================================================================= Sakura Wars 4 (サクラ大戦4) Act 2 Translation v.1.10 2002.07.03 ================================================================= Translation 2002 By Kayama This is a translation of the second act of the game 'Sakura Wars 4 ~ Koi se yo Otome' for the Sega Dreamcast system and contains some Japanese text in Shift-JIS encoding. It is best viewed in a monospace (uniform character width) typeface. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirety for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. This translation may be found at the following location: - primary location - mirror site === Disclaimer === This work is not authorized by SEGA, RED, or any other company. I do not profess to be fluent in Japanese. I do not guarantee a 100% accurate translation. All Sakura Wars games are copyright Sega, Red, and/or Overworks and all other copyrighted works are trademarks of their respective companies. === Update History === v.1.10 2002.07.03 - Finished the entire act, this time for real. v.1.00 2002.05.05 - Completed the translation up to what I thought was the end of the act, but apparently wasn't. v.0.20 2002.04.18 - Completed translation up to the second eyecatch. v.0.10 2002.04.06 - Started initial translation, up until the first eyecatch. === Translation ============================================================= === Act 2 Translation === Hm...... I see. So it turned into gold steam and disappeared...... We investigated the area, but found no fragments of the large Masou Kihei. Only...... this Noh {1} mask was left behind at the large Masou Kihei's point of disappearance. A Noh mask...... And another thing, Ohgami. The same gold dust as that which you gave me yesterday was extracted from this Noh mask. What......? The same gold dust as that stuck to the leg of the Kohbu Mark II...... Yes, most likely...... that gold dust is what's behind the gold- colored steam. Mystical energy was also detected in the gold dust. I see...... most suspicious. So that's the cause of all the steam engine malfunctions. Yes, the Tsuki-Gumi shares that point of view. The steam-powered machines that went out of control most likely came in contact with the gold-colored steam. Furthermore...... the mystical energy in that gold dust has the added characteristic of diminishing spiritual energy to zero. Those steam-powered machines belonging to the general populace are weak in spiritual energy; they would begin to malfunction right away. That's some rather dangerous material. So that's why Kohran's Kohbu, which has the lowest spiritual energy, went out of control. Ohgami...... Do you have any idea how to suppress any malfunction in the Kohbu? As for that...... === LIPS 2-1 ==> - a - If we defend against it with spiritual energy...... - b - If we keep it from getting inside steam engines...... - c - If we're lucky...... - time up - = - a > Can we not defend against it with spiritual energy? If we do that, we should be able to get by without coming in contact with the gold-colored steam. Ohgami...... I thought I told you that gold dust reduces spiritual energy to zero. We can't defend against it with spiritual energy. The Kohbu stopped working when they were surrounded by that gold-colored steam, didn't it? Yeah...... that is true. It didn't take even two hours for the gold steam to reduce your spiritual energies to zero. In other words, if the battle runs too long, your spiritual energies will be reduced to zero. In which case the Kohbu will go out of control. ......Kayama. Has the Tsuki-Gumi come up with anything? Gold dust had entered the steam engines of all the steam-powered machines that lost control. In other words...... as long as the gold dust doesn't enter the steam engines, it is believable that they will not go out of control. As far as hard evidence...... I haven't gotten any. But for now, that's all we know. In that case...... we don't know when the Kohbu will go out of control too...... < a - - b > Do you suppose we simply need to keep it from getting inside steam engines? Hey, now...... is this whole incident really that simple? Commander Yoneda...... Ohgami's suggestion may very well have hit the nail on the head. As a result of the Tsuki-Gumi's reinvestigation of those steam-powered machines that went out of control...... ...the same gold dust as that of this most recent incident has been extracted from all the steam engines of those machines. I see...... So if we keep the gold dust from getting inside the steam engines, they won't go out of control. Yes, that is true, but...... that gold dust reduces spiritual energy. It took not even two hours from the time they were surrounded by the gold steam to the point when Ohgami and the others' spiritual energy dropped to zero. In other words, if the battle runs too long, Ohgami and the others' spiritual energy will be reduced to zero, and the gold dust will infiltrate their steam engines. And...... they will go out of control. < b - - c > If we're lucky...... we may be able to get by without them going out of control...... Are you a fool!?! We're trying to discuss this seriously! Why, even in this past battle, they may not have gone out of control, but the Kohbu ceased all activity, didn't they! Th- that's...... It didn't take even two hours for the gold steam to reduce your spiritual energies to zero. If the battle continues for too long, the Kohbu will begin to go out of control without fail!! And when that happens, it'll be the end of everything, now won't it! Despite all that, you...... say you'll rely on luck? < c - - time up > Ohgami!! You won't solve anything if you just keep quiet! Haven't you got anything!? I'm sorry...... Kayama...... Is there anything we can do? It is believable that the gold dust entering the steam engines causes the malfunction. However, that gold-colored steam reduces spiritual energy to zero, so it cannot be defended against with spiritual energy. In other words, if the battle runs too long, Ohgami and the others' spiritual energy will be reduced to zero, and the gold dust will infiltrate their steam engines. And...... they will go out of control. < time up - <== LIPS 2-1 === Somehow, we have to find a way to keep the gold-colored steam from getting inside the Kohbu's steam engines. It may be difficult, but we have to physically prevent its entry. Perhaps, with a filter, for instance...... A Noh mask left behind at the scene, and gold dust that causes steam engines to go on a rampage...... Ohgami, Kayama. I'm relying on you two to keep up the investigation. I'll try figuring out if there isn't anything I can do about this from my end of things. Understood. Now then, please excuse us. Ohgami...... About the gold-colored steam and the Kohbu malfunction problem...... Don't tell the Hana-Gumi just yet. There's just too much we don't know. There's no point in needlessly putting them ill at ease. You're right...... I understand. In return, I'll be counting on you with the investigation. Leave it to me! You and I are friends, now, aren't we!! And one more thing - I've prepared these for you. I want you to accept them! 