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RRH@@@@HRRH@@@@HRR#S4j!!j R E - V O L T I N G -- A G U I D E T O R E - V O L T by Benjamin Paul Galway 5/15/06 e-mail = v. 0.3 PayPal = ____ _____ C O N T E N T S ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ 1 INTRODUCTION 2 GENERAL ADVICE 3 TRACK TIPS 4 PRACTICE STARS 5 STUNT TRACK STARS 6 VEHICLE DIRECTORY 7 POWER-UPS 8 UNLOCKING KEY 9 CODES ____ _____ 1 - I N T R O D U C T I O N ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ It is unfortunate that Acclaim's best Dreamcast game was heavily discounted and can now be found for $19.99 at Wal-Mart. Re-Volt is a great racer, but many are put off by its realistic controls and challenging tracks. This guide will hopefully be of some assistance with completing the game and improving oneself without using the cheat codes. The first version of this guide only covers the cars, tracks, and secrets initially available up until the gold cup tracks are available. The latest version of this guide will always be available at GameFAQs [ ]. This is a free guide and NOT to be sold or altered under ANY circumstance. I ONLY authorize this document for personal, non-profitable use -- permission for any use of this guide must be obtained from the author, Benjamin Paul Galway. I will not tolerate plagiarism or profiting from the use of this file without my consent. 5/28/00 ver. 0.2 - Initial release. 5/15/06 ver. 0.3 - Minor editing. Major update to finish guide coming soon. ____ _____ 2 - G E N E R A L A D V I C E ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ AVOIDING SPINNING OUT Probably the biggest complaint people have with the game is how easy it can be to spin out. It's almost funny how much more realistic Re-Volt is over other supposedly "serious" racers like Gran Turismo. Unlike other racing games, most cars cannot hit objects and walls with reckless abandon without paying some kind of penalty. Simply put, the best way to avoid spinning out is the learn to play better. Learn to avoid doing the things which causes vehicles to lose control. What increases the chances of spinning out? Touching a wall or another car at high speed can do it. Spinning out may also occur when trying to turn after hitting the ground from a leap, so don't adjust the wheels until after the vehicle is on solid ground again. Also, try to not launch the vehicle at an angle from a bump, ramp, etc., since most of the RC cars have little in the way of shocks. It also helps the pick a car less prone to spinning out. Heavier cars tend to spin out less than lighter cars, and cars with wheels which stick out from their bodies are also more likely to lose control (Bertha Ballistics excluded). The best vehicle overall as far as spin out protection is Bertha Ballistics, but early in the game Volken Turbo, Big Volt, or Phat Slug make good starting choices. RACE ALONG THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE ROUTE While it may seem obvious, it is more important to race along the shortest distance possible thanks to the size of the courses. Many times a couple of short, angled turns can be run through in a straight line if the vehicle is properly aimed. Likewise, when making turns it helps to be on the inside lane as much as possible. Hitting ramps tend to add distance to the route as well as slow the vehicle down, so it is advised to not make any unnecessary jumps. WINNING RACES IN THE SINGLE MODE Unlike the chapionship mode which is won by placing first, second, or third, the single mode requires a first place finish to complete the race. This can become quite difficult on certain tracks, particularly the more difficult ones like the Ghost Town races. Thankfully, it is possible to make the single mode requirements a bit easier to burden in the options screen. A first place win is still a first place win, even if the player was only racing against one other competitor on a one lap race. Any adjustments in the options screen does not stop wins from qualifying in the single mode, so use that advantage. FAST START IN TIME TRIALS Notice that the timer in the time trials does not start until the vehicle crosses the start line. The best, fastest lap will be the one in which the vehicle doesn't start from a dead stop, so make sure to be traveling at a good speed before seriously attempting any time challenge. Back up a bit to get a running start or race the first lap just to pick up speed, concentrating on the second lap and any there after. ____ _____ 3 - T R A C K T I P S ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ This section will briefly go through the available tracks and give some brief pointers on racing them. Be sure to read the above section, "General Advice," as it contains many tips which work on a variety of courses (and since left out of the specific guides below). Track advice is detailed under "Single Race," with other tips specific to other modes of play listed under