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The PC version is copyright by both Capcom and Virgin Interactive 1999. This FAQ is copyright 2007 by cvxfreak, all rights reserved. ======================================================================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ======================================================================== 0. Introduction 1. Version History 2. Resident Evil 2: Countless Versions 3. Characters 4. Basic Information A. Controls B. Difficulty Modes C. Herb Guide D. Combat Tactics E. System Requirements (PC only) 5. Walkthrough: Leon S. Kennedy A. Leon Scenario A B. Leon Scenario B 6. Walkthrough: Claire Redfield A. Claire Scenario A B. Claire Scenario B 7. Survivor Minigames A. Hunk: 4th Survivor B. Tofu: Tofu Survivor 8. Extreme Battle Game A. Leon S. Kennedy B. Claire Redfield C. Ada Wong D. Chris Redfield 9. Secrets and Extras A. Codes, Cheats, etc. B. Nintendo 64 Extras C. Dreamcast/PC Extras 10. File Transcripts A. Normal Files B. EX Files (N64 Version Only) 11. Item List 12. Monster and Boss List 13. Standard Guide Information A. Legal B. Contact Guidelines C. Credits D. Conclusion ======================================================================== 0. I N T R O D U C T I O N ======================================================================== Resident Evil, known as Biohazard in Japan, is the most popular survival horror series and depending on who you ask, the best one. Many fans favor Resident Evil 2 of all the games in the series, because of the improvement in gameplay over the original. Many versions have come and gone since the original PlayStation version in 1998. No two versions of Resident Evil 2 are ever exactly the same. The Nintendo 64 version contains an item randomizer, blood color control, violence control and the EX Files. The Dreamcast and PC versions have improved graphics and unlocked extras; the Dreamcast version in Japan came with a CODE: Veronica Trial Edition. And so forth. Now comes the "Resident Evil 2: Ultimate Guide." This FAQ/Walkthrough will be the only version that will extensively cover every console/PC version of Resident Evil 2 as humanly possible. The following games are covered by this walkthrough: Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation) Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition (PlayStation) Resident Evil 2: Platinum (PC) Resident Evil 2 (Nintendo 64) Resident Evil 2 (Dreamcast) In other words, all versions are essentially covered in this single document. It's much easier to maintain a single document for all these versions rather than manage one for every other version, which is time consuming and disorganized. ======================================================================== 1. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y ======================================================================== May 15, 2007 This FAQ sorely needed work. Not having been updated over four years, I neglected to fix up the awkward writing, bad formatting and what not. So I went back through the FAQ and fixed up what needed to be fixed up. For those who are playing Resident Evil 2 for the first time in 2007, good luck! I've also changed my email address, so that's reflected in this updated as well. ======================================================================== 2. R E S I D E N T E V I L 2 : C O U N T L E S S V E R S I O N S ======================================================================== Capcom has brought Resident Evil 2 to the PlayStation (twice), the Nintendo 64, Windows PC and Dreamcast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resident Evil 2 (PlayStation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exclusive features: -None Lack of: -Analog Control -Extreme Battle Mode -Arrange Mode -Nintendo 64 exclusives -PC/Dreamcast exclusives ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition (PlayStation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exclusive features: -Dual Shock controller compatibility (PSone exclusive only) Lack of: -Nintendo 64 exclusives -PC/Dreamcast exclusives ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resident Evil 2 (Nintendo 64) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exclusive features: -No memory card needed -EX Files -Randomizer -Blood Color -Violence Control -One medium only Lack of: -PC/Dreamcast exclusives -Extreme Battle Mode -Arrange Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resident Evil 2: Platinum (PC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exclusive features: -Unlocked Extreme Battle Mode -Wallpaper -Fully accessed Arrange Mode Lack of: -Nintendo 64 exclusives ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resident Evil 2 (Dreamcast) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exclusive features: -BioHazard CODE: Veronica Trial Edition (Japan only) Lack of: -PC exclusive unlocked features -Nintendo 64 exclusives -Resident Evil 2 Artwork -Resident Evil 2 FMV Movie viewer ======================================================================== 3. C H A R A C T E R S ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leon S. Kennedy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 21 Leon is a rookie cop who comes to Raccoon City to start his new job in the Raccoon City Police Department (RPD). When the game begins, he appears somewhat naive (he's only 21), but hardworking and always willing to do his job to help fellow citizens out. He meets up with Claire when they both encounter zombies in the Raccoon City streets, and together they fight their way through hoards of zombies and other creatures in order to survive and escape. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Claire Redfield ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 19 Claire Redfield is the sister of Chris Redfield, who was the co-star of the original Resident Evil. She is a tough, smart college student, and she came to Raccoon City to find Chris after not having heard from him in quite some time. When she meets Sherry, she becomes some sort of a big sister to her, offering her protection and comfort in times of need. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ada Wong ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ada Wong is a mysterious, independent and strong Chinese woman. Moving swiftly and never wasting time, she is able to look out for herself during the Raccoon City outbreak. She meets Leon at the RPD, and become marginal allies. She came to Raccoon City to look for her boyfriend, John, but she also came for another reason... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sherry Birkin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Age: 12 Sherry Birkin is the daughter of William and Annette Birkin. She manages to survive the Raccoon City outbreak and takes refuge in the RPD, where she eventually meets Claire. Unable to use a weapon, Sherry manages to escape zombies and other monsters thanks to her short height and reasonable running speed. She reveals a few things about herself to Claire, strengthening their new friendship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Annette Birkin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Annette is the mother of Sherry and the wife of William. A scientist, she values her husband's work and always stays by his side no matter what. She is willing to go to any measures to protect William's work. Despite neglecting her daughter, she always cared about Sherry and her safety. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brian Irons ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brian Irons is the chief of the RPD, an overweight man with a lust for taxidermy. He has a temper, evidenced by the files his secretary left behind. Irons also has a knack for puzzles that hide secret keys and other objects not fit for a police station. Claire eventually discovers just what Irons' sinister secret is. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ben Bertolucci ------------------------------------------------------------------------ He is a reported trapped in the prison cells in the RPD basement. Ada and Leon found him, but Ben refused to leave, fearing for his own safety. He knows exactly what has gone down in Raccoon City, but refuses to tell Leon and Ada. However, he does decide to help them escape, and offers them advice on a path out of the RPD. However, he ends up quite unlucky in the end... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ William Birkin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ He is the scientist behind the creation of the G-Virus. Brilliant, Birkin was dedicated to his work for Umbrella. However, the French Umbrella sector attacked him, forcing him to inject himself with the G-Virus, which then leads to the T-Virus outbreak in Raccoon City. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hunk ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hunk is the agent who was sent to retrieve the G-Virus. He is attacked by Birkin, but manages to survive Birkin's onslaught. When he makes a recovery a few days later, when zombies have appeared all over Raccoon, Hunk makes his escape with a sample of the G-Virus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marvin Branagh ------------------------------------------------------------------------ He makes a small appearance in the game to aid Claire or Leon by giving them a key to get further into the RPD. He eventually turns into a zombie. He makes an appearance in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, as well, but he's unconscious when Jill Valentine finds him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Kendo ------------------------------------------------------------------------ He is the gun shop owner. According to Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, he was good friends with Resident Evil's Barry Burton. He gets killed at the beginning by zombies who break through the windows of his storefront, but Kendo makes himself useful by leaving a weapon behind for Leon or Claire. He was the man who created the Samurai Edge Handgun seen in the remake of Resident Evil for the Nintendo GameCube. ======================================================================== 4. B A S I C I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******************* PLAYSTATION VERSION ******************* R1 Trigger: Ready Weapon (press and hold) L1 Trigger: Change Targets (when R trigger is held) X Button: Action/Confirm Selection TRIANGLE Button: Status Screen/Cancel SQUARE Button: Dash (with D-button UP)/Cancel selection Start Button: Option menu, skip movie/cut-scene D-Pad: Moves character and options To move character and navigate menus: UP: Forward DOWN: Backward RIGHT: Rotate right LEFT: Rotate left ****************** DUAL SHOCK VERSION ****************** R1 Trigger: Ready Weapon (press and hold) L1 Trigger: Change Targets (when R trigger is held) X Button: Action/Confirm Selection TRIANGLE Button: Status Screen/Cancel SQUARE Button: Dash (with D-button UP)/Cancel selection Start Button: Option menu, skip movie/cut-scene D-Pad: Moves character and options To move character and navigate menus: UP: Forward DOWN: Backward RIGHT: Rotate right LEFT: Rotate left ******************* NINTENDO 64 VERSION ******************* R Trigger: Ready Weapon (press and hold) L Trigger: Change Targets (when R trigger is held) A BUTTON: FIRE WEAPON B BUTTON: CANCEL SELECTION C UP: MAP C DOWN: OPTIONS To move character and navigate menus: UP: Forward DOWN: Backward RIGHT: Rotate right LEFT: Rotate left ***************** DREAMCAST VERSION ***************** R Trigger: Ready Weapon (press and hold) L Trigger: Change Targets (when R trigger is held) X Button: Action/Confirm Selection Y Button: Map Screen B Button: Status Screen/Cancel A Button: Dash (with D-button UP)/Cancel selection Start Button: Option menu, skip movie/cut-scene Analog Thumb Pad: Moves character and options D-Pad: Moves character and options To move character and navigate menus: UP: Forward DOWN: Backward RIGHT: Rotate right LEFT: Rotate left ********** PC VERSION ********** You may use any gamepad or a keyboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. DIFFICULTY MODES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* EASY MODE ********* This is the easiest mode available in the game. There are items available in the Item Box, and you get more ammo throughout the game. Enemies and bosses are somewhat easy to defeat, taking fewer hits from various weapons. The protagonists take quite a bit of damage before dying. *********** NORMAL MODE *********** This mode is even harder than Easy Mode. You get no extra items and enemies are reasonably hard to defeat. The protagonists take a bit more damage. ************************** ARRANGE MODE - ROOKIE MODE ************************** You start off with a Submachine Gun and enemies are extremely easy to defeat. The Rocket Launcher and the Gatling Gun can then be found in the Item Box. The protagonists take a lot of damage before dying. ************************** ARRANGE MODE - USA VERSION (Japanese Version only) ************************** In the Japanese version of the game, BioHazard 2, there is a mode called 'USA Version'. This mode is basically the increased difficulty of the U.S. versions over the Japanese versions. Although it says 'USA Version' the language is still in Japanese. ************************ ARRANGE MODE - NIGHTMARE (Dreamcast and PC only) ************************ This is an extremely difficult mode, with strong monsters and weak protagonists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. HERB GUIDE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ************* HEALTH STATUS ************* Fine (Green) = 100% Health -------------------------- The character has suffered little to no damage. Caution (Yellow) = 75% Health ----------------------------- The character has suffered enough damage to limp slightly. Caution (Orange) = 50% Health ----------------------------- The character has suffered a lot of damage and is limping. Danger (Red) = 25% Health ------------------------- An extreme amount of damage has been inflicted on the character, and he/she is one or two attacks away from death. The character can only limp very slowly. Poison (Purple) = 100%-25% Health --------------------------------- The character has been poisoned by a monster, and health decreases gradually. ************* HERB MIXTURES ************* ------------------------------ |1. RED + GREEN = FULL HEALTH| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This herb looks like a small red and green dot on a piece of paper.| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------- |2. GREEN + GREEN + GREEN = FULL HEALTH| +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |This herb looks like one big green dot on a piece of paper.| +-----------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------- |3. GREEN + GREEN = 50% HEALTH| +------------------------------------------------------------+ |This herb looks like 2 small green dots on a piece of paper.| +------------------------------------------------------------+ ---------------------------------------------- |4. GREEN + BLUE = 25% HEALTH AND POISON HEAL| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |This herb looks like a small blue and green dot on a piece of paper.| +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------- |5. BLUE = POISON HEAL| +------------------------------+ |This is a blue leaf-like herb.| +------------------------------+ ----------------------- |6. GREEN = 25% HEALTH| +-------------------------------+ |This is a green leaf-like herb.| +-------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------ |7. GREEN + GREEN + BLUE = 50% HEALTH AND POISON HEAL| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |This looks like 2 small green dots and a blue dot on a piece of paper.| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------- |8. GREEN + RED + BLUE = FULL HEALTH AND POISON HEAL| +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |This herb looks like one big brown dot on a piece of paper.| +-----------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------- |10. FIRST AID SPRAY = FULL HEALTH| +-----------------------------------------------+ |This is a silver can with a spray nozzle on it.| +-----------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. COMBAT TACTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conserve Ammunition! ******************** Do not waste ammunition on monsters can easily avoid. Otherwise, you will run short of ammo for stronger monsters. However, if you know you cannot avoid a creature, then attack it by all means. Also, give proper appropriation of ammunition for the best monsters: you do not need to use the Grenade Launcher or Magnum on a single zombie. Keep Your Distance! ******************* Up-close combat is asking for trouble, especially against potential one-hit creatures like Lickers or Ivy. Even zombie bites will be lethal if you're bitten up close in a zombie group. Thus, keep your distance and attack enemies from as far away as possible without risking missing an enemy. Being around a corner or on the opposite side of a piece of furniture also provide safe barricades against creatures. Try to Decapitate Zombies! ************************** The SHOTGUN can decapitate groups of zombies, resulting in saved ammo and time. Always try to take out a zombie's head for maximum damage. Keep Healing Items With You! **************************** Carrying a GREEN HERB and FIRST AID SPRAY is wise. The GREEN HERB will cover any small damage, while the FIRST AID SPRAY will be there against fatal wounds. If you're caught in a situation and you have no health items, you may very well get a Game Over. Keep Multiple Save Slots! ************************* The typewriter allows you to save multiple times (at the expense of another INK RIBBON). Save at different points in the game using multiple save slots, in case you find yourself in an irreversible predicament later on. That way you can double back and not make the same mistake again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (PC ONLY) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to www.amazon.com, here are the system requirements for the PC version of Resident Evil 2. 