Welcome the Unoffical ////////// // // // // // // // // // // // // //// // // ////////// /// // // // / // // // // / // // // // / // // // // / // // // // / // ////////// FAQ Version 1.5 Ryu is one of the best characters in Marvel vs. Capcom, simply because HE'S EASY TO USE!!! Ryu has got a large power up sense Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street fighter. He can now change into Ken or Akuma! This gives the Shotokan vets all the best supers and combos in one character. The only problem is that it takes one level off of his super bar. Updates in this version Ryu's Story Ryu's Moves Ryu's Combos Upcoming Games and Rumors(like what I know about the next "vs." game Darkstalkers Vs. Street Fighter!) Updates In this version I have changed the Extra Stuff section into the Upcoming Games and Rumors section, I have also added a description on how to play in each of Ryu's modes. Ryu's Story Ryu was trained by Gouken in the art of Shotokan karate. Ryu trained with a young boy by the name of Ken Masters. The two of them trained to become the greatest fighters in the world. Ken left to America shortly after, and Ryu kept up with his training. Now, Ryu searchs the World for great fighters to perfect his skills. Ryu's Moves Ryu has a large set of moves that are easy to learn. Here is the button set up: (jab) (strong) (fierce) (short) (foward) (roundhouse) And here is the moves legend. B=back DB=down back D=down DF=down foward F=foward U=up SJ=super jump Overhead Punch F + Strong Description: Ryu cocks his hand back and punchs his opponent in the face. This moves is unblockable from a crouching block,but it can only connect to for 2-Hits. Spin Kick F + Foward kick Description: Ryu does a small hop kick at his opponent. I think it is very usless but you can use it if you want! Hadouken D,DF,F + any pucnh Description: If you don't know what this is you must be readin' the wrong FAQ! Anyway this is Ryu's fireball, it is fast and will change if you swicth modes (from Ken to Akuma). As Ken the Hadouken will be large, and will head downward when it is thrown from the air, but will still only travel half screen. As Akuma, your Hadouken will travel full screen. In the air, the Hadouken will travel full screen, but will srink in size. Shoryuken F,D,DF + Any punch Description:Ryu does a large uppercut that does large damage! In Ken mode Ryu's hand will be on fire. In Akuma Mode his hand will be charge with electricity. Both of these versions stun the opponent. Tatsumaki-Senpuukyaku D,DB,B + Any kick Description: Ryu's hurricane kick. It is slow and powerful. It only hits once, but can be a air combo finisher. Super Moves Shinku Hadouken D,DF,F + 2 punches (In Akuma mode do D,DB,B to do the Messatsu Gou Hado witch is a variant of the Shinku Hadouken) Description: A souped-up version of Ryu's Hadouken. It is a beam super and comes out pertty fast there is no delay and it does very good damage. Use it whenever you see an opening! Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Description: D,DB,B + 2 kicks A souped-up version of Ryu's Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. This move does massive damage!! Use it if an opponent get's to close. Shin Shoryuken F,D,DF + 2 punch Description: Ryu does a wierd Shoryuken that hits 3 times on the ground and seven in the air. It does incredible damage. Shotokan Switch Description: Ryu turns his back and changes identities. Doing it with strong will get you Ken, and fierce will get you Akuma. The following supers are done in Ken and Akuma Modes. (ken and akuma)Shoryu Reppa/Messatsu Gou Shoryu D,DF,F + Any punch Description: Ryu does three flaming/electrocuting Shoryukens. Does okay damage don't use it unless your sure it will connect. (ken)Shinn-Ryuken D,DF,F + any kick Description:ryu does a long flaming Shoryuken that heads upward. Use it on opponents that like to do jump in attacks. (akuma)Tenma Gou Zankyu D,DF,F + any punch(in air) Description: Akuma throws 30 plus air Hadoukens at the opponet. It hits thy opponent of the ground. Don't use it to often. Ryu's Combos Ryu has a large set of combos that are easy to use, because of the fact that Ryu can now change modes(i.e. he can now do combos that Akuma and ken could do in X-men Vs. Street fighter and Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter). Here is the Legend of abbreviations that i will use in the combos section , is used to indicate normal move chaining S. stands for standing C. stands for crouching DN. stands for holding down on the controller while attacking T. stands for holding towards on the controller (direction you are facing) J. stands for jumping SJ. stands for Super Jumping D. stands for Dashing before performing the move AD. stands for Air Dashing F. stands for Flying (OTG) means this will hit opponent off the ground AC - Air Combo AC Finisher - A move that will end an air combo by initiating the FS Combos for all modes(These combos work in Ryu, Ken, and Akuma modes) 1. S.Jab,S.Strong,S.Fierce 2. D.S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse 3. J.Roundhouse, C.Short, C.Forward,Hadoken 4. C.Fierce, SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Forward, SJ.Strong, Tatsumaki-Senpukyaku These combos work in Ken mode only 1. C.fierce, SJ, SJ.Short, SJ.Foward, SJ.Roundhouse 2. S.Jab, S.Foward, S.Roundhouse 3. S.Jab, S.Foward, S.Strong, Tatsumaki-Senpukyaku(sometimes just skip the foward and go straight to the S.Strong) 4. S.Short, S.Forward, C.Short, C.Forward, Shoryu Reppa These combos are for Akuma only 1. S.Short, S.Fierce, Chop (to do the chop jsut preform ryu's overhead punch) 2. J.Short, J.Forward ,.C.Short, C.Forward ,Messatsu Gou Shoryu (Sorry about the lack of Akuma combos, I just don't use that mode that much) Upcoming Games and Rumors Here I'll post the latest information on Upcoming capcom games and rumors. The largest rumor so far is that of the next "VS" game. There are two theories as of now. Please do not sell this faq it is ment to help out the few people that want to master Ryu in Marvel Vs. Capcom, not to make money. © Pierre Sahye & Asif Masroor, Marvel ® Marvel entertiment,Capcom ® Capcom ,Marvel Vs. Capcom:Clash of the heroes All rights reserved