Resident Evil Code: Veronica Battle Game Efficiency Guide written by NinjaRyu version 1.0 September 28, 2002, 3:30am ======== Contents ======== 01. Intro 02. Legal info 03. General Battle Game tips 04a. Chris Tips 04b. Chris Guide 05a. Claire A Tips 05b. Claire A Guide 06a. Claire B Tips 06b. Claire B Guide 07a. Steve Tips 07b. Steve Guide 08a. Wesker Tips 08b. Wesker Guide 09. Personal Bests 10. Secrets 11. Revision History 12. Thanks 13. Contact ========= 01. Intro ========= Right, so Code Veronica has been out over 2 years as of publication of this article. Why, then, am I bothering to write a guide about something that's already been covered in great detail before? I guess because I'm an insomniac who doesn't feel like playing through Resident Evil for the GameCube yet again right now. Actually I was considering writing a guide for this certain method of playing through the main game I have (exclusive weapons, for one) but got drawn into battle game again. After looking through several battle game FAQs I noticed a lack of strategies in certain places, such as people who had never taken on Tyrant in alternate Claire without the anti-BOW gas rounds, and various other things. I felt it would be a good idea to gather all the ideas I've seen scattered about in various other along with my own experience and insight into the game and methods for approaching it into one document. The truth is I don't even like Code Veronica that much, it's by far my least favorite of the main Resident Evil series ("Resident Evil: Survivor - It's like Kraft Cheese Slices or Cheeze Whiz, they aren't actually real cheese they are cheese _products_"), but on a whim I picked up the game again today and decided to play through it. I don't know what it is about this battle game, it's very simple, it isn't about survival, yet I still find it great fun. I'd say it's the arcade-style challenge of it, trying to get the modern-day equivalent of the high score. Whatever the case, after about my 5th battle game tonight I decided I should do something constructive. ============== 02. Legal Info ============== I hate having to put this here, but unfortunately people do rip off other people's work. This guide is copyright 2002 Devin King aka "NinjaRyu" and may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any for- profit publication including magazines, guides, etc. without the prior written consent of the author. This guide was written specifically for and reproduction on any other sites is prohibited unless express permission is given by the author. This document in protected by international copyright law. Seriously, don't rip off other people's work. Though writing this was enjoyable (as making a guide should be), having someone else take credit for my work would still be upsetting, illegal and dishonest. Just don't do it. If you're interested in hosting this guide, then email me at the address listed in the contact section at the bottom. ================ 03. General Tips ================ Battle mode is not a survival game, it's a time challenge. It's also a fine example of the sort of gameplay that makes Resident Evil so addictive, playing to best your previous records, arcade-style. Anyway, don't waste time picking up items, switching weapons or healing unless you really need to. Though you shouldn't need to heal often, keep yourself healthy if you do take damage. The increased agility from being in fine condition will help your time marginally Learn to aim while shooting by tapping L repeatedly. This is useful not only for switching targets when one dies, but also for tracking a moving target you can't see. Ignore the slot machine unless you're playing as Wesker, or if you're feeling lucky as alternate Claire. My best time with alt. Claire was using the AK-47, as you save a couple dozen seconds by not entering the slot machine room. In those instances when you do need to switch weapons or use herbs, go through the motions as quickly as you can to save precious seconds. Try to save healing for those times when you need to switch weapons so you can do both at once. When killing an enemy near the exit, wait until you hear the *thump* of the body hitting the floor when they die, otherwise you'll get the message about enemies still being alive, which wastes time. I play this game in third person exclusively, so if you have any trouble playing it in first person, I'm not the one to ask for help, sorry. =============== 04a. Chris Tips =============== Unless you're going for added challenge (I understand) equip the magnum exclusively. Chris has an extremely tight time budget. The magnum clears rooms with vicious efficiency, but this is not enough. In order to get a good time, don't pick up _anything_, and only go into the inventory screen to equip the magnum at the start or to heal yourself if in dire need. If you approach this right you shouldn't need to use a single herb. The boss's little tentacle monsters can be a pain here, though not as much as in the main game. Because the magnum doesn't