Mortal Kombat Gold Endings FAQ Version: 1.05 Created by: Gilmore R. Guirao Date Created: Fri. Jul. 13, 2007 Date Modified: Sat. May 4, 2013 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I) Legal Issues II) Contact Info III) Acknowledgements IV) About this Game V) About this FAQ VI) Character Endings (SPOILERS) A) Baraka B) Cyrax C) Fujin D) Jarek E) Jax F) Johnny Cage G) Kai H) Kitana I) Kung Lao J) Liu Kang K) Mileena L) Quan Chi M) Raiden N) Reiko O) Reptile P) Scorpion Q) Sektor R) Shinnok S) Sonya T) Sub/Zero U) Tanya VII) Secrets VIII) Allowed Sites IX) Version History I) Legal Issues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Mortal Kombat and all character names are trademarks of Midway Games, Inc. *This document is copyright 2007 by Gilmore R. Guirao. It may only be used for personal, private reasons. No profit may be made from this document. Only permitted sites are allowed to host this document, and it must be presented in its original form. Any unauthorized depiction of this document is a violation of copyright. II) Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to contact me at or connect with me on Facebook with your questions, ideas, and comments about this guide, or for permission to use it. Be sure to include the words "MKG Endings FAQ" as the subject. Any flames or spam will be deleted promptly. III) Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1) God for everything. 2) My friends and family for their love and support throughout my life. 3) Midway for making the Mortal Kombat game series. 4) GameFAQs for giving me the chance to write this. 5) Any sites I've allowed to host this. 6) You for reading this. IV) About this Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mortal Kombat Gold came out in 1999 for the Sega Dreamcast. It was a translation and improvement on Mortal Kombat 4, which came out for the PC, Nintendo 64, PlayStation in 1997. MK4 introduced 3-D fighting, weapons, and cinematic ending sequences. MK Gold took these elements and added some new characters to the fighter lineup. V) About this FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here you will find all the endings in MK Gold. After you've beaten the game, you may view them in the Kombat Theater. However, you may not save them to your Dreamcast's virtual memory unit. You will have to beat the game every time you want to see an ending. However there is a shortcut around this, as I will explain in the "Secrets" section. My personal favorite endings are those of Scorpion, Sub/Zero, Baraka, Quan Chi, and Cyrax. VI) Character Endings (SPOILERS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are all the endings by character. Obviously, these are major spoilers, but you should have known that. This is an endings FAQ, after all. A) Baraka ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The camera goes from a view of the outside of a palace to the interior of a throne room. Quan Chi sits on the throne and notices a figure entering the palace.) Quan Chi: "Enter!" (Baraka slowly walks forward.) Quan Chi: "I said enter, Baraka. Have no fear. Our betrayal is complete. I have dealt with those once loyal to Shinnok. This victory is ours!" Baraka (Approaches Quan Chi.): "You bask in your newfound power on the throne of Queen Sindel, while I am forced to hide in the shadows?" Quan Chi: "Who is it you are hiding from? The Elder Gods are dead. Raiden is dead, and thanks to you, Shinnok is dead!" Baraka: "Everyone is dead." Quan Chi: "Yes. Everyone in this forsaken realm is dead!" Baraka: "How do we rule a realm with no one in it?" Quan Chi: "This war was not about holding court to mortals. It was about obtaining power! I now possess that power!" Baraka: "And I am forced to live out my existence in a dead realm with a madman!" (Baraka draws his blades, growls, and leaps at Quan Chi, stabbing him in the chest. Quan Chi groans in pain.) Baraka: "Now, sorcerer, you will pay with your life!" (Baraka prepares to cut off Quan Chi's head. Quan Chi appears behind Baraka.) Quan Chi: "I haven't a life to give, you fool." Baraka: (Turns around.) "What!?" (Baraka looks at the body on the throne, which is just a skeleton. He growls, and leaps at Quan Chi, who fires a blast of energy at him, freezing him in mid-air. Quan Chi laughs and raises his hand toward Baraka, who explodes.) B) Cyrax ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Cyrax