wall talks to you, asking you to read the note on the desk. Read the file wherein David asks you to kill Rachel for him because, well, he's too dead to do it himself. Get the Rusty Key from the nearby trinket box before heading back outside the store and using the Rusty Key to unlock that small gate to the store's left. BACKLOT Follow the path, enjoying the phony movie billboards lining the road. You'll eventually be ambushed by 2 Faceless Women. You can try fighting them, but it'll save time to just run away. Continuing on further, you'll see a brief cutscene where a dying victim tells you to "Knock down Dummyman". Whatever, just get the newspaper clipping from his carcass and move on. Now, that skeleton hanging from the water tower is David, and below him there's a suicide note you can read if you wish, you should also watch out for a second encounter with 2 Faceless Women in the vicinity. Now continue on a little further to reach a small shack, inside the shack you'll find another of David's memoirs revealing that Rachel is actually <> that friggin' huge earthworm that's been munching on the townsfolk. Now check the shelves to find a Wrench and an Artificial Heart. On your way out of the shack, check the front of the "Attack of the Monster Bee" billboard to find the Flamethrower. Unfortunately, it has no fuel, and you won't be able to kill Rachel without it. So for now, let's make use of that Wrench you just found. Well, that dying schmuck said to "Knock down Dummyman", and there are three Dummyman movie billboards bolted up here. So go to each sign and use that Wrench to unbolt all three. After you've "Knocked down Dummyman", go back out to campsite 2. RETURN TO CAMPSITE 2 Now that you've unbolted the three billboards, they combine with the wrecked cars to form a quasi-walkway that allows you to reach those fuel tanks off in the distance. BE VERY CAREFUL JUMPING ACROSS THE WRECKED CARS! If you miss a jump and step on the dirt, you'll not only have to square off against an invincible Rachel, but you'll also restart from the beginning of this sequence with about 30 extra pulse points tacked on. Take your time and carefully jump across each car and toppled sign until you reach a row of fuel drums. Heal yourself with whatever items you have, then use the Flamethrower on the drums to refill it and initiate the boss battle. BOSS: RACHEL THE QUEEN WORM If you attempted to fight a Giant Earthworm earlier in the level, then you should know how to fight against Rachel. Avoid her attacks(Running around in a broad circle is the best way to avoid being hit) and wait for her to emerge from the dirt, then run to her blind side and blast her with your Flamethrower. Make sure to keep it trained on her until she goes back into the soil, rinse and repeat. After Rachel expires, you'll be treated to the most offbeat cutscene so far. Trust me, they get much wierder from here. THE END Now that Rachel has gone down to Hell with David(You're welcome, you crotchety old bastard), You're free to leave. Get one of those green Gas Tanks from behind the fuel drums and head for the car parked in front of the convenience store. But wait, don't leave yet! What about Michel?? Run over to the garage where I told you she was being held and enter the door. Here, you'll find three Monkillers checking Michel(!) out, but they spring to the attack when they notice you. Stand right where you are, hold down the R TRIGGER and sweep the Flamethrower's spray from side to side, the little creeps won't stand a chance. After you burn those damn dirty apes to a crisp, she'll thank you for saving her life and rejoins the team! Now that Michel is safe, run back to the car and use the Gas Tank you found to refuel the car. Step on the gas and get the hell out of Dodge! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE CLEARED LEVEL 2! __________ SECTION NINE WALKTHROUGH: Boogie's Fun Movies - WOODPUPPETS "Cut in pieces. . . It's still warm. . ." REQUIREMENTS FOR $120,000 PRIZE Clear Time: 50:00/under Traps Disarmed: 18/over Pulse Rate: 70/under Hit Points: 130/over Adrenaline: 400/over Bleeding: 15cc/under ITEMS TO BUY: Buy extra quantities of each item, level 3 can be quite taxing if you don't know what you're doing. I'd recommend stocking up on lots of pulse lowering items as well. MACLACHLAN LUMBER YARD From where you start, go around to the opposite side of the small guard shack to your left and inspect the area for your HORROR MONITOR(NOTE: It's the only item in this area). Now immediately mark that truck parked nearby, it's rigged. Now, you see the piles of sawdust in front of those warehouses? Two of them contain Dummies, avoid them like the plaugue, as you certainly won't want to fight a Dummy while unarmed(Use your sixth sense meter to find out where they are, then steer clear). You'll see a cutscene where some strange root-like tentacle destroys a truck. After this, there are two more RANDOM traps here: One is hidden in a pile of sawdust, the other is in a bundle of planks. Now, there's nothing more to do than enter MacLachlan's mill..... LUMBER MILL 1 You know this isn't going to be pleasant. Okay, there are three traps in this room and the smaller room upstairs: 1 circular sawblade, 1 chainsaw(It figures.) and 1 painting. It's a bit of a guessing game, unfortunately. After going up the short flight of stairs, check the small sign at the doorway for an Artificial Plasma, then walk out into a small room with two statues, one of Maclachlan and one of a Woodcutter. Then approach both statues to see a cutscene of that tentacle ripping both of them apart(Yo ho ho, gonna cut da tree...*SPLOTCH*). Inspect the carnage to find an Invoice on MacLachlan's remains, and an Axe from what's left of the Woodcutter. Now continue downstairs........ Okay, there's an assload of traps in this room, and all of them are randomized: 1 blood pool, 1 in the ceiling(maybe), 1 in the scratches on the wall, 1 stack of crates and 3(maybe 2) windows! There's also a Salad, a Calculator, an ER Ticket and a Guaze Wrap here for the taking. LUMBER MILL 2 Across from where you stand there's a Woodpuppet waiting on top of the crates, so stay to the left to avoid him. Notice the name "RANDY" stenciled on that open crate? Yep, Randy's been here. Now go out to the catwalk to see a cutscene of a lone Woodpuppet running haphazardly and sputtering nonsense as a Woodcutter goads him on. That babbling Woodpuppet was Randy. After seeing the cutscene, watch out for a trap hidden in one of the windows to your left and enter the door at the end of the catwalk. LUMBER MILL 3 Get the Artificial Brain from the crates nearby and stop by the ER if you like(I'd take advantage of that ER Ticket now to upgrade your characters if I were you), then head down 2 flights of stairs to find a Photo Booth to save your game and an Artificial Plasma hidden in a crate before continuing on. LUMBER MILL 4 After rounding the corner, look out for a trap hidden in the floor(It's easy to spot, look for the only patch of floor that isn't smeared with blood), and continue on to see a cutscene involving that huge piece of machinery to your left and some flayed corpses. Go to that sleeping Woodcutter and take the Piece of Wood from him. This royally pisses him off, and he rushes to attack you as you try to leave through that black curtain(You can't run away from him). He attacks surprisingly fast for a big fat guy, so put the dodge button to good use, then run around him and attack his flank. After he goes down, you're free to go. LUMBER MILL 5 There's a trap in floor right in front of you, so pull out your HORROR MONITOR and mark the area. There's nothing else here, so move on. LUMBER MILL 6 Continue on a little ways to see yet another cutscene of those flayed corpses you saw before being transformed into Woodpuppets(Well, now we know where MacLachlan's employees went). Before rounding the next corner; Look ahead with the HORROR MONITOR. See the floor grates, pipes and bloodstains? There are at least 3(Rarely 4) traps hidden here, so just mark all 4 areas to be safe. A little farther ahead is a staircase leading up to another catwalk, but 2 Woodpuppets will jump you before you can head upstairs. You can try to run from them if you like, but they're remarkably easy to kill(You can trick them into hitting each other with little effort). Once they're down, check the alcove by the stairs to find 1 more Woodpuppet and Randy's Brain(You mean he didn't have it already??) hidden in a crate. Now go up those stairs to find a sealed trapdoor. Go to the keypad nearby and insert the Piece of Wood into the keypad's slot, activating it. Now that it's activated, you need a passcode to key into it, so look at that Invoice you found earlier. It states that 3221 pieces of lumber were purchased at $3.00 a pop, right? So multiply 3221 times 3 to get the passcode: 9663. Now the trapdoor will open up and Trent will show up on the door's display screen to bark a few orders. After you've finished ignoring Trent, jump down the trapdoor for a surprise....... NOTE: In the Japanese version the receipt is a small note that reads "MURDER" and the pass code is 1564. There's a long-winded explanation as to how the numbers 1, 5, 6 and 4 are derived from the the word "MURDER", but it involves a more than rudimentary understanding of the Japanese language. OTHER NOTE: 9663 is also how you spell "wood" on a telephone's keypad. I forgot who first pointed that out, though. Consider yourself thanked, whoever you are! LUMBER MILL 7 a.k.a. WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TO ME?!? YOU ARE NOW A WOODPUPPET! In this state, you move considerably slower, you cannot jump and you cannot dodge enemy attacks. However, you're attacks are more powerful. In combat: Use the R TRIGGER to attack with your arms and use the Y BUTTON to attack with your feet(Manipulating the D-Pad while pressing either the R TRIGGER or the Y BUTTON can give you different attacks) There's nowhere else to go but through that door, so go through it! CORRIDOR There's one yellow overhead light that contains a trap(It's randomized), but nothing else here. Keep going. MACHINERY ROOM If you recignize this as the place where you first saw Randy, you win a cookie! Just follow the path, but be wary of the traps hidden here. There are 2 randomized traps hidden in the cut cables lining the walkway, along with another trap at the first turn you'll take. CORRIDOR 2 Take a left turn to reach the signup booths for the Woodcutter Hunting Grounds. Once the Woodcutters leave, go to the booth on the right to register, making sure to check both of them afterwards to get the Hunting Ground Rule Books(One for you, one for them). They will explain the rules for getting past the Hunting Grounds, but they basically boil down to one thing: DON'T GET KILLED. Now enter the Hunting Grounds and prepare for a very miserable time. HUNTING GROUNDS This place is liberally peppered with ornery Woodcutters. And in your current state, avoiding nasty encounters is pretty much impossible. When you're attacked by a Woodcutter, you have no choice but to fight it out as there's no escape helipad for you to use(Woodpuppets have no fingers, hence they can't grab the emergency ladder. Sigh....)