______ ______ ___ _____________ ______________ |******\ /******| /***\ |*************\ /**************| |*| \*\ /*/ |*| /*/ \*\ |*| ____ \\ \*\ /*/ /| ____|| |*| |*| |\ \*\ /*/ /| |*|/*/ , \*\|*| |****| |\ \*\/*/ /*| |****| |*| |*| |*\ \*\/*/ /*| |***/ /*\ \***| |***/ /**\ \**/ /**| ___|| |*| |*| |**\ \**/ /**| |**/ _____ \**| __ /*/\*\ \/ /***| |****| |*|____ |*| |*\*\ \/ /*/*| |*/ /*****\ \*| |**\ \*\ \*\ /*/|*| |****| |******| |*|_|*|\*\__/*/|*|_|/_/*/ \*\_\|_|***\_\*\ \*\/*/ |*|_____||______|*| |*****| \****/ |*******/ \*******|\*****\ \**/ |*****************| ____ ____ _______ Clash \ \ / // \ Faust's Import of \ \ / // ______\ Dreamcast Marvel Superheroes \ \ / / \ \ Vs. Capcom FAQ \ \/ / _\_____ \ and Move List \ / \ / \____/ \_______/ __________________ _________ _______________ ___ ___ / _____________/ _ \ | _____ \/ ________\____ \/ _ \ / _ \ / / / / \ \| | | / / / / \ \/ \ \ / / \ \ / / / /___\ \ |_____|/ / / / /\ \ \ \/ / \ \ / / / _______ \______/ / / / / /\ \ \__/ \ \ \ \ / / \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / \ \ \ \ / / |\ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / \ \ \ \_______/_/_______ | \ \ \ \____\_\__/_/_/ / \ \ \__________________/ |_|\_\ \_________/_____/ \_\ --------------- Dreamcast -------------------------------------------------- | D- | Faust's Dreamcast FAQs. | -R | http://www.gamingwest.com | E- | kmfdm@technonet.com | -A | | M- | MARVEL VS. CAPCOM | -C | FAQ, Move, and Secret List | A- | | -S | Final Version(2.01) | T- | 6/19/99 Please e-mail me at kmfdm@technonet.com with any corrections! --------------------Key----------------------------- UB - Up Back U - Up UF - Up Forward B - Back F - Forward DB - Down Back D - Down DF - Down Forward P - Any Punch PP- Any 2 Punches K - Any Kick KK- Any 2 Kicks LP- Light Punch MP- Medium Punch HP- Heavy Punch LK- Light Kick MK- Medium Kick HK- Heavy Kick ---------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAPCOM CHARACTER MOVE LISTS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ _______ | RYU \__________________________________________ |-------- | Moves: | Hadouken D,DF,F+P | Shouryuuken F,D,DF+P | Tatsumakisenpuukiyaku D,DB,B+K | Hyper Combos: | Shinkuuhadouken D,DF,F+PP | Shinkuutatsumakisenpuukiyaku D,DF,F+KK | Mode Change- | Ryu F,DF,D,DB,B+LP | Ken F,DF,D,DB,B+MP | Gouki/Akuma F,DF,D,DB,B+HP | "Ken"'s Moves: | Hadouken D,DF,F+P | Shoryuuken F,D,DF+P | Tatsumakisenpuukiyaku D,DB,B+K | "Ken"'s Hyper Combos: | Shouryuureppa D,DF,F+PP | Shinryuuken D,DF,F+KK | Shipuugenreikyakuu D,DB,B+KK | "Akuma"'s Moves: | Hadouken D,DF,F+P | Shoryuuken F,D,DF+P | Tatsumakisenpuukiyaku D,DB,B+K | Falling Kick (In Air)D,DF,F+K | "Akuma"'s Hyper Combos: | Shinkuuhadouken D,DB,B+PP | Tenmagozanku (In Air)D,DF,F+PP | Metsatsugoshiryou D,DF,F+PP | "Akuma"'s Level 3 Hyper Combo: | Raging Demon LP,LP,F,LK,HP | |____________________ | CAPTAIN COMMANDO \_____________________________ |--------------------- | Moves: | Captain Fire D,DF,F+P | Captain Corridor D,DB,B+P | Captain Kick D,DB,B+K | Commando Strike D,DF,F+K | Hyper Combos: | Captain Sword D,DF,F+PP | Captain Storm D,DF,F+KK | |___________ | CHUN-LI \______________________________________ |------------ | Moves: | Kikouken B,DB,D,DF,F+P | Tenshoukiyaku F,D,DF+K | Hiyakuretsukiyaku K (Rapidly) | Senenshuu F,FD,D,DB,B+K | Hyper Combos: | Kikoushou D,DF,F+PP | Senretsukiyaku D,DF,F+KK | Shichiseisenkuukiyaku (In Air) D,DF,F+KK | |___________ | ZANGIEF \______________________________________ |------------ | Moves: | Spinning Piledriver Full Circle+P | Double