their respective categories. ________________________ \ TOYS IN THE HOOD 1 \____________________________________________________ EASY -- LENGTH 747 M SINGLE RACE The track here is very wide, and one can add several seconds to his or her lap time by not driving along the shortest distance possible. Thus, if the turn up ahead is bearing right, then be sure to drive as far right as possible. It really helps to drive across the street corners or drive along the curb, but there a few things to keep in mind: -- Do not jump the first curb at the starting position. It requires too sharp a turn, and the vehicle will be entering the turn from a poor position anyway (either from a dead start or from a climb out the tunnel). The street provides more turning room and less of a chance to spin out. -- Pass over the curb where the basketball bounces onto the street. -- When approaching the first zig zag turn on the course, skip the first curb and drive straight across the second. A diagonal, straight path through the zig zag turn will be a lot easier to handle as well as being the shortest possible path. -- Skip the curb entering the second zig zag turn. Since there is only one in the turn, a straight path can be driven without encountering it. -- Always make sure the vehicle drives straight off a curb or elevation. Trying to drive along side a curb and fall will likely lead to the vehicle flipping over or spinning out. Be careful to avoid running into incoming vehicles while driving along the track since parts of the course follow along a previously driven street but in the opposite direction. Try to remain centered while driving through the tunnel. It is very easy to drive along the walls here which is a good way to flip over. If power-ups are on, this can be a very bad place to encounter a ball bearing or oil slick. That is the only time one should attempt to drive along the side (to avoid obstacles in the center). The ending climb out of the tunnel can also be a bit challenging. There are two ways to climb the hill -- either taking the short route immediately after the tunnel up the steep incline, or drive a bit further up the gradual slope and make the short climb there. While the former is the shortest possible route, it requires that the vehicle be traveling at a high speed to make it over with tires with a good grip. Dr. Drudge can do it somewhat easily while the same with Volken Turbo can be more challenging. If one chooses to take the longer route around the steep incline, be wary of spinning out or crashing when making the turn, since the climb will put the vehicle at a bad angle, and the sharp turn combined with the dirt surface can easily become spin out material if not handled properly. CHAMPIONSHIP Championship mode requires that a single car be used to take on all tracks within a cup class. While Aquasonic, Volken Turbo, and Sprinter XL would all make excellent choices for this cup, those cars don't handle the Supermarket 2's freezer well at all. Thankfully, Dr. Drudge is fast enough so that the speed loss is miminal. Big Volt is also a good second place contender, and both should be able to win this course with no trouble. This is a three lap course. TIME TRIAL An easy time trial for an easy track. Any available fast car (Aquasonic, Volken Turbo, Dr. Grudge, etc.) should be able to complete this course under 56 seconds to beat the time challenge. ________________________ \ SUPERMARKET 2 \____________________________________________________ EASY -- LENGTH 301 M SINGLE RACE This is a mostly easy and short course if it weren't for the freezer section. At the start of the game, all opponents will swerve into the second aisle from the right. Driving straight will keep the vehicle in the third aisle from the right, which is the best at this point in the race since it avoids the huge mess of vehicles fighting in the other aisle. On subsequent laps, take the aisle next to the wall on the far right. Next is the freezer, which is a pain. The slippery floor makes it very, very difficult to turn and control the vehicle in general. Players are encouraged to choose a heavy vehicle with tires with a good grip such as Big Volt or Dr. Drudge, which should make this section much easier to handle. Although it is possible to take this section with another car, it is not recommended. Without a heavy car with good traction, getting struck by another vehicle can also prove disasterous. The best advice seems to be drive through the freezer in a "V" shape. Cut through the left of the entrance and drive diagonally in a straight path, gradually slowing down as the vehicle approaches the middle section. (A sharp decrease in speed here is likely to cause the car to lose control and spin out.) Turn slowly, just enough so that the vehicle faces the exit, and drive in a straight path out of the freezer. The rest of the course is fairly simple. There is a point in this course where the vehicles will exit a