Marvel vs. Capcom : Clash or Super Heroes FAQ/Move List Part 2 of 2 by: PiNoYxMaRk Thanks to GameFAQS! Thanks to Sega for releasing Marvel vs. Capcom, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be writing this FAQ! Created: 8/27/99 Last updated: 8/31/99 Website: none as of right now! E-mail: Please E-mail me anytime! Need Help, just e-mail me! Dreamcast- Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Version Started FAQ/Move List Part 2 of 2! (1.2) Version 1.3 Will be adding the Special Helper list soon. 4. Special Helpers- (Special Helpers are your third helpers that will come out from your battle to help you. Just press MK and MP together and your Special helper will come out. Now don't you hate it when the computer has to pick your special partner. Now I am going to tell you what buttons to press for YOU to select your own special partner!) Legend: SP= Special Partner 5. Team Super FAQ Q: How do I perform a team super? A: Simple. Just by getting your level meter up to 2 or more you could perform it. Just follow the stuff I am going to say. Just do D, DF, F, HP+HK together and you will have your team super.(please refer to the move list on part 1 of 2 to see the team super they have for each character.) 6. Combo FAQ Q: How do I perform a combo? A. Well, it is hard. But I will show you step by step when my Combo FAQ will come out before next month. Just leave me an e-mail and I will let you know when my combo faq is up. And make sure you leave youre e-mail address!:> 7. Codes I am sorry, but I will post up my codes section when I finish my Combo Section. Thanks you! 8. Credits All that I have done cannot be copied or used without permission so please leave me a e-mail or so to let me think about it thank you. I have don't this FAQ/Move List for hours, and I like to thank me, GameFaqs, and Sega for everything. Just leave me a e-mail for questions and other stuff regarding my FAQ. Created Thursday, August 26, 1999 This FAQ cannot be copied without permission. Thank you for reading my FAQ and come back again for HELP!