~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Princess Maker Collection FAQ Version 1.0 Published: September 3, 2001 By Nuriko - nuriko@maison-otaku.net http://princessmaker.maison-otaku.net This Princess Maker Collection FAQ Copywrite 2001 by Val Shrum, AKA: Nuriko. I've put a lot of hard work into this. No reproduction or distribution is allowed without permission from me. Emaling me and getting no response probably means a /no/ until I respond with otherwise. This FAQ is for The Princess Maker Collection which is on Sega Dreamcast. I have included information for both games. If you have any questions, comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at my email address. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This FAQ Covers The Princess Maker Collection for Sega Dreamcast ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've had a pretty extensive collection of Princess Maker webpages over the years. I suddenly had the realization of "Hey, why not write a FAQ of sorts?" I've been visiting Gamefaqs.com for years, and there aren't ANY for the other Princess Maker games. So... I'm going to write a collection of FAQS, all of which have to do with the Princess Maker series. Hopefully they'll be useful to someone. I almost thought someone would have come out with at least the other games faqs by now. Oh well! I'll try to be as helpful as possible. If statments from this FAQ seem awfully familiar, you probably have been to my Princess Maker Nexus Webpage at some point in your child raising careers. It's easier just to quote what I've already written instead of starting fresh and new. Anywhos... do you want to see pictures and stuff from the games? Check out the above said webpage, and please let me know if you enjoy this FAQ or want to let me know about something at my email address of nuriko@maison-otaku.net. ~ Nuriko There are two parts to this FAQ. The first part is exclusively for the Princess Maker 2 portion of the game, and the second part is for Princess Maker: Yume Miru Yousei. The Princess Maker Collection for Dreamcast has both of these games on it, along with an additional Image Gallery. Controls are extremely simple. You can use the A to execute, B to exit, and you can use the analog stick or the D-pad to control which menu you choose. In PM2 the Analog stick doesn't work so well, but in PM3 it actually controls a little Uzu cursor. Woo hoo. =================== PRINCESS MAKER 2 =================== Contents: ---------------- 1) Introduction 2) Options a) Family Name b) Daughters Name c) Your Daughters Birthday d) Your Age e) Your Birthday f) Your Daughters Blood type 3) Jobs a) Housework b) Babysitting c) Inn d) Farm e) Church f) Restaurant g) Lumberjack h) Salon i) Masonry j) Hunter k) Graveyard l) Tutor m) Bar n) Sleazy Bar o) Cabaret 4) School a) Science b) Strategy c) Theology d) Poetry e) Fighting f) Fencing g) Magic h) Protocal i) Painting j) Dance 5) Adventure a) Eastern Forest b) Western Desert c) Southern Lake d) Northern Glacier 6) The Harvest Festival 7) Items 8) People and Rivals a) People from the Castle b) Your rivals 9) Going around town 10) Secrets ===FAQ For PM2 Ends, Pm3 begins. Check there for content list=== ---------------------------------- 1) Introduction | ---------------------------------- Princess Maker is a game created by Gainax. You may know of Gainax through their animated features before their video game creations. They are the popular folks behind Neon Genesis Evanglion, Gunbuster, Nadia: Secret of Blue Water, Otaku No Video, and a great deal of others I cannot recall. It originally started back in 1991 with a simple game titled "Princess Maker". It was pushed off as a "Childcare Simulation Game" and was released for the IBM PC. Eventually it had spawned into a rather extensive series of games, including a Princess Maker 2 and 3, plus a Playstation RPG of sorts called Princess Maker: Go! Go! Go! Princess, a Princess Maker Puzzle game, and a Quiz game called "Princess Maker Q". Princess Maker 2 is the second game in the series. The plot of this game is you (the father) are a great warrior who saved the country from demons. The King of of the country honors you as hero, giving you a place to live in the kingdom and a yearly payment in the amount of 500G year. A god approaches you because of your status, bestowing a child upon you. The god asks you to raise the child as if it were your own. This is the beginning of Princess Maker 2. This FAQ is composed of information gathered from the Japanese Sega Dreamcast version of the game. ----------------------------------- 2) Options | ----------------------------------- When you start the game, you are given several options and start off with 500 gold. All of which actually determine your daughters future. I will explain what the options are, in order that they appear. a) Family Name This really doesn't mean much. It would just be the name that people refer to you as. Usually in interaction with your daughter. Let's say we chose the name "Deathbringer". The townspeople would go "Oh look! It's the daughter of Deathbringer!". If you mash a bunch of buttons at this prompt (PC) you will get the default name of Olive Oyl and it will zip past all the options straight to the game. b) Daughters Name This is the name you choose for your daughter. You can name her "Skullface" and it wouldn't matter in her future. She may comment something loverly like "Wow, Skullface is such a beautiful name! I love it!" c) Your Daughters Birthday This is where your choices actually matter. Your daughters birthday is what determines things like her immediate interests, her immediate / already born in skills. You have a choice of ALL the days of the year, including February 29th. Your daughters birthday is in the year 1200. ~ Aries - March 21 - April 19 ~ God: Mars Constitution: 45 Strength: 45 Intelligence: 13 Refinement: 10 Charisma: 7 Morality: 14 Faith: 21 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 6 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 38 Combat Attack: 5 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 8 Magical Attack: 14 Magical Defense: 10 Fighter Reputation: 43 Magical Reputation: 32 Social Reputation: 35 Housework Reputation: 40 Decorum: 10 Art: 15 Conversation: 10 Cooking: 18 Cleaning: 18 Temperment: 4 ~ Taurus - April 20 - May 20 ~ God: Venus Constitution: 33 Strength: 28 Intelligence: 23 Refinement: 25 Charisma: 24 Morality: 32 Faith: 20 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 19 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 10 Combat Attack: 3 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 17 Magical Attack: 18 Magical Defense: 25 Fighter Reputation: 13 Magical Reputation: 60 Social Reputation: 49 Housework Reputation: 58 Decorum: 21 Art: 20 Conversation: 8 Cooking: 19 Cleaning: 16 Temperment: 23 ~ Gemini - May 21- June 21 ~ God: Mercury Constitution: 19 Strength: 18 Intelligence: 36 Refinement: 14 Charisma: 14 Morality: 7 Faith: 10 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 35 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 14 Combat Attack: 2 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 18 Magical Attack: 19 Magical Defense: 15 Fighter Reputation: 16 Magical Reputation: 52 Social Reputation: 65 Housework Reputation: 29 Decorum: 10 Art: 25 Conversation: 30 Cooking: 8 Cleaning: 10 Temperment: 11 ~ Cancer - June 22-July 22 ~ God: Moon Constitution: 18 Strength: 18 Intelligence: 24 Refinement: 29 Charisma: 33 Morality: 25 Faith: 30 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 33 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 15 Combat Attack: 2 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 24 Magical Attack: 28 Magical Defense: 23 Fighter Reputation: 17 Magical Reputation: 75 Social Reputation: 57 Housework Reputation: 54 Decorum: 17 Art: 20 Conversation: 20 Cooking: 17 Cleaning: 20 Temperment: 17 ~ Leo - July 23-August 22 ~ God: Sol Constitution: 50 Strength: 50 Intelligence: 7 Refinement: 42 Charisma: 18 Morality: 23 Faith: 10 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 9 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 32 Combat Attack: 5 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 2 Magical Attack: 6 Magical Defense: 8 Fighter Reputation: 37 Magical Reputation: 16 Social Reputation: 38 Housework Reputation: 18 Decorum: 15 Art: 8 Conversation: 15 Cooking: 7 Cleaning: 9 Temperment: 2 ~ Virgo: August 23-September 22 ~ God: Mercury Constitution: 14 Strength: 5 Intelligence: 28 Refinement: 45 Charisma: 30 Morality: 32 Faith: 35 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 31 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 7 Combat Attack: 1 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 15 Magical Attack: 18 Magical Defense: 32 Fighter Reputation: 8 Magical Reputation: 65 Social Reputation: 59 Housework Reputation: 89 Decorum: 25 Art: 18 Conversation: 15 Cooking: 29 Cleaning: 30 Temperment: 30 ~ Libra - September 23-October 22 ~ God: Venus Constitution: 25 Strength: 22 Intelligence: 30 Refinement: 24 Charisma: 20 Morality: 20 Faith: 21 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 26 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 14 Combat Attack: 2 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 13 Magical Attack: 14 Magical Defense: 15 Fighter Reputation: 16 Magical Reputation: 42 Social Reputation: 64 Housework Reputation: 46 Decorum: 18 Art: 18 Conversation: 28 Cooking: 16 Cleaning: 15 Temperment: 15 ~ Scorpio - October 23-November 21 ~ God: Hades Constitution: 28 Strength: 20 Intelligence: 22 Refinement: 9 Charisma: 42 Morality: 10 Faith: 27 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 39 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 10 Combat Attack: 2 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 30 Magical Attack: 30 Magical Defense: 20 Fighter Reputation: 12 Magical Reputation: 80 Social Reputation: 39 Housework Reputation: 31 Decorum: 14 Art: 21 Conversation: 4 Cooking: 12 Cleaning: 11 Temperment: 8 ~ Sagittarius - November 22-December 21 ~ God: Jupiter Constitution: 38 Strength: 35 Intelligence: 24 Refinement: 23 Charisma: 11 Morality: 10 Faith: 12 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 20 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 19 Combat Attack: 4 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 19 Magical Attack: 12 Magical Defense: 12 Fighter Reputation: 23 Magical Reputation: 43 Social Reputation: 37 Housework Reputation: 44 Decorum: 8 Art: 16 Conversation: 13 Cooking: 21 Cleaning: 13 Temperment: 10 ~ Capricorn - December 22-January 19 ~ God: Saturn Constitution: 25 Strength: 20 Intelligence: 17 Refinement: 15 Charisma: 10 Morality: 38 Faith: 20 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 13 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 15 Combat Attack: 2 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 15 Magical Attack: 8 Magical Defense: 5 Fighter Reputation: 17 Magical Reputation: 28 Social Reputation: 41 Housework Reputation: 69 Decorum: 20 Art: 10 Conversation: 11 Cooking: 19 Cleaning: 22 Temperment: 28 ~ Aquarius - January 20-February 18 ~ God: Uranus Constitution: 17 Strength: 18 Intelligence: 42 Refinement: 12 Charisma: 10 Morality: 13 Faith: 8 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 28 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 15 Combat Attack: 2 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 15 Magical Attack: 12 Magical Defense: 23 Fighter Reputation: 17 Magical Reputation: 50 Social Reputation: 55 Housework Reputation: 44 Decorum: 11 Art: 22 Conversation: 22 Cooking: 15 Cleaning: 23 Temperment: 6 ~ Pisces - February 19-March 20 ~ God: Neptune Constitution: 16 Strength: 15 Intelligence: 15 Refinement: 32 Charisma: 31 Morality: 24 Faith: 30 Sin: 0 Sensitivity: 45 Stress: 0 Combat Skill: 10 Combat Attack: 2 Combat Defense: 0 Magical Skill: 18 Magical Attack: 20 Magical Defense: 18 Fighter Reputation: 12 Magical Reputation: 56 Social Reputation: 59 Housework Reputation: 48 Decorum: 24 Art: 20 Conversation: 