sliding door, drive along an entrance ramp outside the grocery store, and re-enter through a door next to the helicopter ride. When hitting that incline just before re-entering the store, the vehicles will jump. Make sure to aim the vehicle so that it will leap through the door before hitting that ramp; else, it will likely crash into the wall outside or the helicopter inside. CHAMPIONSHIP It is because of the freezer here that one will likely be forced to race through the championship using Dr. Drudge or Big Volt. Because of that, the championship run should not be any different from a single race. Just make sure to not mess up in the freezer, even if it means slowing down a bit more. There is enough distance from the freezer to the end so that it should be possible to catch up. This is a four lap course. TIME TRIAL This is a very easy course save for the freezer section, which is the only real opportunity present to blow the time challenge. As long as no time is wasted in the freezer, it should be easy enough to race this course under 26 seconds with either Dr. Grudge or Big Volt. ________________________ \ MUSEUM 2 \____________________________________________________ EASY -- LENGTH 600 M SINGLE RACE This is a fairly dark track, so it really helps to know the layout of the course. The turn into the marble hallway can be difficult to spot at first, even with the roped barricade guiding the path. It helps to drive along the right wall in the beginning, which will make it possible to cut straight through the turn without having to abruptly swerve the vehicle to avoid the jutting wall. Avoid driving along the sloping edges of the marble floored hallway since it can make weaving through the hall more difficult. This will be a very cramped place to race with other opponents nearby, especially if someone activates an oil slick or ball bearing. When exiting the hallway, be sure to avoid hitting the triceratop's feet while passing under the skeleton. In the next room are two escalators leading up to the "Space Race" exhibit: one moving up and the other down. Neither direction has any affect on the vehicles, but players should take the up escalator because it is the shorter distance through that section. Avoid the center railing jump since it just wastes time. At the end of the dark room is a sharp right turn through the darkness behind the grey wall into the planetarium. It may help to drive a bit further left before the turn to provide more turning room. The path through the planetarium splits in two directions; both are the same and either will do. Next is a very long circular turn around the lunar display. This can eat up quite a bit of time, so be sure to tap decelerate to make as tight a turn around the display as possible. While there is a shortcut across the display (look for openings through the barrier near the beginning and end of the turn), it can be difficult to enter and makes entering the next hallway more difficult. At the end of the carpeted hallway is an alternate route, which has no advantage being a longer route ending in a less advantageous position. Stick left and climb up the incline next to the stairway. Note that there is another alternate path on the left at the top of the incline, but this one, too, has no advantage being laced with difficult turns and obstacles. Just drive straight into the curving hallway to the end. CHAMPIONSHIP This is going to be the most difficult course to run, especially if the player has to use Dr. Drudge or Big Volt to make it through Supermarket 2. Big wheels which stick out are going to cause problems with this course's sharp turns, jutting walls, and other obstacles. Just be more careful and try to stay as much in the center as possible. This is a three lap course. TIME TRIAL The Museum 1 course is the toughest time challenge of the bronze cup tracks. There is only 47 seconds to run through a gauntlet of turns and obstacles which make up the museum. Aquasonic is a the best choice for this time trial thanks to its improved speed and acceleration, and even then there will not be any seconds to spare. ________________________ \ BOTANICAL GARDEN \____________________________________________________ EASY -- LENGTH 323 M SINGLE RACE At the start of the race, try to stay between the white lines on the floor, cutting straight through the second turn ahead. When approaching the concrete incline, be sure to avoid the sides since their angle makes a flat, safe landing difficult. Drive near or on the right patch of grass before the wooden bridge for more turning room. After driving across the bridge, take the right fork in the road. While it is possible to bounce onto and over the short wall ahead with enough speed, it is not necessary. There is a shortcut through the dolphin fountain, but it is not recommended since it ends with a sharp turn into the ramp ahead, and the vehicle will not have enough speed to clear the jump. Just drive around