! Simply run around to their flank like you did before and attack nonstop(I prefer to use the Y BUTTON to kick as it's faster than using the R TRIGGER), running around to his backside again once he turns to attack you. *HINT* Some of the gentlemen on's ILLBLEED Message Boards have claimed that by pressing the Y BUTTON to bring up the map, you can make persuant Woodcutters disappear. I've tested it for myself and found that pressing the Y BUTTON doesn't make them *disappear* per se, it actually stops them in mid-stride for about 2 and a half seconds. When a Woodcutter is about to catch you, pressing the Y BUTTON will make him pause temporarily, allowing you some extra time to get away. Press the Y BUTTON repeatedly every 1-2 seconds and you may be able to make it through the entire maze unscathed(Emphasis on MAY). *END HINT* Follow the directions on the map to reach a long hallway in the center of the maze. Head north up this hallway, making sure to wave hello to Randy when he passes by -still waxing idiotic about Lord knows what- on the catwalk above you, until you reach a dead end populated by a bunch of large, glowing beetles called Wudolla Insects. Inspect their feeding spot to take a few of them with you, now turn around and go the that staircase that's blocked off by a rotten tree trunk. Use the Wudolla Insects on the dead trunk to make it disappear, then go up the stairs and follow the catwalk. Don't be careless; You can fall off the walkway and into the company of several pissed-off Woodcutters, then have to make your way back to the catwalk again. So just take your time getting across. Eventually you'll come upon a storage area. Grab the Relaxation CD and Steak Dinner from the crates, then save your game at the Photo Booth before moving on..... Now continue further until you reach a fork in the path. The sign says to go right to get to an ER, so go that way. Round the large bookcase(?) to find not an ER, but 2 Dummies beating up on your pal Randy(!). When they're alerted to your presence, they cast off their medical scrubs and leap to the attack. They're so easy, you can beat them with your eyes closed. After the 2 Dummies are shown the errors of their ways(read: They die choking on thier own clotted blood), you'll automatically give Randy back his brain so he can rejoin the posse! Yay! After you get Randy back, grab the Biobody hidden at those gurneys beside the wall and take the other path opposite the faux ER. Consult your map to reach the goal, and watch out for the numerous Woodcutters populating the open space ahead. You'll know when you've reached the goal because it has the word "GOAL" written above the door in big, colorful letters. LOCKERS Be wary of those open lockers, roughly 3 out of 5 contains a Woodcutter ambush. There's a trap hidden in the ground in the second adjoining corridor, it stands out quite conspiciously from the rest of the floor, so you shouldn't miss it. Work your way through here(Don't forget about the Scapegoat Mary hidden in one of the lockers nearby) while battling the Woodcutters that pop out to say "Howdy" until you find some strange coffin-like device at the bottom of a stairwell. The machine obliterated the wood that was placed in it, so what will it do to *you*? Walk in and find out. After a brief wait, the machine reopens to reveal.......... You. That's right, you're back to normal now! Now that you've regained your old abilities, hop over that row of crates and continue through to the exit(Grab the Gaboie in one of the lockers on your way out). TRENT'S ARBORETUM Before you move on, use whatever items you still have to heal yourself. You're going to want to be in top form before you face off against Trent. Approach the 2 ILLBLEED Employees to find out that the "Trent" animatronic is malfunctioning, so it looks like you won't have to fight him after all......... Oh wait, he's coming to. Damn it! After he shows the 2 ILLBLEED saps(Hardy har) a shortcut to the bottom floor, he invites you to attack him. BOSS: TRENT Trent attacks in two different ways: He slaps you with his tentacle/roots and spews acidic bile at you when you get too close. To take him down you must run to him and smack him TWICE with your axe, then immediately dodge his attack. I know it's tempting to get that third strike in, but he's definitely going to land a hit on you if you stick around long enough. So hit twice, then dodge. It's a long fight, but you can tough it out. Right? THE END After you land the final blow, Trent's circuitry goes haywire and causes his face to contort into several hilarious positions before he sinks back into the ground. Now that you've taken Trent behind the woodshed(Hardy har), go up the stairs ahead and follow the outdoor path until you reach the wrought iron gate at the end. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE CLEARED LEVEL 3! __________ SECTION TEN WALKTHROUGH: Shock It To Me Theater - KILLER DEPARTMENT STORE "Go to #1!" REQUIREMENTS TO KEEP $150,000 PRIZE(Your prize money is paid in advance at the start of level 4) Clear Time: 1:15/under Traps Disarmed: 28/over Pulse Rate: 80/under Hit Points: 150/over Adrenaline: 250/over Bleeding: 40cc/under ITEMS TO BUY: This is certainly the most difficult level to date, so buy plenty of high-powered recovery items(Especially pulse lowering items!) before you begin. I'd also advise you to buy some extra adrenaline recovery items as level 4 is loaded to the gills with traps. Be forewarned: SEVERAL TRAPS IN THIS LEVEL CAN ALSO STEAL YOUR MONEY! WELCOME TO THE CASHMAN DEPARTMENT STORE From where you start out, go through that orange door to your left. ASSISTANT MANAGER'S OFFICE Inspect the gray bookshelves to the right of the desk to get your HORROR MONITOR, then use it to mark the assistant manager's corpse sitting in the chair(He's rigged). Now inspect this office thoroughly to find several informative files and a Caution Bomb, and leave via the door you came in through to go back out to the entrance lobby. RETURN TO LOBBY/GROCERY AISLES Watch out for the 2 silver carts, one of them contains a trap(It's random). Now go behind the rows of red carts to find a Severed Head, take it. Now continue forward through a long stretch of aisles. Here's a list of traps: The "Dummy Popcorn" display on the left, 1 tongue-like banner decoration, 1 clown-face banner decoration, 1 "Hell Candy" display, 1 tray of gumballs, 1 arm sticking out of the wall, at least 4 different traps in the jelly aisle(It'd be a good idea to use the Caution Bomb here), 2 giant display cans and 1 empty space in the big rack of soda cans. All these traps are random except for the "Dummy Popcorn" display. And be warned, there's a Dummy waiting inside the smashed gumball display case on the left just before you enter the jelly aisle, so keep to the right of the aisle to avoid him. Eventually you'll come across a staircase to your right. Go up this staircase, which leads to the Bakery. BAKERY The traps in this room include: 1 mass of hair growing out of the bowls at the soup bar(Yech!), at least 2 of the racks of bread, 1 set of crossed swords adorning the wall and 3(Sometimes 2) in the oven at the far end of the room. There's also a pair of Dummies waiting inside a rack of bread rolls. Check the soup bar to your left to find the Hatchet(Yes!), then turn around and leave. Yes, just leave. The only other item here is a Baked Cake in the oven, and it's totally worthless. RETURN TO GROCERY AISLES Completely ignore the Ice Cream aisle to your left, as there's nothing but a few traps, a Dummy and a useless Sweet Strawberry. Instead, go to the small Burger Joint to the right, but watch out for the traps hidden in the burger sitting on the counter and the ketchup bottle sitting in the hot dog cart. But do get the Calculator hidden in the cash register. Next, turn your attention to the large cake that's jumping up and down on the nearby stage. He introduces himself as the Cake from Hell, and tells you that he needs something "Glorious! Or should I say, goreious" to crown his head. If you bothered to get the Baked Cake and Sweet Strawberry, you get to find out just how useless they are when the Cake from Hell kicks them back at you. He said he wants something "Goreious", didn't he? So give him that Severed Head you found earlier. He'll be so delighted that he'll not only let you pass, but he allows you to take him with you! Don't worry, you won't have a giant cake following you around throughout the level, just go and pick him up. You can use him if you're running low on energy for a complete refill of your HP. Now that he's out of the way; hop down from the stage, get the Hassy from one of the tables and head downstairs to the Meat Department. MEAT DEPARTMENT Save your game at the Photo Booth if you wish, then continue on to the Meat Department. I don't know about you, but I was expecting this place to be far more disturbing than it actually is. Anyhow, look out for the pieces of hog covering the ground up ahead: 1 set of hooves and 1 hog rump contain traps. There's also a trap hidden in the large cow skeleton on the floor as well. At the end of the aisles there are two gigantic cockroaches barring your path. Apparently, they expect you to feed them, so go back to the Meat Department and grab some of the Chicken, Pork or Beef from the meat cases and give it to them(Any kind will do, but I always use Beef. Oh yeah, you can eat the stuff, too). The amount they can eat varies, so it'd be a good idea to just get 1 piece of meat at a time to feed each of them. Once you feed them enough meat, they will retract back up into the ceiling, allowing you to continue. Go back and get another piece of meat -only if you used all of it up feeding the roaches- to take with you before you enter the Steakhouse. STEAKHOUSE Upon entering the Steakhouse, you'll be greeted by the Chef, Mr. Meat. He invites you to put the meat you brought with you up on the grill. But when you do, the meat springs to life and attacks you. Yes, a large chunk of animal flesh will begin bouncing around on the grill and threaten you with bodily harm. Just suspend your disbelief for a moment and give each one(Assuming you brought more than one piece of meat into the Steakhouse) 3 good whacks with your Hatchet. After you've finished beating your meat(I'll let you add your own punchline.), the Chef will give you a stern talking-to, then send you on your way. Just hop off the other side of the grill and exit the Steakhouse. PRODUCE DEPARTMENT Okay, check your map to see how to get through the Produce Department. You'll see that the quickest path is to go straight, take the second right, then continue going straight until you reach the exit. The only traps you'll have to deal with if you take this route are: 1 in the watermelon patch, 1 in the group of pineapples and another is hidden in a compost heap(This one's random), you will also run into 4 Giant Earthworms along the way. There are 2 more traps(1 hidden in a group of onions and 1 more in a bunch of carrots) and several more Giant Earthworms off the beaten path, so don't even bother going there. Just go straight, round the corner, and head for the doorway at the end. GARDEN CENTER(?) I can't even guess what this place is supposed to be, so I just call it a Garden Center. Head for the exit on the far end, but before you get near it you should mark the ground in front of it with your HORROR MONITOR. That's because once you get near it: Not one, but *three* Giant Earthworms will launch an attack! MINI-BOSS: THREE GIANT EARTHWORMS This is an insanely difficult fight(I spent nearly 2 days trying to beat them the first time I played this and had to go to GameFAQs' ILLBLEED forum for help), and what's worse: You cannot run away from it, so you have no choice but to stand your ground and smash them. The trick is to run around in a broad circle and wait for one to emerge from the ground near you, then run to it's backside and hit it ONCE. That's right, only once. If you try to hit it 2 or 3 times, one of it's cousins *will* get you from behind. Immediately after you land a blow, retreat and continue running in circles again until another Worm pops it's bloated head out of the dirt close to you. You can deal more damage by hitting them in the face, but it's exceedingly dangerous to do. Repeat this cycle until you've downed 2 of them, then feel free to go medieval on the third, his boys can't help him now! After all three Giant Earthworms have met their well-earned deaths, leave through the door they were guarding to emerge in a posh, green-colored foyer with a large, hideous face at the end(It's actually an elevator). ELEVATOR HALL As you approach the elevator, you'll see a missing column at the left-hand corner. Follow the short path therein and enter the door and the end. CASHMAN'S OFFICE If you look to the far end of the room, you'll see Cashman's corpse smeared on the wall(Jesus, exactly *what* did the cops shoot this guy with??). Make a beeline for the fireplace on the left, where you'll be surprised by a group of Cashman's Spawn. Don't worry: They do very little damage and can only absorb a few hits before going belly up. After you take 'em to the cleaners, get the Machine Gun from the fireplace as your reward. Check around to find another Caution Bomb, an Artificial Plasma and a few of Cashman's memoirs. Of of said memoirs includes a cryptic message; "I ate six trees". What the Hell does that mean, you say? Well, go over to Cashman's splattered remains and use the calculator in his hand. The phrase "I ate six trees" sounds a little like "1863", so try keying that into the calculator. Bingo! The