is strapped to a machine in a lab at the Outer World Investigation Agency's headquarters. Jax and Sonya stand by some machines near Cyrax. Sonya approaches him.) Sonya: "Alright, Cyrax, all systems are go. Are you sure you want to go through with this? If this fails, we won't be able to recover your main processor." Jax: "We'll loose you for good." Cyrax: "After experiencing the flashbacks of my fight against Shinnok, I realize that my existence is unnecessary, unless I can fully recover my human psyche. We must continue with the process." (Jax walks toward a computer.) Jax: "All right, then. I'll begin the scanning process. Sonya, you hit the regeneration switch on my cue." (Sonya stands at a control pannel.) Sonya: "All set, Jax. Ready on your go." (Jax pulls a lever. Lights flash as Cyrax is scanned.) Jax: "Sonya, hit the switch on three. Ready? One. Two. Three!" (Sonya pulls the regeneration switch. She and Jax shield their eyes from the bright light.) Jax: "Okay. Power down now." Sonya: "Powering down." (Sonya slowly deactivates the regeneration switch. The machines stop. Cyrax pulls off his robot helmet, revealing a human face.) Cyrax: "I... I am human. I feel life once again, and I remember everything. Thank you so much. I am forever in your debt. I will not return to my Lin Kuel roots as an assassin. I instead choose to fight at your side, for Earth." Jax: "Well, that's good news." Sonya: "Let's get you out of these harnesses. You've been trapped long enough." (Sonya and Jax go to take Cyrax off the machine.) C) Fujin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Fujin stands in a temple-like building. An apparition of an Elder God appears. Fujin bows before it.) Fujin: "Our forces of light have defeated Shinnok. Now I must return to my duties as Earth's God of Wind." Elder God: "You have served your element well, Fujin, but we have a new mission for you." (Lightning strikes the ground, as Raiden appears before Fujin.) Fujin: "Raiden?" Raiden: "Our battle with Shinnok's forces is over. I must move on to my new position as an Elder God, and you, Fujin, you must take my former position as protector of Earth." Fujin: (Bows to Raiden.) "Raiden, it would be my honor to succeed you." Raiden: "Take special care of the mortals of Earth. They are a great people, but have the ability to self destruct. Be patient, and offer your wisdom and guidance." (Raiden leaves in a flash of lightning.) Fujin: "Farewell, Thunder God. I will not fail you." Raiden (Voice over.): "That is why I picked you." D) Jarek ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Sonya and Jarek are at a standoff on a mountain.) Sonya: "It's over, Jarek! Shinnok is dead. The good guys won. You're coming back with me." (While he talks, Jarek steps toward Sonya, pushing her towards a cliff.) Jarek: "Never, Sonya. I agreed to help defeat Shinnok, not turn myself in to the Special Forces. The Black Dragon live on!" Sonya: "The Black Dragon died with Kano. You're the last one, Jarek." Jarek: "Never!" (Jarek yells and charges at Sonya, who side-steps his attack. Jarek falls over the edge of the cliff. Sonya walks closer to the edge of the cliff and uses her walkie-talkie to contact Jax.) Sonya: "Come in, Major Briggs. This is Lieutenant Sonya Blade--" (It is revealed that Jarek did not fall off the cliff. He grabs Sonya's leg and sends her falling to her death as she screams in terror. Jarek climbs back onto the ledge and finds Sonya's walkie-talkie.) Jax (On the walke-talkie.) "Sonya, this is Major Briggs. Come in. Sonya, this is Jax. Are you there? Sonya?" (Jarek steps on Sonya's walkie-talkie, laughs, and walks away.) E) Jax ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Jarek stands over a cliff after pushing Sonya to her death. Jax suddenly appears and grabs him by the throat.) Jax: "Going somewhere, Jarek?" Jarek: "Jax! I thought you were going to--" Jax: "Thought I was what? Dead? Like my partner you just tossed of the cliff?" (Jax walks Jarek to the edge of the cliff.) Jarek: "I'm... I'm sorry, Jax. Please, don't drop me! Wait. I promise--" Jax: "Too late, Jarek!" Jarek: "You can't drop me! You have to uphold the law. You have to arrest me. Wait! Wait! This is brutality! You can't do it!" Jax: "Wrong, Jarek! This is not a brutality... This is a fatality!" (Jarek screams in terror as Jax throws him to his death.) F) Johnny