the fountain as close to it as possible by tapping decelerate. When the ramp is in view, drive as fast as possible to land on the raised square garden. CHAMPIONSHIP This will be a pretty simple course, even with Big Volt or Dr. Drudge. The only added risk on this track for those vehicles is the forced jump near the end onto the square garden. Since both of the vehicles above are slower and heavier than Aquasonic, Volken Turbo, and so on, they will have a slightly more difficult time with the jump. Just make sure to drive in as fast and as straight a path to the ramp as possible. If the vehicle slows down for whatever reason just before the ramp, then just drop down and speed around the garden since any attempt to leap will just cause a wreck. This is a five lap course. TIME TRIAL The second easiest bronze cup time trial, especially with 31 seconds to do it. Any fast car (Aquasonic, Volken Turbo, etc.) will be able to beat it. ________________________ \ ROOFTOPS \____________________________________________________ MEDIUM -- LENGTH 588 M SINGLE RACE CHAMPIONSHIP TIME TRIAL Rooftops is a fairly simple course overall and can be handled with any fast car. With 56 seconds allotted, there is more than enough time needed to race this track. Matra XL should be available by now and makes a good choice to beat this time trial. ________________________ \ TOY WORLD 1 \____________________________________________________ MEDIUM -- LENGTH 354 M SINGLE RACE CHAMPIONSHIP TIME TRIAL This time trial is extremely difficult. With only 27 seconds, any attempt to beat this trial with the bronze and silver classes of vehicles will be an exercise in frustration. It can be done, however, with a vehicle with a high speed and acceleration rating. At this point R6 Turbo makes the best choice since it will have the highest overall speed and among the best acceleration. The main time killer on this track is the leap toward the end, since the car comes to a stop after striking the ground from that height. The R6 Turbo's improved speed and weight help it sail through the air close to the goal with minimal speed loss. ________________________ \ GHOST TOWN 1 \____________________________________________________ MEDIUM -- LENGTH 324 M SINGLE RACE CHAMPIONSHIP TIME TRIAL This time trial is made difficult thanks to the difficulty of the track. Using Bertha Ballistics will make racing this course under 32 seconds much easier, so it helps to unlock it before the time trial if possible. ________________________ \ TOY WORLD 2 \____________________________________________________ MEDIUM -- LENGTH 444 M SINGLE RACE CHAMPIONSHIP TIME TRIAL The challenge time here is 37 seconds which is far more managable than Toy World 1's time trial. Any fast car should be able to beat this trial. Just remember to take the left path at the fork in the road and be careful to avoid spinning out while taking the sharp U-turns. ____ _____ 4 - P R A C T I C E S T A R S ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ In addition to just learning the course in the practice mode, Acclaim has added practice stars to gather -- one per track. It's an added bonus and challenge to locate and collect these stars, which can unlock some of the hidden goodies in the game. A check will appear under "STARS" beside the track the star was found on as well as being confirmed on the race summary screen. Also, once a star is collected it will always be displayed in the top right corner of the screen during the practice race. The section will both indicate the location of the stars and the best methods and vehicles to use to gather them. TOYS IN THE HOOD 1 An easy star located under the red car parked along the curb. Since the star is on the curb, simply climb up to it from the closest sloping street corner and drive under the car while on the curb to get it. It is very easy, but just note that larger vehicles like Big Volt can be too big to fit under the car. SUPERMARKET 2 The star hear is suspended high in the air in front of the middle cash register and check out lane. Use a fast, not-to-heavy car such as Volken Turbo or Sprinter XL to drive up the checkout counter ramp and jump to the star. It may take an extra try or two if the car didn't pass close enough to the star, and it helps to build up speed by driving some distance before hitting the middem of the ramp. MUSEUM 2 The star here is resting on the center railing between the two escalators. Climb up the railing and drive to the star. Since the star is on the railing, it helps to not build up so much speed that the car leaps and risks falling from the edge -- just fast enough to drive onto the railing. BOTANICAL GARDEN This star is buring in the left garden inside the enclosed green house just after the forced ramp near the end of the track. There is an opening in the left wall after the jump which will allow a vehicle to reach the raised garden and collect the star. ROOFTOPS This is the hardest