require reloading, just fire away and heal when you think you need it, this saves some time, though they are still annoying. Check the guide for my detailed strategy to deal with them. ================ 04b. Chris Guide ================ Equip the magnum straight away, this is probably the only weapon you'll be using. If you want an added challenge try playing his whole game with just the shotgun, though. Aim, fire, run to the corner, kill two, run down the hall a short way then fire again. Hit the barrel, then fire at the mass of zombies. You should be able to take out 2 or so with the first couple shots, then hit the remainder. As you approach the door, aim at the crawler and fire a single shot, but don't try the door until he collapses or you'll waste time as the message pops up. Fire, switch, fire. Run to the end, fire again. Kill the 3 zombies Chris can hit from here. Sometimes the one in the hallway is a pain so move closer before firing if needed. Head into the reddish hallway; at the corner stop and kill two more zombies. Fire right away, go downstairs, fire many more times, then leave. Kill the first hunter, then tap L like a madman and try to shoot the second before he takes a swipe. Nail the sweeper before you ever see him. If you're quick enough the other hunter won't even hear (glitch?) and will just keep pacing, so round the corners until the central area has an opening, then kill him and head up the stairs to exit. Go for the ultra-close-range headshot, then move away a bit to hit the barrel. Aim at fatty and kill him, likely killing his friend in the same shot. Move down the corridor until you see the one near the door then take aim and fire. BOOM! After nailing suicide bomber, move down and take out the next two guys in one shot. Head straight down to the end and you should be able to hit the crawler and the normal zombie with one shot. As you head back to the exit take out the idiot mulling around near the stairs. Take out 2-3 zombies with your first shot, then head down. Be careful at the corner, sometimes these guys round it before you get there. If not you can probably hit all 3 with one shot... There's 4 zombies in the main area around the surgical table, take them out in turn. Don't get careless and take a hit from the fifth near the exit. One shot will likely take out the entire corridor, so move down and hit the guy around the corner. Sometimes I can't seem to hit him if he's not in-frame, so move toward the exit until you can see him for the clean shot. Forget about the slot machine, we don't need it. Round the corner and bullseye the hunter before he can even take notice. Do the same for the sweeper that tries to surprise you. Grab a first aid spray from the lockers if you have taken many hits (you shouldn't have taken any) or feel you'll need it for the boss. Move away from the barrels a little then take your shot, which should waste everyone here. This room annoys me, the damn explosion never seems to kill more than maybe 2 guys, leaving many stragglers crawling around on the floor. Anyway, either aim straight at the explosive zombie then take out the survivors, or aim at everyone except him first. One, two, three dead bandersnatches. Grab the first aid spray if ya want (you may need it) then move into the next room. Alexia 2/3 OK, right away head to Chris's right and hug the railing, then move as close to Alexia as you can get. By doing this you are cutting off the angles of attack for those little buggers. From here just aim and fire away, if you get pushed out of position by a tentacle or one of the little crawlers, try to get back to that same position so you don't get surrounded. Also heal occasionally if you need it, though it's possible without if you're fast/lucky enough. After maybe 14 shots Alexia will yell and break into the flying form. Either get up close with the magnum, aim up and then tap L immediately followed by fire (to acquire and hopefully hit her), or just equip the shotgun and stand your ground using the same auto-acquire technique to hit her from afar. The flames aren't that damaging, usually I don't bother with healing at this point unless I was hurt going in. If you got through the main portion of the game very quickly, not wasting time to heal or pick things up, you should get the A just fine. ================== 05a. Claire A Tips ================== Use the bowgun only unless you want a real challenge by using only the pistol. Like Chris, Claire has little need for healing. She also starts with a ridiculous number of herbs, so _never_ pick up anything. Claire can clear a room damn fast, but the arc of the arrows can be tricky, learn to compensate against moving enemies by manually aiming a little to the side. You'll probably need to aim down slightly to ensure you hit nearby hunters. Also, don't bother fighting with honor, you shouldn't hesitate to fill an enemy full of lead while he's lying on the ground. =================== 05b. Claire A Guide =================== Go equip that bowgun, then take out the first