Cage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (At an awards show, Johnny Cage stands at a podium accepting an award.) Johnny Cage: "Hello?" (The crowd cheers.) Johnny Cage: "Wow. I don't know what to say. I guess I can start by thanking all my fans out there." (The crowd cheers louder.) Johnny Cage: "Well, that's enough of the mushy stuff. I mean, let's get real here, huh? When am I gonna get some real competition?" (The crowd falls silent.) Johnny Cage: "C'mon. Don't get silent now. Where are all the cheers?" (The crowd begins booing and shouting, "You suck!".) Johnny Cage: "Hey! Wait a minute! I'm your #1 guy. I'm gonna remember this!" (The crowd continues booing and heckling and starts throwing food and bottles while Johnny Cage tries to defend himself.) Johnny Cage: "Ow! Okay, now I'm mad! Hey, c'mon! Quit it! Ow! I saw that, Arnold! Hey, cut it out!" G) Kai ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Kai stands atop a mountain. Raiden appears behind him in a flash of lightning.) Raiden: "You fought well, Kai. You are now a true Shaolin warrior." Kai: "Thanks, Raiden, but I'm not interested in becoming a Shaolin warrior anymore. I've got too many of my own problems to deal with." Raiden: "What will you do next?" Kai: "I don't know. Wander the earth, search for my soul, that kind of thing." Raiden: "Well, perhaps you could use this on your journey." (Raiden offers Kai his staff.) Kai: "Your lightning staff?" Raiden: "It holds the power of thunder and lightning. Wield it wisely, for it can show you the way to immortality. You've earned it." (Kai takes Raiden's staff.) Kai: "Thank you, Raiden. I will not fail." H) Kitana ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Kitana is looking out a window in her throne room. Mileena approaches behind her. Kitana turns when she hears Mileena's voice.) Mileena: "Kitana, I want your status. I want to be Princess of Edenia. It is my right!" (As Kitana responds, she steps toward Mileena, who slowly backs away.) Kitana: "You have no right! You are not my sister! You were born of Shang Tsung's sorcery for Shao Kahn. What right do you have to the throne of Edenia!?" (Mileena falls to her knees before Kitana.) Mileena (Weeping.): "No. No!" Kitana: "You are evil, and have no place in this world!" Mileena: "You are right, Kitana, but if I have no right to his realm... then neither will you!" (Mileena uppercuts Kitana, who screams and lands on her throne.) Mileena: "You will die, sister, and I will take this realm for myself!" (As Mileena talks, she walks toward Kitana and draws her sais. She stops a few steps before the throne.) Kitana: "Never!" (Kitana pushes a button on the throne's arm rest. A trap door opens beneath Mileena, who screams in terror as she falls to her death.) I) Kung Lao ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Kitana marches into Goro's throne room with two guards at her side.) Kitana: "Goro, we are here to offer the Shokan a treaty for truce. The Centaurs have already signed and agreed to all terms. We now await your acceptance." Goro: "War has been waged in this realm for too long. We must bring it to an end. I will set aside my differences with the Centaurs as long as they abide by the treaty. I shall sign your agreement." Kitana: "Goro, this is a great victory for all of us." (Goro is hit and knocked down by Kung Lao's hat as he stands on a balcony.) Kitana: "Kung Lao, we are at a moment of peace! How can you attack now?" (Kung Lao leaps off the balcony and onto the floor where Kitana is standing.) Kung Lao: "I once thought that an allegiance with an enemy was a lost cause, Princess Kitana." (Goro approaches Kung Lao with a gash across his chest, which doesn't seem to faze him at all.) Goro: "Was that your attempt at an assassination, Earth man?" Kung Lao: "No, that was a ceremonial strike of revenge for my ancestor that you killed in Mortal Kombat so many years ago." Goro: "And do you wish to continue this battle?" Kung Lao: "No, I wish only to settle the differences between us." Goro: "Your ancestor was a great man, and a brave and noble warrior. You should be proud of his accomplishments. If he won, perhaps it would be my own son seeking to settle differences with him." (Goro and Kung Lao shake hands.) J) Liu Kang ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (In a Shaolin temple, Liu Kang is on one knee, contemplating