Hulk FAQ Written by: AYZ (Ang Yao Zong) E-mail: FAQ Version: 0.1 Contents: 1. Intro 2. Why should I choose Hulk 3. Move guide (Combos and legend section included) 4. Strategies against different characters 5. Strategies against Onslaught 6. Codes for Hulk 7. Hulk's ending 8. Acknowledgement and thanks Introduction Hey there! Marvel Vs Capcom has got to be one of the best fighting platforms out there, there are (I think) 12 characters that you can choose from and even 20 extra helpers characters that you can choose! So, I have decided to write a FAQ for one for my favourite characters in the game. Hulk (the G-Guy). I also wrote this FAQ as there is only 1 FAQ for Hulk by the guy called Fluffy. Anyway, on with the FAQ!(By the way this is a way lousy guide for the experts when compared to the guides by the rest of the gang.) I hope u will enjoy this. Why Should I choose Hulk? Hey, why ask me the question? You know it, everyone knows it, that Hulk is easily one of the strongest guys and life- chipper in the game. Other than Megaman and Shadow Lady, two of my other favourite characters. Think about it, I can easily get away with 75% of Ultimate Onslaught's (second form) energy just using Hulk alone. I have also won over 5 matches using only him! He's the guy you wanna have. Let's face it, he kicks butt! Legend Here is the legend for the control stick's movements. QCF---Quarter Circle Forward QCB---Quarter Circle Back B, F---Charge back for about 2 secs, then move control stick forward D, U---Charge down for about 2 secs, then move control stick up. HCB---Half Circle Back LP---Light Punch MP---Medium Punch HP--- Heavy Punch LK---Light Kick MK---Medium Kick HK--- Heavy kick OR LP=1 MP=2 HP=3 LK=4 MK=5 HK=6 ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Gamma ground rip: QCF+ any P Hulk rips rock pieces from the ground and makes them travel towards you, in a wave form. The waves vary from 2 to 4 rock pieces each. This move pushes the opponent away and cancel away fireballs. Can trade hits with super fireballs. Does excellent damage when not blocked. Gamma Tornado: QCB+ any K It's sort of a taunt move, but it does good damage if not blocked. Hulk stretches out his arm and tries to grip the opponent's head. Now the fun part.if he connects, he will start to swing the opponent around using the foe's head! After swinging a few round, he releases the opponent and your foe will fly away (wee!) to the other end of the stage. Trust me, don't use this move often cause it has lots of lag time and there is always a 90% chance that it will not connect. Can be comboed though. Gamma Charge: D,U+ any K Or B,F+ any K Hulk charges upwards then forwards or the opposite for some MAJOR damage. He has super armour while doing this move. One of his most important moves. Unfortunately, it has some lag time. Thus if you miss a worthy opponent (good opponent)'s character with this move, get ready to eat a super, but nonetheless, it can be comboed into better use. Super Armour: (a million thanks to Fluffy for this) Hulk's super armour is not a special move, but a move which Hulk automatically uses each time he is hit. If he is being attacked(not blocking) with a multi-hit combo or super move, he will simply absorb the first hit, so making it possible for you to block the rest of the moves. Super Moves (Hehehehe.) Gamma Wave: QCF+3P This is a exaggerated version of Hulk's ground rip. Hulk rips the ground off and tons (I mean TONS) of rocks, debris and damage barrel towards you. I can imagine what will happen to your character if he/she is hit by this, especially Strider. Major, Major damage if you get hit by this move. Oh, by the way, this move is probably the safest super to use against expert players as it pushes them to the end of the screen. Gamma Crush: QCB+3P of Hulk's spectacular special move. Hulk flies into the air and grabs a piece of glowing red asteroid or meteor rock and comes crashing down for huge damage on his foe. Your opponent will still receive damage, if he/she is knocked down and lying on the ground. Can be comboed and is a great anti-air move. Gamma Quake: QCF+3K Hulk's new damaging super. It does worthy damage, but does not have a good range. It only reaches, say _ of the screen. Thanks to Fluffy for telling me in his own Hulk FAQ that it can be comboed into a ground combo. A fairly quick move with little lag time. I use it all the time after discovering it. Team moves Team Counter: Reverse QCB(B,DB,D)+ HP+HK When Hulk is tagged out, he does a gamma charge at the foe. A fairly good counter, although I have never use counters before. They save you but they also waste a level of super. Team Super: QCF+HP+HK Hulk and his partner come out and do their personalized supers at the same time! Extreme damage if you get hit by this. It is a very good idea to use this with hulk, but make sure that the move will connect or you will waste 2 levels of super of only block damage. Two on one: QCB+HP+HK Hope I didn't confuse you. A two on one means that both of your characters come into the screen at the same time, doing their own supers, but this time, they can just keep on doing their supers for a amount of time. Until the time meter(above the super meter) runs out, you can smash those buttons and do Hulk's Gamma Wave, Crush or Quake! This move rocks, Capcom! Combos (Hey.hey.hey.thanks to Fluffy yet again, I have come up with some combos for Hulk. Here goes.) Ground series: Weaker Air series: Stronger Super jump series: Zigzag Air Combo(AC) Finishers: MP, HP, HK Air Launchers: Crouching HP, Standing HK Strikes: Standing MP, Standing MK, Standing HP, Crouching HK Jump-in Combos: 1) Jumping LK, MK, land, Ground Combo (Well, this one is from Fluffy too!) Ground Combos: 1) Standing LP, HP This combo, in my opinion, hurts and does decent damage to your foe. Lifts the opponent off the ground for a while. Hulk encounters recovery time during his heavy punch and if your foe blocks this combo, cancel it into a ground rip and push them away for safety and some block damage. 2) Dash, crouching LK, crouching HP, Air Combo This move only works on big and medium-sized characters. However, there is a alternative for the little guys. 3) Dash, crouching LK, crouching HP(first hit only), Gamma tornado This is good on small guys as the HP only hits them once and they don't fly off. 4) Have opponent in corner, Gamma throw, crouching HP, Air Combo 5) Jump, crouching back LK and MK, Gamma ChargeX2 Decent damaging combo. 6) Crouching HP, Gamma Crush If timed right, your foe can't even block the Gamma Crush! 7) Crouching LK, Gamma Quake The best and simplest ground combo. Takes off almost 50% of your opponent's life. 8) Have opponent in corner, HP, Gamma Quake, Gamma Crush This combo takes away a tremendous amount of life from your foe. 8) Dash, crouching LK, HP(1 hit only), Team Super or Gamma Wave This combo, if connected dishes out some serious punishment. 9) Have opponent in corner, crouching back HP, Gamma Charge(HK)X2, land, HP(off the ground), Gamma Quake, Gamma Crush. Whew! A very ugly combo by Fluffy! No one has ever survived this combo, but it takes a lot of timing and practice. Air Combos 1) After opponent off the ground(OTG), super jump, LP, LK, HP No one has yet to escape from this air combo. 2) After opponent OTG, Super jump, LP, LK, MK, HK Invented by me, I hope it works. Cheap Combos 1) Jump, HK, HK. Hah! A simple combo which takes of huge amounts of life if not blocked. Infinite Combos None yet, but I'll try to get some. OK? Strategies against different characters(Artificial Intelligence) Vs Chun-li: She's a pretty moderate character to deal with. Just don't let her do her head stomp on you or chances are that she will start a air combo on you. Also, be alert at all times. DO NOT let her ground combo into her Senretsu Kyaku. Believe me, you won't want to get hit by this. This combo has killed my Hulk umpteen times and I have also seen other people's characters getting killed by it. Just be more alert and you will do fine. Vs Ryu/Ken/Akuma: Ryu is back for more action, and this time he seems more powerful to me, as he can willingly Shotokan switch in to any one of the Shotokaners. As Ryu, just use the ground rip and cancel out his normal fireballs. You quite easily execute a air or ground combo on him. As Ken, do not let him use his dragon punch on you continuously, or you will die painfully. Go on the offense and use the cheap combo listed!