MM MM VVV VVV CCCCCCCCCCC MMM MMM VVV VVV CCCCCCCCCCCCC MMMM MMMM VVV VVV CCC MMMMM MMMMM VVV VVV CCC MM MMMMM MM VVV VVV CCC MM MMM MM VVV VVV CCC MM M MM VV VV CCC MM MM VVV CCCCCCCCCCCCC MM MM V CCCCCCCCCCC FFFFF A QQQQ F A A Q Q FFFF A A Q Q Q F AAAAAAA Q Q F A A QQQQ Q ========================== | Marvel Vs Capcom | | FAQ | | By | | Sabre | ========================== Version 2.5 E-mail: Revision History: Version 2.5 (3/1/99) -- Happy New Year. Tis the year of rabbit! I've added a new B.S. section. What is it? Check it out. Copyright 1998 by H. C. Yu Copyright information: Please. (1) DO NOT use this FAQ for your commercial use. (2) DO give credits where they're due. ======================================================================= ++++++++++++++++++++ +Table of Contents:+ ++++++++++++++++++++ Message Introduction Switching Character Ranking Legend Chun Li Ryu Zangief Morrigan Captain Commando Megaman Strider Spiderman Jin Captain America Venom Hulk Gambit War Machine Wolverine Shadow Lady Roll Carnage Orange/Ice Hulk Mega War Machine Lilith Helpers Partners Strategy against CPU B.S. Credits ======================================================================= ++++++++++ +Message:+ ++++++++++ Arrhhhh... Just when will you all stop bothering me w/ junk mails? Also, I've decided to let the flood gate open on glitches. They're in the new B.S. section, so stop pestering me! Just to refresh your memory, here're what I call junks, so please don't e-mail me these: --Mails that calls me names for not agreeing to their opinions. Come on guys, what the hell!? Each has his/her own opinion, and all gamers should have respect for all! For example, I rank my characters according to MY opinion. Since it's my FAQ, I'm the only with a say on what's written. None of your jack-ass comments mean anything to me, except tempting me to beat you up, physically and game-based. So, quit e-mailing me about how wrong my opinions are. --Mails about other games. Come on guys, if you're going to e- mail me with subject as MvC, please do keep it there. Don't wonder off the tangent into SFA3. While this doesn't piss me off too much, but is still annoying. To rid this problem, I've set up a new address for me. It's now --Mails that ask for codes of secret characters, or move lists (rare). Eh, guys, if that's what you want, you're reading the wrong FAQ my friends. This is FAQ for intermediate/advanced players only! --Mails that ask for something already written in here. For example: "Can you tell me how to use _______?" or "How to combo _______?" I really don't know what to say? :-| --Mails that ask me to include their FAQ in my FAQ. Huh? If you want me to include your character-based FAQ, why not write the whole FAQ yourself? You've already done it, and how hard is it to submit it? I don't want to sound mean but, those FAQ really sucked and I don't want to ruin my good name by including them. --Mails that include 2-on-1 combos. Guys, the only reason I don't include them because they rarely connects, and posting them will take way too much spaces. I rarely use 2-on-1's, except in tournaments. IMO, they're useless and rather cheap (don't get started on saying how wrong my opinion is, again). For all those interested in how to anti-2-on-1, e-mail me (new address, remember)! I'm a nice guy, so I answer all my mails, but please don't burden me with the above junks ^_^ Anyway, I've received mails suggesting that I should set up my own web-site! How flattered! BUT, I haven't received any mails of where and how to set one up! I'm not too technically sound with computers, thus don't know anything about setting up web-site. So, please e-mail me with regard to this matter. Even better, can any web master set one up for me? Thanx a lot! Well, this concludes the current message section. I probably won't do much updates, because MCAT is coming up. Good luck to you all and have fun! ======================================================================= +++++++++++++++ +Introduction:+ +++++++++++++++ In its third installment of the versus fighting series, Capcom brings together the heroes in both Marvel and Capcom universe against the evil Onslaught, a being forged together by Professor X and Magneto. Since I am not an avid comic reader, so please allow rooms for some error in story line. Basically, this game houses only the good guys! IMO, this is the most balanced game put forth so far by Capcom. Every character has his or her distinctive style of game-play, and everyone of them is as good as others when used correctly. In another words, there are no underdogs and there's no "joke characters," except for Roll of course. I have experimented with every character, and am quite proficient in using most of them, if not all ^_^ BTW, I'm assuming that you know the basics of this game; thus, I won't bother with talking about them. Now, before I go on, I need to say a word or two about playing with honor. The bottom line is DON'T BE CHEAP! This is especially important when your opponent isn't a cheap player. What's cheap? Well, there're a few guidelines I stick to and you honorable players should too. HOWEVER, if anything is on the line (i.e. money, honor...etc.), by all means win any way you can ^_^ (1) Throwing. This is a BIG NO-NO my friends, especially those walk- up throws 2 or more times in a row! Yeah, you can tech-hit out of it, but that's no excuse for your lack of skill, you scums! Air throws are fine with me, and most good players, because they require more skill than ground throws. Ground throws are OK ONLY IF you are fighting a turtling player. Even with that, I still rarely throw! Lately, I've become more tolerant of this as long as they don't over-abuse it. Hey, it's part of the game! (2) Infinity. While visually impressive and requires MAD skill, infinity is nevertheless cheap. So far, I have only learned one infinity with Chun Li, but I ain't gonna "endorse" it because I hated it. The bottom line is DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! You ain't gonna get any info out of me on this! (3) Another cheap maneuver is to launch opponent, walk under, launch from the other side, walk under, launch again, and so forth. THIS IS EXTREMELY CHEAP! While I don't fall for this more than twice, it's still annoying, especially when they throw when I come down! From my experience, Ryu players use this VERY often. (4) Probably the cheapest thing anyone can do is taunt your character. I have seen this happened to me twice, and the only thing that prevented me from knocking those guys out is that they are my friends. Well, those were for good laughs, but I hated it. Why do people do this, because THEY'RE GETTING THEIR BEHINDS WHOOPED :-) My advice is don't do it, especially when your opponent is big ^_^ Now, shall we begin? ======================================================================= ++++++++++++ +Switching:+ ++++++++++++ An aspect of vital importance is switching characters. I cannot emphasize just how important this is and how many people lose because they made wrong decision about switching. Because of this, I've decided to help you guys out and teach you something about switching. Learn it well and you'll be able to kick some ass. Before going onto some techniques, let me say a few things. First of all, DO make sound judgement. When you are running low and feverishly looking for an opportunity to switch, the chances are that your opponent is waiting for you to do so too. My advise is, DON'T switch. Sometimes, it's better to sacrifice one character for a full energy character. Another thing you can do is to attack like crazy to throw him off guard. You know that they'll play more conservatively because they're waiting for you to make your move. Punish them and switch out when they least expected. Make the most out of your already dying character! Here're the best ways to switch: < Alpha Counters > Without any doubt, this is the best way to switch, IMO. You can switch out while being attacked and hit your opponents for some often minor damages. Learn the motion in order to pull off successfully. It'll come in handy. Here's a list of character who I think have excellent Alpha Counters: CapCom, Spiderman, Megaman, CapAmerica, Wolverine, Gambit, and Hulk. All these Alpha Counters have great priority and fairly quick; however, some might have lag times afterwards. So, start practicing those motions (back to SFA2 style, not SFA3's) < Combo Switch > What I mean by this is that adding a hit onto a combo with switching. There are 2 ways. The first one is more archaic and risky, because it involves OTG. Basically, you knock them down with tripping, and OTG them with your incoming character in switch. This is risky in many respects. Most good players will roll out of OTG, thus making the switch whiffed. Also, some characters' switch- in attack is slow and awkward (Zangief), and it won't combo. The second method is much better and safer, and it involves switching after a launcher. Even if blocked, there isn't much the opponents can do to tag you while you're taunting because both of you are in the air. Thus, this way is fairly safe. Another thing to be noted is that, again, some characters have slow switch-in attacks. < Super-jump Switch > Yeah, I know what you are thinking. What the hell is this guy talking about? Well, what I am saying is that when your opponent super-jumps, take the opportunity and switch out. By the time they land, your character has finished the taunt and ready to dance. This method is very useful against super-jump happy people. < Team Super > This is both a great way to kill opponents while switching. However, if it doesn't connect, one or both your characters are wide open for major counters. Thus, try to put Team Super into a combo for best effect. Certain characters can combo team super easily, so try to have them as one of your characters. BTW, if you want to use this as chipping damage, have Megaman as one of your character because there's literally NO WAY people can tag any of your characters afterwards. ======================================================================= ++++++++++++++++++++ +Character Ranking:+ ++++++++++++++++++++ Well, I've decided to help you guys out by breaking down each character into the four categories. Keep in mind that they are subjected to my prejudice, and therefore might be different from your own ranking. Thus, please accept my apology if my chart offend you :-) The scale I'll be using is from 1~10, with 10 being the best and 1 being the worst. Durability refers to the amount of beating the character can sustain. In another words, it's how well the character takes damage. The other 2 categories are pretty much self-explanatory. ***Remember, these are my opinions! So quit e-mailing me about how wrong my scales are! Only I, no one else, have a say on this scale! Don't like it, go piss up the ! Speed Durability Strength Chun Li 8 7 6 Ryu 5 5 6 Ken 7 7 6 Evil Ryu 6 3 7 Zangief 3 8 8 Iron Body 1 N/A 8 Morrigan 6 5 4 Captain Commando 6 3 7 Megaman 6 4 4 Strider 9 3 8 Spiderman 8 7 8 Jin 5 8 7/9 Captain America 7 7 8 Venom 7 6 6 Hulk 2 10 10 Gambit 8 7 8 War Machine 5 6 8 Wolverine 10 7 4 Shadow Lady 8 6 7 Roll 2 4 1 Carnage 10 1 10 Orange/Ice Hulk 7 5 7 Mega War Machine 3 N/A 8 Lilith 6 5 4 *NOTE: Mega War Machine and Iron Body CANNOT block! Thus, their durability is denoted as N/A. Against certain attacks and character without beam supers, they are very resilient. However, they are as good as Carnage if the opponents have beam super. *NOTE: Jin's strength varies. In normal fights, he has a strength of 7. When powered up, his strength jumped up to 9. Steroid-taker! ======================================================================= +++++++++ +Legend:+ +++++++++ J. ==> jump-in S.J. ==> super jump S. ==> standing C. ==> crouching D.S. ==> dashing-standing D.C. ==> dashing-crouching J.DN. ==> jump then hold down S.J.DN. ==> super jump and hold down ======================================================================= ++++++++++ +Chun Li:+ ++++++++++ Possibly one of the best characters in the game, Chun Li is extremely powerful. She has speed, power, and priority on her sides. IMO, super combos are where she really shines because she can't do long and powerful ground and air combos. Air Demon is a very painful way to end her air combos, and Lightning Kicks Super is especially deadly in ending ground combos. Chun Li has very little weaknesses. Both her offensive and defensive capabilities are awesome! I would think her only weak spot would be her lacking of an effective keep-away pattern. Learn her if you want to kick mucho asses! As of recently, my interest in her is dying. I think it's because I haven't been a Chun Li fan and thus still ain't comfortable with her style. Nevertheless, I still acknowledge her strength. [Strength-] --High aerial priorities. Her air throw range is just amazing. --High priority launcher. Literally, nothing can pass through. --Powerful super combos. Super Lightning Kick and Air Demon are very combo-friendly and does above average damages. --Fairly strong. --Quick foot-speed. --Nice chipping potential. --Well-balanced. She's capable of playing both offensive and defensive game-play. [Weakness-] --No effective keep-away pattern. Her Kikoken just doesn't cut it. --Ground combos isn't up to par. She's very limited in that category. [Specials-] < Kikoken > = Chun Li's version of Hadoken. The speed of this move isn't too great, but can nevertheless combo into ground magic series. Try not to rely on this move as much as you would with Ryu. Though there's some initiation time, you can cancel this off any blocked ground combos. < Mini Kikosho > = Chun Li's SFA series super has been demoted! Kikosho isn't too great a move at all, possibly worse than Kikoken. Its purpose of air defense is greatly diminished due to air-blocks, and people often block it then punish Chun Li. The recovery of this move is terrible! Nevertheless, this is a great attack against Onslaught form 1! < Lightning Kicks > = Chun Li's signature move, dated from God knows when, is back! This move OTG easily and does very good chipping damage. One setback is that Chun Li pauses a bit before retracting her legs after the move, so be careful. Do not use this as much as you had done in previous games, or you'll get punished. < Axe Kick > = IMO her best move. Not only is this an overhead hit, it has virtually no recovery time. You can do this as much as you please without any worries! One caution though, master the range of this move or she might suffer some punishment. This move does not combo, but it goes nicely with Chun Li's signature low pokes. This alternating blocking in low and high will often frustrate some opponents. Also, don't be predictable with it. Experts often see this coming from afar, and use the time to switch out. < Neck Kick > = This is another overhead kick that's very useful. The range is kind of bad, but is still useful as surprise move. Be careful if you're playing a throw-happy opponent, because Chun Li will end up right in front of them. You can buffer Lightning Kicks after this for some chipping damage. < Stomp Kick > = This is Chun Li's best jump-in attack. Not only can it chain into roundhouse for three hits, the priority of this move is superb. Not many attacks can beat out this move. Even if that happens, usually it'll trade hits. You can also jump around and Stomp Kick a few times before landing. It's very annoying. < Spinning Bird Kick > = This is Chun Li's version of Dragon Punch, except it's even less effective as one. I think this move is designed as air defense, but it seems to do a better job in the offense category than in defense category! This move combos nicely, but is a bit risky. If opponent manages to block, Chun Li's up for the beating :-( [Supers-] < Kikosho > = IMO a rather useless move offensively speaking. The combo and damage potentials of this super just aren't worth one super meter! IMO, the greatest use of this move is protection. Chun Li is virtually untouchable, with the exception of beam supers, while engulfing herself in this gigantic sphere. Also, the chipping damage is quite good. Thus, this is a good super to pull off during those last 3 ~ 4 seconds of the game. BTW, this super is great against Onslaught form 2. < Super Lightning Kick > = This super is the key to Chun Li's success! It is very combo friendly and can whip up to 50% damage! One caution though, she is not invulnerable to attacks like the previous games if the super is blocked. SHE'LL BE PUNISHED! Therefore, don't do this move as if there's no tomorrow. Like always, the chipping damage is excellent! Another incentive is that this super will always push opponents toward the corner if you keep slamming the buttons. I don't think it'll go from one corner to the other though (unsure)? < Air Demon > = Possibly the coolest super of the game, Air Demon adds onto the chaos by being comboable! This super is fairly powerful, and chains into Chun Li's air combo nicely. The damage is roughly 45%, I think. One intriguing aspect of this move is that CPU can block this move fairly consistently while human opponent can't block it at all! Hmmm, I'll have to find out why? < Super Bird Kick > = The damage of this super has noticeably decreased compared to previous games. This super is still fairly combo- friendly, and can OTG in corner as well. [Jump-ins] --Stomp Kick --> J. Roundhouse *Probably her best jump-ins. The stomp is really hard to counter, and Roundhouse will often surprise others with 2 hits; thus breaking their block. --J. Jab --> J. Fierce --(Air Dash) --> J. Short --> J. Forward --> J. Fierce *This is tough to do, and often not worth it. I cannot seem to tag on a Roundhouse instead of Fierce, but should be manageable. [Combos-] 1. Stomp Kick --> J. Roundhouse --> D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> Lightning Kick Super *This bread-n'-butter combo is just wrong! If you keep smashing those buttons, she'll whip up to 50% of damage. This is a must learn combo if you want to kick ass with Chun Li. This is one of her best combos. If the range is bad, just skip the Forward and go straight to Fierce. 2. J. Jab --> J. Fierce --> D.C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> Air Demon *This is yet another must learn combo. It's flashy and inflicts solid damage. For some reason, CPU can easily block the Air Demon but human opponents can't!? Another of her best combo. 3. D.C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> Super Bird Kick *Sadly, this combo no longer hurts. 4. D.S. Jab --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> Stomp Kick --> Air Lightning Kicks *This is often referred to as the "Razor Wind". This also looks pretty cool. Another of her best combo. This will need some practice. 5. D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Lightning Kicks (OTG) 6. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Lightning Kick Super (OTG) --> Lightning Kicks *Basically, the Lightning Kick at the end is for chipping damage. Since opponents will be pushed all the way back to the wall, they can only block and suffer the "massive" chipping damage of Lightning Kicks. This is a cheap maneuver and can be hazardous to your own health. 7. (In corner) --> D.C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> Super Bird Kick --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> Super Bird Kick --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> Super Bird Kick --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Roundhouse *Personally, I HATE this combo because it's just wrong :-( If done correctly, you're looking at a near death combo! Super cheap! But thankfully, it can be rolled out like any OTG combo ^_^ 8. D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> Mini Kikoken *Well, here's a wacky combo for all you die-hard players. Use this at your own risk. 9. Stomp Kick --> J. Roundhouse --> Air Demon *Uh, no comment :-| 10. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Air Demon *Landing Air Demon will take some practice. Chun Li'll have to jump up and air dash. This combo does insane damage! 11. J. Roundhouse --> Air Lightning Kick *This does LOTS of chipping damage. It's useful when you know the opponents will block. 12. (In corner) --> D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> Super Bird Kick *You know what to do afterwards '_' (Hint: Combo#7) [Tricks-] -Don't forget about Chun Li's triple jumping, air-dashing techniques! She can stay up in the air a LONG time. This ability is fairly useful sometimes to confuse and piss off opponents. -Cancel any normal moves into Axe Kick for chipping damage and confusion, especially after low hits. "Low pokes" are her signature strategy, and canceling into the overhead will often frustrate her opponents because they'll need to block high-low-high-low. -After finishing a character off, jump up and do Lightning Kicks in the air as the other character comes in. This is a bit cheap, so be careful! ======================================================================= ++++++ +Ryu:+ ++++++ This ageless classic is back once again. This time, Capcom decided to add in new twists by combining three characters into one: Ken, Ryu, and Evil Ryu (I like to refer to this instead of Akuma). Depending on which mode, Ryu is played a little different. IMO, Ken-mode is the best because he is pretty powerful and takes minimal damage. Evil Ryu-mode is probably the most powerful, but takes damage like a sissy! Ryu-mode is very balanced, but no fun. Overall, Ryu is an average fighter. He is fairly strong, has good foot speed, and inflicts average damage. Personally, I'm not a Ryu player and I don't like to use him too often. However, he is a solid character capable of all-around game play, and he certainly cannot be overlooked. When I do use Ryu, I usually switch to Ken-mode for some fancy eye-popping combos! [Strength-] --Capable of adapting different styles of fighting. The ability to switch between three characters can sometimes frustrate opponents. --Capable of playing both keep-away and offensive themes effectively. --High priority launcher. --Well-balanced. Ryu is average in literally all categories. [Weakness-] --Too lethargic. Simply put, he's just too BORING! --His combos are weak. --His trip (C. Roundhouse) has noticeable lag time if not canceled into a special. [Specials-] (Ryu) < Hadoken > = The classic fireball is back, and is as large as before! This is the key to Ryu's keep-away pattern, and he can dish two fireballs on the screen. Though annoying, it can be easily avoided. This move, like always, combos nicely. However, the damage sucks and you have a MAJOR problem if you want to combo this! < Dragon Punch > = Again, need I say more? This is a good defensive counter-attack ONLY! Offensively, it just sucks. Usually, opponents will fall for it not more than twice. < Hurricane Kick > = Geez, what can I say? (Ken) < Hadoken > = Same thing except that the range sucks. Ryu cannot play keep-away in this mode. < Dragon Punch > = More powerful than Ryu-mode's Dragon Punch. Otherwise, same thing. < Hurricane Kick > = This is a vast improvement over Ryu-mode's Hurricane Kick. For one thing, this move gives more hits and looks more impressive! BTW, Ryu can block on the way down even if opponent blocked the Hurricane Kick. (Evil Ryu) < Hadoken > = What is this? (J/K) This is the ultimate keep-away fireball for Ryu. This is even more annoying than Ryu-mode's keep-away pattern! Beware of FISTS :-) (I'm serious!) < Dragon Punch > = More like Ken-mode's Dragon Punch. Nothing more. < Hurricane Kick >= This is multi-hitting and does solid chipping damage. < Shotoken Warp > = Basically, this is what I called the teleport. < Demon Knee Dive > = This move is good as surprise attack and does great chipping damage. Ryu is fairly safe if blocked. [Supers-] (Ryu) < Shinku Hadoken > = Sadly, this super has been toned down in terms of damage potentials. It still combos, but inflicts pathetic damage! BTW, it no longer OTG. < Super Hurricane Kick > = Basically, this move remains unchanged. It still OTG, and does good damage. < Lightning Dragon Punch > = While visually impressive, this super does not combo easily and inflicts less-than-expected damage. I usually use this against jump-ins and pop their guts out! This won't connect more than twice per round. (Ken) < Super Dragon Punch > = This move is extremely combo-friendly and, thankfully, inflicts above-average damage. If blocked, however, Ryu is up at opponent's mercy! < Flaming Dragon Column > = Strangely enough, people seemed to have forgotten this killer move! Not only is this the best defensive move of the game, it also does excellent damage. However, if putted in a combo, the damage isn't that hot! < Super Funky Kick > = This is the funky dance! The damage is average and the super is comboable. (Evil Ryu) < Shinku Gadoken > = Uh, you need to know anything about this? < Super Dragon Punch > = Same comment as above. < Super Air Gadoken > = I need some help on this one guys, does it combo? < Raging Demon > = I have only seen this connect once. Though unblockable, this super is easily avoided. Seriously, I don't think it's worth the three super levels. [Jump-ins] --J. Jab --> J. Fierce --J. Short --> J. Forward [Combos-] (Universal) 1. J. Jab --> J. Fierce --> C. Short --> S. Fierce --> Team Super *This combo can hurt a lot, depending on who your partner is! Try this with War Machine as your partner, it's evil! His best combo. 2. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Forward --> Hurricane Kick/Hadoken *Very basic, nothing fancy. It might be easier if you hold up Forward. 3. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Forward(Hold up) --> Strong Air Throw *Looks awesome in Evil Ryu-mode! (Ryu) 1. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong(1 hit) --> Shinku Hadoken *This combo is weak, period! 2. C. Short --> C. Roundhouse --> Super Hurricane Kick (OTG) *This combo is still in there! The damage is tweaked down, but still powerful. 3. S. Jab --> S. Fierce --> Shinku Hadoken *So-so damage. 4. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> Lightning Dragon Punch *The damage is pathetic. (Ken) 1. D.C. Short --> S. Forward (1 hit) --> Hurricane Kick(Roundhouse) *IMO a very flashy combo! 2. D.C. Jab --> S. Fierce --> Super Funky Kick *Another fancy, though ugly, combo. 3. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> Flaming Dragon Column *One of his better combos. 4. C. Short --> C. Forward --> Super Dragon Punch *Another good combo that does good damage. 5. D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> Dragon Punch(Fierce) *Though a bit risky, this combo is very flashy and does great damage, about 25%. Being such a big fan of Ken's Dragon Punch combo from other games, I love this combo despite its shortcomings! 6. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong (2 hits) --> Dragon Punch (Evil Ryu) 1. D.S. Jab --> S. Fierce --> Shinku Gadoken *More powerful than Ryu's. 2. C. Short --> C. Forward --> Super Dragon Punch *Another of his better combos. 3. D.C. Jab --> C. Forward --> Hurricane Kick 4. C. Short --> Hurricane Kick --> C. Short (OTG) --> Hurricane Kick *Just so you know, this ain't an infinite! The OTG is tough so it'll require some practice on its timing. After the 2nd Hurricane Kick, you can't OTG any more. 5. J. Fierce --> Super Air Gadoken. *Uh... [Tricks-] -I really don't have much for this guy, but one thing is to cancel any normal moves into Hadoken for chipping damage. -Ah, another one. Try this for an amazing result: Short Hurricane Kick --> Jab Dragon Punch. For some reason, many people fail to block the Dragon Punch!? *NOTE* This only work with Ryu-mode Ryu. -Another trick with Ryu is to launch the opponents and do Super Hurricane Kick. You might hit them sometimes, but does great blocking damage. -BTW, do take advantage of his overhead attacks. Here's a wacky "combo" you can try: D.C. Jab --> C. Short --> (overhead) ======================================================================= ++++++++++ +Zangief:+ ++++++++++ This Russian meathead hasn't been pumping his iron lately, because he is noticeably weaker now! The damages on his throws are now pitiful, and he no longer strikes fear into people's heart. I hate what Capcom did to Zangief in this game. Yes, he's way too powerful in XmenVsSF, but I thought he was OK in MSHVsSF. Why did Capcom tone him down even more? Anyway, in place of power, Zangief traded for speed, a level 3 super, and Iron Body transformation. IMO, a most unfair trade indeed! Following what they did to Ryu, Capcom decided to make Zangief into two characters by giving him the power to turn Iron Body. Wow :-( In the Iron Body mode, Zangief is stronger and adds power into his throws. BUT, he can't block and is slower! The key toward playing Zangief well is to learn the art of reversal. What's reversal? It's to block then reverse with your own attack immediately, mainly in the form of throws. Against jump-ins, you need to first learn how to regular throw afterwards. Strong throws are easiest and can set up some nasty tricks. Personally, I prefer using Strong throw because even if I missed, Zangief won't be wide open. Then you can try the specials throws, then move on to FAB and DFAB. Of course, experts can do other things to thwart the reversals, but is sometimes tough to do. [Strength-] --He's pretty strong, though his special throws might suggest otherwise. --He takes damages fairly slowly. [Weakness-] --Slow. Although Zangief is faster now, he's still too slow to compete with other guys. --Size. Zangief is a big guy, thus making him an ideal punching bag. --Combo. Combo just isn't Zangief's theme! He relies heavily on those special and super throws. [Specials-] (Zangief) < Spinning Pile Driver > = This move sucks really hard now, because it does pitiful damage. A regular throw will probably do more damage because he can OTG! Anyway, the range seemed to have increased and, thankfully, it's still unblockable. Due to the increased range, comboing the SPD in air combos is a bit easier now. < Running Bear Grab/German Suplex > = This move is even weaker! Though has better range than SPD, this move is easily avoidable and can be hazardous to Zangief. If you don't know how to do 360, then this is the throw of choice. Then again, you shouldn't be using Zangief if you don't know how to do 360 :P < Glowing Green Hand > = Thankfully, Zangief still has this awesome move. This move combos easily, advances Zangief safely, and can lead to SPD afterwards. < Lariat > = Yippee, Zangief still has this excellent air defense! This special will knock out any jump-in attacks, at worst trading hits. The short version is better for two reasons. One, it last shorter so doesn't leave Zangief vulnerable for too long if blocked. Second, it can combo into special throws or super! A nasty maneuver indeed ^_^ < Leaping Air Grab > = This move can still combo, but is very weak. One use is to advance Zangief quickly, but isn't as good as Glowing Green Hand though. As before, Zangief can block while coming down, but cannot block while going up. (Iron Body) < SPD > = Same as regular Zangief, with more power. < RBD/GS > = Same as regular Zangief, with more power. < Psycho Flame > = The only use I find with this is to cancel keep-away fireballs. Combo? I don't know. It's a nice reminder o Dhalsim! < Lariat > = Same as Zangief, but why bother? He can't block anyway so why not sacrifice the hit and tag them with SPD or super? < Leaping Air Grab > = Same as Zangief, except this is even less useful. [Supers-] (Zangief) < Final Atomic Buster > = Although not as good as it was in previous game, FAB is still a very powerful super. The damage can go up to about 45% if you keep spinning the joystick and jamming the buttons. Comboing this super is a little tricky and can sometimes be avoided. < Ultimate Final Atomic Buster > = The range on this super really sucks, but it's impressive to see Capcom giving Zangief new styles of super. The damage is roughly 50%, but I would rather save the 3 levels for 3 FAB's :-) < Double Final Atomic Buster > = This popular move from MSHVsSF is back! The damage might have been toned down a bit, but nevertheless still powerful. (Iron Body) < Final Atomic Buster > = Same as regular Zangief < Siberian Blizzard > = This is where Zangief does a vertical Lariat. The use of this move is yet to be seen. [Jump-ins] ??? [Combos-] 1. J.DN. Forward --> C. Strong --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Forward --> Short Lariat --> C. Roundhouse (OTG) 2. J.DN. Forward --> C. Strong --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Forward --> Short Lariat --> S. Roundhouse (1 hit) --> Short Lariat --> SPD/FAB/RBG/UFAB/DFAB *Well, this is about the fanciest combo Zangief will get. If you can pull this off, you'll have everyone's respect! The key will be the S. Roundhouse because you'll need to position Zangief in such way that the opponent will fall right next to him (about 1/2 character's width away). If you want to tag in the Lariat, cancel after 1 S. Roundhouse hit. If you want to skip the Lariat, you can cancel after 2 hits. BTW, you cannot use SPD and UFAB if skipping Lariat, because they have no range. 3. C. Fierce --> Glowing Green Hand --> SPD *Cheap! 4. S. Roundhouse (2 hits) --> Leaping Air Grab (Short) 5. Short Lariat --> SPD/FAB/RBG/UFAB/DFAB *Cheap, again! This is extremely useful. Lariat will beat out many jump-in attacks, setting Zangief up for an easy throw. However, it can be avoided by attacking on the way down. If so, simply throw another Short Lariat and try again. 6. Strong Throw --> SPD/FAB/RBG/UFAB/DFAB *Cheap, again and again! But hey, do we care? Some people will anticipate this and attack on the way down. Well, simply whip up a Short Lariat into another throw! 7. C. Strong --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Forward --> SPD *This combo is very tricky. Depending on character, Zangief needs to wait a bit before doing SPD. 8. (In corner) --> Fierce Throw --> C. Roundhouse (OTG) --> Glowing Green Hand(Jab) *The Green Hand acts as a juggle. Cool! 9. C. Short --> FAB/DFAB *Well, this isn't exactly a combo, because most human opponents will simply jump away. However, CPU ain't so smart and will often be tagged. Also to be noted, SPD and UFAB in this combo DOES NOT work! 10. (In corner) --> C. Roundhouse --> (Michelle Heart) --> FAB *Heh, heh! This is by-far the cheapest combo in Zangief's arsenal! Michelle Heart will effectively pin down opponents and set up for an un-escapable FAB! Well, the only way out is roll after the Roundhouse. 11. (Against corner) --> S. Roundhouse --> (Colossus) [Tricks-] -Strong throw all the way! Throw, then walk up and throw, repeat! -Turn to Iron Body (NOOOOOO!!!) Kill one character than do FAB when the other guy comes in. Belief me, there's absolutely ZERO chance of escaping FAB! -If you don't want to do that, then try this. Kill one guy near corner, then immediately switch to Iron Body. FAB Baby! Afterwards, turn back to Zangief. -Here's a down right dirty way to play Zangief. This is sort of a trap, with very little opportunity to get out. Try this: C. Strong --> Glowing Green Hand(Jab) --> C. Strong --> Glowing Green Hand(Jab) --> repeat. If you see them keep blocking and absorbing chipping damages, whip up a SPD after Glowing Green Hand to wake them up! This tactic is kind of cheap, but hey, you're using Zangief! -Here's another trick: C. Strong --> Leaping Grab(Short) Very often, people will try to jump, only to be tagged! Don't worry if missed, Zangief is invulnerable afterwards. -Well, I just have too many tricks for this guy. The only reason I'm sharing them with you guys is that Zangief is so much of an underdog. Here it is: activate variable team super --> have the partner do his super (something like Strider's Legion, for example) --> have Zangief walk up and FAB! Super cheap! ======================================================================= +++++++++++ +Morrigan:+ +++++++++++ Basically, Morrigan is yet another Shotoken clone with some new twists. She is fairly agile and capable of many types of game-play, but she is a bit weak in power category. Her combos are OK, but IMO keep-away is where she really shines. Her nifty air dash is pretty cool and can confuse many people. Use it often in her jump-in attack. [Strength-] --Excellent keep-away character. Her aerial Firebats are annoying. --Well-balanced. What did you expect? She's basically a Ryu taking estrogen hormone! (Oops, sorry. The MCAT really gets into me ^_^) --Well, I don't know about this one. Many people mentioned that she is a distracter?! Yeah, I guess she does look a bit provocative. [Weakness-] --Lack of effective super and ground combos. Both rarely connect, and inflict below-average damage. [Specials-] < Firebats > = This is her version of fireball, and is the key to her keep-away pattern. She can jump in the air and shoot tons of them at her opponent without much difficulty. This move combos well, and is fairly safe. I've heard that it must be blocked high, but I don't think that's true. < Shadow Blade > = Morrigan ripped off Sagat by copying his Tiger Uppercut. The move hits multiple times and combo fairly easily. Sometimes, Morrigan can use this as a defensive move, but it often ends up trading hits. Defensively speaking, it's not up to par like Ryu's Dragon Punch. < Vector Drain > = This is an awesome move to embarrass your opponent with. Though the range sucks, the damage is quite good. Yes, since this is a special throw, it's unblockable. So, learn to be cheap with this if you want to! BTW, this throw is more powerful than SPD?! < Shell Drop > = There are two versions of this, one with horizontal range and the other one with vertical range. I think the use is as surprise attack and quick landing. Personally, I rarely use it. [Supers-] < Soul Eraser > = Often, this is used only as a surprise move. Due to the fact that her guns came out of nowhere, she can catch opponents by surprise. This super doesn't combo, and does OK damage. < Silhouette Blade > = This uppercut super can combo, but does poor damage. BTW, Morrigan is very vulnerable if blocked. < Darkness Illusion > = This super is visually impressive, and does solid damage. However, comboing this super is very tricky. I'm still working on it. < Eternal Slumber > = The ultimate embarrassment of the game! This move will definitely gets the crowd laughing, because it's kinky! While funny, this super sucks because it's easily avoided and does pitiful damage, especially for a level 3 super! However, it's unblockable! [Jump-ins] --J. Jab --> J. Strong *You must be DEEP! Otherwise, the jump-in won't combo. --J.DN Forward --> J. Roundhouse *While this has lots of priorities, you must be good at dash-in combos because Morrigan will land too far to combo regularly. --J. Strong --> J. Fierce *Combo nicely and reliably. [Combos-] 1. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Shadow Blade --> Vector Drain (if corner) *Heh, another cheap shot! Vector Drain them as they land! IMO, this is one of the few good combos Morrigan can pull off. 2. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> Silhouette Blade *This is very risky. Sometimes the super whiffed! 3. Kill one opponent --> Eternal Slumber *Though cheap, it's easily avoided. Besides, it's a good laugh! 4. D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> Darkness Illusion *Cancel FAST or she'll miss! 5. D.S. Jab --> S. Jab --> S. Jab --> S. Strong --> S. Fierce --> Firebats *The fireball doesn't really combo, but is good for chipping damage. The multiple jabs can be annoying to some people, so be careful. 6. D.C. Jab --> S. Short --> Shadow Blade(Fierce) *Do it at your own risk ^_^ (i.e. not very reliable) 7. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Silhouette Blade (OTG) 8. J.DN. Forward --> J. Roundhouse --> D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> S. Roundhouse *If versus a big opponent, Morrigan can throw 3 jabs instead (Hello, Cyclops) 9. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Strong Air Throw *Much better damage than regular air combo! 10. (In corner) --> D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> Vector Drain *Believe me, I ain't no BS-ing about this combo. I've done it more than 3 times, and the combo meter counts 3 hits! I still can't get it down consistently, so if anybody out there knows how to do this consistently, please e-mail me! It seems it works best against large characters. 11. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Soul Eraser *Well, you must cancel right after Juggernaut start hitting! Otherwise, they'll be able to block after a few hits by Juggy. 12. C. Roundhouse --> (Michelle Heart) --> Eternal Slumber *Cheap! [Tricks-] -I don't know, probably combo 1. -Like Ryu, cancel any normal move into Firebats. ======================================================================= +++++++++++++++++++ +Captain Commando:+ +++++++++++++++++++ He's another keep-away character that'll frustrate many people. Cap is fairly powerful because of his powerful moves and supers. His speed is fair, and most of his moves are combo-friendly. One caution about using this guy is that he doesn't take hits very well. You'll often find yourself looking for a tag-out if not careful with this guy. Also to be noted, Cap's priority is awesome, especially his air throw range! [Strength-] --High aerial priorities. Just check out his air throw range. --Great combo abilities. --Powerful combos. --Fairly strong. --Good foot-speed. --Capable of playing both offensively and defensively. His Captain Fire can effectively pin enemies to the corner. [Weakness-] --Doesn't sustain damage very well. He just cannot take the heat! [Specials-] < Captain Fire > = This is an excellent projectile. The "fireball" comes out quickly, and the impact is immediate. The damage is pretty good, and Cap can chain it into any of his normal move. Cap can pin down opponents with this move, because of its instant impact. However, don't get too predictable with this or they'll anticipate it and avoid it. < Captain Corridor > = This is an excellent anti-air defense. No move can penetrate this, not even Spiderman! The damage is great, and it combos fairly easily. One caution about this special, it has lag time if blocked. Therefore, don't be too predictable with this move or Cap will be whipped. < Commando Helpers > = Well, I rarely use this move because its use is very limited. Combo-wise, ninja is the only person that will combo. Baby and Spinner will not combo. < Captain Kicks > = Again, I rarely use this move because, basically, it sucks. Cap has major lag time if blocked, and the damage isn't too great. This move can combo and is very quick in getting to the other side of the screen. Use with discretion. The Forward Captain Kicks will go over projectiles, so that's a plus. [Supers-] < Captain Sword > = I consider this as Cap's sole comboable super. It combos nicely and does solid damage. If you want chipping damage, don't even consider this move, because it does next to nothing! < Captain Storm > = This is Cap's most powerful super and it does nearly 45% by itself. Besides, Cap can tag in a tricky OTG combo afterwards for mega damage! However, the combo is tricky and often will not work. It's best to combo after helper attack. If blocked, Cap is open to opponents' mercy! [Jump-ins] --J. Strong --> J. Fierce *Check this out, it looks funky but effective! [Combos-] 1. J. Strong --> J. Fierce --> C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Captain Fire / Strong Air Throw 2. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> Ninja Helper *Best if done in corner, but not necessary. 3. C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> Captain Sword *One of his best combos. Very easy to do and does great damage. 4. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> Captain Storm *Very tricky and risky. I would recommend using it only against large opponents near corner. 5. J. Fierce --> C. Fierce --> Captain Fire/Captain Corridor *This is his bread-n'-butter combo. IMO, this is one of his best and very easy to do. 6. S. Roundhouse --> Captain Corridor 7. Captain Storm --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> Captain Sword *While Cap's posing, keep hitting C. Short. Once it connects, immediately chain into Roundhouse. It'll take some practice. BTW, Captain Sword does virtually no damage. So, you decide whether this combo is worth it. 8. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Captain Corridor(Fierce) (OTG) 9. C. Short --> S. Forward --> Captain Kicks / Captain Corridor(Fierce) 10. (In corner) --> Captain Storm --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> Captain Sword --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> Captain Sword --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Fierce *100% combo? NO WAY!!! The damage after first super is virtually ZERO! You'll be lucky if you can get even 70% damage! Nevertheless, this combo is tough and visually impressive. 11. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Captain Storm *Hit the super right after Juggy connects or it'll whiff! If you've supers left, tag it in after the Captain Storm for more damage. 12. Captain Storm --> C. Roundhouse (OTG) --> Captain Corridor(Fierce) *Easier than Combo#7. [Tricks-] -Punch throw all the way! Throw, then walk up and throw again, repeat! However, the damage is VERY weak :-( -Cancel all normal moves into Captain Fire. Once the opponents catch on, throw in the Spinner (Commando Helper) instead to catch them if they attempt to hop over. Better yet, use Ninja instead! He'll chip multiple times and cover both ground and air. However, his range sucks. -This is a glitch of the game, but also the biggest BS in the game. Cap can do a 100% throw that'll kill instantly! How? I ain't telling because it's way too cheap (considering how many cheap-ass there are out there)! Thanx Damien! ======================================================================= ++++++++++ +Megaman:+ ++++++++++ This little guy can be a major headache if used correctly. He's the master at keep-away, but can go into offensive if necessary. Aside from his turtling technique, Megaman can be virtually untouchable with his solid defense. Mega-charger and Tornado Holds and especially annoying because it inflicts good chipping damage without doing any harm to Megaman himself. Also to be noted, his supers does insane blocking damage without leaving Megaman to any retaliation (besides Rush Drill). A favorite scheme of Megaman player is to team super when they want to switch character. There's absolutely nothing people can do to hit any of the two characters on the screen. IMO, the cheapest character of the game! (If you don't think he's cheap, then you haven't seen how my friend Desmund and I play Megaman. He's virtually untouchable!) [Strength-] --Small size. It's harder to combo on him because he's so tiny. --Master at keep-away. Come one, his Fierce punch is his fireball! --Excellent air defense. His launcher is nearly impenetrable. --Great chipping potential. [Weakness-] --He isn't very strong. His combo doesn't pack a punch. --No range. [Specials-] < Mega-charger > = The fact that Megaman can charge indefinitely is the reason this is his best weapon. Megaman can effectively pin opponents down with 2 or 3 fireballs on the same screen. Megaman can cancel a charged fireball any time to surprise opponent or simply chip some damage off. BTW, charged fireball also OTG! This is a deadly and annoying move indeed. < Tornado Holds > = This is Megaman's second best weapon. This move effectively keeps opponents at bay, if not overshoot the tornado of course. It OTG nicely, and does good damage. This move cancels nicely. BTW, this inflicts no chipping damage. Thankfully :-) < Leaf Shield > = What's this for? I don't know, I rarely use it. It will protect Megaman for 1 lousy hit, but often the next hit will hit him. This move has insane initiation time, and does no chipping damage. BTW, if you feel fancy, combo this into air combo! < Rock Ball > = This and Mega-charger are what make Megaman deadly! Rock Ball, when kicked by Megaman, will bounce around the screen and literally zone-in on the opponents. It's hard to avoid not getting hit. Heck, it'll even bounce all the way up to super-jump height to hit opponents! Check out the trick section for its effectiveness. < Mega Upper > = Supposedly, this move is for defense. But, like all uppercuts, it's lousy as a defense because often it'll just trade hits. Megaman's launcher is a better defense than this move. < Weapon Switch > = This allows Megaman to select Tornado Holds, Leaf Shield, or Rock Ball. [Supers-] < Hyper Megaman > = Surprisingly, Megaman can combo this super into air combos! Doesn't that remind you of someone? (Hint: Shotoken) The damage of this move is pretty good, and it does great chipping damage. Another use of this move is as defense. Against jump- ins, simply pull this move off and watch Megaman uppercut their ass into fireball cannon! BTW, it doesn't OTG. < Beat Plane > = The fact that this is controllable makes it a worthwhile super to pull off. The major problem of this super is that Megaman can get hit when coming out of the super even if he hits the opponent! Luckily, this can be remedied by simply steer him away from the opponent. This move packs a whollop in hits, but only does average damage. The chipping factor of this super is, again, great. < Rush Drill > = This is often where Megaman gets kill! Though the chipping damage is great, he'll often get hit when coming out of the drill. Again, this super can be controlled. Although it can combo, opponents will often be able to block midway through the super; thus, making comboing dangerous. BTW, the best advantage of this move is that Megaman is completely untouchable while inside the drill. He can even drill past a fireball super! [Jump-ins] --J. Jab --> J. Strong --J. Short --> J. Forward [Combos-] 1. Charge Mega-charger for 50~60 seconds --> D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> Release Mega-charger --> Charge Mega-charger --> D.S. Jab --> C. Forward --> D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> Release Mega-charger --> D.C. Jab --> C. Forward --> Beat Plane *Heh, how about this, my very own self-invented combo! Though it doesn't hurt too much, this combo will get you up to 80+ hits if done correctly! This is an excellent show-off combo that'll get you a round of Wow's. My personal best is about 130+ hits. Damn, is my pinky sore! BTW, it's best if you start at one corner and work your way to the other corner. If you want, throw in a helper in the middle for more hits. 2. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> D.C. Short --> C. Roundhouse --> Tornado Hold(Short) *If you feel cheesy, walk up and throw them afterwards! Another of Megaman's best combos. 3. C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> Hyper Megaman *Mmm, does this remind you of someone's combo? Cancel into Hyper Megaman fast or it'll miss! 4. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Rush Drill (OTG) --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Roundhouse --> Tornado Hold(Jab) *Personally, I would stay away from this combo because sometimes opponents can block Rush Drill even if they initially got hit by it. 5. C. Roundhouse --> Beat Plane (OTG) *This is probably a better substitute because it's less risky, even if blocked. Remember, steer Megaman away from opponents toward the end of the super! 6. Charge Mega-charger --> Activate Leaf Shield --> D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Release Leaf Shield (OTG) --> Release Mega-charger --> Beat Plane *Depending on the amount of charging you did with Mega-charger, you can do some fancy combo before Beat Plane. BTW, do remember to steer the plane away when the super almost ends! 7. J. Short --> J. Forward --> D.S. Short --> S. Forward --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Strong Air Throw *Megaman ripped off Dan by copying his air throw! I just love that style! 8. Charge Mega-charger --> D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Release Mega-charger (OTG) *This is a must learn technique with Mega-charger. Utilize this basic to invent your own dirty tricks with Megaman! 9. (In corner) --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Strong Air Throw --> J. Roundhouse *The J. Roundhouse is tricky to connect. You must hit the button right after the air throw. If not in corner, you can still tag in a hit after the air throw with Jab. 10. S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Beat Plane *Not all hits of the super will connect. Opponents seemed to slip through after 20-some hits. [Tricks-] -Oh right, since most of you guys know this trick, so I might as well spill the bean. Switch to Rock Ball and do this trick over and over: Charge Mega Buster --> Rock Ball --> C. Short / C. Roundhouse --> J. Fierce (hold to charge Mega Buster immediately) --> Rock Ball --> C. Short / C. Roundhouse --> J. Fierce (hold to charge Mega Buster immediately) --> Rock Ball --> (Repeat) This trap is very hard to break, especially with a large slow character. To add onto the cheapness, use the next trick with Beat Plane for more chipping damage. Then start the trap over from a distance. Fast characters have a better chance of breaking it, and those with Beam Super can also hurt Megaman in the process, so be careful! If you see opponents on the verge of getting too close, throw in a helper attack to push them away. I've developed a tactic of thwarting this trick, e-mail me if you're frustrated by this trick and want to turn the table against whoever is using this. -Activate Beat Plane in air. DON'T press anything (i.e. don't shoot anything out) and steer the plane to their back before hitting the buttons. Often, opponents expect you to start jamming and won't expect you to attack from behind. ======================================================================= ++++++++++ +Strider:+ ++++++++++ For some reason, this is by far the most popular character used by most players. Yes, Strider is quick, powerful, and has crazy combos; however, he doesn't take damage too well! Strider is probably quicker than Spiderman, and has better comboing ability, with the exception of supers, than Wolverine. His priority also rivals Chun Li, and his range is amazing. Besides all these advantages, Strider has tons of moves at his disposal. With effective use of them, Strider can be very annoying. Strider is an offensive maniac, and he'll go after his opponents continuously without giving them a break. Strider is a bit weak in defense, but his launcher and Satellite Orbit Super will keep aggressive opponents at bay. [Strength-] --Speed. Strider is the second fastest character of the game. He's very quick on the draw. --High priorities. Both in air and on ground, Strider has great priority on throws. --Range. His sword gives him those extra reach. --Combo. He is a combo maniac! Strider can do both air and ground combos with little effort. --Style, baby! Though not the coolest, Strider sure has a distinct style. All his combos and attacks looks awesome. --Traps. Strider is very good at trapping opponents and chipping damage. [Weakness-] --Strider is a sissy. After taking a few punches and he'll be crying mommy :-) --Lack of a reliable super combo. One must connect with Satellite Orbit or helper in order to connect other supers. --Defense. Strider relies heavily on offense. He doesn't have much of a defense when faced with an even more aggressive opponent. [Specials-] < Rainbow Slash > = This is a cool looking move that combos nicely and does good damage. However if blocked, Strider is up for major punishment. The air version is very dangerous, because even if it connects, opponent can still hit Strider when he lands. < Sword Swipe > = Though not as cool looking as Rainbow Slash, this special is a lot safer and has the option of high or low slash (style pt). It combos nicely and does good damage. Even, if blocked, Strider can't be tagged. < Teleport > = Strider can teleport to six different places on the screen. This can be dangerous because he is completely vulnerable while coming out. The only time this move should be used is when Satellite Orbit is activated, which then will protect Strider while hitting opponents. This is a great surprise tactic. < Satellite/Flaming Satellite > = I always active the Satellite whenever I can, so I can use the "fireball" when needed. The damage is OK, and it's flashy to use it in air combos. < Wall Cling > = Upon doing this move, Strider can dive down for surprise attack, move up and down, or fly from wall to wall. The use of this move is yet to be realized, because Strider is wide open for any attacks. BTW, Strider can still slash when cling to the wall, so that's a plus. < Split Dive > = The only use for this is a surprise attack, nothing more. < Jaguar > = Can we say this is Strider's fireball? This move can be easily avoided due to its slow speed. < Parachute Bombs > = This can come handy when you want to chip off those energy with Legion super. This will make sure the opponent stays on their feet while the mechanical animals chip away their energy. BTW, the damage is insane - nearly 30%! < Ground Slide > = This can go under projectiles and combo nicely. [Supers-] < Legion > = The main use of this super is to chip off damages during those last few seconds. The super can't combo due to its slow speed, and the damage isn't too hot. < Satellite Orbit > = IMO Strider's best super. This can stack up some impressive number of hits and damages, and does nice chipping damage as well. Against experienced players, it's best to activate this and teleport behind them for a nasty surprise. BTW, this super can chain into Ragnork or Legion if timed correctly. Also, this super can be used as defense against those overly aggressive opponents. < Ragnork > = This super looks pretty cool and does good damage. However, it can't combo. [Jump-ins] --J. Fierce --> J. Roundhouse --J. Short --> J. Roundhouse --J. Short --> J. Forward --> J. Roundhouse *This seems to work only on big characters. [Combos-] 1. J. Short --> J. Roundhouse --> D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Forward --> S. Fierce --> S. Roundhouse --> Rainbow Slash / Sword Swipe *Sweet looking combo! The damage is solid as well. This is my personal favorite due to impressive sword display! 