Princess Holiday: Korogaru Ringo Tei Sen'ya Ichiya (PS2 version) Walkthrough FAQ v.1.02 By AceNoctali Last updated August 22th, 2012 ============================================================================= = TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================= = - Version updates [VERUPD] - Introduction [INTDUC] - Story Summary [STOSUM] - Characters' Profiles [CHAPRO] - Walkthrough [WLKTHR] - Leticia [LETCIA] - Eleanor [ELANOR] - Shilphy [SHLPHY] - Lapis [RAPISU] - Rachel [RCHELU] - Diana [DEIANA] - Bad End [BDENDG] - CG Gallery Guide [CGGARY] - Bonus Scenarios [SOMKES] - Other Extras [OOMKES] - Contact [COTACT] - Credits [CRDITS] - Legal Information [LEGINF] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - VERSION UPDATES [VERUPD] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - * Version 1.0 - Original version of the guide. Uploaded on 05/09/12. * Version 1.01 - Various spelling fixes, and a few English translations fixes; correction of a mistake regarding how to get Page 1, CG3 in the CG Gallery; added extra tidbits in the character profiles; updated the list of sites allowed to publish my FAQ or contents of it. Uploaded on 05/15/12. * Version 1.02 - Correcting a mistake in one of the answer prompts of Rachel's Route; slight update on Rachel's profile; some spelling fixes. Uploaded on 08/22/12. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - INTRODUCTION [INTDUC] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Princess Holiday: Korogaru Ringo Tei Sen'ya Ichiya (English: Princess Holiday: Rolling Apple Pavilion's One Thousand and One Nights) is the second game of Visual Novel maker August, of Yoake Mae Yori Ruriiro Na, Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni, and Fortune Arterial fame. Initially released as an H-Game on PC in September 2002, it got a "consumer" version (read: a version with the sex scenes removed) on Dreamcast in May 2003, then on Playstation 2 on May 2004. All versions were released in Japan only. The consumer versions also had several upgrades over the original, with an extra character (Diana), an extra alternate route and ending for Eleanor, Rachel, and Lapis, a few new CGs, new movie intros, and extra Bonus Scenarios. On top of that, the PS2 version comes with two CDs: the game CD, and a bonus music CD containing the sung, and karaoke versions of the game's Ending Song, "Kokoro Kara Tsuzuku Mirai - My fate -" ("The Future I'll Follow From My Heart - My Fate -"). This guide is tailored for the PLAYSTATION 2 VERSION of the game. While it can overall be used for the Dreamcast version as well (the only big difference between the DC and PS2 versions, is the PS2 version having two more Bonus Scenarios and a few extra CGs over the DC one), the PC version is a different animal altogether, what's with the sex scenes: thus, it's not recommended to use this guide if you're playing the PC version. This guide will contain Japanese characters, as I have typed the Japanese lines appearing during the answer prompts for making your life easier at recognizing, and picking the correct answers, so make sure your browser is able to read Japanese characters. This guide is SPOILERS-FREE (aside from two unavoidable answer prompts translations near the end of Rachel and Diana's walkthroughs. Tread carefully in those sections if you haven't beaten the game at least once). It does contain story-related summaries, but I went out of my way to limit them to basic stuff so you can use the guide while fully enjoying the game. I've written this guide assuming that you can read and understand Japanese at least passably, as Princess Holiday is a Visual Novel with tons of text, and static CGs here and there. It doesn't have a English translation, whether official or fan-made one; and unlike the Yarudora or Dancing Blade Katte ni Momotenshi series, it isn't a Full Anime Movie Visual Novel game and thus can't be enjoyed without being able to read Japanese a minimum. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - STORY SUMMARY [STOSUM] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The story takes place in a medieval world. The protagonist, Cliff Cloud, comes back to his hometown of Symphonia Kingdom after 3 years of wandering through the lands as a travelling bard. The very day he arrives in town, he has a chance meeting with a girl who's pursued by soldiers. He rescues her, and since she's searching for a place to accommodate for a while, he introduces her to his family and friends at the Korogaru Ringo Tei (= Rolling Apple Pavilion) inn. That girl, who named herself Leticia Apple, quickly turns out to be the Princess of Symphonia Kingdom, Leticia la mew Symphonia. She slipped out of the castle in order to see the outside world and the lives of common people. After a few discussions with the protagonists, her father, the benevolent King Worsel, allows her to stay and work at Rolling Apple for a few weeks, as a training as the future Queen. And thus starts the story, as you'll see the lives of the people of Rolling Apple. As Cliff, will you follow Leticia's training and form a relationship with her, or will you interact with the other girls? Choose you own adventure, and get to discover their stories, as well as the mysterious background behind Cliff, and the secrets around Symphonia Kingdom! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CHARACTERS' PROFILES [CHAPRO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CLIFF CLOUD (クリフ・クラウド) The game's protagonist (and the character you'll be playing as). A young man from the owners of the little church next to the Rolling Apple Pavilion inn, in the lower town section of Symphonia. Spent his childhood days with his little sister Shilphy, his childhood friend Eleanor, and his big sister figure Rachel. Ever since he's a little boy, he wears at his left arm a mysterious bracelet that won't come off. He followed sword training along with Eleanor under the tutelage of Rachel's father Howard, but for unknown reasons, he suddenly threw away the way of the sword and went on a trip as a travelling bard. Three years after this event, he received a letter from Shilphy; unable to read it, he decided to come back to Symphonia, where he would meet Leticia, starting the events of the game. A compassionate and kind young man, he's also quite the prankster and loves to tease the people around him. He strives to live his life to the fullest, without being restrained by anything. Can be quite the slacker at doing chores too, and gets up with difficulty the morning. He's an excellent player of the lyre and sings well; and through his travels, he became very street-wise and acquired lots of knowledge about old tales and songs. LETICIA APPLE / LETICIA LA MEW SYMPHONIA (レティシア・アップル / レティシア・ラ・ミュウ・シンフォニア) Height: 152 cm Measurements: B78 / W55 / H78 Voice Actress: Kanon Torii The game's main heroine. The Princess of Symphonia Kingdom, she lived a sheltered life at the castle, but having a curious and carefree personality, she found it harder and harder to continue living as such, so one day she slipped out of the castle in order to see the outside world and witness the lives of the common people. She meets Cliff who has just come back to Symphonia, and he helps her fleeing from the soldiers pursing her, and find an accommodation at the Rolling Apple. She takes the fake name "Apple" when she's asked of her name and see the big apple tree in the Rolling Apple's garden, but her real identity is soon discovered as, in the next evening, she sings for the customers of Rolling Apple in duet with Cliff, and Eleanor, her bodyguard, notices her singing voice and finds her. After a few discussions, Leticia's father, the kind King Worsel, lets her stay and work at the Rolling Apple for a few weeks, as a training for her future role as the Queen of the Kingdom. A kind, curious girl full of energy, but also a bit clumsy; Cliff affectionately nicknames her "the bubbling princess" (Otenba na Hime), which sums her up rather well. Due to having always lived in the castle, she doesn't know much of the common people's customs and thus tends to be very gullible, but she's eager to learn and is a quick learner. She also has a wonderful singing voice, that attracts and move people who hear it. ELEANOR FORTWORTH (エレノア・フォートワース) Height: 167 cm Measurements: B84 / W59 / H83 Voice Actress: Erena Kaibara A knight of Symphonia Kingdom, and Princess Leticia's personal bodyguard. She's also Cliff's childhood friend, and they trained together at sword fighting in their younger days. While Cliff gave up and suddenly left Symphonia three years before the start of the game, puzzling and saddening her, she persevered, and thanks to her skill and hard work, rose up to the rank of Knight. She considers the armor she wears the proof of her pride as a Knight, hence why she wears it at nearly all times. Being the only woman in the Knight Brigade, she's scoffed off by most of her peers, who don't like the idea of a woman being stronger than them and thinking her place would be at the kitchen. On top of that, since she has commoner origins, the aristocrats also have nothing but scorn for her. That puts her in quite a delicate situation at the castle, with very few people supporting her, among them the King, the Princess, and the leader of the Knight Brigade. Eleanor's first and foremost personality trait is her seriousness. This is the kind of girl who strictly abides by the laws and customs, and who's very serious with her job; as such, and for example, she at first has lots of trouble dropping off the "Princess Leticia" and very formal speech pattern in favour of "Leti" and casual speech towards Leticia, when the latter follows her training at Rolling Apple. That said, she always let the happiness of the Princess and of the people she loves go first. She's also a bit tsundere towards Cliff, although of the "usually sweet, but goes mildly annoyed at his antics" type. And, if a cat is around, rest assured she'll go into "so