/----------------------------\ | Resident Evil Code: Veronica | \----------------------------/ /-----------\ | Enemy Guide | \-----------/ /-----------------------\ | A Mini-FAQ by Mr. Black | \-----------------------/ /-----\ | v1.04 | \-----/ CONTENTS: --------- 1. Introduction 2. The Enemies 2a. Zombie 2b. Cerberus 2c. Bat 2d. Hunter / Spotter 2e. Sweeper 2f. Bandersnatch 2g. Giant Spider 2h. Giant Moth 2i. Parasite 2j. Tentacle 2k. Baby Albinoid 3. The Bosses 3a. Tyrant (1st Form) 3b. Tyrant (2nd Form) 3c. Nosferatu 3d. Giant Worm 3e. Adult Albinoid 3f. Alexia (1st Form) 3g. Tyrant Steve 3h. REALLY Giant Spider 3i. Alexia (2nd Form) 3j. Alexia (3rd Form) 4. The End 4a. Credits 4b. Legal Stuff --------------- 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- After finishing the fiendishly scary Resident Evil Code: Veronica, I decided that the game was too big for ickle me to write a whole walkthru for it. So, to compromise, I've thrown together this little guide to help you with the arduous task of defeating the plethora of enemies and bosses in the game. Am I lazy by not writing a full walkthru? Not really - seeing as Resident Evil Code: Veronica more or less consists of just two things: solving puzzles and killing baddies, I've covered half the game in this guide! -------------- 2. THE ENEMIES -------------- This section will tell you the rough locations of each enemy, what they look and sound like, what their attacks are, and what it'll take to kill them. I've even included bonus background notes for each enemy! Treat this a kind of spotter's guide - whenever you come across an enemy for the first time, consult this section to find out more about them. 2a. Zombie ---------- WHERE TO FIND THEM: More or less everywhere, on both disks. They're the most common enemy in the game. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Human, but with rotting flesh and a shambling walk. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: They make moaning, groaning sounds, and *shlup- shlup-shlup* sounds when walking. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) A lunge for your neck. If it connects, mash the buttons and waggle the stick to break free. Progressive damage - the longer the zombie is latched on, the more damage you take. 2) A grab at your ankle (when the zombie is crawling). More or less the same as the above attack, except one you break free of the zombie's grasp, you will either stomp on their head or kick it off, killing the zombie instantly. 3) A vomit attack. Close range, light damage. May poison??? HOW TO KILL THEM: 4 to 5 handgun bullets is usually the most effective method. However, one magnum shot or explosive arrow or an upward-aimed shotgun blast will blow a zombie's head up and kill them instantly. It is also feasible to use the bow gun, although this requires around 10 to 15 arrows. When using the handgun or bow gun, remember that the amount of bullets required can vary depending on the zombie. Some zombies can withstand 10 bullets, whereas some will die after 3. There is an element of randomness there. There are a few different types of zombie that you'll need to look out for. You have the normal type, which is the most common, but there are some zombies (who, as far as I can tell, appear randomly) who have greatly increased agility and stamina - they are much tougher, and much quicker. These zombies can be very dangerous if you're on low health. The final type, 'bomb-zombies' only appear once or twice. These zombies have plastic explosives strapped to their backs (!) which will detonate if shot with a powerful gun like the magnum or shotgun. If you kill the bomb-zombie with a weaker gun like the handgun, then the bomb won't explode until the zombie hits the floor. The explosion is quite large and very damaging, so keep your distance. As a whole, zombies are fairly slow, so it is often easier to avoid them rather than attack them. BACKGROUND: Zombies are humans who have been infected with a mutated strain of the T-Virus. This mutated virus causes degeneration in living cells, so this accounts for the zombie's decaying bodies. The zombies also suffer almost total brain death, which although reduces their IQ drastically, they therefore become far more resilient to harm. 2b) Cerberus ------------ WHERE TO FIND THEM: Again, these enemies are quite common. However, the Cerberus are more abundant on the first disk. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Zombified dogs. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: What noise do dogs make? Yes, that's right, they bark. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) A tearing bite at your thigh. This attack is only used while the Cerberus is chasing you. Light damage. 2) A bite at your wrist. Progressive damage, so tap the buttons to shake the dog off. 3) A jumping bite at your neck. This is often used when the Cerberus is chasing you. Light-medium damage. HOW TO KILL THEM: Cerberus are very fast enemies, and they can often be as tough, if not tougher, than zombies. The handgun, shotgun, M-100P or even the knife are effective weapons, due to the fact that whenever you deal even the smallest bit of damage to a Cerberus, it falls to the floor. As long as there are relatively few of them, they shouldn't pose too much of a threat. Despite their agility, Cerberus are surprisingly easy to dodge. Run away and they'll give chase. When they jump to bite you, jink to one side at the last moment and continue running. Simple. BACKGROUND: Cerberus are T-Virus infected dogs. Unlike the zombies, the T-Virus has had not much effect on the Cerberus, so they are still very fast and agile. 2c) Bat ------- WHERE TO FIND THEM: Toilet in Alfred's palace, Private Residence (main hall), Airport, underground tunnel. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: A bat. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: A bat. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) They claw and bite at your head and neck. Progressive damage. HOW TO KILL THEM: A single bullet/shell/knife swipe will see them off. In fact, ANY weapon kills them in one shot. If you don't kill them, they can become a huge annoyance, as they are always found in swarms, and repeatedly attack you one after another. There is another, easier way to keep bats away - equip the lighter. If you have the lighter out, bats will not attack you. BACKGROUND: I can only assume that these are T-Virus infected bats. However, they may just be normal, common-or-garden bats! 2d) Hunter/Spotter ------------------ WHERE TO FIND THEM: Several places while playing as Chris. They are not found while as Claire. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Hunter - A reptilian humanoid, with a hunched back and sunken head. Spotter - A small, robotic camera-on-wheels, that moves along the ceiling or walls. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: Hunter - They make a short, high-pitched squeal when attacking, but most of the time you can only hear their heavy footsteps. Spotter - A mechanical whirring/clicking sound as it moves around and turns it's projector on and off. THEIR ATTACKS: Hunter - 1) A short-ranged swipe at your ankle (only used when it is giving chase). Light to medium damage. 2) A swipe at your midsection. Medium damage. 3) A jumping slash at your neck. Heavy damage. Spotter - 1) Spotter beam (see below) HOW TO KILL THEM: The Hunter and the Spotter are unusual enemies, because they work in a team. You will never come across a Hunter on it's own, instead, you must be detected by a Spotter before a Hunter attacks. The Spotter projects a light beam onto the floor, which, if you pass through, will cause the Spotter to alert one or more Hunters to your presence. Luckily, the Spotter can't sustain the beam forever, so there are periodic pauses before it resumes the beam, allowing you to dash past. The Hunters themselves are formidable enemies. Their jumping slash is absolutely lethal, so if you see a Hunter crouching down for a jump, get ready to move. They're faster than you, so don't even think about running, or you'll be hamstrung from behind. The best weapon to use against them is the shotgun. Stand still and aim at the Hunter, and when it gets close, let rip. Wait for it to stand up and run at you, then floor it again. Repeat until it dies. Also, the Dual Submachine Guns will waste a Hunter with ease. The magnum and a grenade launcher loaded with acid rounds will fell a Hunter with one shot. BACKGROUND: Hunters are genetically engineered killing machines created through controlled use of the T-Virus, based on the body or some kind of lizard. These particular Hunters are kept by Albert Wesker, so we can assume that they are 'domesticated'. The Spotters are also owned by Wesker, and these are obviously used to help the Hunter's hunt down their prey. 2e) Sweeper ----------- WHERE TO FIND THEM: Chemical Lab (after you obtain the Blue Chemical), Utility Room (breaks through glass after you drain the water). None while playing as Claire. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Similar to Hunters, but squatter and with a wider mouth. They look like bipedal frogs. Their skin has a purplish tinge to it. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: Same as Hunters. THEIR ATTACKS: They have the same attacks as Hunters do, but each hit is more powerful and carries the possibility of poisoning you. HOW TO KILL THEM: Also known as the Poison Hunter, the Sweeper poses an even greater threat than regular Hunters. Their ability to poison you makes them very dangerous, and because they are stronger than Hunters, they need to be killed quick. Use the same tactic(s) to defeat them as you would Hunters, but be ready with a Blue Herb if you get slashed. Luckily, there are only two of them in the whole game! BACKGROUND: Sweepers, like the Hunters, are genetically engineered. They are based on the bodies of toads or frogs, and they must be more intelligent than Hunters, because they don't need the Spotters to help them out. 2f) Bandersnatch ---------------- WHERE TO FIND THEM: Fairly common on the first disk, only one on the second, in the Incubation Lab (after you meet up with Wesker). WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Bit hard to describe, but here goes... they have muscular bodies, which looks as if melted flesh has been dripped onto it. Their faces are skeletal in appearance. Their right arms are very long and muscular, but their left are just tiny stumps. Their whole body pulses and throbs. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: A shuffling sound as they walk, dragging their right arm across the floor. A stretching, elasticcy sound as they attack. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) A VERY long range attack, the Bandersnatch stretches it's right arm all the way across the room to punch you. Light to medium damage. Virtually impossible to avoid as it comes out very fast. 2) An upwards swipe with it's right arm. Light to medium damage. The Bandersnatch only uses this attack if you're up close. 3) The Bandersnatch grabs your head with it's right arm, picks you up, and proceeds to crush your head with it's hand. Progressive damage. HOW TO KILL THEM: Although their attacks are fast and annoying, as well as being nigh-on impossible to dodge, Bandersnatches are fairly simple enemies to defeat, as long as they're alone. A few bursts from the M- 100Ps or one-two explosive arrows will make short work of one Bandersnatch, but two or more can pose problems. Try to attack them from as far away as possible. The Bandersnatches are also very tricky to run away from. They can use their stretchy right arm to stick to walls and pull themselves up to it, like a grappling hook. BACKGROUND: I'm not entirely sure. They look like zombies, but they seem to be more intelligent. My theory is that they're failed Tyrant experiments. 2g) Giant Spider ---------------- WHERE TO FIND THEM: B.O.W. Room, Hallway before Harrier hangar, Sewer Tunnel. None on Disk 1. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Spiders, but bigger. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: They make a thump-thump-thump sound as they walk along. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) A poison spit attack. Light damage, may poison. 2) A facehugger-style grab-and-bite at your face. Progressive damage. HOW TO KILL THEM: Giant Spiders are VERY annoying enemies. They are fast, hard to hit, and they can survive the majority of their body being blown completely off! The Giant Spiders must be shot once or twice with the shotgun, then their abdomens explode. This just leaves their thorax (basically the head and legs), but it'll still come after you! Another one to two shotgun blasts finally kills it. They are extremely easy to avoid and run past, though. For a decisive kill, use a single flame round from your grenade launcher. BACKGROUND: The mutated strain of the T-Virus which has infected these spiders has not only increased their durability, it has caused them to grow in size. 2h) Giant Moth -------------- WHERE TO FIND THEM: They occupy a single room in the Antarctic Base, the cocoon filled corridor. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Take a guess. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: Flutter-flutter-flutter. You know, like what a moth would sound if it was really big. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) Poison scale cloud. Wherever Giant Moths fly, they leave a trail of green scales which can poison you if you run into them. No damage, but may poison. 