2. D.C. Jab --> C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Rainbow Slash(Jab) / Strong Air Throw / Sword Swipe(Jab) *Another of my favorite combo with Strider. The damage is good too. Against smaller opponents, you might want to skip C. Forward because the launcher might miss. 3. Satellite Orbit --> D.C. Jab --> C. Short --> C. Forward --> D.S. Jab --> S. Short --> S. Strong --> Ragnork / Legion *This is a combo meter stacker! If done correctly, it'll get you nearly 50+ hits! 4. Have the Satellite ready --> D.C. Jab --> C. Strong --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Flaming Satellite *Basically, this should be used only if you feel like being fancy. The damage isn't too great, but looks nice. If in corner, Strider has the possibly to land into another jump-in combo. 5. D.S. Jab -->S. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Forward --> S. Fierce --> Ground Slide 6. D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> S. Fierce --> S. Roundhouse --> Sword Swipe *Personally, I think this combo does way too much damage! Nearly 1/3 of life-bar! This simple of a combo shouldn't inflict that much. 7. D.S. Jab --> S. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Forward --> S. Fierce --> C. Roundhouse --> Rainbow Slash (OTG) *How could I have forgotten this classic combo? How silly of me! 8. Satellite Orbit --> D.C. Jab --> C. Short --> S. Strong --> D.S. Jab --> S. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Forward --> (Michelle Heart) --> Satellite Orbit --> Teleport (near opponents) --> S. Jab --> S. Strong --> S. Forward --> D.S. Jab --> S. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Forward --> (Repeat) *Whew, what a combo! Timing WILL be the key to successfully pulling this combo off. You must know when the super will end and throw out the helper early -- so she'll still be hitting opponents when you do another super and teleport. This is very hard to time and require lots of practice. To my experience, you can tag in 4+ supers in this combo if done right. My personal best is about 90+ hits! Hell, keep doing it even if blocked. This'll do lots of chipping damage! 9. Punch throw (into corner) --> Sword Swipe(Jab/Short) *This is wrong! How much damage? Nearly 30%!!!!! The Sword Swipe does LOTS of damage and it cannot be avoided (except when tech- hits). At first, "juggling" will be hard; but practice will make perfect. I personally find the Jab version easier to connect because Short version is low, but it can still hit. BTW, be careful of the input command because Rainbow Slash might come out by accident! 10. Punch Throw --> (Character Switch) (OTG) *This will take some practice and is risky. For one thing, it can be rolled out of and leaving your character vulnerable. Also, only those with quick switch-in attack will OTG (i.e. no Zangief). I wouldn't use it too often, but decided to throw it in here because it exists. 11. Parachute Bomb --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Fierce 12. S. Forward --> S. Fierce --> S. Roundhouse --> Sword Swipe *You think combo#6 was wrong? Just wait till you see this one. I think it does nearly 40% damage, but I could be wrong. Another plus is that S. Forward is an excellent dash-in stopper! [Tricks-] -Try this for a nasty surprise: Satellite Orbit --> Teleport behind them! At first, use the low teleports (w/ kick) to see how opponents are reacting. If you see them super-jumping (experts), use the punch version so they can't jump. Of course, you'll have to be lightning quick on the teleport. -Cancel any normal move into Sword Swipe for chipping damage. Also, you can throw in a mid-range Parachute Bomb instead because it does so much damage if connect and is well worth the risk. Usually, opponents won't rush in on you. -When in corner, end any air combo with Sword Swipe. Strider will land later than the opponents, so tag them with another jump-in chain for another combo of choice. -If you dare, try this sacrificing maneuver: Parachute Bomb (make it land near opponents) --> Teleport (near opponent). This trick is to sucker the opponents into hitting you when you come out of Teleport, only to be nailed by the bomb. From there, you can whack them into air combos. One caution though, expert players can easily counter this with super. ======================================================================= ++++++++++++ +Spiderman:+ ++++++++++++ IMO, Spiderman is extremely overpowered in this game. His priority is just amazing, and his combos inflict tons of damages - especially the air combos! Overall, Spidey is more offensive oriented than defensive. His jump-in priority is high, and he has quick foot-speed. He's both agile and strong. However, against those offensive opponents, Spidey is in trouble! His launcher, S. Strong, is a good defense, but the priority isn't too great. In order to win with Spidey, keep the pressure on with flurry of Web Balls, dash-ins, and jump-ins. [Strength-] --High aerial priorities. Spidey's air throw range is insane, and his J. Roundhouse will beat out most defenses. --Speed. Though not as accomplished as Strider and Wolverine, Spidey is still one of the quickest fighter. --Combos. Spidey's air combo does way too much damage for a simple air combo, and his super combos does excellent damage. [Weakness-] --Spidey sort of lacking a good air defense. --His super combo isn't very reliable. Hey, it's an OTG! [Specials-] < Web Ball > = This is a good projectile attack because it can leave opponent vulnerable for a few seconds. The fierce entraps the longest but is slow, and the jab virtually doesn't trap at all but is the fastest to come out. < Web Swing > = This move combos nicely and OTG, but is dangerous if opponent manages to block. < Web Throw > = This is another humiliating move. The combo possibility of this move is slim. The main use is to trap opponents and catch them by surprise. Sadly, this inflicts no chipping damage. A curious thing about this move is that in Easy Mode, Spidey can combo this off S. Roundhouse; but, he can't do so in Regular Mode?! < Spider Sting > = This is more of an offensive uppercut than defensive one. It can combo, but does pitiful damage. BTW, Spidey can't OTG after this move. Also to be noted, lots of people seem to forget that Spidey has this uppercut; thus, they jump in recklessly. Hey, throw this in once a while to remind them this move! The damage is great when not done in a combo. [Supers-] < Crawler Assault > = Capcom has vastly improved this super. Once hit, all hits will connect! This super still OTG and does great damage. However, Spidey is open to attack if missed or blocked. < Maximum Spider > = Sadly, this super still can't combo regularly. The damage is still good, but Spidey is dead if blocked. Again, Spidey can aim with this super. < Ultimate Web Throw > = This super just does insane damage! Nearly 50%! Thankfully, it doesn't combo. This super almost never connects because of its initiation time. [Jump-ins] --J. Jab --> J. Strong --> J. Fierce *IMO, this is his most effective jump-ins. --J. Short --> J. Forward --> J. Fierce *This is wacky, the J. Short hits awkward. [Combos-] 1. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> J. Fierce --> C. Short --> C. Forward --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Web Swing / Web Ball(Jab) / Strong Air Throw *This combo just hurts! It does nearly 35% damage! His best combo, period. 2. J. Roundhouse --> C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Roundhouse --> Crawler Assault (OTG) / Team Super (OTG) *Yeah, this is also a must-learn and does lots of damage. However, the OTG is risky against rollers. 3. D.S. Strong --> Web Throw(Fierce) 4. Web Ball(Fierce) --> Maximum Spider 5. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Fierce --> Web Ball(Jab) 6. C. Jab --> C. Strong --> C. Roundhouse --> Web Swing (OTG) 7. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> S. Roundhouse --> Spider Sting(Fierce) *Just so you know, THERE'S NO INFINITY ANYMORE!!!!! 8. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> Spider Sting(Fierce) 9. (In corner) --> Ultimate Web Throw --> D.C. Short (OTG) --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Fierce *This is a combo you won't have much chance of practicing due to its conditions. I don't think you can do a full air combo, but am not too sure. 10. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Maximum Spider *This is actually pretty easy to connect! Don't aim the super because you want Spidey to attack horizontally to hit opponents. The combo will do damage near 60%! 11. C. Short --> C. Forward --> Web Swing 12. (In corner) --> C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Ultimate Web Throw *This is REALLY hard to connect and you must do the super right afterwards! 13. (Against corner) --> C. Jab --> C. Forward --> (Colossus) --> Maximum Spider *Again, don't aim the super. You'll want Spidey to hit horizontally. Reliability on this combo is kind of bad, so use it at your own risk. [Tricks-] -Finish air combos with Jab Web Ball, then on the way down tag them with J. Roundhouse. Surprisingly, many people didn't block high for the Roundhouse! -Finish air combos with Fierce, then after landing nail them with another combo. Spidey will cross them up upon landing from air combo. Though tricky, this doesn't work as good as the previous trick. Another thing is to stick out J. Short before landing. Opponents will often land first, so Spidey can stick out a quick jump-in attack before landing. Alternate between the 2 tricks here to confuse the opponents. -Finish any ground combo with Jab Web Ball, preferably that they block, then tag in a Strong Web Throw. Sometimes, people will be caught by surprise. People have a bad habit of jumping after blocking an attack, so capitalize on it! -After any combo with Spider Sting (1 hit), do a Fierce Web Throw. Doing the Web Throw will take some getting use to it, because you don't want to throw a Fierce Web Ball instead! Often, opponents won't expert the Web Throw and get tagged. ======================================================================= ++++++ +Jin:+ ++++++ Jin is a very very weird character to use. Often called the Dan of this game for obvious reason - HE SUCKS!!! I still am a terrible Jin player, good players still regularly whipped my ass when I use Jin. So, if there are indeed any good Jin players out there, help me out guys! Anyway, Jin relies mostly on his regular attacks because they are fairly powerful. The priority is high and they even inflict chipping damage. However, strong attacks have TERRIBLE recovery time and canceling into a special might be a good idea sometimes. Jin is fairly strong, and has descent speed. Combo isn't Jin's forte, but he can't rely on defense either because he got none. So, what's my take on Jin? He'll need to rely heavily on chipping damage and constantly chip away damages with regular punches and kicks. [Strength-] --High priority attacks. --Strength. Jin's normal combos inflict amazing damage. [Weakness-} --Recovery time. Though Jin has average speed, his recovery time on most normal and special attacks really sucks. --Defense. Jin needs to keep pressure on by constantly attacking. However, he'll be dead in the water against offensive characters. [Specials-] < Saotome Typhoon > = Well, this move be comboed and inflicts descent damage. However, Jin is wide open to attack if blocked. < Saotome Dynamite > = Hehe, this move is kind of funny! Anyway, this can also be comboed and does good damage. It can also be used as a defensive counter-attack against jumpers. But, it'll often be blocked and Jin is then up for something painful. < Saotome Power-up > = Basically, this happens when you are about to lose your quarters. Jin charged up and he now has super-armor and does lots of damage with his normal and special attacks, possibly even stronger than Hulk! When you are in this mode, I'd say to GO CRAZY! Keep on attacking the opponents with your heart out. Jin will have superior priority and inflict major damage. Don' know how? Just watch how CPU Jin played! < Saotome Crush > = Well, this is a rather useless move. It's a blockable throw that inflicts pathetic damage. Besides, Jin is very vulnerable if blocked. < Typhoon Drill > = This move has very high priority. It'll beat out many moves, but is risky due to recovery lag. Very useful! < Saotome Fire > = IMO, this is the best taunt of the game, no wonder Jin is called the Dan of the game! Basically, Jin does his taunt and then caught on fire! He is vulnerable during the move, but can cancel out anytime once he is on fire. To be honest, this move is for show only. BTW, there's nifty trick to do with this move. Yes, it does hit, three times! Kill one character, then before the other character comes in, start the fire. Time it so they'll jump in on your back for a hilarious round of belly- laughs! [Supers-] < Blodia Punch > = This is his primary super and it does good damage. It combos fairly easily and leaves Jin fairly safe from harm. < Blodia Vulcan > = Well, this is a bad super (I mean as a bad bad, not a good bad). It combos awkwardly and isn't too reliable. The damage is OK, but Jin is up for punishment if blocked. < Saotome Cyclone > = This is often called the new Chaos Dimension because of it holds the opponent up for a while. I primarily use this as a defense, because it can cross. This is very useful against super-jumping-happy opponents. The damage is great. [Jump-ins] --J. Jab --> J. Strong --J. Short --> J. Roundhouse *A nice 3-hitters! [Combos-] 1. J. Roundhouse --> S. Strong --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Fierce *Although it looks easy, it's a tough combo to connect with Jin because his normal attacks are slow! This combo does good damage. 2. Air Tornado Drill --> C. Jab --> Tornado Drill --> Saotome Dynamite (OTG) 3. D.S. Strong --> Saotome Cyclone *Note, this works but is tricky. First of all, you must dash into his launcher! If you dash into Jab then launcher, the super will miss. Also, you must cancel FAST!! 4. C. Jab --> C. Strong --> Blodia Punch / Saotome Typhoon / Team Super *IMO, this is Jin's best combo. Blodia Punch does good damage, and team super can do even more damage. Saotome Typhoon should be used if there's no super. 5. C. Jab --> C. Fierce --> Blodia Vulcan *This is a very tricky combo. Cancel into super FAST! 6. (In corner) --> C. Strong --> Blodia Punch --> Tornado Drill (OTG) --> Saotome Dynamite (OTG) 7. C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Blodia Vulcan *You must cancel the super fast or it'll miss! [Tricks-] -For some reason, Tornado Drill --> Saotome Dynamite combo works extremely well against most players! They often tried to nail Jin after the drill, only to see Jin take off his cloth in front of their face! Use this to your advantage! Confuse them up by delaying the dynamite a little or not doing it at all. Experiment with the timing to confuse your opponents. -Another nasty maneuver to use is to do this: S. Fierce --> Punch Throw. This is a bit cheap, but you can pat yourself in the back and say that you're only trying to tech-hit out of any throw attempts (yeah, right)! This trick will need some practice. For some reason, those button-smashing beginners can do this very well?! -Here's a nifty trick to use will Saotome Cyclone. When opponents is near you, about 1 character away, do the super. Yeah, it'll miss alright. Now, steer it toward them. Usually, opponents will block if they see the frames for super, but let go if they know they won't get hit and ready to counter-attack you. Let them have it with the super! -Forward --> Punch throws. This is rather cheap in that there's nothing opponents can do against it except tech-hit. Forward attack recovers really fast. ======================================================================= ++++++++++++++++++ +Captain America:+ ++++++++++++++++++ This guy can kick major ass if used correctly. Cap has good priorities, powerful moves and combos, and descent speed. He's probably the next strongest character after Carnage, Hulk, Zangief, and Jin. He has great air combos, solid ground combos, and extremely powerful supers. When teamed with War Machine or Gambit, Cap can bust a 75% death team super combo! Shield is Cap's key to victory, so be sure to pick it up whenever he loses it. Also, if you do lose it, DON'T PANIC! Cap can do some combos he can't normally do! BTW, the shield will drop back to you if Cap has gone without a shield for a while. Though a formidable force in offense, Cap's weak in defense. Uppercuts just don't cut it in this game, and his other launcher, S. Strong, isn't too hot. Try to stay on offensive with Cap, or he's toast! [Strength-] --Power. Cap is one of the strongest characters in the game, and his combos can really pack a whollop! --Combos. Cap has an awesome air combo, one of the deadliest super combo, and descent ground combos. IMO, he's one of the combo kings! --High priorities. With shield, Cap will beat out most attacks. His air throw range is pretty amazing. [Weakness-] --Defense. IMO, this is the only area Cap really lacks. His "mini" launcher, S. Strong, just doesn't cut it, and uppercuts are obsolete in this game. [Specials-] < Shield Slash > = This is a great move to pull off after every normal attacks. It combos nicely and inflicts solid damage. The only setback is that Cap has to retrieve his shield, but that shouldn't be any problem at all. Hey, it might be good sometimes to lose shields! How? Read on, my friends! < Cartwheel > = I love this move! Not only can this move cross up opponents for a nasty surprise from behind, it also passes through many specials and normal attacks. One caution though, Cap can now be thrown out of this, so study your opponent's style before pulling this move off. IMO, an effective usage of this move will ensure victories! I just cannot emphasize just how important and useful this move is. < Charging Star > = This move is OK, but not very useful. It combos nicely and does good damage, but is dangerous if opponents managed to block. With shield, Cap can beat out any attacks, except supers of course, and nail the opponents. Also this is an excellent alpha counter. < Star n' Stripe > = This is Cap's uppercut, and it's not too useful. Defensively, it sucks. Offensively, it sucks too. In another word, it's useless. [Supers-] < Hyper Charging Star > = The chipping damage of this move is just amazing, and Cap can recover fast enough to prevent any counterattacks. Another plus is that when Cap has the shield, he can ram through anything, even supers! This super doesn't combo easily due to its initiation lag, and does average damage. < Final Justice > = While visually impressive, this super has been toned down a little in damage if not comboed. Cap also has a small lag time afterwards if blocked. Comboing this super is very tricky, and often won't work, except when without any shield. < Hyper Star n' Stripe > = This is IMO Cap's best super. It's very combo-friendly and does tons of damage, nearly 50%! However, if blocked, Cap is up for anything terrible. BTW, Cap can also combo with team super instead of this one for mega damages! [Jump-ins] --J. Jab --> J. Strong --J. Short --> J. Roundhouse *Awkward. [Combos-] 1. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> D.C. Jab --> C. Strong --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> (Double Jump) --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Strong Air Throw / Shield Slash *My personal favorite combo of the game! It looks awesome and does nearly 45% damage. Hell yeah! One caution though, it'll be wise not to try this on opponents with high air throw priority because they can tech-hit or throw Cap fairly easily. 2. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> Charging Star *Why bother with this combo? Use the next one! 3. C. Short --> C. Forward --> Hyper Star n' Stripe / Team Super *This combo is purely wrong! With super by itself, it'll go up to 50% damage. With team super, heh, you're looking at a instant slaughter! Depending on the partner, Cap can do more damage. With War Machine or Gambit, you're looking at a 75% kill, baby! 4. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Shield Slash(Jab) (OTG) *This is a very basic must-learn combo for Cap. Use it even if blocked. 5. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> S. Roundhouse --> Final Justice *This combo is REALLY hard to connect! I can only do it on Hulk, and that's only SOMETIMES! Help, guys, I need tips on this one. BTW, the damage isn't too hot either. 6. (Lose Shield) --> D.C. Short --> S. Fierce --> Final Justice / Hyper Charging Star *Yeah baby, this combos! Well, so it's OK to lose shield huh? Anyway, this combo just rocks! With Final Justice, you're looking at a nearly 60% damage, possibly the most damaging single super combo in the game (yeah, better than Wolverine) ^_^ Hyper Charging Star can rack up to nearly 50%, but isn't too impressive. 7. D.C. Jab --> S. Strong --> S. Fierce --> Shield Slash(Jab) *The shield at the end is for chipping damage, it won't combo. Amazingly, this simple combo does very good damage! 8. C. Short --> C. Roundhouse --> Hyper Star n' Stripe (OTG) *Well, this is a bit risky because it's an OTG combo. I found it best if you pause 1/4 sec before the super to ensure all the hits go through. 9. (Lose shield and near corner) --> D.C. Short --> S. Fierce --> Hyper Charging Star --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Fierce *Yup, you can tag in a full air combo afterwards! 10. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> Star n' Stripe(Fierce) *OK, here's a combo for all you hard-core uppercut people. 11. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Hyper Charging Star *Final Justice won't work due to short range. Darn! 12. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> D.C. Jab --> C. Strong --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> (Double Jump) --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Jab --> C. Short --> C. Fierce --> (Repeat) *Well, this is more of a trick than a combo. The second triple jabs will bring opponents higher than Cap; thus, he'll land first. Simply walk under, than hit them up again from the other side. Usually, this trick won't work twice in a roll. So the second time you hit them up, do the complete air combo. Start the trick over next time! 13. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> S. Roundhouse --> Charging Star(Roundhouse) *Wow, this simple combo does tons of damage - nearly 40%! [Tricks-] -Finish all ground combos with Jab Shield Slash, even if blocked! -Kick throw all the way, preferably in corner. This is harder to do than other people's, but works wonderfully if in corner. -I won't reveal my best trick with Cap, because they're pretty nasty and always work like a charm! (Don't worry, they aren't cheap!) All I'll say is that it involves tricky maneuvering of Cartwheel. ======================================================================= ++++++++ +Venom:+ ++++++++ Well, I have finally learned how to use Venom effectively. He's awkward! Anyway, though often called the "Sabertooth" of the game, I don't find that name very fitting. He's nowhere near Sabertooth! Yeah, he's very quick for a big guy, but he can't combo as good as Sabertooth. IMO, Venom is an average character. His speed and priorities are probably his keys to success. Combo-wise, he isn't too great. His launcher can't be linked into, which makes comboing a little difficult, especially on Hulk. When jumping in, Venom has multi-hitting Fierce and Roundhouse, which IMO requires absolutely NO skill. In defense, his S. Roundhouse will stop most jump-in attacks, but can't be linked into anything else. BTW, did I mention that throws are necessary if you want to win with Venom? His punch throws sets opponents up for a combo, very useful! Also, his air dash is useful in setting up combos as well. [Strength-] --Speed. Well, you've got to applaud him for moving that quickly for a big guy! --High priorities. Venom's J. Roundhouse rules the air, and his throw range is pretty amazing. --Excellent air defense. His S. Roundhouse will stop most jump-in attacks, setting up for an easy combo. [Weakness-] --Combos. Venom's really lacking in combos, with the exception of air combo. --Size. Come on, one with that kind of size will easily be others' lunch! [Specials-] < Venom Fang > = While comboable, this move doesn't do too great a damage. This is multi-hitting, and inflicts good blocking damage as well. The recovery time, while short, still exists. So, be careful. Jab version is probably the best. < Venom Throw > = While powerful, it rarely connects. Many characters can even avoid it completely when standing! Although it doesn't combo, there are some nifty tricks Venom can use to sucker opponents into this move. < Venom Bite > = IMO a very dangerous move for Venom. While it does good damage, the recovery sucks! While Venom is retracting his symbiote, he's up for people's wrath! Try not to use this move at all. Short recovers the fastest (duh)! [Supers-] < Venom Web > = Well, I got to admit that it looks pretty cool, but otherwise I just don't know. The damage isn't too great, and it doesn't combo regularly. One trick is to do it when opponents are jumping in, so Venom will cross them up for a surprise. < Death Bite > = The same problem exists in this super like Venom Bite. The recovery just sucks! This super does good damage, and can go up to 45% if done from one wall to another. Another risky move. [Jump-ins] --J. Fierce / J. Roundhouse *Yup, one button multi! No skill indeed! [Combos-] 1. Punch Throw --> S. Strong --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Venom Fang(Fierce) / Strong Air Throw 2. D.C. Jab --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Venom Bite(Short) / Death Bite (OTG) 3. D.S. Short --> C. Roundhouse --> Venom Fang(Jab) (OTG) 4. (In Corner) --> J. Roundhouse --> S. Strong --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Venom Fang(Fierce) --> Strong Air Throw *Let me explain, the air throw is done by jumping straight up and time the throw. Since Venom'll land first and near corner, the air throw can be done fairly easily. 5. S. Roundhouse --> Venom Fang(Jab) / Venom Bite(Short) (OTG) *This is VERY useful! S. Roundhouse is an excellent air defense, you can use this combo to punish those jump-happy opponents! Personally, I like to use Venom Fang in that it's more reliable (not an OTG) and much safer even if blocked. 6. Kick Throw --> Venom Bite (OTG) *Depending on where they land, the button for Venom Bite will differ. 7. C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Venom Web *Cancel the super fast or it'll miss! 8. (Kick throw into corner) --> S. Fierce --> Venom Fang(Strong) 9. Punch Throw --> S. Strong --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Roundhouse (1 hit) --> Venom Fang(Fierce) *This is probably this most damaging regular combo. The Roundhouse into Venom Fang is tough to do. 10. D.S. Jab --> S. Forward --> Death Bite / Team Super *This is a reliable method of comboing the super. It'll do much more damage is done where one corner to opposite corner. [Tricks-] -After air combos and in corner, similar to combo 1, walk up and punch throw them into another air combo then repeat. If they caught on and tried to counter on the way down, follow through combo 1 to Web Throw their ass. -Take advantage of his J. Roundhouse priority. Cancel that into Venom Fang(Jab/Strong) for some chipping damage. You can sometimes do this over and over. ======================================================================= +++++++ +Hulk:+ +++++++ Boy, does he kick ass! I've finally mastered this big guy, and he is just too damned powerful! Along with increased speed, Hulk still retains his priority, strength, super armor, and size. Because of his size, he's the subject of all combos. Even tricky combos work well against him, so beware. However, since Hulk has his super armor, he can withstand LOTS of damages and cannot be comboed on easily (unless you made some mistakes). Hulk can be very offensive because of his priority, speed, and strength. He isn't afraid of trading hits because he'll always win. BTW, his launcher, C. Fierce, might not launch small characters if too far. So, be careful! Another place to watch out is his recovery on normal moves. Fierce needs to be canceled into some special EVERY TIME!!! Otherwise, opponents will block and dash in for an easy combo. IMO, Hulk's major enemy is Megaman. Megaman's keep-away tactics can be frustrating to Hulk because Hulk ain't too quick on the foot. Otherwise, Hulk can kill almost anyone easily! [Strength-] --Power, baby! One whack and they're dead (i.e. lots of damage). --Super armor. Thanks to this, Hulk can safely trade hits with others and still come out on top. Also, this feature makes comboing on Hulk an uneasy task, except when you leave yourself wide open of course! --Hulk has an incredible tolerance to pain. It takes LOTS of hits and combos to kill him. [Weakness-] --Speed. Although he's faster now, Hulk still isn't fast enough to match most characters. --Size. God damn it, he's just too big! --Lag time. [Specials-] < Gamma Charge > = Although the damage has been toned down, this is still Hulk's primary combo special. However if blocked, Hulk is as good as dead. < Ground Rip > = This does great chipping damage while being hard to combo. Always cancel any normal move into this because normal moves leave Hulk wide open for those quick characters. Although can be avoided by jumping, this special has very little lag time if blocked. < Gamma Tornado > = While doing good damage, comboing this move is tricky as well. Being a blockable throw, this move isn't too useful. BTW, Hulk will be in trouble if blocked, but the Jab version has only little lag. Oh, did I mention that this can be ducked? For some reason, I'm having a tough time comboing this move, can anyone out there help me? [Supers-] < Gamma Wave > = This super version Ground Rip should be use only as counter-attack because it does more damage that way. It can go up to 50% if done from one end of wall to another end. In combos, however, the damage really sucks, probably 35% at best. < Gamma Crush > = This is both an excellent offensive and defensive super. It combos nicely and does good damage. However, Hulk is up for grab if blocked, because the recovery is SOOOO slow. BTW, did I mention that Hulk can control where to land the meteorite? So, don't freak out if Hulk whiffed, simply direct Hulk to land behind them for a nasty cross-up. I have a tough time directing Hulk, but am working on it! The chipping factor is above average. One thing I hate about this is that opponents can roll after getting crushed by the meteor and do some damage to Hulk before he lands. Why? < Gamma Quake > = I don't know what this is for! It does combo, but doesn't do too great a damage. Pretty safe to use it as chipping super. [Jump-ins] --J. Short --> J. Forward *Very high priority! [Combos-] 1. J. Short --> J. Forward --> C. Short --> C. Forward --> Gamma Charge *The Gamma Charge is tricky if you want to connect both hits. Play around with it. Sadly, the damage no longer hurts as much. 2. D.C. Jab --> C. Fierce (1 hit) --> Ground Rip / Gamma Wave / Team Super *This is a tough combo, it'll take some practice. The damage is pretty good, especially if you do the super from one corner to another! 3. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> Gamma Crush / Gamma Quake *Very basic, the only tricky part is planting the meteorite. With Gamma Quake, no tricks at all! 4. C. Short --> Gamma Quake *This is weird. I tried this combo out, and the damage isn't too good. However, there's some juggling ability afterwards. 5. (In corner) --> D.S. Jab --> S. Fierce --> Gamma Quake *The damage is much better! I've heard about doing the Gamma Crush afterwards, but can't seem to get it!? Help, guys! 6. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong *This air combo does excellent damage. Strong, not just Fierce, is his finisher! Personally, I prefer Fierce instead of Strong because of more damage. 7. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Fierce *This air combo is harder, but does better damage. It might be easier to skip the Forward. 8. S. Jab --> S. Fierce *Believe it or not, this combo HURTS! For extra chipping damage, throw in a Fierce Ground Rip. 9. Air Throw (low) --> J. Roundhouse (OTG) --> S. Fierce *OUCH!!!!! Guess how much this combo takes? Nearly 35%! Three of it and you're a goner! However, this is really hard to do. The air throw must be a low one, so Hulk basically regular jump-up and throw. Thanks to his high priority, you can jump up and air throw when people jumps toward you. The J. Roundhouse must hit early, right after the air throw, to OTG the opponents. S. Fierce will tag when opponents bounced into air from J. Roundhouse. Believe me, this IS the combo! BTW, don air throw too low because the Roundhouse won't connect. Practice the throwing height a little bit and you're ready to "graduate" onto the next 2 combos. 10. (In corner) --> Air Throw (low) --> J. Roundhouse (OTG) --> S. Fierce --> Gamma Quake *DOUBLE OUCH!!! Adding a super? How wrong can this be? This'll take off about 55% of life. Super deadly! 11. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Forward --> Air Throw (low) --> J. Roundhouse (OTG) --> C. Fierce --> Gamma Wave *Whew, this is by all means Hulk's best combo! The low air throw will be much harder in that it's so easy to read (Hulk must fall down along-side with opponents for a while). The C. Fierce will only hit once, so it's perfect to set up for the super. How much damage? Oh, it's just about 70% at best, depending on where you do the super. Against certain opponents, you might want to skip S.J. Forward. 12. (Against corner) --> Gamma Tornado --> S. Fierce *I'm not sure if you can OTG, so stay tuned. However the Fierce will connect. 13. Throw into corner --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Fierce --> Gamma Crush 14. (In corner) --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Roundhouse *Only in corner can you connect Roundhouse after Strong. Hulk's Roundhouse kick does tons of damage! [Tricks-] -Remember, cancel all normal attacks into a special! Ground Rip will work fine, but if predicted, people will simply hop over it for an easy combo. For me, Jab Gamma Tornado works better. ======================================================================= +++++++++ +Gambit:+ +++++++++ Sadly, my favorite from XmenVsSF has been vastly toned down. His speed is slower now, and he lost his countering ability in this game. However, Gambit is still a good character. He's fairly strong, and can do some fancy combos. Hey, he still has his range! BTW, he has, IMO, the best normal throw in the game! Also to be noted, Gambit's chains are a bit awkward. It'll take some practice to get down his air combos and ground combos. Oh, did I mention that he's still the OTG king of the game? Another important aspect of Gambit's game-play is style. Being the most stylish character of the game (yes, even more so than Strider), Gambit needs to be played with style. Ugly combos are to be forbidden, and only fancy combos are desired. Thus, experiment around to find those fancy combos. Remember, it's all about style! [Strength-] --Style, baby! Gambit is just too stylish that he dazzles opponents :-) --He's pretty strong and quick as well. --His specials, except the supers, have literally no lag time. --Range. His S. Fierce has excellent range! [Weakness-] --Defense. Though his launcher, C. Fierce, will often suffice, his range is too short and not too high on priorities. --No reliable super combos. OTG combos just isn't too reliable. [Specials-] < Kinetic Cards > = This is Gambit's fireball. The initiation is a bit slow, with Jab being the fastest, but its impact is immediate. The combo is very tricky, but is worth trying because Gambit has nothing to lose. < Cajun Slash > = Gambit's signature move is back, but not up to par. Jab is still a quick slash, but not quick enough for a counterattack. Its recovery time is still great. Strong and Fierce can combo and OTG, but the recovery time is, like before, not too great. < Trick Card > = The only use I found with this move is to beat out those air fireball trapping opponents. However, it's too slow to keep up with those fireballs. < Cajun Strike/Dive > = This can be a confusing move if used correctly. The fact that Gambit is controllable makes it worthwhile. Try jump from wall to wall, come down to the middle of screen, then bank hard toward the opponent with an attack for a surprise. Gambit can recovery fast enough to block any attacks. BTW, I've heard that you can OTG after the Cajun Dive, but needs confirmation. [Supers-] < Royal Flush > = This super still combos, and still has lag time afterwards. But, the recovery time is faster now, but still long enough for a switch out and beam super. < Cajun Explosion > = This super does good chipping damage and can be confusing sometimes. The fact that Gambit can perform this super from either wall will sometimes confuse opponents as to which way to block. Sadly, it doesn't combo. If opponents are grounded, the blocking damage of this super is a lot! [Jump-ins] --J. Fierce --> J. Roundhouse --J. Short --> J. Roundhouse *Awkward! [Combos-] 1. J. Fierce --> J. Roundhouse --> D.S. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> Cajun Slash(Jab) *Connecting Roundhouse might be tricky on some characters. If so, simply skip Strong. 2. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Roundhouse --> Cajun Slash(Strong / Fierce) (OTG) 3. C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Royal Flush (OTG) *For some reason, most people don't roll out of OTG! I guess that they forgot about this combo of something. Personally, I rarely pull off super combos with Gambit. 4. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> Royal Flush 5. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Roundhouse Air Throw *Another must-learn good combo for Gambit. The air throw must wait 1/2 second after the Forward. Or, skip the Forward and throw after Strong. 6. Kinetic Card(Jab) --> Cajun Slash(Jab) --> (Repeat) *Well, it doesn't actually combo, but this is a great tactic to pin opponents down. Often, they will not block the Cajun Slash. Besides, it'll drain some chipping energy! One caution though, this can be VERY hazardous to your own health because it's so frustrating! Also, try throwing in a S. Roundhouse before Kinetic Card to make sure the opponent doesn't jump. 7. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Forward --> Cajun Slash(Jab) *Very basic, and is a must-learn combo. The damage is fair. 8. D.C. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> Kinetic Card(Jab) --> Cajun Slash(Jab) *In order for all hits to connect, it's best if done near corner. If not, that's OK. The Kinetic Card will do chipping damage, and allows you to follow up with Cajun Slash for a nasty surprise! This combo does great damage. 9. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Fierce *Gambit's air combo is a bit weird. He'll sometimes whiffed if you throw in a S.J. Forward. 10. Punch Throw into corner --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Roundhouse 11. D.C. Short -->S. Roundhouse --> Kinetic Card(Jab) --> D.C. Short (OTG) --> S. Strong --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Fierce *This is a cool combo that'll take some practice. The OTG will always hit if timed correctly, because opponents can't roll out of it! Again, Gambit's air combo is weird and what I've written will always connect. You can add in regular air combo instead if you can time it perfectly. Often, Gambit'll whiff the S.J. Fierce. IMO, this is by far his best combo. Very stylish! 12. D.S. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> Kinetic Card(Jab) --> Royal Flash (OTG) *Well, this is a way to nail those supers, because opponents can't roll out of the OTG. The greatest challenge will be in timing the super. You must time it so Gambit will execute the super while opponent is falling, or at the latest while opponent just hits ground. If you can pull off Combo#11, this shouldn't be too much of a problem. However, it's harder still. Even I can't pull this off every time! 13. Punch Throw --> Royal Flush (OTG) *The timing is very tricky, thus this is risky (hey, it rhymes ^_^)! If you can get this combo down, people will definitely call you a cheap bastard! Just imagine, throw into a super? How wrong can that be? (VERY WRONG) Sometimes, all hits will connect, but other times only some will connect. 14. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> D.C. Roundhouse (OTG) *Well, here's a wacky combo CPU likes to do. Though it's really hard to pull off, the damage sucks so bad and combo so ugly that it's not usually worth the effort. But hey, it takes great skill! 15. Trick Card --> D.C. Short (OTG) --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Fierce *Here's combo to pull off for those rare opportunity when Trick Card actually connects! 16. D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> Cajun Slash(Fierce) *This is a very safe combo to pull off. Even if blocked, opponents can't do much to Gambit! 17. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Royal Flash / Cajun Explosion *You must cancel into super fast! Royal Flash will only hit a few times, but Cajun Explosion will connect easily. [Tricks-] -Combo 6, baby! -Cancel any normal moves into Jab Cajun Slash for chipping damage. -I also had a nifty trick with his Cajun Explosion. Launch them up and do the super so they'll get hit from behind! It'll work a few times before people catches on. If they happened, do it from the other side so they'll block wrong! BTW, this trick is often useless against experts, but is worth a try! -OK, here's how you set up Trick Card: Cancel it after Kinetic Card! Usually, people will sooner or later learn their lessons from Kinetic Card --> Cajun Slash(Jab) and attempts to jump over after the projectile. Nail them with Trick Card! Or, you can substitute Trick Card instead of Kinetic Card for nasty surprises if opponents is smart enough to predict when you will throw Kinetic Card. Another plus is that you can OTG combo after Trick Card! See combo#15. -Here's a rather cheezy trick: Cajun Strike --> Throw. This combo is rather cheap in that a blocked Cajun Strike will position Gambit right next to opponents for an easy throw. This'll be even more cheap if you know how to super after the throw. ======================================================================= ++++++++++++++ +War Machine:+ ++++++++++++++ This Iron Man-clone is, uh, just like Iron Man! He is pretty strong, probably a little less so than Captain America, and is fairly quick considering all those metals he wears. War Machine can pack a whollop if used correctly. Also, he's said to be the next Cyclops due to his ability to play keep-away with his beam. However, I'll say that he's much less accomplished compared to Cyclops. Also to be noted, War Machine is a VERY good partner to anyone with a team super combo. His super will guarantee a 50%+ of damage! So, learn him if you want to kick major ass ^_^ [Strength-] --Power. War Machine is pretty strong. --Great aerial priorities. Just look at the air throws! --Keep-away. Soldier Cannon acts much like Cyclops's Optic Blast, and you all know what that means ^_^ [Weakness-] --Combos. They suck! --Major lag time. --Speed. War Machine is too slow to combo easily. He has a hard time with dash-in combos, especially. --To my amazement, War Machine doesn't take damage very well. A few hits, and his life bar is flashing red! [Specials-] < Soldier Cannon > = Can we say Cyclops?! This move does good chipping damage and goes through fireballs. It can combo, but is better at keep-away. < Repulsor Blast > = This is great defense against those jump-happy opponents. However, if they blocked, War Machine is dead. < Smart Bombs > = This is War Machine's version of those air fireballs! It's great at pinning opponents down on the ground and does good damages. < Flight > = I rarely use this move, so I can't say much about it. < Knee Dive > = This is his vest jump-in attack. It's very safe and has high priority. [Super-] < Proton Cannon > = This super does lots of damages, nearly 45%! However, it doesn't combo due to its long initiation time. Also, it has terrible recovery time! < War Destroyer > = This is a good super to use with War Machine. It can combo and does solid damage. Also, it's chipping potential is also good, especially when the missiles kind of track down the opponent. [Jump-ins] --Knee Dive --> J. Roundhouse --Knee Dive --> J. Fierce (Hold down) *Hard to combo afterwards! [Combos-] 1. Knee Dive--> J. Roundhouse --> D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Fierce(Hold Up) --> Soldier Cannon(Jab/Strong) 2. D.C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> War Destroyer 3. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> S. Fierce --> Soldier Cannon *Soldier Cannon doesn't combo regularly, but can drain some chipping damage. For it to combo, it's best if performed near corner. 4. Kick Throw --> C. Forward (OTG) --> S. Fierce --> Soldier Cannon *Again, Soldier Cannon is for chipping damage. 5. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> War Destroyer (OTG) *This combo is still tricky. You have to cancel into War Destroyer FAST!! 6. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> S. Fierce --> Soldier Cannon *If canceled fast, Soldier Cannon will combo (in the corner, I think). 7. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> War Destroyer *This combo is weird. Sometimes the super will connect, but other times it'll just whiff! Not very reliable. I recommend to use it only near corner. Combo #2 is a better substitute. 8. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Fierce (hold up) --> Flight --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Fierce (hold up) --> Soldier Cannon(Jab) *You must hit the Jab right after doing Flight in order to connect the combo. This is very tough combo! 9. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> War Destroyer *Well, this is a rather reliable way to connect super! You must dash-in and cancel fast. 10. C. Forward --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Proton Cannon *OUCH!!!! 11. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> Repulsor Blast(Jab) --> D.C. Short (OTG) *Depending on distance, you can follow up on the OTG Short. [Tricks-] -Cancel any normal moves into Soldier Cannon for chipping damage. -Whenever you're in the air, throw them a Smart Bomb! -Try this maneuver: any ground combo (no special) --> Flight --> Smart Bomb --> Knee Dive --> J. Roundhouse --> any ground combo (no special) --> Repeat. This combo will be very frustrating for the opponents, because they cannot do anything but block! Smart Bomb will do chipping damage without leaving War Machine open for counter-attacks. -OR, try this: any ground combo (no special) --> Smart Bomb This is much easier and does the job better. They can't retaliate at all! This can be rather cheap. ======================================================================= ++++++++++++ +Wolverine:+ ++++++++++++ Yippee, my personal favorite is back! Wolverine, once again, is the combo king of this game. He has tons of ground, air, and super combos waiting to be unleashed! Wolvie is the fastest character of the game, and he has powerful combos. Capcom decided to tone him down a little because he was way too over-powered in MSHVsSF. He now has lag time in some specials, and his multi-strongs is, to some extent, taken out. Wolvie is an offensive combo machine, but he also has great defense as well in his excellent launcher. Although he's weak in terms of normal attacks, his speed and combo ability often makes the game seem short. Since I'm an avid Wolverine player, I need to explain to the world that HE AIN'T CHEAP!!! I have heard so much B.S. about how Wolverine is the cheapest character of the game when he is not. How is he cheap? Yeah, he can combo like mad all day long, but the damage doesn't do jack! Only his Fatalclaw combo, just one only, does powerful damage. All the rest sucks! His air combos are weak, and his ground combo ain't that great either. Besides, he no longer enjoys the invulnerability he had in MvSF on certain specials or supers. Some people say that Wolverine is too quick and thus hard to counter. Well, you'll just have to live with it. Wolverine has very limited tactic, and is very easy to read. For example, if you see him dashing in, be sure to block low. If jumping in, be sure to block 2 or 3 jump-in hits. If super jump, you can bet that he'll dive down so block high for 2 hits. That's all! Be a good blocker and Wolverine can't do jack to you! He can't chip damage like some characters, and he can't play keep-aways! Yeah, some Wolverine player likes to throw (but I don't) a lot and that's indeed cheap. But hey, everyone can throw a lot too, and Wolverine's throw doesn't do too much damage! Basically, Wolverine is almost like Sabertooth from XmenVsSF in that he can't do much if you block good. BTW, I've heard that any beginner can kick major ass with Wolverine even without prior knowledge of how to play the game. Well, all I got to say is that those people must have sucked REALLY BAD for losing to a beginner :-) Anyway, it's time to move on! [Strength-] --Speed, baby. Wolverine is the fastest character of the game, period! --High priorities. Both in air and on ground, Wolverine has superior priorities. His throwing range is amazing, and his launcher makes an effective defense. --Combos. More so than with anyone else, you've got to learn combos with Wolverine, because he's simply the king! He has tons of combos, whether it be throwing, air, ground, or super! [Weakness-] --Strength. Despite his vast collection of combos, Wolverine is very weak. His combos often does below-average damage, except for ONE Fatalclaw combo; thus, I mentioned that you've got to learn all the combos! It takes lots of combo to kill an opponent. --Wolverine has no effective keep-away tactics; thus, he's got to dazzle opponents with speed and combos. He cannot turtle! [Specials-] < Drill Claw > = IMO, this is Wolvie's best weapon. It combos nicely and does solid damage. The recovery time of this move is still good, but some supers will tag Wolvie before he recovers, so be careful. Overall, it's safe to tag this into any normal move for chipping damage. It's especially effective after S. Fierce, because, for some reason, people often forget to block the Drill Claw. BTW, don't use this against quick characters or those with range attacks. They'll simply block and counter-attack easily! < Berserker Claws > = Capcom has toned this move down a little. Although it still combos nicely and does good chipping damage, this move now has terrible recovery time. Jab version is the only one that will recover fast enough. < Tornado Claws > = This is a good offensive uppercut that'll combo from any normal attacks. The damage is OK, but the recovery time, like all uppercuts, sucks! < Berserker Slash > = I do not know why Capcom put this move in, it's virtually useless! It can't combo very well, and Wolvie is as good as dead if blocked. Lately, I've found that it can be used as chipping damage if you use Jab version. Usually, Wolverine will recover fast enough to block. < Head Stomp > = This is a very useful "jump-in" attack in that it's virtually un-counterable by launcher! However, the range is straight vertical and thus is useful only when you super-jump. This can chain into roundhouse. < Claw Slide > = This is Wolvie's knock-down move. It'll go under projectiles and combo, though they're tough to do. [Supers-] < Fatalclaw > = This devastating super is back, with a little twig in combo system. Some old combos will not work while others still combo nicely. The damage this super inflicts now varies dramatically. Only certain combos will do macho 50% damage, while others inflicts only about 30%. Like before, it can't combo into air combos and has major lag time if blocked. < Berserker Barrage > = The oldest super of the game, dating back to XmenCOT, is back again. While it combos nicely, the damage of this super isn't too good! Also, Capcom put in recovery time after this move as well. Overall, try to avoid this super. < Weapon X > = Sadly, this darn super still doesn't combo regularly! While visually impressive, this super seems to inflict less damage now. However, that's still a lot. < Berserker Rage > = The cheap infinity no longer work, so the use of this super vanishes as well. While this makes Wolvie super-fast, it's almost impossible to utilize it because YOU CAN'T CONTROL WOLVIE IN THAT SPEED! It's just too darn quick! As of lately, I've began to realize the advantage of the super. Wolverine is so darn fast that he can be confusing. One second he's across the screen, and a second later he's finished a combo on you! This requires LOTS of finger-work ^_^ [Jump-ins] --J. Fierce --> J. Roundhouse --J. Jab --> J. Short --> J. Strong *Can tag on a J. Fierce if against Hulk. --Head Stomp --> J. Roundhouse *Very high priority, this is virtually un-counterable! [Combos-] 1. J. Jab --> J. Short --> J. Strong --> D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Drill Claw(Up-forward) *This is a must-learn kick-ass combo. However, the damage isn't too great. 2. D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Strong --> Strong Air Throw *Yeah, just keep hitting Strong and you'll eventually air throw them. 3. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> C. Roundhouse --> Fatalclaw *Oh boy, this is a killer! It can rack up to 50% damage if you keep smashing the buttons. 4. S. Short --> S. Forward --> Berserker Barrage 5. D.C. Jab --> S. Strong --> Berserker Claws / Tornado Claws *With Berserker Claws, this combo is a combo-counter stacker. Lots of hits! 6. D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> S. Strong --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> C. Roundhouse --> Fatalclaw *Not as powerful as combo #3 but is harder to do. 7. D.C. Jab --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> Fatalclaw / Berserker Barrage *Actually, the damage is comparable to combo#3! BUT, this one is probably a little less. 8. Head Stomp --> J. Roundhouse --> D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> S. Strong --> C. Forward --> S. Fierce 9. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> Team Super *Well, the damage isn't too great because Wolverine is doing Berserker Barrage, but, depending on his partner, this combo can pack quite a punch (Hint: War Machine). Also to be noted, this combo can be risky because some partner's super will be blocked, leaving both characters vulnerable to counter-attacks. For example, with Spiderman. 