Marvel Vs Capcom CHUN-LI FAQ ---------------------- MVC Chun-li FAQ written by Aaron TKH E-Mail ---------------------------- =============================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ===================================================== 1. Intro 2.Why should I Choose Chun-li 3.Chun-li Moves 4.Combos and Combo Inf 5.VS Opponents 6.Now Introducing :Chunli The Fat @$$ Slayer a.k.a How To kill the Fat F***ER 7.Credits and thanks 8.OUTRO _______________________________________________________________________ Intro Hello ! This is the first FAQ I am writing (typing) so please bear with me as I still have a lot to learn, and maybe you too ,about Chun-li. About Chun-li’s background, I dunno !Where she came from ? What she does, I dunno ! Anyway , let’s get on with the rest of the FAQ . _____________________________________________________________ WHY SHOULD I CHOOSE CHUN-LI Why should you use Chun-li ? Well , for one thing she has an excellent launcher (either she’ll knock the enemy out of the air then you’ll proceed by ......or you’ll trade hits) unless of course its Hulk or spidey you’re fighting against .She has an excellent air super (takes about half a life) excellent supers that are all linkable and she has a continuous combo ! ___________________________________________________________ Button Layout : () () () 1,jab,LP 2,strong,MP 3,Fierce,HP () () () 4,short,LK 5,forward,MK 6,roundhouse,HK I have put James Chen Combo FAQ legend here this is only for Combos Combo Notations: -> means use Magic Series to reach next move listed XX indicates Special Move cancellation /\ indicates that you cancel the last move with a Super Jump or that you do a Double Jump \/ indicates that you land after the last move and continue on the ground , indicates that no special combo method is needed in between the two moves S. stands for standing C. stands for crouching OC. stands for offensive crouching DN. stands for holding down on the controller while attacking during a jump UP. stands for holding up on the controller while attacking during a jump T. stands for holding towards on the controller (direction you are facing) J. stands for Regular Jumping SJ. stands for Super Jumping DJ. stands for Double Jumping D. stands for Dashing before performing the move (OTG) means this will hit opponent off the ground (FS) means that the move you just did initiated the Flying Screen Chun-li Moves ----------------------------------- [Kikoken QCF+P [---------- [Description : She bends back [then front and lets out a fire- [fireball. ------------------------------------ [Thousand Burst Kicks Press Kick rapidly [---------------------------- [Description : Chun-li raises [her leg and does a lotta kicks [does good block damage but [has a slow recovery because [of her ending pose --------------------------------------------- [Rising Bird Kick DP+K [-------------- [Description : picture a 6-hit sho-ryu-ken [done with kicks canbe linked from her launcher --------------------------------------------- [Supers] Senretsu-kyaku QCF+2K Description : Something like TBK only that it moves forward.Slow recovery ,can be linked after D+HP ----------------------------------------------- Kikoken QCF+2P Description : a gigantic ball of energy surrounds Chun-li .Unsure whether it can be linked does good block damage. ------------------------------------------------- Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku QCF+2K in air Description : She rushes forward in the air and does a MK following which 5 chinese charcters appear in the background linked after Lp ,Lk takes half a life does no block damage. --------------------------------------------------- Super Rising Bird kick DP+2K Description : like the rising bird kick but does about 12 can be linked after launcher. ======================================================= Combos and Combo Information ======================================================= Chun-li's Magic series Ground Magic series : ZigZag Jumping Magic series : ZigZag Super Jumping Magic series: ZigZag Launchers : Standing Roundhouse Jump in Combo : DN.MK->HK I will use James Chen's format for Combos Beginner : 1.D.S ->LP->MP->HP 2.D.C->LP->MP->HP 3.D.C->LK->MK->HK 4.LAUNCH , RBK OR SUPER RBK 5.C.HK->TAP K 6.C.LP->MK->HP, Senretsu-Kyaku INTERMEDIATE : 1.D.S LP->HK /\ LP->MP->DN.MK->DN. TAP MK 2.D.S LP->HK /\ LP->MP->DN.MK->HK 3. D.S LP->HK /\ LP->MP->HP 4. D.S LP->HK /\ LP->MP->WAIT A WHILE ,SLAM EXPERT 1.D.S. LP->HK /\ LP->LK->XX SHICHISEI SENKUU KYAKU 2.D.S. LP->HK /\ LP->LK->MP->DN.MK->LP->LK->XX SHICHISEI SENKUU KYAKU 3.HELPER , ANYTHING 4.INFINITE COMBO. D.S. LP->HK /\ LP->MP->DN.MK->LP->LK->MP->DN.MK->LP->LK -> MP->DN.MK ........ ======================================================= VS OPPONENTS. CPU ------ VS CHUN-LI Beware of the cpu’s hit, hit, hit, Senretsu kyaku, combo. Whenever you get tripped , always roll because there’s a 80% chance she’ll do her SRK. Keep jumping towards her and block . She’ll most prob do her launcher you can then land and do any combo. Try to super jump in with a DN.MK ->HK combo then land and continue any combo. =============================================================== VS RYU WHAT ! You need me to teach you to kill RYU ?!?!?! =============================================================== VS ZANGIEF always jump or super jump in at this fella but remember to block (he should do his spinning lariat/clothesline)you can then either attack with DN.MK->HK or land then do the combo you like . EVIL MODE Always shoot fireballs and do Kikosho’s as far away as possible from him. In you want to play offensive , jump in with the jump-in combo but keep tapping the kick button to push him away with the TBK =============================================================== VS MORRIGAN As usual , try super jumping/jumping in on this lady .If on the ground , try blocking low to avoid being launched. But also , beware her vector drain when blocking you can’t tech out of it .Her supers come out relatively slowly so you can always block them and GO COMBO ! =============================================================== VS CAPTAIN COMMANDO Super jump straight up when he does his captain fire and try to aim your landing position near to this guy. NO! You must not go forward in the air instantly when you super jump. But instead, you must try to jump in to land in sorta like a 45% angle .but always remember to BLOCK ! (Because....) He’ll then do his captain collider /corrider? Which usually has a long-enough recovery time (if you jumped in as I told you) for you to combo him to captain heaven when you land. Don’t try to dash-in to him because his captain fire is very fast and can knock you and take away a lot of health b4 you have time to block. His Captain storm super has long recovery time .and should not be feared, but BLOCKED. =============================================================== VS MEGAMAN THIS little robot is a very Cheap @$$ .whenever he kicks you , he’ll usually do an 8 hit combo at least . So then again , BLOCK. He’ll try to keep you away by doing his cheap little fireball’s and his tornado holds (which usually miss ) so Super-Jump ! but block while you’re landing cause he’ll do his jab tornado holds which will blast you to the sky, or the more potent Hyper Megaman Which is like the faster version of the proton cannon. His pattern is : Shoot a few fireballs , tornado hold .Repeat. So counter it .He’ll usually throw in a few beat planes and rush frills in the mean time but unless he does a combo first , CPU will usually miss the combo and just let you take block damage (if you block) =============================================================== VS STRIDER Dont ever let this Bus3rd do his ground combo on you he usually does about 6-7 hits which can take away a lot of health (slightly more than 1/4) .The Cpu’s Strider is usually smart enough not to do his ragnorok (did I spell it correctly?) super .But the cpu will usually do the “LEGION” instead of the uroburos .unfortunately (fot the cpu that s ) LEGION has such a slow starting lag time , you usually have enough time to jump away first.(Because it does great block damage )and land in front of his face and combo him. However if you want to do a jump-in combo beware his air slam which has excellent range (ans so-so damage) but is very irritating. Remember, Chun-Li has a triple jump which enables her to stay in the air for a VERY long time. =========================================================== VS SPIDERMAN This guy can be killed just like strider and is complete wuzz when used by the computer . Just don’t get hit by his 8-9 hit combo which takes away quite a bit .And remember to roll after he kicks you down (he might do his crawler assault) =========================================================== VS JIN WHOAAA! This damned shit does a lotta damage with every of his supers. Don’t ever super jump on him .He’ll most prob do his Great Cyclone (or something) and you wont be able to block it .However along with strength comes his horrible lag time for all his supers. Which lets you be able to kill him relatively easily .Just don’t get hit by him or be prepared to lose at least 1/8 of a life Waiting pays of against this @$$ because he’ll usually do his diving kick from the air which leaves him vulnerable (unless of course he does the thingy where he strips of all his clothes ) ============================================================== VS CAPTAIN AMERICA Run!Run!Run! Super-Jump-in don’t ever rest against him. And never end a combo with S.HK because he’ll do his super power and and take your health .You don’t want that ,do you ?so super jump in on this guy cause he usually wont block (sucker) and if he does block your standing HK , always end that combo with a TBK. =============================================================== VS VENOM Don’t worry about him . He’s really quite simple to kill .