'Noh' tickets? There was a Noh mask left behind at the scene of today's battle, after all, so I thought there might be some sort of connection. And besides, Ohgami. Lately you've been having to go out on emergency one right after the other, haven't you? As the ancients have said, "Haste will only hinder things." Those girls need a break. And naturally, so do you. Sorry about that, Kayama. I gratefully accept. Well, see ya, Ohgami. Adios! ......Now then, I believe the others were rehearsing onstage. I guess I'll go check on how things are going. * * * Hey, everyone. How's rehearsal coming? Ah, Ohgami-san, you've come, have you. Sakura-san, be still. We are in the middle of rehearsal. Ah, forgive me. Look, it's Maria-san and Orihime-san's scene. I see...... Perhaps I'll take a little look. ......Now, Jean Valjean. Take this silver candlestick. Why, Bishop Myriel? I stole silver goods from this church! And I injured you as well!! Yet, why do you say you will give me a silver candlestick as well? Jean Valjean, I believe in your future...... and in your proper heart. I shall forgive you. All of your sins have been forgiven here. Do you understand, Jean Valjean? Forgiving the sins of others...... and living for the sake of others. That alone...... is my desire. For that end, I would regret losing nothing. Bishop Myriel...... Thank you so much...... Jean Valjean is saved by Bishop Myriel and reformed...... ......What a wonderful scene. However...... I have to wonder about using possessions as a lure to persuade one of the proper path. Well, you may have a point. But you know, I think it'd be more effective than simply getting preached at. If it were me, I'd probably think of the Bishop's face every time I looked at that silver candlestick. Lieutenant, how do you feel? Would you present someone with material things in order to reform them? Well, let's see...... === LIPS 2-2 ==> - a - I think I would give them something. {Su+} - b - I guess it depends on the person. {Su-} - c - I'd reform them with a burning spirit. - time up - {Su-} = - a > I think I'd give them something. If that helps to reform them, then I don't see anything wrong with that. Since you put it that way, I suppose you're right. If it can buy a person's life, a silver candlestick is a small price to pay. Still, I find it a bit shameful to reform oneself simply by receiving a material possession...... That's because you're rich. Think about Jean Valjean...... He was so poor that he had to struggle just to eat a loaf of bread. If he was given something that valuable, I think he'd reform, I'm telling you. < a - - b > I suppose it depends on the person. There are those who wouldn't believe without something tangible...... That may be so, but...... I wished to hear your opinion. That may be so, Sumire-han, but I don't think what Ohgami-han says is wrong. Isn't it best to try to reform someone with the means that suit the person best? If you're trying to reform someone, then I think it doesn't matter whether you hook them with a personal possession or whatever you do. < b - - c > I'd reform them with a burning spirit. I don't think it's right to try to convert someone with possessions. Ohh-hoh-hoh...... how excellent, our Lieutenant. You truly are a star pupil. However...... others are not strong enough to believe in something they cannot see. I...... don't think expressing one's feelings in physical form is such a bad thing either. Because that simply says how much...... you're actually sympathizing with that person. < c - - time up > ......I can't say anything about the matter. Well, is that so. I thought perhaps if it were up to you, you would try to reform them without relying on possessions...... <-> I suppose that was my misunderstanding. < time up - <== LIPS 2-2 === In possessions...... lie a person's feelings. ......The silver candlestick is Bishop Myriel's feelings expressed in solid form. Jean Valjean received not a mere silver candlestick, but the Bishop's feelings instead. I understand. ......Because I myself once received a crown of flowers from Iris. Yes, Iris, you know, thought very hard about Reni when she made it. I see...... So that candlestick is less an object...... than it is the Bishop's feelings. Jean Valjean, who has received the Bishop's feelings, learns the importance of forgiving others...... ......Hey, hey, more importantly, big brother. What's that you've got in your hand? Ah, these? I got some 'Noh' tickets from Kayama. I was thinking maybe we could all go together right now. My, 'O-Noh'!? This is quite elegant indeed. Maria-saan, Orihime-saan! Ohgami-san wants to know if you want to go watch some Noh right now!! Sure, I got it. Could you go on ahead? * * * * * The truth is, this is...... the first time I've ever seen any 'Noh.' It sounds so complex that I'm a bit nervous. My, is that so? Perhaps Noh was a little too advanced for you, Sakura-san? It's all right, I'm going to learn about it right now. There's a first time for everyone, after all!! Both of you, don't fight. By the way, Captain...... today's performance is 'Takasago,' isn't it. {2} Um, would that 'Takasago'...... be the same Takasago that's danced at wedding ceremonies? That's right! It's a dance to wish that the husband and wife will always get along together. Um...... Ohgami-san. Why did you choose 'Takasago' for our 'Noh' program? === LIPS 2-3 ==> - a - The truth is...... I didn't know what it was going to be either. - b - I was interested in marriage. {Sa+} - time up - = - a > The truth is...... I didn't know what it was going to be either. I got the tickets from Kayama, after all. Ah...... is that so. Here I thought...... ......You thought? Uh, no...... it's nothing. It looks like it's about to start. < a - - b > I was interested in marriage. You know...... We talked about it last night, didn't we? Besides, I thought, if all of you watched this sort of performance, it might give you a push in some direction. Eh...... really? The truth is, I...... also have an interest in marriage...... I see, well, if you're interested, then that helps me out too. Let's talk about this in detail sometime. Ah...... it looks like it's about to start. Let's take a good look at it today. < b - - time up > ......I wonder why. Ah, it looks like it's about to start. I suppose so. Really, you, Ohgami-san...... < time up - <== LIPS 2-3 === It's gotten dark...... Iris is kind of scared. ......She has a bad feeling. It's all right, Iris. Once the performance begins, it'll be just like a fantasy, very beautiful. That's what they call 'the occult.' The Noh stage is said to be the bridge between this world and the next. It's even possible...... some GHOSTS might even show up! Re...... really? Hey, big brother...... Are there going to be...... ghosts? === LIPS 2-4 ==> - a - There won't be any ghosts. {I+} - b - Sometimes they may show up. {I-} - c - Ah...... Iris - behind you...... {Su- Ma- I-} - time up - = - a > Don't worry, Iris. There won't be any ghosts showing up. For really real? They absolutely won't show up? Yeah, really. If you're still scared, here...... you can hold onto my hand. Yeah...... I will. Ah- um...... Ohgami-san. May I hold your hand too? Sure, I don't mind, but...... are you scared too? Y- yes...... < a - - b > That's right...... Sometimes they may show up. No, no! Iris is leaving! It'll be all right, Iris. There won't be any ghosts showing up. Yeah, that's right. And even if ghosts do show up, I'll get 'em for you. Really......? It's going to be all right? Yes, there's no need to worry...... If you're scared, you can hold onto my hand...... Okay...... I will. < b - - c > Ah...... Iris, behind you...... NO!! No no no no! Iris is leaving!! Captain! Please control yourself with your joking!! Lieutenant...... just what do you think you are doing, scaring Iris? I- I'm sorry...... I just had this sudden impulse...... Iris, there's no need to worry...... I'll hold onto your hand...... Okay...... Thank you. < c - - time up > ............ Well...... which is it? Will there be ghosts? It'll be all right, Iris. We're all here, so you don't need to worry. But...... It'll be all right...... Iris. If you're scared, you can hold onto my hand...... Yes...... I will. < time up - <== LIPS 2-4 === Ah, the performer has arrived. (......So this is Noh. The one wearing the mask performes the dance quietly......) (Certainly, as Maria says, it is quite fantasy-like and beautiful...... So this is the 'occult.') (It's beautiful, isn't it...... I feel almost drawn into it.) (Yeah, you're right...... Hm...... What's that?) (What was that...... just now? It looked like the silhouette of someone......) (Big brother...... There was something strange there just now......) (So you saw it too, Iris? Something like the silhouette of a person......) (Captain, Iris. You mustn't talk during a performance.) (Maria...... Did you not just see a mysterious figure onstage?) (No...... not particularly...... Is something the matter?) (I guess only Iris and I could see it......) * * * ......Ahh, what a magnificent dance it was. Hmm, I never would have expected something like this to exist! When something's good, it sure is good, isn't it. Captain...... would it be all right to go have the Noh mask shown to them? Iris is scared. She wants to go home soon...... Now, don't say things like that. I'm interested in the Noh mask too. That's the real work of a craftsman. I'm interested in it too...... Iris, would you mind? Okay...... all right. But let's go home soon. ......I see. So this is a genuine Noh mask...... When the 'Nougakushi' puts it on, the Noh mask transfers its life to the Nougakushi, and the world of the occult opens wide...... {3} Captain, did you know? Originally 'Noh' was the dance of the gods. Humans play the roles of the gods as they dance. And thus, they would appease or praise the gods. I know about that. It's the 'Kagura-mai,' isn't it? I've seen it in Sendai. {4} At New Year's, a Nougakushi danced at a shrine nearby. So that's what it all meant. That's right...... The Nougakushi was thought of as a very important person that joined this world with the next. Sakura, did you know? In Ginza, there's another sect of Nougakushi as well, known as the Konparu-ryu. Heh...... is that so? So that Konparu-san appeased the gods of Ginza. Hm-hm-hm...... That may be so. (The Nougakushi that joins this world with the next, huh...... We may have something here.) Captain, is something the matter? Something appears to be troubling you...... Yeah...... === LIPS 2-5 ==> - a - Explain about the Noh mask the enemy dropped. - b - Explain about the Tei-Geki stage production. - c - Explain about the human form you saw just now. - time up - = - a > In our last battle, the enemy Masou Kihei had dropped this Noh mask...... This...... is the Noh mask called 'Shikami,' isn't it. If I'm not mistaken...... I believe this is a mask used when playing the role of a monster...... Our present enemy and Noh...... Do you suppose there's some sort of connection? I don't know. That's what I came here to find out. Gold-colored steam and a Noh mask...... The incidents up to now may all have been part of a continuous stream of them. < a - - b > I was just wondering about what to do about the upcoming Tei-Geki stage production. I think it would be nice if we could adopt something from the Noh production. It would be an innovation for the Hana-Gumi. However...... I have to wonder about using Noh masks. For an actress, facial expression is part of the acting performance, after all. Ha-ha-ha...... I suppose that's true. Captain...... Is the production of the play the only thing that's been bothering you? The expression on your face up until now looked the same as it does when you're anxious right before a battle...... Well...... In the last battle, the enemy Masou Kihei left this Noh mask behind...... This...... is the Noh mask called 'Shikami,' isn't it. Gold-colored steam and a Noh mask...... The incidents up to now may all have been part of a continuous stream of them. < b - <== LIPS 2-5 === Captain! Let's get going!! It's almost time for dinner! Yeah, you're right. Well then...... shall we head back? * * * * * ......Everyone, as far as today's play rehearsal, let's have it after dinner. Now then, until you're ready, you're free to do whatever you want. Okay! Now, Captain. I'll be excusing myself as well. Now then...... I guess I'll go do some research in my room. Ah, Ohgami-saan! You have a visitor!! A visitor...... for me? Who in the world could it be? Heh-heh-heh...... it's a secret. I've had them wait in the dining hall, so, go on, hurry up and go there please. All right...... I understand. ......Who could this visitor for me be? She said they'd be in the dining hall, but...... it doesn't look like there's anyone here...... {The following dialogue is character-specific and is determined by whom you chose as the Paris Kagekidan Vice-Captain at the beginning of the previous act. For the time being, only Erica is listed in this translation.} O - h - ga - mi - saaan!! Ohgami-san, Ohgami-san, Ohgami-san!! Erica's come to see you! E- Erica-kun!? What's this? Ohgami-san, have you lost some weight? You have to eat right, you know. Wh- why - are you here......? Ah, yes. That would be because I was guided here by your lovely salesgirl. No...... that's not what I meant...... I wanted to know why you'd come all the way to Teito...... Ah, yes...... Ever since you were sent to Tokyo...... I would be unable to sleep whenever I thought about you...... and so...... E- Erica-kun...... Because I'd always be falling asleep during the day...... Grand Ma got angry at me and told me to go off to Tokyo. Huh...... Is that how it is. But but! I'm very happy to be able to see you!! My heart's even pounding - I'm so happy right now!! Um...... Ohgami-san...... You wouldn't have forgotten your promise to me, would you......? Your promise to make me...... into your real girlfriend...... Erica-kun...... === LIPS 2-6 ==> - a - Of course I haven't forgotten. - b - Did I make a promise like that? - c - For now, calm down. - time up - = - a > Of course I haven't forgotten. That's only natural. Ohgami-san...... It really is you, Ohgami-san...... I...... believed that you of all people who definitely remember. Because you...... were the first person I ever really fell in love with...... So Ohgami-san's my boyfriend...... Eh-heh-heh...... It's kind of embarrassing when you actually go and say it. < a - - c > For now, just calm down. Here, drink some water. Ah, yes...... Gulp gulp gulp gulp...... Ahh...... that was delicious. The water in Japan is very easy on the taste buds, isn't it. In Paris, you can't drink the water from the water supply, so it's quite a problem. Uhh...... now then, what was I talking about? Ah...... well, you mentioned a "real girlfriend"...... Ahh, that's right!! This wasn't the time to be saying how tasty the water is! Ohgami-san...... You do remember...... the promise, don't you? Ye- yeah...... So Ohgami-san's my boyfriend...... It really makes