star to get in the game. It is found on top the red brick wall just after the incline with the two satellite dishes. Follow the brick wall around the rooftop to the next incline and drive up it. Now, turn around and make sure the vehicle faces the brick wall below. Back up to about the third vent on the roof (more or less depending on the vehicle's speed and acceleration) and drive off the edge. Since the vehicle will be traveling quite fast and there is little room on the wall, begin holding the decelerate button before landing and try to come to a complete stop atop the wall. Next, slowly reposition the car so that it faces the right pathway and carefully drive along the wall to the star. It's quite a long distance, and it helps to drive on the center of the wall, going to the edge and making a wide turn at each corner as needed. Using a smaller vehicle (Candy Pebbles) really helps a lot considering how little room there is on the wall, which not only makes landing on the wall easier but also frees up more room to turn. TOY WORLD 1 The star is just behind and below the ramp leading to the huge jump after the soccer field at the end of the course. Simply drive up the middle part of the ramp with enough speed so that the vehicles climbs the ramp without leaping over it. Allow the vehicle to fall to get the star. GHOST TOWN 1 The star here is sitting on top of a crate just behind the starting position. Climb the incline just behind it and leap off to land on the crate. It helps to maintain a slow speed and only drive about two-thirds up the ramp, jumping at a slight angle. It may take a couple of tries to get the star since it is impossible to see it from the ramp to judge the leap to it. TOY WORLD 2 There is a fork in the road somewhat early during this course -- take the right path. The star will be located to the left of the ramp up ahead near the soccer field. Slowly drive up the the leftmost edge of the ramp to get on the blue extension and drive toward the star. It is also possible to leap to the star from the opposite ramp although the first method is much easier. ____ _____ 5 - S T U N T T R A C K S T A R S ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ There are 20 stars scattered about the stunt track. It will not be possible to collect all 20 of them at the start of the game. This section will describe what is required to collect each star. Stars are numbered according to how they appear on the graphical list at the top of the screen. STAR 1 Sitting on top the archway leading into the half pipe is the first star. This is probably the most difficult star to acquire although it can be collected right at the start (likely any fast car; known possible with Dr. Grudge). While the arch is flanked by steep hills which make getting to the top difficult, the left side (facing the entrance from outside) of the arch has a small, even patch of land next to the top that make getting up there a bit easier. Enter the half pipe and make sure to face the front of the vehicle so that it will be heading toward that flat grassing area after leaping into the air and veer a bit left as the vehicle takes its final path up the half pipe before leaping. Just before and while it is airborne, hold left and hope it lands safely, being quick to come to a complete stop. Then drive toward the star to pick it up. STAR 2 STAR 3 STAR 4 The fourth star is found to the immediate right of the starting position suspended above the sloping edge. Just aim the vehicle and drive to the star with enough speed to hit the incline and leap into the star. STAR 5 STAR 6 STAR 7 The third star encountered while traveling up through the loop is the seventh star. It is halfway up the loop after the ninth star and opposite the eighth star. It helps to aim just a teensy bit left while going up the loop, since if the vehicle falls from the top it can still land on the other side of the loop and back up to get the star. STAR 8 The first star encountered while traveling up through the loop is the eighth star. It is a quarter up the loop just after the long runway. STAR 9 The second star encountered while traveling up through the loop is the ninth star. It is at the top of the loop and requires that the vehicle maintain its speed and remain centered while driving through the loop. The vehicle's weight becomes more of a factor at this height. Make sure to be traveling as fast as possible before entering the loop. STAR 10 The tenth star is located directly across from star 15 in the half pipe toward the rear. There is a line on the floor of the half pipe leading from the 15th star to the tenth. Just drive along this line back and forth until the car hits the tenth star. STAR 11 STAR 12 STAR 13 Star 13 is located directly across from star 14 in the half pipe right at the front entrance. There is a line on the floor of the half pipe leading from the 14th star to the tenth. Just drive along this line back and forth until