PHANTASY STAR ONLINE VER2 Challenge mode character tactics FAQ December 6th 2001 Ver 1.0 Written by: Christian Washington (aka HC82 on gfaqs) email: This FAQ is Copyrighted work 2001 Christian Washington Table of contents: 1:Challenge mode descrition A:What is challenge mode? B:Basic Character roles C:Section IDs D:General challenge mode tips 2:Rangers A:Race advantages B:Tactics 3:Forces A:Race advantages B:Tactics 4:Hunters A:Race advanatges B:Tactics 5:Legalities 6:Contacts/Thanks 1:Challenge mode descriptions A: WHAT IS CHALLENGE MODE? Challenge mode is a feature in ver2 which allows you to under go differen't timed "challenges" with a team of people. Your items, level, equipment, and techniques are preset at the begining each challenge stage according to your class and the stage your at. Each stage has a set time where you most complete it under that time. Challenge mode is like a survival mode. You have to navigate through various stages, puzzles, fight enemies and make do with the items you find. If any any of your teammates dies the stage ends, assuming you have no more scape dolls on you. There are 9 different challenge stages. C1 is forest1 to forest2, with "dragon" as the boss C2 is caves 1 C3 is caves 2 C4 is caves 3, with "del rol" as the boss C5 is mines 1 C6 is mines 2, with "vol opt" as the boss C7 is ruins 1 C8 is ruins 2 C9 is ruins 3, with "dark flaz" as the boss Completeing different stages in C mode gets you different ranks, BU-EI being the highest rank. You can only go onto the next stage by beating the stage before it. If you've beaten a stage you can replay it to try and get a better time, your best time is always your current for that stage. Your current C mode times and ranking can be seen from your menus(use R trigger to flip between them). Aside from having different ranks you are also given a rating after finishing C mode. Depending on your total time your given special items for completing challenge mode. Completing challenge mode under 7 hours gets you S rank. S rank allows you to choose from a list of weapons and name it, which are refered to as S rank weapons. There very strong, can be grinded up to +99 and have a unique special that uses does random effects. You can not obtain an S rank weapon with percents from challenge mode, S ranks earned from challenge mode have 0%. If you choose No-TYPE S rank it chooses a random Srank, but you get to name it ANYTHING you want. Getting A rank gets you a White ring and getting B rank gets you a Yellow ring. They can be equiped at level 101 and are actually very good shields. If you obtain a higher rank on your first try you can redo any C mode stage to get the A rank and B rank prizes. You can try to improve your times after finishing C mode to improve your rank, or just for the sake of having a good time. B: BASIC CHARACTER ROLES Each character class has there own role to play as in C mode. Certain classes are less usefull earlier but are far more effective in the later stages, so don't neglect that force in C1 cause you'll regret it later on when your dying over and over in c9. Having a balanced team is very important. Hunters are the guys that get up in there smacked the mess out of everything. There the primary damage dealers. In the earlier stages a team of 4 hunters can usually get the job done very quickly. Forces are support based. Gaining the ability to resta/shifta/deband/zalure/jellen later on in the stages. Having a force is vital for finsing C9. Use techs damage and support techs to weaken the enemies so the team can finish them off with ease. Make sure to try and hit everything at least once so you can get exp. Rangers also play a slight support role, but not with techs. Rangers snipe enemies from afar and take out potenially dangerous enemies. Rangers also should be on the look out and shoot enemies that might cause problems for other teammates. C: SECTION ID It's believed that different section ids effect what items are dropped and in general what enemies appear. Some section id are believe to be better for different stages. From my experience Yellowbooze is the jack of all trades, and in general is good for all C mode stages. The persons who creates the C mode game is the section Id thats attached to the game. Sometimes you might get into a c mode game and there will be a HUGE amount to enemies to fight against, and sometimes you might fight very few enemies. It is believed that section IDs also effect this as well, while others say it pure luck. From my experience ive been in games with supposed bad section ids for that stage and there were very few enemies, and times were the wrong sect id yields many enemies....but Ive noticed that section IDs that are speculated to be in general good for that stage have been all