cute!" mode. Her main skill is sword fencing, and she's really strong at it; but being the daughter of a seamstress, she's also good at sewing. Her pet name is "El". Ranked 3rd in a character popularity poll conducted after the game's release. SHILPHY CLOUD (シルフィ・クラウド) Height: 154 cm Measurements: B75 / W54 / H77 Voice Actress: Kanako Shiina Cliff's younger sister, she's the priestess in charge of the church located next to Rolling Apple. Aside from her job at the church, she also takes care of the very young children of the poor people living in the neighbourhood, watching over them, playing with them, and giving them school education. Because her parents went away to missionary work, she's alone to take care of the church, and gradually found herself overwhelmed, between all the work she has, and the state of the church (it's located in a remote part of the lower and poor town section of Symphonia; as such, not only it's not doing well finances-wise, as donations are few and far between, but building-wise, the church is gradually deteriorating, particularly the roof); she thus send Cliff a letter, asking him to come back. Seeing the situation, Cliff decides to take responsibilities as his big brother, and stay a while at Symphonia to help her, most notably by repairing the church. A very soft-spoken girl, she's so kind she sometimes have trouble having authority with the children (who love her and have her in high esteem though), and often keeps things bottled in herself. Loves Cliff very much, to the point of having a sort of brother complex. Eleanor is like a big sister to her, so seeing them together and talking about their lives is not uncommon. Her pet name is "Fee" (the "-Phy" part of "Shilphy"). For some reason, she's very popular in the Japanese Princess Holiday fandom, having scored the top spot in the official character popularity poll made after the game's release, at the expense of Leticia, who was ranked #2 (their ranking positions were the inverse in the poll conducted before the game's release). LAPIS MERCURIUS FREYA (ラピス・メルクリウス・フレイア) Height: 142 cm Measurements: B68 / W53 / H69 Voice Actress: Sanae Nonoda A mysterious girl who lives in a secluded house near the lake in the park. Known as the fabled "Witch of the Lake", the people fear and avoid her. Cliff and the others first meet her when she visits the Rolling Apple as a client. She takes an interest in Cliff when she hears him singing and playing the harp at the inn, and they become fast friends. As a mage, she has considerable magic powers, and she's not afraid to zap people who annoy or offend her with them. She also has a vast knowledge of medicinal herbs and potions, and thus knows and get along well with Shilphy, who also has medicinal plants knowledge as part of her training as a priestess. She owns a cat named Pia, who's favourite resting spot is on Lapis' head, under her hat. She's often seen fishing at the lake. Lapis tends to be a carefree, my-pace kind of person. She's a big bookworm, always seen holding and/or reading a book. She doesn't like being given pet names: "Lapis-tan" is the one she particularly dislikes, to the point that her "Sono '-tan', kinshi!" ("That '-tan' bit, is forbidden!") line is memetic in the Japanese Princess Holiday fandom. RACHEL HARVEST (レイチェル・ハーベスト) Height: 168 cm Measurements: B86 / W58 / H85 Voice Actress: Minami Hokuto Daughter of Howard Harvest, the landlord of Rolling Apple; she herself works as a waitress there (as well as a cook, and she's an excellent one), and is very popular among the customers. Cliff, as well as Eleanor and Shilphy, see her as their big sister figure ever since their young days. She has a deep hatred of nobles and royalty, thinking that each and everyone of them are nothing but scum who abuse of their wealth and power at the expense of the poor and common people. This is why, when Leticia arrives at Rolling Apple and her real identity as the Princess of Symphonia is discovered, Rachel, who was absent at the time of the reveal, is the only person kept out of the secret, in fear that she would hate Leticia before giving her a chance. She winds up taking Leticia under her wing, showing her the ropes of her work and helping her becoming more street-wise, forging a bond with her along the way. Rachel is a brash girl who doesn't fear putting people in their places. The customers know this, so they do not often try to pat her buttocks or leave without paying their bill; and Cliff is at the end of her fist whenever he slacks off the duties she loves to give him, or when he pushes his pranks with her too far to her tastes (which of course, for comedy purposes, means not a very high tolerance to them). Ironically, she is quite the prankster herself, and loves to tease the others, especially regarding love matters. That said, she's a big sister figure who's ready to listen to Cliff and others, and give them useful advice and support. Very much unlike Leticia, she's a dreadful and tone-deaf singer. DIANA PESCHKA HOLLY ERYNGII (ディアナ・ペシュカ・ホリー・エリンギ) Height: 156 cm Measurements: B81 / W56 / H80 Voice Actress: Omi Minami Daughter of the Prime Minister of Symphonia Kingdom, she's the extra main heroine of the Dreamcast and Playstation 2 versions of Princess Holiday (she also appeared in the original PC game, but only as a quick cameo: like Midori Toyama of August's later work Yoake Mae Yori Ruriiro Na, she ascended to full-fledged main heroine status in consumer version). A well-bred young girl who, like Leticia, who was living a sheltered life in her family's mansion, knowing nothing about the outside world. She meets Cliff for the first time at a dancing reception at the Royal Palace, and falls in love with him at first sight. Wanting to meet him again as well as wishing to stand on her own two feet rather than relying on her noble status, she pulls a Leticia, and again thanks to Cliff's help, she gets to stay and work at Rolling Apple as training. Diana is a very shy and timid character, who regularly blushes (especially in front of Cliff) and talks in a very polite speech pattern (even more polite than Leticia's). She has low-self esteem, but when she decides to do something, she sticks to her decision to the very end, and as such, she does her very best to change into the stronger person she wishes to become. Like Leticia, due to her lack of experience, she's quite gullible. In short, for those who have played Fire Emblem 7, think of the Pegasus Knight Florina, and you'll have a pretty good idea of Diana's character. WEN MORGAN (ウェン・モーガン) Voice Actor: Satoshi Tsuruoka A travelling merchant who Cliff makes acquaintance with during his trip back to Symphonia. Since Wen himself is from Symphonia and is coming back there as well, they decide to tag along. After arriving in Symphonia, he sets a street stall in the merchant section of the town. Him and Cliff have a bit... complicated relationship. Wen likes a lot Cliff, but he has such a joyful and forceful personality, teasing him to the max and loving to try scamming him with high-price merchandise (especially noticeable in that, when a cute girl appears, he sells the same article for a much lower price, and is willing to lower it even further if the girl isn't decided to take it at first) or extorting him money for info, Cliff often tells him to get lost. This is played for comedy though, they are like in a slapstick routine. He has an uncanny ability at proposing and selling merchandise to people, talking like a real street pedlar, making his business very successful. HOWARD HARVEST (ハワード・ハーベスト) Voice Actor: Hitoshi Bifu The landlord of Rolling Apple Pavilion inn, and father of Rachel. He raised his daughter alone, having lost his wife to a bad fever at a young age. He's also the one who taught the way of the sword to Cliff and Eleanor. A pretty joyous and sociable fellow, he's the constant adult presence in that cast of young people. WORSEL HIGHSEN DAW SYMPHONIA (ウォーゼル・ハイゼン・ド・シンフォニア) Voice Actor: Unknown (suspected to be Takuo Kawamura) The current King of Symphonia Kingdom, and father of Leticia. He succeeded to his late elder brother to the throne; as such, since he wasn't the first in line, he got a more relaxed upbringing in his young days, being able to often go in town to see the lives of the people, and to marry a commoner. Unfortunately, the stress of becoming a queen was too much for her, and she's currently resting in a remote part of the palace. Due to his upbringing, he's a kind, benevolent king who cares deeply for his daughter and his people, and he dislikes formalities. DYUMINUS PESCHKA HOLLY ERYNGII (デュミナス・ペシュカ・ホリー・エリンギ) Voice Actor: Unknown The Prime Minister of Symphonia Kingdom (and thus King Symphonia's trusted right-hand man), and father of Diana. He got her at a late age, and as such is so fond of her he pampers her a bit too much. Diana loves him very much too. A kind and wise man who, being a veteran in politics and having lots of experience in life, is a vast fount of knowledge. He's also a very sharp man who's able to judge accurately a person and his qualities at first sight, and values honorable people. MATONAW DADA MUSHROOM (マトナゥ・ダダ・マッシュルーム) Voice Actor: Unknown Minister of Culture and Commerce in the government of Symphonia Kingdom. The perfect archetype of the despicable aristocrat who's overly proud of his noble title and thinks that common people are worms only worth to be exploited, and as such a stark contrast to Duke Eryngii. Speaks in a slow, sissy voice. SHADOW MOON (シャドームーン) Voice Actor: ??? A phantom thief very popular among the common people and hated by the sleazy merchants and aristocrats, whose creed is to steal from the rich to give to the poor, all while avoiding to physically hurt or kill anybody. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - WALKTHROUGH [WLKTHR] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Here are the walkthroughs for all characters. As this is a spoiler-free guide, only the answer prompts to give to follow the storylines will be given. Each time you'll meet an answer prompt, I'll write down both possible answers in English and Japanese, and will point out the correct one to choose with a "[X]". This game has a fictional calendar reminiscent of the real world's calendar, and using, for the days, equivalents of the days as named in Japanese. "Month of Grapes" is the equivalent of August, "Month of Harvest" of September, "Day of Wind" of Monday (Getsuyoubi), "Day of Flames" of Tuesday (Kayoubi), "Day of Sea" of Wednesday (Suiyoubi), "Day of Forest" of Thursday (Mokuyoubi), "Day of Iron" of Friday (Kinyoubi), and "Day of Land" of Saturday (Doyoubi). ******************** * * * LETICIA [LETCIA] * * * ******************** * Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 10日 (炎の日)) "I'll buy that hairpin for 200 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「200ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 [X] "I'll buy that hairpin for 180 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「180ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 * Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 11日 (海の日)) [X] "Help her" 助ける "Treat oneself with this interesting spectacle" 高見の見物と洒落込む [X] "Apologize" 謝る "Bragging about it" 威張る "Of course. If you don't tell us, we can't give you lodging." 「もちろんだ。話さないと泊めることはできない」 [X] "If you really don't want to tell us, we won't force you to." 「無理に話せとは言わないけど」 "Shall we sleep together in my room then?" 「俺のベッドで一緒に寝ような」 [X] "You're going to sleep with Leticia then?" 「レティシアと一緒に寝るんだな」 * Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 12日 (森の日)) "Wait a few minutes" しばらく待つ [X] "Ah, GO!" あ、GO! * Month of Grapes, 13th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 13日 (鉄の日)) [X] "Get angry" 怒る "Let it pass completely" さらりと流す * Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 14日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 15日 (天の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. "Time for exploration!" 探索開始 [X] "Sleep and wait" 寝て待つ "I prefer you in your usual clothes." いつもの方がいいな [X] "It makes you look beyond recognition." 見違えたよ "Run to that alley" その路地まで走る [X] "Stealthily have a peek in that alley" こっそり、その路地を覗く * Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 16日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. On the night of that day, a little event that changes slightly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl who worries about you is Leticia, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 17日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. [X] "Stop them" 止めに入る "Remain a spectator" 傍観する Night: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 18日 (海の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Leticia on the map. [X] "Was her teacher Fee?" 師匠はフィーかな? "Was her teacher Big Sis Rei?" 師匠はレイ姉かな? * Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 19日 (森の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. "Let's warn her before Big Sis Rei gets angry at her." レイ姉に怒られる前に注意する [X] "I wonder what is she doing, let's have a check at her." 何をしているのか、様子を見る Night: Choose Leticia on the map. "That would be wonderful of you." それはなかなか魅力的かも [X] "Um, no, that would really be..." いや、それはさすがに……。 * Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 20日 (鉄の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. "Ah, I've just thought of something amusing." あ、面白いこと考えた [X] "Tell her what's really going on" 本当のことを教えてやろう On the night of that day, a little event that changes greatly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl of focus in that event is Leticia, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 21日 (地の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. [X] "Well, it's not like I don't know about it" 「まあ、知らないこともない」 "......" 「……」 Night: Choose Leticia on the map. "Shall I help you?" 手伝ってやろうかな? [X] "If worst to come, I'll spring in" いざとなったら飛び出そう * Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 22 (天の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. [X] "Isn't that Leti's?" レティのじゃなかったかな? "Let's proceed by elimination..." 消去法で行くと…… Night: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Piece of warning regarding the event at the night of that day: if, by this point, Eleanor is closer to you than Leticia, even if you choose Leticia on the map, the event with be dedicated to Eleanor instead of Leticia (the reverse situation is also true). If you faithfully followed the walkthrough up until now though, Leticia will be the one of focus of the event. * Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 23日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 24日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. [X] "Tell her how" ちゃんと教える "Tease her a bit" ちょっとからかってみる Night: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 25日 (海の日)) "Pests are really something bothersome to crops" 「悪い虫、やっぱりまずいよな」 [X] "You're right. I may indeed look like a pest that's a stain to her status." 「そうだな。悪い虫かも知れない」 [X] "We may be of different social status... But there's still some hope in my heart." 「身分違いか……望むところだ」 "It's hopeless after all, isn't it?" 「さすがに無茶か?」 * Month of Grapes, 26th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 26日 (森の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 27日 (鉄の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 28日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 29日 (天の日)) **** WARNING! **** The answer prompt in this day is CRUCIAL in determining whichever of "Leticia's Regular Route" or the "Symphonia Route" you'll go. HOWEVER! To be able to select the Symphonia Route, you first NEED TO SEE THE REGULAR ENDINGS OF: Leticia, Shilphy, and Lapis. If you don't meet this requirement, the answer prompt won't appear, and the game will directly proceed to Leticia's Regular Route. ******************* "Let's wait for Leti and the others." ===> Leads to Regular Route このまま、レティたちの帰りを待つ "Let's go and meet Leti." ===============> Leads to Symphonia Route レティを迎えに行ってみる * Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 30日 (風の日)) === SYMPHONIA ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. After this day, jump straight to Epilogue below. === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 1st, Day of Flames (収穫の月 1日 (炎の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === "I'm this girl's boyfriend, got a problem?" 「俺がこのコの男だ。何か文句あるか?」 [X] "Take Leti to the lodgings' corridor" レティを宿舎の廊下へ連れ出す * Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea (収穫の月 2日 (海の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest (収穫の月 3日 (森の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron (収穫の月 4日 (鉄の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 13th, Day of Sky (収穫の月 13日 (天の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. After this day, go to Epilogue below. * Epilogue === SYMPHONIA ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed the Symphonia Route! === REGULAR ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Leticia's Regular Route! ******************** * * * ELEANOR [ELANOR] * * * ******************** * Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 10日 (炎の日)) "I'll buy that hairpin for 200 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「200ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 [X] "I'll buy that hairpin for 180 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「180ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 * Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 11日 (海の日)) [X] "Help her" 助ける "Treat oneself with this interesting spectacle" 高見の見物と洒落込む [X] "Apologize" 謝る "Bragging about it" 威張る "Of course. If you don't tell us, we can't give you lodging." 「もちろんだ。話さないと泊めることはできない」 [X] "If you really don't want to tell us, we won't force you to." 「無理に話せとは言わないけど」 "Shall we sleep together in my room then?" 「俺のベッドで一緒に寝ような」 [X] "You're going to sleep with Leticia then?" 「レティシアと一緒に寝るんだな」 * Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 12日 (森の日)) [X] "Wait a few minutes" しばらく待つ "Ah, GO!" あ、GO! * Month of Grapes, 13th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 13日 (鉄の日)) [X] "Get angry" 怒る "Let it pass completely" さらりと流す * Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 14日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 15日 (天の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. "Run to that alley" その路地まで走る [X] "Stealthily have a peek in that alley" こっそり、その路地を覗く * Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 16日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. "Nah, I was just thinking it doesn't look like you that way, El." 「いや、エルらしくないと思って」 [X] "Hey, it unexpectedly looks good on you." 