-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Sir "O" Presents: The REAL ultimate Roll FAQ (sorry, CMA, I couldn't resist ^_^) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- by Sir0rion@aol.com If or when you e-mail me with questions or comments about this FAQ, make the subject Roll, or I'll delete it. By the way, if you want to IM me, (assuming you have AIM,) it's just Sir 0rion. Both are spelled with a zero, not an O. My e-mail address has no space in it. Feel free to e-mail me anytime and I'll try my best to respond quickly. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Copyright info: Let's make this simple. Anything Marvel is copyrighted Marvel, anything Capcom is copyrighted Capcom and I have no affiliation with either of them. I take credit only for the effort I put into this FAQ. I PERSONALLY own the sole legal rights to usage of the name "Sir 0rion", meaning noone but me is allowed to publish ANYTHING under this name without my expressed consent (but then again, that goes with any FAQ, so it doesn't really matter). -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Note: This FAQ assumes you have at least a general knowledge of this game. If you have a hard time grasping some of the concepts listed here, please refer to CJayC's guide near the top of this FAQ list. Versions: 7/25/00 – 1.0: First version 10/12/00 – 3.0: MASSIVE update! I altered around 90% of this FAQ, editted my errors, and even added a "Vs" section, combos (something I rarely do), and several other things. 2/14/01 – 6.0: Even BIGGER update. I went through every single nuance I could think of, changed every single chapter in some way, added/omitted chapters, and gave the entire FAQ a completely different feel. I'm still not really happy with my "Vs" section, but it's a lot better than it used to be. If you've seen any of the previous versions, forget them. This is quite a bit different. Chapters: (1: From the Mouth of Sir 0rion (2: Who is Roll? (3: Abbvs. (4: Roll in-depth (5: Roll's moves (6: Recommended Partners (7: General Strategies (8: Intelligent Fighting (9: Vs. Strategies (10: Other Cool Stuff (11: Thanks -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 1: From the Mouth of Sir 0rion -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- There's a little bit of pride to be gained for choosing a character widely known as worthless. Such is the case with this character. Before I go on, I should caution you about a few things. First, if you're not already an EXPERT at this game, close this FAQ now. If you still actually lose to the computer, or don't know how to do advanced air combos, you will NOT stand a chance with Roll. There's a reason people say she's worthless. If you expect to use Roll, you've got to have skill, and even more importantly, you've got to have guts. If you don't think that you're quite ready for Roll, but want to use her, forget her at the moment and instead use Megaman. He's quite similar to Roll at first glance, and he has a lot of techniques that are MUCH easier to execute. Learn him, learn this game, and once you feel confident about your ability, re-open this FAQ. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 2: Who is Roll? -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Here's the short story: Roll is Megaman's little sister. Now for the long one (if you don't like reading a whole lot of pointless stuff, you might as well skip to the next chapter): Roll, Megaman's little sister, is a very odd girl. For one thing, like Megaman, she's a robot, but she doesn't look ANYTHING like a robot. Roll is a kind person (I say person because like Megaman, she has an advanced AI, making her a life form in that manner), who typically wants to resort to non-violent measures. She's a pacifist, and takes care of Beat and Rush when they're not in use. She also cleans up the lab where they live. In Marvel vs. Capcom 1, Roll took it into her head to try to prove her worth to her creator, Dr. Light, by going after the ultimate force known as Onslaught, but she soon realized that she was in way over her head… she was often scared to tears, and constantly embarrassed by her older brother, showing off by making her cry. She struggled and fought, though, and actually beat the evil man known as Onslaught before Megaman even made it to the scene! Dr. Light gave her a power enhancement, making her a more formidable fighter (to make this a little easier of a conversion, just forget about her changing into Hyper Roll at the end), although it was taxing on her vitality, due to the fact that she still wasn't made to fight. Roll matured a lot from that incident, and instead of hiding in the shadows and secretly going after this new menace, Abyss, she stepped up and is now officially in the tournament, ready, willing, and possibly even able to show up Megaman again! -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 3: Abbvs. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- C = turn AC = Air Combo S-Jump = Super (high) jump MvC1 = Marvel vs Capcom 1 MvC2 = " " " 2 MM or Mega = Mega Man FB = Flower Bomb RBu= Roll Buster TK= Sliding Trip Kick RD = Rush Drill BP= Beat Plane HyR= Hyper Roll Q = 1/4 H = 1/2 1/4 & 1/2 = well, what do YOU think? WS= Weapon Switch TH RB LSh= Tornado hold, Rock Ball, and Leaf Shield Fwd, Bck, DBck, DFwd = Forward, Back, Diagonal Back and Forth DPM = Dragon punch Motion a-o = air only g-o = ground only g/a = ground or air The Buttons- Picture the arcade pad. O O O 1P 2P A1 O O O 1K 2K A2 P = Either punch button K = Either kick button PP = both punch buttons KK = " kick " 1PK/2PK = the switch outs, 1P+1K/2P+2K -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 4: Roll in-depth -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Pros: +She's very small. Sometimes she can simply duck under moves, and human players tend to have a bit of trouble hitting a well-played Roll. +She has a double-jump. +She's not the weakest character anymore (although she's close…) Cons (you better get comfortable): -Her defense is absolutely terrible. It's the absolute lowest defense in the game, tied with Servbot and Bone-clawed Wolverine. -She's still incredibly weak. It's not easy to tack on a lot of damage at once with Roll. -Her supers are nearly useless outside of a DHC. They have a massive lag and recovery. -She's not the fastest thing on two legs. -She doesn't have a heck of a lot of anti-keep away. -She has some of the most ackward combos in the game. Her punches and kicks tend to actually push you away from your opponent unless you're creative. -A couple of her moves can be tough as hell to pull off if you're not used to her. -She doesn't have that much range to work with. Pro/con: +/-: Rush Drill and Beat Plane now have a timer. It's good if you're not good at backing off on time, but you can't fake backing off to punish any would-be reprisals. The run-down: # of command moves: 4 # of special moves: 8 # of supers: 3 Air combo finishers: RBu, 2P, 2K, LSh Ratings: Attack Power (overall): 3.5 We're not talking Sentinel here, folks. Roll's not going to be dishing out 1/2 of a life bar in one move. Defense power: 