his victory.) Liu Kang: "The war is over. I have once again defended my tile as Champion of Mortal Kombat, and defended the realm of Earth, but have failed to save the realm of Edenia, and in doing so I have also lost Kitana... forever." (A portal opens, Kitana is on the other side.) Liu Kang: "Kitana?" Kitana: "Yes, Liu Kang, it is I." Liu Kang: "But, I thought you were going to--" Kitana: "With Shinnok's destruction, you have not only saved the Earth, but you have also saved my own realm. For that, I can never repay you." Liu Kang: "Knowing that you survived is all that I need." Kitana: "As heir to the throne of my realm, I offer you the chance to rule at my side, as King of Edenia...forever." Liu Kang: "I... cannot accept your offer. I belong here on Earth as Champion of Mortal Kombat." Kitana: "Then, I wish you good luck, Liu Kang, on all your journeys." (Kitana returns to Edenia as the portal closes.) Liu Kang: "Goodbye, Princess Kitana." K) Mileena ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Kitana is looking out a window in her throne room. Mileena approaches behind her. Kitana turns when she hears Mileena's voice.) Mileena: "Kitana, I want your status. I want to be Princess of Edenia. It is my right!" (As Kitana responds, she steps toward Mileena, who slowly backs away.) Kitana: "You have no right! You are not my sister! You were born of Shang Tsung's sorcery for Shao Kahn. What right do you have to the throne of Edenia!?" (Mileena falls to her knees before Kitana.) Mileena (Weeping): "No. No!" Kitana: "You are evil, and have no place in this world!" Mileena: "You are right, Kitana, but if I have no right to his realm... then neither will you!" (Mileena uppercuts Kitana, who screams and lands on her throne.) Mileena: "You will die, sister, and I will take this realm for myself!" (As Mileena talks, she walks toward Kitana and draws her sais. She stops a few steps before the throne. After speaking, she throws her sais at Kitana, who screams in terror as she is pushed out a window to her death. Mileena leaves the room.) L) Quan Chi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (In the middle of an arena, Quan Chi stands before a levitating Shinnok.) Shinnok: "As payment for your loyal services, Quan Chi, I grant you the gift of your existence." Quan Chi: "My existence?" Shinnok: "Understand, sorcerer, I consume all energies, including the life forces of all that live, but I shall spare you." Quan Chi: "If it weren't for me, you would still be a tortured soul, rotting in the pits of the Netherealm." Shinnok: "You dare question me!?" Quan Chi: "I do more than question you, Shinnok. I challenge you!" Shinnok: "Then you shall die!" (Shinnok growls and fires a blast of energy at Quan Chi, but it disappears when it hits him.) Shinnok: "What!?" Quan Chi: "Your powers are useless against me!" Shinnok: "How can this be?" Quan Chi: "I am in possession of your once-sacred amulet." (Quan Chi reveals the amulet.) "Years ago, I delivered to you an exact duplicate, while I retained the original. I even fooled Raiden. Now I am ruler supreme, and you, Elder God, are finished!" Shinnok: "Nooooo!" (Quan Chi blasts Shinnok, who explodes.) M) Raiden ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Raiden is levitating above a mountain. He bows before an apparition of an Elder God.) Elder God: "Raiden, for many ages you have protected the Earth realm from the forces of evil. You have earned your place among us. With your ascension into the pantheon of Elder Gods, you must choose your successor as the new protector of Earth." Raiden: "With the aid of Earth's mortals, I have once again managed to defeat Shinnok and his minions. I choose Fujin. He will guide the mortals of Earth as they move into the next millennium." (An image of Raiden's face appears.) N) Reiko ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Reiko is standing in the middle of an empty arena. A portal opens. Reiko walks through it and re-appears in a throne room. As he sits on the throne, a horned helmet, resembling that of Shao Kahn, is lowered onto his head.) O) Reptile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Reptile and Quan Chi are standing in Reptile's lair. Reptile bows and kneels before Quan Chi.) Reptile: "Quan Chi. I have served our lord Shinnok well in the destruction of Earth's warriors." Quan Chi: "Yes. We are most