2) Egg implant. Giant Moths can lay eggs on your back, which will later hatch into larvae. You can't do anything about them until they attack, at which point they crawl onto your neck and start biting. No damage, but when the eggs hatch, the larva will deal progressive damage and may poison. HOW TO KILL THEM: Forget what I said about Giant Spiders being annoying, these Giant Moths currently hold the Resident Evil title for Most Gittish Enemy. The awkward camera angles in RECV mean that it can be *very* difficult avoid the poison clouds. And while you're trying to manouevre past them, you've got another one coming after you, trying to lay eggs in your back! It's best to waste some AK47 ammo here and see them off once and for all, otherwise every time you pass through this room you'll probably be poisoned and implanted. BACKGROUND: Like the Giant Spiders, the T-Virus has caused these moth to grow dramatically. 2i) Parasite ------------ WHERE TO FIND THEM: A single room in the Antarctic base, the one full of ice where the zombies attack after you pick up the Octa Valve Handle. They burst out of the zombie's chests. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Pale facehugger-y things. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: They don't make a sound (At least I don't think they do). THEIR ATTACKS: 1) They burst out of zombie's chests if you get too close and clamp to your face. Progressive damage. HOW TO KILL THEM: There's a simple method of avoiding the Parasites: keep away from the zombies in that room. If they do get hold of you, tap the buttons to shake them off and kill them. BACKGROUND: I have absolutely no idea. 2j) Tentacle ------------ WHERE TO FIND THEM: Near the crashed plane in the big silo (as Chris), and the painting-filled corridor you run through before you fight Tyrant Steve (as Claire). WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: What a stupid question. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: A whippy sound as they thrash at you. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) If you try to get past them, they'll knock you to floor. Light to medium damage. HOW TO KILL THEM: Think of the tentacles as destructible barriers. It's impossible to get past them without taking damage, so just repeatedly fire your handgun or bow gun at it from a safe distance until it dies, then forge onwards. BACKGROUND: I think that these are part of Alexia's giant cocoon, but I'm not really sure. 2k) Infant Albinoid ----------------- WHERE TO FIND THEM: The lab where you get the red skeleton picture. They attack after you pick it up. WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE: Little pink blobs with small, stubby arms. WHAT THEY SOUND LIKE: An "zap" sound as they attack. THEIR ATTACKS: 1) An electric shock attack. If you get too close, they'll give you a zap. Light damage. HOW TO KILL THEM: Basically, don't. After the Infant Albinoids drop down from the ceiling, they'll scuttle after you. Just run away. You'll probably get zapped a few times, but nothing a Green Herb won't cure. BACKGROUND: Another of Umbrella's T-Virus experiments, this time on salamanders. Read the report on the projector found in the Military Training Facility's control room to find out more. ------------- 3. THE BOSSES ------------- The bosses in Resident Evil games have, up to now, been slightly less than challenging. Not so with RECV. In this game, some of the bosses can drive you up the wall, and sometimes you may even have to restart your game to beat them (in my case, the Tyrant on the plane, and nearly the final boss, too)! It's lucky for you, then, that I've given tips to beat the bosses in this guide, too. For the most part, bosses HAVE to be killed for you to proceed through the game. However, direct combat with some of them can be avoided. 3a) Tyrant (1st Form) --------------------- WHERE TO FIND IT: The bridge connecting the Military Training Facility and Alfred's palace, after you've raised the airport barrier. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: A heavily muscled humanoid, with no indication of gender. It's skin is light blue, with patches of black scales. It has claws instead of hands. WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: Silent, except for it's heavy footsteps. IT'S ATTACKS: 1) A claw swipe. Medium damage. Knockdown effect. HOW TO KILL IT: While fighting this Tyrant, be aware that you have no room to manouevre. The flaming wreckage behind you is impassable, so all you can do is stand and shoot. Immediately after cut scene ends, bombard it with explosive arrows or acid rounds, and it should die just before it reaches you. If one of the Tyrant's swipes knocks you into the flaming barrier, you'll die instantly. 6 acid rounds or 15 explosive arrows should be enough. BACKGROUND: A mutant created by the controlled infection of the T-Virus in a human being. The result is a near-unstoppable creature with unfathomable strength. 