10. Strong Throw --> Berserker Slash(Fierce) (OTG) *This is a risky combo only for show-off! This can be done anywhere as long as Wolverine doesn't throw opponent into the corner. The next combo should be used if such is the case. You must do the Berserker Slash fast or they'll be able to block. BTW, I found this combo out BY MYSELF! I'll bet you can't find it anywhere before reading my FAQ. 11. Strong Throw (into corner) --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Drill Claw(Up-forward) 12. Strong Throw (into corner) --> C. Short (OTG) --> S. Forward --> Fatalclaw 13. C. Short --> C. Strong --> Team Super *Compared to combo #9, this is much weaker. However, it's much safer to do. 14. (In corner) --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Head Stomp --> S.J. Roundhouse --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse *This combo is a bit tricky. The key is to hit opponents in such a way that when you are about to do Head Stomp, you'll be half a body on top of them. The OTG cannot be rolled out, but Wolverine cannot do anything extra damaging. You cannot jump up afterwards, you cannot super, you cannot switch out, heck, you cannot do anything! BTW, a tip for you cheese-balls out there, throw the opponents when you come down into another combo. An awesome combo! 15. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> Berserker Slash(Jab) *This looks pretty cool, but the damage isn't too great. 16. C. Short --> C. Strong --> Fatalclaw *Another cool looking Fatalclaw combo. IMO, this is the best looking Fatalclaw combo! However, the damage really sucks :-( 17. J. Fierce --> S. Roundhouse --> D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> S. Strong --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> C. Roundhouse --> Tornado Claw *Looks easy? Actually, it's quite tough! You must constantly switch between standing and crouching! Also to be noted, Tornado Claw will best combo if in corner. Otherwise, it'll only hit a few times. 18. (Back against corner) --> C. Short --> C. Strong --> (Colossus) --> Weapon X *Awesome combo! C. Strong sets up Colossus nicely, which in turn sets up that elusive super! One thing to note is that you must do the super early. Don't be greedy and want Colossus to do all 5 hits, because it'll be too late to connect the super! 3 hits by Colossus is a safe bet. 19. D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> Claw Slide --> Berserker Barrage / Berserker Claws (OTG) 20. Berserker Rage --> D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> (Repeat) *Thanx to the help of a player I met, I've finally found the missing piece of the puzzle! BTW, this is NO infinity and it won't dizzy opponents. Nevertheless, this is an impressive combo to do and my personal best is around 25 hits! Before the Berserker Rage runs out, chain the C. Fierce into a super for better damage. In case you're wondering, just how much damage can this 30+ combo inflicts? Well my friends, it does a lousy 25% damage for all those work :-( IMO, this should only be used to show-off! 21. (In corner) --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Head Stomp --> S.J. Roundhouse --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Fierce --> Air Throw *This is a variation of combo#14. The air throw requires mad skill to time it right! 22. (In corner) --> D.C. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Fierce --> Drill Claw *Oh yeah, the Drill Claw will count in the combo! 23. (In corner) --> D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> C. Fierce --> S. Roundhouse --> --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Head Stomp --> S.J. Roundhouse --> C. Short (OTG) --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse *Awesome! Only in corner can you chain C. Fierce after C. Strong and then into the launcher, reliably. 24. (Rogue) --> Claw Slide (OTG) --> C. Roundhouse --> Fatalclaw *You must dash into the Claw Slide. After Rogue finished punching, opponents will drop like a rag doll onto the ground. For some reason, Claw Slide OTG will always connect -- you can't roll out! Don't expect to land this combo often, because who'll ever get tagged by Rogue? 25. Strong Throw (into the corner) --> Claw Slide (OTG) --> C. Roundhouse --> Fatalclaw *Like the above, Claw Slide can't be rolled out. [Tricks-] -Again, I'm too good with this guy and I've got tons of nasty tricks up my sleeves (BTW, they aren't cheap). It would be very unfair to those playing against you guys if you know my tricks. They're dirty! (i.e. FIND YOUR OWN) ======================================================================= ++++++++++++++ +Shadow Lady:+ ++++++++++++++ Let me say beforehand that I don't like to use secret characters that much. I use them only when I'm bored with regular character; thus, I ain't very good with them. Nevertheless, I can still use them effectively. Shadow Lady (did she marry Shadow?) is a lot like Chun Li in terms of speed and priority. However, she isn't as effective because her attacks isn't too great and her combo sucks. Overall, she can be played much like Chun Li except she can't combo as good. BTW, for those of you who knows Chun Li's infinity, Shadow Lady got it too you cheap-ass ^_^ (J/K) [Strength-] --High priorities. Mrs. Shadow inherited Chun Li's high aerial priorities and defense. She rules the air as effectively as Chun Li, and her launcher is equally impenetrable! [Weakness-] --Combo. Shadow Lady really lacks combos. Yeah, you can pull off some ground and air combos, but they don't do jack! And she has no super combos that I know of. [Specials-] < Drill > = Basically, this should be Shadow Lady's primary weapon. It does excellent chipping damage and leaves her safe from any counters. This can combo and does good number of hits, but the damage isn't too great. Best used as chipping damage. < Lightning Kick > = Same as Chun Li's. < Axe Kick > = Same as Chun Li's. < Neck Kick > = Same as Chun Li's. < Butt Missiles > = The greatest advantage of this move is that the opponent can't run away from it because it has a tracking mechanism! The damage and chipping damage are both good, but it can't combo due to her long initiation time. This is best used as keep-away. < Electric Shock > = Basically, this is Shadow Lady's "uppercut" in that it'll pop any jump-in attack if not blocked. The recovery of this move is much better than ordinary uppercut, so Shadow Lady is safe from most counters. One setback is that this move doesn't last very long. You must time it so she'll execute it right before the opponent hits her. < Stomp Kick > = Same as Chun Li. [Supers-] < Big Bang Laser > = Damn, Shadow Lady likes to rip people off! First she rip off Chun Li, now War Machine :-) Anyway, this is basically War Machine's Proton Cannon, except for the gun part. Shadow Lady Does the super with her bare hands (she's a machine). This does good damage and chipping damage, but doesn't combo regularly. < Galaxy Missiles > = Well, this is just lots of Butt Missiles coming out. It's best for chipping damage, especially during those decisive last few seconds of the game. Shadow Lady is fairly safe from harm after the move. BTW, the initiation time is still insane; thus, it can't combo. [Jump-ins] --Stomp Kick --> J. Roundhouse *Probably her best jump-ins. The stomp is really hard to counter, and Roundhouse will often surprise others with 2 hits; thus breaking their block. --J. Jab --> J. Fierce [Combos-] 1. D.S. Jab --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> Stomp Kick --> Stomp Kick --> Lightning Kicks *This is Chun Li's combo. 2. D.S. Jab --> C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Roundhouse --> Lightning Kicks (OTG) *Again, Chun Li's combo. 3. Stomp Kick --> J. Roundhouse --> D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> Drill(Fierce) *This is her best combo. The forward can be omitted if the character is small. 4. Stomp Kick --> J. Roundhouse --> Lightning Kicks *Lots of chipping damages! 5. C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Big Bang Laser *Yikes, this'll definitely hurt! [Tricks-] -Same as Chun Li. -Throw her Butt Missiles whenever you can to zone-in on your opponents. Best if you're far away. ======================================================================= +++++++ +Roll:+ +++++++ Geez, this has got to be a joke! Roll has absolutely no range, and she's weak like hell! Hmm, what can I say? Well, the only advantage is that she's too tiny that jump-in chain can only go at best 2 hits. That's about it. [Strength-] --Size?! She's just too small to combo on. Certain combo won't work on her. [Weakness-] --Everything else, you name them! [Specials-] < Roll Buster > = Very similar to Megaman's fireball, except that Roll can't charge. BTW, it'll do chipping damage. < Flower Bomb > = This is the most useless move of the game! The bomb does literally no damage at all. < Tornado Hold > = Same as Megaman. IMO, this is her best attack. < Leaf Shield > = No comment. < Rock Ball > = No comment. < Item Switch > = This, like Megaman's, allows Roll to switch between Tornado Hold, Lead Shield, and Rock Ball. [Supers-] < Hyper Roll > = This is very pathetic. It doesn't combo and doesn't even do any chipping damage! < Beat Plane > = Finally, this is a useful super. However, the initiation time is longer than Megaman's. BTW, this has the same problem like Megaman's. < Rush Drill > = Same as Megaman's, except with longer initiation time. [Jump-ins] ??? [Combos-] 1. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> D.C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Roll Buster / Strong Air Throw 2. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> D.C. Short --> C. Roundhouse --> Tornado Hold (Short) *Hmm, did I see this combo somewhere??? ^_^ [Tricks-] -??? ======================================================================= ++++++++++ +Carnage:+ ++++++++++ Basically, this is what'll happen when you drink WAY TOO MUCH coffee!!! Carnage looks like a Venom on caffeine, except that he's played totally different. Carnage is unquestionably one of the fastest character of the game, but also the wimpiest of the bunch. Carnage is more fittingly called the "Sabertooth" of the game because of his speed and combos. Carnage has great combos and attacks, but the fact that he doesn't take damage well makes him almost a suicidal character to use. One simple combo will make you wanting to switch out. Despite this, he can be annoying if used correctly due to his speed and priority. BTW, ALWAYS use Carnage first because if you switch him in and opponent blocks it, Carnage is looking at a 100% Team Super instant death! A plus of Carnage is that he's extremely strong! His simple combos will often do LOTS of damages. Also to be noted, his "walk" is his dash, so comboing dashing combos are much easier. You just have to hold forward at all time! BTW, I think Wolvie's dash is faster than Carnage's, but Carnage is quicker in combos (just like good old Sabertooth!) Carnage, like Venom, relies heavily on punch throws. It gives a free guaranteed combo of choice! [Strength-] --High priorities. Carnage enjoyed the same priorities as Venom. --Speed. Though I'm very doubtful that he's faster than Wolverine, but he is in a constant berserker rage mode, making him really quick on combos and stuff. --Power, baby! His combo does tons of damages to opponents. --Psychological warfare. Often, people just laugh whenever I pull out Carnage. They get all cocky and start making mistakes. Punish them! [Weakness-] --He takes WAY too much damages. One combo and he'll be crying mommy ^_^ Because of this, you should NEVER use Carnage as your second character! [Specials-] < Carnage Rush > = Basically, this is Venom's S. Fierce attack, except that Carnage rushes many times if keep jamming the button. IMO, this is even better than Venom's Venom Fang, because it combos easily, inflicts great damage, and leaves Carnage safe from counters if using Jab. BTW, it OTG. For it to do blocking damage, you must ram on the buttons a few time. Again, the more you ram, the closer Carnage is to the opponents (and that means death). Jab is the best bet. By itself, the Fierce version will rack up to 1/3 of life! < Carnage Dive > = Well, Carnage ripped off Evil-Ryu on this one. This can be think of as Ryu's diving kick. It'll chip multiple times and very safe. < Carnage Shield > = This looks like Venom's S. Roundhouse shield attack and can hit MANY MANY times if keep hitting the buttons (I saw 10 hits)! The combo potential isn't very clear due to short range, but still is an excellent air defense. < Carnage Throw > = Uninterestingly, this is Venom's Web Throw. Same idea. [Supers-] < Death Bite > = Like Venom's. < Carnage Web > = Very much like Venom's, except Carnage seems to cover a little bit higher. Sadly, it doesn't combo regularly. [Jump-ins] --J. Fierce / J. Roundhouse [Combos-] 1. J. Roundhouse -->S. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Roundhouse *Very basic. Note that Carnage's launcher is different! 2. D.C. Jab --> C. Strong --> C. Roundhouse --> Carnage Rush (OTG) 3. C. Roundhouse --> Death Bite (OTG) 4. C. Roundhouse --> (Juggernaut) (OTG) --> Venom Web *This is made much easier compared to others for Carnage due to his superior speed. You can allow Juggy to hit 1 or 2 more hits before the super because Carnage is very quick on draws. 5. D.S. Jab --> S. Short --> S. Strong --> S. Forward --> S. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Roundhouse *Can you believe it? A near full-chain launcher! Nobody can do that! It might help if it's in corner, but not a must. You can do it simply by folding joystick on constant forward position! About 45% of life! 6. D.S. Short --> S. Forward --> S. Roundhouse --> Death Bite / Team Super *Excellent damage and reliability! 7. D.S. Jab --> S. Strong --> Carnage Rush(Jab/Strong) *Fierce Carnage Rush has too much delay that it won't combo. This does lots of damage, nearly 35%! 8. D.S. Short --> S. Forward --> S. Roundhouse --> Carnage Rush *Much better. The Fierce version can be used and will do nearly 40% damage and near 20 hits if keep ramming the button! [Tricks-] -You MUST stay on top of the opponent at all time! Keep attacking and canceling into Carnage Rush for chipping damage. -Whenever you jump, hit Roundhouse. Why? Because it has excellent priority and that people can't counter it without getting hit. Remember, you don't want Carnage to be touched at all! -Near corner, end all air combos with S.J. Roundhouse. Carnage will land first, so web them up with a Punch Throw then send up for a repeat air combo. Do it 3 times and the character is gone! There're ways to get out of it, but only experts and CPU can pull it off. After using it once or twice, throw in a Fierce Web Throw instead. Usually, opponents will learn and come down w/ an attack and you know what that means -- instantly death for Carnage :-( -Utilize his punch throws a lot! ======================================================================= ++++++++++++++++++ +Orange/Ice Hulk:+ ++++++++++++++++++ Well, it's impressive seeing a big guy busting a 6+ hits air combo, but Hulk just isn't Hulk without the super armor! Orange Hulk is a lot faster than Hulk, but is obviously weaker and lose his armor. Being such a big target and without any armor to protect him, Orange Hulk is everyone's favorite lunch! Also to be noted, Orange Hulk can't do some of Hulk's combo. So, it'll to your advantage to know what he can't do and what he can do. With Orange Hulk, you really need to be a good blocker. One false block and you'll eat a major combo. [Strength-] --Speed. He's faster now. --Combos. Orange Hulk can do more impressive combos now. [Weakness-] --Strength. Orange Hulk is really weak now. --No super armor. [Specials-] < Gamma Charge > = Although the damage has been toned down, this is still Orange Hulk's primary combo special. Same problem as regular Hulk. < Ground Rip > = This does great chipping damage while being hard to combo. Always cancel any normal move into this because normal moves leave Orange Hulk wide open for those quick characters. Although can be avoided by jumping, this special has no noticeable lag time if blocked. < Gamma Tornado > = While doing good damage, comboing this move is tricky as well. Being a blockable throw, this move isn't too useful. Besides, it can be ducked! [Supers-] < Gamma Wave > = This super version Ground Rip should be use only as counter-attack because it does more damage that way. It can go up to 50% if done from one end of wall to another end. In combos, however, the damage really sucks, probably 35% at best. < Gamma Crush > = This is both an excellent offensive and defensive super. It combos nicely and does good damage. However, Orange Hulk is up for grab if blocked, because the recovery is SOOOO slow. BTW, did I mention that he can control where to land the meteorite? So, don't freak out if you whiffed, simply direct Orange Hulk to land behind them for a nasty cross-up. < Gamma Quake > = I don't know what this is for! It does combo, but doesn't do too great a damage. [Jump-ins] --J. Short --> J. Forward [Combos-] 1. J. Short --> J. Forward --> C. Jab --> C. Strong --> Gamma Charge 2. D.C. Jab --> C. Fierce (1 hit) --> Ground Rip / Gamma Wave 3. C. Short --> C. Fierce --> Gamma Crush 4. C. Short --> Gamma Quake 5. D.C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Fierce [Tricks-] -Same as Hulk's. ======================================================================= +++++++++++++++++++ +Mega War Machine:+ +++++++++++++++++++ Well, it's nice to see someone willing to join Iron Body Zangief as being totally unblockable! Mega War Machine is very strong, almost rivaling Hulk, and takes damage very slowly. If you want to use this character, you must play smart! Mega War Machine differs from War Machine in many ways, and you must use this difference to your advantage! Always super jump to get close, and don't forget to use those throws (yeah, they're OK with him because he's very much an underdog). Be patient and wait for mistakes. Since Mega War Machine can't be comboed, people will often rely on keep-aways. Well, you'll just have to find a new tactic against that (i.e. I don't know how ^_^ ). To be honest, I rarely use this guy. [Strength-] --Mega War Machine is really strong. [Weakness-] --Can't block. --Everything else. [Specials-] < Missile Launcher > = Mega War Machine shoots out a missile instead of laser. IMO, this switch sucks. < Repulsor Blast > = Same as War Machine, except that you don't need to worry about it being blocked, BECAUSE MEGA WAR MACHINE CAN'T BLOCK ANYWAYS :-) < Smart Bomb > = Same as War Machine, except Mega War Machine depends on it even more. < Knee Dive > = Same as War Machine. [Supers-] < Missile Cannon > = Mega War Machine shoots out LOTS of missiles from his cannon. This is the super to use to punish mistakes like doing a beam super at Mega War Machine. If opponents pull of a beam super, do this as soon as possible to punish those cheap-ass! Excellent damage potential! < War Destroyer > = Same as War Machine. [Jump-ins] --Unknown, but assumingly same as War Machine's. [Combos-] 1. Knee Dive--> J. Roundhouse --> D.C. Short --> C. Strong --> S. Roundhouse --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> S.J. Roundhouse *This is probably his best combo, but the timing is tough because of his slower speed. 