NAPPLE TALE, ARSIA IN DAYDREAM WALKTHROUGH BY ADK Final version: Welcome players, no you are not dreaming, this is a total walkthrough for Napple Tale. First i want to say something about the title : it's ALISSIA in Day Dream. The girl in the game is named Alissia but our japanese friends of Chime (editor) wrote it Arsia because it's so difficult for them to write in our language. Second Napple remind "Naples" the italian city because most of people of the staff in the game are italians. I understand them but i hope that in an eventual translation this fact will be arrange for us. This time i concentrated my skills on an action RPG. You have maybe read my other faqs for Resident like so i must also say something for that : In the review i'll make here, my final note is for a genre. It means that 98% for a resident like didn't mean that the game is better than an action RPG. Update 02/26/2004 : I added a tips about the second bonus stage in section 5. Visit my site : E mail me at : So here is the program for today (and probably the rest of the week for you) 1 A complete review of Napple Tale 2 Involved yourself in the game 3 Characters you meet by quarters and bosses 4 Walkthrough 5 Secret and the one i haven't unlocked yet 6 Faqs and credits 1 Review : Well, it's a bit complicated. If i take Night into Dream (sat), if i add Pandemonium (sat/play), if i add also Clockwork knight (sat) and a design that reminds me Panzer dragoon saga (sat) , i mix it with water, ice and pepper i obtain Napple Tale. It has been since a long time i haven't played a typical japanese plateform games. I can't believe that i used 24 hours to complete this game. I wouldn't believe it was a rpg but it is and a difficult one. The story begins with Alissia in a fest during the night. She disobeys her father and mother orders and go there (i think...). Alissia was so tired she begins to sleep. Fortunately for her, she didn't hear the horrible jingle of the beginning of the game. When she wakes up, she find herself in a strange road. A strange creature appears and call her Poach (which must be her nickname). Alissia asks how the creature knows her name and the creature wasn't able to answer. The creature wasn't able to remind his name. They follow the road until the end and they arrive in Napple town. After a visit to the church she meets a druid, the mayor and the creature was called by everyone Strynap. Everyone was waiting for Poach because she is the only one who can save Napple world from the nightmare. Curiously it's also the only way to go back in the real world. Alissia must find six "petals" (it's not the english word, it's a special vocabulary used in the game) to restore peace. After a short adaptation for the vocabulary i begin the game. It was full of cutscenes, long so long that i wanted to stop and sell the game. The character graphics were so ridiculous sometimes that i laugh. Therefore i continued to investigate because the story interested me. In terms of presentation Napple Tale has great cinematics during the game. The end is animated on the contrary of the opening movie. Especially the animation surprised me. However if the opening song is horrible the other during the game are cool. Graphically i was so disapointed by the game. In all the game there are only three or four stages where i was satisfied. I don't understand why the editor made a classical games instead of a fanstastic one. It seems that in japan it has a great successbut in my opinion it's too bad. The design seems to be ridiculous but in fact it's perfect for a tale. Also when the bad guy finally appears in the game there are exactly things i was waiting for. The animation is not very good, especially for a dreamcast. NO 60 frames per second, and the game slows when the scrolling use classical 3D animation. Think that the same scroll was in Pandemonium and was quickest than this one. Does the editor play with a Super Famicom before creating Napple Tale ?. Again all what i said is the contrary for the boss. So why not a super animation ? The sound is the most horrible i heared in a Dreamcast game. If you hear it alone you'll discover classical music, fairy tale music and even a good atmosphere. But if you have played with Space Channel 5 just before, you will shut down the volume of the TV. Even when i appreciated the atmosphere i cut the sound for some musics. It's the same thing with the voice. Classical and useless. This is the result of an italian composition. Yes, Sega asked a tons of italian to create the music because they are the king of modern tale in Europe. I have nothing against that but