Resident Evil Nemesis By Wesker Last Updated 2/14/00 OVERLOOK 1. Walkthrough 2. Q&A 3. Copyright Information 1. Walkthrough Chapter I A Night On The Town After you break out of Jill's House proceed forward kill the zombie and climb on the crate and jump down then there is a cut scene. Jill is surrounded by zombies she breaks through the door and next thing you know you are in the warehouse. After the man locks himself in the container proceed up the stairs make a right and follow the path to the office. As soon as you enter on the right hand side there is a key on the wall it is the WAREHOUSE KEY. I suggest you go to the crate and pick up items before you leave like AR BULLETS. Leave the office and proceed to the warehouse back door. Unlock it with the WAREHOUSE KEY and go outside once outside proceed strait and go out the other door. Then go strait and kill the zombies follow the path till you come to the end make a left and enter the gold door. Once inside go forward and attempt to enter the door on the left a man will run out of the door (Brad Vickers from RE1) followed by zombies kill them and go down the stairs pick up the lighter oil from the shelf and pick up a shotgun from the dead my on the ground. Go back up the stairs and go strait out the door to another path follow it till you get to the rusted metal door. Once through it kill the zombies then follow the path until you see a fire escape on your left climb on the crates and pick up the UPTOWN MAP. Go forward until you see the next door on your right go through it. Once through it keep going forward until you see stairs go down them you will see Brad again fighting zombies don't worry he left some zombies for you to kill. Go down the path until you see the door go through it. Once inside you will be in the bar Brad will be fighting a zombies you have two choices help him kill it or wait for him to kill it himself. After he talks to you about who is coming for you (THE NEMESIS) he will leave. Walk towards the door to the phone pick up the LIGHTER. It has no oil so mix the LIGHTER OIL with the LIGHTER Go out the door Go up the stairs follow the path kill the zombie and go through the door. Then go forward till you come to the fork in the road go to the right and follow the path to the door. Then you will hear the zombies trying to break the barricade as you get closer the zombies bust the barricade kill them. Once you see the door on your right it is tied with rope but it is drenched in oil so use your lighter to burn the ropes and go through the door. Then proceed forward kill the cerebus (killer dogs) proceed forward you will see two door the one on your left save room the one strait in front of you the next room. Go through the door strait to continue your game then take a right and follow the road to the police station gates. Enter the police station and you will see a cut scene of Brad getting killed by NEMESIS. Then it gives you two choices FIGHT WITH THE MONSTER ENTER THE POLICE STATION. If you selected FIGHT WITH THE MONSTER you will fight until you kill NEMESIS. If you select ENTER THE POLICE STATION you will run away from NEMESIS into the station. I recommend you Fight with the monster but if you think you are not up to it run. If you selected fight with the monster after you killed him. Search Brad's carcus you will find a CARD CASE take it. CHAPTER II The Police Station (If you selected fight with the monster) Once inside go forward till you see the desk go to the computer. Get into your items list hilight the card case select check she will take the STARS CARD out of the case. Then use the STARS CARD on the computer and it will tell you the combo for the safe. Then go into the door on your left and proceed strait kill the zombies and go through the partition to your left pick up Marvin Bengath's Report. Pick up the shotgun shells on the desk. Go out of the partition to the next door. Then go strait then make a left until you see a cabinet with a flashing red light enter the combo that you got from the computer. And you will get the EMBLEM KEY. (If you selected enter the police station) Once inside go forward till you see a door on your left enter it. Then go strait and kill the zombies go forward enter the office on the left pick up the note that Marvin Bengath (The policeman in the RE2 Game) pick up his report take the shotgun shells off the desk the leave go forward through the metal door. Then on your left you will see a cabinet with a red light take the BLUE GEM from it. Go out the next door go strait kill the zombies and go through the wooden