me happy. < c - <== LIPS 2-6 === Hey, is dinner ready? I'm hungry! I wonder what today's meal will be!! ......Rice curry. Iris loves curry!! I'll have a second helping! Ah! It's everyone from the Teikoku Kagekidan!! It's been such a long time! Wah!? E- Erica-san! Why are you here in the Tei-Geki!? Yes, well, it's a long story, but...... Let's start at the beginning...... The Paris Kagekidan had me...... ......It really does sound like it'll be long. So to make a long story short, you came to see the Captain, right? That's right!! Kanna-san, are you some kind of psychic? That's strange...... Coming all the way here from Paris to see him is very strange. ......That's right. Erica-san, is there no other business you have here? Heh? There's nothing like that. I simply came to see Ohgami-san. Ohgami-san and I did live under the same roof, after all. Ohgami-san...... Just what is the meaning of this? Eeh!? I- it's...... === LIPS 2-7 ==> - a - She means the Chattes Noires. - b - Just once, she came to my apartment...... - c - I'll leave it up to your imagination. - time up - = - a > She means the Chattes Noires. Y- you remember. It's just like with the Tei-Geki, isn't it? ......Is that so, Erica-san? No, that's not what I meant. I spent a night in Ohgami-san's bed. Eeh!? It was when I ran away from Chattes Noires, and had caught a fever, soaked from the rain...... Ohgami-san nursed me to health in his own apartment. Ohgami-san's Japanese, so he slept on the floor, while I slept on the bed. Th- that's right! That's exactly what happened!! < a - - b > Just once, she came to my apartment...... when Erica-kun ran away from Chattes Noires...... She had been soaked in the rain and broke out in a fever, so I nursed her to health in my apartment. I remember when that happened...... Ohgami-san...... You were truly so gentle...... Is that really...... all that happened, I wonder? Of- of course! Have faith in what I'm saying!! < b - <== LIPS 2-7 === Ah, I just remembered! I had received a letter from Grand Ma and Ambassador Sakomizu!! Um...... Where might Monsieur Yoneda be? I- in that case, I'll show you the way. Really? Then, please, if you would. W...... well, everyone. You enjoy your meal. So long, everyone - let's talk later, okay!? * * * Manager, it's Ohgami. May I come in? Yeah, sure. Come on in. Why, if it isn't Erica, from the Paris Kagekidan!? I hadn't heard you were coming. Yes, and I hadn't said I was. But...... here I am. A- ahh...... I see. It's so good of you to come such a long way. So, do you need something with me? Yes, I've received a letter from Grand Ma and Ambassador Sakomizu. ......Here you are. ......Well let's take a look. Hoh...... I see. Hm...... Well, that's Sakomizu for you. He already knows about the incidents going on in Teito. ......What do you mean? There's a reason he's called 'Iron Wall Sakomizu.' Kaede-kun, go tell Kayama to fetch the 'Ginza Monjo.' 'Ginza Monjo?' What's that? A text that documents the founding and folklore, among other things, of Ginza. Sakomizu seems to think these incidents may have something to do with the spot on which Ginza stands. Certainly, these rampage incidents all seem to be taking place around Ginza...... All right, Erica, thank you for your trouble. You get some rest for today. You must tired from the long journey, right? Yes, um...... I'm afraid I don't have any place to stay today...... In that case, you can come to my room. You can sleep with me tonight. Thank you very much. In that case, please, if you would! Well, then, Manager, I'll excuse myself now. ......It's already this late, huh. It does look like I should be getting some rest for today. Well, Ohgami-kun, I'll be showing Erica to my room. So long, Ohgami-san. Good night. Yeah, good night. You take it easy. Now then...... For now, I guess I'll head back to my room...... I'm really tired out for today...... Ah...... Ohgami-san...... Hm......? You guys...... What are you doing? Oh, no...... nothing especially...... We were not eavesdropping! Idiot...... Wh- what are you saying!? Well, Captain...... We'll be going too now. Huh...... Guess I'll go back to my room...... ~ {Eyecatch 2-1} ~ Hah...... Today was really a busy day, what with going to see the Noh, and Erica-kun coming here...... I'd like to talk to Erica-kun, but...... I can't make it...... I'm going to sleep for today. I'll do it...... tomorrow...... Forgive me, Ohgami-san. May I see you for a moment? Y- yes!? Kasumi-kun......? Ahh...... I'll be right there. Ohgami-san, a transmission has come in from Grand Ma of the Paris Kagekidan. A transmission from Chattes Noires? Is that true? Yes, it's true. Please take the message on the big screen kinematron in the battle command room. Kohran-san made it possible to communicate with Paris by connecting an antenna to Teito Tower. That's Kohran for you. The battle command room, you said? I'll go there right away! * * * A transmission from Grand Ma, huh...... I believe this is the switch for the big screen kinematron. Why, Monsieur. You seem well, don't you. Manager, it's been a while. Is it peaceful in Paris? Yes, there's no need to worry. There haven't been any particularly large incidents. But still...... you don't ask a lady, "Is it peaceful," now, do you? You've got to come up with something more thoughtful than that. Ah, forgive me. Manager...... === LIPS 2-8 ==> - a - You're as beautiful as always. - b - Have you put on a little weight......? - c - How's Napoleon been? - time up - = - a > Manager...... You're as beautiful as always. Hm-hm...... Thank you very much. Though it's a bit embarrassing to hear that coming from you. Here I thought you'd forgotten your attitude as a gentleman, having gone back to Teito...... Well, I was the one who raised you to be a gentleman, so you should be all right. < a - - c > Napoleon, how have you been? Meeoww! Meow meow!! He says he's lonely because he hasn't had anyone to fight with since you went to Teito. Meoww. Napoleon...... You never change...... < c - <== LIPS 2-8 === Ahh, that's right, Monsieur. Has Erica already arrived over there? Yes, just a short while ago. I was startled when she jumped at me all of a sudden. That sounds just like Erica. It did look like she wanted to go to Tokyo so badly she couldn't get any sleep at night. Well, I'm counting on you. I don't mind if you work her a little hard. But more importantly...... What's going on in Tokyo? Even on our psycheon radar over here the area around Ginza's so blurry it doesn't even show up right...... Monsieur Sakomizu said the cause lies within the way Ginza came about...... You mean the 'Ginza Monjo' that was mentioned in the letter from Ambassador Sakomizu? According to Monsieur Sakomizu, Ginza is apparently an enormous seal. And not only that...... it's a seal to appease the vengeful spirit of one certain man. It may not be a coincidence that your Tei-Geki is located in Ginza. The 'Ginza Monjo' apparently has more detail on that area. Monsieur, I know you must have it pretty hard, but I'm expecting you to get the job done. If, by chance, something happens, you be sure to give the Paris Kagekidan the order to move out, any time - you got that? Manager...... === LIPS 2-9 ==> - a - I will be counting on you. - b - The Teikoku Kagekidan alone will be enough. - time up - = - a > Should the time come, I'll be counting on you. Naturally. Because you're still a member of the Paris