(QUITE STUPID TOO !!!) Whenever he Webs you (the throw ) , he’ll usually do a few hits then do a venom dive (is that the name?)But It DOESNOT COMBO ! So guess what ? COMBO him! When jumping in be careful. Cause he’ll do a standing HK following which another venom dive which lets you land and attack . =============================================================== VS HULK HaHaHaHaHaHa ! ! This stupid green vomit no laughing matter. He attacks usually combo and take away lotsa health. However, be particularly careful when jumping in on this shit because he likes to Crush you , Gamaa style ! So Keep jumping in and blocking immediately and watch as he wastes his power !Au Contraire, he might also do a S.HK which has quite good recovery time (not good enough though), but you can always land dash in with C.MK->C.HP->SRK. Always block his attacks and wait for a chance to strike unless you want to eat his feet and eat his gamma charge ! =============================================================== VS GAMBIT this @$$ likes to fly around the place and do kinetic cards . .Punish him by doing your SRBK/RBK and teach him that jumpin donch pay .And Super-jump away from his Royal (Toilet) Flush because the recovery time has now lessened and the block damage is quite good . Don’t push block him (3P while blocking) because of the high chance of getting hit by his cards .As Usual dont forget to roll away when he downs you because he’ll royal Flush / Cajun Strike you . ============================================================== VS WAR MACHINE Super-jump-in on this guy but don’t forget to block the ever-lovin repulsor blast (which by the way is ever-lovin because of the lag time heheheheh) This guy has really powerful slams that can be OTG’ED. He also likes likes to do his his supers. (Super jump for the cannon and run in front of him and block if its the war destroyer ) You’ll also fing great joy in doing your infinite on him because he lets out a sound of cracking metal when you hit him How Nice ! =============================================================== VS WOLVERINE Wolvie is a real wuss here . he usually does little comboes (such as launch, lp->lk->drill claw) how dumb ! However his berserker Barrage X still does a lot of damage so beware and be offensive ! ============================================================== NOW INTRODUCING : CHUN-LI THE FAT @$$ SLAYER ! ! ! ! ! HOW TO KILL THE Fat F***ER (better known as [FF after stage7 ]) 1st Form With Chunli , walk up to his face when the round begins and just hold down and press MK->HK if his face turns and yells , just continue . if it doesnt block he will (90% chance) charge towards you from then on just keep repeating the Hold down Mk->HK. he’ll never charge to you again from the second time onwards at most he’ll just teleport away from you ( HAHAHA futile attempt ) from there just dash forward and repeat Heheheheheheheh! 2nd Form his ugly face will always appear yours (errr.... Chun-li’s face is not ugly ) wait for him to call his sentinel bombs/sentinel to come in then do your Kikosho your kikosho will “eat” his stuff and blast his ass. You can follow up with yet another Kikosho after that and another just remember to block after it lest your kikosho ate his toys . After eating 3 balls , Onslaught will be quite full (though his life bar don’t be) however sometimes after eating the second ball sometimes Onslaught might be too full and will escape to the corners of the stage (maybe he went to the loo. Who knows?) And will come back with a big hand of which, it’s a general rule to always super-jump when he goes to the loo. By then, he’ll appear on the other side of the screen and you can let him eat another ball .his life should be almost slightly more than a 1/4 by now from then you’ll proceed to jump up then keep tapping HK. (PS Remember to block or else it’ll be his turn to feed you with beams) He should be dead by now. CREDITS AND THANKS =================== Thanks to Capcom for creating all the fun games ever (other than SNK of course) ========================================================== Yaozhong for giving me info on characters for so many games (Special thanx.) ============================================================== Onslaught for letting me kick his big fat errrr....... nevermind . ====================================================== James Chen for creating the easy way to write combos ============================================================== Chen Wei yu (the fish ) for accompanying me to the arcade every time (I meant this ) ============================================================== To Lim Tian-Yi (Kung-fu master) For teaching me Strider and introducing Superbowl (Thanxxx to you too ) =============================================================== To Disi (The Arcade whizz )for teaching me many many infinite combos for marvel and kicking my @$$ in every game I challenge him in (and for reminding me to be humble) =============================================================== And finally to all the “care-lair-fair’s” out there for letting ME kick your butt (and helping my winning streak go up hehehehe) OUTRO,(oppo of intro geddit ?) : Well we’ve (i‘ve) finally reached the end of my yuckky FAQ hope you’ve enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed typing it out (now that my fingers are all numb) Let’s hope your Chun-li improves .Any comments( good,bad )criticisms , complaints, please send them to