166 MHz Pentium or 133 MHz Pentium with 3-D accelerated card Microsoft Windows 95 or 98 24 MB RAM (32 MB recommended) 2x CD-ROM drive 16-bit high color with at least 640 x 480 resolution DirectX 6.0 compatible drivers for CD-ROM drive ======================================================================== 5. W A L K T H R O U G H : L E O N S. K E N N E D Y ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. LEON SCENARIO A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== CITY AREA 1 =========== From the crashed truck, head down, passed the hoard of zombies. Keep going until you reach the Gun Shop. In the Gun Shop, the owner has a Shotgun pointed toward Leon, but Leon convinces the owner that he is a human. When you regain control of Leon, walk behind the counter the owner was just behind and grab the Handgun Bullets. Then walk over to the other counter and grab another box of Handgun Bullets. As you walk toward the back door, zombies crash through the windows and eat the Gun Shop Owner! Head behind the counter and shoot the zombies. Once they are all dead, head to the corpse of the shop owner and grab his Shotgun, which has 4 shells. Keep your Handgun equipped, though. Leave the shop through the back door. From the shop, turn left, passed the locked basketball court gate to the truck at the back. Grab the Handgun Bullets. The gate you just passed will suddenly break open because of the zombies. Kill the zombies and then head through the metal door in the basketball court. It leads to a staircase. Climb the staircase, head across the catwalk and down another set of stairs. Dispatch the 3 zombies and head through the next door. Dodge the zombies and enter the Bus. Collect the Handgun Bullets behind Leon. Dispatch the zombies and exit the Bus through the other door. Carefully run passed the zombies until you reach a gate. Enter the gate. You're now in the Raccoon City Police Department's Front Lawn. =========================== RACCOON CITY POLICE STATION =========================== Head down the stairs to an alleyway. Cross the alleyway until you get to another flight of stairs. Climb them and then grab the Green Herb from where that plant is growing. Then enter the Police Station. Once in, head to the only open door- the second door to the left. Inside, Leon talks to an extremely wounded officer. The officer tells Leon to use his Key Card to unlock the other doors in the hall. Once Leon exits back into the Main Hall, the door to the room locks behind him. Head to the computer on the reception desk and then use the Blue Card Key (given to you by the officer you just met). The locked doors except for the one you just visited unlock. Head to the first door on the left. There is an Item Box in the room with 3 First Aid Sprays in it. Grab two and deposit the Knife and Green Herb you found outside. Grab the Police Memorandum and remember the combination number "2-2-3-6". Exit through the other door in this room. You're now in Green Hallway # 1. Walk forward until you see a Licker. Use the Shotgun you found in the Gun Shop to kill it. Aim low to hit it. Once the Licker is gone, grab the Green Herb. Head back to the Item Box and mix it with the other one you have. Then deposit the Mixed Herb. Remember the gray door next to where the Licker was for later. Exit to Green Hallway # 2. There, enter the double doors on the side. In this room, head to the back area and use the lighter on the fireplace. The painting above burns away and a Red Jewel falls out. Grab it. Return to Green Hallway # 2 and exit through the next door. In this hall, dispatch the zombies. Head right, near the staircase and grab the 3 Green Herbs. Mix all of them and enter the door. You're now in the first Save Room, which has a Dark Room in it. In the back are, you can develop film you find throughout the game. Deposit one First Aid Spray, the Shotgun (trust me!) and the Red Jewel. Exit the room and climb the staircase. Once up, turn right and run until you see the 3 statues. To solve the puzzle, you have to have both statues facing the middle statue. Push the statue to the right of the middle statue into the brown rectangle shape in the floor next to the blocked-off door. Then take the other statue and push it into the other brown square shape next to the unblocked door. Another Red Jewel will fall out of the middle statue's fist. Grab it. Now head through the door next to the right statue. This is the STARS Office Hallway. Enter the STARS Office in the middle of the hallway. In this room, find the locker left of the door. Open it to find another Shotgun. Grab it and head over to the middle desk. Grab Chris' Dairy. After you grab it, get the Unicorn Medal from the same desk. After getting the Unicorn Medal, Claire comes in. Leon decides that he and Claire need to split up. You give her Chris' Dairy and a radio. After the scene is over, leave the room. Go back to the Statue Room where you got the second Red Jewel and head down the staircase. Once back on the first floor, reenter the Save Room with Dark Room in it. Deposit the second Red Jewel you found and save if you have to. Now backtrack to the Main Hall. On the Woman Statue in front of the small steps, use the Unicorn Medal and a Spade Key will fall out of the statue. Now backtrack to Green Hallway # 1, where you found that Licker. Remember the gray door? Use the Spade Key. In the Messy File Room, go around until you see a step- ladder. Push it until it stops. Climb the step- ladder and grab the Crank. You won't use the Crank until later. Keep going until you reach the staircase leading to the Red Jewel Statue Room. Go into the Save Room with the Dark Room in it and deposit the Crank. Travel back to the STARS Hallway. Go passed the door you went through before until you turn left and see a door. Use the Spade Key to unlock it. Discard the Spade Key (whenever the game asks you to discard an item, do it because it's useless). Enter the door you just unlocked and use your Shotgun to kill the 5 zombies. This is STARS Reception Room. Head right around the corner until you see a door. To the right is a locked desk. You'll get the key for it soon. Just enter the door next to the desk. Leon is now in the Library. There's nothing important to do here now, so just exit through the double doors. You're now on the balcony above the Main Hall. Kill the zombies with your Handgun. Now turn left until you reach the red box with the emergency ladder. Examine it and take the "yes" option to lower the emergency ladder. The ladder allows access to the Main hall of the first floor so you don't have to keep going back to the staircase in the Red Jewel Statue Room. Don't go down the emergency ladder yet, though. Instead, keep going until you see a door. You're now in the Chief's Reception Room. It is also a Save Room. Grab the Small Key from the bench, save your game. Now exit the room through the door next to the Typewriter. There are two powerful zombies, so kill them quickly. See the burning helicopter? Well have to extinguish it. Head to the only passable door in this room, located right of the door you just came through. This is the Bird Hallway. Keep running until you see a door. Unlock it and go through. You're now in the East Staircase. Grab the Green Herbs and go down the staircase. Enter the door at the bottom. You're now in the Fan Room. Examine the corpse to find Bullets. Kill the walking zombies and enter the office. See the Safe? Remember the code from the Police Memorandum File? Enter the code and the Safe will reveal Shotgun Shells and a Police Station map. Head out through the double doors. You're now in the East Reception Hall. Clear the zombies, but instead of heading through the brown single door here (the other single door leads to the Main Hall), head back to the East Staircase and climb it back to the Bird Hallway. Once back in the Bird Hallway, turn right. Dodge the Crows until you reach another door. Head through and you're now on the roof of the Police Station. Head down the stairs until you reach another area of the city. =========== CITY AREA 2 =========== Dodge the zombies until you reach a small Cabin Area. In this area, go to the desk and grab the bullets and the Valve Handle. Don't bother opening the backdoor because it only leads back to the fire from the beginning of the game. Go back to the roof of the Police Station. Once back on the roof, go through the fence opening left of the door. Go to the hole on the wall and use the Valve Handle. Water will spill from above and put out the fire. Go back to the Bird Hallway. ======================= POLICE STATION BASEMENT ======================= Once back, go back to the Save Room where you found the Small Key. Grab the 2 Red Jewels you got a while back and head to the now extinguished helicopter. Go passed the wreckage and head through the door (you'll notice a blocked door; don't worry about it). You'll be in a room full of valuables. Notice the statues beside the Knight Armor Statue? Place a Red Jewel on each of the women statues and a King Plug will fall from the Knight Statue. Also, grab the Diamond Key from the crates to the left and the Shotgun Shells hidden amongst the boxes left of the door. Return to the Save Room you just went to. Deposit the King Plug because you don't need until the near end of the game. Now go back to the STARS Reception Room. Remember the locked desk? Use the Small Key and it will reveal Handgun Parts!!! Combine this with your Handgun to make a Custom Handgun, which can fire 3 bullets at a time! Go back to the STARS Hall and then head back to the Red Jewel Statue Room. Head down the staircase. Once back down in the Dark Room Hall, use the Diamond Key to enter the metal door next to the door that leads to Green Hallway 2 (actually, deposit the Diamond Key for now after using it on the door). The door you just unlocked leads to a file room. There's nothing important here, so exit through the next door. You're now in the room where you talked with that wounded officer (If you play Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, you find out his name is Marvin Branagh). In the small office, he's now a zombie, so kill him with the Custom Handgun or Shotgun. Grab the Heart Key on the desk and exit through the front door. You're now back in the Main Hall. Go through the door right of the main entrance and you'll be back in the Reception Area outside the Fan Room. Enter the Fan Room again and then head to the entrance to the East Staircase. You'll see another door. Use the Heart Key, discard it and enter. Grab the Green Herbs and then head to the staircase. Pick up the Shotgun Shells behind the Staircase before going down. Once down the staircase, you're now in the basement. Turn right until you reach double doors. Go through them and you'll be in a Parking Lot. Run forward and you'll trigger a cut scene with Ada Wong, who's looking for her boyfriend. Help her push the truck blocking the door and head through the door you just opened up. Go passed the door until you see a gate. Head through. Talk to Ben in the second cell. After the cut scene, grab the Manhole Opener. Remember the door you just passed in the previous hallway? Go there now. Inside this room, find the manhole left of the Dog Cells. Use the Manhole Opener and climb down into the Sewers. ========== THE SEWERS ========== Go passed the Giant Spiders until you reach another ladder. Climb it. To the left is a Save Room. Save now. Grab the King Plug and the Diamond Key. Now enter the other door in this room. You are in the H- Shaped room. Go to the end of the room until you see a door. To the right are plug holders. You'll need four of them. Insert the King Plug and exit through the way you came. You'll see Ada. After the cut scene, you'll be in control of her. ============== CONTROLING ADA ============== Exit the room. You're now in the Sewer Plant area. Kill the zombies. Now find a lift. Take it down and grab the Shotgun Shells. Take the lift back up and then head through other door in this area. You're now in the Crate Room. Head down the steps left of the controls and push the right crate into the wall. Climb the middle crate and push it towards the right crate. Then push the left crate in towards the wall. Climb the steps again and then activate the controls. The crates will rise. Cross them and then grab the Club Key. Go back to the first room you took control of Ada in. After the cut scene of Ada giving Leon the Shotgun Shells and Club Key, Leon is back in control. ========================== BACK TO THE POLICE STATION ========================== Go all the way back to the main tunnel of the Police Station Basement. Use the Club Key on one of the double doors. Inside, grab the red Card Key. Now go to the other double doors in the room. You have to power up the RPD Basement, so go to the conductor and press Up, Down, Up, Down and Up and Up. Head next door and inside, you can grab the Submachine Gun and Side Pack. You may want to save it for Claire in Claire B, though. Grab the other ammo elsewhere. Now head back to the first floor of the Police Station. Once back, head to the door behind the staircase. Use the Club Key to open the door. Inside, grab the Magnum. Exit. Go back to the Reception Area outside the Fan Room. Head through the brown door and head to the first door you see. Use the Diamond Key and discard it. Inside, just grab the Rook Plug. A Licker will then attack, but your new Magnum or Submachine Gun can take care of it. Exit and find the Green Door in the same hall. Use the Club Key and discard it. Enter the room. Go to the back of the room. Ignite the back furnace with your Lighter. Then turn on the right statue. Then turn on the middle statue and finally the left statue. The Golden Cogwheel will drop from the wall painting. Grab it. Now climb the East Staircase again and make your way to the Save Room nearby. Grab the Crank from the Item Box. Now go back to the Library. Climb the staircase in the Library. Go passed the door until you drop to a secret area. Press the lighted button to regain access to the 1st floor of the Library. See the bookshelves that have flashing buttons on them? Push the first two to the right and the Bishop Plug will be revealed. Head back to the secret area and grab it. Then climb the staircase in the Library again. Head through the door you passed this time. You're on the third floor of the Main Hall. Head through the other door on this balcony. You're now in the Gear Room. In the Gear Room, use the Crank on the right wall to lower a small set of steps. Climb those steps to reach a gear wall. Attach the Golden Cogwheel so the wall nearby opens. Grab the Knight Plug and then head down the dust chute. Going down the chute takes you back to the hall outside Ben's Cellblock. Ben will be in a cut scene in which William Birkin impregnates him with G- Imago. Get back to Ben and talk to him. Ada will then come in and tell Leon to head into the Umbrella Lab. Go back to the area where you took control of Ada. Once back there, head through the door to the save room and save. Bring the Magnum and Shotgun. Go to the door with the plugs. There, the G- Imago will attack you! =============== BOSS 1: G-IMAGO =============== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM Arm that Magnum and start shooting. The G-Imago will spit out infant monsters in the process. Be careful- they can damage. After 1 full Magnum clip has passed, switch to the Shotgun. Another Shotgun clip will finish it off. =============== BOSS 1: G-IMAGO =============== Now go to the door and insert the Knight, Bishop and Rook plugs. Now exit the final door of the Police Station! We are out of the RPD now! YAY! Now Leon and Ada have to find Claire and get out of the city! ==================== DEEP INTO THE SEWERS ==================== Pass the RPD exit and you'll see Ada pop through a wall. After lecturing her, head through the giant door. Through it, pass through this infested hall and through the next door to the save room. Inside, grab the Valve Handle. Head down the lift. Down there, Annette Birkin will shoot Leon. Ada will be in control again. ========= ADA AGAIN ========= Take Ada through the next door. Follow Annette Birkin through the fan tunnel to the sewer control room. Find her and she will show her an FMV. After Annette is gone, go down the ladder across the bridge. Ada will see something and then vanish... ======================== LEON EXPLORES THE SEWERS ======================== Leon is back in control. Take him through the door and grab the map if you didn't with Ada. In the sewer tunnel, turn left passed the fan ladder. You can't go up it now because it is spinning. Turn left up a ledge and grab the Wolf Medal from the corpses. Now backtrack passed the fan and turn left (Leon's left). Pass through the gate. Proceed down to the waterfall. Place the Wolf Medal inside the machine to the right and take the door to the left. Inside, use the Valve Handle on its socket and cross the bridge. Across it, use the valve handle again. Grab the 2 nearby herbs and proceed through the door. Run down the tunnel and you'll see Ada fighting the next boss... ========================= BOSS # 2: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= DIFFICULTY: EASY (IF USING CANISTER) HARD (IF USING WEAPONS) Run back down the tunnel. Fire a shot from the Submachine Gun or Magnum to slow it down. Run to the canisters and examine them to press them down. Arm the Shotgun now, because it has a wide shooting range. Run back to the entrance and wait for the Alligator. It should now have the canister in its mouth. Now SHOOT it with the Shotgun! The Crocodile's head should blow up! You can also battle it out with this terror. Arm the Submachine Gun and fire. Turn and run and then fire some more. Keep repeating this pattern, since the Submachine Gun fires fastest. The alligator hits hard, so have healing items handy. If you run short of Submachine Gun ammo, which probably won't happen unless you wasted it against the G-Imago, or you left the Submachine Gun for Claire use the Magnum! ========================= BOSS # 2: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= ========================= GETTING OUT OF THE SEWERS ========================= Now we need to get out. Head to the giant door in the alligator hall and unlock it. Head to where you saw Ada and talk to her. Climb up the ladder to where Ada fought Annette. Go to the corpse in the room and grab the Eagle Medal. Now go back to where you fought that Alligator. Head back to the bridge room and use the valve handle to lower it. Now return all to the waterfall and use the Eagle Medal. Pass through the new door now. Through it is a tunnel to cross. Passed that is the tram. Activate it with the console to the right. Ride the tram. ======================= BOSS # 3: WILLIAM'S ARM ======================= DIFFICULTY: EASY You can help Ada fight it out with this guy or let her do the fighting. You might want to do the latter choice if you are skimping on ammo thanks to stupidly fighting the crocodile. Wait for clouds of dust to fall from the ceiling and then fire. Ada will automatically scare it away once it is damaged enough. ======================= BOSS # 3: WILLIAM'S ARM ======================= After the tram ride finishes, search