1 She simply can't take any hits. It takes little more than a couple supers to wipe her off the mat. Speed: 7.25 Roll's fairly quick in terms of normal and some special moves, but falters in dash and super move speeds. Comboability: 7.75 Unfortunately, many of Roll's normal attacks will actually knock the enemy out of her tiny reach, and her supers are nearly impossible to combo into. However, she has a couple of special combo tricks. Roll's Conversion Chart: This is for those of you who played as and liked Roll in Marvel vs. Capcom 1, and want to compare and contrast her to this version. -What she's gained- 1: A bit more attack power (on normal damage settings) 2: A good deal of speed 3: A double jump 4: Time meters for Rush Drill and Beat Plane -What she's lost- 1: Her incredible defense from MvC1, she takes almost 4 TIMES as much damage as she used to. 2: The aerial Beat Plane. You heard right. Other changes: 1: Several of her special move control pad motions 2: Her starting special weapon 3: Some of her in-match quotes -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 7: Roll's Moves -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This a is a list and description of her specials, supers, and command moves, along with their control pad/arcade stick motions. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Slide: D + 2K -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This is nothing more than a crouching roundhouse as far as the motion's concerned, but this move is very good. Roll slides forward quickly, and will trip an opponent that's not blocking low. Why use this move? First, use it repeatedly (but not all the time) as a dash move. It brings her in pretty quickly. Second, she can actually SLIDE UNDER some moves, even War Machine's Shoulder Cannon! Third, it recovers pretty darn quickly. Fourth, she can use several of her OTG specials after hitting the slide. Fifth, it combos pretty easily. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Max Throw (what else should I call it?): FwD + P (Throw) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Roll's throw is a good thing to use at close quarters. It's not exactly the most flashy move, but it's kind of interesting to see Roll pick up and slam her large opponents with one hand. As far as throws go, this has some pretty decent range and priority. If someone's turtling, and/or you simply can't turn up the pressure, this is your move. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Double Jump: Up after a jump or super jump (no damage) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This is a pretty important move for Roll. It helps her air-to-ground game as well as her air-to-air game. It's a combo extender, it's an anti-air and launcher dodger. This is the move you use when you need to buy yourself some time, or need to extend your game. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Knock Down Kick: After jump, double jump or super jump Up + 2K -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- She throws out an overhead kick that sends the opponent to the ground. It's an interesting move, as it… uh… *ahem* gives you a nice view; and it extends your range and priority a tiny bit, but it's not all that useful. If you absolutely NEED a non-combo air-to-ground attack at close quarters, this is what you'll probably use. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Roll Buster: QCF + P -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Unlike in MvC1, this move shoots an orange blast now. Strange, no? Outside of OTG purposes (which it is VERY useful for) and keeping the few without projectiles at bay, you probably won't want to use this move too much. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Flower Bomb: QCF, QCF + P -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Don't listen to the many FAQs and sites that tell you this move is a dragon punch motion. It's damn near impossible to do this using a DPM. Try it if you don't believe me. This simply works much better. Anyway, Roll takes out a bouquet of flowers and lobs them in two general directions: 1P tosses them out right in front of her, 2P throws them about 2/3 of the screen away. If you can get the rhythm of this difficult move down and you're not fighting someone with a good air-to-air game, it's a really good idea to super-jump up and toss out a whole bunch of these in the general direction of your opponent. It builds some meter and gives you a chance to breathe. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Weapon Switch – Leaf Shield: QCB + K -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- She calls out Eddie to deliver the Leaf Shield icon, which she must pick up [walk on] to activate. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Weapon Switch – Tornado Hold: DPM (OR QCF, QCF) + K -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Same as Above, only with Tornado Hold. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Weapon Switch – Rock Ball: QCF + K -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This is her default weapon now, unlike MvC1, which was the tornado hold. Again, Eddie comes out and delivers her the icon, etc, etc. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Item Attack (use equipped weapon): QCB + P -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Whether she has LSh, RB, or TH, this is the motion to use whichever she has. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Leaf Shield (can be used twice, first to activate, second to fire) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I don't see why CMA knocks this weapon. Okay, in a way I do. The start-up for this move is the absolute worst when she's activating the shield. The solution? Send out one of your partners for distraction (preferably one with a lot of range), then activate the shield. Okay, here's how it works: When (if) Roll activates this, 8 leaves surround her body, negating any damage and acting like super armor for one hit. This is fairly good against attacks that put all of their force behind a single attack, but don't rely on it solely for that. Instead, by performing the motion again, she uses the gun again (with half the start-up time, mind you), FIRING the leaves at an opponent, acting like a compressed beam attack (which I sometimes refer to as "Leaf Shot"). Megaman lovers who want to play as Roll can sometimes even use this as a substitute for a charged 'buster. One note: She must be on the ground activating this, but she can fire it in the air if she wants to. Also, it's one of her best OTG moves after a slide attack. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Tornado Hold -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I like this move as much as the next Roll player, but I don't love this move, or even use it that much. Regardless this is pretty good for slide follow-ups or simply a wake-up call. Using this with 1K drops a propeller to the ground directly in front of her, making a tornado pop out from nowhere (well, it comes from the propeller, but you know what I mean), doing pretty good damage. Oddly, though, the tornado travels up about half as high as it used to on MvC1, all but killing it's powerful anti-air purposes. With 2K it does the same thing and the same amount of damage, but it instead shoots the propeller two thirds of the screen away from Roll. Decent start-up and recovery time, but DON'T fire it off farther than it's supposed to go!!! If you do, and you're not playing against your dolly, then you WILL get hit back… hard. The only exception is if you're near the end of the screen. She won't shoot it past the end of the level. The 1P version is pretty decent as an OTG after a slide. It also goes through people, making it pretty good against assist abusers. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Rock Ball -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Roll shoots (read: drops) a soccer ball on the floor. This ball can be kicked. This is a very useful move, too, depending on your opponent. It has the least lag and recovery of all her weapons when she's dropping the ball, she can kick it in many directions at any time she wants, it can be kicked twice (very hard, but possible), it negates projectiles, and she can move around after you kick it, making for several pressure and anti-pressure abilities. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Hyper Roll: QCF + PP !HYPER! -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Shouting her customary "Makanai wa!", Roll summons all her support and transforms into a comparably giant robot! This is an odd move. First of all, if the lightening from this move (located at her head's level) doesn't connect, then they'll only get a jab's worth of damage if they're not blocking and NO DAMAGE AT ALL if they are! To combat this, ONLY do it against jump-ins, run-ins, or big characters, because the transformation part will hit the into the lightening (big characters can be hurt if they can see eye-to-eye with Hyper Roll). Button mashing is highly recommended on this one. Oh yes. I want to clear up a major argument that's been plaguing Roll users for quite some time now. You CAN air combo into Hyper Roll, and I'll explain how later. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Beat Plane: QCB + KK !HYPER! -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Children, please don't read the following sentence. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!?!? Why the heck can Roll only activate this move on the ground!? She calls Beat, (saying "Beat-o!" in that cute little way of hers) who transforms into a plane, and she can fly around and shoot. P's and A1 shoot fireballs, Ks and A2 drop missiles. This move also has THREE TIMES the start-up(!!!), and can be easily seen and blocked. However, when used as a counter, it can be effective. This is because when she turns white after the Hyper combo "flash", she's COMPLETELY invulnerable. Don't abuse this, because people AND the computer learn their lessons quick. The final use is that beginner to average players won't know what to do if you fly behind you, and might block the wrong way, letting you hit them with the rest of the move. Experts and the computer, however, will rarely fall for this maneuver. Fortunately, they don't often have an enlarged window of opportunity to counter if you screw it up. Still, this super is essentially worthless. If you insist on using it, remember that button mashing is an absolute MUST for full damage. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Rush Drill: QCF + KK !HYPER! -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This is a little (not much, but a little) less worthless. Roll summons Rush, (saying "Rushy!" again in that cute little way) who becomes a drill car. All the buttons make the drill spin faster for more damage AND activate the rockets that speed up the car. Again, the move has about THREE TIMES the start-up time, but since this was primarily a chipping move to start with, this move is still pretty good. Roll is invincible while in the car, and anyone who attack the car is yours. For this and all her hypers (supers), button mashing is greatly encouraged. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 6: Recommended Partners -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Roll has a lot of weaknesses, so with her, more than anyone else, picking her partners will require some deep thought. To save you a headache, here's a list of the characters that seem to go best with her. Blackheart (Beta): I personally think that this is the best partner for her. If you can use Blackheart, he's a must-have partner for Roll. His anti-air assist will get you out of more situations than you can count, and it'll give you a chance to set up a lot of moves (Leaf Shield, Rock Ball, Flower Bomb). Plus, it gives you the anti-air she so DESPERATELY needs. As a character, he's very useful, and a good unbalancing switch (first your dealing with a little girl, now you're dealing with a giant). If you can use Blackheart, he's an unbelievable asset to Roll. Spiral (Gamma): Teleports, swords upon swords, pressure, meter-building abilities, supers, combos, and chipping power. Do I honestly need to say more? Captain Commando (Beta I think): Another fantastic anti-air assist to help Roll and a fairly balanced character to boot. Cable (Beta): The easiest character to use. Instant start-up super and keep- away ability. Just be sure that you make your third parter a character with great super-building skills and/or a good anti-air assist. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 7: General Strategies -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- As you may have guessed already, winning with Roll is a MONUMENTAL task; probably one of the most difficult in a Capcom fighting game. Winning with her takes a cool head, cunning, and the ability to know what your doing at all times. The best way to do this is by taking the "intelligent approach" (next chapter). Alright, so you know her moves and what makes her tick. That's good. Still, let's clarify a couple things: if you think that you can just walk in and smash any character with Roll, you're wrong. Even if you've mastered her, there will still be a couple characters that you'll be very vulnerable to and can only be beaten if you're a lot better than your opponent (due to lousy programming on Capcom's part). These characters are: -Cable -Dr. Doom -Spiral All of these characters have some technique that's very easy to pull off and is pretty much impossible to reverse. If you insist you can take them on with Roll, be my guest, but you've been warned, and my conscience is clear. Roll should be played evasively, meaning you should spend more time avoiding getting hit and less time throwing out hits of your own. Abuse her double jump and slide when trying to get in, and her Rock Ball when trying to get away. Roll has a lot of OTG moves. Any time you link that slide of hers, use whichever you have at your disposal at the moment. Here's the order from worst to best: Roll Buster->Tornado Hold->Leaf Shield Obviously, Roll Buster's probably going to be your most common OTG follow-up. Roll, even more than Megaman (actually, a