appreciative of your efforts." Reptile: "Now I wish to return in time to my home world before it was destroyed at the hands of Shao Kahn. As the new ruler supreme of all reality, Shinnok alone has the power to grant me this wish." Quan Chi: "You dare make such impetuous requests from your lord and master!?" Reptile: "It is a simple request for one of such great power." Quan Chi: "It is also not worth his attention!" Reptile: (Rises up.) "I demand it! If it were not for warriors such as myself, his attack on Raiden's forces would have failed!" Quan Chi: "Perhaps you could convey your feelings to Shinnok, himself." Reptile: "What!?" (Shinnok appears and grabs Reptile by the throat.) Shinnok: "Infidel! You are in no position to demand anything! I could kill you with a mere thought!" Reptile (while choking): "But, we had a deal!" Shinnok: "A deal!? I am not a god of my word, Reptile! All deals are off!" (Reptile's head explodes.) P) Scorpion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (In a darkened arena, Scorpion stands over a dying Sub/Zero.) Scorpion: "By defeating you, Sub/Zero, I have avenged the death of my family and clan. Now my soul can finally rest." Sub/Zero: "Your soul will never rest, Scorpion. The Lin Kuei may have been responsible for your murder, but your family's true killer still remains free." (Sub/Zero dies.) Scorpion: "If you are not the murderer, then who is?" (Quan Chi appears behind Scorpion.) Quan Chi: "I am the one you seek. To defeat my nemesis Sub/Zero, I needed the power of a specter. You've done my bidding well, Scorpion, but now I must return you to the Netherealm." (Quan Chi tries to magically transport Scorpion into the Netherealm. Scorpion's body begins to fade away, but he resists.) Scorpion: "Never!" (Scorpion charges at Quan Chi, and both are transported to the fiery pits of the Netherealm.) Quan Chi: "Noooooo!" Q) Sektor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Sektor must be unlocked by first activating the secret menu (Described below.). After activating it, select "Hidden" at the character select screen and hold L+R and press up*4, left*4, and A. (Cyrax is strapped to a machine in a lab at the Outer World Investigation Agency's headquarters. Jax and Sonya stand by some machines near Cyrax. Sonya approaches him.) Sonya: "Alright, Cyrax, all systems are go. Are you sure you want to go through with this? If this fails, we won't be able to recover your main processor." Jax: "We'll loose you for good." Cyrax: "After experiencing the flashbacks of my fight against Shinnok, I realize that my existence is unnecessary, unless I can fully recover my human psyche. We must continue with the process." (Jax walks toward a computer.) Jax: "All right, then. I'll begin the scanning process. Sonya, you hit the regeneration switch on my cue." (Sonya stands at a control pannel.) Sonya: "All set, Jax. Ready on your go." (Jax pulls a lever. Lights flash as Cyrax is scanned.) Jax: "Sonya, hit the switch on three. Ready? One. Two. Three!" (Sonya pulls the regeneration switch. She and Jax shield their eyes from the bright light.) Jax: "Okay. Power down--" (Jax and Sonya notice Sektor walking into the lab.) Sonya "What?" (Sektor fires six missiles from his chest compartment into the lab while Jax and Sonya scream in terror. As Sektor exits the lab, Jax and Sonya are seen lying in pools of blood, along with Cyrax, who had just been restored to his human form.) R) Shinnok ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Shinnok stands at the center of a bridge-like structure and levitates Raiden in a column of light.) Shinnok: "For millions of years, I suffered in the bowels of the Netherealm. You, Thunder God, are responsible for my suffering. Now, the piteous mortals of Earth will pay form my grievance!" Raiden: "You turned against your fellow Elder Gods. You betrayed your title. You deserve much worse!" Shinnok: "But it's too late, Raiden. I win! With the Elder Gods out of the way, I will take my rightful place as ruler of all eternity. I can already feel the power surging from within!" Raiden: "You're mad!" Shinnok: "Farewell, Thunder God!" (Shinnok laughs as Raiden is burned by his powers. Raiden screams in pain and explodes.) S) Sonya ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Sonya and Jarek are at a standoff on a mountain.) Sonya: "It's over, Jarek! Shinnok is dead. The good guys