the corner right of the flare for a Locker Key. Proceed through the next door. Follow the tunnels and sway left. Grab the Shotgun Parts and combine them with the Shotgun! The Auto Shotgun is even more powerful than the Magnum! Follow the other side of the tunnels. Take through the door and up the ladder in the next tunnel. You are in the Factory Save Room. Reorganize your items because there is yet ANOTHER boss battle coming. You want the normal Shotgun, but you MODIFIED it! Well, you found another Shotgun way back in the RPD, so that is the one you should use, thanks to it being faster than the modded Shotgun. Pack the Magnum, too, and if you wish, the Submachine Gun. NOTE: The next boss is pretty tough! If you are skimping in all types of ammo because you left the Submachine Gun in the RPD basement, my suggestion to you now is to go ALL THE WAY BACK to the RPD and get it. Super Lickers are coming up and even the Magnum can't kill it directly! To get back, follow the tram back through the tunnels into the sewers. Head up the lift to the save room and passed the room where you fought the G-Imago. Head outside Ben's cell to the RPD basement and grab the Submachine Gun, but ONLY if you are desperate for ammo! You can still get back to the RPD for anything you may have left, so here is your last chance! Head out and into the elevator car. In the back, grab the Control Panel Key and activate the elevator car outside in the panel. Back inside, the arm boss injures Ada again. Head out with the Shotgun equipped. ==================== BOSS # 4: WILLIAM II ==================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM This guy is William II, not I. In the corresponding scenario, Claire B, Claire fights William I in the RPD exit. Get FAR, FAR away from William. Now fire the Normal Shotgun at will. Its wide range can secure a clean hit and it is also pretty fast. Fire clean hits and switch to the Magnum after 1 clip of the Shotgun. William falls down- dead? Nah. ==================== BOSS # 4: WILLIAM II ==================== Back inside, Ada is hurt. You arrive in William Birkin's lab. Now to beat Leon A! ======= THE LAB ======= After talking to Ada, grab the supplies in the save room. Replace the Shotgun for the Auto Shotgun. Grab the Magnum, too. Head out. Turn right through the door. Turn left at the fork. Through the next door, turn to the very left door. Inside the Cold Room, grab the Fuse from the cart and use it on the nearby machine. After the Main Fuse is done, head back to the fork. Use the main Fuse there. Now travel down the right fork. Inside, kill all the plants and turn right. Grab the Flamethrower in the Locker and exit. Head to the locked shutter and raise it. Through it is a door. Beyond that is a ladder. Climb down. Take the next door. Go down the tunnel and use the Flamethrower on the 3 Super Lickers. Grab the 3 herbs and pass the shutter. You need the MO Disk for that. Through the next door is yet another save room. Run passed this room. In the next room, take the left door. Inside, use the Key from the tram area on the lockers here. You get MAGNUM PARTS! YAY! Add that to the Magnum and you have a killing machine! Use the Auto Shotgun on the super zombies. Grab the Lab Card Key! Outside, head to the other door, passed the larva. Arm the Flamethrower. Use the Lab Card Key to gain entrance. Sigh. Another boss battle. ==================== BOSS # 5: GIANT MOTH ==================== DIFFICULTY: EASY Use the Flamethrower against big ugly. After about 30% of it is gone, this moth dies a HORRIBLE and hot death. Meh. This guy shouldn't be CALLED a boss! ==================== BOSS # 5: GIANT MOTH ==================== Head to the computer and use the Shotgun on the larva. Enter the computer and enter the password "GUEST." Now head back to the room outside the Cold Room. Head to the right shutter. Open it up and register your fingerprint in the nearby computer. You still can't open that giant door unless Claire registers her print. You do that in Claire B. Take to the nearby single door. Inside, grab the MO Disk and exit. Outside, Annette confronts you and gets piped! Grab the G- Virus from her. The Lab then tells Leon it will explode in a few minutes. Head back to the Fuse Room. Outside, Ada will confront you. After she falls down to the pit, run back to the MO Disk shutter. There, use the MO Disk and pass through the large door. Take to the elevator and then boss # friggin 6 comes out. Good thing the game is almost over! ===================== BOSS # 6: WILLIAM III ===================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM After it comes in, run and fire the Custom Magnum into its ugly face! After about 5 Shots, it mutates into William IV. ===================== BOSS # 6: WILLIAM III ===================== ==================== BOSS # 7: WILLIAM IV ==================== DIFFICULTY: HARD Fire more Magnum shots into this ass. After about 10 shots, it finally goes down. For good? Nah again. ==================== BOSS # 7: WILLIAM IV ==================== Head down the elevator! Follow the tunnel and watch the ending of Leon A! It is not the full ending, though. Play the next game, Claire B, for the ending of this ending! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. LEON SCENARIO B ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (NOTE: To access this scenario, defeat Claire Scenario A. Then save the game after finishing her game in order to get this scenario.) =========== CITY AREA 1 =========== From the crashed truck, head down, passed the hoard of zombies. Keep going until you reach the back Area. In the back Area, kill all the zombies. Grab the Cabin Key nearby and use it on the locked back door. Carefully run passed the zombies until you reach some stairs. Enter the gate. You're now in the Raccoon City Police Department's Roof. Watch the FMV. =========================== RACCOON CITY POLICE STATION =========================== Head into the Bird Hallway and down the East Staircase. In the Detective's Office, grab the Valve Handle. Head to the nearby safe in the adjacent room. Remember the code I told you to remember in Claire A? It was 2236. Enter for an RPD Map and some Acid Rounds. Head back up the East Staircase. Pass through the Save Room and into the Main Hall. Dispatch all the zombies on the ledge and grab the Unicorn Medal on the other side, passed the 2 doors. Activate the Emergency Ladder and head down. Grab the Shotgun from the desk. Go to the giant statue and like in Claire A, use it to grab the Spade Key. Head back to the roof via the ladder. There, head left and use the Valve Handle. Check the chopper for Ammo. Equip the Shotgun. A boss is coming. Head inside the Bird Hallway. Mr. X, a Tyrant designed to hunt William Birkin down comes in. =============== BOSS # 1: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Launch Shells into this evil, evil man. Switch to the Handgun Bullets when you run out. Mr. X drops a random item. =============== BOSS # 1: MR. X =============== Travel to the room here Claire used the 2 Red Jewels. Inside, grab the Blue Card Key. Head for the Main Hall. Head to the computer on the reception desk and then use the Blue Card Key. The locked doors except for the one where Claire saw Marvin unlock. Head to the first door on the left. There is an Item Box in the room. Deposit the Knife. Exit through the other door in this room. You're now in Green Hallway # 1. Walk forward to the first door. Grab the Green Herb. Now use the Spade Key and discard it. Inside, push the ladder to where Claire found the crank. This time, though, he finds a First Aid Spray. Outside, exit to Green Hallway # 2. There, enter the double doors on the side. In this room, head to the back area and use the lighter on the fireplace. The painting above burns away and a Red Jewel falls out. Grab it. Return to Green Hallway # 2 and exit through the next door. In this hall, dispatch the zombies. Head right, near the staircase and grab the 2 Green Herbs. Mix all of them and enter the door. You're now in the second Save Room, which has a Dark Room in it. In the back are, you can develop film you find throughout the game. Exit the room and climb the staircase. Once up, turn right and run until you see the 3 statues. To solve the puzzle, you have to have both statues facing the middle statue. Push the statue to the right of the middle statue into the brown rectangle shape in the floor next to the blocked-off door. Then take the other statue and push it into the other brown square shape next to the unblocked door. Another Red Jewel will fall out of the middle statue's fist. Grab it. Now head through the door next to the right statue. This is the STARS Office Hallway. Enter the STARS Office in the middle of the hallway. In this room, find the locker left of the door. Open it to find the Magnum. Head to the STARS Reception Room to find Sherry. Watch her climb under the blocked door. Grab the Diamond Key and talk to Claire. Go back to the Statue Room where you got the second Red Jewel and head down the staircase. Once back on the first floor, reenter the Save Room with Dark Room in it. Save up and reorganize your inventory. Make sure you have the Diamond Key, 2X Red Jewels, Shotgun w/ Shells, Handgun w/ Bullets. Head into the door leading to the Cabinet Room. Inside, pick the flashing cabinet for a Bomb. Exit into the Marvin Room. Go to where Claire got the Detonator and grab the Heart Key. Travel back to the Chopper Hallway. Head inside the room where you found the Blue Card Key and use the 2 Red Jewels. Grab the Chess Plug. Travel to the damaged door and use the Bomb and Detonator. Travel down the East Staircase and down to the door leading to the basement. Use the Heart Key and discard it. ======================= POLICE STATION BASEMENT ======================= Once down the staircase, you're now in the basement. Turn right until you reach double doors. Go through them and you'll be in a Parking Lot. Run forward and you'll trigger a cut scene with Ada Wong, who's looking for her boyfriend. Help her push the truck blocking the door and head through the door you just opened up. Go passed the door until you see a gate. Head through. Talk to Ben in the second cell. After the cut scene, grab the Manhole Opener. Remember the door you just passed in the previous hallway? Go there now. Inside this room, find the manhole left of the Dog Cells. Use the Manhole Opener and climb down into the Sewers. ========== THE SEWERS ========== Go passed the Giant Spiders until you reach another ladder. Climb it. To the left is a Save Room. Save now. Grab the King Plug and the Diamond Key. Now enter the other door in this room. You are in the H- Shaped room. Go to the end of the room until you see a door. To the right are plug holders. You'll need four of them. Insert the King Plug and exit through the way you came. You'll see Ada. After the cut scene, you'll be in control of her. ============== CONTROLING ADA ============== Exit the room. You're now in the Sewer Plant area. Kill the zombies. Now find the lift Sherry came from. Take it down and grab the Shotgun Shells. Take the lift back up and then head through other door in this area. You're now in the Crate Room. Head down the steps left of the controls and push the right crate into the wall. Climb the middle crate and push it towards the right crate. Then push the left crate in towards the wall. Climb the steps again and then activate the controls. The crates will rise. Cross them and then grab the Club Key. Go back to the first room you took control of Ada in. After the cut scene of Ada giving Leon the Shotgun Shells and Club Key, Leon is back in control. ========================== BACK TO THE POLICE STATION ========================== Go all the way back to the main tunnel of the Police Station Basement. Use the Club Key on one of the double doors. Inside, grab the red Card Key. Now go to the other double doors in the room. You have to power up the RPD Basement, so go to the conductor and press Up, Down, Up, Down and Up and Up. Head next door and inside, you can grab the Submachine Gun and Side Pack. If you left it for Leon in Claire A, it'll be here. If Claire took it, Leon is out of luck. Grab the other ammo elsewhere. Now travel to the Chief's Office and to the room where Claire first found Sherry. There, grab the Crank on the chest on the table. Once back, head to the door behind the staircase. Use the Club Key to open the door. Inside, grab the Ammo. Exit. Go back to the Reception Area outside the Fan Room. Head through the brown door and head to the first door you see. Use the Diamond Key and discard it. Inside, just grab another Plug. A Licker will then attack, but your Magnum or Submachine Gun can take care of it. Exit and find the Green Door in the same hall. Use the Club Key and discard it. Enter the room. Go to the back of the room. Ignite the back furnace with your Lighter. Then turn on the right statue. Then turn on the middle statue and finally the left statue. The Golden Cogwheel will drop from the wall painting. Grab it. =============== BOSS # 2: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and Magnum simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 2: MR. X =============== Attempt to return to the East Staircase and Mr. X will jump through the wall. =============== BOSS # 3: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and Magnum simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 3: MR. X =============== Notice the similarities between boss 2 and 3? Hehehehehehehe. Now climb the East Staircase again and make your way to the Save Room nearby. Save and pack these items: Handgun Bullets Submachine Gun Shotgun Shells Plug Now travel to the Chief's Office and to the room where Claire first found Sherry. There, grab the Crank on the chest on the table. Mr. X will stalk you on your way out. =============== BOSS # 4: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and Magnum simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 4: MR. X =============== Now go back to the Library. Climb the staircase in the Library. Go passed the door until you drop to a secret area. Press the lighted button to regain access to the 1st floor of the Library. See the bookshelves that have flashing buttons on them? Push the first two to the right and another Plug will be revealed. Head back to the secret area and grab it. Then climb the staircase in the Library again. Head through the door you passed this time. You're on the third floor of the Main Hall. Head through the other door on this balcony. You're now in the Gear Room. In the Gear Room, use the Crank on the right wall to lower a small set of steps. Climb those steps to reach a gear wall. Attach the Golden Cogwheel so the wall nearby opens. Grab the Plug. Slide into the Ben's Cell. There, Ben will be there. After he dies, go back to where you controlled Ada. In the RPD Exit Door, William I will attack you. ========================== BOSS # 5: WILLIAM BIRKIN I ========================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM Arm that Submachine Gun and start shooting. William Birkin I will hit you with the pipe in the process. Be careful- it very well can damage. Heal after that! ========================== BOSS # 5: WILLIAM BIRKIN I ========================== Now go to the final door and apply the last plugs. Now exit the final door of the Police Station after seeing Ada pop through a wall! We are out of the RPD now! YAY! Now Leon and Ada have to find Claire and get out of the city! ==================== DEEP INTO THE SEWERS ==================== Pass the RPD exit. Head through the giant door. Through it, pass through this infested hall and through the next door to the save room. Inside, grab the Valve Handle. Head down the lift. Down there, Leon will get shot. Ada will follow Annette. ========= ADA AGAIN ========= Take Ada through the next door. Follow Annette Birkin through the fan tunnel to the sewer control room. Find her and she will show her an FMV. After Annette is gone, go down the ladder across the bridge. Ada will see something and then vanish... ======================== LEON EXPLORES THE SEWERS ======================== Leon is back in control. Take him through the door and grab the map if you didn't with Ada. In the sewer tunnel, turn left passed the fan ladder. You can't go up it now because it is spinning. Turn left up a ledge and grab the Wolf Medal from the corpses. Now backtrack passed the fan and turn left (Leon's left). Pass through the gate. Proceed down to the waterfall. Place the Wolf Medal inside the machine to the right and take the door to the left. Inside, use the Valve Handle on its socket and cross the bridge. Across it, use the valve handle again. Grab the 2 nearby herbs and proceed through the door. Run down the tunnel and you'll see Ada fighting the next boss if Claire didn't kill it in Claire A... ========================= BOSS # 6: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= DIFFICULTY: EASY (IF USING CANISTER) HARD (IF USING WEAPONS) Run back down the tunnel. Fire a shot from the Submachine Gun or Magnum to slow it down. Run to the canisters and examine them to press them down. Arm the Shotgun now, because it has a wide shooting range. Run back to the entrance and wait for the Alligator. It should now have the canister in its mouth. Now SHOOT it with the Shotgun! The Crocodile's head should blow up! You can also battle it out with this terror. Arm the Submachine Gun and fire. Turn and run and then fire some more. Keep repeating this pattern, since the Submachine Gun fires fastest. The alligator hits hard, so have healing items handy. If you run short of Submachine Gun ammo, which probably won't happen unless you wasted it against William I and Mr. X, or you took the Submachine Gun as Leon, use the Magnum! ========================= BOSS # 6: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= ========================= GETTING OUT OF THE SEWERS ========================= Now we need to get out. Head to the giant door in the alligator hall and unlock it. Head to where you saw the Giant Crocodile. Climb up the ladder to where Ada fought Annette. Go to the corpse in the room and grab the Eagle Medal. Now go back to where you fought that Alligator. Head back to the bridge room and use the valve handle to lower it. Now return all to the waterfall and use the Eagle Medal. Pass through the new door now. Through it is a tunnel to cross. Passed that is the tram. Activate it with the console to the right. Ride the tram. ======================= BOSS # 7: WILLIAM'S ARM ======================= DIFFICULTY: EASY You can help Ada fight it out with this guy or let her do the fighting. You might want to do the latter choice if you are skimping on ammo thanks to stupidly fighting the crocodile. Wait for clouds of dust