The Megaman FAQ ver. 1.0 by Marc1s ( This is my first FAQ, so don't complain if I screw up. I'm going to list the moves, combos, strategy, and ending (although I might scrap that in later versions). So without further delay, the FAQ! Key: P-any punch K-any kick F-forward B-back U-up D-down DB-down-back DF-down-forward HCF-Half Circle Forward HCB- Half Circle Back 2P-2 punches 2K-2 kicks OTG- Off The Ground An opponent on the ground can be hit off the ground. D.-dashing SJ.- super jump S.-standing C.-crouching Mega Buster: Fierce punch Hold for a charge that makes the blast larger. It can hit 9 times and OTG! Mega Uppercut: F,D,DF,P Megaman's dragon punch style move from MMX2. Does incredible damage, but it leaves him wide open if he misses. The punch button pressed determines how far he goes. Item change: D,DB,B,K The kick button pressed determines what item he'll get. Short for Rockball, Forward for Tornado Hold, and Roundhouse for Leaf Shield. Item Use: D,DF,F, P Megaman uses his current item. Here's a description of each one. Rockball: Megaman kicks a ball around the screen. It's useful for keep away, but doesn't do much damage. Tornado Hold: This is the item Megaman has at the beginning of each round. Megaman fires a propeller at the ground and it sends your opponent flying and can OTG! Leaf Shield: A rotating shield that prevents Megaman from being hit once. I mean ANY one hit. He can also throw it and it becomes an 8-hit projectile that plows through any fireball (except super fireballs i.e. Shinkuu Hadoken). The supers: Hyper Megaman: D,DF,F,2P Megaman transforms into a HUGE robot with a Mega Buster the size of the Hulk's arm and fries your opponent with a beam that covers almost the whole screen! He also has rockets and robotic animals to back him up. This is his most powerful super. It's slow, but if the opponent gets hit by the transformation, the get knock into the beam! Rush Drill: D,DB,B,2K Megaman hops into rush and drills his opponent. He is completely invincible while in Rush. NOTHING will stop him, team super, Onslaught, you name it, he can go through it! However, this move has a recovery delay and a start-up lag, so this move is best used in a combo or after a helper. If the last hit connects, it knocks the opponent skyward, which gives Megaman ample time to recover. It's also his best shipping super, so use against opponents who love to turtle all day. Beat Plane: D,DB,B,2K Megaman hops into beat and air strikes his opponent. Use punch to use fireballs and kick to drop bombs. This super also chips, but it isn't as good as Rush Drill. This can be confusing to block, as you can fly all over the place in beat. MM is NOT invincible in beat and can be knocked out of it. The combos!! I'm going to list two easy, intermediate, and hard combos. All of these combos have been confirmed, so if it doesn't work, you're doing it wrong. Just wanted to clear that up. Easy combos 1. charge mega buster, C.Roundhouse, C.mega buster release 2. Charge mega buster, J.Jab, land, D.C.Short, C.Forward, cancel into mega buster Intermediate combos 1. D.C.Short, C.Forward, C.Roundhouse, cancel into Rush Drill(this must be done quickly otherwise they will be able to block). 2. Leaf Shield Activation, D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, fire leaf shield Hard combos 1. Charge mega buster, D.S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ, SJ.Jab, SJ.Forward, release mega buster, beat plane(you can also do a hyper Megaman instead of a beat plane). 2. Charge mega buster, leaf shield activation, D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, SJ., SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, fire leaf shield, release mega buster, beat plane(this is Megaman's most complicated combo. You can also stick in a hyper Megaman, but you'll need fast fingers). Strategy Advantages Now Megaman is the second smallest character in the game(Roll is the smallest). This means that most attacks will go right over his head(i.e. standing strong by Hulk)! It also makes it hard to tell whether he's attacking low. His mega buster is his most valuable move. He can link it into special moves and supers! His launcher is a very good air defense. It's similar to Chun-Li's launcher and will beat-out his opponents attack or at least trade hits! He has great supers! The hyper Megaman acts as it's own setup because it'll knock the opponent into the beam! The rush drill is unstoppable. NOTHING will penetrate it. The beat plane is a good air defense and can be confusing to block. Disadvantages Megaman's moves are weak, with the exception of a charged mega buster and the leaf shield. It takes big combos involving his supers to win with him. His normal attacks don't cut it. All of his supers have horrible recovery time, which leaves him open to attack. It takes him a little while to get to his opponent because of his short limbs. He has to be close to his opponent to hit him/her with combos. Against Onslaught Megaman is the best character to use against Onslaught. He can slide right under that Mega Optic Blast and combo the crap out of him! When Onslaught's not doing the beam, charge that mega buster! Block and charge, and when you get a clear shot, fire! It will leave him stunned for about a second. You can then pull of a quick combo or a rush drill! Ultima Onslaught Now this guy can give Megaman a rough time. Throughout the entire fight, charge that mega buster! It will be your most powerful asset! Keep pelting him with the mega buster and J.Roundhouse. When you have some super meter built up, you can pull off a hyper Megaman to his face! It does enormous damage against him. If you're feeling gutsy, you can pull off a rush drill when he rears back and does that hand thing of his. Ending Megaman kneels down by the Professor and picks something up. He teleports off the screen. He then appears shooting a magnetic shockwave! It says in big letters, "YOU GOT MAGNETIC SHOCKWAVE!" No you can't use it in the game(although that would be pretty cool). Credits and acknowledgements Whew! My first FAQ completed! What do you think? E-mail your criticism and complements to I'd also like to thank Migs Rustia for his AWESOME site! His Megaman section helped me out a lot! IrishRagan for his Megaman FAQ and his advice! And my parents for lending me money for the arcade! Be sure to look for an upgrade!