LOT more then Megaman) needs to make stern use of all of her special weapons. Learn the right weapon for the right situation. The best way to land her launcher is comboed from a standing 1K. If you connect her standing 1K, her launcher should be directly behind it. -Combos- Okay, I'm not really sure how to do this, because I don't like writing combos very much. This section is up by popular request, and I'd appreciate any help you'd like to give. They're in no particular order, except they're each in individual difficulty sections. Keep in mind that combos that involve double- jumping (combos that have the command "tap up" in it) can only be performed on someone larger than Ryu The sole exception is Amingo. Double-jump ACs work on him. -Easy- 1: Activate LSh, Leaf Shot, Roll Buster Does 9 hits 2: [Crouching] 1K, 1K, 2K xx Rbu/LSh/Th Does 4-11 hits -Moderate- 3: Activate Leaf Shield, 1K, 2K (launcher), [super-jump] 1P, 1K, 1P, 1K, Leaf Shot Does 6-13 hits 4: Jump-in 1P, 1K [land] 1P, 2K (launcher), [super-jump] 1P, 1K, 1P, 1K, Roll Buster Does 9 hits 5: 1K, 2K, [super-jump], 1P, 1K, tap up, 1P, 1P xx Roll Buster Does 7 hits, but must be done on a large opponent -Complex- 6: *Hyper Roll Air Combo* (In corner) Activate LSh, 1K, 2K, [super jump] 1P, 1K xx Leaf Shot xx Hyper Roll Does around 16 hits 7: [In air] Flower Bomb (make sure the flowers are going to fall on the opponent), 1P, [land] 1K, (flowers should hit at this time), 2K, [super jump], 1P, 1K, 1P, 1K xx Roll Buster Does 9 hits 8: Activate Leaf Shield, 1K, 2K, [super-jump], 1P, 1K, 1P, tap up, 1P, 1K, 1P, 1K xx Leaf Shield Does about 15 hits, but must be performed on a large opponent That's all for now. I'll have more later. Suggestions would be nice. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 8: Intelligent Fighting -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This is indeed a fast-paced game, even when using Roll. Roll can sometimes slow the action down (which is something you should practice doing), but it'll still generally be action-reaction throughout the match, so this chapter should help you add some method to the madness. I guess the basic thing you should keep in mind is to think before you do, but let your opponent feel that you're doing everything at random. This is a situational tutorial of sorts. -Roll, with the Rock Ball- The Rock Ball is specifically for pressure and anti-pressure. When pressuring the opponent, shoot the Rock Ball and duck-block. If they take to the air, do a standing 1K or 2K. It will send the ball up at a 3/4 angle. Follow by performing an anti-air assist (if you have one, which you should with Roll) and jump up a with some aerial attacks. They'll have a hard time fighting both you, the assist, and the Ball if you do this. If they stay on the ground, do a crouching 1K. The Ball will go at a much lower angle and they'll be forced to block. As you kick the ball start rushing your opponent with jumping and crouching attacks until you land a hit, then follow up with a combo. For anti- pressure, take every breather you get to shoot the Ball in front of you. When they try to rush you, do a crouching kick on the ball, then attack them. Repeat. If your opponent's directly between you and the ball and you want to kick it, use your slide. It will push the opponent away and launch the ball. If you find yourself completely separated from the ball with no hope of getting it, never fear. Simply do another QCB P, and the ball's position will be reset in front of you. -Roll, with Leaf Shield- If you're determined to use this weapon (the hardest to handle), you should use it on bigger guys. That way, if you DO get hit while using it, you're less likely to get whacked with a combo follow-up. Only use the 1P version at all times. That way, you can use it in air combos, and it'll take less time to activate. Anyway, once again, you should have that anti-air assist with you to buy you some time to activate it (Blackheart's works quite nicely) . This is her best air combo and OTG finisher if you can buy enough time to use it. -Roll, with Tornado Hold- Consult CAlexandre's (brilliant) Roll FAQ. I rarely use this weapon, so any advice I give on it would be poor. -Doing a double-jump to get out of jams- Okay, so Roll's innocently coming in for a landing from a super jump. But wait! They called Captain Commando's anti-air assist! It's going to hit that sweet little girl! Not likely. Press either diagonal up-forward or diagonal up-back to avoid various anti-airs and launchers. -Roll, on double-jump air combos- These are fairly difficult to pull off at first, but eventually become second- nature. Once again, they can only be done on large opponents. When doing them, don't look for her to actually do a second jump, because it's nearly imperceptible. Instead, a properly placed double-jump air combo would look at first like a normal air combo, then a pause, then another air combo. You really can't see Roll do the second jump unless you whiff the next move (at least, I never could). This might help some of you, especially if you keep looking for that jump. Once you get them down, they're actually quite easy. Just perform a normal three-hit air combo (1P, 1K, 1P), then instead of the next 1K, press up when you'd normally press that 1K, then start your air combo all over again as you would normally have done it. There's no real involved mechanics, just decent timing. Don't get nervous – that's the most important thing. -Roll as the evasion type- "Evasion" playing is something Roll needs to do to survive – literally. This style is a combination of turtling (staying in a crouching block position throughout a combo assault), pressure (via the Rock Ball), defensive combos (via the Leaf Shield), air dodging with her double jump, and ground dodging with her slide. Using Roll effectively is mastering this style. -The Flower Battery- In MvC1, this was a very popular Roll tactic. It was also much quicker and easier back then. Essentially, super jump and throw out a ton of Flower Bombs to build super meter and slow the action down. This obviously requires a very fast joystick/pad hand. Fortunately, Roll can toss these out much faster in this game, so it compensates for the lessened super-building power of the move. If someone starts coming toward you, start changing the 1P:2P ratio towards 1P, and if they back off, switch it to 2P, so they're more likely to jump right into a bouquet if they try to jump and get you out of the air. If you find yourself starting to fall, double jump and throw some more. -Roll's supers- They're a joke. Forget them. Unless you're playing a beginner, Rush Drill and Beat Plane are essentially worthless outside of certain DHCs. Hyper Roll is *okay*, but only when you get that (slim) window of opportunity opened up. So basically, forget you have a super meter when Roll's up to bat. -Mind games- Yes, they exist. There are always people that like to talk big at the arcades. It's human nature. So, you should do the opposite with Roll. It'll add to the fun of the game, and embarrass scrubs. Some really good situations that I've seen are: -Roll does a decent combo