2. D.C. Short --> S. Roundhouse --> War Destroyer 3. D.C. Short --> C. Forward --> War Destroyer (OTG) *You must cancel fast! [Tricks-] -Super jump at all time, counter fireballs with S. Fierce, and kill those super goers with Missiles Cannon. ======================================================================= +++++++++ +Lilith:+ +++++++++ Well, what can I say? Yet another Shotoken clone? Lilith is very much like Morrigan, except that she isn't as accomplished. However, it seems like Lilith is stronger (unsure). Again, I rarely use her. [Strength-] --Her look?! [Weakness-] --Everything else. [Specials-] < Heart Attack > = This isn't as good as Morrigan's projectile in that it doesn't cover that much of range. However, it does more damage and is still an effective keep-away weapon. < Shadow Blade > = Same as Morrigan except that it can't be done in air. Darn! < Vector Drain > = Same as Morrigan. [Supers-] < Brilliant Shower > = Sucks big time. < Darkness Illusion > = Same as Morrigan. < Soul Embracer > = While visually impressive, this uppercut super doesn't combo and takes forever to come out (just like Brilliant Shower). [Jump-ins] ??? [Combos-] 1. J. Jab --> J. Strong --> C. Short --> C. Fierce --> S.J. Jab --> S.J. Short --> S.J. Strong --> S.J. Forward --> Heart Attack 2. D.S. Jab --> S. Jab --> S. Jab --> S. Strong --> S. Fierce --> Heart Attack *The projectile doesn't combo, only to chip damages. [Tricks-] -Same as Morrigan. ======================================================================= ++++++++++ +Helpers:+ ++++++++++ By far, you might have noticed that I sometimes say some super can't combo regularly. What does that mean? Well, that means it can only combo with the help of helpers! IMO, Capcom did a marvelous job this time by having helpers. They are so useful! In this section, I'll discuss my personal favorite helpers and how to use them! Colossus is very powerful and can combo into any full-screen super easily. He's used mostly as a defensive counter-measure that'll caution others about jumping in recklessly. I like to refer this ability to attack while Colossus is ramming opponents as passive offense. It can be frustrating when those turtling players use this to turn your offensiveness into your demise. Be especially cautious when jumping in when your opponent uses Colossus! Recently, I find using Colossus boring. People use him or Psylocke all the time! No fun! Another good helper that will combo into most supers. However, Psylocke isn't as good as Colossus because she is NOT a defensive helper. Rather, she's used often as chipping and poking helper. Again, her damage is above average. This is definitely a poker character that should be used if you are an offensive player. The chipping damage is good, and she'll make sure the opponent stayed on their feet for another combo attempt. BTW, she can't combo very well. Lately, I find myself using her more often than using Colossus. I guess it's because everyone uses Colossus. Her arrows will pin down opponents, and can give those pesky air-fireballers some surprises. You should've seen this guy's face when I tagged his Morrigan when he start showering me with Air Fire Bats after super jump. This little guy is cool! He is mainly a poking character, but isn't very effective sometimes. It takes some time before he shoots out the arrows. Lou can be used as defensive character as well. When opponents jump in, call him out. You'll get hit, but the opponents will get hit more by Lou and you can combo right off! Mainly, this character should be used if your opponent lacks skills and shoots fireballs at you all day long. Though there are ways for you experts to get around it, try to add some variety and let your helper in for some fun too! Come on, don't hog all the fun ^_^ The fact that he can go through some attacks makes him useful sometimes. Besides, he does great chipping damage! Actually, she's very much under-rated. She's quite good against those players that like to super-jump all day long! Shower them with some dice and slice them up with your characters! Rogue is supposedly an defensive helper, but I don't think she'll fare too well. However, when connects, she can be comboed afterwards. IMO, this is a good helper for an offensive player. With quick characters like Wolverine, you can call out Iceman to shower the opponent with Avalanche then dash-in with a low attack. This is hard to block and nearly CHEAP! Why? Because the opponent needs to block high for Iceman's attack while you're going in with a low attack! The timing is tricky and I can only manage this trick with Wolverine (Oops, did I just share one of my nasty Wolverine tricks with you ^_^ ). This is very cheap, but, luckily, you can only do this trick 4 times per match. Although both Sentinel and Juggernaut can do OTG combos, I think Juggy is better in that he's overall more useful. Juggy is, as his name implies, unstoppable! He does great damages and can be comboed easily. However, he can only be used 3 times. ======================================================================= ++++++++++++++++++++ +Recommended Teams:+ ++++++++++++++++++++ Teamwork is very important in this game. It takes careful choosing in order to succeed. In picking your team, you must take into account the pros and cons of each character and try to balance them out. Here're some teams that I think are very balanced and deadly, if used correctly that is. I'll add some more if I found another good couple. Here're some of my best combinations: < Wolverine / Spiderman > This is my number one team, and I'm nearly unbeatable with them (I ain't bragging or nothing, but it's just that I'm too good with them)! This team can finish a game really quick because they have both speeds and power on both characters. They can combo like crazy, and inflicts major damage with super combos. Usually, I use Spiderman first. He relied less on super combos and more on air combos; thus, he can charge up super meter for Wolverine. Wolverine, IMO, should rely heavily on super combos if you want to finish the game quickly. His other combos, though powerful, aren't as damaging as Spiderman's. Nevertheless, his air and ground combos are still powerful. Also, he's so full of trick that he can still be annoying even if you don't have super meters. My record win with this team is an impressive 89. It could've been more if people didn't "chicken out" and stopped wasting their money! < Captain America / Gambit > Wow, this team is even better than Cap/War Machine! That deadly team super combo does EVEN MORE damage with these two! I like this team better because it's more balanced. Both Gambit and Cap can kick major ass, at least in my hands :-) BTW, this team can also pull off those cheesy Variable Supers like Strider/Gambit. For your own info, my record is 105 wins (but they're still my 2nd best team)! < Chun Li / Wolverine > This used to be my best team, but people began to catch on to how I play Chun Li after a while (a LONG while that is). With this team, I recommend that Wolverine go in first. He can charge up super meters really quick with his lightning quick combos. If needed, throw in a super combo just for the heck of it. Chun Li should be the main "super combo unleasher" because that's her best attack. Air and ground combos aren't too hot for Chun Li. < Captain America / War Machine > The fact that you can bust a 75%+ super combo with this team should be enough to make this a good team! Cap should go first to build super meters and beat the first character to a pulp. The opponents will often be forced to switch out, only to be nailed by a deadly super combo. Cap went out to recharge and War Machine came in. Meanwhile, the opponents has one guy out just beginning to recharge and their second guy has literally nothing left to fight with! Very deadly indeed! If you want to use this team, you must be a good Cap player and an OK War Machine user, though preferably good with both characters. Also, War Machine can chip lots of damages. < Strider / Gambit > Thanks to a cheap-ass player I met, I've learned the usefulness of this team. If used right, they're super-cheap! Remember that variable super which people with skill shy away from? The one where both characters come out and have infinite number of supers for a period of time? Well, this team needs to rely on this more than any other team. It's not that you can't win honorably with this team, it's just that this team has a downright dirty trick with variable super - "fireballs" with all kicks! While Strider sends out his pets from one side, Gambit throws his Cajun Explosion from your back. Though it can be blocked, but the direction to block can sometimes be confusing! This player added onto the cheapness by walking up and throws during this mode. What kind of bull sh!t is that? Anyway, try not to do this because this team can really kick ass even without this cheap trick. < Strider / Megaman > This is the ultimate chipping team. Both characters are capable of doing lots of chipping damage without leaving themselves too widely for counter-attacks. I usually use Strider first to quiet down my opponents with dazzling combos and to build up the super meters. Then, I use Megaman for even more chipping damage and super combos. < Carnage / Orange/Ice Hulk > This is a cool team, especially if you pick the same color! Orange or icy color? You pick! Other than for coolness, nothing too special about this team except for the wave-like team super for LOTS of damages. < Wolverine / Strider > Well, this team will soon become my number 1 team! I've yet to try it out in major arcades, but am pretty sure they'll fare even better than Wolvie/Spidey! Strider has damaging combos, and has more tactics than Spidey. Everyone is getting used to my Spidey, so I'll need to switch up a little bit. ======================================================================= +++++++ +B.S.:+ +++++++ What's this? Well, this is my new glitch section that includes all the B.S. (you know what that stands for -- and it's not bachelor of science) I know about this game. Remember, they're super cheap (even much more so than infinities) so use them at your own discretion. <100% throw> This is basically a f-ed up version of Captain Commando's kick throw (the one w/ electrocution). Usually, CapCom electrocute for a second before kicking opponents upward. In the glitch, CapCom will freeze in the stance, continuing draining the life out of opponents -- fast! How to do this? Basically, you just rock the controller and smash the buttons really madly! Just don't break them. Note, this is a glitch and only works sometimes! Usually, I find it to work most often when it's the first throw of the match. Remember Guile's infamous handcuff back in SF2? Well, it's back!!! Carnage and Spidey, or Venom and Spidey, can pull this off. What will happen is that the opponent is immobilize while your characters are free to roam. Opponent will remain immobile as long as you don't hit them. During the time, by all means charge up to 3 levels of super, run the time down, and finally pull off a team super combo to end the match. Basically, you'll need to do a 2-on-1. Have Carnage/Venom punch throw the opponent (web'em up!) then have Spidey throw an immediate Web Ball. Voila! It's done! After charging up the super, you can push the opponents to the corner then jump over them. Now, do the team super for severe damage. This is what you can do to get a crowd roaring. If you've handcuffed a female character, jump over them to their rear and push them all the way to the corner. He, he, he... ======================================================================= +++++++++++++++++++++++ +Strategy against CPU:+ +++++++++++++++++++++++ ***Disclaimer***: the following is not my work, thus you might find some conflicting point of view. I only change the format to fit my FAQ style. < Chun Li > = CPU Chun Li can be a pain in the ass. She's an excellent blocker and it's hard to land a combo on her. Attempts to throw her are also futile because she'll most likely throw you instead or tech-hits. Chun Li loves to do the Axe Kick and Spinning Bird Kick often, and you'll usually expect the C. Short --> C. Forward --> C. Fierce --> Super Lightning Kick combo from her! Interestingly enough, Chun Li throws lots of fireballs. Also, whenever you try to jump in at her, she'll tag you with air Lightning Kicks. How did she do it so well? < Ryu > = CPU Ryu almost never switch mode. As usual, Ryu throws tons of Hadoken and Dragon Punch occasionally. He doesn't do combos, so rest assure. He dashes backwards a lot, and you can confidently expect some Shinku Hadoken after a backward dash. BTW, Ryu throw a lot! < Zangief > = CPU Zangief is pretty easy to beat. If lucky, he'll even turn into Iron Body! Zangief will usually does a Lariat if you jump in, so block then punish him. Sure enough, he'll land a couple SPD on you, but no matter -- they don't hurt anyway! If you're unlucky enough to be victimized by FAB, DO NOT roll! Zangief will simply do another FAB to throw you! < Morrigan > = CPU Morrigan likes to air-dash a lot and throw lots of air Firebats. When you jump-in, she'll pull off the uppercut (usually Fierce) so be ready to block. Morrigan likes to do Punch throw --> Vector Drain trick, so roll out of the first throw. Interestingly, she pulls off the Darkness Illusion at the moment you least expected, so beware. Sometimes, she'll throw in a Soul Eraser. < Captain Commando > = CPU CapCom usually falls into a simple pattern: Captain Fire and Captain Corridor. Nothing too major here. Occasionally, he'll bust out some combos -- including the S. Roundhouse --> Captain Sword super combo! This is an easy match. < Megaman > = CPU Megaman is piece of cake for experts. He'll just throw lots of Fierce fireball and other stuff. Megaman switch items a lot, but so what!? He can do some simple ground and air combos, but never super combos. Also, he likes the drill super a lot. < Strider > = CPU Strider isn't as accomplished as expert players. Strider likes to teleport all over the place unprotected, thus an easy target. His priority is still high as hell, and he throws a lot! He does lots of ground combo, the one with zigzag into the special slash. He does the slash even when the combo is blocked, so take the opportunity to punish him! Also, Strider likes the Parachute Bomb Drop, but so what?! < Spiderman > = CPU Spiderman throws LOTS of Fierce Web Balls, and lots of air combos. He'll dash back and forth to confuse you, and tries to combo in the Spider Sting occasionally. When you see him doing air Web Balls, you can bet that he'll do a Maximum Spider soon. < Jin > = CPU Jin can be really hard to kill. For some reason, it's really hard to counter-attack him. Jin'll just throw you instead or block! When you jump in, he'll try the tornado super to confuse the heck out of you. When powered-up, Jin'll go berserk and reverse the table quickly. This can be a tough match. < Captain America > = CPU Cap is a real nut-case. He's so hypered-up that he'll keep dashing back and forth and do lots of crazy stuff. Cap likes to do the Charging Star a lot, and will often try to get behind you with his Cartwheel. Also, dragon punch is one of his favorites as well. In term of supers, Cap won'' combo them, but will do them when least expected. Beware of dashing into Cap, because he just might whip out the Hyper Star n' Stripes right in your face! Also, he'll tag in Hyper Charging Star once a while. < Venom > = CPU Venom can be really pain in the ass. He's quick and hard to combo on. If you jump-in, he'll 95% of the time stop you with his S. Roundhouse. Venom throws a lot, but won't go into the air combo. When doing air combo, he'll do the impressive chain ending with Roundhouse --> Fierce Venom Fang. Rather cool! < Hulk > = CPU Hulk is wiser now compared to in previous game. He's more patient and waiting for an opening to do major damage. If he has a super, beware of jumping in due to his meteor super. Surprisingly, CPU Hulk can do air combo nicely. Most player have trouble landing 3 hits in air! Also, Hulk uses a lot of S. Jab --> S. Fierce combo, too much damage for such a simple combo! < Gambit > = CPU Gambit throws tons of Kinetic Cards! He likes OTG combos, and will usually try long-range attacks. Also, he's cheap in that he throws a lot with S. Short --> S. Short --> Throw. Rather cheap! < Wolverine > = CPU Wolverine sucks compared to what he could have become! Wolverine does lots of Drill Claws, and dashes back and forth a lot. When dashing in, he'll often counter you with a Tornado Claw, so be careful. Wolverine doesn't do much combos, heck, he doesn't even to air combos! No worries here. < War Machine > = CPU War Machine is generally easy but can be a pain in the ass. As expected, he throws lots of Soldier Cannon and Smart Bombs. When you jump in, he'll usually counter with the Repulsor Blast. Also, he flies around a lot, but you'll probably have a hard time tagging him. War Machine likes to throw (the one that pushes you to corner) and OTG from there, so roll out! ======================================================================= +++++++++++++++++++++ +Credits and Thanks:+ +++++++++++++++++++++ My buddies over at UCR, Magic and Games, Gameworks, and Tilt for letting me whip their butts for practice (J/K)! I want to thank Magic and Games especially because it has excellent control and inexpensive (a quarter a game on all games). About the players ~cough, cough~ they're pretty good (but not good enough to hang with me of course ^_^) Desmund Wu for showing me that killer combo#3 with Wolverine and some cheap maneuver with Megaman Jason (?) for getting me started with Captain America's awesome air combo (combo#1). Mark (?) for his Spiderman tricks. No, I ain't gonna give you credit for combos because I FOUND THEM MYSELF :-) Fine, my bad, I'll give you credit for Spiderman's combo#3 you whiner. Ken (?) for showing me Strider's combo#2. This one guy at Tilt (w/ glasses) who showed me Wolverine's combo#14. Damien (?) for showing me how wrong Strider's combo#7 is, and the CapCom glitch with his throws. Polo (?) for helping my figure out combo#20 for Wolverine, and the handcuff trick. Mike Coi for contributing the strategy against CPU. Donnie Wells for helping out my Carnage.