to fall from the ceiling and then fire. Ada will automatically scare it away once it is damaged enough. ======================= BOSS # 7: WILLIAM'S ARM ======================= After the tram ride finishes, search the corner right of the flare for a Locker Key. Proceed through the next door. Follow the tunnels and sway left. Grab the Shotgun Parts and combine them with the Shotgun! Follow the other side of the tunnels. Take through the door and up the ladder in the next tunnel. You are in the Factory Save Room. Reorganize your items because there is yet ANOTHER boss battle coming. Head out and down the lift. Follow the tunnels and grab the Control Panel Key. Another boss comes in. =============== BOSS # 8: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and Magnum simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 8: MR. X =============== Get back to the Control Room where Ada is at. Use the Control Panel Key on that machine and head to the Elevator Car. Power it up like in the previous game (Claire A) and head in. Once in, talk to Ada and fight boss number *8*! ===================== BOSS # 8: WILLIAM III ===================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM This guy is William III, not II. In the corresponding scenario, Claire A, Claire fights William II in the RPD. Get FAR, FAR away from William. Now fire the Shotgun at it. Its wide range can secure a clean hit and it is also pretty fast. Fire clean hits and switch to the Magnum after 6 Shells of the Shotgun. William falls down- dead? Nah. ===================== BOSS # 8: WILLIAM III ===================== Back inside, Ada is hurt. You arrive in William Birkin's lab. Now to beat Leon B! ======= THE LAB ======= After talking to Ada, head out. Head through the vent and an FMV will occur. You are in the Elevator Hallway. Claire never came here. Head down the tunnel and to the right. Inside the Power Area, push the steel box down the lift. Push it to the other set of crates in the room. You can climb them and see a locked door. You need to get to the Power Room. Back in the Power Area, ride the second lift down (down from the first lift. Down there, kill the Super Lickers and flip the switch. Head back to the elevator hallway and up the elevator at the other end. You will be in the lab's main area near the save room Claire left Sherry in. head through the door to the fuse area. Through the next door, turn to the very left door. Inside the Cold Room, grab the Fuse from the cart and use it on the nearby machine. After the Main Fuse is done, head back to the fork. Use the main Fuse there. Now travel down the right fork. Inside, kill all the plants and turn right. Grab the Lab Card Key and Flamethrower exit. Head to the locked shutter and raise it. Through it is a door. Beyond that is a ladder. Climb down. Take the next door. Go down the tunnel and use the Flamethrower on the 3 Super Lickers. Grab the 3 herbs and pass the shutter. You don't need to head through there, unlike Claire A. Through the next door is yet another save room. Run passed this room. In the next room, take the left door. Inside, use the Key from the tram area on the lockers here. You get Magnum Parts! YAY! Add that to the Magnum and you have a killing machine! Use the Submachine Gun on the super zombies. Grab the Power Room Key! Outside, head to the other door, passed the larva. Arm the Flame Rounds. Use the Lab Card Key to gain entrance. Sigh. Another boss battle. ==================== BOSS # 9: GIANT MOTH ==================== DIFFICULTY: EASY Use the Flamethrower against big ugly. After about 3 rounds of it is gone, this moth dies a HORRIBLE and hot death. Meh. This guy shouldn't be CALLED a boss! ==================== BOSS # 9: GIANT MOTH ==================== Head to the computer and use the Handgun on the larva. Enter the computer and enter the password "GUEST." Now head back to the room outside the Cold Room. Annette will be on the way. Head to the right shutter. Open it up and register your fingerprint in the nearby computer. Enter through the door if you registered the print in Claire A. Through it is 3 Super Lickers and either Submachine Gun or Submachine Gun Ammo, depending on what Claire did in Claire A. Head outside. Head back to the Power Area and up the crates to the locked door. On your way is Annette and a boss fight. ================ BOSS # 10: MR. X ================ DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and Magnum simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! ================ BOSS # 10: MR. X ================ Use the Power Room Key. Through it is a confrontation between Ada and Mr. X! The self-destruct sequence also commences. Grab the Master Key from Ada's Body. Travel to the Save room Sherry was left at in Claire A. Get Sherry and head back to the nearby elevator. Inside the elevator is a computer. Use the Master Key to open up an escape route. You are taken to the Train Area shown at the end of Claire A. Head into the train and head into the second car. It is a Save Room. Grab the Platform Key nearby. Make your inventory look like this: Submachine Gun Shotgun Magnum Platform Key 3 Full Healing Items Head outside and to the gate. Use the Platform Key. Now there is 5 minutes left before the base explodes! Through it, go up the stairs and grab the Joint Plugs on a console near the stairs. Head through the next door. Through it, attach the Joint Plugs to the console at the other side of the room. Another boss battle comes in! ======================== BOSS # 11: MUTATED MR. X ======================== DIFFICULTY: HARD Mr. X has mutated, so arm the Submachine Gun. You should have one now no matter what Claire did in the RPD. Fire and run to the side- Mr. X can sway in many directions. Heal when in Orange Caution. Mr. X is also VERY fast. Moreso than Nemesis from RE3. A shadow of Ada Wong will eventually come in and throw a ROCKET LAUNCHER to Leon. Grab it and fire one rocket into Mr. X, killing it permanently! ======================== BOSS # 11: MUTATED MR. X ======================== Run back to the escape train. Near the tunnel where Claire emerges in Claire A is a gate control machine. Flip the switch and run into the control room of the train. Flip the switch and see the ending from Claire A. After the Claire A ending, we have to fight ONE MORE BOSS as Leon. Head to the back of the train and fight the final William Birkin. ==================== BOSS # 12: WILLIAM V ==================== DIFFICULTY: EASY Fire 10 Magnum shots into this ass, along with the Rocket. After about 10 shots, it finally goes down. For good? Yes. Glad? Yes. ==================== BOSS # 12: WILLIAM V ==================== Now watch the extended ending! You have just watched the UNOFFICIAL events of RE2! Now try the opposite scenario, Leon A-Claire B, or the Hunk, Tofu or EX Battle games! ======================================================================== 6. W A L K T H R O U G H : C L A I R E R E D F I E L D ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. CLAIRE SCENARIO A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== CITY AREA 1 =========== From the crashed truck, head down, passed the hoard of zombies. Keep going until you reach the Gun Shop. In the Gun Shop, the owner has a Bow Gun pointed toward Claire, but Claire convinces the owner that he is a human. When you regain control of Claire, walk behind the counter the owner was just behind and grab the Handgun Bullets. Then walk over to the other counter and grab another box of Handgun Bullets. As you walk toward the back door, zombies crash through the windows and eat the Gun Shop Owner! Head behind the counter and shoot the zombies. Once they are all dead, head to the corpse of the shop owner and grab his Bow Gun, which has 12 Bolts. Keep your Handgun equipped, though. Leave the shop through the back door. From the shop, turn left, passed the locked basketball court gate to the truck at the back. Grab the Handgun Bullets. The gate you just passed will suddenly break open because of the zombies. Kill the zombies and then head through the metal door in the basketball court. It leads to a staircase. Climb the staircase, head across the catwalk and down another set of stairs. Dispatch the 3 zombies and head through the next door. Dodge the zombies and enter the Bus. Collect the Handgun Bullets behind Claire. Dispatch the zombies and exit the Bus through the other door. Carefully run passed the zombies until you reach a gate. Enter the gate. You're now in the Raccoon City Police Department's Front Lawn. =========================== RACCOON CITY POLICE STATION =========================== Head down the stairs to an alleyway. Cross the alleyway until you get to another flight of stairs. Climb them and then grab the Green Herb from where that plant is growing. Then enter the Police Station. Once in, head to the only open door- the second door to the left. Inside, Claire talks to an extremely wounded officer. The officer tells Claire to use his Key Card to unlock the other doors in the hall. Once Claire exits back into the Main Hall, the door to the room locks behind her. Head to the computer on the reception desk and then use the Blue Card Key (given to you by the officer you just met). The locked doors except for the one you just visited unlock. Head to the first door on the left. There is an Item Box in the room with 3 First Aid Sprays in it. Grab two and deposit the Knife and Green Herb you found outside. Grab the Police Memorandum and remember the combination number "2-2-3-6". Exit through the other door in this room. You're now in Green Hallway # 1. Walk forward until you see a Licker. Use the Bow Gun you found in the Gun Shop to kill it. Aim low to hit it. Once the Licker is gone, grab the Green Herb. Head back to the Item Box and mix it with the other one you have. Then deposit the Mixed Herb. Remember the gray door next to where the Licker was for later. Exit to Green Hallway # 2. There, enter the double doors on the side. In this room, head to the back area and examine the painting. Claire needs to use the lighter on the fireplace. She will find it later. Return to Green Hallway # 2 and exit through the next door. In this hall, dispatch the zombies. Head right, near the staircase and grab the 3 Green Herbs. Mix all of them and enter the door. You're now in the first Save Room, which has a Dark Room in it. In the back are, you can develop film you find throughout the game. Deposit one First Aid Spray, the Shotgun (trust me!) and the Red Jewel. Exit the room and climb the staircase. Once up, turn right and run until you see the 3 statues. To solve the puzzle, you have to have both statues facing the middle statue. Push the statue to the right of the middle statue into the brown rectangle shape in the floor next to the blocked-off door. Then take the other statue and push it into the other brown square shape next to the unblocked door. The first Red Jewel will fall out of the middle statue's fist. Grab it. Now head through the door next to the right statue. This is the STARS Office Hallway. Enter the STARS Office in the middle of the hallway. In this room, find the locker left of the door. Open it to find the G. Launcher. Grab it and head over to the middle desk. Grab Chris' Dairy. After you grab it, get the Unicorn Medal from the same desk. Leave the room. Go back to the Statue Room where you got the Red Jewel and head down the staircase. Once back on the first floor, backtrack to the Main Hall. On the Woman Statue in front of the small steps, use the Unicorn Medal and a Spade Key will fall out of the statue. Now backtrack to Green Hallway # 1, where you found that Licker. Remember the gray door? Use the Spade Key. In the Messy File Room, go around until you see a step- ladder. Push it until it stops. Climb the step- ladder and grab the Crank. You won't use the Crank until later. Keep going until you reach the staircase leading to the Red Jewel Statue Room. Go into the Save Room with the Dark Room in it and deposit the Crank. Travel back to the STARS Hallway. Sherry will be here. Go passed the door you went through before until you turn left and see a door. Use the Spade Key to unlock it. Discard the Spade Key (whenever the game asks you to discard an item, do it because it's useless). Enter the door you just unlocked. Leon is here This is STARS Reception Room. Head right around the corner until you see a door. To the right is a locked desk. Pick it and grab the item. Enter the door next to the desk. Claire is now in the Library. There's nothing important to do here now, so just exit through the double doors. You're now on the balcony above the Main Hall. Kill the zombies with your Handgun. Now turn left until you reach the red box with the emergency ladder. Examine it and take the "yes" option to lower the emergency ladder. The ladder allows access to the Main hall of the first floor so you don't have to keep going back to the staircase in the Red Jewel Statue Room. Don't go down the emergency ladder yet, though. Instead, keep going until you see a door. You're now in the Chief's Reception Room. It is also a Save Room. Grab the Lighter from the bench and save your game. Now head back to the ladder and go down it. Then head back to Green Hallway 2. There, head through the double doors to that painting. Use the Lighter. Grab the second Red Jewel. Travel back to the Save Room where you found the Lighter. Now exit the room through the door next to the Typewriter. There are two powerful zombies, so kill them quickly. See the burning helicopter? Well have to extinguish it. Head to the only passable door in this room, located right of the door you just came through. This is the Bird Hallway. Keep running until you see a door. Unlock it and go through. You're now in the East Staircase. Grab the Green Herbs and go down the staircase. Enter the door at the bottom. You're now in the Fan Room. Examine the corpse to find Bullets. Kill the walking zombies and enter the office. See the Safe? Remember the code from the Police Memorandum File? Enter the code and the Safe will reveal Shotgun Shells and a Police Station map. Head out through the double doors. You're now in the East Reception Hall. Clear the zombies, but instead of heading through the brown single door here (the other single door leads to the Main Hall), head back to the East Staircase and climb it back to the Bird Hallway. Once back in the Bird Hallway, turn right. Dodge the Crows until you reach another door. Head through and you're now on the roof of the Police Station. Head down the stairs until you reach another area of the city. =========== CITY AREA 2 =========== Dodge the zombies until you reach a small Cabin Area. In this area, go to the desk and grab the Second Bow Gun and the Valve Handle. Don't bother opening the backdoor because it only leads back to the fire from the beginning of the game. Go back to the roof of the Police Station. Once back on the roof, go through the fence opening left of the door. Go to the hole on the wall and use the Valve Handle. Water will spill from above and put out the fire. Go back to the Bird Hallway. ======================= POLICE STATION BASEMENT ======================= Once back, go back to the Save Room where you found the Lighter. Grab the 2 Red Jewels you got a while back and head to the now extinguished helicopter. Go passed the wreckage and head through the door (you'll notice a blocked door; don't worry about it). You'll be in a room full of valuables. Notice the statues beside the Knight Armor Statue? Place a Red Jewel on each of the women statues and a Half Jaguar Stone will fall from the Knight Statue. Also, grab the Diamond Key from the crates to the left and the G. Launcher hidden amongst the boxes left of the door. Return to the Save Room you just went to. Deposit the Half Jaguar Stone because you don't need until the near end of the game. Now go back to the bottom of the staircase outside the Dark Room. Once back down in the Dark Room Hall, use the Diamond Key to enter the metal door next to the door that leads to Green Hallway 2 (actually, deposit the Diamond Key for now after using it on the door). The door you just unlocked leads to a file room. Pick the flashing lock and grab the Bomb, then exit through the next door. You're now in the room where you talked with that wounded officer (If you play Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, you find out his name is Marvin Branagh). In the small office, he's now a zombie, so kill him with the Bow Gun or G. Launcher. Grab the Heart Key on the desk and exit through the front door. You're now back in the Main Hall. Go through the door right of the main entrance and you'll be back in the Reception Area outside the Fan Room. Enter the Fan Room again and then head to the entrance to the East Staircase. You'll see another door. Use the Heart Key, discard it and enter. Grab the Green Herbs and then head to the staircase. Pick up the Shotgun Shells behind the Staircase before going down. Once down the staircase, you're now in the basement. Turn left until you reach double doors. Go through them and you'll be in a Sewer Entrance. Run forward and down the ladder. Head into the save room and head out for now. You'll trigger a cut scene with Sherry Birkin, who's looking for her father. You are now controlling Sherry. The small vent leads to an area of the sewers. ================= CONTROLING SHERRY ================= Exit the room. You're now in the Sewer Plant area. Dodge the zombies. Now find the door to the very left. Head through it and grab the Grenade Launcher Ammo. Head through other door in this area. You're now in the Crate Room. Head down the steps left of the controls and push the right crate into the wall. Climb the middle crate and push it towards the right crate. Then push the left crate in towards the wall. Climb the steps again and then activate the controls. The crates will rise. Cross them and then grab the Club Key. Go back to the first room you took control of Sherry in. After the cut scene of Sherry giving Claire the G. Launcher Ammo and Club Key, Claire is back in control. ========================== BACK TO THE POLICE STATION ========================== Go all the way back to the main tunnel of the Police Station Basement. Use the Club Key on one of the double doors. Inside, grab the red Card Key. Now go to the other double doors in the room. You have to power up the RPD Basement, so go to the conductor and press Up, Down, Up, Down and Up and Up. Head next door and inside, you can grab the Submachine Gun and Side Pack. You may want to save it for Leon in Leon B, though. Grab the other ammo elsewhere. Now head back to the first floor of the Police Station. Once back, head to the door behind the staircase. Use the Club Key to open the door. Inside, grab the ammo. Exit. Go back to the Reception