From: Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1998 19:06:34 EDT /********* /**** /**** /********** /********* /**** /**** /********** ////**//// /**** /**** /***/////// /** /*********** /****** /** /*********** /****** /** /**** /**** /***/// /** /**** /**** /********** /** /**** /**** /********** /// ///// ///// /////////// /********* /***** /****** /************ /**** /*** /**** /********** /******* /******** /************ /****** /*** /**** /**** /**** /****/**** /**** /**** /************ /****** /*** /*** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /***** /////****//// /***/*** /*** /** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** ///// /**** /*** /*** /*** /* /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /*** /*** /*** /********** /************* /**** /****** /**** /*** /*** /*** /********* /************* /**** /****** /**** /*** /*** /*** /**** /**** /****/////**** /**** ///**** /**** /*** /*** /*** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** **** /**** /*** /***/*** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**********/ /************ /*** /****** /**** /**** /**** /**** /********/ /************ /*** /***** /**** /**** /**** /**** /******/ /************ /*** /**** ///// //// ///// ///// ////// ///////////// //// //// /****** /***** /************** /**** /**** /*** /*** /******** /******* /************** /**** /**** /**** /*** /**** /**** /****/**** /************** /**** /**** /***** /*** /**** /**** /**** /**** ////////****/// /**** /**** /****** /*** /**** ///// /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /***/*** /*** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /*** /*** /*** /**** /************* /**** /**** /**** /*** /*** /*** /**** /************* /**** /**** /**** /*** /*** /*** /**** /****/////**** /**** /**** /**** /*** /*** /*** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /*** /*** /*** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /*** /***/*** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /**** /************* /*** /****** /********* /**** /**** /*********** /************* /*** /***** /******* /**** /**** /********* /************* /*** /**** ////// ///// ///// //////// ////////////// //// //// _____________________________________________________________________________ Written by IrishRagan Email= _____________________________________________________________________________ Contents: 1)What's New 2)Legend 3)History 4)Moves List 5)Super Moves 6)Combos 7)Basic Strategy 8)Credits 9)Copyright 10)Other Stuff of Mine _____________________________________________________________________________ -=WHAT'S NEW=- Version 1: I set up the faq. With a moves list, some of the better combos with him and some very basic strategy! _____________________________________________________________________________ -=LEGEND=- LP Light Punch MP Medium Punch HP Heavy Punch LK Light Kick MK Medium Kick HK Heavy Kick PPP All Punches KKK All Kicks C Crouching J Jumping F Forward B Back U Up D Down DS Dashing Dash F,F Roll B,DB,D+P Super Jump D,U or KKK Push Block PPP While Blocking _____________________________________________________________________________ -=HISTORY=- Born in the swamps of Louisiana, the Cajun was in the thief's guild. Now I would have thought he was a hustler will the pool cue and the cards but what do I know! He soon found that he had the mutant ability to charge everyday objects with explosive kinetic energy. About the time he learned of his mutant ability Storm was in the swamps and she asked him if he would join the X-Men. He became one of the X-Men and learned to control his ability with Professer X and the other X-Men. He then fought for the good of mutantkind. He now joins them in their fight against Onslaught, the X-Traitor. Although he was often thought to be the X-Traitor by fellow X-Men, Bishop! _____________________________________________________________________________ -=MOVES=- Kinetic Card D,DF,F+P Well if you have ever seen the X-Men Cartoon or read a X-Men Comic you know what Gambits power is! But if you don't, he has the ability to charge objects and then make them explode. Well that is what he does to I would say about five cards. He throws them out and the explode on impact which stuns the opponent. The punch you use changes how long the opponent stands there like a moron! In the air they go at an angle and slows his fall which allows him to throw many in a single super jump. Trick Card D,DB,B+P Same as the Kinetic Card but he throws them up at an angle. It is good for air defense if you time it to hit as they are on their way down! When it hits they will fall into you which allows you to do what you want with them. I usually hit them with an air combo! Cajun Slash F,D,DF+P What can I say he whacks you with his stick or pool cue as most people see it. Looks like a long stick but it is a pool cue! Depending on which button you use he will attack differently! Jab-He takes a big, quick swipe with his pool