Kagekidan even now. If it's for the sake of a comrade, we'll go anywhere. That's what makes us the Paris Kagekidan, isn't it? Manager...... Thank you very much. < a - - b > The Teikoku Kagekidan alone will be enough. We'll manage on our own. Monsieur...... It's no more than conceit to think you can do everything all by yourself. If you get into a situation you can't handle with the Teikoku Kagekidan alone, what would you intend to do then? When you have someone to help you, you should rely on them as much as you want. That's what comrades are for, after all. < b - <== LIPS 2-9 === Owner! Is it true we can talk to Ohgami-san!?! Shh!! No, Ci!! The owner's talking about work! He- hey...... Mell-kun, Ci-kun. Long time no see. Ahh, Ohgami-saan! It's Ci Caprice!! Have you been well!? Yeah, I've been just fine. You seem full of energy, as always, Ci-kun, don't you. It has been a while, Ohgami-san. It's me, Mell Raison. Umm...... I don't what to say. Mell-kun, it's been a while. I'm glad you seem well. I'm finished with what I have to say. Mell, Ci, do what you like. Ah, Monsieur...... I've sent an extra gift too, so I'll leave Erica to you. Well then, you get the job done, even when you're over in Tokyo. Hey, hey, Ohgami-san. Erica-san's arrived in Tokyo, hasn't she. I'm so jealous...... I want to go to Tokyo too...... Ci, you know you can't do that. What'll you do about your work at Chattes Noires? I wanna go, I wanna go! Come on...... Ohgami-san. You don't mind if I go, do you? Why, even you want to see me too, don't you. Look, see, you want to see me now! Well, let's see...... === LIPS 2-10 ==> - a - I'd sure like to see you, Ci-kun. - b - I would like to see Mell-kun, though...... - c - I'd sure like to see you two. - time up - = - a > I'd sure like to see you too, Ci-kun. I want to talk with you, just the two of us. Of course you do, of course you do!! Yes, after hearing that, I've just got to go, haven't I! Ci, you know you can't go! And Ohgami-san, please don't say whatever's convenient. W-well...... It wasn't "whatever's convenient"...... What Mell's worried about is that we won't be able to open up shop if I'm not around, huh. In that case...... If you go with me, Mell, there won't be any problem. We'll all go together, and the place will be closed in the meantime!! Well!? Don't give me "well"...... If we did something like that, what would happen to peace in Paris? Squad Leader Jean and Ambassador Sakomizu could work real hard, or...... let's see...... Here, see? We can't do it after all. Ci, just give it up. All right...... I understand. < a - - c > I'd sure like to see you two. Mell-kun, Ci-kun, you should both come to Tokyo. So it's all right!? I'm going, I'm going!! I'm gonna go! Yes, yes. Ohgami-san, you really are understanding, aren't you. Ohh, Ci...... You know there's no way you go someplace like Tokyo. And you too, Ohgami-san. If you go and say something like that, Ci will really end up going. What's wrong with that? Ohgami-san did say he wanted both of us to go. And it's been such a long time since we've gone on a trip together. Come on, Mell, you don't mind, do you? But...... we can't. Ci, I'll take you somewhere on our next vacation instead. Really!? Can it be anywhere I want? Oh, all right...... It can be anywhere you want. In that case...... I want to go to Versailles! You make the lunches, Mell, okay? Yes, yes. I'll make those omelettes you like so much. All right! Mell, I love you!! So, that being the case...... I'm sorry, Ohgami-san. I'm not going to Tokyo!! A- all right...... I got it. That's a little too bad, though...... < c - <== LIPS 2-10 === But, Ohgami-san, Paris and Tokyo are connected by way of communications, so...... If anything happens, you can talk with us over the kinematron here. Yeah, that's true. If anything happens, I'll contact you again. Now then, Ohgami-san, please excuse us. Ohgami-san, au revoir!! Let's chat again sometime, okay!? Hyu-hyu!! {5} So from the battle command room, I can communicate with Paris, huh...... I think I'll use this again sometime. Still, to think that Ginza here was really a seal used to appease a vengeful spirit...... First of all, it looks like getting ahold of the 'Ginza Monjo' comes first. Kayama...... I'm counting on you. * * * Now then...... it's a little late, but I guess I'll at least go see how everyone's doing. Though since it's this late, everyone might already be asleep...... === Free Movement 2-1 ==> === Salon (サロン) (Erica event) ==> Ah...... Ohgami-san. What's the matter? Oh, nothing...... I was just making the nighttime rounds. This is part of my job too, after all. Is that so. If you're worried about here...... there's no problem. I've been here all this time. I see...... Erica-kun, aren't you tired from your long journey? You should get some rest already. Thank you very much. But somehow, I can't fall asleep...... Um...... Ohgami-san. There are troubled people in Tokyo as well, aren't there. Yeah, especially what with all the incidents lately...... I think there would be people in trouble. So it is true, after all...... In that case...... that's where I come in. Since I have taken the trouble to come all the way to Tokyo, I'm going to need to help lots of people...... W- well...... === LIPS 2-11 ==> - a - I'll help you help people too. - b - For now, would you like to do some sightseeing? - c - I think it would be best if you didn't do anything...... - time up - = - a > I'll help you help people too. Erica-kun, let's do our best together. Yes, of course! I had faith that surely you would help!! Together with you, we can make all the people all over Tokyo happy. Let's do our best, prepared to work ourselves to the very utmost extent of our ability! < a - <== LIPS 2-11 === Let's see...... Well then, I'll be going now, but...... what will you be doing? ......Let's see. I'll be taking a walk around the theatre...... a little longer. I see...... Well, I'm going back on patrol. See you later...... --- If you chose both Sakura and Erica at the beginning of act 1 --> Ah, Ohgami-san! Um...... What sort of relationship...... do you have with Sakura-san? Eh......? What sort of...... No, it's nothing! Oh, me...... what am I saying!? Um...... Well, so long! Please excuse me!! Erica-kun...... What's gotten into you? Well...... I guess I'll go too. <-- If you chose both Sakura and Erica at the beginning of act 1 --- <== Salon (サロン) (Erica event) === === Reni's room (レニの部屋) ==> Reni...... Is she in her room, I wonder? {after knocking} It's Ohgami...... Reni, are you there? Ah...... yes. You can come in...... In that case...... I'll bother you for just a minute. ......Making the nighttime rounds? You seem to be making them quite a bit later than usual. Well...... A lot of stuff happened today, so things kind of got messed around. ......That's true. No one could have predicted that Erica would show up...... Ha-ha-ha...... That's certainly true. But I am really glad to be able to see her again after so long. Yes...... me too. I'd like to talk about a lot of things...... with Erica...... In Paris...... I didn't really get much of a chance to talk with her, after all. Reni...... Ah, that reminds me...... Captain. Will Paris...... be all right? Erica...... is presently the Captain of the Paris Kagekidan, isn't she? If the Captain is absent...... might there not be some sort of problem? You have a point...... === LIPS 2-12 ==> - a - They've got teamwork, so they'll be all right. - b - Well, there is peace now in Paris after all. - c - Now you've got me kind of worried...... - time up - = - a > They've got teamwork, so it'll be all right. Even if one of them's missing...... they'll all help each other out. ......You really trust them, don't you. Of course. I see...... If you say so, Captain, then I'm sure...... it'll be all right. Captain...... did you know? The power to believe in one another...... is a power that can overcome anything. The power to believe in one another...... That is what makes us strong. I'm sure the same goes...... for the Paris Kagekidan too. You're right...... With the power to believe in each other, the Paris Kagekidan won't be beat. ......Thanks, Reni. Yes...... Well, I'm going to sleep now. Good night...... Captain. Yeah...... Good night. < a - <== LIPS 2-12 === <== Reni's room (レニの部屋) === === Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) ==> Iris...... Is she in her room, I wonder? Iris, are you there? It's Ohgami...... Could I see you for a minute? Yawwwwwn...... Who is it? Big brother? I'm sorry...... Iris, were you asleep? No...... just dozing...... a little...... Yeah...... I'm awake now. Big brother, come on, come inside! In that case...... please forgive the intrusion. Hey, big brother. Look, look, I got a present! They're lintz biscuits! Iris loves biscuits!! {6} Ha-ha-ha...... Good for you. You know, earlier, when I was eating biscuits with Erica, we talked about Paris. Now I kind of...... want to go to Paris again...... I would like to see Papa and Mama, too...... Hey, big brother...... Let's go to Paris. When Erica goes back to Paris, let's all go along with her! Big brother, you'll be going too, won't you? Eh...... Well let's see. === LIPS 2-13 ==> - a - Yes, shall we go together? - b - Iris, you go alone without me. - c - Maybe we should all move to Paris. - time up - = - a > Yes, let's go together! I did want to go back to Paris once more myself. Yay! Let's go, let's go!! When we get to Paris, let's go see Coquelicot! When we went last time, we didn't get a chance to visit for very long, so this time we'll spend a whole long time there!! And then...... let's all stay at Iris's house...... and have a whole lot of fun! < a - <== LIPS 2-13 === Ohh...... It's already this late, huh. Iris, aren't you tired? A little tired...... I guess? But...... I want to talk with you a little longer...... But...... it is late today...... Iris...... you should get some sleep. We'll be able to talk again tomorrow. Yawwwwn...... Okay, I got it...... Big brother...... Let's all go to Paris together, okay......? Yeah, someday. Well...... good night, Iris. Yawwwwn...... Good night...... <== Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) === === Kohran's room (紅蘭の部屋) ==> Kohran...... Is she in her room, I wonder? {after knocking} Kohran, are you there? It's Ohgami...... Could I see you for a minute? Oh, is that Ohgami-han? You've come at just the right time. It's all right, come on in! In that case...... I'll bother you for just a bit. Don't just stand over there, come over here, quick. A- all right...... By the way, you said I came at just the right time......? The fact is...... I've been thinking about a few things. Erica-han...... did come all this way to Teito...... so I was wondering...... if there wasn't some sort of amazing souvenir I could give her to take back with her. You know...... Everyone's sick of those ornaments of Teito Tower and Japanese dolls and stuff, right? Still...... pamphlets or bromides from the Tei-Geki aren't all that exciting...... Say, Ohgami-han. For a souvenir for Erica-han...... You don't have any good ideas, do you? Let's see...... === LIPS 2-14 ==> - a - Maybe a bromide after all? - b - How about one of your inventions? - c - How about...... me? - time up - = - b > How about one of your inventions? Here, you've made lots of things you don't see every day. That's true...... I think Erica-han might just be able to understand the greatness of my inventions! Ohgami-han, that's it! An invention of mine really would be just the thing for Erica-han!! ......To tell the truth, I'd been thinking of giving her an invention right from the start, but...... Well, everyone really voted against it...... even though I told them it wouldn't explode or anything. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha...... I see. So you've already talked with everyone else about it...... But still...... if you're gonna recommend it, then I feel confident about it! I'll make an incredible invention! One that'll go down in history!! Th-that...... sounds like it could be dangerous...... Well, then...... Ohgami-han. I'm going to start working on that souvenir now, so...... I'm sorry, but, you'll...... have to excuse me now. Yeah...... I got it. Well, good luck. < b - <== LIPS 2-14 === <== Kohran's room (紅蘭の部屋) === === Sumire's room (すみれの部屋) ==> Sumire-kun...... Is she in her room, I wonder? {after knocking} Sumire-kun, are you there? It's Ohgami...... Could I see you for a minute? Is that you, Lieutenant......? Visiting a lady's bedroom at such an hour...... Well, all right. Go on...... please come inside. In that case...... Forgive the intrusion. Lieutenant...... What is the matter? You appear to be exhausted...... Well...... A lot of things did happen today, after all. Certainly...... that is true. We did have our rehearsal for the play, and we did go to see the O-Noh...... And Erica-san did come here to the Tei-Geki...... We truly...... did have a lot of things going on today. It has been quite a long while...... since such a mess of things has ever been made. Ha-ha-ha...... Well, yes, that may certainly be so. Even so...... My heart does leap at the appearance of a rival. Our dance competition in Paris may have ended in a draw, but...... The next time...... we shall compete upon the stage! I shall show all full well...... the true skill of the top star!! Lieutenant...... You would accept a stage competition between Erica-san and myself, I trust? Eh......? W-well...... === LIPS 2-15 ==> - a - I got it, do what you want. - b - Aww...... can't you forget about the competition already? - c - Would you mind if I join in too? - time up - = - c > A stage competition, huh...... Sounds interesting. Would you mind if I join in too? My! You wish to join in as well, Lieutenant!? <+> Why, of course, I do not mind!! This...... looks to be interesting. I...... have no intention of losing either to Erica-san or you, Lieutenant. Let us have a good, fair competition. In that case...... yes, I have it. The subject for the competition...... ...will be, in keeping with Erica-san, a comedy, I would think. Without this great a handicap, it would not be much of a competition, after all. Well then, Lieutenant...... I shall be counting on you when the time for the competition comes. ......I got it. In that case, I'll be getting back to the patrol right about now. Yes...... Well, Lieutenant, good night. < c - <== LIPS 2-15 === <== Sumire's room (すみれの部屋) === === Kanna's room (カンナの部屋) ==> Kanna...... Is she in her room, I wonder? Kanna...... It's Ohgami - could I see you for a minute? Yeah...... sure. Go on, come on in. It's not locked. In that case...... Forgive the intrusion for just a bit. So...... what's up? You can't sleep? No...... it's the usual patrol. It's just a little late. Oh, that's