========================== | Chun Li FAQ | | By | | Sabre | ========================== Version 1.0 E-mail: fatalclaw@hotmail.com Revision History: Version 1.1 (6/15/98) -- Haven't update this much because I was working on my MVC FAQ. I fixed some stupid format mistakes and added a little here and there. Not much though. Version 1.0 (5/31/98) -- Start writing my first FAQ, any inputs and contributions will be appreciated! Will add more combo, strategy, and partner info later on. Copyright 1998 by H. C. Yu Copyright information: Please… (1) DO NOT use this FAQ for your commercial use. (2) DO give credits where they're due. Why use Chun Li? To kick Wolverine's and Spiderman's behind HARD!!! Isn't that enough? ======================================================================= Table of Contents: Introduction Special Moves Super Moves Combos Strategy Partner Introduction: MVC is the most balanced Vs game put-forth by Capcom so far. Every character is good and deadly in the hands of experts. There is not a single character that is characterized as "disadvantaged," besides the secret character Roll of course. Amidst all these excellent characters, I consider Chun Li to be the best overall character. Though her style of fighting might seem "weird" to many players, practices will pay off! Chun Li has always been referred to as cheap, because of her defense and chipping potentials. Indeed, she was a bit cheap in XVSF and MVSF; however, in MVC, her cheapness is taken out in many ways. In the first game, her Lightning Kick Super was everyone's nightmare due to the insane amount of blocking damage it took off. To top it off, she can't be hit afterwards! Also, Spinning Bird Kick has no recovery time at all, and the Super Bird Kick does amazing damage! Chun Li was just way too cheap in this game. In the second game, MVSF, Chun Li still enjoyed the invulnerability of blocked Lightning Kick Super. However, she lost the invulnerability of blocked Spinning Bird Kick and Super Bird Kick. In exchange for this lost advantage, Chun Li gained invulnerability of blocked Axe Kick. Now the third game, Chun Li again lost something in exchange for something else. Lightning Kick Super no longer is invulnerable if blocked - Chun Li will indeed be punished if this super is blocked! To make up this loss, Capcom gives Chun Li a new air super that is, IMO, the best looking super of the game. That's all about the major changes in Chun Li and yes, she still has that impenetrable roundhouse launcher for defense. In this FAQ, I'll discuss Chun Li's specials and supers in detail and reveal some ass-kicking strategy in using her well. BTW, did I mention that she's the perfect character to use to kick those Wolverine's and Spiderman's butt?! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Specials: *Since you are all familiar with controls, I won't list the joystick motion involved! Kikoken IMO a rather useless move. This fireball is too slow to be of any use at all. Fireball fights are long gone in history; besides, Chun Li's fireball isn't that fast. Yes, this fireball can be comboed, but why bother? I almost never use this move, I'd be surprised if I ever use it in any match! Mini-Kikosho Another bad move that shouldn't be there. Originally designed as air defense, this move often gets Chun Li killed! This is usually a messed up move because it's so easy to perform, so be careful. I usually use it in ground combo, but only when I feel flashy! Spinning Bird Kick This is an OK move. It's usually best if used in combos instead of as air-defense. As mentioned earlier, this move lost its invulnerability a LONG time ago. Chun Li will be punished if blocked. I rarely use this move. Lightning Legs Chun Li's signature move since SFII ! This move still chip off good deal of damage, especially if the player is good enough to whip it up whenever he wants. I have trouble doing this move for some reason, and it doesn't come out unless in a combo. Anyway, Chun Li now has a little lag time afterwards, so don't use it as though there's no tomorrow! This move is great as OTG combos and air combos. A useful move, but not the best. Axe Kick IMO Chun Li's best special! This is an overhead hit that'll nail any crouching opponent. Sadly, it doesn't OTG anymore, but that's OK still. Chun Li's game-play involves some poking, especially low hits. Tag in an Axe Kick after any low hit will often frustrate your opponent. BTW, did I mention that this move has virtually no lag time? One caution though, different kick buttons will have different range, so experiment a little bit. Also, don't be too predictable with this move. If opponent reads your strategy, he or she can switch, or in some case counter, while Chun Li's doing this move. Neck Kick: Another excellent overhead move. Same strategy as Axe Kick in general. This move