the composers were numerous and some musics stay poor and horrible. Again why ? Fortunately the gameplay is perfect. I was really happy to visit again and again the same plateform stage to discover new secrets. There's nothing impossible especially with the new creatures you discover in the game. There's no place where you don't want to go again. My favourite stage were automn stage 1 and winter entirely, stage 1 of summer and stage 3 of spring. I speak of this game exactly like a Sega cd game. The technique is not all because the game is extremely interesting. Even i found it's a great one. But next time mister Sega please think to us and create a perfect game. PRESENTATION : 17/20 GRAPHICS : 15/20 ANIMATION : 14/20 SOUND : 14/20 CONTROLS : 17/20 INTEREST : 17/20 FINAL NOTE : 90% ADK. 2 Involved yourself in the game : This section is dedicated to non japanese speakers so they can play the game more easily. here are the name of the 28 animals that you can find : 1 SPIRILA 2 SAMANTHA 3 AUTOMN 4 WINTOS 5 ADOCHRONO 6 RITOCHRONO 7 HIHIL 8 PAPATTE 9 SHISHIN 10 WIDRACO 11 POO 12 DYCO 13 FROLO 14 SHILULU 15 SINCA 16 ROWNI 17 PIPICA 18 FARMIN 19 PAWENPA 20 BRIJINO 21 KIKIOU 22 RIPO 23 MIDELI CIGALE 24 GUNPAT 25 CACAN 26 MERO 27 EL 28 GACH What is a RESIPO : it's a part of a Pafet. You need four resipos to create a pafet What is a pafet : a mix of puppets and pets. 28 of the 71 pafets of the game are animals and the other are items you must distribute in all Nappletown by solving quests. 3 Characters per quarters and bosses Center of Nappletown : Malice : a blond girl near the bridge and bonus house. Angela : she has a green robe, near the end she goes in Cherry Front near Shell's house. You see 13 ICE (home), a church with Druid inside and Bonus House (red house) : there you can unlock boss mode and special stage 1. CHERRY FRONT : left side : Winky's house, Alice's house and Shell's house right side : Repo (school dance) with inside Cole (professor with glasses), Anne is his daughter and Col a little blond hair boy. In the street you meet Winky and Angela. OCEAN BLUE : Left side : Ponpa's house with ponpa inside. The Bar with Jackson inside. Right side : Stan's house. In the street you meet Luis and also a little boy near the 13 Ice (maybe Col but i'm not sure) ROUGE LEAF : Left side : Dragon's house (he comes later), Seashell's house (with Seashell inside) Right side : Madam's house with Madam inside, Littlemaney's house with his maid Elie (blond girl) and Littlemaney. In the street you meet Pog. SILVER LINE : Left side : Banz's house (Banz is a wolf man, he comes later), Mel's shop (with Mel inside) Right side : Frocar's house (with Frocar), Ralph's house (with Ralph little red hair boy) In the street : A friend of Luis CIRCUS : Pierro(clown), Gomez (looks like quasimodo) and Gap (looks like a skull bird) All the characters have their own double in the action stage. Beware it's not the same person. BOSS : SPRING : Kinoconda : a giant snake, easy. Captain Usagi (rabbit in japanese) : beware of his watch. Imola (a worm) : easy. SUMMER : Icanapple : is a giant octopus, very impressive and a little more difficult than the other boss Tilu Tilu : a snow man, ridiculous and ... ridiculous. Flower : she throws thunder but except for that... AUTOMN : Trent : you must kill the evil spirit who possesses him or he dies. You have a limited time. Curse Seashell : Is that thing a boss ? Dragon : he protects the money of Nappleworld. If you want to help him kill the robbers dragon, or else he will throw a fire breath to excite you. WINTER : Ghost train : AH ! a long boss and even comical with his transformations. Mel's ice guard card : a long name but a stupid boss, like Tilu for example. CIRCUS : Gap and Gomez : they are two but very easy. MIRROR ILLUSION : Pierro : is the boss of the boss, supreme, impressive long crazy and words are missing to describe the only true boss of this game, except for Icanapple and the Ghost train. 