============================================ Gambit FAQ - Marvel vs. Capcom Author: DRaco (evil_DRaco@iname.com) Date: 01/15/99 Version 1.0 Homepage:http://members.tripod.com/DRaco/ ============================================ This FAQ will improve your skills!! READ THIS FIRST: This document is for personal use ONLY. It may be distributed freely, as long as it remains UNEDITED. Also, it may NOT be used for profitable or promotional purposes. If I have used any of your information in this guide and I do not give proper credit, contact me and it will be done. Likewise, if you borrow any information from this or any other guide/FAQ, please give proper credit to the author. READ THIS TOO: This faq is a character-specific faq only, and I am assuming that you know the basic gameplay of Marvel Vs. Capcom, such as push-blocking, super-jumping, dashing, switch-outs, etc. History ======= Version 1.0- This is the only version Introduction ============ Why should you choose Gambit? ----------------------------- -Gambit is an all round good player -OTG King of the Game (he can set up good OTG combos) -His staff, gives him good range, and priority -He can play defense and offense at the same time -Gambit is a pretty fast character -Gambit requires skill and brains to win, SOBs like Wolvie don't -Gambit has style, unlike other characters -He's the Ragin Cajun!! << This Guide is the only thing you need to have! >> Legend ====== UB-Up-Back UF-Up-Forward U-Up F-Forward B-Back D-Down DF-Down-Forward DB-Down-Back QCF-Quarter Circle Forward QCB-Quarter Circle Back P-Punch K-Kick OTG-Knock (O)ff (T)he (G)round Gambit's Arsenal ================ Normal Attacks -------------- Throws - (Gambit's Throws, are good priority, strength and range) Forward/Roundhouse- Gambit bashes his staff into the enemy's face several times(Ouch!). Note: This throw makes Gambit players feel great, against enemies, that deserve their @$$ kicked. Strong/Fierce- Gambit holds the enemy, and charges the enemy, with kinetic energy, then kicks them away. (good for starting OTG) Air Throws- Forward/Roundhouse(in air)- Gambit does a two foot slam in the face. (AC Finisher!!) ----------------------------------------------------------- Punch/Staff - Jab- Standing- a short backhand attack, it's range sucks. Crouching- the same thing as standing, but crouched. Jumping- the same thing as the others, but jumping. Strong- Standing- a downward slash with staff, it has great priority. Crouching- a downward crouched slash, good for ground combos. Jumping- a upward slash, good for hitting above you. Fierce- Standing- long range sideways slash, best range, and it is a strike, that make the enemy go flying across. Note: This attack misses, some crouched characters. Crouching- a uppercut motion slash, it is his launcher. Jumping- a downward swing, it has great priority when jumping in, or if the enemy is below you. --------------------------------------------------------- Kicks - Short- Standing- a knee attack, don't use it, it sucks, except in combos. Crouching- a low kick, it's better than other shorts and jabs. Jumping- He kicks downward with his foot, good range for a jumping short. Forward- Standing- a waist level kick, it has good range. Crouching- a good poking tool, good for combos. Jumping- a high kick in the air, but don't use it often. Roundhouse- Standing- a waist level kick, it has good priority. Crouch- a sweeping kick, it is a knockdown attack. Jumping- Gambit's best priority kick, use when jumping in. --------------------------------------------------------------- Special Moves ------------- Kinetic Card= QCF+P The weaker the punch the faster and weaker, medium punch is medium, and the Fierce stuns the enemy the longest period of time. I never use this move for keeping away, unless i'm desperate. This move hits the enemy instantly. I would not recommend for fireball fights. Trick Card= QCB+P A 45 degree angle, kinetic card, it's the same thing. Mostly used for anti-air, but Gambit is left open to counter attack. Cajun Slash= DPM+P A combo using his staff I think the JAB version is the coolest, it has a million style points. (IMO) JAB- one single quick swipe, good for countering and combo finishers, it is the most important, weapons, at his disposal. STRONG- three hit combo, starting with a hoping slash, it is the slowest of all three versions. FIERCE- three hit combo, starting with sideways slash, good for OTG. Cajun Strike= Charge D, U+P or K Gambit jumps the the wall, the landing with a kick or slash, pressing the direction, will make him jump off and to the other wall. Only used as a escape or conclusion tactic. I never use this move this move, because it is mostly blocked. Super Moves or Hyper Combo ----------- Royal Flush= QCF+2P Gambit Throws a whole deck of cards at the enemy, it does over 30 hits, and it is Gambit's strongest super, but be careful, if the enemy is good at rolling, then Gambit is going to have a hard time. The staff that Gambit threw vertical can knock the enemy in to the cards. Cajun Explosion= QCB+2K Gambit hops to a wall and throws several huge cards, it is the same as the magnetic shockwave. If the move connects then it does more damage, the enemy will ride the waves, do this move, when the enemy is sort of close to the wall, that you are on. This move can beat Ryu's and War Machine's STANDING Wave supers, because Gambit hangs to the wall while the enemy misses Gambit, and the Cajun Explosion hits them. Cool Uh? Note: I think Gambit's supers are superior, of all supers, if used wisely and correctly. Combos ------ Magic Series Ground- ZigZag Air- ZigZag Super Jump- ZigZag Strikes- S.Fierce Knockdowns- C.Roundhouse Air Launchers- C.Fierce AC Finishers- Fierce, Air Throw Team Super- Royal Flush Team Counter- JAB-Cajun Slash -------------------------------------------------- Easy Combos 1) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card 2) C.