door on your right. Follow the path until you see a door kill the zombie (if you selected EASY MODE) or you may have to kill Cerebus (HARD MODE). Enter the door and go towards the back of the room and pick up JILL'S STARS card. Go back to the maim hall and use JILL'S STARS card to get the combo for the safe go back to the room where you got the BLUE GEM and go forward make a left until you see a cabinet with a red light flashing. Enter the combo for the safe that you got from the computer. And you will get the EMBLEM KEY. Go out the metal door go strait down the hall make a left and go through the path till you get to another wooden door enter it on the desk pick up DAVID'S REPORT there should be some handgun bullets in the locker then stock up on some items and leave. Go up the stairs kill the zombies go down the hall enter the door. Then go down the hall enter the door to your right (the STARS OFFICE) you will use your EMBLEM KEY. Then go strait to Chrisis desk pick up the LOCKPICK go to the locker get either the Grenade Launcher (EASY MODE) or the MINE LAUNCHER (HARD MODE) Go to the fax machine pick up the fax from the KENDO GUN SHOP from Robert Kendo (the guy that was killed in that shop in RE2) Leave and you will get a message from Carlos. Then exit the room but when you start to go down the stairs you hear a big bang noise and you start hearing creepy music you thought right its NEMESIS go down the stairs and he will break through the window. Kill him and leave the police station see Chapter III. CHAPTER III Takin A Stroll Downtown You think its been hard so far you ain't seen nothin yet. Once outside the police station gates follow the path all the way to the end make a right unlock the door with your lockpick. Then follow the path to the next door. Then make a right and to through the door. Then kill the Cerebus you will hear a man fighting but he will die by the cerebus go by his body and get GUN POWDER B. Go to the door and enter when inside kill the cerebus and pick up the cable that is charging the car battery. Follow the path to the office door stock up on items and things and exit through the other door on the other side of the room. Then kill the cerebus and follow the path to the door. Then pick up the DOWNTOWN MAP on your right go forward and you will see a new an improved LICKER. Kill it get the GUN POWDER A from the man's carcus and go forward and exit through the door. Go forward and you will hear Carlos the man who called you from the police station follow him into the diner. Then when in the restaurant pick up the CITY GUIDE. Then enter the kitchen follow the path to the end open the little locker and you will get a FIRE HOOK go back into the kitchen and pry the manhole like cover off. Carlos will greet you and NEMESIS will come after you have two choices HIDE IN THE BASEMENT HIDE INSIDE THE KITCHEN. If you selected (hide inside the kitchen) Jill will throw a grenade at NEMESIS thus temporarily killing him he will get back up if you try to leave. But remember if Carlos dies your game is over as well. If you selected (hide in the basement) NEMESIS will fill the basement with water he is trying to drown you so you must come up and fight him. Remember if Carlos dies your game is over as well. After all that exit and Carlos will leave you. See Chapter IIII CHAPTER IIII Jill The Electrician After you are outside the diner go strait then take a right the next door on the right is a save room if you need supplies get them now once in the save room pick up the RUSTED CRANK leave the room then proceed strait down the alley to the door at the end. Then go strait to the town hall doors go to the machine on the right insert the BLUE GEM. Then take a right hand turn until you get to the Pentagon Press Building. When inside push the stool until you can't push it anymore climb up on it and turn the power on to the switchboard. Get off the stool and go to the shutter hit the button and it should open. Go all the way up the stairs and through the door. Then kill the zombies and enter the office pick up the GREEN GEM on the desk. Leave and return to the town hall building and insert the GREEN GEM into to machine and the gates should open enter the doors. Then go strait and take a left and go into the door kill the zombies and go through the other door. Then follow the path to the end enter the door. Then kill the cerebus and climb over the crate and enter the train and you will meet Nicholai. After Jill trys to comfort Mikhail go through the door after that pick up the wrench. After that go back to where you saw that