15 Cooking: 16 Cleaning: 14 Temperment: 18 d) Your age This is the age you choose. You can say you're age 10. It doesn't really matter, but it does seem weird that a 10 year old would be raising another 10 year old. Try to choose SOMETHING that makes sense. It will only allow you to choose a two digit birthday. e) Your Birthday This is almost important, in the aspect of if your daughter loves you very much, she will certainly give you gifts and bake you a cake! Oh, you're such a lucky fellow. f) Your Daughters Bloodtype This is somewhat important. There are four blood types available. Bloodtype is actually very important in japanese culture, and will determine a little bit more of your daughters personality and starting skills. Here is an explaination of the bloodtype meanings. They currently have no bearing as to what skills are immediately born into, and it won't affect gameplay. This is more for reference in Princess Maker 3 than it is two. Either way.. here is what I have found in researching about the four blood types. A - People of this blood type are honest, introverted, nervous, loyal, perfectionistic, orderly, detail-oriented, industrious, idealistic, soft-spoken and careful. Positive: Orderly, Law-Abiding, Fastidious, Soft-Spoken and Fashionable. Negative: Picky, Selfish, Secretive, Pessimistic, Inflexable, and Reckless when drunk. At the end of each month, your daughter will have +2 stress. No way around that. B - People of this blood type are outgoing, optimistic, adventurous, flexible, passionate, creative, unconventional and have excellent concentration. Positive: Independant, Flexable, Candid, Sensitive, Passionate, and Persuasive. Negative: Unpredictable, Indiscreet, Lazy, Impatient, and Overbearing. At the end of each month, your daughter will have -2 stress. This is good. AB - People of this blood type are proud, diplomatic, discriminating, natural leaders, great organizers, rational and imaginative. Positive: Rational, Calculating, Honest, Diplomatic, Organized, and Strong. Negative: Unforgiving, Playboy, Easily Offended, Too conservative, Nitpicker, and hard to know. At the end of each month, your daughter will have +2 stress. No way around that. O - People of this blood type are over-worker, insecure, emotional, powerful leaders, goal-oriented, enthusiastic, optimistic and good at business. Positive: Healthy, Idealistic, Goal-Oriented, Clear-sighted, Athletic, and Sexy. Negative: Status-seeking, Jealous, Greedy, Unrealiable, Obsessive Lover, and Can't shut up. No change in stress. This information was taken from a variety of webpages about bloodtyping. Mainly about Sailor Moon. Too many pages with the same information to give proper credit. I know it does hold a stronger meaning in Princess Maker 3 though. I will use this information in that section as well. This is when the game starts and your daughter is given to you in the year 1209. In other words, you have her for an entire year before the game even begins, so you do have some sort of rapport with your child before you force her to start attending school or working because you're a poor lazy fellow. ----------------------------------- 3) Jobs | ----------------------------------- Okay okay, regardless of the fact you're this amazing hero guy, you have to send your 10+ year old daughter out to work for the money in the household. The jobs do good or bad stuff to your daughter as well. First off, when your daughter is 10 it gives you initially 6 jobs for her to work. Unfortunately, as with school, EVERYTHING accumulates stress. More so in the work environment than in a schooling one. The higher end the job, the more stressful. It also all determines on how good she is at it, etc, and how much it pays. If it's a really high paying job, there may be a lot of stress involved. As most people also discover, she only gets paid if she does GOOD that day. She won't get paid that day if she sucks. Another note, if she works the job a LOT, she does accumulate raises over a long period of time and can aquire bonuses at the end of the week if she does REALLY well. It could be a raise of 1 gold to more, depending on the start pay of the job initially. If you work her at somewhere too often, she may even take up working there as her profession! All the pay listed here is starting pay. You can work on getting her raises on your own. After working EVERY single job for her entire existance (no school, just doing the job twice a month and one vacation each month for her entire lifetime), I was able to discover that you can get at least two to three raises in her lifetime. They're only one or two gold though. So instead of 4G per day, you may work up to getting 6G per day! Oh Joy! a) Housework - 0G per day That's right kids! You don't get paid to do housework with Cube! However, this is the only way to raise Temperament. + Temperment, Cooking, and Cleaning - Sensitivity b) Babysitting - 4G per day Just like every 10 year old girl, you too can make your daughter babysit children only 5 years younger than her o.o;;; Regardless of the irony in that, this helps secretly work on maternal instinct (which isn't in the power meter ) + Sensitivity - Charisma c) Inn - 8G per day The inn helps your child learn more and more about the joys of working in the housework type environment. + Cleaning - Combat Skill d) Farm - 10G per day I wanna be a cowboy! And you can be my cowgirl! o/~ Anywhos, the farm is a low level job for any young girl.. right? x.x This is the 1200's. + Constitution and Strength - Refinement e) Church - 1G per day Church going could never be so fun o.o;;;; You too can teach your daughter to be a Nun a long with the best of them. This is the best place to work off sin, unless you have the money to donate to the Church in the normal town area... which is 100 gold per every -10 sin. + Faith and Morals - Sin f) Restaurant - 8G per day It's a job for a housemaker type child. If you wanna go toward that path, then by all means, this is the job for your child. + Cooking - Combat Skill /Those are the starting jobs. Once your daughter hits 11, she can now work at 2 new places./ g) Lumberjack - 12G per day I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay! o/~ My friend had a daughter that couldn't do anything BUT be a Lumberjack. It's not that bad of a job, and pays a decent amount for work. + Strength - Refinement h) Salon - 20G per day Yes, your girl can be a good little girl and get really good at being a hairdresser at the local salon. It's defiantly a job for the weak and artistic type. + Sensitivity - Strength /At her 12th birthday, she's granted with the ability to work for 2 more places./ i) Masonry - 18G per day I just can't think of anything witty to say for this job. You're daughter is a mason! Deal! + Constitution - Charisma j) Hunter - 8G per day I don't know about you, but I always pictured my kid wanting to carry around dead animals for her 12th birthday o.o;; + Constitution, Sin, and Combat Skill - Refinement /Once she hits 13, she only is given 1 new job to go to./ k) Graveyard - 8G per day She's working in a graveyard... you just can't comprehend the joy. + Magical Defense and Sensitivity - Charisma /On her 14th Birthday, she's given 2 more choices of employment./ l) Tutor - 20G per day Okay, I can understand Tutoring young kids at the age of 14. It especially helps if she has a decent intelligence, and some morals. + Morals - Charisma m) Bar - 12G per day Woo... working at a bar when she's 14 ... just... wow. One of the main and probably only reasons for her to be working at the Bar at all would be is that it pays all right, PLUS it's the only way for her to gain Conversation skills. + Cooking and Conversation - Intelligence /On her 15th birthday, you can almost start corrupting her o.o;; This is when you're given one new job./ n) Sleazy Bar - 45G per day Yes, if you wanted to create that S & M Queen for a daughter? Here's your chance. This is a highly stressful job that... scares me just the slightest. Even though the payment seems like a good idea at the time when you're desperate for cash, is corrupting her really that important? Besides, she's only 15 ;_; + Charisma and Sin - Morals, Faith, and Temperament /And finally on her 16th birthday, she is gifted with one final job she can work./ o) Cabaret - 35G per day One, singular sensation every little step she makes... o/~ Okay, not quite. This job is almost as bad as the Sleazy Bar. I've heard ( But have not done myself ) that if you work her at the Cabaret often, she will move up from being a waitress type to one of the dancers. + Charisma and Sin - Intelligence, Temperament, and Refinement ----------------------------------- 4) School | ----------------------------------- Schooltime! Ah yes the fun fun joys of doing homework and all sorts of stuff o.o;; That's the point of playing this game, right? Make your child be the best at what she is! School is a nice enviroment to learn, hone skills, and do all that cool stuff. Here are the many subjects and what they do for your daughter. The names here are used in the english beta version. Basically the prices that are charged to you are by how experienced in the subject your child becomes. After so many classes, your child will be moved up a level. Whether or not you need that extra level really isn't nessassary. For example, once you've maxed out your magic abilities, there's no way to max them out any more. It doesn't matter if she's at Adept or even at Master, there's no possible way to make them go any higher. However, with the higher levels, you can increase certain stats faster. The only reason to keep going with certain things (Such as Magic or Fighting) is to get the special items available to those dedicated to those arts. With Magic you get a Power ring that gives up unlimited MP or the special sword from Valkria. a) Science Taught by Barcleo the Alchemist, Science is an important subject in even every day school. Novice: 30G, Adept: 40G, Expert: 50G and Master: 60G These prices are per day/per class + Intelligence - Magical Defence and Faith b) Strategy Taught by General Kreger, it's supposed to teach you how to be a good Military man ( or woman ) Novice: 50G, Adept: 70G, Expert: 90G and Master: 110G + Intelligence and Combat Skill - Sensitivity c) Theology Taught by Sister Lee of the church, this class is actually a rather benificial course depending on where your child should be going. Novice: 40G, Adept: 60G, Expert: 80G and Master: 90G + Faith, Intelligence, and Magical Defense. - Nothing. This is a very nice course. d) Poetry This course is taught by Comstock. This is a very enlightening course that could actually shape your daughters' fate. Unlike 20 courses of fighting, or any of that sort. If you take one class of Poetry, and your daughter is decently intelligent, she will become a writer x.x Maybe there are ways around that, but most of my children generally end up being writers and artists because I had them take poetry once or twice. Novice: 40G, Adept: 60G, Expert: 80G and Master: 100G + Sensitivity, Refinement, Intelligence, and Art - Yet another course that doesn't take anything from her. e) Fighting Ah,the joys of fighting. Taught by Carl Fox, this is a course to teach your child to defend herself, and definantly be an all around better fighter. Combat Skill is easy to get, but Combat Defense takes lots of courses and hard work. Maybe if you're lucky, Valkira the War God will visit your daughter and make the journey a little easier. I do believe this course also secretly works on strength. Novice: 30G, Adept: 40G, Expert: 50G and Master: 60G + Combat Skill and Combat Defense. - Nothing f) Fencing Taught by the skilled swordfighter, Leftor, this class helps you hone your skills of fighting. Occassionally you'll even get the occasional Dojo Destroyer ( No joke ). If you lose against the Dojo Destroyer, class will be cancelled for a few weeks. Novice: 40G, Adept: 70G, Expert: 130 and Master: 190 - Small note. All your skills are filled about the time you hit Adept. If you keep going back to this