has little lag time as well, but beware of those cheap throws because Chun Li is right up in their face if blocked. Head Stomp A rather useful move. This is an excellent jump-in move because very few attacks will pass through this move. Chun Li can confuse opponents by mixing in triple jumps and Head Stomps. I use this mainly as combo lead-ins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Supers: Lightning Kick Super This is my personal favorite super! It combos fairly easily, and does amazingly good damage - nearly half life if you keep jamming on the buttons! This can be OTG, but can be avoided. If by any chance Chun Li missed or blocked by this move, PRAY HARD! Air Demon Possibly the coolest looking super in the game! This super combos into air combos, and does solid damage. The combo is a bit tricky because sometimes the CPU can block the super! BTW, if this is blocked, Chun Li's up for the opponent's mercy! Kikosho IMO a rather useless super. I think it can be OTG but I've never used it. This super is a bit weak, and leaves Chun Li extremely vulnerable if blocked! BTW, if anticipated, you can snuff those Wolverine stomp or even cross up some players. Super Bird Kick The damage this super inflicts has been toned down a lot! It's still comboable, but does about average damage. I only use this move for variations in my combos, so people won't call me cheap. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Combos: Ground Combos - (1) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.S. Short -> C. Forward -> C. Roundhouse -> Lightning Leg(OTG) *This combo is Chun Li's bread and butter ground combo. Lightning Leg OTG often connects and is fairly safe, even if missed. (2) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.S. Short -> C. Forward -> C. Fierce -> Axe Kick *The Axe Kick at the end will not count as part of the combo, but will often nail the opponents. Even if the combo is blocked, finish the combo for a little chipping damage. Hey, if they blocked wrong during the process, they'll get nailed! (3) D.S. Jab -> S. Strong -> Mini Kikosho *Not a spectacular combo, but works. (4) D.S. Jab -> C. Short -> C. Strong -> C. Forward -> C. Roundhouse (5) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.C. Short -> S. Roundhouse -> Roundhouse Spinning Bird Kick (6) D.C. Short -> C. Forward -> Roundhouse Spinning Bird Kick Air Combos - (1) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.S. Short -> S. Roundhouse -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> S.J. Strong -> Head Stomp -> Head Stomp -> Lightning Leg *The bread and butter air combo! It looks pretty awesome and does solid damage. The last part of the combo requires some practicing and might miss sometimes. (2) J. Jab -> J. Fierce -> D.S. Short -> S. Roundhouse -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> S.J. Strong -> S.J. Forward -> S.J. Roundhouse (3) J. Forward -> J. Roundhouse -> D.S. Short -> S. Roundhouse -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> S.J. Strong -> S.J. Forward -> Strong air throw *Tagging an air throw at the end is often risky and tough to accomplish. Practice will make perfect! (4) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.S. Short -> S. Roundhouse -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> S.J. Strong -> Head Stomp -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> S.J. Strong -> Head Stomp -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> S.J. Strong Head Stomp -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> S.J. Strong -> Head Stomp -> Repeat… *This combo is listed in Mig's page and IT WORKS! I'm currently working on repeating the sequence indefinitely. So far, my best number is about 40 hits. I'm still trying to find a trick to do it consistently. I'll definitely let you guys know once I master it. For now, keep practicing! (5) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> Lightning Leg *This combo chips A LOT of damages! It's just wrong! Super Combos - (1) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.C. Short -> C. Forward -> C. Fierce -> Lightning Kick Super *This is her bread and butter super combo! Keep on jamming the buttons for maximum damage. This combo can be extremely deadly - nearly half life sometimes! (2) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.S. Short -> S. Roundhouse -> S.J. Jab -> S.J. Short -> Air Demon *Her other bread and butter super combo! Cancel into Air Demon very fast, or sometimes the CPU will block. Human opponents will have very little chance of blocking. This combo looks cool and does good damage. (3) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> Air Demon *Heh, this is a beginner combo. 