「意外に似合いそうじゃないか」 On the night of that day, a little event that changes slightly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl who worries about you is Eleanor, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 17日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. [X] "Stop them" 止めに入る "Remain a spectator" 傍観する Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 18日 (海の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 19日 (森の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 20日 (鉄の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. On the night of that day, a little event that changes greatly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl of focus in that event is Eleanor, you're in good tracks (don't worry if you see every girl before Eleanor, it's a good sign: in this version of the event, Cliff is searching for her). * Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 21日 (地の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. "Check how she's doing" ちょっと様子を見てみる [X] "Speak to her" 話しかける Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 22 (天の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Piece of warning regarding the event at the night of that day: if, by this point, Leticia is closer to you than Eleanor, even if you choose Eleanor on the map, the event with be dedicated to Leticia instead of Eleanor (the reverse situation is also true). If you faithfully followed the walkthrough up until now though, Eleanor will be the one of focus of the event. * Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 23日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 24日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. "Give her medical treatment right here." この場で治療する [X] "Take her to Fee." フィーのところまで連れて行く Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 25日 (海の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 26th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 26日 (森の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 27日 (鉄の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 28日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 29日 (天の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 30日 (風の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 1st, Day of Flames (収穫の月 1日 (炎の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea (収穫の月 2日 (海の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest (収穫の月 3日 (森の日)) **** WARNING! **** The answer prompt in this day is CRUCIAL in determining whichever of "Eleanor's Regular Route" or "Eleanor's Another Route" you'll go. HOWEVER! To be able to select the Another Route, you first NEED TO SEE Eleanor's REGULAR ENDING. If you don't meet this requirement, the answer prompt won't appear, and the game will directly proceed to Eleanor's Regular Route. ******************* "Leave this town" ===> Leads to Eleanor's Regular Route この街を出る "Go to the castle" ===> Leads to Eleanor's Another Route 城へ行く IF YOU FOLLOW THE REGULAR ROUTE, jump straight to Epilogue below. * Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron (収穫の月 4日 (鉄の日)) === ANOTHER ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. After this day, go to Epilogue below. * Epilogue === REGULAR ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Eleanor's Regular Route! === ANOTHER ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Eleanor's Another Route! ******************** * * * SHILPHY [SHLPHY] * * * ******************** * Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 10日 (炎の日)) [X] "I'll buy that hairpin for 200 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「200ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 "I'll buy that hairpin for 180 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「180ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 * Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 11日 (海の日)) [X] "Help her" 助ける "Treat oneself with this interesting spectacle" 高見の見物と洒落込む "Apologize" 謝る [X] "Bragging about it" 威張る "Of course. If you don't tell us, we can't give you lodging." 「もちろんだ。話さないと泊めることはできない」 [X] "If you really don't want to tell us, we won't force you to." 「無理に話せとは言わないけど」 [X] "Shall we sleep together in my room then?" 「俺のベッドで一緒に寝ような」 "You're going to sleep with Leticia then?" 「レティシアと一緒に寝るんだな」 * Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 12日 (森の日)) "Wait a few minutes" しばらく待つ [X] "Ah, GO!" あ、GO! * Month of Grapes, 13th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 13日 (鉄の日)) [X] "Get angry" 怒る "Let it pass completely" さらりと流す * Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 14日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 15日 (天の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. "Run to that alley" その路地まで走る [X] "Stealthily have a peek in that alley" こっそり、その路地を覗く * Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 16日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. [X] "Fee looks like she's having fun too." フィーも楽しそうだな "It's a lot of hard work for Fee too." フィーも大変だな On the night of that day, a little event that changes slightly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl who worries about you is Shilphy, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 17日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. [X] "Stop them" 止めに入る "Remain a spectator" 傍観する Night: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 18日 (海の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 19日 (森の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. "I see." 「そうだな」 [X] "Would they really care about that?" 「構わないんじゃないか?」 Night: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 20日 (鉄の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. "Check how she's doing." 様子を見る [X] "Pull a prank on her." 悪戯する Piece of warning regarding this day event: while "Pull a prank on her" is the best choice, "Check how she's doing" nets you an extra CG you won't find anywhere in the game. Make sure to create a save at this answer prompt screen. Then, choose "Check how she's doing", then save this choice on a different save slot in order to register the CG in the CG gallery, and then load you answer prompt screen save in order to choose "Pull a prank on her" and continue the story. On the night of that day, a little event that changes greatly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl of focus in that event is Shilphy, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 21日 (地の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. [X] "Tell her she has been bitten by a poisonous snake." 毒蛇に噛まれたことを告げる "Reassure her by telling her a joke." 冗談で安心させる Night: Choose Shilphy on the map. [X] "By educating it, you mean..." 教育というと…… "It's undoubtely not an ordinary cat." 「確かに普通の猫じゃなさそうだ」 * Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 22 (天の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 23日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 24日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. "Resist to the last." あくまでも抵抗 [X] "Readily surrender." あっさりと陥落 Night: Choose Shilphy on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 25日 (海の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 26th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 26日 (森の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 27日 (鉄の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 28日 (地の日)) **** WARNING! **** The answer prompt in this day is CRUCIAL in determining whichever of "Shilphy's Regular Route" or "Shilphy's Another Story Route" you'll go. ******************* "Read the diary minutely" ===> Leads to Shilphy's Regular Route 日記を詳しく読んでみる "Never mind the diary, let's find the candy!" ===> Leads to Shilphy's Another Route 日記はいいとしてお菓子だ IF YOU FOLLOW THE ANOTHER ROUTE, jump straight to Month of Harvest, 6th, Day of Sky. * Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 29日 (天の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 30日 (風の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 1st, Day of Flames (収穫の月 1日 (炎の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea (収穫の月 2日 (海の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest (収穫の月 3日 (森の日)) === REGULAR ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. After this day, jump straight to Epilogue below. * Month of Harvest, 6th, Day of Sky (収穫の月 6日 (天の日)) === ANOTHER ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. After this day, go to Epilogue below. * Epilogue === REGULAR ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Shilphy's Regular Route! === ANOTHER ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Shilphy's Another Route! ******************** * * * LAPIS [RAPISU] * * * ******************** * Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 10日 (炎の日)) "I'll buy that hairpin for 200 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「200ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 [X] "I'll buy that hairpin for 180 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「180ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 * Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 11日 (海の日)) "Help her" 助ける [X] "Treat oneself with this interesting spectacle" 高見の見物と洒落込む [X] "Apologize" 謝る "Bragging about it" 威張る [X] "Of course. If you don't tell us, we can't give you lodging." 「もちろんだ。話さないと泊めることはできない」 "If you really don't want to tell us, we won't force you to." 「無理に話せとは言わないけど」 "Shall we sleep together in my room then?" 「俺のベッドで一緒に寝ような」 [X] "You're going to sleep with Leticia then?" 「レティシアと一緒に寝るんだな」 * Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 12日 (森の日)) "Wait a few minutes" しばらく待つ [X] "Ah, GO!" あ、GO! * Month of Grapes, 13th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 13日 (鉄の日)) "Get angry" 怒る [X] "Let it pass completely" さらりと流す * Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 14日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 15日 (天の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. [X] "Run to that alley" その路地まで走る "Stealthily have a peek in that alley" こっそり、その路地を覗く * Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 16日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. [X] "Answer her without protesting." 素直に答える "Dodge the question." 適当に誤魔化す On the night of that day, a little event that changes slightly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. Since you've only met Lapis since two days ago, you haven't build enough relationship with her by this point. If you followed this walkthrough faithfully, Leticia should be the one worrying about you in this event. * Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 17日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. "Stop them" 止めに入る [X] "Remain a spectator" 傍観する Night: Choose Lapis on the map. "Shall I help her..." 手伝うか…… [X] "This too is experience for her. I'll do nothing." これも経験。黙っている * Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 18日 (海の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. "Pinch her nose." 鼻をつまんでみる [X] "Poke her cheek." ほっぺをつまんでみる Night: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 19日 (森の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 20日 (鉄の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. On the night of that day, a little event that changes greatly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl of focus in that event is Lapis, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 21日 (地の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 22 (天の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 23日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. [X] "Leave it to Lapis" ラピスに任せる "There's a meaning in me making it." 