Mega Armor War Machine FAQ Version 1.2 copyright 1999 bryan landry Mega Armor War Machine FAQ For the Game Marvel Vs. Capcom All names of characters and such are the property of their respective owners. This FAQ is all my own work unless otherwise noted, so don't steal it. I don't know why you would want to steal it anyway. If you want to use this FAQ, write me at the above email address. This FAQ assumes that you know basic game mechanics, such as qcf and super jump. If you don't know, read one of the more detailed FAQ's. Mail me if you have any questions/comments/criticism/additions. There is more to come as soon as i get back to the arcade. Finally this is my first FAQ so give me a break, dammit. Table Of Contents: 1.Changes 2.What is Mega Armor War Machine? 3.Why the #*$@ would i want to play with a character that can't block? 4.How do i get Mega Armor War Machine? 5.How do i fight Mega Armor War Machine? 6.What are His Moves? 7.What are Mega Armor War Machine's super moves? 8.Who are the best partners for Mega Armor War Machine? 9.I know all the moves, but i keep losing. Why? 10.Thanks 11.How do i make a contribution? Changes: Version 1.2 --4/17/99-- I added a section on how to beat Onslaught. Fixed more minor errors. Added note on switching characters. Added some character strategy. Version 1.1--3/4/99-- I added a thanks section. Added Mega Armor War Machine to the help section. Fixed some minor errors What is Mega Armor War Machine? Mega Armor War Machine is a secret character. He cannot block, but he has excellent defensive power. Also, he cannot be launched or swept and auto-combo super moves (captain storm, weapon x) only hit once for minimal damage. Also, Mega Armor War Machine is unable to fly and some of his projectiles are changed. For more details, look at the moves section below. Why the #*$@ would i want to play with a character that can't block? Mega War Machine can be a real bastard if used correctly. I find him to be most effective against jin/wolverine/spiderman/strider pattern button mashers. Isn't the point of the game to have fun? That's why i play. Mega Armor War Machine causes characters to change their strategy, and often makes them curse their misfortune. Also, my heroes, Beavis and Butthead, once said "because i'm a war machine!!!" They were quoting some obscure 80's heavy metal song. My rendition of this phrase as i select Mega Armor War Machine always brings a few laughs. What reason could be more convincing? How do i get Mega Armor War Machine?(thanks to gamesages for this one) Move the cursor to Zangief L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, D, D, R, R, U, U, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, U. A box should appear above Zangief. How do i fight Mega Armor War Machine?(thanks to gamesages for this one) Get 5 Hyper Combo Finishes, Variable Combo Finishes, or Variable Cross Finishes. Two of the five must be variable cross finishes. What are His Moves? Mega War Machine's moves are similar to War Machine's. Sounds logical, doesn't it. Strong Punch: This is your best bet for throwing opponents. More on this button later Fierce Punch: This button is your new best friend. Use it to keep opponents away when you're on the ground. It also eats regular fireballs so you don't have to. In the air, it can be directed using the joystick. The default direction is straight, but you can move it up or down to surprise jumpy opponents. Throwing with the fierce button is not reccomended, since it gives the opponent lots of time to tech hit.(bummer) Roundhouse Kick: This is Mega Armor War Machine's launcher. Try your hardest to follow it with at least one hit. Since his leg flies straight up, range is limited. If you already play with War Machine, you'll be familiar with this move. Shoulder Cannon: qcf+punch (can be done in the air too) This move fires a single rocket at the enemy. It takes off a bit more damage than War Machine's Shoulder Cannon and stops projectiles. I'm still looking into the difference between the various punches with this move. Crouching Shoulder Cannon: qcf+kick This move is the same as above, but it goes low. This move will stop some beam supers if if hits your opponent. I really pissed off a megaman user like this.(evil laughter) Smart Bomb: short+strong (can be done in the air) This move is the same as War Machine's. You can control the range with the joystick. You should use this move so that you can attack from overhead without getting hit with anything. Also, if you super jump over a beam super, you can hit your opponent with this and knock him out of the super. A good followup to this move is the knee dive. Use this move a lot, but don't get predictable. Knee Dive: (in the air)down+foward This move is really important now, especially since Mega Armor War Machine cannot be launched.(more evil laughter) It is the same as war machine's. See combo section for more fun!!! Upward Kick: (in the air)up+roundhouse This move is identical to War Machine's. Another surprise for jumpy opponents. Short Beam: down+fierce This move fires a short beam. It has better range than the regular fierce and can negate projectiles. What are Mega Armor War Machine's super moves? Proton Cannon: This move is the same as War Machine's, but instead of a large beam, many missles fly out of the cannon. The missles hit high, so they may miss smaller characters completely. It seems to deal more damage than War Machine's Proton Cannon. This is Mega Armor War Machine's Team-up super as well. War Destroyer: This super is the same as War Machine's War Destroyer, but it seems to do more damage as well. It combos after the launcher too. Who are the best partners for Mega Armor War Machine? Basically, pick your best character as the second guy, then press all three punch buttons to switch your starting character. The strategy here is to wail on your opponent, make him switch out, and when he does, use a Team-Up Super. I like to use Captain Commando, Zangief, Gambit, Hulk, and of course, War Machine.**IMPORTANT NOTE**Since Mega Armor War Machine cannot be stunned, you can switch characters while being hit. Switching during a large fireball-type move is one way to save Gold War Machine's hide. Remember to block immediately after pressing the buttons to switch, otherwise you'll get fried. I know all the moves, but i keep losing. Why? Mega Armor War Machine is completely different from War Machine in terms of strategy. Obviously, a "turtle" strategy is not a good idea. Below are hints to help you beat each character. Chun Li: -If she jumps around a lot, use the multi-directional capability of the fierce punch to surprise her in the air. -If she uses her lightning leg super, you can throw her while she is kicking you. This really surprises opponents. -If you think Chun Li is going to attack with that big blue fireball super, stay in the air and keep her at bay with your smart bombs and fierce punches. While on the ground use a smart bomb followed by a crouching firece to keep her from dashing in and burning you. -You can throw her if caught in the middle of her large fireball, but try to aviod the fireball at all costs. It seems to really hurt. Wolverine: -Use a standing fierce punch when he dashes in. Your launcher works too -The Weapon X super only hits once and it leaves Wolverine open to an attack. Jin: -Use the Standing Fierce to keep him at bay. -Throw him if he does a Satome Dynamite. -Super Jump over the Blodia punch. If it hits, it only hits once though. -If caught in the Blodia Vulcan, use the War Destroyer to punish him after he gets done shooting you. Zangief: -Keep away. -Use a standing fierce to keep Zangief back if he tries to grab you. Hulk: -Keep away from this guy and try your best to counter his moves. -The best way to counter his gamma crush is War Destroyer. -Super jump+Smart Bombs to avoid the Gamma Wave. -Use a standing fierce to hit Hulk during the Gamma Quake and make the rocks stop falling. Megaman: -Counter his fireballs with your crouching shoulder cannon or standing fierce punch. -Don't use the Proton cannon, megaman is too short to take all the hits. -Use a crouching shoulder cannon to try and disrupt his Hyper Megaman. -Smart Bombs will stop all his supers. Spiderman: -Stanging fierce will keep him away it will also negate web balls. -You can throw him if he connects with the crawler assault. -Use the War Destroyer as often as possible, Spiderman is kind of short Venom: -The Venom Web will hit only once. -Stay out of range of his standing fierce. -Super jump over his Death Bite Captain America: -Throw him to counter the Charging Star Captain Commando: -The Captain Storm will only hit once -Super Jump when he fires a Saptain Sword. You'll only take one hit. -Stay out of the range of his Captain Corridor. If caught, retaliate heavily while he is recovering. Ryu/Ken/Akuma: -Super jump over Ryu's fireball and use your Smart Bomb. -If you are caught in it, try a crouching Shoulder Cannon. -Aviod Ken. His throws have very high priority. Use your firece punch to keep him back. Strider: -Every time he tries to combo, throw him. -Aviod the Orobous at all at least a level of super to do a War Destroyer -Use the Proton Cannon to make his animals go away. -Use the War Destroyer if he grabs the wall, guaranted fun. War Machine: -Use one of