SPIDER-MAN FAQ by Ryu Table of Contents 1. Intro 2. Update Info 3. Misc. Info 4. Legend 5. Moves 6. Combos 7. Tips 8. Strategies 9. Best Partners 10. Acknowledgment and Thanx 11. Disclaimer INTRO Welcome to my Spider-Man FAQ! This guide has Spidey's moves, combos, and strategies for fighting every character! I hope you find this guide very helpful. UPDATES 1. Added this updates section! 2. Made TONS of changes. 3. Did a bit of combo editing. 4. I changed my FAQ from a .doc file to .txt file! MISC. INFO Regular Color: Red and Blue Alternate Color: Red and Black Air Dash: F, F in air Wall Cling: tap opposite direction when meeting screen side in mid-air Team Counter Attack: Spider Sting Team Super Attack: Crawler Assault Taunt: "Do Your Job!" First Comic Book Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15, 1962 First Fighting Game Appearance: Marvel Superheroes Origin: While attending a demonstration on radiology, high school student Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. He gained the proportionate speed, strength, and agility of a spider. At first, Parker used his powers for show. He donned a costume, made web-shooters, and called himself Spider-Man. After a performance on TV, he let a crook run right past him in the dressing room. He didn't even think of helping to catch him. A couple of days later, after another performance, he came home and found out that his Uncle Ben was killed by a crook. He donned his costume followed the police to a warehouse. Inside, Spidey clobbered and unmasked the crook. It was the same crook he let get away! Uncle Ben's death was one Parker could've prevented. He realized that with great power comes great responsibility. He decided used his powers to fight evil, and on that day, a true hero was born! LEGEND QCF-Quarter Circle Forward (from down to forward) QCB-Quarter Circle Back (from down to back) HCB-Half Circle Back (from forward to down to back) DP-Dragon Punch Motion (forward, down, down-forward) P-any punch button K-any kick button 3P- all 3 punch buttons 3K- all 3 kick buttons The Button Layout: ( ) ( ) ( ) Jab Strong Fierce ( ) ( ) ( ) Short Forward Roundhouse C.- Crouching (or Ducking) S.- Standing J.- Jumping SJ.- Super Jumping D.- Dashing (F, F) \/- land /\- jump MOVES Web Ball: QCF+P Spidey shoots out a glob of web fluid that traps his opponents in a web cocoon. Once they're trapped, they are unable to move or block. Follow up with a combo or Super. The strength of the punch determines how long the web ball will hold them. Spider Sting: DP+P Spidey does a Dragon Punch that hits both on the way up and on the way down! Press P after the first hit to knock 'em downward! Great anti-air move. Web Throw: HCB+P Spidey shoots out a web line and if it connects, he'll spin the opponents around his head before hurling them towards the wall! Spin the joystick and ram on the buttons and Spidey will spin them around a few more times for added damage! The strength of the punch determines the direction of the web line. Jab goes straight forward, Strong goes diagonally upward, and Fierce goes straight up. Web Swing: QCB+K Spidey shoots a web line towards the ceiling and swings towards his opponent feet first! This move does excellent damage. It can be done in the air. MAXIMUM SPIDER: QCF+3P (Level 1) Spidey jumps towards the wall and does a five-hit juggle combo that does incredible damage! However, Spidey jumping to the wall is a dead giveaway and this move is often blocked. Use it after a Fierce Web Ball. CRAWLER ASSAULT: QCF+3K (Level 1) Spidey does a rushing combo across the screen. Use it to punish mistakes. Tap K for more hits. ULTIMATE WEB THROW: QCB+3P (Level 1) Spidey jumps into the middle of the screen and release a huge web. It then contracts and Spidey starts spinning, gains speed, and them slams 'em! This move takes off at least 1/4 of your opponent's life if not more. However, this move has limited range and won't hit anyone not directly in front of Spidey. COMBOS 1. D.S.Jab, S.Strong, Spider Sting 2. C.Roundhouse, Web Swing 3. J.Roundhouse \/ C.Forward, S.Roundhouse, Spider Sting 4. J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse \/ C.Jab, C.Strong, C.Fierce Cancel into the J.Roundhouse immediately after the J.Fierce. 5. Fierce Web Ball, Maximum Spider 6. J.Roundhouse \/ S.Jab, S.Strong, J.Fierce 7. D.S.Short, S.Forward, Jab Web Ball After the Web Ball, immediately follow up with any combo for the best effect. 8. J.Short, J.Roundhouse \/ S.Strong /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Strong, SJ.Fierce Cancel into the J.Roundhouse immediately after the J.Short. 9. J.Roundhouse \/ D.C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse, Crawler Assault Cancel into the Crawler Assault immediately after the C.Roundhouse so the Super hits them before they hit the ground. 10. J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce \/ D.S.Short, C.Forward, Fierce Spider Sting Make sure you connect all the jumping punches in the air. Cancel into the Spider Sting immediately after the C.Forward! 