Marvel VS Capcom : Challenge Survival Guide Ver. 0.11b by Strider VM ( on 7/7/99 at about 1:45PM My first FAQ, so please be merciful on me.... One thing, if you wanna copy it or distribute it (Profit? Well, maybe LOL) Please, just mention me. :-) Just note that this FAQ reflects ONLY FEW of the literally too much tactics and strategies found in the game, it only includes semi-practical facts that some people don't even notice... Comments, additions, corrections, tips or anything can be sent to Street Fighter Characters(c) Capcom Co. , Ltd. Strider Hiryu(c) Moto Kikaku Marvel Characters(c) Marvel Comics New versions can be found only at : Changes since 0.1b - Added Spider-Man and Gambit (Forgot them, I can count, but I can't remember.) - Added/removed/changed something. (Too many to say one by one.) - New infomation is marked with an * . Q. What the heck is a Challenge Survival Guide ??? A. Well, in our country, chellenging someone in a fighting game is a once in a lifetime incident before, but in the advent of MVC, challenging had become a daily activity between arcades, and since there is still quite a few people who doesn't improve their playing (The game is over one and a half years old....duh) , I made this FAQ. Q. How will this FAQ help me? A. Sometimes, a new tactic (Array of moves, styles and attacks your mind and character in his/her disposal) is just sitting aound in a corner, and you don't even notice it, and even though there are a thousand FAQ about combos, most often you don't actually know how to do it in the right time. Q. What will I see in this FAQ? A. Mostly, you will see tips and things you can do on the characters found in this game, things you should know about the game engine and other things, how would different classes of players (Scrub/Beginner/Novice/Expert/Tournament) play these characters. Oh, before we start, this FAQ assumes you know the basic controls and gameplay. Now that's out of the way, let's start, shall we? In this game, almost everybody agrees that the game isn't perfectly balanced, but no one will ever prove that one character stands all above else..... ========================================================================================= General Strategies/Tips ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Don't be afraid to mix certain characters, you don't know when you will have a team who fits your style of play. - Choose your characters according to your style of playing, not on what you've been hearing/told about. - Do not over/underestimate a certain character/special move, you might regret it. - Uniqueness is one factor for winning, if they don't know what you're supposed to do, you have an advantage. - Even if you have a quarter of life left (And your opponent's almost full) , don't lose hope, you still have a chance, you're still alive. - Learn to roll, use the jab for quick suprises, and fierce for escapes. - Tech hits also helps. - Change your characters if you're losing more than 5 times in a row, a change of pace can help. - Do not swap characters like you are invincible, it may mean a loss of 25 to 50% of health. - Learn from your mistakes. - Defense , defense , defense!!!! - Combo is the key.... - Learn the Variable Counter (Down,Down-Forward,Forward,Fierce+Roundhouse after blocking an attack.) - If you lost to an opponent ten times in a row, stop challenging him, most often you'll lose more money. - Over confidence sometimes make things happen that you don't expect, like losing to a beginner. - Never, ever judge a person by his/her size or age. (Since I've met a seven year old boy who is a very good player in MVC) - Sometimes, using a super bar (Variable counter) is better than letting one of your characters die. *- Block, since sometimes, your character recovers fast enough to block the final move/ super. And do not yell or taunt, or do silly things like that. (It's those kind of people that are oh so fun to beat :) ========================================================================================= Natural Playing styles : Beginners : They usually want a move that is good (mostly fireballs) and sticks at it like glue. Randomly uses Hyper Comboes. Unable to block low. (Wonder why?) Scrubs : Well, knows only one combo to super. Like Beginners, but in a more deadly manner. Likes to do the variable cross. If you can block their attacks, there's nothing they can do. Novice : Starts to learn combos. Wants to learn how to add supers into comboes, usually plays Strider/Wolverine. Most often can't block 2-hit jumping attack. Expert : Starts using stomps, starts to add supers in comboes. Uses variable cross to finish opponents. Can sometimes be hit on the back-attack. Tournament : Very different playing style then the ones you would see everyday, very hard to hit. Uses confuse tactics/suprises. ========================================================================================= Character Specific : ========================================================================================= Ryu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : Will try to kill you by doing Hadouken's all day.... (Simple, huh?) Scrubs : N/A (Haven't seen one) Novices : Tries to time his Shinkuu Hadoken's to the time that the opponent is unable to block. (Running, Swapping Characters, recovery animation of certain attacks, maybe they just use it at random so that you're suprised....sort of) - Can do the Auto Combo that ends into the Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku. Experts : Tries to sweep you into Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku. - Does the Fierce Punch - Shinkuu Hadoken Sometimes Tournament Class : Changes into Ken or Akuma on certain purposes. (like Ken's Hurricane kick) - Counters Supers using the Shoryu-Reppa/Messatsu Gou Shouryu/Shin Shoryuken ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : Use super jumps to attack. Scrubs : N/A Novices : Have a little tought on defense. Experts : Most often, even expert Ryu players get out-prioritized in terms of speed, moves and strength. Using a variety of attacks will/might annoy him. Tournament : Although Ryu has one of the better fireballs in the game, Keep-away is really not for Ryu, so don't get too close to him, especially, since expert Ken Style Ryu uses the Hurricane kick to confuse/annoy and the Shoryu-Reppa to suprise/ counter dashing supers. (Hyper Charging Stars/Berserker Barrage X) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Sweep to Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku does help but not recommended to be repeated again and again. (But sometimes, Wolverine players who try to counter it while the Super is in progress often get hit with the last hit.) - Use Ken's short/forward hurricane kick, they entice the opponent to attack you, but since there is no recovery when you land, you can get a nice hit. - You can use the Shouryuu Reppa to counter dashing supers. (Even the Hyper Charging Stars) *- You can use the Shin Shoryuken to counter aggressive opopnents, it may sound to be not effective, but it's start up delay will actually make your opponent get hit with it. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Chun-Li ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A (Haven't seen one) Scrubs : Waits for opponent to jump attack so that they can launch the opponent and Combo them to the Air Demon. Novices : Knows/does the Senretsu Kyaku Combo. Experts : Removes the crouching short part of the C. Short -> C. Forward -> C. Fierce -> Senretsu Kyaku. - Super jumps then waits for the opponent to follow in air. - Sweeps and does the Senretsu Kyaku. - Uses the air dash frequently. (Most often followed by a J. Forward -> J. Fierce) Tournament : Jumps and wait for the opponent to attack. - Sometimes interrupts opponents in air to the Air Demon combo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : Not much, most often they don't bring any challenge at all. (If there is a beginner using Chun-Li...) Scrubs : Defense is golden to teach these people a lesson. She's faster then Wolverine either. Novices : The Senretsu Kyaku Combo is not the fastest there is... Experts : Use far reaching attacks, so if you're countered, both of you get hit. - You can counter air dashes by doing a super (Captain Sword/Hyper Megaman) or a special partner. (Colossus) Tournament : Why follow them when you can stay on the ground? - Don't try to go head to head unless what you want to use for countering has a very high priority. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Use the air dash! - The Kikosho is a well known chipper. - When you hit with the Senretsu Kyaku combo, ram the buttons, it gives additional hits and damage. - You can use the Kikosho for countering stomp attacks. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Zangief ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A (Haven't seen one) Novice : Does the air combo. Expert : Tries to do the Strong Throw -> Final Atomic Buster/Double FAB. - Does the AC combo -> Roundhouse Juggle -> Final Atomic Buster Tournament : Does the Triple Option. (It is three things a Zangief player could do after a jump-in) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : N/A (Haven't seen one) Novice : N/A (There is nothing such as that? Does it?) Expert : Tries to do the Strong Throw -> Final Atomic Buster/Double FAB. - Does the AC combo -> Roundhouse Juggle -> Final Atomic Buster Tournament : Does the Triple Option. - They will try to do the triple option always, so try not to get caught in it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - *- His best move to set up his moves/supers are his Strong Throw. *- The Double Final Atomic Buster is Unavoidable if timed right. NOTE : Unfortunately, I haven't seen one good Zangief Player here, especially the one who knows how to do the triple option! ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Jin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A (Haven't seen one) Scrubs : Random Pushing (Since most of Jin's special moves requires only one button) Novice : Does the Sweep -> Saotome Dynamite. Expert : Does Jumping Down Rounhouse followed by a Blodia Punch - Counters stompers using the Great Cyclone. Tournament : Does variations of comboing his Blodia Punch. (Sweep, Crouching Fierce) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : N/A (Haven't seen one) Scrubs : Since Jin's attacks can kill you after some time, be careful.... Novice : Crouching Block is important. Expert : You could easily underestimate the Blodia Punch combo, be careful. Tournament : Hard to attack and counter, wait for big openings (Like a missed Saotome Dynamite.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Use the jumping down roundhouse, since the opponent will think that he can counter, and you're on the perfect position for the C. jab -> C. Strong -> Blodia Punch combo. - Careless/Offense oriented opponents eat a Standing Fierce nicely. - C. Roundhouse -> Blodia Punch is a good one too. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Captain Commando ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : Always does the Captain Fire, always counters jumpers with Captain Corridor. Scrubs: N/A Novice : Comboes with Captain Storm after hitting with helper (Colossus) - Does the Standing Roundhouse -> Captain Sword combo. - Does the air and land comboes. Expert : Does semi-random and careful attacks. - Does timed sweeps. - Counters Jumpers with his crouching strong. - Follows the Captain Storm with a launcher -> Captain Sword. Tournament : N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : Both of his special moves can be avioded easily. Scrubs : N/A Novice : Be careful with attacking, since they can hit you with a Colossus, followed by a Captain Storm. Expert : They could follow the Captain Storm with a launcher -> Captain Sword. Tournament : N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Attacking wildly won't do you good, he is not a Wolverine. - He can't do a even two attacks in the air, so he is quite easy to counter with. - Do not waste your helpers, Captain Commando's main offense is in it. - Counter stomps with the Captain Sword/Captain Corridor. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Strider Hiryu ========================================================================================= Styles - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : Air-Combo ends with air throw Novice : Does air combo. Does the standing hunter series. Expert : Teleports near opponent to confuse after activating the Ouroboros. Removes Jab-short part of hunter series for more damage. - Uses the rings the Ouroboros shoots then teleports to confuse the opponent on blocking side. Tournament : Does the Double Jump Comboes. * - Ends standing combo series with the Ghram. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : Avoid being launched. Use ground combos. Novice : Dangerous, but not the most, since he can't combo a super. Expert : Best hope for survival in an Ouroboros attack, stay in the side of the screen, so confusion on blocking side does not happen. Also, wise Strider Players, make sure, you pay for even just super jumping to avoid the Ouroboros. Tournament : Defense is critical, since Strider's swords are too powerful and long to be understated. - Strider's double-jump combo resets the combo meter so damage is very high. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Use the double jump to avoid attacks. - Use the double jump combos! - If you think you are being beaten so bad, do the Ouroboros, it will decrease the pressure. - Try to end the standing hunter series with the Ghram (F,D,DF,Punch) , it is a lot safer. - The Legion is a good chipper, although your opponent can jump over it. - Always end your ground comboes with the Ghram, since if you use the Ame Mo Murakamo, it's possible for your opponents to roll and counter you. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Megaman/Rockman ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginner : Lotsa Mega Buster! Scrubs : Throwing, Mega Buster, etc.... Novices : Does Air combo. Experts : Does the Launch to Hyper Megaman Combo. Tournament : Does the Beat Plane on comboes, takes advantage of the "unblockable" glitch. - Uses the Rush Drill to chip. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : Super Jumping is really good. Scrubs : A nice combo into super helps. Novice : Still, they're lacking good tactics.... Expert : Although Megaman has a solid keep-away game, getting near should be your best priority, since when opponents get near Megaman, most often he'll screw up and get hit. Tournament : You will almost never get near to this kind of player. (Even Wolverine!) - Sweeping is one you should look with caution, since it is a slide and almost impossible to roll off with a well-timed Beat Plane. * - The Rush Drill is invincible, do not bother countering it while it's still active. - Best tactic to use : offense oriented but well timed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Use the Beat Plane ! Since it is very fast and can hit opponents in their Roundhouse/Fierce animation! - You can use the Beat Plane to do the unblockable glitch, do a Beat Plane while they are in the air, if they push-block go slightly below them, if timed right, they will be unable to block the attack below. - Although the Rush Drill is the best chipper of all Megaman's Supers , do not use it for chipping, since they can push-block it and you're in big trouble if they block the Super. - You can use the Hyper Megaman to stop stompers. *- Sometimes, you could follow an OTG move then the Standing Roundhouse after hitting with the Rush Drill. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Morrigan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : Does the normal auto combo. - Super jumps and fires a flurry of fireballs. Expert : Uses the Soul Eraser after a connect with helper. - Uses stomp at random times. - Can combo the Silhoutte Blade. - Uses the Ventor Drain at random times. Tournament : Uses air dash to confuse/escape. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novice : Still, they only know the normal auto combo, so lack of moves will make them lose. Don't get annoyed by the fireballs. Expert : Without a helper, she can't connect the Soul Eraser, so try to make her use it by super jumping but not attacking her. - Counter her stomp with an anti-air supers. - The Silhouette Blade is hard to combo, so good defense may annoy her, losing the concentration needed to connect the super. Tournament : The air dash is the trickiest one in the game, she can go up or down, but she will always end up in the same spot. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - The Air dash gives the best opportunity for air attacks, although repetitiveness may result in counters. - Although the Silhoette Blade is an OTG move, it is not good to use it as an OTG attack. *- The Vector Drain is unblockable. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Venom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : Abusers of the Venom Fang. Novices : Does the normal Auto Combo. - Randomly does the web ball. - Always tries to get near opponent for that he can web the enemy and attack. - Does the Venom Web after connecting with a helper. Experts : Comboes the Death Bite. - Uses Venom Fang to counter. Tournament : Uses jab to stop moves and uses Fierce to suprise. - Uses the Venom Fang to get beside opponent to web. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What to do on - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : Avoid getting hit with the helper, he'll surely do the Venom Web. - You can be hit with the Web Ball if you're not careful. - Use combos, since even if they miss, Venom will never get to you. - Lack to moves/tricks will be their defeat. Tournament : Although the Fierce attack is somewhat slow, it can still suprise. - A Venom Fang when face-to-face with an opponent will cause venom to recover beside the opponent, with a chance to web the opponent. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - A sweep followed with a Death Bite can suprise opponents. - Learn to combo the Beath Bite. - The Venom Fang is one of the best priority move in the game, most times, they can't counter the move. - His jab can stop opponents rushing or setting up an attack. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= War Machine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : Abusers of Shoulder Cannons and Proton Cannons. Scrubs : Quite the same as beginners, only slightly smarter. Novices : Uses the Proton Cannon after connect with helper. Expert : Flies and uses smart bombs randomly. - Comboes the War Destroyer. - Times the Shoulder Cannon on the time that opopnent is unable to block or suprised. - Uses his Knee drop frequently. Tournament : Does his semi-infinite. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do on : Beginners : The Proton Cannon can't be comboed. Scrubs : Same as above. Novices : Most of them have difficulty of setting up moves, and they don't much difference in terms of tactics neither. Expert : His Knee Drop is very hard to counter. - Those who try to do the Shoulder Cannon at awkward times was quite effective , however, they often do the standing version, a ducking attack or super will do it. - The War Destroyer is not very hard to combo, but sometimes, even you would expect it to hit immediately, it does not, so pray that it doesn't hit you immediately and recover fast enough to block. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Always use the Knee drop, since it is very difficult to hit, confuses them, and very few will think of countering it. - The War Destroyer is one of the most powerful supers in the game, it also does good chipping damage (So the War Destroyer Barrage tactic is discovered) . - War Machine's Standing Fierce can counter most attacks, it can also decipate fireballs. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Hulk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : Abusers of his Standing Fierce. Also his Super Armor. Novices : Does the Gamma Charge Combo. Experts : Comboes the Gamma Crush / Gamma Wave. - Counters Jumpers using the Gamme Crush. Tournament : N/A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do on : Beginners : N/A Scrubs : Although his standing fierce is far reaching and deadly, you can still get near him due to the slow recovery of it. - His super armor can only sustain a single attack/launcher, so using a jab/short before a launcher is needed to launch him. Novices : The Gamme Charge is also suprising, but blocking one can enable you to damage Hulk big time. Experts : Be cautious when jumping on Hulk, you never know when he's gonna use the Gamma Crush. - Although they can combo the Gamme Crush/Gamme Wave, it is not easy to do. Tournament : N/A (Haven't seen a very good Hulk Player) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Hulk's Fierce punch is a very deadly one if it connects. - You can use the Gamma Crush to counter jumpers. - The Gamma Wave cannot be countered/nullified. It's best to super jump to avoid it. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Captain America ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : Standing Fierce punch abusers. Does the normal AC Combo. Experts : Does the double-jump combo. Tournament : Does the cartwheel to avoid attacks/confuse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do on : Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : The standing fierce punch has a long range, but a missed attack can be fatal. Experts : N/A Tournament : Anticipate the cartwhell, then wreak havoc. - You can throw the Captain America out of the cartwheel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Although the double-jump combo is a feast to the eyes, it does the same, if not less damage then the normal air combo. - Learn to use the cartwheel, but not repeatedly, since it is easy to counter. - The best super to use in a combo is the Hyper Stars and Stripes. - The Hyper Stars and Stripes is an otg move. ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Gambit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : Comboes the Royal Flush combo by sweeping opponent. Does the normal AC Combo. Experts : Comboes the Royal Flush combo by launching opponent. - Counters Jumpers using Royal Flush. - Does his infinite. - Uses Cajun Explosion to chip. Tournament : Uses the Cajun Slash for countering. - Uses the jumping Kinetic Card to stop rushers. - Uses his strong throw followed by the Royal Flush. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do on : Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : Some supers can counter a missed Royal Flush. (Like the Beat Plane) - Learn to roll. Experts : Avoid too much jumping, you might get caught with his infinite. - Be aware that Gambit's staff can hit an opponent in the air while he is doing the Royal Flush, be cautious when super jumping on him. Tournament : Learn to Tech hit. - Be defensive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How can you improve your playing - - Gambit is one of the best defensive players in the game. - His moves are designed for defense. - The Cajun Slash is very hard to counter. (With the exception of jumping past it. ) ========================================================================================= ========================================================================================= Spider-Man ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Styles - Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : Does the normal AC Combo. Always jump attack. - Randomly does the web ball. Experts : Comboes the Crawler Assault by sweeping. - Tries to attack while falling after doing the normal AC combo. Tournament : Uses Strong punch for launching. - Dashes, instead of jumping for main offense. - Uses Strong punch to counter jumping opponents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do on : Beginners : N/A Scrubs : N/A Novices : Just block their attack. Then you won't have any trouble at all. Experts : Although the Crawler Assault can be comboed, you can avoid it by rolling of you are fast enough. Tournament : Spider-Man's Strong is very fast and hard to counter, be defensive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits to : - GameFAQ's : For posting my FAQ. - And to all who have given me additions, tips, etc. Thanks! (You know who you are.) *And the numbers of e-mails I received means that this game is still alive and well. Special Note : - This FAQ is in a VERY early stage, so it looks like a mess, I'll try to fix 'em up as fast as possible, and still due to lack to variety in challenge here (Wolverine, Chun-Li, Spider-Man) , there's a lot of N/A parts here, tips are appreciated. FAQ, 1999 Strider VM ----------==============End of File==============----------