Power Stone: Ayame Guide ------------------------ 8/20/99 Version 1.0 by Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@REMOVETHIShotmail.com) Introduction ------------ Power Stone is another Capcom fighting game-- but a different kind of game. Instead of the usual six-button Street Fighter type layout, you have only three buttons (punch, jump, and kick; but the Dreamcast version utilizes all the buttons available) and have free movement in a 3-D environment. Special attacks are not pulled off with joystick motions, but are granted automatically after collecting three magic stones during battle. You cannot block in this game; rather, you must dodge attacks. Of course, since this IS a fighting game, there are life bars (in the form of five crystals at the top of the screen) and a countdown timer. Whoever has the most life left before time runs out wins. The victor is decided in a best two out of three battle. This guide is for those of you who like (or would like) to use Ayame, the cutesy female character with the throwing darts. All characters play the same way, but each character has a distinct advantage or disadvantage that makes them stand out above the rest. Ayame's key advantage is speed. Version History --------------- - 1.0 First Release (8/20/99) Story ----- In the 19th Century, a group of people are after an artifact, the Power Stone, which is supposed to make its owners wishes come true. All around the world, fighters appear and battle for this artifact for their own reasons. The Stones ---------- Sometimes the key to victory lies in three colored stones-- red, blue, and yellow. You start with one stone, while the opponent starts with another (usually red and blue, respectively). The yellow stone appears after a short while. The stones can be knocked off you or your opponent after certain hits, leaving you or the opponent free to collect them. Collect all three stones, and you transform into your 'super mode.' In this 'super mode' you now have access to special attacks, super armor (you won't get knocked down most of the time-- only grabs will stop you), and super attacks-- for a limited time. The super meter decreases slowly itself over time, a fixed amount when you use a special attack, or all of it when you use a super. You can also lose energy whenever you get hit by the opponent. After that time is up, you or the opponent releases two stones from his or her body, leaving you/opponent wide-open to attacks for a short time, and the stones free for the taking. It's your choice whether or not to go after the stones or get your opponent while his guard is down. When a stone has been lying around on the battlefield for a while, it disappears and reappears somewhere else. Check the minimap at the bottom of the screen for locations. Basics ------ * Punch-- punch button This is your basic punch. Can be comboed up to four hits, but the damage is recoverable (opponent's energy bar is blue), but removes an entire energy bar (in most cases). The last hit will remove a stone from the opponent's possession. * Kick-- kick button This is your basic kick. Can be comboed up to four hits, but the damage is recoverable. The last hit will release a stone from the opponent's possession. * Jump-- jump button This is your basic jump. Ayame jumps high and very quickly. * Grab-- punch and kick button together (Dreamcast: grab button) when close This is your basic grab. Ayame will run between the opponent's legs and kick him from behind. This removes half of a crystal bar and is permanent damage. * Escape-- punch and/or kick plus directional pad when close Primarily how you may avoid close-quarter attacks. This also sets you up for your own attack if your opponent isn't expecting it. * Roll-- directional pad when knocked down This allows you to escape attacks that would otherwise hit you while you are standing. * Air Jump-- press jump while in the air Ayame is one of the few (perhaps only?) character in the game that can double jump. Particularly useful for avoiding attacks. * Head Stomp-- punch and kick (or grab) button in the air Ayame jumps straight down on the opponent, stomping on his head. She will then jump back in the air and perform another stomp. The second stomp will release a stone. Sometimes the second stomp will not hit. * Air Grab-- punch and kick (or grab) button in air when close Ayame grabs the opponent and kicks him a couple times. This releases a stone and removes about half a crystal. * Jump Kick-- kick button while in the air A simple attack that will always release a stone. The jump kick travels at a downward angle and is very quick. However, avoid using this near walls, because if your jump kick connects with the wall you will bounce off and leave yourself very open. * Wall Kick-- punch and kick (or grab) button while near the wall This attack will seek the opponent. Ayame will kick the opponent, and will release a stone. This is not recommended for when the opponent is at the opposite end of