guy, he'll just say "I'm raising you a level because I just want to charge you more." Wow, if that wasn't the truth or what... + Combat Skill and Combat Attack. - Nothing g) Magic The A-B-C's of magic, as Cube says. This course is very steady in the field of magic, unfortunately you can only go up to 100-110 points for both skills, then you have to find secrets in the game to do more. Check out the secrets section. Novice: 60G, Adept: 70G, Expert: 80G and Master 90G + Magical Skill and Magical Attack - Nada, again. h) Protocal The skill of protocal is very important if you want to meet people in high society. One of the only ways to raise Decorum. Novice: 40G, Adept: 50G, Expert: 60G and Master: 70G + Decorum and Refinement - Nothing i) Painting Hoping your daughter could win the art contest? It's one of the easiest to do if you work at it a little. Her art needs to be at least 90, and have semi decent sensitivity. The best painting to do is "The Advent of the Angels" and every painting that is done will be hung behind your daughter in her room. The course is taught by Filkins, who also participates in the Art contest. Every painting you do costs 100G. Novice: 40G, Adept: 50G, Expert: 60G and Master: 80G + Art and Sensitivity - Nope, nothing at all. j) Dance Dance like you wanna win! Yeah! Okay, the course of dance is taught by Tobi, who ALSO participates in the October festival. This course secretly works on strength, even though that's not listed under the power meter thingy. Novice: 50G, Adept: 70G, Expert: 90G and Master 110G + Art, Charisma, and Constitution - Nada again. ----------------------------------- 5) Adventure | ----------------------------------- a) Eastern Forest In the forest area there are several hidden features about it, since it seems to bethe most magical of the 4 areas to adventure in. First you'll notice this structure in the furthest east on the map. You can sleep there at any time, and if your daughter is sensitive enough, fairies will appear and grant your daughter an abundant amount of cooking skill, plus her stress will go down to 0. Above that structure, to the immediate left is a pit. If you go down this pit, you will come across this area that is enclosed with a tree and a gold chest. Your daughter has to be very charismatic and extremely sensitive ( at least near or over 200 points worth ). If your daughter isn't very sensitive, she'll comment on how it's the great Oak tree of the Elves. If she's sensitive, an Elf will be there asking if you want to trade your Combat Skill for magic points. If you agree, he'll give you +5 on all three skills, and take 5 points of your Combat skill (and you can't get them back either, no matter HOW hard you train.) However, he'll run away if you're carrying Iron ( A sword or any type of metal weapon or armor, with the exception of the Mithral armor and the War gods sword/ Valkira's sword). Near the Southeastern most part of the map (a group of trees), you can use the Unicorn Horn. The Unicorn Horn is something you would obtain through the Traveling Salesman (The "Chinese Orc"). Choose to camp and then select the use item option. Use it. She'll state that nothing happens. Then when you sleep, the next day a Unicorn will approach you and ask about the horn. Apparently this horn was part of his friend, and questions you on how you obtained it, etc. If you give it to him, he'll give you 50 points of Sensitivity, but if you do not... He'll take away HALF your sensativity. Many thanks to Alex Cheong and Linda Harper for explaining the use of the Unicorn Horn in this game. Also in that same area with the bunch of trees. Sleep there at night ( Only when it's dark outside ) and other fairies will visit you, but this time your art will go up, but your constitution will go down a few points, plus stress will go to 0 also. You can meet lots of creatures in the forest... one of them is the Wildcat. When you meet her, you can attack her. One of them carries an item called the 'Catseye' that is a treasure of the Wildcat tribe, and you can trade it to Ket Shi, their god in 2 different adventure areas (Not in the forest, but the Glacier and the Desert). Another pointless note... totally off the Princess Maker 2 subject in general. In Final Fantasy 7, the correct pronunciation of 'Cait Sith' is Ket Shi. And since Ket Shi is a sort of God of the Cat tribe and can use his fairy powers on you, and Cait Sith in FF7 is a fortune teller machine, it makes it kind of interesting to make this sort of connection. However, I digress... Now, last but not least you may discover this one by accident... there is this enclosed area on the upper left portion of the map (no way of getting to it by normal means), when you find a way in there (go around it and then down into the water. Go across the top left, still in the water, and you will fall into a pit), you may encounter the first of 3 tough bandits and some items. Those items are 250G and Ancient Milk (which helps with weight loss of your daughter.) The first bandit's name is Venezaro. This isn't like the other enemies where if you don't win, Cube will just carry your off... he basically molests your daughter if he isn't defeated, so it's a good idea to go to him prepared. If not, love for Cube will shoot through the roof and she'll end up marrying him (Cube) O_o;;; If you choose to accept the bribe from him, he offers your daughter 80G. Should she take this, your daughters Sin will go up 50 points. If you defeat him, you will get Leather Armor and 30 gold. Defeating this guy will raise magical or fighter reputation (Depending on what you beat him with) 30 points and you'll receive a prize of 500G ^_^. Also, if you accept the bribe, you will not be able to find him ever again, and you will have no other opportunity to encounter the other two bandits in the game. b) Western Desert The Desert area is probably the most ethically dangerous area out of the four. That is because there is a devil living out in the middle of it o.o;;; You'll come across a cave with a sign called 'Demons Abode' (You have to go all the way through the Dragon Ruins, down, and then right to the entrance of a cave). If your daughter chooses to camp there, your daughter will wake up facing a demon party, and the Prince of Darkness (Lucifon... yeah, I think it may have been a typo in my version o.o) offers your child the chance to raise one of her skills (Constitution, Strength, Intelligence, Refinement, Charisma, or Refuse) If you refuse nothing happens to her, but if you don't refuse, she'll gain more of the aforementioned skill of choice, but her sin goes way up, and her faith goes down. Something else interesting about this area, is that you can trade in the Demon Pendant that you would buy from the wandering salesman. This is what can happen. At the mouth of the cave to Hell, you wander in. Normally if you don't have the Demon Pendent, he'll tell you to get lost and you'll be pushed out of the cave. However... should you have the item on you, he'll ask you if you want to trade it for the Circe's Charm. If you say no, he'll ask to buy it for 1000. Again, if you say no, he'll then up the price to 1500. If you say no the final time, he'll attack you. I'm pretty sure if you lose, he'll take the item from your inventory. If you say yes to his original offer... you get The Circe's Charm, which is... Magical Attack upped 10 points, Refinement upped 100, Charisma upped 100, but your Morals are taken down to 0 points. Another area is the far upper left desert (NorthWest area). You'll find an oasis there sitting in the middle of nowhere. Now if you aren't carrying the Spirit Ring, she'll glance at the lake and gain more sensitivity. If you do have it though, a spirit will pop out of the water and ask your daughter for the ring. If you say yes, she'll thank you and your refinement goes up 50 points. About a year later, her daughter will show up to your doorstep, thanking your daughter, and her sensitivity will go up 100 points, PLUS she'll leave 2000 gold for you. Now if you think about that you only paid 1000 for it in the first place, this definantly is a good deal. If you say NO however... the spirit will curse you for being a wreched human, and you will lose half your sensativity. For example, say you have 999 Sensativity, you'll lose 499 of it. Or even if you have 100, you'll lose 50, etc. It's all just a simple mathmatical equation. Not giving her the ring isn't really a good option. Unlike most give or take situations, just give her the ring for crying out loud. From that point on, the oasis will dry up and be gone forever! Have that on your conscious for the rest of your life! As I mentioned before about the Wildcat tribe and Ket Shi, the first area to actually encounter him is here. You will find him at this empty house in the middle-Far West part of the map, next to a graveyard. He doesn't appear unless you have the Catseye though. He'll ask you to exchange it for one of 4 things, Increase Height, Lower Height, Lower Weight or no deal. This works out for people with daughters who complain they want to be a little taller. Other than saying "That's nice dear, what am I supposed to do about it?" you can actually do something about it now ^_^ The place is called the 'House of the dead' I believe. You can do this several times. He does remember you if you encounter him again with another catseye. You'll also come across the Dragon Ruins right smack dab at the center of the desert (the funny structure in the middle). Your daughter will have to travel through them to get to the other parts of the desert. On the way to get to the center you'll encounter a Dragon demanding you pay a toll. Normally you can pay this, and everything is fine. If you pay it at least once, it can get you in store for better endings later. You will also find something called a Dragons Fang that raises your Fighters Reputation, and you can sell it for a nice amount of money if you're desperate. In the center is an old dragon. If she's too young, he'll tell you to get lost because it's no area for kids. If she returns later however, he'll give you the Dragon Tights and comment on your daughters' figure. If you defeat the Dragon Guard the second time around, depending on how old you are.... you may get a young dragon at your doorstep a few months later proposing marriage! The older dragon will try to sway you for your daughters hand with 10,000 gold. Which if you're in the red for money, this will make her live easier for the rest of her days, however... well, she'll marry the Dragon Youth. If you disagree, her refinement goes up. If you agree, you get the money but I think her morals go down. She will end up marrying him regardless of what career UNLESS she already has preset one of the other special endings, like Marrying Cube, the Father ( That's right, she can marry YOU! ) and of course, the Prince. c) Southern Lake The lake area is a bit harder than the other two areas, because the creatures here aren't as friendly and will attack sometimes regardless of how sensitive your daughter is. There are similar secrets here as there are in the forest, being that it's a magical place. The artistic dancing like fairies that give Art but take Constitution are along one of the first islands that is between rocks after the first waterfall. Just camp there at night and bam, there you go. The cooking fairies are a bit further away. Completely south on the map, then east. There will be this island with nothing to it, you have to find a pathway through the water, and there is a giant red flower thing on the island It's difficult, because of the invisible pathway through the water. Get the treasure chest (Fairy Nectar) and sleep there, you'll get the ones that increase cooking skill and kill stress. The second criminal is there as well, Bloodrose Vanesta. He's a bit tougher than Venezaro. Just make sure you win. Remeber that the criminals also don't just APPEAR when you enter the area, you may have to wander around for a day or so. He tries to bribe your daughter with 200 G (Which will make her sin go