-------------------------- \ Jet Set Radio Faqs / / Version 1.2 \ -------------------------- By Brian "The Undulator" Waligorski theundulator@hotmail.com *************************************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************************** Ok people. I was nice enough to write this up for those of you haveing some trouble. Please give credit where it's due and I might just make other FAQs in the future. *************************************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************************** --Contents 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. Character information 4. Infinate Grinds 5. Getting Jet 6. Getting the Secret Characters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Version History --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/30/00 Version 1.0- Started the damn thing. Version 1.1- Finished (I think) the Infinite grinds section and added Pots to the character section. I've decided to add an indepth character analysis in a later version. It will highlight every aspect from graffiti to turning radius. Next up is the "Getting Jet" section Version 1.2- Started the Getting Jet section. I'm also adding a Getting the Secret Characters section --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sup. This is my first FAQs so, bear with me. Although I didn't find it too difficult to get Jet overall, there are some really sticky parts. That is what this FAQs is mainly going to be about. The character information will deal mainly with strengths and weaknesses and I'll probably add in a guide to doing their tags. Some day, I might do a walk through, but that has yet to be decided. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Character information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Numbers indicate a rating between 1 and 10 1. Beat (Orange shirt, green goggles) Power- 6 Technique- 4 Graffiti- 5 Capacity- 20 cans 2. Mew (Blue dress and leggings) Power- 3 Technique- 7 Graffiti- 6 Capacity- 20 cans 3. Slate (Tall guy in trench coat) Power- 8 Technique- 3 Graffiti- 4 Capacity- 40 cans 4. Poison Jam (Big guys with monster masks) Power- 8 Technique- 3 Graffiti- 6 Capacity- 20 cans 5. Noise Tank (Off-white body suites and tape recorders) Power- 8 Technique- 5 Graffiti- 9 Capacity- 45 cans 6. Love Shockers (Spikey haired girls) Power- 3 Technique- 9 Graffiti- 3 Capacity- 30 cans 7. Gum (Green shirt, white dress on top) Power- 4 Technique- 5 Graffiti- 9 Capacity- 15 cans 8. Piranha (White pants/top) Power- 6 Technique- 3 Graffiti- 9 Capacity- 15 cans 9. Garam (Black guy with no shirt and fly goggles) Power- 6 Technique- 5 Graffiti- 4 Capacity- 30 cans 10. Yo-Yo (Green pullover) Power- 3 Technique- 8 Graffiti- 9 Capacity- 15 cans 11. Goji (Bald, black suite) Power- 9 Technique- 3 Graffiti- 10 Capacity- 45 cans 12. Tab (Blue jump suite with ski cap) Power- 7 Technique- 8 Graffiti- 4 Capacity- 25 cans 13. Cube (Girl in black pants/tank top) Power- 6 Technique- 5 Graffiti- 7 Capacity- 25 cans 14. Combo (Black guy with Boom-box) Power- 9 Technique- 4 Graffiti- 6 Capacity- 20 cans 15. Pots (The Dog) Power- 2 (He is actually invincible) Technique- 8 Graffiti- 3 Capacity- 7 cans --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Infinite Grinds --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section outlines the easiest grind loops in the game. This is by no means an exhaustive list, as there is probably a hundred variations out there. If you have a good infinite grind loop, please send it in to me and I'll give you credit. Also, the section number is when you do that section. The bus station, for example, is the first section in Shibuya-cho that you do. Shibuya-cho Section 1: Bus Station- >From the start of the level (when you are on top of the metal roof) getting a little bit of a running start and jump off to the left to the rail in front of the large stairs. Grind this rail and jump to the stair hand rail. Grind it until you are going to run into the gap. Jump over it without pressing any direction on the analog. Jump the next gap in the same way. You should have enough momentum at this point that you will do a trick the next time you jump, so jump over the third gap early so you don't over shoot it. If you think you are going to, pull back. Grind the hand rail until you turn to the right and then jump off straight forward. Drift left into the billboard and grind it. Jump off the board (I do it kind of early so the next jump is easier) and land on the rail almost directly below you. You'll have to jump very quickly after you land to avoid falling off. You will fly right into another rail. This rail goes between two cars and a small billboard. Jump about the time you pass the hood of the truck and drift left into the billboard. Jump when you make contact with the board and steer to the right quite a bit, but not a ton. You'll end up on the rail you started on, but you'll have to jump over what looks like a mail box. Section 2: The Playground- >From where you start, turn around and go up the stairs to your left. Skate forward and to the left and jump into the playground area. From here you can see the two sets of stairs that go over the road. Visualy cut off the outside stairs up on both of the stair cases. This should form an 'O' shape in your mind, or a C and a backward C facing eachother. Now, jump on the inside rail of the nearest side and grind it until it turns left. There should be a light pole in your way, so you are going to have to cut across to the inside hand rail of the opposite stair case on the opposite side that you are on. Grind this up, across, and back down and then jump across again in a diagonal to the inside hand rail of the opposite stair case on the opposite side. You just did a big figure 8, or an infinity sign. Benten-Cho Section 3: The Stairs- The level