Lariat KKK(PPP) | Flying Power Bomb B,DB,D,DF,F+K | Vanishing Fist F,D,DF+P | Hyper Combos: | Final Atomic Buster Full Circle+PP | Iron Body B,D,DB+HK | |_______ | JIN \__________________________________________ |-------- | Moves: | Saotome Typhoon Charge B, F+P | Saotome Dynamite Charge D, U+P | Saotome Crash F,DF,D,DB,B+K | Hyper Combos: | Blodia Punch D,DF,F+PP | Blodia Vulcan D,DB,B+PP | Saotome Cyclone D,DF,F+KK | |____________ | MORRIGAN \_____________________________________ |------------ | Moves: | Soul Fist D,DF,F+P | Shadow Blade F,D,DF+P | Vector Drain F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Shell Pierce (In Air)D+HK or D+MK | Hyper Combos: | Soul Eraser D,DF,F+PP | Silhouette Blade F,D,DF+PP | Darkness Ilusion D,DF,F+KK | Level 3 Hyper Combo: | Eternal Slumber LP,MK,B,MP,HK | |____________________ | ROCKMAN(Megaman) \_____________________________ |--------------------- | Moves: | Rock Up F,D,DF+P | Rock Buster P(Hold to Charge) | Use Special D,DF,F+P | Switch to Leaf Shield D,DB,B+HK | Switch to Tornado D,DB,B+MK | Switch to Ball D,DB,B+LK | Hyper Combos: | Hyper Rockman D,DF,F+PP | Rush Drill D,DF,F+KK | Beat Plane D,DB,B+KK | |_________________ | STRIDER HIRYU \________________________________ |------------------ | Moves: | ??? D,DF,F+P | ??? F,D,DF+P or K | ??? D,DB,B+K | Formation A D,DF,F+K | Hyper Combos: | Ragnorok F,D,DF+PP | Legion D,DF,F+KK | Ouroborus D,DF,F+PP | | ////////////////////////////////////////////////// MARVEL CHARACTER MOVE LISTS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ___________________ | CAPTAIN AMERICA \______________________________ |-------------------- | Moves: | Shield Slash D,DF,F+P | Stars & Stripes F,D,DF+P | Charging Star D,DF,F+K | Hyper Combos: | Final Justice D,DF,F+PP | Hyper Charging Star D,DF,F+KK | Hyper Stars & Stripes F,D,DF+PP | |______________ | SPIDER-MAN \___________________________________ |--------------- | Moves: | Web Ball D,DF,F+P | Spider Sting F,D,DF+P | Web Swing D,DB,B+K | Web Throw F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Hyper Combos: | Maximum Spider D,DF,F+PP | Crawler Assault D,DF,F+KK | Ultimate Web Throw D,DB,B+PP | |________ | HULK \_________________________________________ |--------- | Moves: | Gamma Tornado F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Gamma Slam D,DF,F+P | Gamma Charge 1 Charge B,F+K | Gamma Charge 2 Charge D,U+K | Hyper Combos: | Gamma Wave D,DF,F+PP | Gamma Crush D,DB,B+PP | Gamma Quake D,DF,F+KK | |_____________ | WOLVERINE \____________________________________ |-------------- | Moves: | Berserker Barrage D,DF,F+P | Tornado Claw F,D,DF+P | Berserker Slash D,DB,B+P | Drill Claw Any Direction + MP + LK | Hyper Combos: | Weapon X F,D,DF+PP | Fatal Claw F,D,DF+KK | Berserker Rage X D,DF,F+PP | |__________ | GAMBIT \_______________________________________ |----------- | Moves: | Kinetic Card D,DF,F+P | Trick Card D,DB,B+P | Cajun Slash F,D,DF+P | Cajun Strike Charge D, U+P or U+K | Hyper Combos: | Royal Flush D,DF,F+PP | Cajun Explosion D,DB,B+KK or D,DF,F+KK | |_______________ | WAR MACHINE \__________________________________ |---------------- | Moves: | Shoulder Cannon D,DF,F+P | Repulser Blast F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Smart Bomb MP+LK | Hyper Combos: | Proton Cannon D,DF,F+PP | War Destroyer D,DF,F+KK | |_________ | VENOM \________________________________________ |---------- | Moves: | Venom Fang D,DF,F+P | Web Throw F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Venom Rash D,DF,F+K | Hyper Combos: | Venom Web D,DF,F+PP | Death Bite