Stealing Souls a Graffiti Guide to Jet Grind Radio by Thomas Wilde [] =========== DISCLAIMER: =========== I own nothing. Sega owns most everything. ============= INTRODUCTION: ============= This is a more-or-less complete guide to getting all of the Graffiti Soul icons in Jet Grind Radio for the Dreamcast. While I don't have the numbers written down for all of them, I've collected all these Souls myself and therefore know what I'm talking about. ================ CHARACTER GUIDE: ================ As a general rule, you have to do crazy mad tricks to get Souls. This puts Soul collecting squarely into the domain of characters like Tab, Mew, occasionally Cube, and later, the Love Shockers, who have ridiculous Technique scores. The exception here, however, is that of size. Combo, and later, Slate, are both very large, and as such, can often get Souls with much less trouble than smaller characters could, despite the fact that they both have the skating ability of a brick on wheels. This has nothing to do with priority or anything like that, and everything to do with the fact that they take up incredible amounts of space. For Souls that are hanging out in empty space, such as the openly visible Souls in Shibuya GG, Kogane Circus, or the rooftops of Kogane-Cho, Slate and Combo have a better chance at them than most other characters. ========================= STAGE-BY-STAGE BREAKDOWN: ========================= Shibuya GG: #11: On the billboard ledge, by the level's lone XL tag point. It's in plain sight, and it's easy to get. #45: Hovering in the air by the Rokkaku truck tag point. All you need is to grind off the nearby railing, like Gum did in her test, and you'll probably get it. #15: This is a little tricky. To get this, you'll need to get on top of the bus station roof, and grind off of the stoplights. Jump cautiously from stoplight to stoplight, keeping a fairly constant speed, and you'll probably be able to snag #15 with a trick jump. #49, #79: Underneath either side of the bridge, above the underpass. You can try to hop on top of a bus and ride it along to get these Souls, which is tricky and not at all health-positive behavior; or you can simply wait until after Chapter 2, when you can revisit Shibuya as Combo, and grab them with a running jump. Benten Boogie: #90: On a ledge in front of a billboard, in the lower left-hand corner of the level. You'll need to take a wild jump off the rooftops, grind down the nearby telephone wire, and jump off onto the ledge. There's an L tag here in the Benten-Cho Jet Graffiti stage. #56: In the second "lane" from the left, if you look at the map, there's a staircase leading into a building. This passage leads to a spray point, a couple of health cans, and a girder. If you grind this girder, you'll get about ten spray cans, and at its end, you can make a wild jump onto another girder. In mid-air here, if you've got enough speed going, you can grab a Graffiti Soul. Mew uses this jump for one of her challenges. #24: As above, for #56, but watch carefully as you're jumping the gap. There's another Soul on a balcony to the left of the one you're headed towards. I find it useful here to jump a little early, so you don't do a trick, land on the second girder, grind right up until before the girder turns, and jump for the other balcony. I can only seem to do this as Mew. The Monster of Kogane: I've divided this stage up into three "floors," so as to facilitate writing a FAQ for a highly visual game in a text-only format. First floor: where you start the stage, and where you'll wind up if you go into the water. Second floor: the intermediary zone between the canal and the residential district. Anything between the first staircase you see and the staircase next to the water tower. Third floor: the residential district, where virtually all of the level's tags are. #88: Directly in front of you when you enter the level. Skate forward and turn around, then grind off the wall opposite the Soul, jump across the canal, and grindjump off the wall just below the Soul. You should get it on the fly. #52: This Graffiti Soul is hiding inside a building on the "second floor" of the level. From the start, run up the stairs, head towards the fence, turn around, and do a wall-grind into a jump across the canal. This'll put you down in front of the stairs to the level's "third floor." Check the nearby buildings for a door you can go through, and you'll find #52 hidden just inside the doorway. Later, in Fight or Flight, there's a Golden Rhino statue right next to this door. #20: From your starting point, dash forward, onto the rowboat floating in the water, and jump onto the nearby girder with as much speed as you can manage. Don't jump again once you're on the girder, regardless of how much you think it looks like you should; you'll grind along this girder's turns and curves automatically. #20 is at the end of the girder, on a small hidden inlet. #18: From the inlet where you found #20, take a running jump at the next girder in line. Grind down it, and you'll be able to jump off the end to grab #18. #87: Behind the large watertower-lookin' thing. Go to the top of the stairs that lead to the