11. J.Jab, J.Strong, J.Fierce \/ D.C.Short, C.Forward, S.Roundhouse /\ SJ.Jab, SJ.Short, SJ.Strong, SJ.Forward, Web Swing Very big combo. Once again, the first three jumping punches must connect while you're in the air! Cancel into the Web Swing immediately after the SJ.Forward! TIPS 1. After a Fierce Web Ball, you should use the Maximum Spider or a big combo. 2. Jump around a lot. Spidey loves the air. But be careful around people with good air defense, such as Chun-Li and Ryu. 3. Spidey is a combo guy. Combo punches and kicks into special moves and/or Supers. Experiment with different combinations and formulate your own devastating combo! 4. Stick in Web Throws whenever possible. They are always great for a laugh. 5. Use Spidey's Jumping Roundhouse often. It has great air priority and will usually beat out a laucher. 6. Over all, Spidey has somewhat the same strategy against everyone. STRATEGIES Vs. Chun-Li When she does a Kikoken, do a Maximum Spider. If you get the timing right, Spidey will go right over the Kikoken and hit Chun-Li in her stun animation! Try not to jump in too often and avoid air fights. Chun-Li jumps frequently, so stick in a Strong or Fierce Web Throw whenever possible. The Spider Sting is a great anti-air move, so also use that when Chun-Li jumps in. Vs. Ryu When he does a Hadoken, do a Maximum Spider. Get the timing right, and Spidey will nail Ryu in his stun animation. Don't jump in too often, or Ryu will counter with a Shoryuken. Also watch out for Shinkuu Hadokens. Ryu will throw them out when you least expect it. Vs. Ryu (Ken mode) In Ken mode, Ryu will use Shoryukens often. If he misses, immediately execute the Crawler Assault. It will catch Ryu as he is coming down. Use the Maximum Spider Fireball Counter too. Watch out for combos. Ryu will do lots of them in Ken mode. He also jumps around a lot in Ken mode. Use Strong or Fierce Web Throws and Spider Stings when he jumps in. Vs. Ryu (Akuma mode) Don't jump in too often or you'll get nailed by a GouShoryuken. Look out for combos as well. Use the Maximum Spider Fireball counter. If Ryu does Air Fireballs, jump and use the Web Swing. You could try Strong Web Throws, but make sure the web connects and make sure the fireball doesn't hit you. You should try going all-out offensive against Ryu since he takes hits like a wuss in this mode. Vs. Zangief Trap Zangief with Web Balls and use a combo or Super. Whatever you do, try to keep Zangief away from you. Vs. Zangief (Mega Zangief mode) Just use hit-and-run tactics. This is slower but you'll more than likely win. Vs. Morrigan/Lilith Use the Maximum Spider Fireball Counter when Morrigan does her Soul Fist. Morrigan combos a lot, so block and jump around. Use the Web Swing every so often. Vs. Captain Commando CapCom uses his Captain Fire frequently, usually shooting it 2-3 times in a row. Don't jump over it or jump in or you'll get a Captain Corridor. Just block. CapCom likes to call in his commandos. Watch out for them. When one attacks, execute the Maximum Spider. Use this Super whenever you can. It will usually hit him. Jab Web Throws and Web Swings are excellent against CapCom. If he gets close, combo him and stay on him. Like Strider, he doesn't take hits that well. Use combos ending in Supers for a quick victory. Vs. Megaman Use the Maximum Spider Fireball Counter when MM does his Mega Buster. The Mega Buster is practically the only move MM uses. Jab Web Throws and Web Swings are excellent against MM. Vs. Strider Hiryu Strider will usually hit you with a Standing Fierce two times and cancel into a Ame No Murakamo. Watch out for this one. Strider jumps around a lot, so stick in Spider Stings and Strong or Fierce Web Throws if he jumps. Web Ball and combo him on the ground. Try to use big combos since Strider takes hits like a wuss. Strider likes to come in close, so when he's directly in front of you, execute the Ultimate Web Throw. Web Swing when Strider is open. Vs. Jin Web Swings are good against Jin. Watch out for Jin's Screaming Punch and Tornado Drill. He will use these attacks often. Block his Screaming Punch and immediately counter. When Jin uses the Saotome Power-Up, he gets tough. Use the Web Ball. If it connects, use a combo of Fierces and Roundhouses. The best thing to do is stay on him. Vs. Roll Again, use the Maximum Spider Fireball Counter when Roll does a Mega Buster. She should be easy, since she is totally weak and has bad lag time. Throw in attacks here and there. Fight her as if you were fighting Megaman. She is very small however, and might walk right under some of your attacks. Use the C.Fierce if she gets close. Vs. Shadow Lady From what I've heard, Shadow Lady shoots lots of her missiles. So many that no one can get in close. Try the Jab Web Throw. She might nail you with the Electro-Shock if you jump in. Her Shadow Drill has just enough lag time for you