and/or a throw on some big guy: "Tsk, tsk… getting beat up by a little girl?" -Roll beats Megaman: "Whoa… getting beat up by your little sister's got to be humiliating." -Opponent lays down some smack of their own on Roll: "Hey, hey, hey! Stop picking on that sweet little girl." -You switch to Roll: "Okay, NOW you've got it! Come on! You can get her, she's easy to beat! Come on!" [Keep shouting these encouragements. It'll drive them nuts, trust me] -You switch away from Roll after you've layed down some heavy-duty booty: "Whew… I'm glad THAT'S over. Now, I can actually be effective!" -You get a chance to taunt: [Just DRIPPING with sweetness] "Awwwww… isn't that cuu-uuute?" [Works especially well if you're some big, tough guy normally] Just don't rub it in. (^_^) -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 9: Vs. Strategies -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This is, for all intents and purposes, what a match between Roll and specific characters would look like. It does not take into account the opponent's assists or infinity combos. It's also not a play-by-play guide, or even close. Usually, it just explains some of the things to look out for. There's also a difficulty rating for each match which is relative to the player using the character in question. In essence, it assumes that your opponent is the exact same skill as you, and you're both above average. Here's the scale: 10: This match is almost guaranteed to end in your defeat. This character towers over you in every possible way, and/or has tactics that are pretty much impossible to reverse. This is rarely given out, even to Roll, although she sees this the most. 9: You CAN win, but only if you go all-out and not make a single mistake. This one has many advantages over you, but there's just one or two little things you can capitalize on when you see them so you can beat the character. 8: A very powerful opponent, but arguably so. S/he has enough weaknesses to keep you from getting the "I have to try harder than my opponent" too often, but you won't ever, even for a second, feel like you have any advantage over your opponent. 7: Basically, an even fight. No particular advantages on either side. 6: You have a tiny bit of an advantage, but nothing to gloat about. This is close to being an even match, but your opponent will, more often than not, have to struggle a tiny bit to keep up with you. 5-1: You're facing a pathetic opponent. From here down, it's just a matter of how much of a failure your opponent is against you. Little more than remembering the basics is required to conquer your opponent. Thus, Roll doesn't see this very often. Akuma- Akuma has a very powerful, non-super air combo that can be started with a crouching 1K and can do as much as 3/4 of a lifebar damage on you. Be very careful of this. Fortunately, his defense sucks pretty badly (though not as bad as yours), and his Shun Goku Satsu (the level three super) is SO easy to counter (a simple jab will do) if they're actually dumb enough to try it. Not too difficult of a fight. DR - 7 Amingo- Don't let his looks fool you. This can be one heck of a fight if the user of Amingo knows what he's doing. The best thing Amingo has going for him is his jump-in roundhouse. This can be a problem for Roll if she doesn't have any really decent anti-air assists to respond with. If she doesn't, try to block it and make a fast counter. His supers aren't TOO dangerous, but they're still something to look out for. DR - 8 Anakaris- The computer is a deceptively simple fight. The rare human Anakaris user, however, can be a REAL pain. His "Idle Hands" attack is UNBLOCKABLE. Fortunately, though, you can duck under it. Keep that in mind, because a favorite pastime of avid Anakaris users is to intentionally let a couple jabs get blocked, then cancel into Idle Hands. Don't let him do that. Anakaris users also seem to be vulnerable when landing from a jump, because they're very slow coming down. This is a great moment to capitalize on. DR - 6 Blackheart- He's a fairly easy fight, just watch out for his ice pillar attack (I REFUSE to call it "Inferno" anymore!) and his powerful supers. Also, don't let him take to the air and harrass you with his demons. This is what a great anti-air assist is for. DR - 6 BB Hood- Show her how a REAL girl fights! BB Hood has some of the same maneuvers you have, and is stronger, but can be toppled. Don't block her super where she trips, because you can't. Other than that, there isn't too much to worry about. Also, when supers aren't involved, you can beat her out in projectile wars, but don't rely on the buster of yours to get you out of every situation. DR - 5 Cable- This is one of the impossible fights, but here's what's gonna happen if you HAVE to fight him. You can STAND under his normal shotgun attacks (standing 2P), so he'll probably not use it (unless he's a beginner, in which case, you shouldn't have any problems taking him down). Instead, he'll use what is commonly referred to as "AHVB", or "Air Hyper Viper Beam", a super with no lag OR recovery. If you get hit with it, kiss your ass good bye. The really irritating part about it is, if you make even a single mistake (even a missed *jab* will do), he can whack you with this move. If (read: when) he has a decent anti-air assist, STAY OUT OF THE AIR because jumping in during that situation is almost certainly suicide (again, with that damned AHVB). Try to stay close, but when you do, look out for the anti-air assist. He's almost always got one. DR - 10 Cammy- Whatever you do, DON'T get launched! Try to stay back and play her defense game. Protect your head and stay low. This isn't exactly in-depth, but if she can't hit you outside of a block, she can't hurt you. The problem is finding a time to counter-attack. Use Roll's anti-pressure game at every opportunity. DR - 9 Captain America- Like Amingo, he has a really good jump-in. Be careful of that. A lot of Cap users love to play around with his cartwheel. Whenever he does it, go for your throw right away and catch him as he comes out of it. Your slide will beat out both his normal AND Hyper Charging Star. Don't go over offensive, though, because a well timed Hyper Stars & Stripes will make you learn your lesson QUICK. DR - 8 Captain Commando- Ah, the other Captain. If you didn't know already, don't bother jumping in on hi, because that anti-air of his is a pain. Double-jump dodging works VERY well, though. He doesn't have TOO much else, so you should be okay. DR - 6 Charlie- I'm sorry for always saying this, but I still think that this guy is a poor man's Guile. He has good combos, but he's slow and has no decent aerial abilties. If you happen to find a really good Charlie player, though (I haven't), bump the DR score up a few points. DR - 4 Chun Li- Ah… at least Chun Li users can sympathize with Roll users, since she's been toned down as well. Chun Li can really beat you out in an aerial game (her triple jump and wall bounce seal THAT fate), but her ground game suffers a bit. No longer can she do a couple kicks into Senretsu Kyaku, and her kikoken can be ducked or slid under. If she goes