Phantasy Star Online Version 2 Battle Mode Guide By Makiro MK II (Makoto, Fish God, DE Rol, lol) "I Kill monsters, therefore I am" Note: I Don't mind if you use this on your site as long as its in full and you e-mail me first, this guide took a long time to do, I may have no life, but still, it was hard work WHATS IN THIS GUIDE? I got a lot of stuff: How to win battle games, tips for them, good character classes ect ect I also have small dedications to people that have helped me out :) I Have most of the stuff I intended on doing put in, look out for updates! BATTLE: There are many different rules for battle mode each varies vastly from the last, There are two levels in battle mode, spaceship and temple, my favourite being The temple, however my favourite rule is rule 1, which is spaceship, so I get a Lot of variation in my games. Battle mode can be a lot of fun and despite belief Of A LOT of newbies, you don't lose your weapons in battle so there is no Excuse, lol. As well as the heavily ruled (is that a word?) battle modes there Is also an 'F1 Battle' where there are no rules, I however, find these irritating But, if that's what you like, you should make the most of it before DC PSO dies. Also battle mode Caters for every experience and skill level, some rules set you to Lv 1, and In my experience Lv 200 people get thrashed on rule two, no idea why, hehe. HOW TO PLAY UNDER CERTAIN RULES: Rule 1: Area: Spaceship My Rating: 9/10 Recommended skill level: Beginner Summing Up: There's not really many rules here, so it's up to you really, often people add Their own rule, no spreads for example, or no stealing, and if everyone agrees Then please remember, there is nothing more annoying than some ignorant loser That uses his own rules :P. I like to add extra rules for variety, yesterday me and Akuma had a "no guns" rule one game, and it was pretty fun, but then again it was Mainly because I kept wasting him with my s-rank mechgun, hehe. And remember, no shifta and deband actually means: NO SHIFTA AND DEBAND Lol, jk Akuma Tips: Smash the joystick around when in ice for an early breakout. De-equip your weapon after getting critically damaged health. When playing against someone with many S-ranks use state/maintenance, A Few God/Battles wouldn't go amiss either Rule 2: Area: Temple My Rating: 7/10 Recommended Skill level: Beginner My favourite level, but not my favourite rule, I had a lot of fun playing rule 2 With Jane and kasumi, sure, I lost but battle is better when you have a lot of fun And to Jane and kasumi: YOU ONLY WON BECAUSE YOU HAVE MAGIC, lol Sometimes I really resent being a HUcast, but never mind, I resigned myself to the painful Torture of no magic...its my fault, at least I can use BERDYSH, my favourite weapon Shame its not so powerful...anyway, rule 2 is a good rule if the characters levels are quite Unbalanced and you want something fair. Tips: Smash the joystick around when in ice for an early breakout. Get a gun to unlock the fences by shooting the button. Shoot the weak walls to get through the to the other side. Rule 3: Sorry, To be updated soon Rule 4: Sorry-To be updated soon Rule 5: Sorry-To be updated soon Rule 6: Area: Spaceship My Rating: 7/10 Recommended Skill Level: Advanced This is a good rule, its fun to play, and because there's not a big area to roam around in, The cowards lose out :P I have had a few good battles here, my big battle with sel, in Which I proved we were at equal skills, and my battle with kasumi and punk spade, where A lot happened Tips: If you get incased in ice, smash the joystick around and you break out earlier. If you are about to die, de-equip your weapon so you still have it on you after you die. Rule 7: Sorry-To be updated soon Rule 8: Sorry-To be updated soon WEAPON USAGE IN BATTLE MODE: SABER TYPES: Difficulty: Beginner A Saber is one of the most user-friendly weapons in existence its quick And in the case of the yamigarasu, deadly. To use a saber to its maximum potential you can attack from anywhere But I recommend the method of a stealthy back attack, remember, only Talk in battle when you have to, it leaves you open to attack and also Gives away your position, so creep up behind them, finish a N-N-H Or N-H-H attack and manoeuvre around them until they get back up Then keep the motion going until you have the advantage, then break out Your strongest weapon and take a final blow. Best situation for use: Any approach works, the saber is fast, so you will often have the First blow. Tips: If you are u against a needle or sword type use a N-H or H attack Because they have a wide area of attack. If you are a hunter, get yourself a yamigarasu, they are one of The best weapons you can use in battle mode If you are a HUnewearl, remember only do 2 strings SWORD TYPES: Difficulty: Intermediate/advanced Slow and strong, this ranger