to combo her. Vs. Captain America Cap uses his Shield Slash often. Watch out for it. Block Cap's Hyper Stars 'n' Stripes. When he rises into the air after the last hit, hit him with a Standing Strong, Standing Roundhouse, Spider Sting, or Fierce Web Throw. Most of all, stay on him. If you don't, he gets tough. Use combos, but don't let him combo you. Vs. Venom/Hyper Venom Venom uses combos a lot. Watch out for them. Block and counter. Venom is a sucker for Web Balls. Use them often and combo him when he's trapped or execute the Maximum Spider. Against Hyper Venom, be very aggressive and be on the offensive since he is a big wuss. Vs. Hulk/Orange Hulk Hulk loves to use his Standing Fierce and Jumping Roundhouse. Watch out. Don't jump in or he'll nail you with the Gamma Crush. Don't jump in when he's crouching or you'll get hit by his Vertical Gamma Charge. When he's crouching, Web Swing. Definitely use Web Ball-Maximum Spider combo. You should never use Jab or Strong Web Balls though. Don't even try a Web Throw or you will get a fist in the face. Vs. Gambit Watch out for that Cajun Slash. Block and counter with a Web Swing. Trap him with a Web Ball and release large combos. Watch out for Gambit's most damaging combo: he'll use a Fierce Cajun Slash to OTG you, then he'll cancel into a Royal Flush. You won't be able to block because you'll be on the ground. Never, ever get hit by this one. Vs. War Machine/Mega War Machine WM uses his Shoulder Cannon often. Never block it. It does lots of chipping damage. Just jump over it. Better yet, Air Dash over it. Trap him with Air Web Balls and clobber him. Use combos that cancel into Supers. Also clobber him afterhe fires the Proton Cannon. It takes time to disappear, so use it to your advantage! War Machine also uses Fierce Repulsor Blasts. The lag time on it is justlong enough for you to execute the Ultimate Web Throw. Use hit-and-run tactics against Mega WM. Vs. Wolverine Wolvie loves to use his Drill Claw, Tornado Claw, and Berserker Slash. He also loves cheap combos. Jab Web Throw when possible. Web Swing when Wolverine is open. Definitely Web Ball and combo. Vs. Spider-Man Web Swing and Jab Web Throw. Web Ball and combo. Spidey is easy to beat with Spidey. Also use jumping attacks into combos and Supers. Watch out for Spidey's combos, however. Just block or crouch block and counter. Spidey will most likely start his combos with a J.Roundhouse. If he jumps in, let him have it with a Spider Sting. Vs. Onslaught First Form: Let's see.....Use a helper that can neutralize his unblockable Hyper Gravs. I recommend Psylocke. When you see the Hyper Gravs, call in Psylocke, then execute a combo cancelling into a Crawler Assault or Web Swing. If you happen to land behind Onslaught, quickly use either of these combos: S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Fierce, or S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse. Watch out for his Onslaught Headcrush. Block and counter. When he does his Mega Optic Blast, duck into that hole just under the Blast. Use this combo while in the hole: C.Jab, C.Strong, C.Fierce. Repeat until the blast ends. Second Form: Block, block, block! When he charges, jump up and smack his ugly mug with this combo: J.Fierce, J.Roundhouse. If you can get in any other hits, do so. Repeat until he's dead. BEST PARTNERS Chun-Li: An excellent partner! Both have great air dominance. They also have great speed. Ryu: Great partner! Both characters are among the easiest to master, and both have good speed and strength. This is my best team! Strider Hiryu: Good partner. Both are combo crazy characters and are two of the best characters in the game. Hyper Venom: Excellent! Both are great dialers and very fast. Wolverine: One of the best teams. Great speed and strength. The ultimate combo team! ACKNOWLEDGMENT & THANX At this time, I'd like to thank: Miguel Raya (foreignermiguel@hotmail.com) He helped me out with Strategies. Poln (psu19257@odin.cc.pdx.edu) He helped me out with Spidey's best partners. Migs Rustia, the webmaster of Capcom Crossovers: The Site! Got some combos off of his page. Also copied the move descriptions off his page. Without his site, this FAQ wouldn't be here. DISCLAIMER I worked very hard on this FAQ, so listen up: c. 1998 by RYU. No rip-offs and no making money off this FAQ. If you take anything from this FAQ, at least give me credit! This is for personal use only. This FAQ has no affiliation with Capcom whatsoever. Ryu and Capcom characters are trademarks of Capcom. Spidey and the Marvel characters are trademarks of Marvel Comics. Thanx for reading my FAQ! I hope you found this guide very informative and fun. Good luck and happy gaming! Please send all your questions, comments, flames, and any tips or combos I've missed to: spidey_5@hotmail.com. While you're here in the Submission Archives, check out my Chun-Li FAQ and my Morrigan FAQ. I'm constantly updating all three of my FAQs, so please check back soon!