up 50 points). Defeating him will gain you Chain Mail armor and 286 G. When you get back to town you get 30 of Fighters or Magical Reputation and 1500G. One of the final minor secrets along the river is somewhat like the forest again, you'll encounter an enemy called the Fishman. If you defeat him, one will be carrying a Mermaids Tear. When you go on a paid vacation at the beach, you will meet a Mermaid and she'll offer you a prayer. Sensitivity goes up. d) Northern Glacier Other than the amount of cool items you can find here, there aren't that many secrets at all. There's another hut for Ket Shi ( That would be the igloo at the far left, south map section ). There is one last Bandit/boss type character here, his name is Hurricane Calisto and is tougher than the other two combined! Woo, better be wearing armor against this guy. He's in the empty house (Far SouthWestern part of the map). Normally it would say 'No one is here...', so just keep trying to go into it over and over again until he appears. He will try to bribe you with 500G. Once defeated you gain Mithral Armor + 386 gold. Back in the city you gain 30 Fighters or Magical Reputation and 5500 G. Now, take note here - if you take on several adventures in a row and take down ALL the bandits in one month period, you will still gain the total of 5500G, but you will ONLY gain 30 reputation for the three. My suggestion would be to take them down in individual months, that way you get the full amount of reputation available for you. There is also a row of stairs that go up and up and up on the NorthWest part of the map. They go to the war god. Yes, you can fight and defeat the war god if your child is awesome enough o.o; Then she will meet her god/protector. They will give you a skill in which they are most suited for (Example, Venus is god of love, she gives the daughter 100 points of Charisma. It is different for every god, and it may be more then just the one shot of 100, they could give 100 in two skills, or so.) It's rather neat to see that, and you get The God Sword if you do ^_^ ----------------------------------- 6) The Harvest Festival | ----------------------------------- The Harvest Festival! It comes once a year, in October. Your daughter has options available for her. In no particular order... Dance Contest - Requirements; Needs a dress. You can't even enter the contest if you have not bought your daughter a separate dress. Please remember to pick one up before you have your daughter enter this contest. What you win? Well, if you win the overall prize, you get... Ladies Ring worth 2500G A prize of 3000G, Social Reputation +40 Art Contest You need to at least have a painting from the Painting class. If you win, you get... 4000G Social Reputation +30 Master Brush! worth 2100G Combat Contest You need to have a great deal of Combat Skill/Defense or Magic Skill and really good armor. If you win, you get... Royal Sword of which you cannot sell Prize of 3000G Reputation of +20 in either Magic or Fighters, depending on how you defeated your opponant. Cooking Contest Just cooking skill or the Perfect flower is needed to win this contest. You win.. Paradise Bird! Egg Prize of 3000G Household Reputation +40 If you eat the egg, you get +50 Constitution, if you do not eat the egg - a month later the egg hatches and you get +100 sensitivity! ----------------------------------- 7) Items | ----------------------------------- Let's start the items with weapons and armor. Things you can buy at the Armorer Club: 15G Combat Attack +3 Copper Sword: 40G Combat Attack +6 Dagger: 130G Combat Attack +9 Longsword: 250 G Combat Attack +12 Combat Skill -2 2H Sword: 500G Combat Attack +18 Combat Defense -4 Mithril Sword: 1200G Combat Attack +20 Katana: 2000G Combat Attack +20 Combat Skill +10 Leather Armor: 98G Combat Defense +8 Chain Mail: 498G Combat Defense +14 Combat Skill -3 Plate Mail: 980G Combat Defense +18 Combat Skill -15 Mithril Armor: 2980G Combat Defense +22 Magic Defense +15 Silk Armor: 4480G Combat Defense +2 Charisma +50 Things you can buy at the Pawn Shop Doll: 120G Sensitivity +5 Stress -40 Teacup: 500G Refinement +10 Healing Pill: 30G Restore HP Grenade: 100G Use for attack Book: 120G Intelligence +8 Poetry Book: 400G Sensitivity +12 Things bought at the Restaurant Cake: 80G Stress -50 Weight +2.2 lbs Seafood: 120G Stress -30 Weight +0.7 lbs Meat: 200G Constitution +15 Weight +2.6 lbs Things bought at the Tailor Summer Dress: 70G Winter Dress: 120G Cotton Dress: 500G Refinement +15 Silk Dress: 2000G Refinement +40 Leather Dress: 3000G Charisma +50 Morals -20 Spikey Dress: 2800G Sensitivity +40 Morals -30 Speciality Items - Either through gift, special traveling merchants, or through finding, you will get these items. Royal Harp: 500G Art +50 This is aquired by talking to the Jester at the Palace. If you talk to him enough, he will become your daughters best friend. Eventually the Jester will decide to visit your daughter and give hints about certain other aspects of the game - not to mention on one of these visits he'll give your daughter this fancy little item. Although it isn't a general rule, if your daughter continues to speak to him after he has given the harp, she will take over his job as the Jester when he leaves the kingdom. Un-Dress: 5000G Sort of a typical Gainax addition. Play the game with your underaged daughter nude all the time, with only a single bow tie. Egad. Ancient Milk: 500G Reduces your daughters weight. You can find this in a few of the adventure areas. Buxomize Pill: 1200G Raises your daughters bust size. You can purchase this from the Traveling Salesman. Spirit Ring: 1000G Important item for the Western Desert. Puchased from the Traveling Salesman. Max Gain: 10G Weight +22.1 Why would you want to do this? O_o She needs to be underweight to fit into most of the dresses and outfits available in this game. Black Scale: 500G Combat Defense +3 You find this in the lake area. Demon Dress: 3000G Charisma +45 Morals -100 Fairy Nectar: 200G Charisma +10 Found while adventuring. Unicorn Horn: 1000G Important item for the Eastern Forest. Purchased from the Traveling salesman. Demon Pendant: 1200G Important item for the Western Desert. Purchased from the Traveling Salesman. Silver Pelt: 800G Magical Defense +5 You get this when you defeat a white wolf in the Glacier area. Ice Shard: 600G Constitution +10 Stress -10 Found in the Northern Glacier. Cat's Eye: 600G You get this when you defeat a Wildcat. You get randomly, and not always when you beat a wildcat. Dragon Tights: 1200G Charisma +28 Magical Defense +12 The older Dragon in the desert will give this to your daughter after a second or third meeting. Usually after she turns fifteen or sixteen years old. Perfect Flour: 10G I've personally never received this, but it's rumored that Paimon gives this item to your daughter to win in the cooking contest. Venus Jewels: 1500G Refinement +20 Charisma +20 Awesome item, gives you + Charisma, + Sensitivity, and + Refinement in the amount of what age your daughter is. If she turns 15, she gets +15 of Charisma on her birthday... etc, etc, etc. You purchase it from the traveling salesman. Mermaid Tear: 950G Found by defeating the Fishman monster. Happens randomly, like the catseye. Siren Robe: 4000G Charisma +40 Won through the Harvest Festival Art Contest Master Brush: 2100G Art +50 Won through the Harvest Festival Dance Contest Ladies Ring: 2500G Social Reputation +25 Won through the Harvest Festival Cooking Contest Bird's Egg: 1400G If you eat it, you get +50 Constitution. If you don't, a month later your daughter will get +100 Sensitivity. Won through the Harvest Festival Combat Contest. Royal Sword: 2500G Combat Attack +12 Refiment +50 If you try to sell this item, you will be immediately be approached by the royal guard! This is generally a BAD IDEA! Your Fighter Reputation will go down 20 points Your Social Reputation will go down 30 points Your Overall popularity will go down 200 points You receive this item when you defeat the War God. War God Sword: 5000G Combat Attack +88 Combat Skill +20 These next three items you receive from the prospective helpers. This is what you receive from Valkria after you have maxed all combat efforts. (and if you have a fighters reputation of +500) Valkria Sword: 5000G Combat Attack +85 Combat Defense +10 Combat Skill +18 You get this from the demon Paimon after you have acheived what appears to be the highest in proper protocal. Perfume: 800G The perfume, after you use it, will get a man to propose to you for (rumored) for every single month afterwards. You receive this from Fay when you max out all magical efforts (and most likely also have a magical reputation of +500) Power Ring: 1000G Infinite MP ----------------------------------- 8) People and Rivals | ----------------------------------- a) People from the Castle Although it seems hard at first, your daughters success in high society all depend on how she effects the nice people at the castle. The first few times through, these people will be *annoying*. It's best to know what exactly they're looking for to finish them off ( Which would be a popularity score of 999 ). Here is who they are, and what they want. Palace Guard - He talks to you anytime you even step foot near the castle. He looks for refinement and decorum. Your score will go up higher once you get better in those two fields. He tells you to talk to someone else once you hit the popularity of 40. Royal Guard - He is a bit tougher than the palace guard, and looks for those same qualities of Decorum and Refinement. He tells you to talk to someone else once you hit a 90 in popularity. So you have to talk to him till you get over 50 in popularity. General Kruger - He looks for the Refinement coupled with Decorum, plus he also has a soft spot for children with Sensitivity. He is also the teacher of the Strategy class. If you go in the order of Palace Guard, Royal Guard, then him. You can end at 190, or pretty much 100 popularity points. Minister of State - He is a little more strict on what is needed. His requirements are at least Decorum to be pretty high, Refinement, and he really really likes intelligent people. Every 10 points of intelligence will give you another point of popularity. So for example if you're at 130 of Intelligence, he'll give you 13 of popularity, and so forth. If you have over 600 in intelligence, it won't get you more than 60 when you talk with him past that point. He is also the judge of the Dance Contest when the Harvest festival rolls around. Generally it takes him 120 points of popularity to pass him, and if you go in the same order that would be 310 to end on. Archbishop - He is a very spiritual man (Well, duh) who primarily looks for faith in all. Same as the Minister of State, every point of faith in increments of 10 gets you a point of popularity. He is the main guy for the Art Festival come Harvest Festival time. The Archbishop needs 120 as well, and that would be 430 if you're going in the correct order. Royal Concubine - Although she is after the Archbishop, it's best to perhaps leave her for last, considering the only skill she looks for is Conversation. Same deal as above, every 10, etc. So if your kid has a Conversation of 1... you might wait until you can start conversing with her before trying to pass her. So far there is only one job that helps you get the skill of Conversation, and that job is the Bar, which you can only start working at by age 14. So once you get along to there, it takes about 120 before you get past her, or if you actually wait until after the King, it'd be 119. Queen - She is rather difficult to get past, since there are only two requirements. One is Decorum needs to be near maxed out, and she only really looks for Temperament. Temperament can only be gained through Housework. It also takes a great number of times visiting her before finally moving onto the King. The Queen takes about 160 points to get past, but at 10 points each time, it's a really difficult and LONG process. If you go in the order requested above, she ends at 590 of