Area outside the Fan Room. Head through the brown door and head to the first door you see. Use the Diamond Key and discard it. Inside, just grab the Eagle Stone. A Licker will then attack, but your G. Launcher or Submachine Gun can take care of it. Exit and find the Green Door in the same hall. Use the Club Key and discard it. Enter the room. Go to the back of the room. Ignite the back furnace with your Lighter. Then turn on the right statue. Then turn on the middle statue and finally the left statue. The Golden Cogwheel will drop from the wall painting. Grab it. Now climb the East Staircase again and make your way to the Save Room nearby. Grab the Crank from the Item Box. Now go back to the Library. Climb the staircase in the Library. Go passed the door until you drop to a secret area. Press the lighted button to regain access to the 1st floor of the Library. See the bookshelves that have flashing buttons on them? Push the first two to the right and the Bishop Plug will be revealed. Head back to the secret area and grab it. Then climb the staircase in the Library again. Head through the door you passed this time. You're on the third floor of the Main Hall. Head through the other door on this balcony. You're now in the Gear Room. In the Gear Room, use the Crank on the right wall to lower a small set of steps. Climb those steps to reach a gear wall. Attach the Golden Cogwheel so the wall nearby opens. Grab the Half Jaguar Stone and combine it with the other half. Then head back to the Chief's Room. Keep it on for Iron's Room. There, insert the 3 stones (Jaguar, Serpent, Eagle) into the painting. A new compartment will be revealed. Travel to it and head down the elevator. Pass through the dungeons and talk to Irons. William Birkin will inject G-Imago into Irons. Grab the nearby Acid Rounds and head down the ladder. The first boss battle occurs with G- Imago. =============== BOSS 1: G-IMAGO =============== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM Arm that G. Launcher and start shooting. The G-Imago will spit out infant monsters in the process. Be careful- they can damage. After 1 full G. Launcher clip has passed, switch to the Submachine Gun. Another 10% Submachine Gun clip will finish it off. =============== BOSS 1: G-IMAGO =============== Now get back to Sherry and go back here. Call the ladder and climb it to the next room. After seeing William Birkin, exit the final door of the Police Station! We are out of the RPD now! YAY! Now Claire and Sherry have to find Leon and get out of the city! ==================== DEEP INTO THE SEWERS ==================== Pass the RPD exit and you'll see Sherry fall through a vent. We gotta control Sherry again. ============ SHERRY AGAIN ============ Take Sherry through the next door. Look for a vent in this secret warehouse. RUN through this tunnel before the roaches get her. Outside, grab the Wolf Medal and Sherry will fall through. ========================== CLAIRE EXPLORES THE SEWERS ========================== Claire is back in control. Take her through the door and into the save room. Through it, grab the Valve Handle from the item box. Head down the lift. Follow the tunnel and grab the map. In the sewer tunnel, turn left passed the fan ladder. You can't go up it now because it is spinning. Now the other way passed the fan and turn left (Claire's left). Pass through the gate. Proceed down to the waterfall. Take note of the machine to the right of the waterfall and take the door to the left. Inside, use the Valve Handle on its socket and cross the bridge. Across it, use the valve handle again. Grab the 2 nearby herbs and proceed through the door. Run down the tunnel and you'll see Sherry near the next boss... ========================= BOSS # 2: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= DIFFICULTY: EASY (IF USING CANISTER) HARD (IF USING WEAPONS) Run back down the tunnel. Fire a shot from the Submachine Gun or Bow Gun to slow it down. Run to the canisters and examine them to press them down. Arm the G. Launcher now, because it has a wide shooting range. Run back to the entrance and wait for the Alligator. It should now have the canister in its mouth. Now SHOOT it with the G. Launcher! The Crocodile's head should blow up! You can also battle it out with this terror. Arm the Submachine Gun and fire. Turn and run and then fire some more. Keep repeating this pattern, since the Submachine Gun fires fastest. The alligator hits hard, so have healing items handy. If you run short of Submachine Gun ammo, which probably won't happen unless you wasted it against the G-Imago, or you left the Submachine Gun for Leon use the G. Launcher! ========================= BOSS # 2: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= ========================= GETTING OUT OF THE SEWERS ========================= Now we need to get out. Head to the giant door in the alligator hall and unlock it. Head to where you saw Sherry and talk to her. Grab the Wolf Medal. Climb up the ladder. Go to the corpse in the room and grab the Eagle Medal. Now go back to where you fought that Alligator. Head back to the bridge room and use the valve handle to lower it. Now return all to the waterfall and use the Eagle Medal. Pass through the new door now. Through it is a tunnel to cross. Passed that is the tram. Activate it with the console to the right. Ride the tram. After the tram ride finishes, search the corner right of the flare for a Locker Key. Proceed through the next door. Follow the tunnels and sway left. Grab the Spark Shot! The Spark Shot is even more powerful than the G. Launcher's Flame Rounds! Follow the other side of the tunnels. Take through the door and up the ladder in the next tunnel. You are in the Factory Save Room. Reorganize your items because there is yet ANOTHER boss battle coming. NOTE: The next boss is pretty tough! If you are skimping in all types of ammo because you left the Submachine Gun in the RPD basement, my suggestion to you now is to go ALL THE WAY BACK to the RPD and get it. Super Lickers are coming up and even the G. Launcher can't kill it directly! To get back, follow the tram back through the tunnels into the sewers. Head up the lift to the save room and passed the room where you fought the G-Imago. Head outside Iron's secret room to the RPD basement and grab the Submachine Gun, but ONLY if you are desperate for ammo! You can still get back to the RPD for anything you may have left, so here is your last chance! Head out and into the elevator car. In the back, grab the Control Panel Key and activate the elevator car outside in the panel. Back inside, the arm boss appears. Head out with the Spark Shot equipped. ==================== BOSS # 4: WILLIAM II ==================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM This guy is William II, not I. In the corresponding scenario, Leon B, Leon fights William I in the RPD exit. Get FAR, FAR away from William. Now fire the Spark Shot at will. Its wide range can secure a clean hit and it is also pretty fast. Fire clean hits and switch to the Bow Gun after 15 clip of the Spark Shot. William falls down- dead? Nah. ==================== BOSS # 4: WILLIAM II ==================== Back inside, Sherry is fine. You arrive in William Birkin's lab. Now to beat Claire A! ======= THE LAB ======= After talking to Sherry, grab the supplies in the save room. Replace the Bow Gun for the Submachine Gun. Grab the G. Launcher, too. Head out. Turn right through the door. Turn left at the fork. Through the next door, turn to the very left door. Inside the Cold Room, grab the Fuse from the cart and use it on the nearby machine. After the Main Fuse is done, head back to the fork. Use the main Fuse there. Now travel down the right fork. Inside, kill all the plants and turn right. Grab the items in the Locker and exit. Head to the locked shutter and raise it. Through it is a door. Beyond that is a ladder. Climb down. Take the next door. Go down the tunnel and use the Flame Rounds on the 3 Super Lickers. Grab the 3 herbs and pass the shutter. You need the MO Disk for that. Through the next door is yet another save room. Run passed this room. In the next room, take the left door. Inside, use the Key from the tram area on the lockers here. You get G. Launcher ammo! YAY! Add that to the G. Launcher and you have a killing machine! Use the Sub Machine Gun on the super zombies. Grab the Lab Card Key! Annette is in the next scene. She gives you the instructions to the G- Vaccine and dies. Outside, head to the other door, passed the larva. Arm the Flame Rounds. Use the Lab Card Key to gain entrance. Sigh. Another boss battle. ==================== BOSS # 5: GIANT MOTH ==================== DIFFICULTY: EASY Use the Flame Rounds against big ugly. After about 10 of it is gone, this moth dies a HORRIBLE and hot death. Meh. This guy shouldn't be CALLED a boss! ==================== BOSS # 5: GIANT MOTH ==================== Head to the computer and use the Sub Machine Gun on the larva. Enter the computer and enter the password "GUEST." Now head back to the room outside the Cold Room. Head to the right shutter. Open it up and register your fingerprint in the nearby computer. You still can't open that giant door unless Leon registers her print. You do that in Leon B. Take to the nearby single door. Inside, grab the MO Disk. Grab the Vaccine Base, too. Turn on the light and apply it to the machines on the wall. Turn on that giant machine in the room to make the Vaccine Medium. Head back to the exit shutter. There, use the MO Disk and pass through the large door. But head back to Birkin's Experiment Room. In the machine on the corner, apply the Vaccine Medium for the G- Vaccine. Head back to the MO Disk Shutter and then head into the tube room. Inside, take to the elevator and then boss # friggin 6 comes out. Good thing the game is almost over! ===================== BOSS # 6: WILLIAM III ===================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM After it comes in, run and fire the Submachine Gun into its ugly face! After about 15% Shots, it mutates into William IV. ===================== BOSS # 6: WILLIAM III ===================== ==================== BOSS # 7: WILLIAM IV ==================== DIFFICULTY: HARD Fire more Flame Round shots into this ass. After about 10 shots, it finally goes down. For good? Nah again. ==================== BOSS # 7: WILLIAM IV ==================== Head down the elevator! Follow the tunnel and watch the ending of Claire A! It is not the full ending, though. Play the next game, Leon B, for the ending of this ending! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. CLAIRE SCENARIO B ------------------------------------------------------------------------ =========== CITY AREA 1 =========== From the crashed truck, head down, passed the hoard of zombies. Keep going until you reach the back Area. In the back Area, kill all the zombies. Grab the Cabin Key nearby and use it on the locked back door. Carefully run passed the zombies until you reach some stairs. Enter the gate. You're now in the Raccoon City Police Department's Roof. Watch the FMV. =========================== RACCOON CITY POLICE STATION =========================== Head into the Bird Hallway and down the East Staircase. In the Detective's Office, grab the Valve Handle. Head to the nearby safe in the adjacent room. Remember the code I told you to remember in Leon A? It was 2236. Enter for an RPD Map and some Acid Rounds. Head back up the East Staircase. Pass through the Save Room and into the Main Hall. Dispatch all the zombies on the ledge and grab the Unicorn Medal on the other side, passed the 2 doors. Activate the Emergency Ladder and head down. Grab the G. Launcher. Go to the giant statue and like in Leon A, use it to grab the Spade Key. Head back to the roof via the ladder. There, head left and use the Valve Handle. Check the chopper for Acid Rounds. Equip the G. Launcher. A boss is coming. Head inside the Bird Hallway. Mr. X, a Tyrant designed to hunt William Birkin down comes in. =============== BOSS # 1: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Launch grenades into this evil, evil man. Switch to the Acid Rounds when you run out. Mr. X drops a random item. =============== BOSS # 1: MR. X =============== Travel to the room here Leon used the 2 Red Jewels. Inside, grab the Blue Card Key. Head for the Main Hall. Head to the computer on the reception desk and then use the Blue Card Key. The locked doors except for the one where Leon saw Marvin unlock. Head to the first door on the left. There is an Item Box in the room. Grab two and deposit the Knife. Exit through the other door in this room. You're now in Green Hallway # 1. Walk forward to the first door. Grab the Green Herb. Now use the Spade Key and discard it. Inside, push the ladder to where Leon found the crank. This time, though, she finds the Lighter. Outside, exit to Green Hallway # 2. There, enter the double doors on the side. In this room, head to the back area and use the lighter on the fireplace. The painting above burns away and a Red Jewel falls out. Grab it. Return to Green Hallway # 2 and exit through the next door. In this hall, dispatch the zombies. Head right, near the staircase and grab the 2 Green Herbs. Mix all of them and enter the door. You're now in the second Save Room, which has a Dark Room in it. In the back are, you can develop film you find throughout the game. Exit the room and climb the staircase. Once up, turn right and run until you see the 3 statues. To solve the puzzle, you have to have both statues facing the middle statue. Push the statue to the right of the middle statue into the brown rectangle shape in the floor next to the blocked-off door. Then take the other statue and push it into the other brown square shape next to the unblocked door. Another Red Jewel will fall out of the middle statue's fist. Grab it. Now head through the door next to the right statue. This is the STARS Office Hallway. Enter the STARS Office in the middle of the hallway. Leon is here. After the talks, look around the room. In this room, find the locker left of the door. Open it to find the Bow Gun. Grab it and head over to the middle desk. Get the Diamond Key from the same desk. After getting the Diamond Key, leave the room. You'll see Sherry run away. Go back to the Statue Room where you got the second Red Jewel and head down the staircase. Once back on the first floor, reenter the Save Room with Dark Room in it. Save up and reorganize your inventory. Make sure you have the Diamond Key, 2X Red Jewels, G. Launcher w/ Acid Rounds, Handgun w/ Bullets. Head into the door leading to the Cabinet Room. Inside, pick the flashing cabinet for a Bomb. Exit into the Marvin Room. Go to where Leon got the Heart Key and grab the Detonator. Combine it with the Bomb to make the bomb and detonator. Travel back to the Chopper Hallway. Head inside the room where you found the Blue Card Key and use the 2 Red Jewels. Grab the Half Jaguar Stone. Travel to the damaged door and use the Bomb and Detonator. Pass through the clear hall now. Enter the Chief's Room. Examine the body and talk to Brian Irons. Take the other door in this room. Follow the hall to the Chief's Side Room. There, meet up with Sherry. Head back to Irons and grab the Heart Key. Travel down the East Staircase and down to the door leading to the basement. Use the Heart Key and discard it. ======================= POLICE STATION BASEMENT ======================= Once down the staircase, you're now in the basement. Turn left until you reach double doors. Go through them and you'll be in a Sewer Entrance. Run forward and down the ladder. Head into the save room and head out for now. You'll trigger a cut scene with Sherry Birkin, who's looking for her father. You are now controlling Sherry. The small vent leads to the same area where you controlled Ada in Leon A. ================= CONTROLING SHERRY ================= Exit the room. You're now in the Sewer Plant area. Dodge the zombies. Now find the door Ada came from. Head through it and grab the Grenade Launcher Ammo. Head through other door in this area. You're now in the Crate Room. Head down the steps left of the controls and push the right crate into the wall. Climb the middle crate and push it towards the right crate. Then push the left crate in towards the wall. Climb the steps again and then activate the controls. The crates will rise. Cross them and then grab the Club Key. Go back to the first room you took control of Sherry in. After the cut scene of Sherry giving Claire the G. Launcher Ammo and Club Key, Claire is back in control. ========================== BACK TO THE POLICE STATION ========================== Go all the way back to the main tunnel of the Police Station Basement. Use the Club Key on one of the double doors. Inside, grab the red Card Key. Now go to the other double doors in the room. You have to power up the RPD Basement, so go to the conductor and press Up, Down, Up, Down and Up and Up. Head next door and inside, you can grab the Submachine Gun and Side Pack. If you left it for Claire in Leon A, it'll be here. If Leon took it, Claire is out of luck. Grab the other ammo elsewhere. Now travel to the sewer entrance Leon used to get to the sewers, just outside Ben's Cell. There, grab the Crank on the floor near the locked sewer. Detour into Ben's Cell (He's now dead) and grab the Bow Gun Bolts. Now head back to the first floor of the Police Station. Once back, head to the door behind the staircase. Use the Club Key to open the door. Inside, grab the Ammo. Exit. Go back to the Reception Area outside the Fan Room. Head through the brown door and head to the first door you see. Use the Diamond Key and discard it. Inside, just grab the Eagle Stone. A Licker will then attack, but your G. Launcher or Submachine Gun can take care of it. Exit and find the Green Door in the same hall. Use the Club Key and discard it. Enter the room. Go to the back of the room. Ignite the back furnace with your Lighter. Then turn on the right statue. Then turn on the middle statue and finally the left statue. The Golden Cogwheel will drop from the wall painting. Grab it. =============== BOSS # 2: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and G. Launcher simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 2: MR. X =============== Attempt to return to the East Staircase and Mr. X will jump through the wall. =============== BOSS # 3: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and G. Launcher simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 3: MR. X =============== Notice the similarities between boss 2 and 3? Hehehehehehehe. Now climb the East Staircase again and make your way to the Save Room nearby. Save and pack these items: Handgun Bullets Submachine Gun G. Launcher w/ Acid Rounds Acid Rounds Eagle Stone Half of Jaguar Stone