won. You're coming back with me." (While he talks, Jarek steps toward Sonya, pushing her towards a cliff.) Jarek: "Never, Sonya. I agreed to help defeat Shinnok, not turn myself in to the Special Forces. The Black Dragon live on!" Sonya: "The Black Dragon died with Kano. You're the last one, Jarek." Jarek: "Never!" (Jarek yells and charges at Sonya, who side-steps his attack. Jarek falls over the edge of the cliff. Sonya walks closer to the edge of the cliff and uses her walkie-talkie to contact Jax.) Sonya: "Come in, Major Briggs. This is Lieutenant Sonya Blade. Over." Jax: "Sonya, glad to hear you're alive." Sonya: "You actually sound happy to hear from me, Jax. Things get boring?" Jax: "Not since you followed Liu Kang into the Netherealm." Sonya: "Well, it's over now. I'm returning to base. Ten-four, Jax." (Sonya backs away from the cliff and begins walking away.) T) Sub/Zero ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Sub/Zero stands over Scorpion in a darkened arena, about to kill him.) Sub/Zero: "The battle is finished. Your quest for vengeance is over, Scorpion!" Scorpion: "You cannot kill a dead man. You have defeated my physical form, but my soul is eternal! You will pay for the massacre of my clan and family!" (Quan Chi attacks Sub/Zero from behind. knocking him to the ground.) Quan Chi: "Well done, Sub/Zero. Like your brother before you, you've served my purposes well." Sub/Zero: "I serve no one--not the Lin Kuei, and not you!" (Quan Chi steps on Sub/Zero's chest, causing him to scream in pain.) Quan Chi: "Scorpion agreed to fight for us in exchange for freedom from the Netherealm--a deal I had no intention of fulfilling. By killing him, you've saved us the trouble. Both you and Scorpion were pawns for Shinnok!" (Scorpion rises to his feet and uses his powers to levitate Quan Chi.) Quan Chi: "Scorpion! Noooo!" (While Quan Chi is floating horizontally in the air, a fire ball rises from the ground and hits him, causing him to explode. Scorpion turns toward Sub/ Zero.) Scorpion: "Our battle is finished. You are now freed from my curse. Live well, Lin Kuei warrior." U) Tanya ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Tanya leads Liu Kang through a darkened chamber.) Tanya: "Follow me, Liu Kang. Raiden has asked that I lead you to him." Liu Kang: "What about the others?" Tanya: "He has something special planned for them." (Tanya and Liu Kang advance through the chamber. A door drops down behind them.) Liu Kang: Tanya, what's going on?" Tanya: (Laughs evilly.) "I don't know what Kitana saw in you. Can't you see, Liu Kang? This is a trap!" (Liu Kang turns around. A door opens, revealing Shinnok levitating before a wall of fire, with Quan Chi standing at his side.) Quan Chi: "Welcome, Shaolin warrior. Your Thunder God is beaten, Earth's warriors destroyed. You are the last remnant of the forces of light. Do you wish to beg for mercy from your new master, the Lord Shinnok?" Liu Kang: "Never, sorcerer!" (Liu Kang yells and tries to hit Shinnok with a flying kick. Shinnok fires a blast of energy at him, causing him to explode.) Shinnok: "Fool!" (Shinnok laughs evilly.) VII) Secrets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right at the Mortal Kombat Gold title screen. If you hear the announcer say "Excellent!", you will be able to access a secret menu by pressing L+R at the main menu screen. Activate the "Easy Endings" option to see your character's ending movie by just beating Shinnok. You will also be able to access the game's three hidden characters-- Sektor, Noob Saibot, and Goro. VIII) Allowed Sites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here are the sites I've allowed to host this FAQ. Anyone else wishing to use it must get my permission. If any unauthorized sites are found using this FAQ, please notify me at once. (Most up-to-date version.) IX) Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ v1.00 Finished Fri, Jul. 27, 2007 Completed. Finished all endings. v1.01 Finished Mon. Jul. 30, 2007 Some text fixes. v1.02 Finished Thu. Sep. 13, 2007 Changed e-mail in "Contact Info". v1.03 Finished Sat. Mar. 1, 2008 Some text fixes. v1.04 Finished Fri. Mar. 11, 2011 Small editing in Baraka's, Kung Lao's, Jax's, and Sonya's endings. Some text fixes. Updated copyright information. v1.05 Finished Sat. May 4, 2013 Edited contact information in Section II. Some editing in Secton IX.