4 Walkthrough : DAY 1 : Hello Poach : The game begins after a horrible dialogue and an awful song. Then Poach meets Strynap (or SN like she says). Together they find the way to Napple town. They arrive in the church where Poach meets also Frocar (a frog in a car) the mayor, Druid who takes care of the church and Strynap introduces himself after Frocar reminds him his name. Then Strynap and Poach go to the circus to meet Pierro. You must ever answer 1 to begin the tutorial stage. Remember carefully what you will learn here : jump, double jump, use lever and switch and of course kill a boss to join the exit. After that and some scene where you win your first Animal : Gunpat (he can creates a shield of moss completely useless) you arrive in the 13 ice hotel. Strynap leads you to your room. When you can, exit. You can visit the collection room and the machine room in the same corridor. Don't touch anything for the moment in the machine room. Go downstairs and pass a door to talk to Strynap. Exit and go to B1. In this corridor are all the animals you find and you can take with you Gunpat, for some reason you will learn soon. Then go to your room, click on your bed to save the game and click again to end up the journey. DAY 2 : Let's go : When you wake up, Strynap comes to say hello then you can exit. Go outside and Strynap introduces all the quarters of Napple town. You have a map in the manual and my walkthrough to help you. Go to Cherry front : Enter the house of Alice, she is sad and don't want to talk. Then go to the gate : Try to exit and Anne will come to talk. After that exit of the town to discover an action stage. Choose the first choice : THE WILD WIND : you must collect three chests here. One is immediately on your left, the second is on your way and the third can be reached with a "propeller thing" (can't find a good term for it). You stop your progression after you meet Winky, an old man. Then come back to Napple. Now go to the 13 ICE HOTEL. Go in the machine room. The first machine is a decode machine : it acts like a mini game : look at the color of earth, it indicates how many items and in which color you must find. You have 1 minute or else you will lose the item. However next time you have it, you'll have to find the missing Resipo(s). Then go to the Remix machine : remix the new item and you obtain a pink capsule. Go in the collection room, you can play with the capsule if you have collected enough coins in an action stage to obtain all the collector cards. It's time to explore Napple. Silver Line : Help the mayor and his car. Now visit his house to find a resipo. You can find 2 more in Mel's shop and in Banz's house. You will also meet Ralph and his animal (a mideli cigale). Circus : You meet Gomez and his Ripo. Rouge Leaf : Visit Madam's house and collect 2 resipos. Then you will see Littlemaney's house with the well. Visit it. Then you can visit Seashell's mansion and her garden. Church : Talk to the druid then collect the resipo. Ocean Blue : Visit the bar and talk to Jackson, then visit Stan's house and exit. Now you must exit of Napple by using the gate in Cherry Front. Choose the other choice. NEW YEARS DAY : You will encounter blue chest. To open them you need to throw an ennemy or a fireball on it. Later you will discover an animal that can do it for you. There are 16 chests here, you can collect 14 of them for the moment. Find the house of Alice in this stage. Alice here is a little girl and the friend of Shell. Talk to them (it's linked to Alice's sadness in Napple) and exit. You can complete this stage. Save by jumping on the flower near the portal and go fight the boss : Kinoconda. When you come back in Napple, it's a fest because you have begun to save Napple world. You see Anne, enter the same house as her. Just before that, the druid stops you to say that a new item is waiting for you in your room. So you decide to go and see Alice, Anne can wait. Talk and then go to new years day to talk to the other Alice. Gunpat leaves the team. Collect in this room three items and Alice asks a question. Answer 2 then 3 to arrive in WONDER BED. Exit to Napple for the moment. Now visit the Repo where Anne entered. All the child will dance here. Then talk with Cole, collect the resipo and return to your room. On the bed, collect the item. you will observe a scene where Alissia gives a Napple to a plant. If you find three napples you gain a heart of life. Now decode and remix any new resipos. Save. Then go to the place to talk with a fairy near the fountain. Come back to the collection room and play with the pink capsule : choice 1 you play all the money choice 2 : you play 10 coins. choice 3 exit. I won a second napple. I obtained after all this trip, Hihil, Papatte and Farmin. Hihil heals you, Papatte creates a shield for him and if you tape B rapidily he shots, and Farmin provides a plateform so you can jump higher. When you have remixed Farmin, Strynap appears and advices you to take him with you. Talk to Mel and then to Frocar and everyone important in the town. With the help of Farmin you can collect two more chests on the roof of Frocar's house and in New years day. It's time to visit Wonder bed. WONDER BED : Farmin and Hihil will be useful here. At the beginning of the stage you can