safe on the right is now open for you to pillage. When you try to check it, you'll see a cutscene of Cashman's disembodied head flying towards you to try and take back his money. He fails, we can only assume, and you walk out $100,000 richer! Now head back out the the Elevator Hall and use the huge, freaky elevator to arrive at the Toy Department. NOTE: In the Japanese version, the code is 5271. TOY DEPARTMENT You're not allowed to proceed into the aisle itself unless you have $200,000 or more on your person. After getting the money from Cashman's office, that should pose no problem. Okay, there are no items here, but *scores* of traps. You'll see 3 of each kind of toy in groups of 3 lining the aisles; 1 toy out of the 3 sets will contain a trap. The traps are: 1 Alien, 1 Robot, 1 Laser Pistol, 1 UFO, 1 Magic Hat, 1 Trick Card, 1 Magic Cane, 1 Magician Standee, DASHMAN Standee, 1(Possibly 2) TV Screens, 1 Jet, 1 Video Game Console, 1 Skateboard, 1 Baseball and the large TOYHUNTER Standee at the end of the aisle. Once you've past the toy aisles, check those trash cans lining the wall to get a Salad and an Artificial Plasma, then save your game at the Photo Booth before heading downstairs to meet...... Cuty Mary! She will introduce herself to you before inviting you to play a few games with her. You don't really have much of a choice, so follow her through the large gateway to begin her first game(Be careful for the 2 traps on either side of the gate as you walk out). CUTY MARY'S MAZE Now that you've passed the gate, Mary will invite you to play tag. The rules are a lot like traditional tag, 'cept if she tags you, she gets to impale you with her massive knife. Bummer. Remember level 1? Where Banbollow chased you through a large maze and you had to avoid being caught by him, lest you be forced to fight him? Well, change the look & layout of that maze and replace Banbollow with an evil, knife-wielding doll and you have Cuty Mary's Maze. Only this time, you cannot run away from her if she catches you. When you get caught by Mary, I'd recommend using the Machine Gun on her for safety's sake. The Hatchet deals far more damage, but requires you to get in close to use it. Like in level 1, Mary randomly teleports throughout the maze, so listen for the sounds of her giggling and pay attention to the direction your character turns his/her head to steer clear of Mary(Expect to be caught a few times, regardless). At the far end of the maze, there's a sealed door with a large indentation of Mary's face on the front. To unlock this door, you must find 4 of Mary's cards. Check your map and look for 4 bright red squares at different ends of the maze, the cards are located there. Once you find all 4, run to the big door and use the 4 of them to unlock it, then exit the maze. Mary is not happy about your survival, to say the least, so she forces you to compete in yet another game. MARY'S HIDE N' SEEK Get an Artificial Brain and an Amazon from the colorful boxes to your left, then move forward until a cutscene begins. In it, Mary will explain the rules of Hide N' Seek(As if you don't know how to play), and the game will begin. There are many, many possible places that Mary could be hiding here. One random object in this room hides Mary, all the others contain potent Shock Events(This is why I told you to buy extra pulse lowering items before you started the level). You may be lucky enough to find her on your first try. But on a bad day, you can get nailed by *every* other trap before you finally ferret her out(This has happened to me before). The 3 objects you should try first are: The refrigerator, the large pair of sunglasses and the pink keyboard. If she's not in one of these items, you've got a miserable time ahead of you. When you do find her, she'll throw a fit and fight you. This battle is rather tough due to the small size of the arena, making the Machine Gun less than practical. She starts out slowly walking around the ring, but she springs to action once you begin to attack her. So use the Hatchet to get as many blows in as you can when the fight starts, then revert to "Stick & Move" tactics until you drop her. After she retreats, go back to those colorful boxes and get Mary's Key. Use the key on the locked gate behind you, then save your game at the Photo Booth ahead. Now approach Mary to receive your toughest challenge yet. MARY'S ROPE SKIPPING Okay, you have to press the A BUTTON to skip rope 10 times in succession, this is nowhere near as easy as it sounds. The rope will progressively turn faster with each jump, and if you fail to clear a jump: You'll not only suffer a *very* bloody defeat, but you'll also have repeat the rope skipping sequence all over again. You must time each jump carefully(Press the A BUTTON when the rope is about a two-thirds of way towards your legs to compensate for the brief delay between the button press and the actual jump). Oh yeah, watch out for the final jump, the rope will slow down a bit to try and trick you. Once you complete the challenge, Mary will concede defeat and allow you to take what's in the 3 treasure chests nearby. Get the Salad, Scapegoat Mary and Mary's Stick from the chests, then leave via the designated exit. ELEVATOR HALL 2 Save your game in the Photo Booth if you wish, then go to that large eerie painting on the wall and use Mary's Stick. The painting slides away to reveal another secret passage. CASHMAN'S AUXILIARY OFFICE Check around the room to find an Artificial Plasma, a Biobody and an Erole. But watch out for another group of Cashman's Spawn lurking in this room. Now turn your attention towards the odd pictogram posted beside the entrance. It shows a hand of BlackJack, the word "SICK!" and a swan. Well, a BlackJack is 21, and "sick swan" sounds a bit like 61, so key "2161" into the calculator on the desk. The safe will open up, allowing you to reap the bounty within. Check the safe to see a mildly amusing cutscene involving an overly affectionate Cashman Spawn, then claim an extra $150,000! Yes! NOTE: In the Japanese version, the hand of Blackjack has been replaced with a hockey mask and the code is 1361. Get it? Now head back out to the Elevator Hall and use the elevator, then cross a short bridge to enter Cashman's Vault..... BOSS: DONALD CASHMAN Once you reach the center of the room, Cashman himself will drop down from ceiling and the fight will begin. The itty-bitty "Infinity" symbol by Cashman's stamina bar tells you that he's immune to damage. So rather than slugging it out with a very agitated giant tarantula, just run to the left hand corner and hop up the(Surprise!) hidden staircase to find Cashman's control room. You'll find the Operator busying himself with a telephone call, but rather than knocking his block off with a baseball bat, just grab the Controller sitting on the desk while he's not looking. Now run back downstairs to initiate a short cutscene where your character assumes control of Cashman. Use the Joystick to make Cashman skitter around the vault and press the X BUTTON to make him jump(NOTE: Don't make him jump at you, that'd just be stupid). NOW make him skitter towards a wall and jump into it! After doing this 4 times, Cashman's circuitry will go on the fritz and he'll catch on fire. THE END At last, the empty-headed Operator will notice the fire, hang up the phone and drop a rope ladder so you can escape the vault. And....... That's it, you made it. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE CLEARED LEVEL 4! __________ SECTION ELEVEN WALKTHROUGH: Hall of Resentment - KILLERMAN "Destroy.........One by one......" REQUIREMENTS FOR $50,000 PRIZE Clear Time: 50:00/under Traps Disarmed: 10/over Pulse Rate: 80/under Hit Points: 180/over Adrenaline: 200/over Bleeding: 10cc/under ITEMS TO BUY: You might be able to get away with the default number of items I told you to buy. But you may want to buy extra stamina-building items, just in case. KILLERMAN CINEMA There's nothing inside this theater auditorium, so head down to the front of the screen and turn left to reach the exit. A short distance down the corridor, you'll see a locked door in front of you and a Monitor Room to the left. Go inside the Monitor Room to find a dead ILLBLEED Employee -with a crimson star carved into his face- sprawled on the floor. Check his body to see his ID number: 0017. Now grab your HORROR MONITOR from the display rack nearby, head back out to the corridor and enter the ID number into the locked door's keypad. Now head down a long hallway and enter the door at the end. COSTUME STORAGE ROOM Relax, those monsters standing around are just props. But make sure to take the Axe from the Woodcutter mannequin on your way through here. Up ahead you'll see Jason, an ILLBLEED Employee, fretting over a missing Killerman costume. Jason mistakes you for an employee and tells you to find the manager, Cunningham. I guess we should do what he says, keep moving forward. SURVEILLANCE HUB The first thing you'll see upon entering this room is Cunningham the supervisor speaking to a member of the press. You try to tell Cunningham about the dead guy in the Monitor Room, but he interrupts you in mid-sentence. After he introduces you to Jorg S. Baker, the guy from the press, the two of them will leave you alone. Now that they're gone, go down the stairs on the right and get the Item Sensor from the lockers. Now go through the doorway, head down another short flight of stairs, the enter the door to your right. PROP ROOM Save your game at the Photo Booth on the left-hand side(the other two are bogus)if you wish, the continue onward. Here's a list of traps for this room: 1 Pond, 1 Location on the large brick wall to the left, 1 Blue door, 1 Pool of blood and 1 Circular sawblade(There may be a trap in the ceiling fan high overhead, but it's very rare). After rounding the first corner, watch out for an ambush by Cuty Mary(Just run away, you're no match for her with only that measly Axe), and watch out for a return appearance by the Dummyman further ahead. Carefully make your way to the other end of the room. Oh yeah, some of the traps in the next room can steal your money; Just like in the Killer Department Store. PROP ROOM 2 Once you reach a left-hand turn, take it(But watch out for a pair of Rotten Eggs near the corner). On your way through here, keep an eye out for 1 Cow's skull, 1 Compost heap and 1 Stack of crates(If the stack of crates doesn't hide a trap here, it'll turn up on the main route). At the end of this hallway, you'll run into 2 Inside-out Men. After killing them, Check up and down this section of the hall for a Biobody and an Amazon(Check your map to see where they are), then head back to the hallway you started out on and go straight from there. Back on the main path, watch out for the trap hidden in the UFOs sitting on the crates and brace yourself for another run-in with Cuty Mary(She's right in front of the giant soda cans). After you RUN AWAY from Mary, watch out for 1 trap hidden amongst the giant soda cans, 1 in a stack of crates(Only if you didn't find it in the other hallway), 1 in a "Dummy Popcorn" display and another trap is hidden in the "Hell Candy" display. Look out for 2 more Inside-out Men along the way. Be sure to pick up the Artificial Plasma and Salad on your way. STOREROOM Run, don't walk, to those big storage shelves in the center of the room and get your Shotgun(Hell yeah!). Now go to the big glass door on the right and check the card reader to obtain the ID Card 2. Now use it to unlock the glass door, go through it and go up the stairs to the left to go back to the Surveillance Hub. RETURN TO MONITOR ROOM From the Surveillance hub, head back to the Monitor Room where you first found the dead ILLBLEED Employee. Jorg will be there, examining the Employee's corpse. He tells you that Cunningham turned deathly white on seeing the corpse(I don't see how the guy could get any whiter) and left for the Surveillance Hub. While Jorg is doing his thing, get back to the Hub again. RETURN TO SURVEILLANCE HUB Uh oh, seems that Killerman's been here. Just as Cunningham breathes his last, Jorg come rushing in. There's nothing you can do for Cunningham now, so after the cinema ends check his body for the ID Card 3, then go downstairs on the left side and enter the number on the card(0824) into the keypad on the large "STAGE 5" door and proceed through. MACHINERY ROOM Watch out for a trap hidden in the small corridor a short distance ahead. After passing through, you'll emerge in a large room full of machinery. You'll be treated to a creepy cutscene where you can hear some poor jerk being murdered on the floor above you, then you can move on. Stay away from the conveyor belt on your left, there's a trap hidden in the steps leading up to it and there's nothing useful on the belt itself. Now follow a long and winding series of passages until you come upon a large row of conveyor belts to your left. Watch out for a trap hiding behind one of the columns to your right. Rounding the corner, you'll hear a cutscene similar to the one you heard earlier(This time, it's a woman being murdered out of your sight). Now be careful of the two traps on the conveyor belt to the left and another trap hidden in one of the big circuit breakers lining the right-hand side of the wall(Blue Stinger fans might want to set off the first trap on the left just for kicks). Now make your way to the exit. POWER ROOM You'll see several large computer panels on either side of the room. Watch out for a trap hidden in the center of the floor here(It's random), and continue on a short distance to see a cutscene where an ILLBLEED Employee meets a searing death at the hands of Killerman(Finally)! Killerman then leaps away, leaving you to move on. Did anyone else crack up when Jorg said "Look at the way that he jumped!"