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Sorry if you can't contact me on AIM anymore...if it weren't for people warning me up to 70% at times AFTER HELPING THEM, then I wouldn't have to close off AIM to those who need help with a certain game. Thank you. ***************************************************************************** Marvel vs Capcom Beginners FAQ by Dingo Jellybean dingo_jellybean - @ - AsianAvenue.com www.dingojellybean.com Onslaught strats courtesy of Solid Snake. spidey_5@hotmail.com Version 4.2 Arcade: Marvel vs. Capcom Dreamcast: Marvel vs. Capcom Playstation: Marvel vs. Capcom EX Edition -------------------------------*********------------------------------------ -------------------------------*Credits*------------------------------------ -------------------------------*********------------------------------------ -- Capcom(www.capcom.com) For their excellent work on the arcade and Dreamcast machines. -- GameFAQs(www.gamefaqs.com) Thanks to CJay for posting up this FAQ and for being an excellent editor of the famous site. -- Migs Rustia(www.miggy.net/msf) I'm terribly sorry if I had put your name so misdiscretely, I can only ask for your apology. Your help on this FAQ was cataclysmically impacted on my work and you have helped me a great deal on this first FAQ that I have ever written. Half this FAQ goes to you ^_^ -- Ricardo A Lafaurie Jr.(dasrik@cyberspace.org) Thanks to him for the quotes on this FAQ. I urge you to check out his FAQ, it has all the endings and quotes you will ever need! -- Gouki(www.gpow.com) Thanks for the codes at his website. ^_^ -- Miko Jao(mikojao@hotmail.com) Thanks for his codes FAQ, I would have never figured it out if it wasn't for him! ^_^ -- Solid Snake(spidey_5@hotmail.com) Not only for being a huge contributor to this FAQ, but for being a good friend, you have helped me alot about the combo system and also being the only person to ever reply back my email continously! ^_^ -- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton21@hotmail.com) This being my first FAQ it gives me great sense of feeling that these people above have contributed so much. This FAQ would not be possible without the help of the people you see above, they are the definition hard work, tireless effort, and well deserving credit. I sincerely thank you guys for your help and dedication to this FAQ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Copyright-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the notice of the author. Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty and high fines susceptible by law. If this legal document is portrayed in any commercial use, you are therefor stricten under the code of law and will be punished. In full contrast this document portrayed in the website found(www.gamefaqs.com) is to be used and only used by the public itself and cannot be sold. Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done with notice of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name of the author of this document appears in full credit. You may juxatpose this document with other documents as well without notice of the author but it must not be used for sales and broadcasting or commercial use. This FAQ may not be included in a promotional CD, magazine, or any other use of monetary product. This FAQ may not be used in a password protected area nor in a high security area. This FAQ is solely and ONLY used for public use only and may not be used in a promotional ad that sponsors any type of monetary gain. This FAQ is to be used "just like a book" meaning that it can be read over and over again by anybody who wishes to do so. Just like a book it can be moved around from one person to another, but unlike a book this document can be viewed by more than one person at once. This FAQ is in no way possible to be plagerized, doing so not only damages the person you had literally forged, but it also damages yourself in terms of either guilt or in terms of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. To put it at best, DON'T DO ANYTHING WITH THIS OR ANYTHING INVOLVING THIS FAQ WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! The characters Captain America, Collosus, Cyclops, Gambit, Hulk, Iceman, Jubilee, Juggernaut, Magneto, Psylocke, Rogue, Sentinel, Spider-Man, Storm, Thor, U.S. Agent, Venom, War Machine, and Wolverine are all (C) of Marvel Comics. And they are used with permission and are licensed to Capcom U.S.A. Anita, Captain Commando, Chun-Li, Devilot, Jin, King Arthur, Lou, Megaman, Michelle Heart, Morrigan, Pur & Fur, Roll, Ryu, Saki, Shadow, Ton-Pooh, Unknown Soldier, and Zangief is (C) of CAPCOM CO.LTD 1998, (C) CAPCOM U.S.A., INC. 1998 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 1999 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-End of Copyright+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ -- 11/27/99: Completely updated the FAQ that should be worthy of the word update. I finally got my MvCEX game for the PSX and now I can update the FAQ with more combos and such along with the Dreamcast version codes and the Playstation version codes as well as a few off topic comments here and there. (4.2) -- 2/7/99: Tired of losing to every single Wolverine player? Well I decided to make a section dedicated entirely to beating this cheapo! It should be all the way at the bottom. Also some recommended games if you like MvC. -- 2/1/99: Added some new combos for Captain America(#'s 7&8 Easy, number 7 hard) and War MAchine (number 6 hard), plus tips against Onslaught in Ken and Akuma mode. And some new strategies for Hulk. RYU HAS AN INFINATE? CHECK NUMBER 6 FOR RYU.(4.0) -- 1/14/99: Got some new combos for Ken and Shadow Lady and added final comments for each character. -- 11/30: I've finally revised this thing and some notes on Shadow Lady's Galaxy Missle.(3.7) -- 11/11: Well I've added one very important tip that might interest beginners near the end of this FAQ it's called "Ticking". Beware its very cheap and its known to start fist fights!!! (3.6) -- 10/1: I've added some brief endings as well.(3.5) -- 10/1: I've added more partner duos this time and some background info on the ever popular helper characters.(3.4) -- 10/1: I've added some tricks like how to do this and that to fight against secret characters and how to switch to your other partner before the battle starts.(3.3) -- 10/1: I've added the quotes!!! Yay! And adjusted some errors I have made.(3.1) -- 9/30: I've added background info on characters including special comments on techinues and strategies on how to beat certain characters.(3.0) -- 9/29: A huge update this time I've added combos and other secret characters along with combos. Grammatical errors have been corrected. I've thrown in some extra tips on beating Onslaught as well.(2.0) -- 9/7: Just started this FAQ and will contain alot of stuff for beginners. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Intro: I'm like way off from the release date of this game, but who cares but you. Your here to achieve greatness on MvC and I'm hear to help. I've provided tons of info and constantly updating. To be honest I'm growing tired of this game and I came so close to Shadow Lady's ending. She's just not all that great against Onslaught. And who is that voice? You know when you put in the quarters, is that Megaman? Well this is the best fighting game I have ever played and will most likely make its way to the PSX console in September 99(hopefully). But on to the FAQ!! ======== Buttons: ======== Use this lengend to get the knowledge of what I'm talking about when I say "HP" or "SK" ( ) JP(or WP) ( ) MP(or SP) ( ) FP(or HP) ( ) SK(or LK) ( ) FK(or MK) ( ) RK(or HK) Jab/Short-They both have good speed and have no recovery delay but are very weak. Strong/Forward-They both have good strength fair speed and have a average recovery delay. Fierce/Roundhouse-They both are very strong have good range, but poor recovery time and slow speed. Don't always rely on the stronger punches to bail you out a victory because you will most likely get countered and often losing alot of damage. For beginners just jump in with the Fierce or Roundhouse punches and kicks but use jab or short to connect while your on the ground. Only Jin Saotome's and Hulk's normal attacks will do chipping damage while the others will do none. Scale: (1-10) 10 being the best. This is how I will rate the characters weakness and strong points. ==== ======== ========= ===== Hero-------------------Strength--------------Durabilty-------------Speed ==== | ======== | ========= | ===== | | | Ryu | 6 | 6 | 6 Ken | 5 | 5 | 7 Akuma | 7 | 4 | 7 Chun-Li | 6 | 5 | 9 Zangief | 9 | 7 | 3 *Zombie | 10 | 10 | 2 MegaMan | 5 | 6 | 7 Captain C. | 6 | 4 | 6 Strider Hiryuu | 5 | 4 | 7 Morrigan | 5 | 4 | 6 Jin | 8 | 4 | 4 Power-up | 10 | 7 | 4 Hulk | 9 | 10 | 2 Captain A. | 8 | 7 | 5 W/O Shield | 5 | 6 | 6 Venom | 7 | 5 | 5 War Machine | 7 | 7 | 5 Spider-Man | 8 | 5 | 10 Wolverine | 4 | 7 | 9 Gambit | 6 | 4 | 8 | | | ============================================================================= ================= Secret Characters ================= ============================================================================= | | | Shadow-Lady | 7 | 4 | 10 Orange-Hulk | 8 | 7 | 6 *Mega-War Machine | 10 | 10 | 4 Lilith | 5 | 4 | 7 Hyper-Venom | 5 | 2 | 10 Roll | 3 | 4 | 8 | | | ============================================================================= ====== Bosses ====== ============================================================================= | | | Onslaught | | | 1st form: | 9 | 10 | 1 2nd form: | 1**** | 3 | 1 | | | ============================================================================= The chart is based on the middle character Ryu. It all counts into factor when Ryu attacks the opponent or when the opponent attacks Ryu, and then you can take a look at the red bar, depending on how red bar is depleted determines the scale in which the character's point scale. * This asterisk means that the player cannot block so becareful!!! Select Characters: ** This will result if Cap loses shield. *** This double asterisk means that beam supers will kill the character almost instantly although he might have high durability in normal attacks he is the weakest against beams. **** He doesn't rely on his hits because he'll mostly get his helpers to attack to and often use his special moves involving no physical attack. He mostly does alot of supers that are way to strong for even Mega War Machine to handle. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= -------- Partners -------- Well in this section I like to put what I think can be key to partners to win. So here we go. ============================================================================= Ryu/Chun-Li This duo is absoulutely dangerous in the hands of an expert because of Ryu's strength and durability and Chun-Li's speed and strength can make anybody eat pavement!!! So as you can see that Ryu and Chun-Li are pratically balanced out. -------------- Special notes: -------------- Ryu: His Shinku Hadoken can be done in the air making it the most versatile super in the game. For people who like to block low hit -> & MP this move is unblockable when ducking low but beware it has a start-up delay and will get tripped somtimes. Chun-Li: Her Kikosho is the best chipper in the game simply because it brings you inside the giant bubble where the energy gets more intense. For beginners what you would like to do is use the lightning kicks alot because of its chipping potential just simply jump in with a RK and hit the kick button rapidly and watch the life chip away. Chun-Li has a triple jump so use this to jump in but when they are about to attack just hit up again and dive in for the lightning kicks!! She can also bounce off the walls, just simply jump towards a wall then immediately hit the opposite direction. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Ryu/Captain America -------------- Special notes: -------------- Cap's Charing Star can absorb fireballs and still it the fireballer while still in fireball motion. Not to mention his hyper charging-star will absorb beam supers but will not hit and also takes no damage. He is very durable but when he loses his shield like during a shield-slash his defense comes down but his speed soars and you will be able to do more combos more easily!!! Ryu: His Shinku Hadoken can be done in the air making it the most versatile super in the game. However it will not OTG a downed opponent so don't waste your time on it. For people who like to block low hit -> & MP this move is unblockable when ducking low but beware it has a start-up delay and will get tripped somtimes. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Strider/Cap A. -------------- Special notes: -------------- Strider is an absoulutely an excellent combo character so even for beginners can still get up to 5-7 hits there first go around by hitting the buttons on EASY MODE. He is still affective on Normal Mode as well. Strider can also hang onto the walls which either confuses the opponent and gives you time to attack or it messes you up and gives the opponents time to attack. When Strider misses his jumping FP or RK he will get stuck in his slash pose, so becareful!!! -------------- Special notes: -------------- Cap's Charing Star can absorb fireballs and still it the fireballer while still in fireball motion. Not to mention his hyper charging-star will absorb beam supers but will not hit and also takes no damage. He is very durable but when he loses his shield like during a shield-slash his defense comes down but his speed soars and you will be able to do more combos more easily!!! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Hulk/Zangief The power team!!! These 2 will tear anyone apart if they are not playing keep away. -------------- Special notes: -------------- Hulk: Hulk has a super shield that will allow him to counter attack if someone trys to sweep him or launch him(you know when you see people boucning in the air, that's a launcher!!!) So becareful and play keep-away with characters like Gambit, Ryu, Captain Commando, or somebody that has a fast and wide projectile. Zangief: Watch out!! This guy is just as dangerous as Hulk when not careful, so use keep-away characters. Zangief as well has a super armor that allows him to take a few hits before starting to feel the effects of it. He has a Final Atomic Buster that is unblockable and does great damage so when you see shadows trail behind him just jump back or throw a projectile. When he turns into Zombie or Mechanized Zangief(as some would call it) use a beam super and ram the buttons while your in the middle of the beam super and watch about 65% of his life drain away!!! Supers like Final Justice, Captain Storm or Maximum Spider will not work so beware. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Ryu/Captain Commando These 2 are the one of the keep away characters in the game because of there good sized projectile and they both go screen distance. Captain Commando- Although he doesn't take hit very well he has good range in his projectile and has a extremly useful Captain Corridor that's good for stoping incoming attacks from above. His Captain Sword is unescapable and will do major damage that won't even connect half the way!!! Ryu- His Shinku Hadoken can be done in the air making it the most versatile super in the game. For people who like to block low hit -> & MP this move is unblockable when ducking low but beware it has a start-up delay and will get tripped somtimes. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Morrigan/Ryu Morrigan- is very easy to use because she can be used exactly like Ken and has a good fireball that rivals Ryu's. However her supers are not the same as Ken but she has a beam super though. Ryu- His Shinku Hadoken can be done in the air making it the most versatile super in the game. For people who like to block low hit -> & MP this move is unblockable when ducking low but beware it has a start-up delay and will get tripped somtimes. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Shadow Lady/Chun-Li Shadow Lady- Those who have mastered Ryu and Chun-Li shouldn't have a problem with Shadow Lady. Her projectiles comes out extremely slow but will track down her opponent and will do incredible chip damage. Instead of a fireball she has a drill that will push opponents away doing good damage as well as great chip damage. She has the same air manuvers as Chun-Li and well as the Axe Kick and the Lightning Legs. She is also stronger and faster than Chun-Li but doesn't take hits as well. Chun-Li- Her Kikosho is the best chipper in the game simply because it brings you inside the giant bubble where the energy gets more intense. For beginners what you would like to do is use the lightning kicks alot because of its chipping potential just simply jump in with a RK and hit the kick button rapidly and watch the life chip away. Chun-Li has a triple jump so use this to jump in but when they are about to attack just hit up again and dive in for the lightning kicks!! She can also bounce off the walls, just simply jump towards a wall then immediately hit the opposite direction. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Megaman/Roll This is one of the best duos in the hands of a master simply because there easy to master especially Megaman. Although Roll might be considered a weak character in the game, it just takes a little practice, and besides she plays almost like Megaman, if you take priority away. Megaman- he is about 40% smaller than Ryu but can still get hit by supers like the Final Justice or Captain Storm. But when he's ducking he will avoid all standing attacks. Megaman will beat out anybody in the game with fireballs because there so easy to use. Mega can charge his Mega Buster for along period of time and will do damage infinately. So the longer Mega charges the stronger the buster. He also has one of the best supers in the game like the Rush Drill or the Hyper Megaman which can be done in the air. Both supers do tremendous chip damage as well as normal damage. Mega is invincible while in the Rush Drill and will beat anyone who uses a super against him. Roll- she is about 70% smaller than Ryu and supers like Captain Storm, Final Justice, or the Ragnarok will just not work even when she is standing. She can even walk under the Proton Cannon!! Her Hyper Roll will do heavy damage but if the opponent is blocking low he will not lose chip damage even though missiles still hit them. She has the same supers as Mega but she doesn't have a anti-air move that will keep the opponents away but most likely when they try to come in they'll miss her!!! So keep that in mind. She can use her Bouquet where she throws up the flowers forcing the opponet to block up even though it does poor damage, this will allow her to dash at the opponent and knock them down or just launch them. Mega is better but her size will give her a huge advantage. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Spider Man/Orange Hulk Spider Man- can hang onto walls and can dash under some projectiles. However he doesn't take hits well so watch out. Also he is probably the most arguably the best combo in the game, since he is one of the best beginner characters and also his combos take off alot of damage and his supers take off tremendous damage. Orange Hulk- has no super armor, so he can no longer absorb hits before feeling the affects of it so Jabs and Shorts do well against him. He takes hits like Ryu now which isn't bad but is bad compared to Hulk. His attacks have been weaken so he hits like a Ryu as well. Hulk's Supers do the same damage as regular Hulk. Orange Hulk's speed has been rosen drastically and he can do combos like a Spider Man now, so expierienced Spider Man users shouldn't have a hard time with this guy. Becareful not to start out combos with a S. Fierce or a S.Roundhouse because it'll send your opponent flying across the screen, but if blocked you can easily be countered. Beam supers like the Big Bang Laser or Shinkuu Hadoken do wonders on him so block often! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= War Machine/Mega War Machine War Machine- has a full arsenal at his disposal so doing his special moves shouldn't be too hard. His Proton Cannon will do huge damage but that comes with a huge start-up delay and huge recovery time. Often rely on his War Destroyer because after this missles are released from his backpack he can block while his opponent is blocking the missles. He has the ability to fly while unblocking in the air so use this to your advantage and keep dropping those smart bombs. Mega War Machine- has a full arsenal as well but he cannot fly or block, but makes up in the strength and durability department. His supers are little different because he relies on missles instead of beams but still act the same way as regular War Machine. He also cannot be launched or knocked down and supers like Captain Storm or Maximum Spider won't work either. His artilery is different from War Machine because he doesn't have a Repulstor Blast that will keep people from juming in but that's what his launcher is for. His launcher, like War Machine's will send a missle flying up and knocking the opponent even on super jumping ones as well. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ----------- Basic moves ----------- ------------------------------- Push Block:B+3P(while blocking) ------------------------------- This move is primarily used to push the opponent back, this lets you escape most corner traps and push blocks some supers, its not a disadavtantage to use this all the time. Some supers and helpers cannot be push blocked especially dashing helpers and supers like the Thousand Burst Kick. Do this everytime so you won't get cheaped to death. --------------- Dash:F,F(or 3P) --------------- This is another basic move with high priority because it allows you to get close to your opponent quicker giving them less time to counter. There is a down side to this and that is that everybody has a recovery delay. But there is another upside and that is that every character can air dash. ---------------- Switch-hit:FP+RK ---------------- This is a great move to use when your opponent has just pummeled you, so use this and switch off when your low on life. However this becomes predictable when used often.The player that comes in will pose for a while leaving them open for attack. Here are good times to use this technique: A) When you have just launched your opponent just hit FP+RK and the opponent won't be able to do a thing because it strikes them giving you time to set up. B) When your opponent is super jumping. C) When your opponent has missed a super, E.G. Proton Cannon, Messatsu Gou Shoruyuu, etc. ------------------- Helper Attack:SP+FK ------------------- This will call upon your helper. Each helper has special attributes that can make them comboable or just plain suck. The computer will select a helper for you each helper can be used a certain amount of times though so don't waste them. Try to save them for the end when your opponent is low on life, because most helpers will just do brilliant chip damage. -------------------------------- Team Counter Attack:D,DB,B+HK+HP -------------------------------- This move is very useful in certain cicumstances like your being comboed and your low on life, just do this motion and your partner comes in to attack back. But for me its hard to do because the joystick often won't move the way I want it to. But avoid using this because it takes away one level of super for a normal attack. -------------------------------- Team Super:D,DF,F+HK+HP(Level 2) -------------------------------- Ah!!! The most intimadating of all combos!! Your partner will come in and do his/her super combo doing heavy chipping damage. ---------------------------------------------- Duo Team Up Attack Mode: D,DB,B+HP+HK(Level 3) ---------------------------------------------- This is by far the best thing added to the game. You can control both your partners and have unlimited supers for about 10 seconds, so chip away!! This does insane chip damage if you can pull of the motion enough times. Here's a tip: What you wanna do is go straight up to your opponent when doing this move and throw them!!! They can't do a thing but just block because your partner keeps throwing his super. The throw is unblockable as well!!! They should either get hit by the long beam super you pulled off or just get the throw damage. Do this often if you have Chun-Li,Ryu,or Shadow Lady because there supers come out extremely quick. Well if you don't want to try that then just jump over them!!! Just don't forget to perform your super. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ----------------- Beginners advance ----------------- Ah! The beginners section. You'll find some key ways to attack your opponent while taking as less damage as possible. First and most important lesson is: Block!!!! What I have found out on beginners is that they just don't block or forget to block. When your a beginner its best that you set your commands on EASY MODE. Yes it may sound corny and a little embarrassing at times, but that's how everybody starts out. This is a very bad disadvantage because this cause your chip damage intake to nearly double!!!And always set your speed at the opposite of your opponents. This causes some of their combos to misconnect do to your different speed variation. When playing against the computer use TURBO. You'll be able to move quicker with this mode and take less chipping damage!!!When players like to jump in alot just block high and then block low and then sweep them. Time is critical in this game as it is in all fighting games. When you have knocked your opponent on the ground its best that you kick while there on the ground!!! You'll get the extra hit without taking the extra damage. Another and last important note is to RAM THE BUTTONS!!! This way you'll get the most out of your super because this extends the time length of your super causing more damage as well as block damage. The characters I would use as a beginner are as follows: Ryu Chun-Li Captain Commando Mega Man These characters are all very easy to use for beginners especially MegaMan which you can play him like you would on a NES or SNES!!! Just charge for the mega buster!!! His projectiles are easy to do just hit FP!!! Also you might want to play cheap with cheap, if your opponent tends to be cheap go right ahead and cheap the %$#* out of them. I would be cheap by doing these various things: A) Keep throwing out projectiles at your opponent, then when you have a beam super, then let em have it! B) Throw them, if they are expert Tech-Hit throwers then keep throwing them! They can't tech hit out of throws forever! C) If you have a helper like the Sentinel, Collosus, or Juggernaut you can wait until they jump in at you and then at the last moment call out your helper! It connects often and then blast them with your super once it connects! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ------------------ Helpers Characters ------------------ This section is based on your third uncontrollable character which comes out and helps you set up supers like the Proton-Cannon!!!! Ouch!! I'll give an in-depth report on each helper and what I think is the best. The computer will automatically choose your helper unless you hit Start before selecting your 2nd character and entering the code for each character based upon on which you want to use for the battle. What I saw in other FAQs is that they lack the background information of each helper so I decided to read a few comics bring out some old games and took a look at some websites and even expanded the imagination a little bit to get you all an understanding of why the helpers are here. Please email me and thank me!!! ============================================================================= ---------------- Unknown Soldier: ---------------- On the Forgotten World turmoil plagues all around and justice has no meaning. While one soldier of fortune aids his world to help bring peace back it must be averted because of Onslaught's wrath will destroy the Forgotten World killing its only hope for peace. He will come out quick and fire a gun that hits multiple times and will help you set up some beam supers. He does good chipping damage and cannot be pushed blocked. # of uses: 4 Code: LP ============================================================================= ---- Lou: ---- This little guy is very powerful in his world because he can control and play with fire as he pleases, but only to serve the good. He has always considered peace over brute force, but when all else fails he will do what must be done. This little guy will throw 3 flaming arrows that does great chipping damage and if the opponent is up close to the helper he will get hit by the flames for more damage. Becareful when using him though he takes a second to actually start shooting them, but there are gaps between arrows so most likely the opponent will get hit the second time. # of uses: 8 Code: MP ============================================================================= ------------ King Arthur: ------------ I've never played the game before, but its a sure bet he's from Gouls n' Goblins. He once had to rescue a princess from a wrath of some guy, but has stumbled upon a portal created by the magic wizard Merlin and learned that the future of his world rest in his hands. He has somehow lost his enchanted Gold Armor and his powerful Holy sword which we all know it as Excalibur in the process of coming two thousand years to the future. So instead he is equipped with a much cheaper Silver armor and thanks to one of his buddy's he now aquires Holy(I hope I'm not sying this word too much and if so, sorry) lances to aid him in the fight against Onslaught. His royalty will come out quick and throws the first lance out fast and did I mention about the gaps between them? He throws 3 fireball strength Lances that does great damage as well as chipping damage. If he gets hit he loses his armor, but don't worry you can use him again. # of uses: 8 Code: LP+MP ============================================================================= ----- Saki: ----- She came from Nigiirochou no Kisek and I have no idea what it means. I'm guessing she is on a hit cartoon(manga) series in Japan by Capcom. Sorry no background info on this one. She comes out with an electric gun that has great range and does good damage. She will leave the opponents stunned in the air leaving them open for a beam super. Fair block damage though. # of uses: 7 Code: HP ============================================================================= ---------- Toon-Pooh: ---------- She is a member of Strider Hiryuu's Earth defense team and she will use her skills of Tai Kwon Do do defeat the wrath of Onslaught. When all else fails Toon-Pooh and Strider will come along and stop any maniac and that means Onslaught as well. Is one of the best characters to waste on keeping people away. She comes out and takes a little while to kick in a wide V shape that does incredible damage and chips nicely as well. But she has fair range so use this when the opponent is half-screen distance away. # of uses: 9(!!!) Code: LP+HP ============================================================================= -------- Devilot: -------- I think she's from the same world as Jin Saotome, but I'm not sure. She has found Onslught's wrath will plague her world pretty soon after he's done with Earth. She will do anything possible to stop this menace even taking her own life, and with Devilot that's no idle threat! A giant carousel(forgive the spelling) comes out and takes about 3 seconds to explode, and my opinion the worst helper. But its a great way to suprise jump-in players, but if you get hit, she'll just go away having you wasting a helper. The bright side to this is that its unblockable and does heavy damage. But I wouldn't pick her. # of uses: 5 Code: MP+HP ============================================================================= ------ Anita: ------ Basically from the same dimension as Morrigan. However she doesn't feed on souls but her black magic would prove helpful in the fight against Onslaught as well. Comes out with objects like dolls, drawers, and mirrors flying aroung her after waiting about 2 seconds they fly at the opponent doing alot of block and normal damage. Most people would use it as a shield to use to get out of corner traps, but after 2 secs they come flying at them with good speed. But becareful when people jump over it(they'll com in for a combo and you'll have wasted your helper), but when they do that just use an anti-air move like Stars & Stripes or Ryu's Dragon Punch. # of uses: 5 Code: LP+MP+HP ============================================================================= ----------- Pure & Fur: ----------- She and that little cat is currently the Capcom Mascot which she overrided Captain Commando as Capcom Mascot. She is willing to help against Onslaught in anyway possible even if it means dropping steel dices on the opponent(I wonder how she manages to avoid the dices while standing still?). She's not that bad at all compared to what other people have said. This works well against jump-in players or dashing players because it hits up to 5 times and does good damage and comes out rather fast. The chipping damage very heavy because I used her and the opponent got as much blocking damage as a Proton Cannon!. Basically use her as a defensive move. # of uses: 5 Code: LK ============================================================================= --------------- Michelle Heart: --------------- Well I don't know much about her so there won't be a background info, but she is from the Wings of Ales. So could she be an angle? But she's here to help against Onslaught. Comes out quickly, but waits about 3/4 of a second and then fires up, straight, and down. It goes practically screen distance and will follow the opponents in the air even if they super jump!!! So use this to catch people super jumping. It does poor chipping damage as well. # of uses: 6 Code: LP+SK ============================================================================= ----- Thor: ----- Thor, an extremely powerful Asgardian (and son of the ever powerful god, Odin) even stronger than Hulk is the God of Lightning. However on earth there is a Thor trainee of somewhat and the real Thor is unavailable. So this Thor trainee can actually shock and stun Onslaught. His powers are great but uncomparable compared to the actual Thor but still is incredibly powerful. Will basically come out gather lightning for a sec and fire the bolt high and will miss short players or ducking ones. The bright side to this is that it leaves the opponents stunned for about 1-2 secs so use this wisely!!! This does do fair chipping damage. #of uses: 8 Code: SK+MP ============================================================================= -------- Cyclops: -------- When Cyclops was little he was always picked on because he was cursed with an uncontrollable Optic Blast that