reach Anne with a pumpkin on her head. Don't do that, it can changes the stage and you will lose two chests. Talk to her after you complete this stage. You can normally collect all the chests here. you can visit a green nest at the beginning of the stage. Near the end of the stage you can talk with GAP, then he goes away. Save and go fight the boss, Captain Usagi (it's a reference to Alice in Wonderland). You will admire a scene where Poach collects the first Petal : Adochrono. You are now in Napple and after you click on your bed, you end up the journey. DAY 3 : AND THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES Go to 1F and answer 1 to Strynap. You will see a scene. Go to Wonder bed to talk to Anne. Return to Napple take Adochrono and explore the third and last stage. THE WILD WIND : There are 18 chests. 17 are easy to collect, forget the 18 th for the moment. As usual Farmin will be useful here. Now you can complete the stage. Enter the Repo by using the gate. You meet with Rose and Gayaga and also Col. Explore the stage, talk to Gap. After, use the wind to reach higher plateforms (double jump and hold A) and once you can, exit; Don't ring the bell because it's useless for the moment. Come back to Winky's house in this stage. He gives a bag for Gayaga. Bring it to Gayaga and there will be a scene. Now that you are in Napple, play with the capsule, decode and remix all the resipos. you have also found a Napple. I obtain Cacan and Shishin. Cacan provides a tricolor ray around you and Shishin uses the storm to kill everyone on your path. On the roof of 13 ice you meet again Gap and after you talk he goes on the roof of the church. You can reach him again and he goes out of Napple. Collect the resipo on the roof of the church. Then return to Gayaga's repo. You must visit again the stage and collect all the note for him. You will find a red one down the mountain, another red up the mountain, an orange note on your way, a third red note befor entering the first mill and the last on the ground after the second mill. Now ring the bell to reach the boss Imola. You got Spirila, the second petal and you watch a cool scene. END OF SPRING. Go to 1F and talk with Strynap. Answer 1 as usual. Scene. You can collect a resipo at the bar of the 13 ice. Go to ocean blue. Exit by the gate. Enter : ONCE SUMMER : 17 chests here and 16 are easy. Visit this stage and save. Then fight with Icanapple. You come back in Napple. Talk to Malice near the bridge and many time to Frocar until he gives a resipo. Talk to Mel and he gives a resipo. Decode, remix etc... . Now return to the gate of ocean blue and enter the second stage. AJISAI : 16 of the 17 chests are easy to find. You will meet with Stan and then kill the boss Tilu Tilu. I obtained Widraco (he creates a laser around you), Rowni (he creates a curtain to blind the ennemy), Brijino (he provides a way for you), and Popoca (who creates a gigantic light to lighten up the way). With the help of Brijino you can talk to Anne in Ajisai, collect new chests in new years day and in once summer. Then remix everything you can. I obtained item 33. Go to Ponpa's house and the item 33 will give a resipo. Go to Cherry Front and talk to Winky. He gives a resipo. Go to Frocar's house and talk until he gives a resipo, talk to Mel. Now decode all new resipos. I obtain Shilulu (creates a shield for you). Go in the bonus house near the bridge with Adochrono to play the Special stage 1. It's a Score attack. You need to select Adochrono to enter. Collect a tons of coins here and then play with the capsule. You can do it as many time as you want. Exit by the gate of ocean blue to : FESTIVAL NIGHT : you can collect 14 of the 15 chests here. This stage is full of mini games and you will also meet with Jackson here. Mini game 0 : Like Lara Croft, use the box to reach the goal. Mini game 1 : Shoot ten heads. Mini game 2 : collect 3 coins and reach the goal. Mini game 3 is identical to 1 Mini game 4 : While a bottle shoot, avoid the shot and use it to push in the void all the items. Mini game 5 is identical to 2 but you must collect 6 coins. Now fight the boss : flower and watch the scene. You obtain the third petal : Samantha. You obtain also a bottle of milk. END OF SUMMER. DAY 4 : LEGEND OF AUTOMN : I obtained Mero (creates a crystal shield but it won't protect you). Go to 1F and answer 1 to Strynap. Scene. Go to Rouge Leaf and exit by the gate. RED AND GOLD : In this stage are hidden the others. Enter Littlemaney's house and talk to Elie. Talk to Littlemaney. Explore the stage. 