into kikosho, perform Rush Drill. You'll both be invulnerable, but yours lasts longer. DR - 7 Colossus-If there was ever a character to use Leaf Shield against, you're looking at him. Just about everything he's got packs all of it's punch into a single hit. Wait his darned super armor out. When doing so, build some meter with the flower bombs. DR - 5 Cyclops- Nowadays, people usually use Cykes for his near-unstoppable anti-air assist. Fortunately, because of this, they often don't have a clue what they're doing once you finally weed him out. If they do, they'll most-likely come at you like a combo-happy shoto. In which case, use the Rock ball for anti-pressure. If they don't, and they stay back and beam, harass him with Leaf Shield and Flower Bombs. DR - 6 Dan- Yes, the other "joke" guy. If you haven't noticed already, a lot of "experts" have recently taken to Dan, because he packs a lot of surprises. The most important thing against Dan to remember is DO NOT GET TRAPPED IN THE CORNER! Dan's relatively useless outside of a corner, but he can pretty much destroy you once he gets you there. Instead, use a heavy pressure game and the occasional Flower Battery (in case he does manage to whack you) before he gets a chance to push you around. Dan is often paired with Bison, using Bison's Psycho Field assist to help force you there. Make sure you don't allow him to do that. DR - 8 Dhalsim- This isn't TOO hard of a fight. You can slide under his Yoga Fire, and at close range, even his Yoga Flame. If he teleports behind you get ready to either AC him or throw him when he lands. The better Dhalsim users will go for extensive combos, but most of them have to start with his puny launcher of his. Be careful, but not overly defensive. DR - 6 Dr. Doom- The second "impossible" opponent to beat. This guy plays mean air- to-ground keep-away. If he takes to the air, your first step will be to get directly under him or directly in front of him. His air attacks go at an angle, so he'll be helpless if (I emphasize "if" severely) you actually manage to get under him. When you see a break in his pattern, super jump and give him a beat-down. You might even consider super jumping and doing Hyper Roll. Anti- air assists are also highly recommended. Some Doom users like to go in and do some of his combos. If so, anti-pressure like mad and toss some aerial Flower Bombs. Any time you can manage to pull out a Rock Ball on him is a good time, no matter how he plays. DR - 10 Felicia- The combo queen. Pick either Leaf Shield or Rock Ball and follow them through to the end of the fight, unless it's completely obvious that the weapon isn't working for you. If you're using Leaf Shield, always have it on and have your fingers by the 2K and anti-air assistant's button. When she starts to rush you, call an anti-air assist and slide her or launch her. Follow with whatever, then repeat. If you use the Rock Ball, pressure her. Don't even bother using anti-pressure, because pressuring a Felicia user is a really great mind game, and, despite her massive pressure/combo game, she doesn't really have much to REVERSE pressure. DR - 7 Gambit- He's really not to much more than a shoto with more interesting supers. He's got a couple of dangerous combos to look out for, and his supers hit at some pretty odd angles, but other than that, he's pretty much a cake- walk. DR - 4 Guile- Just like Amingo and Cap, his jump-in attack (2P) is high priority. Don't let him turtle on you, because Guile users LOVE that duck-blocking position when they're not rushing in to combo you. If they take to the duck- block, keep throwing him until he stops. If he rushes in (more common for Guile users than turtling, usually), whip out that Rock Ball and keep him at bay. You can attempt to use some Flower Bombs once and awhile, but if he jumps and does a Flash Kick, you'll probably be vulnerable. DR - 8 Hayato- If he seems to like his Plasma combo, stay low. He can't start a plasma combo if you duck, because the first slash won't hit. This shouldn't be too hard of a fight, but then again, I don't know many Hayato users, so this might not be accurate. DR - 5 Hulk- This guy can be a pain for Roll if you actually let him get to you, but he's nothing all that dangerous if you get to him first. Rock Ball pressuring, Leaf Shield protection/combos, air comboing, and throwing like mad are all great ideas. Don't, as he'd expect you to do, turtle and/or play keep-away (with what?). Hulk users tend to be able to reverse that, but never seem to be able to take a taste of their own medicine, especially from a little girl! (^_^) DR - 3 Iceman- Second to Doom and Cable (by far), keep-away is this guy's specialty. Pressure him with the Rock Ball like crazy, and once you get in, throw him. A lot. Once you get past that dangerous, powerful, evil keep-away game (I'm being sarcastic here), he's nothing but an ice-cold little baby. DR - 6 Iron Man- Decent Iron Man players know that Iron Man isn't about keep-away at ALL, so they'll most-likely rush you. The Rock Ball is a Godsend in this fight. Use it against his pressure games, and if he takes to the skies, bring his arse down to earth with the Rock Ball (using a standing 1K). DR - 7 Jill- All of her helpers can be taken down with a simple Roll buster shot, and if you have a Leaf Shield handy, Leaf Shot can take out a whole swarm of them. Up close, she's a standard comboer. Watch your feet, and counter-attack at intervals. She doesn't really have anything to worry about. She's more like Guile with no attack power. DR - 5 Jin- This guy is basically like the Hulk. He's one tough SOB that will send you packing with just a couple of punches. Play a little bit of pressure, and if he takes to duck-blocking (a general sign that he's going to try to Saotome Dynamite you), throw him until he quits. Aerial Flower Bombs are a great way to throw their timing off, so keep that in mind. All in all, this one won't be too bad. DR - 6 Juggernaut- You absolutely HAVE to turtle in this match. That Juggernaut Headcrush of his CAN kill you instantly on higher damage settings. Force him to attack you [air] combo him in his massive recovery time. Repeat. Don't use Rock Ball or Leaf Shield AT ALL. If you block his Headcrush, you CAN counter with Hyper Roll. This is a pretty good thing. DR - 9 Ken- The speediest of the shotos, but if your opponent tries any special moves at ALL (outside of combos), he's yours, because 9 out of 10 times his hurricane kick and dragon punch will fly right over you, and his fireball dissipates at about 2/3 of the screen away. As a comboer, you should have a Leaf Shield, Rock Ball, and/or a good assist handy, and watch your feet. Like Akuma, he has a hurricane kick air combo can do (I'm serious) about 40-80% damage on you. DR - 7 M. Bison- He's been toned down since his previous appearance, Marvel vs. Street Fighter, but he still has some really powerful combos and supers. Other than that, his teleport and his Psycho Field attack, this isn't too hard of a fight. Push-block his Psycho Field, and throw him/combo him when he lands from a teleport. Either special weapon works okay against