3b) Tyrant (2nd Form) --------------------- WHERE TO FIND IT: The cargo section of the plane after it's taken off. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Same as the 1st Form Tyrant, except it's right hand has turned into what resembles a mace. WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: Same as the 1st Form Tyrant. IT'S ATTACKS: 1) A claw swipe. Medium damage. Knockdown effect. 2) A dashing claw swipe. Medium damage. Knockdown effect. 3) A crushing downwards blow. Heavy damage. Knockdown effect. HOW TO KILL IT: Before you enter the cargo bay, take your bow gun with explosive arrows and your grenade launcher with acid or B.O.W gas rounds, plus some healing items. The way to kill this form of the Tyrant is rather tricky. You have to press the button on the control panel near the door to fire the cargo catapult towards the Tyrant, knocking it out of the plane. However, it's too strong, and it'll grab the cargo and hurl it back. So, what you must do is use your most powerful weapons to weaken it, then fire the catapult to finish it off. When the cut scene is over, aim at it with your bow gun and fire as many explosive arrows at it as you can before it gets too close, then fire the catapult. This won't be enough to knock it out, so you'll have to play a game of cat-and-mouse with it, around the plane, dodging it's attacks and shooting it whenever you get the chance. If it strikes you down with any of it's attacks, run away from it as soon as you get up, otherwise it'll use a crushing blow and deal heavy damage. Also be wary of the open cargo hatch - the Tyrant can actually knock you out of the plane if it hits you towards it. All the while, the cargo catapult will be charging up for a second try. A "binge" sound will tell you when it's finished charging. Keep dodging and shooting until the Tyrant begins to limp, then fire the catapult once more. The Tyrant will be knocked out of the plane and killed. You CAN kill the Tyrant just by repeatedly firing the catapult at him, but this is VERY hard to do, because you'll need to dodge him for a whole lot longer. Thusly, if you don't have at least 15 explosive arrows or 6 Acid or Normal Grenade rounds, consider restarting your game. BACKGROUND: All Tyrants have several stages of mutation during their life spans; this is the Tyrant's second. 3c) Nosferatu ------------- WHERE TO FIND HIM: On the helipad in the Antarctic base. WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE: A jaundiced, bald old man, with his arms bound and his mouth gagged. In the centre of his chest there is an exposed heart, and long tentacles protrude from his back. A cloth is wrapped around his waist. WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: A whipping sound as he attacks with his tentacles. IT'S ATTACKS: 1) A swipe at you with his tentacles. Medium damage, knockdown effect. 2) Poison gas cloud. Whenever Nosferatu attacks with it's tentacles, several clouds of purple gas move in the direction of the wind. HOW TO KILL IT: If you picked up the Sniper Rifle earlier on, this boss should be a cinch. Run away from it, and auto-aim with the Sniper Rifle. Zoom in with the L-Button, and wait until you see him emerge from the mist. Fire off all seven rifle rounds into the Nosferatu's exposed heart, this will kill him. If you miss with any of the bullets, run away, avoid the poison gas clouds. Auto-aim with another gun. Keep on shooting, and he'll eventually drop. You have to be careful when fighting Nosferatu - he can knock you off the helipad with his tentacle attacks, so try to keep your distance. Avoid the gas clouds by staying 'upwind', because the gas clouds disperse in the direction of the Antarctic gales blowing over the helipad. BACKGROUND: The Nosferatu is actually Alexia and Alfred's father, Alexander. He was infected with the T-Veronica Virus in one of Alexia's depraved experiments. However, the experiment failed and Alexander became a insane and uncontrollable monster. For safety, Alexia locked him up in a dungeon below her father's office. 3d) Giant Worm -------------- WHERE TO FIND IT: The cavern right after you take control of Chris. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: A REALLY big earthworm, but with a mouth full of tentacles and mandibles. WHAT IT SOUND LIKE: It makes an unearthly shriek as it surfaces for air. IT'S ATTACKS: 1) Whenever you touch the Giant Worm, you take light damage. 2) When the worm makes a short dive from out of the ground, it can swallow you whole. Instant death. HOW TO KILL IT: Okay, this isn't strictly a boss, but if you kill it quick enough, it'll make your adventure a whole lot easier. Because it swallowed Rodrigo earlier on, killing it quickly makes it vomit up Rodrigo, upon which he'll give you Claire's lighter. You can use this unlock the Submachine Guns in the previous room. Basically, all you need to do it dodge it while it's coming up for air, auto-aim with your Handgun and let off as many shots as you can before it burrows back underground. Repeat this process until it dies. You need to be VERY careful that it doesn't eat you, because that kills you in one go. BACKGROUND: It seems to be another T-Virus mutation. It could have been deployed by the special forces unit that attacked the island at the beginning of the game. 3e) Adult Albinoid ------------------ WHERE TO FIND IT: In the pool at the end of the sewer tunnel. It's the one that the Eagle Plate fell into. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: A bigger, 4-legged Albinoid. WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: It makes an electric "zap" sound when it attacks, much like the Infant Albinoids do. IT'S ATTACKS: 1) It electrifies the water that it's in if you get in with it. Light to medium damage. HOW TO KILL IT: Like the Infant Albinoids, it's best not to kill it. Just dive in, pick up the Eagle Plate, and run out again. If you got zapped, heal yourself with a Green Herb or two. BACKGROUND: Remember when you first encountered the Albinoids, and one got away through an air vent? Well, this is that same Albinoid. Obviously, it's grown quite a bit. 3f) Alexia (1st Form) --------------------- WHERE TO FIND HER: The mansion in the Antarctic base while playing as Chris. She beats up Wesker then comes after you. WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE: A naked woman (meow) with plant-like growths covering her naughty bits (awwww....). WHAT SHE SOUNDS LIKE: Silent. A whooshing sound as she uses her flame attacks. HER ATTACKS: 1) Flame barriers. Alexia can create impassable walls of fire that disappear after a little while. Deals light to medium damage if you touch them. 2) If you get right up close to her, you'll die instantly. HOW TO KILL HER: Keep your distance, and use either the Magnum or Shotgun. Around 7 Magnum bullets or 14 Shotgun blasts should be enough. A very easy boss to defeat. BACKGROUND: It seems that Alexia has injected herself with the T- Veronica Virus! 3g) Tyrant Steve ---------------- WHERE TO FIND IT: In the statue filled dungeon near the prison cells. Steve is at the end, strapped into Nosferatu's chair. He then mutates into Tyrant Steve, picks up the battleaxe, and attacks. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: A hugely-muscled green-skinned hunchbacked monster. It still retains Steve's Leonardo DiCaprio-esque face. WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: It roars. Quite a bit. IT'S ATTACKS: 1) Axe swipe. VERY heavy damage (From Fine down to Danger in one hit). HOW TO KILL IT: Put simply, you can't. Even your most powerful weapons cannot leave a scratch on him. All they do is slow him down. The best tactic, then, is to RUN back to where to you. Run like hell. It's axe will finish you off in two swipes, so after you're hit, heal yourself back to Fine with either a First Aid Spray or a Mixed Herb. I'm sure that it's impossible to escape Tyrant Steve without getting hit at least twice, so bring at least two First Aid Sprays. Once you get to the grating at the end, you're safe. BACKGROUND: Alexia has performed the same T-Veronica Virus experiment on Steve as she did on her father. However, this time Steve didn't totally lose control of his mind, allowing her to escape. 3h) REALLY Giant Spider ----------------------- WHERE TO FIND IT: The large ice-filled room with the crane. You can see it scuttling on the underside of the ice. It attacks after you use the crane key. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE: Think how big a Giant Spider is. Now multiply that by about five. WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE: The same as a regular Giant Spiders. IT'S ATTACKS: No idea, I killed it too quick. However, C14dog gave me this useful info: "If it's on the ceiling it can smack you onto your a** with one of it's arms. It can also grab onto you like the smaller ones do." (Thanks C14dog) Also, Living Dead Girl says: "If you shoot him (the Giant Spider) but don't kill him quickly he spits out babies. You need to blast him with a few grenades. If you do it fast no baby spiders pop out and attack you!! HOW TO KILL IT: This boss is ridiculously easy, so much so that you can kill it before it even has a chance to attack you. After the cut scene finishes, follow it's movement's with the Shotgun. As it tries to climb up the wall, shoot it. It'll fall off, and then it will try again. Shoot it off. It'll try again. And again. And again. Until you kill it. A flaw in AI here, I'm sure. If ammo's a problem, simply take the Jewel from Nosferatu's body and leg it out of the door. BACKGROUND: I can only guess that this is the Granddaddy of all spiders! 