__ _ _____ _ | \ | || ___|| | | \ | || |___ | | | |\ \| || ___|| | | | \ || | | |___ |_| \__||_| |_____| _______ __ __ __ |_____ || | / / / | _____| || |/ / | | | _____|| | | | | |_____ | |\ \ | | |_______||__| \__\ |_| +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ / \\/\// \ \ ---\/\/ETERS' FAQs--- / / \ \ VERSION 3.1 / / LAST MODIFIED: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 \ \ CREATED BY: Weters / / EMAIL: Weters@msn.com \ \ AOLIM: Weters / +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+ +-------------------+ | TABLE OF CONTENTS | +-------------------+ 1. Introduction 2. Updates 3. Gameplay Controls 3.1 Menu Controls 3.2 General Gameplay Controls 3.3 Calling Plays 3.4 Offense 3.4.1 Running The Ball 3.4.2 Passing the Ball 3.4.3 Quarterback Scramble 3.4.4 Maximum Passing 3.4.5 Catching a Pass 3.5 Defense 3.5.1 Prior to Snap 3.5.2 After the Snap 3.5.3 Defensive Line (special moves) 3.6 Special Teams 4. Gameplay Tips 4.1 Offensive Tips 4.2 Defensive Tips 4.3 Franchise Tips 5. Teams 6. Codes 7. Questions and Answers 8. Glitches 9. Reviews 10. Credits 11. Future FAQ's +-----------------+ | 1. INTRODUCTION | +-----------------+ Welcome to Weters' FAQ for Sega Sports: NFL 2k1. NFL 2k1 is the newest football game to hit the dreamcast. By all means, its also the best to hit the dreamcast. Most likely you already know about NFL 2k1, so I'll get into some other INTRO stuff ABOUT ME: I'm 16 years old, and a football nut! I've played organized football since I was 7 and QB since I was 9. I was a starting quarterback for my varsity football team this year and the starting quarterback for my JV football team the past two years. Last year I was an offensive coordinator for a little league football team. Due to conflicting schedules this year, I was not able to do it for a second year. I feel my football background is pretty extensive, and feel that I know what I'm talking about. Likewise, if you have any questions about football or NFL 2k1, e-mail me at Weters@msn.com Sega Sports: NFL 2k1 OR EA Sports: Madden 2001- This is the ulmighty question. Which game should I buy. Is playstation 2 worth getting for Madden 2001? After playing both games, I personally feel NFL 2k1 is a much better game than Madden for many reasons... Both games contain amazing spectacular graphics. Madden's faces look real, and for the most part match their real life counterpart. NFL 2k1, also looks real but doesn't match the counterpart. But Madden's faces look too cartoonish. Their players are a little bit heavyset. The feel of NFL 2k1 is much, much smoother than Madden. Madden is unresponsive, and as good as it could've been, it was the complete oposite. Trust me on this one, NFL 2k1! +------------+ | 2. UPDATES | +------------+ Version 1.0 >>>Created everything in the faq. Version 1.3 >>>Added franchise tips. >>>Added some more Q&As. >>>Fixed some errors. Version 1.7 >>>Added team section. >>>Added advanced line moves. >>>Added some more Weters' Tips. >>>Fixed some grammar errors. Version 2.2 >>>Added more Q&As. >>>Added more Glitches >>>Added more Weters' Tips. >>>Completly re-did tips section. >>>Added faster modem code. Version 2.6 >>>Added many more Q&As. >>>Added more Glitches >>>Added shoulder charge tip. >>>Added create a player in franchise mode. Version 3.1 >>>Changed e-mail addresses >>>Added more Glitches >>>Added more tips >>>Changed introduction >>>Added future FAQ's +----------------------+ | 3. GAMEPLAY CONTROLS | +----------------------+ 3.1 >>>MENU CONTROLS Analog Pad (or D-Pad).........Highlight menu options A.............................Select/Scroll forward through highlighted selection B.............................Cancel Selection/Return to Previous Screen X.............................Select/Scroll backward through highlighted selections, Change menu focus Y.............................Command Help Menu 3.2 >>>GENERAL GAMEPLAY CONTROLS Start (during gameplay).......Pause Menu Analog Pad....................Highlight formations or play sets D-Pad (at line of scrimmage)..Change control of your player 3.3 >>>CALLING PLAYS R/L...........................Toggle through formations A.............................Select formations or play sets B.............................View Previous formations or play sets X.............................Flip play or formation >>>WETERS' TIPS | Bluff Mode To hide the play you're calling, hold down the A button and keep it held down. You can then scroll through other pages of plays or formations to hide your play. When you release the A button, it will call the play you originally selected. 