right, Captain! Since Erica's come here, let's teach her something about being Japanese. Say...... There's a whole lot of stuff, right? Like food...... or karate. Or the tenteko-mai. {7} When you come to Japan, you've just got to experience all sorts of things, after all. Now if it's Erica we're talking about...... I wonder what would be good. What do you think, Captain? Let's see...... === LIPS 2-16 ==> - a - Shall we teach her about cooking? - b - Maybe we could teach her about karate. - c - Maybe about womanliness, or something...... - time up - = - a > Should we teach her about cooking? When it comes to Japanese cooking, there's all sorts of stuff, right? Oh, yeah, yeah! That's it!! Knowing her, she does like to eat a ton of good food, after all. Ah, that's right! While you were gone in Paris, I studied up on my Japanese cooking too. I've really built up my repertory outside of just Okinawan cooking. Heh, so what kind of food can you make now? Boiled tofu and...... hiyakko. And after that...... sashimi and yakiniku, I guess. {8} ......If that's what you mean, then I think I can make those myself. Well, what does it matter? More importantly, I can't wait! I hope tomorrow comes soon!! Now then, things look to get pretty busy. Well, I guess I'll get some sleep for tonight! That's how it is. Captain, good night!! Yeah, good night. See you tomorrow. < a - <== LIPS 2-16 === <== Kanna's room (カンナの部屋) === ~ {Eyecatch 2-2} ~ === Orihime's room (織姫の部屋) ==> Orihime-kun...... Is she in her room, I wonder? It's Ohgami...... Orihime-kun, are you awake? What is it? It's open, so you can just come right in. O- okay...... In that case, forgive the intrusion. Coming to a lady's room at this hour - it really makes me question your sense of delicacy! This is why Japanese men are the worst!! Ah- well...... Orihime-kun, what are you so angry about? I'm not angry! I'm just fed up!! Just because some girl comes here from Paris, you turn into putty in her hands...... I- I haven't...... really turned into....... And there you go making excuses...... How unmanly indeed. You should take a good look at your face in that mirror there! At my face, huh...... Let's see...... Really? === LIPS 2-17 ==> - a - I admit...... I do seem to have lost some of my manliness. - b - I think I look like a rather handsome guy. - c - I can't help it, I'm happy! - time up - = - a > It's true...... I have lost some of my manliness. It's just like you say...... Hahh...... You didn't pick up on the sarcasm at all...... You really are dense. If you're this dense...... I have to feel sorry for Erica-san. ......Enough already. Trying to discuss anything seriously with you has started to get ridiculous. Th- there's no reason...... to go that far...... < a - - c > I can't help it, I'm happy! She came all the way here from Paris!! G-gee, when you put it so bluntly...... it kind of makes me look like the villain here. Though I don't really think that's the case...... It is! Try to understand, Orihime-kun!! I think I do understand. So you can say that with that much conviction, Lieutenant-san...... My opinion of you's improved just a little. < c - <== LIPS 2-17 === Now then...... I'm going to sleep now. Staying up too late is beauty's greatest enemy, after all. I see...... In that case, I'll get back to the patrol. Well...... Good night, Orihime-kun. Good-night. Lieutenant-san, you should get some sleep soon too. <== Orihime's room (織姫の部屋) === <== Free Movement 2-1 === Ah...... It's already this late, huh. I guess I'll end the patrol right here for today. Yawwwn...... I'm exhausted today - I guess I'll head back to my room...... * * * Whew...... I guess I'll get some sleep for today. I'll take the time to talk with Erica-kun tomorrow. I'm sure Erica-kun's...... tired from her long journey too. Now then, back to my room...... === If you chose Sakura at the beginning of act 1 ==> Uh, um...... Welcome back. Dear...... D- dear!? Err...... Sa- Sakura-kun, what are you doing in my room? Well...... Ohgami-san, you appeared to express an interest in marriage, so...... I...... (Ah...... She means when I asked her what she thought about marriage so that I could consider it during the play production...... So she's been thinking about that.) Yes, that's right. I have quite an interest in it. So- so you do...... Well, I also have quite an interest in marriage...... So I thought, if I were married...... I would greet my husband like this, by saying "Dear"...... you know. Ahh, I see...... === If you chose Erica at the beginning of act 1 ==> Ohgami-san...... are you awake? It's Erica...... Here I am. Huh!? E-Erica-kun? Uh-um...... Ohgami-san! What should...... I...... If the others were to find out that I was in your room at this hour...... Y-you're right...... For now, hide in that dresser over ther. Y-yes, I understand. (......All right, she's hidden right in the dresser.) Wait just a second. I'll be right there. What were you doing? Were you by any chance...... talking with someone? N- no...... I was just dozing off a little...... But getting to the point, what is it you need? Ah, that's right. Well, there's no sense in standing out here talking, so come on inside the room. J- just a second...... Erica-kun!? So this is your room...... It's rather plain, isn't it. I thought you might have armor or o-sake here, like in Yoneda-san's room. Y- yes, I suppose that's true...... Normally...... you'd have a room like this. Ah...... I'm standing in Ohgami-san's room, aren't I...... Eh-heh-heh...... My heart's kind of pounding. Until I came to Tokyo, I thought I'd talk to you about all sorts of things, but...... Why do you suppose this is? Right now...... I feel so happy just being by your side alone. Erica-kun...... Wh- what was that? That noise just now!? Th- that was...... === LIPS 2-18 ==> - a - A cat!! - time up - = - a > Yes, a cat, a cat!! Me-meow. So it is. Here I thought someone might be hiding in here. < a - - b > ......That's odd. Ohgami-san...... You're not hiding anything, are you? Me-meow. Ah...... it's a cat? I thought someone might be hiding in here. Ha-ha-ha...... Th-that's not...... true. < b - <== LIPS 2-18 === (Whew...... I managed to get through that. Still...... I need to be careful...... I can't say anything that would arouse suspicion.) Um...... Ohgami-san...... From here on, let's think about the future together. Because I am your real girlfriend, after all...... I'm not saying we should live in Paris. But...... it would be nice if we could live together...... so I was thinking. I'd like a home where we can rest at ease, knowing we'll always by each other's side...... knowing that we're not alone anymore. Ohgami-san...... Let's go look...... for a home just for the two of us. Well...... === LIPS 2-19 ==> - a - Yeah, let's look for one together. - b - I'm sorry, I can't go look for one. - c - Could we talk about this later......? - time up - = - a > Yeah, let's look for one together. I'm sure we'll be able to find a home where we can rest at ease. Ohgami-san...... Surely...... surely, we will find it. A home for us...... And, with that home...... let's build our happiness together. Ever since I was a child, I've always admired a warm home like that. That's right, Erica-kun...... Well, Ohgami-san. It's already late, so...... if you'll excuse me...... Yeah, that's right. You must be tired from your long trip, right? You get some rest