============================================================================== Resident Evil 2 - The complete guide. Last Update: 15th May 04 ============================================================================== @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@! @@@ @@! !@@ @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@!@!@@@ @@! !@! @!@ !@! !@! !@! !@! @!@ !@! !@!!@!@! !@! @!@!!@! @!!!:! !!@@!! !!@ @!@ !@! @!!!:! @!@ !!@! @!! !!@!@! !!!!!: !!@!!! !!! !@! !!! !!!!!: !@! !!! !!! !!: :!! !!: !:! !!: !!: !!! !!: !!: !!! !!: :!: !:! :!: !:! :!: :!: !:! :!: :!: !:! :!: :: ::: :: :::: :::: :: :: :::: :: :: :::: :: :: :: : : : : :: :: :: : : : :: : : : :: :: :: : : @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@! @@@ !@! !@! @!@ !@! !@! @!@ @!!!:! @!@ !@! !!@ @!! !!@ !!!!!: !@! !!! !!! !!! @!@! !!: :!: !!: !!: !!: !!: :!: ::!!:! :!: :!: :!: :: :::: :::: :: :: :::: :::!::::: : :: :: : : : :: : : :!:::::::. THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR: PLAYSTATION NINTENDO 64 GAMECUBE DREAMCAST PC Version: 2.0 Author: Matt Stenson (punishment 01) Email: punishment466@hotmail.com ============================================================================== C O N T E N T S ============================================================================== I. Welcome Notice II. Copywright Details III. Basic Controls - Playstation - GameCube - Nintendo 64 IV. Enemies - Minor Enemies - Medium Enemies - Hard Enemies - Bosses V. Weapons VI. Item List VII. Healing Items VIII. Characters IX. Survival Tips X. Walkthrough - Leon scenario A - The streets of Raccoon City - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - The Umbrella secret labs - Claire scenario A - The streets of Raccoon City - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - The Umbrella secret labs - Leon scenario B - The streets of Raccoon City - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - The Umbrella secret labs - Claire scenario B - The streets of Raccoon City - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - Raccoon City Police Station - The sewers - The Umbrella secret labs - Hunk scenario - Tofu scenario XI. Maps - Streets of Raccoon City - Police station ground floor - Police station second floor - Police station third floor - Police station basement 1 - The sewers - The sewers continued - Train area - Umbrella secret labs - Umbrella secret labs continued XII - Puzzles XIII. Wesker's Report 1 XIV. Wesker's Report 2 XV. Files XVI. Cheats and Codes XVII. Frequently Asked Questions XIX. E-mail Policy ============================================================================== I. W E L C O M E N O T I C E ============================================================================== Howdy. I'm Matt - 16 years old. Enjoy long walks along the beach, and I want the girl of my dreams. I'm also a fan of Resident Evil, and since I have pretty much no life, I wrote this walkthrough. Serious now, I'm a huge fan of Resident Evil. It was such a revolutionary game when it first came out on PSone. I was hooked on it straight away. When I heard this game, Resident Evil 2, was coming out - I wet myself. In my opinion, Resident Evil 2 is the best Resident Evil game on PSone - Some would disagree, but everyone has their own opinion - It just isn't the right opinion. Anyway, enough talking. Hopefully you enjoy my Resident Evil 2 walkthrough, and hopefully it's easy to understand. If you want to contact me, check the e-mail policy at the end of this document. ============================================================================== II. C O P Y R I G H T D E T A I L S ============================================================================== This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. (C) Matthew Stenson, 2004. This walkthrough can ONLY be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://faqs.ign.com http://www.neoseeker.com If you want my guide on your site, don't steal it. E-mail me instead! punishment466@hotmail.com, with the subject : RE2. ============================================================================== III. B A S I C C O N T R O L S ============================================================================== PLAYSTATION ============================================================================== ===IN GAME CONTROLS=========================================================== X : ACTION BUTTON SQUARE : HOLD TO RUN CIRCLE : ACCESS INVENTORY TRIANGLE : NO USE IN GAME UP : MOVE CHARACTER DOWN : MOVE CHARACTER LEFT : MOVE CHARACTER RIGHT : MOVE CHARACTER L1 : AUTO AIM SELECT L2 : NO USE IN GAME R1 : RAISE WEAPON R2 : NO USE IN GAME ===INVENTORY CONTROLS========================================================= X : USE ITEM SQUARE : NO USE IN INVENTORY CIRCLE : EXIT INVENTORY TRIANGLE : CANCEL ACTION (AND EXIT) START : PAUSE UP : SELECT ITEM DOWN : SELECT ITEM LEFT : SELECT ITEM RIGHT : SELECT ITEM L1 : NO USE IN INVENTORY L2 : NO USE IN INVENTORY R1 : NO USE IN INVENTORY R2 : NO USE IN INVENTORY ============================================================================== GAMECUBE ============================================================================== ===IN GAME CONTROLS=========================================================== A : ACTION BUTTON B : HOLD TO RUN X : NO USE IN GAME Y : INVENTORY Z : MAP R : RAISE WEAPON L : AUTO AIM SELECT UP : MOVE CHARACTER DOWN : MOVE CHARACTER LEFT : MOVE CHARACTER RIGHT : MOVE CHARACTER CONT. STICK: MOVE CHARACTER C STICK : NO USE IN GAME START : OPTIONS / PAUSE ===INVENTORY CONTROLS========================================================= A : USE ITEM B : CANCEL ACTION (AND EXIT) X : NO USE IN INVENTORY Y : EXIT INVENTORY Z : NO USE IN INVENTORY R : NO USE IN INVENTORY L : NO USE IN INVENTORY UP : SELECT ITEM DOWN : SELECT ITEM LEFT : SELECT ITEM RIGHT : SELECT ITEM CONT. STICK: SELECT ITEM C STICK : NO USE IN INVENTORY START : NO USE IN INVENTORY ============================================================================== NINTENDO 64 ============================================================================== ===IN GAME CONTROLS=========================================================== A : ACTION BUTTON B : HOLD TO RUN R : RAISE WEAPON L : AUTO AIM SELECT C-UP : MAP C-RIGHT : NO USE IN GAME C-DOWN : OPTIONS C-LEFT : NO USE IN GAME UP : MOVE CHARACTER DOWN : MOVE CHARACTER LEFT : MOVE CHARACTER RIGHT : MOVE CHARACTER CONT. STICK: MOVE CHARACTER ===INVENTORY CONTROLS========================================================= A : USE ITEM B : CANCEL ACTION (AND EXIT) R : NO USE IN INVENTORY L : NO USE IN INVENTORY C-UP : NO USE IN INVENTORY C-RIGHT : NO USE IN INVENTORY C-DOWN : NO USE IN INVENTORY C-LEFT : NO USE IN INVENTORY UP : SELECT ITEM DOWN : SELECT ITEM LEFT : SELECT ITEM RIGHT : SELECT ITEM CONT. STICK: MOVE CHARACTER ============================================================================== IV. E N E M I E S ============================================================================== ===MINOR ENEMIES============================================================== CEILING MAGGOTS They fall from the ceiling in an area of the lab. Nothing to worry about really. Just ignore them, and run past them. SEWER BUGS You'll only ever encounter these pests once, and thats during the sewers. Even then, you wont have to worry about them - You'll only be using the passage where they are once. If you find these guys tough, a shot from any weapon will kill one. CROWS Only encountered once or twice during the game. The only dangerous thing about crows is that they attack in groups. It's best to just ignore these creatures, and run straight past them - If you feel the need to kill them, and waste some ammo on them, a shot will kill them. ===MEDIUM ENEMIES============================================================= ZOMBIES They've been in every Resident Evil game, and RE2 is no exception. There are many types of zombies - The regular zombies, who just grab you and bite into your flesh. The Acid Spew Zombie, which spews acid onto you, which isn't that hard to avoid anyway. Last but not least, my favour type of zombie - The naked zombie. You'll encounter these guys around the end of the game. Mostly found in groups, they can cause serious damage if you aren't prepared for them. The best way to take on zombies is shooting them with your handgun, or even better, ignoring them completely. CEREBUS One word - Annoying. Though they aren't the most lethal monster in the game, they are very fast, mostly found in groups, and can cause a fair bit of damage. Most of the time, its hard to avoid these creatures, since they like to hang around in groups. The only good thing about these monsters are when you shoot them, they fall to the ground, giving you some time to do whatever you like. If you encounter a group of them, try using a more lethal weapon like the shotgun, or grenade launcher. LICKER Licker's can be VERY dangerous, especially if you're low on health. Chances are, you'll hear lickers before you see them - They make a hissing noise, and you can hear there feet (Or whatever the hell they are) creeping around on the ground. You should NEVER attempt to kill a licker with a knife or handgun - They're just too fast, and can jump up, and slice your head of, killing you instantly. Take these beasts on with a shotgun or a grenade launcher. ===HARD ENEMIES=============================================================== SUPER LICKERS My god. These are hard (Only if you don't know what you're doing). These guys have a blackish type of outer skin, unlike the usual red colour the normal lickers have. These creatures are faster than normal lickers, and can deal more damage. Also, they like to slice your head of more, so maybe you should watch out for that. Kill these bastards with a powerful weapon. ZOMBIE PLANTS How corny. Plants that are zombies. Hmph. Anyway, zombie plants can be lethal, and you should keep your distance from these guys when you're shooting them. You'll come across two types of these plants - Green ones, and red ones. Or maybe its just my imagination. It seems like in Scenario A, the plants are green, and in Scenario B, they are red... Regardless, these guys are hard, so take them on with a powerful weapon. ===BOSSES===================================================================== ===LEON SCENARIO A============================================================ BOSS 1 This dude is real ugly. As soon as the scene finishes, equip your SHOTGUN, and shoot at him like crazy. He'll spew out some little bugs, and they'll attach to you. These can be a real pain, as if the boss gets close, he can hit you, and the bugs can bite you. All I can say for this battle is just keep shotting and if he gets close, move. Once he dies, exit and re-enter to room to make any little bugs go away. BOSS 2 This boss is the easiest boss in the game. Run away from the croc, until you see an oxygen tank, next to a red light. Push action on the red light, and the oxygen tank will fall down. Step away from the oxygen tank, but make sure the camera angle still shows you where the croc is. Once the croc grabs the oxygen tank in its mouth, shoot it about 5 times - It'll blow his face to pieces. BOSS 3 After the scene, the boss will jump down at you. While he's getting up, run away from him, and go towards Leon's right. Shoot him from here, until he gets closer, then continue to run away from him. This guy can hit you twice with his mutated claw, and deal serious damage, so keep your distance from him. If he double hits you twice, it's time to heal. Make sure you shoot him once or twice, then run away. Repeat the process, until he starts bleeding. When he does this, it means that one more shot will kill him. So, shoot him one more time and he'll be dead. BOSS 4 Okay, after the introduction to this boss, run away from him, but make sure he's still in the camera angle. Shoot him twice with the MAGNUM, and he'll go into his second form - This boss is a REALLY easy fight, so don't stress too much. Anyway, Willy (As I call him), will mutate into a soft of dog. He can now jump up onto the racks, and attack you from there. Shoot him when you can once he's on the ground, and when he jumps up onto the racks, run around until he lands back onto the floor, and continue to shoot him. Make sure you don't get too cocky, as he can still easily kill you with a few shots. If he gets you trapped in a corner, make sure you get out of it as soon as posible - That is pretty much the easiest way to die. Soon enough, Willy will die. ===LEON SCENARIO B============================================================ BOSS 1 This boss is different from the one you fought here in the first scenario. Of course, he is a bit more harder than the boss in scenario 1, but you shouldn't really have that much trouble killing this beast. After the scene, just shoot as much as you can. Once he gets close, run away, and keep shooting. If he hits you, heal. It's quite a simple battle, but it can get hard since it's at such a small area. One thing to note though - When he raises the pipe he's holding really high, it's time to get away from him! One hit with this attack, and you'll die straight away! Anyway, when the music stops, this boss is dead, so don't shoot him anymore. He'll jump off the ledge, into the water... BOSS 2 After the scene, shoot the boss twice with your SHOTGUN, and then run away from him. Once you get to the open area, turn around and go to shoot him. He should jump up. Run around while you can't see him, and you'll land somewhere around you. Run away from him, and he should walk after you. Once he gets in your SHOTGUNS sight, shoot him as fast as you can. If you get trapped in a corner, get out as soon as you can! Just keep running away, and shooting him, and you should win this battle. You'll know that you've won when he starts bleeding. BOSS 3 First of all, when the battle starts, run away from him because he charges for you straight away! Now shoot him when his back is towards you. After this, he will charge for you again. Run away, and shoot him. Watch out when he gets close to you, because he will do a combo, which is possible to kill you in one shot. After about 4 shots from the MAGNUM, somebody will drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER... This somebody looks like Ada. Quickly grab the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from Tyrant if he's close to you. Equip the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and fire! This will kill Tyrant straight away... BOSS 4 The final boss of Resident Evil 2, who looks like a giant spikey asshole! Uh, after the scene, equip your ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from the boss. Once you can't run any further, turn around, and fire a rocket at the bastard. After this, equip your MAGNUM and outload bullets at this guy as fast as you can! You can kill this boss without being damaged at all, so it's a very easy boss fight. After about 6 shots from the MAGNUM, he'll die. ===CLAIRE SCENARIO A========================================================== BOSS 1 This dude is real ugly. As soon as the scene finishes, equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER, and shoot some ACID ROUNDS at him. He'll spew out some little bugs, and they'll attach to you. These can be a real pain, as if the boss gets close, he can hit you, and the bugs can bite you. All I can say for this battle is just keep shooting and if he gets close, move. Once he dies, climb up the ladder you used to get into this area. BOSS 2 This boss is the easiest boss in the game. Run away from the croc, until you see an oxygen tank, next to a red light. Push action on the red light, and the oxygen tank will fall down. Step away from the oxygen tank, but make sure the camera angle still shows you where the croc is. Once the croc grabs the oxygen tank in its mouth, shoot it about 3 times - It'll blow his face to pieces. BOSS 3 After the scene, the boss will jump down at you. While he's getting up, run away from him, and go towards Claire's right. Shoot him from here, until he gets closer, then continue to run away from him. This guy can hit you twice with his mutated claw, and deal serious damage, so keep your distance from him. If he double hits you twice, it's time to heal. Make sure you shoot him once or twice, then run away. Repeat the process, until he starts bleeding. When he does this, it means that one more shot will kill him. So, shoot him one more time and he'll be dead. BOSS 4 Okay, after the introduction to this boss, run away from him, but make sure he's still in the camera angle. Shoot him with some ACID ROUNDS (4 should do the trick), and he will mutate into his second form - A... Dog...? Anyway, run away from him for now, and he should jump up onto the racks. Run around, until he jumps down. This is your chance to outload as much as you can at him. Hopefully, he'll die without jumping up on the racks again. If he does this again, repeat the process. Soon enough, he'll die. ===CLAIRE SCENARIO B========================================================== BOSS 1 This boss is different from the one you fought here in the first scenario. Of course, he is a bit more harder than the boss in scenario 1, but you shouldn't really have that much trouble killing this beast. After the scene, just shoot as much as you can. Once he gets close, run away, and keep shooting. If he hits you, heal. It's quite a simple battle, but it can get hard since it's at such a small area. One thing to note though - When he raises the pipe he's holding really high, it's time to get away from him! One hit with this attack, and you'll die straight away! Anyway, when the music stops, this boss is dead, so don't shoot him anymore. He'll jump off the ledge, into the water... BOSS 2 Have your GRENADE LAUNCHER equipped as soon as you regain control of Claire. Shoot him about 2 - 3 times here with some ACID ROUNDS. After this, turn around and run away as he'll take a swipe at you. Shoot him again with 1 or 2 ACID ROUNDS, and he'll jump up onto the train roof. Once he does this, keep running around in the area you are at, and he should jump down near you. Once he does, fire a few ACID ROUNDS at him, until he gets too close. Run away from him, around the train until he jumps onto the train roof again. Run around the area again, until he jumps down near you. Shoot him again, and repeat the process until he starts bleeding. This means that he's dead. He'll jump off the train. BOSS 3 First of all, when the battle starts, run away from him because he charges for you straight away! Now shoot him with some ACID ROUNDS when his back is towards you. After this, he will charge for you again. Run away, and shoot him. Watch out when he gets close to you, because he will do a combo, which is possible to kill you in one shot. After about 3 shots of ACID ROUNDS, somebody will drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER... Claire will ask who it is. The person doesn't answer. Quickly grab the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from Tyrant if he's close to you. Equip the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and fire! This will kill Tyrant straight away. BOSS 4 The final boss of Resident Evil 2, who looks like a giant spikey asshole! Uh, after the scene, equip your ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from the boss. Once you can't run any further, turn around, and fire a rocket at the bastard. After this, equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER and shoot about 7 ACID ROUNDS at this guy as fast as you can! You can kill this boss without being damaged at all, so it's a very easy boss fight. That it - The final boss, and all it took was 7 ACID ROUNDS, and NO healing items! ============================================================================== V. W E A P O N S ============================================================================== COMBAT KNIFE It's back, and as usual, it's bad. The combat knife, like all other combat knifes in the RE series, is really bad. Deals very little damage, and strikes slow, giving the enemy more time to attack you. You should only ever use this weapon when you have no ammo, or better still, don't use the knife at all, and avoid the enemies. RATING : 2 / 10 BROWNING HP PISTOL (Claire only) Claire will start off with this weapon. It's just the regular RE pistol. Good for taking down Zombies, Crows, Cerebus's etc. But should never be used against bosses, or tough enemies like Lickers and Zombie plants. This weapon doesn't have too much power, but can fire fairly quickly. RATING : 5 / 10 ROCKET LAUNCHER The most lethal game throughout RE2. You'll only be able to fire this weapon at the end of Scenario B, when fighting the final boss, but you can also get awarded this weapon when completing the game with a very good ranking, with unlimited ammo. Though it will kill mostly anything with one rocket, it's very heavy, and takes some time to raise, and takes a lot of time to fire. RATING : 8 / 10 ENHANCED PISTOL (Leon only) Basically, Leon's regular pistol, enhanced so it can fire 3 bullets at a time. A VERY useful weapon when you're fighting a group of zombies or cerebus. Though this is a good weapon, it should NOT be used against Lickers or zombie plants, unless a last resort. RATING : 6 / 10 COLT S.A.A. PISTOL (Claire only) BOWGUN (Claire only) I have never used this weapon ever in RE2, and through the walkthrough, I'll never tell you to equip it either. The bowgun isn't a very good weapon - Though it does fire fairly fast, it's accuracy isn't that good, and it isn't very powerful. Now with a positive - It's pretty good against groups of zombies, because it fires out 3 bolts at a time, it can attack 3 zombies with one shot. RATING : 5 / 10 SHOTGUN (Leon only) The good old shotty. Unfortunately, Claire doesn't get the chance to get the shotgun, but Leon does ^_^. The shotgun is a powerful weapon, and fires out many bursts at a time, damaging groups of enemies. Aiming this gun upwards on a zombie will most likely blow their heads off, which is great to see. Great against Lickers also. The only unfortunate thing about the shotgun is it takes ages to reload - Instead of it taking time, manually reload it in your inventory. RATING : 7 / 10 ENHANCED SHOTGUN (Leon only) Oh man, this weapon is just awesome. As if the shotgun wasn't enough. The enhanced shotgun gives you a helluva lot of power, but takes longer to reload, and shoot. This wont be much of a hassle, since all enemies would probably be dead by the time you shoot again anyway. All up, a very good weapon. RATING : 8 / 10 GRENADE LAUNCHER (Claire only) Leon gets the shotty - Claire gets this, the grenade launcher. The grenade launcher is great against groups of zombies, and lickers, also not forgetting bosses. You'll find a variation of rounds for the grenade launcher, including grenade rounds, acid rounds, and fire rounds. The grenade launcher is pretty slowly shooting, so make sure you watch out for that. RATING : 8 / 10 MAGNUM (Leon only) I love this gun, and it's such a pity that Claire doesn't get this gun also. The magnum is a lethal weapon, and will blow zombies head's off clean. If you follow my guide, you'll only be able to use the magnum on the last boss, but you'll still get to see the unique power of this excellent gun. Though it does take a while to shoot again, most enemies will be dead when you do anyway. RATING : 9 / 10 ENHANCED MAGNUM (Leon only) I love this gun even more. More powerful, yet unfortunately more slower. This gun will make any enemies scared, and will kill mostly any enemy with ONE shot. Yes, one. Except bosses, but you'll only face the final boss with this gun, which can be killed in about 6 shots with the enhanced magnum. RATING : 10 / 10 MACHINE GUN Let me tell you straight away - I don't like this weapon. It takes up two item spaces in your inventory, and it isn't really worth it. Sure, it fires fast, but it doesn't cause that much damage. You should really leave this weapon where it is, unless you are running very low on ammo for all other of your weapons. RATING : 4 / 10 SPARK SHOT FLAME THROWER (Leon only) This weapon takes up two item spaces, and isn't that good. Though it's pretty good against zombie plants, it isn't that powerful, and doesn't draw enemies back by shooting them - Instead, it just burns them. RATING : 5 / 10 GATLING GUN ============================================================================== VI. I T E M L I S T ============================================================================== BISHOP PLUG - LEON ONLY - One of 4 plugs to gain access to new areas. BLUE KEY CARD - BOTH CHARACTERS - Used on police computer to open hall doors. CABIN KEY - BOTH CHARACTERS - SCENARIO B - To gain access to the service shed. CLUB KEY - BOTH CHARACTERS - To access areas locked by certain doors. COG - BOTH CHARACTERS - To use on the clock tower to open secret door. CRANK - BOTH CHARACTERS - To access secret staircase in the clocktower. DETONATOR - CLAIRE ONLY - 1 of 2 items to blow up the helicopter in hallway. DIAMOND KEY - BOTH CHARACTERS - To access areas locked by certain doors. EAGLE MEDAL - BOTH CHARACTERS - To stop waterfall in the sewers area. EAGLE STONE - CLAIRE ONLY - One of 3 stones to gain access to new areas. HEART KEY - BOTH CHARACTERS - To access areas locked by certain doors. JAGUAR STONE ½ - CLAIRE ONLY - Combine with other JAGUAR STONE ½. JAGUAR STONE ½ - CLAIRE ONLY - Combine with other JAGUAR STONE ½. JOINT N PLUG - BOTH CHARACTERS - SCENARIO B - To power up the train. JOINT S PLUG - BOTH CHARACTERS - SCENARIO B - To power up the train. KING PLUG - LEON ONLY - One of 4 plugs to gain access to new areas. KNIGHT PLUG - LEON ONLY - One of 4 plugs to gain access to new areas. LAB KEY CARD - BOTH CHARACTERS - To enter certain areas of Umbrella's lab. MANHOLE OPENER - LEON ONLY - To gain access to the sewers. MO DISK - BOTH CHARACTERS - To open the final door in the Umbrella Labs. PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE - CLAIRE ONLY - 1 of 2 items to blow up the helicopter. RED JEWEL - BOTH CHARACTERS - To place on the jewel holders, and get an item. RED JEWEL - BOTH CHARACTERS - To place on the jewel holders, and get an item. ROOK PLUG - LEON ONLY -One of 4 plugs to gain access to new areas. SERPANT STONE - CLAIRE ONLY - One of 3 stones to gain access to new areas. SPADE KEY - BOTH CHARACTERS - To access areas locked by certain doors. UNICORN MEDAL - BOTH CHARACTERS - To use on the police hall statue. VALVE HANDLE - BOTH CHARACTERS - To stop sewer fans, and extinguish helicopter. WEAPON BOX KEY - BOTH CHARACTERS - To get some extra weapon items. WOLF MEDAL - BOTH CHARACTERS - To stop waterfall in the sewers area. ============================================================================== VII. H E A L I N G I T E M S ============================================================================== FIRST AID SPRAY This will restore ALL the health you have lost, back to 100%. You should only ever use this when you're at Danger. GREEN HERB Restores about 20% of your health. Great to use when you're in Caution status, and even better used when combined with other herbs. DOUBLE GREEN HERB MIXTURE Restores about 50% of your health. Simply mix two green herbs together. TRIPLE GREEN HERB MIXTURE Restores all your health. Simply mix three green herbs together. BLUE HERB Used to cure poison. BLUE - GREEN HERB MIXTURE Will cure poison, and restore some health. Mix a green herb and a blue herb. RED HERB Cannot be used alone. Only used for mixing with other herbs, to enhance there effect. RED - GREEN HERB MIXTURE Fully restores you're health. Mixed with a green herb, and a red herb. ============================================================================== VIII. C H A R A C T E R S ============================================================================== LEON S. KENNEDY Leon is an idealistic rookie cop. He burns with the need to protect and to serve, and life as a cadet was an eye-opening experience. While Leon is reckless and brash, Leon is certainly not a naive as his demeanour would suggest. He is highly qualified for his new job with the Raccoon Police Department. CLAIRE REDFIELD Claire is a light-hearted, articulate modern woman. While she can be a bit of a tomboy at times, she is somewhat wild. Self-confident and extroverted, Claire is typically the first person to try something many others would not. ADA WONG Leon stumbles upon this mysterious woman who is quite secretive yet, at the same time, a professional and skilled investigator. She can also come across as condescending, and has a tendency to talk down to those she deems inferior to herself. SHERRY BERKIN A lonely and insecure 12-year old, Sherry is quite mature for her age. She is very shy and when she speaks, she lacks self-confidence and always has the feeling she is lost. Sherry's parents are too wrapped up in their work to heed the emotional need of their child. ============================================================================== IX. S U R V I V A L T I P S ============================================================================== CONSERVE AMMO! Don't shoot and kill a lone zombie standing out in the open. Run straight past it. You should only ever shoot monsters that are in a large group, or a monster that is blocking your way. You should ALWAYS keep your ammo stocked up. DON'T WAIT TO RELOAD! When you run out of ammo, you'll have to reload. You can either wait for the character to reload it in-game, which will waste you time, and might even cause a monster to strike you. Or you can go into your inventory, and reload the weapon manually. Don't be lazy - It's safer to do it the inventory way. SAVE! Don't be affraid to save. Chances are if you're playing for the first time, you will die. So don't be stupid, and die without saving. You'll come across a fair few Ink Ribbons anyway. DON'T BE AFFRAID TO HEAL! You'll come along plenty of herbs and first aid sprays, so if you're damaged, heal. It's as simple as that. ============================================================================== X. W A L K T H R O U G H ============================================================================== Before you start: In this walkthrough, you'll see a thing called a 'FRIGHT TACTIC". Basically this means something will jump out and scare you, or something like that. If you like to be scared, well... Too bad. ============================================================================== _ _______ _______ _______ (_) (_______|_______|_______) _ _____ _ _ _ _ | | | ___) | | | | | | | | |_____| |_____| |___| | | | | |_______)_______)\_____/|_| |_| SCENARIO A ============================================================================== THE STREETS OF RACCON CITY ============================================================================== After the awesome FMV, you'll gain control of Leon S. Kennedy. Your objective now is to head to the Raccoon City Police Department, and meet your partner Claire Redfield there. So, on your way then! ---------- CRASH SITE ---------- Run away from the nearby burning zombie, until you see two zombies blocking your path. Run up onto the pavement to Leon's right. Run down the pavement, avoiding the zombie, until you get to a black car. Run around this car, avoiding the zombie if you can. Run down the alleyway, avoiding the two zombies, until you reach a Jeep blocking your path. Head into the nearby door. -------------- KENDO GUN SHOP -------------- Head into the shop a bit more, and a cutscene will occur. You'll meet the gun shop owner. He doesn't seem to know what's going on in this town either. Anyway, head behind the side counter, and grab the HANDGUN BULLETS. Try to head back to the main part of the shop. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The windows will smash, and a group of zombies will attack the gun shop owner. Kill all the zombies from behind the counter. Once the music stops, you'll know all the zombies are dead. Check the gun shop owner's body twice, to get the SHOTGUN. Go behind the main counter now, and grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the shelf. Head through the grey metal door. ------------------------- BASKETBALL COURT ALLEYWAY ------------------------- Run right to the end of this alleyway, until you hear the gate fling open. Continue running to the end, until you reach a van. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS out the back, and backtrack towards to open gate. Kill the zombies here, and head through the open gateway. Completely ignore the lone zombie here, by running right around him. Go through the nearby door. ----------------- DUMPSTER ALLEYWAY ----------------- Run down this alleyway, and push action to head up the green stair case. Run around the catwalk, until you get to another set of downward stairs. Go down them. Jump on top the dumpster, and shoot the male zombie. Once the male zombie is down, jump off the dumpster, avoiding the female zombie. Run right down this alley, avoiding the two nearby zombies, and head through the door. ----------- BUS ROADWAY ----------- You'll hear some zombies eating through some sweet human flesh. Heh. Anyway, continue down this road, completely ignoring the zombies feeding on the poor dead guy. Head into the bus. -------------- INSIDE THE BUS -------------- The wheels on the bus go round and... Err... Sorry. I think it's safe to say this bus ain't going nowhere. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the bag on the backseat. Head down the bus a bit, and quickly kill the lady zombie on the floor, then shoot the guy zombie standing up. Once they're both dead, continue out the bus, from the door next to the dead (D'uh) driver. ---------------------- ROAD TO POLICE STATION ---------------------- Run past the lone zombie, and continue to run past the zombies next to the fire engine. If you find that there is too many zombies here, don't be affraid to shoot them all. Go through the gate. -------------------- POLICE STATION FRONT -------------------- You can either go two ways here. Go through the park area to Leon's right, and avoid the zombies til you get to the police station doors. Or you can head straight down the alley, down the stairs, around the corner, and back up another set of stairs. Then head around the corner and you can go through the police station doors. Regardless of which path you have chosen, go through the police station double doors. ============================================================================== RACCON CITY POLICE STATION ============================================================================== ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ After the breif cutscene, you regain control of Leon. If you don't like this place, get use of it - You'll be spending the majority of the game in this damn police station from hell. Head down the stairs, and head up the ramp on the left of the statue. Run down here, until you get to a large desk. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the desk here. Go behind the desk, and grab the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. Save if you want. Now go through the only open single door on the left side of the main hall. -------------- RECEPTION ROOM -------------- You'll meet Marvin. He's 27, enjoys eating human flesh, and walks along the beach. After the conversation, he'll tell you to save the survivors. Leon doesn't want to leave. Marvin will raise his gun, and tell Leon to go. Leon leaves the room, with the KEY CARD in hand. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ The door will lock behind you. Hmmm... Anyway, head back behind the large desk. Go to the computer in the upper right corner. Use it. When asked to use the BLUE KEYCARD, select yes. The doors will unlock. Head down the ramp, and go through the double doors on the left side of the main hall. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ You'll see a large chest next to you. Examine it, and it will open. This is a storage chest - You'll come across these all throughout the game. Storage chests allow you to dump off items you don't need, so they don't take up much needed inventory space. Once you put an item in a storage chest, it's then available in every storage chest through the game. So, make your inventory look like this: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ SHOTGUN ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Grab the file POLICE MEMORANDUM off the nearby bench. Head behind the dividers and you see something out the window. Equip your SHOTGUN, and head through this door. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Head down this passage, until you reach a beheaded cop. Check his body twice to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down this passage, until a FMV kicks in. After the FMV, run towards the Licker and shoot it with the shotty. Wait until it gets up again, and shoot it again. It should be dead now. Too easy! There is a GREEN HERB nearby - Use it if you were hurt. Exit the passage through the nearby door. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run down this passage, until you reach a set of double doors. Go through them. ------------- BREIFING ROOM ------------- Grab the OPERATION REPORT file on a nearby desk. Run to the back of this room, through the open door, until you get to a fireplace. Open your inventory, and use the LIGHTER. After the scene, grab the RED JEWEL on top of the fireplace. Before you leave, grab the HANDGUN BULLETS at the right end of this area of the room (They're hidden). Exit this whole room the way you entered. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Continue to down down this passage, until you reach a brown single door. Go through it, of course. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- This part is tricky. The zombies here have a habbit of lunging fowards, and grabbing you. Nevermind. Hopefully, they wont kill you. Kill the female zombie first, then run to where she once was. Wait for the male zombies to come for you, and shoot them all. Make sure all the zombies are dead, and head around the corner. Grab the two GREEN HERBS here, and go through the nearby door. --------- DARK ROOM --------- Head to the storage chest, and organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Grab the OPERATION REPORT 2 file off the table. Check the cabinet holding cameras to recieve some HANDGUN BULLETS. Grab the INK RIBBON off the table if you're planning to save, then dump the INK RIBBON in the storage chest. Leave this room. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Head up the stairs, to the second floor. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Push action, and go up the next set of stairs. Continue to head down this passage, until you get to a set of 3 statues. It's an easy puzzle. ____ | | [1] <2|____|1> [2] Above is a diagram of what you have to do. Move the statue on the right of the statue to the switch in the floor on the left, and move the statue on the left to the switch in the ground on the right. Once you do so, pick the RED JEWEL up from the big statue. Go through the nearby door. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run down this hallway, and avoid the two zombies, by heading straight through the first single door you find. ------------ STARS OFFICE ------------ First of all, check the weapon locker on Leon's right to get another SHOTGUN. Then head behind the desk right across from the locker. You'll see a pouch hanging on the wall with a red cross on it. Inside it is a FIRST AID SPRAY. Now head to the other end of the room. Go behind the desk, and search around for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now go to the desk second from the left. It's Chris Redfield's desk. Grab the file CHRIS'S DIARY. After reading it, take the UNICORN MEDAL. You'll see Claire. He'll give the diary to Claire. After this, Leon gives Claire a radio to 'keep in touch if anything happens'. Right. Anyway, exit the room the way you entered. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Once again, avoid the 2 zombies here, and head out onto the second floor area. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Run past the statues, and down the flights of stairs. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Go through the brown door you can barely see to Leon's left. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run around the corner, and down the passage... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Zombie's hands will bust through the barricaded windows, giving you a bit of a fright. Ignore the first set, and continue down the passage, until another barricaded window breaks with more zombies. Ignore these also, and exit this area through the brown single door. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Run straight down this passage, and out through the door at the other side. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Head around the dividers, and open up the storage chest. Organise your inventory, to make it look like this: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ UNICORN MEDAL ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit the room through the double doors. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Head over to the large statue at the front of the room, and use the UNICORN MEDAL. A FMV will kick it, and a key will drop from the statue. Take it. It's the SPADE KEY. Head back into the waiting room, via the double doors. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Head into the Licker passage, via the single door behind the dividers. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Run down the passage, until you see a metal door. Try opening it, and you'll use the SPADE KEY. Now go through it. ----------------- FILE STORAGE ROOM ----------------- Search the front shelf to find the PATROL REPORT. Now head around the corner, and push the step ladder downwards, until you can't go any further. Jump up on it, and grab the CRANK off the top of this cabinet. Exit this room the way you entered. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Continue going down the passage, and go through the door heading into the Barricaded Passage. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run straight through this passage, and out through the single door at the end. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Head around the corner, and go up the stairs. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Go up the flight of stairs, and go down the passage. Go behind the big statue, and push action behind it to find some HANDGUN BULLETS. Exit this area through the single door right next to you. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- You now have my permission to kill these zombies. So do so. There are three of them. Once they're dead, run around the corner, and go through the single door. Discard the SPADE KEY when asked. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- You'll see a bunch of zombies having a feed. What I want you to do is run straight down the corridor, where the lockers are. Don't worry if you run into a zombie - It'll move for you. Once you're there, start shooting at them. Soon enough, they'll all be dead. Check the open locker nearby for some more HANDGUN BULLETS. Now, run back down the corridor, and go through the door next to the little cupboard - We'll be opening this soon, so don't worry. ------- LIBRARY ------- Run up the stairs, and get on the library balcony. Run down the balcony, until you fall through the floor. Head up to the red light, and push the switch. Another puzzle. Yay. | | | | | | | | | | _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |2| |3| |4| That what the bookcases look like now. Head over to bookcase 1, and make it go right. Now head to bookcase 2, and also make it go right. WOW! THAT REALLY GAVE MY BRAIN A STRAIN! Anyway, head back behind the bookcase, and to where you fell down onto. Check the open space to get the BISHOP PLUG. Whoo hoo! We don't have no idea what that is yet, but it must be good! Head back around the bookcases, and exit the library through the double doors. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run down the balcony to Leon's right. Kill the zombie blocking your way. Continue, til you get to a red box. Examine it. It's an emergency ladder, so push the switch and make it go down. Continue down the balcony, watching out for two zombies that will block your way. Go through the single door at the end of the balcony. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Grab the SMALL KEY off the couch. Now, remember that cupboard I mentioned just outside the library? Well, you can use the SMALL KEY on that now. So, head back to where the cupboard was (Just outside the library, in the Library Hallway), and use the SMALL KEY on it. You'll get the HANDGUN PARTS. Combine them with your HANDGUN, and you'll get the ENHANCED HANDGUN. Anyway, back in the save room, grab the SECRETARY'S DIARY A from the desk, and the INK RIBBON also. Save if you want. Now go to the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ RED JEWEL ][ RED JEWEL ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit this room through the single door. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Ignore the zombie on Leon's left, and run straight to the door on the right. Go through it. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down this passage, and unlock the grey metal door. Go through it. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Grab the GREEN HERB here if you want, and head down the flight of stairs. Grab the other GREEN HERBs, and mix them. Go through the single door. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Check the body right in front of you for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down this passage, and out through the open doorway. When the camera angle changes, you'll see another doorway. Go through, and kill the zombie here. Head over to the safe in the corner of the room. Examine it, select these numbers : 2-2-3-6. It should open, giving you some SHOTGUN SHELLS, and the POLICE STATION MAP. There might be some more zombies around now. Shoot them, and exit this entire room the way you entered. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Run up the stairs, and through the grey metal door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run down the passage to Leon's right. Ignore the two crows next to the dead body - If you check this body twice, you'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down the corridor, and around the corner. Keep running, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= And group of crows smash through the windows. Ignore them, and continue down the corridor, until you get to a single door. Go through it. ---- ROOF ---- You'll see a helicopter wreck here - How unfortunate. Ignore it for now, and run down the roof, until you get to some stairs. Go down them. ------------------- POLICE STATION YARD ------------------- Kill the two zombies here (1 female, and 1 male). Once they're dead, continue down the path. You'll come across two more zombies. You should be able to avoid them. Continue down this path, until you come to a single door. Go through it. ------------ SERVICE SHED ------------ Not really a shed is it... But anyway, continue down this room, until you get to a typewriter. Here is an INK RIBBON, some HANDGUN BULLETS, and the all important VALVE HANDLE. Grab them all. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------------- POLICE STATION YARD ------------------- Avoid all the zombies here, if you haven't already killed them. Once you reach the end of the path, head up the stairs, onto the roof. ---- ROOF ---- Run around the corner, and go through the open gateway, which is left of the burning chopper wreck. Run down this area, until you reach a dead end. Open up your inventory, and use the VALVE HANDLE. Yay, the fire is out. Head out of this area of the roof, and check the chopper wreck. You'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Exit the roof through the single door, which leads into the crow corridor. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down this passage, ignoring all the crows, until you get to a brown single door. Go through it. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run down the hallway a bit, until you see a zombie approaching. Kill him. Now, head around the corner, but watch out as another zombie is here - Kill him also. Now run past the helicopter cockpit poking through the wall, and through the light brown coloured door. ----------- STATUE ROOM ----------- Grab an INK RIBBON from the large blue vase. Head further down this room. You'll see a statue, with two jewel holders on the left and right. Use both RED JEWELs on the holders. Once they are both inserted, a FMV will kick in. The statue's chest will open up. Examine the sparkly item, to get the KING PLUG. Now examine the sparkling item on the left of the statue, next to the left holder, to get the DIAMOND KEY. As you're heading out of the room, head over to the two boxes sitting together on Leon's left. Here are some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Exit this room the only way you can. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run past the chopper cockpit, and go around the corner. Head through the single door on the right. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest in the corner of the room, and organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ DIAMOND KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you want, and exit this room onto the balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run all the way around the balcony, until you get to some double doors. Go through them. ------- LIBRARY ------- Go through the single door next to the stairs. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- Run around the corner, and go through the single door, next to the vending machine. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run around the hallway, until you reach the single door at the end. Go through it. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Go down the two flights of stairs at the end of this hallway. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Go down the passage to Leon's left, and examine the grey metal door at the end of this passage. You'll use the DIAMOND KEY. Go through it. ------------ STORAGE ROOM ------------ Watch out as soon as you enter - There are lots of zombies here. After you've killed them all, grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS from a storage locker at the front. Go through the single door you are yet to go through. -------------- RECEPTION ROOM -------------- Head down the room, until you see a headless zombie on the ground. Go through the open doorway to find Marvin! A scene will kick in, showing Marvin turning into Michael Jackson... Cheesy, I know. Uh, anyway, kill him. After that, grab the HEART KEY off his desk. Head further down this room, until you reach Leon's desk (The one with party hats on it). Grab the file MEMO TO LEON. Check the lockers behind you to find some HANDGUN BULLETS. Unlock the nearby wooden door, and use it to exit this room. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Back to where it all started. Head down the ramp, and go up the steps next to the double doors. Make a left, and go through the single wooden door. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ Run down the passage, and go straight through the double blue doors, ignoring all the zombies. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- If you didn't kill the zombies here before, they'll be here. Either way, avoid them and head straight down between the desks. Soon enough, you'll emerge in a small passage, with a dead zombie on Leon's right. Make a left, and use the HEART KEY on this wooden single door. Discard it, and go through it. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Grab the two GREEN HERBS next to you, and continue down this passage, until you get to a set of stairs leading downwards. Ignore these for now, and check the shelf next to the stairs. You'll get some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now, go down the stairs. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Walk, not run, around the corner, and down the passage until you see a zombie dog (Cerebus). Once you have a clear shoot, shoot him. Wait until he yells out a loud yelp, then he's dead. Continue walking down the passage until you get a 2 way junction. Run out of the passage you're at now, and 2 zombie dogs will charge for you. Run back into the passage were you came from, and shoot them both, until they yelp out loud. Once they're dead, go down the passage to Leon's right, and go through the double doors. ------------- B1 POWER ROOM ------------- Grab the GREEN HERB in the left corner of this room. Continue to the back of this room, until you reach a power box. Examine it. Puzzle time. What you must do is get the pointer right on 80 to restore power to the B1. ____________________________________________________ |0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100| ||___________________________________________________| _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| 36 36 36 36 36 || || || || || || || || || || 14 14 14 14 14 This puzzle is easy. 36+36 is 72, so push UP the first TWO times. 72-14 is 58, so push DOWN the THIRD time. 58+36 is 94, so push UP for the FOURTH time. And, obviously, 94-14 is 80, so push DOWN the FIFTH and final time. Power is now restored. Before you leave, take the Police Station B1 map off a shelf nearby. Leave the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Continue down Leon's right, until you get to a single door, with the sign 'PARKING' besides it. Go through this door. ----------- PARKING LOT ----------- Run down this area, until someone shoots at you. This is Ada Wong. She says sorry for trying to shoot Leon (Yeah, apology accepted). She'll then ask for some help to move the police van. Be a man, and help her push the van out the way. Now go through the door you just revealed. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Ada will run off - She often does this, so get used of it. Follow her, all the way to the end of the hallway. grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the bench, and go through the large gate. ------------ PRISON CELLS ------------ Run towards the final cell block. You'll find a man inside - Ben is his name. You'll find out Ben's a reporter, and Ada needs information from him to find her lost boyfriend. Ben doesn't say anything. After the scene, grab the MANHOLE OPENER from the nearby shelf. Exit this room the way you entered. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Run down the hallway, until you reach a single door on your left. Go through it. ------- KENNELS ------- Run around the corner, and straight to the manhole. Use the MANHOLE OPENER on it. After that, go down the ladder. ============================================================================== THE SEWERS ============================================================================== ------------- SEWER HALLWAY ------------- There are spiders in here, so watch out for them. Run down the hallway, trying to avoid the spiders the best you can. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Head into the room labelled 'Storage'. ------------------ SEWER STORAGE ROOM ------------------ Grab the BLUE HERB, and use it here if you got poisoned by those pesky spiders. Open up the storage box: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Head through the door with the sign 'Septic Pool' next to it. ---------------- SEPTIC POOL ROOM ---------------- Exit this room the way you entered. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- You'll see Ada. She'll ask for a boost to get to another area. Leon will do so... ------------ ADA ------------ SHUTTER ROOM ------------ Exit this room the only way you can. ------------ ADA ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run down this area, and you'll see a zombie dog. Ignore it, by running straight past it. You'll soon see another dog - Avoid it also. Once you get to a 2 way junction, go to the right, and down the nearby elevator. --------------- ADA --------------- SEWER WORK ROOM --------------- Grab the nearby SHOTGUN SHELLS. Go back up the elevator. ------------ ADA ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run down the path to Ada's right this time, and go through the single door. ---------- ADA ---------- FLOOD ROOM ---------- Grab the map off the wall. Head down this room a bit more, and jump down all the giant steps. You'll see some boxes, arranged like so: NORTH WALL ______ | X | The X's representing the boxes, of course. |X | | X| | | | | | | |______| SOUTH WALL All you have to do is push the boxes into a line on the North wall. Simple. Once you've done that, head back up the giant steps, and examine the console. Push the switch, and the pool will fill up with literally shitty water. Wouldn't wanna fall in that crap. Anyway, run around the bridge made of boxes. Run down the path, and grab the CLUB KEY off the shelf. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------ ADA ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run back to the shutter room (Where you first gained control of Ada). ------------ ADA ------------ SHUTTER ROOM ------------ A scene will kick in. Ada will give Leon all the items she found. Turns out Ada can't reach the ventilation hole. You'll then regain control of Leon. Yay. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Pick the CLUB KEY and the SHOTGUN SHELL off the ground. Go through the door labelled 'Storage'. ------------------ SEWER STORAGE ROOM ------------------ Organise your inventory to look like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ CLUB KEY ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ DIAMOND KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save as you exit. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Head down the stairs, to Leon's right. ------------- SEWER HALLWAY ------------- Ignore the spiders once again. Run through this hallway, and go up the ladder at the end. ============================================================================== RACCON CITY POLICE STATION ============================================================================== ------- KENNELS ------- Exit this room by going through the single door. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Run down this hallway, and out through the single door. ----------- PARKING LOT ----------- Nothing to do here, so just run straight out this room through the single door on the opposide side of this area. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- You'll hear some Lickers. WALK around the corner, and take about 8 shots at the Licker quickly. He will probably hit you once, but thats okay. Once he's dead, continue walking down the passage and you'll encounter another Licker. Do what you did before with the other Licker. Once this guy's dead, examine the double doors you're next to. You'll use the CLUB KEY on it. Go through it. ------------ AUTOPSY ROOM ------------ Run to the end of this room, and a little door thing will drop off (I don't know what they're damn called). Freaky. Examine the nearby cupboard, to get the RED KEY CARD. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The zombies in the room will wake up. Gotta get out of here, stat! Run towards the double doors, avoiding all the zombies (Though you'll probably be bitten by one. No need to worry). Exit this room through the double doors. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Head down the passage to Leon's left, until you see a green light next to a single door. Use the RED KEY CARD, and go through this single door. ------------------- WEAPON STORAGE ROOM ------------------- Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS, and the 2 boxes of HANDGUN BULLETS nearby. Now, examine the locker on the right. You'll have the option of choosing either a SIDE PACK (Which gives you two extra item spaces), or a SUB-MACHINE GUN. If you choose the SUB-MACHINE GUN, you're overall end of game grade will go down, and the gun will not be available for Claire in the second scenario. If you grab the SIDE PACK, you grade will remain the same, but Claire wont be able to have it in her 2nd Scenario. The choice is yours, but I'd rather go with the SIDE PACK (The rest of this walkthrough will be written as if you'd take the SIDE PACK. Feel free the take both the items, you'll just get a lower grade). Once you've made your choice, exit this room. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Head down this passage to Leon's left. Once you get to a 2-way junction, go left, until you reach some stairs. Head up them. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Head around the back of the staircase, and use the CLUB KEY on the single door nearby. Go through it. --------------- WATCHMAN'S ROOM --------------- Check the second to last locker on the right for some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Head behind the lockers, and grab the file WATCHMAN'S DIARY off the bed. Now take the MAGNUM from the cupboard, and exit this room the way you entered. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Run around the corner, and head down the narrow passage, until you reach a single door. Go through it. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Run down this passage, and go through the open doorway. Run straight between the desk, avoiding the zombies if you haven't killed them. Go through the blue double doors. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ There's a shitload of zombies on this room. Kill them all, and continue down this hallway, until you get to a single door next to a blood stain on the wall. Go through this door. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Kill the lone zombie in this passage, then head around the corner. Kill the 3 zombies here. After you have, go through the first metal single door, after using the DIAMOND KEY on it first. Discard this key. -------------------- INTERROGATION ROOM 1 -------------------- Ignore the items on the table for now, and head over to the upper corner of this room. grab the ROOK PLUG from the shelf. Try to head out the room. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A Licker will smash through the window. If you're fast enough, grab the FIRST AID SPRAY off the table. Exit this room. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Run towards the green door. Examine it, and use the CLUB KEY on it. Enter. ---------- MEDIA ROOM ---------- Head behind the desk where the cameras are. You'll see three statues on the wall holding urns. Head over to the furnace on the left, and light it with your lighter. Now turn on the urns in this order - Middle, Right, Left. This will cause something to drop from a nearby painting. Check out what it is. It's the COG, so pick it up. Exit this room. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Run all the way to the end of this hallway, and go through the creamy coloured single door. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ Run all the way around this passage, until you get to some blue double doors. Go through them. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Avoid all the zombies here, and run straight between the desks, through the open doorway, and out through the single door next to the zombie body. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Run up the stairs, and go through the metal door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight up, and out through the single brown door. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Go through the single door on Leon's left. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest, and make your inventory look like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ CRANK ] [ COG ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Save before you leave. Exit this room, going through the door leading to the second floor balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Walk, don't run, around the pathway, until you see a Licker. Once the Licker gets up, ready to attack - Run. Keep running until you get to the double doors leading into the library. Go through them. ------- LIBRARY ------- Run a bit, and you'll see a scene. This doesn't bother us anymore - We wont be heading to ANY of those areas. Anyway, head up the narrows stairs, and go through the single door. ------------------- THIRD FLOOR BALCONY ------------------- Run down the path, and through the single door. ----------- CLOCK TOWER ----------- Head south in this room - You should find a hole object in the wall - Use the crank, and some stairs will come down. Go up these stairs, and examine the large cogs. Don't push the switch yet. Now, use the COG in your inventory. Now push the switch. A bit of the wall will open. Examine whats inside, and you'll get the final plug, the KNIGHT PLUG. When asked to jump down, say yes. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- You'll hear Ben scream. After the scene, go around the corner, and head through the large gate, into the prison cells. ------------ PRISON CELLS ------------ You'll see a scene. Ben will hand you a file. This part of the scene I love the most. Ben's chest will blow up. Hah. Never did like him. Ada will come in, and you'll get to read the file. Ada will nick off again. Exit this room. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Run down the hallway, and go through the single door leading into the kennels. ------- KENNELS ------- Head around the corner, and go straight to the manhole. Climb down the ladder. ============================================================================== THE SEWERS ============================================================================== ------------- SEWER HALLWAY ------------- For the final time, run through the hallway avoid the spiders, until you get to some stairs. Go up them. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Head into the Sewer Storage Room. ------------------ SEWER STORAGE ROOM ------------------ We have a boss fight coming up, so save, and organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ KNIGHT PLUG ][ ROOKIE PLUG ] [ BISHOP PLUG ][ KING PLUG ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Leave. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Go through the door, signed as Septic Pool. ---------------- SEPTIC POOL ROOM ---------------- Head down this room. You'll see a scene. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== This dude is real ugly. As soon as the scene finishes, equip your SHOTGUN, and shoot at him like crazy. He'll spew out some little bugs, and they'll attach to you. These can be a real pain, as if the boss gets close, he can hit you, and the bugs can bite you. All I can say for this battle is just keep shotting and if he gets close, move. Once he dies, exit and re-enter to room to make any little bugs go away. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== If you were hurt, heal yourself. Now head across the bridge, and examine the panel next to the door. In no order, put the plugs in it. Once you have, the door will unlock. Go through it. ---------- SEWER AREA ---------- Head across the bridge, and you'll see Ada. After the scene, you'll have to pair up with Ada *Sigh*... Jump off the ledge, and into the water. Go through the large gate named XD-R. --------- SEWER-WAY --------- Run straight down this passage, and jump up onto the ledge at the end. Go through this single door. ------------------ SEWER CONTROL ROOM ------------------ First off all, grab the SEWER MANAGMENT FAX off the table, and check the nearby red cupboard. You will get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now, push the nearby locker, to reveal a big metal door. Examine it, and open it. Go down the ladder here. --------------- SEWER WAREHOUSE --------------- Head down the path to Leon's right. The camera angle will change, and you'll see a lamp on the wall. Fire up your inventory, and use the LIGHTER on it. You'll see a sparkling object. Take it - They're MAGNUM BULLETS. Continue through this room, until you find another lamp. Light it, and you'll see a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS towards Leon's right. Grab them. Exit this area the way you entered. ------------------ SEWER CONTROL ROOM ------------------ Head over to the nearby storage chest, and organise your inventory, so it looks like this: [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ VALVE HANDLE ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Save if you want, and go towards the red elevator, next to the single door you used to enter this room. In an old locker here, is a FIRST AID SPRAY. Take it, and head down the elevator. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Cut scene. Basically, Leon will get shot. You'll control Ada again. --------------- ADA --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Head down the passage that Anette went down. Grab the sewer map off the wall, and go through the single door. -------------- ADA -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- I have no idea what to call this area, so the sewer fan area will do. Head down the ledge, and jump off it, into the mucky green water. Head down the passage to Ada's left, until you reach a ladder. Climb up it. --------- ADA --------- FAN SHAFT --------- Run straight down this area, ignoring all the bugs. Run until you reach the end of this shaft - Go down this ladder. ------------- ADA ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 2 ------------- Run down the catwalk, and a scene will kick in. Anette will shoot you. After talking, a FMV will kick in showing you how the T-Virus infected Raccoon City. After the scenes, Anette will fall off the catwalk. Heh. Run across the bridge, until you get to a balcony. Head down Ada's right, and go down the ladder. ------------ ADA ------------ DUMPING AREA ------------ After the quick scene, where it sounds like Ada's having an orgasm, you'll control Leon. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Run down the passage you're right next to, and exit this room through the single door. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Jump off the ledge, and run down this path to Leon's left, until you see another ledge. Jump up it, and examine to two dead bodies. You'll get some SHOTGUN SHELLS, and more importantly, the WOLF MEDAL. Jump back off the ledge, and run down the passage, until you see a spider. Now go to down path to Leon's left. Avoid the spiders, and run to the end of the path, until you reach a gate. Go through it. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Straight away, run downwards, avoiding the spiders. Once you reach a ledge, jump up onto it, and go through the double doors. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 1 ------------- Run around the catwalk, until you see a red light. Examine it, and use the VALVE HANDLE on it. Wait until the bridge comes down, and cross over it. Now grab the 2 GREEN HERBS, and mix them, then use the VALVE HANDLE where the green light is. After this, grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS nearby, and the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. Go through the single door. -------------- CROCODILE ROOM -------------- Run around the series of passages, until you see a cutscene. It's Ada. Now you'll have to fight this big crocodile. Great. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== This boss is the easiest boss in the game. Run away from the croc, until you see an oxygen tank, next to a red light. Push action on the red light, and the oxygen tank will fall down. Step away from the oxygen tank, but make sure the camera angle still shows you where the croc is. Once the croc grabs the oxygen tank in its mouth, shoot it about 5 times - It'll blow his face to pieces. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After the boss in dead, run back to Ada, and examine the console right of the large door. Push the safety lock, and go through this door. ------------ DUMPING AREA ------------ Run through the crappy water, and jump up onto the ledge where Ada is. She'll 'patch you up'. After this, you'll head up the ladder. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 2 ------------- Run across the balcony, and across the bridge. Head up the catwalk to the left and you'll see a dead body. Grab the SEWER MANAGER DIARY memo from the desk, and grab the EAGLE MEDAL from the dead dude. Head back down the catwalk, and continue around the catwalks, until you get to a console next to a ladder. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and then climb up the ladder. --------- FAN SHAFT --------- Run straight through this shaft, and down the ladder on the other side. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Run towards Leon's left, and continue around the corner. The zombies will wake up from under the sewer water - Ignore them, and go through the single gate. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Run straight down this room, until you get to a waterfall blocking a doorway. Use the WOLF MEDAL and the EAGLE MEDAL on the console, just on the right side of the waterfall. Once that's done, the waterfall will stop. Jump up, onto the ledge, and go through the single door. ------- WALKWAY ------- Run straight down this walkway, and through the single door at the end. --------------------- SKY TRAM CONTROL ROOM --------------------- Run down the path, and go down the narrow path on the right of the tram. Push the switch on the control panel to power the sky tram. Enter the sky tram, through the doors on the left of it. -------- SKY TRAM -------- Ada will start the sky tram. After a quick scene, and huge mutated hand breaks through the roof, and hits Ada. You'll regain control of Leon. All you have to do here is shoot the mutated hand. Once it disappears, watch out for some stuff falling from the ceiling, and avoid that area - His hand will pop through that area of the roof. Repeat the process, until the guy jumps off the tram. After this, exit the sky tram through the doors. --------------------- SKY TRAM DOCKING ROOM --------------------- Head down the path to Leon's left, and you'll see a flare launcher. Use the LIGHTER on this. Once you fire the flare, you'll see a sparkling item. Take it, it's the WEAPON BOX KEY. Exit this area through the single door. -------------- BLOODY HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage, and you'll hear some zombies. Continue, until a zombie is on your left. Shoot it, and kill it. After he's dead, go around the corner where that zombie was. You'll meet two of his buddies - Kill them, and check the corpse - You'll get some SHOTGUN PARTS. Now head down the path you haven't been down yet. Shoot the zombie, and continue until you get to a single door, next to a puddle of blood. Go through this door. -------------- ZOMBIE HALLWAY -------------- Go down the passage, until you get to a 2-way junction. Wait here, until two zombies come out to attack. Kill them both. Head down the path to Leon's left. There is another zombie here, so watch out. Go up the nearby ladder. -------------- TRAIN WORKROOM -------------- After grabbing all the items in this room, (You'll have to put some items in the storage chest to get these). The items are SHOTGUN SHELLS, FIRST AID SPRAY, MAGNUM BULLETS, and the INK RIBBON. Now organise your inventory: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ SHOTGUN PARTS ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Make sure you SAVE before you leave. Now go into your inventory, and combine the SHOTGUN, with the SHOTGUN PARTS. Now exit through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Head towards the train, and you'll see a factory map. Take it. Continue down to the train. Run around the left of it, and up the ledge. Go through the single door. ----- TRAIN ----- Grab some MAGNUM BULLETS from the toilet. Head into the drivers compartment, and grab the CONTROL PANEL KEY from the red key holder. Exit the train the way you entered. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Just reminding you - If you haven't saved, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT!!! Use the key on the control panel, next to the train. Now push the button. The sirens will sound, and you'll jump in the train. ----- TRAIN ----- After the FMV, a scene will kick in. The mutated guy will knock out Ada. You will now have to head outside, and take him on. Do so. ------------- OUTSIDE TRAIN ------------- Jump off the ledge, and run around the train. You'll meet your next boss. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After the scene, the boss will jump down at you. While he's getting up, run away from him, and go towards Leon's right. Shoot him from here, until he gets closer, then continue to run away from him. This guy can hit you twice with his mutated claw, and deal serious damage, so keep your distance from him. If he double hits you twice, it's time to heal. Make sure you shoot him once or twice, then run away. Repeat the process, until he starts bleeding. When he does this, it means that one more shot will kill him. So, shoot him one more time and he'll be dead. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Once you kill the above boss, jump into the train. ============================================================================== THE UMBRELLA SECRET LABS ============================================================================== ------------- SECURITY ROOM ------------- After the very emotional scenes (Not), grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS from one of the lockers, and grab the GREEN HERB off the storage units. There are also some MAGNUM BULLETS on the desk, so take them, and also take the INK RIBBON. Now organise your inventory: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. By the way, if you don't think you have enough SHOTGUN SHELLS (Below 30) you might want to take the HANDGUN, BUT it is a HUGE gamble. Save. Exit this room. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Go through the only other single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, and go through the doorway with blue above it. Run down the platform here, and go through the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Run straight to the end of this room, and go through the double doors with ice frozen over them. ------------ FREEZER ROOM ------------ Run through this room, and around the equipment, until you see something on a shelf. Grab it, as it is the FUSE CASE. You should see a blue light. It's a control box for the fuse. Fire up the inventory, and use the FUSE CASE on the control box. After the scene, you'll get the MAIN FUSE. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY on a nearby barrel, and exit this room. --------- EAST AREA --------- Exit this area the only way you can - Through the electronic door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, until you get to the main area. Here you'll see a large circle in the middle of this area. Place the MAIN FUSE here, and this will power up the labs. Great. Now go through the doorway with red above it, and through the single door at the end of that platform. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run all the way down the passages here, and go through the only unlocked single door. ---------------- SLEEPING QUATERS ---------------- Check the open locker to get the FLAMETHROWER, ONLY, I repeat, ONLY if you want some more SHOTGUN SHELLS. Grab the memo off the bench. Examine the computer screen,and get the LAB SECURITY MANUAL, and turn on the gas. Equip your FLAMETHROWER, and go to the corner of this room, and fire the thrower at the evil tentacle things... Once they are gone, go through this vent. If you don't want more ammo, skip the below AND above section. --------- VINE ROOM --------- WALK a tad into this room, and you'll see some lickers. Shoot them, and kill them both. After they're dead, check the locker in the corner of this room. Grab the two boxes of SHOTGUN SHELLS. Exit this room through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run down this path, until you get to a shutter. Push the switch next to the shutter, and it will rise, revealing two zombie plants. Run back, and shoot them both. Once they are dead, head into the passage which the shutter was hiding, and go through the single door. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Grab the two GREEN HERBS if you can while avoid the zombie plant. Go down the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Walk down this passage, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker breaks through the vent. Shoot it, and kill it. Watch out, because once the other lickers hear the shots, they will come after you as well. So, slowly WALK around the corner, and shoot the two lickers here. Grab the three GREEN HERBS. Continue through this room, until you get to another single door. Go through it. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Run around this room, until you see a blue light. Examine it, and you'll get the lab map. Head further through this room. This is a save room, so save if you feel the need to, and open up the storage chest: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ WEAPON BOX KEY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Exit this room through the single door nearby. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- For some reason, I'm always expecting something to jump out here, since it's just a hallway full of nothing. Anyway, run down the passage, and go through the large double doors. --------------- MAIN LABORATORY --------------- Check the locker with the blue light, and use the WEAPON BOX KEY - You'll get the MAGNUM PARTS. Now go through the electronic door, and you'll see a lone zombie. Avoid him, and go through another electronic door. Shoot the zombie right in front of you here. Run around the large table, trying to avoid the other zombies. Get to the final table, and grab the LAB KEY CARD. Go back through all the electronic doors, and finally out through the double doors. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage which looks pretty messed up - It has eggs growing in it. Run down this passage, and maggots will drop from the ceiling - Ignore them, and use the LAB KEY CARD on the single door, and go through it. --------- MOTH ROOM --------- Run through this room, until you see the moth. Ignore it, and go into the corner of the room where the computer is. Shoot the maggot off it, and examine it. Input the name "GUEST", and you'll scan your finger print. After all this, exit this room the way you entered. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Grab the RED HERB out the front of the double doors, and head into the monitor room (the save room). ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Go to the storage chest: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LAB KEY CARD ] [ MAGNUM ][ MAGNUM PARTS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Combine the MAGNUM and MAGNUM PARTS. Now place the MAGNUM back in the storage chest, and save if you feel the need. Exit this room through the single door on the other side of this room. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Run down this passage... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker will break out through the vents. Kill it, and continue down this room. Exit this area through the single door, leading outside. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Head up the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Avoid the zombie plant here, and go through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- There are more zombie plants here. Anyway, head out of the shutter area, and you'll see a zombie plant. Dodge around it, and go through the single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the platform, and only the main area. Now go across the blue walkway, and into the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Head further into this room, and push the switch next to the shutter to open it. Go into this area, and scan your finger print on the console once. When asked for a single time, don't do it. Now, head out the shutter area, and examine the single door. You'll use the LAB KEY CARD. Discard it, and enter. ------------ PATIENT ROOM ------------ Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY and the MAGNUM BULLETS off a nearby bed. Shoot the zombie approaching you, and kill it. Head further into this room, until you see a red light. Examine it, and turn on the light switch. Once again, head further into the room, and shoot all the zombies here. After they're all dead, grab the MO DISK off the bedside table. Exit this room the way you entered. --------- EAST AREA --------- It's Anette. She'll talk some crap, and she'll be killed by some falling pipes - Such a boring way to die. Anyway, you'll get the G-Virus, and you'll hear a self destruction message. Exit this room through the single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the blue platform, and then head onto the red platform. Run across it, and a scene will kick in. It seems that Ada was a spy all along... Anyway, Anette will shoot Ada, and Ada will fall and die. Whoopee. After the scenes, go through the nearby single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- Dodge the zombie plant, and go through the single door in the shutter area. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Ignore the zombie plant, and go down the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Run down the passage, and shoot the zombie. Head around the corner, and kill the zombie here also. Continue down the passage, and shoot all the zombies here in the open area. Once they are dead, head over to the computer screen, and use the MO DISK to open the large door. Ignore this for now, and head North through the passage, and go through the single door into the monitor room (the save room). ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Run around the room until you reach the storage chest. Organise your inventory so it looks like this: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ MAGNUM ][ MAGNUM BULLETS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE, SAAAAAVE!!! Once you have, exit this room the way you entered. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Head down the passage, until you reach the computer screen, where you inserted the MO DISK. Run down this dark passage, and go through the large double doors. ------------------------ THE FINAL BATTLE GROUNDS ------------------------ Run down this room, and you'll hear a warning saying that there is 5 minutes until detonation. Continue to run down this room, and push the switch next to the elevator. Before it gets to you, William Birkin (mutated, of course) will attack you. Time for the final battle. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Okay, after the introduction to this boss, run away from him, but make sure he's still in the camera angle. Shoot him twice with the MAGNUM, and he'll go into his second form - This boss is a REALLY easy fight, so don't stress too much. Anyway, Willy (As I call him), will mutate into a soft of dog. He can now jump up onto the racks, and attack you from there. Shoot him when you can once he's on the ground, and when he jumps up onto the racks, run around until he lands back onto the floor, and continue to shoot him. Make sure you don't get too cocky, as he can still easily kill you with a few shots. If he gets you trapped in a corner, make sure you get out of it as soon as posible - That is pretty much the easiest way to die. Soon enough, Willy will die. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After you kill Willy, the elevator will land on the floor. Jump in it. ------------- THE ROAD HOME ------------- Run down the passage, and around the corner. The train starts... Claire screams for Leon to hurry up, while Leon jumps onto the train just in time... Claire, and a young girl great Leon... As the train shakes, the Lab explodes... 'It's over' says Leon... Later in the train cockpit, he whispers... 'Goodbye... Ada...' ================================----THE END----=============================== You've finished LEON SCENARIO A. Congratulations! Now try Claire's scenario 2! Good Luck! ================================----THE END----=============================== MY RANKING: B CLEAR GAME: LEON A TOTAL TIME: 7:28 minutes NUMBER OF SAVES: 8 ============================================================================== _______ _ _______ _ ______ _______ (_______|_) (_______) (_____ \(_______) _ _ _______| |_____) )_____ | | | | | ___ | | __ /| ___) | |_____| |_____| | | | | | \ \| |_____ \______)_______)_| |_|_|_| |_|_______) SCENARIO A ============================================================================== THE STREETS OF RACCON CITY ============================================================================== After the awesome FMV, you'll gain control of Claire Redfield. Your objective now is to head to the Raccoon City Police Department, and meet your partner Leon S. Kennedy there. So, on your way then! ---------- CRASH SITE ---------- Run away from the nearby burning zombie, until you see two zombies blocking your path. Run up onto the pavement to Claire's right. Run down the pavement, avoiding the zombie, until you get to a black car. Run around this car, avoiding the zombie if you can. Run down the alleyway, avoiding the two zombies, until you reach a Jeep blocking your path. Head into the nearby door. -------------- KENDO GUN SHOP -------------- Walk into the room a bit, and a scene will kick in. This is the gun shop owner (Notice how he calls Claire 'Babe', and 'Darling'. I bet Leon is jealous). Anyway, after the scene, head around the desk you are facing. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS here. Head back around the desk, and go towards the gun shop owner. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The windows will smash, and a group of zombies will attack the gun shop owner. Kill all the zombies from behind the counter. Once the music stops, you'll know all the zombies are dead. Check the gun shop owner's body twice, to get the BOWGUN. Go behind the main counter now, and grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the shelf. Head through the grey metal door. ------------------------- BASKETBALL COURT ALLEYWAY ------------------------- Run right to the end of this alleyway, until you hear the gate fling open. Continue running to the end, until you reach a van. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS out the back, and backtrack towards to open gate. Kill the zombies here, and head through the open gateway. Completely ignore the lone zombie here, by running right around him. Go through the nearby door. ----------------- DUMPSTER ALLEYWAY ----------------- Run down this alleyway, and push action to head up the green stair case. Run around the catwalk, until you get to another set of downward stairs. Go down them. Jump on top the dumpster, and shoot the male zombie. Once the male zombie is down, jump off the dumpster, avoiding the female zombie. Run right down this alley, avoiding the two nearby zombies, and head through the door. ----------- BUS ROADWAY ----------- You'll hear some zombies eating through some sweet human flesh. Heh. Anyway, continue down this road, completely ignoring the zombies feeding on the poor dead guy. Head into the bus. -------------- INSIDE THE BUS -------------- Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the bag on the backseat. Head down the bus a bit, and quickly kill the lady zombie on the floor, then shoot the guy zombie standing up. Once they're both dead, continue out the bus, from the door next to the dead driver. ---------------------- ROAD TO POLICE STATION ---------------------- Run past the lone zombie, and continue to run past the zombies next to the fire engine. If you find that there is too many zombies here, don't be affraid to shoot them all. Go through the gate. -------------------- POLICE STATION FRONT -------------------- You can either go two ways here. Go through the park area to Claire's right, and avoid the zombies til you get to the police station doors. Or you can head straight down the alley, down the stairs, around the corner, and back up another set of stairs. Then head around the corner and you can go through the police station doors. Regardless of which path you have chosen, go through the police station double doors. ============================================================================== RACCON CITY POLICE STATION ============================================================================== ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ After the breif cutscene, you regain control of Claire. Head down the stairs, and head up the ramp on the left of the statue. Run down here, until you get to a large desk. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the desk here. Go behind the desk, and grab the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. Save if you want. Now go through the only open single door on the left side of the main hall. ----------- POLICE ROOM ----------- You'll meet Marvin. Looks like he's hurt pretty bad. Claire will introduce herself to him. After some talking, Marvin will give Claire the KEY CARD. Claire will refuse to go, and Marvin will threaten her with his gun... So she'll exit the room. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ The door will lock behind you. Hmmm... Anyway, head back behind the large desk. Go to the computer in the upper right corner. Use it. When asked to use the BLUE KEYCARD, select yes. The doors will unlock. Head down the ramp, and go through the double doors on the left side of the main hall. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ You'll see a large chest next to you. Examine it, and it will open. This is a storage chest - You'll come across these all throughout the game. Storage chests allow you to dump off items you don't need, so they don't take up much needed inventory space. Once you put an item in a storage chest, it's then available in every storage chest through the game. So, make your inventory look like this: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ BOWGUN ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Grab the file POLICE MEMORANDUM off the nearby bench. Head further into this room, and you'll see a cupboard. Unlock it, and you'll get the FIRST AID SPRAY. Walk around the wall dividers, and you'll see something out the nearby window. Go through the single door next to this window... -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Head down this passage, until you reach a beheaded cop. Check his body twice to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down this passage, until a FMV kicks in. After the FMV, run towards the Licker and shoot it with the BOWGUN. About 3 times shooting it, and the Licker will die. If you run out of ammo for the BOWGUN and the Licker is still alive, shoot it with the HANDGUN. Once the Licker is dead, continue down the passage, and you'll see a GREEN HERB. Take it, and exit through the nearby single door. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Nothing here, so just run straight through this passage, and out through the single door at the end. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- This part is tricky. The zombies here have a habbit of lunging fowards, and grabbing you. Nevermind. Hopefully, they wont kill you. Kill the female zombie first, then run to where she once was. Wait for the male zombies to come for you, and shoot them all. Make sure all the zombies are dead, and head around the corner. Grab the two GREEN HERBS here, and go through the nearby door. --------- DARK ROOM --------- Head to the storage chest, and organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Grab the OPERATION REPORT 2 file off the table. Check the cabinet holding cameras to recieve some HANDGUN BULLETS. Grab the INK RIBBON off the table if you're planning to save, then dump the INK RIBBON in the storage chest. Leave this room. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Head up the stairs, to the second floor. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Push action, and go up the next set of stairs. Continue to head down this passage, until you get to a set of 3 statues. It's an easy puzzle. ____ | | [1] <2|____|1> [2] Above is a diagram of what you have to do. Move the statue on the right of the statue to the switch in the floor on the left, and move the statue on the left to the switch in the ground on the right. Once you do so, pick the RED JEWEL up from the big statue. Go through the nearby door. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run down this hallway, and go straight through the first single door you find. ------------ STARS OFFICE ------------ Very freaky music in this room... Anyway, examine the locker on Claire's right, and you'll get the GRENADE LAUNCHER. Now head to the other end of the room. Go behind the desk, and search around for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now go to the desk second from the left. It's Chris Redfield's desk. Grab the file CHRIS'S DIARY. After reading it, take the UNICORN MEDAL. Try to exit this room, and a fax will come through. Take it - It's the FEDERAL POLICE DEPT. INTERNAL INVESTIGATION REPORT. After reading it, exit the room. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Go down the hallway to Claire's left, and go through the single door. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Run past the statues, and down the flights of stairs. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Go through the brown door you can barely see to Claire's left. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run around the corner, and down the passage... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Zombie's hands will bust through the barricaded windows, giving you a bit of a fright. Ignore the first set, and continue down the passage, until another barricaded window breaks with more zombies. Ignore these also, and exit this area through the brown single door. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Run straight down this passage, and out through the door at the other side. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Head around the dividers, and open up the storage chest. Organise your inventory, to make it look like this: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ UNICORN MEDAL ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit the room through the double doors. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Head over to the large statue at the front of the room, and use the UNICORN MEDAL. A FMV will kick it, and a key will drop from the statue. Take it. It's the SPADE KEY. Head back into the waiting room, via the double doors. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Head into the Licker passage, via the single door behind the dividers. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Run down the passage, until you see a metal door. Try opening it, and you'll use the SPADE KEY. Now go through it. ----------------- FILE STORAGE ROOM ----------------- Search the front shelf to find the PATROL REPORT. Now head around the corner, and push the step ladder downwards, until you can't go any further. Jump up on it, and grab the CRANK off the top of this cabinet. Exit this room the way you entered. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Continue going down the passage, and go through the door heading into the Barricaded Passage. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run straight through this passage, and out through the single door at the end. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Head around the corner, and go up the stairs. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Go up the flight of stairs, and go down the passage. Go behind the big statue, and push action behind it to find some HANDGUN BULLETS. Exit this area through the single door right next to you. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- You'll see a scene. This is Sherry. She's annoying. Anyway, run down the passage, and kill the lone zombie here. Run around the corner, and continue down the passage here, until you reach a single door. Use the SPADE KEY, and discard it. Now go through it. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- A scene will kick in. You'll meet Leon here. Claire will say she'll look for Sherry. Leon will give Claire a radio. After this, run down the passage where Leon came from. Check the open locker to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Head back to where Leon is, and go through the path on the right. Unlock the nearby desk to get some ACID ROUNDS. Go through the single door. ------- LIBRARY ------- Run up the stairs, and get on the library balcony. Run down the balcony, until you fall through the floor. Head up to the red light, and push the switch. Another puzzle. Yay. | | | | | | | | | | _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |2| |3| |4| That what the bookcases look like now. Head over to bookcase 1, and make it go right. Now head to bookcase 2, and also make it go right. WOW! THAT REALLY GAVE MY BRAIN A STRAIN! Anyway, head back behind the bookcase, and to where you fell down onto. Check the open space to get the SERPANT STONE. Head back around the bookcases, and exit the library through the double doors. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run down the balcony to Claire's right. Kill the zombie blocking your way. Continue, til you get to a red box. Examine it. It's an emergency ladder, so push the switch and make it go down. Continue down the balcony, watching out for two zombies that will block your way. Go through the single door at the end of the balcony. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Yay. Goodies! Grab the LIGHTER off the couch here, and the INK RIBBON off the desk. Grab the SECRETARY'S DIARY A here also. Save if you want, and organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit this room through the single door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Ignore the zombie on Claire's left, and run straight to the door on the right. Go through it. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down this passage, and unlock the grey metal door. Go through it. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Grab the GREEN HERB here if you want, and head down the flight of stairs. Grab the other GREEN HERBs, and mix them. Go through the single door. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Check the body right in front of you for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down this passage, and out through the open doorway. When the camera angle changes, you'll see another doorway. Go through, and kill the zombie here. Head over to the safe in the corner of the room. Examine it, select these numbers : 2-2-3-6. It should open, giving you some ACID ROUNDS, and the POLICE STATION MAP. Check behind the desk in this room for two GREEN HERBS. Mix them. Now, There might be some more zombies around now. Shoot them. Head into this room further, until you see some blue double doors. Go through them, please.. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ There's a lot of zombies here, but you wont have to fight them yet. Head down the passage to Claire's left, and go through this single door. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Go down the stairs, and go through the double doors on the left. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LIGHTER ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Run further into this room, around the wall dividers, and through the single door next to the window. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Run straight down this passage, and through the brown single door at the end. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run through this passage, until you reach some double doors. Go through them. ------------- BREIFING ROOM ------------- Grab the OPERATION REPORT file on a nearby desk. Run to the back of this room, through the open door, until you get to a fireplace. Open your inventory, and use the LIGHTER. After the scene, grab the RED JEWEL on top of the fireplace. Exit this whole room the way you entered. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Head down the passage to Claire's left, and go through the door at the end. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Run straight down this passage, and out through the brown single door. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Run around the dividers, and exit this room through the double doors. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Run up the ramp right next to you, and run around the desk, until you get to the emergency ladder. Go up it. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run across the balcony to the right, and go through the single door, leading into the secretary's room. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ RED JEWEL ][ RED JEWEL ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you feel you have to, and exit this room through the door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run through the door on the right. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run down the passage, and around the corner. Ignore the two crows next to the dead body - If you check this body twice, you'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down the corridor, and around the corner. Keep running, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= And group of crows smash through the windows. Ignore them, and continue down the corridor, until you get to a single door. Go through it. ---- ROOF ---- You'll see a helicopter wreck here - How unfortunate. Ignore it for now, and run down the roof, until you get to some stairs. Go down them. ------------------- POLICE STATION YARD ------------------- Kill the two zombies here (1 female, and 1 male). Once they're dead, continue down the path. You'll come across two more zombies. You should be able to avoid them. Continue down this path, until you come to a single door. Go through it. ------------ SERVICE SHED ------------ Continue down this room, until you get to a typewriter. Here is an INK RIBBON, and another BOWGUN, and the all important VALVE HANDLE. Grab them all. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------------- POLICE STATION YARD ------------------- Avoid all the zombies here, if you haven't already killed them. Once you reach the end of the path, head up the stairs, onto the roof. ---- ROOF ---- Run around the corner, and go through the open gateway, which is left of the burning chopper wreck. Run down this area, until you reach a dead end. Open up your inventory, and use the VALVE HANDLE. Yay, the fire is out. Head out of this area of the roof, and check the chopper wreck. You'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Exit the roof through the single door, which leads into the crow corridor. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down this passage, ignoring all the crows, until you get to a brown single door. Go through it. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run down the hallway and, head around the corner - You'll hear somebody screaming. Ignore this for now, and go through the light brown single door. ----------- STATUE ROOM ----------- Grab an INK RIBBON from the large blue vase. Head further down this room. You'll see a statue, with two jewel holders on the left and right. Use both RED JEWELs on the holders. Once they are both inserted, a FMV will kick in. The statue's chest will open up. Examine the sparkly item, to get the BLUE STONE ½. Now examine the sparkling item on the left of the statue, next to the left holder, to get the DIAMOND KEY. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run past the chopper cockpit, and go around the corner. Head through the single door on the right. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest in the corner of the room, and organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ DIAMOND KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you want, and exit this room onto the balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run all the way around the balcony, until you get to some double doors. Go through them. ------- LIBRARY ------- Go through the single door next to the stairs. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- Run around the corner, and go through the single door, next to the vending machine. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run around the hallway, until you reach the single door at the end. Go through it. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Go down the two flights of stairs at the end of this hallway. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Run down the passage to the left, and unlock the grey door with the DIAMOND KEY. Go through it. ------------ STORAGE ROOM ------------ Watch out as soon as you enter - There are lots of zombies here. Kill the zombie in front, then the zombie on your side. Go to where the zombie was on your side, and shoot another zombie here. Now shoot the rest of the zombies in this same position. After they're all dead, you'll probably be hurt a bit. Don't worry, you'll get to heal soon. Head around to the front lockers, and examine the lockers on the left - Use the LOCKPICK on it. You'll get the PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE. Exit this room through the nearby door. Unlock it, and go through it. -------------- RECEPTION ROOM -------------- Theres a GREEN HERB nearby. Grab it, and use it. Now Head down the room, until you see a headless zombie on the ground. Go through the open doorway to find Marvin! A scene will kick in, showing Marvin turning into a zombie... Kill him. After that, grab the DETONATOR off his desk. Head further down this room, until you reach Leon's desk (The one with party hats on it). Grab the file MEMO TO LEON. Check the lockers behind you to find some HANDGUN BULLETS. Unlock the nearby wooden door, and use it to exit this room. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Combine the DETONATOR with the PLASTIC BOMB. Once you've done that, head towards the emergency ladder, and climb up it. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run down the balcony to the right, and go through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ SERPANT STONE ][BOMB & DETONATOR ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you want, and exit this room through the single door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Go down the passage to the left, and go around the corner. Use the BOMB & DETONATOR on the wrecked door. After the scene, inspect the damage. Go through the hole in the wall, and down the passage, and through the single door. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ Head further into this room, and examine the body on the table. You'll meet Cheif Irons. After the scene, go through the single door next to a small black board, opposite the one you used to enter this room ------------- TIGER HALLWAY ------------- What a quiet hallway. Well, run straight through this hallway, and out again through the single door at the end of this passage. ------------ ANTIQUE ROOM ------------ You'll hear some human footsteps. Anyway, run past the cabinet and you'll hear them again. Continue down this path, and go through the open doorway. Grab the SECRETARY'S DIARY B off the desk, and turn the light switch on. Head further into this room. You'll find Sherry. She'll try to escape. Claire will explain herself. She tells Claire how her parents work at Umbrella, and her mum told her to come to the Police Station. After some talking, you'll hear a loud roar. Sherry'll run off. Head to the back off this room, and open the chest to get a FIRST AID SPRAY. Exit this whole area through the single door. ------------- TIGER HALLWAY ------------- Run right down this hallway, and out through the single door next to the large stuffed tiger. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ The Cheif is nowhere to be seen... Hmm... Grab the HEART KEY off this desk, and examine the painting behind his desk. Push the button, and it will slide open. Use the SERPANT STONE here. Now grab the CHEIF'S DIARY off his chair. Exit this room through the single door next to the coat rack. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run out of the wrecked passage, and around the corner. Go through the single door on the left. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down the passage, and out through the grey single door. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Run down the stairs, and go through the single door. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Run straight down this passage, ignoring the open doorway. Examine the door, and use the HEART KEY, then discard it. Go through this door. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Grab the two GREEN HERBS next to you, and continue down this passage, until you get to a set of stairs leading downwards. Go down these stairs. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Walk, not run, around the corner, and down the passage until you see a zombie dog (Cerebus). Once you have a clear shoot, shoot him. Wait until he yells out a loud yelp, then he's dead. Continue walking down the passage until you get a 2 way junction. Run out of the passage you're at now, and 2 zombie dogs will charge for you. Run back into the passage were you came from, and shoot them both, until they yelp out loud. Once they're dead, go down the passage to Claire's right, and go through the double doors. ------------- B1 POWER ROOM ------------- Grab the GREEN HERB in the left corner of this room. Continue to the back of this room, until you reach a power box. Examine it. Puzzle time. What you must do is get the pointer right on 80 to restore power to the B1. ____________________________________________________ |0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100| ||___________________________________________________| _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| 36 36 36 36 36 || || || || || || || || || || 14 14 14 14 14 This puzzle is easy. 36+36 is 72, so push UP the first TWO times. 72-14 is 58, so push DOWN the THIRD time. 58+36 is 94, so push UP for the FOURTH time. And, obviously, 94-14 is 80, so push DOWN the FIFTH and final time. Power is now restored. Before you leave, take the Police Station B1 map off a shelf nearby. Leave the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run right down this whole passage to Claire's left, until you get to the only set of double doors that are openable. Go through them. --------- WORK AREA --------- Run around the corner, and you'll hear some zombie dogs. Continue to run down this path, and a zombie dog will jump down. Ignore it, and go straight down the open manhole. ---------------- UNDERGROUND AREA ---------------- Run down this path, and go through the first single door you see. ------------------------ UNDERGROUND STORAGE ROOM ------------------------ Exit through the single door again. ---------------- UNDERGROUND AREA ---------------- Oh great, it's Sherry. She'll say she heard her father. She'll run off, and you'll control her. --------------- SHERRY --------------- SEWER WORK ROOM --------------- Run down this room, and go up the elevator. ------------ SHERRY ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run out of this area, and you'll see a zombie dog right in front of you. Quickly run straight down the current path you're on, and go through the single door. ---------- SHERRY ---------- FLOOD ROOM ---------- Grab the map off the wall. Head down this room a bit more, and jump down all the giant steps. You'll see some boxes, arranged like so: NORTH WALL ______ | X | The X's representing the boxes, of course. |X | | X| | | | | | | |______| SOUTH WALL All you have to do is push the boxes into a line on the North wall. Simple. Once you've done that, head back up the giant steps, and examine the console. Push the switch, and the pool will fill up with literally shitty water. Wouldn't wanna fall in that crap. Anyway, run around the bridge made of boxes. Run down the path, and grab the CLUB KEY off the shelf. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------ SHERRY ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Walk down this path, ignoring the dog, until you get to another path on Sherry's right. Go down it, and run as fast as you can avoid the zombie dogs. Soon enough, you'll find a single door. Go through it. ------------ SHERRY ------------ SHUTTER ROOM ------------ Grab the GRENADE ROUNDS in this room, and exit this room the way you entered. ------------ SHERRY ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run across the path, then across the bridge. Run into the area where the elevator is. Go down it. --------------- SHERRY --------------- SEWER WORK ROOM --------------- You'll see a scene. Sherry will throw Claire the CLUB KEY and the GRENADE ROUNDS. Sherry can't get back to Claire (Thank god). ---------------- UNDERGROUND AREA ---------------- Back to Claire now, pick up the GRENADE ROUNDS, and the CLUB KEY on the ground. Go through the single door. ------------------------ UNDERGROUND STORAGE ROOM ------------------------ Organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ CLUB KEY ][ HEALING ITEM ] [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ DIAMOND KEY ] [ LIGHTER ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] By the way, put the 12 GRENADE ROUNDS you should have in your GRENADE LAUNCHER. Save, and exit through the single door. ---------------- UNDERGROUND AREA ---------------- Climb up the ladder at Claire's right. --------- WORK AREA --------- Run straight down the narrow path, avoiding the zombie dog. Run around the corner, and another cerebus will be here. Avoid him as well, and go through the double doors. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Equip your GRENADE LAUCNHER - There are Lickers here now. Walk around the corner, and stay still until the Licker gets close enough for you to aim downwards, and shoot him with your GRENADE LAUNCHER. About two shots will take him down. Use the CLUB KEY on the nearby double doors... Go through them. ------------ AUTOPSY ROOM ------------ Run to the end of this room, and a little door thing will drop off (I don't know what they're damn called). Freaky. Examine the nearby cupboard, to get the RED KEY CARD. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The zombies in the room will wake up. Gotta get out of here, stat! Run towards the double doors, avoiding all the zombies (Though you'll probably be bitten by one. No need to worry). Exit this room through the double doors. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Walk down the passage to Claire's left, until you get to a single door, with a green light next to it. A Licker will be here, so shoot him twice with your GRENADE LAUNCHER, and he should die. Use the RED KEY CARD on the card swipe, and the door will unlock. Go through it. ------------------- WEAPON STORAGE ROOM ------------------- Grab the two packets of HANDUN BULLETS in this room, but ignore the BOW GUN BOLTS. We wont use the BOWGUN anymore. Now, examine the lockers at the back of the room. You'll have the option of choosing either a SIDE PACK (Which gives you two extra item spaces), or a SUB-MACHINE GUN. If you choose the SUB-MACHINE GUN, your overall end of game grade will go down, and the gun will not be available for Leon in the second scenario. If you grab the SIDE PACK, your grade will remain the same, but Leon wont be able to have it in his 2nd Scenario. The choice is yours, but I'd rather go with the SIDE PACK (The rest of this walkthrough will be written as if you'd take the SIDE PACK. Feel free the take both the items, you'll just get a lower grade). Once you've made your choice, exit this room. **Note: If you want the SUB-MACHINE GUN, you'll need to deposit an item, cause our inventory is packed the way it is. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Head down this passage to Claire's left. Once you get to a 2-way junction, go left, until you reach some stairs. Head up them. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Head around the back of the staircase, and use the CLUB KEY on the single door nearby. Go through it. --------------- WATCHMAN'S ROOM --------------- Head behind the lockers, and grab the file WATCHMAN'S DIARY off the bed. Now take the ACID ROUNDS from the desk, and exit this room the way you entered. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Run around the corner, and head down the narrow passage, until you reach a single door. Go through it. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Run down this passage, and go through the open doorway. Run straight between the desk, avoiding the zombies if you haven't killed them. Go through the blue double doors. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ There a a LOT of zombies here. Go to Claire's left a bit, and start shooting the zombies with your HANDGUN. If you feel they're getting too close, start shooting with your GRENADE LAUNCHER. Once they are dead, continue down this hallway, until you get to a single door next to a blood stain on the wall. Go through this door. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Kill the lone zombie in this passage, then head around the corner. Kill the 3 zombies here. After you have, go through the first metal single door, after using the DIAMOND KEY on it first. Discard this key. -------------------- INTERROGATION ROOM 1 -------------------- Ignore the items on the table for now, and head over to the upper corner of this room. grab the EAGLE STONE from the shelf. Try to head out the room. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A Licker will smash through the window. Quickly exit this room, avoiding the Licker. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Run towards the green door, down Claire's right. Examine it, and use the CLUB KEY on it. Enter. ---------- MEDIA ROOM ---------- Watch out - As soon as you entered, you'll see a Licker. Hopefully you still have enough GRENADE ROUNDS. Kill it. Head further into this room, and you'll see three statues on the wall holding urns. Head over to the furnace on the left, and light it with your lighter. Now turn on the urns in this order - Middle, Right, Left. This will cause something to drop from a nearby painting. Check out what it is. It's the COG, so pick it up. Exit this room. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Run all the way to the end of this hallway, and go through the creamy coloured single door. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ Run all the way around this passage, until you get to some blue double doors. Go through them. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Avoid all the zombies here, and run straight between the desks, through the open doorway, and out through the single door next to the zombie body. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Run up the stairs, and go through the metal door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight up, and out through the single brown door. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Go through the single door on Claire's left. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest, and make your inventory look like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ CRANK ] [ COG ][ GRENADE LAUNCHER] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Save. Leave this room through the single door, which leads onto the balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Walk, don't run, around the pathway, until you see a Licker. Once the Licker gets up, ready to attack - Run. Keep running until you get to the double doors leading into the library. Go through them. ------- LIBRARY ------- Run a bit, and you'll see a scene. This doesn't bother us anymore - We wont be heading to ANY of those areas. Anyway, head up the narrows stairs, and go through the single door. ------------------- THIRD FLOOR BALCONY ------------------- Walk down the balcony a bit, and you'll see a Licker. Wait until you comes up to you, and shoot him with your GRENADE LAUNCHER. Continue to run across the balcony, and go through the single door. ----------- CLOCK TOWER ----------- Head south in this room - You should find a hole object in the wall - Use the CRANK, and some stairs will come down. Go up these stairs, and examine the large cogs. Don't push the switch yet. Now, use the COG in your inventory. Now push the switch. A bit of the wall will open. Examine whats inside, and you'll get the final stone piece, the BLUE STONE ½. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------------- THIRD FLOOR BALCONY ------------------- Run across the balcony, and through the single door. ------- LIBRARY ------- Head down the nearby stairs, and leave the library onto the second floor balcony through the double doors. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Down forget the Licker here - Walk down the balcony towards him. Once again, when you Licker stands up to attack, run like hell. Continue to run, avoiding the Licker, and go through the single door into the secretary's room. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Before you do anything now, save. Now organise your inventory: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ ACID ROUNDS ] [ FIRE ROUNDS ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ BLUE STONE ½ ][ BLUE STONE ½ ] [ EAGLE STONE ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. I had 3 GRENADE ROUNDS left in my GRENADE LAUNCHER - If you have some left, keep them in there, and don't dump them. Anyway, I'll remind you to save. Okay? You've saved? Good. Head out through the door next to the desk. ------------------- HELLICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------- Head down the passage to Claire's left, and go around the corner. Now go through the wrecked passage next to the chopper cockpit. Go through the single door at the end of this passage. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ DAMNIT! It's Sherry. After the quick scene, head behind the desk, and fire up your inventory. Combine the two BLUE STONE ½ together, and you'll get the JAGUAR STONE. Now use it on the secret compartment what the painting revealed. Now place the EAGLE STONE there also. A secret passage will be revealed. Go into here, and pick up the file MAIL TO THE CHEIF. Go down the elevator in this room. ------------- TORCH HALLWAY ------------- Run down the hall a bit, and you'll hear a scream. After the scene, continue down the hallway, until you get to a single door, next to some torches. Go through... ------------ TORTURE ROOM ------------ Cheif Irons is here. He'll explain what's going on. Pretty soon, The Cheif will blow up. I love that scene. Grab the ACID ROUNDS, and go down the ladder. ------------ STEEL BRIDGE ------------ Run across the bridge a bit, and you'll see the boss you're about to fight. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== This dude is real ugly. As soon as the scene finishes, equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER, and shoot some ACID ROUNDS at him. He'll spew out some little bugs, and they'll attach to you. These can be a real pain, as if the boss gets close, he can hit you, and the bugs can bite you. All I can say for this battle is just keep shooting and if he gets close, move. Once he dies, climb up the ladder you used to get into this area. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== ------------ TORTURE ROOM ------------ Run around the large table, and go through the single door. ------------- TORCH HALLWAY ------------- Run down the hallway, and go up the elevator. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ Sherry will run up to Claire. After the scene, go back down the elevator. ------------- TORCH HALLWAY ------------- Run through the hallway, and go through the single door. **Note: If you get to far ahead of Sherry, she'll sit down and cry, waiting for you to come back for her, so make sure you don't get to far ahead of her, or you'll have to go back for her** ------------ TORTURE ROOM ------------ Run around the table, and go down the ladder. ------------ STEEL BRIDGE ------------ Run straight across the steel bridge, until you get to a red button. Push it, and climb up the ladder it reveals. ============================================================================== THE SEWERS ============================================================================== Run down the passage, and you'll see a scene. Afterwards, you'll head through some doors. --------------- SEWER DRIAN WAY --------------- Hahahah, Sherry will be sucked into a drain... But you'll have to control her. *Sigh* --------------- SHERRY --------------- SEWER DRIAN WAY --------------- Run down the passage a bit, until you get to a ledge next to some large bars. Jump onto the ledge, and go through the door at the end of this path. --------------- SHERRY --------------- SEWER WAREHOUSE --------------- Run around the corner, avoiding the zombie, until you get to a dead end, and a vent. Go through the vent. --------- SHERRY --------- BUG SHAFT --------- Run straight down this shaft, and you'll probably be attacked by the bugs Don't worry. After they finished, continue to run down the shaft, until you get to another vent. Go through it. ------------ SHERRY ------------ DUMPING AREA ------------ Grab the WOLF MEDAL off the ground, and try to head back. The floor will give way. After the scene, you regain control of Claire. --------------- SEWER DRIAN WAY --------------- Run down this passage, until you get to a ledge on the right, and some bars blocking your way northwards. Go up the ledge, and run through the single door. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 2 -------------------- Check the lockers here, and get the FIRST AID SPRAY. Grab the SEWER MANAGER FAX memo off the table, and check the bag on the table to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now go over to the large door, and unlock it with your LOCKPICK. Go down the ladder here. --------------- SEWER WAREHOUSE --------------- There are some GRENADE ROUNDS somewhere in this room, so get them, and climb back up the ladder. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 2 -------------------- Head over to the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ VALVE HANDLE ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Head down the nearby red elevator in the corner of this room. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Run down the passage, then go to Claire's left. Continue down here, and grab the sewer map off the wall. Go through the single door. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Jump down off the ledge, and down the path to Claire's left. Jump up the ledge here, and investigate the two dead bodies. There are some FLAME ROUNDS here. Jump back down, and run right down the passage, until you see some spiders. Head around the corner to Claire's left, avoiding the spiders, and go through the gateway. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Straight away, run downwards, avoiding the spiders. Once you reach a ledge, jump up onto it, and go through the double doors. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 1 ------------- Run down the catwalk a bit, and you'll see a lady. She's Anette, Sherry's mum. Claire tells Anette that Sherry is running around the sewers. You'll see a FMV of how the T-Virus infected everybody. After the cool FMV, you'll hear Sherry scream. Claire will tell Anette to go through the double doors. After this, you'll regain control of Claire. Continue along the catwalk, until you see a red light. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and watch the bridge come down. Cross this bridge, and grab the two GREEN HERBS, the FLAME ROUNDS and the INK RIBBON. Now go to the green light, and use the VALVE HANDLE again. Now go through a nearby single door. -------------- CROCODILE ROOM -------------- Run around the series of passages, until you see a cutscene. It's Sherry. Now you'll have to fight this big crocodile. Great. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== This boss is the easiest boss in the game. Run away from the croc, until you see an oxygen tank, next to a red light. Push action on the red light, and the oxygen tank will fall down. Step away from the oxygen tank, but make sure the camera angle still shows you where the croc is. Once the croc grabs the oxygen tank in its mouth, shoot it about 3 times - It'll blow his face to pieces. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After the boss in dead, run back to Sherry, and examine the console right of the large door. Push the safety lock, and go through this door. ------------ DUMPING AREA ------------ Run through the crappy water, and examine Sherry. She'll wake up... It seems that the monster has infected Sherry. YAY! Run to straight ahead, and you should see a medal on the pile of junk. Grab it, it's the WOLD MEDAL. Jump up onto the ledge nearby, and climb the ladder. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 2 ------------- Run across the balcony, and across the bridge. Head up the catwalk to the left and you'll see a dead body. Grab the SEWER MANAGER DIARY memo from the desk, and grab the EAGLE MEDAL from the dead dude. Head back down the catwalk, and continue around the catwalks, until you get to a console next to a ladder. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and then climb up the ladder. --------- FAN SHAFT --------- Run straight through this shaft, and down the ladder on the other side. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Run towards Claire's left, and continue around the corner. The zombies will wake up from under the sewer water - Ignore them, and go through the single gate. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Run straight down this room, until you get to a waterfall blocking a doorway. Use the WOLF MEDAL and the EAGLE MEDAL on the console, just on the right side of the waterfall. Once that's done, the waterfall will stop. Jump up, onto the ledge, and go through the single door. ------- WALKWAY ------- Run straight down this walkway, and through the single door at the end. --------------------- SKY TRAM CONTROL ROOM --------------------- Run down the path, and go down the narrow path on the right of the tram. Push the switch on the control panel to power the sky tram. Enter the sky tram, through the doors on the left of it. --------------------- SKY TRAM DOCKING ROOM --------------------- After you arrive at your destination, head down the path to Claire's left. Here you'll see a flare gun. In the right corner here is the WEAPON BOX KEY - You can't see it, so just examine the area, until you get it. Now, head around the tram the other way, and go through the single door. -------------- BLOODY HALLWAY -------------- Run right down the passage, until you get to a two-way junction. There will be a zombie here - Run down the passage opposite the zombie. Watch out for the zombie around the corner here. Kill it. Continue down the passage, and go through the single door. -------------- ZOMBIE HALLWAY -------------- Go down the passage, until you get to a 2-way junction. Wait here, until three zombies come out to attack. Kill them all. Head down the path to Claire's right. There is another zombie here, so watch out. Grab the two GREEN HERBS here. Now head down the only passage you haven't been down, and go up the ladder. -------------- TRAIN WORKROOM -------------- After grabbing all the items in this room, (You'll have to put some items in the storage chest to get these). The items are GRENADE ROUNDS, FIRST AID SPRAY, FLAME ROUNDS, and the INK RIBBON. Now organise your inventory: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ GRENADE ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER should still be [ FLAME ROUNDS ][ HEALING ITEM ] loaded with ACID ROUNDS. [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Make sure you SAVE before you leave. Exit through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Head towards the train, and you'll see a factory map. Take it. Continue down to the train. Run around the left of it, and up the ledge. Go through the single door. ----- TRAIN ----- Grab some FLAME ROUNDS from the toilet. Head into the drivers compartment, and grab the CONTROL PANEL KEY from the red key holder. Exit the train the way you entered. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Just reminding you - If you haven't saved, NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT!!! Use the key on the control panel, next to the train. Now push the button. The sirens will sound, and you'll jump in the train. ----- TRAIN ----- After the FMV, a scene will kick in. Sherry will faint, and something is on the train roof... Why Claire didn't just STAY in the train, until it reached it destination is beyond me... Anyway, you will now have to head outside, and take him on. Do so. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After the scene, the boss will jump down at you. While he's getting up, run away from him, and go towards Claire's right. Shoot him from here, until he gets closer, then continue to run away from him. This guy can hit you twice with his mutated claw, and deal serious damage, so keep your distance from him. If he double hits you twice, it's time to heal. Make sure you shoot him once or twice, then run away. Repeat the process, until he starts bleeding. When he does this, it means that one more shot will kill him. So, shoot him one more time and he'll be dead. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Once you kill the above boss, jump into the train. ============================================================================== THE UMBRELLA SECRET LABS ============================================================================== ------------- SECURITY ROOM ------------- Sherry will wake up... Claire will take her to a safe place... IN HER PANTS! Just kidding. Claire will give Sherry her pink jacket. After this pathetic scene, grab the GREEN HERB from the cupboard in this room. There are some FLAME ROUNDS in the locker nearby, and some ACID ROUNDS on the desk. Also, take the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter, and save. Organise your inventory: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ GRENADE ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER with GRENADE ROUNDS. [ FLAME ROUNDS ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Exit this room. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, and go through the doorway with blue above it. Run down the platform here, and go through the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Run straight to the end of this room, and go through the double doors with ice frozen over them. ------------ FREEZER ROOM ------------ Run through this room, and around the equipment, until you see something on a shelf. Grab it, as it is the FUSE CASE. You should see a blue light. It's a control box for the fuse. Fire up the inventory, and use the FUSE CASE on the control box. After the scene, you'll get the MAIN FUSE. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY on a nearby barrel, and exit this room. --------- EAST AREA --------- Exit this area the only way you can - Through the electronic door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, until you get to the main area. Here you'll see a large circle in the middle of this area. Place the MAIN FUSE here, and this will power up the labs. Great. Now go through the doorway with red above it, and through the single door at the end of that platform. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run all the way down the passages here, and go through the only unlocked single door. ---------------- SLEEPING QUATERS ---------------- Grab the memo off the bench. Examine the computer screen,and get the LAB SECURITY MANUAL, and turn on the gas. Load the GRENADE LAUNCHER up with some FLAME ROUNDS, and head as close as you can without getting damaged to the plant vines. Shoot it once, and go through the vent. --------- VINE ROOM --------- WALK a tad into this room, and you'll see some lickers. Shoot them, and kill them both. After they're dead, check the locker in the corner of this room. Grab two loads of GRENADE ROUNDS. Exit this room through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run down this path, until you get to a shutter. Push the switch next to the shutter, and it will rise, revealing two zombie plants. Run back, and shoot them both. Once they are dead, head into the passage which the shutter was hiding, and go through the single door. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Grab the two GREEN HERBS if you can while avoid the zombie plant. Go down the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Walk down this passage, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker breaks through the vent. Shoot it, and kill it. Watch out, because once the other lickers hear the shots, they will come after you as well. So, slowly WALK around the corner, and shoot the two lickers here. Grab the three GREEN HERBS. Continue through this room, until you get to another single door. Go through it. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Run around this room, until you see a blue light. Examine it, and you'll get the lab map. Head further through this room. This is a save room, so save if you feel the need to, and open up the storage chest: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ GRENADE ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER with GRENADE ROUNDS. [ FLAME ROUNDS ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ WEAPON BOX KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. Exit this room through the single door nearby. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage, and go through the large double doors. --------------- MAIN LABORATORY --------------- Check the locker with the blue light, and use the WEAPON BOX KEY - You'll get 2 GRENADE ROUNDS. Now go through the electronic door, and you'll see a lone zombie. Avoid him, and go through another electronic door. Shoot the zombie right in front of you here. Run around the large table, trying to avoid the other zombies. Get to the final table, and grab the LAB KEY CARD. Go back through all the electronic doors, and finally out through the double doors. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- You'll see a scene... It's Anette. Soon enough, William will jump down from the open vent, and slash Anette. Head down the passage where Anette is, and William will jump back up onto the roof. Anette will give Claire the file INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANTIDOTE. After reading it, Anette will die and the self destruct sequence will active. Head back to the main area of this room, and go through the passage you haven't been through. Use the LAB KEY CARD on the door here, and go through. --------- MOTH ROOM --------- Run through this room, until you see the moth. Ignore it, and go into the corner of the room where the computer is. Shoot the maggots off it, and examine it. Input the name "GUEST", and you'll scan your finger print. After all this, exit this room the way you entered. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Go through the other single door in this room (into the save room). ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Run around the room, and a scene will occur. After this, continue to run around the room, and go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Run down this passage... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker will break out through the vents. Kill it, and continue down this room. Exit this area through the single door, leading outside. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Head up the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Avoid the zombie plant here, and go through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- There are more zombie plants here. Anyway, head out of the shutter area, and you'll see a zombie plant. Dodge around it, and go through the single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the platform, and only the main area. Now go across the blue walkway, and into the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Head further into this room, and push the switch next to the shutter to open it. Go into this area, and scan your finger print on the console once. When asked for a single time, don't do it. Now, head out the shutter area, and examine the single door. You'll use the LAB KEY CARD. Discard it, and enter. ------------ PATIENT ROOM ------------ There are two items on the bed nearby - Some GRENADE ROUNDS, and a VACCINE CART. Grab them. Kill the zombie heading towards you, and head further into this room. Examine the red panel nearby to turn on the light. Continue further down this room, and kill all the zombies here. Head around the corner, and grab the MO DISK on the bed. Head back to the large computer, and examine the screen. Place the VACCINE CART here, and go back around the corner where you found the MO DISK. Examine the panel on the wall, and push the switch. After the scene, grab the now BASE VACCINE. Exit the room. --------- EAST AREA --------- Open the shutter next to you, and examine the panel. Scan your finger print here, but when asked for a second time, ignore it. Head out of this whole area, onto the main shaft. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the catwalk, and go through the doorway with red above it. Go across the walkway, and through the door. --------- WEST AREA --------- What out for the zombie plants here - Run around the one in your way, and go around the corner into the shutter area. Go through this door. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Ignore the lone zombie plant, and go down the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Run down the passage a bit, and you'll see a zombie. Kill it. Watch out, as another zombie will come out from around the corner. Kill this one also. Now continue down this area, until you get to an open space. Kill all the zombies here, and continue down the hallway, and go through the only available single door. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Run straight through this room, and out through the single door. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage, and go through the large doors on Claire's left. --------------- MAIN LABORATORY --------------- Go through the 2 electronic opening doors, to get into the main lab area. Run straight to the end of the room, until you see a large computer type thing. Use the BASE VACCINE here. When asked, push the switch. After this, you'll get the VACCINE. Exit this whole area the way you entered. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run around the corner, down the passage, and through the single door. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Gear up for the final boss fight... [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ GRENADE ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER with GRENADE ROUNDS. [ FLAME ROUNDS ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ MO DISK ] - Extra spaces with SIDE PACK. You can really take as many HEALING ITEMs as you want. Also, if you aren't sure if you have enough ammo for the final battle, take another weapon. Save. Head around the corner, past the monitors, and go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Run down the passage, until you reach the end of it. Examine the screen nearby, and use the MO DISK on it. The cement shutter will open, so run down this long passage, until you get to some large double doors. ------------------------ THE FINAL BATTLE GROUNDS ------------------------ Run down this room, and you'll hear a warning saying that there is 5 minutes until detonation. Continue to run down this room, and push the switch next to the elevator. Before it gets to you, William Birkin (mutated, of course) will attack you. Time for the final battle. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Okay, after the introduction to this boss, run away from him, but make sure he's still in the camera angle. Shoot him with some ACID ROUNDS (4 should do the trick), and he will mutate into his second form - A... Dog...? Anyway, run away from him for now, and he should jump up onto the racks. Run around, until he jumps down. This is your chance to outload as much as you can at him. Hopefully, he'll die without jumping up on the racks again. If he does this again, repeat the process. Soon enough, he'll die. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After you kill William, the elevator will be ready for you. Go on it. ------------- THE ROAD HOME ------------- Run down the passage, around the corner, and run down the long passage. An FMV will kick in - It seems that Claire just makes it onto the train in time. The lab explodes, and Sherry is knocked out. Claire gives Sherry the Vaccine, and after a while, Sherry wakes up... Damnit... Leon tells Claire it's over... She refuses, and tells Leon it's only just begun... Claire tells Sherry that her god must have protected her. Claire looks at Sherry, and Sherry says "Claire!" Claire replies... "Sherry..." How corny. ================================----THE END----=============================== You've finished CLAIRE SCENARIO A. Congratulations! Now try Leon's scenario 2! Good luck! ================================----THE END----=============================== MY RANKING: B CLEAR GAME: CLAIRE A TOTAL TIME: 6:03 minutes NUMBER OF SAVES: 7 ============================================================================== _ _______ _______ _______ (_) (_______|_______|_______) _ _____ _ _ _ _ | | | ___) | | | | | | | | |_____| |_____| |___| | | | | |_______)_______)\_____/|_| |_| SCENARIO B This is the second scenario of Leon - You'll have the option to play this after you finish Claire scenario A. In this scenario, you'll explore new areas, and you'll also fight some new bosses... Enjoy! ============================================================================== THE STREETS OF RACCON CITY ============================================================================== After the awesome FMV, you'll gain control of Leon S. Kennedy. Your objective now is to head to the Raccoon City Police Department, and meet your partner Claire Redfield there. So, on your way then! ---------- CRASH SITE ---------- You'll see a few zombies behind you on fire. Ignore them, and run down the road. There are some more zombies down this road - Avoid them if you can, but if you can't feel free to shoot them. At the end of the road, you'll encounter a metal gate. Go through it. ============================================================================== RACCON CITY POLICE STATION ============================================================================== ------------------- POLICE STATION BACK ------------------- Yes, we're already nearly in the police station. Run down to Leon's right, and you'll see some police cars and two zombies. Run straight past the zombies, and go into a little shack. Grab the CABIN KEY off the desk. Head back outside, and dodge the two zombies here again. Run straight towards the lone zombie next to a single door - Go through this door, and discard the CABIN KEY. ------------ SERVICE SHED ------------ Go to the desk nearby, and grab the INK RIBBON and HANDGUN BULLETS. Head around the corner, and you'll hear some zombies smash something. Run down this room, and go through the single door you have yet to go through. ------------------- POLICE STATION YARD ------------------- Watch out for all the zombies down this path - Dodge them all, and go around the corner. There are some more zombies here, so avoid them as well until you get to some stairs. Go up them. ---- ROOF ---- You'll see an awesome FMV. This is how the helicopter got here... After this FMV, you'll regain control of Leon. Run towards the chopper - Since it's on fire, you really can't do anything. Go through the nearby single door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- You'll see a lonely GREEN HERB... Awww... Grab it, and keep it company. Head down the corridor some more, and around the corner - You'll see a dead body with crows all around it. Check the body twice to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down this corridor, ignoring the grey metal door, and go through the single brown door. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ WALK down this hallway, and you'll see a licker on the wall, next to another door. Slowly go through this door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the desk, and the SECRETARY'S DIARY A in the same place. Grab the SMALL KEY off the couch, and head to the storage chest, and open it. Organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] If you really aren't the confident about not bringing a healing item, take one with you, just don't blame me if you run out of inventory space. Exit this room through the single door. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- You'll hear some zombies - Don't worry, they aren't near you. Run straight along the balcony, until you get to a red box. Examine it, and make the emergency ladder lower. Continue around the balcony, and you'll meet some zombies. There are a total of 5 here. Kill the nearby two, and continue along the balcony, and you'll see 3 more. Run away from them and get some distance, and then kill them all. Go to the end of the balcony where the 3 zombies were, and you should see a medal in the wall. Grab it - It's the UNICORN MEDAL. Now run back to where you lowered the emergency ladder. Go down it. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Go around the desk to Leon's right, and grab the SHOTGUN on the edge of the desk. There is also an INK RIBBON here in this area, so grab it. Now go back up the ladder. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Head down the right of the balcony, and go through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ SHOTGUN ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you want, and go through the single next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Remember that there is a licker in this room - So WALK towards the single door to Leon's right, and go through it. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down this passage, and unlock the grey metal door. Go through it. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Grab the GREEN HERB here, and go down the stairs. Grab the nearby two GREEN HERBS next to the door, and mix all the herbs together. Go through the single door here. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Check the corpse right in front of you to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Run down the passage, and go through the open doorway. Once you get into the main area, you should see a VALVE HANDLE on Leon's left. Head over to it, and grab it off the shelf. You'll see another open doorway next to the doorway you just came through. Go towards this doorway, and shoot all the zombies. Once they're dead (Including the one in the office), go through the doorway. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the desk, and you'll see a safe in the corner of the room. Examine it, and put the following numbers in... 2-2-3-6. You'll get some SHOTGUN SHELLS and a map of the police station, which will come in handy. Now go behind the desk, and grab 2 GREEN HERBS. Your inventory is now full, so exit this office, and go through the doorway, run down this passage to the right, and go through the single door next to the corpse. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Head upstairs, and go through the single door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run down the passage to Leon's right. Avoid all the crows, and go through the single door at the end of this corridor. ---- ROOF ---- Go through the open gateway, and run straight down this area. Once you reach the end of this area, you'll see a pipe. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and the fire on the chopper will be put out. Head out of this fenced area, and examine the helicopter cabin to get some SHOTGUN SHELLS... Believe me, you'll need these in a second. Try to go through the single door, and a FMV will start... Yes, you'll have to fight this monster... Go through the door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- This area is a bit too quiet for what just happened... Equip your SHOTGUN, and head further down the corridor, and the door you just used will become blocked. Oh well, we don't need to use it anymore... Now, you'll hear the footsteps of the large monster... His name is Tyrant, and you'll encounter him countless times in RE2... Head up a bit, until you camera angle changes, so you can see when he gets around the corner. Once he gets around the corner, shoot him as fast as you can! Once he gets a bit close to you, run towards the door which is now blocked, and continue to shoot him. When his body sways from side to side, it means that you have 'knocked' him out for now. Check his body for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down the corridor, and exit through the brown single door... You'll see tyrant rise again... ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ WALK down the hallway, and go through the nearby single door next to the licker on the wall. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ UNICORN MEDAL ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you feel the need, and go through the single door which leads onto the second floor balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run around the balcony, until you reach the emergency ladder. Go down it. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Run around the desk, and down the large ramp, until you reach a big statue. Use the UNICORN MEDAL on this. After the FMV, grab the SPADE KEY off the stand. Go back up the emergency ladder. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run down the right of the balcony, and go through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Organise your inventory. [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ SHOTGUN ] [ SHOTGUN SHELLS ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save. Now exit this room through the door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ You can kill the licker on the wall if you like now - 2 shots should do it. Once you do, head further down this passage, and you'll see another licker. Kill this guy. Now run around the corner, and past the chopper cockpit, and go through the single door. ----------- STATUE ROOM ----------- Firstly, check the boxes on the ground next to some seats to get some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now check the large vase to get an INK RIBBON. After all this, run to the back of the room, and check the stack of boxes to the left. Grab the BLUE KEY CARD here. Now head towards the single door... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker will smash through the roof... Either kill it, or avoid it. Either way, exit the way you entered. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run straight past the chopper, around the corner, and through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Put the SHOTGUN and SHOTGUN SHELLS in the storage chest. Exit this room through the single door, leading onto the second floor balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run around the balcony, until you get to the emergency ladder. Go down it. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Run around the room, until you find an open space to get behind the desk. Once you do get behind the desk, examine the computer. When you're asked to use the BLUE KEY CARD, do so. This will open up a variety of doors in the police station. Get out of behind the desk, and run down the ramp. There are some double doors on the left wall... Go through them. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Unlike in the first scenario, this room has zombies in it. Kill them all. Once they're all dead, grab the POLICE MEMORANDUM off the bench, and open up the storage chest. [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ SHOTGUN ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ SPADE KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Now head around the wall dividers, and go through the single door. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Head down the passage, and head around the corner. You'll see a headless corpse here... Check it twice, and you'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Head further down the passage, until you see a grey metal door. Unlock it with the SPADE KEY, then discard the key, and enter this room. ----------------- FILE STORAGE ROOM ----------------- Search the front shelf to find the PATROL REPORT. Now head around the corner, and push the step ladder downwards, until you can't go any further. Jump up on it, and grab the FIRST AID SPRAY off the top of this cabinet. On your way out, check some nearby shelfs and cabinets to find an INK RIBBON. Exit this room the way you entered. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Continue down the passage, and grab the GREEN HERB next to a single door. Go through this door. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run down the passage, and around the corner. Run down this passage, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A few zombies will break their way into the passage. Simply kill them with your HANDGUN. After they're dead, go through the nearby double doors. ------------- BREIFING ROOM ------------- Grab the OPERATION REPORT file on a nearby desk. Run to the back of this room, through the open door, until you get to a fireplace. Open your inventory, and use the LIGHTER. After the scene, grab the RED JEWEL on top of the fireplace. Before you leave, grab the HANDGUN BULLETS at the right end of this area of the room (They're hidden). Exit this whole room the way you entered. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Continue down this passage, until you reach a brown single door. Go through it, of course. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Unlike in the first scenario, there are no zombies here. Head around the corner, and you'll see two GREEN HERBS next to some boxes, and a single door on the opposite side of the boxes. Grab the herbs and mix them, and go through the door. --------- DARK ROOM --------- Check out the cabinet holding the cameras, and you'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Grab the OPERATION REPORT 2 off the desk, and also the INK RIBBON off the desk. Now organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ SHOTGUN ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ SMALL KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save on your way out if you want. Leave the room the way you entered. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Head up the stairs. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Push action, and go up the next set of stairs. Continue to head down this passage, until you get to a set of 3 statues. It's an easy puzzle. ____ | | [1] <2|____|1> [2] Above is a diagram of what you have to do. Move the statue on the right of the statue to the switch in the floor on the left, and move the statue on the left to the switch in the ground on the right. Once you do so, pick the RED JEWEL up from the big statue. Go through the nearby door. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run down this hallway, and avoid the two zombies, by heading straight through the first single door you find. ------------ STARS OFFICE ------------ First of all, check the weapon locker on Leon's right to get the MAGNUM. Cool! Now head to the other end of the room. Go behind the desk, and search around for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now go to the desk second from the left. It's Chris Redfield's desk. Grab the file CHRIS'S DIARY. After reading it, exit the office the way you entered. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Kill the two zombies in front of you. Head further down the hallway, and you'll see some more zombies - 3 actually, and one's on the floor. Kill them, and go around the corner. Run down this passage, and go through the single door. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- You'll see a scene... A little girl runs away from you, crawling through a hole in a boarded up door... She dropped something. Pick it up. You'll find out that it's the DIAMOND KEY. Check the open locker nearby to get some SHOTGUN SHELLS. After this, head to the main area of this hallway, and you'll see Claire...T She'll ask about the little girl. Claire tells Leon to find a way out of here, and she'll look for Sherry. Leon gives Claire a radio. Now, go down the passage on Leon's left. Check the cupboard next to a single door at the end of this certain passage. Use the SMALL KEY on it, and you'll some HANDGUN PARTS. Open up your inventory, and combine the HANDGUN PARTS with the HANDGUN. You now have the ENHANCED HANDGUN. Go through the single door right next to you. ------- LIBRARY ------- Try to head up the stairs next to you, and you'll see a scene. Scary. Anyway, climb up the stairs, and run to the end of the balcony. It'll give way, and you'll fall into another area. Head up to the red light, and push the switch. Another puzzle. Yay. | | | | | | | | | | _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |2| |3| |4| That what the bookcases look like now. Head over to bookcase 1, and make it go right. Now head to bookcase 2, and also make it go right. WOW! THAT REALLY GAVE MY BRAIN A STRAIN! Anyway, head back behind the bookcase, and to where you fell down onto. Check the open space to get the BISHOP PLUG. Head back around the bookcases, and exit the library through the double doors. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Leon's inventory is now full. Anyway, head right around the balcony, and go through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest, and organise your inventory... [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ SHOTGUN ][ RED JEWEL ] [ RED JEWEL ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Make sure the SHOTGUN is fully loaded. Head out this room through the door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ If you didn't kill the lickers before, they'll still be here of course. Anyway, Head down the passage to Leon's left, and head around the corner. Run past the chopper cockpit, and go through the single door. ----------- STATUE ROOM ----------- Remember that there's a licker here - Kill it with your SHOTGUN. Once he's dead, you'll see two objects on the left and right side of the statue - These are where you put the RED JEWELS. So in no particular order, place a RED JEWEL on the left jewel holder, and the right jewel holder. Once you've done that, a compartment on the statue will open. See what's inside, and you'll get the KING PLUG. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run past the chopper cockpit, around the corner, and down the passage a bit, until you reach the first door on Leon's right. Go through it. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest again... [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ DIAMOND KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Now go through the door you're right next to. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run right around the balcony, until you get to some double doors. Go through them. ------- LIBRARY ------- Go straight through the single door in this room. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- Run out of this passage, into the open area. Go through the single door next to the vending machine. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run straight to the end of this whole hallway, and go through the final single door. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Check behind the statue which once held the RED JEWEL - There are some HANDGUN BULLETS there. Continue through the room, and go down the two sets of stairs. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Watch out, because as soon as you regain control of Leon, a bunch of zombies will be RIGHT in front of you! Shoot them all. Once they're dead, go down the passage they came from, and examine the grey metal door. You'll use the DIAMOND KEY on it. Go through this door. ------------ STORAGE ROOM ------------ No zombies in here, unlike in scenario 1. Anyway, check the second front locker from the right to get some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Unlock the other grey metal door, and go through it... -------------- RECEPTION ROOM -------------- Two zombies will ambush Leon - One on his left, and one on his right. Kill them in whatever order you like. Once they are dead, grab the GREEN HERB nearby. A few more zombies will appear, so kill them also. Now head down the room, and you should see an open doorway, with a zombie standing up. Kill him. Now go into the office where that zombie was, and grab the HEART KEY off of the desk. Get out of this office, and continue down this room, until you reach Leon's desk (It's obvious - It has party hats on it). Grab the MEMO TO LEON here. There is also a SMALL KEY here, but I wouldn't take it - It's pretty much useless. Check the nearby lockers to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Head over to the single door with the exit sign above it, and unlock it. Exit the room via this door. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Head up the emergency ladder, onto the second floor balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run down the balcony to the right, and go through the single door at the end. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Open up the storage chest. [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ HEART KEY ][ SHOTGUN ] [ SHOTGUN SHELLS ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] We're bringing the Shotty just in case. Exit this room through the door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run right down this hallway, and go through the single door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down this corridor, and go through the grey metal door. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Run down the stairs, and go through the single door. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Run right down this passage (Watch out for the zombie), until you reach a single door. Examine it, and you'll use the HEART KEY on it. When asked, discard it, and go through this door. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- There are a some zombies here. Firstly, grab the two GREEN HERBS here and mix them. Now, shoot the first zombie you see with your ENHANCED HANDGUN. Once he's dead, put Leon in the corner next to the door and wait for another zombie. Kill him also. Now head around the corner, and you'll see a zombie, so shoot him. Another zombie will appear, so you know what to do. Finally, one more zombie, so kill him. Continue to head down the passage, and go down the set of stairs. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run around the corner, and down the passage to the connecting passageway. There are a generous amount of zombies here, so kill them all. Once they're dead, head southwards, and go through a set of double doors. ------------- B1 POWER ROOM ------------- Grab the GREEN HERB in the left corner of this room. Continue to the back of this room, until you reach a power box. Examine it. Puzzle time. What you must do is get the pointer right on 80 to restore power to the B1. ____________________________________________________ |0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100| ||___________________________________________________| _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| 36 36 36 36 36 || || || || || || || || || || 14 14 14 14 14 This puzzle is easy. 36+36 is 72, so push UP the first TWO times. 72-14 is 58, so push DOWN the THIRD time. 58+36 is 94, so push UP for the FOURTH time. And, obviously, 94-14 is 80, so push DOWN the FIFTH and final time. Power is now restored. Before you leave, take the Police Station B1 map off a shelf nearby. Leave the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Watch out - There might be a zombie on Leon's right. Kill it. Go to where that zombie was, and you'll see another one standing on his lonesome. Kill him. Head around the corner, and go through the door with the sign 'PARKING' next to it. ----------- PARKING LOT ----------- Run down this area, until someone shoots at you. This is Ada Wong. She says sorry for trying to shoot Leon (Yeah, apology accepted). She'll then ask for some help to move the police van. Be a man, and help her push the van out the way. Now go through the door you just revealed. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Ada will run off - She often does this, so get used of it. Follow her, all the way to the end of the hallway. Go through the large gate. ------------ PRISON CELLS ------------ Run towards the final cell block. You'll find a man inside - Ben is his name. You'll find out Ben's a reporter, and Ada needs information from him to find her lost boyfriend. Ben doesn't say anything. After the scene, grab the MANHOLE OPENER from the nearby shelf. Exit this room the way you entered. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Run down the hallway, until you reach a single door on your left. Go through it. ------- KENNELS ------- Run around the corner, and straight to the manhole. Use the MANHOLE OPENER on it. After that, go down the ladder. ============================================================================== THE SEWERS ============================================================================== ------------- SEWER HALLWAY ------------- There are spiders in here, so watch out for them. Run down the hallway, trying to avoid the spiders the best you can. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Go through the door with the sign SEPTIC POOL next to it. ---------------- SEPTIC POOL ROOM ---------------- Exit this room the way you entered. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Oh look, it's the ever-so-jolly Ada. She'll ask for a boost to get to another area. Leon will do so... ------------ ADA ------------ SHUTTER ROOM ------------ You'll see a scene... Sherry runs away and drops something. Ada will pick it up and keep it. Exit this room the only way you can. ------------ ADA ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Kill the zombie which is right in front of you. Head further down this catwalk, and you'll see another zombie heading towards you. Shoot it, but don't kill it - Just make it fall down. Run across this bridge, and shoot down another zombie. Once you get to a 2 way junction, go to the right, and down the nearby elevator. --------------- ADA --------------- SEWER WORK ROOM --------------- Grab the nearby SHOTGUN SHELLS. Go back up the elevator. ------------ ADA ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run down the path to Ada's right this time, and go through the single door. ---------- ADA ---------- FLOOD ROOM ---------- Grab the map off the wall. Head down this room a bit more, and jump down all the giant steps. You'll see some boxes, arranged like so: NORTH WALL ______ | X | The X's representing the boxes, of course. |X | | X| | | | | | | |______| SOUTH WALL All you have to do is push the boxes into a line on the North wall. Simple. Once you've done that, head back up the giant steps, and examine the console. Push the switch, and the pool will fill up with literally shitty water. Wouldn't wanna fall in that crap. Anyway, run around the bridge made of boxes. Run down the path, and grab the CLUB KEY off the shelf. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------ ADA ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run back to where you first gained control of Ada (Avoid the zombies on the way of course!) ------------ ADA ------------ SHUTTER ROOM ------------ A scene will kick in. Ada will give Leon all the items she found. Turns out Ada can't reach the ventilation hole. You'll then regain control of Leon. Yay. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- A scene will kick in - It seems that Claire has blown the helicopter apart, and you have a new area to explore! Pick the CLUB KEY and the SHOTGUN SHELL off the ground. Go through the door labelled 'Storage' ------------------ SEWER STORAGE ROOM ------------------ Organise your inventory to look like so: [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ CLUB KEY ][ SHOTGUN ] [ SHOTGUN SHELLS ][ DIAMOND KEY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save before you exit. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Head down the stairs nearby. ------------- SEWER HALLWAY ------------- Ignore the spiders once again. Run through this hallway, and go up the ladder at the end. ============================================================================== RACCON CITY POLICE STATION ============================================================================== ------- KENNELS ------- Exit this room by going through the single door. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Run down this hallway, and out through the single door. ----------- PARKING LOT ----------- There are two zombie mutts here. Kill them or avoid them, it's your choice. Either way, exit this area through the single door. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run around the corner, and down the passage - You'll see two zombies. Kill them both. Continue down the passage, until you see a set of double doors. Examine it, and you'll unlock it with the CLUB KEY. Go through it. ------------ AUTOPSY ROOM ------------ Run down the room, and a licker will drop down. Equip the SHOTGUN, and kill him. Watch out, there is another one here, so kill him as well. After they're dead, run around the beds, and examine the cupboard to get a RED KEY CARD. Exit this room the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run down this passage leftwards, until you reach a single door next to a card reader with a green light. Use the RED CARD KEY on the card reader, and then go through this door. ------------------- WEAPON STORAGE ROOM ------------------- Take the MAGNUM BULLETS, and the two packets of HANDGUN BULLETS. Now, you should remember this from Claire's scenario 1. If you took something from the locker in this room, Leon will NOT be able to take it. For example, if you took the SIDE PACK playing as Claire, it wont be available to Leon - Only the SUB MACHINE GUN will be. If this is the case, don't take the SUB MACHINE GUN - It's a real waste of space. If you took it as Claire, the SIDE PACK will be there for Leon, if that's the case, take the SIDE PACK - It's real useful. If Claire took nothing, just take the SIDE PACK. Phew. Okay, after all this, exit the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Head down this passage to Leon's left. Once you get to a 2-way junction, go left, until you reach some stairs. Head up them. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Watch out, as there are some zombies here. Kill the two on the other side of the staircase, and then kill the one heading towards you. Now go to where the two zombies were, and unlock the single door with the CLUB KEY. Go through it. --------------- WATCHMAN'S ROOM --------------- Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS from the green locker. Head around the lockers, and you will see a corpse on the ground. On the cupboard next to it, there are some MAGNUM BULLETS. Take them. Also take the WATCHMAN'S DIARY from the bed. Exit this room the way you entered. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Run down the passage, and kill the two zombies blocking your path. Continue down the passage, and out through the single door. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Kill the zombie blocking your way here. Run down the passage, and go through the open doorway. Run straight down this room, and go through the double doors. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ LOTS OF ZOMBIES!!! AHHHHH!!! Um, anyway, quickly shoot the two zombies on Leon's left. Once they're down, run to the area they were at. Make sure they are dead, and continue to shoot the rest of the zombies as they come for you. After some time, they will all be dead. After this, run past the blue double doors, and continue down this passage. Keep going, until you get to a single door next to some boxes... Go through this door. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Run down the passage, and around the corner. Keep going until you reach a single metal door with glass around it. Use the DIAMOND KEY on this, and go into this room. -------------------- INTERROGATION ROOM 1 -------------------- Run to the end of this room, and grab the ROOK PLUG off the shelf. Now exit the room the way you entered. (We don't have space for extra items). --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Continue through this hallway, until you get to a green coloured door. Use the CLUB KEY on this, and go through it. ---------- MEDIA ROOM ---------- Run to the back of this room (Where the video camera is pointing). You'll see three statues on the wall holding urns. Head over to the furnace on the left, and light it with your lighter. Now turn on the urns in this order - Middle, Right, Left. This will cause something to drop from a nearby painting. Try to walk over to it... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tyrant will smash through the wall behind you! Holy crap, no matter how many times I play this game, that moment ALWAYS scares me! Ignore Tyrant for now, and run over to where the COG fell... Grab it, and exit the room through the single door. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Equip your SHOTGUN, and run down this hallway. Head around the corner, past the hole Tyrant made in the wall, and around another corner. Continue down this passage until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= He busts through another wall. This is where you can either shoot him, knock him down and grab some ammo off him, or quickly run past him and exit. Either way, exit through the single door. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ Whoa... Aren't you glad that's all over - For now anyway. Run all the way down this hallway (Use the GREEN HERB in this area if you are hurt). Run past the blue double doors, and go through the brown single door. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Run down the stairs, then up the ramp, around the desk, and up the emergency ladder! -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Watch out for the licker right in front of you - Avoid it by running down the right of the balcony, and going through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Just run straight through this room, and out through the single door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run left down the passage, around the corner, and you'll see the hole in the wall Claire made. Go through here, down the passage, and through the single door. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ Run down this room, and go behind the desk. Take the CHEIF'S DIARY off his chair. After reading it, take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the Cheif's desk cupboard. Now go through the other single door in this room. ------------- TIGER HALLWAY ------------- What a quiet hallway. Well, run straight through this hallway, and out again through the single door at the end of this passage. ------------ ANTIQUE ROOM ------------ Run around the large cupboard, and through the doorway with curtains on it. Head into this area, and grab the SECRETARY'S DIARY B off the shelf. Now head further into this area, and you'll see a treasure chest. Open it, and you'll get the CRANK. Just what we need! Exit this room the way you entered. ------------- TIGER HALLWAY ------------- You know something's happening in this room, since the music is very... Well... DAMN SCARY! Run down the hallway, and you should see Tyrant come out around the corner. Try to run past, and you'll hit you. Once he does that, try to run past again - He will raise his arms to slam you, giving you room to run around him. Once you've done that, run down the hallway, and go through the single door next to the stuffed tiger. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ Exit this room through the single door. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run down this wrecked passage, then out around the corner. Continue down the passage, and go through the first single door you see. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Open up the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ CRANK ][ COG ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit this room through the single door you're next to. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- WALK down this part of the balcony (I know, it's slow. Believe me, it's worth it). Head around the corner, and soon enough you should see the licker if you haven't killed it. Continue to walk past it, until it starts to stand up. This is your cue to run like hell. Run right down the balcony, and go through the double doors, into the library. ------- LIBRARY ------- Head up the nearby stairs, and run across the balcony, until you see a single door. Go through it. ------------------- THIRD FLOOR BALCONY ------------------- Run right, across the balcony, and once you reach a single door, go through it. ----------- CLOCK TOWER ----------- Examine the square hole in the southern wall here. Use the CRANK on it, and a staircase will lower. Go up the stairs. Run around the corner, until you see some cogs. Use the COG in your inventory. After this, push the switch. Examine the secret passage the door just revealed. You'll get the final plug - The KNIGHT PLUG. When asked, jump down this dust shoot. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- After the freaky scene, run down the passage, and go through the gate at the end. ------------ PRISON CELLS ------------ A scene will kick in... He'll pass you a file. After this, Ben will die. Ada comes in, and you read the MAIL TO THE CHEIF. After this, Ada will run off, and Claire will radio you. After this, exit this room through the gate. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Run down the hallway, until you reach the a single door on Leon's left. Go through it. ------- KENNELS ------- Run around the corner, until you reach the manhole. Go down it. ============================================================================== THE SEWERS ============================================================================== ------------- SEWER HALLWAY ------------- For the final time, run through the hallway avoid the spiders, until you get to some stairs. Go up them. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Head into the Sewer Storage Room. ------------------ SEWER STORAGE ROOM ------------------ We have a boss fight coming up, so save, and organise your inventory like so: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ KNIGHT PLUG ][ KING PLUG ] [ BISHOP PLUG ][ ROOK PLUG ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] After saving, exit. --------------- MAIN SEWER AREA --------------- Go through the door labelled 'Septic Pool'. ---------------- SEPTIC POOL ROOM ---------------- Run further into this room, and you'll meet the first real boss of Scenario B. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== This boss is different from the one you fought here in the first scenario. Of course, he is a bit more harder than the boss in scenario 1, but you shouldn't really have that much trouble killing this beast. After the scene, just shoot as much as you can. Once he gets close, run away, and keep shooting. If he hits you, heal. It's quite a simple battle, but it can get hard since it's at such a small area. One thing to note though - When he raises the pipe he's holding really high, it's time to get away from him! One hit with this attack, and you'll die straight away! Anyway, when the music stops, this boss is dead, so don't shoot him anymore. He'll jump off the ledge, into the water... ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Go across the bridge, and you should see a panel next to a single door. Use all the plugs in your inventory on this panel. Once you've done so, the door will open. Go through it. ---------- SEWER AREA ---------- Head across the bridge, and you'll see Ada. After the scene, you'll have to pair up with Ada. Jump off the ledge, and into the water. Go through the large gate named XD-R. --------- SEWER-WAY --------- Run straight down this passage, and jump up onto the ledge at the end. Go through this single door. ------------------ SEWER CONTROL ROOM ------------------ First of all, check the red cupboard in a corner of this room to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Grab the SEWER MANAGER FAX off the nearby table also. Now, go over to the grey lockers next to the red cupboard, and push them to the left. This will reveal a large door. Examine it, and open it. Climb down the ladder here. --------------- SEWER WAREHOUSE --------------- Head down the path to Leon's right. The camera angle will change, and you'll see a lamp on the wall. Fire up your inventory, and use the LIGHTER on it. You'll see a sparkling object. Take it - They're MAGNUM BULLETS. Continue through this room, until you find another lamp. Light it, and you'll see a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS towards Leon's right. Grab them. Exit this area the way you entered. ------------------ SEWER CONTROL ROOM ------------------ Go to the typewriter in this room, and grab the INK RIBBON - Save if you like. Open up the storage chest, and organise your inventory. [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ VALVE HANDLE ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Head over to the red elevator in the corner of this room. Before you go down it, check the locker just across from it to get a FIRST AID SPRAY. Now go down the elevator. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- A cut scene will occur. Leon will push Ada out the way from getting shot... But poor Leon gets shot himself. You'll control Ada. --------------- ADA --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Head down the passage that Anette went down. Grab the sewer map off the wall, and go through the single door. -------------- ADA -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Head down the ledge, and jump off it, into the mucky green water. Head down the passage to Ada's left, until you reach a ladder. Climb up it. --------- ADA --------- FAN SHAFT --------- Run straight down this area, ignoring all the bugs. Run until you reach the end of this shaft - Go down this ladder. ------------- ADA ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 2 ------------- Run across the catwalk, and a scene will kick in. Anette will shoot you. After some talking, Anette will notice the necklace around Ada's neck. It seems that something is really important about this necklace. Anyway, Ada will push poor old Anette off the ledge. Ada will look at the necklace, and it will open... A test tube, with purple liquid... Hmmm... Anyway, Run across the bridge, until you get to a balcony. Head down Ada's right, and go down the ladder. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Leon will wake up. Run around the corner here, until you reach a single door. Go through it. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Jump off the ledge, and run down this path to Leon's left, until you see another ledge. Jump up it, and examine to two dead bodies. You'll get a SMALL KEY, and more importantly, the WOLF MEDAL. Now jump back off the ledge, and run down the mucky passage. Jump up on the ledge, and go through the single door you used to enter this area. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Run down this passage, until you get to a 2-way junction. Run down the right passage, and go up the red elevator here. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 2 -------------------- Yes, another sewer control room. Examine the black bag on the table to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. There are 3 GREEN HERBS in a corner of this room, so take them and mix them all together. Head over to the typewriter, and grab the INK RIBBON here. Now open up the storage chest, and reorganise your inventory. [ENHANCED HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ VALVE HANDLE ][ WOLF MEDAL ] [ SMALL KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] You'll notice there is another grey metal door here - Go over to it, and use the SMALL KEY on it. Go down the ladder here. --------------- SEWER WAREHOUSE --------------- You'll see a sparkling object as soon as you enter - They are some MAGNUM BULLETS, so grab them. Run around the shelf, until you find a lone zombie. Kill him, and run around another shelf. You'll find some SHOTGUN SHELLS in this area. Once you done that, exit this room the way you entered. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 2 -------------------- Simply dump off the items you just got in the storage chest. Head down the red elevator. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Run down the passage, around the corner, and then down this passage. Go through the single door at the end. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Run down this passage, then around the corner down another passage. Go through the single door at the end. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Jump off the ledge, and run down the right of this passage, until you see a spider. Now go to down path to Leon's left. Avoid the spiders, and run to the end of the path, until you reach a gate. Go through it. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Straight away, run downwards, avoiding the spiders. Once you reach a ledge, jump up onto it, and go through the double doors. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 1 ------------- Run around the catwalk, until you see a red light. Examine it, and use the VALVE HANDLE on it. Wait until the bridge comes down, and cross over it. Now grab the 2 GREEN HERBS, and mix them, then use the VALVE HANDLE where the green light is. After this, grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS nearby, and the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. Go through the single door. -------------- CROCODILE ROOM -------------- Run around the series of passages, until you reach a huge door. Go through it. ------------ DUMPING AREA ------------ Run through the crappy water, and jump up onto the ledge where Ada is. She'll 'patch you up'. After this, you'll head up the ladder. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 2 ------------- Run across the balcony, and across the bridge. Head up the catwalk to the left and you'll see a dead body. Grab the SEWER MANAGER DIARY memo from the desk, and grab the EAGLE MEDAL from the dead dude. Head back down the catwalk, and continue around the catwalks, until you get to a console next to a ladder. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and then climb up the ladder. --------- FAN SHAFT --------- Run straight through this shaft, and down the ladder on the other side. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Run towards Leon's left, and continue around the corner. The zombies will wake up from under the sewer water - Ignore them, and go through the single gate. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Run straight down this room, until you get to a waterfall blocking a doorway. Use the WOLF MEDAL and the EAGLE MEDAL on the console, just on the right side of the waterfall. Once that's done, the waterfall will stop. Jump up, onto the ledge, and go through the single door. ------- WALKWAY ------- Run straight down this walkway, and through the single door at the end. --------------------- SKY TRAM CONTROL ROOM --------------------- Run down the path, and go down the narrow path on the right. Push the switch on the control panel to brind to the sky tram back. Once it docks, run around the sky tram, and go through the double doors into it. -------- SKY TRAM -------- Ada will start the sky tram. After a quick scene, and huge mutated hand breaks through the roof, and hits Ada. You'll regain control of Leon. All you have to do here is shoot the mutated hand. Once it disappears, watch out for some dirt falling from the ceiling, and avoid that area - His hand will pop through that area of the roof. Repeat the process, until the guy jumps off the tram. After this, exit the sky tram through the doors. --------------------- SKY TRAM DOCKING ROOM --------------------- Head down the path to Leon's left, and you'll see a flare launcher. Use the LIGHTER on this. Once you fire the flare, you'll see a sparkling item. Take it, it's the WEAPON BOX KEY. Exit this area through the single door. -------------- BLOODY HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage, and you'll hear some zombies. Continue, until a zombie is on your left. Shoot it, and kill it. After he's dead, go around the corner where that zombie was. You'll meet two of his buddies - Kill them, and check the corpse - You'll get some SHOTGUN PARTS. Now head down the path you haven't been down yet. Shoot the zombie, and continue until you get to a single door, next to a puddle of blood. Go through this door. -------------- ZOMBIE HALLWAY -------------- Go down the passage, until you get to a 2-way junction. Wait here, until two zombies come out to attack. Kill them both. Head down the path to Leon's left. There is another zombie here, so watch out. Go up the nearby ladder. -------------- TRAIN WORKROOM -------------- Ada will say that there must be something hidden here. Uh, anyway, grab all the items here (You have a full inventory, so put everything you have in the storage chest, and then grab the items). The items here are some SHOTGUN SHELLS some MAGNUM BULLETS, a FIRST AID SPRAY, and an INK RIBBON. Save now while you have the INK RIBBON. Open up the storage chest: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ SHOTGUN PARTS ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Open up your inventory, and combine the SHOTGUN with the SHOTGUN PARTS. You'll get an even better shotty now. Exit this room through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run down the tracks, until you see a grey lift, and a map right next to you on the wall. Take the map, and then go down the grey lift. Run around the balcony, until you reach a single door. Go through it. --------- PIPE ROOM --------- Run across the catwalk, and around the corner, until you see a sparkling item. This is the CONTROL PANEL KEY. Take it. Examine the monitor besides you with the blinking red light. Crap! It's Tyrant again. Turn around, and walk down the passage until the camera angle changes, so you have a clear view of when Tyrant will come out around the corner. One you see him, start shooting as fast as you can. Chance are he will hit you a few times. If you get to danger, heal yourself. After 4 shots, he'll fall to the ground. Examine his body to get some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Exit this room the way you entered. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run around the balcony, and up the lift. Follow the tracks up, and go through the single door. -------------- TRAIN WORKROOM -------------- Head over to where Ada is, examine the computer. Use the CONTROL PANEL KEY. After this, organise your inventory in the storage chest. [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Make sure you have as many HEALING ITEMS as you can, but keep free ONE item space. SAVE!!! Exit this room through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Head towards the train, down the track. Run around the left of train, and up the ledge. Go through the single door. ----- TRAIN ----- Grab some MAGNUM BULLETS from the toilet. Exit the train again. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Jump off the ledge, and examine the panel. Push the switch. You'll go inside the train. ----- TRAIN ----- After the FMV, a scene will kick in. The mutated guy will knock out Ada. You will now have to head outside, and take him on. Do so. ------------- OUTSIDE TRAIN ------------- Jump off the ledge, and run around the train. Soon enough, your next boss will walk out around the corner. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After the scene, shoot the boss twice with your SHOTGUN, and then run away from him. Once you get to the open area, turn around and go to shoot him. He should jump up. Run around while you can't see him, and you'll land somewhere around you. Run away from him, and he should walk after you. Once he gets in your SHOTGUNS sight, shoot him as fast as you can. If you get trapped in a corner, get out as soon as you can! Just keep running away, and shooting him, and you should win this battle. You'll know that you've won when he starts bleeding. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Once you kill the above boss, jump into the train. ----- TRAIN ----- The train will stop due to overheating. After the scene with Ada, leave the train through the single door. ============================================================================== THE UMBRELLA SECRET LABS ============================================================================== ----------------- OUTSIDE THE TRAIN ----------------- Run around the train, until you reach a doorway with the sign 'PL-600' above it. Jump up on this ledge, and run down the path, until you reach a vent. Go through this vent. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- You jump down from the roof, and the train will start without you! Run down the passage down Leon's right. Go through the large double doors at the end. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- Run through this room a bit, and you'll see a lift. Take this lift down, and then run southwards down this room. Go around the corner, and you'll see a corpse. Grab the REPORT ON P-EPSILON GAS from him. Head further down here, and grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS off the ground, and the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. Head back to the lift, and then take the passage on the right of the lift. Keep going down this passage, until you see a red lift. Go down it. ------------ CATWALK ROOM ------------ Run down the catwalk, and down the open area. A licker will jump out, so shoot it. Another licker will come out around the corner. Run away from it, and then shoot it from a distance. Once the two lickers are dead, continue around the catwalks, until you reach the end. Examine the panel, and turn on the elevator. Exit this room the way you entered. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- Run down the passage, and go up on the lift. Run around the railing and the box, and you'll see a storage chest. Grab the GREEN HERB next to it, and then open up the storage chest. [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit this room through the large double doors with the 'Exit' sign above it. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- Run all the way through this hallway, until you reach the elevator doors. Go through them. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Examine the panel on the right, and push the switch. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Kill the two zombies in front of you, and watch out for the other zombies that will come for you now. Head around the corner, and shoot the zombie here. Go through the door next to the sign 'MAIN SHAFT'. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, and go through the doorway with blue above it. Run down the platform here, and go through the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Run straight to the end of this room, and go through the double doors with ice frozen over them. ------------ FREEZER ROOM ------------ Run through this room, and around the equipment, until you see something on a shelf. Grab it, as it is the FUSE CASE. You should see a blue light. It's a control box for the fuse. Fire up the inventory, and use the FUSE CASE on the control box. After the scene, you'll get the MAIN FUSE. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY on a nearby barrel, and exit this room. --------- EAST AREA --------- Exit this area the only way you can - Through the electronic door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, until you get to the main area. Here you'll see a large circle in the middle of this area. Place the MAIN FUSE here, and this will power up the labs. Great. Now go through the doorway with red above it, and through the single door at the end of that platform. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run all the way down the passages here, and go through the only unlocked single door. ---------------- SLEEPING QUATERS ---------------- Kill all the zombies in this room. Once they are dead, take the USER REGISTRAION memo of the bench, and the LAB KEY CARD right next to it. Head over to the computer monitor, and grab the LAB SECURITY MANUAL off it. Go through the vent in the corner of the room. --------- VINE ROOM --------- WALK a tad into this room, and you'll see some lickers. Shoot them, and kill them both. After they're dead, check the locker in the corner of this room. Grab the two boxes of SHOTGUN SHELLS. Exit this room through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run down this path, until you get to a shutter. Push the switch next to the shutter, and it will rise, revealing two zombie plants. Run back, and shoot them both. Once they are dead, head into the passage which the shutter was hiding, and go through the single door. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Grab the two GREEN HERBS if you can while avoid the zombie plant. Go down the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Walk down this passage, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker breaks through the vent. Shoot it, and kill it. Watch out, because once the other lickers hear the shots, they will come after you as well. So, slowly WALK around the corner, and shoot the two lickers here. Grab the three GREEN HERBS. Continue through this room, until you get to another single door. Go through it. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Run around this room, until you see a blue light. Examine it, and you'll get the lab map. Head further through this room. This is a save room, so save if you feel the need to, and open up the storage chest: [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ WEAPON BOX KEY ] [ LAB KEY CARD ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit this room through the single door nearby. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage, and go through the large double doors around the corner. --------------- MAIN LABORATORY --------------- Check the locker with the blue light, and use the WEAPON BOX KEY - You'll get the MAGNUM PARTS. Now go through the electronic door, and you'll see a lone zombie. Avoid him, and go through another electronic door. Shoot the zombie right in front of you here. Run around the large table, trying to avoid the other zombies. Get to the final table, and grab the POWER ROOM KEY. Go back through all the electronic doors, and finally out through the double doors. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage which looks pretty messed up - It has eggs growing in it. Run down this passage, and maggots will drop from the ceiling - Ignore them, and use the LAB KEY CARD on the single door, and go through it. --------- MOTH ROOM --------- Run through this room, until you see the moth. Ignore it, and go into the corner of the room where the computer is. Shoot the maggot off it, and examine it. Input the name "GUEST", and you'll scan your finger print. After all this, exit this room the way you entered. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Grab the RED HERB out the front of the double doors, and head into the monitor room. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Before you we do anything, I have to tell you something. Remember in Claire's Scenario A, how I told you to register your fingerprint just like Leon did, and then go to a panel next to some large double doors, and put your fingerprint in that also? Well, since you did that, Leon can access that area. BUT, the only thing in here is a SUB MACHINE GUN, or if you have that, some MAGNUM BULLETS. So, I don't really reccomend you go there unless you are desperate for some new weapons or ammo. Anyway, organise your inventory please. [ SHOTGUN ][ SHOTGUN SHELLS ] [ LAB KEY CARD ][ POWER ROOM KEY ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ MAGNUM ] [ MAGNUM PARTS ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Combine the MAGNUM with the MAGNUM PARTS. Now place the MAGNUM back in the storage chest. Save if you wanna. Run around the room, and exit through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Run down the passage... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker will break out through the vents. Kill it, and continue down this room. Exit this area through the single door, leading outside. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Head up the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Avoid the zombie plant here, and go through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- There are more zombie plants here. Anyway, head out of the shutter area, and you'll see a zombie plant. Dodge around it, and go through the single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the platform, and onto the main area. Now go across the blue walkway, and into the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Go to the single door, and use the LAB KEY CARD on it. Discard it, and enter. ------------ PATIENT ROOM ------------ There are now zombie plants in this room. Wait until the first zombie plants comes in your sight, and shoot him down with your shotty. Pretty soon, another zombie plant will come around the corner. Kill this one also. About 2 shots will put each one down. Run further down the room, and examine the red light. It's a light switch, so push it. Head into the now light area. Take the MAGNUM BULLETS off the bed. That's it in this area, so exit the way you entered. --------- EAST AREA --------- Exit this room through the other single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the platform, onto the main area. Go through the doorway with white above it. Run across this platform, and go through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run around the corner, down the passage, and go through the elevator doors. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Go down, by pushing the button on the panel. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- Run all the way down the hallway, and someone will try to shoot you. It's Anette... She tell's you that Ada is really a spy! Leon thinks that Ada would not do such a thing, since he's known her for... What, 3 hours now? Anyway, Tyrant will jump down, and Anette will run away. You have a choice of either shooting Tyrant as usual, or running straight into the double doors behind him. Do whatever you want, just make sure you do to the double doors behind Tyrant. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- What you have to do here is push the box onto the lift, but make sure you leave enough room to push it out. Once you've done that, and gone down the lift, push the box eastwards. You'll then have a choice of going northwards, or eastwards. Go north, still pushing the box. Once you've pushed it as far as you can, jump up on it, and then up onto the two boxes stacked on each other. Now jump onto the ledge, and run up to the double doors. Use the POWER ROOM KEY on it. Discard the key, and enter... ---------- POWER ROOM ---------- Run around the catwalks, and a scene will occur. Tyrant will jump down. Ada will shoot him, and Tyrant will throw her against the powerbox. Tyrant will fall off the catwalk... Ada is dieing, and Leon will talk to her... They kiss. After that, Ada dies... Once you regain control, check Ada's body. When Leon kneels down, you should see a sparkling object. Grab it - It's the MASTER KEY. Now exit this room the way you entered. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- It seems Tyrant isn't dead... Yet... Anyway, Claire will radio you and tell you that he needs to get Sherry in the security room. After this, jump off the ledge, onto the boxes, then jump off those, onto the box you pushed here. Jump off that, and run down this passage. Take the lift up, and exit this room through the double doors. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- Run down this hallway, and go through the elevator doors. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Push the switch on the right. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run down the passage, and around the corner. You'll see a single door. Examine it, and you'll unlock it with the MASTER KEY. Go through this door. ------------- SECURITY ROOM ------------- You'll find Sherry here, and you'll take her in the elevator. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Examine the monitor on the back wall of this elevator. Use the MASTER KEY. Once the elevator is finished, taking you... Wherever... You'll head out... ------- STATION ------- Leon will look around, and go inside the train. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- After the scene, go through the electronic opening door, then go through the carriage double doors. -------------- TRAIN CARRIAGE -------------- Run right to the end of this carriage. Pick up the PLATFORM KEY on the ground, and take the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! After you have SAVED, open up the storage chest. [ MAGNUM ][ MAGNUM BULLETS ] [ PLATFORM KEY ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Make sure you keep a space free. Exit this carriage the way you entered, through the double doors. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- Go through the electronic door, and then go through the train car a bit, until you see a light grey door. Go through it. ------- STATION ------- You should see a set of gates. Examine them, and use the PLATFORM KEY. Discard it, and go through. -------- PLATFORM -------- Walk down a bit, and you'll find out there is only 5 short minutes left. Run down the area a bit, and run up the short set of stairs, then up another set of stairs. Run along here, and then head down the two sets of stairs. Run straight ahead, and you'll see a panel with a red light. Examine it, and push the switch. Grab the JOINT S PLUG and the JOINT N PLUG here. Now head down the room some more, and follow the arrow to a single door. Go through it. -------------------- FINAL BATTLE GROUNDS -------------------- The ground will shake. Run straight through this room, ignoring the lava spitting from the ground. You'll see another panel like where you grabbed the joint plugs. Right next to the panel are where you put the joints, so put them here. The lights will go out... And you will face Tyrant for the final time... ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== First of all, when the battle starts, run away from him because he charges for you straight away! Now shoot him when his back is towards you. After this, he will charge for you again. Run away, and shoot him. Watch out when he gets close to you, because he will do a combo, which is possible to kill you in one shot. After about 4 shots from the MAGNUM, somebody will drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER... This somebody looks like Ada. Quickly grab the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from Tyrant if he's close to you. Equip the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and fire! This will kill Tyrant straight away... ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Equip the MAGNUM again. Exit this room through the only available single door. -------- PLATFORM -------- Just run up the two sets of stairs, across the platform, down another two sets of stairs, then out through the gates. ------- STATION ------- There are now zombies here. Run down the passage, and kill the lone zombie here. Continue down the passage, and some more zombies will be here. Kill them all. Now go to the end of this passage, and examine the panel. Push the switch. This will open the gates. Head back into the train. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- Run up the stairs at the front of the car, and go through the door. Pull the lever here... The train moves out, and Claire just jumps into the train, before the lab explodes. Sherry is knocked out... Claire gives her the antidote... After some time Sherry opens her eyes. Leon tells Claire it's over... Claire disagrees... The train continues to roll on, and Leon whispers 'Goodbye... Ada'. The train shakes... Something is wrong. Just when you thought it was finished. Hah. Well, go through the electronic door, and down the stairs. After the quick scene, go through the electronic opening door right in front of you. Try to go through the double doors. You'll get a message saying the train is going to detonate in two minutes! The door behind you is locked... So the only way to go is through the double doors. -------------- TRAIN CARRIAGE -------------- Run to the end of the carriage, and a scene will kick in... It's the final boss of Resident Evil 2! ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== The final boss of Resident Evil 2, who looks like a giant spikey asshole! Uh, after the scene, equip your ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from the boss. Once you can't run any further, turn around, and fire a rocket at the bastard. After this, equip your MAGNUM and outload bullets at this guy as fast as you can! You can kill this boss without being damaged at all, so it's a very easy boss fight. After about 6 shots from the MAGNUM, he'll die. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== After the boss turns into purple crap, exit the carriage through the double doors behind you. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- Run fowards... It seems that the train is still going to explode, and HOLY CRAP the boss is alive again! Leon jumps on the train roof to avoid the big guy, and Sherry gets into the drivers compartment. Sherry pushes the emergency brake, and Claire emerges from under the train. The three run, as the train blows to pieces... Leon wants to leave now, and take out Umbrella... The confidence-building metal music follows, with the credits rolling by... ================================----THE END----=============================== You've finished LEON SCENARIO B. Congratulations! Now try Claire's scenario 2! Good Luck! ================================----THE END----=============================== MY RANKING: C CLEAR GAME: LEON B TOTAL TIME: 7:20 minutes NUMBER OF SAVES: 10 ============================================================================== _______ _ _______ _ ______ _______ (_______|_) (_______) (_____ \(_______) _ _ _______| |_____) )_____ | | | | | ___ | | __ /| ___) | |_____| |_____| | | | | | \ \| |_____ \______)_______)_| |_|_|_| |_|_______) SCENARIO B This is the second scenario of Claire - You'll have the option to play this after you finish Leon scenario A. In this scenario, you'll explore new areas, and you'll also fight some new bosses... Enjoy! ============================================================================== THE STREETS OF RACCON CITY ============================================================================== After the awesome FMV, you'll gain control of Claire Redfield. Your objective now is to head to the Raccoon City Police Department, and meet your partner Leon S. Kennedy there. So, on your way then! ---------- CRASH SITE ---------- You'll see a few zombies behind you on fire. Ignore them, and run down the road. There are some more zombies down this road - Avoid them if you can, but if you can't feel free to shoot them. At the end of the road, you'll encounter a metal gate. Go through it. ============================================================================== RACCON CITY POLICE STATION ============================================================================== ------------------- POLICE STATION BACK ------------------- Run down to Claire's right, and you'll see some police cars and two zombies. Run straight past the zombies, and go into a little shack. Grab the CABIN KEY off the desk. Head back outside, and dodge the two zombies here again. Run straight towards the lone zombie next to a single door - Go through this door, and discard the CABIN KEY. ------------ SERVICE SHED ------------ Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS and the INK RIBBON off the desk, next to the door you used to enter this room. Run down this room a bit, and you'll hear something. Ignore this, and go through the other single door. ------------------- POLICE STATION YARD ------------------- Watch out for all the zombies down this path - Dodge them or shoot them - Do whatever you please, and go around the corner. There are some more zombies here - avoid them, until you get to some stairs. Go up them. ---- ROOF ---- FMV time... This shows you how the helicopter crashed into the police station. Anyway, when you regain control of Claire, run towards the chopper - Since it's on fire, you really can't do anything. Go through the nearby single door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- You'll see a GREEN HERB. Grab it, and head down the corridor some more, and around the corner - You'll see a dead body with crows all around it. Check the body twice to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down this corridor, ignoring the grey metal door, and go through the single brown door. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ WALK down this hallway, and you'll see a licker on the wall, next to another door. Slowly go through this door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Grab the SECRETARY'S DIARY A off the desk, and the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the couch, and head to the storage chest, and open it. Organise your inventory like so: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit this room through the single door right next to you. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- You'll hear some zombies - Don't worry, they aren't near you. Run straight along the balcony, until you get to a red box. Examine it, and make the emergency ladder lower. Continue around the balcony, and you'll meet some zombies. There are a total of 5 here. Kill the nearby two, and continue along the balcony, and you'll see 3 more. Run away from them and get some distance, and then kill them all. Go to the end of the balcony where the 3 zombies were, and you should see a medal in the wall. Grab it - It's the UNICORN MEDAL. Now run back to where you lowered the emergency ladder. Go down it. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Run around the desk to the left, and grab the GRENADE LAUNCHER off the edge of the desk. Continue around the desk, and down the ramp. You'll see a large statue. Head over to it, and use the UNICORN MEDAL on the panel in front of the statue. After the FMV, grab the SPADE KEY. Run back up the ramp, and go behind the desk - Grab the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter on a table here. Exit this area up the emergency ladder. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Head down the right of the balcony, and go through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Open up the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you feel the need to. Go through the single door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Remember that there is a licker in this room - So WALK towards the single door to Claire's right, and go through it. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down this passage, and unlock the grey metal door. Go through it. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Grab the GREEN HERB here, and go down the stairs. Grab the nearby two GREEN HERBS next to the door, and mix all the herbs together. Go through the single door here. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Check the dead body directly in front of you to recieve some HANDGUN BULLETS. Run down the passage, and go through the open doorway. Once you get into the main area, you should see a VALVE HANDLE on Claire's left. Head over to the shelf it's on, and grab it. You'll see another open doorway next to the doorway you just came through. Go towards this doorway, and shoot all the zombies. Once they're dead (Including the one in the office), go through the doorway. Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS off the desk, and you'll see a safe in the corner of the room. Examine it, and put the following numbers in... 2-2-3-6. You'll get some ACID ROUNDS and a map of the police station, which will come in handy. Now go behind the desk, and push action. You'll get a GREEN HERB. Push action again, and you'll get another one. Combine them. Now exit this office, and go through the doorway, run down this passage to the right, and go through the single door next to the corpse. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Head upstairs, and go through the single door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run down the passage to Claire's right. Avoid all the crows, and go through the single door at the end of this corridor. ---- ROOF ---- Go through the open gateway, and run straight down this area. Once you reach the end of this area, you'll see a pipe. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and the fire on the chopper will be put out. Head out of this fenced area, and examine the helicopter cabin to get some more ACID ROUNDS... Now try to exit this area through the single door, and a FMV will start... Yes, you'll have to fight this monster... Go through the door. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- This area is a bit too quiet for what just happened... Equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER, and run down the corridor a bit, and a bit of the roof will cave in. You will now hear some loud footsteps. Head down the corridor, until the camera angle changes. One it does, stay in that position so you can see when Tyrant comes out, around the corner. Once he does, fire your GRENADE LAUNCHER at him, loaded with ACID ROUNDS. It'll take about 4 ACID ROUNDS to knock him down - You will know this when he body sways from side to side. Once he's on the ground, check his body for some HANDGUN BULLETS. Continue down the corridor, and exit through the brown single door... You'll see tyrant rise again... ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run down the hallway, and you'll notice the licker here is gone... Anyway, continue down the hallway, and around the corner. Try to walk past the chopper cockpit, and Claire will hear a scream. Examine the broken door - We need to get in here. Anyway, run past the chopper cockpit, and go through the single door here. ----------- STATUE ROOM ----------- Run right to the back of this room, and check the stack of boxes to the left. Grab the BLUE KEY CARD here. Now head towards the single door... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker will smash through the roof... Either kill it, or avoid it. Either way, exit the way you entered. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run straight past the chopper, around the corner, and through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Open up the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ BLUE KEY CARD ][ SPADE KEY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Go through the single door next to you. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run around the balcony, until you get to the emergency ladder. Go down it. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Run around the room, until you find an open space to get behind the desk. Once you do get behind the desk, examine the computer. When you're asked to use the BLUE KEY CARD, do so. This will open up a variety of doors in the police station. Get out of behind the desk, and run down the ramp. There are some double doors on the left wall... Go through them. ------------ WAITING ROOM ------------ Kill the zombie right in front of you. Once he's dead, grab the POLICE MEMORANDUM off the desk. Kill the zombie next to the wall dividers, then go around them. Kill the zombie here, then examine the cupboard behind you. Unlock it to get a FIRST AID SPRAY. Put this in the storage chest in this room. Now exit this room through the single door, behind the wall dividers. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Head down the passage, and head around the corner. You'll see a headless corpse here... Check it twice, and you'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Head further down the passage, until you see a grey metal door. Unlock it with the SPADE KEY, then discard the key, and enter this room. ----------------- FILE STORAGE ROOM ----------------- Search the front shelf to find the PATROL REPORT. Now head around the corner, and push the step ladder downwards, until you can't go any further. Jump up on it, and grab the much needed LIGHTER off the top of this cabinet. On your way out, check some nearby shelfs and cabinets to find an INK RIBBON. Exit this room the way you entered. -------------- LICKER PASSAGE -------------- Continue down the passage, until you see a GREEN HERB. Grab it. Go through the single door right next to you. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Run down the passage, and around the corner. Run down this passage, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A few zombies will break their way into the passage. Simply kill them with you HANDGUN. After they're dead, go through the nearby double doors. ------------- BREIFING ROOM ------------- Grab the OPERATION REPORT file on a nearby desk. Run to the back of this room, through the open door, until you get to a fireplace. Open your inventory, and use the LIGHTER. After the scene, grab the RED JEWEL on top of the fireplace. Before you leave, grab the HANDGUN BULLETS at the right end of this area of the room (They're hidden). Exit this whole room the way you entered. ------------------ BARRICADED PASSAGE ------------------ Continue down this passage, until you reach a brown single door. Go through it. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Wow... No zombies... Remember in the first scenario, this room was full of them. Head around the corner, and you'll see two GREEN HERBS next to some boxes, and a single door on the opposite side of the boxes. Grab the herbs and mix them, and go through the door. --------- DARK ROOM --------- Check out the cabinet holding the cameras, and you'll get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Grab the OPERATION REPORT 2 off the desk, and also the INK RIBBON off the desk. Now organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save on your way out if you want. Leave the room the way you entered. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Head up the stairs. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Push action, and go up the next set of stairs. Continue to head down this passage, until you get to a set of 3 statues. It's an easy puzzle. ____ | | [1] <2|____|1> [2] Above is a diagram of what you have to do. Move the statue on the right of the statue to the switch in the floor on the left, and move the statue on the left to the switch in the ground on the right. Once you do so, pick the RED JEWEL up from the big statue. Go through the nearby door. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run down this hallway, and go through the first single door you find. ------------ STARS OFFICE ------------ Leon is here! He'll show you CHRIS'S DIARY. Leon will give you a radio to keep in touch if anything happens. After the scene, check the large locker on Claire's right. Inside is a BOWGUN, so take it. Check the desk behind Leon, and grab the DIAMOND KEY here. Nothing else here, so try to exit. Once you do, a fax will come through. Grab it - It's the MAIL TO CHRIS. Now exit this room. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- A scene will kick in - This is Sherry. She's annoying, and you'll team up with her later on. Anyway, kill the lone zombie here. Run around the corner, and go through the single door. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- There a loads of zombies in this room. The following stradegy will hopefully NOT get you damaged. Okay, run straight through the gap between the zombie and the wall. Keep running down here, into the dark passage. Now shoot all of the zombies. Once they're all dead, go to the area where you first saw them feeding on a corpse. There is another passage, so go down it. Examine the small desk, and unlock it to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Go through the single door next to you. ------- LIBRARY ------- Try to head up the stairs next to you, and you'll see a scene. Scary. Anyway, climb up the stairs, and run to the end of the balcony. It'll give way, and you'll fall into another area. Head up to the red light, and push the switch. Time for another puzzle. | | | | | | | | | | _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |2| |3| |4| That what the bookcases look like now. Head over to bookcase 1, and make it go right. Now head to bookcase 2, and also make it go right. After this, the puzzle will be completed (Too easy!). Anyway, head back behind the bookcase, and to where you fell down onto. Check the open space to get the SERPENT STONE. Head back around the bookcases, and exit the library through the double doors. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Head right around the balcony, and go through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest, and organise your inventory... [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ RED JEWEL ] [ RED JEWEL ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Make sure you have at least 3 rounds loaded in the GRENADE LAUNCHER. Exit this room through the single door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Head down the passage to Claire's left, and head around the corner. Run past the chopper cockpit, and go through the single door. ----------- STATUE ROOM ----------- Remember that there's a licker here - Kill it with your GRENADE LAUNCHER. Once he's dead, you'll see two objects on the left and right side of the statue - These are where you put the RED JEWELS. So in no particular order, place a RED JEWEL on the left jewel holder, and the right jewel holder. Once you've done that, a compartment on the statue will open. See what's inside, and you'll get the JAGUAR STONE ½. Grab the INK RIBBON from the big blue vase in this room, and exit the way you entered. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run past the chopper cockpit, around the corner, and down the passage a bit, until you reach the first door on Claire's right. Go through it ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Head over to the storage chest again... [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ DIAMOND KEY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Now go through the door you're right next to. ------- LIBRARY ------- Go straight through the single door in this room. --------------- LIBRARY HALLWAY --------------- Run out of this passage, into the open area. Go through the single door next to the vending machine. -------------------- STARS OFFICE HALLWAY -------------------- Run straight to the end of this whole hallway, and go through the final single door. ------------ SECOND FLOOR ------------ Check behind the statue which once held the RED JEWEL - There are some HANDGUN BULLETS there. Continue through the room, and go down the two sets of stairs. ------------- STAIRWAY ROOM ------------- Watch out, because as soon as you regain control of Claire, a bunch of zombies will be RIGHT in front of you! Shoot them all. Once they're dead, go down the passage they came from, and examine the grey metal door. You'll use the DIAMOND KEY on it. Go through this door. ------------ STORAGE ROOM ------------ Unlike in scenario 1, there are no zombies in here. Examine the lockers on the left wall - You'll unlock them, and get the PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE. Nothing else here, so unlock the grey metal door, and go through it. -------------- RECEPTION ROOM -------------- There are two zombies on each side of Claire here - Kill them both. You'll see another zombie, so kill him also. Grab the GREEN HERB, and run down the room a bit more. You'll see an open doorway, and some more zombies. Kill them all, including the one in the office. Once they're all dead, go through the open doorway, into the office. Grab the DETONATOR off the desk. Head out of this office, and go down this room some more, until you come across a desk with party hats on it. Grab the MEMO TO LEON off this desk. Examine the large lockers nearby to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Head over to the single door with the exit sign above it, and unlock it. Exit the room via this door. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Head up the emergency ladder, onto the second floor balcony. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run down the balcony to the right, and go through the single door at the end. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Open up the storage chest. [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ DETONATOR ][PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you like. Exit this room through the single door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run down the hallway to Claire's left. Head around the corner, and position yourself in front of the broken door. Open up your inventory, and combine the PLASTIC EXPLOSIVE with the DETONATOR. You'll get the BOMB & DETONATOR. Use it here. The door will blow off, revealing a new passage. Head down this newly discovered passage, and go through the single door. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ Head further into this room, and examine the body on the table. You'll meet Cheif Irons. After the scene, go through the single door next to a small black board, opposite the one you used to enter this room. ------------- TIGER HALLWAY ------------- What a quiet hallway. Well, run straight through this hallway, and out again through the single door at the end of this passage. ------------ ANTIQUE ROOM ------------ You'll hear some human footsteps. Anyway, run past the cabinet and you'll hear them again. Continue down this path, and go through the open doorway. Grab the SECRETARY'S DIARY B off the desk, and turn the light switch on. Head further into this room. You'll find Sherry. She'll try to escape. Claire will explain herself. She tells Claire how her parents work at Umbrella, and her mum told her to come to the Police Station. After some talking, you'll hear a loud roar. Sherry'll run off. Head to the back off this room, and open the chest to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Exit this whole area through the single door. ------------- TIGER HALLWAY ------------- Run right down this hallway, and out through the single door next to the large stuffed tiger. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ The Cheif is nowhere to be seen... Hmm... Grab the HEART KEY off this desk, and examine the painting behind his desk. Push the button, and it will slide open. Now grab the CHEIF'S DIARY off his chair. Exit this room through the single door next to the coat rack. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run out of the wrecked passage, and around the corner. Go through the single door on the left. ------------- CROW CORRIDOR ------------- Run straight down the passage, and out through the grey single door. --------------- OUTSIDE BALCONY --------------- Run down the stairs, and go through the single door. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Run straight down this passage, ignoring the open doorway, and the lone zombie. Examine the door, and use the HEART KEY, then discard it. Go through this door. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- There are a few zombie in this room now. Kill the first zombie you see, and then place yourself in the corner where the two GREEN HERBS are. Kill another zombie that comes for you. After this, pick up the two GREEN HERBS you're right next to. Continue down the room, until you get to the narrow passage. Kill the two zombies here, and continue down this passage. There's another zombie around the corner, so kill him also. Run around the staircase here, and examine the shelf to get some ACID ROUNDS. Now head down the stairs. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run around the corner, and down the passage to the connecting passageway. There are a generous amount of zombies here, so kill them all. Once they're dead, head southwards, and go through a set of double doors. ------------- B1 POWER ROOM ------------- Grab the GREEN HERB in the left corner of this room. Continue to the back of this room, until you reach a power box. Examine it. Puzzle time. What you must do is get the pointer right on 80 to restore power to the B1. ____________________________________________________ |0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100| ||___________________________________________________| _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| 36 36 36 36 36 || || || || || || || || || || 14 14 14 14 14 This puzzle is easy. 36+36 is 72, so push UP the first TWO times. 72-14 is 58, so push DOWN the THIRD time. 58+36 is 94, so push UP for the FOURTH time. And, obviously, 94-14 is 80, so push DOWN the FIFTH and final time. Power is now restored. Before you leave, take the Police Station B1 map off a shelf nearby. Leave the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run right down this whole passage to Claire's left, until you get to the only set of double doors that are openable. Go through them. --------- WORK AREA --------- Run around the corner, and you'll hear some zombie dogs. Continue to run down this path, and a zombie dog will jump down. Ignore it, and go straight down the open manhole. ---------------- UNDERGROUND AREA ---------------- Run down this path, and go through the first single door you see. ------------------------ UNDERGROUND STORAGE ROOM ------------------------ Exit through the single door again. --------------- SEWER WORK ROOM --------------- Run down this room, and go up the elevator. ------------ SHERRY ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run out of this area, and you'll see stacks of zombies. You have to avoid them, so do so, and quickly run straight down the current path you're on, and go through the single door. ---------- SHERRY ---------- FLOOD ROOM ---------- Grab the map off the wall. Head down this room a bit more, and jump down all the giant steps. You'll see some boxes, arranged like so: NORTH WALL ______ | X | The X's representing the boxes, of course. |X | | X| | | | | | | |______| SOUTH WALL All you have to do is push the boxes into a line on the North wall. Simple. Once you've done that, head back up the giant steps, and examine the console. Push the switch, and the pool will fill up with literally shitty water. Wouldn't wanna fall in that crap. Anyway, run around the bridge made of boxes. Run down the path, and grab the CLUB KEY off the shelf. Exit this room the way you entered. ------------ SHERRY ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Walk down this path, ignoring the dog, until you get to another path on Sherry's right. Go down it, and run as fast as you can avoid the zombie dogs. Soon enough, you'll find a single door. Go through it. ------------ SHERRY ------------ SHUTTER ROOM ------------ Grab the GRENADE ROUNDS in this room, and exit this room the way you entered. ------------ SHERRY ------------ OUTSIDE AREA ------------ Run across the path, then across the bridge. Run into the area where the elevator is. Go down it. --------------- SHERRY --------------- SEWER WORK ROOM --------------- You'll see a scene. Sherry will throw Claire the CLUB KEY and the GRENADE ROUNDS. Sherry can't get back to Claire. You'll regain control of Claire. ---------------- UNDERGROUND AREA ---------------- Pick up the GRENADE ROUNDS, and the CLUB KEY on the ground. Go through the single door. ------------------------ UNDERGROUND STORAGE ROOM ------------------------ Take the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter, then organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ CLUB KEY ][GRENADE LAUNCHER ] [ DIAMOND KEY ][ LIGHTER ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] By the way, put all the ACID ROUNDS you have in your GRENADE LAUNCHER. Save, and exit through the single door. ---------------- UNDERGROUND AREA ---------------- Climb up the ladder at Claire's right. --------- WORK AREA --------- Run straight down the narrow path, avoiding the zombie dog. Run around the corner, and another cerebus will be here. Avoid him as well, and go through the double doors. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run around the corner, and you'll see a lone zombie. Kill him. Examine the double doors right next to you - Use the CLUB KEY, and go through them... ------------ AUTOPSY ROOM ------------ WALK down this room as far as you can, until a licker drops from the ceiling. Shoot it once with the GRENADE LAUNCHER at close range, and he should die. There is another licker here, so take care of him also. Examine the nearby grey cupboard, to get the RED KEY CARD. Exit this room the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run down the hallway to Claire's left, and you'll see a lone zombie. Kill him, and continue on down the hallway until you reach a single door next to a panel, which has a green light. Use the RED KEY CARD here, and go through the single door. ------------------- WEAPON STORAGE ROOM ------------------- Take the ACID ROUNDS, and the two packets of HANDGUN BULLETS. Now, you should remember this from Leon's scenario 1. If you took something from the locker in this room, Claire will NOT be able to take it. For example, if you took the SIDE PACK playing as Leon, it wont be available to Claire - Only the SUB MACHINE GUN will be. If this is the case, don't take the SUB MACHINE GUN - It's a real waste of space. If you took it as Leon, the SIDE PACK will be there for Claire, if that's the case, take the SIDE PACK - It's real useful. If Leon took nothing, just take the SIDE PACK. Phew. Okay, after all this, exit the way you entered. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Head down this passage to Claire's right, head around the corner and go through the single door with the sign 'Parking' next to it. ----------- PARKING LOT ----------- There's zombie dogs here - Ignore them, and just run straight down until you get to a single door with a red light above it. Go through this door. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Walk down the hallway a bit, and you'll see a dead body and some zombie dogs. Kill the one zombie dog here, and watch out for another one. Once they are both dead, head around the corner, and go through the first single door. ------- KENNELS ------- All the zombie dogs in this room are set free, so either kill them or avoid them. Run around the corner, and grab the CRANK next to the manhole. Exit the way you entered. -------------- PRISON HALLWAY -------------- Run down this hallway, and out through the single door. ----------- PARKING LOT ----------- Nothing to do here, so just run straight out this room through the single door on the opposide side of this area. ---------- B1 HALLWAY ---------- Run down the passage a bit, around the corner, and continue down the hallway, until you reach another passage on the left. Go down here, and head up the stairs. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Watch out, as there are some zombies here. Kill the two on the other side of the staircase, and then kill the two heading towards you. Now go to where the two zombies were, and unlock the single door with the CLUB KEY. Go through it. --------------- WATCHMAN'S ROOM --------------- Run further into this room, and around the lockers. Grab the WATCHMAN'S DIARY from the bed next to the corpse, and grab the ACID ROUNDS off the cupboard. Exit this room the way you entered. --------------------- BROKEN WINDOW PASSAGE --------------------- Run all the way down the passage, and through the single door. ----------------- POLICE STUDY ROOM ----------------- Kill the zombie blocking your way here. Run down the passage, and go through the open doorway. Run straight down this room, and go through the double doors. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ There are a lot of zombies here. Equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER, and shoot the two zombies on Claire's left. Run to the space where those zombies were, and shoot the other zombies with your HANDGUN from here. After all the zombies here are dead, continue on down the passage, and you should see another zombie. Kill him, and grab the GREEN HERB and use it if you are damaged. Continue down the passage, until you encounter a single door next to some boxes. Go through this door. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Run down the passage, and around the corner. Keep going until you reach a single metal door with glass around it. Use the DIAMOND KEY on this, and go into this room. -------------------- INTERROGATION ROOM 1 -------------------- Run to the end of this room, and grab the EAGLE STONE off the shelf. Now exit the room the way you entered. (We don't have space for extra items). ---------- MEDIA ROOM ---------- Run to the back of this room (Where the video camera is pointing). You'll see three statues on the wall holding urns. Head over to the furnace on the left, and light it with your LIGHTER. Now turn on the urns in this order - Middle, Right, Left. This will cause something to drop from a nearby painting. Try to walk over to it... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tyrant will smash through the wall behind you! Holy crap, no matter how many times I play this game, that moment ALWAYS scares me! Ignore Tyrant for now, and run over to where the COG fell... Grab it, and exit the room through the single door. --------------------- INTERROGATION HALLWAY --------------------- Equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER, and run down this hallway. Head around the corner, past the hole Tyrant made in the wall, and around another corner. Continue down this passage until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= He busts through another wall. This is where you can either shoot him, knock him down and grab some ammo off him, or quickly run past him and exit. Either way, exit through the single door. ------------ BLUE PASSAGE ------------ Run all the way down this hallway, past the blue double doors, and through the brown single door. ------------------------ POLICE STATION MAIN HALL ------------------------ Run down the stairs, then up the ramp, around the desk, and up the emergency ladder. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Watch out for the licker right in front of you - Avoid it by running down the right of the balcony, and going through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Open up the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ CRANK ][ COG ] [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you want, and exit through the door right next to you. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- Run down this balcony, and around the corner. Watch out for the licker - If you're fast enough, he wont hurt you. Continue around the balcony, and go through the double doors. ------- LIBRARY ------- Run up the stairs, across this balcony, and through the single door. ------------------- THIRD FLOOR BALCONY ------------------- Run straight across the balcony, and through the single door. ---------- CLOCKTOWER ---------- Run down this room to Claire's right. Use the CRANK on the wall in the wall. This will bring some stairs down. Go up these stairs, around the corner, and across the catwalk until you reach some cogs in a machine. Use the COG you have here, and push the switch when asked. This will reveal a secret area - Examine what's here, and you'll get the JAGUAR STONE ½. Exit the room the way you came in. ------------------- THIRD FLOOR BALCONY ------------------- Equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER, and run across the balcony. Try to go through the door and Tyrant will jump up onto the balcony. It's best you shoot him down than avoid him here. So get some distance between Tyrant and yourself, and then shoot him a few times with your GRENADE LAUNCHER. Once he sways from side to side, you've won. Check his body for some GRENADE ROUNDS. Now go through the single door, into the library. ------- LIBRARY ------- Run across the balcony to Claire's left. Go down the stairs here, and exit this room for the final time through the double doors. -------------------- SECOND FLOOR BALCONY -------------------- WALK down the balcony, until you reach the licker. Once he stands up, RUN! Run around the balcony, and go through the single door. ---------------- SECRETARY'S ROOM ---------------- Save before you do anything else. Now head over to the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ GRENADE ROUNDS ]-GRENADE LAUNCHER loaded with ACID ROUNDS [ JAGUAR STONE ½ ][ JAGUAR STONE ½ ] [ SERPENT STONE ][ EAGLE STONE ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] Open up your inventory, and combine the two JAGUAR STONE ½'s together to get the JAGUAR STONE. Exit this room through the single door next to the desk. ------------------ HELICOPTER HALLWAY ------------------ Run down Claire's left, around the corner, and through the old passage you revealed by blowing up the door. Go through the single door here. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ Sherry is here, and unfortunately she's safe. Anyway, run around the Cheif's desk, and use all the stones you have on the spaces in the wall next to the painting. Once you have, the wall will slide up, revealing a secret passage. Go into this passage, and grab the MAIL TO THE CHEIF off the ground. Head further down this passage, and go in the elevator. ------------- TORCH HALLWAY ------------- Run down the hallway, until you get to a single door, next to some torches. Go through... ------------ TORTURE ROOM ------------ Cheif Irons is here. He'll explain what's going on. Pretty soon, The Cheif will be attacked by William... After this great scene, grab the ACID ROUNDS off the nearly small table. Try to head down where the Cheif was attack, and his body will fly up out of there. Heheh. Make sure your GRENADE LAUNCHER is equipped, and go down this ladder. ------------ STEEL BRIDGE ------------ Run across the bridge a bit, and you'll see the boss you're about to fight. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== This boss is different from the one you fought here in the first scenario. Of course, he is a bit more harder than the boss in scenario 1, but you shouldn't really have that much trouble killing this beast. After the scene, just shoot as much as you can. Once he gets close, run away, and keep shooting. If he hits you, heal. It's quite a simple battle, but it can get hard since it's at such a small area. One thing to note though - When he raises the pipe he's holding really high, it's time to get away from him! One hit with this attack, and you'll die straight away! Anyway, when the music stops, this boss is dead, so don't shoot him anymore. He'll jump off the ledge, into the water... ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Climb up the ladder right behind you. ------------ TORTURE ROOM ------------ Exit this room through the single door. ------------- TORCH HALLWAY ------------- Run all the way through this hallway, and go up the elevator. ------------ CHEIF'S ROOM ------------ Sherry will run up and hug you. After the scene, head down the elevator. ------------- TORCH HALLWAY ------------- Run down the hallway, and go through the single door. **Note: If you get to far ahead of Sherry, she'll sit down and cry, waiting for you to come back for her, so make sure you don't get to far ahead of her, or you'll have to go back for her** ------------ TORTURE ROOM ------------ Go down the ladder in this room. ------------ STEEL BRIDGE ------------ Run across the steel bridge, until you see a red button. Examine it, and push it. A ladder will come down. Go up it. ============================================================================== THE SEWERS ============================================================================== Run down the passage, and you'll see a scene. Afterwards, you'll head through some doors. --------------- SEWER DRIAN WAY --------------- Hahahah, Sherry will be sucked into a drain... Run down this passage, until you get to a ledge on the right, and some bars blocking your way northwards. Go up the ledge, and run through the single door. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 2 -------------------- Check the lockers here, and get the FIRST AID SPRAY. Grab the SEWER MANAGER FAX memo off the table, and check the bag on the table to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now go over to the large door, and unlock it with your LOCKPICK. Go down the ladder here. --------------- SEWER WAREHOUSE --------------- There are some GRENADE ROUNDS somewhere in this room, so get them, and climb back up the ladder. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 2 -------------------- Head down the red elevator right next to you. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- You'll see a scene. Leon is here, and he's been shot. He'll be okay. Anyway, continue straight down this passage, and go up another red elevator. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 1 -------------------- There are 3 GREEN HERBS in this room. Combine them. Examine the small red cupboard in the corner of this room to get some HANDGUN BULLETS. Now, push the nearby locker left, to reveal a big metal door. Examine it, and open it. Now open up the storage chest in this room, and replace the HANDGUN BULLETS with the LIGHTER. Head down the ladder which the big metal door revealed. --------------- SEWER WAREHOUSE --------------- Head down the path to Claire's right. The camera angle will change, and you'll see a lamp on the wall. Fire up your inventory, and use the LIGHTER on it. You'll see some GRENADE ROUNDS on a barrel right next to you. Take them. Continue through this room, until you find another lamp. Light it, and you'll see some FLAME ROUNDS on the green shelf on Claire's right. Take them, and exit this area the way you entered. -------------------- SEWER CONTROL ROOM 1 -------------------- Head over to the nearby storage chest, and organise your inventory, so it looks like this: [ HANDGUN ][ HANDGUN BULLETS ] [ VALVE HANDLE ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save if you want. Exit this area via the red elevator in the corner of this room. --------------- SEWER T-HALLWAY --------------- Run down this passage, until you reach Leon. Now head down the passage on the right. Grab the map on the wall, and go through the single door. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Jump down off the ledge, and down the path to Claire's left. Jump up the ledge here, and investigate the two dead bodies. You'll get a WOLF MEDAL, and some FLAME ROUNDS. Jump back down, and run right down the passage, until you see some spiders. Head around the corner to Claire's left, avoiding the spiders, and go through the gateway. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Straight away, run downwards, avoiding the spiders. Once you reach a ledge, jump up onto it, and go through the double doors. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 1 ------------- A scene will occur. It's Anette. Claire tells her that Sherry is lost in the sewers. She says that Sherry and the G-Virus are in danger... What does she mean? Anyway, she faints. Continue along the catwalk, until you see a red light. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and watch the bridge come down. Cross this bridge, and grab the two GREEN HERBS, and the FLAME ROUNDS. Now go to the green light, and use the VALVE HANDLE again. Now go through a nearby single door. -------------- CROCODILE ROOM -------------- Run around the series of passages, until you reach a huge gate, labeled 'Dumping area'. Go through it. ------------ DUMPING AREA ------------ Run through the crappy water, and jump up onto the ledge. Head up the ladder. ------------- BRIDGE ROOM 2 ------------- Run across the balcony, and across the bridge. Head up the catwalk to the left and you'll see a dead body. Grab the SEWER MANAGER DIARY memo from the desk, and grab the EAGLE MEDAL from the dead dude. Head back down the catwalk, and continue around the catwalks, until you get to a console next to a ladder. Use the VALVE HANDLE here, and then climb up the ladder. --------- FAN SHAFT --------- Run straight through this shaft, and down the ladder on the other side. -------------- SEWER FAN AREA -------------- Run towards Claire's left, and continue around the corner. The zombies will wake up from under the sewer water - Ignore them, and go through the single gate. -------------- WATERFALL ROOM -------------- Run straight down this room, until you get to a waterfall blocking a doorway. Use the WOLF MEDAL and the EAGLE MEDAL on the console, just on the right side of the waterfall. Once that's done, the waterfall will stop. Jump up, onto the ledge, and go through the single door. ------- WALKWAY ------- Run straight down this walkway, and through the single door at the end. --------------------- SKY TRAM CONTROL ROOM --------------------- Run down the path, and go down the narrow path on the right. Push the switch on the control panel and the sky tram will dock. Try to run around the tram, and a scene will kick in. It's Sherry. After this scene, go through the double doors on the left of the sky tram. --------------------- SKY TRAM DOCKING ROOM --------------------- After you arrive at your destination, head down the path to Claire's left. Here you'll see a flare gun. In the right corner here is the WEAPON BOX KEY - You can't see it, so just examine the area, until you get it. Now, head around the tram the other way, and go through the single door. -------------- BLOODY HALLWAY -------------- Run right down the passage, until you get to a two-way junction. There will be a zombie here - Run down the passage opposite the zombie. Watch out for the zombie around the corner here. Kill it. Continue down the passage, and go through the single door. -------------- ZOMBIE HALLWAY -------------- Go down the passage, until you get to a 2-way junction. Wait here, until three zombies come out to attack. Kill them all. Head down the path to Claire's right. There is another zombie here, so watch out. Grab the GREEN HERB here. Now head down the only passage you haven't been down, and go up the ladder. -------------- TRAIN WORKROOM -------------- After grabbing all the items in this room, (You'll have to put some items in the storage chest to get these). The items are GRENADE ROUNDS, FIRST AID SPRAY, FLAME ROUNDS, and the INK RIBBON. Now organise your inventory: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ GRENADE ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER should still be [ FLAME ROUNDS ][ HEALING ITEM ] loaded with ACID ROUNDS. [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save before you leave through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run down the tracks, until you see a grey lift, and a map right next to you on the wall. Take the map, and then go down the grey lift. Run around the balcony, until you reach a single door. Go through it. --------- PIPE ROOM --------- Run across the catwalk, and around the corner, until you see a sparkling item. This is the CONTROL PANEL KEY. Take it. Examine the monitor besides you with the blinking red light. Crap! It's Tyrant again. Turn around, and walk down the passage until the camera angle changes, so you have a clear view of when Tyrant will come out around the corner. One you see him, start shooting as fast as you can. Chance are he will hit you a few times. If you get to danger, heal yourself. After 3 ACID ROUND shots, he'll fall to the ground. Examine his body to get some ACID ROUNDS. Exit this room the way you entered. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run around the balcony, and up the lift. Follow the tracks up, and go through the single door. -------------- TRAIN WORKROOM -------------- Head down this room to Claire's left, and you'll see a computer, and a panel. Use the CONTROL PANEL KEY you just got then. Open up the storage chest, and organise your inventory: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ GRENADE ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER should still be [ FLAME ROUNDS ][ HEALING ITEM ] loaded with ACID ROUNDS. [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Make sure you have as many HEALING ITEMS as you can, but keep free ONE item space. SAVE!!! Exit this room through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Head towards the train, down the track. Run around the left of train, and up the ledge. Go through the single door. ----- TRAIN ----- Grab some FLAME ROUNDS from the toilet. Exit the train. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Jump off the ledge, and examine the panel. Push the switch. You'll go inside the train. ----- TRAIN ----- After the quick FMV, you'll see a scene. Something is outside. Exit through the single door. ------------- OUTSIDE TRAIN ------------- Jump off the ledge, and run around the train. Soon enough, your next boss will walk out around the corner. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Have your GRENADE LAUNCHER equipped as soon as you regain control of Claire. Shoot him about 2 - 3 times here with some ACID ROUNDS. After this, turn around and run away as he'll take a swipe at you. Shoot him again with 1 or 2 ACID ROUNDS, and he'll jump up onto the train roof. Once he does this, keep running around in the area you are at, and he should jump down near you. Once he does, fire a few ACID ROUNDS at him, until he gets too close. Run away from him, around the train until he jumps onto the train roof again. Run around the area again, until he jumps down near you. Shoot him again, and repeat the process until he starts bleeding. This means that he's dead. He'll jump off the train. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Once you kill the above boss, head back into the train. ----- TRAIN ----- The train will stop due to overheating. Claire gives Sherry her pink jacket. After Sherry's pathetic speech, exit the train through the single door. ============================================================================== THE UMBRELLA SECRET LABS ============================================================================== ----------------- OUTSIDE THE TRAIN ----------------- Run around the train, until you reach a doorway with the sign 'PL-600' above it. Jump up on this ledge, and run down the path, until you reach a vent. Go through this vent. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- You jump down from the roof, and the train will start without you (Sherry's on it! Hahah!). Run down the passage to Claire's right. Go through the large double doors at the end. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- Run through this room a bit, and you'll see a lift. Take this lift down, and then run southwards down this room. Go around the corner, and you'll see a corpse. Grab the REPORT ON P-EPSILON GAS from him. Head further down here, and grab the FLAME ROUNDS off the ground, and the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. Head back to the lift, and then take the passage on the right of the lift. Keep going down this passage, until you see a red lift. Go down it. ------------ CATWALK ROOM ------------ Run down the catwalk, and down the open area. A licker will jump out, so shoot it. Another licker will come out around the corner. Run away from it, and then shoot it from a distance. Once the two lickers are dead, continue around the catwalks, until you reach the end. Examine the panel, and turn on the elevator. Exit this room the way you entered. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- Run down the passage, and go up on the lift. Run around the railing and the box, and you'll see a storage chest. Grab the GREEN HERB next to it, and then open up the storage chest. [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ FLAME ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER should still be [ GRENADE ROUNDS ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] loaded with ACID ROUNDS. [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Take a HEALING ITEM if you want. Exit this room through the large double doors with the 'Exit' sign above it. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- Run all the way through this hallway, until you reach the elevator doors. Go through them. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Examine the panel on the right, and push the switch. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- There are lots of zombies in this area. Shoot the two right in front of you with GRENADE ROUNDS. Then another zombie will come for you, so kill him with some also. Head out from this passage, and kill the two zombies in this area. Go through the nearby single door. ------------- SECURITY ROOM ------------- Grab the FLAME ROUNDS on the desk, and also take the GREEN HERB next to the lockers on a cupboard. Deposit the GREEN HERB in the storage chest, and exit this room through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run right, until you see some writing on the wall reading 'Main Shaft'. Go through the single door next to this writing. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, and go through the doorway with blue above it. Run down the platform here, and go through the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Run straight to the end of this room, and go through the double doors with ice frozen over them. ------------ FREEZER ROOM ------------ Run through this room, and around the equipment, until you see something on a shelf. Grab it, as it is the FUSE CASE. You should see a blue light. It's a control box for the fuse. Fire up the inventory, and use the FUSE CASE on the control box. After the scene, you'll get the MAIN FUSE. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY on a nearby barrel, and exit this room. --------- EAST AREA --------- Exit this area the only way you can - Through the electronic door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run down the platform, until you get to the main area. Here you'll see a large circle in the middle of this area. Place the MAIN FUSE here, and this will power up the labs. Great. Now go through the doorway with red above it, and through the single door at the end of that platform. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run all the way down the passages here, and go through the only unlocked single door. ---------------- SLEEPING QUATERS ---------------- Kill all the zombies in this room. Once they are dead, take the USER REGISTRAION memo of the bench, and the LAB KEY CARD right next to it. Head over to the computer monitor, and grab the LAB SECURITY MANUAL off it. Go through the vent in the corner of the room. --------- VINE ROOM --------- WALK a tad into this room, and you'll see some lickers. Shoot them, and kill them both. After they're dead, check the locker in the corner of this room. Grab the two containers of GRENADE ROUNDS. Exit this room through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- Run down this path, until you get to a shutter. Push the switch next to the shutter, and it will rise, revealing two zombie plants. Run back, and shoot them both (FLAME ROUNDS work best). Once they are dead, head into the passage which the shutter was blocking, and go through the single door. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Grab the two GREEN HERBS if you can while avoid the zombie plant. Go down the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Go through the single door. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Walk down this passage and around the corner, until... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker will smash through the vent above you. Kill him with some GRENADE ROUNDS. Walk down the passage, and around the corner, and you'll see another licker. Kill him also. Finally, there is another licker, so kill him. Grab the three GREEN HERBS here. Continue through this room, until you get to another single door. Go through it. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Run around this room, until you see a blue light. Examine it, and you'll get the lab map. Head further through this room. This is a save room, so save if you feel the need to, and open up the storage chest: [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ FLAME ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER should be loaded with [ GRENADE ROUNDS ][ WEAPON BOX KEY ] ACID ROUNDS. [ LAB KEY CARD ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Exit this room through the single door nearby. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage, and go through the large double doors around the corner. --------------- MAIN LABORATORY --------------- Check the locker with the blue light, and use the WEAPON BOX KEY - You'll get 2 containers of GRENADE ROUNDS. Take them, and load all the GRENADE ROUNDS into the GRENADE LAUNCHER. Now go through the electronic door, and you'll see a lone zombie. Avoid him, and go through another electronic door. Shoot the zombie right in front of you here. Run around the large table, trying to avoid the other zombies. Get to the final table, and grab the POWER ROOM KEY. Go back through all the electronic doors, and finally out through the double doors. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down the passage which looks pretty messed up - It has eggs growing in it. Run down this passage, and maggots will drop from the ceiling - Ignore them, and use the LAB KEY CARD on the single door, and go through it. --------- MOTH ROOM --------- Run through this room, until you see the moth. Ignore it, and go into the corner of the room where the computer is. Shoot the maggot off it, and examine it. Input the name "GUEST", and you'll scan your finger print. After all this, exit this room the way you entered. -------------- SILENT HALLWAY -------------- Run down this passage, and around the corner into another passage. Go through the single door at the end. ------------ MONITOR ROOM ------------ Before you we do anything, I have to tell you something. Remember in Leon's Scenario A, how I told you to register your fingerprint just like Claire did, and then go to a panel next to some large double doors, and put your fingerprint in that also? Well, since you did that, Claire can access that area. BUT, the only thing in here is a SUB MACHINE GUN, or if you have that, some GRENADE ROUNDS. So, I don't really reccomend you go there unless you are desperate for some new weapons or ammo. Anyway, organise your inventory please. [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ FLAME ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER should be loaded with [ GRENADE ROUNDS ][ LAB KEY CARD ] ACID ROUNDS. [ POWER ROOM KEY ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ LEAVE EMPTY ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] Save. Run around the room, and a scene will kick in. It's Anette. She'll see Sherry on a monitor, with Tyrant about to attack her! Anette tells Claire that the G Virus sample is on Sherry's necklace. Exit this room through the single door nearby. ----------- LAB HALLWAY ----------- Run down the passage... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= F R I G H T T A C T I C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A licker will break out through the vents. Kill it, and continue down this room. Exit this area through the single door, leading outside. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ------------------ Head up the ladder. ------------------ OUTSIDE LAB AREA 1 ------------------ Avoid the zombie plant here, and go through the single door. --------- WEST AREA --------- There are more zombie plants here. Anyway, head out of the shutter area, and you'll see a zombie plant. Dodge around it, and go through the single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the platform, and onto the main area. Now go across the blue walkway, and into the single door. --------- EAST AREA --------- Go to the single door, and use the LAB KEY CARD on it. Discard it, and enter. ------------ PATIENT ROOM ------------ There are now zombie plants in this room. Wait until the first zombie plants comes in your sight, and shoot him down with some FLAME ROUNDS. Pretty soon, another zombie plant will come around the corner. Kill this one also. About 2 shots will put each one down. Run further down the room, and examine the red light. It's a light switch, so push it. Head into the now light area. Take the GRENADE ROUNDS off the bed. That's it in this area, so exit the way you entered. --------- EAST AREA --------- Exit this room through the other single door. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the platform, onto the main area. Go through the doorway with white above it. Run across this platform, and go through the single door. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run around the corner, down the passage, and go through the elevator doors. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Go down, by pushing the button on the panel. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- Run straight down this hallway, and through the double doors. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- What you have to do here is push the box onto the lift, but make sure you leave enough room to push it out. Once you've done that, and gone down the lift, push the box eastwards. You'll then have a choice of going northwards, or eastwards. Go north, still pushing the box. Once you've pushed it as far as you can, jump up on it, and then up onto the two boxes stacked on each other. Now jump onto the ledge, and run up to the double doors. Use the POWER ROOM KEY on it. Discard the key, and enter... ---------- POWER ROOM ---------- Run around the catwalks, and a scene will occur. Sherry will throw Claire the necklace which has the G Virus sample in it. Sherry escapes thanks to a rubbish chute. Claire then throws the necklace over the edge, and Tyrant goes after it, falling into a pool of acid. What a coincidence! Exit this room the way you entered. --------- PUMP ROOM --------- It seems Tyrant isn't dead... Yet... Anyway, jump off the ledge, onto the boxes, then jump off those, onto the box you pushed here. Jump off that, and run down this passage. Take the lift up, and exit this room through the double doors. ----------------- PUMP ROOM HALLWAY ----------------- Run down this hallway, and go through the elevator doors. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Push the switch on the right. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run down this passage, and around the corner to Claire's right. Go through the single door here. ---------- MAIN SHAFT ---------- Run across the platform, until you get to the main area. A scene will kick in. It's Anette, and Sherry. Anette dies, and funnily enough Sherry jumps right back up, ready to join you again! Once you regain control of Claire, check the sparkling object behind you, next to Anette. It's the MASTER KEY, so take it. Exit this area the way you entered. ---------- TRAIN AREA ---------- Run down the passage, and around the corner. Head all the way down this passage, and enter the elevator here. -------- ELEVATOR -------- Examine the panel on the back wall of the elevator. Use the MASTER KEY on it. Once the elevator is finished taking you... Wherever, you'll exit the elevator. ------- STATION ------- Claire will head inside the train. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- After the scene, go through the electronic opening door, then go through the carriage double doors. -------------- TRAIN CARRIAGE -------------- Run right to the end of this carriage. Pick up the PLATFORM KEY on the ground, and take the INK RIBBON next to the typewriter. SAVE SAVE SAVE!!! After you have SAVED, open up the storage chest. [GRENADE LAUNCHER ][ FLAME ROUNDS ] - GRENADE LAUNCHER loaded with ACID [ GRENADE ROUNDS ][ PLATFORM KEY ] ROUNDS. [ HEALING ITEM ][ HEALING ITEM ] [ HEALING ITEM ][ LEAVE EMPTY ] If you haven't saved, DO IT NOW!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ahem. Anyway... Also make sure you have an item space free. Exit this carriage the way you entered. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- Go through the electronic door, and then go through the train car a bit, until you see a light grey door. Go through it. ------- STATION ------- Run down the left of the platform, and you should see a set of gates. Examine them, and use the PLATFORM KEY. Discard it, and go through. -------- PLATFORM -------- Head further down the platform, and you'll hear that you only have 5 minutes left. Doesn't seem much, but it will be. Anyway, run down the platform, and up the 2 sets of stairs, then across the catwalk, and down another set of 2 stairs. Run straight ahead, and you'll see a panel with a red light, next to a space with bars across it. Examine the panel, and push the switch. Examine what just opened, to get the JOINT S PLUG and the JOINT N PLUG. Now head down the room some more, and follow the arrow to a single door. Go through it. -------------------- FINAL BATTLE GROUNDS -------------------- The ground will shake. Run straight through this room, ignoring the lava spitting from the ground. You'll see another panel like where you grabbed the joint plugs. Right next to the panel are where you put the joints, so put them here. The lights will go out... And you will face Tyrant for the final time... ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== First of all, when the battle starts, run away from him because he charges for you straight away! Now shoot him with some ACID ROUNDS when his back is towards you. After this, he will charge for you again. Run away, and shoot him. Watch out when he gets close to you, because he will do a combo, which is possible to kill you in one shot. After about 3 shots of ACID ROUNDS, somebody will drop a ROCKET LAUNCHER... Claire will ask who it is. The person doesn't answer. Quickly grab the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from Tyrant if he's close to you. Equip the ROCKET LAUNCHER, and fire! This will kill Tyrant straight away. **NOTE: For some reason, shooting Tyrant up close wont hurt him with the GRENADE LAUNCHER at all, so make sure you keep some distance. ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER again, and exit this room through the single door. -------- PLATFORM -------- Just run up the two sets of stairs, across the catwalk, down another two sets of stairs, then out through the gates. ------- STATION ------- There are now zombies here. Run down the platform, and kill the lone zombie here. Continue down the platform, and some more zombies will be here. Kill them all. Now go to the end of this platform, and examine the panel. Push the switch. This will open the gates. Head back into the train. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- Run up the stairs at the front of the car, and go through the door. Pull the lever here... The train moves out, and Leon just jumps into the train, before the lab explodes. Everyone is safe... Leon tells Claire it's over. She disagrees. Leon then tells her It's just the beginning. Claire tells Sherry that her god has protected her, refering to her jacket. Something is wrong... Just when you thought it was finished. Hah. Well, Go through the electronic opening door right in front of you. Try to go through the double doors. You'll get a message saying the train is going to detonate in two minutes! The door behind you is locked... So the only way to go is through the double doors. -------------- TRAIN CARRIAGE -------------- Run to the end of the carriage, and a scene will kick in... It's the final boss of Resident Evil 2! ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== The final boss of Resident Evil 2, who looks like a giant spikey asshole! Uh, after the scene, equip your ROCKET LAUNCHER, and run away from the boss. Once you can't run any further, turn around, and fire a rocket at the bastard. After this, equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER and shoot about 7 ACID ROUNDS at this guy as fast as you can! You can kill this boss without being damaged at all, so it's a very easy boss fight. That it - The final boss, and all it took was 7 ACID ROUNDS, and NO healing items! ===============================---BOSS FIGHT---=============================== Exit the carriage through the double doors behind you. --------- TRAIN CAR --------- Run fowards... It seems that the train is still going to explode, and HOLY CRAP the boss is alive again! Claire jumps on the train roof to avoid the big guy, and Sherry gets into the drivers compartment. Sherry pushes the emergency brake, and Leon emerges from under the train. The three run, as the train blows to pieces... Claire wants to leave now, as she want's to find Chris... "Chris... I have to find you." The confidence-building metal music follows, with the credits rolling by... ================================----THE END----=============================== You've finished CLAIRE SCENARIO B. Congratulations! Now try Leon's scenario 2, or if you've finished that, try and finish Hunk's scenario, or even Tofu's! ================================----THE END----=============================== MY RANKING: B CLEAR GAME: CLAIRE B TOTAL TIME: 6:20 minutes NUMBER OF SAVES: 9 ============================================================================== _ _ _ (_) (_) | | _______ _ _ ____ | | _ | ___ | | | | _ \| |_/ ) | | | | |_| | | | | _ ( |_| |_|____/|_| |_|_| \_) You get to play as Hunk when you complete Leon's first scenario, and Claire's second scenario, or vice versa, on normal mode, with an A ranking. Below is a basic walkthrough for playing as Hunk... HUNK'S INVENTORY: HANDGUN, 168 HANDGUN BULLETS SHOTGUN, 20 SHOTGUN SHELLS MAGNUM, 16 MAGNUM BULLETS 1. You'll start in the stinky sewers. You'll be told that you need to meet the rest of the group on the roof. Climb up the stairs and leave this area. 2. Five zombies here - You should be able to avoid them, so do that by running straight past them, and go through the single door at the end. 3. Some zombies here. Avoid them and run past them, and head down the steps. 4. Kill the spiders here with your SHOTGUN. Once they're dead, go up the ladder at the end of this area. 5. Kill the zombie dogs here, or avoid them. Exit this area through the single door. 6. More zombies. Run past all of them, and go through the single door at the end. 7. Zombie dogs here, but you should be able to avoid them easily. Run straight to the end of this area, and go through the single door. 8. Some crows here. Ignore them, and run straight past them. Head up the stairs in this room, to exit this area. 9. Zombie dogs are here. Kill them with your HANDGUN, and exit this room via the single door at the end of this passage. 10. Lots of zombies here. Run down this passage, out the doorway, and straight through the office. Go through the blue double doors. 11. More zombies here also. Kill them, or avoid them - Either way, go through the single door leading to the main hall. 12. Head down the stairs, and go through the double doors next to you. 13. Avoid the spiders here, and run around the wall dividers, and go through the single door. 14. There are three lickers in this passage. Avoid them by zig-zagging, and go through the single door at the end. 15. 2 zombies plants here - Kill them with a strong weapon, or wait until they go to attack you, and run past them, thanks to the space they create when the arch backwards. Either way, go through the single door at the end of the passage. 16. Kill or avoid the 2 zombies plants here also, and head up the stairs. 17. Great - Tyrant is here. Wait until you raises his arms at you to attack, and then run around him. Go through the single door next to the statues. 18. There are a few zombies on the ground here. Simply run past them them, and go through the single door at the end of this passage. 19. Three lickers are here. Kill them, and go through the single door into the library. 20. Go through the double doors here. 21. There are 2 zombie plants in this area. You should be able to avoid them, so run right around the balcony, and go through the single door. 22. There are a LOT of zombies in this room - Since this room is so small, it's pretty hard to kill these guys. Kill them with the SHOTGUN, or if you think you're good enough, dodge them. Either way, go through the single door next to the desk. 23. Zombies here. Kill or avoid them. Go through the single door on the right. 24. Tyrant is back in this room. Hopefully you have some ammo left - If so, take Tyrant down. If not, wait until Tyrant raises his arms, and run around him. Either way, go through the door leading onto the roof. ============================================================================== _______ ___ (_______) / __) _ ___ _| |__ _ _ | |/ _ (_ __) | | | | | |_| || | | |_| | |_|\___/ |_| |____/ You get to play as Tofu when you finish these scenarios in the following order. Claire's first scenario, Leon's second scenario, Hunk, Claire's first scenario, Leon's second scenario, Claire's first scenario, finally Leon's second scenario, in normal mode. Tofu is... Well, a box. Here is the walkthrough for Tofu. TOFU'S INVENTORY: COMBAT KNIFE 1. Climb up the stairs and leave this area. 2. Five zombies here - Run straight past them, and go through the single door at the end. 3. Some zombies here. Avoid them and run past them, and head down the steps. 4. Run straight past the spiders here and go up the ladder at the end of this area. 5. Kill the zombie dogs here, or avoid them. Exit this area through the single door. 6. More zombies. Run past all of them, and go through the single door at the end. 7. Zombie dogs here. Avoid them, and run straight to the end of this area, and go through the single door. 8. Some crows here. Ignore them, and run straight past them. Head up the stairs in this room, to exit this area. 9. Zombie dogs are here. Avoid them, and exit this room via the single door at the end of this passage. 10. Lots of zombies here. Run down this passage, out the doorway, and straight through the office. Go through the blue double doors. 11. More zombies here also. Avoid them and go through the single door leading to the main hall. 12. Head down the stairs, and go through the double doors next to you. 13. Avoid the spiders here, and run around the wall dividers, and go through the single door. 14. There are three lickers in this passage. Avoid them by zig-zagging, and go through the single door at the end. 15. 2 zombies plants here - Wait until they go to attack you, and run past them, thanks to the space they create when the arch backwards. Go through the single door at the end of the passage. 16. Avoid the 2 zombies plants here also, and head up the stairs. 17. Great - Tyrant is here. Wait until you raises his arms at you to attack, and then run around him. Go through the single door next to the statues. 18. There are a few zombies on the ground here. Simply run past them them, and go through the single door at the end of this passage. 19. Three lickers are here. Avoid them, and go through the single door into the library. 20. Go through the double doors here. 21. There are 2 zombie plants in this area. You should be able to avoid them, so run right around the balcony, and go through the single door. 22. There are a LOT of zombies in this room - Since this room is so small, it's pretty hard to get past these guys. Run into a group of zombies, and once a zombie bites you, you'll push him down. Hopefully, when you push him down the other zombies around him will be pushed down also. Once they are, go through the single door. 23. Zombies here. Avoid them, and go through the single door on the right. 24. Tyrant is back in this room. Wait until Tyrant raises his arms, and run around him then go through the door leading onto the roof. ============================================================================== You have now completed EVERYTHING in Resident Evil 2. Congratulations! ============================================================================== ============================================================================== XI. M A P S ============================================================================== STREETS OF RACCOON CITY ============================================================================== __________________________ | | | CRASH SITE | | __________________| | | | | ________| | | KENDO | | | GUN | | | SHOP | | | | | |________|_______| |BASKETBALL COURT| |____________ A | ___| | L | ________ | D | COURT | L | | __ | | U | | E | ________________________ | | | | | M |____________| Y | | ________________ | | | | | | P | | W | | | | | | | | | | S | | A | | | POLICE STATION | | | | | | | T | |_Y_| | | FRONT | | | | | | | E | | | *NEXT MAP* | | | | | |________| R | | |_______________ \ | | | | ALLEYWAY | | _____________| |__|__|_______________|___________________________|___|\_____/ | | BUS | ROAD TO THE | | \____________/ POLICE STATION | | BUS ROADWAY | | |_____________________________|_______________________| ============================================================================== POLICE STATION - GROUND FLOOR ============================================================================== BARRICADED STAIRWAY ROOM INTERROGATION ROOMS PASSAGE ______/______ ___/_____________ ___/__________| ______ __| | | ________ |<-INTERROGAT- | __________ | | |____| |____| | | | ION HALLWAY | | |BREIF-| | | | |DARK| | | | | | _____ | | | ING | |_| | |ROOM| |____| | MEDIA | | |___ |BROKEN | | | ROOM | | | |____| | | ROOM | | | | |WINDOW | | |______| | | _________________________ | | | | | * | |PASS. | |STORAGE __| | | |B | |_|________| | |___| | |_| ROOM->|__|_|____| |L |____________|_|______| | | |_________|RECEPTION| |U ______________|________| | |FILE ||__ROOM___| |E | | | | |STORAGE | | POLICE STATION | | POLICE STUDY | | | |ROOM | _________| MAIN HALL |P | ROOM | | | |________|| WAITING| |A | | |____ |___________|_|__ROOM_|______________________|S | | | || | | \ |__| |____|___| WEST AREA \ VINE ROOM ============================================================================== UMBRELLA SECRET LABS CONTINUED ============================================================================== _________ |S | MOTH | |I | ROOM | _____ |L |______| / \ |E | / \ |N |________| MONITOR | |T _______|_ ROOM | _____________ | | | / | | |H | MAIN |_____/ | FINAL BATTLE| |A | LAB | |<-LAB | GROUNDS | |L | | | HALLWAY | | |L__| | | | | | | | |_____________| |_________| |________________|_| | |________________| __| | __|* | | | |__| | |__________| *= OUTSIDE LAB AREA 2 ============================================================================== XII. P U Z Z L E S ============================================================================== ===STATUE PUZZLE============================================================== ____ | | [1] <2|____|1> [2] Above is a diagram of what you have to do. Move the statue on the right of the statue to the switch in the floor on the left, and move the statue on the left to the switch in the ground on the right. Once you do so, pick the RED JEWEL up from the big statue. ===LIBRARY BOOKCASE PUZZLE==================================================== | | | | | | | | | | _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1| |2| |3| |4| That what the bookcases look like now. Head over to bookcase 1, and make it go right. Now head to bookcase 2, and also make it go right ===B1 POWER PUZZLE============================================================ What you must do is get the pointer right on 80 to restore power to the B1. ____________________________________________________ |0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100| ||___________________________________________________| _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| 36 36 36 36 36 || || || || || || || || || || 14 14 14 14 14 This puzzle is easy. 36+36 is 72, so push UP the first TWO times. 72-14 is 58, so push DOWN the THIRD time. 58+36 is 94, so push UP for the FOURTH time. And, obviously, 94-14 is 80, so push DOWN the FIFTH and final time. Power is now restored. ===SEPTIC POOL PUZZLE========================================================= NORTH WALL ______ | X | The X's representing the boxes, of course. |X | | X| | | | | | | |______| SOUTH WALL All you have to do is push the boxes into a line on the North wall. Simple. ============================================================================== XIII. W E S K E R S R E P O R T 1 (SPOILER WARNING) ============================================================================== My name is Albert Wesker. I aspired to become a leading researcher at Umbrella Inc. A pharmaceutical enterprise who covertly conduction Bio Organic Weapons, better known as B.O.W., for development. But at the leader development training ground situated in Raccoon City, I met a brilliant and talented researcher who decided to take a different path; William Birkin. In time I shifted my position to S.T.A.R.S., a special forces unit of the Raccoon Police Department. Umbrella, for crisis management reasons of their illegal Bio Organic Weapons development had many of it's people working in the police department. I became the leader of S.T.A.R.S. and conducted all sorts of intelligence activities for Umbrella. As I continued to serve I devised my own plans and waited for the right moment to execute them. Then at last, opportunity knocked. - 1998 - July - 7.24 - The freak murder incidents had occurred in the forest near the mansion started it all. The mansion was Umbrella's secret BOW laboratory and it was clear that the indevelopment T-Virus was the cause of the murder. Initially, Umbrella instructed me secretively to keep S.T.A.R.S. out of the case, but with the heightened emotions of the citizens S.T.A.R.S. had no choice but to move in. That was when my next order was given. Dispatch S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion, dispose of them, then report the situation to headquarters so that their combat with the B.O.W. could be used for data analysis allowing Umbrella a comprehensive portrait of the B.O.W.'s combat abilities. From the 2 S.T.A.R.S. teams I first pitched in the Bravo Team. As expected, the top elite of S.T.A.R.S. gave all they had and became useful sample data. Then following, I geared up the Alpha Team to "search and rescue" the lost Bravo Team. The members of the Alpha Team also proved their worth and as expected many died. There were 5 Survivors from the initial 11 S.T.A.R.S. members. From the Alpha Team were Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Barry Burton. And from the Bravo Team were Rebecca Chambers and Enrico Marini. It was time to begin executing my plans. In the midst of the whole affair I could take Umbrella's ultimate Bio-Organic Weapon, the Tyrant, and join forces with an opposing corporation of Umbrella. To buy into that opposing corporation I would need the actual combat data of the Tyrant. The surviving privileged members of S.T.A.R.S. were just the perfect bait. I decided to have one of them play the Judas and draw them to the Tyrant. That Judas was Barry. Barry was the strong truth and justice kind and cherished his family more than anything. His type is easy to manipulate. I just took that most important thing away from him. My only miscalculation was the high potential of Chris and Jill. But with the family man Barry playing Judas the scheme went as planned. Then the winds turned unexpectedly. I had to eliminate Enrico who found out what was behind it all. I used Barry to get to him. After I successfully got rid of that nuisance I awaited the sample specimen that Barry would bring to me in the Tyrants room. I injected the virus I obtained from Birkin in advance. If I made Umbrella believe I was dead, it made it far more convenient to sell myself to the opposing corporation. According to Birkin the virus had profound effects. It would put my body in a state of temporary "death." It would then bring me back to life with super human powers. Therefor I unleashed an awesome Tyrant from its slumber and let it attack me. As my consciousness faded away I was certain that the whole scheme would end in success. Never did I imagine that S.T.A.R.S. could slay the evil creation. I lost the Tyrant and the plan I devised which cost me my humanity ended in failure. Now anything and anyone who stood in my way would be terminated. It's been that way for a long time and it always will be. At all costs I had to make STARS pay. - September - Two months had passed since the mansion incident. To regain everything I had lost in my new organization I joined hands with Ada Wong, a female agent who was also sent to spy on Umbrella. I knew in my bones that the key developer was William Birkin, but what he didn't know was that Umbrella did not play games... with anyone. Eventually, Birkin would be assassinated, and the G-Virus would be in the hands of Umbrella. But the salvage team led by Hunk was ahead of us. By the time they got to Birkin, he'd already injected himself with the G-Virus... he became his own creation, and decimated them. Soon after, the T-Virus carried by rats spread throughout Raccoon City, and Umbrella faced its worst scenario. - 9.28 - The good citizens became zombies, and the city had headed for its devastating fate. Humans were no match against zombies. In the chaos, Umbrella Europe applied a new type B.O.W., called "Nemesis". The Nemesis would hunt down and destroy the surviving member of S.T.A.R.S., Jill. It became imperative that our organization would also obtain the Nemesis data. - 9.29 - To cover up the whole affair, Umbrella jettisoned a Tyrant to take care of Leon and Claire, who were trying to unveil their secrets. Then, a new revelation. Birkin used to hide the findings of his studies in his daughter Sherry's pendant. It was very possible that the G-Virus was there. While Umbrella was busy with their cover up, we had to capture Sherry before they did. I sent Ada undercover to seek the location of Sherry. I, the "dead man" on the other hand, had to work in the shadows. A spy's obligation and priority is in the mission, to carry out the mission like a machine without any emotional interference. But through her interaction and involvement with Leon S. Kennedy, there'd been an affection growing inside her. My instincts sensed danger, something had to be done, quickly. My instincts did not disappoint me. Even though Ada almost had her hands on the G-Virus, which Leon had acquired from Sherry, that affection of hers drove her to her death. But she was still of some use. I had to save her life. My people hurried to retrieve the G-Virus that Leon threw away. But Hunk, the only survivor of Umbrella's salvage team, was there before us. - 9.30 - Our only option left was to bring back Birkin, the monster, as the sample specimen and have him finish off Leon and Claire in order to obtain his combat data. Although Birkin lost the battle to Leon and Claire, we succeeded in gathering samples of the G-Virus from his dead body. - 10.1 - In the morning the government bombed Raccoon City in an attempt to stop for the viral outbreak. This was, of course, their feigned reason. Later, Claire left for Europe to find her lost brother Chris, and Leon joined forces with a underground anti-Umbrella organization. Sherry is safe in our hands. I would never underestimate Birkin. There's something about this little girl... ***Thanks to http://www.newblood.com for this detailed translation of Wesker's report 1!*** ============================================================================== XIV. W E S K E R S R E P O R T 2 (SPOILER WARNING) ============================================================================== ------ Part 1 ------ When I first visited that place, I was 18 and it was summer. Twenty years ago. I still remember the smell when the helicopter landed and the rotar caused the wind to stir. From the air, the mansion seemed normal but from ground level, something was different. Birkin, who was 2 years younger than I, seemed only interested in the research files he had as usual........ 1978 July 31(Monday) Two days ago, the two of us were assigned to that place. Everything could have been planned out from the beginning or it could have all been a coincidence. The only person to know the truth is most likely, Spencer. Spencer at that time was using the Arklay labs for the research on the t-virus. As soon as we got off the helicopter, the president of the lab stood in front of the elevator. I don't remember the guy's name. It didn't matter what was said officially, from that day on that lab was ours. We were assigned to be chief researchers at the facility. This of course, was Spencer's will. We were the chosen ones. The two of us ignored the president as we entered the elevator. We had already been briefed about the layout of the area as well as Birkin's, and with no bad intentions we ignored everyone as usual. Usually, when someone sees our actions, they would react quickly. But the president didn't react at all. At the time, I was only a youngster so it didn't bother the president. The president understood what Spencer was thinking and didn't take notice of someone like me. While the three of us were on the elevator, Birkin kept his eyes on the research files. The files contained information about a new firo-virus found 2 years ago in Africa called Ebora. Even now there are thousands of people researching the Ebora. But the people are always divided in half -- one group dedicated to saving people from the virus, and the other to kill people with it. It is known if a person is infected with the Ebora, that the chance of dying is 90%. It has the quality to destroy the physical structure within 10 days and even now, a cure hasn't been found. If used as a bio-weapon it would display incredible destruction. But because making a bio-weapon is against the law we would not use the virus as a weapon. But I'm certain that someone out there would use this as a weapon. So to prepare for a case of that nature it is good to do research on it now. But the line between finding a cure and making a bio-weapon is thin. This is because the actual research conducted do not differ at all between the two. So one could say that they are reseaching for a cure and be making a bio-weapon. But Birkin was not interested in either cause. He just wanted to research the Ebora itself. There was little known about the virus at the time. They did not know that the virus would die within a few days by itself, and would die instantly when hit by sunlight. They were also unaware of the speed that it would kill its host. It kills the host so quickly that there is virtually no time for the virus to infect another person. The virus has to physically touch another person in order to infect them and therefore can easily be quarantined. But that brings me to the following thought... What if a person that was infected with the Ebora virus could stand up and walk around? That infected person would have a disrupted chain of thought, and what if they could infect others that weren't infected? What if the DNA of the Ebora and the RNA had a direct impact on the DNA of a human? Due to those factors, would the person be harder to kill? The person would be dead from a human's point of view, but would still act as a bio-weapon spreading the virus. It is forunate that the Ebora had features like this. We would be the only ones to possess this knowledge. Umbrella, with Spencer as the head was a organization created to do research on viruses with these qualities. As a cover they tell the world that they are a company researching cures for these viruses. But the truth was that they are a bio-weapon development organization. The finding of the original virus which restructures the human DNA was the start of everything. Using the original virus as a base, an enhanced virus would be made to be a bio-weapon. This was the T-virus plan. The original virus was an RNA virus and would cause abnormalities that would enhance a person. Birkin planned on combining the two viruses to make an enhanced virus. The sample of the Ebora had already been brought to this reserach facility. We had gone through many elevators and had finally reached the destination. Upon entering, even Birkin was impressed by the sight. This was our first encounter with that woman. We were not told anything about that woman. Everything relating to her was kept top secret and the data was not to be leaked to the outside. Information obtained from records showed that she had been here since this lab was created. She was 25 years old at that time. But what her name is and why she is here is a mystery. She was a test subject for the research on the T-virus. The research began on November 10, 1967. For 11 years, she had gone through the tests with many viruses. I heard Birkin whisper something. Whether those words were cursing/swearing or praising I do not know. We had come to a place we could never leave. We didn't know whether we were to take the research to it's completion or if we would end up like her. For us we, only had one choice. The woman who lied on the pipebed had moved something within both of our minds. Is this also a part of Spencer's plan? ------ Part 2 ------ On this day, a ten-year old girl was deployed to Umbrella's Arctic facility as a Head Researcher. Her name was Alexia Ashford. At that time, I was twenty-one and Birkin was nineteen. Ruefully, the rumor of "Alexia in the Arctic" occupied our topics at the Arkley Facility. The Ashford House was a legend among long-time employees. Whenever our research didn't go well, the unskilled old researchers would say, "If only Professor Edward were still alive..." Certainly, Edward Ashford was one of the founders of the "starting virus" and might be the greatest scientist ever since he established the T-virus plan. However, Edward died soon after Umbrella was founded. It has been thirteen years since his death. After all that time, I wondered what we expected from Ashford House. To tell the truth, the Arctic Facility that his son established, had not developed anything for thirteen years since Edward's death. His granddaugter Alexia's brain might not be good enough. However, after that day, our useless older scientists began to say instead "if only Alexia were here..." I believed these old men didn't have any future because they judged people solely on the name of their family or their blood. That's why they could not work without any direction and could not ever get promoted when they were old enough to have one leg in the coffin. However, I remained sensible. If I was too hot about this issue as a manager, the Arkley Facility's T-virus development would run late. Under these circumstances, if we didn't judge the situation calmly, we would not succeed. At that time, I thought that if I used these old men well, the results of our research would show progress. I also thought the scientists were suitable for the very dangerous experiments because they were so old. After all, If I didn't use my workers efficiently, I wouldn't be such a higher manager. However, Birkin was now a problem. His reaction to the Alexia rumors were miserable. Although Birkin would never admit it, he was proud of becoming the youngest manager at sixteen. However, a ten-year-old girl had just broken his pride completely. It was the first time Birkin had ever been defeated. He couldn't admit that a young girl from a famous family had defeated him. Indeed, he was just a child. Although Birkin had an immature mind we needed him to get over it, because our research had been in the second phase for three years. At this point of the T-virus development, the production of the "Human biological weapon" the so called "Zombie" was stable. There was not 100% virus infection to DNA. There are so many kinds of chemical differences among people. If a group of people reveived the infection from a "Zombie", ten percent of them would not get infected. We can't change this result even though we continuously studied the DNA. If 90% of people got the infection, this would be enough to be a weapon. However, Spencer's opinion was different. Our boss wanted an independent weapon that killed 100% of the people. However, for what? Originally, the advantage of biochemical weapons was that they were cheap to develop. However, our research into the "Human biological weapon" was getting expensive. If Spencer wanted to get money the ordinary way, he would not have chosen such a method. If he used this as an ordinary weapon system, he would get enough money. However, if he continued to study it as an independent weapon, it would be too expensive. Why does he continue this research even though it costs so much? I would understand if he aimed at a monopoly of all military industry to change the general idea of war. So I still don't know Spencer's real intention. Apart from Spencer's real intention, what Birkin considered an ideal "Human biological weapon" was what he attached as a weapons importance to the battle field of that time. He tried to create that weapon by not only changing the T-virus DNA but also incorporating other creature's DNA information. He devised a Human biological weapon for battle that destroys people who are armored or recieved a vaccination for the virus. This experiment was called the "Hunter" in later times. However, that experiment had to stop for a while to protect our main experiment. Birkin felt it meaningless to compete against Alexia. He began to act like losing was standard behavior. He stayed at the facility twenty-four hours a day and continuously experimented on casual ideas with no plan. I tried to use other researchers to extract as many biological samples as possible before the experiment bodies died. However, I could not catch up with the speed of Birkin's experiments. The facility head supplied new experiment bodies and acted like nothing was wrong. However, those bodies were dying continuously. That place was like hell. However, the "woman experiment's" body was the only one who survived that hell. She was already twenty-eight. That is, she has been in this facility for fourteen years. She might not have any thinking ability as a human since getting the "Starting virus". If she had her mind, her only hope would be death. However, she survived. I wondered why she was the only one who survived for such a long time because the data of her experiment was not any different from the other bodies we experimented on. Until we solved this mystery, we needed more time ------ Part 3 ------ 1983 December 31 It has been the 6th winter since I worked at this Arklay facility. During the last two years, we had made no real progress with our research and time passed by. But this had come to an end. We had recieved word that Alexia had died. The reason was the virus that Alexia herself created, the (T-Veronica virus). It seemed like the 12 year old Alexia was too young for such dangerous research. I had heard rumours that Alexia had injected the T-veronica virus in herself but this I could not believe. She probably couldn't handle her father's death one year ago and made a simple error in her research. Later, the research at the Antarctica facility was continued by Alexia's twin brother, but no one had expected anything from him. In the end, the Ashford family couldn't bring any results and would crumble down. Like I had stated earlier, the Ashford family was a legend and will stay as a legend only. With Alexia's death, Birkin had changed back to what he was before. Now there was no one who could surpass him, and all the researchers had to acknowledge him. But it was still a taboo to talk about Alexia infront of him. Even when I tried to get a sample of the T-veronica virus, he had strongly objected. I had to put aside finding out about the research that Alexia had done for now. I had come to realize Birkin had not changed at all, when everything around him had changed. But I had a much bigger problem on my hands. Our facility was located in a very dense forest. I went out walking into the woods many times but because this facility was in the near center of the forest, we would never encounter any other humans. The only way to get here was by a helicopter. It was a needed precaution dealing with a bio-weapon. Since if by chance, the virus is leaked out, it would prevent the chances of spreading. But a bio-weapon isn't so simple. The virus can also affect non-human beings as well. A virus isn't always limited to affecting only one kind of organism. For example, the Influenza virus not only affects humans, but birds, pigs, horses and even seals. In each of these species, not all who come in contact with the virus are affected. Seagulls and chickens are, but all other birds are not. Also, the same virus may have different effects on different species. The problem lies in how the T-virus can affect many different life forms. During the time when Birkin made himself useless, I had done my own research on the T-virus. I had discovered that the T-virus can affect most life forms out there. Not only mammals but plants, bugs, and fish can also be affected. Everytime I walked in the woods, I always thought to myself, why did Spencer choose this place? There are many different forms of life in these woods. What would happen if the virus were to leak out? If only an insect were infected, it is small in size and probably would not go through a big mutation. But insects could spread the virus at an incredible rate. If this were to happen, how far would the T-virus spread? If it were a plant that was infected, the plant itself could not move and would seem safe. But what about the seeds the plants give out? It would be very dangerous for such a case to happen. Now that I think about it, it was a smart move for the Ashfords to locate their facility in Antarctica. But here it almost seems like someone wants the virus to spread. But that could not be possible. What is Spencer trying to make us do? This issue was far too great and I could not discuss this with any other researcher. The only one who I could talk to was Birkin, but he probably wouldn't be interested. I need more information. I had started to realize my limits as a simple researcher. To find out what Spencer was truly thinking, I needed to get to a position where I could obtain more information. For that I would throw away all my current positions. But I cannot do this quickly. I could not let Spencer notice my plans for if so, everything would be over. I had continued to do research with Birkin so that no one would detect my intentions. During that time, that 'woman test subject' was forgotten. A "failure" that just lived on. Until that day, 5 years later....... ------ Part 4 ------ The 11th summer had come since we started working at this facility. I was 28 at the time. Birkin had become a father to a 2 year old girl. The wife was a also a researcher at the facility. It was natural that people who conducted research at the same facility fall in love and have children. But a normal person would not be able to continue research at this place. Everyone who is still here is crazy. We had gone into phase three of our plan in the ten years. A programmed life, to be used a soldier, a bio-weapon for combat. This bio-weapon was to be called the "Tyrant". But this project had a huge problem from the start. Finding a test subject for this Tyrant was easier said than done. There were very few who were qualified enough to become the Tyrant. This was due to the nature of the T-virus. Any human could be used to make a zombie or a hunter but their intelligence would be lost in the process. A certain amount of intelligence was needed to create a Tyrant. Birkin had created a different way of creating the Tyrant to compensate for this problem. But only a very small amount of people could be used for this different way. In the simulation, only 1 out of 100000000 mutated into a Tyrant, the rest became zombies. If our research continued, we could create a different kind of T-virus that was compatible with far more people. But for this to happen we needed another test subject. But even if we searched through all of America, we would only find ten or so people that were compatible. Other research facilities had encountered the same problem. We ran into a wall even before our research began. But we had recieved word that the Europe facility had devised a plan to conquer this problem in phase 3. This was the Nemesis project. I had urged Birkin to get a sample of the project to further our own research. Although Birkin had strongly opposed, I convinced him otherwise. Until we found a compatible host our research would not proceed forward, and Birkin had to accept this. We had received the package a few days later with a number of precautions written on it. The package brought to heliport was in a small box labeled "Nemesis Project". To gain this sample from the France facility required quite there effort, and credit for this accomplishment went to Spencer for backing us up. Birkin took no interest in the package till the end but had at least admitted to tests. The sample was new and was for test purposes. A biological life form created by manipualting DNA. That was the what the Nemesis was. The intelligence was the only thing enhanced and this lifeform alone, could not do anything. But once it finds a host, it becomes a parasite and would take over that host and would cause it to have incredible combat ability. The host for the weapon and the parasite would be made separately and later the intelligence of the parasite and the body of the host would be combined to create a bio-weapon. If this were to succeed it would overcome the problem of the intelligence and we could create a bio-weapon. But the problem was when the parasite takes over the host. In the research files, the only information recorded was the death of each host once taken over by the parasite sample. Within 5 minutes of the parasite taking over, the host would die. But we were already aware of the danger that lied in the prototype. If we could prolong the time the host would survive, we would gain the credit to the "Nemesis project". That was my plan. The host would be that women test subject. Her incredible life rate could survive longer against the Nemesis prototype. And even if it failed, nothing would change on our side. But the test had created a result I had not expected. The Nemesis prototype that tried to enter her brain had disappeared. At first, we could not tell what had happenned. We did not expect her to consume the Nemesis. That was the beginning. Something was happenning inside that failed experiment. We had decided to start research on her from scratch. In the past ten years, we had conducted every bit of research possible on her, but we had decided to throw all those files away. Within the 21 years that she lived, something was beginning to show. Only Birkin had begun to notice the change. Indeed, something had begun to change inside her. But that was something totally different from the T-virus project. Something new and would bring a new idea to us. The project which changed our destiny, the "G-virus project" ------ Part 5 ------ It had been 17 years since I first came to this place. Every time I come here, I remember the smell of the wind from that day. The buildings and the surroundings all looked the same as before. On the heliport, I could see Birkin. It has been a long time since I've seen him. Four years have passed since I left Arklay labs. 4 years ago, when Birkin's G-virus project was authorized, I requested to be transferred to the secret (intelligence) service. This was easily authorized. Most people saw it as a natural change, going from the research profession to another field. In reality, the research conducted on the G-virus was far above my level. Even if I wasn't out to discover what Spencer was truly thinking, I could feel my limits as a researcher had reached their peak. Even as the wind blew, Birkin didn't take his eyes off of his research files. He came to Arklay quite often, even though he was not employed here anymore. Not too long ago, an underground lab under Racoon City was built. This was the place that Birkin's G-virus project would take shape. To be honest, I didnt think that Spencer would authorize "G". I thought this because "G" was considered far from being a weapon, and had too many unknowns about it. "G" was slightly different from "T-virus" because the host would spontaneously react to the virus at a repetitive rate. It was very easy for a mutation to occur since the DNA would be open to a virus. But this is isolated to the virus itself and not the host's DNA. Even if the virus could cause some form of change, it would be rare for the host's DNA to become mutated. Enter an ouside force such as radiation, and it would be a different story. But in the case of "G" it was different. Even without an outside force the "G" would keep mutating the host until death. Something very similar in nature did exist within the T-virus though. When a bio-weapon is put in a specific area, the virus inside the host would cause some form of mutation. This has already been confirmed. But for this an ouside force was always needed. But the "G" has no need for such an element. No one can predict the pattern of the mutations. And even if we could think of a way to stop the mutation, the virus would just improvise. 7 years ago Birkin discovered this in that woman. At first look the woman appeared to have no physical changes. But inside of her various mutations had occurred, each consuming every kind of virus we injected her with, and had continued to live on. Over a period of 21 years, it had mutated so much that it would even consume the Nemesis. The G-virus project was to take this mutation to highest point possible. But this could lead to the "Ultimate life form" or it could end in complete disaster.....could this be called a weapon? What was Spencer thinking when he authorized this project? Even when I moved to the secret intelligence service I could not find out anything about Spencer's train of thought during these 4 years. Spencer hasn't been to Arklay labs in a while now. Almost as if he is expecting something to happen there. Spencer was slowly drifting away from me, just as an oasis in a desert. But my chance will come soon enough. Thats if I can live until then. The elevator took Birkin and I to the highest level in the lab. To that place where we first saw that woman. There, we met the new research leader, John. He had come from a Chicago lab and was an excellent researcher, but he was too normal to work in a place like this. He had started to question the motives of the research, and had repeatedly questioned the superiors. This news reached my ears in the secret (intelligence) service. If information had been leaked out, he would be the first to go? This was the general opinion amongst the masses. We both ignored John and started the clean-up of that woman. We had to kill her. When she had consumed Nemesis she started to regain some intelligence and exhibited some preculiar behaviors. The behavior would worsen. She would ripped off another womans face and would wear it herself. According to the records she showed the same behaviors when she was first injected with the original virus. Recently three researchers had been killed as a result of her behavior, and this is what prompted her immediate termination. Because the "G project" was progressing so well, we had no use for her. Her death was confirmed over the course of 3 days, and her "dead body" was carried somewhere by the president. After all was said and done, no one knew who she was or why she was here. But this was also true of any of the other test subjects. If she had not been here the G-project would not have existed. Both Birkin and I would had be in completely different situations. I had this on my mind as I left the Arklay labs. How far was Spencer planning on taking this? (the "incident" would happen 3 years later) ***I didn't translate this myself. I got this from Resident Evil Fan website: http://www.residentevilfan.com, which is an excellent website for all RE freaks! Check it out! Also, thanks to the webmaster for letting me use this*** ============================================================================== XV. F I L E S ============================================================================== All in alphabetical order ============================================================================== ----------------- ADDITIONAL REPORT ----------------- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of a yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin, and razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their locations remain unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" and are currently in the process of developing counter-measures to deal with this new threat. ------------- CHEIF'S DIARY ------------- September 23rd It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may even be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if this turns out to be true! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt them down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring up at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive? I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down later... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. ------------- CHRIS'S DIARY ------------- August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to me. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-virus research in that mansion. Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town, no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I am running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local reports about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?! We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I won't tell my sister about this trip as doing so could put her life in danger. Please forgive me Claire. ------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANTIDOTE ------------------------- Any beings infected by the G-Virus will reproduce through impregnation of an embryo within another living being. Unless rejected by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA. Once the metamorphosis is complete, the host will be capable of continuing this cycle of self-replication. The duration of time for the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject. In the early stages of cellular invasion, it is possible to halt progression of the metamorphosis through the administration of the G-Vaccine antigen. The following procedure details its synthesis. The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine. This can be arranged by the activator VAM. First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After several moments the process will be complete and the white-colored base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically. Then confirm the green light is on, remove the cartridge, and proceed to the next step. Once the base vaccine has been prepared, set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experimental room. The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch. At this point, the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 seconds. As the synthesis of DEVIL is an extremely delicate process, the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. ------------------- LAB SECURITY MANUAL ------------------- - Security measures in case of an emergency - In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the emergency escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. ------------- MAIL TO CHRIS ------------- Mr. Chris Redfield Raccoon City Police Dept. S.T.A.R.S. Division As per your request, we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: 1) Regarding the G-virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc. So far it is unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. 2) Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. Mr. Irons has allegedly received a large sum of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the last five years. He was apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. Mr. Irons had been arrested under suspicion of rape on two separate counts during his years as a university student. He underwent psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing. As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him. Jack Hamilton, Section Chief Internal Investigations United States Federal Police Department ----------------- MAIL TO THE CHEIF ----------------- To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continued virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers, and Vickers. If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R.S. have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a matter that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact through out this affair. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for you services this term as per our agreement. This development of the G-Virus scheduled to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to be a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me that Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-Virus. There are an unknown number of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-Virus. Not even Umbrella... William Birkin ------------ MEMO TO LEON ------------ To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as part of our team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the Raccoon City Police Department. ---------------- OPERATION REPORT ---------------- September 26th The Raccoon Police Dept. was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured, even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside world. We have decided to carry out an operation with intent of rescuing any possible survivers as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the zombie attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a tempory measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier,it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breakers went down during the battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become first priority to restore the power in the power room and secure those locks. Recorder: David Ford September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. 12 more people were injured in the battle. Recorder: David Ford ------------------ OPERATION REPORT 2 ------------------ September 28th Early morning 2:30 AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost 4 more people, including David. We're down to 4 people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for our survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewer disposal plant is free of any possible dangers. We know our chances in the sewer are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. We left the key behind in the western office since its unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward ------------- PATROL REPORT ------------- Reporter: Sgt. Neil Carlsen -Patrol Report- We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers in the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. I recovered the following items: -As small amount of C4 plastic explosive. -An electronic detonater. -9x19 parabellum rounds. -infrared scope(broken). End of report. -------------------- P-EPSILON GAS REPORT -------------------- -This report demands immediate attention- The P-Epsilon gas has been proven capable of incapacitating all known B.O.W.s (Bio Organic Weapon(s)). As such, it has been designated for emergency usage in the event of B.O.W. escape. Reports based upon data collected during prior incidents indicate the potential for negative side effects. The P-epsilon gas has been proven to weaken B.O.W.s' cellular functions. However, prolonged or repeated exposures will result in the creation of adaptive antibodies to the agent. Furthermore, some species have been observed to absorb the P-epsilon gas as a source of nutrition and use the toxins extracted against anything perceived as a threat. Use of the P-epsilon gas should be severly limited to extreme cases only. We strongly request the authority to re-evaluate the P-epsilon gas deployment system. We would like this reevaluation to take place immediately. 2nd R&D Room/Security Team. ----------------- POLICE MEMORANDUM ----------------- This letter is just to inform you about the recent movement of equipment during the precinct's rearrangement. Safe with 4 digit lock has been moved from STARS office on the second floor to the eastern office on the first floor. 2236 Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. ------------------- SECRETARY'S DIARY A ------------------- April 6th I accidentally moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that.... April 7th I heard that all the art piece's of the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief to come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at that painting. Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension... ------------------- SECRETARY'S DIARY B ------------------- June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst through the door with a furious look his face. It's only been 2 months since I've started working here, but that's the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked even more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 10th The chief has been locked inside his room for the past two days. He won't come out for any reason and people are beginning to spread rumors. June 15th I discovered what the chief has been hiding all along... If he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time... --------------------- SEWER MANAGER'S DIARY --------------------- June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Donn today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on her face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift, but don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living. I saw this new guy working at the lab today. He was tall, skinny and well dressed. His annual bonus is probably bigger than my salary. The world ain't fair... August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tried to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled out his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and medal. This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affairs. He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility that they'll even search through the sewers. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. ------------------- SEWER MANAGER'S FAX ------------------- - User list of the Connecting Facility - On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapor. On the 28th every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend regular meetings that take place in the lab. On the fourth Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon Dr. Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and the time they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Headquarters ----------------- USER REGISTRATION ----------------- Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name: "GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. ---------------- WATCHMAN'S DIARY ---------------- August 11th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief for neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? September 5th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard. We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thing that's been bothering me about him is the way that he's always scratching himself... Does he have some sort of skin disease or is he just rude? September 9th Thomas was a much better player than I had imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a pretty good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right... I wonder if he's okay. September 12th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling to well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the living dead. He insisted that he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling to good myself lately... ============================================================================== XVI. C H E A T S & C O D E S ============================================================================== GAMESHARK CODES ============================================================================== ===NINTENDO 64 NTSC VERSION=================================================== Master code: F10004F0 2400 F10004F4 2400 Unlimited health: 810E1322 00C8 Press R + A for rapid fire: D1014FA4 8010 810E1318 0B00 4th Survivor mode : 800E10EF 0048 Tofu Survivor mode: 800E10EF 0049 Biohazard 2 mode: D00E10EF 0040 800E10EF 0000 Start on second scenario from new game: 800E110C 0040 No saves registered: 810E8B50 0000 Press Z + B to save anywhere: D1014FA4 6000 810E8928 8007 D1014FA4 6000 810E892A 4110 Press L + Start for chest anywhere: D1014FA4 1020 8012BFA8 0001 Press L + Z + Start for map anywhere: D1014FA4 3020 8012BFA8 0003 Magnum in crate: 810E8EF4 05FE Custom magnum in crate: 810E8EF8 06FE Shotgun in crate: 810E8EFC 07FE Custom shotgun in crate: 810E8F00 08FE Grenade launcher in crate: 810E8F04 09FE Fire grenade launcher In Crate: 810E8F08 0AFE Acid grenade launcher in crate: 810E8F0C 0BFE Colt SAA in crate: 810E8F14 0DFE Spark Shot in crate: 810E8F18 0EFE Sub-machine gun in crate: 810E8F1C 0FFE Flame thrower in crate: 810E8F20 10FE Rocket launcher in crate: 810E8F24 11FE Gatling gun in crate: 810E8F28 12FE ===NINTENDO 64 PAL VERSION==================================================== Master code: F10004F0 0000 F10004F2 0000 Unlimited health: 810DDE22 00C8 Number of saves set to 1: 810E5650 0000 Play extra missions: 810DDBEE [ ] 48: The 4th Survivor 49: Tofu Start on second scenario: 810DDC0C 0040 Start with sidepack: D10E584E 0000 810E584E 0001 Character Select: 810DDC38 [ ]80 00: Leon original 01: Claire original 02: Leon original 03: Claire original 04: Leon wounded 05: Claire without jacket 06: Leon wounded 07: Claire without jacket 08: Leon as STARS 09: Claire as Biker 0A: Leon as Biker 0B: Claires body, Leons outfit 0C: Hunk (can crash game) 0D: Tofu 0E: Ada (can crash game) 0F: Cheryl Weapon with unlimited ammo: 810E59C8 [ ]FF 01: Knife 02: H & K pistol 03: Browning pistol 04: Customized Hand Gun 05: Magnum 06: Customized Magnum 07: Shotgun 08: Customized Shotgun 09: Grenade Launcher and Flame Rounds 0A: Grenade Launcher and Normal Rounds 0B: Grenade Launcher and Acid Rounds 0C: Bow gun 0D: Colt S.A.A. pistol 0E: Spark Shot 0F: Sub Machine Gun 10: Flame Thrower 11: Rocket Launcher 12: Gatling Gun 13: Machine Gun (Crashes game) Unlimited ammo in slot 2: 810E59CC [ ]FF 14: 9mm Bullets 15: Shotgun Ammo 16: Magnum Bullets 17: Fuel 18: Grenade Rounds 19: Flame Rounds 1A: Acid Rounds 1B: Machine Bullets 1C: Spark Shot Ammo 1D: Bowgun Ammo 1E: Unlimited Ink Ribbons ===PLAYSTATION PAL VERSION==================================================== -Unfortunately, I'm still looking for NTSC codes. Stay tuned. Claire Unlimited health: 800C78E2 00FF Have Grenade Launcher (L1 + Triangle): D00C5EDC 0014 800CC5D0 FF09 Have Grenade Launcher (Fire) (L1 + X): D00C5EDC 0084 800CC5D0 FF0B Have Grenade Launcher (Acid) (L1 + Square): D00C5EDC 0084 800CC5D0 FF0A Have Bowgun (L2 + Triangle): D00C5EDC 0011 800CC5D0 FF0C Have Colt S.A.A (L2 + X): D00C5EDC 0041 800CC5D0 FF0D Have Spark Shot (L2 + Square): D00C5EDC 0081 800CC5D0 FF0E Have Submachine Gun (R2 + Triangle): D00C5EDC 0012 800CC5D0 FF0F Have Rocket Launcher (R2 + X): D00C5EDC 0042 800CC5D0 FF11 Have Gatling Gun (R2 + Square): D00C5EDC 0082 800CC5D0 FF12 Ink Ribbons in crate: 800CC6F8 FF1E Small Key in crate: 800CC6F4 031F Red Jewel in crate: 800CC6F0 0133 Cord in Crate: 800CC6EC 0156 Fuse Case in crate: 800CC6E8 014D Serpent Stone in crate: 800CC6E4 0136 Jaguar Stone: 800CC6E0 0137 Eagle Stone in crate: 800CC6DC 013A Bomb Detonator in crate: 800CC6D8 0142 Unicorn Medal in crate: 800CC6D4 0147 Eagle Medal in crate: 800CC6D0 0148 G-Virus in crate: 800CC6C8 0152 Special Key in crate: 800CC6C4 0153 Cabin Key in crate: 800CC6C0 0158 Precinct Key in crate: 800CC6BC 0159 Lockpick in crate: 800CC6B8 0130 Lab Card Key in crate: 800CC6B4 0161 Master Key in crate: 800CC6B0 0162 Platform Key in crate: 800CC6AC 0163 Grenade Launcher in crate: 800CC5FC FF09 Grenade Launcher in crate (Fire): 800CC600 FF0A Grenade Launcher in crate (Acid): 800CC604 FF0B Bowgun in crate: 800CC608 FF0C Colt S.A.A in crate: 800CC60C FF0D Spark Shot in crate: 800CC610 FF0E Submachine Gun in crate: 800CC614 FF0F Rocket Launcher in crate: 800CC618 FF11 Gatling Gun in crate: 800CC61C FF12 Leon Unlimited Health: 800CC710 0162 Have Shotgun (L2 + Square): D00C5F3C 0084 800CC638 FF07 Have Custom Shotgun (L2 + Triangle): D00C5F3C 0011 800CC638 FF08 Have Magnum (L1 + Triangle): D00C5F3C 0014 800CC638 FF05 Have Custom Magnum (L1 + X): D00CDF3C 0044 800CC638 FF06 Have Gatling Gun (R2 + Square): 800CC744 013C Have Flamethrower (R2 + Triangle): D00C5F3C 0012 800CC638 FF10 Have Rocket Launcher (R2 + X): D00C5F3C 0042 800CC638 FF11 Bishop Plug in crate: 800CC748 013B Cabin Key in crate: 800CC720 0158 Colt S.A.A in crate: 800CC678 FF0D Cord in crate: 800CC6EC 0156 Custom Handgun in crate: 800C77B4 0048 Custom Shotgun in crate: 800CC664 FF04 Eagle Medal in crate: 800CC730 0148 Flamethrower in crate: 800CC680 FF10 Fuse Case in crate: 800CC74C 014D G-Virus in crate: 800CC728 0152 Gatling Gun in crate: 800CC688 FF12 King Plug in crate: 800856D2 000C Knight Plug in crate: 800CC740 013D Lab Card Key in crate: 800CC714 0161 Magnum in crate: 800CC668 FF05 Master Key in crate: 800CC710 0162 Platform Key in crate: 800CC758 0163 Precinct Key in crate: 800CC71C 0159 Red Jewel in crate: 800CC758 0133 Rocket Launcher in crate: 800CC684 FF11 Rook Plug in crate: 800CC744 013C Shotgun in crate: 800CC670 FF07 Small Key in crate: 800CC75C 031F Special Key in crate: 800CC724 0153 Sub Machine gun in crate: 800CC67C FF0F Unicorn Medal in crate: 800CC734 0147 Wolf Medal in crate: 800AC18E 00FF Play the 4th Survivor Mission: 800C77B4 0048 Play Tofu mission: 800C77B4 0049 ALL CODES FROM http://vgstrategies.about.com/ ============================================================================== CHEATS ============================================================================== These cheats are from the Resident Evil 2 Codes section on GameFAQs - They are NOT by me. ============================================================================== ===PLAYSTATION================================================================ How to Unlock Unlockable Beat scenario 1 on normal difficulty in less Infinite Rocket Launcher than 2:30 with an A or B ranking Beat scenario 2 on normal difficulty in less Machine Gun than 3 hours with an A or B ranking Beat the second scenario on Normal difficulty Gatling Gun in less than 2:30 and get an A or B ranking Complete scenario 1 and scenario 2 and get an Hunk Scenario A ranking on one of them, then save your game Complete six scenarios and get an A ranking on Tofu Scenario one of them, then save your game Contributed By: juanca45002, Undrtakr Shoot The Camera To do this, go to the outside area in the basement where two dogs jump down from the fence. Quickly stand with your back facing the manhole and walk forward until the camera angle changes. Now draw your weapon and shoot. Then, bullet holes will appear on the screen Note: Use only shotgun. Other weapons will not work. Contributed By: piecemealcranky Extra Ammo Before you use the custom parts on the VP70(Handgun), Desert Eagle(Magnum) or Shotgun use the remaing ammo in the clip/breech. When you use the custom parts to upgrade the gun it will automatically be fully loaded. This may seem like a small amount of ammo but can go a long way in the harder difficuties were ammo is rarer. Contributed By: Skullswordsmen Exra Costumes To get extra costumes for the game, you must first play the game on normal. DO NOT get the extra ammo in the gun-shop or on the bus. When you get to the Police station, near the subway there is a zombie. If you look closely, you will see that it is Brad Vickers, the helicopter pilot from the first one. After killing him, inspect his corpse and you will find a key. This key will unlock a shelf somewhere in the police station that you couldn't before. Inside it are extra costumes for Claire and Leon. Contributed By: Aganar How to get all the Ranks S Rank: Beat the game in 1:30. Use only One herb. don't use any weapon upgrades, no special weapons (like the R. Launcer) and don't pick a weapon up more than one time, like if you pick up the shot gun from the weapon owner, don't go and get it on the police station. A Rank: Beat the game under 3:00 and don't use any first aid, no special weapons. B Rank: Just beat the game under 3:00 C Rank: Finish the game in 5 to 7 hours D Rank: Beat the game over 7 hours Contributed By: mandril Secret Photo In the STARS Office, check Wesker's desk, then continue to check it until right around the 50th time. Take the film to the dark room, and develop it and you will get a secret photo of Rebecca from the first Resident Evil Contributed By: KasketDarkfyre ===NINTENDO 64================================================================ Button codes Unlimited ammo: Press Up(4 times), Right(4 times), L, R, L, R, C-Right, C-Left at the load game screen. Invincibility: Press Down(4 times), Left(4 times), L, R(2), L, C-Up, C-Down at the load game screen. Play as Tofu: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left(2 times), Right(2 times), L, R, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down, C-Right at the load game screen. Play as Hunk: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left(2 times), Right(2 times), L, R, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left at the load game screen. You will know you entered the codes correctly if the game returns you to the main menu after you enter it. Contributed By: Juvenile976 Secret Film To view a secret film, search the desk to the far left of the S.T.A.R.S. office 50 times. On the 50th time, you'll find a roll of film which you can develope in the darkroom. Contributed By: JOEDONBAKINGFOOL8888 Shoot the camera If you shoot at the screen with your pistol in some places, you will see bulletholes appear momentarily on the screen. Contributed By: MI4 REAL Unlock Randomizer Option Beat all the normal scenarios (LeonA/B,ClaireA/B) to unlock the Randomizer Option.If start a new game at the Start Game Screen you will be able to choose between Normal and the Randomizer Option.It will place most of the items in the game randomly.This way you will surely be able to gain much more Ammo as in Normal Mode. Contributed By: Nakian Alternate costume To get new costumes in the game,start a new game with either character on Normal. Do not pick anything up. When you get to the police station you will see some stairs. Go down the stairs and there will be a zombie. Kill him and he'll drop a ''Special Key''. Use the key in the lockers in the dark room and there will be a screen that comes up that asks you if you want to switch costumes. Say yes and you will have the ''new costumes'' Contributed By: BioHazardInc How to unlock Hunk Beat Clare's and Leon's A & B games with a A ranking to get Hunk. Contributed By: BioHazardInc Extra Ammo Before you use the custom parts on the VP70(Handgun), Desert Eagle(Magnum) or Shotgun use the remaing ammo in the clip/breech. When you use the custom parts to upgrade the gun it will automatically be fully loaded. This may seem like a small amount of ammo but can go a long way in the harder difficuties were ammo is rarer. Contributed By: Skullswordsmen ===DREAMCAST================================================================== Unlimited Ammo During gameplay, go to the item selection screen. Press the following code depending on which version of the game you own. If the code is done correctly, the amount of ammo in each weapon will show an infinity symbol. Code Effect JAPANESE: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, R Trigger Unlimited Ammo AMERICAN: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, Unlimited Ammo R Trigger Contributed By: LizArD_ Unlockable Features Start a new game on normal. Then do the following: Unlockable How to Unlock Extreme Battle Mode AND HUNK scenarios Beat Leon A, then beat Claire B. Get A's on both scenarios. Extreme Battle Mode AND HUNK scenarios Beat Claire A, then beat Leon B. Get A's on both scenarios. Unlock HUNK Beat the A Scenario with an A Rank. Then beat the B Scenario with a B Rank. Unlock TOFU Start a game on normal mode with Claire A. Beat it and then beat Leon B. Then beat Claire A. Then beat Leon B. Then beat Caire A. Then beat Leon B. Make sure you unlock HUNK on the way, and get A Rankings with each scenario. Unlock TOFU Start a game on normal mode with Leon A. Beat it and then beat Claire B. Then beat Leon A. Then beat Claire B. Then beat Leon A. Then beat Claire B. Make sure you unlock HUNK on the way, and get A Rankings with each scenario. Contributed By: CVXFREAK Extra Ammo Before you use the custom parts on the VP70(Handgun), Desert Eagle(Magnum) or Shotgun use the remaing ammo in the clip/breech. When you use the custom parts to upgrade the gun it will automatically be fully loaded. This may seem like a small amount of ammo but can go a long way in the harder difficuties were ammo is rarer. Contributed By: Skullswordsmen Get new costumes Start an A Scenario with either Leon or Claire. Start the game, but DON'T COLLECT A SINGLE ITEM. Don't collect the weapon in the Gun Shop, any ammo. Go to the Police Station and down the stairs in the courtyard. A zombified Brad will be there. Kill him one way or another (by collect ammo in the RPD or stabbing him). Collect his ''Special Key'' and take it to the RPD Darkroom. Open the locked by the door and you get new costumes! Contributed By: CVXFREAK How to get all the Ranks S Rank: Beat the game in 1:30. Use only One herb. don't use any weapon upgrades, no special weapons (like the R. Launcer) and don't pick a weapon up more than one time, like if you pick up the shot gun from the weapon owner, don't go and get it on the police station. A Rank: Beat the game under 3:00 and don't use any first aid, no special weapons. B Rank: Just beat the game under 3:00 C Rank: Finish the game in 5 to 7 hours D Rank: Beat the game over 7 hours Contributed By: mandril Secret Film (Film D) Go to the S.T.A.R.S. Office with Leon or Claire. Search the Desk that says ''It's trashed. Someone must have searched the desk''. Search it 50 times! You'll get Secret Film D. Contributed By: CVXFREAK ===GAMECUBE=================================================================== Unlimited Ammo Begin game play then press Start to display the options screen. Select the ''Button Config.'' option. Highlight ''Aim'' then hold R and press Z 10 times. The white boxes around ''Config'' and ''Aim'' should change to red to confirm correct code entry. Contributed By: ZaxxonQ Alternate Scenario with Claire Beat the game once with Leon on any difficlty and any rank. Contributed By: auron508 Alternate Scenario with Leon Beat the game once with Clair on any difficulty and with any rank. Contributed By: auron508 Extreme Battle Mode Complete both of either character's scenarios with an A rank to unlock it under the ''special'' option on the title screen. Contributed By: omega9999 New Costumes To get new costumes in the game,start a new game with either character on Normal. Do not pick anything up. (Anything) When you get to the police station (don't go inside) you will see some stairs. Go down the stairs and there will be a zombie (who is Brad Vickers) Kill him and he'll drop a ''Special Key''. Use the key in the lockers in the dark room and there will be a screen that comes up that asks you if you want to switch costumes. Say yes and you will have the ''new costumes'' Contributed By: thotd Play as Ada Wong (Extreme Battle Mode) Beat Extreme Battle Mode level 1 with any character. Contributed By: Buckwheatz Revenge Play as Chris Redfield (Extreme Battle Mode) Beat Extreme Battle Mode level 2 with any character. Contributed By: Buckwheatz Revenge Play as Hunk Beat the game with an ''A'' ranking as either character. Contributed By: Buckwheatz Revenge Play as Tofu Beat the game using Hunk. Contributed By: Buckwheatz Revenge Rocket Launcher Beat the game on Hard Mode and get at least a ''B'' rank. It sould be in your chest when youstart over. Contributed By: auron508 Secret Film Just like the others versions of RE2, there's a secret film that can be found in the S.T.A.R.S. Office... Just have to search the desk that says ''it's trashed'' about 50 times. Contributed By: Bobinator Extra Ammo Before you use the custom parts on the VP70(Handgun), Desert Eagle(Magnum) or Shotgun use the remaing ammo in the clip/breech. When you use the custom parts to upgrade the gun it will automatically be fully loaded. This may seem like a small amount of ammo but can go a long way in the harder difficuties were ammo is rarer. Contributed By: Skullswordsmen How to get all the Ranks S Rank: Beat the game in 1:30. Use only One herb. don't use any weapon upgrades, no special weapons (like the R. Launcer) and don't pick a weapon up more than one time, like if you pick up the shot gun from the weapon owner, don't go and get it on the police station. A Rank: Beat the game under 3:00 and don't use any first aid, no special weapons. B Rank: Just beat the game under 3:00 C Rank: Finish the game in 5 to 7 hours D Rank: Beat the game over 7 hours Contributed By: mandril Save time Open the lid on your gamecube and the time will stop until you put the lid down. This way you can get a better final time. Contributed By: RE expert44 ============================================================================== XVII. F R E Q U E N T L Y A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S ============================================================================== Q. Are there Crimson Head zombies in Resident Evil 2? A. No. Crimson Head zombies are only in Resident Evil Remake. --- Q. Like in Resident Evil 3, does a huge monster chase you around everywhere in RE2? A. Yes and no. In scenario A, no. But in scenario B, yes - But not as frequent as Nemesis in RE3. --- Q. I've looked everywhere in stores for Resident Evil 2 on PlayStation, but I just can't find it. Where can I get a copy? A. Check out Ebay - It's where I got my copy of RE2 from. Even if you can't find a copy there (Which would be very rare), just get a copy of RE2 on GameCube (If you have the GameCube, and the cash). It's exactly the same as the PlayStation version. --- Q. I've heard that there is another version of Resident Evil 2. Is this true? A. Yes. It's called Resident Evil 1.5. It's suppose to be a beta version of RE2, but was changed. If you want some screenshots, just search for it on Google. ============================================================================== XVIII. E M A I L P O L I C Y ============================================================================== =========== WHAT TO DO: =========== - E-mail me questions about the game, which are not answered during all sections of this walkthrough. - E-mail me suggestion about how to improve my Walkthrough. - E-mail me compliments about this Walkthrough, as sometimes I need them. - E-mail me any comments you have about this game. - E-mail me comments about my website, regarding RE. - E-mail me errors that are in the walkthrough, but please make sure you copy the complete sentence, and point out where its wrong. - Make sure you have the subject as "RESIDENT EVIL 2" if not, it will not be opened. =============== WHAT NOT TO DO: =============== - Do not e-mail me either hate speech or flames. They are quite stupid, and in the end the only person who is laughing is me, with my friends, as we look and pity your stupidity. - Do not send me a virus, because they suck. And quite frankly, I have one of the most updated Virus Scanner out. So, its useless. - Do not send me spam - I don't want my penis enlarged, nor do I want a free mobile. - Do not send me casual e-mails like "omg liek hi!~1 wats ur asl!~!/" Because I wont reply, and they're annoying. - Do not send me e-mails which are not in English. I barely know Spanish, and I am now studying German, but it doesn't make me an expert on reading German or Spanish e-mails, so just send me an e-mail in plain old English. ============================================================================== XIX. C R E D I T S ============================================================================== CJayC for posting this walkthrough on GameFAQs. All the other sexy webmasters for posting it on their sites to. Other writers that have inspired me. Sony for the great system you've made. Capcom for Resident Evil 2 - You. Rock. Finally, a big thanks to you for using (and hopefully enjoying) my guide! This guide is copyright of Matthew Stenson (punishment 01). Capcom and the Resident Evil games are trademarks of Capcom Ltd. (C) 2004. _______ _______ _______ (_______)(_______)(_______) _____ _____ _ _ _____ _____ (_____) | ___) | | | || ___) (_____) | |_____ | |___| || | _ |_______|_)_____(_)_| (_)