14 of the 17 chests are easy to find. You will meet Madam and Pog here and also if you explore all the way, Seashell's house. Complete the stage and fight Trent. Use the apple he gives to kill the evil spirit. Hurry up, each apple sucks his life. you obtain Automn (fourth petal). Note : the boss fight will occur after you complete the stage : the moaning well. Now return at the beginning of this stage and click on the well. THE MOANING WELL : Here you must go down and switch on... all the switch. There are six to find. 14 of the 17 chests are easy to find. Then you will take two boats to reach the boss : Dragon. Kill the little dragon robbers and save the money. Dragon will thank you. You arrive in Napple. Enter Seashell's house. She comes and disappears in the mirror (a reference to Alice in the next side of the mirror (sorry i don't know the english title)). Go to red and gold. Find Seashell's house and pass the mirror. SECRET GARDEN : 16 chests are here. I have found 15 of them but no 16 th chest. I don't understand. you need to enter three little houses to open the big one. Then after more plateforms you will meet the boss Curse Seashell. The good way is Left, right,left,right,left,left,right,right. You obtain the fifth petal : Ritochrono. NB : this stage is difficult and i waited for more animals to complete it. My advice is to not play it for the moment. Wait until Day 6. Decode and remix everything you can. I obtain Pawenpa (you can do a super jump), Poo (creates a fire rain). You can revisited Red and gold and the moaning well to collect all the chests you missed. END OF AUTOMN. DAY 5 : I WANT TO LEAVE THIS TOWN : Go to 1F and answer 1 to Strynap.Scene, exit. Talk to Mel, he gives a resipo. Now pass the gate of winter. FJORDLAND : Help, the music, help, shut down. OUF. There are 17 difficults chests to find. The boss is a ghost train. Long boss and good boss. Don't miss Frocar's house near the beginning of the stage. Don't enter it for the moment. There will be a scene, go home and save. You discover new items. With the help of Pawenpa you can conquer new chests in summer, then discover new items. I obtained Ripo (throw a bomb that destroy walls and open blue chests). Use him to collect 2 of the 3 missing chest in Red and gold. The last is difficult to reach, look carefully at the decor. I obtain then Dyco (who kills everyone with ice). MADAM'S QUEST : Talk to Elie in Napple. Then talk to Pog, then Madam, then Dragon. Then go to Red and gold, talk to Elie. Now go to Madam's house in this stage and talk to Pog then to Madam. Go to Napple. Talk to Pog and Madam. Now Madam has a muse. Go to Red and gold and talk to Pog then to Madam and it's over. Play the muse and talk to Madam. she asks you an item. Remix it for her then it's over. SNOW CORRIDOR IN ICE MONTH : You can collect 13 of the 14 chests. For the 13th you need a bomb of Ripo. There's no boss. CRYSTAL PALACE : You can collect all the chests here, visit the shop of Mel, he is missing. Destroy that poor boss. END OF WINTER. Now return home and build a new car for Frocar (the ice mixer). Go to Frocar's house in Fjordland. Give it to him and you collect the sixth petal. When i go home i discovered Gach. DAY 6 : A LITTLE RPG : BANZ'S QUEST : In the place of Napple is a dump with Banz inside. He is afraid of Littlemaney. Talk to Littlemaney and then to Dragon. You obtain item 67 to remix. Talk to Littlemaney and the bird opens the chest. Talk to Banz. Go home Banz comes, he asks you to equip his house. Each time you create an item, give it to him, talk then go in your room and he will ask for another. Continue until the end (it's long). STAN'S QUEST : Talk to Stan. Scene. Go to Festival night : Now return to Napple and talk with Jackson. He gives an item to remix, bring it to Stan. JACKSON'S QUEST : Jackson asks two items. Remix it for him (each time you must talk and he gives you the thing). Talk to the druid in the church, he gives a napple. Talk to dragon : he asks you to talk to Nethyl the flower near his house. Nethyl gives an item. Talk to Winky : he asks you to talk to Boratano, his flower in his house. You collect an item. Now visit all the roofs of Napple to collect the last resipo. Don't forget the roof of the circus, Stan's house and Littlemaney's one. I obtain Mideli cigale who allows you to quit a stage when you want. Then go to the place and talk with one of the flower of the fountain. It gives an item. Go in your room. Scene. Go to Mel's house and he allows you to visit the backdoor of his shop. I pushed the box to collect a resipo. Then i obtained Kikiou. You can fly with him. You can now collect new chests in fjordland, the wild wind and snow