him. DR - 8 Megaman- Oh boy. Your older brother outdoes you in every possible aspect EXCEPT these two: aerial games, and Rush Drill. Monopolize on your double jump to force him into the air, and hit him out of HIS Rush Drill activation (since he CAN be hit out of it). DON'T get into a fireball war with him. You WILL lose! Special note: you can steal each other's weapons when you call them out! Steal his GOOD weapons and give him something crummy like the Rock Ball. Megaman, unlike Roll, can't really capitalize on the 'Ball, because barely any of his kicks actually shoot the ball off, and they have nasty recovery. DR - 8 (possibly 9) Magneto- He's a standard comboer with MEGA priority on his attacks. Don't go hit for hit with him, whatever you do. Do you best at hit-and-run tactics, but keep in mind that he's WAAAAAY faster than you. Every single time you get the chance, anti-pressure with the Rock Ball like MAD! If all else fails, throw him. DR - 9 Marrow- There's really nothing special about this fight. I've yet to see I really dangerous Marrow. If she does her wall slash attack, slide under it and counter. DR - 4 Morrigan- See Ryu. I'm sorry, Morrigan players, but I STILL have yet to see a really significant difference between the two other than Morrigan's higher dash power and lack of a hurricane kick. DR - 6 Omega Red- A lot of Omega Reds like to abuse his coils, but you can slide under it and cancel into Roll Buster/Leaf Shield, because even if he cancels his coil when he sees it doesn't hit, it'll have enough recovery to be hit by the attack. If you jump in and he counters with Omega Destroyer, double-jump back and block, so as to take the minimum damage possible; but try not to play air-to-ground on him, or at least, not close up. Flower Bombs are pretty effective, though. DR - 7 Psylocke- Many Psylocke users like to abuse her teleport and love to get into combo wars with you. You can usually slide to knock her out of her low-far teleport, Hyper Roll (seriously) her high-close or low-close teleport, and an aerial Roll Buster/Leaf Shot will usually work against her high-far one. The trick is finding out where she's going in time to counter. As a comboer, standard anti-pressure works just fine. DR - 8 Rogue- Hmph… how's this for irony? Rogue gets "Defense up" when she drains [kisses] you! I thought she stole the person's powers?! Oh well. Her kiss attack is unblockable, but comes out fairly slow. Other than that, she's probably going to be a basic in-close kind of gal. You'll probably want to keep a Rock Ball handy; and going air-to-air against her is also pretty effective. DR - 7 Roll- Ah… the infamous "mirror match". Do your stuff first, call out the best assists, and don't let her do to you what you'd want to do to her. Sounds simple? Yeah right! ^_^ I wouldn't worry, though. Real Roll players are EXTREMELY rare. DR – N/A Ruby Heart- You know, I haven't really found any Ruby Heart users. That's not to say that they aren't effective, but I just haven't had the experience yet. One way or another, her most effective attack seems to be her fireball-dash type thing; and that treasure of hers steals your super bar (slowly). From what I've seen, there's nothing really to worry about. DR - 7 Ryu- Doesn't have the super-damaging air combo of Ken and Akuma, but his attacks pack a mean punch. He doesn't really have anything too dangerous to look out for at all. Leaf Shield is particularly effective, because Ryu, not unlike Colossus, generally needs to pack everything into a single hit unless he's got a super bar. DR - 5 Sabretooth- Sabretooth, in many respects, can't decide whether he want's to be Wolverine or a big guy. Many of his moves are clumsy and useless, but he has some powerful ground combo IF you get caught in them. He really doesn't have much of anything to reverse your tactics that I'VE seen, so pretty much anything goes against him. DR - 2 Sakura- Sakura users puzzle me a bit. Generally, they tend to praise her "Dark" mode over her normal one. This is odd because her normal one tends to put up quite a fight, with decent combos and powerful supers. Then they go Dark. At this point, it's like kryptonite to Superman. Their moves become slow as molasses, they tend to throw out supers clumsily, and they have no really good combos to speak of. As normal Sakura, turtling is a smart thing to do, because her most come out fast, but have a terrible recovery. Just let her do something stupid. As Dark Sakura, picture Akuma. Then take away all his speed, combos, and range. DR (normal) - 8 DR ("Dark") - 4 Sentinel- This guys is a pain. Generally, they use this character to intimidate you. And, might I say, it works. Here's a few things to keep in mind. If he takes to flying (Sentinel experts love to do this, because he get's REALLY fast when doing so), pull out a Rock Ball. It's a really great anti-flight weapon (with standing 1K). If he's on the ground more often, get next to him and hammer him with throws and combos. Think it's easy? Let's see if you still think so when you keep being harassed by his powerful and quick moves! Even more, when you consider that if he gets ahold of you, it's all over. DR - 9 Servbot- This isn't a hard fight at all; just keep in mind that between Servbot's small size and your bad range, air combo assaults on him can be a real pain. Basically, go for whatever you want, and avoid his buddies, particularly his capture and helicopter attacks. DR - 2 Shuma Gorath- Master of the ackward attack, Shuma has been toned down, but is still a bit of trouble. The most dangerous things he has are his energy drain and his Chaos Dimension, so play very defensive against him. Don't rely on Leaf Shield, because he has an easy time grabbing you out of it. Rock Ball isn't particularly effective at any given point on him, either, so even though Roll generally needs her weapons badly, this is the exception that proves the rule. DR - 6 Silver Samurai- Good Silver Samurai users will use his power-ups. The best ones, well, won't. In essence, Silvy's got one thing going for him: chipping damage. Blocking is not wise against this guy – in fact, it's completely stupid. He can be a bit slow on the draw, but don't interpret that as a sign of weakness, because he has some simple, but deadly combos to lay down on you. Finally, forget doing all that much in the air except trying to get in. His Reimaiken (lightening) super will quickly make you fear the not-so-friendly skies. DR - 7 Sonson- Except for the wall run (the computer will NEVER use this move) this is a fairly simple fight. Nothing special. I haven't seen any really decent Sonson users, but like Hayato and Ruby Heart, that's not to they don't exist. All the Sonsons I DO see do is wall run, jump off, attack, repeat. If you can find one that does something more effective (they HAVE to be somewhere), bump up the rating a bit, and tell me who she functions. DR - 3 Spider-Man- He's a comboer. Is there anything else to say? Not much. His Web Ball and Web Throw can get you in a, for lack of a better term, sticky situation, but they tend to be easily seen. Duck-blocking is an intelligent thing against