the screen or is extremely close to you. * Post Kick-- punch and kick (or grab) button while near a post Ayame will swing around the post a couple of times, then launch a kick in the direction of the opponent. This is not recommended because you are extremely vulnerable during the swinging. * High Post Kick-- punch and kick (or grab) button while near a post and are in the air Same as wall kick. * Ceiling grab-- punch and kick (or grab) button near the ceiling This allows you to grab the ceiling, if possible. Use the directional control to move around (if possible). For roofs (such as in Ryoma's stage) moving to the end allows you to jump on the roof. Pushing kick drops you from the ceiling, while punch allows you to perform a drill kick (releases a stone). * Pick up object-- punch and kick (or grab) button while near object This varies depending on what object you pick up. Push punch and kick (or grab) button again to drop it. For throwable objects (crates, bombs, etc.) Ayame's throw is extremely slow and unreliable. * Catch object-- punch and kick (or grab) button before object hits A limited ability that allows you to catch objects thrown at you; this will not work if the object is pushed or kicked to you. However, you must time this carefully-- you have to push the buttons just before the object hits you. This is not recommended when fighting against good throwers such as Gunrock, Galuda, Fokker/Falcon, and Valgas. Weapons/Objects --------------- These are the various objects and weapons you may pick up in Power Stone. Weapon items are found in chests; run next to the chest to open it. When any of these hit it will release a stone. * Objects: This includes chairs, crates, boxes, pots, drums, and anything else than can be picked up immediately. All operate the same. You can push or kick an object by standing next to them and pushing the punch or kick button. You can pick them up and throw them as well. As with the throwing, pushing and kicking objects is quite slow when using Ayame, and will not likely generate a desirable result. * Weapons: There are several weapons available in your arsenal. Pick them up by standing next to them and using the grab button (or punch and kick buttons together). Use the punch button to attack. - Sword: One of the best weapons. A time bar appears over your head when you pick it up-- this is how long you have to use the sword. With one slash you can attack in a 45 degree arc in front of you, but the real treat comes from a jump attack-- it is similar to a jump kick but with the sword, and does a lot of damage. I recommend you pick this up whenever you powered up with the stones, as this saves you a lot of energy and you can cause a lot of damage. Sometimes the jump attack releases two stones. - Pipe: This is similar to the sword in almost every way. I haven't found any difference with this and the sword other than cosmetics. - Mallet: This weapon can release TWO stones with a hit. The trick is, however, to HIT with it; there is a large startup time between when you hit the button and when you hit. This only works for targets directly in front of you. - Flamethrower: Upon picking up this weapon a time bar appears over your head-- this is how long you can use it. This sprays fire in front of you (but not upward), but drastically slows your movement to a crawl. - Rocket Launcher: A four-bullet weapon, this fires very slowly and slows Ayame's movement drastically, which may be quite fatal in her case. Even though the shots do a lot of damage, it's not worth risking a miss. - Molotov Cocktail: A thrown weapon that creates a flame patch wherever it lands. The fire disappears after a while. - Pistol: This weapon contains six bullets, which fly horizontally. This severely reduces Ayame's movement (anyone's, for that matter), and you shouldn't use this unless you're sure you're winning or will hit. - Bomb (small and large): This weapon has a countdown timer. If it is not used before time runs out, it will explode by itself and damage anyone caught in the blast. Blast radius is determined by the size of the bomb. Special Attacks --------------- Upon collection of all three stones (red, blue, and yellow) Ayame will transform into a pink ninja which looks like a cross between a bunny suit and the pink Power Ranger, with a throwing star on her back. Yes, it looks strange (it's the most radical costume change of all the characters in the game), but what's worse: being the 'gay pink ninja,' or being BEATEN by the 'gay pink ninja?' :P Replacing the stones in the corner will be an energy bar. This bar decreases slowly, but energy diminishes quicker if you use your special attacks. Super attacks will drain the entire bar. Once the bar is empty, you are vulnerable for a couple of seconds, so make sure when time runs out the opponent is knocked down, or prepare for a thrashing. Also note, while in super mode Ayame can now rip out and swing posts (instead of swinging around on them), and lift heavier