? 'Cuz I did. Now keep moving along to see another cutscene of a second Employee getting iced by Killerman. Once the cutscene ends, head downstairs to where the Employee got his and get the Amazon from the pool of water there(Only after you disarm the trap inside the pool!). Now head back up to the main route and continue on to reach the exit. COOLERS One of the(RANDOM) bodybags hanging from the ceiling will contain a trap. But check the aisles between the bodybags to find an Artificial Brain. Then head the the passageway on the right to run into Jason, who's standing right next to the stolen Killerman costume! Jason maintains his innocence in the killings, and points out the costume is not only missing is tracking sensor, but that it also "Reeks of Cunningham sweat"(Just what makes Cunningham's perspiration so damn special anyway?). But before he can reveal more information he is shot in the back by Killerman. Wait a minute; Since when did Killerman start packing a pistol?? Something's fishy here.... Kinda like "Cunningham sweat".... Jason was hurt, but he wasn't mortally wounded. So leave him be and move on to find a big, open room with a ladder at the opposite end. Go up the ladder to enter the air ducts. LUKE'S SHORT & SWEET EDITORIAL: Jason explains that all of the character costumes have sensors placed inside due to problems with "Employee theft". So let's see here: Reynolds doesn't care if one of his attractions guts an innocent customer like a fish, but there's cause for alarm if their *belongings* are stolen by the workers?? What about their lives?! DUCTS This is really too easy, if you see a dead end, just don't go that way. The exit isn't hard to find at all, it's that big opening in the chain link fence you saw back in the Machinery Room. Step down and head back to the Surveillance Hub. RE-RETURN TO THE SURVEILLANCE HUB If Cunningham's dead, then how did his indistinguishably smelly sweat get inside that Killerman costume? Well, if his body's still laying on the floor in the Surveillance Hub, we'll know for sur- What the hell?!? This is a new wrinkle, Cunningham's gone! Jorg will ponder the clues that have been given so far, and the game will leave you with a question: WHO DONE IT? Yes, you now must guess from the clues you've gathered to figure out who the real killer is! The choices are: 1. KILLERMAN - Well, you've seen him killing lots of people already.... 2. JASON - He's got the skills that a trained killer might possess, being a former gymnast and all..... 3. JORG - You just know he's hiding *something* behind that big forehead of his.... 4. CUNNINGHAM - His signature B.O. didn't just get inside that costume by itself, did it? 5. YOU, THE PLAYER - I haven't been watching you this whole time, so I don't know WHAT you've been up to.... I don't want to tell you who to pick just yet, but here's a tip: It's not who the clues say it is. After you've made your choice, go to the smaller door labeled "MORGUE" beside the Stage 5 entrance. Ooh, a Morgue, eh? It's disturbing, alright, but not in the way you'd expect..... It's the biggest damned maze in the game and a MAJOR headache for me to document! MORGUE Upon entering the morgue, Jorg will explain that this massive room is where the corpses of deceased patrons are stored and destroyed, and that hundreds of visitors die in ILLBLEED every day. Can you imagine the legal ramifications of running such a theme park? No wonder Reynolds is nuts... NOTE: When I say to take a left or right, it means that there are two different paths available. To me, turning a corner is still considered "going straight", so I'm not counting every turn you'll take. I hope that helps to avoid confusion. Oh yeah, there's also a small number of traps hidden on the catwalks, but their number and locations are always random. Once he's through giving you the dirt, you're free to peruse the maze. At the first fork in the path, go right. Grab a Hassy along the route, and then take a left. You'll find a Deep Breath on the path before coming across a staircase leading down. Head down a short distance until you see a cutscene of 6 Zombies shuffling toward you. Instead of spending a large portion of your natural life fighting the invincible undead, just run away from them. After you duck the Zombies, Jorg will begin to go into another spiel before being snatched by a Zombie and carried off to an uncertain fate. Bye bye, Jorg. Now that Jorg has gone "bye bye", continue forward up another flight of stairs, and keep following the path(Traversing a few more staircases as you go) until you reach a ledge that you can jump off of and onto the cart tracks. Once on the tracks, turn left and continue on. Ignore the first right and round the corner, ignoring the second right as well. If you want a Biobody, take that first left. If you don't want it, just take the third right to continue on. Now take two left turns to get on the path perpendicular to the one you're on(There's a Bandage here, too). Confused? Here's a diagram of what this area looks like on your map(Not drawn to scale). Point A is where you got off the tracks from, with the Xs representing dead ends: X X | | | | |____| | | B_____| | X Bandage | | X__________|_________________|_____________________ | | | | | | X________| |____X | | Biobody________| | A | | X Once you get to point B, go a short distance further and jump off the tracks. Now go up another flight of stairs and continue going straight along the path, snatching up a Hassy along the way. Eventually, you'll come to a large open section of the catwalk that branches into two paths. Here's another diagram: to continue | | | | ________________________________| /\| to save Jorg < | __________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___________ _________| | | | | | X | you are here As you can see, the path on the left is where you really want to go. You'll eventually see a break in the railing. Jump down off the catwalk to land on the tracks below, then do a 180 and keep moving. But be mindful not to accidentally fall off the tracks, or you'll have to get back to the main route and start again. At the end of the path, there's a place where you can jump off the tracks to your right. But instead, go left and head for the cart parked at the dead end. Jorg(!) is laying inside, unconscious. Simply approach him and he'll wake up and join the team! Alright! Now you've got to get back on the main route and get out of here. After you've saved Jorg, turn around and jump off the tracks then go up the flight of stairs and turn left, then keep going straight. You should be back at the large opening where you turned left to find Jorg. This time, however, take the "to continue" path. Keep going until you see another gap in the railing. Jump down and turn 180 degrees, then take a left, making sure to get the Ampoule along the way. You'll come across several rows of tracks with many carts dotting the area. You need to go ahead and jump off at the other end of the tracks where several carts are lined up end to end, but watch out for 2(Sometimes 3) more groups of 5 Zombies waiting inside some of the carts. After jumping off the tracks, go up the flight of stairs and continue following the path until you reach a Photo Booth amongst several stacks of coffins. I would STRONGLY suggest that you use whatever items you have left(Preferably one of those Amazons if you haven't already used them both) to heal yourself and save your game here before continuing. NIGHTMARE ROOM(?) I'm not sure what else to call this place, but it certainly looks like the stuff of nightmares to me. Upon rounding the corner, you're treated to a cutscene of Cunningham(!!) stuffing money into a bunch of satchels. It turns out that Cunningham faked his own death, and now he plans on making off with a cache of stolen money, but not before he tries to blow you and Jorg away. He never even gets to pull the trigger, as another searing energy beam comes from behind and blasts him to Kingdom Come. He wasn't Killerman after all, because the REAL Killerman is now standing before you, daring you to attack him! BOSS: KILLERMAN I cannot tell a lie; Killerman is a real pain in the ass. He has several methods of attack: He tosses out a machine gun-like stream of glowing stars that chase after you, he throws out glowing stars in a scattershot pattern and he has a powerful star-shaped energy beam that can follow you(You'll see him charge up for a second before releasing it). When he attacks you with any of these, keep running like hell to the left or right, as his attacks chase you across the room and dodging them won't work. He also teleports to random spots throughout the room. If he materializes beside you, run away fast; He has a powerful "shove" attack that he uses when you're too close. Whenever you get a chance, give him a good blast with your shotgun(You'd have to be an idiot to try nailing Killerman with that puny Axe) and keep running to either side to avoid his retaliation. Occaisionally he'll stop to gloat, giving you a golden opportunity to force-feed him some pellets. Eventually, one of you is going to die in this fight, try really hard to make sure it's not you. May your boomstick serve you well.... *HINT* It's as rare as a chicken's tooth, but sometimes if you manage to stay in between the glowing stars from his scattershot attack, he'll glitch and continue using the attack over and over again. If he starts doing this, you can stand in between the flying stars and happily blast away at him without taking a scratch. Don't ever count on this happening, but don't hesitate to take advantage of it in case it does. *END HINT* *ALTERNATE STRATEGY* Jesse Condon writes to say that an even easier way to beat him is to to just stand at the entrance and pump him full of lead. I'll go ahead and quote him directly: "I found that if your character stands right by the entrance and just shoots Killerman every time he teleports you'll start killing him very quickly. Killerman does come up really close for that one blast but you can just run away or take the hit. If you run then stay beside the wall so he can't teleport behind you. When he does the star attack or his big blast, you can dodge if you stand still and rapidly press the dodge button. If you do get hit it will take so long to get up the most of his follow-up attack will be done. So opposite of what most people do -instinctively running around and dodging him in a frenzied panic- I made it through with a lot of health left simply by standing still!" Not only does this strategy work, but I've found that Killerman rarely uses his big uber-blast if you stay by the entrance. Thanks JC! *OTHER ALTERNATE STRATEGY* ILLBLEED forum alumnus Omnislash708 suggests another method for beating the star-studded hobbledehoy by faking him out: "If you get too close to Killerman he will almost always use that move where the energy comes out of his body hitting you if you're in close range. So every time Killerman disappears quickly run up to him, then immediately dart away so