good. In other words if it is said that purplenum is best for C9 you will in general have an easy time. Heres a list of the sections Ids that are "supposedly" to be the best for each stage. C1:Greenil C2:Whithill(or oran) C3:Oran C4:Bluefall C5:Skyly (redia) C6:redia C7:Yellowbooze C8:Yellowbooze C9:Purplem BTW purplem is supposed to be good for all the ruins areas(c7 to c9), as is yellowbooze. Also redia is also supposed to be good for all the mines stages as well. I can confirm the redia is good in the mines and yellowbooze is good in ruins. D:GENERAL CHALLENGE MODE TIPS These are general tip that go for everyone. Drop items you don't need at the base of the door that you will go into next(do this before you clear the room). If you found a nice ranger weapon and your a hunter, just drop it at the door. After you and your team have finished clearing a room everyone will have to run into the next doorway. So they will thus run over the item and can pick it up with ease. Sometimes breaking out of combat to give something to someone can waste time unless you do it fast. Unless it's an emergency like giving mono/di/trimates to a player because there aboout to die, just drop items the next doorway. HP mats/TP materials and Mind material go the force. As do units that are MST related. DEX mats go to hunters, HUnewearl and HUmars get first dibs at DEX mats since there ata is lower then the HUcast. POW mats can go to the ranger to help them deal more damage. Grinders can go to either the ranger or the hunters. DFP and EVP mats should probably go to the hunter since they get hit more. The only time to break these item rules is if a player just needs a few more points of a certain stat to use a weapon/item, and your not close to leveling. For example if a HUmar needs like 2 more MST to use a certain techs, like resta level 1 and the Force doesn't. Give the mind mat to the HUmar. Be sure to talk to your team about this if your a few points away from using something powerfull, otherwise they might stumble upon a material and use it. Make sure someone playing has a map or knows where to go. Some C mode stages can get complicated, and a wrong turn can waste alot of time. There are numerous web sites which have C mode maps. Talk to your team before the start of a challange about different strategies or who should do what. Getting your team orgainzed an preped makes things go smoothly. This is especially important for FOs in C7 to C9. Discussing tactics are important Create chat "short cuts" so you can give your team commands right then and there. Short cuts like "I need a monomate/scape doll/monofluid", "come over here", "lets split into two groups" really come in handy. These short cuts are also in the "pre made phrase" guide. So if your playing with someone who doesn't speak your languages, you can still give them commands or ask them different things. Feel free to create more descriptive commands to your liking. You can even create very complex sentences as well by looking at the "list all" in the word command. US Ship: Miranda, block 11 is the offical Japanese challenge block. They usually don't object to American players. If they do object it's is because it easier to complete cmode when you speak the same language as your teammates, since sometimes you might have to give out complex commands. Although the premade word select usually gets the job done. In general let the force collect the items while the team moves on. The force can drop the items at the door way to next room for you to pick up. Watch out what warps or buttons/switches you activate. Some are traps and some actually are dead ends that lock you in a certain area, or it will be time consuming to get back on to the right path. This is why it's imporant that someone have a map or knows what there doing when your aiming for a good time. People use special lingo during C mode to say things in less time. For example "m8" or "m8s" meaning "mates". This stands for monomates, dimates or trimates. If a player just says "m8s?" there askin how many mates each player has. Players who are hunters or rangers will usualy say things like "2, 6, 1" during c mode. This means they have 2 monomates, 6 dimates, and 1 scapedoll in that order. Trimates are usually excluded because they almost never appear, and because in some challenges players start out with these items. In stages from c1-c4 players will usually only have monomates and scape dolls. So youn might see "4,2" in the earlier stages, meaing they have 4 monomates and 2 scape doll. Sometimes when theres a split passage way players will say "2:2" which means split up in two. Or they will be a bit more specific and say "HU FO:RA HU" which means the hunter and the force go together, and the ranger and the hunter go