sparking and put the Power Cable in there this is one of the parts to get the train running. Don't forget to take the mechanics memo from that compartment where you put the cable. Then leave the tram and go all the way back to the beginning of town hall the main doors. Go forward down the path and take a right go through the door. Then you will be at Stagla Gas put the CRANK in the hole it will break then use the WRENCH in the hole to open the shutter. Enter walk forward a little and you will see Carlos he will be on the lookout for zombies once you try to go behind the counter Carlos will see the zombies he will play the hero. When you hear him scream go out the door to see him dead just kidding he is still alive but Jill thinks he's dead. After the movie go back inside go behind the counter and unlock the oil safe it can be solved just by hitting any button at random you do not need a solution for this puzzle. You should be able to do it yourself. When you solved it you will get MACHINE OIL. Then the gas station should blow up be sure to run or you will die. Exit the door and head to the exit the Mayor of Raccoon City (Michael Warren) will break out of the door kill him. And enter the door go up to the statue and take the BRONZE BOOK now go back to the path where the diner was and place the BRONZE BOOK in the wall carving. Then walk across and take the BRONZE COMPASS take it back to town hall. And when you are about to enter town hall cerebus break out of the window (EASY MODE) or birds break out of the window (HARD MODE) Put it in the statues hand it will rotate and give you a BATTERY. Then Head to the same path you got the BRONZE COMPASS form and go into the door on the left where you fought the lickers. Then go strait through and go up the stairs put the BATTERY into the elevator and go down. Then kill the zombies and go into the power station. Then go to the power transformer set it to manual mode. Then go to the transformer puzzle here is the solution. Hatch 1: Red, Blue, Blue, Blue Hatch 2: Blue, Red, Blue, Red Go into hatch 1 get the FUSE exit and you will see zombies trying to break down the door you have two choices INCREASE ELECTRICITY OUTPUT or HEAD FOR EMERGENCY EXIT. If you selected (increase electricity output) it would fry the zombies and kill them all. If you selected (head to emergency exit) Jill will break down the emergency door and run out but NEMESIS will be waiting for you when you get out there. Head to hatch 2 and get the MAGNUM out of the locker and go to the desk to get 3 GUN POWER B's. Leave the power plant. See Chapter V CHAPTER V Where's The Repairman Once you leave the power plant and go up the elevator go down the stairs and take the door on your right. You will hear Nicholai fighting zombies. Kill the rest of them and go through the door. You will again be in a save room take care of your items and sprays and stuff then go out the other door. You will be in the garage follow the path and exit through the other door. Then when you are outside follow the path and go out the other door. Then follow the path and go strait until you come to the end use your WRENCH to get the FIRE HOSE off the wall. Exit through the gold door. Then take care of the lickers in the next room. Go through the door. Take care of the cerebus and go through the door to your left. Insert the FIRE HOSE in the hydrant and put out the fire. Go strait and proceed through the door. Proceed strait and go through the other door. Then there is a CRANK on the ground this crank is optional if you use you will get 2 ACID ROUNDS for the grenade launcher. This CRANK is inserted where Brad was killing zombies at the back of the bar. Anyway kill the lickers go strait follow the path to the door. You will hear Nicholai killing a mercenary head to the television remote and turn on the TV record what they are selling ex. Aqua Cure it is always random. Then go to the computer and enter what you saw on the TV and it will unlock the door. Enter the door go through the hall all the way to the end pick up the OIL ADDITIVE and mix it with the oil you will now have MIXED OIL there are some GUN POWER A's and B's when you leave you will hear Nicholai yell. The zombies will come after you. Note you can shoot the valve handles to release steam. Leave the room and exit the pharmesutical company and NEMSIS will greet you. Go back to the tram when you are in the garage you will feel a tremor keep going and you will fall down and grab the edge of the hole you have two choices CLIMB UP or JUMP OFF. If you selected CLIMB UP the crates will fall and you will be safe keep proceeding to the tram when you get to the Lonsdale Yard you will feel a tremor keep going strait and you will fall in the hole and the mutant will attack you can't kill it. To escape you must turn on the emergency power switches there are 2 of them. Once they are both on hit the button on the ladder and it will come down climb up it and you will be in the tram. Put the MIXED OIL and the FUSE into the train and Carlos will meet you give you FLAME ROUNDS go to the front of the train and Carlos will start it up. You will hear a big bang it is NEMESIS there is no need to fight him Mikhail will die anyway as soon as you leave to see whats wrong go back out the door. Mikhail's grenade broke the train's brakes. You will have two choices USE THE EMERGENCY BREAK or JUMP OUT THE WINDOW. CHAPTER VI The Church Of Evil If you selected jump out the window Jill will jump out of the window thus she will end up in the bedroom of the clocktower get the key from the fallen picture in the wall exit. Then you will be in a save room take care of your items and stuff exit into the main hall. Go into the double doors through the dining room take care of the lickers and go through the other door. Proceed strait to the chapel. If you selected use the emergency brake the train will still crash and you will end up at the front of the clocktower go into the side door on your left and you will be in a room with a piano proceed strait to the chapel. Go to the curtain and get the CLOCK T. KEY leave the room and you will hear a bang walk past the windows and zombies will break out of them. Go to the main hall and go up the stairs kill the spiders and go through the door insert the key into the plate to lower the ladder go up it. Then go to the big musicbox to your right and solve the puzzle heres the solution. A up, B down, C Down, D down, E up, F up You will get the CHRONOS CHAIN combine it with the CLOCK T. KEY and you will get the CHRONOS KEY leave it and use it in the green door. Then get the SILVER GEAR on the bookshelf. You will be greeted by NEMESIS you have two choices USE THE CORD or USE THE LIGHT. If you selected use the light the light will blind NEMESIS and you will push him off the balcony. If you selected use the cord you will break the cord out of a light and throw it in the water and it will electrocute NEMESIS and he will die. Once you go through the green door go through the hallway through the door and into the next room. Pick up all the balls from the statues AMBER, OBSIDIAN, and CRYSTAL Balls. This puzzle is random but here are the solutions. Painting 1 Painting 2 Painting 3 Obsidian Back 2 hours Ahead 2 hours Ahead 4 hours Amber Back 3 hours Ahead 3 hours Ahead 6 hours Crystal Back 1 hour Ahead 1 hour Ahead 2 hours Once you got that done finally you will get the GOLD GEAR combine the GOLD GEAR with the SILVER GEAR and you will get the CHRONOS GEAR. Go back to the clocktower take a left all the way to the back of the room and place the CHRONOS GEAR in the machine. The clocks will start ringing exit down the ladder and through the door there will be a movie of NEMESIS shooting down the helicopter after that you will be fighting him. He has injected you with the virus. Defeat him and you will awake 3 days later you are know playing as Carlos. CHAPTER VII Carlos The Surgeon When you are Carlos go to the room where you got the GOLD GEAR push the bell and go out the door kill the zombies and enter the hospital. Go forward and you will meet a hunter beta kill them and go through the door you will be in save room take care of your items and stuff and exit through the other door. Take the doctors diary and take the TAPE RECORDER. Then hit the microphone on the elevator use the TAPE RECORDER. Then use the elevator and go to the 4th floor kill the zombies and go to the basement. Go through the door and a mercenary will aim a gun at you. After that go through the next door pick up the MEDIUM BASE and put it in the vaccine synthesizer. Then switch the power switch next to it. Then go to the synthesizer the puzzle solution is. I, III, A After that you will get the VACCINE MEDIUM. The monsters will break out of the tank run out the door. Take the elevator to the 4th floor and enter the data room kill the two hunter betas and go to the back of the room get the SICKROOM KEY and the PHOTO D. Then unlock room 402 and enter there will be a puzzle the objective it to push the cart to the right corner of the room if you do it wrong it will zap you. There is no solution because it is always random. Once you finish it and the painting falls