zombie. Head to the corner, aim, fire, repeat. Move down the hall so you can hit the final zombie before leaving. Blow the barrel then aim at each zombie in turn. From this distance you can see the way the bolts curve in the air. If you can hit the crawler from afar it will save a couple seconds, if not shoot him then exit after he dies. Four bolts for the first bandersnatch should do, after you've loosed that many switch to the other and repeat. Move down to the corner and take out the third one before he gets a chance to hit you. Kill the first two guys, then move forward and take out the one in the corridor. Head to the corner, take out the remaining two, exit. Nail the guy who is right in your face, then head downstairs. Try to get a little close before shooting the zombies down here, otherwise they may have time to move before your bolts connect. Fire at the first hunter, then tap L quickly until you acquire the second one. Aim down and fire to stop him in his tracks, then just fire at each of them as they stand to kill them off. Hit the sweeper right away, then run to Claire's left until you see him. Hit him a few times while he's down to ensure he's dead, then take aim at the hunter who should be rounding the corner. Knock him down and pump him full of bolts before he can stand up. Heal if you got poisoned or hurt too bad, from here on you shouldn't take any hits. Pop the zombie and the barrel, then hit fatty and his pal. Move down until you see the one near the door before shooting him, from your starting point he is difficult to hit. Move a little before hitting the nearby zombie, as he is strapped with a bomb. Hit the two that get in your way, stop by the exit door to hit the one lumbering on the stairs, then head further down to nail the remaining two, including the crawler. Just tap l, shoot, l, shoot, etc. here to take out the two groups of 3 zombies. It may help to manually strafe the zombies as you tap fire to ensure you get them quickly. Run into a more open area and take out the two nearby zombies, then move on to kill the big one and another on the left. Stop near the exit to take out the last one. Fire one shot, move down a little, then pop the barrel. Take out the one around the corner and any who may have survived the explosion. Go around the corner and fire bolts toward the ground to ensure you hit the hunter. Run up and execute him before he can stand. Knock the sweeper off his feet as he ambushes you and do the same. Fire one shot at the unseen zombie, then head to the corner. Kill two near you, and head down for the angle to change where you can take out the remaining four. Move forward and left some to be safe, then fire to wipe out the room. Kill the first guy, switch aim and fire. If you adjust to the right slightly you can hit explosive boy, otherwise the bolt may miss him. Take out the survivors before they stand up, then exit. Fire 4-6 shots as there are two bandersnatches on the left. Once you hear one or two screams, switch to the one of the right and take him out with 4 bolts, then move on past the first aid spray (don't waste time picking it up). Nosferatu Did the game ever mention this guy as Nosferatu? Regardless, this is absolute pie with the explosive bolts. From the start just tap fire repeatedly, also tapping L occasionally as you shoot to ensure he doesn't move out of the line of fire. Sometimes the winds are unfavorable and carry the gas directly into you, if you want to play it safe move to a corner before you open fire. ================== 06a. Claire B Tips ================== Use the flame rounds, they are overall the best choice for the game. Don't waste time with the slot machine, by the time you enter the room, wait through the animation, pick up the item, and leave, you've already wasted almost as much time as you'd save in using the anti-BOW gas grenades on the boss (if you even get them). =================== 06b. Claire B Guide =================== Right away equip the flame rounds. They are by far the best choice in this for a number of reasons, they kill zombies extremely well, bandersnatches are very weak against them, and they can hold off multiple hunters if you fire them directly into the ground, creating a wall of flame. Use the flame rounds straight up to the boss of this unless you stop at the slot machine and luck out with the B.O.W. gas rounds. Shoot the first zombie you see with the flame rounds, then run near the corner to where you can acquire another and kill him (and probably his buddy). Round the corner and run down the hall a short way, then aim and fire at the last one here. Run to Claire's right, a little away from the door, and destroy the useless explosive barrel, then run toward the mass of zombies and fire until they're all dead. Fire a final shot toward the exit door and it should kill the crawler there, saving you a few seconds as he goes through his death animation. Instantly aim and fire. The bandersnatch may hit you, but the flame round should kill him. Fire until the two in this area are