your supers when he does one of his. -If he does a smart bomb from above, use the War Destroyer -If he flies, use the War Destroyer. Morrigan: -Super jump over her supers and then smart bomb her from above. -Dash foward and use the War Destroyer to avoid multiple air Soul Fists. Gambit: -Use the super jump to tke minimal damage from his supers. -Throw him when he does a Cajun Slash -Launch him when he does a Cajun Strike. Metal Zangief: -Don't try to combo him. -Watch out for the Siberian Fire. -Avoid spending too much time directly above him, he has that Aerial Spinning Lariat Super. Red Venom: -Use a standing fierce to stop his standing fierce -He takes hits like a sissy, so attack him hard and fast MSH Performance Hulk: Follow same rules for regular Hulk. Shadow Lady: -Try to counter the Homing Missles with your fierce punch. -Avoid her fireball super at all costs. -You can throw her when she does her lightning or drill attacks. -The Short Beam will stop the drill too. Lilith: Follow same rules as Morrigan Roll: -Do not use the Proton Cannon, it will miss. -Only use Crouching Shoulder Cannon attacks, not the standing ones. Mega Armor War Machine: -Save your supers and helpers for him. -Switch out during his war destroyer to take minimal damage. -DO NOT Switch during the proton cannon..its not worth it. Instead use crouching shoulder cannon attacks. -DO NOT Try to jump out of the proton cannon if it begins to hit you. You get "stuck" in the stream of missles and take loads more damage. -Try to pick a second character who has beam supers to make your life easier. Onslaught: -Don't start with Mega Armor War Machine. Let your other character kill his first form. -Save your super energy for when Mega Armor War Machine comes out. -Super jump over his fist and hit him with smart bombs when he dashes across the screen. -Try to use the War Destroyer when he comes back on the screen after doing the above. -Otherwise, super jump, launch smart bombs, and hit him with your fierce punch when landing. -Repeat above until you have a level of super energy or are dead. Thanks: Capcom for making good games. GameFaqs for posting my FAQ The guys at the Nicholls Arcade for helping me pratice my strategy.(heh- heh) How do i make a contribution? email me at you'll get the appropriate credit. This document Copyright 1999 Bryan Landry me Mega Armor War Machine FAQ Version 1.2 copyright 1999 bryan landry Mega Armor War Machine FAQ For the Game Marvel Vs. Capcom All names of characters and such are the property of their respective owners. This FAQ is all my own work unless otherwise noted, so don't steal it. I don't know why you would want to steal it anyway. If you want to use this FAQ, write me at the above email address. This FAQ assumes that you know basic game mechanics, such as qcf and super jump. If you don't know, read one of the more detailed FAQ's. Mail me if you have any questions/comments/criticism/additions. There is more to come as soon as i get back to the arcade. Finally this is my first FAQ so give me a break, dammit. Table Of Contents: 1.Changes 2.What is Mega Armor War Machine? 3.Why the #*$@ would i want to play with a character that can't block? 4.How do i get Mega Armor War Machine? 5.How do i fight Mega Armor War Machine? 6.What are His Moves? 7.What are Mega Armor War Machine's super moves? 8.Who are the best partners for Mega Armor War Machine? 9.I know all the moves, but i keep losing. Why? 10.Thanks 11.How do i make a contribution? Changes: Version 1.2 --4/17/99-- I added a section on how to beat Onslaught. Fixed more minor errors. Added note on switching characters. Added some character strategy. Version 1.1--3/4/99-- I added a thanks section. Added Mega Armor War Machine to the help section. Fixed some minor errors What is Mega Armor War Machine? Mega Armor War Machine is a secret character. He cannot block, but he has excellent defensive power. Also, he cannot be launched or swept and auto-combo super moves (captain storm, weapon x) only hit once for minimal damage. Also, Mega Armor War Machine is unable to fly and some of his projectiles are changed. For more details, look at the moves section below. Why the #*$@ would i want to play with a character that can't block? Mega War Machine can be a real bastard if used correctly. I find him to be most effective against jin/wolverine/spiderman/strider pattern button mashers. Isn't the point of the game to have fun? That's why i play. Mega Armor War Machine causes characters to change their strategy, and often makes them curse their misfortune. Also, my heroes, Beavis and Butthead, once said "because i'm a war machine!!!" They were quoting some obscure 80's heavy metal song. My rendition of this phrase as i select Mega Armor War Machine always brings a few laughs. What reason could be more convincing? How do i get Mega Armor War Machine?