Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Quotes and Dialogue Guide v1.1 (September 8, 1999) This document Copyright 1999 Robert Iu This document is for private and personal use only. I intended this work to be used as an easy way to reference specific character quotes and/or endings for those who might need it, though you may not rip off large parts of this without my permission. If you make use of something you find here give credit where it is due. Please do not put this in anything that is to be sold for money or otherwise profit from. The Street Fighter series and the Capcom characters are Copyright Capcom Co., Ltd. and Copyright Capcom U.S.A., Inc. The Marvel characters are Copyright Marvel Characters, Inc. Strider is Copyright Moto Hikaku. All rights reserved. Wow, after a long month of putting some serious effort into this, it is just about complete. All this was done off the arcade version of the game. I have not seen the Japanese DC version, so I do not know if this applies to that version (if there is an English option.) There are six hidden characters in the game. The three variations of the Marvel characters (High Speed Venom, Hyper Armor War Machine, and MSH Performance Hulk) all use the same quotes and Onslaught dialogue as their counterpart. For an ending, they all stand against a flashing background and get the message “Congratulation! You’ve beaten the game with a secret character!” Lilith-Style Morrigan and Shadow Lady also have they same quotes and Onslaught dialogue as their counterpart, but they each get an ending, one that is different then their counterpart. Roll is treated as a completely separate character, getting her own quotes, Onslaught dialogue, and ending. In [brackets] are a brief description of the animations in the endings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain America ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: All you need is one man to make the difference! Believe in your country, but believe in yourself! For Truth, Justice and the American Way! I speak loudly for those who have no voice. Rest easy soldier; your time is over. Victory is yours if you believe in yourself. Where is your sense of patriotism? Stand up! You'd make a fine soldier for your country! Boss: Onslaught ---- Captain America: Justice demands that I put an end to your evil! Onslaught: Justice? I define the term, Captain! [after the battle] [Captain America stands in front of a group of the characters in the game in the control room stage] Captain America: So this explains why you were all brought here. Captain America: Onslaught was the embodiment of dark Captain America: emotions of Professor X and Magneto. Captain America: His consciecous called out for heroes to stop Captain America: the evil, and each of you were summoned here. [the group of characters fade away leaving Captain America alone onscreen] Captain America: With Onslaught's demise, you may return home now. Captain America: Thank you... All of you! Good luck all my friends! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Commando ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Burn, baby, burn! Capcom's first game was Vulgus, made in 1984! Get up, go home, and tell 'em who defeated you! Great leaders can't afford to lose! I welcome your challenge! You can become the best! It’s not all about good looks. Game play is the key! Thank you for playing this game! We stand for justice, fair play and character! Boss: Onslaught ---- Captain Commando: This demented dream ends here, Onslaught! Onslaught: Your comeback shall be short-lived, Captain. [after the battle] [the Avenger's Headquarter, a guy looks up at a snowy screen] Avenger's Crew: H.Q. to each member of the Avengers... Avenger's Crew: The dreadful Onslaught has disappeared. Repeat. [Captain Commando appears on the screen] Captain Commando: We've defeated Onslaught. Captain Commando: Now the earth will be at peace. Avengers Crew: W... Who are you? Captain Commando: I am Captain Commando. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chun-Li ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Fighting isn't the only thing I'd beat you at! I guess I overdid it again! I hope I didn’t hurt your ego too badly... Oops! I'd fight you again if I thought you had a chance! Stare at me again, and I’ll hit you even harder! You aren't the hero you make yourself out to be! You underestimated me... Enjoy your defeat! You’ve wasted enough of my time! Later, loser! Boss: Onslaught ---- Chun-Li: You are finished, Onslaught! Onslaught: Your bravado will not save you from death! [after the battle] [Chun-Li is standing in front of Bison] Chun-Li: I got you now Bison! You can't escape! Chun-Li: I know you're the leader! Surrender or else! Bison: Impressive young one. But it is you who are trapped! [a beam traps Chun-Li in the air] Bison: Welcome to Shadaloo, Detective Chun-Li! [Shadow comes onscreen and does a Shadow Justice, forcing Bison offscreen] Shadow: No!!! Shadow: I won't let you do this! You must be defeated! [Chun-Li recovers] Chun-Li: W... Where's Bison? Who was that guy...? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gambit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Don' like that last hand? I'll deal you another. First class beating... Cajun style! Good looks, charm, wit, style and modesty too! Hey, I think I bent my staff over your head... Lebeau... Remy Lebeau. Remember dat name! Not dealing with a full deck you say? Style means everything; and you don' have any! You've dealt y'self a full hand; but I'm all aces! Boss: Onslaught ---- Gambit: Now we finish dis, mon ami... I call your hand! Onslaught: You should have folded, Gambit. Now you will pay! [after the battle] [Gambit stands there facing Morrigan who is sitting on her bats] Morrigan: You're still playing with sticks and cards, I see. Gambit: You have both the beauty and the thorns of a rose! Gambit: (She's captivating...) [Rogue jumps onscreen and carries Gambit offscreen] Rogue: What's this, having fun without me, shu-gah? [Morrigan closes her eyes] Morrigan: Just when I thought I was about to have some fun... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hulk/(MSH Performance) Hulk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: All this, and I can tote bales too! Barely flexed a bicep that time. Who's next? Come back later; I've got some research to do! Gamma charged and ready for the next match up! Hey, quit hitting my fists with your head. I've had a harder time squatting mosquitoes. Still the strongest in this or any other world! That was pathetic. Are you trying to be funny? Boss: Onslaught ---- Hulk: Hulk crush! Hulk destroy! HULK SMASH! Onslaught: I will show you the true meaning of power, Hulk... [after the battle] [Onslaught's stage, there is a mess of bright, blue balls floating] Onslaught: Fools! Onslaught will not be destroyed so easily! Captain America: It's not over yet! Prepare to be finished! [Captain America comes onscreen, doing a Charging Star into the mess] Captain America: Goodbye my friends! It's in your hands now! [only Captain America's shield is left and Hulk Gamma Charges onscreen] Hulk: Cap!!! [Hulk, Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops, and Professor X are onscreen] Professor X: The Captain sacrificed his life for the world. Professor X: His memory will live on forever... Hulk: Just like the Captain, he went out fighting! Wolverine: We are all more alike than we're willing to admit... Secret battle against (MSH Performance) Hulk/Wolverine/Sentinel --------------------------------------------------------------- [Onslaught hovers behind Hulk] Witness the might of Onslaught unleased! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Challenging me again would be a waste of time! Go back to playing video simulations, weakling! If my father were alive, I could make him proud! If the world become too mechanical, more may die! Machines can transform rage into power!... What is a "VA"? Variant Armor, used for combat! Whether you're metal or flesh, I'll destroy you! You're through! You're skills were incapable! Boss: Onslaught ---- Jin: I must defeat you for the good of the world! Onslaught: Without your little robot you are nothing Jin. [after the battle] [Jin stands before floating a mess of bright, blue balls] Onslaught: You are a fool Jin. You can never defeat me! Onslaught: I am more powerful than anything you can imagine! Jin: Fine! Let's see if you can imagine this!! [Jin does a Saotome Typhoon into the floating balls of light] [Ryu, with his back towards the player, holds Jin's bandana, a picture of Jin is in the sky] Ryu: Jin... Did he die? Or did he beat Onslaught? Ryu: No... Jin will return. I know he will... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Lilith-Style) Morrigan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Note: Her win quotes and Onslaught dialogue are the same as Morrigan's, though she has her own ending.] [after the battle with Onslaught] [Lilith and Morrigan are facing each other] Lilith: Should we live in these exchanged bodies forever? Morrigan: A collision caused this. It might be reversed. Lilith: Let's try it! Hit my head with yours, HARD! [Morrigan flies offscreen] Morrigan: Yeah, here we go! [Zangief jumps onscreen, in front of Lilith] Zangief: Let me in on your head-butt training! [Morrigan flies back onscreen] Morrigan: Ieee! [bright flash] [Lilith and Morrigan are standing while Zangief lies on the ground] Morrigan: Ar... ouch... Morrigan: ...That's it! I'm myself again! Morrigan: We can go home, to our little Dark Realm! Come. [Lilith and Morrigan fly offscreen] Lilith: Oh yes... my sister let's go home Zangief: Ooo... ouch... [the screen blacks out] Zangief: !!!! Zangief: No! I can't stand this! Come back to me, sister! [To be continued...] Secret Battle against (Lilith-Style) Morrigan/? ----------------------------------------------- [Morrigan]: Your soul is strong. May I borrow it... Forever? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megaman ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Dr. Light said I could learn much from fighting! I can’t let you beat me! I must become better! Nice attack, but I like my Mega Buster the best! Right on! Now, what new powers have I obtained?! That was a neat attack! I think I'll try it now! Why must I fight you?! We are not enemies! You need more power? Maybe if you beat me... Your powers are too weak to help me! Boss: Onslaught ---- Megaman: Wow! Dr. Wily has really outdone himself! Onslaught: I am not of your world boy. I am Onslaught! [after the battle] [Megaman runs to the middle of the screen, picks up a blue ball, and teleports away] [Megaman is doing Magnetic Shockwaves with a blue background and a message "YOU GOT MAGNETIC SHOCKWAVE"] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morrigan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Eternity can be lonely. Please keep me company... I shouldn't have gone so easy on you! I'd be happy to do that again... if you get up! It's rough sometimes... Just stay on your back... No, you aren't the first one to lose... Please don't be bitter! It's how I feel inside! You can get hurt... Don't exert yourself next time! Your soul is strong. May I borrow it... Forever? Boss: Onslaught ---- Morrigan: Who are you? One of Pyron's little friends? Onslaught: I am not your savior. I bring only eternal night. [after the battle] [Morrigan is in her stage] Morrigan: I don't think there is anyone good enough... [Ryu jumps onscreen] Ryu: Morrigan wait! I have come to challenge you! Morrigan: Hee hee hee. It will be my pleasure... Ryu: Then let's do it. Shouryu ken! [Ready, Fight!] [Morrigan and Ryu go head to head in a game of Puzzle Fighter] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roll ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Are you hurt? Maybe my Doctor can fix you... Hee hee hee... I did it! Girl power! I maybe be little, but I still kicked your butt! I think you're due for an upgrade! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you so badly! Now how does Mega Man do that absorption thing? Now... If only I could have my own series! See? I should have been in Power Battle! Boss: Onslaught ---- Roll: Don't get mad at me... I'm just a girl. Onslaught: You shall be the first to fall, little one! [after the battle] [Roll runs onscreen and does a win pose] Roll: I did it! I beat the stage before Mega Man! [an image of Dr. Light appears out of a projector on Rush's back] Dr. Light: Oooo... Wow! You did!? Dr. Light: Wiley's evil ambitions must be stopped. Dr. Light: I'm going to enhance your powers! Now go! Roll: Yes! I'm ready to save the world! [Roll turns into Hyper Roll and flies away] Dr. Light: Good luck Roll! Do your best! [Megaman runs onscreen, looks around, kneels down and cry] Secret battle against Roll/Megaman/Shadow ----------------------------------------- [Roll]: You've seen the Mega Man, now feel the roll! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Don't be so reckless! You must focus on the fight! Fight your absolute best, or don't fight at all! I hope you have learned well from our battle! Not bad... Don't restrain yourself next time! Power, determination, and skill decide the victory. Train yourself well, then challenge me again! You have great potential! Continue your training! You must believe that you can win, in order to win! Boss: Onslaught ---- Ryu: So you’re the one I’ve heard so much about. Onslaught: Your ultimate adversary, warrior. Are you ready? [after the battle] [Sean stands in front of Ken as Ryu trains] Sean: Master, aren't you about out of breath too? Ken: You still have a lot to learn Sean. Ken: Ryu created special moves through this training! Sean: Really? Is that true!? Ken: Of course! Why don't you ask him to train you? Sean: Yes sir! Ryu, please be good to me!! Ken: Now I can go shopping with Eliza. See ya! [Ken jumps offscreen] [Sean faces Ryu as Ryu taunts] [Ryu's winning picture with the world in the background] Ryu: I'm ready Sean! Give me your best shot! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Lady ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Note: Her win quotes and Onslaught dialogue are the same as Chun-Li’s, though she has her own ending.] [after the battle with Onslaught] [Bison has Jin trapped] Jin: AARG Bison: What foolishness drove you to oppose me? Bison: You are not worthy to be my Shadaloo servant... [Shadow and Shadow Lady jump onscreen hitting Bison offscreen] Shadow: No, we’re late! Shadow: ...Oh yes, he’s alive! But, barely! Shadow: We have no choice. Only cybernation could save him [screen flashes white] [a Shadow-like Jin is alone onscreen with a drill for an arm] Jin: Am I... alive? Secret battle against Shadow Lady/? ----------------------------------- [Bison is hovering behind Shadow Lady] Go forth! Show the world Shadaloo's true power!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spider-Man ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: And I still have time to make it back for dinner. Best two out of three? You're on! Defeating bad guys is all in a day's work! Got a beef with me pal? Well, I got one for you! Great fight; and some great pics for the J.J! (sic) Hey, I can't always be friendly to everyone! Hope M.J. doesn't mind if I'm late tonight! This one's sure to make the front page! Boss: Onslaught ---- Spider-Man: This will make a great story! Hold that pose! Onslaught: Insignificant spider... Prepare to be squashed! [after the battle] [Spider-Man sets up his camera and takes a picture of him and his partner] Spider-Man: Hold that pose, [partner]. Spider-Man: The whole world's going to hear about this one! Spider-Man: "[partner] and Spider-Man join forces Spider-Man: to defeat Onslaught!" Spider-Man: What a great headline! Spider-Man: I know J.J.J.(sic) will make me look like a bad guy, Spider-Man: but I need the photo money to make a living! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strider ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: A false life is equal to death. Be your true self! Devote yourself, but do not lose who you are! It doesn't pay to betray your principles... Life or death awaits... A Strider is never certain! Self ambition is the root of the world's pain! Take me to your boss! Those who seek the truth, are the world's saviors! Who can see the future? Those who create it. Boss: Onslaught ---- Strider: ......... Onslaught: Nothing to say? A silent scream will suffice... [after the battle] [Strider stands there with wind blowing] [Strider grabs on to a hang glider] Strider: Target terminated. Mission complete. [a whale slowly appears and he jumps onto it from the hang glider] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venom/(High Speed) Venom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: And righteous triumphs once again... Eddie Brock's life is gone. Only Venom remains! Innocent death is always unpleasant. For you. My symbiote's tops; everyone should have one! Spider-Man will pay for ruining my innocence! That devil Spider-Man will pay for his sins! That's just the start of what I'll do to Parker! You broke the rules and you were punished for it! Boss: Onslaught ---- Venom: You corrupt the innocent. For that you must die! Onslaught: It is you who shall suffer Venom! [after the battle] [Venom and his partner stands in Onslaught's stage] Venom: Onslaught's beaten. But evil still remains! Venom: We will protect the innocent! Venom: Your heart is pure and I know you can be trusted. Venom: Let's go [partner]! [your partner goes into their time over loss pose] Venom: We'll crush their skulls and eat their brains! Venom: Do you think you're up to the challenge? [END] Secret battle against (High Speed) Venom/? ------------------------------------------ [Onslaught hovers behind Venom] Witness the might of Onslaught unleased! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- War Machine/(Hyper Armor) War Machine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: A few adjustments and my armor's as good as new. Barely had to dip into my bag of high-tech tricks. More than man; more than machine! No... not Iron Man: War Machine! Not even a scratch on the surface! Repulsors are primed and ready for more action! Superior technology triumphs once again! You can chalk up this loss up to experience! Boss: Onslaught ---- War Machine: Target locked: Let's finish this... Onslaught: Tin man. That armor will soon become your coffin! [after the battle] [War Machine puts on a rocket pack and hovers upwards above the earth] War Machine: Mission complete. That was a tough battle. War Machine: Times of peace are always ideal, but we must be War Machine: vigilant and prepare for war to achieve them. War Machine: The struggle for peace is never ending. Secret battle against (Hyper Armor) War Machine/Captain America/Sentinel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Onslaught hovers behind War Machine] Witness the might of Onslaught unleased! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wolverine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Back to the Danger Room for more training... Come back when you've learned how to fight! Don't worry; those scars will heal up in time. Next time I won't go so easy on you rookie. Not bad for starters... Just not good enough! Still the best there is at what I do! Too rough for you? You still got both arms bub! You've got a lot to learn before you beat me, bub! Boss: Onslaught ---- Wolverine: I'll save ya Chuck! Let him go Onslaught. Onslaught: Xavier and Onslaught are one in the same, Logan. [after the battle] [Wolverine stands next to Professor X who is in his wheelchair] Professor X: Onslaught was spawned from my darkest emotions. Professor X: Magneto’s anger merged with my powers. Professor X: I almost destroyed the world that we fight for. Professor X: How can I still speak of a bright new future? Wolverine: It’s history, Chuck. We all make mistakes... Wolverine: We’re still here, and life continues on. Wolverine: We can still change things for the better. Professor X: Yes; we will find a new way... Thank you, my friend. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zangief ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: A tough country breeds an even tougher man! Fool! You wish to be pulverized by my muscle! I apologize. I have damaged the floor with your head! I'd shake your hand, but your arms are over there! I'm sorry! Do you require medical attention? Not bad! You're still in one piece. Then again... Through any odds, I'll prevail, Mother Russia! Wow! You make me feel so powerful! Boss: Onslaught ---- Zangief: No one can defeat the mighty Zangief! Onslaught: Your strength is no match for the power of my mind! [after the battle] [Zangief stands in front of Jin's Blodia] Zangief: Ahh! See my iron body!! No one can defeat me!! Zangief: Hey, come over here robot! Fight me!!! [Zangief transforms into Iron Body mode and does a Running Bear Grab towards the mech] Zangief: Gwhooo! I am the Red Cyclone! [a mushroom cloud with a skull in it appears over the earth] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Onslaught ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Behold my mighty hand. The world will tremble! Free will is a privilege, not a "right." I was forged within the crucibles of fear! Judgment has been passed! No one is worthy! My will is absolute; imposed upon to all. Now and forever; I am Onslaught! Witness the might of Onslaught unleased! You are beaten. Join the ranks of the fallen. Transformation to second form: ----------------------------- Onslaught: Now... Behold my mighty hand! Version history: --------------- 1.1 (09/08/99) Added the last two win quotes and corrected a couple mistakes. Now, onto SF3: 3rd Strike. 1.0 (09/06/99) Just about done. I still need 1 quote each from Wolverine and Onslaught. And I'm sure there is some correction needed somewhere. Please send any corrections or comments to . Credits: ------- To Kao Megura and his "Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes Mini-FAQ v1.0" for an idea on the copyright, a bit of the format, move names and official names for the hidden characters. Keep up the awesome work you have been doing! To the Sony Corporation for making the Microcassette-Corder that was so important in the making of this guide. Without it, this would not have been as accurate and complete as it is, if even in existence at all.