together. The only stage I can think of this being use mostly is C4. In C9 when fighting dark falz makes sure you have 141+ hp. Dark falzs dark rain attack does 140 dmg, so having 141+ hp ensures that you won' waste scape dolls. If you don't have 141+ hp by flaz be sure ask your teammates for scapedolls, but make sure they have at least one for themselves. If your about to level don't waste a mate or a fluid. When you level your hp/tp refills. But becarefull NOT to die in the process. If you absolutly have to use a mate or a fluid, then just use one. When fighting Flaz tech resists are more imporant then DFP/EVP. In C9 the forces mag is closest away from gaining a PB. If the FO evloves the mag it will gain Mylla & youlla. If a ranger evolves it you get pilla, if a HU evloves it you gain golla and it will cast resta at 1/10 hp. After you gain a level with the mag you can swap mags with the hunter(Fo gets hunters mag, Hu gets FOs mag). While the stats might not fit each character, Hunters get there PB up very fast, and a well placed PILLA blast can clear an entire room. This is a good tactic to do when focusing on time. In C7 and C8 the hunters mag is closest to gaining a PB. Be sure to use items like antidote, anti paralsis and Sol atomizers when raising a mags level in C mode. When fighting granz, have one person choose to run in circles around it and have it's missles kill it's self. Have the other players wait outside. Hold start so you don't go into a "slow walk" when near an enemy. Usually a hunter is the best candidate for this. *INDEPTH CHARACTER TACTICS* :::RANGER::: RACE BREAK DOWN: RAmars: They have the lowest stat increases between the other two rangers, so they are usually aren't that popular in C mode but non the less can get the job done. Difference is they can use techs. Usually techs go straight to the Force, but sometimes techs that the Force already has or are at a lower level then what they currently have can go to the RAmar. Finding a spare resta during the ruins stages that the RAmar can use saves on the Forces TP and on mates. Since ramars can't see traps give them any trap visions you find. RAcasts and RAcaseals: Being android they get the best stats increases and get both the ability to see trap and aren't effected by poision or paralysis. Although bots can be shocked into a negative status effect from an electric attack, which are common in the mines stages. Also the fact that they can see traps makes them effective at shooting traps from afar. They can't use techs, but thats not a bad thing. Difference in character growth between the two characters is that the HUcast gets more atp, hp when leveling up, while the RAcaseal gets a better defensive growth :::INDEPTH RANGER TACTICS::: Rangers should shoot enemies that a hunter cannot kill in a single combo and in general use your gun to watch players backs. Shoot an enemy thats about to hit an player. The player thats about to get hit can move away from an enemies attack, or can help a hunter perfom another combo without getting hit afterward. This the most important role for a RAnger. Utilize your guns rapid fast 3 hit combo(when compared to a saber) to stun enemies at the right moments, and keep them in check while the a hunter pounces on them. Compinsate for the .5 second lag that naturally occurs between a player making an action the screen and you the player seeing the other person action, by starting to shoot by the 3rd swing of hunters combo, or before a hunter attacks. Attack with a gun to stun enemies so a hunter can easily move out of the way of an enemies attack after finishing a combo, or going into another combo right after that helps save on mates. Nothings more worse then doing a 2-3 hit combo and having one of the attacks miss and getting hit directly after that...effectively wasting a mate. Sniping enemies like sinow beats, cave dragons, and C-bringers from a distance keeps them in check and helps hunters takes them out with out getting smacked down after a combo. Take out lillies from afar before they poison some one, just becarefull when a player is going directly toward a lilly while shooting it since lillies sometimes shoot out an area effect paralyzing after being attacked a bit. This is especially important against C-bringers since C-bringers go into a stun animation when hit from afar, but will not go into a stun animation if being attacked up close. With the help of a FOs foie, a RA can take down potenially lethal scape doll stealing C-bringers, or weaken them enough for a hunter to take them out with ease. Lets dragons land when there flying in the air. Everytime you shoot it, it won't land. Dealing 5-10 dmg per shot is not as effective as having two other hunters attack it for way more, combined with your shots. Time your gun shots with hunters attacks so the enemy can't attack back is definatly one of the most important roles a Ranger can play in challenge mode. The stun animtaion your gun does to an enemy is imporant for keeping enemies is check since guns shoot fast. :::FORCE::: RACE BREAK DOWN: FOmarl: Has the best atp, ata, hp growth of any other FO. While the ATP and ATA stats aren't used in C mode for a FO, the extra HP makes in easier for the FOmarl in the later stages. The HP comes in handy during C9 against flaz, since chances are this is the only FO race that can survive his dark rain attack. Also the FOmarl will be able to survive the berlas fist a little earlier in cmode then the other FOs. The FOmarls hp makes up for any mistakes you might make in C mode, making them a very begginer friendly Force. Down side is the FOmarl has the lowest MST and TP when compared to the other FOs. A primary stat for FOs. FOnewman: His hp is 2nd to the FOmarl, but not very close to her hp. His hp is closest to the FOnewearl but higher. FOnewman is all about MST and TP. The FOnewman has the highest MST and TP stats, something FOs use alot of in C mode. Like the FOnewearl he usually won't be able to survive flaz dark rain attack, but if you find HP+ items/units he can survive. FOnewearl: Lowest HP, atp, ata of any of the FOs. But she has MST and TP thats higher then FOmarl but not as high as the FOnewman(her MST growth is closest to the FOnewmans). Most importantly she has the highest dfp and evp growth of any of the FOs. In fact her dfp/evp growth is actually higher then a HUmars. You'll find her evading attacks more often then any of the other FOs. During C9 the FOnewearls dfp comes in handy against the dark belras. After a few levels the Fonewearl will be able to survive the belras attacks. The reason she is considered the most difficult to beat C mode with is because during C9 she will be the most difficult to get 141+ hp with to survive falzs dark rain attack. DFP has no effect on his dark rain attack, only HP and dark resist. So often times the team will have to give her scapes before falz, so it's important the team play well. Despite this the FOnewearl plays very well during the stages because of her good MST, DFP, EVP. Use a FOnewearl, or FOnewman if your team is experienced since they will need to be skilled C9 to use very little scapes. The inceased TP of these characters makes them effective at combat support. The Fomarl is the easiest to beat Cmode with if your team is new at c mode because chances are at C9 they won't have many scapes to spare. :::INDEPTH FORCE TACTICS::: As the Fo you should break the boxes and collect items while the team moves onward. Have the Fo go into nearby treasure rooms and grab the goodies. Drop the items off at the next door way for your team to grab. You won't be able to gain many kills. So an imporant way to gain exp is just "tag" enemies with techs or attacks. In C5 to C9 use jellen to "tag" a group of enemies for exp. If your a FO class and you wanna snag exp cast jellen on a group of enemies instead of zalure. Becarefull not to cast jellen if the enemies are coming toward you. You have to be somewhat close to cast it, and it may seem that they won't reach you...but theres the delay after you cast the tech before you can move. Ive seen FOs use up a few mates because they cast jellen/zalure on a group of enemies and can't move away in time. Some low level techs cast slow, so becarefull. If it seems to risky just use a regular damage tech instead. It's not worth wasting a mate. Use jellen when the enemy is occupied and you know you won't get hit after casting. Believe me, jellen is much more helpfull then zalure too a hunter. You take about 1/4 to 1/3 less damage from enemy attacks and it saves on mates. Also you won't have to resta as often, and you will still gain exp in the process. The enemies dfp are simply too low for zalure to make a big enough difference in dmg considering how much more effective jellen is to the teams survival. Zalure will make a difference of like 5 damage per hit. Only use zalure in conjunction with jellen when your team has to deal with dangerous baddies. Make sure you shifta and deband the team as well, since it will make jellen and zalure more effective(assuming you can safely cast S/D, otherwise just use shifta). Or if you can use a hard hitting tech(the stun animation from a tech might make the difference of a player getting hit). It's at tough times when you might have to splurge your tp for the teams survival. There isn't enough space is your customize bar to cast all the spells you'd want to. Use your quick menu(via the R trigger+Y button) to cast spells on the fly. You can sort spells with the A button in your quick menu. Against single targets, just peg em with a tech that there weak against so you can snag exp. You usually need to conserve your TP. So be sure to peg every enemy with a spell. This also help hunters take enemies out faster. Against bosses if you have zalure or jellen cast it on them. Every bit counts, and jellen is very effective against Del rol. If you have a HUmar, RAmar, or Hunewearl in your team during the ruins and mine stages they start off with monofliuds. This is excellent for the FO since they can now cast shifta on the team more often, where as before they might of had to conserve tp because the game is being stingy with the items or your a FOmarl is getting shafted on the amount of fluids that are appearing. FONewearls and FONewmans have a large amount of TP in general in the later stages, also when using items like trifluids/difluids which will completely refill a FOs TP at times, you'll get more tp out of it in general. Have the team tell you when ever they find a fluid, or at least make sure they drop them off at the next door as soon as possible. A FOs playing tactics are effected when they are running low on fluids if your not close to finishing the stage. This effects the team so be wary of whats in your inventory. If your a few rooms away from finishing and your team has alot of fluids(or you have alot of fluids) a FO can "splurge" on tech usuage towards the last 3-5 rooms. This is espcially effective in the ruins if the FO has a RA tech. It makes things easier for the team, and the FO can dish out some serious damage with RA techs with enough TP to back it up. 90+ dmg to 3 to 5 enemies per tech is awesome(it's slow to cast and has a short range so becarefull). Don't go over board and run out of tp. When you begin to run low on TP start to conserve tp again just for the most important things like resta/jellen. Also if you find a tech at a lower level then what you have give it to the HUmar, HUnewearl, or RAmar. If your a FO skilled at not getting hit much, and find a resta tech give it too a hunter who can use it (assuming its less then level 3 and it's your not in the ruins). Hunters get hit WAY more then Forces and one bar of tp for a hunter is equal to a good 6+ restas. By the time they run out of TP they will probably gain a level and get that tp right back. IMO a hunter should be given a low level resta instead of a FO in the earlier stages. A FO will usually use there tp up for other things, while a hunter will barely use there tp and will get hit more then a FO. The hunter can distribute his mates to the team members in need of them if you do get hit quite a bit with a FO. *often times I find myself having to splurge my TP if my teammates are getting lucky with the fluids. Which is a very good thing. Especially in the ruins and you have rafoie at your disposal. You can really make things go faster and get a better time by nuking everything for a good 90+ dmg. It eats up TP, but when your team just found 2 trifluids from a grave marker you can afford to do that in a few rooms. I just feel plain bad if I have 3+ fluids left in my inventory at the end of a stage. It's potenial TP I could of used to deal more damage* If you know there is a healing ring nearby, have the team group up near you and resta/shifta/deband them. Then have the team go on the next room while you recover your tp by using the heal ring. When your teammates are close together ganging up on enemies, this is a great opportunity to cast shifta on them. You can get all of them in one shot and save on TP. If you choose not to shifta the team often, look for opportunites when certain teammates are close togther to shifta them. If you've got the spare tp to use shifta, use it. It does about 10 extra dmg per hit, which adds up if your in a new room and there wacking numerous baddies with a sword. IMO shifta does make a difference in the C7-C9, so shifta the team. But try to do it at the right times so you can shifta them together. It's uaually a waste of time to tell your group to "come over here" to shifta them after every room. Only do so if a dangerous room is coming up. If a hunters is low on life and you have a good connection with your team you can run up to a damaged player and heal them while there next to an enemy. The key is right after you heal the person, have the hunter immediatly attack the enemy before the enemy attacks you. The player will be healed and you can move out of the way in time. Be sure to cominsate for the usual half a second lag that occurs in the game when a players spell effects another player. I wouldn't recommend doing this unlss your team is skilled. *One of the biggest gripes with FOs is getting hit right after healing a player because they back away from the enemy after you heal them. In general it's a wise idea to have the hunter/ranger break from combat and go to the FO when they need healing* If theres a dark room and there are MANY enemies in there that can kill you in a single hit or theres a VERY large potenial of dying(ie. C bringers, belras) stay out of the room intill the light is turned on, or if you know where the light switch is go after it as soon as possible. S/D the team before they enter the room if you choose not to go in yet. Jellen belras, or run around them to keep them in check. Ice techs spilt slime, so don't use any on them. Use damage techs to split Pan arms if no one has a dim weapon. If theres dangerous enemies and they come after you, have them follow you while the other players deal with the lesser enemies. If theres tons of sinows along with numerous other enemies and one of them is coming after, don't try to shake the enemy. Just keep it occupied by running around like a scardy cat. It may look bad, but it can really help the team out. Once there done with the other enemies they can take out the enemy that was chasing you down. It's easier to deal with one sinow at a time instead of two sinows. In C1 don't conserve TP to often. Just go Foie crazy early on making sure to hit every enemy, and then continue to use foie instead of waiting for the hunters to kill em. You start off with enough fluids to get you through the C1, and you'll rack up more kills by being more agressive. Thus getting more exp and gaining a level quicker, which in turn will refill your TP. Not too mention being able to clear C1 at a faster time. Ive done C1 enough times to realize that I can get through C1 with at least one fluid to spare(for the dragon) without having to conserve techs. Only if your in a C1 game where there are tons of enemies should you conserve your TP by just tagging each enemy with a tech, and only in F2 towards the last few rooms. This is assuming you don't find a fluid. Either way go foie crazy in F1. In most cases splurge your techs in C1, but do it wisely so you don't cast foies that hit nothing. If your about to level and have little to no TP left you can gain exp simply by hitting an enemy with a melee attack. Even if you deal 0 damage it still counts, although a "miss" does not. Or you can use a monofluid and go tech crazy intill you level up. In C7 to C9 have all the players give the HP/DFP/EVP mats to you the FO. Also in C9 have them give you any digger/hps or elemental resist units. A FOnewearl can survive Falzs dark rain attack with 2 digger/hp on. Also when fighting falz equip armor that has better resists, as to dfp, or evp...that is unless you have armors that have slots with units to put in them(good units that is) :::HUNTERS::: RACE BREAK DOWN: HUmars: There pretty much well balanced when in comes to character growth. They can use techs which come in handy if extra tech discs are found. If you find a resta tech disc thats a big time bonus for the teams survival. HUnewearls: Highest MST, DFP, EVP of any other hunter. Sadly they have the lowest ata and this can be a pain. Most people perfer the male saber animation, but you'll start out with swords by C3. If you don't want a FO in your team but instead a team of 4 hunters, make sure one of them is a HUnewearl for the purpose of using tech discs. HUcasts: The most popular class to use in challenge. They have the high ATA, ATP, HP growth of any other hunter, and there dfp/evp growth is just slightly lower then the HUnewearl. Also they can't be effected by poision or paralyzed, and they can see traps. Most imporantly is that there high ATA allows them use guns much earlier then there other hunter counter parts. This is imporant in stages like C3 where you have to shoot switches and there no ranger present. :::INDEPTH HUNTER TACTICS::: Go after a single enemy and attack in pairs with other hunters or attack all at once. This lets you kill an enemy out right with out in attacking back. When a hunter first goes in for an attack be sure to attack during the other hunters second attack connects so the hunter who orginally attacked it can hit the enemy right after you finish your combo. This works great with swords Another tactic is to have one hunter circle the enemy and have a second hunter attack the enemies back while to turns to get the circling hunter. Once the hunter is hitting it's back, the hunter who was circling will want to move to the enemies side and attack. So if your combined attacks don't kill it you can move away afterward and repeat or all attack at once. If your engaging an enemy solo, only perfom 1 or 2 hit combos. Make sure you have the maximum distance between you and the enemy before doing a single hit attack, so after you hit it once you can move away safely if the attack misses. This is a time consuming method and it's better to pair up, but is safe. If you only have a saber, your low on mates, and theres a large group enemies that attack back right after you perfrom a 3 hit combo try to split them up first. Try to seperate them first by having them follow different players. Once you seperate the enemies, have the team converge on single enemies, instead of having each hunter take out the enemies by themselves. This is an excellent tactic when using sabers with out the aid of a sword. When using swords use it's long distance. Attacking as far as possible from the enemy in two hit combos prevents you from getting hit. If your teamate is attacking with you go for a 3 hit combo. If your too far and your first hit doesn't reach the enemy, don't sweat it. Your 2nd hit will hit the enemy. Assuming the 2nd hit was a hard hit and it connected to the enemy you can perfom a 3rd hard hit and manage to still avoid an enemies attack after you finish the combo. When fighting sinow beats, fight them in pairs or if possible have everyone team up on them assuming theres no other enemy that will will pose an immediate threat. If theres too many sinows try to have someone draw there attention, avoiding there attack while the other players pick em off one by one. C-bringers are best fought from afar via guns or foie techs(foie techs to weaken it a bit). If not have a player draw the C bringers attention, and have the other players attack it from it's back or side. This is a good way to fight C bringers without getting hit much. Have all the players team up on C bringers since there the biggest threat. If a C bringer is hit with a tech it will stop dead in it's track when charging, assuming it was far enough for it to go into a stun animation when the tech hits. Gifoie works well when doing this. Ask the FO to drop any techs disks that are lower then what they already have. As an example: Sometimes a player might drop a level 3 shifta at the door to give to the FO, not knowing that a FO alreay has it or starts of with that level tech. If a Hunter can shifta himself that saves on the FOs TP, and you can buff your self at the beginging each room. Give mech guns to the HUcast. A Hucast with shifta on and a pair of mechs can usually kill any enemy in one combo. If the HUcast can't use the mechs yet, but a Ranger can let the RA use em intill the Hucast has the ata to use em. If a ranger finds a better gun, have them give there older gun to a hunter. Sometimes HUcasts will have enough ata to use guns very early on. Hunters can use guns to pick off up dangerous enemies from afar(like C bringers), or attack a lone enemy thats far away to save on time. If your a hunter below 50% hp and have a gun, use it if you can. Below 50% health attacking up close is dangerous, and it saves on mates. Assuming the FO can resta the team you don't have to automatically use a gun when your hp drops below 50% If your a HUcast give your antidotes and anti paralyisis to characters who need them. Take out the dragons in C2-C4 first. Although sometimes if your team is far away from the dragon and an enemy is close to the dragon, the dragon will attack the enemy instead. Use this too your advantage. Use dim based weapons to kill Pan arms instantly. You'll almost always find a dim weapon in C4. Otherwise cast techs on them intill they split. Never hit a slime with the last attack of a combo, it splits them. Ice attacks also split them(via an ice based special attack from a weapon). Legalities: This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne Copyright Convention. This FAQ is for private and personal use only and cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form. It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including it as a gift, bonus or for making a profit. This FAQ cannot be altered or referenced without my permission. This includes publsihers, and webmasters. If you wish to use this FAQ please email me and ask my permission. The Phantasy star series is (c) sonic team. Contacts/thanks Gotta give props to everyone at mamak and PSOW who helped me in C mode. I would also like to thank my guild mates of the AT tribe for totally owning C mode with me. I'd also like the thank gamefaqs and any other websites I allow for hosting this FAQ. BTW you can catch me online with my soon to level 200 FOnewearl Dyne(currently level 190+). I also use my Humar Adol and my racast zeriph. You might even catch me on the GC PSO when it comes out. Check out my guilds webpage at If you have any questions, suggestions regarding this FAQ email me at Be sure to make it clear in the heading of the email what it's about. BTW I don't even bother to read adveritsements, so don't bother sending any since I delete them. Christian Washington Copyrighted (c) 2001