3.4 >>>OFFENSE Analog Pad L/R................Send eligible receiver in motion L/R...........................View receiver's button assignments, player names and fatigue levels A.............................Hurry players to the line of scrimmage/snap ball Y.............................Call up the Audible Menu, press A, B, X, to select an alternate play. Press Y again to cancel. X.............................Lower Crowd noise (quarterback) B.............................Fake snap signal >>>WETERS' TIPS | No Huddle Offense Press Y at the end of the play for your team to line up back on the ball and run the same play again. 3.4 >>>OFFENSE | 3.4.1 >>>RUNNING THE BALL A.............................Speed Burst/Power Move L or R........................Stiff Arm Left/Right L+R...........................Juke Move X.............................Dive Y.............................Hurdle or High Step B.............................Spin Move D-Pad.........................Lateral Ball Instant Energy................Press and hold A while running to fill the player arrow completely, then press any special move button to perform a more powerful move. >>>WETERS' TIPS | SHOULDER CHARGE First charge up your instant energy arrow by pressing and holding down the A button. Once filled up press A a second time to preform a shoulder charge. >>>Ytteres@aol.com TIP | SHOULDER CHARGE VARIATION If the running back has a power ranking higher than his finesse ranking, when he does the shoulder charge he preforms it with an extendended elbow and flattens the guy. If finesse is higher, he'll charge the defender than spin off him. 3.4 >>>OFFENSE | 3.4.2 >>>PASSING THE BALL Any Button....................Pass to that receiver (double tap to fake) D-Pad.........................Throw Ball Away >>>WETERS' TIPS | Speed of pass The longer you hold the button when you pass, the harder the pass. If you quickly tap the button you will lob the ball, if you press and release before the quarterback releases the ball, you will throw the ball with normal speed. If you hold the button past the release you will bullet the ball. 3.4 >>>OFFENSE | 3.4.3 >>>QUARTERBACK SCRAMBLE R+L............................Juke Move R+A............................Speed Burst/Power Move R+X............................Slide or Dive, if close enough to first down marker R+B............................Spin Move R+Y............................Hurdle 3.4 >>>OFFENSE | 3.4.4 >>>MAXIMUM PASSING To be able to control the placement of the ball when you pass, first turn on Maximum passing in the options menu. Right before you go to throw the ball press the direction of the pass you want the ball to go in relation with the receiver. To throw it behind the receiver press the opposite direction the receiver is running. Up will over throw, down will under throw, etc. The longer you hold the direction the more you will lead, or under-lead. Don't press a direction if you want a normal pass. 3.4 >>>OFFENSE | 3.4.5 >>>CATCHING A PASS B...............................Select receiver closest to ball X...............................Dive for pass Y...............................Catch ball/Jump for pass >>>WETERS' TIPS | Controlling reciever It is not necessary for you to control a reciever for him to catch it. But, you have a better chance to catch the ball if you take control of the receiver. 3.5 >>>DEFENSE | 3.5.1 >>>PRIOR TO SNAP B or D-Pad.......................Select a defender Analog Stick.....................Reposition defender L or R Trigger (with DB or LB selected).......View players L or R Trigger (with DL selected).............Shift Defensive Line A................................Hurry players to line of scrimmage X (at line of scrimmage).........Pump up crowd Y................................Call audible 3.5 >>>DEFENSE | 3.5.2 >>>AFTER THE SNAP B................................Take control of defender nearest to ball A................................Speed Burst X................................Dive/Tackle Y................................Jump to knock down or intercept pass L or R Trigger...................Defensive line special move D-Pad............................Swap Control of Defender Instant Energy...................Press and hold A while running to fill the player arrow completely, then press any special move button to perform a more powerful move. 3.5 >>>DEFENSE | 3.5.3 >>>DEFENSIVE LINE (special moves ) L................................Preform a move to the left R................................Preform a move to the right >>>NOTE: L/R are in relation to the screen not to the players. >>>ADVANCED LINE MOVES Shove to right.....Hold R, Down+Left+X (when being blocked) Shove to left......Hold L, Down+Right+X (when being blocked) >>>NOTE: When Advanced Line Moves are on, you are able to chose what defensive special move you want. But it requires a certain combination of buttons for this to work. If you know any more than what is posted, please let me know at weters@msn.com 3.6 >>>SPECIAL TEAMS >>>KICKING THE BALL 1. Set the ball trajectory and direction with analog stick, making sure to factor in the movement of the arrow. 