level's "third floor," grind down the left-hand railing, and jump to the platform surrounding the water tower. The Graffiti Soul is on the other side of it, surrounded by paint and health cans. Later, in Fight or Flight, there's a red tag back here, so one way or another, you'll get this Soul eventually. #22: On the "third floor," there's a girder, leaning against a telephone wire, which leads to a railing. Grind up the girder, and if you've got enough speed, you'll grind from that to the wire to the railing, and grab the Soul along the way. At the end, jump as far to the right as you can manage, and you should land safely on one of the nearby bridges. #55: When you first get to the "third floor," there's an XL tag on a big concrete wall. On the street side of the wall, there's a stack of boxes to the wall's left. You can smash through them to find an alleyway with two health cans and #55 in it. #85: Floating above the fence, near the cluster of buildings where you found #52. Taller characters (Combo, Slate) can simply suicide-dive for this one from the rooftops, or a high-Technique character, such as Tab, can grab it after grinding down the chain-link fence around the stairwell. To perform the latter stunt, you'll need to hop onto the outside edge of the stairwell on the "third floor" and grind down. Love Trap: #47: Hanging above the elephant slide. You'll need to head in that direction with some serious speed, usually by building it up on the playground and coming up the slide at a dead sprint. #83: On top of the road sign, above the street to the north of the playground. This one is tricky as hell to get, and I advise that you wait until you've unlocked this Jet Technique stage before you try for it. In any event: grind up the elephant slide, on the left-hand side. Jump on top of the swingset that's pointing towards the street, and trick-jump off of it onto the road sign to get the Soul. #50: Use the crane to jump the gap in the road, on the street above the playground. You'll need a considerable amount of speed to do this, which makes it very tricky indeed. I'd recommend that if you want this, you should go after it first, before this road fills up with riot cops. I'd further recommend that you take at least fourteen paint cans with you, so you can fill in the XXL tag on the other side of the road. #80: From the road with the XXL tag, as above, head to your left and take a blind hop down. You should wind up on a rooftop with another Graffiti Soul... #81: ...and finally, from there, take a running leap and slam into the chainlink fence you can see across the halfpipe. You won't take any damage, and you can hop through a nearby door for yet a third Soul. #13: As you travel down the street, heading south, towards the four tag points on the walls, you'll notice two small railings overlooking the halfpipe, each of which has two spray cans floating above it. Via the "eastern" one, according to your map, you can grind onto a pink rooftop. On that rooftop, you'll find two health cans and #13. #16: Hanging above the south side of the street. You'll need to position yourself at the south edge of the playground and jump onto a bus that's going that direction, then hop up at the right moment and get the Soul. No. 540: #17: At the beginning of the level, hop onto the gray wall to your right and grind down it. Trick-jump off its end to grab this Soul. Some people advise you to crash one of the helicopters and use its tail to get this Soul. Some people are also apparently shooting heroin directly into their eyes. Don't do that. It's a bad idea. Wrecked helicopters, you see, are sort of *on fire*. If you try to grind off of them, you will start doing the hip JGR Fiery Hoopty Dance and will not be any damn good for anything until it's out. #??: Hanging out on a telephone wire above the junkyard. Grind down the crane, jump, and angle your fall so you land on the wire. (In Jet Set Radio, Mew used to use this jump as one of her tests. She's wised up in JGR.) #86: On the rooftop by the level's lone XXL tag. No problem. #21: Above the halfpipe, in the gap between catwalks. The trick to getting it is *not* to grind over the gap; if you simply hop onto the catwalk and take a running jump at it, you'll get it more easily than if you grind off the railings. Graffiti High: #93: On the stack of crates right in front of you when you start the level. A running jump, and it's yours. If you miss this initial jump, you can't try again until you hit the boardwalk; there's no way back up to the roof of the train car from the ground. #58: Above the boardwalk. You can grind onto an awning, and jump for the Soul from there. #92: In a slightly obscured alcove on the main street of the boardwalk. You can easily pick this up by accident; when you initially enter the boardwalk from the carnival, it's on the right. #91: On a telephone wire above the carnival. Ride one of the carousel wires to the XL spray point, then jump onto the telephone wire from there. It's easy to spot if the parachute troops have landed, because one of 'em gets stuck on the wire. You'll earn a replay and grab the Soul. #61: Inside the pink octopus. If you just got #91, you should be right in position to jump for it. A short hop will usually carry you safely through the octopus' legs and to the Soul, but it's not by any means a sure thing. #??: Above the train tracks. From the boardwalk, head to the highest balcony, jump onto the left-hand rail, and trick-jump for the Soul. Ideally, you'll land safely on the train car. However, given how tight time is on this level, you should probably wait 'til Jet Technique to do this. #57: Hovering above a billboard at the carnival. There's one wire leading from the top of the carousel-lookin' thing that connects to the wall next to that billboard; ride it down, jump at the billboard, wall-grind off of it, and jump for the Soul. Alternatively, with luck, skill, and speed, you can simply trick-jump for the Soul straight off the wire, although I've only been able to make that work with Combo. Kogane Circus: #84: Poison Jam starts the level standing in front of a stack of crates. Bust through them to reveal this Soul. #19: In the southern tunnel, there's a barely secret hallway hidden on either end by a stack of crates. I say "barely secret" because it's on the map. Smash through to get the Soul. #51: Hovering above the water in plain sight. You'll need to make a trick jump across the water from the middle catwalk to get it. The only really problematic aspect of this is your aim; you may have to do this a couple of times before you get the Soul. As mentioned above, Combo and Slate occupy more space than the other GGs, so you may wish to use them. Noise Reduction: #16: At a junction point between staircases. The Noise Tanks use this area a lot, so you'll probably pick this one up while you're chasing them. #60: Hidden in a tree on the east side of the level. You'll need to grind down the walkway rail, jump for the nearby billboard, and jump off the billboard through the tree to get the Soul. I got it by accident while practicing the level's infinite grind. #95: This one is a bitch and a half. At the dead center of the level, you can go up a staircase to a very high platform; from there, you should be able to see a crane swinging a platform back and forth. You'll need to grind up the railing on the staircase and jump from there to the nearby girder, which is tricky and may take you a few tries. Go to the other end of the girder and wait. The crane will swing the platform over your way. Jump onto it, and it'll carry you straight to the Soul. #94: As above, this one is a bitch and a half. It may have even achieved the lofty bitch-and-three-quarters status. As above, you'll need to grind up the stairs to get onto the girder, but now, you'll need to go from the girder to the I-beam that's attached to it. Grind down the I-beam, and you'll see a platform sticking out of a building, with another I-beam attached next to it. You need to jump from your I-beam to the wall above the platform, grind it, jump off of that, and grab Soul #94 on the fly. This isn't as hard as it seems, but you need to have *just* the right amount of speed for this to work. You will also probably face-plant right after this, unless you're *very* lucky, or you angle your fall to land on a railing. #27: Thre is a brightly lit staircase on the west side of the stage, at street-level, on the inside of the curve. This will take you to a subway platform. There is a Soul here, above the train tracks, but it's difficult to get. The trick here is to grind the handrail pointing towards the Soul, trick-jump, do a long wall-grind, trick-jump *again*, and get the Soul. #23: Near the side of the road on the east side of the level, there are two trucks parked on either side of a white van. Jump onto the van and wait for a garbage truck to come along, heading to the left. When it does, jump onto it. >From it, you'll be able to jump up and grab Soul #23. Love Attack: #48: In the center of the level, you'll see a steep staircase with three health cans floating above the banister. At the top of this staircase, there's a Graffiti Soul semi-hidden among the banners. Jump to grab it. #14: There's a small "park area" where a bunch of streets meet, down at the bottom of that staircase. Near a wall, you'll see three sandwich boards on the sidewalk, lined up in a row. Knock 'em over, and you'll find #14 "hidden" in one of them. If you don't get it now, you'll probably get it by accident in Explosion, as there, the wall near the sandwich boards is a L tag point. #82: On top of the movie theater marquee. The trick here is to *only* grind off of the railing leading up to the movie theater, as otherwise, you'll build up too much speed. Cube has to jump up here as her GG entry exam. #12, #46: About halfway down the main street, in the middle of the left-hand lane. Bantam Street/Tag Or Die: #63: In the construction/play area on the east side of the level, where all the ridiculous wall-grind-jump tags are. As with everything else in this level, you'll have to grind off a wall and jump to get it. It's markedly easier to get this Soul if you go at it from the northern side of the alley, rather than the south. #89: On a girder in the undercarriage of the train tracks. Grind off a nearby roadblock and hop up towards the girder to get it. Simple, although the presence of a crowd of annoying Rhinos can make it trickier. #96: Hovering well above the street. Duck through the front door of the gray tenement building in the southeast corner of the level, and head to the third floor. Be careful; if you come in here after the Assassin's arrived, there are gangs of gunmen on the second and third floors. Dive out the center window, towards the street, for this Soul. #28: This is just ridiculous... okay. When you begin the level, turn around. You'll see several billboards, with a trail of spray cans hanging in the air between them. To get Soul #28, you must: -- jump onto the grindable gray curb nearby, in front of the billboard. -- trick-jump off it and wall-trickjump off the next billboard. -- wall-trickjump off *that* board, and head straight for the next one. -- hit *two more* wall-trickjumps, and grab the Soul out of the air. From here, you can either opt to face-plant, or you can make a final wall-trickjump through the third floor of the tenement building. The former is easier than the latter, obviously, although the latter is definitely easier on the ol' ego. Personally, I like to avoid multi-story falls. This may just be the hardest Soul to get of the lot. The trick, I find, is to hit the first walljump with as much speed as can be conveniently managed; this will give you the extra boost you need to make the rest of the jumps. As an added bonus, if you're really good and know exactly what you're doing, you can deliberately blow the last jump and fall two stories onto the curb at the south end of the skate park; this enables you to finish off the walljump combo with the curb-grind combo in the skate park. 'Course, if you blow this, you'll eat one of the most painful-looking faceplants in the game, but to live boldly is to incur risk. #62: Hidden behind the Hexagon gas station sign. You can jump from the train tracks to get it. Grind Square/Rock 'N' Roll Grind: #64: Hanging on top of an easily accessible 'phone wire. Take the west elevator up, and that wire is moored nearby. #98: At the center of the level, where the two 'phone wires pass by each other. You can get on those wires most easily by taking the east elevator up and jumping onto the wire near there. From the wire, jump onto the low balcony, where the XXL tag is. On that balcony, you can jump onto the wire that leads to the Soul. #97: Ride the east elevator up and head south, to the large open area. Jump on and ride the cornice. At its end, you can jump for this Soul. That jump should carry you to another cornice stone, which in turn has a telephone wire moored to it... #30: ...which you can grind to get #30. Benten-Cho, subway: As far as I know, one Soul is only available now, when Benten's various neighborhoods merge into Benten-Cho. You can go for it in Jet Technique, which may be the course of sublime wisdom, or you can use the subway tunnel as a relatively enemy-free, yet train-rich, way to navigate between the carnival and the downtown area. #26: About halfway between the underground subway platforms, hovering above the tracks. You can access the subway through staircases in the city area or under the ramp in the carnival, and skate down the tracks towards this Soul. Once you see it, you can wall-jump onto the center fence, and from there, grind off it to the Soul. You could probably also get it by getting on top of the train, but I can't recommend that, as I suck at it. (You can also use the tunnel walls and the rails for a truly ridiculous grind combo if you like, but that will involve dodging trains. I managed to get hit four times by the same train while I was going for this Soul.) Kogane-Cho, rooftops: The rooftop area, as far as I know, only becomes accessible now. I'd recommend you do any Soul collecting you've left to do in the Jet Graffiti or Jet Technique stages, as otherwise, you've either snipers or the *tremendously accurate* jetpack gimps to deal with. #53: Above the sidewalk--*way* above the sidewalk. Jump up onto the rooftops using the parked car in the playground on this part of the level's northern edge, then head up the roofs and grind back down towards the northern end using the telephone wires above the sidewalk. You'll have a good chance at jumping for this Soul. #89: Pay attention while you're on the rooftops. There's a hidden guywire that stretches underneath them, going from north to south and bridging the second east-west side street. Hop onto that guywire, and you'll get #89. ============ OTHER SOULS: ============ After you collect all the Souls in the game, you'll still have empty spaces in your grid. These are for the two special tags each of your gang members brings with him or her upon joining the GGs. This includes the various secret characters, with the exception of Pots. Having your entire grid filled in, as far as I know, doesn't get you anything spectacularly cool, but it does give you mad geek bragging rights. If you should want to e-mail me, my address is Please read the following before you e-mail me, and take the guidelines therein to heart: [warning: explicit language] Thomas Wilde a.k.a. Wanderer