(thanks to gamesages for this one) Move the cursor to Zangief L, L, D, D, R, R, D, D, L, L, U, U, U, U, R, R, L, L, D, D, D, D, R, R, U, U, L, L, D, D, R, R, U, U, U, U, U. A box should appear above Zangief. How do i fight Mega Armor War Machine?(thanks to gamesages for this one) Get 5 Hyper Combo Finishes, Variable Combo Finishes, or Variable Cross Finishes. Two of the five must be variable cross finishes. What are His Moves? Mega War Machine's moves are similar to War Machine's. Sounds logical, doesn't it. Strong Punch: This is your best bet for throwing opponents. More on this button later Fierce Punch: This button is your new best friend. Use it to keep opponents away when you're on the ground. It also eats regular fireballs so you don't have to. In the air, it can be directed using the joystick. The default direction is straight, but you can move it up or down to surprise jumpy opponents. Throwing with the fierce button is not reccomended, since it gives the opponent lots of time to tech hit.(bummer) Roundhouse Kick: This is Mega Armor War Machine's launcher. Try your hardest to follow it with at least one hit. Since his leg flies straight up, range is limited. If you already play with War Machine, you'll be familiar with this move. Shoulder Cannon: qcf+punch (can be done in the air too) This move fires a single rocket at the enemy. It takes off a bit more damage than War Machine's Shoulder Cannon and stops projectiles. I'm still looking into the difference between the various punches with this move. Crouching Shoulder Cannon: qcf+kick This move is the same as above, but it goes low. This move will stop some beam supers if if hits your opponent. I really pissed off a megaman user like this.(evil laughter) Smart Bomb: short+strong (can be done in the air) This move is the same as War Machine's. You can control the range with the joystick. You should use this move so that you can attack from overhead without getting hit with anything. Also, if you super jump over a beam super, you can hit your opponent with this and knock him out of the super. A good followup to this move is the knee dive. Use this move a lot, but don't get predictable. Knee Dive: (in the air)down+foward This move is really important now, especially since Mega Armor War Machine cannot be launched.(more evil laughter) It is the same as war machine's. See combo section for more fun!!! Upward Kick: (in the air)up+roundhouse This move is identical to War Machine's. Another surprise for jumpy opponents. Short Beam: down+fierce This move fires a short beam. It has better range than the regular fierce and can negate projectiles. What are Mega Armor War Machine's super moves? Proton Cannon: This move is the same as War Machine's, but instead of a large beam, many missles fly out of the cannon. The missles hit high, so they may miss smaller characters completely. It seems to deal more damage than War Machine's Proton Cannon. This is Mega Armor War Machine's Team-up super as well. War Destroyer: This super is the same as War Machine's War Destroyer, but it seems to do more damage as well. It combos after the launcher too. Who are the best partners for Mega Armor War Machine? Basically, pick your best character as the second guy, then press all three punch buttons to switch your starting character. The strategy here is to wail on your opponent, make him switch out, and when he does, use a Team-Up Super. I like to use Captain Commando, Zangief, Gambit, Hulk, and of course, War Machine.**IMPORTANT NOTE**Since Mega Armor War Machine cannot be stunned, you can switch characters while being hit. Switching during a large fireball-type move is one way to save Gold War Machine's hide. Remember to block immediately after pressing the buttons to switch, otherwise you'll get fried. I know all the moves, but i keep losing. Why? Mega Armor War Machine is completely different from War Machine in terms of strategy. Obviously, a "turtle" strategy is not a good idea. Below are hints to help you beat each character. Chun Li: -If she jumps around a lot, use the multi-directional capability of the fierce punch to surprise her in the air. -If she uses her lightning leg super, you can throw her while she is kicking you. This really surprises opponents. -If you think Chun Li is going to attack with that big blue fireball super, stay in the air and keep her at bay with your smart bombs and fierce punches. While on the ground use a smart bomb followed by a crouching firece to