the car hits the 13th star. STAR 14 A bit before the ramp leading to the giant loop is an opening in to wall surrounding the half pipe. Drive up the hill along the light patches of grass up and to the right. At the far right of the half pipe is a star sitting along the edge which can be picked up by driving over it. STAR 15 A bit before the ramp leading to the giant loop is an opening in to wall surrounding the half pipe. Drive up the hill along the light patches of grass up and to the left. At the far left of the half pipe is a star sitting along the edge which can be picked up by driving over it. STAR 16 STAR 17 STAR 18 STAR 19 STAR 20 ____ _____ 6 - V E H I C L E D I R E C T O R Y ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ The following is an listing of all vehicles available in Re-Volt. Be warned that most of these are only available by unlocking them by completing some goal, and this listing will spoil those rewards. Note that the ratings for speed, acceleration, and weight are just close approximations based on the bar graphs used in the game. _________RC BANDIT___________ _________DUST MITE___________ CLASS ELECTRIC CLASS ELECTRIC RATING ROOKIE RATING ROOKIE SPEED 4 SPEED 4 ACC 5 ACC 5 WEIGHT 2 WEIGHT 2 TRANS 4WD TRANS 4WD _________PHAT SLUG___________ _________COL. MOSS___________ CLASS ELECTRIC CLASS ELECTRIC RATING ROOKIE RATING ROOKIE SPEED 3 SPEED 4 ACC 2 ACC 4 WEIGHT 6 WEIGHT 3 TRANS FWD TRANS 4WD _________HARVESTER___________ _________DR. GRUDGE__________ CLASS ELECTRIC CLASS ELECTRIC RATING ROOKIE RATING ROOKIE SPEED 3 SPEED 4 ACC 6 ACC 6 WEIGHT 4 WEIGHT 3 TRANS 4WD TRANS 4WD ________VOLKEN TURBO_________ _________SPRINTER XL_________ CLASS ELECTRIC CLASS ELECTRIC RATING ROOKIE RATING ROOKIE SPEED 3 SPEED 4 ACC 5 ACC 7 WEIGHT 3 WEIGHT 1 TRANS RWD TRANS 4WD __________BIG VOLT___________ _________GENGHIS KAN_________ CLASS ELECTRIC CLASS ELECTRIC RATING ROOKIE RATING AMATEUR SPEED 4 SPEED 5 ACC 6 ACC 3 WEIGHT 6 WEIGHT 5 TRANS 4WD TRANS 4WD __________AQUASONIC__________ ____________MOUSE____________ CLASS GLOW CLASS ELECTRIC RATING AMATEUR RATING AMATEUR SPEED 5 SPEED 5 ACC 5 ACC 6 WEIGHT 3 WEIGHT 5 TRANS FWD TRANS 4WD _____________RC______________ ____________LA 54____________ CLASS ELECTRIC CLASS ELECTRIC RATING AMATEUR RATING AMATEUR SPEED 3 SPEED 4 ACC 9 ACC 8 WEIGHT 3 WEIGHT 2 TRANS RWD TRANS 4WD __________MATRA XL___________ ___________RC SAN____________ CLASS GLOW CLASS ELECTRIC RATING AMATEUR RATING AMATEUR SPEED 5 SPEED 5 ACC 9 ACC 7 WEIGHT 3 WEIGHT 2 TRANS FWD TRANS 4WD ________CANDY PEBBLES________ __________R6 TURBO___________ CLASS ELECTRIC CLASS GLOW RATING AMATEUR RATING ADVANCED SPEED 5 SPEED 6 ACC 4 ACC 5 WEIGHT 3 WEIGHT 1 TRANS FWD TRANS RWD ___________NY 54_____________ ______BERTHA BALLISTICS______ CLASS GLOW CLASS ELECTRIC RATING ADVANGED RATING ADVANCED SPEED 5 SPEED 6 ACC 2 ACC 5 WEIGHT 3 WEIGHT 7 TRANS 4WD TRANS 4WD ___________SHOCKER___________ ____________SPLAT____________ CLASS GLOW CLASS GLOW RATING ADVANGED RATING ADVANCED SPEED 5 SPEED 5 ACC 8 ACC 8 WEIGHT 4 WEIGHT 3 TRANS FWD TRANS FWD _________GROOVSTER___________ ______?????????????????______ CLASS GLOW CLASS ELECTRIC RATING ADVANGED RATING ADVANCED SPEED 5 SPEED ? ACC 8 ACC ? WEIGHT 5 WEIGHT ? TRANS FWD TRANS ? ____ _____ 7 - P O W E R - U P S ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ Power-ups can be turned off in the options menu. They are quite a bit of fun to use, but probably best left off when "serious" racing. Power-ups are picked up by driving close to the spinning lightning bolt icons scattered around each track. The power-up given is picked at random, and there will be a short delay before it can be used (about two seconds while the randomizer picks the item). SHOCKWAVE Shockwave is a very good weapon which sort of flies along the track a short distance, flipping any cars it comes close to while warping the screen. Its speed and accuracy make it the best long range weapon (next to Global Pulse). FIREWORK A single firework allows one shot at an opponent. Fireworks are a good weapon but a bit difficult to get a good shot. First, a target must appear on an opponent in view and then it must turn green before firing with any accuracy. When struck, a car loses control, either spinning out or flipping over. It can be handy if there is an opponent close by, but otherwise dump it for the chance to pick up a better weapon. FIREWORK PACK The firework pack gives the player three fireworks to fire. These are good to fire in rapid succession to overcome their poor aim. ELECTRO PULSE One of the best items in the game, especially when a player is in the lead. Electro pulse will cover the vehicle in blue electricity, firing off a bolt of lightning when an opponent drives nearby. When the bolt connects, the other vehicle loses its power and is unable to accelerate for a few seconds. This is good to activate when an opponent is close behind or when trying to pass another