And now presenting........... ______ _______ ____ ____ ________ _______ ___________ / _________ / \ / \ | \ / | | \ | | / | | | | | \ / | | | | | | | ___ |__________| | \/ | | _____/ | | |_________ | | | | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \______/ | | | | |________/ ___|____ | _________| RAGIN' CAJUN MvC FAQ (ver. 0.2) "Care To Deal Again" Hi, This is my first time a writing up a FAQ so please bear with me if it the layout looks a bit unco. :) Anyways since it is my first faq, I decided to write it up on one of my favourite players. Gambit or Mr. Cool, or even 'Gumbo' as Wolverine would call him. ============================================================== Table Of Contents 1. Revision History 2. Gambit's Moves a)Basic Moves b)Special Moves c)Supers 3. Combos 4. Strategies 5. How to Fight Onslaught 6. Acknowledgement And Thanks 7. Copyright Info ============================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. REVISION HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------- - Version 0.2 (released 4/4/98) Added in a section on how to fight Onslaught. This info was provided by "The Foreigner". Added him in the A&T section. Added in some strategies in the Strategy section and borrowed some of Migs' combos from his page (Hope that's okay Migs :) ). - Version 0.1 (released 20/3/98) Started to create the basic structure of the site. Got the basic, special and super moves down. Added a link to Migs' MvC site and to Kao's Page in the A&T section. Combos and other stuff coming soon. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 2. GAMBIT'S MOVES -------------------------------------------------------------- a) Basic Moves =============== Jab Punch - STANDING = Gambit does a quick backfist at the opponent CROUCHING = Same as above JUMPING = Same as above Strong Punch - STANDING = Gambit brings his staff down towards the ground. Can be used as air defense because it can catch people who usually expect you crouching for the launcher CROUCHING = Gambit takes a short swing, as if he were putting it down (that's the best I can explain it) JUMPING = Gambit takes a semi quick baseball-type swing. Not very good for jumping in. Best to be used in a combo or when your opponent is above you. Fierce Punch - STANDING = Gambit swings his staff horizontally. Very good horizontal range, which knocks opponents away. There is a bit of startup and recovery delay though. CROUCHING = Gambit sort of does an uppercut with his staff. His launcher. Very powerful and has excellent priority against people jumping in. JUMPING = Gambit swings his staff down towards the ground. Very good range and insane priority against other attacks. Powerful. Short Kick - Not done yet. Can't be bothered. Forward Kick - Can't be bothered either (Hey it's Midnight) Roundhouse Kick - STANDING = Gambit does a forward roundhouse kick CROUCHING = Gambit performs a sweep move. His knockdown manouvere. Good range and can be followed up with and of his OTG moves JUMPING = Does a roundhouse sweep in the air. A little short on the range and not useful for jumping in. Best to stick with the J. FP b) Special Moves ================ Kinetic Card : QCF + any punch Gambit projectile. He charges up a playing card with kinetic energy and throws it at his opponent. How long he charges depends on the punch button. If it connects, then his opponent is stunned. Leaving them open to attack. Trick Card : QCB + any punch Gambit's psuedo anti-air move. Basically same as the Kinetic Card, but this time he throws it up. Not that good of an anti-air becuase it takes so long for him to charge it. If you do connect, you have all the time in the world to hit your opponent. Cajun Strike : DPM + any punch Gambit performs a series of attacks with his trusty staff. Depending on which button you use, Gambit will differ in his strikes. They're listed below : Jab : Gambit swings his staff once at his opponent. Comes out very quick and can be used to counter certain combos. I use this if my opponent blocks my launcher to stop him from countering. Strong : Gambit does a three-hit strike with his staff. He does a small hop on the first strike so it may be useful in dodging sweeps. Fierce : Here, Gambit does another 3-hit strike with a couple of interesting differences. First he travels very far while doing this move. Second of all, this move OTG's. Only the last 2 hits will hit them though. Cajun Escape : Charge Down then Up with any punch or kick Gambit jumps from wall to wall and then comes down with a kick or a swing from his staff. It's okay for a surprise attack but that useful. c) Super Moves ============== Royal Flush : QCF + 2 Punch Gambit throws his staff high into the air and unleashes his whole deck of cards. In essence this is a beam super. Quick startup and the lag time after the super has been greatly shortened. OTG's after C.RK so it can be a good setup for a team super. Cajun Explosion : QCF or QCB + any kick Finally a new super!! Gambit jumps onto the wall, and then throws down a charged card. The card then explodes into a shockwave of Kinetic. Resembles Hulk's Gamma Wave. Very good for crossing people up and people also think that Gambit is doing the Cajun Escape so they'll try and counter attack with an anti-air. Also it does great chipping damage. -------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Combos -------------------------------------------------------------- Easy Combos 1) D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card 2) C.