dead, then hug the left wall and run to the far corner, aim and shoot. Kill the explosive zombie then his buddy, and run toward the lit hallway a bit before shooting the one in here. Before you come around the next corner take aim and kill the two annoyances there, then leave. Aim, fire. Run downstairs for closer shots and give each zombie here a round to the chest before heading up the opposite stairs and out. Hmm, now this is trickier, I often take a hit in this room. Try to fire one shot right away, then switch aim to the other hunter on your right. Fire DOWN into him, sometimes can hit both hunters with one shot, and from there just hit them as they stand. Don't heal yet unless you're really hurt. Fire right away at the sweeper on your left, then fire again if he didn't die. Often he will run directly into the second shot and get killed. A hunter will be rounded the corner so just take him out from a distance before moving on. Use the herb mix in your inventory now if you're poisoned or badly hurt. Kill the nearby zombie, then move back and get the barrel. Nail fatty and a friend behind him with autoaim. There is another one near the exit, but you have to close in on him before you're likely to score a hit. Get some distance before you kill explosives boy at the start, and then take down the two other nearby zombies. As you cross the exit door (not the elevator) aim and fire at the one coming down the stairs. Head back to kill a regular and crawler zombies, then leave. These guys stack up in the narrow hallway, so you should only need two sets of two shots to take down all of them. Another room needs little explanation, just use auto aim to get everyone and be careful not to run into the straggler near the exit. Fire then close in and hit the explosives barrel. Run to the corner and get the unseen zombie before taking out anyone who managed to survive the explosion. If you aren't going for time (or if you are and you're feeling lucky) go through the gray door and try the slot machine. If you get the anti-BOW gas rounds that's great, otherwise just move on. Two hunters here but they come one at a time and are easily dispatched. Make sure to quickly fire down at the sweeper near the exit or you might take the hit. Kill the first zombie, then get to the corner and kill another 2 or 3 before moving in for the angle to change and taking out the rest. Move to Claire's left BEFORE firing on the barrel, the combination of grenade and barrel is powerful enough to hurt you seriously from this range. It should take out all the enemies in this room for you, if not find the survivors before leaving. Fire once, then switch aim to explosives boy and fire again. The zombie to Claire's right along the starting wall usually survives so hit him or whoever lived while they're down, then exit. Last room before the boss, and its an easy one. I like to go ahead and equip the AK-47 and heal myself now, as the delayed-hit of the flame rounds here makes the bandersnatches a bit more annoying to take out. Anyway, autoaim to her left and fire until one or both of them die, then switch to the other side and do the same. Head right, grab the aid spray if you REALLY think you need it, then move out. Tyrant Yes this is the cargo plane version of the Tyrant, and yes he is quite capable of killing you. The snowy, foggy helipad is both an advantage and a hindrance. You can't see very far, so Tyrant may sneak up on you, and if you take a hit near the edge you will fall to your death. However, the large area to move around in (especially compared to the cargo plane) means that with enough patience you'll never take that hit. Run to Claire's left, to the corner, and fire for a bit before moving to the next corner (clockwise). Fire from that corner until you can see the Tyrant's outline through the fog as he approaches, then run left to the next corner. Hug the edge furthest from the Tyrant and just fire away (tapping L to ensure you're still aimed at him). He should fall before he lunges at you, if he does not move to another corner, unless he killed you of course. =============== 07a. Steve Tips =============== I'm not that great with Steve, my times are hardly noteworthy. Minesweeper has a great guide for speed with Steve at ca_730_battle.txt _Concentrate your fire_ by aiming both guns at one target. Not only is this much more damaging, it also makes the headshot technique more effective. Learn to get headshots with the lugers by tapping up and almost immediately tapping fire. The gun in Steve's right hand seems to be the one that gets headshots most often due to the lower angle he holds it at. The further away from the enemy you are, the less time you wait between pressing up and fire. You can't headshot the fat zombies. Don't worry about it, 3 chest shots works fine. It IS possible to get a double-headshot, but usually only at close range where the left-hand gun is still at a relatively low angle. This is useful in spacious rooms with lots of zombies. A stream of SMG bullets aimed at the