vehicle. GLOBAL PULSE The screen flashes, shutting off the power to all vehicles on the track. This is the best power-up in the game. Players should use it immediately since it takes affect right away. BOMB Picking up a bomb turns the player's vehicle black, and the car's antennae becomes a fuse. The vehicle has ten or so seconds before it explodes to pass the bomb to another car by touching it. Although bombs sound bad, the damage they cause is minimal at best. Since they really only slow vehicles down when detonating, they are of little concern -- neither a good weapon nor danger. OIL SLICK The oil slick is a great power-up, especially when used on a narrow section of a course. Oil slicks cause any tires which drive over them to loose traction, often causing wrecks and opponents to lose control. The oil on the tires last a few seconds, and the slick itself remains for quite a while. WATER BALLOONS While water balloons are supposed to cause vehicles to lose traction, too, similar to a long range oil slick, they don't do a very good job. BALL BEARING CLONE PICK-UP TURBO BATTERY ____ _____ 8 - U N L O C K I N G K E Y ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ Much of the game is initially locked out from the player. Achieving certain goals will unlock these extras, either new vehicles to race or new tracks and variants. GENGHIS KAN and AQUASONIC Collect all four of the bronze cup tracks' practice stars to unlock Genghis Kan and Aquasonic. Whether or not a star has been collected on a particular track is displayed on the race summary screen just before selecting to begin the race as well as on the practice table under "STARS." MOUSE Complete all four bronze cup tracks in the single mode to unlock the Mouse vehicle. The single mode requires a first place finish. Each time a track is successfully completed, a check will appear beside its name under the "WON RACE" column. RC, LA 54, MATRA XL, and the REVERSED BRONZE CUP TRACKS Beat all of the challenge times in the time trial mode for the bronze cup tracks to unlock the RC, LA 54, and Matra XL vehicles. This also opens the reversed bronze cup tracks for racing. Each time a time challenge is beaten, a check will appear beside the track name under the "NORM" column. RC SAN, CANDY PEBBLES, and the NORMAL SILVER CUP TRACKS Place first, second, or third in the bronze cup championship to unlock RC San and Candy Pebbles. This also opens the normal silver cup tracks in all modes. A check will appear beside "BRONZE CUP" on the progress table when complete. R6 TURBO and NY 54 Collect all four of the silver cup tracks' practice stars to unlock R6 Turbo and NY 54. Whether or not a star has been collected on a particular track is displayed on the race summary screen just before selecting to begin the race as well as on the practice table under "STARS." BERTHA BALLISTICS Complete all four silver cup tracks in the single mode to unlock Bertha Ballistics. The single mode requires a first place finish. Each time a track is successfully completed, a check will appear beside its name under the "WON RACE" column. SHOCKER, SPLAT, GROOVSTER, and the REVERSED SILVER CUP TRACKS Beat all of the challenge times in the time trial mode for the silver cup tracks to unlock the Shocker, Splat, and Groovster vehicles. This also opens the reversed silver cup tracks for racing. Each time a time challenge is beaten, a check will appear beside the track name under the "NORM" column. ____ _____ 9 - C O D E S ___/____/ \__ ___________________________________________________________/___/__( )____( )_\ All codes are entered on the "name wheel." Multiple codes may be entered and just require repeatedly changing player one's name for each code entered. UNLOCK ALL TRACKS Enter "TRACTION" to have all tracks available for racing, including the reversed and mirrored versions. UNLOCK ALL VEHICLES Enter "CARTOON" to unlock all vehicles except the UFO. The secret cars will be available in a hidden menu behind Big Volt vehicle. UNLOCK THE UFO Enter "YUEFO" to unlock the UFO. It will appear among the hidden selection boxes starting behind Big Volt. EDIT PROGRESS TABLE Enter "GOATY" to edit the progress table. CHANGE CARS Enter "CHANCER" to cycle through different vehicles during a race by pressing up or down. TINY MODE Enter "MAGGOT" to shrink all of the vehicles in the game. Even the clockwork cars in the options screen will appear half their normal size. This code will stay in effect as long as the game is running. ENHANCED GRAPHICS MODE Enter "FLYBOY" to get the game to display a higher framerate. While everything appears so nice and smooth, this code does cause a bit of pop-up on certain tracks. The improved graphics remain until the power is turned off. ______________________________________________________________________________ Re-Volting -- A Guide To Re-Volt Copyright 2000 by Benjamin Paul Galway All names and trademarks copyright 1999 Sega Enterprises, Ltd.