(Hehehe.). Do watch out for his Rising dragon punch super though. As Akuma, never ever play chicken with him. He's faster and more powerful this time. Just play offensive with him. If you hide and block in the corner, chances are that he will do his Raging Demon(Shun-Goku-Satsu) on you, or he will kick, punch you and do his ground combo constantly on you, leaving you to take block damage and not letting you escape from that corner. If you let go of the block command, you will die miserably. Vs Zangief: Zangief's a pretty easy character to deal with. Just do the ground rip or do the cheap combo on him. There is always a 70% chance that the computer will not block. However, do not let him come close to you. Most of his attacks deal big damage and are close range. Just keep him away from you. If he switches to Iron Body mode(Mega Zangief), be more alert this time. Try to use your ground rip and Gamma Wave to finish him off. Be careful when using the Gamma charge. Remember, he is unstoppable now and can powerbomb you from mid-air. Vs Morrigan: Morrigan is quite easy to beat. She takes damage like a wuss, just keep on the offensive and kill her. Do watch out for her supers though, they do lots of damage on you. Now, if she does her Eternal Slumber super on you, just do Hulk's Gamma Crush or Gamma Wave(unverified) to avoid it and hit her too! Hehehe.that's what I call killing two birds in one stone. Not only they waste 3 levels of super, they might also lose Morrigan too! Vs Captain Commando: Whew! This is one strong character with almost no weaknesses (notice I say "almost"). Most of his special attack do considerable damage and with the most damaging one being his Captain Corridor. He's one character with both good anti-air and ground combos and supers, but like Morrigan, he takes damage like a sissy. Just use Hulk as usual, but be more defensive. Watch out when you jump in on him, or he might HK you and do his Captain Sword (Ouch!). Vs Megaman: This is another tough character. Megaman's supers do huge damage to you, which is very unhealthy. I suggest using the ground rip whenever possible. Although most of the time he will block it, but it will still do worthy chipping damage on him. If he charges towards you, do the Gamma Wave! Catch him when he's dashing. When all else fails, do the cheap combo. Vs Strider: Well, he's a moderate character. He takes more damage than most of the usual characters. Just go on the offensive and kill him. Do watch out for his supers though, they do mighty chipping damage (except for Ragnourok). Do the usual combos or the cheap combo (how many times have we mention this combo!?) to deal with him. Just don't fall prey to his 5-hit sword slash combo, or you'll die sooner or later. Vs Spider-man: He's a pretty easy character. Just watch out for his supers, which come out very quickly, and both the ground and air combos that he can execute on you. Be on the offensive and kill him. His normal punches and kicks do little damage to endanger Hulk! Crush his eight, erm.I mean four legs. Vs Jin Saotame: Another weird and strong character. His supers, as usual do lots of damage and watch for his taunt, which he does and becomes glowing in yellow colour! Be on both offensive and defensive. Catch him when he's not alert. Do watch out for his 4 to 5 hit ground combo, where he does a series of punches and kicks, finishing by stretching and "exploding" his clothes! Be wary of his flaming punches too. Vs Captain America: Another fairly strong character. His supers comes out swiftly and he can easily combo you into a 6-hit air combo, so watch out. Try to dash and block to go near him, I don't think jumping to get near him is such a good idea because he can do his Star and Stripes super on you. Be on the defensive for this one. Vs Venom: My oh my.I don't think a tongue covered with slime will help this guy much, because he's a dummy! Is it me or he just doesn't try to block your attacks!? Go fully offensive on this one. I killed the poor guy in 13 seconds for my record. Expert players with Hulk should be able to kill him faster. Just block his supers and you'll do fine. Vs Hulk: Sorry, I can't give you too much info to kill him as he's my