off the wall leave the room and go to the room next door. Check the dead doctor and he will be holding a slip note the number and go back to the sickroom. Then enter that codes into the safe and it will give you the VACCINE BASE mix it with the VACCINE MEDIUM and you will have the VACCINE. Exit the hospital and you will notice a bomb Nicholai does not want you to come out alive. Run out the door go to the chapel and give Jill the vaccine. NEMESIS will greet you before you get to the chapel. CHAPTER VIII Takin A Stroll In The Park After you are Jill again go out of the chapel you will meet NEMESIS kill him make sure you have your LOCKPICK with you. Go outside where Carlos went to the hospital and unlock the door. Pick up the PARK KEY on the wall there are some grenade rounds as well. Then use the PARK KEY at the park gates. Then go strait and go down the stairs kill the zombies go through the other door. Kill the cerebus (EASY MODE) or HUNTER BETAS (HARD MODE). Pick up the PARK KEY from the dead supervisor and pick up the note. Leave all the way back to the beginning of the park and go through the metal door take a left and solve the gear puzzle heres the solution. Move the bottom left gear to the top. Move the top middle gear to the bottom. Move the top right gear to the left. Move the bottom right gear to the top. Move the top middle gear to the bottom. Move the top left gear to the right. Hit the start button. CHAPTER VIIII Jill The Gravedigger After you enter the sewer follow the path to the end climb up the other ladder. There will be zombies coming out of the ground kill them walk around the graveyard until you find a door unlock it. Then when inside get the IRON PIPE from the storage cabinet and be sure to have your LIGHTER. You can pick up 2 GUN POWDER B's and A's on the desk go to the save room (the other door) if you don't have your LIGHTER handy go to the save room to get it. Light the fireplace with your LIGHTER then use the IRON PIPE to break the brick. Go through the crevice take the PARK KEY and the SUPERVISOR'S REPORT. Attempt to exit and you will get a message to the supervisors. Exit and you will meet Nicholai and exit. You will be fighting the sewer monster you have two options fight the monster with your gun or blow down the sparking lamp post to kill him in 1 shot shoot the lamppost with your gun and it will fall in the water the monster will stand in the water and die. After the fence falls down climb up it and you will again be in the sewer climb up the other ladder and you will be in the pond go back to the beginning of the park and go down the stairs unlock the back door of the park with the PARK KEY. Go through the door and you will be confronted by NEMESIS you will have two choices PUSH HIM OFF or JUMP OFF. (This choice affects the ending of the game). CHAPTER VV If you selected PUSH HIM OFF When you push him off the bridge you can enter the facility enter the metal door (save room) and get the FACILITY KEY go to the other door in the room. Then hit the switch to stop the steam then hit the button on the right then hit the generator button half of the lock will be released on the door. Go back to the main hall and use the FACILITY KEY on the metal door that is locked. Then take the DEAD FACTORY MAP and the MO DISK then take the elevator to the bottom and you will be in the DEAD FACTORY take the SHOTGUN SHELLS from the cart then go down the stairs enter the door. Then go through the sewer to the other door (save room) then go get the WATER SAMPLE then go through the other door put the WATER SAMPLE into the machine and solve the puzzle here is the solution. _ _ _ | |___ | |___ _ | | _ | | | | _ | |_ |_| |_| |_____| |_____| |_| |___| A 4 right, B 2 right, C 2 left _ _ _ | | _ | | _ | | _ | | | |_| |____| |_| | | |_ |_| |________________| |___| A 1 right, B 1 right, C 2 left _ _ | | _ _ _ | | _ | |___ | |_| | _ | |_| |_| |_ |_____| |_____| |_| |___________| A 1 left, B 2 left, C 2 right _ _ _ | | _ _ | | _ | |_____| | | | | |_| |___ | |_ |_________| |_| |_________| |___| A 1 right, B 3 right, C 4 left After that the lock on the door will open go to that door open it go use the MO DISK to unlock the door and Jill will automatically go in. You will see NEMESIS kill him and a man will drop his keycard use it to escape. Then go to the save room get all your items and stuff ready because you will be fighting NEMESIS soon. Use the keycard unlock the shutter in the main hall and follow the path to the door enter it. Then you will get a message from Carlos then the ladder hole will unlock go down. Then walk