would pierce Adamantium and was often called a "mutie". Now as a leader of the X-Men and commander of the blue team he takes his power to lead the fight against Onslaught. Comes out and shoots a low beam that can hit up to 4 times for good block damage as well. If he connects(which most likely will not) use a beam super. # of uses: 7 Code: JP+SK+MP ============================================================================= -------- Magneto: -------- Magneto, after being killed by Charles Xavier he is somewhat a part of him now giving him evil thoughts of destruction. His power of Magnetism will somewhat stun Onslaught, but how did he become a helper I thought he was dead remember? Floats in with an EM disrutor that will stun them. So use that beam super!!! Does low chip damage and comes out rather fast. # of uses: 7 Code: SK+HP ============================================================================= ------ Storm: ------ Storm, after seeing her parents die a slow death in the dark she later could not save a little girl so she literally ripped her heart out. She did not start to see her powers grow until she was thirteen. She has always let nature do her stuff never to interfere with the weather. Now as Co leader of the X-Men and commander of the gold team her elemental powers are a big help in the destruction of Onslaught. Is one of the worst helpers in the game, not only is she slow but has poor range and chips away about 2% of your life. Once they get sucked in they will get hit 13 times that does poor damage, but will be unable to block as they come down. Try avoiding using her to often. But this will connect with a beam super. # of uses: 6 Code: LP+SK+HP ============================================================================= -------- Jubilee: -------- Jubilee, once in the care of foster parents she now sides with X-Men. She now has the ability to control her powers thanks to Professor Xavier and she is willing to risk her life to stop the menacing Onslaught. Her powers act rather as a decoy then of help and will get the heroes to attack. Her powers are somewhat weak and are so weak that it won't even kill humans. So she has summed up all her bubble gum and firecracker power and now joins the fight of her life. She comes in and takes awhile to attack then lets loose her firecrackers going around through the screen hitting no more than 3 times, but most likely hitting twice. Then she blows a bubble from her gum and then leaves. Oh yeah the chip damage is poor. # of uses: 8 Code: SK+MP+HP ============================================================================= ------ Rogue: ------ Rogue, once lived a noraml life but recently she had absorbed her boyfriend Cody's strength leaving him unconcious for a while. She was then asked to help her mother Mystique a Shapeshifter to help bring down Ms. Marvel, the super hero who was sent to stop Mystique. Not knowing that she would gain the powers of Ms. Marvel pernamently she absorbed her powers and her deadly thoughts that would overcome her consious and make her go insane sometimes, but that battle is long over with the help of Psylocke, Jean Grey and Professor X and she now sides with the X-Men taking on the mighty Onslaught! Will come out quickly at an angle and hit up diagonally hitting multiple times doing good damage and block damage. Just like Toon-Pooh, just use as a keep away character. # of uses: 7 Code: JP+MP+HP+SK ============================================================================= --------- Psylocke: --------- Psylocke, once called Britain's most beautiful woman called it quits on the model carrer because she was telepath or in other words a mutant. She had her eyes clawed out but were replaced by mechanical eyes by the help of Mojo. She has had a major make over making her look more oriental than british because Mojo wanted her to fit in like an Asian to help acquire the rings from the Mandarin. She now joins sides with the X-Men along with the help of other heroes. Her help will be sorely needed in the fight against Onslaught because of her Ninja like abilities she aquired from Kwannon. Will do a weaker version of the Psi-Thrust super that goes the screen length and comes out rather fast and does good damage and will most likely combo a beam super. It does great chipping damage is good as well, but most likely people will tend to jump over it so don't use it too often unless you are sure it'll connect. But still is one of the best helpers in the game. She will nullify projectiles and still hit the opponent. She cannot be push blocked as well and will push the character away out of traps. # of uses: 5 Code: MK ============================================================================= --------- Collosus: --------- Collosus, with his trusted friend Zangief he too will help the fight against Onslaught. A long time ago the military released a deadly soldier called Omega Red which had the ability to give anyone the Omega Virus. After is narrow victory he has sided with the X-Men nad will take down Onslaught by hiimself if he has too because he poses a threat to his sister Illiana. He will come out extremely quick filling up the screen and tackel his opponent and will set up nicely for any beam super. He will nullify projectiles as well and push away the character out of corner traps. In my opinion the best helper. # of uses: 5 Code: MK+MP+JP ============================================================================= ------- Iceman: ------- Iceman, once partner to Spider Man and Firestar but has found his way to Professor X's school for the gifted and talented mutants. His ability to use the subzero department of water will be sorely needed against Onslaught. He will come out rather fast and drop icicles on top of you doing good normal and block damage. He plays well in the keep away catagory as well. Use him sparingly though cause most people block it. He good if used against Onslaught though. # of uses: 4 Code: MP+FK ============================================================================= ----------- Juggernaut: ----------- Juggernaut, the half-brother of Charles Xavier is a mutant hater. The X-Men has once saved his life by restoring his power, and has not attack the X-Men ever since. He pays back the X-Men by helping them defeat the wrath of Onslaught because Onslaught is a huge threat to him while messing with his head. He does a weaker version of the Juggernaut-Headbutt. He comes out quick and does good block and normal damage and is easy to combo with a beam super. One of the best helpers as well. He will also push your opponent away as well. # of uses: 3 Code: JP+FK ============================================================================= ----------- U.S. Agent: ----------- Steve Rogers a scrawny little runt who was no help to his country in WWII but he decided to be a Guinea Pig for a super soldier formula. This was also given to Spidey's partner the Black Cat. The formula has been upgraded somewhat and U.S. Agent has gained a strength stroner than Captain America and the speed of up to a hundred twenty miles per hour. He is now a current member of the Avengers West Coast and will do anything he can to help out. Its a shame he wan's a useable cahracter in this game cause I be the first one to pick him up. Well some of you know him from the comics and others from MSHSF. He is NOT quicker and NOT stronger than CAP A. in MSHSF, not only that but he was exactly like Captain America! But in this game he's a helper and does a charging star all the way across the screen. This move will push away opponents eat fireballs and hit multiple times and do heavy block damage. He fills up half the screen and most likely players will not be able to jump over him in time and did I mention he cannot be pushed blocked? By far the 3rd best helper in the game. # of uses: 5 Code: FP+MK ============================================================================= ------- Shadow: ------- A long time ago Guile and Charlie served in the military mission to stop Bison, but Charlie and Guile were captured but Guile and Charlie managed to escape. But Charlie soon later died in the jungles, leaving Guile with a trail of Vengence. Somehow M.Bison has made a Cyborg clone of Charlie(it also happened the same way with Shadow Lady) and is out now to do Bison's evil bidding. Although its only a cyborg Bison is rapidly losing control of it and Shadow has become, day by day a little more like Charlie. Charlie has been transformed to a shadow by the evil Bison and comes out doing a toned down version of the Shadow Justice Super from XSF. By far he is the strongest helper doing practically a half damage of most beam supers and hits multiple times. 9 hits is the max I think, but it'll rise them in the air and knock them down unable to block so use your beam super to do heavy damage. After that he poses then leaves. He has poor range though and does fair chip damage. # of uses: 3 Code: JP+FK+HP ============================================================================= --------- Sentinel: --------- The X-Men's prime enemy and Onslaught's smallest threat. These mutant hunting robots will seek out and destroy any living mutant, but now thanks to Henry Macoy they have been reprogramed to be used in battle but only manage to capture four of them, pretty cheesy huh? But how else would Gambit and Wolverine use them? They just won't willingly help them would they? Onslaught has also gained help from Master Mold and can use an unlimited amount of them. A 20-foot high moving wall comes at you doing heavy block damage while missiles fly at you as well. He moves a bit slower than Collosus but comes out just as fast. He pushes your opponent back and will sometimes take some damage of a beam super, pretty nifty huh? The 4th best helper in the game. I'm not saying he's that bad its just that you can't use him as much as Collosus or Psylocke. # of uses: 4 Code: JP+MP+FK ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ------ Combos ------ ============================================================================= ============================================================================= NOTE: Most combos require you to dash after the first jumping hit, if you have trouble doing that(like me) just make your hits deep, at least that works for me. That way you don't lose any distance from your opponent as opposed to not dashing. Also give credit to James Chen and Migs Rustia for the combo system. Combos: Legend Well basically people who have difficulty doing comboes might want to start here. All you do is just follow the button patterns sorta like a 1,2,3 method. Examples are shown at the bottom. This is called a magic series because it chains very easily almost like magic! ====== Zigzag - All six buttons can be chained into a single zigzag combo. ====== ex. Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse ======== Stronger- Three hits can be chained from weak to strongest. ======== ex. Short, Forward, Roundhouse ========== Weak Start- Only one weak punch/kick into a stronger punch/kick. ========== ex. Jab, Fierce ==== None- No series. The biggest chain is a single hit into a special move. ==== This chart down here indicates what I'm saying during combo notations. , is used to indicate normal move chaining --> indicates Special Move cancellation /\ indicates that you cancel the current move with a Super Jump \/ indicates that you land after the last move and continue on the ground S. stands for standing C. stands for crouching DN. stands for holding down on the controller while attacking during a jump UP. stands for holding up on the controller while attacking during a jump T. stands for holding towards on the controller (direction you are facing) J. stands for jumping SJ. stands for Super Jumping D. stands for Dashing before performing the move AD. stands for Air Dashing F. stands for Flying (OTG) means this will hit opponent "off the ground" hence the term "OTG." AC - Air Combo AC Finisher - A move that will end an air combo by initiating the FS All moves shown at the bottom are from the left side, if you are on the right side just switch the motion of the joystick. You can get more hit out of comboes by basically using the weaker punches/kicks but they do less damage then there stronger counterparts. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ------------------------------ Special EX Edition PSX Section ------------------------------ Welcome to the special EX Edition section for all you PSX MvC owners. First off I will go over how the game runs on the PSX, the game people thought was never possible on the PSX even with the limited switch out. ----- Speed ----- This game is furiously fast, just as fast as the last game, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. The game shows basically no slowdown at all! If you thought Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter was sweet wait until you see this game! ------ Extras ------ Well the game has a Gallery Mode, its exactly the same thing like in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. Nothing really new here, but training mode now takes place in Onslaught's stage instead of a blank black background like in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter and Darkstalkers 3. ------------ Dynamic Mode ------------ This is a special mode in which everytime you perform an air combo the camera zooms in on your characters, making them 33% bigger than normal and also the super meter and everything else disappears at this time. However this can be turned off so if its distracting you can go back to normal. This is only an option. -------------------- Gameplay Refinements -------------------- As you can expect this game undergoes a few changes from the original arcade versions. First off in Versus mode you can use the Duo Team Up attack, even though its mainly a one on one match. Here are the new concepts to the PSX version: -- In Versus Mode after you select your first character you can select either a Special Partner or a Special Hero. That means that you can select any helper without the random select process. Also when you select a Special Partner(you know when you use a Team Super and Duo Team Up attack) you cannot select a Special Hero. I don't know why and its DEFINITELY NOT DUE TO MEMORY problems! -- While you do your Duo Team Up Attack mode you will have your Duo Team Up Attack partner as a the same character your friend picked. So if you picked Ryu and Captain Commando, and your friend picked Megaman and Thor(helper) when you start the Duo Team Up Attack you will be using Ryu and Megaman, it doesn't even matter who your second partner is! Even though Megaman picked Thor as a helper you can still use the Duo Team Up Attack, but you are on your own for this one, but you can use your special partner. -- Also when you pick a special helper, you can still counter but your helper will come out with his or her regular attack as a counter. Speaking of which you can use your helper unlimitedly in Versus Mode! -- In Crossover Mode you can pick Megaman and Venom and the second player plays as Venom and Megaman, its basically the exact same thing as in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. And each player picks any helper they want just like the arcade via the special helper selection code, but if not then the CPU will randomly select your helper character, just like in the arcades. -- The load times in this game are VERY GOOD! They are probably just as fast or faster than in Street Fighter Alpha 3! Also between load times there are pictures of the characters in the game just like in Street Fighter Alpha 3! The only time the character portraits don't show is when after you have selected characters. -- Also in Crossover Mode you can select handicaps and stages! Its exactly like the Original Versus Mode in X-Men vs. Street Fighter! So now instead of having to stick with the arcade defaults(like the high damage setting and random stage select) you can now decide on both accounts! ============================================================================= ----------------- EX Edition Combos ----------------- Well in this game as you can expect there are EX Cancels. EX Cancels as seen in X-Men vs. Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter are special cancels that allow you to chain in a special move into a super, a super into another super, or a super into a team super just as long as you have enough for it. First when you do a super you get a regular blue swirling background exactly like the arcades, after you cancel into another super the background changes into a yellow color and then into a red color. NOTE: Some of the magic series has changed when they were converted over to the PSX version, I will list the magic series for each character. ============================================================================= --------------- Captain America --------------- Ground Magic Series: Stronger Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. J.Fierce \/ D.S.Roundhouse --> Shield Slash --> Final Justice 2. J.Jab, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Jab Shield Slash --> Hyper Stars n' Stripes(OTG) ============================================================================= ---------------- Captain Commando ---------------- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. In corner: Captain Fire --> Captain Storm 2. J.Jab, J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, C.Fierce, S.Roundhouse --> Fierce Captain Corridor --> Captain Sword --> Captain Storm, C.Short, C.Strong --> Captain Sword(OTG) Ouch! The EX Cancel makes Captain Commando too powerful! 3. Helper Attack, Captain Storm, C.Short, C.Strong --> Captain Sword --> Captain Storm ============================================================================= ------- Chun-Li ------- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Short, S.Forward --> Hyaku Retsu Kyaku --> Senretsu Kyaku or Hazan Tenshou Kyaku 2. J.Fierce \/ D.S.Fierce --> Kikoken --> Senretsu Kyaku or Hazan Tenshou Kyaku 3. J.Jab, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short SJ.Strong, SJ.DN.Forward --> Hyaku Retsu Kyaku --> Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku The only catch to this combo is that you must cancel after the first two hits on smaller and medium characters and three hits on larger characters, otherwise there is a minimal chance that it will connect. 4. J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.C.Jab, C.Short, C.Strong, C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Senretsu Kyaku --> Kikoushou --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku 5. D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Fierce --> Senretsu Kyaku --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku --> Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku Well once you connect with the first hit or the second hit IMMEDIATELY cancel, otherwise it con't connect. ============================================================================= ------ Gambit ------ Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. J.Jab, J.Forward \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Kinetic Card --> Royal Flush 2. In corner: D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Royal Flush --> Cajun Explosion Here you must face the Cajun Explosion behind the opponent, so use the wall behind the opponent, otherwise it will not connect! ============================================================================= ---- Hulk ---- Ground Magic Series: Weak Start Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. Gamma Charge --> Gamma Quake --> Gamma Crush 2. In corner: J.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Gamma Wave --> Gamma Quake --> Gamma Crush Basically cancel after the first hit of the fierce otherwise you will launch the opponent and be unable to combo in the Gamma Wave! ============================================================================= ----------- Hyper Venom ----------- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward --> Symbiote Shield --> Venom Web 2. Diving Venom Fang \/ Death Bite You must be very quick into cancelling, otherwise it will not connect! 3. In corner: J.Jab, J.Short \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward --> Symbiote Shield --> Death Bite --> Venom Web 4. Death Bite --> Venom Web ============================================================================= --- Jin --- Ground Magic Series: Weak Start Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. Saotome Dynamite --> Great Cyclone 2. J.Jab, J.Strong \/ C.Jab --> Saotome Dynamite --> Blodia Punch 3. Blodia Punch --> Blodia Vulcan ============================================================================= ------ Lilith ------ Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward --> Soul Flash --> Splendor Love or Luminous Illusion ============================================================================= --------------- Megaman/Rockman --------------- Ground Magic Series: Stronger Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong --> Hyper Megaman --> Beat Plane 2. Charge for Mega Buster /\ J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse, Mega Buster Release --> Rush Drill --> Beat Plane --> Hyper Megaman(OTG) Charge for the Mega Buster ahead of time, then jump in for the combo and when you knock your opponent down crouch down when you release the Mega Buster then cancel. When you cancel for the Hyper Megaman, make sure you do so while you are close to your opponent so the start up knocks the opponent into it. You can also do it from afar if you keep firing the fireballs, but cancel prior when all the fireballs hit. ============================================================================= ---------------- Mega War Machine ---------------- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. Repulsor Blast --> War Destroyer ============================================================================= -------- Morrigan -------- 1. J.Jab, J.Short \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward --> Soul Fist --> Silhouette Blade 2. Helper Attack --> Soul Eraser --> Silhouette Blade --> Darkness Illusion Here after the Silhouette Blade's first few hits quickly cancel so that the opponent doesn't get too far away from you, however if you are in the corner you can let the majority of the Silhouette Blade go through and connect with the Darkness Illusion at the last minute. ============================================================================= ----------- Orange Hulk ----------- Ground Magic Series: Weak Start Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. Gamma Charge --> Gamma Quake --> Gamma Crush 2. In corner: J.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Gamma Wave --> Gamma Quake --> Gamma Crush Basically cancel after the first hit of the fierce otherwise you will launch the opponent and be unable to combo in the Gamma Wave! ============================================================================= ---- Roll ---- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong --> Hyper Megaman --> Beat Plane 2. J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Roll Buster --> Rush Drill --> Beat Plane --> Hyper Roll This is like Megaman's combo, but this time Roll does not have to charge for the Mega Buster since she does not have one. She can cancel her supers immediately so its a bit easier with Roll. ============================================================================= --- Ryu --- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag Super Jumping Magic Series: 1. Hadouken --> Shinkuu Hadouken 2. D.C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Up.Forward --> Hadouken --> Shinkuu HAdouken 3. D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku --> Shinkuu Hadouken You will have to do some predicting here, try to predict when the opponent will face your Shinkuu Hadouken, otherwise you will miss and be easily countered! 4. J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab --> Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku --> Shinkuu Hadouken 5. In corner: D.S.Short --> Shin Shouryuken --> Shinkuu Hadouken --> Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku Basically cancel after the first hit of the Shin Shouryuken, otherwise it will not connect! ============================================================================= ----------- Shadow Lady ----------- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. Galaxy Missle --> Big Bang Laser 2. J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Fierce --> Shadow Drill --> Big Bang Laser The point of this combo is to cancel VERY quickly after the first few hits, otherwise it will not connect. ============================================================================= ---------- Spider-Man ---------- Ground Magic Series: Stronger Jumping Magic Series: Stronger Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Crawler Assault --> Ultimate Web Throw 2. Fierce Web Ball \/ /\ J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce \/ C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Helper Attack, Fierce Web Ball \/ /\ J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce \/ C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Web Swing --> Maximum Spider(OTG) Here in this combo you must use the web ball while in the air that way you will have more time to combo as you land. Also when you OTG make sure that you have a dashing helper, it works best then in the air cancel immediately into the Maximum Spider for maximum damage! ============================================================================= -------------- Strider Hiryuu -------------- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. In corner: D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse --> Helper Attack, Legion --> Ragnarok ============================================================================= --------- Wolverine --------- Ground Magic Series: ZigZag Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag Super Jumping Magic Series: ZigZag 1. Weapon X --> Fatal Claw You can get all the damage out of the Weapon X by cancelling IMMEDIATELY after the slash connects. 2. J.Jab, J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, C.Fierce --> Berserker Barrage X --> Fatal Claw ============================================================================= ------- Zangief ------- Ground Magic Series: None Jumping Magic Series: None Super Jumping Magic Series: Stronger 1. Initiate Mech Zangief mode, J.DN.Fierce \/ S.Forward --> Siberian Blast --> Siberian Blizzard ============================================================================= Well that's basically all the EX combos that I can think off, if you have anymore feel free to share them with me. Be warned though, even if you do send them to me, I might not update the FAQ for quite a long time. ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- Marvel vs. Capcom EX Edition Codes ---------------------------------- -------------- EX Option Menu -------------- --> Hold select at the Option title and press Start --------------------------- Obtaining Hidden characters --------------------------- Mega War Machine --> Beat the game with War Machine and press up over the cursor of Zangief on character selection screen Shadow Lady --> Beat the game with Chun-Li and press down over the cursor of Gambit on the character selection screen Roll --> Beat the game with Megaman and press right over the cursor of Megaman on the character selection screen Lilith --> Beat the game with Morrigan and press down over the cursor of War Machine on the character select screen Hyper Venom --> Beat the game with Venom and press up over the cursor of Chun-Li on the character selection screen Orange Hulk --> Beat the game with Hulk and press up over the cursor of Ryu on the character selection screen NOTE: After that you are can save your game and have EASY ACCESS to all the hidden characters! -------------------------------------------- Get all pictures and endings in Gallery Mode -------------------------------------------- --> Beat the game with every character, including the hidden ones and Onslaught --------------------------------------------------------------- Get Sentinel Helper and Shadow Helper in Arcade and Versus mode --------------------------------------------------------------- --> Highlight Collosus or Iceman and press down to pick either Shadow or Sentinel ----------------- Play as Onslaught ----------------- --> Beat the game with any character at any difficulty and press down over Wolverine at character selection screen. NOTE: You must pick Onslaught as your first character, otherwise you will not be able to pick him if you have already picked him as your first character. And note that you cannot use him in Crossover mode. And you can also save it as well to allow EASY ACCESS for Onslaught. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Ryu Not much is known about Ryu's past but the fact that he does live for the fight and he never lets his skills deteriorate because of his constant training to perfection. He has grown up training with Ken learning the good side of Shatoken Karate. He takes little damage and his has good strength. His speed is good as well but Ken is a little fast. He too can combo all of his supers as well. Quotes - "Power, determination and skill decide the victory." - "Don't be so reckless, you must focus on the fight!"' - "Not bad. Don't restrain yourself next time!" - "I hope you have learned well from our battle." - "Train yourself well, then challenge me again." - "Fight your absolute best, or don't fight at all!" - "You must believe you can win, in order to win!" Strategies Well basically keep away from him because he will combo you to death although he would not be classified as a combo character his attacks are strong and the CPU plays him well. There is a small note and that is that Ken's Jumping Fierce is one of the most dominating moves in the game. It'll beat out or at least trade hits with any standing attack. Ryu's is a little less effective, so keep that in mind. Hadoken: D,DF,F+P This is basically the best projectile in the game. It has good width and damage and should be used often. The punch used determines the speed of the fireball. He can do 2 of them in a row but not at the same height. Use this in the air while an opponent is dumb enough to do a beam while your in the air to slow you down and doing this long enough you should avoid block damage. Tatsumaki-Senpuukyaku: D,DB,B+K This is Ryu's hurricane kick and will hit no more than 2 times. This is a very powerful kick that will sometimes strike(I mean it will fling 'em across the screen) an opponent. Watch for the recovery delay. Shoryuken: F,D,DF+P This is one of the best moves in the game simply because its counters air attacks and does good damage. Also it chains easily off of his C.Fierce, this move also has high priority and will beat out practically all jump in attacks but if Ryu misses he will fall unable to block. Overhead Punch: F+SP Basically this is Ryu's anti-crouch counter, but like most normal move anti crouch counters it has a bit of a start up delay and Ryu can be hit before he actually performs the move. So use this on people who tend to turtle often, but don't be too predictable. Hop Kick: F+FK This move is sometimes overlooked, but this move has excellent range for a normal attack and also it goes over crouching attacks as well and Ryu can follow up with a Shin Shoryuken! Also this move is basically safe to use because it lacks start up delay and recovery time. Supers: Shinkuu Hadouken: D,DF,F+2P This is one of the best supers in the game not only that it can be done in the air it does good damage as well. This is a poor chipper though. The average hits you can get is about 17-20 hits. I once ram the buttons and got 27 hits out with this alone and this also doubles the chipping damage as well. This can be done in the air as well. Ryu recovers very fast from this so don't worry. Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku: D,DB,B+2K One of the most feared supers in the game. Ryu starts of a hyper Tatsumaki-Senpuukyaku creating a huge vortex that brings in the opponent doing heavy chipping damage. The first hit does insane damage while the rest do little so ram those buttons and see if you can get 30 hits like I did once. Becareful of the recovery delay though. Shin Shoryuken: F,D,DF+2P Boy this move is hard to do because it basically screws up what you want to do. Why couldn't they have made it like this: D,DF,F+3K ? When people try this move they end up doing the Shinkuu Hadoken after they launch somebody. But this is the strongest super in Ryu's arsenal and will hit 7 times off his launcher and will hit 3 times off the ground, but the ground version is far more deadlier! Shatoken Switch: F,DF,D,DB,B+P The jab turn's Ryu back to Ryu if you have already turned into another player. The strong turns Ryu into Ken there for obtaining his moves, but Ken's Hadoken has nearly quadrupled in size since XSF and the distance is cut in half, but his defense power has weakened. The fierce turn's Ryu into Evil Ryu(although Evil Ryu is more similar to Ryu than Akuma) having all the moves of Akuma. Akuma's Hadoken is the best out of all three because it comes down diagonally when in the air and goes faster than Ryu's. But beware he takes hits like he was being hit by a truck but his strength has went up a little. Ken Mode Ken's huge ego has reminded every single one of his opponents that he is the greatest fighter in the world and that ego led to a brutal beating courtesy of Akuma. Recent years Ken would spend time on the beach with his Girlfriend Elisa and would let his skills deteriorate. Only a match with Ryu has rekindled his spirit to fight in the World Warrior Tournament. That is long gone now and an even bigger threat than Akuma lies awake, the wrath of Onslaught! After Ken's humiliating defeat he was forced to stay in the hospital to heal his wounds which would take weeks, but before that him and Ryu have been training together and Ryu has learned and mastered the forms of the Shatoken Hiryuu Fist and now takes on Onslaught with the help of other heroes and street fighters like Chun-Li and Zangief. Ken takes hits worst then Ryu so becareful not to do anything stupid. He can combo all of his supers and has better speed than Ryu. Strategies Well you can't play well in the keep away catagory because Ken is no keep away character. He takes hits worst than Ryu so be on the offensive on him but try not to jump in while he has a super charged up. Don't forget to use his Shinryuken to counter those other Shoryu Reppas or missed Dragon punches. Hadoken: D,DF,F+P This is basically the same as Ryu's but one important flaw should be mentioned and that is that it goes only half-screen distance!!! So its useless as keep away. While in the air it goes down a 60 degree angle. Tatsumaki-Senpuukyaku: D,DB,B+K This move is a little different from Ryu's because it hits up to 5 times while rising the opponent in the air and then finishes with an axe kick that knocks them down. Its a bit risky to do if you haven't connected with a roundhouse because Ken will sorta fly up leaving him vulnerable to attack so don't get to predictable with this move. Ramming the button only brings you one extra hit so start ramming. Shoryuken: F,D,DF+P The 2nd best anti-air move in the game(second only to CapCom's Captain Corridor)!!! This is the strongest non-super anti air move you can have because its hits multiple times and does a huge amount of damage!!! This can be done in the air as an AC finisher as well. Axe Kick: F+FK This is Ken's anti crouch counter, but like most normal move anti crouch counters it has a bit of a start up delay making it uncomboable as Ken swings his foot over the opponent's head for good damage. Once again use this only on opponents who tend to turtle often and try not to be predictable with this move. Supers Shouryuu Reppa: D,DF,F+2P This is one of my favorite moves in the game!!! Ken is immune to hits during start up and will do alot of block damage if up close. This move can be chained easily into a combo for some heavy damage. If you do manage to get up close you will be able to get 12 hits. This move should be used often because it just does tremendous block damage when up close so you can kill those pesky people who just block all day. If Ken misses then he will be left in the air unable to block so watch out. Shinryuken: D,DF,F+2K An excellent anti-air move because it has full verticle range and will do heavy damage if connected. Did I mention that this move chips extremely well? I mean this chips a ton if the opponent is either above you or right next to you. This super can be set up by his launcher. Basically Ken does a giant Dragon Punch that leaves his opponent engulf in flames. Ramming the button works very nicely as well. If Ken misses he will be left up in the air unable to block. Also about ramming the buttons, if you ram the buttoms quick enough, you can amass 40 hits tallying 65% damage! No kidding! Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku: F,D,DF+2P This move is great for punishing mistakes because it comes out fast and does good damage. Its similar to Chun-Li's Thousand Burst Kick but doesn't hit as much but does equal damage. The chipping damage is great and once connected Ken will rise the opponent and finishes them off with an axe kick. The recovery time can only be countered by something quick like a Shinku Hadoken and nothing else so the recovery time is marvelous unless your playing against Ryu. Shatoken Switch: F,DF,D,DB,B+P The jab turn's Ryu back to Ryu if you have already turned into another player. The strong turns Ryu into Ken there for obtaining his moves, but Ken's Hadoken has nearly quadrupled in size since XSF and the distance is cut in half, but his defense power has weakened. The fierce turn's Ryu into Evil Ryu(although Evil Ryu is more similar to Ryu than Akuma) having all the moves of Akuma. Akuma's Hadoken is the best out of all three because it comes down diagonally when in the air and goes faster than Ryu's. But beware he takes hits like he was being hit by a truck but his strength has went up a little. Akuma Mode Akuma has tracked down Ryu and Ken and has sworn to destroy them both in combat. After defeating Ken, Ryu has sworn to avenge Ken's defeat and Akuma finds Ryu in a forest and has set where he has wanted to see Ryu's defeat. Ryu was not forced to use Evil Shatoken techniques but his victory did not come easy. After the defeat of Akuma Ryu left him on the shores of water as he sailed off finding an isolated island. Also this is not Evil Ryu and here are the moves differences: (Evil Ryu's complete move list) Hadouken Shoryuken Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Shakunetsu Hadouken Shinkuu Hadouken Shun Goku Satsu Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Messatsu Gou Shoryu (Akuma's complete move list) Gou Hadouken Gou Shoryuken Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku Tenmakujinkyaku Ashura Zenku Zenpou Tenshin Hyakki Gou Shou Hyakki Gou Sai Hyakki Gou Sen Hyakki Gou Tsui Messatsu Gou Hado Messatsu Gou Shoryuu Tenma Gou Zankuu Shun Goku Satsu Also note that alot of the Alpha series moves were removed from this game. So you see the move difference? I don't know why Capcom did this though. Strategies Akuma will most likely play keep away all day with you. Don't try fighting against his keep away skills because he is able to throw several in a row. Only Megaman will beat him out. He doesn't take hits well so always be on the offensive with him no matter what and wait until he throws a fireball because he has the worst recovery time in the game. When you see a level three on him back up and use a helper to keep him away because you'll get pounded by his raging demon. Gou Hadoken: D,DF,F+P This is best fireball from the 3 because it goes a little faster than Ryu's with the same width and it comes down diagonaaly like Ken's. He has the ability to throw 2 in a row making him a great keep away character. But he doesn't stand a chance if he's going against Megaman because Mega has the ability to throw several in a row while charging his Mega Buster. Gou Shoryuken: F,D,DF+P This is basically the same as Ken's but alot weaker. It has less horizontal range then Ken's but will do just as well as an anti-air defender. But like I said it easily chains off his C.Fierce and if he misses he will be left unable to block as he is falling back down. Gou Tatsumaki-Senpuukyaku:D,DB,B+K This, in my opinion is the second best from the three other than Ken's of course. Fields of electricity comes flying from his feet knocking the opponent 5 times doing good damage. This does not have the recovery time that Ken's or Ryu's does but is the weakest of all three. Zankuu Kujin Kyaku: D,DF,F+K(air) This move will hit the opponent multiple times and has little recovery lag. Ryu comes down at a 60 degree angle extremely fast, this can be used as an AC Finisher, but it does weak damage. This can be used as a serious chipper though. Ashura Senkuu: F,D,DF+3P or 3K This is a great move to get out of corner traps because Ryu slides across the floor through his opponent while not hitting them at all. The punch buttons goes full screen distance while the kicks go 1/2 screen distance. However Ryu can still be hit after he is out of his teleport. Collarbone Slice Chop: F+SP Like practically all anti crouch counters it has a bit of a start up delay making it impossible to combo and you should use it on people who tend to turtle blaock all day. Otherwise try not to get too predictable with this move. Supers Messatsu Gou Shoryu: D,DF,F+2P This has the same properties of the Shoryu Reppa doing heavy block damage and comboes easily. However like the Shouryuu Reppa even ifit connects on a larger opponent theyw ill still land and still counter. This move does do a ton of block damage and comes out very fast and is the ideal counter for punishing mistakes. Tenma Gou Zankuu: D,DF,F+2P(air) Ryu sets up and fires 19(yes this is the exact amount!) Gou Hadokens at his opponent doing absolutely tremendous block damage. Not all the fireballs connect though that's why he fires so many. It comes down a 60 degree angle so it won't go horizontal very well. So capitalize on this move and hit Ryu with an air Shinku Hadoken teaching him never to use it again. The Legion, Captain Sword, Big Bang Laser, Proton Cannon, Hyper Roll & Megaman, Rush Drill,Soul Eraser, and Siberian Blizzard are all great ways to counter for his mistake. The Siberian Blizzard and the Shinryuken you must be directly under Ryu for this to connect fully. Messatsu Gou Hado: D,DB,B+2P This is basically the same as the Shinkuu Hadoken but it last in about a second and does very little chip damage, but same normal damage. It'll leave him a little more vulnerable than reular Ryu though. The block damage however is not really too much as Ryu's nor is it as comboable, so you may want to watch out for that. Shun Goku Satsu: JP,JP,F,FK,FP(Level 3) This move is great because its unblockable and comes out half as fast as the Captain Storm. It loses the opponent half their life so don't depend on this giving you victories because the damage it does is not worth 3 levels of super. Basically Ryu comes at you, catches you and pummels you while the screen goes dark as a Chinese letter appears in the background(that is if you were using this in the Alpha series, but your not), well it will appear if you win the battle with it. Team Super Ryu: Shinkuu Hadouken An excellent team super because of its damage potiential and its range. It comes out very fast and can also help bulk up the chipping damage by his other partner and this is practically uncounterable because it lacks much recovery delay. Ken Mode: Shoryuu Reppa This is a pretty good team super because it just combos so well and also the fact that it chips a ton of life. It deals good damage but Ryu will be left open to attack if blocked, so hopefully you can team up with Cap's Hyper Stars n Stripes. Akuma Mode: Messatsu Gou Hado Just like Ryu's except it takes a little while longer for him to start up so incase your partner's super has recovery delay Akuma's will still be going. It also helps bulk up chipping damage and the recovery time is practically non-existant. Team Counter Ryu: Hadouken An excellent counter because it comes out fast and can deal good damage and the fact that its uncounterbale. Ken Mode: Shoryuken All around excellent team counter because it deals out alot of damage and it has good range potiential and incase the opponent might block this team super Ken will recover quick enough to block. Akuma Mode: Gou Shoryuken Just like Ken's except it lacks a little range and the recovery time is worst. But it is a good counter because it can also hit opponents who are above him like Ken's. Combos Ground Magic: Stronger Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Fierce AC Finishers: (all)Fierce, Roundhouse, Hadoken, Strong Air throw Ryu: Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Shinkuu Hadoken, Hadouken Ken Mode: Shoryuken, Hadouken, Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku Akuma Mode: Tenma Gou Zankyu, Zankuu Hadouken, Zankuu Kujinkyaku, Tatsumaki Zankuu Kyaku Universal Combos 1) D.C.Short --> Hadoken 2) D.C.Fierce --> Shoryuken 3) D.C.Short --> Tatsumaki-Senpukyaku 4) D.S.Short, S.Fierce --> Hadoken 4) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Short, C.Forward --> Hadoken 5) D.S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse 6) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.UP.Forward, SJ.Strong --> AC Finisher 7) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Foward --> Hadoken Ryu: 1) D.C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Shinkuu Tatsumaki-Senpukyaku(OTG) 2) D.S.Short, S.Fierce --> Shinkuu Hadoken or Team Super Cancel the Fierce immediately with the Shinkuu and the opponent will be unable to block it! For the team super version, have a partner that can back it up for maximum damage! 3) Helper Attack --> Shinkuu Hadoken or Team Super Have a helper that'll keep the opponent stunned long enough for the beam to connect someone like Collosus or Thor. 3) D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Shin Shoryuken Just make sure you pull off the super immediately. 4) In Corner: D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Shin Shoryuken \/ C.Fierce --> Shin Shoryuken \/ Shinkuu Tatsumaki-Senpukyaku After the air Shin Shoryuken, the opponent will fall to the ground, unable to block, just relaunch and repeat! You can finish up with a third Shin Shoryuken or an air combo. 5) C.Strong, Hop Kick --> Repeat After trying this on all available versions, this is not his infinite. It's here to remind you that it is not his infinite, it was in XSF, but not in this game. Ken: 1) J.Short, J.Forward \/ C.Short, C.Forward --> Shoryu Reppa or Team Super 2) J.Short \/ D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Shinryuken 3) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Roundhouse --> Shoryu Reppa or Team Super 4) J.Roundhouse --> Air Hurricane \/ C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Shinryuken(FS) 5) D.S.Short, S.Fierce --> Shippu Jinrai Kyaku Same idea as Ryu's Shinku Hadoken combo. Cancel immediately for the kick to connect. 6) J.Fierce, \/ S.Fierce --> Shoryu Reppa This move is done extremely easily and you won't need to dash because you'll still pound out all the hits just be sure to cancel quickly. 7) D.S.Jab, S.Strong, C.Fierce, --> Shinryuken This move is done very easily as well because the launcher sets them up perfectly for the "God Dragon Fist" to connect. 8) J.Roundhouse, C.Short, C.Fierce, --> Shinryuken Don't worry I tried it and it works very well, plus you'll look like a true expert just be sure to cancel quickly. Akuma: 1) Roundhouse-Hurricane, C.Short(OTG) --> Roundhouse-Hurricane The classic Akuma hurricane OTG. Just learn the timing and hit em as soon as you land from the first one. 2) D.S.Short, S.Fierce --> Messatsu Gou Hado or Team Super Same idea as the Shinkuu Hadoken combo for Ryu mode. 3) J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward --> Messatsu Gou Shoryu 4) J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Jab, F, S.Short, S.Fierce 5) C.Roundhouse, Raging Demon Another Raging Demon setup. Make sure to start the demon just as they're getting up so that they won't expect it and jump away. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Chun-Li When she was just a little girl M.Bison murdered her father. Since then she has been sworn to avenge her father's death training her whole life. She tracks down Bison only to be narrowly defeated. She then trains with Interpol learning about Bison's whereabouts and gaining some new moves on the way. Bison's savage can wait, for now lies an even bigger threat, the threat of Onslaught! During the battle, Bison follows her while not infering with the battle in anyway. After the defeat of Onslaught he tries to capture her and use her for evil but then an old friend of Guile comes to the rescue, proving that the Shadowloo cannot over come the human heart. Chun-Li has huge throw priority and an amazing chipping super along with the lightning kicks. She is an excellent combo character and is the most deadliest when mastered. Quotes - "Look at me again and I'll hit you even harder!" - "You underestimated me. That's why you lost." - "You underestimated me! Enjoy your defeat!" - "I'd fight you again if I thought you had a chance." - "I thought you liked the rough stuff?" - "You aren't the hero you make yourself out to be." - "You have wasted enough of my time! Later, loser!" - "I guess I overdid it again!" - "I hope I didn't hurt your ego too badly...... Oops!" - "Fighting isn't the only thing I'll best you at!" Strategies Well you should first off keep her away because most of her moves will do heavy chip damage especially the Lightning Kick. She takes hits as well as Ryu so don't expect her to be as easy as Akuma. Play keep away all day and that shouldn't be a problem. Chun-Li: Mini-Kikosho: F+FP This is a great anti air attack and will hit multiple times and has no recovery delay and will nullify incoming fireballs. Also the odd thing about this move is that it chips damage as well, but it practically has no start up delay and recovery time. Great for combos. Neck-Braker: F+RK This is a great move cause opponents will get crossed up and won't know which way to block. Also this is Chun-Li's anti crouch counter but its a dead giveaway when she flips. Stomp Kick: D+FK(air) An excellent move to jump in with because of the fact that it has no start up delay and also it has very high priority and can be used in some deadly combos. Kikoken: B,DB,D,DF,F+P This fireball is too slow and too hard to do on a joystick and should not be used often. This will do good damage and will go the length of the screen but its very hard to combo because of the joystick motion, but the recovey time is fairly decent. It is a very poor keep awayer. Rising Bird Kick: F,D,DF+K This moves does very good damage and it lifts the opponent in the air. It hits no more than 5 times, and watch out if it misses cause the recovery delay is fair though but don't rely on it too much. Lightning Kick: Push K rapidly This is one of the best moves Chun-Li has at her disposal because its chips like crazy and it pushes the opponents away and has low recovery time. The hits do just a little more damage than the chipping damage so it doesn't matter if they block it. Remember in SSF2 when this move just did way too much damage? Well if you noticed its been toned down drastically. Hienshu: F,DF,D,DB,B+K This move does alot of damage and will knock out anybody who decides to block low. Also this can OTG and it has fair recovery time while it has almost no start up delay as Chun-Li will flip over the opponent going over some projectiles depending on which button was used. Supers: Kikosho: D,DF,F+2P This is a great move that does tremendous chipping damage. If you just let this thing it you'll notice that it only hits 9 times but if you ram the buttons you should get at least 13 hits. It does incredible damage because the opponent is sucked into the giant energy ball and into the core where the energy forms. If you have a helper like Collosus or Juggernaut then quickly pull this move before they reach the opponent and you'll actually get a few more hits from your helper because it pulls your helper in causing them to slow down!!! But they still do the same damage. If your really close to an opponent pull this move off quickly because the opponent are ready inside the core and don't forget to ram those buttons, plus with your aided helper attack you can throw away up 40% of there life!!! Senretsu Kyaku: D,DF,F+2K Remember this move from way early in SSF2T? Well its here as well and it does good damage and if you ram the buttons you can get up to twice as many hits!!! I call it the Thousand Burst Kick. Chun-Li starts up and rushes at your opponent with a series of kicks that will do alot of damage. Ramming the buttons works extremely well with this super and it will chip nicely. If the opponent blocks then Chun-Li will finish in her standing Roundhouse pose for a long time. Hazan Tenshou Kyaku: F,D,DF+2K This is the super version of the rising bird kick and does trmendous damage and will combo right after her standing RK. If missed she will be left in the air in a pose unable to block so watch out. Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku : D,DF,F+2K(in air) This is one of the coolest looking supers in the game!!! Once she connects the screen will start to turn black with 5 chinese letters appearing with 50% of there life bar gone!!! You only need one level of super for this!!! But it does no block damage. Team Super Chun-Li:Kikosho(when she starts) and Senretsu Kyaku(when partner starts) An excellent team super because both supers do alot of block damage and the damage put out by both of these will just go through the roof. But if the opponent blocks both of these Chun-Li will be open to attack. Team Counter Chun-Li: Kioken Well not exactly the best counter because of the bit of start up delay but it does good damage and will often connect as a counter. Combos: Ground Magic: ZigZag Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launcher: S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse Lightning Legs, Strong Air Throw 1) C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Lightning Kick(OTG) Simple combo, just start ramming on a kick button as soon as you knock em down. 2) C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Kikosho(OTG) 3) J.Fierce \/ C.Short --> Rising Bird Kick 4) J.Roundhouse --> Lightning Kick After the J.Roundhouse connects, ram on the button and hopefully, you'll hit em while you're still in the air. 5) D.C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Senretsu Kyaku This combo is Chun-Li's bread and butter. Master it and you'll be wiping the floor with your opponents. 6) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku The Launcher will set them up perfectly for the Hazan Tenshou Kyaku. Just be quick about cancelling into it. 7) D.S.Short, S.Forward --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku 8) Helper Attack --> Senretsu Kyaku or Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku Collosus, Psylocke, Juggernaut, Sentinel, Thor and Saki are the preferrable helpers to use when you wanna use the Senretsu Kyaku. Rogue and Shadow are the best to use for connecting the Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku 9) Stomp Kick, J.Roundhouse --> Air Lightning Legs 10) D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Senretsu Kyaku(OTG) This combo is kind of risky because sometimes, the super knocks them upward to safety. Cancel immediately for the best effect. 11) S.Short, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Fierce --> Senretsu Kyaku A variation on Chun Li's bread and butter combo. This one requires her to be way up close to her opponent to connect. Harder Combos 1) Stomp Kick, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher Chun Li's basic AC. The jump in is very confusing and they'll end up blocking the wrong way. You can skip it if you want, but it really helps her set up the combo. 2) Stomp Kick, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> SJ.Jab, SJ.Short --> Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku You must be very, very fast when canceling into the Air Super. If it's a split second too slow, she'll miss. 3) AD.J.Short, J.Forward, J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Fierce --> Senretsu Kyaku You must be close to the ground when doing the air dash. As soon as you're near enough, pull off the air chain and immediately go into the ground chain as you land. 4) Jump towards corner: Stomp Kick, Stomp Kick, Stomp Kick, --> AC Finisher 5) J.Roundhouse \/ S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, Stomp Kick, Stomp Kick --> Lightning Legs This is a combo that Silver Sage calls the Razor Wind. After the SJ.Short, do Chun Li's Stomp kick twice. Keep hitting the kick button and she'll do the lightning legs. 6) J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, Stomp Kick, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short --> Sichisei Senkuu Kyaku This is harder to pull off than the regular Sichisei Senku Kykau air combo, but it does more damage and is flashier. 7) In Corner: C.Short, C.Forward --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku \/ Kikosho Ouch! This may not work on heavier characters. Immediately do the Kikosho after you land and they should fall into it. 8) J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, Stomp Kick, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong --> AC Finisher This is an awesome air combo for Chun Li. Immediately restart the AC after the stomp kick or Chun Li will bounce away from her opponent. 9) In corner: AD.J.Short, Stomp Kick, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher She can OTG and then launch because at no time is an AC Finisher pulled off except for at the end of the combo. 10) In corner: AD.J.Short, Stomp Kick, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse --> Hazan Tenshou Kyaku, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short --> Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku This combo is just for show. Why? Well chances are, if they survive the two Hazan Tenshou Kyaku's they'll only have a few pixels of life left. You'll actually be lucky if they survive long enough for the air super to connect! 11) J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, Stomp Kick, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, Stomp Kick, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, Stomp Kick etc. etc. I just don't get how the players at the arcade can keep doing this! The rythmn is a bit hard to keep up, but keep practicing and you should be able to pull it off. 12) J.Roundhouse, \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong --> Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku This should work if you pause between the jab and short for a split second and cancel immediately after the strong. 13) J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Senretsu Kyaku or Kikoshou(OTG) Simple as that, just make sure you don't hold the joystick down while using the J.Forward because people tend to do that often. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Captain America Captain America will do just anything for his country and he believes that all men are created equal no matter what and anyone who decides to abuse the power of the Declaration of Independence will get crushed. That has led him to the battle against Onslaught who is against the Bill of Rights. For a guy this strong Captain America is an unbelievable combo character, in fact he is the only one with combos that will do the most damage no other player comes close. When Cap A. loses his shield he becomes an even deadlier combo character making him a superior combo character. When he loses his shield he loses durability and strength, but can combo all his supers so keep that in mind when playing him. Quotes - "I fight loudly for those with no voice." - "It only takes one man to make the difference." - "For Truth, Justice, and the American Way!" - "What is your sense of patriotism? Stand up!" - "Believe your country, but believe in yourself!" - "Rest well, soldier. The time is yours." - "Victory is yours if you believe in yourself." Strategies Well you should stay away from him as much as possible because his charging star will eat your projectiles and pummel you. His shield slash plays well against your projectiles so don't expect to win much battles with this guy because he is simply one of the toughest characters in the game. Have a dashing helper and use your beam super. He takes all beam supers extremely well and will most likely take 6 Shinkuu Hadokens w/helper attack before he's dead but hey it works. Just a small note: when he loses his shield he gains incredible speed and ability to combo his supers, but he loses range and 40% durability. He lacks in speed with his shield so use that to your advantage. Captain America Shield Slash: D,DF,F+P Use the JP to hit the opponent low usually after you've knock them down. Use the SP to go straight in the head. Use the FP to use as an anti-air attack. These all go the same speed and all have the same strength. Just make sure not to use it up close, as most players can jump over it and attack from above. Stars & Stripes: F,D,DF+P The punch determines the height and recovery of the move. This is like the Shoryken, but Captain America style. Great anti-air defender and should be used over the shield slash. However the recovery time of this move stil sucks no matter which one you use, so try to use it wisely. Charging Star: D,DF,F+K This is one of the best moves in the game because it eats fireballs and can still knock your opponents as well. However the start up delay really makes this move hard to connect with and the recovery time of this move is really bad and you can become easily countered. Cartwheel: F,DF,D,DB,B+P This is very useful becuase he's invincible while doing this and will go behind the opponent and through all attacks, but I'm not sure about supers though. He will go through the Final Justice or Darkness Illusion or Proton Cannon, but supers like the Weapon X or Shinkuu Hadouken he cannot go through. Supers: Final Justice: D+DF+F+2P This is one of the coolest looking supers in the game. Cap A. rushes at you with a uppercut while yelling out "Final Justice!" (pretty cool huh?)that has you falling down on your head but before you can hit the ground he hits you with a 7 hit combo then launches you up and Cap America comes up and does a tremendously powerful suplex that loses 15% of your life alone with an explosion. It is visually impressive and does alot of damage taking away 35% of your life. Ramming the buttons don't work though because its one of them all or nothing supers and it hits 10 times. This however will go through fireballs during start up. This does not work on Mechanized Zangief though and it will not catch opponents in the air. Truly the coolest looking super in the game. I say this all the time but this time I mean it, I just simply love using it whenever I get the chance. Very hard to combo off of though. Watch for the recovery time though its horrible and it does no block damage. Hyper Stars & Stripes: F,D,DF+2P Captain America does this move exactly like Ken's Shoryu Reppa, but looks cooler and is stronger. This is probably as strong as the Final Justice if not stronger. Once again this move cannot be made stronger buy ramming the buttons. This works better if Cap A. has no shield. This is Cap's super that has the less recovery time but it leaves him in the air a long time. When your up close to your opponent this will chip like crazy, a little less than the Crawler Assault and just as much as the Berserker Barrage X. Unlike Ken's Shouryuu Reppa or Akuma's Messatsu Gou Shouryuu is that Captain America's Hyper Stars n' Stripes will continue to connect as the opponent is slightly off the ground instead of getting knocked away and being able to block. Hyper Charging Star: D,DF,F+2K The hyper version of his Charging star will eat other beam supers but will not hit after that. Cap rushes at his opponent with a huge energy forming around his shield and does alot of damage. However this is an extremely poor chipper if used from afar, but when used up close this will do a bit more block damage than the Hyper Stars n' Stripes and probably his the best super to use with a dashing helper. But watch for the recovery time as well. Team Super Captain America: Hyper charging Star(partner)Hyper Stars n Stripes(Cap) When Captain America is out of the screen he will do the Hyper Charging Star causing a ton of chipping damage and normal damage, and when Captain America starts his team super he will do the Hyper Stars n' Stripes that is easily comboed and chips away alot of life. Team Counter Captain America: Charging Star An excellent counter because it deals out a good amount of damage and will sometimes knock the opponent down. Also if your Cap still has his shield he will absorb projectiles. Combos Ground Magic: Stronger Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Fierce, S.Strong AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Shield Slash, Strong Air Throw 1) C.Roundhouse --> Charging Star(OTG) 2) D.S.Short, S.Forward, S.Fierce 3) J.Roundhouse --> Jab-Air Shield Slash A simple combo, just throw the Shield as soon as the kick connects and tag em while they're still reeling. 4) Helper Attack, Final Justice! Call in your helper, then pull off a Final Justice while they're trying to hit the helper. Either that or you could actually let the helper attack connect and if you're lucky, the Final Justice will connect after it. 5) J.Fierce \/ C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Jab-Shield Slash(OTG) This is one of Cap's most effective combos. The Jab Shield Slash will always combo off of the knockdown as long as your opponent does not roll. 6) D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse --> any special or super move You must be EXTREMELY quick while pulling this off, the Roundhouse stuns the opponent for quite a long time, so Captain America can do his Marvel Super Hero combo except you must be quicker this time if you wish to pull off a Final Justice. 7) In corner: Hyper Charging Star --> Hyper Stars & Stripes Can anybody say major headache? Just make sure you cancel quickly. This will only work while your opponent is in the corner and don't worry I tried this myself by accident and people were awed! This really works because your opponent will be pinned to the wall for the longest time, if they're on the ground or close to it, use the Final Justice, this even works with the shield! If you don't have any levels of supers after the Hyper Charging Star just use his regular Stars & Stripes. 8) D.Short, S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Final Justice This works completely with the shield. His S.Roundhouse is awsome! It stuns the opponent for any super to connect but to connect with the Final Justice? Yes it will do that. You must cancel quickly or it will be blocked. Harder Combos 1) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.C.Jab, C.Strong, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher This is Captain America's standard air combo, well not standard, just extra hits added to his standard combo. 2) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Forward, S.Fierce --> Jab-Shield Slash The Shield Slash will usually get blocked, but it's unavoidable and will do chipping damage. 3) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Helper Attack --> Final Justice The only helpers that'll work in this situation are Juggernaut and Sentinel. Try to be in the corner when doing this combo so that the helper reaches your opponent before they get up. 4) Lose Shield, D.S.Short, S.Fierce --> Any Super Try doing a Fierce Shield Slash and then dashing to your opponent to lose your Shield. Without it, Cap's S.Fierce will act like Ryu's S.Fierce, stunning the opponent long enough to hit em with a super. 5) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Short, S.Forward --> Hyper Stars & Stripes or Team Super Cap's easiest setup for a super or team super when he has a Shield. Use this whenever you get a chance. 6) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Hyper Stars & Stripes(OTG) A tricky combo cause the sweep is often hard to set up and it can be rolled out of. It's mostly for show cause it doesn't do as much damage as the other Stars & Stripes combo. 7) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.C.Jab, C.Strong, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Jab, SJ.Jab /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher Well his Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter combo works perfectly here, but its a bit easier to pull off. After the three jabs in the air double jump into the next air combo. 8) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Foward, SJ.Fierce, SJ.DN.Roundhouse The roundhouse will connect if you are in the corner, but it will only connect if you go slowly in the combo. 9) In corner: J.Jab, J. Forward, J.DN.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Forward, S.Forward, S.Fierce --> Hyper Stars n Stripes Also I found it almost possible to replace the Hyper Stars n Stripes with a Final Justice, although you can easily chain a Final Justice off a standing Fierce in a corner but putting in a Final Justice combo is a bit harder. 10) J.Jab, J.Forward, J.DN.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Jab, C.Strong, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Jab, SJ.Jab /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Fierce --> SJ.DN.Roundhouse Easy as that, it worked in MSHSF and it works here, its the same as #7 except four extra hits are added. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Iron Man During the 30th anniversary issue of Iron Man issue Tony Starks had a bad heart and was forced to use the NTU-150 Series Neuromimetic Telepresence Unit to stop the deadly robots who were on a dealy ramage. However the robots have found James Rhodes, but Iron Man comes to his rescue and reliazes he cannot be Iron Man everywhere and he decides to make another armor for Rhodes and is a better improvement of the last one giving him massive firepower. He is now a member of The Avengers West Coast and now helps deal out his missles on the brute maniac Onslaught. War Machine is very manuverable in this game and his hits do alot of damage and his durablity is very strong in the rankings. He also can fly for a long time and has good speed. So is there a weakness to him? Yes he cannot combo his Proton Cannon which takes for ever to start up and forever to put back in his shoulder, his attacks have a huge recovery time as well. Quotes - "No, not Iron Man; War Machine!" - "You can chalk up that loss to experience!" - "Not even a scratch on the surface." - "Barely had to dip into my bag of high-tech tricks!" - "Superior technology triumphs once again." - "Repulsors are primed and ready for more action!" Strategies Keep away is useless on this guy because he's a finest at it too. But whenever you see a Proton Cannon coming up quickly use a beam super like Hyper Megaman or a Shinku Hadoken so catch him before he ever brings out his bad ass cannon. He his really a fustrating character because he so balanced out with high rate. But poke and block will win with this guy because his War Destroyer will do heavy damage so watch out. Have a dashing character and use your beam super. War Machine Missle Blast: D+FP War Machine will fire one single missle at high speeds that will cancel fireballs but won't do very much chipping damage. There is one huge default in this though and that is that War Machine waits until it connects and then has time to block. Shoulder Cannon: D,DF,F+P This is a good move that will hit multiple times and does great block damage and remember the recovery delay if you use Fierce cause its horrible!!! Try using Jab more often then Fierce. Low Shoulder Cannon: D,DF,F+K This is the low version of the Shoulder Cannon and will hit people too short or just blocks low alot. Basically treat this like Cyclops' low Optic Blast and combine it with the Missle Blast for an easy damaging combo. Repulsor Blast: F,DF,D,DB,B+P This is a great anti-air move because it juggles them in the air and will hit multiple times, but most likely not set up for the War Destroyer because it knocks 'em down. Can also be used on dashing opponents as well. Smart Bombs: SK+SP This is a great move that does good damage as well as block damage. Its also easy to do and can be done in the air as well. The distance is half screen and has fair recovery time. Rocket Boosters: D,DB,B+3K This will have him flying in the air, so this is useful for people who have ground supers like Captain America. While your in the air hit SK+SP and watch the life chip away. But be very careful because he cannot block while flying in the air!!! Knee Dive: D+FK(air) What this basically is is a jump in attack. It comes out fast but really doesn't have much priority but War Machine can immeditaely go into his J.DN.Fierce afterwards just like Iron Man did setting up alot of combo possibilites. Supers: Proton Cannon: D,DF,F+2P This is a very powerful weapon that does tremendous damage. The problem is that it takes far to long to start up and anybody should be able to counter with a beam super when he brings this cannon up. This cannon however will hit the opponent into the beam if they happen to touch it without blocking. This cannon will do alot of chipping damage. War Destroyer: D,DF,F+2K This is the super that should be used often because it will follow the opponents and it inflicts good block damage. The recovery time is better than the proto cannon though so use this on jumping opponents or super jumping opponents that'll surprsie 'em cause it comes out fast. Team Super War Machine: Proton Cannon Ouch! This super does alot of damage and chipping damage as well and will back up any super nicely. Also it has a bit of a start up delay and a long recovery time so you might want to think twice before using your team super. Team Counter War Machine: Repulsor Blast An excellent team counter because it just does so much damage and it will juggle the opponent. The recovery time is not bad if the opponent blocks it. Combos Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce, C.Roundhouse Knockdowns: C.Forward Air Launchers: S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: SJ.DN.Fierce, Shoulder Cannon Strong Air Throw 1) D.C.Short, C.Roundhouse 2) C.Fierce --> Shoulder Cannon Same idea as Cyclops' Optic Bullet to Optic Blast combo. As soon as you launch the missile cancel into the Shoulder Cannon. 3) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> War Destroyer 4) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Fierce --> Shoulder Cannon This combo is a bit unreliable cause many opponents will be able to block the S.Fierce. However, if it does connect, immediately cancel into the Shoulder Cannon. It'll catch them as they fly to the corner. Harder Combos 1) D.C.Short, C.Strong, S.Fierce --> Shoulder Cannon This is similar to easy combo number four except the timing is trickier. The pay off is that the S.Fierce is impossible to avoid. Immediately after hitting them with the C.Strong, release the joystick and get into a standing position. Then hit em with a S.Fierce and cancel into the Shoulder Cannon as they land. 2) D.C.Short, C.Strong, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.UP.Fierce --> Jab/Strong Shoulder Cannon This is War Machine's basic AC. It's also very customizable. You can skip the C.Strong if you want to, but it helps set up ther launcher. Also, you can point the Fierce downward to use as an AC finisher if you don't wanna do a Shoulder Cannon. 3) D.C.Short, S.Roundhouse --> War Destroyer, C.Short(OTG), C.Roundhouse This combo is simple until it gets to the OTG. As soon as you can move, knock em off the ground and hit em with the C.Roundhouse. 4) Fierce Throw into corner, D.C.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.UP.Fierce --> AC Finisher War Machine is the one of the lucky few that can OTG after a throw. Just dash in quickly and OTG before they can recover. Then follow up with the AC of your choice. 5) Air Smart Bomb --> Knee Stomp, J.DN.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.UP.Fierce --> Shoulder Cannon This is similar to his standard air combo except for the additional hits during the set up. As soon as the Knee Stomp connects, cancel into the Fierce so that he lands normally. Then dash in and finish up the AC. 6) Knee Stomp, DN.Fierce \/ C.Strong, S.Roundhouse SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Foward, SJ.UP.Fierce, Shoulder Cannon Okay this is a combo I made myself, this practically has the same properties as it did in MSH while playing as Iron Man. But the fierce in the air was his AC finisher but in this game War MAchine can go into the Shoulder Cannon. Just make sure you cancel into the fierce after the stomp quickly and you should be fine. Any questions, just email me. This works best if in the corner. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Gambit Once born as a theif in the swamp area of Louisiana he found out that he was a mutant. He has the ability to charge any object with kinetic energy to form high explosions. Not only that but he is an expert at playing poker and always has a trick up his sleeve. He is now a member of the X-Men and with his powers the heroes stand a better chance at defeating Onslaught. Gambit is an amzing Combo character, that means like any other combo character the recovery time is very little he can chain hits, cancel, and combo his supers extremely well. But alot like combo characters his strength and durability is weak, very weak. Quotes - "Hey, I think I bent my staff over your head......" - "Style means everything, and you don' have any!" - "Lebeau...... Remy Lebeau...... Remember dat name!" - "Good looks, charm, wit, style and modesty, too!" - "Not dealing with a full deck you say?" - "Don't like that hand? I'll deal you another." - "First class beating...... Cajun style!" - "You've dealt yourself a full hand, but I am all aces!" Strategies Well basically keep him away because your fireballs will eat his kinetic card up can go right through it. He doesn't take hits well so be on the offensive because he really doesn't have an anti air attack. However Gambit is extremely cheap because all his supers do heavy chipping damage and all his moves have no recovery time and he is just too darn quick. But keeping him away will do nicely. Gambit Kinetic Cards: D,DF,F+P This is one of the best and most used projectile in the game by Gambit players. It goes lightning quick and cannot be seen coming. However this will not go through or nullify Hadokens or any other projectile and will most likely get eatin up and over powered. Trick Card: D,DB,B+P This is basically the same thing as the kinetic cards except it goes diagonally upwards. You can use this as an anti-air attack but its so slow and it goes at an angle its rarely that you will connect with this move. Cajun Slash: F,D,DF+P The buttons used determines the little recovery time or no recovery time and the range, strength and length of the attack. Jab: Gambit will come at you with one big swipe that is a great surprise move. Has no recovery time. Strong: He will come at you with 3 swipes of his staff and has very little recovery time. Fierce: He will also hit 3 times except you can hit the opponent while they are down and has little recovery time. Cajun Strike: D(charge 2 sec.)U+P or K This move will have Gambit bounce off a wall and hit the opponent and will strike fast and cannot be countered by any normal move. But does fair damage. Just hold the joystick in the desired direction and hit the attack button whenever your ready to hit. Supers Royal Flush: D,DF,F+2P This is a quick super that does pretty good block damage and good normal damage as well. Ramming the button wouldn't even work because the max hits you will get is always 37 for some odd reason and if the opponent is hit by the staff they'll be eating aces all day! Don't forget that this thing OTG's. Cajun Explosion:D,DF,F+2K or D,DB,B+2K This move is alot like the Ultimate Web throw and will often be seen and will often be blocked. It does do heavy chipping damage and will do major damage if the opponent is blocking and in the corner. I think the down to back motion will have Gambit do the Explosion from above your opponents head and will really mess them up sorta like Chun-Li's neck breaker. But don't get fooled when Gambit is right above you doing the Cajun Explosion just block the way as if he were in front of you. Team Super Gambit: Royal Flush Without a doubt its obviously gonna be his team super. This super complements practically any super well because its damage potential as well as its chipping damage potential. Combine this with any other super and you can get up to 50+ hits most of the time, but Gambit will pose for a long while after the he completed the super leaving him open to attack. Team Counter Gambit: Cajun Slash A good counter but Gambit will perform the jab version of his Cajun Slash dealing good damage and knocking the opponent away giving enough time for Gambit to block. Combos Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Zigzag Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Fierce AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse Forward Air Throw 1) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card 2) C.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Cajun Slash or Royal Flush(OTG) 3) J.Fierce \/ S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Cajun Slash 4) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ Jab-Cajun Slash 5) Helper Attack, Royal Flush Harder Combos 1) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card 2) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Cajun Slash 3) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Cajun Slash (OTG) 4) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Jab, C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ. Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 5) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Royal Flush(OTG) Gambit's most painful combo so far. Be quick when cancelling into the Royal Flush or it'll miss. 6) In Corner: Fierce Throw, C.Short(OTG), C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ. Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher The basic corner combo for Gambit since X-Men vs. Street Fighter. It is rather cheap since you must throw your opponent, but after that it is a rahter powerful combo. 7) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, C.Fierce --> Royal Flush You must be right next to your opponent after launching them in order for the Royal Flush to connect. Gambit's staff will knock them down into the cards. 8) J.Short, J.Forward, J.Fierce\/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card, D.C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher The popular combo from X-Men vs. Street Fighter, you may want to take out a few hits against smaller characters when you are jumping in. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Hulk Bruce Banner, the highly intelligent rocket scientist was testing an atom bomb while a lunatic drove in the test area and Bruce was able to say the dumb guy while he absorbed the radiation. He, despite his size, strength, and durability was a well-mannered walking giant when he encountered someone of his size named Frost. This Frost guy is stronger than Hulk( wow! and he looks so human) and well I'm not going to get into this story because its not important. He has heard of Onslaught's wrath and comes to the aid of his other heroes as he takes on the brute. Hulk is the strongest Character in the game besides the exception of Mega War Machine. He is still to fast for a big guy and his combos have been lengthened since MSHSF. He is a little better than he was the last version and still has a super armor which allows him to take some hits before feeling the effects of it thus he can stop combos before they occur. Hulk can trade hits with Onslaught but my money goes to Onslaught because of his damaging supers. Quotes - "Brains and body...... What a perfect combo!" - "Gamma charged and ready for the next match up!" - "I've had a harder time squatting mosquitoes." - "Catch you later. I've got some researching to do." - "Barely flexed a bicep that time, who's next?" - "Hey! Quit hitting my fists with your head!" - "Still the strongest in this and any other world!" - "That was pathetic. Are you trying to be funny?" - "All this and I can tore bails too!" - "You tried to beat me with muscle? We could've talked, use your brain" Strategies Basically keep this guy away! Because his strength will kill you in an instant. He has a ground wave that will eat fireballs and will hit you in stun motion. He doesn't use this much and your beams won't have a good affect on him. Final Justice, Captain Storm, and Maximum Spider will eat him alive so these all or nothing supers work well. If you do happen to have Chun-Li as a player than use her Kikosho when Hulk takes time to grab a comet and immediately use it and Hulk will take huge chipping damage and you end up with the same amount of lives you've had in the beginning. Watch out though he will chip you with his normal attacks, but it won't kill you. Use Hulk's S.Jab alot because its pratically impossible to counter. Watch out for his C.Fierce because it'll have to hit twice for the launcher to connect. Take note of his S.Roundhouse as an air launcher, it has high priority and will beat out alot of moves, plus if they block they'll take chipping damage. It will not launcher off the ground however. Hulk Gamma Slam: D,DF,F+P This move is so-so, its not really affective all that often because of the start up delay involved and comboing it it difficult as you will have to cancel after the first hit of Hulk's crouching fierce launcher. Also characters like strider Hiryuu or Wolverine can easily jump over this and come in for a quick combo. Gamma Charge: B(Charge 2 sec.)F+K, or D(charge 2 sec.)U+K Hulk Charges at you and will eat fireballs, but he takes damage if he eats projectiles but his super armor should keep him going and hit the opponent for good damage, but if blocked he will be stuck for a while so use this to your advantage if you are the opponent against Hulk. Hulk can do 2 of these in a row, after you complete the motion hit another direction again and push kick for the second Gamma charge. This move is extremely powerful but yet the recovery time is really bad. Gamma Tornado: F,DF,D,DB,B+P This will swing the opponents to the other side of him and do incredible damage but watch for the recovery time cause he is KORT(King of Recovery Time) and will get countered alot so becareful when playing him. This is blockable as well. Supers: Gamma Wave: D,DF,F+2P Ouch! Your back should always be in the corner if you want to do this move because the farther away Hulk is from the other corner the more damage it does just like Magneto's Magnetic Shockwave. This super can chew away up to 60% of your life! Also it really doesn't do that much chipping damage and opponents can push block the super thus taking only about two or three pixels of chipping damage, but the recovery time is next to nothing. The damage can vary from 20% of your life to 65%! Gamma Crush: D,DB,B+2P Hulk goes up reaches for a comet and crushes it on you doing good damage and heavy chip damage. If the opponent is jumping at you they will get hit and drop on the floor unable to block, but there is also a down side to this as well. When they get knocked they'll either just fall in front of you or half screen distance away from you. If they fall in front of you, you'll completely miss the damage!!! For those of you wondering what do you mean where does he get it? He is massively strong and has a giant leaping ability surpassing Michael Jordan's(yes this is possible) and will jump so high reaching outer space to get a comet or a piece of the moon. Jeez has everybody for gotten their astronomy? Gamma Quake: D,DF,F+2K This is the move that should be used the most because it practically goes screen distance except when someone is all the way on the other corner, that causes the opponent to escape any damage. Use this on jumping opponents as well. It does good damage and fair chip damage as well. Team Super Hulk: Gamma Wave An excellent super to back up for your partner because it does huge damage if it connects and also it pushes away your opponent making it alot harder for your opponent to counter incase they block. However combining with the Death Bite or Hyper Stars n' Stripes is a serious killer! Team Counter Hulk: Gamma Charge An all around excellent team counter because it comes out extremely quick and it can absorb projectiles and hit the opponent in stun animation while going full screen distance at the same time. It will jack up your opponent so you can block immediatley as well. Combos Ground Magic: Weak Start Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, C.Roundhouse Knockdowns: None Air Launchers: C.Fierce, S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Strong, Fierce, Roundhouse, Strong Air Throw 1) S.Short, S.Fierce --> Ground Wave The Ground Wave is not really part of the combo but it pushes away the opponent leaving Hulk safe in case they block. 2) C.Fierce --> Jab-Gamma Tornado Immediately cancel the C.Fierce with the Tornado so that the second hit does not connect. If it does, then your opponent will get launched and Hulk will be left grabbing at air. 3) J.Roundhouse \/ Gamma Quake Hit em deep with the kick and do the super as soon as you land. They'll be able to block if the kick is not extremely deep. 4) C.Short, C.Forward --> Gamma Quake A simple and easy to do combo. However, Hulk needs to be right up next to his opponent for this to connect. 5) D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Gamma Crush The C.Fierce to Gamma Crush combo is one of Hulk's most painful combos. It works great on people that like to jump in on you! 6) D.C.Short, C.Fierce(one hit) --> Ground Wave or Gamma Wave If you time it just right, the wave should catch them before they get launched. Even if they block the C.Fierce, this is a very safe combo cause it'll push em away. 7) D.C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Fierce Hulk's basic air combo. It should work on every character. If you try to tack on any more hits, he'll either miss the Fierce or finish the AC prematurely. Harder Combos 1) J.Short, \/ C.Short, C.Forward --> Gamma Charge --> Gamma Charge This combo is Hulk's easiest and most painful ground combo. The trick is to start charging for the Gamma Charge as soon as you start the combo. 2) In Corner: J.Short, J.Forward \/ C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong, SJ.Fierce This combo should be quite easy to do, however on the smaller characters it will be harder to connect against them with the two hits in the air so you may want o jump in with a more priority roundhouse kick and continue your combos from there. 3) J.Short \/ C.Short, C.Fierce --> Upwards Gamma Charge --> Upwards Gamma Charge, C.Fierce(OTG) --> Gamma Wave/Gamma Crush The Gamma Wave is tough to connect, but if you do get it to connect ths combo can deal 70% damage! However the Gamma Crush is much easier to connect with so you may want to stick with that super instead. 4) In corner: C.Short --> Gamma Quake, Gamma Crush I've never really got this to work, but as far as I've seen in the arcades it works fine, but I never got it to connect. Some help on this would be nice. 5) In corner: J.Short, J.Forward \/ S.Jab, S.Fierce --> Gamma Quake --> Gamma Crush Like the combo above, except this time there are more hits to the combo. But I have found that this combo easier to connect fully that the first one at the top, not sure why but it just is. Its one of those things that you cannot explain. 6) In corner: J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Upwards Gamma Charge, Upwards Gamma Charge \/ C.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ. Short, SJ.Fierce, SJ.Fierce(OTG) Well this combo was taken from previous games where Hulk appeared in. It still works in this game but much harder to pull off than in Marvel Super Heroes or Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. You can replace the air combo with a Gamma Crush if you want. 7) In corner: J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Upwards Gamma Charge, Diagonal Upwards Gamma Charge \/ S.Short, S.Fierce --> Gamma Quake ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Captain Commando Well he used to be the Capcom Mascot but the role given to Pure & Fur. He even had his own game called Captain Commando(duh) with the same powers he had now. He protects the lives of innocent people while whooping punks and drug dealers on the streets. He is your basic crime fighter like Batman, but without the tragic past. Now he's got a bigger task at hand, the takedown of Onslaught. Captain Commando has great strength and speed and has the ability to combo both supers. He has other Commandos come to aid him in his quest whenever he needs it. Sho the Ninja is probaly his only other Commando that he can call to finish his ground combos. Quotes - "Burn, baby, burn!" - "Get up, go home, and tell 'em who defeated you." - "Thank you for playing this game!" - "I welcome your challenge! You can become the best!" - "Capcom's first game was Vulgus, which was released in 1984." - "We stand for justice, fair play and character." - "Graphics aren't everything. Gameplay is the key!" - "You would make a great soldier." Strategies You won't win keep away against this guy because he has excellent keep away skills that rivals Megaman's. He doesn't take hits well and has tremendous ground to super combos, so be on the lookout for it. Have a dashing helper and use your beams on him because he doesn't take beams well either. But stick to keep away and he'll give up eventually. Captain Commando Captain K.O.: D,DF,F+P This is not Captain Fire its called Captain K.O.(he yells this out when he does it anyways) because remember the CapCom game for the SNES a while back and he used this to finish of opponents and just knock them out!!! This has good strength and should be used often and will go screen distance. Doing good chip damage. Captain Corridor: D,DB,B+P This is simply a great anti-air move probably the best in the game and has fair distance as well. Use this on jumping characters or to set up the Captain Sword. The fact that Captain Commando has this at his disposal is literally unfair, even opponents who are next to him and blocking will get pushed back too far to even counter unless they have a fast super like the Hyper Stars n' Stripes or Shouryuu Reppa. Captain Kick: D,DF,F+K This is a great surprise move because it goes screen distance in less than a sec, but the recovery time is lame. Sometimes and most likely he will, he will completely miss the opponent and go over there head leaving him open for attack. Use this kick on Zangief and Hulk but start hitting them after that because they won't feel the effects of anything after a few hits so that gives them room to counter back. Commando Strike: D,DF,F+K Well Captain Commando will call out one of his buddies to get a crack at the opponent, and depending on which button you press will determine who will come out. SK- Sho the ninja comes out very quickly and can be comboed easily because he hits multiple times and does good damage. FK- Jennety comes up and down while spinning a knife doing good damage and is basically used as a anit-air attack. RK- Hoover will launch a missle at you at head height and will not only do poor chipping damage but poor normal damage as well. He takes awhile to actually shoot the missle so its usually blocked, but comes at you fast. The worst of all three. Supers Captain Sword: D,DF,F+2P This is an incredibly damaging super for something that doesn't even connect half the way. It goes up and comes at you going screen distance while doing weak block damage. When you combo this with a helper make sure you pull it off immediately because it'll do very little damage if it OTG. Captain Storm: D,DF,F+2K Almost like the Final Justice but a little more flashier. CapCom rushes at you with an uppercut that hits you high up then all of his teammates come out and gets a beating on your opponent rising them up and while the opponent comes down CapCom has prepared a huge Captain Corridor that will bounce your opponent while your group poses for a shot doing a total of 12 hits. This move however will not do chip damage and its another all or nothing super. But the recovery time is long so use this to your advantage if you've blocked. This will also go under fireballs. Oh yeah its very comboable as well. Team Super Captain Commando: Captain Sword An excellent super because if your opponent is above you and even if they block the beam will bring down your opponent and into your partner's team super! This super causes alot of damage and there is practically no escape from this super except when the opponent is behind your Captain Commando. Team Counter Captain Commando: Captain Corridor An excellent team counter because it can even hit opponents who are above your partner and it deals good damage and will send your opponent flying away leaving Captain Commando safe to block. Combos Ground Magic: ZigZag Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Strong, S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Captain K.O., Strong Air Throw 1) D.S.Jab, S.Jab, C.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Captain Corridor 2) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Captain Sword The cheese em' combo that is so damaging its just unbelievable. Very easy to do and very damaging, what a "perfect combo!" 3) D.C.Jab, C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Captain Fire, Captain Corridor, Short-Commando Strike, or Captain Storm Captain Commando's crouching fierce is really a superb weapon to have it will stun the opponent long enough for anything to connect besides his Captain Sword. 4) Helper Attack, Captain Fire or Captain Storm 5) J. Foward, \/ D.S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse --> Captain Sword Harder Combos 1) D.S.Jab, S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 2) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Captain Corridor(OTG) Try to wait a split second when the opponent hits the ground, because if you do this too early you will miss the opponent. 3) In corner: D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Captain Storm Wham! Bam! Captain Storm! A smooth combo that works perfectly. You should not have too much trouble with this combo though. 4) In the corner: J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Captain Storm, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse --> Captain Sword This combo may look easy but I find that A LOT of people tend to either forget the roundhouse or the Captain Sword. Try to remember and put your opponent to dust. 5) In the corner: J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Captain Storm, C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse --> Captain Sword, D.C.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher This combo was taken from Miguel Rustia(like the majority of the combos on this FAQ!) but I doubt that it will work since you can only OTG the opponent once, but its worth a try. 6) J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Foward, C.Fierce --> Short Commando Strike You should make this combo as as quick as possible without any stops in between, or if you do stop make sure your amount of time between attacks are all equal. His crouching fierce should set up nicely for the Ninja to come in through. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Venom Long after his fight against Carnage he served helping the innocent and has his hatred for Spider Man has cooled off. Over the years he has had some rather bad relations with Juggernaut, suffering defeat not once but twice from him. During that time his symbiote had mutated into a more hideous creature than his original symbiote, but sensing how I don't want to spoil too much I'll stop right there as to how his symbiote came back to normal. After his encounters with Carnage and Juggernaut he has had a sense of justice and just will and will attempt to try and stop the might Onslaught himself(well not by himself, he needs a special partner and a special helper right?). Quotes - "Spider-man will pay for ruining my innocence!" - "We're going to eat your brain!" - "That's just a sample of what I'm gonna do to Parker!" - "My symbiote's tops. Everyone should have one." - "You broke the rules and you were punished for it." - "Innocent death is always unpleasant. For you." - "And righteous triumphs once again." Strategies Basically he doesn't take anything well. His anti air attack is very weak so anything works on him. His priority is okay, but he tends to be a bit slow in recovering from his special attacks. His supers are rather effective, especially his Venom Web and he has some rather nasty combos. His strength and speed are very good, but it seems to me that Spider-Man beats him in both departments. Venom Lunge Bite: F+HP This move is very strong and is like a mini version of the venom fang. Hit will push opponents away making it a great keep away move, but does no chipping damage and can be used as a ground combo finisher. Basically you can treat this like Hulk's standing fierce, its just that the recovery time is better than Hulk's. Venom Fang: D,DF,F+P This will have Venom arching in a blob form that does good damage and can also be done in the air. The button use determines the height and arch of the blob so becareful not to miss. You can also use this in an air combo as well, treat this like you would Sakura' Shououken in the air from Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. Web Slam: F,DF,D,DB,B+P If this catches the opponents then it will start slamming them across the screen doing super strength damage if you manage to ram the buttons. Jab- will go straight across Strong- will go at a 45 degree angle Fierce- will go straight up Web Rush: D,DF,F+K This is an anti-air attack that goes around Venom, but it has huge recovery delay. Basically its more like a protective shield around Venom as his symbiote swirls around him. The recovery time is practically non-existant making this a safe move to use. Supers Venom Web: D,DF,F+2P Once of my favorite supers in the game because its another one of those auto supers that you will only work on an unblocking opponent. You can also use this super just as you see Spider Man about to start his Maximum Spider or if you see Gambit do his Cajun Explosion. Once it connects Venom will cacoon his opponent while then proceed to pummel his opponent in an auto combo that ends with the Venom Fang. But your opponent must be really stupid to get caught by this move because it has a bit of a start up delay and your opponent must be close to your for this to connect. Death Bite: D,DF,F+2K An excellent super that can be easily comboed as your opponent will be surfed along Venom's symbiote that does alot of damage. This move is very similar to the Omega Destroyer because the closer you are to your opponent the more damage it does. This will combo off his strike as well, but its much easier to combo if you are closer to your opponent. Team Super Venom: Death Bite An all around excellent team super although it doesn't really chip that much damage it pushes the opponent back and it can really complement your partner's super by the damage that it does. Since it pushes your opponent away you really don't have to worry about being countered too often. Team Counter Venom: Venom Fang A tremendously excellent team counter because it comes out fast and does excellent damage and also it can go over some projectiles and even if your opponent blocks they can suffer a good amount of chipping damage. Combos: Ground Magic: Stronger or Punch to Kick Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.FD.Fierce Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: S.Strong AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Venom Fang, Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) C.Strong --> Venom Fang 2) C.Roundhouse --> Short-Venom Fang(OTG) 3) J.Roundhouse \/ S.Roundhouse --> Death Bite or Team Super 4) J.Roundhouse \/ S.Roundhouse --> Short-Venom Rush 5) D.S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong --> Venom Fang Basically not much too it that cna be explain or said, its pretty much self explanatory. You don't have to cancel into the Venom Fang this early, but if you want to get the job done quickly, then go ahead and finish the air combo off with the Venom fang. Harder Combos 1) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Jab, C.Roundhouse --> Short-Venom Fang(OTG) Probably Venom's longest ground combo. It's a very simple one, just be quick about OTGing with the Venom Fang. 2) Fierce Throw, S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong --> Strong Air Throw Pause for a very quick split second after the throw. Most guys try to hit the launch too quickly and miss the window of opportunity. Just pause and you'll catch em before they break out. Follow up with an AC and another throw for some insane damage. 