objects, such as the large table in Wangtang's stage. * Throwing stars-- punch button Ayame throws three throwing stars in the opponent's direction. If it connects, the opponent will be stuck in place for less than a second. If, during that time the opponent is hit by a second throwing star, he will be knocked down. This attack uses up a lot of energy and is very easy to avoid. Don't use this at long distance (or when the opponent is standing UNDER you-- yes, it happens) or you'll waste energy. This is best used in setup for.... * Tornado attack-- kick button Ayame spins herself and disappears, damaging the opponent if he is close. This can hit multiple times depending on how close the opponent is. A very high-priority attack. This attack uses up very little energy. Use this while the opponent is getting up for repeated hits. * Throwing stars super-- punch and jump (or left) button This uses up the remainder of the energy bar. Ayame spins around for a second, then throws five or six throwing stars that sweep across the battlefield and seek the opponent. The stars sweep for about three times before dissipating. It can be done in the air as well. This super can do a lot of potential damage unless your opponent manages to dodge all the stars (with repeated jumping). You can be hit out of this if your opponent grabs you during the spinning animation. * Rush super-- kick and jump (or right) button Ayame flies straight toward the opponent. If she hits, Ayame performs a series of kicks, finishing with a storm of throwing darts. This super can be done in the air, but does nothing if Ayame doesn't hit the opponent (and leaves you even more open than usual). For a super, this attack does lowsy damage (a full crystal bar at best), and is very easy to avoid. Generally, you should only use this when the opponent has only one bar of life left. The best time to use this is while the opponent is completing a jump, but the timing is tricky. VS Computer ----------- - Fokker/Falcon: He is a fast character and can deal out a decent amount of damage. Since there are a lot of throw-ables in his stage he will try to throw them at you. Bottom line: don't try throwing all that stuff at him, because Fokker throws a lot faster than Ayame does. There is no real way to get around this. Since this stage is very open, the throwing star super is not as effective. As soon as you enter the stage Fokker will run for the bench first; jump kick him. If Fokker has collected all the stones, dodge the homing missiles (easy) and stay a fair distance from him (so he can't use his fire attack against you). If he charges up for a super, be prepared for a volley of homing rockets and be at extreme distance for best chances of avoidance. For the other super, try to stay in the air, and if you get knocked down, roll to avoid the attacks. Fokker's super does FOUR charges (common mistake: most people think it's three), so once the fourth one is done whack him. - Ayame: This may be your toughest fight because Ayame is... well, just as fast as Ayame. Since this IS a computer, it takes complete advantage of Ayame's speed. I have no real recommendations for this fight but try to keep ahead of her. The throwing star super is very effective if the computer is standing under the overhang. If CPU Ayame is in super mode, avoid the throwing stars by moving. Just keep clear of her to avoid the tornado attack. When she uses the throwing stars super, try to jump up and down a few times to shake off the throwing stars-- this doesn't always work, but it is possible. Remember, don't think it's over when CPU Ayame releases her stones, because the throwing stars will come back for another pass (common mistake). Her other super you can just avoid easily. - Wangtang: He is almost as fast as Ayame and does more damage. Make use of the low ceiling and use air attacks. Sometimes kicking a chair will do the job. If you knock him over to the upper right wall's pit area, a series of pots will fall from the ceiling for additional damage (be sure you're not there when it happens). This is one of the best stages for Ayame to fight in due to the low ceilings-- the throwing star super is very hard to avoid here. In his super mode you want to stay as far away as possible. Wangtang throws fireballs in your direction when far, and uses a tornado kick when close. If you see Wangtang gathering his arms up, be prepared for a monster fireball. Just move out of the way to avoid it. The other super is a kick in your general direction, so just move out of the way. - Gunrock: Gunrock has the fastest throw in the game, so don't bother trying to outdo him in this department. Since he is a lot slower than you, well-placed jump kicks will get you 'stoned' in no time. Each of his attacks, however, WILL hurt. His jumping is rather low as well, so you don't have to worry as much about being jump kicked (but in turn he'd rather slam you instead). The central blast furnace, the spinning spikes, and the giant