'Nuff said! (4) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.C. Short -> S. Roundhouse -> Super Bird Kick (5) Head Stomp -> J. Roundhouse -> D.C. Short -> C. Forward -> C. Roundhouse -> Lightning Kick Super (OTG) *This is an OTG combo, thus can be avoided. So, beware! (6) J. Jab -> J. Fierce -> S. Short -> C. Roundhouse -> Kikosho (OTG) (7) D.C. Short -> C. Roundhouse -> Team Super (OTG) *A safer version of combo 6 because even if Kikosho is blocked, it's hard to hit Chun Li if blocked/avoided because it's a Team Super. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Strategy: Chun Li is very balanced in this game. She has excellent priority, quick footwork, and power. She can adapt into several types of game-play. She can play hit and run with style, or combo like a B!$*@ ! Her only weakness lies in having no effective keep-away tactics. For now, I'll break down her game-play into offense and defense. In each section, I'll discuss how she can excel in that category. In the future, I'll most likely add more categories. Offense - Super combos are Chun Li's forte, especially and first two "bread and butter" combos! They are fairly easy to perform, and inflicts above-average damage. Ground combos are a bit weak, but are great for chipping damages. Air combos are descent, and does solid damage. For me, I basically stick to those "bread and butter" combos, because they do good damage without exposing Chun Li into harm (except the super combos of course). One thing to remember when using Chun Li is to take advantage of her speed and priority. Chun Li is one of the fastest characters in the game, so put that aspect of her into good use. Constantly mix up dash-in combos with jump-in combos, and don't hesitate to get right up in their face with a throw! Personally, I despise walk-up throws, but that's necessary sometimes. Air throws are fair, and with Chun Li's high priority, are easy to perform. Defense - If forced to play defense, Chun Li has no problem of whatsoever! S. Roundhouse, her launcher, is an excellent air defense. Very few attacks will pass it through. Even if the attack goes through, it'll often end up trading hits! Once launched, the opponent is at the mercy of air combo, infinity, or even Air Demon super combo! Spinning Bird Kick and Mini Kikosho can also act as air defense, but are riskier and less effective than her launcher. Chun Li can often snuff those dash-in attacks with C. Short à C. Forward. This will often pose problem for those Wolverine and Spiderman players, because dash-ins are their main combo starters! If they managed to block those two low pokes, finish with a Short/Forward Axe Kick or Neck Breaker for a little chipping damage. I repeat, DO NOT try Lightning Leg attack! Also, take advantage of her triple jump ability! Chun Li can stay up in the air for a LONG time! If you sense the situation is getting hairy, take it up to the air and triple jump to safety! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Partners: Wolverine: This is possibly my number one team - very few people can beat me when I pulled off this combination! Wolverine is also very powerful, and is a combo machine. The advantage of this team is speed and super combos. Both characters have quick foot-speed, and can pull off damaging super combos easily. This team might be considered cheap, because both characters can chip blocking damage without exposing themselves to counter-attacks very often. Spiderman: Another of my favorite, I'm pretty good with the two characters. Again, this team combines both speed and power. I usually use Spiderman to pull off those cheesy over-powered air combos and Chun Li to pull off those powerful super combos. Remember, take advantage of the speed and priority of these two characters! Strider Can you notice a pattern of my game-play? I thirst for speed and combos! Strider is another combo maniac with blinding speed. His forte lies in ground combos, chipping damage, and possibly air combos. I stick to ground combos a lot, because they are very powerful and safe. Air combos are flashy as well, but don't do as much damage. Sadly, Strider has no super combos. Heck, that's what Chun Li is there for, isn't it? One caution though, Strider gets killed very easily - he takes too much damage! Again, take advantage of the speed and priority of these two. Cap America Cap can be deadly if used correctly. He is strong, and Has high priority. He has flashy air combos, deadly super combos, and extremely damaging team super combos. Although he isn't as fast as Chun Li, Cap America makes up the lost with power and strength. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits and Thanks: My buddies over at UCR and Tilt for letting me whip their butts for practice (J/K)! Migs Rustia, who has an excellent site at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/5027 Edward T. Ma for his format of doing his great FAQ. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com