3) Fierce Throw, S.Jab, S.Foward -->Death Bite or Team Super Works best if you're in a corner. Very useful and very cheesy. 4) J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher Standard air combo for Venom, master it and you will already be a master at Venom! 5) In corner: Fierce Throw, D.S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Strong Air Throw \/ Death Bite or Team Super The point of this combo is too dash and quickly launch the opponent before they hit the ground, you can OTG them, but since your opponent can roll out of this, its best that you launch them before they have the chance to. 6) In corner: J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Venom Fang \/ Fierce Web Throw You can do the fierce Web Throw, but you can launch your opponent up into the air again and then into another air combo, or you can use your Venom Web as you land, other wise its up to you. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Morrigan Her personality is always on the sexual nature. She seduces men and when there asleep she takes their soul. But living as a Suucubus this is as natrual as her life can get. She then found out that Onslaught was going to destroy every living soul on Earth and she doesn't like that because she won't have nobody to take their soul from. This led her to use her powers to fight against the supreme Onslaught. Quotes - "I shouldn't have gone so easy on you!" - "Eternity can be lonely. Please keep me company." - "My beauty can overcome brains and brawn." - "Your soul is strong...... May I borrow it? Forever......" - "Stay down, it's easier that way." - "It gets rough sometimes...... Just stay on your back." - "Your soul is not worthy of me." - "You can get hurt...... Don't exert yourself next time." Strategies She is a finesse at keep away because she acts like a Ken. She takes hit well and has lethal combos. Be on the offensive side because she doesn't like to play defense that often. While she does play like X-Men vs. Street Fighter Ken, players who have used her before in the Darkstalkers series should easily adapt as the magic series is also the same in this game as well. Morrigan Shell Kick: D+MK(air) This is sort of a drill like move that will either beat out your opponents launch attack or just trade hits. Beware the recovery time is very poor so its hard to counter. Shell Pierce: D+HK(air) Bats will fly around her legs and she will sorta drill at you, so use this like a Chun-Li stomp kick. Soul Fist: D,DF,F+P This is exactly like Ryu's Hadoken and should be used often. It has the same damage,speed and width. It has good power both on the normal and chipping side. Shadow Blade: F,D,DF+P This move is exactly like the Shatoken Dragon Punch and should mostly be used as an anti air attack. This can also be used in the air as well. But like most anti air attacks if she misses she will fall unable to block. Vector Slam: F,DF,D,DB,B+P This is a very powerful move that flys the opponent up and she slams them down, but this move is blockable though. If she misses she'll start swinging her arms to regain her balance so attack when necessary. Supers Soul Erasor: D,DF,F+2P This move is very powerful but takes awhile to start up. The bats help her set up this beam of death practically killing anyone who doesn't block. Use a dashing helper like Collosus or Psylocke to stun them long enough to use the beam. This has good recovery time though so use it often. Silohuette Blade:F,D,DF+2P This move is the weakest of all her supers but still very damaging and is the easiest to set up from combos. Lilith images will appear and connect very fast but does little chip damage. However unlike Ken if she misses with this opponents will have a harder time countering because the recovery delay isn't really all that bad, but its still a risk against quick opponents like Wolverine or Spider-Man. Darkness Illusion:D,DF,F+2K This is one of the coolest supers in the game!!! This is another all or nothing supers that have to connect for damage. She'll rush at you with her rockets(?) and uppercuts you doing a devastating combo. Not only that but she calls upon Lilith to help her beat the crap out of the opponent. This move can do only 33 hits on the ground and 34 hits in the air, so ramming the buttons won't work. This is the strongest super of her arsenal but does no chip damage so becareful cause this will leave her stunned for awhile. Eternal Slumber: JP, MK, B, SP, FP(Level Three) This move is unblockable but comes out very slow, but don't worry people who haven't seen this before will just block the heart and end up getting beat up behind the curtains. But use it wisely cause it'll eat up 3 levels of super. Team Super Morrigan: Soul Eraser An excellent team super to back up her partner's because it helps bulk up the chip damage and also it does alot of damage as well and its really hard to counter. Team Counter Morrigan: Shadow Blade An excellent team counter because it does good damage and it will even hit the opponent who is above your partner. Also if it connects it will send the opponent away to the other side of the screen leaving Morrigan safe to block but if somehow the opponent blocks the opponent does have a small chance to counter though. Combos Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Zigzag Super Jump Magic: Zigzag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Fierce AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Soul Fist, Shadow Blade, Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse 2) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse 3) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward --> Shadow Blade 4) D.C.Short, C.Forward --> Silhouette Blade 5) C.Roundhouse --> Silhouette Blade(OTG) 6) Kill first character, Eternal Slumber The quicker you do this when the opponent dies, the more of the chance that you will have at connecting this super. 7) Helper attack --> Soul Eraser Since you can't OTG the Soul Eraser this is the only logical way to combo it in. 8) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Darkness Illusion Harder Combos 1) J.Jab, J.Short \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 2) D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Darkness Illusion(OTG) Go ahead and waste your time and your super, the total hits to come out of this combo is 5 lousy hits. The Darkness Illusion acts like Captain America's Final Justice from Marvel Super Heroes, it will only hit once and roll the opponent away if it OTGs. 3) J.Jab, J.Short \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Shadow Blade/Soul Fist/Darkness Illusion Well if you like to mop the floor with your opponent this is the combo to use. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Spider-Man This wall crawler used to be a geek until being bitten by a radioactive spider. This gave him the superior strength and agility of an Arachnid. He decided to use his powers for wrestling making big bucks during one of the nights he was due to wrestle he was possesed by how much money could earned and gave no help to help catch a crook. That same night the same burglar broke into Uncle Ben's house killing Peter's dear uncle. He has always told to himself "with great power comes great responsability" and that has led him to the fight against Onslaught. Quotes - "J.J. doesn't pay me enough for this." - "Hope M.J. doesn't mind if I'm late." - "And I still have enough time to make it back for dinner." - "You got a beef with me pal? Well, I've got one for you, too!" - "Best two out of three? You're on!" Strategies Well play offensive on him because he rarely uses his Spider Sting and doesn't take hits well. He will often get you in corner traps and keep comboing you all day so keep switching because he rarely blocks. Any super works on him so keep filling up that meter. Spider Man Web Ball: D,DF,F+P This will catch the opponent and hold them there unable to block or move. This does good damage as well. If you use the fierce punch you will have enough time to actually use your Maximum Spider. However the start up delay is long and the jab version is best at keep away. The Jab and Strong versions of the Web Ball can be used as an AC Finisher though. Web Throw: F,DF,D,DB,B+P This move will come out and catch the opponent and Spidey will start to swing aroung and the release doing heavy damage. However this is blockable and will leave him vulnerable. The Jab version goes straight across, the Strong version goes diagonally upwards, while the Fierce version goes straight up. Web Swing: D,DB,B+K This move comes out extremely fast and will surprise anyone. However if you connect you can get to the other side of your opponent. Once your on the other side your opponent will most likely have blocked in time so you can't do a thing. Also this does alot of damage and it can be easily comboed as the Roundhouse version will OTG. Spider Sting: F,D,DF+P, then P(optional) This is one of the moves practically all Spider Man users won't use. This is use for an anti air attack just like the Shatoken Dragon Punch. If you can master this you can make Spider Man one of the best Defensive Characters in the game. If you press P again you can initiate the second Spider Sting hit otherwise your opponent will be dangling in the air and you must initiate the second hit quickly otherwise the opponent can attack you. Supers Maximum Spider: D,DF,F+2P This is an extremely damaging move and will juggle your opponent in the air doing 5 hits that does a ton of damage. However this does about three pixels of block damage and will leave Spider Man vunlnerable to wide supers like Captain Sword or the Big Bang Laser. Crawler Assult: D,DF,F+2K This is Spider Man's best chipping super and will do heavy damage if you can ram the buttons long enough. Spider Man does a wicked dance-like combo that leaves shadows behind him and is extremely fast and will be anyone who makes a mistake. It's hard to roll out of this though, but only if Spidey has started this super while your in the air and about to fall. If your on the ground Spidey will still be able to OTG this but you should be able to roll out of it. Also all the hits will connect this time unlike in Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter where the last kick would not connect and would levae Spider Man open to attack. Also its also COMBOABLE NOW WITHOUT OTG! Ultimate Web Throw: D,DB,B+2P This is the strongest of all of Spider Man's supers. If the opponent is standing right in front of Spidey(and he has to) and not blocking Spidey will catch this guy and start to gain momentum then finally he releases the opponent hurtling into the wall doing extrememly powerful damage. This will not chip so don't use it often and will have a start up delay. Try spinning the joystick in the same direction Spidey's swinging the opponent for maximum damage. Team Super Spider-Man: Crawler Assult An excellent team super because it does good damage and it comes out quite fast. Also it does alot of chipping damage and if Spider Man has knocked the opponent down he can immediately go into his team super, but Spider-Man will recover from this super before he can attack or leave to take a rest. Team Counter Spider-Man: Spider Sting An excellent team counter because it comes out fast and can knock some people out of their supers, but if the opponent does manage to block Spider-Man will fall unable to block. Combos: Ground Magic: Stronger Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: S.Strong, C.Forward(small launcher), S.Roundhouse(air launcher) AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Web Swing, Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Jab, C.Strong, C.Fierce 2) D.S.Short, S.Forward --> Jab-Web Ball 3) D.S.Jab, S.Strong --> Strong-Web Throw This combo is not a sure thing. It is very tricky cause it only works on the bigger characters. 4) D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Web Swing(OTG) 5) Fierce Air Web Ball, Maximum Spider This is the only way to combo the Maximum Spider. As soon as you see the ball connect, immediately pull off the super to hit em' before they shake free. 6) J.Short, J.Roundhouse \/ S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong, SJ.Fierce Harder Combos 1) J.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher This will be the bulk of your offense with Spidey. Get this to connect reliably and you'll already be a master at Spidey. 2) J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce \/ D.S.Short, C.Forward --> Fierce Spider Sting 3) J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Jab-Web Ball This is Spidey's alternate air combo. Skip the SJ.Forward to get a web ball to connect. The beauty of this AC is the fact that Spidey lands after the opponent gets up. You can then confuse them into blocking the wrong way and relaunch. 4) J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher Same as Spidey's regular air combo except for the additional hits during the jump in. Do this for show or if you wanna rack up the combo meter. 5) J.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Crawler Assault(OTG) 6) J. Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Foward, C.Fierce, C.Roundhouse --> Crawler Assault (OTG) 7) Fierce Web ball, etc. Just keep doing this, I'm not sure if its an infinite though but you can keep doing this. 8) D.S.Jab, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Helper Attack, Web Ball \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Crawler Assault ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Zangief After the World Warrior Tournament years past and Zangief was getting bored of wrestling bears and he soon heard that Onslaught's wrath might fall apon mother Russia. Wasting no time he hurried to New York with the other heroes and was now engaged in battle with Onslaught. Zangief is very strong in this game and most of his special moves are unblockable. He has a deadly unblockable Final Atomic Buster that just hurts. He is the weakest combo character in the game though. Quotes - "I'd shake your hand, but your arms are over there." - "I'm sorry. Do you require medical assistance?" (poor attempt at Charlie's 'Red Cross is on the way') - "Not bad. You're still in one piece. Then again......" - "A tough country breeds an even tougher man!" - "Wow! You make me feel so powerful!" - "I apologise. I have damaged the floor with your head!" - "Towards all odds, I'll prevail, Mother Russia!" - "Fool! You wish to be pulverized by my muscle?" Strategies Keep him away at all cost!! He is more lethal than Hulk because his supers are unblockable and his special grabs are unblockable as well. Keep him away, that all you'll need to win. When he changes to his Mega Zangief mode use your beam super because he will eat it up and lose over half his life. Zangief Spinning Clothesline: 3P Ah! good old Zangief who has a great sense of humor, a sensitive heart will happlessly spin himself around whacking the opponent doing crazy damage as well as chip damage. But if the opponent is blocking he can be sweeped and will leave him vulnerable if blocked. Spinning Lariat: 3K Once again this is the same move as above but comes out quicker has better recovery time and does the same chip damage. However this move is weaker than the clothesline but you should stick with this one. Banishing Flat: F,D,DF+P This move is great because it will simply absorb fireballs and slap the opponent for good damage. Try not to use it too much though because it gets very predictable. Aerial Russian Slam: F,D,DF+K This is simply a fair anti air move but when the opponent is caught he will be thrown down on the pavement and will do very powerful damage. So when there's power you know there will be some catches to it as well. Siberian Bear Crusher: 270 degrees+K(1/3 screen distance away) This move is unblockable but slow and will do great damage. Zangief will come at you, grab you then puts you down on your head. This is simply one of the best moves in Zangief's powerful arsenal. Siberian Suplex: 270 degrees+K(up close) This move is unblockable as well and will do twice the damage and can be comboed after his jumping FP if timed right. This does an insane amount of damage and should be used whenever your near an opponent. Spinning Pile Driver: 270 degrees+P Zangief's Favorite move simply because it hurts! Once your up close use this move because its also unblockable. It has no start up delay but will leave him vulnerable if he misses, just a really small character like Roll, but that's it. Don't worry about Hulk it doesn't matter if he ducks cause he's just too darn big. Supers Final Atomic Buster: D,DF,F+2P Use this like you would a Raging Demon because it hurts and its unblockable but its a little slower. First he puts you in a Siberian Suplex that does practically low damage, then his patented pile driver that also does pathetic damage, but then he puts you in a Super Spinning Pile driver that takes away 20% of your life tallying up to a total of 30% damage!!! However if the opponent is not in range he will have wasted a super and leaving him vulnerable as well. Ultra Final Atomic Buster: (Level 3) D,DF,F+3K The super version of the Final Atomic Buster!!! Wow just saying it puts fear into opponents. Basically he'll do the same thing but with 60% damage!!! Yeah it does sound cheesy, so stick with the regular Final Atomic Buster. Mecanized Zangief: B,D,DB+2K The super version of Zangief, ouch!!! This guy is a walking Zombie and will come at you at will. He doesn't take that much damage, but if you have a beam super use it at will because he doesn't take beams well. In fact about 1 1/2 of the should finish him off!! Watch out though because he cannot block!!. Mechanized Zangief Spinning Clothesline: 3P Ah! good old Zangief who has a great sense of humor, a sensitive heart will happlessly spin himself around whacking the opponent doing crazy damage as well as chip damage. But if the opponent is blocking he can be sweeped and will leave him vulnerable if blocked. Spinning Lariat: 3K Once again this is the same move as above but comes out quicker has better recovery time and does the same chip damage. However this move is weaker than the clothesline but you should stick with this one. Siberian Slap: F,D,DF+P This move is great because it will simply absorb fireballs and slap the opponent for good damage. Try not to use it too much though because it gets very predictable. Air Suplex: F,D,DF+K This is simply a fair anti air move but when the opponent is caught he will be thrown down on the pavement and will do very powerful damage. So when there's power you know there will be some catches to it as well. Siberian Bear Crusher: 270 degrees+K(1/3 screen distance away) This move is unblockable but slow and will do great damage. Zangief will come at you, grab you then puts you down on your head. This is simply one of the best moves in Zangief's powerful arsenal. Siberian Suplex: 270 degrees+K(up close) This move is unblockable as well and will do twice the damage and can be comboed after his jumping FP if timed right. This does an insane amount of damage and should be used whenever your near an opponent. Spinning Pile Driver: 270 degrees+P Zangief's Favorite move simply because it hurts! Once your up close use this move because its also unblockable. It has no start up delay but will leave him vulnerable if he misses, either when somebody is ducking or just a really small character. Don't worry about Hulk it doesn't matter if he ducks cause he's just too darn big. Siberian Blast: D,DF,F+P Wow! A projectile coming from a guy this strong!! It does good damage and goes 3/4 screen distance and will stop most incoming supers. The recovery time is just like Dhalsim's so becareful!!! Supers Final Atomic Buster: D,DF,F+2P Use this like you would a Raging Demon because it hurts and its unblockable but its a little slower. First he puts you in a Siberian Suplex that does practically low damage, then his patented pile driver that also does pathetic damage, but then he puts you in a Super Spinning Pile driver that takes away 20% of your life tallying up to a total of 25% damage!!! However if the opponent is not in range he will have wasted a super and leaving him vulnerable as well. Siberian Blizzard: B,DB,D,DF,F+2K An absoltuely great anti air attack that does major unthinkable damage!!! Zangief will go high up and smack his opponent to death!!! He has low recovery time and will do great chip damage, but it doesn't bring the opponent in like Ryu's Hyper Hurricane Kick. Normal Zangief: B,D,DB+2K This should turn the machine into the regular good natured guy back into his natural self. Team Super Zangief/Mech Zangief: Siberian Lariat Well a very underated super in my opinion because it comes out slow and most opponents can duck under it. But actually this super does alot of damage and it chips a ton and can practically complement most supers in the game as Zangief does a super version of his Spining Clothesline that has alot more horizontal range than his regular Spinning Clothesline. Team Counter Zangief/Mech Zangief: Running Bear Grab Ouch! This is by far the single most powerful team counter in the game as Zangief will do his Running Bear grab, but it comes out slow but if your opponent is close this will most likely connect causing alot of damage. Combos: Ground Magic: None Air Magic: None Super Jump Magic: Stronger Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Strong, Strong Throw AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, SPD, Lariat, Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) C.Fierce --> Fierce Green Hand 2) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Roundhouse --> Siberian Bear Crusher or Final Atomic Buster 3) S.Roundhouse --> Short-Air Grab This combo is very easy to pull off. The Roundhouse knocks the opponent up in the air, setting them up perfectly for the grab. The cool thing about this combo is that Zangief looks so fast while doing it. Harder Combos 1) Siberian Splash \/ C.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Forward, SJ.Roundhouse The easiest Zangief air combo to pull off. You'll find yourself doing this a lot if you screw up your lariat. 2) Knee Stomp \/ C.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Forward --> Air SPD This is in the expert section cause the SPD is so friggin hard to connect! This is a very painful combo though and it makes you look like a master. Skip the Forward for heavier characters. 3) J.DN.Forward \/ C.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Forward --> Kick Lariat \/ S.Roundhouse --> RGB, FAB or SPD Zangief will land before his opponent and the Roundhouse will knock them up again. Grab em when they're coming down for the second time. 3) Siberian Splash \/ C.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Forward --> Kick Lariat \/ S.Roundhouse /\ Short-Air Throw Same idea as the previous AC, except this is what you should do if you're not too good at SPD's or FAB's. 5) Knee Stomp \/ C.Fierce, Double Final Atomic Buster The idea here is to stun em long enough for the DFAB to connect. One of the easier linkers for Grief. 6) Knee Stomp \/ C.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Forward --> Kick Lariat \/ S.Roundhouse --> Jab Green Hand, Final Atomic Buster Yet another variation of Zangief's bread an butter AC. This one does more damage but it's mostly for show. Hard as hell to connect though. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Megaman(Rockman) Once Dr. Wily and Dr. Light were partners in designing robots for the benefit of mankind but greed has overwhelmed Dr. Wily and one night he has taken all the offensive and defensive robots with him and left the weaker and house cleaning robots behind that being Megaman and Roll. Mega now must stop the wrath of Onslaught as he prepares for the biggest fight of his mechanical life. Quotes - "Your powers are too weak to help me!" - "I need more power! Maybe if I defeat you......" - "I cannot let you defeat me! I must become better!" - "Dr. Light said I could learn much from fighting!" - "Right on! What new powers have I obtained?" - "Why must I fight you? We are not enemies!" - "That was a neat attack. I think I'll try it myself!" Strategies Megaman is the best keep away chracter in the game. His Mega Fireball is so easy to do and his Mega Upper has high priority. Watch out for his Hyper Mega Man because its extremly lethal even more powerful than War Machine's Proton Cannon!! But in the early levels he'll just stand there and let you hit him all day so keep attacking. But on levels like six or seven he can become more leathal then Zangief or Hulk. Don't worry about Hyper Megaman though it takes far too long to start and will be extremely difficult to combo with a dashing helper or a helper with a beam. Megaman Mega Buster: HP This is simply one of the best fireballs in the game because its just simply to easy to do and will beat out any fireball, use this as you would Cyclops' mini eye beam. This move however will not do chip damage. You can throw 2 at a time but they must be at different levels of height so make one high and one low. Mega Blast: HP(Charged) This is simply alot stronger than his fireball because you can move while your charging and will hit alot of times depending on how long you charge it. If charged long enough you can get beam super damage from this, all by simply holding down a button! If you can charge for 20 seconds you can get at least 12 hits and it will stun them leaving you open to use your Hyper MegaMan and just watch them die in an instant!!! Every 2 seconds will bring in another hit until after 15 seconds. After 15 seconds every second will bring in another hit. Also once the projectile becomes strong enough, it can even eat up War Machine's Shoulder Cannon! Mega Upper: F,D,DF+P This is basically the same as a Shatoken Dragon Punch, but does more damage and has the same recovery lag. The button used will determine the height of the upper. Item Call: D,DB,B+K Depending on which kick you use you'll get a different item. If your playing against another Megaman or Roll you can steal the opponents item! Short-This will call eddie to retreive one of your items and use it against an opponent. Using the Short will bring out the Rockball. Forward-This will call out eddie once again but you'll get the Hurricane Hold. Roundhouse-This will call upon eddie once again but you'll get the leaf shield. Item Use: D,DF,F+P Rockball: Mega will kick the ball at the opponent bouncing off walls and after a few hits it'll just dissappear, but does very low chip damage. Note that you must actually hit the ball for it to bounce around, otherwise it will just sit there. Hurricane Hold: Mega will throw out his Hurricane Hold and will toss the opponent in the air leaving the opponent falling down unable to block so use Hyper Meagman!!! Leaf Shield: A shield will form around Mega and will protect him from one single hit. He can also use it as a weapon which will hit multiple times doing great chip damage as well as normal damage. This does not last forever and will go away in about 6 seconds. This, when used as a projectile will eat out fireballs and still do good damage afterwards. Supers Hyper Megaman: D,DF,F+2P MegaMan transforms into a huge giant sized robot practically double the size of Hulk and will do crazy damage and fair damage. If the opponent is near Mega they will get hit by the transformation and get knocked up into the beam super. Don't count on this to win you battles it's not even comboable with a helper!! Well actually it is comboable with a helper, except for the fact that it takes a long time for Megaman to start up his super. Once the helper connects immediately cancel. Rush Drill: D,DF,F+2K Mega hops onto his mechanical dog as he is transformed into a drill that does amazing damage and chipping damage. If your next to the opponent just hit RK and the opponent will be lifted up. Megaman is totally invincible too! Use this the most often because when people jump around over you, you can immediately turn around and it them!!! Beat Plane: D,DB,B+2K Mega hops onto Beat and he transforms into a plane and will shoot beams when hitting the punch buttons and will drop bombs when using the kick buttons. Ram the buttons and watch your artilery climb off the scales!!! The chip is pretty decent and the damage is okay depending if you can hit a punch button rapidly the bombs will do more damage. But its often blocked, but you can control the plane while your inside, but your not invincible and will get knocked off by a single hit. The recovery time is better than the Rush Drill though. Team Super Megaman: Hyper Megaman An all around excellent team super as it will cover up practically the whole screen as it can bulk up the chipping damage and it also does alot of damage as well and if your opponent is near Megaman your opponent will be knocked into the team super! Team Counter Megaman: Mega Upper An excellent team counter because it will even hit the opponent who is above your partner. Also it comes out quick and does good damage and even if the opponent blocks they have a small chance of countering it. Combos: Ground Magic: Stronger Air Magic: Zigzag Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Roundhouse, Mega Buster, Hyper Megaman Combos Easy Combos 1) Charge Mega Buster, J.Jab \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward --> Mega Buster Release 2) J.Jab \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Jab Tornado Hold(OTG) 3) Charge Mega Buster, C.Roundhouse --> Crouching Mega Buster release(OTG) 4) D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Rush Drill(OTG) You must cancel immediately into the Drill or your opponent will get hit once or twice and then be able to block. 5) Leaf Shield Activation, D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Fire Leaf Shield 6) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong --> Hyper Megaman This AC must be done extremely quickly. If not, the opponent will either be able to block or fall away from the super. Harder Combos 1) Charge Mega Buster, D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Forward --> Release Mega Buster --> Beat Plane 2) Charge Mega Buster, Jab-Tornado Hold --> Mega Buster release --> Hyper Megaman Get close to your opponent for this to connect. After the Tornado Hold, release the Mega Buster and make sure that it'll hit at least five times. This will give you enough time to connect with the Hyper Megaman! Unverified as of now 3) D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 4) In Corner: Tornado Hold, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher Same idea as combo number one, except with a different set up! The Tornado item will make them fly upwards. Run under them and launch followed by an air combo! 5) Charge Mega Buster, Leaf Shield Activation, D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Fire Leaf Shield --> Mega Buster Release --> Mega Buster Awesome combo! However like Miguel Rustia said, you can theoritically put in a Hyper Megaman, and the fact is you can! If you have charged long enough for your Mega Buster you can throw your Mega Buster and use your Hyper Megaman! 