is shaped like a big 'O' with a tail on it that leads to an exit. Start at the little tail (back to the exit) and go to your right. You should see a guard rail divided by a sign. Keep going and you'll see another guard rail. After that there is the stairs going up. Get on the left side and grind all the way up. It will turn to the left and then left again and go back down. Jump off and land on the blue rail which is slightly to the left. That will turn to the right and end suddenly, so be prepaired to jump. Jump straight (don't steer) and hit the next stair case. Jump immediatly to get another trick. The rail will turn to the right, go forward for a little, and then go down again. When you get to the bottom, jump straight ahead and when you land on the next rail, pause for about a second and then jump. You should do a trick and end up on a straight part without loosing speed. As you land jump again and then grind all the way to the end (this gets 100 - 200 more points then jumping). The rail will then turn to the right. Jump off (keeping the analog neutral) and guide it to the right to hit a blue rail (a stop sign will pass on your right). Jump over the blue box thing and land on the guard rail. Jump off that when it ends onto the right side of the stair case. Jump immediatly as you hit to do a trick and then jump a few more times to keep your speed up. The rail will bend to the right. Jump off this onto the rail to the left so you land about where the new rail turns to the left (easier to land). Kogane-cho Section 2- The Junkyard Need points? This grind gets 'em quick. Jump down into the pit and face the pile of cars. Start on the right side, going to the left. Grind the wall preceeding the pile of cars and jump up to grind the wall above the cars. Keep grinding until you are about to hit the steel post. Jump a little bit in front of it and you will grab the wall the steel beam is conected to (you will get NO air whatsoever, which is good). Keep doing this (you will get a lot of speed) until you get to one level before the top. The steel beam should barely be sticking up past the wall. Jump and steer to the left and land on the wall (don't try to nail the steel beam as you might think). Jump as soon as you land, and then jump again. You will come to the end of the top most wall and you need to jump to the left and land on the second wall down (NOTE: when you make it once around, you will have more speed on this jump. If it looks like you are going to land on the steel beam and not have enough time to jump, land on the third wall down instead). Grind this until the end of the wall, and then jump to the second wall from the bottom. Then, round it off by jumping to the lowest wall. Section 3- The Sewer This grind is just like Garam's challenge in the sewer. Start on the side that has the stairs (its where you start on the Posion Jam tag battle). Grind the rail. It will turn to the left twice and then there will be a gap. Tap the jump button to make sure you have enough speed to make it (don't accidently do a trick or you might fall in the water). Jump the gap and wait a second or two and then jump to the left. You want to land on the rail that turns to the left after comming up next to the stairs. Jump onto the wall (you have to jump quick before the rail turns back to the right) and then jump back onto the rail. Feel free to pull a few tricks or grind all the way down, just keep enough speed that you can jump the gap again. Grind City Section 1- Bantam Street I wouldn't recomend this for points on this level because there is a way to get tons that is much easier, but hey, its an infinite grind. There might be others on this level dealing with the train tracks, so if you find one, email me and I will put it up and credit you. Ok, start in the skate park area (it has a half of a half pipe, and a basketball hoop). Start on the wall that is to the left of the basketball hoop (you are facing the front of it). There is a straight rail with no turns next to the wall. Grind this until it ends and then jump off and grind the wall to the right. Jump to the left (not too hard to the left) and hit the ascending hand rail. This rail will turn to the right and intersect with another rail. DON'T KEEP GINDING THIS RAIL. It won't turn onto the fence, so you have to jump onto it. I recomend doing this before it turns to the right. Grind the fence and jump to keep speed. It will turn to the left and go for a little until it ends. When it does, jump to the left back onto the rail you started on. Section2- Grind Square Remember this one because you'll need it on the Jet Crush. You'll need to get to the center part (picture an X. It would in between the slashes on top or bottom). You should see two red light thins going down towards the statue in the center of town. Get some speed and grind one of them. Jump to the center island (where the statue is. You don't need to steer) and grind the small section of red light things. Jump again when it ends (it will look like you barely make it) and land on the red thing going up. Grind this until you pass under the grey pipe (don't jump before this because you will hit it). Jump and far as you can and you will land on a steel thing going up (don't steer). Jump slightly when you hit and you will land on a flat part which will turn to the left or right (depending on which side you chose originally). Grind it until it starts going up again, but jump into the incline (it will get you good speed). It will turn again and go up once more. Jump up this incline like the last one, but be carefull not to jump to far. It will get to the top and turn to the right or left onto a outcropping of the building which you can grind. Hop once or twice to get speed, but don't do a trick. It will turn again and go down the steel thing on the opposite side. Grind it until after it has turned for the second time (180 degree turns). Just when it bends downward (or right after) jump as high as you can. Don't steer, and you will land on another red light thing which you need to jump from when it ends. You will land on the center isle with the statue. It continues in the same fashion up the other side. If you fall off. Take one of the elevators up to the top of the building and get back to the center to start over. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Getting Jet --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Need to get Jet on that stinkin' Golden Rhino level in Kogane-cho? Can't beat Combo in the Jet Crush race? Well, look no further. This section deals with that sometimes ellusive Jet raiting you need to get to unlock the secret characters. Those sections that do have an infinite grind more then likely will include them in getting Jet, so when I refer to them, go to the previous section and look them up. This section is advanced, which means you probably know your way around. I'm going to be general, but not too general. If you have specific questions, e-mail me. I'm writing this out of memeory, so hopefully I won't forget, or add something not there. Note: Points needed are approximations. On some of them, I guessed. On others, I know for fact. I recorded rounded scores after I got them so you should be safe. If not, send me the score you got, and I'll correct it. Shibuya-cho ----------- Section 1: The Bus Station Points needed for Jet- 30,000 Method 1-There are a few ways to do this one. The easiest being just to do the level very quickly. You don't need to grind, or paint any extra tags, just do it as quickly as possible. I'm not sure what time exactly you have to beat, but its not hard if you know the tags. See method two for the order you should do the tags in for most ease. Method 2- You start out on the roof of one of the bus terminal parking spots. Turn left and jump onto the rail. Do the infinite grind until you have around 300 seconds left. By now, you should have all the paint cans you can carry, so start by spraying all the busses. The foot soldiers should show up at this point, but you don't need to worry. Now, spray the two parked police cars and then the parked car OR truck (if you follow the infinite grind route, you'll skate right by them. Only tag one of them, leave the other for last). Make sure you have at least 13 cans of paint. You need to get up to the tags on the metal balcony type things (you can get their by jumping from the bus station tops, grinding up the parked truck behind the stairs, or jumping from the top of the stairs). Spray these three tags and if you have a lot of time left (which you should) you should continue grinding until time is about to run out. Before it does, tag the last tag and you are done. Section 2: The Playground Points needed for Jet- 40K You start out in the aquaduct. Turn around and head up the stairs on your left. If you keep going forward from the top of the stairs, you should hit the playground. Do the infinite grind until you get 30K. This will make sure that when the S.W.A.T. team comes, you wont be hit with gas when you are trying to do the grind. Anyway, once this is accomplished you need to get to the tags on the street (there are only four and they are in the same approximate location). You will know them because two of the Love Shockers will be standing in front of them painting. You have to be quick when painting these, becausee motorcycle cops will smash into when you are tagging if you are slow. Skate back to the playground and get the tag on the ground (the last Love Shocker should be there if the S.W.A.T. hasn't shown up yet). Get at least 21 cans and head up on the bridge. It doesn't matter which of the three you paint first, but the S.W.A.T. should show up if they haven't already. Don't worry though, because you will be out of range for them to hit you. Get any health you might need (there should be some cans by the single X-large tag nearest the playground) and head back for the playground. The only tags left are going to be the ones on the signs (you can grind the rail next to them and spray as you go by) and the one on the back of the large sign. Take your pick as to which side you do first. I recomend the two on the right side (facing thee street from the bridge). Grind the rail past them (it will turn left) and then jump over the rail where the stairs connect to the rail you are on (phew) and tag the other two spots like the ones you just did. You'll skate off the end of the rail. Turn around and quickly tag the spot on the back of the large sign infront of you. Section 3: Downhill Area (Love Shocker Gang Tag Challenge) Points needed for Jet- 30K Method 1- Do it quickly. Its pretty easy because you can chase them downhill and catch them easily. If they are skating up hill, just turbo and jump until you catch them. Method 2- There isn't much to grind here. If you start at the top of the hill at the main road, skate down until you come to a small rail on your right (after the fork). Grind it and jump to the next rail infront of you. When this rail ends, jump off and to the left. This rail goes by a set of green flags and ends right before it goes by yellow flags. Jump to your right and you'll land on the rail that goes by the theater (like the Cube Challenge). Thats about the biggest grind on the level. If you follow the Love Shockers to the right at the beginning, there is a grind there, but the hill has some kind of super gravity field that makes it nearly impossible to jump. Grind until you have some good points and then tag the Love Shockers. I would recomend the first method, as its easier, although, do some grinding to get some points. Grind up hill when you are chasing them to get a few points. To Be Continued... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------