Detour to Iron's Room and look at the painting behind his deask. Use the Eagle Stone to free up inventory. Now go back to the Library. Climb the staircase in the Library. Go passed the door until you drop to a secret area. Press the lighted button to regain access to the 1st floor of the Library. See the bookshelves that have flashing buttons on them? Push the first two to the right and the Serpent Stone will be revealed. Head back to the secret area and grab it. Then climb the staircase in the Library again. Head through the door you passed this time. You're on the third floor of the Main Hall. Head through the other door on this balcony. You're now in the Gear Room. In the Gear Room, use the Crank on the right wall to lower a small set of steps. Climb those steps to reach a gear wall. Attach the Golden Cogwheel so the wall nearby opens. Grab the Half Jaguar Stone and combine it with the other half Gear back for Iron's Room. On your way back to the Library, another boss battle ensues. =============== BOSS # 4: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and G. Launcher simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 4: MR. X =============== Keep it on for Iron's Room. There, insert the 3 stones (Jaguar, Serpent, Eagle) into the painting. A new compartment will be revealed. Travel to it and head down the elevator. Pass through the dungeons and talk to Irons. William Birkin will beat him up. Grab the nearby Acid Rounds and head down the ladder. Yet ANOTHER boss battle occurs, but it isn't Mr. X; it is William Birkin I. ========================== BOSS # 5: WILLIAM BIRKIN I ========================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM Arm that Submachine Gun and start shooting. William Birkin I will hit you with the pipe in the process. Be careful- it very well can damage. Heal after that! ========================== BOSS # 5: WILLIAM BIRKIN I ========================== Now go back to Sherry and back down this tunnel. Climb the ladder. Now exit the final door of the Police Station after seeing Mr. X! We are out of the RPD now! YAY! Now Claire and Sherry have to find Leon and get out of the city! ==================== DEEP INTO THE SEWERS ==================== Pass the RPD exit and you'll see Sherry fall through a vent. After yelling for her, head through the giant door. Through it, pass through this infested hall and through the next door to the save room. Inside, grab the Valve Handle. Head down the lift. Down there, Claire will see a shot Leon. Claire now has to find Ada and Sherry. ========================== CLAIRE EXPLORES THE SEWERS ========================== Take Claire through the door and grab the map if you didn't with Ada or Leon. In the sewer tunnel, turn left passed the fan ladder. You can't go up it now because it is spinning. Turn left up a ledge and grab the Wolf Medal from the corpses. Now backtrack passed the fan and turn left (Claire's left). Pass through the gate. Proceed down to the waterfall. Place the Wolf Medal inside the machine to the right and take the door to the left. Annette Birkin will be here. Inside, use the Valve Handle on its socket and cross the bridge. Across it, use the valve handle again. Grab the 2 nearby herbs and proceed through the door. Run down the tunnel and you'll see the Giant Alligator if you didn't kill it with the canister as Leon... ========================= BOSS # 6: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= DIFFICULTY: EASY (IF USING CANISTER) HARD (IF USING WEAPONS) Run back down the tunnel. Fire a shot from the Submachine Gun or G. Launcher to slow it down. Run to the canisters and examine them to press them down. Arm the Bow Gun now, because it has a wide shooting range. Run back to the entrance and wait for the Alligator. It should now have the canister in its mouth. Now SHOOT it with the Bow Gun! The Crocodile's head should blow up! You can also battle it out with this terror. Arm the Submachine Gun and fire. Turn and run and then fire some more. Keep repeating this pattern, since the Submachine Gun fires fastest. The alligator hits hard, so have healing items handy. If you run short of Submachine Gun ammo, which probably won't happen unless you wasted it against William I and Mr. X, or you took the Submachine Gun as Leon, use the G. Launcher! ========================= BOSS # 6: GIANT ALLIGATOR ========================= ========================= GETTING OUT OF THE SEWERS ========================= Now we need to get out. Head to the giant door in the alligator hall and unlock it. Head to where you saw the Giant Crocodile. Climb up the ladder to where Ada fought Annette. Go to the corpse in the room and grab the Eagle Medal. Now go back to where you fought that Alligator. Head back to the bridge room and use the valve handle to lower it. Now return all to the waterfall and use the Eagle Medal. Pass through the new door now. Through it is a tunnel to cross. Passed that is the tram. Activate it with the console to the right. Sherry will come in. Ride the tram. After the tram ride finishes, search the corner right of the flare for a Locker Key. Proceed through the next door. Follow the tunnels and sway left. Grab the Spark Shot! Follow the other side of the tunnels. Take through the door and up the ladder in the next tunnel. You are in the Factory Save Room. Reorganize your items because there is yet ANOTHER boss battle coming. Head out and down the lift. Follow the tunnels and grab the Control Panel Key. Another boss comes in. =============== BOSS # 7: MR. X =============== DIFFICULTY: EASY Mr. X is back, so use the same reflexes from the previous battle. Use the Submachine Gun and G. Launcher simultaneously. Mr. X falls- grab the random ammo! =============== BOSS # 7: MR. X =============== get back to the Control Room where Sherry is at. Use the Control Panel Key on that machine and head to the Elevator Car. Power it up like in the previous game (Leon A) and head in. Once in, talk to Sherry and fight boss number *8*! ===================== BOSS # 8: WILLIAM III ===================== DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM This guy is William III, not II. In the corresponding scenario, Leon A, Leon fights William II in the elevator car. Get FAR, FAR away from William. Now fire the Spark Shot at it. Its wide range can secure a clean hit and it is also pretty fast. Fire clean hits and switch to the G. Launcher after 15% of the Spark Shot. William falls down- dead? Nah. ===================== BOSS # 8: WILLIAM III ===================== Back inside, Sherry is fine. You arrive in William Birkin's lab. Now to beat Claire B! ======= THE LAB ======= After talking to Sherry, head out. Head through the vent and an FMV will occur. You are in the Elevator Hallway. Leon never came here. Head down the tunnel and to the right. Inside the Power Area, push the steel box down the lift. Push it to the other set of crates in the room. You can climb them and see a locked door. You need to get to the Power Room. Back in the Power Area, ride the second lift down (down from the first lift. Down there, kill the Super Lickers and flip the switch. Head back to the elevator hallway and up the elevator at the other end. You will be in the lab's main area near the save room Leon left Ada in. head through the door to the fuse area. Through the next door, turn to the very left door. Inside the Cold Room, grab the Fuse from the cart and use it on the nearby machine. After the Main Fuse is done, head back to the fork. Use the main Fuse there. Now travel down the right fork. Inside, kill all the plants and turn right. Grab the Lab Card Key and exit. Head to the locked shutter and raise it. Through it is a door. Beyond that is a ladder. Climb down. Take the next door. Go down the tunnel and use the Flame Rounds on the 3 Super Lickers. Grab the 3 herbs and pass the shutter. You don't need to head through there, unlike Leon A. Through the next door is yet another save room. Run passed this room. In the next room, take the left door. Inside, use the Key from the tram area on the lockers here. You get Grenade Rounds! YAY! Add that to the G. Launcher and you have a killing machine! Use the Bow Gun on the super zombies. Grab the Power Room Key! Outside, head to the other door, passed the larva. Arm the Flame Rounds. Use the Lab Card Key to gain entrance. Sigh. Another boss battle. ==================== BOSS # 9: GIANT MOTH ==================== DIFFICULTY: EASY Use the Flame Rounds against big ugly. After about 3 rounds of it is gone, this moth dies a HORRIBLE and hot death. Meh. This guy shouldn't be CALLED a boss! ==================== BOSS # 9: GIANT MOTH ==================== Head to the computer and use the Handgun on the larva. Enter the computer and enter the password "GUEST." Now head back to the room outside the Cold Room. Annette will be on the way. Head to the right shutter. Open it up and register your fingerprint in the nearby computer. Enter through the door if you registered the print in Leon A. Through it is 3 Super Lickers and either Submachine Gun or Submachine Gun Ammo, depending on what Leon did in Leon A. Head outside. Head back to the Power Area and up the crates to the locked door. Use the Power Room Key. Through it is a confrontation between Sherry and Mr. X! The self-destruct sequence also commences. Travel to the Fuse Room and grab the Master Key from Annette's body. Head to the elevator next to the save room (where Leon left Ada). Inside the elevator is a computer. Use the Master Key to open up an escape route. You are taken to the Train Area shown at the end of Leon A. Head into the train and head into the second car. It is a Save Room. Grab the Platform Key nearby. Make your inventory look like this: Submachine Gun Spark Shot G. Launcher Platform Key 3 Full Healing Items Head outside and to the gate. Use the Platform Key. Now there is 5 minutes left before the base explodes! Through it, go up the stairs and grab the Joint Plugs on a console near the stairs. Head through the next door. Through it, attach the Joint Plugs to the console at the other side of the room. Another boss battle comes in! ======================== BOSS # 10: MUTATED MR. X ======================== DIFFICULTY: HARD Mr. X has mutated, so arm the Submachine Gun. You should have one now no matter what Leon did in the RPD. Fire and run to the side- Mr. X can sway in many directions. Heal when in Orange Caution. Mr. X is also VERY fast. Moreso than Nemesis from RE3. A shadow of Ada Wong will eventually come in and throw a ROCKET LAUNCHER to Claire. Grab it and fire one rocket into Mr. X, killing it permanently! ======================== BOSS # 10: MUTATED MR. X ======================== Run back to the escape train. Near the tunnel where Leon emerges in Leon A is a gate control machine. Flip the switch and run into the control room of the train. Flip the switch and see the ending from Leon A. After the Leon A ending, we have to fight ONE MORE BOSS as Claire. Head to the back of the train and fight the final William Birkin. ==================== BOSS # 11: WILLIAM V ==================== DIFFICULTY: EASY Fire 10 G. Launcher shots into this ass. After about 10 shots, it finally goes down. For good? Yes. Glad? Yes. ==================== BOSS # 11: WILLIAM V ==================== Now watch the extended ending! You have just watched the OFFICIAL events of RE2! Now try the opposite scenario, Claire A and Leon B! ======================================================================== 7. S U R V I V O R M I N I G A M E S ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Hunk: 4th Survivor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You earn Hunk by beating Leon A and Claire B or Claire A and Leon both with A Grades on Normal Mode. Check out the walkthrough dedicated to Hunk for more information. In the Sewer Area, use the Handgun to put DOWN the monsters and then run by. Against Lickers and Ivy, use the Magnum and Shotgun from a distance. Against Mr. X, dodge it and run, using the rooms to your advantage. Against Crows, use the Shotgun on them and then run passed them. Try using the herbs after the last save room on the second floor of the RPD. The guys there can be devastating, so be careful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. Tofu: Tofu Survivor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To earn him, beat the Normal Difficulty Scenarios in order. You have 2 choices. Beat the scenarios of: Claire A, Leon B, Hunk, Claire A, Leon B, Claire A, and Leon B. Or you can do it in the opposite order: Leon A, Claire B, Hunk, Leon A, Claire B, Leon A, and Claire B. ======================================================================== 8. E X T R E M E B A T T L E G A M E ======================================================================== Extreme Battle game is an extra mode that needs to be unlocked in the PlayStation Dual Shock, the PC version and the U.S. Dreamcast version. Unlock it the same way you would unlock the Hunk minigame; simply beat Scenario A and Scenario B on Normal Mode with an A Ranking. In the PC version of the game, it is available from the start, with all characters, so you don't have to do anything to earn it. In the PlayStation Dual Shock and Dreamcast versions, the player starts out with Leon or Claire, at Level 1. Once the game is beaten with either one of them, Ada will be unlocked, as well as Level 2. Beat Level 2 with any character and you'll unlock Chris Redfield and Level 3. In the PC version, all the levels and characters are unlocked. Your goal in this game is to go from the Birkin lab to the RPD and find 4 Antivirus Bombs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. LEON KENNEDY ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is easy to dodge enemies in the game. Follow your way to the RPD from the lab, avoiding enemies. You'll be going to the sewers If you MUST fight, use your best weapons on the tougher enemies. On your way, you'll find healing items, so use them in case you're injured . When you get to the RPD, look in these places for the 4 Antivirus bombs: S.T.A.R.S. Office Ben's Cellblock Chief Iron's Sideroom Marvin's Room RPD Backdoor (where the Valve Handle is in the A Scenario) Meeting Room (where the Red Jewel is behind the fireplace) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. CLAIRE REDFIELD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is easy to dodge enemies in the game. Follow your way to the RPD from the lab, avoiding enemies. You'll be going to the sewers If you MUST fight, use your best weapons on the tougher enemies. On your way, you'll find healing items, so use them in case you're injured . When you get to the RPD, look in these places for the 4 Antivirus bombs: S.T.A.R.S. Office Ben's Cellblock Chief Iron's Sideroom Marvin's Room RPD Backdoor (where the Valve Handle is in the A Scenario) Meeting Room (where the Red Jewel is behind the fireplace) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. ADA WONG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is easy to dodge enemies in the game. Follow your way to the RPD from the lab, avoiding enemies. You'll be going to the sewers If you MUST fight, use your best weapons on the tougher enemies. On your way, you'll find healing items, so use them in case you're injured . When you get to the RPD, look in these places for the 4 Antivirus bombs: S.T.A.R.S. Office Ben's Cellblock Chief Iron's Sideroom Marvin's Room RPD Backdoor (where the Valve Handle is in the A Scenario) Meeting Room (where the Red Jewel is behind the fireplace) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. CHRIS REDFIELD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It is easy to dodge enemies in the game. Follow your way to the RPD from the lab, avoiding enemies. You'll be going to the sewers If you MUST fight, use your best weapons on the tougher enemies. On your way, you'll find healing items, so use them in case you're injured . When you get to the RPD, look in these places for the 4 Antivirus bombs: S.T.A.R.S. Office Ben's Cellblock Chief Iron's Sideroom Marvin's Room RPD Backdoor (where the Valve Handle is in the A Scenario) Meeting Room (where the Red Jewel is behind the fireplace) ======================================================================== 9. S E C R E T S A N D E X T R A S ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Codes, Secrets, Etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I didn't discover any of these codes. Many of these are from GameFAQs, and GameWinners. *********** Unlock Tofu *********** Beat Claire A, Leon B, Claire A, Leon B, Hunk, Claire A, and Leon B (or Leon A, Claire B, Leon A, Claire B, Hunk, Leon A, Claire B) all in that order on Normal Mode to unlock Tofu. All except the Hunk scenarios must be A ranked. *********** Unlock Hunk *********** Beat Claire A and Leon B (Or Leon A, Claire B) on Normal Mode with an A Ranking. You should unlock Extreme Battle Game at the same time. ************************** Unlock Extreme Battle Mode ************************** Beat Claire A and Leon B (Or Leon A, Claire B) on Normal Mode with an A Ranking. You should unlock Hunk at the same time. ************************************** Unlock Ada Wong in Extreme Battle Mode ************************************** Simply defeat Level 1 of Extreme Battle Game with any character. ******************************************** Unlock Chris Redfield in Extreme Battle Mode ******************************************** Simply defeat Level 2 of Extreme Battle Game with any character. ************************************ New Costumes (And Weapon for Claire) ************************************ Play a Scenario A game. Then go to the courtyard of the Police Station WITHOUT GRABBING A SINGLE ITEM on your way there. Down the stairs in the courtyard will be the zombie of Brad Vickers (courtesy of Nemesis from Resident Evil 3). Kill Brad (you can use all the ammo you have, or go inside the RPD and get some before returning to the courtyard). Then, search the corpse of the zombie for a SPECIAL KEY. Take it to the DARK ROOM and then open the lockers left of the door. If you do this trick correctly in Scenario A, Brad will return in Scenario B, so your B character can retrieve new costumes as well. Claire gets a new gun which uses Handgun ammo. Leon will simply hold the Handgun with one hand and fire faster. *********** Secret Film *********** Go to the STARS Office in the Police Station. Go to the biggest desk, which belongs to Albert Wesker from the original game. Search the desk fifty (50 )times in order to get the Secret Film. Take it to the Dark Room and develop it. It becomes a picture of Rebecca Chambers, heroine from Resident Evil and Resident Evil Zero. **************************************** Unlimited Ammo (Dual Shock Version Only) **************************************** This was taken from the GameFAQS code database. Go to the Item Screen, select the controller configuration and then hold R1 and press SQUARE 10 times. A word on the screen will highlight, indicating that the code was successful. *************************************** Unlimited Ammo (Dreamcast Version Only) *************************************** This was taken from the GameFAQS code database. During gameplay, go to the item selection screen. For the North American version, press: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, R Trigger For the Japanese version, press: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, R Trigger. ********************************* Unlimited Ammo (Nintendo 64 Only) ********************************* I got this code from GameWinners. Press Up(4), Right(4), L, R, L, R, C- Right, C-Left at the load game screen. The game will return to the main menu to confirm correct code entry. Your weapons will still be able to fire after reaching 0 rounds remaining. ****************************************** Unlimited Health Status (Nintendo 64 Only) ****************************************** Once again, I got this code from GameWinners. Press Down(4), Left(4), L, R(2), L, C-Up, C-Down at the load game screen. The game will return to the main menu to confirm correct code entry. Load or start a new game for invincibility. ******************************************* Play as Tofu Immediately (Nintendo 64 Only) ******************************************* This is, once again, from GameWinners. Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left(2), Right(2), L, R, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down, C-Right at the load game screen. The game will proceed to the title screen to confirm correct code entry. Tofu is a piece of tofu (food) that must reach the second floor of the police station from the sewer with just battles and no puzzles. Tofu can not use any weapons other than a knife. ******************************************* Play as Hunk Immediately (Nintendo 64 Only) ******************************************* Thanks to GameWinners once again for the code. Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left(2), Right(2), L, R, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left at the load game screen. The game will proceed to the title screen to confirm correct code entry. ************************ Unlimited Ammo (PC Only) ************************ This code from the GameWinners. There is a simple button sequence to get infinite ammo anytime you wish. Go to your item screen and press the following sequence: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Aim. *************************************** Control Screen Mesh and Shade (PC Only) *************************************** This code is from the GameFAQS database, once again. Press F3 repeatedly to control the mesh and shade you want on the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. Nintendo 64 Extras ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******** EX Files ******** These files add more story to Resident Evil 2. Some of them are actually ripped off of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis to maintain a connection between the two Raccoon City stories. One file even mentions the events of the GameCube title, Resident Evil Zero. They are found all over the game and go in their own folder. ********** Randomizer ********** Items like Green Herbs and Handgun Bullets are rearranged to surprise the game. If a hurt gamer is expecting a Green Herb at one location, it's possible to end up getting a Blue Herb, which wouldn't be very useful at all. **************** Violence Control **************** You can set the violence of the game to High, Medium or Low. High violence is when the most blood appears from the zombies, while low means the least amount of blood. *********** Blood Color *********** In this mode, you can change the blood color of everyone to black, green, purple, blue or red. This assists the violence control, in case the color of blood troubles some people as well as the amount of gore. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. Dreamcast/PC Extras ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *********** Art Gallery *********** In this, you can look at the art that was made during the game. Pictures of Leon, Claire, Ada, Sherry, and other characters are seen here. Some are pictures from Resident Evil 1.5 (the version of RE2 never released). Some are also shows scenery in areas that were eventually changed. ************ Movie Viewer ************ This feature lets you view CG video from Resident Evil 2 once you have seen it in the main game. Keep in mind that it is only CG and not in-game cut-scenes. ======================================================================== 10. F I L E T R A N S C R I P T S ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Normal Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ======================= FILE: POLICE MEMORANDUM ======================= This letter is just to inform everyone about the recent move of equipment that has happened during the precinct's rearrangements. The safe with the four digit lock has been moved from the S.T.A.R.S. office on the second floor, to the eastern office on the first floor. 2 2 3 6 Raccoon Police Liaison Dept =================== FILE: PATROL REPORT =================== September 20th 9:30pm Reported: Sgt. Neil Carlsen We received a report of a suspicious individual sulking around the sewer in the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I had a chance to question him. I recovered the following items: - A small amount of C4 plastic explosives - An electronic detonator - 9x19 parabellieum rounds - Infrared scope (broken) End of report. ======================== FILE: OPERATION REPORT 1 ======================== -Operation Report- September 26th The Raccoon Police Dept. was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, we have decided to carry out an operation with the intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day of the zombies' attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult for us to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered ammunitions. To unlock the weapons storage As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the key card used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breaker's went down during the battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become a top priority to restore the power in the power room and secure those locks. Recorder: David Ford September 27th 1:00pm. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Reporter : David Ford -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remaining unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "Licker" and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. ======================== FILE: OPERATION REPORT 2 ======================== -Operation Report- September 28th Early Morning 2:30am. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewage disposal plant is free of any possible danger. We know our chances in the sewers are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. We left the key behind in the eastern office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward =================== FILE: CHRIS'S DIARY =================== August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to me. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion. Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in the explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town, no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local reports about the strange creatures appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already? We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip because doing so will put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. =================== FILE: MAIL TO CHRIS =================== Mr. Chris Redfield Raccoon City Police Dept S.T.A.R.S. Division As per your request, we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: 1) Regarding the G-virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc. So far it is unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. 2) Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon Police Dept. Mr. Irons has allegedly received a large sum of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the last five years. He has apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. Mr. Irons had been arrested under psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing. As such, extreme cautions advised when dealt with him. Jack Hamilton Section Chief Internal Investigation United States Federal Police Department =================== FILE: CHIEF'S DIARY =================== September 23rd It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to be true! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in the police station, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt then down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring up at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive? I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down later... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. ========================================= FILE: INVESTIGATE REPORT ON P-EPSILON GAS ========================================= This report demands immediate attention. The P-Epsilon gas has been proven capable of incapacitating all know B.O.W.s. As such, it has been designated for emergency usage in the event of a B.O.W. escape. Report based on data collected during the prior incidents indicate the potential for negative side effects. The P-Eplison has proven to weaken the B.O.W.'s cellular functions. However, prolonged exposures will result in the creation of adaptive antibodies to the agent. Furthermore some species have been observed to absorb the P-Eplison gas as a source of nutrition and use the toxins extracted against anything that is a threat. Use of P-Eplison gas should be severally limited to extreme cases only. We strongly request the authority to re-evaluate the P-Eplison gas development system. We would like this re-evaluation take place immediately. 2nd R&D Room/Security Team ======================== FILE: SECRETARY'S DIARY ======================== April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's that important, maybe they shouldn't have put it out in the open like that... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces from the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousand of dollars. I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds these tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension. ======================= FILE: SECRETARY'S DIARY ======================= June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look on his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that was the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I serious thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 15th I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along... If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time... =================== FILE: MAIL TO CHIEF =================== To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effect upon our continued virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers and Vickers. It comes to light that S.T.A.R.S. have any evidence to the activities of our research, dispose of them in a way that would like purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact throughout this affair. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept I have deposited the amount of $10000 to the account for your services this term as per agreement. The development of the G-virus scheduled to replace the T-virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to be a member of the Executive Board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-virus. There are an unknown number of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. Detain any such individuals by whatever means possible and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-virus. Not even Umbrella... William Birkin ============================ FILE: NIGHT WATCHMAN'S DIARY ============================ August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but did a little to lift my spirit. I was reprimanded by the chief for neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than that I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard. We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thing that's been bothering me about him is the way that he's always scratching himself... Does he have some sort of skin disease or is he rude? September 9th Thomas is a much better player than I has imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a pretty good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quiet right... I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good myself lately... ======================= FILE: SEWER MANAGER FAX ======================= User List of the Connecting Facility On the first and third Wednesday of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using in susceptible to the effects or water vapours. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend the regular meeting that take place in the lab. On the 4th Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon William Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and times they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters =========================== FILE: SEWER MANAGER'S DIARY =========================== June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the graveyard shift, but I don't suppose I have much to complain about it since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tried to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect!?" August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affair. He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possible they'll even search through the sewer. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautions and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. ================================ FILE: LABORATORY SECURITY MANUAL ================================ -Security measure in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo it transit, designated high-speed train. At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of without delay. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as an emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. ======================= FILE: USER REGISTRATION ======================= Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. ============================================== FILE: INSTRUCTION FOR SYNTHESIS OF THE G-VIRUS ANTIGEN: G-VACCINE CODE NAMED "DEVIL." ============================================== Any beings infected by the G-virus will reproduce through the impregnation of an embryo within another living being. Unless rejected by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA. Once the metamorphosis is complete, the host will be capable of continuing this cycle of self-replication. The duration of time for the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject. In the early stages of cellular invasion, it is possible to halt progression of the metamorphosis through the administration of the G-vaccine antigen. The following procedure details its synthesis. The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine. This can be arranged by the activator VAM. First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After the several moments the process will be complete and the white-color base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically. Then confirm the green light is on, remove the cartridge and proceed to the next step. Once the base vaccine has been prepared, set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experiment room. The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch. At this point, the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 seconds. As the synthesis of DEVIL is an extremely delicate process, the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. EX Files (N64 Version Only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================== EX FILE: ROBERT'S NOTE ====================== How could this have happened, Barry? The town's been overrun by zombies and has literally become a nightmare on Earth. As you know, my concern for the town is as great as your own. I have waited for your arrival on the assumption you were still in the area, but the threat of my shop being overwhelmed by zombies has become too great. I've already distributed the majority of weapons and ammo to the town's survivors including the Raging Bull you specially ordered. I hope you understand, given the circumstances. At any rate, I have no intention of pointlessly sacrificing my life and will be retreating to Stoneville. If you get this message, meet me there. We'll go fishing... Robert Kendo ==================== EX FILE: JILL'S NOTE ==================== It all began as an ordinary day in September. An ordinary day in Raccoon City. A city controlled by Umbrella. No one dared to oppose them. And that lack of strength would ultimately lead to their destruction. I suppose they had to suffer the consequences of their actions, but there would be no forgiveness. If only they had had the courage to fight... But it's true that once the wheels of justice began to turn, nothing could stop them. Nothing! It was Raccoon City's last chance... And my last chance, my last escape... ====================== EX FILE: JILL'S REPORT ====================== July 24th, 1998 Raccoon Forest: The following documents were obtained at a sanitarium owned by Umbrella Corp.: "Umbrella Bio Organic Weapon Publicity Material" Dev. Code: MA-39 Cerberus Dev. Code: MA-121 Hunter Dev. Code: Fi-3 Neptune Dev. Code: T-002 Tyrant In addition to the above, it is believed that several other B.O.W. were created by means of accidental infection. During the course of the tests, it was discovered that the contagion is not limited to human beings, and may pose a hazardous risk to plant and animal life forms. Effective means of controlling this contagion have yet to be found. Raccoon City Police Department S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team Jill Valentine ======================== EX FILE: REPORTER'S MEMO ======================== As I write this, my hands shake with anger and fear. The civilians of this town have been blockaded by the military. And though I sigh for the survivors of the town, I still feel that it's the best decision. They cannot take the chance of the disease spreading any further. I am going to make it my top priority to discover what has caused this incredibly dangerous incident. So far, I have only found out that the disease is not airborne. =============================== EX FILE: OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS =============================== Orders for Special Agent Hunk are as follows: Penetrate Umbrella research facility located outside of Raccoon City. Recover G-virus sample from Mr. William Birkin. You are authorized to use any means necessary to secure this sample. Upon recovery, sample is to be delivered to Loire Village. Failure on this mission is not an option. French Division R&D Facility Head Manager Christine Henri ====================== EX FILE: MERCENARY LOG ====================== September 1st Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had returned. I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no reason given. I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But on the morning of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had helped me out, giving me a second lease on life. September 15th I ended my vacation shortly and returned to the HQ office. It looks like my UBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and VIP abduction. In addition, they have night men who specialize in handling problems caused by illegal products. I'm currently a member of the latter. September 28th Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets feeding upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would rather have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to this place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that my dead body won't come back to life. ================== EX FILE: BRAD NOTE ================== No!! It's that monster in the black suit again! Why does that thing keep chasing me?! What did I do? This must be someone's sick idea of a joke. If I knew things were going to end up like this, I would have left the S.T.A.R.S. team a long time ago. But whining won't help me now. I know I'm finished... Oh... In my hometown Delucia, I bet the flowers are in bloom. If I could only see them once more before I die... Brad Vickers ================== EX FILE: WANTED AD ================== NEW POSITIONS AVAILABLE!! Umbrella Inc. Raccoon Branch FULL TIME (Includes benefits) WHO ARE WE? As the number one pharmaceutical corporation in the world, we are constantly reaching for new ways to expand and grow WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? We're looking for healthy, dedicated, and single individuals of any race, religion, or sex. POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Sales, Service, Production, etc. Requirements: No Experience needed, but you must have a clean bill of health. Overseas positions are also available! (Please note this on your application.) ============================== EX FILE: MA121 PROGRESS REPORT ============================== As a result of the scheduled product improvement plans for the MA120, productions of the latest multi Purpose B.O.W. MA121-Hunter has been completed. Although the Hunter has demonstrated high performance exceeding expectations as a B.O.W., in the interest of producing improved products with higher levels of usability and enhanced power, Hunter-R and additional enhanced B.O.W.s are currently under development. There should be no shortage of practical applications for current products under development. William Birkin ===================== EX FILE: DARIO'S MEMO ===================== I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die. I'm just not ready... My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed. But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only important thing. That's all that matters. I never would have pictured my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me you have a long way to go. Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire. Cut down before his prime... ====================== EX FILE: UMBRELLA MEMO ====================== Dear Dr. Birkin, It has come to my attention that we are currently experiencing a shortage of APL-14. To counteract this problem I am asking you and several other labs to donate five cases of APL-14 to our facility immediately. For your information, we have discovered, that our base in the South Pole is primarily responsible for this shortage. We are currently taking steps to prevent this from happening in the future. And don't worry, the Ashford's reputation is now irreparably tarnished. Your quick response is greatly appreciated. Regards, Joel Allman Vice-president USA Branch September 15 ========================= EX FILE: RACCOON PAMPHLET ========================= Hello and welcome to Raccoon City! As you will notice, our city is a clean and private town dedicated to families. Raccoon City has partnered with our friends at Umbrella Inc., in order to generate unprecedented growth and stability. Umbrella Inc. is a highly regarded and well funded corporation that cares about its employees. They have helped to create many public facilities to make this city a better place for everyone. As we look to the future, I will continue to support Umbrella Inc. in terms of new business developments. Please enjoy your stay in my lovely city. Thank you. Michael Warren Raccoon City Mayor ======================= EX FILE: DAVID'S LETTER ======================= My sanity is at its end... I still can't believe this is happening. We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen. He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies but he came back to save me. But when the time came to return the debt, I ran. I can still hear him calling out my name. I can still hear the screams coming from behind. The sound of his flesh being stripped from its bones. I was afraid... terrified... It's the 27th. The fight to stay alive continues. I took out several zombies who managed to break through the barricades. Now I'm cutting through the chill with whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead. That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer with it. We've lost 12 men as of yesterday. In 3 hours, we'll bicker about trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time. When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning one last body into fertilizer. Peace at last. I can hardly wait... ========================= EX FILE: REBECCA'S REPORT ========================= On July 23rd, an MP vehicle was found inside the Arklay Mountains. Corpses of MP members and an unidentified body were found near the vehicle. According to the information from military authorities, the unidentified body was identified as former ensign Billy Koen, who was sentenced the death penalty following a court-martial on July 22nd. While Koen was on transfer via Navy MP escort, they must have experienced some kind of accident. The corpses were severely mauled, apparently torn apart by unidentified wild animals. The following day we returned to the location to recover the bodies but they were nowhere to be found. Military authorities have requested that we turn over Koen's body as proof of his death. But due to the circumstances described above, it will be a difficult task to recover the corpse. I am requesting that this case be temporarily closed until further notice. Raccoon City Police Department S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team Rebecca Chambers NOTE: In the actual file, Rebecca signs as an Alpha Team Member. She is really a Bravo Team member! Capcom makes another mistake! Also, the GameCube version of Resident Evil Zero's preview box spells Billy Koen as "Billy Cowen." I wish they'd make their minds up. ====================== EX FILE: CHRIS' REPORT ====================== Dear Chief, Below is my account of what led up to the explosion of the mansion: On July 23rd, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, led by Captain Marini, went to investigate the bizarre homicides that occurred in the Arklay Mountains. After contact with team's chopper was lost, S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team, lead by Captain Wesker went in. We found the remains of Bravo team's helicopter on the ground. After landing we were immediately attacked by bloodthirsty dogs. We later discovered that these dogs were actually zombie dogs as they did not even feel our gunfire. After Joseph Frost was killed, we were forced to retreat to a nearby mansion. After further investigating the mansion, we learned that it was actually a secret laboratory of Umbrella Inc. All researchers were turned into zombies by some type of unknown virus. We also discovered that Umbrella was using that lab as a testing area for new Bio Organic Weapons. We found the dead bodies of some of the Bravo team members including Enrico Marini, Kenneth Sullivan, Forest Speyer, and Richard Aiken. We believe that those Bio Organic Weapons caused their deaths. After that we discovered that Captain Wesker was actually working with Umbrella and that both Alpha and Bravo teams were being used as live test subjects for the Bio Organic Weapons. Wesker had betrayed us! We barely managed to survive that nightmare. However, since the mansion exploded, there is no evidence to support our claims of Umbrella's secret lab or the Bio Organic Weapons. The zombie phenomenon that has been occurring in the city is extremely similar to the zombies we saw at the mansion. We suspect that Umbrella is somehow linked to all this. In order to solve this mystery and put an end to the zombies that are roaming the city, I propose we launch a formal investigation into Umbrella. Thank you for your attention to this extremely important matter. Chris Redfield S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team ============================ EX FILE: MOTHER VIRUS REPORT ============================ The Mother Virus was first discovered by Ozwell E. Spencer. And it was him, who founded Umbrella Inc. As time passed, Spencer's research was succeeded to Dr. J. Marcus. However, Dr. Marcus abused his power and had to be fired. Following Dr. Marcus came Dr. William Birkin. Dr. Birkin's experiments delivered many outstanding results including the T-virus. It is presumed that that he will be finishing work on the more powerful G virus in the near future. Currently, research on the Mother Virus takes place at our laboratories all over the world. In the near future, we hope to discover many new viruses. ======================================================================== 11. I T E M L I S T ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KEYS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Diamond Key Location: RPD Heart Key Location: RPD | Marvin's Room (Leon A, Leon B) RPD | Chief Iron's Room (Claire A, Claire B) Spade Key Location: RPD | Main Hall Club Key Location: Sewers (Leon A, Claire B, Claire A, Leon B) Blue Card Key Location: RPD | Marvin's Room (Leon A, Claire A) RPD | Chief's Storage Room (Leon B, Claire B) Red Card Key Location: RPD | Basement CABIN KEY Location: RPD | Backdoor Special Key Location: RPD | Brad's Body (Leon A, Claire B, Claire A, Leon B) Power Room Key Location: Lab | William's Lab Room (Claire B, Leon B) Master Key Location: Lab | Ada's Body (Leon B) Lab | Annette's Body (Claire B) Platform Key Location: Lab | Escape Train Cargo Room ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WEAPONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shotgun Location: Gun Shop (Leon A) RPD | S.T.A.R.S. Office (Leon A) RPD | Main Hall (Leon B) -------------------------------- Submachine Gun Location: RPD | Basement (Leon A, Leon B, Claire A, Claire B) Lab | Tank Room (Claire B, Leon B) -------------------------------- Grenade Launcher Location: RPD | S.T.A.R.S. Office (Claire A) RPD | Main Hall (Claire B) -------------------------------- Bow Gun Location: Gun Shop (Claire A) RPD | Back Entrance (Claire A) RPD | S.T.A.R.S. Office (Claire B) -------------------------------- Magnum Location: RPD | Watch Room (Leon A) RPD | S.T.A.R.S. Office (Leon B) -------------------------------- Rocket Launcher Location: Lab | Final Tyrant Battle (Leon B, Claire B) -------------------------------- Gatling Gun Location: Obtained as a secret weapon. -------------------------------- Flamethrower Location: Lab | Gas Room (Leon A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Spark Shot Location: Sewers | Exit Tunnels (Claire A, Claire B) -------------------------------- Shotgun Parts Location: Sewers | Exit Tunnels (Leon A, Leon B) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUEST ITEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lighter Location: RPD | Chief's Save Room (Claire A) RPD | Filing Room (Claire B) -------------------------------- Red Jewel Location: RPD | Meeting Room (Leon A, Claire A, Claire B, Leon B) RPD | Statue Room (Leon A, Claire A, Claire B, Leon B) -------------------------------- Golden Cogwheel Location: RPD | Press Room (Leon A, Claire B, Claire A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Rook Plug Location: RPD | Interrogation Room (Leon A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Knight Plug Location: RPD | Clock Tower (Leon A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Bishop Plug Location: RPD | Library (Leon A, Leon B) -------------------------------- King Plug Location: RPD | Chief Iron's Storage Room (Leon A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Serpent Stone Location: RPD | Library (Claire A, Claire B) -------------------------------- Jaguar Stone Location: RPD | Half in Iron's Storage Room (Claire A, Claire B) RPD | Other half in Clock Tower (Claire A, Claire B) -------------------------------- Eagle Stone Location: RPD | Interrogation Room (Claire A, Claire B) -------------------------------- Valve Handle Location: RPD | Back Door (Leon A, Claire A) RPD | Detective's Room (Leon B, Claire B) -------------------------------- Bomb Location: RPD | Marvin's Room (Claire A, Claire B) -------------------------------- Detonator Location: RPD | Cabinet Room (Claire A, Claire B) -------------------------------- Manhole Opener Location: RPD | Ben's Cellblock (Leon A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Crank Location: RPD | File Room (Leon A, Claire A) RPD | Chief Iron's Side Room (Leon B) RPD | Cell Block Sewer Entrance (Claire B) -------------------------------- Wolf Medal Location: Sewers | Sewer Trash Compressor (Claire A) Sewers | Sewer Corpses (Leon A, Leon B, Claire B) -------------------------------- Eagle Medal Location: Sewer | Bridge (Leon A, Claire B, Claire A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Control Panel Key Location: Sewer | Elevator Car (Leon A, Claire A) Sewer | Control Room (Claire B, Leon B) -------------------------------- Main Fuse Location: Lab | Cold Storage (Leon A, Claire B, Claire A, Leon B) -------------------------------- Vaccine Cartridge Location: Lab | Annette (Claire A) -------------------------------- Base Vaccine Location: Lab | Vaccine Room (Claire A) -------------------------------- MO Disk Location: Lab | Vaccine Room (Leon A, Claire A) -------------------------------- Joint S Plug Location: Lab | Escape Train Area (Leon B, Claire B) -------------------------------- Joint N Plug Location: Lab | Escape Train Area (Leon B, Claire B) ======================================================================== 12. M O N S T E R A N D B O S S L I S T ======================================================================== This section details all the enemies in the game and the amount of ammo it takes for the most appropriate weapon to kill them. -------------------------------- Monster: Zombie Handgun Bullets: 8 -------------------------------- Monster: Zombie Dog Handgun Bullets: 5 -------------------------------- Monster: Zombie Crow Shotgun/Bow Gun: 1 -------------------------------- Monster: Lickers Shotgun/Grenade Launcher: 2-3 -------------------------------- Monster: Super Lickers MAGNUM/Grenade Launcher: 3-5 -------------------------------- Monster: Ivy Plant Flamethrower/Submachine Guns: 3-6% -------------------------------- Monster: Super Ivy Plant Flamethrower/Submachine Guns: 3-6% -------------------------------- Monster: Bugs Do not fight, avoid. -------------------------------- Boss: Mr. X w/ Trenchcoat Shotgun/Grenade Launcher: 3-6 -------------------------------- Boss: G-IMAGO Magnum/Grenade Launcher: 4-6 -------------------------------- Boss: William (1st) Magnum/Grenade Launcher: 5-6 -------------------------------- Boss: William (1st) Magnum/Grenade Launcher: 7-9 -------------------------------- Boss: William (1st) Magnum/Grenade Launcher: 10-13 -------------------------------- Boss: William (1st) Magnum/Grenade Launcher: 15+ -------------------------------- Boss: William (1st) Magnum/Grenade Launcher: 10+ -------------------------------- Boss: Giant Alligator Magnum/Handgun Bullets: 1-2 (with Canister) -------------------------------- ======================================================================== 13. S T A N D A R D G U I D E I N F O R M A T I O N ======================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A. Legal ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ is copyright 2002-2007 by cvxfreak. I own no rights to the game "Resident Evil 2" and all official queries should be directed at Capcom. This FAQ/Walkthrough may be found at: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) GameFAQs will have the most up to date version of the guide available. Other sites may lag behind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B. Contact Guidelines ------------------------------------------------------------------------ E-MAIL: Feel free to e-mail me with anything incorrect in the FAQ, or anything that needs to be changed. Please be clear when e-mailing me, and write to me in English, or else I probably won't be able to help you. What I mean by clear is that don't "tA1k lYkE diz!" AIM/MSN: No, I don't chat with anyone unless I know them personally, so if you AIM me, and I don't know you, you'll be ignored. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C. Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks to: -Friends and family -Capcom for creating Resident Evil 2 and bringing it to PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, PC and soon to be GameCube. -mysticcat for a lot of information. -GameWinners for codes on the game. -GameFAQS code database for codes on the game. -Colin Moriarty and his The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past FAQ for helping decide my format! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D. Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, this FAQ is complete now, but I'm working hard to perfect it. Resident Evil 2 is a fantastic game, and pretty easy when it comes to perfecting a FAQ. I'm working on making it perfect, so please be very, very patient. End of document. ---