俺が作ってこそ意味がある Night: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 24日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Lapis on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 25日 (海の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 26th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 26日 (森の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 27日 (鉄の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 28日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 29日 (天の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 30日 (風の日)) **** WARNING! **** The answer prompt in this day is CRUCIAL in determining whichever of "Lapis's Regular Route" or "Lapis's Another Story Route" you'll go. HOWEVER! To be able to select the Another Route, you first NEED TO SEE Lapis's REGULAR ENDING. If you don't meet this requirement, the answer prompt won't appear, and the game will directly proceed to Lapis's Regular Route. ****************** "...I'll go back home for today" ===> Leads to Lapis's Regular Route 「……今日は帰るよ」 "...I'll wait for Lapis" ===========> Leads to Lapis's Another Route 「……ラピスのこと、待ってるから」 IF YOU FOLLOW THE REGULAR ROUTE, jump straight to Epilogue below. * Month of Harvest, 1st, Day of Flames (収穫の月 1日 (炎の日)) === ANOTHER ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea (収穫の月 2日 (海の日)) === ANOTHER ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest (収穫の月 3日 (森の日)) === ANOTHER ROUTE === No answer prompts, enjoy reading. After this day, go to Epilogue below. * Epilogue === REGULAR ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Lapis's Regular Route! === ANOTHER ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Lapis's Another Route! ******************** * * * RACHEL [RCHELU] * * * ******************** * Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 10日 (炎の日)) "I'll buy that hairpin for 200 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「200ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 [X] "I'll buy that hairpin for 180 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「180ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 * Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 11日 (海の日)) "Help her" 助ける [X] "Treat oneself with this interesting spectacle" 高見の見物と洒落込む [X] "Apologize" 謝る "Bragging about it" 威張る [X] "Of course. If you don't tell us, we can't give you lodging." 「もちろんだ。話さないと泊めることはできない」 "If you really don't want to tell us, we won't force you to." 「無理に話せとは言わないけど」 "Shall we sleep together in my room then?" 「俺のベッドで一緒に寝ような」 [X] "You're going to sleep with Leticia then?" 「レティシアと一緒に寝るんだな」 * Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 12日 (森の日)) [X] "Wait a few minutes" しばらく待つ "Ah, GO!" あ、GO! * Month of Grapes, 13th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 13日 (鉄の日)) "Get angry" 怒る [X] "Let it pass completely" さらりと流す * Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 14日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 15日 (天の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. "Why?" 「何で?」 [X] "Open the door with lightning speed." 電光石火で扉を開ける "Run to that alley" その路地まで走る [X] "Stealthily have a peek in that alley" こっそり、その路地を覗く * Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 16日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. On the night of that day, a little event that changes slightly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If Rachel excuses herself and no other girl worries about you, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 17日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. [X] "Those ones in which you can move easily look better." 「こっちの動きやすそうな方」 "That cloth with all the ornaments." 「そっちの飾りのついた服」 [X] "Stop them" 止めに入る "Remain a spectator" 傍観する Night: Choose Rachel on the map. [X] "Uuuh, I feel a murderous aura...!" むっ、殺気! "Give it a fish on the sly." こっそり魚をあげる * Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 18日 (海の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 19日 (森の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. [X] "Pursue him nonetheless." それでも追いかける "I'll have a check just in case." 念のため確認してみる * Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 20日 (鉄の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. On the night of that day, a little event that changes greatly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl of focus in that event is Rachel, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 21日 (地の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 22 (天の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 23日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 24日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 25日 (海の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 26th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 26日 (森の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 27日 (鉄の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 28日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 29日 (天の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 30日 (風の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 1st, Day of Flames (収穫の月 1日 (炎の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea (収穫の月 2日 (海の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest (収穫の月 3日 (森の日)) **** WARNING! **** The answer prompt in this day is CRUCIAL in determining whichever of "Rachel's Regular Route" or "Rachel's Another Story Route" you'll go. HOWEVER! To be able to select the Another Route, you first NEED TO SEE Rachel's REGULAR ENDING. If you don't meet this requirement, the answer prompt won't appear, and the game will directly proceed to Rachel's Regular Route. ****************** "What if Leti becomes the Queen...?" ===> Leads to Rachel's Regular Route もしレティが国王になったら……? "What if I become the King...?" ========> Leads to Rachel's Another Route もし俺が国王になったら……? Whichever Route you'll follow, after this day, go to Epilogue below. * Epilogue === REGULAR ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Rachel's Regular Route! === ANOTHER ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Rachel's Another Route! ******************** * * * DIANA [DEIANA] * * * ******************** ATTENTION: Diana is a special case among all heroines. To play her Route, you MUST have completed ALL THE OTHER 5 HEROINES' REGULAR ROUTES (just the Regular ones, the Another ones aren't needed to unlock her Route). On top of that, she enters in the story on Month of Grapes 22th. So until that day, you're free to choose whichever girl you want on the map, as long as you avoid the Bad Ending. If you play like if you were doing another Route (say, Leticia's, and you use her walkthrough until 22th, you'll be fine). However, if you want to go the fastest way possible to Diana's Route, by pressing the Skip (R1) button and avoiding as many answer prompts as possible, follow the walkthrough below. * Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 10日 (炎の日)) "I'll buy that hairpin for 200 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「200ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 [X] "I'll buy that hairpin for 180 Notes, so shaddup now!" 「180ノーツで髪飾りを買うから黙ってくれ」 * Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 11日 (海の日)) [X] "Help her" 助ける "Treat oneself with this interesting spectacle" 高見の見物と洒落込む "Apologize" 謝る [X] "Bragging about it" 威張る [X] "Of course. If you don't tell us, we can't give you lodging." 「もちろんだ。話さないと泊めることはできない」 "If you really don't want to tell us, we won't force you to." 「無理に話せとは言わないけど」 "Shall we sleep together in my room then?" 「俺のベッドで一緒に寝ような」 [X] "You're going to sleep with Leticia then?" 「レティシアと一緒に寝るんだな」 * Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 12日 (森の日)) [X] "Wait a few minutes" しばらく待つ "Ah, GO!" あ、GO! * Month of Grapes, 13th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 13日 (鉄の日)) [X] "Get angry" 怒る "Let it pass completely" さらりと流す * Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 14日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 15日 (天の日)) Day: Choose Shilphy on the map. "Run to that alley" その路地まで走る [X] "Stealthily have a peek in that alley" こっそり、その路地を覗く * Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 16日 (風の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. On the night of that day, a little event that changes slightly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If Rachel excuses herself and no other girl worries about you, you're in good tracks. * Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 17日 (炎の日)) Day: Choose Leticia on the map. [X] "Stop them" 止めに入る "Remain a spectator" 傍観する Night: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 18日 (海の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 19日 (森の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 20日 (鉄の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. On the night of that day, a little event that changes greatly depending on who's the girl closest to you at the time occurs. If the girl of focus in that event is Eleanor, you're in good tracks (don't worry if you see every girl before Eleanor, it's a good sign: in this version of the event, Cliff is searching for her). * Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 21日 (地の日)) Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 22 (天の日)) Day: Choose Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose either of Leticia or Eleanor on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. If you followed the walkthrough faithfully up to that point, Eleanor will be the character of focus in the night event of that day, no matter which of Leticia or Eleanor you chose. Also, take note that this is the day where Diana enters the scene. * Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 23日 (風の日)) Diana won't appear on this day, so you can choose whichever character you want on the map. But if you want to skip the fastest way possible to the next day and avoid answer prompts: Day: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Rachel on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames (ぶどうの月 24日 (炎の日)) Day: CHOOSE DIANA ON THE MAP (very important, if you don't, you won't enter her Route). No answer prompts, enjoy reading. Night: Choose Leticia on the map. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea (ぶどうの月 25日 (海の日)) From this day on, if you followed the walkthrough faithfully, you'll be in Diana's Route. No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 26th, Day of Forest (ぶどうの月 26日 (森の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron (ぶどうの月 27日 (鉄の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land (ぶどうの月 28日 (地の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky (ぶどうの月 29日 (天の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind (ぶどうの月 30日 (風の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 1st, Day of Flames (収穫の月 1日 (炎の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea (収穫の月 2日 (海の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest (収穫の月 3日 (森の日)) No answer prompts, enjoy reading. * Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron (収穫の月 4日 (鉄の日)) **** WARNING! **** The answer prompt in this day is CRUCIAL in determining whichever of "Diana's Regular Route" or the "Diana's Another Route" you'll go. HOWEVER! To be able to select the Another Route, you first NEED TO SEE Diana's REGULAR ENDING. If you don't meet this requirement, the answer prompt won't appear, and the game will directly proceed to Diana's Regular Route. ******************* "I'll become the King." ===> Leads to Diana's Regular Route 国王になる "We'll leave this town." ===> Leads to Diana's Another Route この国を出る Whichever Route you'll follow, after this day, go to Epilogue below. * Epilogue === REGULAR ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Diana's Regular Route! === ANOTHER ROUTE === Congratulations, you've completed Diana's Another Route! ******************** * * * BAD END [BDENDG] * * * ******************** Normally you wouldn't wish getting that ending, but in order to unlock two of the Bonus Scenarios (which require getting every single Ending), you'll need to get the Bad Ending at least once. To get it, just give the answers that won't please the girls between Month of Grapes, 10th, to Month of Grapes, 24th. However, for those who wish it, I propose you a sure-fire way to get that Ending, all while avoiding a maximum of answer prompts: Use Diana's walkthrough above, up to Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. On that day, instead of choosing Diana on the map, choose Lapis. After Lapis' event is over, just sit back and relax, you'll go straight to the Bad Ending! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CG GALLERY GUIDE [CGGARY] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - This section is dedicated to help you getting 100% on the CG Gallery without fail. The CG gallery is composed of 10 pages, each of them containing 12 pictures (except for the 10th one, which only has 1 CG). Some of those pictures have up to 7 variations, and some of those variations aren't always obtainable in the Route of the CG's heroine of focus. The CG are numbered as if you watched them from left to right, and up to down in each page. If a CG has a "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", and/or "g" next to the CG's number, it means it's a variation of said CG. For example, 1(a) means that it's the first variation of CG n°1. NOTE TO PLAYERS OF THE DREAMCAST VERSION WHO USE THIS FAQ: The CG Gallery Guide is tailored for the PS2 version of the game. There are differences in the arrangement of the two versions' respective galleries due to several CGs being PS2 exclusives. As such, it would be preferable for you DC players to follow faithfully the walkthroughs above in order to get all CGs, instead of this CG Gallery Guide. _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 1 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(a) | Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(b) | Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(a) | Leticia Route, Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(b) | Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky. | | 3 | Choose Leticia on the map, then pick the answers: | | | "Sleep and wait" (寝て待つ) and "It makes you look | | | beyond recognition." (見違えたよ). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 22th, Day of Sky. | | 4(a) | Choose Leticia on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "Isn't that Leti's?" (レティのじゃなかったかな?). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 22th, Day of Sky. | | 4(b) | Choose Leticia on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "Isn't that Leti's?" (レティのじゃなかったかな?). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 22th, Day of Sky. | | 5 | Choose Leticia on the map on night. | | | Leticia must be closer to Cliff than Eleanor. (If you | | | follow the Leticia walkthrough, you'll be fine) | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(a) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(b) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8 | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 13th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9(a) | Leticia's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9(b) | Leticia's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10 | Bonus Scenario "Leticia's Day Off". | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11 | Leticia Route, Month of Grapes, 26th, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(a) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(b) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(c) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(d) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 2 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1 | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(a) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(b) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(c) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | 3 | Choose Leticia on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(a) | Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(b) | Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(c) | Month of Grapes, 11th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron. | | 4(d) | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron. | | 4(e) | Choose Shilphy on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "Check how she's doing." (様子を見る) | | | | | | WARNING: This answer isn't the best choice in Shilphy's | | | Route, but still required to get the CG. See | | | the Shilphy Walkthrough above on that day for | | | further explanations and advices. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(f) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(a) | Month of Grapes, 12th, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(b) | Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7 | Symphonia Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(a) | Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(b) | Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(c) | Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9 | Shilphy's Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 6th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(a) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(b) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(c) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(d) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(e) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(f) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(g) | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11(a) | Shilphy's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11(b) | Shilphy's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(a) | Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(a) | Month of Grapes, 10th, Day of Flames. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 3 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1 | Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2 | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3 | Shilphy's Regular Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4 | Bonus Scenario "Beautiful Dreamer". | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(a) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(b) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Shilphy's Another Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Shilphy's Another Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7 | Shilphy's Another Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | 8(a) | Choose Shilphy on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "Readily surrender." (あっさりと陥落). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | 8(b) | Choose Shilphy on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "Readily surrender." (あっさりと陥落). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky. | | 9 | Choose Eleanor on the map on night. | | | Eleanor must be closer to Cliff than Leticia. (If you | | | follow the Eleanor walkthrough, you'll be fine) | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(a) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(b) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(c) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(d) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11 | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(a) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | | | | | | OR | | | | | | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(b) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(c) | Every girl's Route (doesn't matter which one), | | | Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(d) | Every girl's Route (doesn't matter which one), | | | Month of Grapes, 28th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(e) | Rachel's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 4 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(a) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(b) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(c) | Eleanor's Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(d) | Eleanor's Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(a) | Eleanor's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(b) | Eleanor's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3 | Eleanor's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4 | Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(a) | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "Take her to Fee." (フィーのところまで連れて行く). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(b) | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "Take her to Fee." (フィーのところまで連れて行く). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7 | Eleanor Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8 | Eleanor's Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9 | Eleanor's Another Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(a) | Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(b) | Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11 | Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(a) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(b) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 5 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1 | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(a) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(b) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3 | Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Rachel on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(a) | Rachel's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(b) | Rachel's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5 | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Rachel on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Rachel's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Rachel's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7 | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Rachel on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8 | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Rachel on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9(a) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9(b) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10 | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 1st, Day of Flames. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11 | Rachel's Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12 | Rachel's Another Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 6 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(a) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(b) | Rachel Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(a) | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Rachel on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(b) | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Rachel on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(a) | Month of Grapes, 14th, Day of Land. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(b) | Month of Grapes, 15th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4 | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(a) | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(b) | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(c) | Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(d) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6 | Lapis' Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 2nd, Day of Sea. | | | | | | OR | | | | | | Symphonia Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(a) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(b) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(c) | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(a) | Lapis' Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(b) | Lapis' Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9 | Lapis' Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10 | Lapis' Another Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11(a) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11(b) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(a) | Lapis' Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(b) | Lapis' Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(c) | Lapis' Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 7 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(a) | Lapis' Regular Route | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(b) | Lapis' Regular Route | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(c) | Lapis' Regular Route | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(a) | Lapis' Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(b) | Lapis' Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(a) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(b) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(c) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(a) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(b) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(c) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(a) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(b) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(c) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(d) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(a) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(b) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(a) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 29th, Day of Sky. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(b) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9 | Diana's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10 | Diana's Regular Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11 | Diana's Another Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 4th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12 | Diana's Another Route Epilogue. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 8 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1 | Bonus Scenario "Symphony of the Starry Night". | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2 | Bonus Scenario "PuriHoli's 3-minutes Cooking". | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest. | | 3(a) | Choose Leticia on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "I wonder what is she doing, let's have a check at her."| | | (何をしているのか、様子を見る). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | | Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest. | | 3(b) | Choose Leticia on the map on day, then pick the answer: | | | "I wonder what is she doing, let's have a check at her."| | | (何をしているのか、様子を見る). | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(a) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Leticia on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(b) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Leticia on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(a) | Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest. | | | Choose Leticia on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(b) | Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest. | | | Choose Leticia on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Leticia on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Leticia on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(a) | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(b) | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8 | Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9 | Month of Grapes, 20th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10 | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11 | Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Shilphy on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12 | Month of Grapes, 16th, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | **************** | | * PAGE 9 * | | **************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1 | Month of Grapes, 17th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(a) | Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind. | | | Choose either of Leticia or Lapis on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 2(b) | Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind. | | | Choose either of Leticia or Lapis on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(a) | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(b) | Month of Grapes, 24th, Day of Flames. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(a) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 3(b) | Month of Grapes, 18th, Day of Sea. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(a) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 4(b) | Lapis Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(a) | Leticia's Regular Route, | | | Month of Harvest, 3rd, Day of Forest. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 5(b) | Symphonia Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(a) | Leticia Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 6(b) | Leticia Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(a) | Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky. | | | Choose either of Shilphy or Rachel on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 7(b) | Month of Grapes, 22nd, Day of Sky. | | | Choose either of Shilphy or Rachel on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(a) | Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 8(b) | Month of Grapes, 19th, Day of Forest. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on night. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9(a) | Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 9(b) | Month of Grapes, 21st, Day of Land. | | | Choose Eleanor on the map on day. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(a) | Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | | | (Answer doesn't matter, you'll get the CG no matter what)| |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 10(a) | Month of Grapes, 23rd, Day of Wind. | | | Choose Lapis on the map on day. | | | (Answer doesn't matter, you'll get the CG no matter what)| |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11(a) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 11(b) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 25th, Day of Sea. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(a) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 12(b) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 27th, Day of Iron. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________ | | | ***************** | | * PAGE 10 * | | ***************** | |_______________________________________________________________________| | | | | CG number | Where and how to get the CG | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(a) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| | | | | 1(b) | Diana Route, | | | Month of Grapes, 30th, Day of Wind. | |____________|__________________________________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - BONUS SCENARIOS [SOMKES] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - As you'll complete more and more routes, you'll be able to unlock various Bonus Scenarios. Those scenarios are of two categories: either a prolongation of a Route, or a pure what-the-hell wackiness story done for pure comedy and not meant to be taken seriously. Four of those Bonus Scenarios in particular are important to complete, if you're after 100% completion of the CG Gallery, as they hold the last 4 CGs not available in the main story: - "Leticia's Day Off", - "Beautiful Dreamer", - "Symphony of the Starry Night" - "PuriHoli's 3-Minutes Cooking". Here is the full list of those Bonus Scenarios, and how to unlock them: _______________________________________________________________________ | Scenario name | Conditions to unlock the scenario | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Leticia's Day Off | Complete the Symphonia Route. | | (レティシアの休日) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | The Cat, the Hat, and Me | Complete Lapis' Regular Route. | | (ネコと帽子と私) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Miss Brand New Day | Complete Rachel's Regular Route. | | (ミス・ブランニュー・デイ) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Light Aventure | Complete the Bonus Scenario: | | (ライトにアヴァンチュール) | "Leticia's Day Off" | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | No Cat No Cry | Get any Ending aside from the Bad one. | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Beautiful Dreamer | Complete Shilphy's Another Route. | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Queen Knight | Complete Eleanor's Another Route. | | (クイーンdeナイト) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Fear!! The Yell from | | | the Depths of the Earth! | Complete Rachel's Another Route. | | (恐怖!!地底からの呼び声) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Lapis production model, | | | activation! | Complete Lapis' Another Route. | | (ラピス量産型、起動!) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Symphony of | | | the Starry Night | Complete Diana's Another Route. | | (星降る夜のシンフォニー) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Bath Panic!! | Complete all three of Leticia's, | | | Shilphy's, and Rachel's Regular Routes. | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | The Murder Case at | | | Rolling Apple | Get any Ending aside from the Bad one. | | (転がるりんご亭殺人事件) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | Sweet Nightmare: | Complete ALL Routes | | Which one to choose? | (Regular and Another for all girls, as | | (Sweet Nightmare | well as the Bad Ending all included) | | 〜どっちがどうでショー〜) | | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | PuriHoli's 3-minutes | Complete ALL Routes (Regular and | | Cooking | Another for all girls), aside from the | | (プリホリ3分クッキング) | Bad Ending. (PS2 exclusive scenario) | |____________________________|__________________________________________| | | | | | Complete ALL Routes (Regular and | | Weak End | Another for all girls, as well as the | | | Bad Ending all included) (PS2 exclusive)| |____________________________|__________________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - OTHER EXTRAS [OOMKES] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Aside from the CG Gallery and the Bonus Scenario section, Princess Holiday has a few other extras to unlock. Here's a little list of those extras, and how to unlock them. ******************* * * * SYMPHONIA ROUTE * * * ******************* If you haven't read the walkthroughs and went straight to the CG Gallery Guide and/or the Bonus Scenario section, you may be puzzled by what is the Symphonia Route. This actually merely is the official name of Leticia's Another Route. Unlike the other girls' Another Routes though, the Symphonia Route is more demanding in unlocking requirements. You need not only to have completed Leticia's Regular Route, but Shilphy's Regular Route, and Lapis' Regular Route as well! ******************* * * * MOVIE SECTION * * * ******************* If you beat the game once, you'll unlock all but one option at the Title Screen. So what is that remaining locked option? It's actually a gallery containing the opening movies of the Dreamcast, and the PS2 versions of Princess Holiday. To access to this gallery and be able to view those movies, you need to complete the Symphonia Route. ******************* * * * SOUND TEST * * * ******************* The Sound Test in Princess Holiday is locked. In order to be able to hear the various tunes of the game there, you need to hear them at least once in the game's proper. You'll normally unlock all but two tunes after beating the game for the first time (at least that was my case when I completed Leticia's Regular Route in my 1st playthrough). The remaining two tunes, "Grand Destiny" (3rd tune starting from the bottom of the list) and "What the... (Radio Edit)" (2nd tune starting from the bottom of the list), won't be available until you've completed the Symphonia Route. In "Grand Destiny" 's case, you need to complete the Symphonia Route once, while for "What the... (Radio Edit)", you need to complete that Route a second time. The two tunes will switch between each other depending on the number of times you complete the Symphonia Route (as long as you save your System Data when prompted by the console after the Credits, of course). So in short, 1st time= Grand Destiny, 2nd time: What the..., 3rd time= Grand Destiny, 4th time: What the..., and so on. ****************************** * * * ALTERNATE TITLE SCREEN * * * ****************************** When you complete the Symphonia Route, you'll unlock a new Title Screen background CG, and the song playing at the Title Screen will change: instead of the short version of "Niji no Kanata e", the full version of that same song will now play. For those who, like me, find the alternate background CG uninspired, don't worry, it won't definitely replace the original. In fact, the two variations will alternate depending on your PS2's internal clock. If you're playing between 18:00 PM and 6:00 AM, the alternate CG will appear; outside of that time frame, the original CG will be there instead. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CONTACT [COTACT] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - If you want to comment about this guide, or provide corrections to it, or ask questions about Princess Holiday not yet covered in the FAQ, you can send me an e-mail. The address is: acenoctali [at] hotmail [dot] com (Replace [at] with "@", and [dot] with "." . Make sure to mention in your e-mail subject section that the mail is about this Princess Holiday FAQ: if you don't, I'll likely treat your mail as spam and erase it without reading. Do not send spam, hate mail, chains, and things of the like: they'll be destroyed on sight, without bothering to open them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - CREDITS [CRDITS] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - * To August, Alchemist, and all the guys who helped creating this game, for having made Princess Holiday (and more specifically the PS2 version, which is the one I played. I especially thank them for having created this version, because I wouldn't have played the game if there wasn't a version without sex scenes. August, why in the hell did you cancel the PS3 and PSP versions of Fortune Arterial?! I would have been interested in playing the PSP version - as long as it was sanitized as well - ! T_T). * To GameFAQs, for publishing my guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LEGAL INFORMATION [LEGINF] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The original, and most up-to-date version of this guide can be found at my website, France-Fire Emblem 4, at the following URL: * The following sites may display this guide: *, in its integrality; * Allowed to freely use the character profiles of this FAQ, shall a troper make an article and/or a character sheet for Princess Holiday in the future. * Allowed to freely use the story summary and the character profiles of this FAQ for their own Princess Holiday page. The following sites are NOT allowed to display this guide, be it in its integrality, or any part of it: * This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any other website than the ones mentioned above, or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Not a single part of this guide may be altered. This guide may not be used for any commercial purposes whatsoever. All trademarks and copyrights contained inthis document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2012 AceNoctali. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -