MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 CHARACTER FAQ MEGA MAN FOR THE ARCADE AND DREAMCAST SYSTEMS ************************************* FAQ,Copryight,TalbainEric 2001 All Capcom characters,copyright 2000 First off,No one is to take or steal this without my permission. Do not alter or modify it in any way,either. I worked really hard on this FAQ,and I don't like the fact that someone decided to mess with it. Thank you. I am simply a fan of Mega-Man,who wrote this FAQ for your purpose and help. I do not own Mega-Man(duh),Mega Man is copyrighted by Capcom. Thank you. ================================================================================================== Well,I've been a fan of the Blue Bomber for a while. I loved his side- scrolling beat-em-ups,and now he's in a 2-D fighting game combining fighters from both Capcom and Marvel universes. And Rush even is with him,cool. In this FAQ,I'll provide the info you need to hopefully improve your Mega-Man game. Enjoy! ================================================================================================== Quick Moves Legend =================== F-Forward B-Back U-Up D-Down DF-Down-Forward DB-Down-Back =================== ================================================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ****************************** 1.0-Mega Man history and info 2.0-Colors and Win Poses 3.0-Moves List 4.0-How to use Mega Man effectively 5.0-Best team-ups 6.0-Credits and Thanks ================================================================================================= 1.0-Mega Man history and info Mega Man was one of Capcom earliest characters,not to mention one of the many side-scrollers out at the time. Mega Man,along with his trusty K-9 sidekick,Rush,first made his debut on the Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1987. Here,we were also introduced to Dr.Light,the creator of Mega Man,his sister Roll(who appears in the ending),along with the other enemies, Cutman,Gutsman,Elecman,Iceman,Fireman and Bombman. And we cannot forget Dr.Wily,who at first teamed up with Dr.Light to build Mega Man,but somehow turned sinister and decided he'd rather take over the world with his creations rather than help it. As the years went on,and other systems came into development, Mega Man continued to shine.And each new Mega Man adventure was better than the last,with improved graphics and adding gameplay and more characters into the mix every time. Below,you'll see some of the games and system Mega Man has appeared on: 6 games on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Mega Man 1 through 6 5 games on the Super Nes Mega Man 7 Mega Man X through X3 Mega Man Soccer 5 Game Boy Games Mega Man I through V 2 Arcade games: Mega Man: The Power Battles Mega Man: The Power Fighters 2 Playstation games: Mega Man 8 Mega Man X4 1 Sega Genesis game: Mega Man: The Wily Wars 1 Sega GameGear game: Mega Man: The Best of Mega Man 2 GameBoy Advance games: MegaMan Battle Network MegaMan Battle Network 2 Mega Man X4 for the Sony Playstation was my personal favorite. But,it wasn't until early 1998,that the great Capcom decided to put the Blue Bomber in a whole new type of game,completley different from the side-scrolling games. He was to be ported into a cross-over fighting game. This game came to be known as Marvel vs Capcom. Mega Man fans finally got to treat themselves to see the Blue Bomber in a 2-D fighting game,with a small mesh of other Capcom and Marvel characters. And yes,Rush was right there by his side! This game also had a hidden character,Roll,Mega Man's sister, who also had appeared for the first time in a 2-D fighting game. Although Roll was of course relatively weaker than Mega-Man, she added some fun to the small cast. Actually,I think Capcom meant to make her a joke character. In the year 2000,Capcom's finest year so far,Capcom brought us the great Marvel vs Capcom 2. Mega Man was still the same, as was Roll. Except for the fact they got more colors in their palette,and meshed with even MORE characters,both new and old, from the Capcom and Marvel universe. This game boasted a total of 56 characters. Capcom's highest character select to date so far. And to this day,Mega Man still continues to entertain us. And now,for the FAQ. ================================================================================================= 2.0-Colors and Win Poses COLORS ================ X = blue Y = green B = orange A = red L = black/white R = red/yellow ================ WIN POSES ************* 1.Rush comes up to Mega Man and Mega Man pets him. 2.Roll comes out with a bouquet of flowers for Mega Man. 3.Mega Man throws a peace sign as a hologram of Dr.Light comes out from Rush. 4.Mega Man poses without his helmet and says something. 5.Mega Man poses as one of his little robot friends brings in a birthday cake. ================================================================================================= 3.0-Moves List MEGA BUSTER-(when grounded or airborne)Hold Hard Punch,then release, Mega Man summons up energy,and when ready,shoots a powerful shot out at the opponent. Note that the longer you hold it,the heavier the damage and the more hits it has. MEGA UPPERCUT-F,D,DF+P Mega Man takes the traditional shoryuken uppercut and addes his own flare to it,emitting a blue aura of energy as he does it. USE ITEM-D,DF,F+P epending on which item you have(Tornado Hold,Leaf Shield or Mega Ball) Mega Man shoots them out of his booster arm and fires them like a projectile. GET ITEM(TORNADO HOLD)-D,DF,F+K Mega summons his robot friend into the fight to deliver the Tornado Hold. This fires a small tornado that has good juggling priorities. GET ITEM(LEAF SHIELD)-D,DF,F+K Mega man summons his robot friend into the fight to deliver the Leaf Shield. Note that when you first