GAMBIT FAQ v. 1.0 by Goge Latest Update: 2/10/99 Email: I know this FAQ is coming in pretty late but I think you will find some combos and strategies that you have not seen before in here.Oh yeah, this for Marvel Vs. Capcom, not X-Men vs SF. First of all I want to state that this is a FAQ for people who know how to play the game to begin with. In other words I'm not going to be spending much time explaining basic MvC gameplay. There is no table of contents because I don't see much point in them, just scroll down 'til you find what you're looking for. Also I'm using the familiar format notation which I will explain below: D. = Dashing S. = Standing C. = Crouching J. = Jumping SJ. = Super Jumping D.S. = Dashing Standing D.C. = Dashing Crouching A.D. = Air Dash DN. = While holding Down on the joystick UP. = While holding Up on the joystick (example: D.C.Short means Dashing Crouching Short. You ought to know this by now people. Also, I don't know who invented this system so I can't really give credit where it is certainly due.) 1. GAMBIT'S BASIC STATS: (note: the numbers are an estamation of how I see the stats. Scale is from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest and (duh) 1 being the lowest.) KEY: -Power: How much damage a characters normal moves and supers (hyper combos) do. -Speed: How well the character moves, how fast their moves come out, and how much recovery delay their moves have. -Range: How far the character's normal moves reach. -Priority: Who's move will win out in head to head attacking. -Throw Priority: The range of the throw and if it will beat out other throws/moves. -Combos: How long and painful of combos can the character put together. -Supers: How powerful, fast, and generally useful the character's supers are. -Comboability of Supers: How easily can the characters supers be comboed. Power: 7 Gambit deals pretty good damage in all of his regular moves and his supers are fairly powerful also. Speed: 7.5 Like his power, Gambit's speed is pretty good, but not amazing. One nice thing is that Gambit recovers quickly from many of his moves and can suprise his opponents with quickness that they aren't expecting. Range: 7.5 Gambit has good Range. His J.Fierce, Jab Cajun Slash, and C.Roundhouse are all useful for attacking your opponents while still remaining safe. Priority: 7 Gambit's starting to look pretty well rounded isn't he? His J.Fierce has very nice priority as does his launcher (C.Fierce) and all versions of the Cajun Slash. Throw Priority: 3 I have to give Gambit a crappy score on this simply because his air throw priority just SUCKS. Some of you probably haven't even seen Gambit's air throw it is so bad. His ground throw priority is decent though. Combos: 8 Gambit has some mean combos, they're powerful as well as stylish. His supers don't combo very well but that's an entirely different statistic. Supers: 5 Gambit's supers do pretty good damage but the Royal Flush has too much recovery delay. The Cajun Explosion is a pretty effective beam killer and you should chip with this one as well, however you can see it coming from a mile away. Comboability of Supers: 4 I'm giving Gambit a bad score on this because you have to be very fast to get the Royal Flush to combo cleanly off of the C.Roundhouse. Also it's possible to roll from that. Other than that you can just combo the Cajun explosion off of Collosus (or a helper like him), and almost everyone can combo a super off of a helper. 2. GAMBIT'S MOVES: Kinetic Card: QCF+Any Punch The punch button used determines startup and recovery delay, the amount of damage, and how long the victim will stay on the ground afterwards. The Jab one is the most useful. Can be used in the air as a keep away tactic. Trick Card: QCB+Any Punch Like the Kinectic Card but Gambit throws the card at a 45 degree angle instead, as if for anti-air defense, but use his launcher instead for jump-ins because this move has bad startup and recovery delay. If it lands try to follow up with a C.Short, C.Fierce -> Air Combo. Cajun Slash: Dragon Punch(F, D, DF)+Any Punch The Jab and Strong version are more useful that the fierce. Gambit basically whacks his opponent with the staff a few times depending upon what button is used. You can end ground combos with the Jab and Fierce versions. More on this move later. Cajun Strike: Hold DN, then UP+Any Button: Gambit bounces off the walls and hits his opponent from above. This move is useless. Use it to make your opponent laugh at you. Royal Flush: QCF+2P Gambit pumps his opponent full of 37 cards, doing nice damage. Combos off of his C.Roundhouse, the Kinetic Card, and his Fierce throw. Cajun Explosion: QCF+2K or QCB+2K Gambit jumps to whichever wall you indicated using a QCF or QCB and throws out a 45 degree magnetic shockwave. I like to use collosus with the QCB one. Does good chipping, is safe and hard to avoid. 3. GAMBIT COMBOS: This is what makes Gambit a worthwhile character so I won't waste any time getting to them. 1: D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward --> Fierce Cajun Slash Try to make sure that you're right up against your opponent for this one, a basic ground combo. 2: D.C.Short, C.Fierce ^ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward -> SJ.Roundhouse Gambit's basic air combo. I use the SJ.Roundhouse to end it because it seems to connect more often than the SJ.Fierce. If you're really humping you're opponent you can throw in a C.Strong or C.Forward after the D.C.Short. 