!!!DREAMCAST RESIDENT EVIL 2 SECRETS!!! !!!AND HUNK WALKTHROUGH!!! ------------------------------------ - Version 1.0 January 30, 2001 FAQ made - Version 1.1 January 30, 2001 Bit of update See Copyright at end of FAQ Questions and Comments mail to: adam@purplenet.demon.co.uk Resident Evil2 on Dreamcast is not to be underestimated! This game came out countless years ago on Playstation, some early month in 1998 and I remember buying it on day of release! Prior to completion the game was finished again and again, seven odd times before I managed to get the 4th survivor, but it was worth it! In terms of gameplay and graphics, it was miles ahead of Resident Evil, the original set in a mansion, home to the vile secretive experiments of Umbrella! Umbrella should be a real company, if they were then i'd work for them! I see no problem in the reanimation of the dead and the creation of ultimate bio-weapons. If only Wesker had not perished (or not as in Code Veronica). Still the game continues and is released on multiple formats. There was a Resident evil on N64, but despite what people say, it was poor and had terrible graphics even though the fools spent years compressing it. So I'm writing a FAQ three years later? What's going on? Well I added to my complete Resi collection the second on the Dreamcast and it's much better! I found virtually no information anywhere on the Dreamcast version even though there is so much to do! All FAQs were stopped after the playstation version was made so there is none for the Dreamcast, unfair! Anyway, the graphics are completely amazing! Even with the original backgrounds, the animation is super smooth and textures are better than PC! There are still two CDs with the same storyline and everything but the entire thing is better! For a start the FMV cut scenes are full screen which may sound like nothing, but they look amazing when you watch them again (or for the first time) especially the one with the Umbrella troopers which in my opinion is the best. As a bonus the combined two CDs contain tons of extras in the special option: -All of the cut scenes for both characters viewable in a FMV viewer -Rough sketches of the original game ideas, zombie pics and everything! -Illustrations of the characters which are high quality -3d models of all characters you meet, alas you can't zoom in on them :( And if that isn't enough there are enough game modes to play: Orignal Resident evil2 is the original Playstation version with enhanced graphics and fixed annoying problems like glitching and ammo storage. There are three modes of play compared to the PSX two: -Easy (mode for amateurs and grannies) -Normal (normal playing for Resi soldiers) -Hard (super hard version for hardcore fighters) Arranged Resident evil2 is even cooler with the original japanese version enhanced a bit. Sounds exactly the same eh? Well for a start the zombies are easier to kill, they take 3 shots to drop. There are even some new camera angles! I've only spotted one in the police hallway, but I will find more (I keep dying as i play on expert!) and will post them. Hallegedly there are some more items that are in different places and some extra notes (maybe some films to be developed?) and then that would be cool, something to do eh? As well as this the handgun makes the zombie heads explode like melons like the enhanced director's cut 92fs beretta! only not as much, 1 in 20 shots i'd say. The modes are: -Rookie (super-easy, gives you machine gun with inf. ammo) -Hard (Hard? why are all japanese game versions easier anyway?) -Expert (AAAArgh, Ok this one isn't easy, I can last 10 mins!) The expert mode has super nails zombie that take 20 odd shots to kill (no lies!) and when they come after you, they move at running speed (on caution!) so it's quite difficult one could say. I played expert and found brad vickers, i shot him 40 times with a pistol, he didn't even sway with the shots, he just took them and then killed me............ >8-( ******************* 4TH SURVIVOR: HUNK! ******************* Hunk is the coolest character in the game. All this nonsense about him being Wesker is lies though, and has been proven by Resident evil 3: last escape. Still he is one tough mutha and can take more pain than Leon and Claire. He hsa the G-Virus and must escape the Police station to suceed in his mission. All of his team mates are dead, but he will survive and continue to serve Umbrella in their nefarious research! This game is harder than all of the B scenarios combined so you need skills. !ATTENTION! Please understand that I have written this FAQ for Hunk differently to everyone else as most of them are time ones and are not concerned with survival. The majority of them are too difficult and are usually.... This room is filled with ten zombies, turn to the left, then right, walk a bit, hug the wall and run rings around the last one and then out the door. This never works and if you want to complete this quickly then it's easier to decide how to avoid the creatures yourself. To survive the Hunk missions you have to use ammo and will get chowed so it's impossible to avoid it. I will add a Tofu one when I figure out how to write one that isn't just "run away". ------------------- Hunk weapons: HKVP70 9mm Handgun and 150 rounds Desert Eagle 50AE Magnum and one clip Remington M1100 Shotgun and 15 shells Two Green/Blue herbs G-Virus ------------------ WALKTHROUGH ------------------- Room1: The entrance No monsters in here so just jump up onto the ledge from the water and go up the stairs, turn left and through the door. Room2: The Chess plug room There are quite a few zombies in here so you need to kill them unless you want to try your luck at avoiding them. Use the HK VP70 pistol to shoot the crazy zombie woman infront of you until she drops to the ground. Then shoot the zombie standing on the bridge unless he is looking the other way and then run past him. When on the other side, slot the two zombies guarding the door to the next room. You need to drop them both and will probably use up more than one clip alone in this room. Room3: Sewer hallway Immediatly equip the Remington M1100 Shotgun and shoot up the zombies infront of you. This is not necassery, but gives you more time to get to the door. The zombie scum to the right of where you come out pose no threat unless you hang around to long. After you shoot the zombies (you don't have to) then run up to the door directly ahead and aim upwards to explode the two other zombie heads. You should be able to decapitate them both if you are a true commando. Before you leave the room, equip the Desert Eagle 50AE Magnum. Room4: Skegfest Sewer There are some grisly bugs down here so make sure they don't touch you or else you will have to use up a health potion (as they poison you). With the magnum equipped, move down the tunnel until you hit the wall. If you have auto-aim feature on (which is quite useful in some situations) then use it and you should turn to the enemy off the screen which is to the right. If not then point your gun down the long sewer and aim downwards. When the big hairy spider comes along then shoot it. Fortunatly no ickle spiders come out as they drown presumably. Then after you shoot the spider, pace it down the tunnel until the screen shows you the end, aim up and look down till you see the ol' hairy spider legs poking round the corner. Then when the beast comes out then shoot him dead. Then it's around the corner and up the ladder. Get ready to run! Room5: Kennel room As soon as you come out of the sewer, run forwards but turn right to avoid the scampering zombie dogs. The trick is to always be moving right so that they jump and miss. Basically you don't need to shoot any of them, I wouldn't even try unless you want to be eaten. Instead run forwards with a little cheeky dodge and turn right when you hit the wall. I occasionally get bitten once on the arse by a dog, but it never really matters. Hunk can take the pain. After that, through the door, easy. Room6: Prison hallway This room is pretty hard so equip the Remington M1100 Shotgun again and move right upto the zombies sleeping on the floor. If you have auto-aim on then you should point offscreen to the left where some explosive fire zombies are coming from. You don't really want to be shooting them up so turn around at the floor surfing zombies and shoot the one crawling towards your foot. One shot should be enough to kill them both. Then run round the corner, use the shotgun to knock the two close proximity zombies guarding the door. You shouldn't need any more than two rounds to do that, but if you split one in two by accident then give him some more shotgun. Move quickly though cos the zombies round the corner will bust you up. Room7: Parking lot pimpin This room is very easy if you just run forwards and then veer of to the right. When you do this the crazy mongrel with leap at you and miss. Then you can swerve back onto the track and peg it up to the door to escape. The doberman dogs will give chase but hunk is a quality runner and should outpace them. Room8: Crowfest basement Equip the ol' HK VP70 pistol and walk (or run) around the corner. Aim down the hallway and gun down the evil crows that infest the place. Make sure that you are far from the first line of crows so that you don't have to aim downwards. Then open fire and keep on shooting until you hear 7 odd squawks followed by multiple thuds and then you can escape up the stairs. One lone crow or a few will not be able to peck you up if you run in a straight line and don't stop or aim to shoot. Room9: Abandoned hallway With the pistol, walk so you are parallel with the corridor and aim down it and keep shooting every second or so. Don't use the shotgun or magnum as the dogs in this hallway will be hard pressed to get anywhere near you. Begin shooting down the hallway. The sound should go something like... "squeek, squeek, squeek, squeek, arf!" so keep firing until you hear 3 dogs yelp. They should be right at the bottom of the corridor in pools of blood. Then run out the door before equipping yourself with the Remington M1100 Shotgun. Room10: Detective office With the shotgun loaded with multiple shells, walk down the hallway until you can see down it. There is a scummy looking zombie ahead, ignore him and turn into the office. move quickly down past the desks and the office with the safe (do not turn right into the zombie) and stop when you see the two zombies. I believe one is infront and one to the right. Assess the situation and explode the zombie head infront of you and the one on the right if it poses as a threat or if you like zombie brains. Then run upto the door and there and shoot the last zombie in the head so it explodes like a can of tomato soup. Quickly access the inventory and reload the shotgun, you should have used 4 shotgun shells at the most in this room. Go through the door and prepare to get cained by zombie. Room11: Zombiefest lounge Aaiiieee, after you cry, equip the shotgun (you should have already done that) and aim upwards to the sky. Immediatly blast when any zombie gets within range. I wouldn't move at all, it's possible to run through them without firing a shot and without getting bled, but requires Tofu style skill. Anyway you should either get the one infront or the two the right. If there is time then aim forwards (not looking up) and fire multiple shots into the crowd of three to the left where the door is. This should drop them all. If there are still zombies left then you will probably get bitten from behind, but this doesn't really matter. Run out the door. Room12: Police hallway Unfortunatly this room is empty so there is nothing to kill. Take this time to reflect on your ammunition supply. You need at least 10 rounds or so with the Remington M1100 Shotgun to deal with the last few rooms. Then you want lots of Desert Eagle 50AE Magnum rounds, about 8 or so. You should be loaded with HK VP70 pistol rounds, 100 ish if you are good. Anyway you should probably have well over that amount for all of the weapons unless you have been going Rambo with the ammo. The most important ammo is the shotgun so make em' count soldia. As for health, you needs to be having quite a lot as the next rooms will certainly take it out o you. If you are poisoned at this stage then you are stupid and should have realised earlier. Basically ur screwed if you have used up one health thing and are on caution or less, so start again and use more sense. When you have finished, reload ALL guns and move into the next room. Room13: Reception website (arf arf) You're probably a bit sweaty now. This room has two spiders. I had struggles with this room until i found out how to beat it. Equip the Desert Eagle 50AE Magnum immediatly and slot the spider straight ahead as soon as you enter. There is no need to look down or aim much (unless you have no auto-aim) and then run around a bit to squish up the little arachnoids. I usually brick it and pace it around the scary spiders and slot the big hairy spider around the corner with the Magnum between the eight of it's eyes before it can come around to see me. This usually results in me getting bitten several times by little arachnoids, but i can take the pain! Run quickly into the door to escape. Room14: Licker hallway I don't like this room , it contains lots of lickers which are most definety my leasy fav. enemies as they are strong, fast and deadly (just like me) so you can either run or shoot them in the face before they can tongue you. I usually run as well to cut down on time, but it results in my getting stuck in the corner surrounded by three lickers and then get cut up some before I have the sense to shoot them. So, shoot them, but only with the magnum so you get quick efficient kills. Remember to kill them all or else you will get stuck up in a traffic jam of lickers. Then run past the remainder (if you can) and through the next door. Room15: Boarded hallway This is another room that i had problems with. So equip the magnum again and run down the corridor until you get to the right turn. Don't follow it around though or else you will eat acid, wait for the plant to give chase (you can't see it so just assume that it can smell you) and then pace it back up to the entrance. Then make sure you can get a clear shot down the hallway and run until you are far away and shoot it three times with the magnum. It should die. Follow it around the corner and stop (not on the plant because they can still lash you with dying tentacles) and shoot the other one three times. Then exit the room, BUT FIRST, equip the shotgun (unless you have around three shots left) and exit the do. Room16: Staircase hall IMMEDIATLY run right. Don't turn and run, just run right as soon as you enter. This should avoid the acid of the two super red plants. Then run until you hit the end where the grey door is, quickly spin around and fire of three shotgun shells. This should hopefully kill them both at the same time. If not then finish them off with magnum/pistols and run over their bodies (bodies?) and up the stairs. Remember to check your status if you are poisoned. Avoid their acid at all costs. Run up the stairs. Room17: Statue corridor Don't hang around on the stairs to long or else you will get trapped. You can expect the Mr. X to bust around the corner and mash you up with some fatal combos so run into the corner which is in the top left of the screen. Wait here and face the T-103. When he is within a decent distance by which i mean distance that you can run from (not knife distance) then run in a wide arc around his side and off down the corridor. Mr. X is pretty slow so he can't catch you. I wouldn't recommend shooting him as he is INVINCIBLE, well not really but you can try, it will just result in you losing all of your ammo and DYING. Ok, through the next door it is. Room18: S.T.A.R.S. hallway Easy room, equip the HK VP70 pistol and walk up to every zombie and shoot them 3 odd times in the head. This should kill them all. There are a few undead crawlies, don't be tempted to let them chow you (although hunk's football kick is ill) and just shoot them ALL. Then make sure you are ready for some stress and go through the door. Room19: Room of death There are some super-fly eight figga lickas in here, they can drop you in three seconds and cut up. So don't try shooting them, even with the magnum they can take a round to the eye so just get ready for some skills. The first one is pretty easy so turn on the spot to the right and run down there. Don't be tempted to run as then you won't turn fast enough and will end up running into him and then he'll cut you, your exit will be blocked, you reach for the gat but you end up six feet deep. So just avoid the first and run into the door to exit the room. There is another one in your way and he'll probably slice you a bit, but they always stop for a bit and give you time to run around. If one jumps then make sure you turn or else you lose your head, ya heard? Room20: Library Another chill room. It doesn't matter if you have no ammo for the magnum cos you won't be using it. All you need is lots of pistol rounds and 8 odd shells (at the least) for the last rooms or so. If your health is at caution, wait until you finish the next room before you recharge with some green herb. Load out the HK VP70 pistol and on into the next room. By now you should be feeling some pressure and your heart is pounding like Mr X. Room21: Police upper hallway Nice and easy if you remain focused. Use the pistol to attack the red plants from long range. The one off screen you can hear by the impact noise the bullets make. The first one is always on screen. With auto-aim this part is easy. The plants take multiple shots to destroy, around twenty so be careful. When running across the balcony to the next doorway, be aware that there the dead vines of the plant can lash out sometimes so always run. Before you go into the next room it is urged that you use you last (or not last) if you are on caution. This last room is always hard and requires skills. Equip the tactical Remington M1100 Shotgun and reload it with as many shells as you have. Enter the do. Room22: Waiting room This room will almost certainly get you bitten if not once, then eight times. The room contains eight zombies all looking directly at you, they are surrounding the door, to the left, the right and tons ahead. I guess this is the hardest room in the ENTIRE game so be cool and hack it. There are two ways to do this. There are really three, but the third involves weaving through the entire crowd which is possible as there is a nice wide path through the zombies, but the camera makes it hard unless you know the route very well. So the first tactic is to let the first zombie chow you, then chuck him off and let the second zombie chow you, then the third and then the fourth. After this you will be bleeding like fresh roadkill but will have time to either use your last healthpack (if you have none then you will die) and then use the shotgun to explode the zombie heads like a melon shooting contest. This requires lots of ammo and lots of health. If you have no health left (although you need to be on "fine" to survive) then just run into the first zombie ahead to get bitten. Although this sounds crazy, you only get bitten once, or twice so you can shoot the rest up with the shotgun by aiming forwards and then you can escape. Anyway you do this, you will get bitten so don't complain. You need the shotgun or else this level is not passable. Room23: Helicopter hallway More zombies for you to face, 1 very close on the left, three on the right and two by the chopper. As you start explode the skegfest zombie on the left. Then run away from the crowd by the door (but only a little bit to avoid the others) and turn and shoot them up with 3 odd shotgun rounds to the abdomen. The other undead explosive fire zombies can be shot for fun with the pistol or remaining magnum rounds, but by now you will be afraid of zombies so just leave the room. Room24: Crow hall No crows alas, but a Mr. x back to dish out some prime beats. He starts off quite far away but it makes no difference. You should play it safe and empty clip loads of bullets into him before you have no other chance to run, but this is pointless if you are relying mainly on pistol rounds. You need several magnum rounds to drop him. If you have to run, which you always will then don't run straight into him, wait until he charges up a shot and then commando roll through his legs, hit him with a low blow and run out the door. If you are on caution then the same applies, you can take a punch and then he will follow it up with the double axehandle smash so you have a chance to run even on "danger". Even if you are on "danger" to begin with you still have a chance. Don't bother shooting him as he will catch up to quickly. You can wait around the corner where the crow victim lies, when the T-103 makes a tight turn, cut around the outside and run along the outer wall to avoid him. If you try this and die, then you could have considered walking backwards slowly and then when he punches, run, but don't say i didn't warn you. Room25: Helicopter site The escape for the 4th survivor. Watch the end sequence and then get annoyed with your crap ranking. I can only manage a "D" at the moment, but I have yet to see if it unlocks anything more. I believe the Dreamcast version has ranking and Playstation doesn't, but I'm not certain, I'm probably wrong. But anyway, i'm sure that the mode will unlock even more secrets when you get an A grade, infact i'm positive! But to get an A grade you probably need to complete the game in 3 minutes or something crazy. I'll keep trying though! Thanks to: -Capcom -Gamefaqs -SEGA -Kendo gunshop No thanks to: -Gun survivor, no thank you -Annoying Sherry -Nintendo -Chief Irons -Annoying MC amateur websites *********** *COPYRIGHT* *********** 2001 Copyright by A.Insam This FAQ must not be recreated or anything or else i send Hunk round to cut you up with his combat knife. Don't be posting this on your reject website without consent and you can't put it onto your website unless it's Resident Evil devoted so don't send me mail unless it is, ya heard? Send me e-mails on questions/comments and the such on the game. adam@purplenet.demon.co.uk