6) In corner: Charge Mega Buster for 10 seconds, J.Jab, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Forward --> Release Mega Buster, Rush Drill, S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.JAb, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong --> Beat Plane ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Wolverine His past to anyone even himself has little knowledge and he was injected with an Adamantium feed that made his bones indestructible along with retracable claws. During his recent battle with Magneto he has gotten the Adamantium physically removed and was left unconsious for days. If it were not for his healing factor he would not have survived. After his recovery he has heard what has happened to Professor X and now helps to join the fight. Overall Wolverine is one of the best combo characters in the game. Wolverine doesn't take the hits well but can recover most of his life outside of battle. Quotes - "Come back when you've learned how to fight." - "I'm still the best at what I do." - "It's just a scratch...... It'll heal in no time." - "Back to the Danger Room for more training......" Strategies Wolverine another cheap player in the game because his moves especially the Berserker Barrage X does alot of chipping damage. His throws do alot of damage and he can combo his Fatal Claw for a ton of damage. He doesn't take hits well but will recover the most life than any other player when he's resting. Be on the offensive on this guy because you'll be taking alot of chipping damage. Wolverine Berserker Barrage: D,DF,F+P, then P This is a great chipping move and will hit 9 times if the fierce version is used while the jab hits 4 times and has no recovery time. So the button determines the damage and recovery time. This can be comboed as easily as his Berkerer Barrage X, and you can use this after you have missed with your crouching roundhouse as it will save you from being countered, that is if you use the jab version. Tornado Claw: F,D,DF+P, then P This move hit multiple times does weaker damage then the Berserker Barrage and has more recovery time. Basically useless, but will hit in the air. Sometimes it hard to air block against this move because it hits in all directions and most likely you won't be able to block it. It's just another cheap arsenal that Wolverine has. Drill Claw: Hold direction then, SK+SP This move is extremely fast and will often counter very well. The recovery time is fair, but the chip damage is poor so don't rely on this too much. Berserker Claw: D,DB,B+P This move comes out quick and will strike once for good damage but poor chip damage. Good for countering mistakes. This will strike the opponent making it impossible to combo. Stomp Kick: D+RK(air) Well frankly its just so darn cheap that Wolverine has this move and also the fact that he can now attack right after he has done this move instead of bouncing off the opponent like he did in Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter. This basically goes against the rules of having a 2nd ZigZag which is Short, Jab, Forward, Strong, Roundhouse, Fierce. Its not suppose to be in this game but yet he can go right into his jumping fierce after his Roundhouse. This move has high priority and can easily set up alot of combos. Supers Berserker Barrage X: D,DF,F+2P Basically the same as the regular version except its stronger and does far more damage and chip damage. The recovery time is absolutely horrible so make sure it connects. Also the ability to combo this thing in is just too dran crazy because it chains off of anything. Fatal Claw: F,D,DF+2K This move will do fair damage but sometimes the opponent is far away and will often push block it leaving Wolverine vulnerable to attack or even beam supers. Basically wolverine does X shaped energy marks in the air each hit doing good damage. The chip damage is fair but the recovery time is quick and you should be able to block in time. Berserker Charge: D,DB,B+2P Basically Wolverine will become twice as fast and that gives him the ability to do more combos, but he hasn't become any stronger and will wear off in about 20 seconds. Actually his attacks will become a bit weaker in this mode and also he won't be able to gain his levels as fast. Also this time a slash comes from the start up that slashes away the opponent, meaning that this super can also be comboed. Weapon X: F,D,DF+2P The most imtimidating move in his arsenal. Its another one of those all or nothing supers that does no chip damage and will leave him vulnerable for an undescribable amount of time. He can't go through fireballs anymore either. If caught Wolverine will hit you a total of 12 times and finish it off with a big X shaped slash mark that does painful damage. Don't use it too often though because you will get hurt if blocked. Team Super Wolverine: Berserker Barrage X An all around excellent team super because it deals good damage and to also chips away alot of life as well and Wolverine can chain his team super off of anything, but if Wolverine misses he will be left open to attack. Team Counter Wolverine: Berserker Barrage Well I don't know how the computer gets all the hits out, but this is Wolverine's team counter and it will most likely hit two times that pushes the opponent back. This team counter can stop some supers like another Berserker Barrage X, but overall its rather weak. Combos: Ground Magic: ZigZag Air Magic: ZigZag Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce Knockdowns: None Air Launchers: S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Drill Claw, Strong Air Throw Easy Combos 1) D.S.Jab, S.Forward, S.Forward, S.Fierce 2) J.Fierce \/ S.Strong --> Berserker Barrage X 3) J.Roundhouse \/ C.Short, C.Forward --> Berserker Barrage 4) J.Strong, J.Strong \/ S.Short, S.Forward, S.Fierce 5) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Forward, C.Fierce --> Berserker Barrage X 6) In Corner: Strong Throw, S.Strong --> Fatal Claw A very cheap combo, once the opponent is in the corner juggle them with the strong(or any other attack actually, even jabs and shorts) and quickly cancel into the Fatal Claw for cheap damage. Harder Combos 1) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Strong, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 2) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, C.Strong, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 3) J.Jab, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Tornado Claw 4) D.C.Jab, C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce, C.Roundhouse --> Fatal Claw 5) Stomp Kick, J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Berserker Barrage X The Stomp kick to Roundhouse is almost impossible to counter. This is Wolvie's best jump in because of it's speed and invinicibility. 6) In corner: Berserker Barrage X, S.Strong, S.Strong --> Fatal Claw Still questionable about this combo here though. It appears that you probably can cancel into a second super after a Berserker Barrage X but I never got it to work. 7) Berserker Mode: J.Jab, J.Short, J.Strong, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Strong, S.Foward, S.Forward, C.Fierce, S.Roundhouse, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Roundhouse That's it! This is my favoriet combo in Berserker mode, when your in the air just keep hitting that Strong button! Wolverine can repeat the ZigZag series in the air because he's so fast at recovering from his normal attacks. 8) Berserker Charge Mode: D.S.Jab, S.Short, C.Fierce, etc. That's his infinite in this mode, all you have to do his keep holding your joystick or controller towards the opponent and keep repeating this pattern. Its cheap yes, but at least it shows that your an expert right? Wrong. If you have any sense of showing justice on the arcade machine, then avoid this, while at home feel free to pull this off! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Strider Hiryuu(flying Dragon, also not to be confused with the Chinese name Fei Long, which also means flying dragon) When all else fails call the flying dragon Strider Hiryuu. One day his planet was being taken over by a powerful force and the military was unable to do a thing about it. The powerful force was named Onslaught and Strider has gone after him in New York with other heroes to try and stop this menace. With his ability to call the ancient Orbs of the Hiryuu he can now help destroy Onslaught with the help of his fellow heroes. Quotes - "A false life is equal to death. Be your true self!" - "It doesn't pay to betray your principles......" - "Devote yourself, but do not lose who you are!" - "Life or death awaits...... A strider is never certain." - "Who can see the future? Those who create it." - "Take me to your boss!" - "Selfish ambition is the root of today's problems!" - "Those who seek the truth are the world's saviors." - "Destruction is the cost of selfish ambition." Strategies Well basically he is an excellent combo character and will keep you in the corner all day until your gone. He takes hits like Akuma so be on the offensive because no matter how good you are at keep away and defense you'll always lose because his sword gives him high priority and range. Beam supers should kill him instantly. Strider Hiryuu Ame No Murakamo: D,DF,F+P Strider will come at you with a big slash the does good damage and has poor recovery time so becareful when using it. However this is easily put in combos and you can OTG this. Kuuchuu Ame No Murakamo: D,DF,F+P or K(air) Strider will come at you flying using himself as a human projectile. It hits multiple times doing good damage. The kicks makes him go down while the punches make him go up. Ghram: F,D,DF+P or K This move goes screen distance but has a start up delay and is basically used as a surprise attack. The button used dtermines the height of the attack. Formation A: D,DF,F+K This move will call his mechanical leapard and will go screen distance. Use it as a keep away but its not that useful. This does good damage, try to use this as sort of a kind of a surprise attack, it works pretty effectively when you know when to use it like with the help of a helper. Formation B: B,F+K This will call upon his mechanical eagle that will drop a bomb on top of you. The kick determines the distance it goes. This move will do great damage and will often fool opponents. Short--will go right in front of Strider. Forward--will go half screen distance. Roundhouse--will go full screen. Formation C: B,F+P This calls upon one satelite to revolve around him. While doing this motion again it will be used as a projectile that has the size of a Hadoken but is much faster. Use it as a surprise move. Wall Climb: D,DB,B+P, press K to drop This is just a wall climb that gets pretty hard to get out of because when your on the wall you hit the opposite direction you'll fly over the other wall and stick to it as well. He can't block so watch out for supers Like the War Destroyer or the Galaxy Missile. Just hit your kick button to get out of it. Vagula:F,DF,D,DB,B+K Strider splits into 5 images then reforms near the opponent and jump kicks the opponent. Good surprise move that shouldn't be used much. Teleport: B,D,DB+any button Think of the chart of buttons as an indicator of where you will teleport to. Jab-In the air to the left of the opponent. Strong-Right on top of opponent. Fierce-In the air to the right of opponent. Short-On the ground far away from opponent to the left. Forward-On the ground next to opponent. Roundhouse-On the ground to the right away from opponent. Supers Ouroburos:D,DF,F+2P A great super that does chipping damage well. Your invincible from normal attacks because they'll just get hit by the 4 orbiting satelites that does amazing damage. When strider attacks 4 energy rings will be used as a projectile that does chipping damage as well. But when you activate it just teleport behind the opponent and dash at them and watch the fireworks because this will hit up to 45 times!!! Legion:D,DF,F+2K A swarm of mechanical leapards and eagles come at you doing a great amount of damage. Yet its hard to actually connect because it has a start up delay. There is no escape from the Legion even when super jumping and also cannot be pushed blocked. However this is a very good chipper and should be used when your opponent is near death. Ragnarok:F,D,DF+2P This is an all or nothing super that once you get caught Strider will split up into 4 images and hits a total of 17 times that does great damage. No chip damage as well so don't rely on it to much. Team Super Strider Hiryuu: Legion Well without a doubt this would obviously be his team super. This super complements practically any super well and there is practically no escape from this super because even if the opponent super jumps the flying eagles will still hit the opponent. This super does good damage and also it chips away alot of life as well. Team Counter Strider Hiryuu: Ame No Murakamo An excellent counter because it comes out fast and will push the opponent away even if the opponent blocks. Also it does good damage and will sometimes knock the opponent to the ground. Combos: Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Zigzag Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Fierce AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Ame No Murakamo, Ghram, Strong Air Throw 1) C.Forward --> Ame No Murakamo 2) D.S.Short, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Ame No Murakamo(OTG) 3) Helper Attack --> Legion 4) Short-Formation B, C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce Simply call the mechanical eagle to drop a bomb. Then combo your opponent and launch them. On their way up, they'll hit the bomb for some good damage. 5) Uroburos Activation, Teleport behind After seeing Strider call the Satelites, most opponents will block. If you teleport behind them, they'll get crossed up and get hit by the Ouroburos. 6) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse --> Ghram or Ame No Murakamo Strider can link all of his normal attacks into a ground combo. This combo is extremely flexible. You can skip some of the moves altogether and the first four hits can be done while crouching. Harder Combos 1) J.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 2) Ouroburos Activation, J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce --> Ragnarok Make sure that the Ouroburos connects before you try the Ragnarok cause the Uroboros will disappear as soon as you try another super 3) Dashing Helper Attack --> Legion, Dashing Helper Attack --> Legion, Dashing Helper Attack --> Legion Collosus and Psylocke are the best helpers to use for this combo. Basically, pull off the following attack before the opponent falls to the ground to catch them. 4) J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Foward, C.Fierce, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Foward --> Fierce Ame No Murakamo This acts basically as chaining a ZigZag motion on the ground to the air, but you'll have to be quick on this combo though and use the punch button on the Ame No Murakamo because you'll get more hits going up then coming down. Just try this and you'll see what I mean. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Jin Saotome On the planet Blodia lies a dealdly confrontation of Giant Mechs against each other. During a Cyberbots tournament Jin decided to participate and won easily. Somehow he has gotten to Earth by his Mech and has decided not to use his mech but his own fighting abilities. Jin, in my opinion is the worst character in the gamebecause all his regular attacks are special moves. He has huge recovery time on all of them and his supers are the worst at chipping. Quotes - "If my father were alive, I could make him proud." - "Go back to playing video simulations, weakling!" - "What is a VA? Variant Armor, used in combat!" - "If the world gets more mechanical, many may die." - "Machines can transform rage into power." Strategies Keep Jin away because he is very strong and cannot combo his supers except for the Great Cyclone. His supers doing pathetic chipping damage so it won't matter if you block. Always be on the offensive against and let him attack to sometimes while your blocking because he has huge recovery time. Keep away and being on the offensive will work well against him. Beam supers don't seem to work as well against him though. Jin Saotome Blodia Fire: MP Mostly all of Jin's moves are easy to do because they all require a simple push of a button. This move can be done in the air or on the ground. Its best that you do this crouching because it works like a projectile. Screaming Punch: HP Another useless move coming from the worst character in the game. It has huge start up delay and recovery time. It basically is a flaming punch that has good damage and distance but avoid using it. Flaming Kick: MK A fair move that does little chip damage will have Jin move across the screen. If done while crouching it can be used as an anti-air attack. While in the air he'll go more verticle if the opponent is above him. Drill: HK This is a fair moving drill that will hit your opponent for good damage. The standing version does a little hop in the air then comes towards your opponent that often fools them because they think Jin is jumping. The crouching version will knock down opponents while the air version will do a double flaming kick that beats out most air attacks. Saotome Dynamite: D(charge 2 sec.)U+P Basically your projectile move that will push opponents away when blocked. It can also be used as an anti-air defender. This move can also OTG as it does good overall damage and the recovery time is pretty low. Saotome Drill: (air) D+RK Basically the same as Dhalsim's Yoga drill it goes a bit faster and does good damage. But watch out for the recovery time though cause it stinks. Saotome Cyclone: B(charge 2 sec.)F+P A huge cyclone appears doing multiple hits that does good damage. And will catch opponents while their knocked down. It comes out fast and does great damage but the recovery time is a little long though. Saotome Crush: F,DF,D,DB,B+K You have to be up close to do this move and it will basically roll his opponent around the screen doing good damage. He is left vulnerable if blocked. Saotome Power Up: Automatic When your partner has died and your in the danger zone you will automatically power up giving you increased strength and a super armor. This will give you many advantages as well as disadvantages. His recovery time has skyrocketed when powered up and will often get killed if he uses his RK or FP. So be careful. Supers Blodia Punch: D,DF,F+3P This move has great range and can act as a beam super. His mech will come at you with a giant fist mimicking Jin's move that hits 3 times and pushes you back then unloads a series of rounds of amunition that does great damage and extrememly poor chip damage. Its sometimes hard to connect because the fist will push you out then takes time for you to block. Ramming the buttons will work with this super as well. Great Cyclone: D,DF,F+2K A huge cyclone that does 40% damage but very very little block damage will send your opponent flying into the wall. Its great as an anti-air defender too. But don't worry about the recovery time cause it'll push your opponent a little giving you enough time to block. Blodia Vulcan: D,DB,B+2P Jin hops inside his mech and fires 23 times at you doing fair damage and the poorest chip damage. So don't rely on this too much because it won't do a thing when blocked. Team Super Jin: Blodia Punch An excellent team super because it has range and does good damage as well as chipping damage. Jin can esily combo his team super and if the opponent blocks the team super his partner of Jin will have enough time to block before hsi opponent can attack. Team Counter Jin: Saotome Dynamite A pretty good team counter attack that does good damage and will fling the opponent across the screen leaving your partner enough time to block. Also even if the opponent does block this team counter will push the opponent away and also take a good amount of chipping damage as well. Combos: Ground Magic: Weak Start Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce, C.Fierce, S.Roundhouse Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: S.Strong AC Finishers: Strong, Forward, Fierce, Air Drill, Roundhouse(2nd hit), Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) J.Fierce \/ C.Fierce 2) D.S.Jab, S.Jab, S.Forward 3) Tornado Drill --> Saotome Dynamite 4) D.C.Jab, C.Strong --> Saotome Dynamite or Saotome Typhoon 5) D.C.Jab, C.Strong --> Blodia Punch or Team Super This combo is Jin's bread and butter. Whenever you get a chance, hit em with this! Make sure that you are up close for the super to connect. Using a team super with a character that has either a wave or beam super will add even more damage to this painful combo! Harder Combos 1) In Corner: D.C.Jab, C.Strong --> Blodia Punch, C.Roundhouse --> Saotome Dynamite If you hit em with it in the corner, they'll be up in the air long enough for you to hit em with the Tornado Drill and cancel into the Dynamite for some awesome damage. 2) J.Roundhouse \/ S.Forward, S.DN.Roundhouse The hard part about this combo is the last hit. Keep in mind that the first two attacks are double hit kicks. The second one should knock them down. Wait till Jin lands, then OTG them with the drill. 3) J.Fierce \/ S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short --> AC Finisher This is the easiest way to set up an air combo for Jin. Though he is able to chain a Jab before his launcher, the S.Strong takes some time to actually connect, allowing your opponent to block. Instead, just hit em deep with the Fierce and immediately go for the launch after he lands. 4) Half a screen to corner: J.Fierce \/ D.S.Short, S.Fierce --> Blodia Vulcan The S.Fierce will send them flying across the screen toward the wall. Cancel into the Blodia Punch to make the mech's fist catch em while they're flying down. 5) J.Jab, J.Fierce \/ S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Roundhouse --> SJ.DN.Roundhouse Cancel the two hit SJ.Roundhouse before the second hit connects with the downward drill for some extra damage! 6) In corner: J.Fierce \/ S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Roundhouse --> Air Drill --> Saotome Dynamite Same idea as hard combo number 5. Keep holding the joystick down so that you can pull off the Dynamite move before they land! 7) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Jab, C.Strong --> Saotome Fire, Blodia Vulcan This is one of the sweetest combos for Jin, master it and you will be wiping the floor with the competition! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ----------------- Secret Characters ----------------- ============================================================================= Roll Gasket(I'm using her last name from Megaman Legends) Well one day when Mega heard the news about Onslaught he immediately went to battle, while his sister begged to come and help he refused and was stuck at home cleaning. However Dr. Light has made major adjustments to her giving her the power to defend herself even better. She is somewhat intimidated by her brother and sometimes will cry form being insulted from him. She is the same as Mega except without the charged buster and her Hyper Roll is a thin beam of electricity and not a giant beam. She doesn't take hits well and cause too little of it. She is very small and will often be able to get under attacks. She is a bit faster than Megaman though. Quotes - "Hehe...... I did it! Girl power!" - "Are you hurt? Maybe my doctor can fix you......" - "I didn't mean to hurt you badly!" - "I think you're due for an upgrade!" - "I should learn that absorption thing from Dr. Light." - "See? I should have been in Power Battle!" - "Now how does Megaman do that absorption thing?" Strategies Roll can be very painful to play against because she has a very good throw priority and huge combos. Her durability and strength is where she lacks the most while her size can get up close to opponets without getting hit. When you see War Machine using his Proton Cannon just walk under him and use your Hyper Roll because it'll knock him straight up into the beam doing incredible damage. So basically be on the offensive with or against her. Roll - Start a Game..... - Move your cursor to Zangief..... - Move the controller in the following sequence..... L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, R, U, U, R, R - Roll's box will appear next to Megaman's..... Roll Buster: D,DF,F+P This is basically the same as the Mega Buster but you can't charge it, but every fireball she throws does good chip damage. She can work pretty good as a keep away character as well. Exploding Bouquet: D,DB,B+P This move has to be a good decoy that will allow Roll to sneak up there opponent and combo them. However this move doesn't do alot of damage so use it as a decoy. Item Call: D,DB,B+K Depending on which kick you use you'll get a different item. If your playing against another Megaman or Roll you can steal the opponents item! Short-This will call eddie to retreive one of your items and use it against an opponent. Using the Short will bring out the Rockball. Forward-This will call out eddie once again but you'll get the Hurricane Hold. Roundhouse-This will call upon eddie once again but you'll get the Leaf Shield. Item Use: D,DF,F+P Rockball: Roll will kick the ball at the opponent bouncing off walls and after a few hits it'll just dissappear, but does very low chip damage. Hurricane Hold: Roll will throw out his Hurricane Hold and will toss the opponent in the air leaving the opponent falling down unable to block so use Hyper Meagman!!! Leaf Shield: A shield will form around Roll and will protect him from one single hit. He can also use it as a weapon which will hit multiple times doing great chip damage as well as normal damage. This does not last forever and will go away in about 6 seconds. Supers: Hyper Roll: D,DF,F+2P This move won't connect often because the opponent has to be high up in the air for it to work. However when connected the electricity will do more damage than Hyper Meagaman. It works great as a chipper if the bolt happens to connect. You can also combo this like the Hyper Megaman as well, just watch for the horrible recovery time and start up delay. Rush Drill: D,DF,F+2K Roll hops onto his mechanical dog as he is transformed into a drill that does amazing damage and chipping damage. If your next to the opponent just hit RK and the opponent will be lifted up. Roll is invincible while doing this move and will go through anything!!! This really pisses people off because they use the Duo Team Up Attack and often ends up wasting it because they don't know Roll is invincible and will get punished serverely. Watch for the recovery time though. You can't control the up and down movement while your inside though. Beat Plane: D,DB,B+2K Roll hops onto Beat and he transforms into a plane and will shoot beams when hitting the punch buttons and will drop bombs when using the kick buttons. Ram the buttons and watch your artilery climb off the scales!!! The chip damage is just tremendous and the damage, even greater!!! But its often blocked, but you can control the plane while your inside, but your not invincible and will get knocked off by a single hit. The recovery time is better than the Rush Drill though. Team Super Roll: Hyper Roll An excellent team super because it has alot of range and the missles can still hit and damage the opponent. Also the opponent must super jump because the width of this super has excellent range as well. But this will leave her open to attack if she was the resting character before the team super. Team Counter Roll: Roll Buster A good team counter attack that delas good damage and can sometimes stop some supers. It takes a little while before Roll starts to shoot her Roll Buster but it is still an excellent attack because she basically has very little recovery time from it. Combos: Ground Magic: Stronger Air Magic: Zigzag Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Roundhouse, Mega Buster, Leaf Shield Combos Easy Combos 1) J.Jab \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Jab Tornado Hold(OTG) or Mega Buster 2) D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Rush Drill(OTG) You must cancel immediately into the Drill or your opponent will get hit once or twice and then be able to block. 3) Flower Bouquet, C.Roundhouse --> Rush Drill(OTG) This is mainly a tactic, use this often and kill your competition! 4) D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 5) Leaf Shield Activation, D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Fire Leaf Shield 6) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong --> Hyper Roll Make sure you cancel quickly. 7) In Corner: Tornado Hold, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher The Tornado item will make them fly upwards. Run under them and launch followed by an air combo. 8) J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Foward, SJ.Fierce --> AC Finisher Basic combo, master this and you will already be a master at her. 9) J.Jab, J.Short, J.Strong, J.Forward \/ D.S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Fierce --> AC Finisher This is the biggest combo that I can do with her in terms of regular hits, I don't think you will need to skip any hits because she's just so small. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Hyper Venom Well aparently he has thrown out his old symbiote and has found a new one biving him super strength and speed. He lacks in durability and takes hits like a four year old. This is not Carnage but Hyper Venom, besides it even saids so. He is on Hyper mode all the time and will duck under fireballs if he is moving so there is no need to dash. Strategies He takes hits worst than Venom and his strength has been weakened. However he can crawl under projectiles while walking under them. He is always on hyper mode and will do crazy combos. But anything works on him whether its keep away, defense, or offense just combo the crap out of this guy because he won't last long infact I think he takes hit worst than Roll! Hyper Venom - Start a Game..... - Move your cursor to Chun Li..... - Move the controller in the following sequence..... R, D, D, D, D, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, D, D, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, L, L, U - Red Venom's box will appear above Chun-Li's..... Lunge Bite: D,DF,F+P This move is similar to the Lunge Bite but hits multiple times doing good damage and combos nicely. Diving Venom Fang: (air)D,DF,F+P This move works just like the Diving Demon Kick Akuma has and does good damage and often used best as a surprise move. It can also be used as an air combo and also you can use this to chip your opponent as well, its just not as fast as Akuma's Tenma Kujin Kyaku but it certainly does more damage. Web Throw: F,DF,F,DB,B+P If this catches the opponents then it will start slamming them across the screen doing super strength damage if you manage to ram the buttons. Jab- will go straight across Strong- will go at a 45 degree angle Fierce- will go straight up Symbiote Shield: D,DF,F+K It acts like a shield that hits 3 times with the roundhouse and you can get additional hits if you can ram the kick buttons like the lightning legs but much faster to cancel out but a bit harder to do. Supers Venom Web: D,DF,F+2P This will catch you in his web then starts to tear the crap out of you while doing no chip damage. Well this is one of my favorite supers because its one of those auto supers. If Hyper Venom catches you in the web he will proceed to pummel you and end the combo with a Diving Bite. This super causes alot of damage and you should only use it when you know its gonna connect or against a missed super and Dragon Punches alike. Also you can catch Spider Man right before he odes his Maximum Spider and also catch Gambit right before he does his Cajun Explosion. Death Bite: D,DF,F+2K An excellent super that can be easily comboed as your opponent will be surfed along Hyper Venom's symbiote that does alot of damage. This move is very similar to the Omega Destroyer because the closer you are to your opponent the more damage it does. This will combo off his strike as well, but its much easier to combo if you are closer to your opponent. Team Super Hyper Venom: Death Bite An all around excellent team super although it doesn't really chip that much damage it pushes the opponent back and it can really complement your partner's super by the damage that it does. Since it pushes your opponent away you really don't have to worry about being countered too often. Team Counter Hyper Venom: Diving Fang A tremendously excellent team counter because it comes out fast and does excellent damage and also it can go over some projectiles and even if your opponent blocks they can suffer a good amount of chipping damage. Combos: Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: S.Fierce AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Diving Bite, Strong Air Throw Easy Combos 1) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse --> Death Bite or Team Super 2) D.C.Strong, C.Foward -->Death Bite or Team Super Unverified as of now 3) J.Roundhouse \/ S.Roundhouse --> Short-Venom Rush 4) Helper Attack, Venom Web 5) Fierce Throw, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 6) J.Jab, J.Short, J.Strong \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 7) In corner: J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Strong, S.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Strong Air Throw \/ Death Bite or Team Super 8) Strong Throw, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse --> Death Bite or Team Super Man, this has got to be the cheapest combo that this guy can pull off. I saw somebody do this to me at the arcades all day to me! The only way to avoid this combo is to tech hit out of the Web Fluid he puts you in. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Shadow Lady(the story is upon a non-factual speculation) Okay, the story before was a little corny. Actually Shadow Lady is a Cyborg just like Shadow Charlie that's why you see all those neat gadgets like missles and big bang lasers coming out of her. I don't how this cyborg came about, but she can't combo her supers but has increased strength and speed. Her moves are totally revamped from Chun-Li's except her normal attacks, Axe Kick, Lighting Kick, Stomp Kick, and Flip Kick. Strategies Well don't think you going to win by playing keep away because her heat seeking missles will do a load of chipping damage. Basically keep her on the defensive side because she oftens uses the Big Bang Laser which comes out extremely quick like a Shinku Hadoken plus she can pick you off the ground with it as well. Just play the offense and you shouldn't have a problem. She takes some beams extremely well and some she takes them like bricks. Shadow Lady - Start a Game..... - Move your cursor to Morrigan..... - Move the controller in the following sequence..... U, R, R, D, D, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, R, R, U, U, L, L, D, D, D, D, D - Shadow Lady's box will appear under Gambit's..... Shadow Drill: D,DF,F+P This move should be used often when an opponent trys to get close because even if they block they get good block damage and will often push them away. Its good to end combos with as well. She has a little unnoticeable start up delay that doesn't really matter because it comes out extremely quick. She can use this against Onslaught because it'll nullify his Hyper Gravs and still hit him 7 times. Electric Shock: F,D,DF+P A great anti air move that will do heavy damage and combos better than the shadow drill. It can be used to OTG an opponent as well after a sweeping roundhouse. It has poor range so used it as a anti-air attack. Shadow Seek Missiles: D,DF,F+K This move is one of the best in the game even though it has about 1.5 second start up delay it follows your opponents and will do heavy chip damage and will stop alot of supers. Don't use it too often unless your playing the CPU or unless someone is super jumping. Shadow Hyaku Retsu: Push K rapidly The same as Chun-Li's except it chips the same and does more damage. Should be used often when your opponent is close. Just stop pushing the kick buttons to stop when you see a beam super coming up. Neck-Braker: F+RK This is a great move cause opponents will get crossed up and won't know which way to block. Also this is Shadow Lady's anti crouch counter but its a dead giveaway when she flips. Stomp Kick: D+FK(air) An excellent move to jump in with because of the fact that it has no start up delay and also it has very high priority and can be used in some deadly combos. Hienshu: F,DF,D,DB,B+K This move does alot of damage and will knock out anybody who decides to block low. Also this can OTG and it has fair recovery time while it has almost no start up delay as Chun-Li will flip over the opponent going over some projectiles depending on which button was used. Supers Big Bang Laser: D,DF,F+2P This move is practically a cut and paste of the Proton Cannon but is twice as big and will come out twice as fast and does tremendous damage. It chips fairly though. But when set up by a dashing helper it can go up to 35 hits if you ram the buttons fast enough almost half there life!!! This move should be used often. Galaxy Missle: D,DF,F+2K Now that I finally try this thing its not half bad! This move will CHIP! Trust me! Did I mention this chips more than her laser? Well it does. This will do good damage and comes out just alot faster than her regular heat-seeking missles. This is one of the best things against Onslaught when your Laser can't hit him while he's out of the screen. Final Mission: B(charge 2 sec.)F,B,F+3K(level 3) This move works just like Akuma's Raging Demon but looks better. She'll kick you about 4 times then launch you in the air then the screen turns white afterwards the opponent will drop down with a giant explosion that does more damage then a Raging Demon and should not be used often, but only when you have the opponent on the run. There is one note that is very important: it's blockable!!! Yes!!! I tried it once but I was about 1/2 screen distance away so I'm not sure if they block it(most likely yes because I sorta stopped in front of them) or I just missed. Team Super Shadow Lady: Big Bang Laser An all around excellent team super because of the width it has. This super can deal out alot of damage and also it chips nicely as well and the opponent must super jump to escape it. Also the recovery time is not that bad and it will be hard for your opponent to counter. Team Counter Shadow Lady: Shadow Drill A very good team counter because even if your opponent blocks they can suffer a good amount of block damage and also it does good damage as well. But it takes awhile before she actuall hits the opponent but most of the time it will hit the opponent, also even if the opponent blocks your opponent will be pushed back leaving you safe to block. Combos: Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Lightning kick, Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) C.