fan all can hurt you (and Gunrock), so be careful. If he manages to get all the stones, pray to any god you believe in. Your best bet is to deny him the stones, otherwise, Gunrock WILL beat you. - Jack: Jack is another fast character, and there are very few throw-ables in his stage (which is good for you). Jump kick him at the start if he's standing next to the crate. Sometimes he will try to break the glass windows; when he does this nail him. When 'stoned' Jack has a spinning saw and a fast cut; jump to avoid either of these. If Jack twists around for a super, try to get away from him, as he will do a helicoptor attack. Otherwise, he will throw a bunch of swords in the air which rain down on you-- run to avoid these. His third super, a variant of the sword attack-- Jack throws the swords directly at you instead from the air. - Galuda: Like Gunrock, Galuda has very fast throws, and his attacks are very punishing. However, he is also slow (but not THAT slow). Use speed to your advantage and pound him when he tries to grab something. If he's ripping a post out, jump kick or stomp him, because he won't be able to act until after he swings it around. The small upper area in this stage can be useful for setting up head stomp attacks, but don't stay there too long. This is one of the better stages to use Ayame in due to the cramped quarters. If you or Galuda get knocked into the bookcase, move out of the way before it falls on you. Also, the giant barrels at the upper right can fall over as well. His special attacks are a three-shot horizonal arrows (which fly over Ayame's head most of the time) and an anti-air flying hit. Galuda's first super is similar to Jack's swords super, but the second super is a modified air attack. If Galuda catches you in the air with this, say good-bye to that round. - Rouge: The only other female in the game is a pyro maniac. Use the same conventional techniques against her and take advantage of the three posts in the chamber to clobber her (the tree counts as a post). Since this field is very big, the throwing star super is easier to avoid here. Watch out when she gets close to you, as Rouge likes to throw you a lot. Rouge has three attacks: a standing flame thrower, a flying carpet attack, and an air fireball. All but the flame thrower are easy to avoid, because the flame thrower seeks you. And, of course, Rouge also has three supers: a giant fireball, a demon head that spits out fireballs, and a heart dance. When Rouge has her arms in the air, she is summoning the fireball. If she is in the air, she is likely using the demon head-- run to avoid the fireballs. As for the heart dance... just stay away from the hearts. - Ryoma: He can do a lot of damage but isn't particularly fast. There isn't really anything special you can do against him other than the usual tactics. A funny (but risky) tactic is to climb on the roof and use the stomp attack after jumping off. Ryoma likes to use the pole swing attack, so whenever he does this just jump kick him. When powered up Ryoma has three attacks: while in the air he can launch a slow-moving (and thus easily avoidable) lightning ball that follows you for a short time. Second, he has a fast sword sweep that requires you to jump to avoid. Third, he slashes with his sword while calling down lightning-- run to avoid. However, since each of those slashes use up a lot of energy, Ryoma will run out of energy fast. If you see him belt his sword for a super, run, because a series of sparks will fly at you. His other super: Ryoma flies up in the air while spinning. Just don't stay close to him. - Kraken: The cannons can hurt you, and the wheel counts as a wall for this battle. The anchor swinging in the upper right wall can hurt you (and Kraken) as well. Stay ahead of Kraken and don't stay close to him for long-- he likes to air grab (takes off a whole bar). Jump kick or stomp him when you can do it safely. Kraken turns into a ghost pirate when 'stoned' (easily my favorite costume change in the game). Most of the time he will fire bombs at you (easily avoided), and sometimes may throw his claw at you (sometimes after this Kraken may go to where the claw is at instead of retracting it). Because he's so bomb-happy most of the time Kraken won't use his supers on you, but if he does just don't stay close to him. - Valgas: Don't try to attack Valgas when he picks up a throwable, because you will get hit from him first. After he throws, however, run in and jump kick. If he picks up a weapon, jump kick or stomp him (works particularly for the flamethrower and rocket launcher). For this battle, you may have to collect the stones about THREE times before you can finish Valgas (and that's just a single round). If Valgas collects all the stones, be prepared to move-- fast. He has a beam attack which he uses while on the ground, and throws three fireballs while in the air (the fireballs arc downward, then up, so jump over them when they reach their low point). His most