that he won't hit you with his power shove. While he's still using his shove attack, whip around and blast him with the shotgun. This may sound hard to do but it actually isn't, it just takes a little practice to get the timing right. This will cause him to vanish and warp elsewhere. Since he usually materializes close to close to you it's easy to get to him and trick him into using the close range shove before he can attack with something more deadly. Of course, he'll occasionally teleport too far away for you to reach him in time, when this happens just try to dodge his move(Don't worry, it doesn't happen too often). Sometimes he will not disappear after being shot, so you can try to dodge the upcoming attack and pop him a second time. Even if you get hit every time he does this you'll still most likely win the fight simply because he doesn't do it very often. The move that he most often uses at a distance is that big charge-up beam, which is easy to dodge if you just keep running to the left or right." Sure, it's a little risky. But if your reflexes are good you'll find this an excellent strategy for putting the kibosh on the Man who is Killer. THE END After Killerman collapses, several eerie ghosts begin seeping out of his corpse. Now it's all coming together: No person had stolen the costume at all! The angry spirits of deceased patrons had possesed one of the stored Killerman suits in order to exact revenge on Cunningham and the other ILLBLEED Employees. Jorg briefly muses on this, as well as the depths to which humanity can often sink, then snaps out of it and reminds us that it's time to blow this pop stand. So let's blow, already! Now, who did you think was the real killer? If you had guessed "Killerman", you win a MILLION clams! If you guessed anyone else........Well......... You don't get squat. Stupid! You're so STUPAAAD!! CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE CLEARED LEVEL 5! __________ SECTION TWELVE WALKTHROUGH: Child Palace - TOYHUNTER "Cork goes to Hell" REQUIREMENTS FOR $300,000 PRIZE Clear Time: 1:00/under Stories Viewed: 15/over (More on this later) Pulse Rate: 60/under Hit Points: 180/over Adrenaline: 250/over Bleeding: 10cc/under ITEMS TO BUY: In addition to the usual, get plenty of extra HP increasing and pulse relaxing items before you enter level 6. I'd recommend at least 1 extra Injection to boot. NOTE: In addition to the standard traps, level 6 also contains story events. The words "STORY" will appear when you spot one using the HORROR MONITOR, but DON'T mark them! In order to get credit for the story events, you must approach and view them. Story events cannot be skipped like normal cutscenes, and they're all very, *very* strange. Which brings me to point 2: You've seen a lot of weird stuff so far. You've seen a mass murdering little league dad try to kill you, you've seen a dead worm say "Papa!" to it's hellbound owner, you've seen an evil mustachioed tree take over a lumber mill, you've even beaten your meat..... But nothing can prepare you for the sheer oddity that you're going to see here. This section of the game will severely tax your suspension of disbelief like nothing you've experienced before. Just TRY and keep your poker face on! CHILD'S PALACE Make a beeline for the rental machines at the far end of the room and inspect them both to obtain a Handgun and your HORROR MONITOR. Now try to buy a ticket from the ticket booth and Dummyman will jump out and fight you. 'Cept this time, you have a gun! Run around in a circle and shoot his ass whenever you get the chance, repeat until he goes down, then use the ticket on the blue doors to the right of the ticket booth. Upon entering this hallway, you'll see a cutscene of some eel-like creature devour you. Once he spits you back out, you've somehow turned into........Cork! That's right, you get to play through all of level 6 as Cork Inda the Toyhunter! Unlike the Woodpuppet you played as before, Cork's controls are the same as your regular characters, the only exception being that he cannot throw a punch(He lets his Handgun do all the fighting for him). Now the REAL Cork will drop in to explain the special rules of the level, basically elaborating on what I've already told you. Once Cork splits, you're free to move on. HENRY'S TOY CHEST Follow the green hallway until you come upon the Toy Chest, here you'll see Cuty Mary and Sexy Doll waiting for you. Approach Sexy Doll for a short cutscene where she flirts with Cork and asks him to tell her the details of his trip "In bed". Um.... Anyway, go to Mary and she'll tell you that your owner, Henry, has fallen ILL while you were away. Now approach the compass on the other side of the room to see a cutscene where Henry opens up the chest to bid you goodnight. There's nothing else here, so go through the door past Mary to leave the Toy Chest. BOOKCASE Continue on until you reach a large dark space to your left. Approach it to see a very creepy cutscene where it's pretty clear that Henry is about to kick the bucket. Now go up the yardstick and jump down on the other side and make your way out. HENRY'S FUNERAL Aw, shoot. Henry kicked the bucket! Approach the railing near his casket to see a cutscene of Henry's mother placing Sexy Doll inside to be buried along with him. Darn. Afterwards, move along to the exit where the loudspeaker beside the door will chime in and give you the details on Cork's exodus from the Toy Chest. Now leave. LEAVING THE HOUSE This appears to be inside the walls of Henry's house. Be cautious as you go through this long, winding passageway. There are 2 traps hidden along the path for you to watch out for. Eventually, you'll emerge from the house to see the gates of a Cemetary. CEMETARY The Cemetary is a maze-like area loaded with traps, but several cool items as well. The traps are: 1 hidden in the trees, 1 blue flame, 2 in the ground itself and 2 in the headstones. At various dead ends of the Cemetary are some goodies that are well worth straying off the beaten path for, such as an Anti-Shock Brace, an Item Sensor(Be prepared to duke it out with 3 Monkillers first) and a Steak Dinner near the exit. There's another trio of Monkillers while en route as well. Approaching the large stone crypt will initiate a cutscene where Henry and Sexy Doll bid you farewell from beyond the grave, only to be interrupted by a fierce looking creature. That's Zodick, and you will soon learn to hate him if you haven't already. Afterwards, jump down off the other side of the crypt and check the tree to your left for another cutscene where Mary chides Cork for not trying to save Sexy Doll when he had the chance. That's right Mary, be supportive..... TOY CITY The loudspeaker will tell of how Cork has sunken so low in his depression that's become a drifter, doomed to wander the streets of Toy City all alone. Now, there's a trap hidden in the window of the blue building and another behind the chain link fence. Scout around and check the trash cans to find an ER Ticket, an Iron Heart, a Biobody and a Gauze Wrap. You'll also run into 2 Faceless Women and 2 Dummies along the way. Eventually you'll reach the entrance to the "EGG BAR", and see a short cutscene where Cork eyes the bar and decides to stop in and quench his thirst(Though he no doubt intends to actually order booze and not milk). Now enter the bar. EGG BAR Off to your left you'll see 3 Rotten Eggs jumping up and down on stage, approach them to be treated to a hilarious little ditty about Cork's situation set to the tune of "O Susanna". Cork takes offense at this insult, and challenges the Eggs to a brawl. If you fought those two Eggs back in level 5, you should know how to deal with these oversized ovaries. Keep moving around to avoid their jump attack and plug 'em full of holes whenever you get a chance. Now, *THIS* is your brain on drugs. Any questions? After you finish making the world's largest omelet, head out the back door and jump down the fire escape to see another cutscene where several wind-up police cruisers block your path and arrest you for "Egg murder". There's nowhere else to go but through the door on your left that leads to Alcatoyz. Gee, I hope we're not in trouble or anything...... ALCATOYZ/CELL BLOCK Upon entering, you'll see an ER Station to your left and a Photo Booth on your right. Use that Ticket you got to heal yourself up and perform any upgrading operations that you've been needing(Remember, upgrade Eriko first), then save your game at the Photo Booth before moving on. Keep moving on to see a cutscene where the guard at the desk orders you to your cell. As you make your way through the cellblock, watch out for the "blacked out" prison cells where you can't see what's inside, most of these will contain traps. The cells that you can see the walls of, however, contain items such as a Gaboie, an Artificial Plasma and a Biobody. You'll eventually come to a small courtroom, standing in front of the judge's podium will trigger a cutscene where your verdict is handed down. And the verdict is: Guilty! Now go behind the podium to continue on. CELL BLOCK 2 Make your way through another strecth of jail cells, mindful of the numerous traps therein, until you find a guard guiding you to your cell. Once there, you'll happen upon a toy rocket buried head first in the cell wall. That toy is Potedon, and he was attempting an escape until he ran out of gas halfway through the wall, so you'll need to find some gasoline to fuel him back up. Go past him and through the holes in the wall to get to the other side of the guard is standing(IGNORE the red fuel drums in each cell, as they conceal traps). Check the cells here for a Gauze Wrap and another Gaboie, too. Eventually you'll see a green fuel tank wobbling back and forth. Approach him to see a cutscene where the sputtering gasoline drum called Mr. Gas offers some of his fuel for you to take. Afterwards, check him to get the Gas Tank 2, then make your way back to Potedon and use the Gas Tank 2 on him. He'll explain that in order to meet up with Sexy Doll again, you must kill yourself to go to Toy Hell where she is kept as it's written in the Toy Bible. He then revs up and takes off, leaving a now excited Cork to his desired fate. Go back to the hallway where you found Mr. Gas and go to the exit. EXECUTION CHAMBER There's a Photo Booth here if you wish to save your game. Go downstairs past the two guards to find a guillotine in one room and an electric chair in the next, both are rigged with traps. The third room contains a lone guard standing beside a noose. Step up to the gallows to see a cutscene of the guard stringing you up. Before they can hang you, Potedon zips through and cuts the rope, sending Cork plummeting to relative safety - exactly where he didn't want to be. Down here, check around to find a Nitroglycerine on one of the corpses, and leave the room. SEWERS Check your map to see which way to go to get through this simple maze. There's at least one trap hidden in the water, but there's an Artificial Plasma and an Iron Heart here for the taking. Now make your way to the end of the maze to find a large bridge. Halfway across the bridge you'll run into Potedon, who'll explain that upon re-reading his copy of the Toy Bible(Interesting bathroom reading, by the way). It turns out that killing yourself will only get you sent to the REAL Hell instead of Toy Hell where Sexy Doll is kept, and that's why he cut your noose earlier. To go to Toy Hell, you must be buried along with a child like Sexy Doll was. After this brief discourse, he gives you a lift up to the surface. After he drops you off at the surface, he informs you that he has run out of gas again. Rather than scrambling back to Alcatoyz to get more, he asks you to take his Potedon Chip with you. After you take his data chip, he falls over, dead. Now go up those steps in front of you and leave the sewers. SLUMS Hey, you've emerged in Human City! Now you can find some kid that you can get buried with(I don't like the way this is headed, do you?). Go to your right and check the alcove to find a Steak Dinner. Then head west on your map to reach a large scrap yard(Get the Artificial Plasma en route). Beware of at least one trap hidden in the stack of tires and a pair of Faceless Women hiding inside the burning oil drum in the center of the yard and inspect the area to find a Relaxation CD(You may want to skip this part, actually). Now head north to the narrow