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Cajun Slash or Royal Flush(OTG) 3) J.Fierce \/ S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Cajun Slash 4) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ Jab-Cajun Slash 5) Helper Attack, Royal Flush Harder Combos 1) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Kinetic Card 2) D.S.Jab, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse --> Jab-Cajun Slash 3) J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ D.S.Short, C.Roundhouse --> Fierce-Cajun Slash (OTG) 4) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Jab, C.Short, C.Fierce /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ. Strong, SJ.Forward --> AC Finisher 5) J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse --> Royal Flush(OTG) Gambit's most painful combo so far. Be quick when cancelling into the Royal Flush or it'll miss. *NOTE* This info has blatantly been stolen rom Migs' page. Sorry. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Strategies -------------------------------------------------------------- - Gambit is the OTG king of this game. He can cancel his C. Roundhouse into the Royal Flush, or a team super. As well as the SP and FP versions of his Cajun Strike. - Playing as Gambit needs for you to be in the right state of mind. He's not a spazz character like Wolverine or Strider. Only patience and perseverence is the key to mastering this character. - Gambit's Staff gives him amazing priority!! Just check out his J.FP and his C.FP - His kicks aren't that really important to his offensive game. With the exception his C.RK, Gambit's kicks aren't of the highest priority and his range sucks :) -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 5. How to fight Onslaught -------------------------------------------------------------- Beating the big O. is difficult because Gambit is so tall and he doesn't have any quick air supers. I guess the most important thing for you to have is the helper. A charging one (Psylocke, Colussus etc.)is preferable, but I have absolutely decimated Onslaught with Lou. If you are using Lou, it's best to let Onslaught corner you, since most of his moves don't do that much damage in the corner. When you summon Lou, his smoke and arrows will send Onslaught reeling. Plus since he is so small, he won't be shot away by Onslaught's Mega Beam. While Onslught is reeling, follow it up with Gambit's Royal Flush, or a team super if you have enough levels. If you didn't pick Lou, you can still beat him if you follow these directions. When Onslaught is doing his Mega Beam, just crouch and hit Jab into Strong. This will keep him relatively safe from his beam, as well as taking out his energy with little risk and charging up your meter. When he's recovering from his beam, just call out your helper and follow up with Royal Flush. If you wanna feel dangerous , do the Cajun Explosion behind him. This will probably leave you wide open but it should take 1/3 if his life (I'm not sure about that, since Onslaught doesn't 'surf' along with the shockwave and plus he can teleport out of it). With Onslaught's 2nd form, it's deceptively harder. Because most of Gambit's move rely on close, ground combos and OTG's, it's really hard to damage him. What you could do is either switch in your other teammate or, be brave and jump into the face of Onslaught and hit him with that J. Fierce of yours. This should hopefully charge your super meter enough to do the Cajun Explosion. Don't be tempted to use the Royal Flush, as Onslught is too high to be hit effectively. The Cajun Explosion will hit, even if Onslaught is at Super Jump height. Hopefully with these tactics, you'll be able to defeat Onslaught with no sweat! -------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Acknowledgement and Thanks -------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================== Miguel Raya Miguel sent me some info on how to beat Onsluaght. ============================================================== ============================================================== Migs Rustia Migs gave me the inspiration to write up this faq. Also most of the info is 'borrowed' from his site. ============================================================== ============================================================== Kao Megura I just borrowed the 'copyright' bit from Kao's faq ============================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Copyright Info -------------------------------------------------------------- Gambit and the rest of the fellers are the property of MARVEL. Ryu and the rest of the gang are the property of CAPCOM This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright noticeappears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotionalpurposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Christian Llagas . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due. (Sorry Kao, I just borrowed this bit ^_^ ) -------------------------------------------------------------- ....doc..... (