Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash or Super Heroes FAQ/Move List Part 1 of 2 by: PiNoYxMaRk Thanks to GameFAQS! Thanks to Sega for releasing Marvel vs. Capcom, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be writing this FAQ! Created: 8/27/99 Last updated: 8/31/99 Website: none as of right now! E-mail: Please E-mail me anytime! Need Help, just e-mail me! Dreamcast- Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Version Started the first part of the FAQ/Move List 1of1! (1.0) Version 1.1 Will be adding the secret characters move list soon. Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Key Legend 3. Move list- Chun- Li Ryu Zangief Morrigan Captain Commando MegaMan Strider Spider-Man Jin Captain America Venom Hulk Gambit War Machine Wolverine 4. Special Helpers 5. Team Super FAQ 6. Combo FAQ 7. Codes 8. Credits 1. Introduction Hi, and thanks for reading my FAQ. I currently own Marvel vs. Capcom along with King of Fighters 99:Dream Match on my Dreamcast. I wanted to write this FAQ because I am like a street fighter fan, also a marvel fan. I love fighting games. Im sorry about my Introduction, I know it sucks but that's all the words I have. I just like Marvel vs. Capcom. That's all. So please, read the move list, and so on. Thanks again! 2.Key Legend- (there will be parts where there will be parantheses next to, most of the parts say level 1, 2, or 3, those mean your meter on the bottom left or right, has to be filled up to the desired level or more.) U- Up D-Down UB- Up Back DB- Down Back UF- Up Forward DF- Down Forward P- Any Punch K- Any Kick PP- Any 2 Kicks KK- Any 2 Kicks PPP- All 3 Punches KKK- All 3 kicks LP- Light Punch LK- Light Kick MP- Medium Punch MK- Medium Kick HP- Heavy Punch HK- Heavy Kick This Legend is recommended for the Dreamcast controller and Fighting Stick. If you want the Legend for Arcade, go to the Arcade section of Marvel vs. Capcom. 3. Move List- CHUN-LI- Move Commands: Stomp Kick- D, + MK Neck Breaker- DF, +HK Mini-Kikosho- F, + P Rising Bird Kick- F, D, DF, + K Kikoken- B, DB, D, DF, F, +P Axe Kick- F, DF, D, DB, B, + K Lightning Legs- K(Rapidly) Super Moves: Kikosho- D, DF, F, + PP(at least at Level 1) Senretsu Kyaku- D, DF, F, + KK(at least at level 1) Hazan Tenshou Kyaku- F, D, DF, + KK(at least at level 1) Shichisei Senkuu Kyaku(needs to be in the air)- D, DF, F, + KK Team Counter: Kikoken- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least level 1) Team Super: Kikosho or Senretsu Kyaku- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) (If Chun-Li starts the team super, she will do the Kikosho, but if her team mate start the super and she is the back-up, then she does the Senretsu Kyaku) RYU- Move Commands: Overhead Punch- F, +MP Spin Kick- F, +MK Hadouken- D, DF, F, +P Shoryuken- F, D, DF, +P Tatsumaki-Senpuukyku- D, DB, B, +K Super Moves: Shinkuu Hadouken- D, DF, F, + PP(at least at level 1) Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku- D, DB, B, + KK(at least at level 1) Shin Shoryuken- F, D, DF, + PP(at least at level 1) Shotokan Switch- F, DF, D, DB, B, +P(at least at level 1) After doing the "F, DF, D, DB, B", do the following: If you want to transform into Ken, press MP If you want to transform into Akuma, press HP If you want to transform back to Ryu, press LP Complete listing of moves for Ken and Akuma, Coming Soon! Team Counter: Hadouken- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Shinkuu Hadouken- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) ZANGIEF- Move Commands: Elbow Drop- F, +MP Siberian Splash- D, +HP Double Knee Drop- D, +LK or MK Spinning Clothesline- PPP Spinning Lariat- KKK Green Hand- F, D, DF, +P Air Grab- F, D, DF, +K Spinning Piledriver- F, DF, D, DB, B, UB, +P Running Bear Grab- B, DB, D, DF, F, +K Super Moves: Final Atomic Buster- F, DF, D, DB, B, UB, +PP(at least at level 1) Ultra Final Atomic Buster- F, DF, D, DB, B, UB, +KK(needs to be at level 3) Iron Body- B, D, DB, +K(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Running Bear Grab- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Super Spinning Clothesline- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) Double Final Atomic Buster- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) (Zangief does his Super Spinning Clothesline when he is the back up team member, and does the double final atomic buster when he is the active player.) MORRIGAN- Move Commands: Shell Kick- D, +MK(needs to be in the air to do this move.) Shell Pierce- D, +HK(needs to be in the air to do this move.) Soul Fist- D, DF, F, +P Shadow Blade- F, D, DF, +P Vector Drain- F, DF, D, DB, B, +P Super Moves: Soul Eraser- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Silhouette Blade- F, D, DF, +PP(at least at level 1) Darkness Illusion- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Eternal Slumber- (tap) LP, MK, B, MP, HP(needs to be at level 3) Team Counter: Soul Fist- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Soul Eraser- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) CAPTAIN COMMANDO- Move Commands: Captain Fire- D, DF, F, +P Captain Corridor- D, DB, B, +P Captain Kick- D, DB, B, +K Commando Strike- D, DF, F, +K(this move depends on what kick button you pressed) Super Moves: Captain Sword- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Captain Storm- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Captain Corridor- D, DB, B, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Captain Sword- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) MEGAMAN- Move Commands: Mega Buster- HP(if you hold HP down, you will charge it to a huge ball!) Mega Upper- F, D, DF, +P Item/Weapon Change- D, DB, B, +K Item/Weapon Use- D, DF, F, +P Super Moves: Hyper MegaMan- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Rush Drill- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Beat Plane- D, DB, B, +KK(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Mega Upper- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Hyper MegaMan- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) STRIDER- Move