popularity. King - Although the Concubine and Queen have to be the most difficult, I tend to think the King is rather easy going. He's a fighter loving man. So any Combat Skill, Combat Attack, and Combat Defense you have will add up when visiting him, PLUS any Fighters Reputation you've accumulated. You can pass him really quickly if your kid is the hero type, just like her Dad ^_^ Although the amount of points needed seems extreme <290 to pass him> it doesn't seem so much if you're a fighter type. Unlike the Queen and Concubine, you can rank up to 50 points of popularity each visit considering how skilled you are at fighting and such. If you go in the order that's correct, he usually tells you to talk to others at 880 points. Jester - Although he is on the list to talk to, he doesn't help your Social Reputation at all. If you choose to talk to him, your Sensitivity goes up 15 points, but the Social Rep goes down 15... is it an even trade? Not sure. He will tell your daughter to speak to him with a better tongue - this is because your daughter has a low conversation level. You need at least 40+ in conversation before chatting with this fellow. If you decide to talk to him enough, he will become your daughters best friend. Eventually the Jester will decide to visit your daughter and give hints about certain other aspects of the game - not to mention on one of these visits he'll give your daughter this fancy little item. Although it isn't a general rule, if your daughter continues to speak to him after he has given the harp, she will take over his job as the Jester when he leaves the kingdom. Young Officer - Claiming to be a Young Officer guarding the palace only during the month of January each year, this guy has a lot of secrets. You really don't need *anything* to actually talk to this guy, however you'll discover ( if you're lucky ) that he's really the young prince of the realm, in disguise. Originally it was debated that to marry the prince, you'd have to be a housewife. This isn't true. In fact, I've had a dancer and a hero both marry him... it's all a matter of how socially well you are accepted, how popular, and of course if you visit him each month ( Give or take the accidental missing of one ). Is it worth the effort? Well, the game is called Princess Maker. You be the judge ^_^ Though, we've discovered that you can't be a KICK ass hero and marry him. You'll only be a semi-decent Hero ( Because at some point you'll be married to him and can't go wandering outside of the castle, duh o.o; ) However the case may be, you really have to want to do it badly to get it. ^_^ (This is debatable. I've been told many times through email that they've created an awesome daughter and had her marry the Prince. It's just in my opinion that the Ultimate Hero statement is when the Daughter becomes the wandering Hero, and you get commended on how awesome a father you are, plus the god says she was very good at her work. This, technically is an ending score of over 1000. I haven't the time or energy to search and find out exactly what is the BEST ending.) b) Your rivals During the game, your daughter, depending on her skills and such will gain a rival by the age of 14. Normally right after her birthdate. Here are those four rivals now, in no particular order. Anita Cassandra - She is the rival for the fighters. Although having a fighter type daughter is fun, she's also a hard one to beat. Both fighting styled rivals ( Her and Wendy ) DO get better and become harder to defeat each Harvest Festival. She works part time at the Armor and Weapon shop. Wendy Lachesis - She's a 'Magician Girl' who from what I can tell is the most polite rival of the 4. She'll go after you if you have a high magical reputation. She'll also want you to do the Combat Tournament for the Harvest Festival each October. She works part time at the Pawn shop. She's just a little too cheerful for my tastes. Marthia Shareweare - That's right, according to a Takami Akai artbook and the Princess Maker Puzzle game, her name is SHAREWEARE. Though, originally the last name wasn't really mentioned in this game. She's the rival for girls with high houseworker reputation and cooking skills. If you work your daughter at home a lot, and she wins at the cooking contest often, you're going to get this girl as your rival. She says she's slow, and that she isn't good at anything but cooking... then why is it if you dance a lot you see her as one of the competitors? She works part time at the Restaurant. Patricia Hearn - Her main 'thing' is to be the best at Dancing and the most popular girl. She laughs a lot, which reminds me of Kodachi from Ranma 1/2 fame... or even Aeka from Tenchi Muyo o.o;;. Still, scary girl none-the-less. I don't think she's worked a day in her life. Occasionally you do see her in the Art class if you take that one. If you are somewhat decently good at dancing and have passed the Ministery of State at the castle (In regards to social reputation), you will always beat her. In fact, when you go to dance, the guy will say "Oh, it's _name_, I'll do everything to make sure she wins!". Wahahaha, take that Patricia! ----------------------------------- 9) Going around town | ----------------------------------- Shops available are --- Armorer - Owned by Armorer Zen! Items sold there are listed in the item section, above. Tailor - Owned by Maura. Items sold there are listed in the item section, above. Restaurant - Owned by Chef Balbon. Items sold there are listed in the item section, above. Pawn Shop - Owned by Shalom. Items sold there are listed in the item section, above. This is also the only place you can purchase your daughters Birthday gift from. Church - Ran by Sister Lee. You are given a choice to donate 100G or leave. If you donate, you knock off 10 points of Sin. Might as well just have her work at the church for free. Hospital - Ran by Dr. Lombardini. You can only visit the hospital if your daughter is sick. The only way your daughter can become sick is when your you send her to school or work her too much (In other words, no vacation and your daughter has become bedridden). Please remember to give your daughter at least a vacation a month/cycle. It ensures you a happy daughter. ----------------------------------- 10) Secrets | ----------------------------------- This is going to go in depth about secrets, events, and such that you may want to wait to look at when you play the game. Otherwise, you can read on and find out all sorts of interesting things about the game that you may or may not have known. This is not a complete list of secrets, by all means, I still haven't found EVERYTHING about the game ( I actually wish I knew one or two more things because of the sheer frustration of knowing it's there and I have no idea how to get to it ^_^) Opening screen: When you begin to type in your daughters name, just press a bunch of keys at once, till it's all filled up. Suddenly it'll zip past everything and now you have a daughter named Olive Oyl, who is born on April 2nd and is very keen at fighting, and lousy at magic. Her stress is always at +2, though. Your daughter never fully smiles. This works for the PC versions of the game. Olive Oyl is the default/official name of your daughter. I've also been able to pull this trick for the Original Japanese version of Princess Maker 1. Magical training: When finally maxed out in magic, you will get to a point where you can go no further. There are two solutions to this ordeal. Have your daughter do 3 magic's in a row, without a vacation. Fay will show up and announce herself in a very ... enthusiastic tone, and grant you the power to to raise one of your three skills (Magical skill, Magical Attack, Magical Defense). Your daughter will get +20 points whatever you choose. You can do this 2 times, then she doesn't show up again if you pull that stunt again. ------END OF PRINCESS MAKER 2 FAQ------ ============================================= PRINCESS MAKER: YUME MIRU YOUSEI FAQ ============================================= Contents: ---------------- 1) Options a) Daughters Name b) Family Name c) Your Daughters Birthday d) Your Daughters Blood Type e) Your Birthday f) Your Job g) The Menu Screens h) Your Daughters Statistics i) Your Daughters Disposition 2) Jobs a) Housework b) Babysitting c) Ore Miner d) Market e) Maid f) Farmer g) Tutor h) Saloon/Bar i) Carpenter j) That foreign part time job! 3) School a) School b) Fighters Skill Dojo c) Musical Class d) Painting Class e) Church f) Protocal g) Refuse Food Dojo h) Cooking Classroom 4) The Festivals 5) People and Rivals a) Uzu and Others b) Your rivals 6) Going around town 7) The other games ---------------------------------- 1) Options | ---------------------------------- The game starts off really simple. It usually will loop the opening sequence continuously until you actually click on something or press start. Luckily, this menu is already in English. Too bad the rest is in Japanese. +-----------+-------------+ | Load Game | Config | +-----------+-------------+ | New Game | Album | +-----------+-------------+ I'm not a japanese major. These will be very loosely translated, and may only get the jist of what it really means. Hopefully it will get you through the game, or just don't mess with the configure menu :) The Config menu translated: Uzu will ask "Uhm, What changes would you like to make?" And it will bring up a box with different options. Here they are. These vary from version to version. I'll try my best to cover the bases. Save changes indicated Text Only Voices Only Text and Voices Game Advanced Mode Stop for a moment Progressivly Advance/to advance progressivly Fast Sending button action (Your guess is as good as mine, look at the options below) Press only in intervals To Push one by one to change When you start the game, you are given several options and your decisions now will affect how you will live for the entire time. I will explain what the options are, in order that they appear. --Starting the game-- From the top, here are your daughters statistics and how you will know what is what throughout the game. It's pretty easy to figure what's what, but it's nice to be given what everything means. At the beginning, you're questioned on what you have to give Uzu. Things like 'What do you want your daughters name to be?' and Uzu will respond the typical 'What a good name!' as if Uzu would tell you otherwise, right? We'll use the name Lisa Anderson as the example. It'll ask Name, Surname, Birthdate, Bloodtype, YOUR Birthdate, and then your job. Daughter's Name: Lisa Daughter's Surname: Anderson Daughter's Birthdate: Month, Day Daughter's Bloodtype: BloodType Father's Birthdate: Month, Day Father's Social Status / Job: Job listed here a) Daughters Name This is the name you choose for your daughter. You can name her "Coyote Ugly" and it wouldn't matter in her future. She may comment something loverly like "Wow, Coyote Ugly is such a beautiful name! I love it!" But since this is only in japanese, it'd be like "KAIYOTEE AAGURI" You do have a choice where you can choose English text with this game. Previous versions did not have that option (Pm1, 2, and Legend of Another World) b) Family Name This really doesn't mean much. It would just be the name that people refer to you as. Usually in interaction with your daughter. Let's say we chose the name "Bunnymonster". The townspeople would go "Oh look! It's the daughter of Bunnymonster!". Although there is no special cheat to get the default name, her default name (as listed in the manual, and confirmed by the puzzle game) is "Lisa Anderson". c) Your Daughters Birthday This is where your choices actually matter. Your daughters birthday is what determines things like her immediate interests, though they aren't known to you immediately. You have a choice of ALL the days of the year, excluding February 29th. Your daughters birthday is in the year . Princess Maker 3 is tricky. Unlike the previous Princess Maker's, her stats are not only determined by what job you choose for the father, but also her birthday