2. Press A to snap the ball. 3. Press A again to stop the power meter as close to the top as possible. >>>RECEIVING PUNTS AND KICKOFFS Analog Stick...............Control return man after reception D-Pad......................Lateral ball after reception Y (after catch)............Down the ball (in the endzone) Y (before catch)...........Fair Catch (punts only) Hold L or R................View select player names on both teams +------------------+ | 4. GAMEPLAY TIPS | +------------------+ 4.1 >>>OFFENSIVE TIPS >>>PLAYCALLING First of all always mix up your plays. Don't go deep everyplay. Usually good downs to go deep are either 1st and 10, or like 2nd and short. The down and outs are usually always open. But beware because the computer pics up on this every time you do it. After a while they start covering you on the outs like white on rice. Call a fair amount of running plays too. Don't always run to the wide side either. Run toward the sidelines, don't be predictable. Run up the middle on 1st to throw off your defense, especially on line. Believe it or not, you get bigger gains up the middle because the defense doesn't react to the ball soon enough. When playing a buddy on the same dreamcast hold A when calling your plays to fool your partner because personally I hate the VMU play- calling mode. Know your audibles too. Set them before every game. And don't be afraid to audible if you read blitz on pass, or see a huge gap for running the ball. Try having a deep pass, short pass, and a run for audibles. Also try setting the stop clock play as an audible toward the end of a half or game to spike the ball quickly. >>>PASSING The worst mistake I notice other people and myself having when they pass the ball is dropping back way too far. In the NFL the deepest drop is only a 7 step drop. The most common is 3 step and 5 step. That doesn't mean drop back thirty yards until someone is open! Once you drop out outside the pocket it makes it easier for a sack. So stay inside the pocket when you pass. Know when to bullet the ball and when to lob it. The post pass is mostly a bullet or a normal pass. NEVER a lob or it will be like a 5 year old girl on Christmas morning. Flags are usually lob's but read the defense. If the defense is trailing your receiver lead him out with a lob. If it's on a pass over the middle drill it in there. Take control of the receiver when catching the ball. Take some time to learn this, trust me, you'll catch 100% better if you do it this way. Y will do a normal catch or jump if he has to. X will dive. >>>RUNNING THE BALL Incase you didn't realize the running game is much easier and much better in NFL 2k1. Except you do have the stiff arm that hits the LB so hard his girlfriend felt it. But you still have the new juke move that almost guarentees that Deion will be buying a new jockstrap cause he just lost his. Anyways... when running the ball, don't charge up your arrow until you broke through the d-line, or else it is a waste and you'll fumble a lot easier. Use the juke move on the LBs and DBs but don't over use it or once again it will be like trying to carry a wet stick of soap. The stiff arm is almost in- effective in NFL 2k1, don't use it. Yeah you'll break the tackle, but it takes too long to recover from it. I recommend sticky to the shoulder charge, and the juke. 4.2 >>>DEFENSIVE TIPS >>>QB RUSH You always have to rush the Quarterback. The only quarterback I know who wasn't afraid of pressure was... you got it... #12 for the Buffalo Bills, Jim Kelly! Anways... quarterbacks as calm as they are, can still be timid about a rush, maybe not afraid but they have to make decisions sooner than they wanted too... believe me, I am one! I recommend at starting from the Defensive End. Ya know, Jevon Kearse, Bruce Smith, Reggie White, and so on. But try following the play you picked. It helps a lot. If your like me, you'll do what the hell you please. What works from me is either knifeing inside (slanting in) or coming straight off the ball. I use straight way more often. First