3i) Alexia (2nd Form) --------------------- WHERE TO FIND HER: The gantry above the giant ant-hill/cocoon thingy. WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE: A big, nay, HUGE amorphous blob of goo, with tentacles, legs and wings everywhere. At the top of it, sits a deformed Alexia, who looks suspiciously like a dragonfly. WHAT SHE SOUNDS LIKE: Bleach. Can't say - she makes so many disgusting sounds it's hard to describe. HER ATTACKS: 1) Tentacle slam. A huge tentacle emerges from one of her orifices, and tries to squish you. Medium to heavy damage, knockdown effect. 2) Acid spit. Light damage, may poison. 3) Mites. Weird little bugs also emerge from Alexia's body. These follow you around and attack you with whip-like appendages. Light damage. HOW TO KILL HER: When you exit the control room, a cut scene begins, when it ends, Alexia (still in her 1st form) erects a fire barrier, stopping Claire from escaping. You then have to quickly shoot Alexia, otherwise she'll knock Claire off the balcony and the game will end. If you manage to shoot her in time, she'll mutate into her second form. There are two methods of defeating Alexia, depending on whether you got the Magnum or not. With the Magnum: Stand still, and blast away at her with the Magnum. Try your best to keep away from the mites and the tentacles, but otherwise keep shooting, regardless of what damage you may take. After around 15 Magnum shots, she'll "die" and mutate into her 3rd and final form. Without the Magnum: Run as close to her main body as you can, and aim up at her face with the Grenade Launcher loaded with either Normal or Acid Rounds. Blast away. I normally use 6 Normal Rounds and 1 Acid, and that's enough to kill her. Of course, you can use the Grenade Launcher method even if you have got the Magnum, in fact, I recommend it over the Magnum method. BACKGROUND: The second T-Veronica Virus-induced mutation that Alexia undergoes. 3j) FINAL BOSS - Alexia (3rd Form) ---------------------------------- WHERE TO FIND HER: She attacks after you destroy her 2nd form. WHAT SHE LOOKS LIKE: A huge dragonfly, with Alexia's head. It emerges from her second form's body. WHAT SHE SOUNDS LIKE: A buzzing sound as she flies around, and a whoosh of flames when she attacks with her acid spit. HER ATTACKS: 1) Acid spit. A barrage of acid that also creates a flame barrier. Light damage, may poison. HOW TO KILL HER: It's a shame, really, that the final boss in this game had to be so pathetically puny. All you need to do is take the Anti-B.O.W Linear Launcher from it's holder, take aim and zoom in (just like with the Sniper Rifle) and fire one shot at her. You don't even have to avoid her acid attack, because it's so damn weak. The only setback that you'll suffer is missing a couple of times, because Alexia flits about a fair bit, and the Linear Launcher projectile is a little slow. That's okay, though, because the Linear Launcher has infinite ammo. After a few shots, you'll probably hit her by fluke anyhow. And there you have it - game completed! BACKGROUND: It's strangely apt that Alexia's final form should be a dragonfly, seeing as the dragonfly theme is repeated several times throughout the game (the two dragonfly keys, the video showing Alexia and Alfred mutilate the dragonfly and feed it to the ants). Interesting, no? ---------- 4. THE END ---------- 4a) Credits ----------- Credits go to: Capcom, for making such a damn fine game; My little brother Harry, who forced me to watch him play RECV because he was too scared to play it alone, and consequently made me learn a whole lot more about it; C14dog and Living Dead Girl of the GameFAQS RECV forums, for giving me that useful info concerning the REALLY Giant Spider boss; and Gamefaqs.com, for being such a great site, what with posting up all my guides and all. 4b) Legal Stuff --------------- Capcom is a registered trademark of CAPCOM CO., LTD. This guide is Copyright Alexander Hugh Clarkson 2000 The only sites that I have given permission to host this guide are: www.gamefaqs.com and www.vgstrategies.about.com If you see it anywhere else, let me know. My e-mail address is: aggisander@altavista.co.uk Comments, corrections and criticisms are welcome. I won't tolerate spamming, which will be taken up with your mail provider. - THE END - by Mr. Black