cue! It is quick and a surprise to most people! It is very comboable! Strong- He jumps up for the first hit and stays on the ground for the next two! Once again fast and comboable! Fierce-Also a three hit combo! Instead of jumping up he does a strike like the jab version. It will OTG an opponent for at least two hits! Not as fast but has good range instead! Cajun Strike D,U+P or K He flips backwards and bounces off the wall. You can either have him go to the oppisite wall and then attack or he can attack right after the first wall. To make him go to the oppisite wall you just need to hold the joystick in that direction, I have only been able to go from wall to wall with the punch version! _____________________________________________________________________________ -=SUPER MOVES=- Royal Flush D,DF,F+2P Well it is pretty much just a giant Kinetic Card. He throws his staff up in the air, which can knock jumping opponents back down into the super. It is slow and easy to block but very damaging. I recommend canceling into it from a sweep!. Cajun Explosion D,DF,F+2K or D,DB,B+2K Depending on which motion you do he will jump to a different wall. The backward motion will make him jump to the wall behind him and the forward motion will make jump to the wall behind your opponent. It is slow and pretty useless if you ask me but I haven't figured out what it is good for yet! Counter Move D,DB,B+HP+HK It is a jab Cajun slash and works good because it is fast and has some range. Don't use it against supers that are beams,he won't make it to them fast enough and he will take the full brunt of the super! Team Super D,DF,F+HP+HK He jumps out and does the Royal Flush. Good to start because it OTG's. Be careful if he jumps in because he has like no recovery time and if blocked you may get hurt! _____________________________________________________________________________ -=COMBOS=- S.Short, S.Roundhouse, Jab Kenetic Card, Jab Cajun Slash Works best in the corner or really close S.Jab, S.Short, S.Strong, S.Forward, Fierce Cajun Slash
Pretty basic combo. Easy to do with a little practice! D.S.Short, C.Forward, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, SJ.Rondhouse or SJ.Fierce Basic Aerial Rave. I will say this in combos below, I just mean to do the hits that are in the air! C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse, Strong Cajun Slash (OTG) or Royal Flush (OTG) (not on small characters) or Crossover Combination (OTG) (not on small characters) Punch throw enemy into corner, Royal Flush or C.Short (OTG), C.Fierce /\ aerial rave Actually rather simple to do once you get used to throwing them! That was the hardest thing for me, I didn't throw much! _____________________________________________________________________________ -=BASIC STRATEGY=- Basically what you want to do with Gambit is get in there do the combos and get away! This may sound kinda chicken shit but it works! Now I am not saying you want to stay away all the time, the way I do it is I get in do the combo, jump out, throw a kinetic card then jump back in and do another combo. Basic Things First: When your opponent is close to you and the miss a move that has a long recovery time hit them with a Jab Cajun Slash! this works good because it is quick, does good damage and clears them away from you. Works good against characters like Wolverine or Strider! Second: Use Gambit's ability to OTG with his Royal Flush from a sweep a lot! His supers do excellent damage when they hit and this ability of his allows him to hit the Royal Flush easily! Third: Well, Gambit is basically the OTG king of the game! You can OTG two of his Cajun Slashs, and his Royal Flush! You can do it from sweeps or throws! So basically get used to hitting them off of the ground! More Advanced First and only for now: Combos! In my mind that is the most important thing to learn to become a great Gambit player! There are three things you need to be good at combos! First: Knowing the Combo! Can't stress it enough, if you don't know the combo how will you be able to do it! Second: Timing! If you can't time the button pushing right it won't work! Third: The setup! If you can't set the combo up 90% of the time how will you be able to do it? _____________________________________________________________________________ -=CREDITS=- Thanks Loyd(AKA=Fluffy) for getting me into using Gambit! And to Migs for the great site on Marvel Vs. Capcom! His site can be found at! You will have to go through other stuff but it is there! _____________________________________________________________________________ -=COPYRIGHT=- I wrote it you didn't! Just give me credit if you use anything in here! Don't sell it! Gambit is a product of Marvel and is owned by them unless I am mistaken! _____________________________________________________________________________ -=OTHER STUFF OF MINE=- I also have a Megaman Faq running around here! And I have a website devoted a select few characters in this game! It is located at