equivalent of a mechgun is not to be taken Lightly. Swords are not widely used in battle mode, with the exception Of Sealed-J-Swords, and I think once you know how to use Them without getting smashed up by an Ano Rifle you'll be fine (You have no idea how much I hate Ano rifles) First make sure you don't have a yamigarasu in your Inventory, if you do, ditch the sword, it aint worth it, lol The a sword attacks slowly, so make sure you creep up On your enemy, 'cause swords are slow but they can Sometimes kill in one hit (e.g. huge battle fan, my favourite sword-type) so if you have A sword, make sure it's a good one, J-swords and huge battle fans Can do a lot of damage, and it shows, considering how hard it is to See a legit one remember-a j-sword with any grind is not legit. Swords do not normally have very good ATA so use N-H-H or, if You have maxed out your ATA, H-H or H-H-H if you are feeling brave Tips: Remember that this weapon isn't exactly fast, so use with caution, and make Sure for team battle, no allies should be nearby PARTISAN TYPES: Difficulty: Advanced Normally just written off as another sword type, these weapons are Often vastly stronger. They are a bit faster than swords but are sometimes weaker so I put Partisans down as advanced, there is nothing else to say really, look at Sword section for how to use Tips: Remember that partisans are only a bit faster than swords, so use with Caution and make Sure for team battles that no allies should be nearby DAGGER TYPES: Difficulty: Beginner/Intermediate Fast and powerful, they may be small...But who cares? My brother (BERNIE, he got noled, I think he is rashwind now) used to love this type, s-rank daggers Cause major damage on battle mode, they didn't add many daggers for V2, so daggers have kinda died out, I am still a fan though! They are quick, so Saber rules apply, but they have a mechgun-like wait After a full combo, so just use an N-H, if you are wary;) SLICER TYPES: Difficulty: Advanced, or to use to its full potential, expert Although this weapon can be annoying at times, a good player can cause a good deal of chaos with one.I don't really like slicers that much and I only know one person who does. However, take the time to master them and you'll have no problem winning often.First thing to take not of is the wait after a 3 hit combo, it embarrasses even the mechgun So, as with many other weapons, use a two hit combo instead of three. They hit all enemies, so it's good for wiping out a small group of players Tips: N-H Or H-H Combos only unless you are SURE that there will be no threat after Slicers can destroy traps, so you don't have to lug a gun around with you HANGUN TYPES: Difficulty: Newbie, just aim and fire A Very newbie friendly weapon, good for all occasions Very versatile, losses in power, but makes up for it in speed, can shoot Traps, hit from a good distance and fits in the palm of your hand ~_^ You cant really go wrong with a good handgun, and they can often Do good damage (damn yasminkovs ^_^; ) Not really much else to say, except: please don't kill me! RIFLE TYPES: Difficulty: Newbie Exactly the same as a handgun, except looks nicer. Look at the handgun section for how to use MECHGUN TYPES: Difficulty: Intermediate I love mechguns, especially now I have S-Rank mechs ^_^ Easily a hunter's best friend, these can be very useful in battle ESPECIALLY if they are S-Ranked."HEY!" and "UNFAIR!" were the screams of akuma as counterfiet0 and me Wasted him with our S-Rank Mechs, and the special on S-Rank mechs is just...pure evil But...who cares? The one problem with mechguns is the wait after you finish firing; it's not really a problem As long as you get a good few steps away from your opponent Tips: Get good distances from enemies Use the special on S-Rank mechs Be prepared for the annoying wait between combos NEEDLE TYPES: Difficulty: Idiot proof, a moron could use this weapon EVERYONE hates needles, but they can be fun at times. A Funny strategy for needles is stand in a corner and just keep pressing A Someone steps in your way and gets blown up to smithereens, you win On second thought...don't do that :P Needles have good range and can kill most things, but before you use one: Please, PLEASE ask everyone else if they don't mind you using it And if they say don't use one, don't get mad, or use one anyway "NO DOM, NO NEEDLES!" man, me and counterfeit said that so much Its lost all meaning...By the way akuma, I'm just joking wit' ya, we're mates You can deal with the jokes right? TWIN TYPES: Difficulty: Beginner A Good, strong weapon that hits 6 times in a combo Twins are just like daggers, but with a better range, so refer to the Dagger section for how to use. All force weapons use mostly the same, so I wrote one section for them: ALL FORCE WEAPONS: Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced I personally would recommend a force not use weapons, as they don't Do good damage because forces are technique based but...if I must...? Force weapons are slow and don't do much damage, so I advise you use A short combo to stun your opponent and use grants or something to Finish them off, remember: Level 30 techs are lethal. USING DIFFERENT CLASSES: HUmar: A Very good class, reasonably good with spells, can use some cool weapons, and is a very popular class, although most HUmars are starting to look the same for some reason... Available Weapon Types: Sabers Swords Partisans Daggers Slicers Mechguns Handguns Twins Needles HUcast: My favourite class: No techs, but stronger than other characters, can use BERDYSH! The coolest looking weapon in PSO. Available Weapon Types: Sabers Swords Partisans Daggers Slicers Mechguns Handguns Twins Needles HUnewearl: A Popular class, can use the 2nd coolest looking weapon, HEART OF POUWM Available Weapon Types: Sabers Swords Partisans Daggers Slicers Mechguns Handguns Twins Needles RAmars: The best RA, can use techs, and other cool stuff Available Weapon Types: Sabers Rifles Shots Slicers (I Think, if you can confirm this e-mail me and you'll be in my thanks section ^_^) Mechguns Handguns Twins Needles RAcast: A Pretty cool ranger, good power but a bit lacking in DFP, sel's New Character is a RAcast And likes his yasminkov 9200H "Look! Its like terminator," fool, lol, jk Available Weapon Types: Sabers Rifles Shots Slicers (I Think, if you can confirm this e-mail me and you'll be in my thanks section ^_^) Mechguns Handguns Twins Needles RAcaseal: Good DFP but lacks the ATP of the RAcast Available Weapon Types: Sabers Rifles Shots Slicers (I Think, if you can confirm this e-mail me and you'll be in my thanks section ^_^) Mechguns Handguns Twins Needles FOmarl: I don't use FOs, so I forgot what they are like Available weapon types: Cane Rod Wand Handgun Saber Slicer Mechgun FOnewm: I don't use FOs anymore, so I forgot what their stats are Available weapon types: Cane Rod Wand Slicer Saber Handgun Mechgun FOnewearl: Poor neglected FOnewearls, can hardly use any S-Ranks Available weapon types: Cane Rod Wand Handgun Saber Slicer Mechgun (---------) I I /--\ I\ I I / /----- /-\ I I I / \ I \ I I / \ \-/ I I----I I------I I \ I I/ \ I I I I I I \ I I\ \ /-\ I I I I I I \ I I \ --- / \-/ (I know that looks really bad, but i suck at ASCII,and i wrote it in notepad, so it might look strange in a browser...i dont know though) Here's a dedication for all my friends and other people that made this guide possible: SEGA For making a really cool console SONIC TEAM For making a really cool game ALL DC SUPPORTERS For sticking by this amazing console ^__^ AKUMA For being a really good friend, always up for a battle or a trade, and not being a sore loser after a fight. One of my best online (and real life) friends. Selix For constantly losing to me, nah JK sel, I'm just kiddin' wit' ya! Sel has good skills in BA, and no matter what happens, it doesn't dampen his spirits, So he's the perfect candidate for BA Counterfiet0 FISH GOD!...*ahem*...sorry, anyway, counter is a good friend in real life and a good BA companion. But the insane jabberings don't help: "blark!" and "jabberclackers" to name a few :P Kasumi For thinking I was insane when I wanted to play rule one, kas' is fun to play with, but rated 18 due to phrases of an adult nature :D she is really skilful, and can kick my ass on rule 2 ^_^; Jane Nanyako I can only hope I spelt that right...anyway even though I have only played BA with Jane about twice, I talk to her quite a bit, she's pretty funny, and is good at rule 2. ANDROID 2002 For constantly saying: "lets play again!" and not getting to annoyed when I wanna go with blizzard instead of him...sorry Blizzard87: Hiya! I don't have much to say since I haven't played BA with you, but I couldn't NOT mention you ^_^ Seiphar: "I WANT MY GUN!"...Haha, shame it didn't do anything to me in the end. Revolution: For giving me good fun in BA games Nova: As above ^_^ GEKIDASKY: Although you spend more time annoying me than helping me, I added you anyway :P -:RashWind:- My brother, for asking too many questions ^_^ PunkSpade: For not being a sore loser, and for JUST beating me by about 1/2 a second, he is pretty funny too! God Of Tek: For constantly wimping out of BA I'm sorry if I didn't mention you, just SM me in the game and I'll add you. HELP ME OUT SECTION: Any info would be handy about something i have not put in ect ect And whether a RA can use slicers And if you wanna put in a suggestion about what i should add, mail me as well And although this is'nt PSO related, i want to know if you have seen the word makiro anywhere, i could have SWORN i made it up... OK, That's it! If you want me to add anything to this guide:, just mail me and I'll sort it out