ground acts as a nearly impenetrable shield against hunters, use it. When the gulp worm is about to emerge, try to get in _front_ of his position. If you're behind him he won't stay above ground as long, wasting time. Don't be too afraid to pick up a first aid spray or two, Steve doesn't have the means of holding off an attack as easily as most of the other characters. ================ 07b. Steve Guide ================ Headshot the first zombie then head to the corner as usual. Try for a headshot on the skinny zombie if you want, but it's more reliable to just fire straight ahead a few times to drop both him and the fat one. Move down and headshot the remaining guy. Pop the barrel, then move toward the crowd a little. Start trying for as many headshots as you can. Remember that the right gun fires relatively straight, but the left one goes out at something of an angle, so take that into consideration when aiming at crowds. Pop the crawler near the door once or twice. Go ahead and equip the SMGs and move into the next room. This room can be frustrating, just remember that bandersnatches are right handed. Run forward and toward the right wall, hopefully the one near it will swing at you, allowing you to squeeze past him. If the other one grabs your head just shake loose and run toward the corner. Here dodge past the one in the corridor and run near the door at the end. Then just open fire, all three should succumb in short order. Switch back to the lugers. Shoot the two zombies near the statue with headshots and move toward the hall. I just shoot this guy in the chest, headshots through the doorway don't always work. Shoot the remaining two in the head and move on, preparing for a headshot. Fire at the close zombie immediately, hopefully scoring a headshot. You can stay up top if you have trouble scoring headshots, as it makes it easier. Otherwise, go downstairs and get a number of headshots, close range seems to work more reliably. At this range you may even get some double shots. Switch out to the SMGs again. There are several ways of doing this, but almost all of them are going to get you hit a few times. The key is to find a corner and set up a wall of fire so the hunters run into that. I turn right and run to that corner immediately, then aim and open fire, aiming down. Both hunters will run into the fire, scoring a few hits perhaps, but eventually dying. Unless you're on orange/red health don't heal just yet. Run forward arcing left (for those idiot reviewers who say 'you can't run and turn at the same time in this game', I say you're a full of it). With some luck you will get into the little side area without taking a hit from the sweeper. Once you're against the rubble near him, open fire, again aiming down mostly. As he dies a hunter should be on the way, knock him off his feet (bonus for stopping him in mid air) and execute him, then switch back to the lugers. Take out the nearby zombie and maybe the barrel at the same time. Several chest shots will down the fatty, allowing you to headshot the next one. Move down the hall a little ways and headshot the final zombie here. Headshot explosion boy, then the two guys on the other side, and move down all the way to the end. Headshot the zombie and shoot the crawler. On your way back headshot the new guy, if he decides to be difficult and stay upstairs just shoot him from down here. Headshots can be difficult here if you aim wrong, tap L until the gun in his right hand is aimed forward and try it. The chest shots are nice and powerful as a backup if you're having trouble. Headshot the two nearby guys, then down fatty normally. Headshot the guy who should be coming into view now, and do the same for the one near the exit. Don't bother headshotting these guys, just fire until the barrel goes. Run down, headshot the unseen one around the corner, then take care of any survivors before heading on. I wouldn't bother with the slots. Switch to the MAC-11 if you want, and just aim down to take out a hunter and sweeper in turn. Because they come one at a time you can use the lugers if you can time it so you hit them just before they attack each time, but it's risky and probably not worth the time saved. Switch back to the lugers and exit. Shoot or headshot the first zombie and move to the corner. Hit the two nearby, move down for the angle change, and headshot those that remain. Be sure that both guns are aimed forward for easier shots. POP, done. This is another room where concentrated fire is extremely useful, _always_ make sure both guns are aimed at the same zombie. Headshot the first guy then aim at suicide boy. Headshotting him seems to work, as the lugers don't seem to over penetrate enough to set off the bomb. Kill the rest with headshots or executions if the bomb went off and equip the SMGs before you exit (last weapon switch). Aim both guns left then open fire until you hear a scream (or two). Switch or move your aim to the right and fire on this guy in the same manner. Take out the other guy on the left as needed, and