D,DF,F+KK | | ////////////////////////////////////////////////// SECRET CHARACTER CODES AND MOVE LIST \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ________ | ROLL \__________________________________________ |--------- | Code: Start on Zangief, L, L, D, D, R, R, D, | D, L, L, U, R, U, U, R, R | | Moves: | Roll Buster D,DF,F+P | Bouquet D,DB,B+P | Use Special D,DF,F+K | Switch to Leaf Shield D,DB,B+HK | Switch to Tornado D,DB,B+MK | Switch to Ball D,DB,B+LK | Hyper Combos: | Hyper Roll D,DF,F+PP | Rush Drill D,DB,B+KK | Beat Plane D,DF,F+KK | |_______________ | SHADOW LADY \___________________________________ |---------------- | Code: Start on Morrigan, U, R, R, D, D, D, | D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, | R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, R, R, U, U, L, | L, D, D, D, D, D, D | | Moves: | Drill D,DF,F+P | Electricity F,D,DF+P | Missiles D,DF,F+K | Senenshuu F,FD,D,DB,B+K | Hyper Combos: | Big Bang Laser D,DF,F+PP | Galaxy Missile D,DF,F+KK | |___________ | LILLITH \_______________________________________ |------------ | Code: Start on Zangief, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, | U, D, D, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, L, | D, D, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, L, L, D, | D, D, D, R, D | | Moves: | Heart Attack D,DF,F+P | Shadow Blade F,D,DF+P | Vector Drain F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Shell Pierce (In Air)D+HK or D+MK | Hyper Combos: | Brillant Shower D,DF,F+PP | Soul Embracer F,D,DF+PP | Luminous Illusion D,DF,F+KK | |_______________ | HYPER VENOM \__________________________________ |---------------- | Code: Start on Chun Li, R, D, D, D, D, L, U, | U, U, U, R, R, D, D, L, L, D, D, R, R, | U, U, U, U, L, L, U | Moves: | Venom Fang D,DF,F+P | Web Throw F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Venom Rash D,DF,F+K | Hyper Combos: | Venom Web D,DF,F+PP | Death Bite D,DF,F+KK | |_____________________ | HYPER WAR MACHINE \____________________________ |---------------------- | Code: Start on Zangief, L, L, D, D, R, R, D, | D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, | D, D, R, R, U, U, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, | U, U, U, U | | Moves: | Shoulder Cannon D,DF,F+P | Repulser Blast F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Smart Bomb MP+LK | Hyper Combos: | Proton Cannon D,DF,F+PP | War Destroyer D,DF,F+KK | |______________ | HYPER HULK \____________________________________ |--------------- | Code: Start on Chun Li, R, R, D, D, L, L, R, | R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, D, D, R, R, | U, U, D, D, D, D, U, U, U, U, L, U | | Moves: | Gamma Tornado F,DF,D,DB,B+P | Gamma Slam D,DF,F+P | Gamma Charge 1 Charge B,F+K | Gamma Charge 2 Charge D,U+K | Hyper Combos: | Gamma Wave D,DF,F+PP | Gamma Crush D,DB,B+PP | Gamma Quake D,DF,F+KK | | //////////////////////////////// \\\****************************** >>>>>> TIPS & SECRETS <<<<<< ********************************/// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ NOTE: I have personally confirmed each and every one of these codes, so if you are having trouble with them, please e-mail me at kmfdm@technonet.com. /////////////////// / Play as Onslaught Thats right, you heard me... ONSLAUGHT! To do this, you have the EXTREMELY annoying and painful task of earning all the secret characters via fighting them... Good Luck. /////////////////////////////// / Save Secret Characters to VMS Beat a secret character by using the "Fight Secret Characters" code, and