him, because he doesn't have all that much at a distance or very many attacks in the air. Spiral- Spiral is pretty much the premier confuser in the game. The most important thing to look out for is that teleport of hers. If she makes a habit of teleporting above your head, Hyper Roll is a fairly smart move if you have it, as she's a bit vulnerable for a second after teleporting. If likes to teleport directly behind you, throw her as she reappears. More importantly, have a Rock Ball handy at all times, and shoot it off EVERY TIME she teleports. So why is she one of the three that rates the "10" and earns an "impossible" rating against Roll; this seems like a basic fight, right? Heck, no. Simply put, if an "expert" catches you blocking, you'll be doomed. She can keep you in block-stun forever and chip you to death. DR - 10 Storm- Another Spaz comber. See Magneto. Sorry, but I don't think that there's much more to tell. DR- 9 Strider Hiryu- Another character that's been toned down (unless he's paired with Doc Doom). His jump-in attacks are fairly high in priority, and some Strider users like to teleport behind you. Practice your throw's timing, and this tactic of his will fast become ineffective on you. As for Ouroborus, block high when he's in the the air, and block low when he's on the ground. Don't worry, it's easier than it sounds. DR - 6 Thanos- Thanos' biggest asset is his super moves. You can slide under his capture bubble and block-counter his tackle move (easily), but there's little Roll can do against his supers except A: try to double-jump and avoid it, or B: Block it and take the chipping damage. If you use choice A, keep in mind that the "Power" gem super WILL arc upwards after awhile. Some Thanoses like to rush you with combos. This is actually somewhat effective, so be sure to have a 'Ball, or a 'Shield handy, just in case. DR - 8 Tron Bonne- 1K, 1K xx Drill, repeat. Block that dumb drill and take the chipping damage with fortitude, because you can EASILY respond in her MAJOR recovery time. Even HYPER ROLL can counter it! That is, unless she takes to doing it in the air a lot. If that's the case, her recovery time is practically nil, and she can keep doing it. If she does that (the better Trons will), always keep Rock Ball and a good anti-air handy. Her supers aren't the best but keep an eye out for them just the same. If you super-jump over her "Super Servbot" (where her Servbot gets big) and get between her and her Servbot, she's yours. DR - 7 Venom- The only REAL thing to look for is his Venom fang. Just block and counter it. Other than that, this is pretty much your average fight. DR - 7 War Machine- See Iron Man, but keep his low beam and Shoulder Cannon in mind. Also, WM is slower, but stronger, than Iron Man. He also has the powerful War Destroyer, that can home in on you and does pretty mean damage. DR - 8 Wolverine (Adamantium Claws)- The ultimate in spaz comboing. Fortunately, most Wolverine users (even experts) don't have a strategy, so it shouldn't be that hard of a fight at all. Rock Ball, once again, is very useful for anti- pressure, and it's usually good to have a nice anti-air somewhere to back you up. DR - 7 Wolverine (Bone Claws)- Same as the other Wolvie, only easier. DR - 5 Zangief- Gack. This guy can really hurt Roll. I'm not joking. It only takes about 2 SPDs to take Roll out. It's extremely difficult, but the ONLY thing you can do is play completely evasive/anti-pressure. Try your hardest at keep- away, and if he gets in, throw out a slide/throw and pray it hits. Using aerial Flower Bombs is sort of fifty-fifty… it could go either way. Beat Plane and Rush Drill are assets against Mech-Zangief ("Iron Body mode"), but try not to get hit in the recovery (or DURING the move, in the case of Beat Plane). DR - 9 Abyss1- Do a launcher and AC him as you rise up, then land (still comboing) behind him. Repeat. DR - 1 Abyss2- Get right next to him, duck, and hit 2P over and over again. If he does his bubble move, use Rush Drill. DR - 1 Abyss3- Block until there's an opening, then Hyper Roll or combo him. DR - 3 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 10: Other Cool Stuff -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- This is some of the cool little nuances about Roll you may or may not know. When Roll taunts, she adjusts her hair ribbon (and stares out into space), saying "Yatane!", meaning (I think) "I beat you!" Roll has the unique ability to CHOOSE which cheer she does at the end of a match! In order to get a specific cheer, hold down the following buttons once your third opponent is knocked out: 1P: Roll does a one-armed cheer and says "Makanai wa!" This cheer is cancelable with the start button. 2P: Eddie walks up to Roll and gives her Flowers. This cheer is cancelable until Roll receives the flowers. 1K: Same as 1P, only Rush comes down (kicking wind up her skirt, hehe) and shows a projection of Dr. Light. This cheer is NOT cancelable. 2K: Megaman comes down on Beat Plane, kicking wind up her skirt. He smiles, stealing the show. This cheer is NOT cancelable. A1: Roll transforms into a schoolgirl and poses with a cute little smile (eat your heart out, Sakura!), saying "Gomen ne!" ("I'm sorry!"). This cheer is cancelable. A2: Megaman walks up to Roll and taunts her, making her cry (that meanie). This cheer is NOT cancelable (anymore). Roll's entrances (still) mock Strider's and her taunt (still) mocks Ryu's! Roll's costumes are as follows: 1P: Default, red dress. 2P: A pink palette 1K: A black palette 2K: A white and blue palette A1: Same as 1P, only blue instead of red A2: A psychedelic mixture of colors! Roll's often made a point to hating the color pink, yet her 2P color; which is my favorite (MAJOR geek alert), is a very pinkish palette. How odd… Taunting… worthless? I don't know, but it's an age-old dispute. Here's my opinion: I like taunting. It's a way to say "Hey, this is fun! I'm enjoying this game!" without opening your mouth, or a friendly reminder to your opponent to have him fight harder. (Not only that, but it's an actual fghting tactic for Dan! Ü) I don't think however, that you should waste you and your opponent's time by excessively taunting and doing nothing else. I taunt. I don't annoy. Is that okay with everyone? Even if this FAQ goes another 5+ months without updating, I'd still love to hear your thoughts about it at any time. You can also give me advice or ask me questions that weren't covered in the FAQ. You might find that I'm actually quite helpful. My mail address is 4 lines down from the top of the page. You can't miss it. I enjoy seeing what people think so I can make my FAQ better. However, I really don't take kindly to insults and flames, so try to keep it friendly, okay? Thank you. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Chapter 11: Credits -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Every Roll FAQ writer for all of their very well done Roll FAQs, any REAL Roll user that's not in it just because she's "funny", and anyone who's ever challenged me in a fighting game, win or lose. This is for you. -Sir "O" "Don't look at me in that tone of voice!"