alleyway to find a Biobody and a Gaboie. Tempting as it may be, don't check every broken window you see here, many of them contain either traps or monster ambushes. Look for a poorly worded sign warning children of ghosts, you can expect to run into at least 1 group of Rotten Eggs on the way. Once you find the sign, go up the stairs nearby and onto the balcony and check the first broken window you see, then prepare to meet your new owner, Jeremy! JEREMY'S TOY CHEST Unlike Henry, Jeremy doesn't have nearly as much respect for his toys, as evidenced by his forcefully tossing you into the wall of the toy chest. When you come to, you'll notice another toy rocket just like Potedon sitting silently. Use the Potedon Chip on this toy to input Potedon's knowledge, memory and personality into a new body. Now that you've got your buddy back, he suggests you find a way to bump off that Jeremy kid so you can be buried with him. So you pick up the kid's toy pistol, take aim and POW! Right between the eyes! At this point I must ask myself why on Earth this kid would have a toy laser pistol that's completely capable of killing a human being. The answer won't be coming any time soon, so let's just go up the mysterious staircase the materialized in Jeremy's place and enter the door at it's end. JEREMY'S FUNERAL Walk right past his casket and go to the Photo Booth to save your game(Make sure to heal yourself before saving), then check his casket to be picked up and dropped into the casket with him. Next stop: Toy Hell! TOY HELL Once the coffin makes it's landing, head out and enter the cave in front of you. Once you come upon a precipice with a red vortex swirling out from it, jump off. Cork will fall a distance, then land in a large open arena to face the evil Zodick! BOSS: ZODICK THE HELLHOG Zodick's main method of attack is his SuperZodick Spin Dash, where he curls up into a ball and launches himself at you. Luckily for you, this move is startlingly easy to dodge. He also tries to kick and slap at you when you get too close. To beat Zodick you must shoot him once or twice until he staggers and several golden rings pop out of him, then run to these gold rings and continually shoot them to drain his life. As you whittle down Zodick's life meter, fewer rings will fly out when he's shot. It's a long fight, but it's much easier than the Killerman fight was. Just be patient and keep blasting those rings until he finally shuts down. THE END The two ILLBLEED Employees who were controlling Zodick have a lengthy discussion about the fairness of the fight, but rather than giving them time to work out the bug, Cork and his pals decide to blast off while they're not looking. If you were paying attention, you'd have figured out that one of those Employees was, in fact, the perverted Monkiller who was spying on your naked behind way back in level 2. As much as you'd like to kill him, sadly, you cannot. But who cares? You just beat this level, so go have a beer and some nachos or something. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE CLEARED LEVEL 6! __________ SECTION THIRTEEN WALKTHROUGH: Michael Reynolds' Horror Museum - THE FINAL BATTLE NOTE: There are no requirements for this level, and you will not need to purchase any items either. I would strongly recommend that you upgrade your character as much as possible before entering the museum. WELCOME TO THE HORROR MUSEUM Check the wooden cabinets lining the walls to find a Scapegoat Mary, an Axe and a Machine Gun(They're in the last 3 cabinets at the end of the corridor) before proceeding to the large platform in the center of the room. Stepping onto the platform will trigger a cutscene where Michael Reynolds commends you on surviving for as long as you have. He then points out 3 paintings and tells you to choose one. After the cutscene ends, you must decide which painting will have the least severe consequences. The Bullstinger boss is the hardest, Donald Cashman's Second Coming is intermidiate difficulty, and Oh NO! Man is the easiest. When you've decided which boss you want to fight, go and choose the appropriate painting and prepare to do battle. Keep in mind that you're not fighting all three. BOSS 1: OH NO! MAN Keep your distance from his swinging kama blades and plug him full of bullets whenever you can. He'll sometimes stop to rest for a moment. When he does, hit him with your Axe to knock him to the ground and shoot him as he tries to stand up to inflict massive damage. Keep this up until he expires. I'd suggest you choose to fight this boss. BOSS 2: DONALD CASHMAN'S SECOND COMING Cashman's preferred method of attack is to rear back and jump at you. Dodge this attack and continue shooting at him until he jumps up on the ceiling. From there he'll send down 4 of his Spawn and spit acidic bile on you if you're standing underneath his shadow. After killing the 4 Cashman Spawn, he'll drop back down and resume jumping at you so that you can shoot him some more. This cycle will continue until you waste Cashman. Not much tougher than Oh NO! Man, but the fight drags on a bit longer. BOSS 3: BULLSTINGER A very difficult fight. He attacks by jumping at you from a distance and clawing you up close. When he jumps at you press the A BUTTON and the Joystick facing towards the Bullstinger simultaneously to dodge under him and turn around as he jumps past you, then use your Machine gun or Axe on his blind spot. When he turns around again, run away to get some distance and then use that Dodge+Joystick combo to get behind him and attack some more. When he's close to death he will start flashing red and green. That means he's trying to recharge his energy, so quickly hit him out of it to keep the fight from going on any longer than it has to. This fight is much harder than I'm making it sound, and you'll likely be near death by the time you kill the Bullstinger, *if* you can. It'd be best not to tangle with this jerk at all, really. Once you've defeated the boss of your choice, Michael Reynolds will congratulate you on a job well done, strike up the band to play the fanfare and then you'll receive your $100,000,000 as was promised to you at the beginning of your adventure. Watch after the credits to see which ending you got. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE BEATEN THE WHOLE DAMN GAME!! BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR GAME AFTER VIEWING THE ENDING! __________ SECTION FOURTEEN FUN STUFF 14.1-Secrets Don't shelve the game just yet, there's a couple of secrets to uncover! Don't read below until you beat the entire game..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Don't look below, I'm warning you! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Last chance, pal. I'm serious. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alright, you asked for it...... 1. After beating the game once, highlight "OPTIONS" at the title screen and press the X BUTTON and A BUTTON at the same time to unlock a special minigame. The object of which is to avoid the strange mushroom-like objects that fall from above. Use the D-Pad to move left or right and the A BUTTON to jump. Each time a row of mushroom-thingies is completed, the row will disappear. It's like "Tetris", only you have to avoid being hit be the blocks rather than guide them around. If you get creamed by a mushroom-thingy, it's curtains for ya. Up to 4 players can participate. 2. You may have thought of this already without my help: "What if I don't pick up Randy's Brain and still rescue him?". Well, I'm glad that you asked! If you don't pick up Randy's brain before going to save him, he'll be................. Drumroll please............ BRAINLESS Randy! And you didn't think he could get and dumber, did you? In this state, he slumps forward, wears a retarded look on his face and babbles nonsense while, hilariously, the other characters converse with him as though nothing's wrong(I guess they can't tell the difference). The downside, however, is that his Adrenaline count will reset to zero every time you do this trick. But it's still worth seeing at least once. 3. There are three endings in ILLBLEED: One if you save all 4 supporting characters, another if you fail to save one or more and a final, well hidden ending that I will explain how to get in secret #4. 4. It's been said that in lieu of creativity, sexuality is often substituted. But what if you've already used up all of the creativity? That's right: More sexuality! This has to be one of the coolest(And biggest) secrets in any game I've ever played. On your second time through the game, complete level 1 as you did before. But when you reach the bathrooms in the Banbollow maze and see Kevin dragged away, stay there and wait 15 minutes or more before you complete the maze. After you beat Banbollow in the boiler room, approach Kevin to see that he's DEAD. After you complete level 1, you'll notice that Eriko's clothing has been partially ripped. In level 2, don't visit the garage where Michel is being held hostage at all to leave her behind. Upon your return to the Shop Zone, you'll see that even more of Eriko's clothing has been torn away. In level 3, either wait until the timer reaches 0:50 or simply avoid the phony ER altogether to abandon Randy. And then, in level 5, don't take the left path to rescue Jorg and just keep going straight to the end of the level to let Jorg die(And say "adios" to that $1,000,000). By the time you complete level 5, Eriko will be almost completely nude(Save for a few strategically placed patches of underwear over her naughty bits)! Before you go into Michael Reynolds' Horror Museum, go to Bloody Mary's Shop and purchase 3 Intravenous Drips. Then enter the museum, grab your Axe, Machine Gun and Scapegoat Mary from the cabinets, and step up to the platform. Reynold's will start to greet you, then he notices Eriko's lack of clothing and gawks at her before realizing who she actually is. Michael Reynolds aka *Eriko's Father* and Eriko have a brief, tearless reunion before Eriko embarks on the old "You ruined my life" chestnut that we've all heard so many times before. This irritates Reynolds, so he invites his daughter to play a special game involving the 9 monoliths behind him. After the cutscene, check Reynolds to find the SPECIAL HORROR MONITOR. What makes it so special is that it can only be used 3 times before all of the adrenaline is exhausted. So use it to mark 3 monoliths, use an Intravenous Drip, then mark the next 3 et cetera. Check all 9 to disarm the traps and find 3 items: Eriko's Baby Shoes, her Ribbon and her toy Rubber Snake. Once you find all 3, Eriko will return to her father, insult his testicular fortitude and then pull a trick of her own to freak him out. And freak him out it does, for he then melts to the ground and reforms as a gigantic, disfigured head. Then, he tries to kill you too. What, were you expecting a hug? SECRET BOSS: MICHAEL REYNOLDS His preferred method of attack is to brain you with that giant wrecking ball attached to his head, you cannot run away from this, so you must use the A BUTTON to dodge it instead. He also has a powerful energy beam that he shoots at you with. He briefly charges up the attack first, leaving you about a second and a half to get away. He constantly melts down to the ground and then rematerializes behind you, so stay on your toes. Strangely enough, the Machine Gun does nearly as much damage to Reynolds as the Axe does in this fight. Once you lay out Reynolds, his head splits open and his brain emerges from within to finish you off! SECRET BOSS: MICHAEL REYNOLDS PHASE 2 Phase 2 isn't really that difficult. Reynolds' brain will attack by shooting swarms of red ghosts at you and little green sperm-thingies that follow you around the arena. Run along the outside of the arena until they dissipate, then start shooting at the brain until it launches more projectiles at you. Rarely, the brain will try to ram you if you get too close, doing massive damage, but it's easy to dodge. Even rarer still is a quick red tornado that he'll suddenly fire off at you, it's not so easy to dodge, but then again you may never see it at all. Now that Reynolds himself is defeated, sit back and let the credits roll. After the credits, you can bear witness to the one of the biggest plotholes ever implemented into a video game(Didn't he die?). 14.2-TRIVIA Here's some useless factoids from the small but lively ILLBLEED universe. 