fire the leaf shield,that it will surrround you. If the opponent hits you,the leaves will dissappear. If you fire it,it'll shoot out just like a regular projectile,hitting several times. GET ITEM(MEGA BALL)-D,DF,F+K Mega Man summons his robot friend into the fight to deliver the Mega Ball. When fired out,a soccer ball comes out. When Mega Man kicks this,it flies around the screen. TRIANGLE JUMP-(when airborne)press away F,DF,or Up-Forward from the wall when you touch it LAUNCHING MOVES-Standing Hard Kick,DF+Hard Kick ========== SUPERS ========== HYPER MEGA MAN-D,DF,F+two punches Mega Man transforms into an "ultimate" version of himself. After this,he fires out several powerful projectiles,along with a powerful beam. If you look closely,you can see that the projectiles are some of his friends,including Rush. RUSH DRILL-D,DF,F+two kicks Mega Man summons Rush,who turns into a giant drill. You can steer Forward and backward. You can also jump a bit. BEAT PLANE-D,DB,B+two kicks Mega Man summons his little robot bird friend,who turns into a little plane. When Mega Man is piloting, hit either any punch or kick to make missles or bombs come out. ================================================================================================= 4.0-How to use Mega Man effectively First off,is MegaMan for you? Well,if you're the kind of player that's looking for speed and power,Mega Man isn't really your type. Mega Man's more of a defensive player. But,if played right,and with a bit of practice and patience, Mega Man can deal his fair share of damage,and he can be quite fast during combos. Mega Man,unfortunatley,has plenty of vulnerablities,when performing a couple of moves. Mostly the Get Item moves. Although it's easy to accidentally perform the command. Use Mega's Tornado Hold when necessary. This move deals good block damage. And can score for some good combos. Out of all Mega's supers,naturally,the Hyper Mega Man is your best asset. If the opponents tries to jump in when Mega Man performs this,they'll be knocked back when Mega Man grows,and will be hit with the beam and various projectiles. The Rush Drill,another handy Mega Man super,can deal good block damage. And you can steer the Rush Drill as well. The Mega Buster can deal some sick damage when worked in with a combo. For best results,hold the Hard Punch button,juggle your opponent in the air with Mega Man's launcher,DF+Hark Kick,do a kick chain combo(just short and forward)then let go of the Hard Punch. Depending on how long you've held down the Hard Punch button,you'll get plenty of hits and good damage. ================================================================================================= 5.0-Recommended teams Here,I'll explain some teams that I've gotten good results with when playing with Mega Man. I'll also explain a bit on how each character aids Mega Man and on their own as well. The following teams work best with Mega Man. ************* TEAM #1: Cammy Mega-Man Venom All together-Together,this team can inflict pretty good damage. Pick the anti-air assist for Cammy,and the Expansion Assist for Venom. When doing the team super, Cammy will do a Spin Dive Smasher and Venom will do a Death Bite. Along with Mega Man's Hyper Mega Man super,Cammy and Mega Man add the damage,and Venom adds the extra juggles with the Death Bite. Cammy-Cammy is a fast character,and can hold her own against most opponents. Cammy is her best when close. And she is both offensive/defensive. Combined with her speed and agility,Cammy can quickly take out her opponent. Use her low kick chain combo(Short,Forward,Roundhouse)when you see an opportunity. Venom-Venom is the juggler that this teams needs. This guy's pretty strong and can deal both good regular and blocking damage with the versatile Venom Fang. Try not to use his Venom Rush too much,as it has some delay after performing it. His Venom Web is a great super as well,if done and timed just right. ***************** TEAM #2: Captain Commando Mega Man Felicia All together-This team Mega Man works really well with this team. Probably his best one. Although together,during the team-up super,they don't deal much power. Speed is what Captain Commando and Felicia bring to this team. For Mega Man,pick his Balance assist,Captain Commando,his anti-air assist, and for Felicia,her Ground Type assist. For the team-up super,Mega will do the Hyper Mega Man,while Captain Commando does the Captain Sword super, and Felicia does her Super Sand Splash. This counters good with both air(except the super jumpers,naturally)and the ground,dealing good block damage, especially with Mega Man's and Felicia's supers. Captain Commando-This guy has both speed and power on his side. All his attacks are cheap and deal pretty good damage. For good results,use his Captain Corridor(D,DB,B+P) often. Felicia-Felicia's the defensive type. But she's got plenty of speed. And her chain combos are good,too. Use the Sand Splash often,but not to often. Try not to use her Rolling Buckler too much,as she's vulnerable when performing it. ================================================================================================= 6.0-Credits and Thanks I'd like to thank GameFaq' for an excellent source of FAQ's. The one and only place for FAQ's. MegaMan Outpost( some information. Thanks! Your site rules! To all the people I've battled at the arcades with Mega Man,it's been fun! To all my friends at the forums that I hang out at! Thanks for all your help(especially Freeter from MadMan's who helped me a bit on this FAQ) To my parents,thanks for the money you gave me to buy these and other games! And my friends,whom I've whipped several times in the past. And last,to you,the reader,who read this FAQ,thanks! =================================================================================================