3: D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Strong Cajun Slash Another combo where, if you're really, really close to your opponent you can throw in another hit. In this case it's a C.Strong after the D.C.Short. I don't like this combo much because it can be rolled from and there are better combos. 4: D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse --> Royal Flush Similar to the above combo but obviously much more damaging. I don't like this one much either because it's hard to pull off and can be rolled from. 5: D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse, Jab Kinetic card -> Strong Cajun Slash or Royal Flush Similar to the above two combos but more stylish and a little more ify. 6: J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse, Jab Kinetic Card, D.C.Short, C.Fierce, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward --> Jab Kinetic Card(Blocked) This is the big one. If all hits connect it will really rip your opponents lifebar apart. Of course, you don't have to use the jump in but it will really add some damage if you get it to connect. Likewise you can use the J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse jump in on any of the other combos as well and they should still work. The Jab Kinetic Card is just to add a little chipping and if your opponent isn't blocking it will connect for even more damage. 7: Kinetic Card --> D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Jab, S.Short, etc. Gambit's infinite. I've never had all that much success with it so I can't really verify it myself but it appears as though you can just keep juggling them in this fashion. 8: In corner: J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse, Jab Kinetic Card --> D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Jab, S.Short, S.Jab, S.Short, etc. The only practical way to combo Gambit's infinite that I've found. But again, it's pretty tough to keep them juggled with it so I wouldn't bother with this one. 9: In corner: Fierce Throw, D.C.Short, C.Fierce ^ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward -> SJ.Roundhouse If you can't seem to get the SJ.Roundhouse to connect then finish with a Jab Kinetic card for some small chipping damage. 10: Fierce Throw --> Royal Flush Be quick about canceling into the Royal Flush and don't expect to get all 37 hits. 4: GAMBIT STRATEGY: This is just a little section where I tell you about some techniques I use to bulldog and a few other things. I don't really want to tell you how you should play the game so I'll leave out the second by second strategy for each match. 1: Try starting out with a Strong Cajun Slash a short distance from you're opponent. Hopefully they'll block it. If it hits them and they are knocked down just start doing it again right before they get up. Remember we want them to block it. If they block it they will most likely try to counter strike and this is where they get suprised by Gambit's speed. AS SOON AS THE MOVE ENDS dash in with D.S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward. At this point they are probably getting hit so end it with a JAB Cajun Slash. This will allow you to start the Strong Cajun Slash again as they are getting up, which they will surely block since they can see it coming. Now, if they have BLOCKED your D.S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, end it with a STRONG Cajun Slash. Now we are right back where we started, dash in with the D.S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward again and if it hits, end with the Jab Cajun Slash and if it is blocked end it with Strong Cajun Slash. Keep doing this until they figure it out. I hope that follows. The easiest way for your opponent to get out of this is simply to push block you at any point. However we are hoping your opponent is a moron and will either keep blocking while you slowly chip away at his life bar, or he keeps trying to counter after he blocks the Strong Cajun Slash. You DO risk being countered but it is very unlikey and depends in part upon how fast YOU are. You should be able to at least trade hits with even Wolverine though with the D.S.Short. Characters like Venom, Capt America, Hulk, etc. will stand absolutely no chance against your D.S.Short unless you are slow as hell with your dashing. 2. After you end Combo #6 (the big one) with the airborn Jab Kinetic Card, which should definately be blocked, you're opponent will l and before you. You should come down with a J.Fierce, (J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse won't work for some reason) \/ D.S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward --> appropriate Cajun Slash depending upon whether or not you've landed any hits yet. Then just continue with bulldogging strategy #1 shown above. If they've got the bulldogging BS figured out (which any respectable opponent should), then just come down with a J. Fierce and Dash in with the combo of your choice. 3. Any move that leaves you open, like the C.Roundhouse or even the C.Fierce, cancel with a Jab Kinetic Card. If your pretty sure that they're going to try and jump in on you OVER the Kinetic Card then try a Trick Card. If it hits, Launch 'em and Air Combo to make them think twice about jumping over Kinetic Cards in the future. *********************************************************************** THIS DOCUMENT COPYRIGHT 1998 GEORGE LOVE. I DON'T CARE WHO YOU GIVE THIS TO SINCE MOST OF THIS INFO IS OUT THERE ALREADY. BUT IF YOU COPY THIS FOR YOUR OWN FAQ OR HOMEPAGE GIVE ME SOME CREDIT FOR WHAT YOU TOOK. I WOULD LIKE TO GIVE CREDIT TO MIGS RUSTIA (I THINK THAT'S THE RIGHT SPELLING) WHO'S OWN MVC PAGE INSPIRED MUCH OF THE STYLE FOR THE NOTATION IN THIS FAQ.