Commands: Ame No Murakamo- D, DF, F, +P(also can be done in the air) Ghram- F, D, DF, +P or K Formation A attack- D, DF, F, +K(Strider calls a mechanized leopard to attack.) Formation B attack- B, F, +K(Strider calls a Mechanized eagle that dropes a bomb at his opponent.) Formation C attack- B, F, +P(Strider calls a Orb that goes around Strider, then it releases a fireball.) Wall Cling- D, DB, B, +P Vagula- F, DF, D, DB, B, +K Teleport- B, D, DB, +any button Super Moves: Ouroburos- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Legion- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Ragnorak- F, D, DF, +PP(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Ame No Murakamo- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Legion- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) SPIDER-MAN- Move Commands: Web Ball- D, DF, F, +P Spider Sting- F, D, DF, +P Web Swing- D, DB, B, +K Web Throw- F, DF, D, DB, B, +P Super Moves: Maximum Spider- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Crawler Assault- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Ultimate Web Throw- D, DB, B, +PP(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Spider Sting- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Crawler Assault- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) JIN- Move Commands: Flaming Punch- MP(you could do this move by standing, crouching, and jumping.) Screaming Punch- HP(you could do this attack by standing, crouching, and jumping.) Flaming Double Kick- MK(you could do this attack by standing, crouching, and jumping.) Tornado Drill- HK(you could do this attack by standing, crouching, and jumping. Also you can do this in the air!) Saotome Dynamite- D, U, +P Saotome Typhoon- B, F, +P Saotome Crush- F, DF, D, DB, B, +K Saotome Fire- Hold Start, then rapidly press any punch button. Super Moves: Blodia Punch- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Great Cyclone- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Blodia Vulcan- D, DB, B, +PP(at least at level 1) Saotome Power-Up- This is not really a Super Move but I put it here. Like, when your partner dies and when you are in danger, JIN will glow in yellow or white and then your strength and your defense will raise. Team Counter: Saotome Dynamite- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Blodia Punch- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) CAPTAIN AMERICA- Move Commands: Shield Slash- D, DF, F, +P(WARNING! You could lose your shield with this move.) Stars and Stripes- F, D, DF, +P(WARING! You could lose your shield with this move.) Charging Stars- B, DB, D, DF, F, +K Cart Wheel- F, DF, D, DB, B, +P Super Moves: Final Justice- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Hyper Charging Stars- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Hyper Stars and Stripes- F, D, DF, +PP(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Stars and Stripes- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Hyper Charging Stars or Hyper Stars and Stripes- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2. If you are the Active team player, you will perform the Hyper Stars and Stripes Team Super, if you are a back-up, then you perform the Hyper Charging Stars team super.) VENOM- Move Commands: Lunge Bite- F, +HP Venom Fang- D, DF, F, +P Venom Rush- D, DF, F, +K Web Throw- F, DF, D, DB, B, +P Super Moves: Venom Web- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Death Bite- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Venom Fang- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Death Bite- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) HULK- Move Commands: Ground Wave- D, DF, F, +P Gamma Tornado- F, DF, D, DB, B, +P Gamma Charge- hold B, then F, +K or hold D, then U, +K Super Moves: Gamma Wave- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Gamma Crush- D, DB, B, +PP(at least at level 1) Gamma Quake- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Gamma Charge- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Gamma Wave- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) GAMBIT- Move Commands: Kinetic Card- D, DF, F, +P Trick Card- D, DB, B, +P(this move is the same as Kinetic card except this attack goes upward.) Cajun Slash- F, D, DF, +P(this move depends on what punch button you pressed.) Cajun Strike- D, U, +P or K Super Moves: Royal Flush- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Cajun Explosion- D, DF, F, +KK or D, DB, B, +KK(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Cajun Slash- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Royal Flush- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) WAR MACHINE- Move Commands: Knee Stomp- D, +MK(needs to be in the air to do this move.) Missile Shot- D, +HP Shoulder Cannon- D, DF, F, +P Low Shoulder Cannon- D, DF, F, +K Repulsor Blast- F, DF, D, DB, B, +P Smart Bomb- LP+MK Flight- D, DB, B, +KKK(all 3 kick buttons pressed at the same time) Super Moves: Proton Cannon- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) War Destroyer- D, DF, F, +KK(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Repulsor Blast- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Proton Cannon- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) WOLVERINE- Move Commands: Berserker Barrage- D, DF, F, +P Tornado Claw- F, D, DF, +P Drill Claw- Hold any direction on your joy pad the press LP and MK all together. Berserker Slash- D, DB, B, +P Super Moves: Berserker Barrage X- D, DF, F, +PP(at least at level 1) Weapon X- F, D, DF, +PP(at least at level 1) Fatal Claw- F, D, DF, +KK(at least at level 1) Berserker Chare- D, DB, B, +PP(at least at level 1) Team Counter: Berserker Barrage- B, DB, D, HP+HK(at least at level 1) Team Super: Berserker Barrage X- D, DF, F, HP+HK(at least at level 2) Thank You for reading the move list. I will be adding the secret character move list up soon, so please come back! Please move on to Part 2/2 of my FAQ/MOVE LIST to see the rest of the FAQ. Thank You for reading Part 1 of 2!