then save to the VMS and you wont have to keep entering those annoying codes! //////////////////////// / Secret Character Codes \Roll: \ Start on Zangief, L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, R, U, U, R, R \Shadow Lady: \ Start on Morrigan, U, R, R, D, D, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, R, R, U, U, L, L, D, D, D, D, D, D \Lilith: \ Start on Zangief, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, D, D, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, L, D, D, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, L, L, D, D, D, D, R, D \Hyper Venom: \ Start on Chun Li, R, D, D, D, D, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, D, D, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, L, L, U \Hyper War Machine: \ Start on Zangief, L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, D, D, R, R, U, U, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, U \Hyper Hulk: \ Start on Chun Li, R, R, D, D, L, L, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, D, D, R, R, U, U, D, D, D, D, U, U, U, U, L, U ///////////////////////////// / Fight the Secret Characters NOTE: I have seen a lot of different ways listed on the internet for how to fight the characters... most of them are wrong. I dont know if these are the exact codes(ie. that these may say do more than neccesary), but they are how I got the characters so will work. Also, Variable Cross Finish *IS NOT* when you switch your characters it is when you bring both characters out at once for the limited time! \Roll: Get 2 Variable Cross Finishes, and 4 Hyper Combo Finishes. Also, you must \ use all of your helpers in every round(doesnt matter if you hit with 'em or whatever, just use them). And as it is the par for fighting secret characters, you can not lose any of your characters. \Shadow Lady: Beat 4 rounds with a Variable Cross Finish(D,DB,B+HP+HK), 1 round \ with a Variable Combo Finish(D,DF,F+HP+HK), and 1 round with a Hyper Combo Finish(a.k.a. Super Move). Get the First Attack every match, and do the usual routine of not losing a character. And as if that were not enough you must use up all of your helpers in every round... If you do it right at Stage 7, she will challenge you. \Lilith: Beat the first character of every match with your Special Partner and \ use all of your Special Partner's uses, then beat the second character of the match with a Hyper Combo Finish. \Hyper Venom: Beat 4 rounds with a Variable Cross Finish(D,DB,B+HP+HK), 1 round \ with a Variable Combo Finish(D,DF,F+HP+HK), and 1 round with a Hyper Combo Finish(a.k.a. Super Move). Get the First Attack every match, and do the usual routine of not losing a character. At Stage 7, he will challenge you. \Hyper War Machine: Beat 3 matches with a Variable Cross Finish(D,DB,B+HP+HK), \ and 3 matches with a Hyper Combo Finish up to Stage 7 without losing a character. \Hyper Hulk: Beat 3 matches with your Hyper Combo Finsh(Super move), up to \ Stage 7 without losing a character. ///////////////////////////// / Choose Your Special Partner Before the helper list comes up hold the corresponding buttons to choose that helper. I have confirmed all of these. \Unknown Soldier LP Comes out from the side of the screen and shoots assorted projectiles. Decent, but compared to others it's near worthless. \Lou MP Comes out and shoots a few arrows, and a small fire to protect you. Not very practical in most cases, but seems to work pretty well. \Arthur LP+MP Throws three lances at the opponent... its slow speed makes it more worthless