through all the cars and pick up the CLASSIFIED PHOTO FILE then go through the door. Then go to the computer and activate the battery bays push in the first battery and NEMESIS will be there. Push in the rest of the batteries and the rail cannon will be activated. Kill NEMESIS by shooting him until he gets in the path of the rail cannon. Then when you are about to leave NEMESIS is still alive you have two choices EXTERMINATE THE MONSTER or IGNORE IT AN EVACUATE. If you selected EXTERMINATE THE MONSTER Jill will take a MAGNUM and kill NEMESIS for good. If you selected IGNORE IT AN EVACUATE Jill will run out the door. Then use the elevator and Carlos will follow you the chopper will pull you out. GAME OVER CHAPTER VVI If you selected JUMP OFF When you jump off the bridge climb up the stream go up the ladder and proceed strait you will be surrounded by zombies Carlos will save you keep going strait enter the door. Pick up the WATER SAMPLE from the machine go through the other door. Then go down the stairs and put the WATER SAMPLE in the machine. Solve the puzzle heres the solution. _ _ _ | |___ | |___ _ | | _ | | | | _ | |_ |_| |_| |_____| |_____| |_| |___| A 4 right, B 2 right, C 2 left _ _ _ | | _ | | _ | | _ | | | |_| |____| |_| | | |_ |_| |________________| |___| A 1 right, B 1 right, C 2 left _ _ | | _ _ _ | | _ | |___ | |_| | _ | |_| |_| |_ |_____| |_____| |_| |___________| A 1 left, B 2 left, C 2 right _ _ _ | | _ _ | | _ | |_____| | | | | |_| |___ | |_ |_________| |_| |_________| |___| A 1 right, B 3 right, C 4 left After it is solved the first lock on the door will be released. Leave the room and go back into the sewer go in the other door and you will be in the DEAD FACTORY kill the hunter betas. Pick up the SHOTGUN SHELLS from the cart take the elevator to to the top floor go strait kill the zombies and get the MO DISK from the computer station take the DEAD FACTORY MAP from the wall. Then you will see Nicholai he will shoot at you and be through the shutter. Go through the metal door you will be in a save room take care of your stuff there are three GUN POWER A's and B'S. Go through the other door. You will be in the generator room there will be hot steam hit the first switch to stop the steam then push the switch on the right then activate the generator the lock will be released. Go through the door use the MO DISK on the lock and you will automatically enter the room you will see NEMESIS you have a 3 minute time limit until it gets rid of all the dead bodies if you don't kill NEMESIS in time you both will be killed. After killing him pick up that key card that that dead man dropped. Use it to escape then I suggest you go to the save room and stock up on items because you will be fighting Nicholai in a helicopter soon. Use the keycard and unlock the shutter that you saw Nicholai go into before follow the path till you get to the control room you will get a message from Nicholai. You will have two choices Negotiate With Nicholai or Fight With The Chopper. If you selected Negotiate With Nicholai Nicholai will escape unharmed. If you select Fight With The Chopper you will kill him instantly. Once all that is over go down the ladder and pick up the CLASSIFIED PHOTO FILE and go through the door the cars will fall on the door activate the rail cannon by going to the computer then pushing in all the batteries and activating the rail cannon kill the monster until he retreats and then the rail cannon will finish him off. Then he is still alive you have two choices FINISH HIM OFF or IGNORE HIM AND EVACUATE If you selected FINISH HIM OFF Jill will grab a MAGNUM and kill the NEMESIS for good. If you selected IGNORE IT AND EVACUATE you will ignore it and go out the door. Take the elevator to the top Carlos will follow you the chopper will fly you out and you will escape. GAME OVER 2. Q&A Q: What is the difference between Hard and Easy Mode A: There really is no difference except some monsters are in different places and when NEMESIS dies each time you get gun parts to put together a new gun. Q: What are herbs and what is the deal with mixing them A: Herbs work as a healer just like F. AID SPRAY and the deal with mixing them is when certain herbs are mixed they have a stronger affect. Q: Who is that guy in the helicopter at the end of the game. A: Barry Burton from Resident Evil 1 3. Copyright Information You may not steal copy or reproduce any part of this FAQ without proper authorization from me I won't have you ripping me off after all the work I have done. This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Mark Wynn.