pick up the first aid spray if you're low on health and out of herbs. Gulp Worm As long as you have one of the herb mixtures left you should be fine. Gulp worm isn't so much dangerous as he is time consuming, this is mostly a waiting/moving battle. Keep track of what part of the cave he is in, and run away from that area, but not so far you trap yourself. When you see the rubble indicating he is about to emerge, try to get in front of that area (far in front, of course) so that he will stay up and try to attack, giving you more time to damage him. Shots in the mouth (heh) seem to have the greatest effect. He'll die eventually, after having destroyed whatever time you managed to save in the main battle. Like I said, I'm not very good at this one. ================ 08a. Wesker Tips ================ _Be the aggressor_. Just because you only have a knife doesn't mean you're helpless, quite the opposite in fact. Wesker is a madman with the knife. Not only can he take an insane amount of punishment in most cases, he also has a long reach and a huge swipe. I've seen him down 4 zombies at once without so much as a scratch before. You are the aggressor in this mode, play that way. Time is your friend, you have something like an hour to beat this game and still get the A, though 20 minutes seems to be about average. Get all the healing items you can. You aren't penalized the same way in battle mode for using first aid sprays as in the main game, and I don't know that Wesker is penalized for using any amount of them. Go for the kneecap slashes to down zombies. Not only does this help remove the threat they pose, while they are still alive they serve as something of a barricade against other zombies. Kneecap slashes also seem to have a habit of happening in rapid progression (adrenaline rush?), helping you down even very close enemies. _Always_ hit your opponent while he's down, this is the key to surviving Wesker's battle game. It's not like Wesker is the most honorable among men or anything. If you get grabbed by a zombie, hit buttons like a madman to shake them off. If you can learn to shake them off every time without taking the hit, zombies will cease to be much of a threat. Don't be afraid of bandersnatches and hunters. Take a hint from Fight Club, get right up in their hostile little faces, and slash away with all you've got. The key to defeating them is the multi-slash, so stay as far from walls as you can or angle Wesker so he doesn't smack into the wall and ruin the slash. Because you'll be collecting most the healing items, the damage they will do back to you isn't that big an issue. If you don't get the magnum in the slot machine, start over. No sense being a damn fool about things. ================= 08b. Wesker Guide ================= I'll update the Wesker guide as I have the time to write it, his game takes 20 minutes of play time, will probably take an hour at least to write the guide. There are some other excellent sources for Wesker strategies at gamefaqs. Make sure you stay near the center in narrow corridors such as this to avoid the wall. Kneecap the first zombie and slash him til he dies, then lure the two near the corner around it. Use their confusion at the corner to slash them down and kill them. The fourth zombie should be handled like the first. Argh, damn auto-aim always hits the barrel here, even on ps2. No handy auto-acquire for explosives only like in RE3 here. Anyway, get right up near the barrel and angle the knife to slash to Wesker's right, the barrel won't repel the knife like a wall would. Slash the zombies as they come around and keep slashing when they hit the ground. If you get grabbed shake them off before you take more than one hit, and make use of the pile that results to get in some good multi-hit slashes on the whole lot of them before moving away. Slash the crawler near the exit from behind and grab the green herb before leaving. You'll need to watch your health very carefully in this room. Immediately run up and right to get between the nearest bandersnatch and the wall, affording you some protection from the other one. Slash away with either normal or head slashes, trying not to hit the wall, until he dies. If you get good chest hits it should only take 2-3 slashes to kill a bandersnatch. Check your health and heal if you're at orange, then run toward the other. Again angle yourself so the enemy is between you and the other one, and slash away. When only one remains it's not so difficult, so take him out, pick up the spray in the phone booth and exit. Slash the explosive carrier, then the other one with kneecaps and ground slashes. Do the same for the third one and then wait for the two remaining zombies to get near the doorway where you can slash them as they try to come through. By this point you should know how to hit the buttons quick enough to avoid taking a bite if you get grabbed. I don't bother trying to kneecap this guy, just run headlong into him and hit the buttons/sticks to knock him to the ground. Back up enough to get a clean slash then kill him. Now you could wait here to hit the zombies as they come up the stairs, but that's the easy way. Establish yourself as the aggressor; the fear is all in your head, so get down there and mix it up. Go for the standard kneecap here, the wide area should allow you to kneecap multiple zombies at a time for some carnage. Hard part coming up, hope you didn't waste too many health items yet. Argh, two hunters at once makes baby Jesus cry. Anyway, head to a corner, I prefer heading right in this case. Try to wedge yourself between the exit door and the box near it. Sometimes one of the hunters will even get stuck on the other boxes. This way only one can hit you at a time, so just trade slashes with them, your multi-hits should make short work of single hunters. Be warned, if the hunter reels back with his right arm that means he is trying to do his one-hit kill, so either move or slash him hard to stop it. To prevent this, stay out of caution (but don't waste too many herbs yet). If you use more than one full healing and maybe two green herbs in this fight just restart, you aren't that far in yet. Swing left around the sweeper and get up against the rubble, then begin trading hits. If you angle it so you miss the wall you should take him out before the hunter shows up, who should be dispatched similarly. Again watch out for that one hit kill, use your single greens if you're at yellow caution to prevent it, or just slash them quick. Grab a green herb and a blue, which you can use if you're poisoned. You're now through the hardest part of Wesker's game, but an annoying element of chance still remains... Knee slash the nearby zombie and kill him. Now use this barrel as something of a barricade like you did early on to lure fatty and friends near you for kneecaps. More zombies, no trouble. Slash explosives boy, then turn to the two others near you. One of these guys seems to turn into a super zombie for me, you know the ones that seem to be hyped up on adrenaline and pcp so they come rushing at you 3x as fast as normal. Anyway, take them out, get the one coming down the stairs, then finish off another and a crawler at the far end of the room. OK, looks very dangerous, yeah? It's not if you go about it right. Press against the wall on Wesker's right and angle yourself toward the opposing wall so that you can perform a full knee slash without a collision. Take down what zombies you can here until you are overwhelmed, then push through them by running into them and smashing the buttons. If you manage to take down the whole group get some free hits, otherwise run down to the connecting hallway. Wait around this corner, using one of the small dressers as a partial barrier, for the zombies to come and be sacrificed one by one. Go ahead and heal a little if you need to. Try to kneecap the two nearest zombies together so you can kill them quickly. The two others in the middle shouldn't be much of a problem, just avoid the walls. When the fifth comes to investigate take him out as well. Grab the first aid spray off the barrel before you exit, I had two full healing items plus a blue herb at this point. Another packed hallway, but this one is much more spacious, so just stick to the middle. The explosive barrel is, for once, in the same direction as your enemies so that's another good thing. Take out the first two guys then use the barrel to aid you on the next pair. Use the green herb at the end if needed and pick up the blue if you don't have one. -So you think you've done well so far, yeah? Well now you see if it's all been for nothing. Go through the gray door to the slot machine room and hit up the slots. If you get the magnum, great, if you don't, _start over now_. I know it sucks but without the magnum the boss (Alexia 1) is just this side of impossible due to her instant-kill attack. Anyway, also grab two green herbs from the bar, combining a green and blue if you need space (you're doing better than I), and move back to the hallway, through the brown door. Great, more hunters, and the first is in a narrow pathway. Only one at a time though, so no big deal. I know you're saying "But I've got this nice shiny .357 I could use!", but don't, just forget you have it until the end. Slash away at the hunter from the middle of the path, avoiding the wall hits, until he's dead. Use one of those green herbs to get yourself back in the green if need be. Around the corner a slasher will attack so take him out from the center of the room, then grab the spray from the locker. If you're poisoned use that blue herb you picked up, and get yourself back in the green. From here on it's relatively easy if you've got another 1 or 2 full health items. Run up and kneecap zombie #1, and maybe kill him if you think you have time. Take a couple potshots at the other two near you, but stay in this area (the first corner). When a whole bunch of zombies show up and swarm around you, push one into the rest (you should be able to do this without taking a hit for sure by