1. While ILLBLEED receives mega props for originality in most respects, many levels were inspired by classic horror flicks. Level 1 - A seriously disturbed killer who runs a hotel and mantains an attachment to a long dead loved one that he believes is still alive? Sounds a lot like Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO. Level 2 - The giant worm setup was clearly inspired by TREMORS. Level 3 - The premise for this level seems to be pretty original, but the whole "living tree" concept could have come from EVIL DEAD, where one character is sexually assaulted(Yeah, you heard me) by sentient tree branches. And don't forget EVIL DEAD 2, where a hillbilly chick gets eaten by a living tree! If you haven't watched either of these, first of all: What the Hell is wrong with you? And second: Get your butt out there and buy the DVDs tout d'suite! Level 4 - The most likely inspiration for this level could have come from INTRUDER, a film about several gruesome murders(Including a bandsaw lobotomy) set in a grocery store. Also, Cuty Mary is obviously inspired by the homicidal doll Chucky from the CHILD'S PLAY series. Matthew McDonnell tells me of a book called "The Store" written by Bentley Little that could have inspired this level as well, but I've had no luck obtaining a copy so far. Level 5 - Does HALLOWEEN ring a bell? How about SCREAM? Level 5 pays homage to every whodunit from FRIDAY THE 13TH to the board game CLUE. Level 6 - Very obviously inspired by TOY STORY, but also references RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, in that Cork is dressed not like a cowboy but like Indiana Jones(Notice the fedora hat and bullwhip). His last name is Inda, too. 2. ILLBLEED received a healthy amount of pre-release hype in Japan. One limited edition of the game even came packaged with an Eriko Christy action figure! This figure is extremely rare and you have little, if any, hope of ever finding one. All searches have turned up dry, and none have ever appeared on Ebay either. Makes sense, since no one in his right mind that owns such an awesome toy would ever want to get rid of it. 3. One of the traps in Level 5 shows a bearded, paunchy corpse drop down from a chute and splat on the conveyor belt below. That corpse belongs to Dogs Bower, one of the heroes from BLUE STINGER. Dogs' likeness appears in the video game aisle in Killer Department Store as well. Also, the "Hassy" power-up first appeared in BLUE STINGER. 4. The back lot in Level 2 has several movie billboards lining the walkway. If you look closely at the "Godlla" billboard, you'll see a giant monster attacking a flaming World Trade Center. Of course this has no more to do with 9/11 than J.R.R. Tolkien's book being named "The Two Towers", but it's still an unfortunate coincidence nonetheless. Note the tagline: "Size Is Problem". 5. Some of the movie posters in the Cinema Zone also have the names of your captive friends listed in the billing. For example, Randy Fairbanks is credited in the posters for Level 3. 6. Some of the traps involving television sets feature a disturbing cartoon called "Fall Down Bear". In Level 1, disarming a TV trap and approaching it will allow you to see a short cartoon where Fall Down Bear, well, falls down. In level 4, there's another TV monitor in the toy aisle that shows a sequel where Fall Down Bear avoids falling down, and is instead hit in the head by a flying battle axe. To see this one, you must NOT disarm the trap. As for as I know, those are the only two "Fall Down Bear" cutscenes. 7. One of the monoliths in Michael Reynolds' Horror Museum is a DreamEye, a camera peripheral that hooks up to a Dreamcast. 8. Killerman is actually a parody of Pepsi's Japanese mascot, Pepsiman. And in case it wasn't obvious enough already, Zodick is indeed a parody of Sonic the Hedgehog. 9. The character of Jorg S. Baker is based on ILLBLEED's publicist, Jorg S. Tittel. Mr. Tittel provides the voice for the character Jorg, and they even look alike. See? They take good care of their P.R. guys over at Crazy Games inc. 14.3-GOOFS ILLBLEED just may be a little too quirky for it's own good. Here's a list of errors that have been pointed out so far. - The Narrator can be heard to stammer and flub his lines in the prologue for Killer Department Store. Listen closely when he says "In his warped mind..." - When playing as Nude Eriko, her clothes will magically reappear in cutscenes. - The large breaker panels in Level 5 have the word "DENGAR" proudly emblazoned on them. NOTE: Matthew McDonnell writes in to tell me that in a certain Japanese dialect, "dengar" is sometimes added to the end of sentences as punctuation. If this is true, then it's basically the equivalent of having "!" printed on the breakers, which makes sense. You learn something new every day! - The prize amounts listed in the Cinema Zone are inconsistent with the amounts that you actually receive. For example, the sign in front of Homerun of Death says you receive $10,000 upon completion, yet you really get $50,000. Strangely enough, the numbers are correct in the Japanese version. My guess is that they planned to change the monetary amounts to correspond with the US exchange rate, but simply forgot to finish the alteration. - The narration text in the prologue for Woodpuppets doesn't match what the Narrator is saying. - The name of Jimmy Banbollow's team is the Minnesota Fires, but the name on his bat says Minnesota Firers. - Before you enter Level 3, the game will ask you "Do you want to enter WOODPPUPPETS?". Note the extra "P". - Nitroglycerine is not actually swallowed like stated in the game. It's taken sublingually, meaning it's dissolved under the toungue. And as far as I can tell, no one has ever been blown up from chewing Nitro. You'd get a headache for the ages, but no explosion. - The normal pulse level for a young adult in NOT 50. 65-70 is considered healthy, anything less means trouble. - Adrenaline(or Epinephrine as it's also called) is not injected into the back of the neck like stated in the game. The correct place to inject Epinephrine is in the muscles of the outer thigh. This is good to know in case you try and stick your friend in the neck with his Epi-Pen if he goes into shock. 'Cuz that'd just kill him and ruin everyone's day. - The Egg Bar logo on the blackboard near the entrance is spelled "Eeg Bar". - And of course, the big one: All over the game's advertisements, packaging and instruction maual you're promised a fictitious $1,000,000 for surviving ILLBLEED. But when you beat the game, you take home $100,000,000. Hey, no one's complaining, but.... 14.4-STUFF I REALLY WANT TO SEE IN ILLBLEED 2 There's not much possibility of seeing an ILLBLEED 2 in the foreseeable future, so let's just call it wishful thinking. It could happen. - More of the park should be open for your exploration. Stuff like rides, concession stands, gift shops and the like would not only add more depth, but would also contribute to the whole "Demented Carnival" theme. Think CarnEvil in 3rd person perspective. Oh yeah, there have to be some evil clowns. Everyone's afraid of clowns. - How about being able to keep items after you clear a level? - Chainsaws. You must be able to use a chainsaw! You hear me, Crazy Games? CHAINSAWS!! - More level-appropriate enemies. What the Hell are crash test dummies doing in a haunted hotel anyway? - Being able to not only keep weapons, but also switch between them within levels. Or at least choose from the weapons you've gathered at the start of each level. - A cameo by Bruce Campbell. I'm dead serious, Bruce Campbell makes anything cool! In fact, make him a playable character! - For the nitpickers: Make the character's mouths move when they're talking. You have no idea how many people get their panties in a bunch over this little detail. - Make those two statues at the park entrance do something! I was expecting them to attack me all through the game, and I was bummed that they never did. - Being able to complete the levels in any order would be nice. - Let's see what Reynolds looks like underneath that stupid mask, hmm? - How about actually paying a million dollars to whoever can beat it? Or just giving me a million dollars for coming up with the idea? That'd be even better! 14.5-Q&A Got questions? Ask away! Maybe they'll turn up here. Q: Really, what is the possibility of an ILLBLEED 2? A: Not too good. But word has it that Ken Gratz(The product manager for ILLBLEED) wants very much to do either a PS2 port or a sequel(Looks like he settled for the XBox instead), he's just having trouble securing funding*. I'd think that ILLBLEED might be a success on PS2, due to the constituency of PS2 fans(i.e. Preference for gameplay over cosmetic fluff) and the console's friendliness towards quirky titles(Mister Mosquito, anyone?). Try writing them -Do NOT use E-mail, as they are usually ignored. And forget about petitions, nobody likes them- and voice your interest in either a sequel or PS2 port, making it very clear that you will buy it if they ever do release one, and keep your fingers crossed. It helps to be optimistic. After all, there've been sequels to lesser known games before..... *Thanks to Demented Ferret the info. Q: Xbox remake? Tell me more! A: Yes, there will be a re-release of ILLBLEED on the Xbox sometime in 2003. According to IGN, there will be be new characters and revamped graphics. It will be released through a division of Sega called "Cool Cool". I know what you're thinking, "Did you say 'Cool Cool'? Uh oh, that sounds distinctly Japanese". Yes, it does. But considering that about three or four people in Japan at the *most* actually own an Xbox, a US release sounds inevitable if Sega wants to make any money off of it. Q: Xbox remake?! NO!! A: Yeah, I was disappointed too. But look at it this way: ILLBLEED was played by very few people because it was released so late in the Dreamcast's life. Think of this as ILLBLEED's second chance at success, and then do what you can to ensure that success! If you've got an Xbox, buy it! If you don't have one, buy it anyway and use it as a coaster! If it turns out to be a runaway hit, who knows what'll happen then? Sequels? Book deals? Movies? Merchandising(Who *doesn't* want an ILLBLEED luchbox?) maybe? This is actually very good news, depending on how you look at it. As long as you keep it in perspective, as I've clearly failed to do. Q: The voice acting was horrible! Why in the Hell did you commend ILLBLEED for it's voice acting in your review?? A: Because the casting as well as Eriko's voice were done by Lani Minella, an accomplished voice actress who's done dialouge for games like Duke Nukem 3D(She's the one that said "Kiiilll mmeeee...."), Blood 2: The Chosen, Shadowman and several others. It's not like the developers just recruited a couple of poker buddies to do the voice work. They actually WANTED it to sound cheesy! And in that respect, the voice acting does just fine. Q: I've heard that in the Japanese version, Eriko is completely naked. Is this true? A: At last, I can say that this rumor has been bashed over the head with a shovel and buried. I've completed the Japanese version of ILLBLEED through the courtesy of one Sir Plus. And Eriko is indeed exactly the SAME in both versions of the game. YES, SHE IS THE EXACT *SAME* IN BOTH THE JP AND US VERSIONS OF THE GAME, THERE IS *NO* DIFFERENCE! So if you want to see naked anime chicks, save your money and check out instead. Q: Okay, so what other differences are there? A: Here's a list of the differences that I've spotted: - Operator Jackson babbles and screams as his head separates. - The note by Maclachlan's statue says "MURDER", and the passcode is 1564. - The clue for Cashman's first safe is "GO TO NO. 1" and the passcode is 5271. Those literate in l33t speak should've figured this out easily. - In the toy aisle, the packages of Cork action figures are Inda action figures, Inda being Cork's last name(So, what does the Cork go Inda?). - The pictogram for Cashman's second safe shows a hockey mask in place of a hand of Blackjack and the code is 1361. - The morgue maze in level 5 has no background music, making the maze eerily silent save for your heartbeat. - The Salad item is called Chinese Noodle, and looks like a plate of lo mein. - The Steak Dinner is called a Kaiseki, and looks like an old Japanese matron kneeling amongst a spread of food. I wonder how it fits in your pocket? - The Anti-Shock Brace