AND bloodtype. ---Birthdate Modifier Chart--- I'll break this down to two charts for easy listing. What exactly does this modifier chart state? Well... not really too sure. Center would be an average amount of influence. High would be high influence, and low would be low influence depending on the sign, of course. | Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stress | High | Center | Center | Center |Center | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intelligence | Low | Center | High | Center | Low | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strength | High | Center | Center | Center | High | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pride | High | Center | High | High | High | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moral | Center | High | Low | Center |Center | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Refinement | Center | Center | Center | Center | High | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Temperment | Low | High | Center | High | Low | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sense | Center | High | High | Center |Center | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charisma | High | Center | High | Center | High | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Military | High | Center | Center | Center | High | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trust | Low | Low | Low | Low | Low | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stress |Center | Center | High | High | Center | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intelligence |Center | Center | High | Center | High | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Strength |Center | High | High | Center | Center | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pride | High | High | Center | Center | High | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moral |Center | Low | Low | High | Center | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Refinement |Center | Center | Center | Center | Center | Center | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Temperment |Center | Center | Center | High | High | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sense | High | High | High | Center | Center | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Charisma |Center | High | Center | Center | Center | High | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Military |Center | Center | Center | Center | Center | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trust | Low | Low | Low | Low | Low | Low | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ d) Your Birthday This is almost important, in the aspect of if your daughter loves you very much, she will certainly give you gifts and bake you a cake! Oh, you're such a lucky fellow. e) Your Daughters Bloodtype This currently doesn't have much bearing in gameplay. There are four blood types available. Bloodtype is actually very important in japanese culture, and will determine a little bit more of your daughters personality and starting skills. Here is an explaination of the bloodtype meanings. They currently have no bearing as to what skills are immediately born into, and it won't affect gameplay. This is more for reference in Princess Maker 3. Either way.. here is what I have found in researching about the four blood types. A - People of this blood type are honest, introverted, nervous, loyal, perfectionistic, orderly, detail-oriented, industrious, idealistic, soft-spoken and careful. Positive: Orderly, Law-Abiding, Fastidious, Soft-Spoken and Fashionable. Negative: Picky, Selfish, Secretive, Pessimistic, Inflexable, and Reckless when drunk. B - People of this blood type are outgoing, optimistic, adventurous, flexible, passionate, creative, unconventional and have excellent concentration. Positive: Independant, Flexable, Candid, Sensitive, Passionate, and Persuasive. Negative: Unpredictable, Indiscreet, Lazy, Impatient, and Overbearing. AB - People of this blood type are proud, diplomatic, discriminating, natural leaders, great organizers, rational and imaginative. Positive: Rational, Calculating, Honest, Diplomatic, Organized, and Strong. Negative: Unforgiving, Playboy, Easily Offended, Too conservative, Nitpicker, and hard to know. O - People of this blood type are over-worker, insecure, emotional, powerful leaders, goal-oriented, enthusiastic, optimistic and good at business. Positive: Healthy, Idealistic, Goal-Oriented, Clear-sighted, Athletic, and Sexy. Negative: Status-seeking, Jealous, Greedy, Unrealiable, Obsessive Lover, and Can't shut up. This information was taken from a variety of webpages about bloodtyping. Mainly about Sailor Moon. Too many pages with the same information to give proper credit. It is very vital in your childs personality traits and starting stats. --Bloodtype Modifier--- | A | B | O | AB | ---------------------------------------------------------- Stress | Increases |Decreases| - | Increases| | Greatly | Greatly | | Greatly | --------------------------------------------------------- Intelligence | - | - | - | - | ---------------------------------------------------------- Stamina | - | - | - | - | --------------------------------------------------------- Strength | - |Increases|Increases|Increases | | | Tiny | Tiny | Tiny | --------------------------------------------------------- Pride | - | - |Increases| - | | | | Tiny | | --------------------------------------------------------- Moral | Increases | - | - |Increases | | Tiny | | | Tiny | --------------------------------------------------------- Refinement | - | - | - | - | --------------------------------------------------------- Temperment | Increases | - | - | - | | Tiny | | | | --------------------------------------------------------- Sense | - |Increases| - | - | | | Tiny | | | --------------------------------------------------------- Charisma | - | - | - | - | --------------------------------------------------------- Military | - | - | - | - | --------------------------------------------------------- f) Your Job Your job is very important. It determines your daughters starting stats, along with how much money you bring in again. Your daughters immediate disposition and in the PC and Sega Saturn versions, what kind of room your daughter has. Here is a list of those jobs. I will list Job, starting money, continuing flow of money, credit limit, and how your daughters room will appear (Room differences in Saturn and PC versions only). In the PSX version your daughter is in a room with a nice wooden panel floors, very well lit room, and a simple bed with green sheets. Merchant - Has a person standing there holding what could appear to be a lantern. Daughter starts off with a Sassy Disposition. Money: 3000 Gold to start, varying amounts throughout the years. It depends on if it had been a good year or not. It's different every time you play! Generally it's between the amounts of 500-1500. Credit: 200G Room: The most expensive money can buy! Beautiful. Performer - Looks like a Jester juggling some items. Same goes for Performer as with the Priest, it implies he's a special kind of one (A performer of the Realm, as it were). Daughter starts off with a Misconduct disposition. Money: 500G to start. Yearly pay of 10-800G. Credit: 50G Room: One of the worst. Stone cold floors. Bad lighting. Badly put together wooden furniture. Your daughter has a reason to be a rebel. Priest - Has a man praying at an alter of sorts. His title implies he's a special sort of priest (like for the Realm). Daughter starts out with Normal disposition. Money: 800G to start. Yearly pay of 300-800G. Credit: 200G Room: Pretty decent. A few items around the room to be religious. An ankh cross in one corner, some wooden furniture. An average bed with white coverings. Brown tiled floor. Not the best place, but certainly not the worst kept place. Fallen Noble - He was once part of a Noble Family, but now it's extinct. This is still a rather high social status, regardless. A man posing with a sword. Daughter starts off with a sassy disposition. Money: 500G. Yearly pay of 700G. Credit: 1500G Room: Very nice! The entire floor is one simple slab, shiny. Must be marble. Very pretty things decorate the room, as if you were rich, despite not starting off with a lot of money. Retired Knight - Has a picture of a Knight posing with an axe, like he is a guard. Daughter starts off with a normal disposition. Money: 1500G. Yearly pay of 700G. Credit: 500G Room: Very nicely lighted! Lots of swords and suits of armor line the room. The tiling on the floors is very light colored, giving the impression that it was slightly more expensive. This is the most like the original two Princess Makers, going back to the aspect of your daughter is being raised by a warrior. This would be my suggestion to start off if you were a beginner. The others are more difficult, either because of money situations or handling the different dispositions of your daughter. Bard - A man wearing a hat, and long clothing. Better translated, a wandering monk. Daughter starts off with a misconduct disposition. Money: 5000G. No yearly pay. That's ALL you get. Credit: 50G. Room: One of the worst rooms in the game. Your floors and furniture are all plank wood. A single white sheet on the bed. Only a guitar is the item that characterizes the room. After you choose everything. Uzu will ask if everything is fine. You have two choices. First is "Everything is okay." Second is "No, I want to change something." --Your Job Modifiers--- | Merchant | Performer | Priest | Noble | Knight | Bard | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stress | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Stamina | 70 | 180 | 70 | 70 | 70 | 150 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Intelligence | 120 | 35 | 145 | 50 | 70 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Strength | 50 | 50 | 140 | 50 | 130 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pride | 120 | 30 | 50 | 175 | 80 | 120 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Moral | 50 | 25 | 185 | 60 | 160 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Refinement | 50 | 45 | 75 | 150 | 140 | 30 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Temperment | 25 | 50 | 140 | 30 | 30 | 30 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sense | 50 | 190 | 30 | 120 | 35 | 50 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Charisma | 50 | 195 | 35 | 150 | 50 | 80 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Military | 20 | 50 | 25 | 30 | 150 | 90 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Trust | 25 | 30 | 35 | 35 | 40 | 30 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- g) The Menu Screens This is when the game starts. It explains the wonderful story of you as the father and the profession you chose. The Faery Queen is narrorating. She explains your position and such. Uzu introduces themselves to you. Then your daughter introduces herself something like "Hello Father! I'm the child you have to take care of. I'm 10 years old." blahblahblah. Simple introduction. The Main Screen and their options. Your daughter will be standing in the center (Much like previous Princess Maker games) and you will have a few status boxes to explain what's going on. The upper left corner has a box that is pretty explanatory. The upper right corner has more information on your daughter, and the bottom box has 6 options for you to choose to do for your daughter. The options are (doing a table to make it look like the one in the game): +---------------------------+ | Schedule | Execute | | Shopping | Dress | | Talking | Status | +---------------------------+ Schedule: You're able to set your daughters' schedule for as long as you please. You are given three options of: Study Part-Time Job Vacation Check under the School and Jobs section for more information on this. Shopping: You can pick up a few things in town. Whether it be a new dress or munchies. Here is the item list for the one shop you can visit. You can just save getting these items