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Lightning Kick(OTG) 2) J.Roundhouse --> Lightning Kick 3) D.S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Fierce --> Shadow Drill 4) Helper Attack --> Big Bang Laser 5) J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 6) Jump towards corner: J.DN.Forward, J.DN.Forward, J.DN.Forward --> AC Finisher 7) J.Roundhouse \/ S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.DN.Forward, SJ.DN.Forward --> Shadow Retsu Kyaku 8) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Foward, S.Fierce, --> Shadow Drill The first five hits do just fine, but since Shadow Lady doesn't have any strikes then she can do the drill so this is actually a theorectical combo. 9) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.DN.Forward, etc. She still has the infinite like Chun-Li does, timing and practice is key. 10) J.Jab, J.Fierce \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Big Bang Laser(OTG) I think I did OTG this, 90% sure of it. Think of this as Cyclops' Mega Optic Blast from Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Orange Hulk Well not much is known in from this guy but I'll try to give a good believeable summary. Somehow this is still Bruce Banner the scientist working at Star Labs(I think) and when he was trying to escape from a serious explosion he hopped on the maniac's car and drove off. Yet the explosion was so imminent and so casthrophic it caught Bruce right on the brink of it. Although he did not absorb the all the radiation he did gain super strength and durability but not as much compared to regular Hulk, but the lost of muscle has gained him superior speed and agility. So use him as a combo character and all his attacks' recovery time has been cut in half giving him time to block. Quotes - "Brains and body...... What a perfect combo!" - "Gamma charged and ready for the next match up!" - "I've had a harder time squatting mosquitoes." - "Catch you later. I've got some researching to do." - "Barely flexed a bicep that time, who's next?" - "Hey! Quit hitting my fists with your head!" - "Still the strongest in this and any other world!" - "That was pathetic. Are you trying to be funny?" - "All this and I can tore bails too!" - "You tried to beat me with muscle? We could've talked, use your brain" Strategies Well play keep away with him because he will always be on the offensive just like regular Hulk. You can trade hits with him this time because he won't take them very well as before and his strength has been weakened alot. Just play keep away and all supers works well against him. Orange Hulk - Start a Game..... - Move your cursor to Chun Li..... - Move the controller in the following sequence..... R, R, D, D, L, L, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, D, D, R, R, U, U, D, D, D, D, U, U, U, U, L, U - Orange Hulk's box will appear above Ryu's..... Gamma Slam: D,DF,F+P This is extremely useful because it will nullify projectiles and hit the opponents in fireball stun motion. This is a heavy chipper as well and will go screen distance depending on the button used. Gamma Charge: Charge B then F+K or hold D,U+K Orange Hulk Charges at you and will eat fireballs(taking no damage of course) and hit the opponent for good damage, but if blocked he will be stuck for a while so use this to your advantage. Gamma Tornado: F,DF,D,DB,B+P This will swing the opponents to the other side of him and do incredible damage but watch for the recovery time cause he is KORT(King of Recovery Time) and will get countered alot so becareful when playing him. This is blockable as well. Supers: Gamma Wave: D,DF,F+2P This is the super version of the ground wave, but comes out pretty quick and poor chip damage. If your back is to the corner you can deal out about 65% damage with this move, and it can combo off of his crouching fierce if you cancel after the first hit. Use this to counter missed supers like the Maximum Spider or missed Hyper Stars n' Stripes. Gamma Crush: D,DB,B+2P Orange Hulk goes up reaches for a comet and crushes it on you doing good damage and heavy chip damage. If the opponent is jumping at you they will get hit and drop on the floor unable to block, but there is also a down side to this as well. When they get knocked they'll either just fall in front of you or half screen distance away from you. If they fall in front of you, you'll completely miss the damage!!! Gamma Quake: D,DF,F+2K This is the move that should be used the most because it practically goes screen distance except when someone is all the way on the other corner, that causes the opponent to escape any damage. Use this on jumping opponents as well. It does good damage and fair chip damage as well. Team Super Orange Hulk: Gamma Wave An excellent super to back up for your partner because it does huge damage if it connects and also it pushes away your opponent making it alot harder for your opponent to counter incase they block. Team Counter Orange Hulk: Gamma Charge An all around excellent team counter because it comes out extremely quick and it can absorb projectiles and hit the opponent in stun animation while going full screen distance at the same time. It will jack up your opponent so you can block immediatley as well. Combos: Ground Magic: Stronger Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce, C.Roundhouse Knockdowns: None Air Launchers: C.Fierce, S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) S.Short, S.Fierce --> Ground Wave The Ground Wave is not really part of the combo but it pushes away the opponent leaving Hulk safe in case they block. 2) C.Fierce --> Jab-Gamma Tornado Immediately cancel the C.Fierce with the Tornado so that the second hit does not connect. If it does, then your opponent would get launched and Hulk would stick his arm out for nothing. 3) J.Roundhouse \/ Gamma Quake Hit em deep with the kick and do the super as soon as you land! 4) C.Short, C.Forward --> Gamma Quake 5) J.Short \/ D.C.Short, C.Fierce --> Gamma Crush The C.Fierce to Gamma Crush combo is one of Hulk's most painful combos. It works great on people that like to jump in on you! 6) D.C.Short, C.Fierce(one hit) --> Ground Wave or Gamma Wave If you time it just right, the wave will come out just after the first hit and they'll get sucked into it, unable to block! Even if they block the C.Fierce, this is a very safe combo cause it'll push em away! 7) Strong Air Throw, J.Roundhouse \/ S.Fierce This combo simply hurts and it's nearly inescapable. The idea is to air throw your opponent while close to the ground. O.Hulk recovers fast enough to hit em with a Roundhouse before he lands. If you're close enough to the ground, you can hit em with a S.Fierce after Hulk lands. Harder Combos 1) J.Short, \/ C.Short, C.Forward --> Gamma Charge --> Gamma Charge This combo is Hulk's easiest and most painful ground combo. The trick is to start charging for the Gamma Charge as soon as you start the combo. 2) J.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Fierce Orange Hulk has a complete air combo series! It means that dialers can now choose him and feel right at home! 3) J.Short \/ C.Short, C.Fierce --> Upwards Gamma Charge --> Upwards Gamma Charge, C.Fierce(OTG) --> Gamma Throw I've yet to make this combo connect. I'm sure that it's possible though! 4) J.Short, J.Strong \/ C.Fierce --> Upwards Gamma Charge --> Upwards Gamma Charge, C.Fierce(OTG) --> Gamma Wave Same idea as number 3 and the Gamma Wave can be put into the combo as an OTG! 5) In corner: C.Short --> Gamma Quake, C.Fierce --> Gamma Tornado I'm not sure if the C.Fierce is an OTG or not. Unverified as of now ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Mega War Machine James Rhodes with the help of Tony Stark he has help him upgrade his already powerful armor. However the defense mechanisms have been somewhat altered not allowing the suit to block the damage. The armor has been replaced by a stronger tempered steel rather than iron giving him superior strength and durability, but this suit is very heavy because of the added weapons and armor so don't expect alot of manuverability and speed from this guy. Strategies Well you think just because he can't block you'll have an easy time with him right? Well yes because keep away works very well against him, but beam supers just won't cut it against him. Keeping him away will do the job because you'll have a hard time comboing him because you can't throw, luabch or trip him so keep him away at all cost or you'll be eating War Destroyers!!! Mega War Machine(I like to call him War Machine 5000, but this is what everybody calls him anyways) - Start a Game..... - Move your cursor to Zangief..... - Move the controller in the following sequence..... L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, D, D, R, R, U, U, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, U - Mega War Machine's box will appear above Zangief's..... Stun Beam: D+FP This move sucks in keep away because it goes like Ken's Hadoken, but shorter so don't rely on it to win many battles. However I have found that this move stuns the opponent a little enough for you to launch them sometimes. This has a far better recovery time then the missle shot like War Machine, cause unlike the missle shot you don't have to wait to block until it connects. Missle Cannon: D,DF,F+P This move acts like Morrigan's Soul Fist but doesn't play as good as keep away. These missles are stronger than War Machine's Shoulder Cannon though so what lacks in keep away makes up in strength. Low Missle Cannon: D,DF,F+K This is the low version of the Missle Canon and will hit people too short or just blocks low alot. Use this a little more often than the standing version but try to mix it up to screw up the opponent's timing. Smart Bombs: SK+SP This is a great move that does good damage as well as block damage. Its also easy to do and can be done in the air as well. The distance is half screen and has fair recovery time. This can possibly even OTG an opponent! Supers Proton Cannon: D,DF,F+2P This is a very powerful weapon that does tremendous damage. The problem is that it takes far to long to start up and anybody should be able to counter with a beam super when he brings this cannon up. Unlike a beam he uses missles that does tremendous damage and chipping damage. It has long recovery time, but so what!!! He can't block anyways. War Destroyer: D,DF,F+2K This is the super that should be used often because it will follow the opponents and it inflicts good block damage. The recovery time is better than the proton cannon though so use this on jumping opponents or super jumping opponents that'll surprsie 'em cause it comes out fast. Basically Mega War Machine will let loose about 15-20 heat seeking missles without the beam this time doing good block damage and normal damage as well. Team Super Mega War Machine: Proton Cannon Ouch! This super does alot of damage and chipping damage as well and will back up any super nicely. Also it has a bit of a start up delay and a long recovery time so you might want to think twice before using your team super. Team Counter Mega War Machine: Repulsor Blast An excellent team counter because it just does so much damage and it will juggle the opponent. The recovery time is not bad if the opponent blocks it. Combos: Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Stronger Super Jump Magic: ZigZag Strikes: S.Fierce, C.Roundhouse Knockdowns: C.Forward Air Launchers: S.Roundhouse AC Finishers: SJ.DN.Fierce, Strong Air Throw Combos Easy Combos 1) D.C.Short, C.Roundhouse 2) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> War Destroyer 3) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Fierce --> Shoulder Cannon Cancel quickly after the strike. 4) D.C.Short, C.Strong, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.UP.Fierce --> Jab-Shoulder Cannon 5) D.C.Short, S.Roundhouse --> War Destroyer, C.Short(OTG), C.Roundhouse 6) Fierce Throw into corner, D.C.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.UP.Fierce --> AC Finisher Mega War Machine is the one of the few characters that I know of that can OTG after a throw. Simple and easy set up for a damaging AC. 7) Air Smart Bomb --> Knee Stomp, J.DN.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.UP.Fierce --> Shoulder Cannon 8) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Foward, S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse --> Low Missle Cannon ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Lilith Lilith is a very powerful Succubus yet so powerful her father had to hide the other half of Morrigan in a coffin because she was too powerful to be destroyed. But then Lilith was able to break free of the coffin and merge with Morrigan calling herself Lilith. Strategies Well anything works against her because she really doesn't have anything that will keep you away. But she has lethal combos that will really do some damage. Just keep hitting her until your done and beams do work well against her but supers like Final Justice don't do as much damage when compared to Ryu. Lilith - Start a Game..... - Move your cursor to Zangief..... - Move the controller in the following sequence..... L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, D, D, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, L, D, D, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, L, L, D, D, D, D, R, D - Lilith's box will appear under War Machine's..... Shell Kick: D+MK(air) This is sort of a drill like move that will either beat out your opponents launch attack or just trade hits. Beware the recovery time is great so its hard to counter. Shell Pierce: D+HK(air) Bats will fly around her legs and she will sorta drill at you, so use this like a Chun-Li stomp kick. Soul Flash: D,DF,F+P This move acts like Mega War Machine's Stun beam, it'll go a third screen distance and will do alot of damage but will not stun the opponent. Don't use this in keep away though cause its horrible. Shining Blade: F,D,DF+P This move is exactly like the Shatoken Dragon Punch and should mostly be used as an anti air attack. This cannot be done in the air though unlike Morrigan's. Supers: Brilliant Shower: D,DF,F+2P This move sucks compared to Morrigan's Soul Eraser because it takes too long for it to combo like War Machine's Proton Cannon. This will chip more than the Soul Erasor and has better recovery time. Basically bats fly out of her body and comes at you acting like a beam super. Splendor Love: F,D,DF+2P This move acts alot like War Machine's War Destroyer because it'll go straight up vertically with no horizontal range but will combo off her launcher making it a great anti-air move. Luminous Illusion:D,DF,F+2K This acts exactly like Morrigan's Darkness Illusion doing multiple hits and a ton of damage. This is Lilith's most damaging super but will do no chipping damage. Capcom should have made an effort to make it look like the real Lilith's Luminous Illusion, since it only hits 21 times in DS3. Team Super Lilith: Brilliant Shower A rather good team super because it chips away alot of block damage and does good damage as well. But the bad part to this team super is the fact that she has a bit of recovery time afterwards leaving her open to attack. Team Counter Lilith: Shining Blade An all around excellent team counter because it deals good damage and also it hits the opponent who is above your partner. But if the opponent blocks they can counter as Lilith is falling down unable to block. Combos: Ground Magic: Zigzag Air Magic: Zigzag Super Jump Magic: Zigzag Strikes: None Knockdowns: C.Roundhouse Air Launchers: C.Fierce AC Finishers: Fierce, Roundhouse, Soul Flash, Strong Air Throw Combos 1) D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse 2) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce, S.Roundhouse 3) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward --> Shadow Blade 4) J.Jab, J.Short \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 5) D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Darkness Illusion(OTG) If done fast enough, the Darkness Illusion will OTG! Then again it only connects for one measly hit! 6) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong --> Darkness Illusion 7) Helper attack --> Brilliant Shower 8) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher Tough combo, mainly because the hits on the ground. You will have to take out a few hits against smaller characters. 9) J.Jab, J.Short, J.Forward \/ D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce --> Darkness Illusion Very possible, but for me I have a bit difficulty due to the fact that some of her attacks have little range. Works best when you are in the corner. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Quotes against Onslaught GAMBIT : G : "Now we finish dis, mon ami. I call your hand!" O : "You should have folded Gambit. Now you will pay!" MORRIGAN : M : "Are you one of Pyron's little friends?" O : "I'm not your savior. I bring only eternal night." STRIDER : S : "......" O : "Nothing to say? A silent scream will suffice......" CAPTAIN COMMANDO : C : "This demented dream ends here, Onslaught." O : "Your comeback will be short-lived, Captain." RYU : R : "So you are the one I heard so much about." O : "The end of your journey is near, warrior!" O : "I'm your ultimate adversary, warrior. Are you ready?" MEGAMAN : M : "Wow! Dr. Willy has really outdone himself this time!" O : "I am not of your world, boy!" WOLVERINE : W : "Hang on, Chuck! I'll save ya!" O : "Xavier and I are one and the same, Logan!" HULK : H : "Hulk crush! Hulk destroy! HULK SMASH!" O : "I'm the true meaning of power, Hulk." JIN : J : "I must stop you for the good of the world." O : "You are nothing without your little mech, Jin." SPIDER MAN : S : "Woah! Hold that pose! It will be great in the papers!" O : "Insignificant spider!! Prepare to be squashed!" CAPTAIN AMERICA : C : "Justice demands that I stop you." O : "Justice? I define the term." VENOM : V : "You shall pay for harming the innocent." O : "It is you who shall pay, Venom." CHUN-LI : C : "You are finished, Onslaught." O : "Your bravado will not save you from death." ZANGIEF : Z : "No one can defeat the mighty Zangief!" O : "Your strength is no match for the power of my mind." ROLL : R : "Don't get mad at me...... I'm just a girl!" O : "You shall be the first to fall, little one." HYPER VENOM : V : "You corrupt the innocent. For that you must die." O : "It is you who shall suffer, Venom." SHADOW LADY : same as Chun-Li ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Onslaught Well basically about this guy is that he's actually Charles Xavier who kills Magneto and ends up absorbing the personality of Magneto's evil side and thus calling himself "Onslaught". He is extremely powerful and it takes all of earth's mightest heroes to stop him. Quotes - "My will is absolute, imposed upon everyone!" - "I was forged between the crucibles of fear!" - "Witness the might of Onslaught unleashed!" - "You are beaten. Join the ranks of the fallen." - "Free will is a privilege, not a 'right'." - "Now and forever, I am Onslaught!" - "Behold my mighty hand!" - "Feel the wrath of Onslaught!" - "The Dream is dead!" Onslaught's Moves 1st Form: Basically what you wanna do alot is block. Yes it is cheap but his attacks just hurt way too much. All of his attacks do major chip damage as well. Basically the most useless character against this guy is Hyper Venom. Here are some of Onslaughts moves: Hyper Gravs: F,D,DF+P These energy balls do no damage and are unblockable but they help Onslaught set up for his most powerful move, the Mega Optic Blast!!! It will drain away 40% of your life. So what you want to do is that if you have a projectile use it against those things and it'll nullify it. Don't use a charging helper because they'll just bounce away if they get caught so save it until your almost through with his first form. Psionic Puppets: (be darned if I know) Onslaught will use one of these hero look alike with only 1/6 of their life so don't waste a super just beat them quick before Onslaught can recover his life. Mostly Onslaught likes to use Hulk or Mechanized Zangief so play keep away with these 2. Sentinel Air Strike: MP+MK Basically he'll call a Sentinel that comes over and drops bombs on you that does heavy chip damage. He'll use these at will so don't expect for him to run out anytime soon. Don't try super jumping either cause they'll come out fast. Teleport: (Should teleport automatically after being hit multiple times) Don't use your beam supers on this guy because he will teleport out of it. That includes combos. He'll use it most often when it multiple times. Use a dashing helper like Collosus or Juggernaut to stun him and pelt some hits in there. Supers Ah! The supers that will take even the Hulk out in a sec!!! Just remember that you must always block even though you might recieve some heavy chip damage but its alot better than losing half your life! Magnetic Shockwave: D,DF,F+2K This is his weakest chipping super but still chips nicely and will have you surf along the waves of energy. But when your in the corner it shouldn't do much damage. Mega Optic Blast: D,DF,F+2P The move most devasting of all behold! "Mega Optic Blast!!!" This move will do tons of damage and chipping damage. But there is a gap from the ground and the bottom of the beam. Most every character can duck from this beam besides Hulk and Zangief(ha!! big dolts let them take the block damage) and attack at the same time. Most characters can keep hitting jab rapidly while onslaught is doing this move. Magnetic Tempest: D,DF,F+P(no level of super required) Herds of Meteorites come at you doing extreme chip damage. When your right next to it and blocking just be prepared for some herendous chip damage. Stay away from the chunks. Onslaught Headbutt: D,DF,F+K(no level of super required) Onslaught will come at you rushing with his head that does too much chip damage. Mostly use short or medium height characters that can just crouch and hit Onslaught while he still does the headbutt. Basically the same as the Optic Blast. 2nd Form Hyper Gravs: F,D,DF+P He still has these and will often use his heavy damaging Eye Beam! So just nullify them by using a projectile. Psionic Puppets: (be darned if I know) Onslaught will use one of these hero look alike with only 1/6 of their life so don't waste a super just beat them quick before Onslaught can recover his life. Mostly Onslaught likes to use Hulk or Mechanized Zangief so play keep away with these 2. Sentinel Air Strike: K Basically he'll call a Sentinel that comes over and drops bombs on you that does heavy chip damage. He'll use these at will so don't expect for him to run out anytime soon. Don't try super jumping either cause they'll come out fast. Helper Attack: SP+FK Yes he can use any helper he wants!!! Unlimited amount of times, except they do more chip and normal damage then your helpers, know when to jump if you see Lou come out just super jump and block or throw projectiles to Onslaught's face. Just be careful cause Onslaught can still attack even when his helper is still out on the field. Supers The Mighty Fist: D,DF,F+K Just watch out when Onslaught jumps out of the screen just super jump or be prepared for some major pain. It comes out like Apocalyse's drill but does not lose half your life when blocking so yay!!! But still does major damage and chip damage so just super jump and blast away at his face until he stops. Eye Beam: D,DF,F+2P The most lethal move yet!!! The beams will bounce your character around doing 50% damage so block and don't hit him more than 3 times or else you'll get serious pain. He'll do this most often when he is being air comboed. Always be on the lookout and block and be prepared for some very poor chip damage. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Well that's all of his moves that I know of, and for some general strategy for each character on beating Onslaught just read down and you should see each individual strategies courtesy of Ryu ( spidey_5@hotmail.com ) ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Here are some other tips that I have noticed while fighting this guy: On the 2nd form, you'll notice that Onslaught pauses for a split second and quickly flashes his eye. In this case block!!! That's his lethal Eye Beam!!! On the first form Onslaught takes very little damage from normal attacks so don't think that you'll kill him with jabs. Always duck under him whether he's fring his Optic Blast or not. Use your stronger attack buttons to kill him. On the second form Onslaught takes hits worst than Akuma, but they've equipped him with a stronger weapon then the Optic Blast, the Eye Beam! Maximum Spider will work well against him, but it'll only hit once but loses 1/6 of his life, but it must be done in the air. Onslaught does not take the Shinkuu Hadoken and Soul Eraser well, so don't be surprise to see that's he almost dead if you've pulled off 2 in a row. Block!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Give thanks to Ryu for this Onslaught Strat. spidey_5@hotmail.com MARVEL VS. CAPCOM ONSLAUGHT STRATEGIES MINI-FAQ v. 1.0 by Ryu ============================================================================= GENERAL STRATEGY First Form: Best thing is to continually jump behind him and combo him, and repeat. Duck under the Mega Optic Blast if you can and use a crouching combo (just make sure you don't do an uppercut or something like that). Use a charging helper (Psylocke, Colossus, Juggernaut, US Agent, Sentinel) to neutralize the Hyper Gravs and combo Onslaught while he's reeling. Second Form: Just jump up and do your characters single most powerful regular air attack, and keep on doing that to Onslaught. If Onslaught disappears from the screen, immediately super jump to avoid the Mighty Fist. The best (and only) helper to use on this form is Magneto. His attack stuns Onslaught for about 2 seconds. Use this to your advantage. Avoid Onslaught's Eye Beams at all costs. This move is why you should never do Air Combos to Onslaught's face. On this form, use a projectile (Hadouken, Soul Fist) to neutralize the Hyper Gravs or just dodge them. ============================================================================= --------------------- Individual Strategies --------------------- ============================================================================= CHUN-LI/SHADOW LADY 1st: Get right next to Onslaught, and do a Crouching Forward, Crouching Roundhouse combo. While Onslaught is reeling, repeat the combo. You can do this indefinately, because Onslaught will usually be too stunned to retaliate. 2nd: Chun-Li should have 3 levels of Super if you did the 1st form strategy correctly. Just do 3 straight Kikou-Shou Supers to his face. If Onslaught isn't dead by then, just do either Lightning Legs (if you're gusty) or a Jumping Roundhouse until you have another Level of Super, then do another Kikou-Shou. For Shadow Lady, same thing but use the big Bang Laser. ============================================================================= RYU 1st: Chain a Crouching Fierce Punch into a Shin Shouryuken. Onslaught won't Teleport out of this, so it's easy damage. Duck under the Mega Optic Blast and do a Crouching Jab, Crouching Strong combo. Block Onslaught's Flaming Charge and combo a Fierce Punch into a Hadouken. 2nd: Jump up and do a Shinkuu Hadouken to Onslaught's head. If you need to charge up your Super meter, just keep on doing a Jumping Fierce Punch, Hadouken combo to Onslaught's head, and once it's charged, pull off a Shinkuu Hadouken again. ============================================================================= Ken Mode 1st: Basically the same but you can do a C.Jab into a C.Strong all day and this will stun him as well. 2nd: You don't even need to be in the air for this, just have Ken do his Shinryuken as he is directly under his head, don't worry Ken should be protected from any off Onslught's attacks. ============================================================================= Akuma Mode 1st: Same as Ken. 2nd: Just do his Shinkuu Zankuu Hadoken or that stuff where he throws 19 fireballs in the air. You can use a Diving Demon Kick because it'll hit Onslaught 7 times very kickly, you'll stun him after 3 hits, but after that he has a fair chance of retaliating. Use your air Hurricane Kick because it'll most likely stun him. ============================================================================= ZANGIEF 1st: Do a Crouching Fierce, Crouching Roundhouse combo. It should work like Chun-Li's 1st form strategy. 2nd: Jump up and combo a Jumping Roundhouse into a Spinning Lariat (tap 3 Kicks) on Onslaught's head. ============================================================================= MORRIGAN/LILITH 1st: You can try to pelt him with Air Soul Fists, but watch out for Hyper Gravs, Magnetic Tempests, or Magnetic Shockwaves that can reach you. Use Soul Erasers on this form. Duck under the Mega Optic Blast and use a Crouching Jab, Crouching Strong combo. 2nd: Jump up and use a Jumping Fierce, Jumping Roundhouse combo. Use a Soul Eraser when Onslaught is on the ground. ============================================================================= CAPTAIN COMMANDO 1st: Use a Fierce Punch comboed into a Captain Fire or Captain Corridor. The only Super that will do jack against Onslaught is the Captain Sword. 2nd: Use a Jumping Fierce punch. It will finish Onslaught off pretty quick. If you are gutsy, combo the jumping fierce punch into an air Captain Fire. Supers won't do jack on this form. ============================================================================= MEGAMAN 1st: Just duck and keep on shooting charged up Mega Busters. The Rush Drill and Beat Plane are excellent against 1st form. 2nd: Jump up and shoot charged up Mega Busters and Leaf Shields. When ever you have a level of Super, execute Hyper Megaman. ============================================================================= STRIDER HIRYU 1st/2nd: Activate the Ouroburos super and continually combo Onslaught. He should be too stunned to retaliate. ============================================================================= SPIDER-MAN 1st: Use a Crouching Jab, Crouching Strong, Crouching Fierce combo. The C.Fierce stuns Onslaught, so while he's reeling, repeat the combo. 2nd: Use a Jumping Fierce, Jumping Roundhouse combo to Onslaught's head. If you're gutsy, try Air Web Swings to his face. ============================================================================= JIN 1st: The Blodia Punch does good damage on Onslaught, so use that. Use a Crouching Jab, Crouching Fierce combo. It will work like Chun-Li's and Spider-Man's 1st form strategy. 2nd: Just use a Jumping Fierce Punch. You could try the Blodia Vulcan on this form. ============================================================================= CAPTAIN AMERICA 1st: Use the Hyper Charging Stars. Duck under the Mega Optic Blast and do a Crouching Jab, Crouching Strong combo. 2nd: Just use a Jumping Fierce Punch. When Onslaught does the Mighty Fist, use the Hyper charging Stars. This will protect Cap and at the same time do damage on Onslaught. ============================================================================= VENOM 1st: Use a Fierce Venom Fang to get behind Onslaught and keep on doing Short Venom Rush, then repeat. 2nd: Just Jump and use the Roundhouse Kick. ============================================================================= HULK/ORANGE HULK 1st: Jump behind Onslaught and combo a Fierce into a Jab Ground Wave, and repeat. 2nd: Use the Gamma Quake or a Standing or Jumping Roundhouse. ============================================================================= GAMBIT 1st: Duck under the Mega Optic Blast and use a Crouching Short, Crouching Forward, Crouching Roundhouse combo. The Royal Flush does some good damage. 2nd: Use the Cajun Explosion or Jumping Fierce. ============================================================================= WAR MACHINE/GOLD WAR MACHINE 1st: Use Low Shoulder Cannons. If Onslaught does an Optic Blast, crouch and Jab alot. 2nd: Use a Proton Cannon or get under Onslaught's face and do a War Destroyer. Air Shoulder Cannons are good. ============================================================================= WOLVERINE 1st: Just combo the heck out of him! Or just keep on doing the Crouching Fierce. It works like Chun-Li's strategy. 2nd: Use a Fatal Claw to Onslaught's head. Or use a Jumping Fierce, Jumping Roundhouse combo. ============================================================================= RED VENOM 1st: Switch out. 2nd: Jump and use the Roundhouse Kick. ============================================================================= ROLL 1st: Walk under the Optic Blast and keep on pressing Fierce. 2nd: Use a Jumping Fierce or Leaf Shields. ============================================================================= ______________________________________________________________ BEST HELPERS AGAINST FIRST ONSLAUGHT w/Selection Code Psylocke (Start+MK) Juggernaut (Start+LP+MK) Colossus (Start+LP+MP+MK) U.S. Agent (Start+MK+HP) Sentinel (Start+MP+HP+MK) BEST HELPERS AGAINST SECOND ONSLAUGHT w/Selection Code Magneto (Start+LK+HP) Michelle Heart (Start+LP+LK) Iceman (Start+MP+MK) _____________________________________________________________ So that's it. That's basically all the info you need to whoop Onslaught's butt. Good luck and happy gaming! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= -------------------- Brief Arcade Endings -------------------- ============================================================================= Chun-Li Chun-Li- Well afterwards she has some things to say to Bison this isn't exactly what they said but it should come close. Chun-Li: "There's no where to go now Bison, I've got you now" M.Bison: "Ha! On the contrary I got you" Then she gets in a mind hold by Bison. Shadow: " No! I won't let this happen to you! Charlie does a continuing Shadow Justice super on Bison while he blocks unitl they are out of the screen. Chun-Li: "Who was that strange man? and where did Bison go?" ============================================================================= Ryu Ryu- This isn't exact also because its too long. I took the time to remember everything I could so bare with me. Ryu does continuing motions of punches and hadokens. Sean: Wow! "Ryu has learned all of his moves on his own training!" Well as you can see tha's basically it as far as I can remeber. ============================================================================= Captain America Cap- Well this is gonna be brief as well. He stands in front of the heroes and saids: Captain America- "You should all be proud of yourselves, I couldn't have beaten Onslaught without either one of you" As you can see he is very modest. Rush is on Megaman sagging his tongue out like a regular dog while leaning on him. Lilith is next to Morrigan leaning on her I think. Ryu and Chun-Li are on the front row. An American Bald Eagle is on Cap's arm. ============================================================================= Captain Commando CapCom- Well I didn't get a clear view of his ending because I wanted to walk away to look like that its normal for me to beat the game. But I did catch some of it. CapCom- "Mission Complete Onslaught is destroyed" Avengers- "who are you?" CapCom- "Just call me..." CapCom- "Captain Commando!" Well that's all I know and Captain Commando is in front of a giant screen talking to them. ============================================================================= Spider Man Spidey- Well his ending changes depending on who your partner is, pretty nifty huh? Spidey- "Hold it there Captain America! I just want this shot for the bugle" Well at least I think that's what he says. Basically he'll take your partner's picture and run off to the bugle. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= --------------- Tips and Tricks --------------- NOTE: The DC version codes have been added. To switch to your second partner before a battle starts: hold start during the battle screen and quickly hit all three punch buttons before a battle. You can do this infinitely. To play against: Orange Hulk --> Finish three opponents with supers Mega War Machine --> Finish five opponents off with supers --> two of the five must be the duo team-up attack Shadow Lady --> get the first attack for every round --> must use all helpers for every round --> finish all opponents with supers --> four of the seven must be the duo team-up attack Roll --> must use all helpers for at least four rounds --> finish five opponents with supers --> two of the five must be duo team-up attack Lilith --> finish three opponents with supers --> must use all helpers in at least two rounds Hyper Venom --> must get first attack for every round --> finish opponents with supers --> four of the seven must be duo team-up attack ============================================================================= ------------------------------- Switch character prior to match ------------------------------- --> Basically hold 3P or 3K after selecting your helper and hold it till the match starts. ---------------------- Save secret characters ---------------------- --> Perform anyone of those secret character conditions and when you fight a secret character, win or lose it doesn't matter, you will have the chance to save that secret character for EASY ACCESS. Do this for all the hidden characters and you will have all the hidden characters be selectable via the EASY ACCESS by moving your cursor outside the character selection box in which the hidden character's box is. So when you save your game with Shadow Lady move the cursor below Gambit and Shadow LAdy will appear. -------------- Onslaught Mode -------------- --> Get all 6 hidden character EASY ACCESS --> At title screen Onslaught Mode will appear ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ------------------ Character Overview ------------------ ============================================================================= ======== Chun-Li: ======== She's very quick and has excellent air defense. Her Lightning Kick is a monster chipper. Don't worry, she can beat you without being cheap. Watch out for her head stomp because it can only be countered with with a Dragon Punch, Spidey Sting, Mega Upper, Captain Corridor, and other special moves like that. Her launcher is only sub-par, simply because it's not very good at countering air attacks and has a monster delay time. Her ability to combo all her supers can become anyone's favorite. She'll often win alot of air battles because she has a triple jump making her very slippery. She has an axe-kick crouch counter for turtlers so watch out. ============================================================================= ==== Ryu: ==== The most versatile player in the game. He too can combo all his supers but not as easily as some players. I once comboed a low roundhouse into a Shinku Hadoken. Yeah many players prefer the hyper hurricane kick but this one's flashier. Ryu has a crouch counter but has a mean start up delay so use it just as the opponent is getting up. Ryu is not the best combo character but his combos can easily match the damage of any other player's 12 hit(Wolverine, Strider). Ryu can change into either Evil Ryu or Ken mode, either way they play a little the same but different. Refer to the chart for a level analyis. Ken mode is the only character who can perform all his special moves in the air while Ryu and Evil Ryu can only perform a Hadoken and Hurricane Kick. ============================================================================= ======== Zangief: ======== The slowest character in the game but yet the most dangerous when mastered. His Spinning Pile Driver is very versatile and can easily equal the damage of some supers in the game. Zangief will take a few hits before he is stunned so take advantage and hit the opponent before you get comboed. Mostly all his special moves are in blockable and his Siberian Bear Crusher will blow you away from long distances even if your blocking. He can also change into Super Zangief giving him strength that easily over powers the Hulk's and a devasting new super, Siberian Blizzard. Did I mention he has a projectile? It's similar to Dhalsim's Yoga's Flame and will stop alot of supers. But beware, he can't block and some beam supers are hazardous. In this mode he has increased defense and better super armor. I use this character against Wolverine alot. ============================================================================= ========= Morrigan: ========= She can easily play like XSF Ken and she is just simply a brilliant combo character. She doesn't take damage well but can inflict alot because of her combos. She can't, however combo her supers as easily and her Soul Eraser can only be comboed with a helper. Her Shell Pierce([in air] D+HK) can help her get in and combo enemies. She also has a level 3 super which is unblockable and will do alot of damage however it is too slow to get you opponent unless they decided to block. ============================================================================= ================= Captain Commando: ================= He has excellent ground combos and can easily chain his supers without a sweat. He is an agile keep away character and can wipe up the competition real quick. He is very quick and strong but lacks on defense and air defense. Overall an easy character to adapt. However use his crouching strong launcher, his standing roundhouse launcher sucks. ============================================================================= ======== Megaman: ======== An all time sweet beginner character. He can chain his rush drill so easily you'll be amazed while the other 2 can be chain also but a little more difficult. He can throw a ton of Mega busters all over the screen at different levels and will easily win a game of keep away. One of the best characters in the game in my opinion. ============================================================================= =============== Strider Hiryuu: =============== One of the flashiest characters in the game. He can easily combo you to death, but lacks in defense and the ability to combo his supers. You should easily win without relying on his supers too much. However his supers are often hard to connect, he doesn't have a best super, probably his Ouroboros but they are hard to connect without a helper. He is very quick and has a lot of priority and can be very slippery with his wall to wall leap, teleport, and his double jump. ============================================================================= =========== Spider-Man: =========== A lethal combo character that will win many battles without switching out. He is incredibly quick and strong with a speed rivaled by Chun-Li, Gambit, Wolverine, and Strider hiryuu. He lacks alot of defense so becareful. He is the only combo character, besides Strider who can beat you without being cheap. Despite that he is still cheap cause he is as strong as Captain America and his size makes bigger combo characters like Hulk or Zangief have a difficult time connecting with combos, be has weak defense though. ============================================================================= ==== Jin: ==== Don't even think about this guy. He lacks in every category like combos, supers, and speed. He gains in strength and durability(especially during powerup) and will wipe out opponents if they are not careful. Practically every move he does delays afterwards and can be easily countered. Just the worst character in my opinion. He is one of those small characters that has a pathetic magic series, like Dan. His priority isn't too great, but his strength makes up for that. ============================================================================= ================ Captain America: ================ Yes he is quite slow, but he has high defense and offense, and can easily put out alot of damage with his combos. When he loses his shield he can combo any super of his choice and gains alot of speed. But he loses some defense and offense. He is a slight improvement over the last game because of his ability to combo the Final Justice, but other than that players who are familiar with Captain America from Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter should have no time adapting to him. Either way he's just deadly. ============================================================================= ====== Venom: ====== Takes damage like he doesn't even exist. He can, however put out a series of combos and his dash will walk right under fireballs. Surprisingly he has pretty good air defense thanks to his Venom Fang. ============================================================================= ===== Hulk: ===== This guy is simply dangerous. He keeps coming after you and playing keep away is a little fustrating too. He is very strong and durable and can combo his supers with some effort. Just try your best to keep him away. What gives him an edge over everyone else is that his regular attacks do block damage. Try to cancel your attacks into either a Gamma Charge or a Gamma Slam at time to time if you miss with your fierce. ============================================================================= ======= Gambit: ======= Well he only had one super in XSF so they gave him a new one: Cajun Explosion. It's very tricky and will 90% of the time have the opponent blocking in the wrong direction because he can start his super from the opponents back. He is a lethal combo character and has very quick feet, but lacks the ability to absorb pain, so keep pounding on him. ============================================================================= ============ War Machine: ============ He is welly balanced, probably even more so than Ryu, and can mop the competition with his comboable War Destroyer. His Proton Cannon, however is difficult to combo and can only be chained by a helper. Simple button pushing can result in a lot of artilery fired so playing keep away is a snap. You can sucesfully aim his J.Fierce in three different directions being up, down, or straight and his J.Roundhouse in two directions up or down. One of the best characters in the game. ============================================================================= ========== Wolverine: ========== Well the cheapest character of them all. He is just too fast and too strong, and he can recover alot of energy while resting. Plus he can combo any super of his choice. He has this Knee stomp that just irritates alot of people so I'm hoping Capcom can change him into a far less cheaper character. Did I mention he has high throw priority? Well what else is there? He can also chip you to death as well and being the offensive on him is quite difficult. I suggest using Zangief or Megaman if you've mastered them both. Any other character is just fine as long as you've mastered them. This guy, in the hands of an expert, is 10 times as hard as Onslaught because he's just so cheap. I wish Wolverine wouldn't appear in the next crossover game, so I can laugh at all those Wolverine users. He's also a character to make a beginer look like an expert. ============================================================================= ============ Orange Hulk: ============ Well use him like a Spider-Man. He gains alot of speed and can combo his supers a little more easily than before, but lost his super armor, strength and durability. So your options are limited. ============================================================================= ============ Hyper-Venom: ============ Well he plays differently than Venom because his combos are little different and his special moves have been altered, somewhat. He his always on Hyper mode so you can just walk under fireballs instead of dashing. He has the worst defense in the game so watch out. ============================================================================= ================= Gold War Machine: ================= Well use him like Super Zangief but play him like War Machine. He can't block or fly and has become slower, but stronger and more durable. His special moves are different but not much different because he uses Missles instead of beams. Wolverine will have a lot of trouble with this guy, when he uses his Berserker Barrage X, don't worry about getting hit about it unless you are low on life, just use your Proton Cannon right in the middle of it. ============================================================================= ============ Shadow Lady: ============ Well she's not that bad of a character, but Chun-Li is better. Her special moves and supers are very different than Chun-Li's but he has become faster and stronger in her Cyborg state. Her Galaxy Missle will do some major damage and can chip pretty well too. Trust me! You'll just have to play her. Her Big Bang Laser can pose quite a problem for combo characters(Strider, Wolvie, Spidey, Gambit) because it can drain away half their life. ============================================================================= ======= Lilith: ======= Well play her like MSHSF Ken, but she is a little faster but even in everything else. She is a better combo character than Morrigan though but her supers are a little worst on damage and comboability side except for her Luminous Illusion. ============================================================================= ===== Roll: ===== Well she takes hits 2nd worst compared to Hyper Venom, but he she is also quite difficult to master. She won't win against expert keep-away players and she won't inflict much damage either. Her brother is a better choice though but when mastered she can become as deadly as any other player. ============================================================================= Well that's it. At the arcades the damage mode has been set at very high levels so the match would end quicker so that more people could play, so that the arcades and Capcom can make more money. So when you--get you--your own copy for the PSX you can set it to any level you like! I just hope--it won't be as--dissapointing--as X-Men vs. Street Fighter. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ---------------------------------- Individual stats against Wolverine ---------------------------------- Well we all know that whoever uses Wolverine is no expert! He is far too good to be a beginner character besides even beginner characters just keep hitting that SJ.Strong and S.Strong of his! Well this part of the FAQ is dedicated to beating his lousy cheapo namesake. Whoever it is I think I might have found a 70% way to beat Wolverine with any character. The most successful I've seen is Megaman. Mechanized Zangief. and Chun-Li. ============================================================================= Chun-Li Well what can I say? Her air defense will easily beat out anything Wolverine has to offer. You should always attack Wolverine from above, she does have extremely good ground combos but there nothing compared to Wolverine's. Whenever you come in from above you can either use her nasty triple jump to fool him or come in with a Head Stomp and chaining it into her J.Roundhouse. Either way this completely messes up Wolverine players. Use her S.Roundhouse alot to counter Wolverine's jump-in attacks. When you anticipate a Knee Stomp by Wolverine either use her Kiosho or her Hazan Tenshou Kyaku. I would stick with the Kikosho because it'll do alot of chipping damage in case Wolverine tries to block. Whenever your near him keep hitting that kick button rapidly to chip away a ton of his life and use her Lightning Kick in the air to keep away Wolverine if you ever come to an air fight. If you see his Fatal Claw coming Block and wait until he's almost done an immediately blast him with your Kiosho, if you don't have a level of super just hit him with a S.Roundhouse and continue your air combo from there. Whenever you fall always roll because Wolverine as endless OTG abilites. This goes the same for all characters. Her C.Foward is a good way to stop oncoming ground combos and she can chain two of them in a row and into her Lightning Kick. You should always use her S.Fierce into a Kiosho if Wolverine does come in for a ground combo. ============================================================================= Ryu You have two options here, you can either play keep away with Ryu's fireball/dragon pattern or be on the offensive with his J.Fierce. Ryu's jumping fierce has high priority and will most likely cancel out Wolverine's S.Roundhouse. Ryu's C.Foward is a good way to stop on coming Wolverine ground combos and you can chain it into his C.Roundhouse and into his hyper huricane kick. It's similar to Chun-Li's but his is a little less effective but still works pretty well. Always throw fireballs when your away from Wolverine and use Ryu's good throw priority to continously throw Wolverine, don't do this to any other character because its cheap but if its done to Wolverine its acceptable. Ryu's crouching fierce is almost as dominating as Chun-Li's standing Roundhouse but works when you start the C.Firece early. When your in the air use Ryu's hurricane kick to best Wolverine out or your throws. Don't forget to roll everytime your playing against a human player. ============================================================================= Captain America This guy's middle name should be priority because that's just what he has and that's just what's gonna make Wolverine users pay. Always come in with a J.Fierce because it'll cancel out all of Wolverine's moves can and his Final Justice will cancel out the Weapon X if your far away and if you start it immediately after Wolverine starts his super. When you see the Berserker Barrage X use your Hyper Charging Star immediately as he start's his from a 3/4 screen distance away, this way you'll cancel out Wolverine's super and do a ton of damage on him. If your less than 3/4's screen distance just block and counter otherwise don't try it because it's too fast. You can aim Cap's J.Roundhouse as well but the J.Fierce is a better choice. And don't forget to keep those Shield Slashes coming! Remember to roll and you should be fine. ============================================================================= Megaman This is the guy to give Wolverine players nightmares! I just love this little guy. Excellent job Capcom! Basically what this little guy has to do is keep Wolverine away with his best keep away skills in the game. Always throw Mega Fireballs up and ground level to keep Wolverine in the corner. Whenever you see the Fatal Claw move back and cancel into the Beat Plane or Hyper Megaman. Watch out for the Hyper Megaman though cause it takes loads of time to start even more than the Proton Cannon! Always use the Rush Drill from great distances if Wolverine starts any of his supers from great distances because Mega is invincible during the drill as we all know. If your close just block and counter. Use Mega's S.Roundhouse to beat out anything Wolverine has or his Mega Upper. Mega is an okay ground combo character but its his air combos that flourish. Don't forget to keep that buster charging and always roll from humans! ============================================================================= Venom Well not much I can say for this guy. Just use your Web Rush when he comes in for the Knee Dive. Try to be on the offensive because Venom has poor defensive skills but use Venom's air combos to his advantage by ending it with the Venom Fang. Always roll as well. ============================================================================= Zangief Ouch! Mechanized Zangief will just kill Wolverine! Regular Zangief will do just as well but this guy is better! He can't be lauched or knocked down and he doesn't have to wory about the Weapon X because it won't work. If Wolverine uses his Berserker Barrage X no problem! First off it'll do damage that is easily laughed at and Zangief will be able to counter with a Final Atomic Buster. You can use his Siberian Blast to keep away Wolverine if you like cause it works well. If he comes in for the Knee Dive just hit him with your launcher because he cannot get stunned. Despite the fact that he can't block he should give Wolverine alot of trouble.Just use your Spinning Pile Driver whenever you get the chance because it won't take much to kill him. This goes the same with Zangief but he has a super armor and doesn't have the qualities Mech Zangief has. But non the less he should work out fine as long as you can end you combos with the Spinning Pile Driver the fight shouldn't last long. ============================================================================= Spider Man Well you have limited options here. Spider Man is not a ground combo character and relies stricty on air. Its pretty hard to win with this guy since the fact that all his air moves basically will be overthrown by Wolverine's S.Roundhouse. But if your far away throw a fierce web ball into a Maximum Spider if Wolverine gets caught obviously. Try to punch out every last hit you can from Spidey cause it will count. This will not be a easy fight for Spidey despite he is one of the best combo characters in the game. ============================================================================= Strider Hiryuu Well if Wolverine ever wanted someone to test his air and ground combo skills then Wolverine have a run for his money. Strider Hiryuu is the second best combo character in the game, but if he were to combo his supers as easily as Wolverine then he would be tied for first. Well Strider's Sword gives him alot of priority just like Cap's Shield but he doesn't lose his sword. Just keep jumping in with his fierce but don't miss cause he'll pose for a split second which is more than enough time for Wolverine to counter. Just keep dashing and comboing the crap out of Wolverine. This should be an easy battle for Strider thanks to his sword. ============================================================================= Hulk Well always use Hulk's S.Roundhouse against against any of Wolverine's jumping attacks besides the Knee Stomp and put your air combos on. Whenever you see the Knee Stomp coming always use the Gamma Crush to penalize him for being cheap. Use Hulk's S.Jab alot, because not only will you chip away his life, but its also stops his on coming ground combos and is very hard to counter. Also Hulk as a super armor so take note of that. Other than that just ROLL! ============================================================================= Gambit Well you have two options here: play keep away or be on the offensive. Gambit's kinetic card is lightning quick and Wolverine will have a hard time doing much about it. If you choose to be on the offensive use Gambit's OTG abilities alot like comboing in the Royal Flush. Well that's about it. ============================================================================= Jin Well practically all his moves have recovery time so you aren't given much options. You should come down with Jin's Saotome Drill to muscle out Wolverine's S.Roundhouse. Don't depend on his supers to be of much help except for the Great Cyclone to stomp Wolverine's knee stomp and strike back with a fury, but basically his supers will do serverely poor chipping damage. ============================================================================= Captain Commando Well another ground combo character that should give Wolverine's ground combos a run for his money. Although he wasn't meant for the air he can still do air combos like Ryu. Just take note to use his Captain Sword immediately after his laucher cause this super eats Wolverine alive. And always use the Captain Storm to counter any of Wolverine's missed supers or certain attacks like the Drill Claw. You can also play keep away with him because Captain Commando excels in that category and will give Wolverine users a tough time. This is one of the best characters to use against Wolverine. ============================================================================= Morrigan Well she plays alot like Ken and she can play keep away all day. She can combo well too but has some pretty good ground combos. She won't take any super Wolverine gives her well because she doesn't take hits well either. You should be on the offensive like coming in with the Shell Pierce or playing keep away besides that just roll!! ============================================================================= War Machine Take the fact that War Machine's S.Roudnhouse will dominate all of Wolverine's attacks except the Knee Stomp. Just play keep away against Wolverine unless he decides to jump in with his Knee Stomp and in that case use the War Destroyer! ============================================================================= Wolverine Well you know what you cheap bastards should do. ============================================================================= Roll Well Wolverine won't miss much of his attacks so this can be a problem. Just try to play keep away with him. Always use your Bouquet to make him block high and then dash with a combo that combos into a rush drill. This won't be an easy fight so you might wanna switch out. ============================================================================= Shadow Lady If you can anticipate it call Collosus right before the Knee Stomp hits and hit him with a Big Bang Laser. You should consider using the Shadow Drill when Wolverine is up close to chip his life away and push him back. If he's super jumping use your Heat Seeking missles so incase he comes in with a Knee Stomp this should stop his combos. It's also not a bad idea to use your missles all day because they chip so well and they will follow Wolverine and stop him in a middle of a combo. ============================================================================= Orange Hulk Well he has no super armor and his strength has been reduced to Captain America's strength but still is extremely deadly to Wolverine players. Orange Hulk is fast and can easily be played like a spider man so use that to your advantage. Use your Gamma Crush when Wolverine comes in for a combo. Basically thats it. ============================================================================= Mega War Machine Same concept as Mechanized Zangief. He he is just a Wolverine killer. Just play keep away and use your strength to pound the living cheapnes out of Wolverine. ============================================================================= Hyper Venom Well not much help here. Except the fact that he's a little faster than Wolverine now. Use his symbiote shield when you see Wolverine coming in for a combo. Try using your strong throw often because it'll plant Wolverine right in front of you balled up in a web and should set you up perfectly for an air combo. Venom's attacks are gonna be hard to counter because he's moving so fast so use that to your advantage. ============================================================================= Lilith Well you can say she plays like MSHSF Ken. Her fireball is useless as keep away and she really won't give back the hits she's taken. Use her Shining Blade when Wolverine comes in for combos, but don't use it too often cause like all anti air attack patterns, it becomes predictable. You might even have to block when Wolverine comes in for a combo. Well I can't offer much on this since I've only used her twice. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= --------------- Reccomendations --------------- Okay I'm not the best speller but if you like MvC and want to play something that comes close to it then here they are. X-Men vs. Street Fighter Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter Marvel Super Heroes X-Men: Child of the Atom The rest of the games I like are down here. They might not relate to Marvel vs. Capcom but the come from the same company. Marvel Super Heroes: WAR OF THE GEMS (a real nice Super NES game, if you like Marvel Super Heroes, then this is your game) Darkstalkers 3 (another brilliant game, but this game is strictly ground combos, but everybody has at least 4 supers and you can stock up to 99 guages!) Street Fighter Collection Vol.1 (well what can I say? 2 classics and the U.S. release of SFA2G) Every Megaman game from the NES to the SNES to GB to PSX (hey I've been hooked on Megaman games since Megaman first came out 12 years ago!) Also if you have any questions about RPGs I'll take em! I love all FINAL FANTASY games and your email will be answered within a day. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Special game notes: If you have Cap. A. in your party, don't use your Team-up attack because Cap's shield for some reason blocks your long distance super IF he is using the Hyper Charging Star, any other super he has your welcomed to combo away with. Be careful when switching out. Your player will always pose before taking action. This lets the opponent time to use their super. Only use it when your really low on life, when the opponent is super jumping or after your launcher. Here is a sure victory if you know how to do it right, I prefer to call it "ticking." Jump in at your opponent if you want or if they knock you down and standing right next to you. When you get up do your characters magic series crouching, like Ryu, Cap, Chun-Li, or any other character with a ground stronger magic series. When you get up just perform your magic series like C.Short, C.Foward, but stop right there and don't perform the Roundhouse, instead throw 'em. This works well with Ryu and Chun-Li because if they don't tech hit that means you can pull off a beam super or have Chun-Li perform her Kiosho or Thousand Burst Kick immediately, just be quick at cancelling into your super. This way you'll score easy damage. But try not to get to predictable try using a C.Jab then immediately throw 'em into your super as there stunned. Just mix up your attacks, opponents except CPU are to dumb to try and counter. But if your a combo type of guy just combo don't settle for being cheap. Remember way back in SSF2 when you can just chain 7 C.Shorts woth Ryu with a rapid fire control pad? Well the Magic Series is responsible for that because now you can only chain your buttons together instead of rapidly jamming Shorts all day. If I was beginner I try this and if your gonna be called cheap then who cares!!! Just as long as you have your 50 cents with you and wasting other peoples' money then its fine. Just be cauious though it's known to start fist fights!!! Remember when I said I might have a Final Fantasy homepage? Well forget it! The series is my favorite and all, but I just don't want to take the time to make another web site. Sorry to those wo really wanted me to create one but you can check out this one: finalfantasy.animecenter.com Its the BEST Final Fantasy homepage out there! Go check it out now! Well that's it and happy gaming!!! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Well that's basically it about all I have to say on this FAQ. This is the largest FAQ on the WWW that you'll find anywhere(that is referring to MvC). By that I mean, I think it is the FAQ with the most information available pertaining to the game, but I still think the other FAQs over the web are really great. Check those out too! I hope all you people have took the time to read this FAQ because it would help alot on your gaming. Everyone is always free to email me whether its critizm or comments or questions. And as always good luck and happy gaming. P.S. Use your 2 silver Washingtons wisely or else you'll have wasted them!!! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ---------------------------------*********----------------------------------- ---------------------------------*Credits*----------------------------------- ---------------------------------*********----------------------------------- -- Capcom(www.capcom.com) For their excellent work on the arcade and Dreamcast machines. -- GameFAQs(www.gamefaqs.com) Thanks to CJay for posting up this FAQ and for being an excellent editor of the famous site. -- Migs Rustia(www.miggy.net/msf) I'm terribly sorry if I had put your name so misdiscretely, I can only ask for your apology. Your help on this FAQ was cataclysmically impacted on my work and you have helped me a great deal on this first FAQ that I have ever written. Half this FAQ goes to you ^_^ -- Ricardo A Lafaurie Jr.(dasrik@cyberspace.org) Thanks to him for the quotes on this FAQ. I urge you to check out his FAQ, it has all the endings and quotes you will ever need! -- Gouki(www.gpow.com) Thanks for the codes at his website. ^_^ -- Miko Jao(mikojao@hotmail.com) Thanks for his codes FAQ, I would have never figured it out if it wasn't for him! ^_^ -- Solid Snake(spidey_5@hotmail.com) Not only for being a huge contributor to this FAQ, but for being a good friend, you have helped me alot about the combo system and also being the only person to ever reply back my email continously! ^_^ -- Dingo Jellybean(bellybutton21@hotmail.com) This being my first FAQ it gives me great sense of feeling that these people above have contributed so much. This FAQ would not be possible without the help of the people you see above, they are the definition hard work, tireless effort, and well deserving credit. I sincerely thank you guys for your help and dedication to this FAQ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of Completion: 36 hours, 14 minutes, 12 seconds Dingo Jellybean (C) 1998, 1999