is called a plaster, the Scapegoat Mary is called a Sacrifice Mary and the Hatchet is called a Nata. They still look the same. - Turning the messages on in the options menu allows you to have Japanese subtitles during cutscenes. - There's a fourth Networking option at the title screen, and it allowed you to link to CG's now defunct website. - The prize money marquees are accurate, in that the sign over Homerun of Death says you can win $50,000 and, sure enough, you are awarded $50,000 for completing it. Q: How can I get one of those Eriko Christy action figures? A: By carving one out of soap. Q: Why is there so much ranting in this FAQ? A: Long version? It's because I'm too lazy to make my own website. Short version? Go away. Q: Hey, can I use your FAQ on my site? A: Sure! Just E-Mail me first so I'll know that you're using it, don't alter it in any way, and give me full credit for it. And please keep up with the current versions if that's at all possible. I update this thing a lot, y'know. Q: Hey, can I take your FAQ, claim that it's actually mine and sell it for a profit? A: No. Q: What was all that Thomas Wilde brouhaha about? (Yes, someone did ask.) A: Immediately after 9/11, I had asked Wilde what his thoughts were about the tragedy and if his anti-U.S. stance had at all changed since then. His answer at the time surprised and offended me(though it shouldn't have, read below to find out why), and the discussion quickly descended into verbal fisticuffs. I've done a lot of growing up since then and recently told myself: "Wait, this guy's not holding any position of authority over you(And if there's a God, he never will), he doesn't pay your bills and doesn't put food on your table. So why do you care what he has to say at all?" And that was that, I completely washed my hands of him. So if any of you have been giving him grief over what he said: STOP NOW. Please realize that his views are nothing unique. About 70% of college students hold the same views, but nearly 98% of all college students don't know ANYTHING about how the real world works, so just take their ramblings with a grain of salt. Personally, I could kick myself for ever giving a flying shit to begin with. There is nothing more for me to say on the matter. Q: "License to ILL"? "Time to get ILL"? Are you a big Beastie Boys fan? A: Nah, I just got no sleep 'til Brooklyn because I had to fight for my right to party in an intergalacic planetary sort of way. But ya gotta admit the whole ILL thing works fairly well. Word. Q: Hey, my girlfriend looks just like Eriko and she loves ILLBLEED just as much as I do! Isn't that *awesome*?! A: Uh huh, and I can whistle the Star Spangled Banner out of my ass. Q: HAY MN I LVS ILBLED ND I CAN BEET THS GAM IN 1 HR AND IM BETR THN U AND IM 2 COOL AND IM DED SXY AND SOUTH PARK RULEZ AND IM THE BSTEST PLYER EVR! A: WHT? Q: So, how exactly do Cork and Sexy Doll......... Y'know......... Do it? A: Slowly and very, very carefully. 14.6-About the Author (Because you shouldn't take information from strangers.) Name: Daric Lucas Daigle Date of Birth: July 31st, 1983. Occupation: Fledgling actor, along with whatever else pays the bills. Birthplace: The ladies' room at an old Denny's downtown, but I think dad was pulling my leg with that one. Marital Status: Are you kidding? Height: 5ft, 10in. Weight: Enough. Hair: Yep, it's there. Eyes: Still working. Political Leaning: I prefer to look at both sides of an issue. I usually end up siding with the conservatives anyway because the left side is so full of crap. Sign: Leo Likes: Acting, collecting weaponry, watching MST3K, Sam & Max: Freelance Police, SpongeBob Squarepants, cheesy movies, *making fun* of cheesy movies, all the lovely ladies in da house(All none of 'em <>), music that doesn't suck, scottish accents, chinese takeout, karate lessons, the Evil Dead trilogy, playing them vidja games, wearing my sunglasses at night, and your sister. Oh, and ILLBLEED, of course! Dislikes: Reality TV, anything -and I mean ANYTHING- that uses the term "X-treme", pop music, traffic jams, people who think that professional wrestling is real, the fact that the newspaper comics aren't funny anymore, the fact that George Carlin isn't funny anymore, the sound of a small child's laughter, Game Informer magazine, Japanese anime(At least the stuff they bring here), Dave Matthews Band, open head wounds, being kicked in the crotch, kids who pretend to like getting hammered in a desperate bid to seem cool, anytime a song I really hate gets stuck in my head, when some idiot goes on and on about stuff that bugs him when it's clear that no one else gives a flying flock about what he thinks but he just keeps ranting like some pretentious twit with nothing better to do, and I also hate people who aren't self aware(........). If You Can Read This: You don't need contacts. ____________ SECTION FIFTEEN DENUEMENT Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and so must this walkthrough. Before I depart, I'd like to thank some of you, spank the others and provide the obligatory legal info that you're not going to read anyway. 15.1-CREDITS SPECIAL THANKS GO TO: To God. Just because, y'know, he's God. To OrochSonic, Fatalist, Omnislash708, KillerMAN, ROBOCOP, KinkyCherry, ReynoldsRevenge, Demented Ferret and the other truly excellent dudes and dudettes(perhaps) that hang around's ILLBLEED forum: It's all your fault that I decided to make this walkthrough to begin with. Thanks, guys. To George W. Bush(C'mon, we all know he's reading): I'm mainly doing this to irritate people, but I gotta give Dubya *some* kudos as well. I know you're not an idiot. Lacking in verbal eloquence maybe, but by no means an idiot. Fact is, idiots don't graduate from Yale *and* Harvard! Daddy's money may have gotten you in, but it certainly didn't get you out. Everyone's hero Al Gore dropped out of law school, and Ted Kennedy got *expelled* from Harvard! But just between us: It's pronounced "nuke-LEE-ar" not "nuke-YOO-lar". And about the whole war thing: You got us into it, now get us out quickly. Then GO GET OSAMA LIKE YOU PROMISED!! To my instructor in EMS school: Y'know, I'm not a very hateful guy. I can name many, many people that I have a strong dislike for, but I don't harbor genuine hatred for most of them, except for one. I could have stabbed this man with a shiv and laughed hysterically as he bled to death. A petty, sawed-off, miserable excuse for a human being if ever there was one. Pure scum. So why thank him? Well, this is the guy who(Unintentionally) taught me not to put up with anyone's bullshit, starting with his own. He told me I'd fail, and I passed *just to spite him*. So even though I view him with a level of contempt commonly reserved for snakebites, brain aneurisms and reality TV, I must grudgingly thank him for that. It's a lesson I'll never forget. To Official Dreamcast Magazine, for getting me so pumped about ILLBLEED prior to it's release: May you rest in peace. To Matthew McDonnell: For bringing a few errors to my attention. Merci beaucoup! To Jesse Condon: For his alternate strategy for beating Killerman. Grazie! To Omnislash708: For yet another strategy for laying the beatdown on Killerman. Danke schoen! To Sir Plus: If it weren't for you, that damned nude Eriko rumor would still be making the rounds. Arigato gozaimasu! To CJayC: For hosting and maintaining THE best gaming site on the web, bar none. Keep up the always great work, Jeff! To the people all over the world who have shown their solidarity and support for the United States after the events of September 11(That's what, five people?), to our soldiers who are out there putting their lives on the line to kick some terrorist butt and to the boys in blue who are working hard 24/7 to keep us all safe on the homefront: Thanks. And finally, to Crazy Games, Inc. for creating this disturbing little gem of a videogame, and to AIA for distributing it: What were you smoking and why aren't you sharing it? 15.2-DEBITS SPECIAL SPANKS GO TO: To Satan. Just because, y'know, he's Satan. To all of the smartasses, charlatans, circlejerks, illiterates, "veterans", karma counters(ESPECIALLY the karma counters) and other slime that pollute's forums: May you all burn in Hell. Sure, I don't NEED to tell you that, but you could use a reminder every now & then. Pricks. To all geeks and fanboys everywhere: Jesus Christ, I wouldn't take a trip to a burn unit as seriously as you take <>! Why don't you pull the corncob out of your ass and enjoy whatever it is you enjoy like a normal human being? It's really not all that important. God gave you a life, so live it, already! To those who would steal this walkthrough and take credit for it: No, no, no. I don't th- Just NO! Write your own damned guide! To all the Flag-burning student activists infesting a college near you: Isn't it ironic? In the interests of appearing more intelligent and open-minded, you've exposed yourselves as the dumbest bastards to ever fall off the hemp truck. The only reason you can conscientiously object(Which is fine, your tax dollars speak louder than you do anyway.) to our war on terror is because your grandaddy took up arms to fight for your freedom last time around! "Well, I'd only fight for what I believe in", you might say. I say "Horse shit". You don't *believe* in anything, and even if you did you wouldn't have the nuts to FIGHT for it. It's easier for you to sit in a dorm, smoke weed, and whine about how evil capitalism(The same system that feeds your ass and keeps it in college) is, so that's all you're going to do. You want me to try and change your mind? I don't have to, because once you get a real job and have to make your own living, your mind will change itself. Trust me, your political science professor's opinions(As well as your own) lose a lot of their novelty once you go out into the real world. Yell, scream, cuss, rant and rave all you want for now, but just wait until your time comes.... P.S. Don't like what I think? Neat-o, cuz' I don't like what you think either. Stop bitching and get over it. WHOO! That felt good! To the perpetually whiny celebrities currently protesting nowhere near you: You are actors and entertainers. You are paid rediculously large amounts of money to parrot lines from a script or play music. You are not our political advisors. So say your lines, sing your songs, pick up your fat checks and SHUT THE F*** UP! To Capcom: Resident Evil exclusive to GAMECUBE? Are you nucking futs?? Pehaps the worst part is all the weiners who've only played Resident Evil 2 on N64(If even that) laughing in our faces as though they actually had something to do with your exclusivity deal. Shame, shame. Oh what's this? We can have Resident Evil: Online? Gee, thanks a *lot*. I guess now you're gonna cancel that cool Capcom All-Stars fighting game too, right? What? You DID? Geez!! P.S. How many copies has REmake sold already? 1 million? 2 million? Well, you could have sold 5 or 6 million had you stuck with the Playstation, and even more if you went multiplatform! And you've been doing business for HOW long?? To anyone who played this game for only five minutes before writing a crappy review: You, sir, are dumb as a rock. A really, really stupid rock. Have a nice day! To Osama: If you're not dead already, you will be soon. Tell Allah I said "Hi"..... To Pat Robertson and the other 700 Club alumni(Who no doubt was checking out internet porn before he stumbled across this): My grandpa summed it up best, "Pat Robertson's an idiot!". No description suits him better. He gives civil-minded Christians everywhere a terrible name. To Saddam: You're in trouble, dude. To th-You know what? This list goes on for quite a while. So if you ever have a weekend to kill, E-mail me and we'll talk about it. 15.3-LEGAL CRAP AND DISCLAIMERS This Walkthrough/FAQ is the sole property of Luke Daigle aka Tom Servo. No part of this document can be sold or otherwise used for profit in any way. If you want to host this FAQ on your site, you must obtain my permission first(I'd need a really good reason to turn anyone down). You're welcome to use this document for your own personal use or to distrubute for free, however. I don't have much money right now, so if you try to use this illegally I'll gladly file suit against you and line my pockets with some of your green. Try me, sucker. WALKTHROUGH/FAQ BY LUKE DAIGLE - COPYRIGHTED 2002. Contact me at: Peace, I'm outta here!