Marvel vs Capcom 2: New age of Heroes Version 1.1 e-mail: This document Copyright 2000 Jun Lockheart (Lazuli) ======================================================================= CONTENTS ======================================================================= 01 - Introduction 02 - Version Info 03 - Legend 04 - Character Info 05 - Special Moves 06 - Hyper Combos 07 - Spiral Strategies 08 - Specific Character Strategies 09 - Partners 10 - Special Thanks ======================================================================= INTRODUCTION ======================================================================= When I first tried to play with Spiral, I lost bad! She couldn't even damage my opponent a little... But she is so cool that I decided to practice a lot. I made this FAQ because there isn't much info about Spiral around there. I never saw anyone playing with her, but I bet that there is a lot of people that do. This is my first FAQ. My english isn't that good to please forgive any mistakes. Feel free to submit combos, questions, corrections, anything. ======================================================================= VERSION INFO ======================================================================= 1.0 - First release. It was packed with mistakes, errors and everything that a first release demands :) 1.1 - Second and current release. I fixed most of errors (I think), and a changed/added some sections. ======================================================================= LEGEND ======================================================================= U up D down F forward B back QCF down, down-forward, forward QCB down, down-back, back HCB forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back LK light kick MK medium kick HK heavy kick LP light punch MP medium punch HP heavy punch A1 assist 1 A2 assist 2 PP light + heavy punch KK light + heavy kick XX cancel into ======================================================================= CHARACTER INFO ======================================================================= Spiral, Witch from Strange Dimension I don't know about her history or profile... all I know is that she is a witch from Strange Dimension :) Pros: 1. Teleport alone is a reason, but there is more. 2. Speed Dance and Power Dance gives her great power/speed (her speed and power are already good). 3. Dancing Swords are great for chiping and keep away! 4. Her Metamorphose is damn good and you can trap your opponent to be sure that it will connect. 5. Spiral is very versatile. Cons: 1. She isn't that good at close range. 2. The teleport is hard to learn with 9 variations. 3. With Spiral you can't just charge or throws swords and expect to win. You must think, she demands a lot. 4. Her assists aren't the better ones. 5. Some people don't realize that she takes skill and will call you cheap because they can't get near or leave the corner. ======================================================================= SPECIAL MOVES ======================================================================= Six-Hand Grapple -> f, d, df + P, then d/u (air) It's a good anti-air and can be used in air combos with the correct timing (your opponent must be above you). Dancing Sword -> hcb + P, throw swords with LP/MP (air) Always have swords around you! It's good for close-range and great at keep-away and chiping. Tsurugi Tobashi: Forward -> qcf + LP after Dancing Sword (air) Good for combos (Air Tsurigi Tobashi: Circular XX Dancing Sword - Tsurugi Tobashi: Forward and combo away). Chips good... If you are far away from you opponent you can try to use this, teleport behind him and grab after he blocks. Tsurugi Tobashi: Upward -> qcf + HP after Dancing Sword (air) You can use this in air combos and then use Six-Hand Grapple, I think. It isn't a good anti-air move. Tsurugi Tobashi: Circular -> qcf + LK after Dancing Sword (air) Chips good, and can be used for cover sometimes. This move is used for the Metamorphose trap. Tsurugi Tobashi: Six-Way -> qcf + HK after Dancing Sword (air) I don't even bother... Teleport Dance -> qcb + LK, then hold (d+) P/K (air) qcb + LK Spiral appears over her opponent's head. qcb + hold LK Spiral appears in the lower-left corner. qcb + hold LP Spiral appears in the center of the playfield. qcb + hold HK Spiral appears in the lower-right corner. qcb + hold HP Spiral appears in the upper-right corner. qcb + hold d + LK Like (hold LK), but she's closer to her enemy. qcb + hold d + HK Like (hold HK), but she's closer to her enemy. qcb + hold d + LP Like (hold LP), but she's closer to her enemy. qcb + hold d + HP Like (hold HP), but she's closer to her enemy. When you master this move, your Spiral will be the nightmare of your opponents. It can be used at her keep-away, to evade attacks and to confuse your opponents. Kyuukouka Dance -> In air, qcb + HK Use this if you are in the air and want to land quickly. Good after teleports. ======================================================================= HYPER COMBOS ======================================================================= Stamped Sword -> qcf + PP Not that good but chips nice. Power Dance -> qcf + KK (air) People fear Power Dance, usually they will try to keep you away while it it active. So use it when you are sure that you can hit something. Good when you teleport behind a beam super (Proton Cannon!!!) and don't have 3 Levels for Metamorphose. Speed Dance -> qcb + PP (air) I don't use it that much. Use it when you want to go fight at close-range. With this speed up she have a semi-infinite (LK, HK, dash - repeat). Metamorphose -> qcb + PP, grab w/ P (air) (Level 3) The best one, but it costs 3 Levels. Use it when you are sure that it will work. See Metamorphose trap below. Hyper Metamorphose -> A1 + A2 (gamma variatiable combination) Like metamorphose (but Level 1 and weaker), and can be comboed (crouching LK, MK XX Hyper Metamorphose). The chiping is good too. ======================================================================= ASSISTS ======================================================================= Alpha - Projectile Type: Tsurugi Tobashi: Forward / Stampede Swords Beta - Variety Type: Tsurugi Tobashi: Upward / Stampede Swords Gamma - Ground Type: Standing HP / Hyper Metamorphosis Always use Gamma. Her assists aren't good at all, but with Gamma you will get Hyper Metamorphose (comboable). Her Gamma assist also can be used to add some extra hits at your combos, to start some combos and Hyper Combos. ======================================================================= COMBOS ======================================================================= This section will be very short. 1. LK, HK - Super Jumping LK, LP, MK, MP, HK/HP/Six-Hand Grapple. 2. Activate Speed Dance - Dash LK, HK, Dash LK, HK, repeat... 