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Cajun Slash or Royal Flush(OTG) 3) J.Fierce \/ S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Cajun Slash 4) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ Jab-Cajun Slash 5) Helper Attack, Royal Flush -------------------------------------------------- Harder Combos 1) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card 2) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Cajun Slash 3) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Cajun Slash (OTG) 4) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Jab, C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ. Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 5) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Royal Flush(OTG) 6) In Corner: Fierce Throw, C.Short(OTG), C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ. Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 7) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, C.Fierce --> Royal Flush 8) J.Short, J.Forward, J.Fierce\/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card, D.C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ. Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher Strategy -------- Good- Powerful Launcher, Cajun Slash(OTG), OTG Combos, Good throw priority, Royal Flush(OTG), Cajun Explosion(great chipping damage), Speed. Bad- Recovery time, and Start up time, relys on OTG too much. ------------------------------------------------------- Offense- -Jumping in, and Dashing in, combos -Use knockdown often to start OTG combos -Use a Class A Helper, while doing a heavy assault -Throwing is strong, throw at least once or twice -Use a Royal Flush, after a good knockdown, or stun ------------------------------------------------------- Defense- -Use his launcher as anti-air -Counter big moves, with JAB-Cajun Slash -Use S.Fierce to stop dashers -Block supers using the advanced guard move -Gambit has good defense against Logan (BTW, Logan is Wolvie) ------------------------------------------------------- My Strategy- -After killing a enemy, do a Royal Flush on the backup enemy, when they're entering, you might catch them off guard -Cajun Slash, to do some chipping -I think the STRONG-Cajun Slash, is the most safe of all three -Block an air attack, in mid-air, then counter them, with a combo -Use launcher as anti-air -Use a Class A Helper, while doing a heavy assault (I Recommend Colossus: LP+LK+MP) -Never keep on throwing kinetic Cards, one after another -Try your best to OTG the enemy while you can -Throwing is strong, throw at least once or twice -Only use the Royal Flush, half-screen away, the finger snap leaves him open to counter attack, except in OTGs. -Do a lot of dashing IN and OUT -S.Fierce is a good keep away attack, use it if the enemy is too close -Use Poking tactics to a cornered enemy, chained with Cajun Slashs -Block a enemy's attack, then use the JAB-Cajun Slash -Block supers using the advanced guard move -If get you caught in a hurricane type super, push-block outta there, then get ready to royal flush them to hell -Never let Gambit die, try your best to keep him alive -Never do Gambit's Air Combos too often -Stick to OTG's and Ground Combos -Super Jump quite often to escape corner traps -Never keep on doing the same old fighting routine, don't get predictable, with Gambit, or the enemy will break your strategy -Be creative and play with style!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Helpers (Class A) Psylocke- I Recommend this helper for beginners, I used to use her, but she sucks, the enemy always jump over them her. Colossus- My Favourite helper, he kicks @$$. He does the same thing, but he can drag the enemy to the corner, and harder to jump over. (BTW, How can Colossus Fly?!?!?) Sentinel- Used to be my favourite, but he can be destroyed, with fireball, or other Class A helpers (they ram right through him). US Agent- He is pretty helpful, but he sorta sucks, because he's slow. Juggernaut- He is one of the best, he covers the entire screen, but he can be summoned only 3 times. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Versus Guide ------------------ Some of these strategies work on only humans, or computers. Ryu- Beware of Keep Away, do jumping attacks, counter moves. Gambit- Beware of Staff, the only problem is he a good blocker. Captain Commando- Beware of the corridor, counter fire and corridor. Jin- Beware of the Tornado, and counter the attacks. Chun Li- Beware of anti-air, counter missed anti-air attacks Mega Man- Go close in and send him to hell. Just chase him down. Strider- Anti-air his arse, get your best shots on him, for damage. Morrigan- Beware of Anti-Air, keep away, and combos. Spiderman- Only do ground combos, he'll beat you in the air. Venom- Ah...? Gambit can handle this guy. Wolverine- Anti-air him. Keep him away, with your staff, and cards. Zangief- Keep away from him, he's gay! War Machine- Go up close, his keep away attacks, are useless. Captain America- Ah...? Gambit can handle this guy. ------------------------------------------------------------ Conclusion ---------- So, this is the end of my wonderful FAQ, I hoped this guide, helped you in your training, to master the Ragin Cajun. You can feel free to email me, if you spot errors, or just saying thanks. You can download the latest update of my FAQ, at my site. Please Visit my Site sometime! And Sign my Guestbook! Email: Evil_DRaco@iname.com Homepage: http://members.tripod.com/DRaco/ Copyright 1999 DRaco