corridor in ice month. Also with Kikiou you can reach Gap in Fjordland and (after you write on a paper the combination he gives, collect a resipo). Go to the circus. GOMEZ'S QUEST : He wants you to bring him back his fairy. Go to cherry Front and talk with Winky. Then go to Wild wind and talk with Winky and Boratano. Then collect the missing chest. Enter New years day and click on the fairy. Answer 1. Go to Gomez and talk twice. then exit. You keep the fairy and it becomes a collector card for you. Now remix a new item for Gomez. Then he thanks you. Now talk to Boratano and Nethyl they are happy because you bring them the item they wanted. In Fjordland the 17th chest is near the end. You need Kikiou to reach it. Talk to Gap. Go to Red and gold now visit Seashell's mansion here and complete the SECRET GARDEN to obtain the final petal. With the help of Ritochrono you can enter the Boss mode in bonus house. You need to select Ritochrono. Each time you kill three boss you collect a card. Go home then, Answer 1 to Strynap and you discover the last animal, Frolo (thunder), Elu (bomb) and Sinca (complete healing spell). LUIS'S QUEST : I obtained this quest by talking with Luis after going in Festival night again. (complete the stage). Talk to the guy in the street of siver line. Answer 1. Talk to Luis. Now talk to Stan and he asks you two more items. Remix them for him. It's over. FARMIN ESCAPE : Go in the pafet room of Farmin. He escapes. Talk with Jackson then to Gomez. Go in Wonderbed to find Farmin. Gap gives it to Gomez. Talk with Gomez. Then to Jackson, then to Angela then to Gomez. Finally, Ralph arrives and helps you, you can now take Farmin. Remix any items you can. Go on the top of the church and talk to the bell. It gives an item for the flower in the fountain. Now the flower is happy. After you help Madam, you have opened a new quest. Go in the Repo. Every child has a pumpkin on their heads. Go to 1F and talk, talk to Anne. then talk to Shell in his house. You will then go in silver line and talk with Ralph near Frocar's house. Then talk to the guy in this street. Scene. Now go to the repo again. Scene. Talk to everyone here. You must now find Ralph. But i failed. ALICE AGAIN : Go to new years day and talk to Shell then Alice. You can take Gunpat with you. Alice asks for a pafet. Remix it and bring it. She gives a special card. In once Summer you meet Jill. She talks of Luis. I failed in this quest. FINAL : Done for the Rpg phase, you will want to complete the game. Go to the druid answer 1. Talk twice, he gives an item to remix. Then talk again and answer 2. Play Mirror Illusion. Then Pierro arrives. Answer 1. You must remix now the dream camera (item 71). Part 1 is in Pierro's room in the circus and part 2 is in your room. Remix it and take a photo of the bed in Alice's room. Scene. Now go to the circus and beat Gap and Gomez. The boss mode is complete now. Go to the druid, answer 2 and play again Mirror illusion. Then you will reach the second part and save. Now Beat Pierro. If you save the game after the end, you will access to Strynap's diary but believe me it's useless for non japanese speakers. ADK. 5 Secrets and the one i haven't unlocked yet: Here is how to reach the second bonus stage : (submitted by Riveler and explained and confirmed by Colby Austin) Go here with the dreampassport and download this file : You can download it with any Dreamcast web browser, also. It only takes up 2 blocks. Now reload your file of Napple Tale. 1 - take the pafet Adokron 2 - take 1 or more accessory pafet (Fumin, Brijino, etc) 3 - check the right post inside the house 4 - when SN speaks to you, choose the second option and... VoilĂ !!! When you take the pafet Ganbato to Alice in New Year's Day level she asks to Pochi to spent and night there and clean her room. You can take 3 items from there and doing so the level Wonder Bed is changed when you play it. The ruler that can be used as a bridge to reach the green nest (no clue how to use this nest yet) can be erased!! I haven't found Ralph. I haven't helped Jill and Luis. I haven't found the 16th chest in secret garden. I haven't brough the good item to the bell. I missed items 34,61,64,65,66,70. Curiously my counter indicate 8 even after i obtain Item 71. I haven't solved the mystery of the green nest in wonderbed. If someone can help me, please e mail me at Anyway it doesn't change the end of the game. 6 Credits : All this walkthrough is copyrighted 2000. I thank Sega for this game. I thank Kyapiko who checks my walkthrough. Thanks to Colby Austin and Riveler for the hint about the second bonus stage. ADK.