than Unknown Soldier. \Saki HP Shoots lightning across the screen. By all logical reasoning, should be great, but for seem reason doesn't seem to work well at all... \Ton-Pooh LP+HP Jumps out and does a kick. Good only because it has so many uses. \Devilot MP+HP My personal favorite... Devilot raises from the ground and after a few seconds explodes... and is completly unblockable!! \Anita LP+MP+HP Anita walks out with various objects floating around her, which she then throws at the opponent, similar to Megaman's Leaf Shield. \Pure and Fur LK Ack! The absolute WORST! She just jumps out and rains some dice where she is standing. \Michelle Heart LP+LK While Devilot is my favorite, if I think about it realistically Michelle Heart is probably the best of the standard helpers. She flys down and shoots several times in a 3-way spread. Works great. \Thor LK+MP Essentially Saki but slower, and aimed higher. Pathetic, doesn't even hit Megaman or Roll. \Cyclops LP+LK+MP Cyclops just does a low optic blast. Works about the same as Magneto, but towards the feet. \Magneto LK+HP One of the average helpers, just shoots his EM Disruptor move from other games across the screen. \Storm LP+LK+HP Storm comes out and does a close range whirlwind attack like she has in X-Men Vs. Street Fighter, and like Megaman's whirlwind attack. Pretty good, above average for sure. \Jubilee LK+MP+HP She comes out and creates a few semi-heat seeking sparks. Works pretty well, but anyone with any skill at the game can easily get by it so it is usually only good against beginers who don't block. \Rogue LP+MP+HP+LK Rogue does a sort of "V" shaped attack where she comes out and down then flies up and out the other side. Average move at best. \Psylock MK Psylock does her charging move from the X-Men fighting game, works essentially the same as U.S. Agent's Charging Star. \Juggernaut LP+MK The best of the charging helpers by far! His huge size makes him really hard to avoid. Only disadvantage is he only has 3 uses. \Iceman MP+MK Rains ice down like Hulk's Gamma Quake super. Hes a good helper, but one of the charging helpers are better. \Colossus LP+MP+MK All the "charging" helpers are good, though Colossus is probably the worst of them. \U.S. Agent MK+HP This Captain America clone just comes out and does a Charging Star. Definitly one of the best helpers. \Shadow LP+MK+HP A.K.A. Nash or Charlie. He does his kick super whose name escapes me right now... \Sentinel MP+MK+HP Another charging helper, he works about the same as Juggernaut. ///////////////// |- CREDITS -----| \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ FAQ Author: Faust nemesis - For the name of the move helper Magneto performs +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Well, I hope this FAQ helped you out some. The reason I made | | this FAQ is I know some people must be experiencing the same | | frustration I have had on getting the secret characters. All | | of the FAQs I have found do not say how to do so very well. | | BTW, check out my page at: | | | | http://www.gamingwest.com/ | | | | and bring up my counter a little... :) | | | | Also, on a side note, if there is some reason you need to | | contact me about this FAQ, please do so, regardless of when | | you are reading it! I only mention this, because I have | | always been hesitant to mail someone about a FAQ that has | | not been updated in a while, and even if you are reading this | | years after it was updated, go ahead and e-mail me! :) | +----------------------------------------------------------------+