for when your daughter has a birthday. Nuigurumi 110G (Bear) Temperment +15, Trustworthiness +2 Shi Shu 160G (Poetry Collection - Book) Intelligence +10, Sense +15, Trustworthiness +1 Hanataba 200G (Bunch of flowers) Charm +12, Trustworthiness +1 Gochisou 120G (Turkey and Sweets) Stamina +12, Trustworthiness +1 Suzushi Fuku 120G (Cool/light clothes) Trustworthiness +2 (wearing, charm + 15) Attatakai Fuku 200G (Warm clothes) Trustworthiness +2 (Wearing: Charm + 15) Ugoki yasui Fuku 150G (Trendy Inexpensive clothes - Shorts and a vest w/black shirt) Trustworthiness +2 (Wearing: Charm + 10, Strength +10) Suteki na DORESU 500G (Wonderful dress. Very pretty red dress) Trustworthiness + 2 (Wearing: ??) ojarena fuku 300G (Young ladies clothes. Pink dress) (Wearing: Temperment + 10, Charm +20) SUMAIRU 0G (Smile!) (This varies depending on your daughters Disposition.) Talking: Conversing with your daughter is very important. Depending on how you speak to her, certain stats may go up. This is one of the few ways you can gain the "Trustworthiness" statistic with your daughter. Through conversations, it can go up and down. Most of the time it goes up when talking to her, depending on her mood. You have the options of: Lovingly - This stat can actually gain trust in your daughter to you. She loves to hear your warm chatter. Gently - A gentle father is a good father. She'll usually say something cute like "You're so gentle! *giggle*" and so forth. Strictly - This can also be translated as "Harshly" or "Angrily" Not to be used often, this is a tool to really keep your daughter in line. I wouldn't suggest doing this too often unless you were trying to prove a point while she's spoiled. It's an option there to use only when necessary, just like 'Scold' was in Princess Maker 2. If she's spoiled she may respond in a rather snide response back. Like "I don't like you very much either" or something. If she's happy, she may comment like "Yes, I'll do my best!" Execute: This executes the current schedule that you have set. If you haven't set the schedule, Uzu will hop in and complain that you haven't set her schedule. Dress: You can change her clothes and use items with this option. Status: Clicking on status will give you all her statistics from that moment. Here is that list now. The list on the left side of the screen is as follows: h) Your Daughters Statistics Stamina Intelligence Strength Pride Morals Refinement Temperment Sense Charm Stress Military Prowess/Heroism Trustworthiness On the right side of the screen will be her information, listed as: Birthdate Height Weight Bust Waist Hip Also on the screen you can get another option screen. This is where you can save, exit the game, or do other things. +----------------+ | Save | | Load | | Configure | | Return start | +----------------+ Return to start actually translates out to Return to the beginning/ initial stage--Terminal screen. There are two options when this is clicked on. "Return to the beginning" or "I know I don't want to do that." i) Your Daughters Disposition This could also be meant as her moods. She starts out at the beginning of the game in a particular mood, and throughout the game her moods can drastically change from one to the other. Here are those moods. These terms are taken directly from a Princess Maker 3 artbook. This is also very tricky - because if your daughter is in a different disposition than normal, the way work or school is affected IS different. What I have listed for Work and Schooling *Only* applies if your daughter has a normal disposition. Otherwise, certain skills may go down or up because your daughter has a sassy disposition or another one of the many options. Please keep this in mind and pay attention to what mood your daughter is in. Normal: This is the best mood. She is standing front face. It could also be interpureted as "Happy". This daughter will give you the most sincere answers. Poor: Also could be translated as "Poverty Symptom". She looks a bit stressed with a hand to her head. She's always talking about money. Usually this happens when you go deeply in debt/reach your credit limit. Pretty: This one was translated oddly to me before. Pretty is the best interpretation. She's generally looking very happy. Way too happy. Usually blushing. It was also translated to me as "adult-like child". Either way, she is TOO happy with this one, and it doesn't generally last very long. She seems more distracted in this mood as well. Sassy: Also translated as conceited. Her picture has her with her nose slightly up in the air, eyes closed. She's very full of herself and she knows she's all that. Usually if you have an uneven amount of stats. This can easily be fixed by working a little or the Refuse Food Dojo. Misconduct: This can be thought of as "rebellious". She generally has her arms crossed, looking VERY angry at you. She is more likely to not like a job and slack off in class with this personality. Try your best to get her out of it as soon as possible. ----------------------------------- 2) Jobs | ----------------------------------- First off, some helpful information. If you are familiar with the other games, Your daughter is a bit smarter and much moodier in this game than the other Princess Maker games. In PM2, she'll just run away if she doesn't like a class or a job. In PM3, things are a bit more realistic. Her attitude is swayed by if she likes things or not. If she's at a job she's doing really poorly at, she may ask you not to make her work there anymore, and if you make her work there (or if the owner of the place asks you to not send your daughter to them) she'll end up staying home and doing nothing for that period you designated her to work for. When your daughter is sassy or rebelious, she is a much worse canidate. If she doesn't like something, she just won't go, or she'll sleep on the job - making no money whatsoever. She'll also spend more money when she goes out on vacations and she'll hang around in bars. She will be rather rude and conceited in her working enviroment, which does get her into lots of trouble. Hopefully you can help get her away from those attitudes and habits, though, like a real child, it's hard to understand what they're thinking (Especially if it's in another language!). The best thing to remember again is that ALL classes and jobs aquire stress, I'm not gonna list it, so don't bother thinking they don't. If you get stuck in a situation where your daughter ends up not working, you can always alter her schedule in the middle of game play by press "B" and it will bring up the menu where you can access her information once again and then go about changing her schedule. Your daughters percentage of good work will be rated at the end of the time spent at that particular job. It'll say like Days worked along with days done well at (54%) and how much you were paid, or something like that. Your daughter only gets paid for the good percentage of work she does. a) Babysitting - Komori 12G per day The lady who runs the establishment is named Yuri + Morals and Temperment - Pride and Sense b) Housework - Kajitetsudai 1G per day + Stamina, Morals, Strength, and Temperment - Pride and Sense c) Ore Miner - Kouzan 20G per day + Temperment and Fighting Skill - Morals and Refinement d) Market - Ichiba 12G per day The nice lady who owns it is named "Moria" (MARAIYA) + Strength and Temperment - Pride, Morals, and Refinement e) Maid - MAIDO 12G per day + Refinement and Charm - Pride and Temperment f) Farmer - Noujou 14G per day + Morals and Stamina - Pride, Refinement, and Sense g) Tutor - Kateikyoshi 16G per day + Intelligence and Temperment - Vigor h) Saloon/Bar - Sakaba 15G per day + Temperment and Charm - Morals and Refinement i) Carpenter - Daiku 18G per day + Vigor, Sense, and Fighting Skill - Refinement and Temperment j) That Foreign Part Time Job! - Sono hoka no ARUBAITO 4G per day This one needs explaining. Basically after several years, you MAY actually be noticed by the Prince of the realm, a handsome blond man who approaches you on the street. He asks if you want to work for the palace, so technically youn become a... dadadadum! Palace Maid! Oooh, you're so special. I'm sure this job is different by the way you actually raise your daughter, I just haven't raised enough to find out other options! + Pride, Refinement, and Charm - Temperment The jobs offered aren't able to be done right away, first she is given a few, then when her skills develop, she can do other jobs. Like if she's really good in school, the job of Tutor is offered to your daughter, and so forth. Every time I played, the Palace Maid job was offered to her, but it didn't mean she was good at being a maid, to be quite honest, she was horrible. As I had mentioned before. Her accuracy at the jobs are given to you in percentages. Like (84%) would be indicated with how much your daughter made at the job, etc. If she's only doing a 15% rating with that job, perhaps you should try different options... ----------------------------------- 3) School | ----------------------------------- Unlike the jobs, the schooling stays the same all the time. Though, the coolest thing I've found about school is that you can gain a rival in almost EVERY single class you are good at! Unlike Princess Maker 2, where her rival is basically one person you have to defeat every year at the Harvest Festival, this is just a 'by the class' rivalry that is more than just a rival relationship. Your daughter actually becomes FRIENDS with these girls, and they support each other in whatever they do. It's really quite amusing. Though, the rivals generally will be against the carreer you chose at the end (If it has nothing to do with the class you were in with them) and the one that DID have to do with it will support you completely. My daughter even bought one of them a birthday gift, and vice versa. I guess the strength of the friendship with them is depending on what you had your daughter focus on. My little Lisa liked fighting. She liked it alot, in fact, she asked me if she could take that class (Before I signed her up for it. Yes, she does that. This daughter is really complex!). So the fighting rival (Ariel) became her best friend. After the first week of class, your daughter also has interesting things to say about the class, like if she likes it, dislikes it, or if she is confused by how hard it is. My favorite was the Dance class. She said she liked dancing a whole lot, but her dance teacher wasn't very masculine at all (He ounded very affeminite, like Tomo from Fushigi Yuugi.) Lisa enjoyed it though, and was very good at the subject. Her favorite was fighting though. It differs from child to child, probably due to what job the father is. Another note I should mention is that there will be a difference in the status according to your daughters mood! Yes, your daughters disposition could make schooling slightly different. Like, if she's Conceited/Sassy, classes may have a negative effect to her temperment. Same thing goes for the rebelious/misconduct personality. The information here is what is given when your child has a 'Normal' disposition. If her disposition is different, the stat getting will vary from class to class. a) School - Gakko 10G + Intelligence, Pride, Morals, and Charm - Nothing b) Fighters Skill Dojo - Bujutsu Doujou 13G + Stamina, Pride, and Military Skill - c) Musical Classroom - Ongaku Kyoushitsu 15G + Pride, Refinement and sense. - Nothing d) Painting Classroom - Kaigai Kyoushitsu 15G + Intelligence and Sense - Nothing e) Church - Kyoukai 3G + Intelligence, Morals, Refinement. - Nothing f) Protocal - Gyougiminarai 15G + Morals, Refinement, and Charm - Nothing g) Dance Classroom - Dansu Kyoushitsu 13G + Stamina, Pride, Refinement, and Charm - Nothing h) Refuse Food Dojo - Danjiki Doujou 5G Yes, it's a DIETING class to help reform your child into a normal little girl instead of the spoiled girl you have. It's a last ditch effort sort of thing to curb your child into a better person. + Charm - Stamina and Weight. i) Cooking Classroom - Ryouri Kyoushitsu 