common super attack is a super beam, which is easily avoided if you haven't been knocked down (if you have, you're a goner). Attacking Valgas at this point is not recommended; attempting to grab him will end up in you losing. - Final Valgas: As soon as the announcer says something, run either to the left or right, otherwise it's game over. The battlefield is completely open, and the stones are yours to collect, but that will likely get you killed. For best results, stand under his arm, but not too close to his head. When Valgas leans over, he's fired a bunch of seeker missiles into the air; hopefully, most will run into Valgas while you're under his arm. Punch and kick him, and move out of the way for any stray missile shots, minding not to get close to his head. If you DO get all the stones, do not bother using the charging super against him-- I've tried it myself with disastrous results (even though I knew logically this wouldn't work...). You have only one round in order to beat Valgas, so good luck. Tips ---- - Since Ayame's normal attacks do very little damage, you must rely on other means in order to do some real damage. This includes stomp attacks and wall kicks. Weapons help Ayame greatly, particularly the sword, which allows her to maintain her normal speed. Other weapons, like the flamethrower and rocket launcher, strip away your speed advantage, so use them carefully. - A good combination is getting super mode Ayame a sword. Not only will you keep your energy longer (and thus keep the stones away from the opponent), you can deal more damage than any of Ayame's special attacks can deliver. Most of the time your opponent will run from you rather than attack you. - If you find your opponent open to an attack, punish him. Even if you did miniscule damage, the damage adds up, and for Ayame, it's a godsend. However, be sure you can do this with little chance of retaliation, because Ayame is too weak to trade hits. - During super mode, when you knock down your opponent run up to him and use the tornado attack. Even when he's rolling. Because, when he gets up, he WILL get hit. You can keep chasing the opponent this way until time runs out. - If possible, before your super energy meter runs out, use a super attack (usually this will be the throwing stars super). If anything, this will keep your opponent away from you while you're releasing the stones, giving you time to recover. - While in super mode, you can use throwing stars to destroy thrown objects in order to avoid getting hit. Miscellaneous Fluff ------------------- - Alternate Colors: Press kick during character selection. This only appears to work in VS mode (the pink ninja becomes orange, btw). - Opening 1: Ayame is holding an umbrella. She says something in Japanese, then throws the umbrella away (and where does it go? The same place Optimus Prime's trailer goes, of course). - Opening 2: Ayame is crouching down, talking to some birds. The birds fly away as the battle starts. - Victory 1: Ayame jumps up in down, then holds up a V-sign. - Victory 2: Ayame turns her side to the screen and pats her posterior a couple times (this is an insult, btw). - Continue: Ayame is standing, hands behind her back, head down, kicking the dirt with her sandals. - You can use the buttons to zoom in and out during the victory scenes. - When being challenged by another player, he gets to choose the stage. This may be critical to your success. Ending ------ Ayame gives the Power Stone to the Emperor, saying how he got what he wanted, then walks off with her friends. Bottom Line ----------- Strengths: - The fastest character in the game - Can double jump - Is short enough to have certain projectiles (Galuda's shots, etc.) fly over her head (but don't count on it too much); only Jack's walking motion is shorter (because he crawls). Weaknesses: - Each hit deals out very little damage - Super mode attacks and supers aren't that great - Her throws are extremely slow Reasons why you should use Ayame: - You can run circles around your opponent - She's a Cute Anime Girl (TM) - You like the idea of beating someone with a 'gay pink ninja' - The 'gay pink ninja' is awesome Interesting Facts ----------------- - A Power Stone anime series is being made in Japan - Wangtang fills the stereotypical role of pig-tailed martial artist - Ayame fills the stereotypical role of cutesy anime girl - Kraken is the name of a legendary sea monster (usually a squid) - Galuda is named after the mythological Garuda Disclaimer ---------- Power Stone and characters belong to Capcom. This FAQ is copyrighted by the author and may be freely distributed so long as it appears in its complete, unaltered, and unplagarized form. This FAQ may not be sold for monetary gain or be republished/reproduced, in part or in whole, for any reason whatsoever, without the express permission of the author. Copyright 1999 Razorclaw X -- Razorclaw X (spiceoflife@REMOVETHIShotmail.com) http://www.crosswinds.net/~slythe/index.html