favourite character(hehe.). I can only tell you to watch out for his powerful kicks and punches. Do not get comboed or hit by them. Just do the ground rip and you'll do just fine (I hope). Super jump when he comes close to you because that's when he starts to become dangerous! Vs Gambit: This guy is giving me lots of problems as it takes almost half a day to kill him! His supers are fast and his attacks do decent damage. If you try to jump in on him, his HP will land you into a dilemma as it will launch you up into the air. A very fast character to watch out for. Play a bit more defensive on this one. Vs War Machine: Hey! Iron man's clone is taking his place in this game. He looks just about the same as Iron man. War Machine is a bit slow, so take advantage on this although you are almost as slow (never mind). I suggest that you use the ground rip rather than the Gamma charge, because if you miss, you'll most probably get hit by WM's War Destroyer super. Also watch out when he tries to do air combos on you. If they connect, they might hit up to 11 hits. Vs (finally) Wolverine: This cheap and easy to use character for button smashers is back yet again. Wolverine in this game will always try to hit you with his ground combo. What can I say? Just block and kill him! Strategies against Onslaught Onslaught 1st form: Ok, he's quite a difficult character to beat. After all, he can do any amount for supers without any limitations, but there is a way to beat this fat guy using Hulk. It may seem a bit hard, but I think it would work. Before I start, I suggest that you partner Hulk with a thin, agile or small character as this will help a lot when you are dealing with the 1st Onslaught. Anyway, when he tries to do supers, BLOCK. If he leaves a opening, hit him with a fierce punch. Whenever if possible, try to jump over to Onslaught's back and hit him with everything you've got. The reason is that since Hulk is such a huge character, his chances of getting hit by Onslaught is very high. Onslaught 2nd form: Ah.Onslaught's 2nd form is quite a piece of cake for Hulk, even though Onslaught is even stronger in this form. Just HK or HP into his face! When he does he eye beam, I really mean BLOCK as this does MEGA damage on Hulk When he leaves the stage and reappears to scratch or tickle you (sort of), super jump and avoid it! Soon, you'd have stored up a super level or two. You may do the team super if you want to, but if you still want to continue to use Hulk, do his Gamma Quake, and in no time you will kill Onslaught. Hey! Nice job. Codes for Hulk Orange Hulk: Hulk is faster in this mode and can even a chain a 5-hit air combo! However, he has lost his super armour and his attacks do less damage. To use him just do this: 1) Start a game and move the cursor to Chun-li. 2) Then move the cursor in this direction. 3) R,R,D,D,L,L,R,R,D,D,L,L,U,U,U,U,D,D,R,R,U,U,D,D,D,D,U,U,U ,U,L,U. 4) Memory Help: Just spell the number "3", go back to Chun- li and spell the number "4". Then go counter clockwise until you reach Ryu's icon, then hit up once more. Acknowledgement and Thanks Whew! Here goes: 1. Fluffy for his spectacular Hulk FAQ and info on combos. 2. Migs Rustia for making the most wonderful MVC site I've ever seen and for the strategies guides and combos guides. 3. Aaron Tan(TKH) for inspiring me to write my own FAQ after his wonderful Chun-li FAQ. 4. Lim Tian Yi for the characters info. 5. Circus-circus for promoting the MVC machine at 1 token a play. 6. The people whom I have beaten at this game. 7. Hulk for getting his body radiated.(Ha!) 8. The rest of the Capcom staff for making this great games. 9. The rest of the MVC characters for letting me kick their butt real hard. I HOPE THAT U ENJOYED THIS LOUSY AND SMALL FAQ.A MILLION THANKS TO THESE GUYS! WITHOUT THEM THIS GUIDE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN SUCH A GREAT SUCCESS FOR ME! SEE YA AND REMEMBER TO WATCH OUT FOR MY UPDATES! ? 1998 by AYZ Ang Yao Zong All names mention in this guide are "copyrighted" to their respective owners and please do not take this FAQ for money-making purposes or ripping it off to look like your own. Please get my consent first or I will feed you into Onslaught's mouth! Thanks.