10G + Strength, Temperment, and Sense - Nothing ----------------------------------- 4) The Festivals | ----------------------------------- Unlike Princess Maker 2, there are 3 different kinds of Festivals that happen in the Princess Maker 3 universe. And again, unlike the Princess Maker 2, the people who beat the pants off your daughter are from the previous Princess Maker games! You forgot how frustrating it was to get defeated by Patricia in the dance competition or Anita in the combat competition, well... now your new daughter can share the same humiliation! Also, you can be defeated by the 2 previous daughters (Princess Maker 1) Maria, and (Princess Maker 2) Olive. You also can be defeated by your current rivals, and occasionally a random girl. Here are the three festivals. Btw, the Festivals were included in the Windows 95 and the Sega Saturn versions. The PSX version lacks this event. If your daughter wins, you get 3000G... but you'd best work hard, I've yet to have a daughter actually WIN one. I honestly believe that there are different stats and things you need to achieve to win each and Festival. While my daughter may place 8th in one, she may place 3rd in the other (within a mere few months of each other). You can choose to not attend these festivals. Your daughter doesn't care too much either way. New Year Garden Play Gathering (In January) Although this particular one is held in the castle, I'm not sure exactly what the name implies. It's the only festival that is held indoors. Your daughter would need a high temperment to win this competition. Sakura Festival (In April) A very Japanese sounding festival, this is the Cheery Blossom festival. Although all three festivals give the same amount of money, I'm quite sure that there are different requirements for winning each one... it's just a matter of finding out *what*. This is held outdoors. Your daughter will need high charm to win this festival. Harvest Festival (In October, like it should be) Oh, of course there had to be a Harvest Festival. The game would not be a Princess Maker game without it. This as well is held outdoors. Your daughter will need high stamina and charm. ----------------------------------- 5) People and Rivals | ----------------------------------- a) Uzu and Others Uzu is your Faery guide in this game. He speaks to your daughter often on topics of importance such as "Stress", "Festivals", and also gives you updates on what skills have improved over a course of time. Uzu, although helpful, sometimes will tell your daughter something that may help or or humble her. There are times when Uzu may make a statement to your daughter that can raise her morale, or drop her stress. It's really depending all on the conversation at hand, and usually is easier to fathom what Uzu is talking about if you know Japanese. Either way, it's all very random events all depending on how you raised your daughter and, please rememeber, everything Uzu does is for your benefit. There is a Chinese Orc that visits your daughter, much like in Princess Maker 2 who attempts to sell his products to you, of course, for a price. These items are very useful and will provide a boost of stats if your daughter is low on something she needs (Especially to topple over those other girls in the festivals). Here is a list of those items and their prices and a slight description as to what they look like. Yami no SUTSU - (Shady (illegal) suit) 1500G This is a dark colored suit and is the only item that is 1500G. Nangoku no DORESU - (Nangoku's dress?) 700G A white and red type outfit. Item is important for special endings. USAGI no SUTSU - (Bunny Suit) 450G Bunny ears and all! Hard to not tell what this is. Item is important for special endings. Yousei no MITSU - (Faery's Necture) 300G Stamina +50 A tall glass with a spout with yellow liquid in it. Chie no mi - (Chie of truth? The kanji for the first part is intelligence, but it's fully Chie, which is a japanese name) 350G Intelligence +50 Three Purple fruit hanging off a branch. Chitsujo no tane - (Seed of regularity) 200G Moral +50 A green colored seed. EI KOU no kajitsu - (Fruit of prosperous light) 200G Pride +50 A yellow fruit that resembles an apple. Geijuutsu no mizu ame - (Water candy of the arts) 400G Sense +50 A spoon scooping out a yellow substance from a brown jar. Taka ki nara izumi mizu - (Expensive prize spring water) 450G Refinement +50 A pretty glass with a gold handle and glass cup with water like liquid inside. Yasashisa no kushi - (Comb of Tenderness) - 300G Temperment +50 A blue hair comb. Bu Kami no Ken - (Sword of War God) - 550G Military Skill +50 A three pronged sword, resembles the God Sword from Princess Maker 2. MI KAN no KOU mizu - (Perfume water of charm sensation) - 600G Charisma +50 A golden container with a tiny base and a large middle with a blue knob on top. b) Your rivals For almost every class, your daughter will gain a rival (And maybe even a friend!) through her learning experiences. Unlike Princess Maker 2 where Olive is determined and becomes stress free when a rival happens upon the scene, Lisa becomes upset and isn't very understanding as to WHY she is being challenged and a sudden rival for her classmate. However many classes you manage to drag your daughter through is really all that determines what rivals she gets. It's not likely she'd gain a rival for a class she'd only taken ONCE... she'd have to had gone to it at least a few times before gaining a rival ^_^; Here is a list of the rival girls. Chiya : School Ariel : Fighting Hamingu : Music Akuron : Art Chamii : Dance Natera : Protocol Haitaa : Cooking These are lame ass romanizations of what I think the names are. Akuron could be "Akron" or something weird, so I'm not sure WHAT name she's trying to have. But Ariel was easy, because it was "Arieru", and Ariel is a familiar name to me. Determining what they are meaning and what it really is are two different things sometimes. Oh well ^_^; There isn't a rival for dieting or church. However, if you have a charming girl with a normal/pretty disposition, she can receive a love letter from a very cute classmate! ----------------------------------- 6) Going around town | ----------------------------------- Unlike the previous PM games, you only have the option of going to one shop when you want to go shopping. That would also be the same pool of items you can get your daughter for her birthday. There aren't any weather issues like before where if it were too cold or too warm, your daughter would get sick or a stat would go down if a certain item isn't purchased. It's all just for looks in this game. When your daughter wanders around on vacation, she may run into rival-classmates and teachers. They may mention that a test is coming up, or that you REALLY should come to that particular class more often. ----------------------------------- 7) The other games | ----------------------------------- I actually will do FAQS for these as well, but it will be a long and gradual process. The only reason this one was so easy, was mainly because I already hadmost of this information catalogued somewhere. Here is a list of the currently available Princess Maker Games. Princess Maker - This game came out in 1991. Your daughters default name is Maria Rindobagu. The plot is that there was a huge war with the demons of the underworld, and the child is an orphan of that war. You decide to raise her to be your own daughter. Versions Available: IBM/PC Japanese, Chinese, and I've *heard* of a Saturn Version by Microcabin, but I have not found it myself so I cannot confirm that version. A gaming website had it for purchase, and when I called to order it they had already been sold out. Whether or not it was the real original Princess Maker or if it had been Princess Maker 2, I will never know. Princess Maker 2 - Made available around 1994/1995. The second game in the Princess Maker series. This time your daughter is named Olive Oyl. The plot is similar to the first one, except this time you have a God giving you the daughter to raise from ages 10-18. Versions Available: IBM/PC Japanese, Chinese, and an English Beta version. This one was actually released for the Japanese Sega Saturn by Microcabin, the disc featured different images, complete voice acting for all the characters, plus a bonus 'Drama' track which had Olive whining for a good 6 minutes about why her father works her so much. This FAQ is currently available. Princess Maker: Legend of Another World - This game was released around the same time as Princess Maker 2. It was only released for the Super Famicom system. It plays almost exactly like Princess Maker 2. The only major difference would be the combat and adventuring system is really weird. I do not know the default name for the daughter. It really is not thought of as part of the series of games, since it is a stand alone product. I imagine it was just Gainax trying to make the Princess Maker series available on many platforms. Maybe someday I should ask them. Version: Super Famicom (Japanese Super Nintendo). This FAQ is currently available. Princess Maker 3: Faery Tales Come True - The FAQ you're looking at. The japanese title is "Yume Miru Yousei", but also is listed as Faery Tales Come True (Spelled 'faery'). This is the most current child simulation game. This game was a collaberation of Gainax, and the japanese game Company of "Nine Lives". This is a much more involved game, featuring options such as a choice of the fathers profession, and your daughters disposition is much more drastic. Your daughters default name is "Lisa Anderson". Versions Available: Originally released for Japanese Playstation. There is an odd rap with repeatative words as a 'Bonus' track. The PSX version was missing a few features that were included in the PC and Saturn versions. It was then released for IBM/PC and Mac: Japanese, Chinese and Korean versions. There is also a Japanese Sega Saturn version available. This includes the same sort of bonus along PM2's Saturn Game. It has a drama track. Lisa is a much happier child than Olive. This FAQ is currently available. Princess Maker Pocket Daisakusen - Loosely translated as "Big Strategy", or I've heard it translated as Mission in a little pocket (??). This game was an attempt at a puzzle game. This game was produced by Nine Lives, it gives you the option of playing either Maria, Lisa, or Olive in an effort to play through scenerios to become a Princess through the art of the puzzle game. It has a very pretty opening theme, and a plethora of voice acting. Versions: Only available for Japanese Playstation Princess Maker: Go! Go! Princess - You know, I'm not even sure what this is. It looks like an RPG of sorts, featuring all FOUR daughters (Yes, that includes the previously forgotten Legend of Another World girl). I've only seen screenshots, but I'm picking up a copy soon! Wish me luck. Also produced by those wonderful people at Nine Lives. I've also got sort of a "Mario Party" feel to the game, but I have no idea since I don't own it. Versions: Only available for Japanese Playstation Princess Maker Q - Another Princess Maker game produced by Nine Lives, this appears to be a quiz game asking questions about the other PM games! There isn't much else that I know of it, but I'm working on gathering a working version. Versions: IBM/PC and Mac. Japanese and Chinese versions. Princess Maker 4 - Originally it may have been slated for the Sega Dreamcast, but now Princess Maker 4 is heading to PCs and Macintoshs very shortly. From what I understand, your daughter is "Karen" who was the host of Princess Maker Q. It looks like a mixture of modern day Tokyo with a Princess Maker setting. Must play this before I can completely judge. ^_^; Verions: As far as we know, Windows 95 (Japanese only). Princess Maker Collection - Princess Maker 2 and 3 put on the Sega Dreamcast and bundled as a "Collection". Distributed by a company called GeneX. This is currently available. It states to be "Powered by Windows CE" on the box. Versions: Sega Dreamcast only. The FAQ you are looking at.