now), and push down any who remain standing, then run down to the middle corridor. Hug the right wall (relative to the camera) and face the oncoming horde, knee slashing them as they approach, and eventually they'll all be dead. Well no fancy one hit wipeout this time around, but the barrels can still be helpful. Circle around the room to where the barrels are and use them to obstruct the zombies as you slash them. Some of these guys may be spitters, who are difficult to kneecap, so just slash them normally. Once the room is clear heal up, as the next room isn't terribly easy. Kneecap the nearest zombie quickly if you can. Then run straight into the crowd (you are at a full health, right?) and knock them over like bowling pins. Now get some distance by moving toward the exit door and let a few of them come to you. If they all seem to be bunching up either go for the über-slash on the whole mess of them, or try to separate them again. Take them out however you can, then get yourself to full health if possible. If you're at full health going into this next room, whether you have healing items left or not, you're good. Immediately head right, hugging the wall to avoid the slash of the nearby bandersnatch. Take him out with chest slashes quickly, then grab the first aid spray nearby if you have no other full-health items. Wait for the other two bandersnatches to get closer, healing yourself up with the aid spray if you're at orange or red. Don't worry too much about saving those healing items at this point, by now you're good enough at maneuvering to avoid Alexia 1's attacks. Anyway, once the bandersnatches get to the small bottleneck near where you got the aid spray, run up and begin slashing the first one until he dies, checking your health every one or two hits. Once the other one goes down heal yourself up (if you can) to full health and exit the room. Oh, and equip the magnum while you're at it. Alexia 1 Full health? Check. Full magnum? Check. Great, you're basically done. There is one thing to remember in this fight, do NOT fire more than one shot in a row. After every shot, give Alexia a moment to feel the effects, as it were. If you fire all your shots at once they sometimes don't manage to kill her, but if you plug her once then run and repeat those 6 shots are plenty. Anyway, at the start get moving before she touches you (did I mention if she grabs you its instant death? Not good this far in). Once you've got some distance, fire a shot. Never barricade yourself in a corner here, stick to the middle of the wall so you can dodge to either side and avoid becoming trapped. If it looks like she may be able to corner you with the flames it's time to book it to the other side of the hall. She'll die quickly and you've completed the hardest of the battle mode games. Congratulations. ================== 09. Personal Bests ================== Chris: 6'06"40 A Claire A: 5'37"41 A Claire B: 7'13"50 A Steve: 9'29"36 A Wesker: 16'13"90 A =========== 10. Secrets =========== If you manage to get an A with all the characters you will get the Linear Launcher to start with for each person. This is rather boring as by the time you can beat Wesker's game, you'll already have enough skill to beat it with your eyes closed with most of the characters. Each character also has a special animation they will perform if you backtrack after clearing a room in certain places. Credit for these goes to Nemesis, I believe, though I was unable to verify at the time I wrote this. Chris gets a little curious if you look at the tiger statue in the statue room (where the jewels were in the eyes). Chris will also notice something in the (broken) mirror in the locker room if you look into it after killing the hunters there. Claire will shiver and dance around a little if you head back toward the entrance of the frozen hallway after you kill all the zombies there. Most entertaining in her alternate costume, natürlich. Steve realizes prisoners don't carry much money if you try to get a soda from the machine in the locker room after killing the hunters. Wesker gives a funny look to the one-eyed statue in the medical examination room. ==================== 11. Revision History ==================== v1.0 September 28, 2002 03:45-07:20am -Wrote the guide ================== 12. Special Thanks ================== CJayC for hosting the best FAQ site on earth, and putting up with all the lamers who harass him about it. CVXFreak, Nemesis, TWilde, Minesweeper and AWebcraft for their various walkthroughs and guides that helped me tremendously in all the Resident Evil games. President Evil & TWilde for the excellent Plot Analysis of Resident Evil, which I've read on many a bored day in class. Cannabis for, um...I forget. =========== 13. Contact =========== You can send me suggestions, complaints, questions, compliments, money, drugs or women at if you would like to. Flamers will be ignored, so don't type your subject lines in all caps or use more than one exclamation mark, or I'm likely to just delete it straight out.