4/30/99 Marvel Vs. Capcom Captain America FAQ V. 1.0 Contents 1.) Why to Pick Captain America 2.) Special Moves 3.) Hyper Combos 4.) Strategies 5.) Combos 6.) Comboing Hyper Combos 7.) Best Helpers 8.) Best Partners 9.) Credits Key B= Back F= Forward C= Crouch QCF= Quater Circle Forward QCB= Quater Circle Backwards HCF= Half Circle Forward HCB= Half Circle Backwards SJ= Super Jump WP= Weak Punch MP= Medium Punch FP= Fierce Punch WK= Weak Kick MK= Medium Kick FK= Fierce Kick DP= Dragon Punch Motion (Towards-to-down-to-towards.) 1.) Why to Pick Captain America Captain America has the tools to be the best character in the game. His weakest strength is speed, but is agility makes up for it. To win with him, you must out smart your opponent and counter off misplaced moves. You must also learn how to combo his Double Team-up Hyper off a sweep. At anytime, Cap can dominate any opponent if used correctly. This FAQ will try to help you improve your knowledge on how to use Cap correctly and efficiently. 2.) Special Moves QCF + Any Punch Shield Slash- This is a very effective projectile. It comes out moderately fast and loses a lot for a projectile. It can be thrown in 3 directions depending on which punch you use. Using the WP, Cap throws his shield low to the ground. This can be used as an OTG (On The Ground Hit) after a sweep. Also, if you throw this in the air, it will come down in a 45 degree angle. Can be used as an AC Finisher (Air Combo Finisher.) Using the MP, Cap throws the shield shoulder height. This comes out and travels the fastest out of the three. Use this against slow characters like Hulk and Zangief who have trouble avoiding projectiles. Using the FP, Cap throws his shield in a 135 degree angle. Use this as an air defender against opponents that constantly jump-in. This loses the most damage of the 3 directions, and can also be used to get rid of your shield if you want to. DP + Any Punch Stars and Stripes- Cap jumps in the air with his shield on his shoulder. This is Cap's main air defender. The stronger the punch button, the higher Cap will jump. This move should be used sparingly. It has a lot of recovery time if blocked or missed. HCB + Any Punch Cartwheel- Cap will do a cartwheel across 1/4 of the screen. This is a very useful move. It can go through projectiles and get you out of corners. The only drawback with this move is that Cap can be hit when ending the cartwheel. Do not abuse the cartwheel and try not to be predictable when using this. QCF + Any Kick Charging Star- Cap will go charge at the opponent. If he has shield while doing this, it can go through projectiles and hit your opponent. The different kick buttons determine how far Cap will travel. This moves loses a lot of damage and can be used as an OTG hit. If you miss with this move, or it is blocked, chances are that you'll get countered. Cap has a lot of recovery time. 3.) Hyper Combos QCF + 2 Punches Final Justice- Cap slings his shield over his back and charges at your opponent. He puts his opponent in an 8 hit combo, throws him up, catches him, and slams him down with a big explosion. This has startup time and does hardly any chipping damage. It has very little recovery time and can be comboed though. Cap also does a little hop that goes over most projectiles. DP + 2 Punches Hyper Stars and Stripes- Cap does 2 weak Stars and Stripes and ends with a fierce Stars and Stripes. This moves comes out lightning fast and does good chipping damage. It can be comboed very easily also can be used when the opponent is OTG. Its only drawback is that it has a lot of recovery time and should not be used unless it is comboed or to chip an opponent to death. QCF + 2 Kicks Hyper Charging Star- Cap does a Charging Star. There is a blue aura infront of him while he is charging. This move goes through all projectiles, even beam supers. It loses a ton of damage, can be comboed, and very little recovery time, but does have some startup time. 4.) Strategies To play with Cap effectively, you need to be calm and patient throughout the match. Let your opponent make mistakes and counter. If at anytime you are in the corner, or in trouble, simply cartwheel to trap your opponent. If you feel you are being out matched in speed and quickness, slow the match down. Learn to push block. Let your opponent jump-in with 2-3 air attacks and push block him to the other half of the screen. This will allow you to get some extra space between you and your opponent to counter or rethink your next move. (1) If your opponent starts to hurl fireballs constantly, you can either cartwheel and get him in a quick Hyper Stars and Stripes, or use the Charging Star move to penetrate the fireball and hit your opponent. (2) If you are playing against an opponent that just sits in the corner and blocks, throw a C.WP and Cartwheel immediatly. Your opponent will probably block the C.WP, but will not see the Cartwheel coming and you'll be able to cross him over by following a combo after the Cartwheel. (3) If playing a speedy opponent that constantly dashes, use Cap's FP or C.WP. The FP has great range, comes out quickly, and loses a lot of damage from your opponent. The C.WP comes out quickly and can setup an air combo. Remember, Cap has a double jump. Use it to confuse opponents into wasting hypers and misplacing timed fireballs. Also, use it to buy yourself some extra time to think and plan for your next attack. (4) If you lose your shield, don't panic. Cap loses some range and strength, but gains quickness. Many opponents will try to prevent you from getting your shield back, use this to your advantage. If you want to get your shield back, you can Cartwheel to it and be safe, or get near it and do a sweep. 