3. Crouching LK, MK XX Hyper Metamorphose. 4. Air Tsurigi Tobashi: Circular XX Dancing Sword - Tsurugi Tobashi: Forward and combo away. ======================================================================= SPIRAL STRATEGIES ======================================================================= Keep-Away Her keep-away game is very mean. Jump and throws swords (fast as you can). If you are fast enough, you can re-activate Dancing Sword while your opponent are still blocking the last salvo. If not, have a nice assist to cover you (projectile or dashing) while you re-activate Dancing Swords. Teleport if your opponent comes close or you predict a super. Just be careful with his assists. Teleports To win with Spiral, you must learn to teleport. When you are playing keep-away and your opponent comes close, teleport to the other side of the screen. Teleport when you predict a super or beam coming, you are cornered, your opponent jumps-in, dashes, teleport all the time to confuse your opponent, just don't get predictable. Close Range Her combos does solid damage (with Speed Dance she will be a combo machine, and her Power Dance will boost her strength). You can try jump-ins and dash, but the best time to start combos is after your opponent mess things up. When you teleport behind him while he is in the middle of a move with some lag time, when you use the teleport + assist and he blocks to the wrong side. Dancing Swords can be used for extra damage, or chiping if he blocks the combo start up. Confusion Tactics Teleport is great to confuse your opponent. Throw swords, call assist and teleport to the other side. Make your opponent blocks to the wrong side. If he does blocks, throw. You can try an unblockable assist for extra cheeziness ;) Metamorphose Trap Metamorphose is cool, and gives a lot of damage. But what happens if you couldn't connect this? You can't aford to lose 3 Levels without even chip. When you use this, be sure that it will connect. The best way that I know for this to connect is to make the opponent block or get hit by an Air Tsurugi Tobashi: Circular XX Metamorphose and grab him quickly after the last knife block or hit (you can't grab while they are blocking or geting hit). You can also use assists to keep your opponent blocking. The best time to use the Metamorphose trap is after a snap back or your opponent character dies and the next is coming. Your opponent will be caught if he isn't expecting this. If he is, he may jab you, so don't get predictable. ======================================================================= SPECIFIC CHARACTER STRATEGIES ======================================================================= Not so specific... Against Fireball Happy People Fireball Happy People have trouble dealing with Spiral because each sword cancels one fireball. If your swords are fast enough, they will not have time to fireball you. Spiral's keep-away is enough to handle them. Be careful at close-range fighting because some fireballers (shotos for example) can be deadly at close range. And when you feel a Shinkuu Hadouken or Hyper Mega Man, teleport behind them. Against Beamers Beamers are harder than fireballers because beams are a lot faster and usually eats Spiral's swords. If you are fast enough to keep them from beaming, fine. If not, use assists for cover and remember that beamers have more recovery lag time (not Cyclops), so teleport when you predict a beam. If your keep-away doesn't work, you can go close fighting since some beamers (and every beamer in scrub hands) aren't that good at close range. Against Dialers Keep away! Keep away! If you have to go close range, don't forget to use Speed Dance first. Don't try to go toe to toe with these guys, you just don't have the priority. Against Really Big Guys Keep away and you will be fine. You can also go close range, but be careful since big guys are *really* strong. With Speed Dance you won't have problem. Against Assist Happy People You will face assists in every fight, be it agains beamers, big guys or dialers. Some assists can really mess your keep-away game (like Sentinel, Captain America) or mess everything (JUGGERNAUT PUNCH!!). If that happens, don't worry. Snap back is the key. Wait for the opportunity to snap back to this assist and try the metamorphose trap. And don't forget that you can always teleport... Against "Death from above" People For me this is the hardest kind of opponents. Characters like Iron-Man, Doctor Doom, Storm that just stay in the air chiping you from above. Your best hope of survival is throw swords very fast to keep them from super-jumping. If this don't work, it will be a lot harder. The scrub will just super-jump and throw smart bombs and photon shots until you teleport behind them and grab. The skilled player will keep moving a lot to make you teleport into a photon shot. You must watch for some pattern and use your teleports wisely. At airborne fighting you should use HK. ======================================================================= PARTNERS ======================================================================= To win with the keep-away alone you will need a projectile assist that chips good and give some cover (Cable, Ice Man, Doctor Doom, Silver Samurai) or a dashing one that gives great cover (Juggernaut, Sakura, Captain America). Maybe both? For confusion tatics you can use a fast dashing assist (Juggernaut anyone?), an unblockable one (Zangief, Rogue) or anyone that keeps your opponent blocking for long time (Doctor Doom). Spiral is so versatile that any assist will do. You can put her in your current team and have good results. Your team must work as a whole, but each member must be able to fight for himself. If you depend to much on a assist and he dies, you will have trouble. I will list few: Juggernaut (Dash assist) All around assist, good to cover you and keep the pressure in your keep-away game, to keep your opponent from dashing and jumping a lot, to confuse him while you teleport to the other side and grab. Sakura (Dash assist) Works like Juggernaut. Not so strong but she is great at stoping projectiles. Doctor Doom (Anti-Air assist) It doesn't offer a lot of cover, but it's great at confusion and close range fighting. T. Bonne (Throw assist) Call her (you must be close to your opponent) and teleport to the other side. Follow with OTG Crouching LK... Sentinel (Ground assist) Great for cover while you are chiping! ======================================================================= SPECIAL THANKS ======================================================================= 1. Kao Megura for his great Marvel vs. Capcom 2 faq (where I found Spiral's Moves and "profile"). 2. for hosting this FAQ. 3. You people that play with Spiral.