keep her from dashing in and burning you. -You can throw her if caught in the middle of her large fireball, but try to aviod the fireball at all costs. It seems to really hurt. Wolverine: -Use a standing fierce punch when he dashes in. Your launcher works too -The Weapon X super only hits once and it leaves Wolverine open to an attack. Jin: -Use the Standing Fierce to keep him at bay. -Throw him if he does a Satome Dynamite. -Super Jump over the Blodia punch. If it hits, it only hits once though. -If caught in the Blodia Vulcan, use the War Destroyer to punish him after he gets done shooting you. Zangief: -Keep away. -Use a standing fierce to keep Zangief back if he tries to grab you. Hulk: -Keep away from this guy and try your best to counter his moves. -The best way to counter his gamma crush is War Destroyer. -Super jump+Smart Bombs to avoid the Gamma Wave. -Use a standing fierce to hit Hulk during the Gamma Quake and make the rocks stop falling. Megaman: -Counter his fireballs with your crouching shoulder cannon or standing fierce punch. -Don't use the Proton cannon, megaman is too short to take all the hits. -Use a crouching shoulder cannon to try and disrupt his Hyper Megaman. -Smart Bombs will stop all his supers. Spiderman: -Stanging fierce will keep him away it will also negate web balls. -You can throw him if he connects with the crawler assault. -Use the War Destroyer as often as possible, Spiderman is kind of short Venom: -The Venom Web will hit only once. -Stay out of range of his standing fierce. -Super jump over his Death Bite Captain America: -Throw him to counter the Charging Star Captain Commando: -The Captain Storm will only hit once -Super Jump when he fires a Saptain Sword. You'll only take one hit. -Stay out of the range of his Captain Corridor. If caught, retaliate heavily while he is recovering. Ryu/Ken/Akuma: -Super jump over Ryu's fireball and use your Smart Bomb. -If you are caught in it, try a crouching Shoulder Cannon. -Aviod Ken. His throws have very high priority. Use your firece punch to keep him back. Strider: -Every time he tries to combo, throw him. -Aviod the Orobous at all at least a level of super to do a War Destroyer -Use the Proton Cannon to make his animals go away. -Use the War Destroyer if he grabs the wall, guaranted fun. War Machine: -Use one of your supers when he does one of his. -If he does a smart bomb from above, use the War Destroyer -If he flies, use the War Destroyer. Morrigan: -Super jump over her supers and then smart bomb her from above. -Dash foward and use the War Destroyer to avoid multiple air Soul Fists. Gambit: -Use the super jump to tke minimal damage from his supers. -Throw him when he does a Cajun Slash -Launch him when he does a Cajun Strike. Metal Zangief: -Don't try to combo him. -Watch out for the Siberian Fire. -Avoid spending too much time directly above him, he has that Aerial Spinning Lariat Super. Red Venom: -Use a standing fierce to stop his standing fierce -He takes hits like a sissy, so attack him hard and fast MSH Performance Hulk: Follow same rules for regular Hulk. Shadow Lady: -Try to counter the Homing Missles with your fierce punch. -Avoid her fireball super at all costs. -You can throw her when she does her lightning or drill attacks. -The Short Beam will stop the drill too. Lilith: Follow same rules as Morrigan Roll: -Do not use the Proton Cannon, it will miss. -Only use Crouching Shoulder Cannon attacks, not the standing ones. Mega Armor War Machine: -Save your supers and helpers for him. -Switch out during his war destroyer to take minimal damage. -DO NOT Switch during the proton cannon..its not worth it. Instead use crouching shoulder cannon attacks. -DO NOT Try to jump out of the proton cannon if it begins to hit you. You get "stuck" in the stream of missles and take loads more damage. -Try to pick a second character who has beam supers to make your life easier. Onslaught: -Don't start with Mega Armor War Machine. Let your other character kill his first form. -Save your super energy for when Mega Armor War Machine comes out. -Super jump over his fist and hit him with smart bombs when he dashes across the screen. -Try to use the War Destroyer when he comes back on the screen after doing the above. -Otherwise, super jump, launch smart bombs, and hit him with your fierce punch when landing. -Repeat above until you have a level of super energy or are dead. Thanks: Capcom for making good games. GameFaqs for posting my FAQ The guys at the Nicholls Arcade for helping me pratice my strategy.(heh-heh) How do i make a contribution? email me at you'll get the appropriate credit. This document Copyright 1999 Bryan Landry