5.) Combos These are not all Cap's combos. They're are just his most effective ones. Set these up by a jumping WP, MP, then go into a C.WP, C.FP to launch your opponent. Also, use the Cartwheel to set up the C.WP. Cap's most damaging AC Finishers (Air Combo Finishers) are the SJ. FP and the SJ. Shield Slash. Cap has the standard sweep combo, (C.WK, C.MK, C.FK.) and two air series combos: (1) (SJ. WP, SJ. WK, SJ. MP, SJ. MK, AC Finisher.) (2) (SJ. WP, SJ. WP, SJ. WP, Jump again, SJ. WP, SJ. MP, SJ. MK, AC Finisher.) Note: You can use the SJ. WK after the SJ. WP on the second jump against some characters. It can mess up the rest of the combo, so play it safe and just go from the SJ. WP to the SJ. MP after the second jump. 1.) SJ. WP, SJ. MP, C.WP, C.FP, Air Series. 2.) C.WK, C.MK, C.FK, Shield Slash 3.) C.WP, C.MP, C.FP, Air Series. 4.) C.FP, Stars and Stripes 5.) WK, FK, Charging Star 6.) Comboing Hyper Combos One of the great advantages of Cap is that he can combo all of his hypers. Use the FK to set up any hyper you want. Also, since Cap does his Hyper Stars and Stripes hyper in his double team hyper, it can be comboed very easily. (If Cap is not in the match, he will do Hyper Charging Star.) 1.) C.WK, C.MK, C.FK, Hyper Stars and Stripes or Double Team hyper 2.) WK, FK, Any Hyper or Double Team hyper 3.) SJ. WP, SJ. MP, WK, C.FK, Hyper Charging Star (This combo is very difficult to get off. You need to be very quick about the Hyper Charging Star after the FK.) 4.) WP, FP, Final Justice (Cap can't have his shield while doing this combo.) 5.) Helper, Hyper Charging Star 7.) Best Helpers To choose a helper, after each round, hold start and the correct buttons to choose your helper. These two are basically the best two helpers for Cap. You shouldn't need to use anyone else. 1. WP, MP, MK Colossus- Colossus comes out a little above Cap and charges across the screen carrying your opponent with him for 5 hits. This is a great defender against jump-in attacks and sets up the Hyper Charging Star hyper great. 2. MK Psylocke- Psylocke comes out very fast and carries your opponent across the screen. She doesn't juggle your opponent as well as Colossus, but you can get a Hyper Charging Star hyper off. 8.) Best Partners Cap will need a little help. These are the partners that I think go very good with Cap. If you have any suggestions or comments about who is Caps Best Partner, let me know and I may rank them differently if you have a good point. 1. Strider- This team is very good. The one weak point of Cap is his speed, Strider is very fast and has very good combos. He takes hits very poorly, but Cap makes up from this loss by taking hits very well. Both characters have a double jump and Strider even has a wall stick. When tagging with Cap, use a sweep and do a Double Team-Up hyper. This usually catches an opponent off guard, loses a lot of damage, and is a safe way to tag. Go on full offensive with Strider. When Cap comes in, slow the match down and counter. Colossus sets up Legion well, and Strider's Ouroborus sets up his Ragnorak well, too. 2. Spider-Man- This is a very strong team that can inflict damage very fast. Spider-Man can't take hits the greatest. Both characters can combo their Double Team-Up hyper very easily by a sweep. Remember, against a smart opponent, use this to tag safely. Spider-Man has an air dash and a wall stick. Go on full offensive with Spidey, and mix things up with Cap by going in the defensive, countering mode. Use Colossus to set up Maximum Spider for a lot of damage. 3. Morrigan- This is a good team if used correctly. Morrigan can't take hits well, but Cap makes up for that. Morrigan also has an air dash that you can take advantage of. Use Morrigan to play a game of keep-away. This will open things up for Cap and you can catch opponents off guard. Also, combo thier Double Team-Up hyper and you can send your opponent in a world of hurt. 4. Chun Li- Chun Li can dominate the air with a triple jump and an air dash. She is very quick and agile, but she can't deal hits the greatest, and she can't take them very good either. Use her Air Demon combo to knock off a lot of power. Also, confuse your opponent with her quick speed and counter with Cap. Again, when tagging with Cap, use his Double Team hyper to inflict a lot of damage and a safe tag. 9.) Credits This FAQ was designed for the Arcade version of Marvel Vs. Capcom. All combos, special moves included in this FAQ were done and tested by me. Thanks to Capcom for making another great game, Marvel for their great characters, and to GameFAQs. Any questions, comments? Contact me at CMEYERS752@aol.com The Capcom characters are (C) Capcom of Japan and (C) Capcom of America. The Marvel characters are (C) Marvel Company. This FAQ should not be reproduced, sold, or published in anyway, shape, or form. (C) CMEYERS752