fire off, but don't use turbo yet. Once you start to pass the o-line then turbo it around the line and kill the quarterback and let the paramedics sort them out! >>>DB's I recommend starting at the D-Line first, apply the pressure and get the sack, but if not and the lucky bastard gets the ball off in time, then switch to the DB to intercept the ball. Don't use turbo to catch up with the ball unless your burnt or your too far behind from where it will land... trust me you'll over-run it by 30 yards. Try to aim for the first circle. (There are three circles, the big one is the ideal spot for the receiver to catch it, the closer one is for the highest point you can catch it, the farthest one is the farthest point you can catch it.) Once you hit the circle and the ball nears in press Y, and intercept the ball and rub it in your opponent by screaming 'BINGO!'. 4.3 >>>Franchise Tips >>>PLAY THE GAMES Play the games. Not only is it more fun, but that is why you bought a football game. Anyways though, you also have a much better chance of winner more of your games even if you have a bad team. If you you only want to play a few games, play big divisional games that are pivitol for a playoff birth. >>>DRAFT As bad as you might think the rookies are, you have to give them time. Trust me. I've had guys jump from 75 to 100 in a few years time. Sign as many draft pics as you can. Think long term, not just short. You have to think for both the present and future. Your rookies will win the superbowl for you later in your franchise, not Jevon Kearse, or Mark Brunell. >>>TRANSACTIONS Usually any transaction is a good transaction. But once again think long term. If you notice one of your stars is losing his overal rating, trade him off and get what you can because in a years time, he is retiring. Always look at signing people. You can usually find a pretty decent receiver or QB in the free agent pool. Especially right after the end of the year signing when teams cut to fit the cap. >>>USING A CREATED PLAYER IN FRANCHISE MODE (yes it can be done!) You have to follow all these steps for this to happen. Why Sega made it like this, we will never know. 1.) Create your player. 2.) Start a 4 team fantasy league. Let the comp draft. 3.) Exit the fantasy mode. 4.) Start franchise. 5.) Sign your player. *** Note, you'll probably have to resign your player often, like every time you shut off your dreamcast. If you let him go without a contract you will lose your created players. +----------+ | 5. TEAMS | +----------+ >>>San Francisco 49ers Offense- 64 Defense- 74 Overall- 68 >>>Chicago Bears Offense- 85 Defense- 77 Overall- 78 >>>Cincinnati Bengals Offense- 71 Defense- 64 Overall- 65 >>>Buffalo Bills Offense- 89 Defense- 81 Overall- 84 >>>Denver Broncos Offense- 87 Defense- 85 Overall- 86 >>>Cleveland Brown Offense- 62 Defense- 66 Overall- 64 >>>Tampa Bay Buccaneers Offense- 89 Defense- 96 Overall- 92 >>>Arizona Cardinals Offense- 71 Defense- 77 Overall- 73 >>>San Diego Chargers Offense- 66 Defense- 83 Overall- 75 >>>Kansas City Chiefs Offense- 81 Defense- 75 Overall- 77 >>>Indianapolis Colts Offense- 98 Defense- 78 Overall- 87 >>>Dallas Cowboys Offense- 87 Defense- 81 Overall- 82 >>>Miami Dolphins Offense- 66 Defense- 97 Overall- 81 >>>Philadelphia Eagles Offense- 67 Defense- 75 Overall- 70 >>>Atlanta Falcons Offense- 71 Defense- 82 Overall- 76 >>>New York Giants Offense- 67 Defense- 85 Overall- 76 >>>Jacksonville Jaguars Offense- 96 Defense- 94 Overall- 95 >>>New York Jets Offense- 83 Defense- 78 Overall- 80 >>>Detroit Lions Offense- 77 Defense- 79 Overall- 78 >>>Green Bay Packers Offense- 91 Defense- 72 Overall- 80 >>>Carolina Panthers Offense- 82 Defense- 79 Overall- 78 >>>New England Patriots Offense- 76 Defense- 81 Overall- 77 >>>Oakland Raiders Offense- 88 Defense- 92 Overall- 90 >>>St. Louis Rams Offense- 98 Defense- 88 Overall- 92 >>>Baltimore Ravens Offense- 70 Defense- 95 Overall- 82 >>>Washington Redskins Offense- 94 Defense- 91 Overall- 90 >>>New Orleans Saints Offense- 75 Defense- 73 Overall- 73 >>>Seattle Seahawks Offense- 80 Defense- 81 Overall- 80 >>>Pittsburgh Steelers Offense- 72 Defense- 76 Overall- 74 >>>Tennessee Titans Offense- 94 Defense- 80 Overall- 87 >>>Minnesota Vikings Offense- 90 Defense- 65 Overall- 77 +----------+ | 6. CODES | +----------+ >>>SPEED UP YOUR MODEM (submitted by MikeMK4@aol.com) In The Version 2.0 Browser Go To The Modem Int. Area And Replace AT&T With ATs28=56 Send in your codes to weters@msn.com +--------------------------+ | 7. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS | +--------------------------+ Q >>> Should I buy NFL2K1? A >>> Absolutely, this is the best football game ever created. Trust me! Q >>> Does NFL2K1 have a franchise mode? A >>> Yes it does, and from what I can tell you can play many, many years. Q >>> Are the plays the same as last year? A >>> Absolutely not! Playbooks are now team specific. No two playbooks are alike. Q >>> Does internet play feature online leagues? A >>> No. Q >>> Is the color commentary the exact same? A >>> No. It is mostly new. Q >>> Can you challenge calls? A >>> No. Q >>> How much does NFL 2k1 cost? A >>> Between $50 and $55. Q >>> Can you use created teams in the season and franchise modes? I can't figure it out. (submitted by krestako@msu.edu) A >>> No, you can only use created teams in custom season. Q >>> How do you shoulder charge? (gaandrews@hotmail.com) A >>> Charge up the power arrow and then press A. Q >>> How do you spike the ball right after a play? (herve247@yahoo.com) A >>> You have to set the spike play to your audible list and press Y at the end of the play. Q >>> How do you use created players in the franchise mode? (AngusMoke@aol.com) A >>> Check out the new section on created players under the franchise tips. Q >>> Can the coach get fired in franchise for a poor season? (hannahd@nationwide.com) A >>> No. Q >>> How many rounds are in the draft? (hannahd@nationwide.com) A >>> 7. Q >>> Can you control more than one team in franchise? (RJsjoberg@aol.com) A >>> No. Q >>> Is there a preseason mode? (hannahd@nationwide.com) A >>> Yes. If you have questions, send them to weters@msn.com +-------------+ | 8. GLITCHES | +-------------+ As in every game, they have some minor glitches, here are the ones found so far in NFL 2k1. 1 >>> Color commentary sometimes acts as if a team is in a game when they are down by a lot. 2 >>> When you get disconnected by phone call from network play, the dreamcast reboots. 3 >>> When you load a franchise mode up, take out the memory card and then try to play in a game other than franchise, all the rookie draft pics are #0 and very small and suck really, really bad. 4 >>> There has been some problems when your in a franchise mode and then you go on the net, sometimes the memory card screws up and looses data, or the game freezes. 5 >>> When late in the 4th quarter and you kick a field goal. The announcer acts as if it were a game winner even if you were up by a ton. (herve247@yahoo.com) 6 >>> If you let the system load your settings and then play a two player game, it uses the rosters from your franchise season. All the names of drafted players are ommited though. (mebata1@home.com) 7 >>> Created players in Franchise never retire (lost e-mail, notify me if you were him/her) If you found any glitches, send them to weters@msn.com +------------+ | 9. REVIEWS | +------------+ >>>Weters' Review NFL 2k1 is a great game, from the gameplay itself to the many options in franchise mode. NFL 2k1 is the first console sports game to be able to play online with other people. Playbooks are new, and over 2,000 animations. The gameplay is great. Improved 100% from NFL 2k. It has about a 30 minute learning curve to get used to the controls, because they are slightly different from last years game. The graphics are amazing, the players are scaled to perfection and move with great ease. Stadiums and players are rendered beutifully. Rain, and Snow vary during gameplay. The sound is amazing. The voice over color commentary is the most complete commentary ever created. The crowd sounds like a real crowd and can be controlled by defense and offense. They get quiet when opponent scores and louder when they score. The network play is great. Only a minor lag. Some minor problems I find with it on how each player has to share options. GRAPHICS >>> 9.5 SOUND >>> 9.5 CONTROL >>> 8.0 GAMEPLAY >>> 9.0 FUN FACTOR >>> 10.0 --- OVERALL >>> 9.5 >>>Create your own review and send it to weters@msn.com +-------------+ | 10. CREDITS | +-------------+ CREATED BY >>> Weters CONTROLS >>> Manual CODES >>> MikeMK4@aol.com SPECIAL THANKS >>> Sega Sports Visual Concepts +----------------------------+ | 11. FUTURE FAQ'S BY WETERS | +----------------------------+ --------------------------------------------------------------- NAME OF FAQ | EXPECTED RELEASE DATE --------------------------------------------------------------- SHENMUE CHAPTER 1: YOKOSUKA FAQ | DECEMBER 15th, 2000 TONY HAWK'S PRO SKATER 2 FAQ | DECEMBER 15th, 2000 +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+ | ©MM(2000) by Weters(weters@msn.com). | +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=+