for today. Yes. Well then, good night. Whew...... It looks like she's gone. All that's left is...... Ohgami-san...... Is what you were talking about just now...... Is that true? Ehh!? I...... want to believe in you, Ohgami-san. But...... Please answer me, Ohgami-san! Is what you were talking about just now...... Is it the truth? Th-that's...... === LIPS 2-18-1 ==> - a - I'm sorry, it's the truth. - b - You're more important to me, Sakura-kun. - c - It's not right to eavesdrop! - time up - = - a > I'm sorry, it's the truth. I know this must hurt you, Sakura-kun...... Is- Is that so...... I understand. But...... I still believe in you, Ohgami-san, even now...... That someday...... you'll turn to look at me...... I have faith in that. Um...... Well then, Ohgami-san. I'll be going now...... Yeah, Sakura-kun. Good night...... Yes...... Good night. < a - <== LIPS 2-18-1 === < a - - b > I'm sorry, I can't go look for one. I...... Ah - I don't want to hear any more. Please...... don't say anything else. I suppose you're right...... It is rather sudden for me to just come here and ask to live together...... after all. That's right...... As far as you're concerned, I'm the Vice-Captain of the Paris Kagekidan. Erica-kun...... Well, Ohgami-san. It's already late, so...... if you'll excuse me...... Yeah, that's right. You must be tired from your long trip, right? You get some rest for today. Yes. Well then, good night. Whew...... It looks like she's gone. All that's left is...... Whew...... The inside of a dresser can get pretty hot, can't it. I've worked up quite a sweat. Sakura-kun, I'm sorry. That must have been rough on you. No...... not at all. I did get to hear how you feel, after all...... Sakura-kun...... It's already late tonight, isn't it. May I speak with you...... again tomorrow? Yeah, that's right. Sakura-kun, you must be tired too. You get some rest. Yes...... Good night. < b - <== LIPS 2-18 === <== If you chose Erica at the beginning of act 1 === <== If you chose Sakura at the beginning of act 1 === ......Now then, I guess I'll get some sleep too now. Still, this was one really long day...... * * * Ste......am...... Drive yourself mad...... Tei......to...... You who have betrayed...... me...... Fall under...... the curse...... Edo...... You will not be forgiven...... Mi......ka......sa...... * * * * * Are you rehearsing for the play? I want to see too!! May I watch!? Yeah, sure. In that case, come on over this way. Over there you'll get in the way of the rehearsal. Work, Cosette! Because you don't have the skill for anything but work!! That's right, Cosette! You must make us more money. Here now, your hands have stopped working!! ......Yes. Mrs. Thenardier...... I understand. What do you mean by those eyes!?! You should be angry with your mother Fantine, who left you behind! Cut!! Yeah...... that's a good scene. Sakura-kun, you seem to have worked your emotions into it, too. "Les Miserables," is it...... I myself read this story at the monastery. Now then, it's time for Maria-san and Sumire-san's scene now. ......Fantine, why do you work yourself so hard for your child's sake? Wanting one's child to be happy is only natural as a parent. No matter how much it may cost, if I can buy happiness for my daughter Cosette with mere money, then I shall pay whatever it costs. But...... you've run yourself ragged just to make that money, now, haven't you. ......Is there truly worth in going as far as destroying your body in longing for your child's happiness? Of...... of cour...... Excuse me...... Forgive me, lieutenant. Could we stop for a moment? What's the matter, Sumire-kun? It's not like you to forget your lines. I'm just not sure anymore...... Can one truly...... buy happiness for one's child with money? Working for one's own sake, going so far as to one's beloved parents...... I cannot bear it. That's true...... I found myself caught on that part too. For a child, isn't happiness being able to live with one's parents, even if they are poor? Lieutenant...... May we change this scene? I can not perform it as it stands. I suppose you have a point...... === LIPS 2-19 ==> - a - All right, I'll leave it to you. - b - No, I think this is what a parent's love is like. - c - Erica-kun, what do you think? - time up - = - c > Erica-kun, what do you think? About this scene here? That's true...... I think being able to live together with one's father and mother is best. Even if they may struggle, when the family is together, everyone can work together. Simply placing all the burden on the parents alone - I...... don't think that's right. I see...... So you feel the same way. I understand. Let's change this scene the way Sumire-kun suggests. < c - <== LIPS 2-19 === ......Fantine, why do you work yourself so hard? That...... is so that I may live together with my daughter Cosette. For even if we are poor, I feel that the family living together would truly bring my daughter happiness...... It will place a burden on my daughter now, but I think she will understand. What!? The enemy's appeared!?! Emergency alert! Emergency alert!! Masou Kihei have appeared in front of the Grand Imperial Theatre!! All Hana-Gumi squad members, please gather in the battle command room immediately!! All right, everyone, let's go!! Yes, sir!! * * * All Teikoku Kagekidan - Hana-Gumi members have assembled!! Masou Kihei have appeared in front of the Grand Imperial Theatre. What's more, one of them is spewing out gold-colored steam. Gold-colored steam!? Could it be...... that! Yes...... That's right. The gold-colored steam that caused your Kohbu to go out of control. Then, that Masou Kihei was the ringleader behind the gold-colored steam...... I'll never forgive them!! The gold-colored steam is filling the entire Ginza area! Steam-powered machines have begun to go out of control!! The damage...... is enormous! Commander Yoneda! We're moving out!! Yeah, I'll leave it up to you! Go, Ohgami!! Wh-what!? This shaking...... Could it be - the underground Mikasa's gone out of control!? Gold-colored steam is flowing into the Mikasa's steam engine vents in enormous amounts!! Output is rising from the Mikasa's engine room!! It is now at 280 percent! It's now surpassing its drive limit!! The gold-colored steam is now spewing out all over Teito, using the Mikasa's steam engine as an intermediary!! Kuh...... So the connection from Mikasa's steam engine to all of Teito has turned against us...... S-Steam-powered machinery malfunctions have begun throughout the entire region of Teito! It's just like what happened to Kohran at the Hana-Yashiki...... The gold-colored steam is driving steam-powered machines out of control!! At-at this rate...... Teito will be destroyed. Isn't there anything we can do!? If we can hurry up and get out there and destroy that Masou Kihei! ......It's no good. If we don't stop the Mikasa from going out of control, Teito will not be saved. Ohgami-san!! Please do something! If you don't, Teito will...... ............ ......I'll go. I'll stop the Mikasa. Commander!? I'll take care of the Mikasa. The way things are going now...... Teito will be reduced to nothing! Kuh...... === LIPS 2-20 ==> - a - It's dangerous, please stop!! - b - We'll go to the Mikasa! - c - I understand. Please, if you would. - time up - = - b > We'll go to the Mikasa! Commander Yoneda, you please stay here!! You think I can do that!?! Think about it, Ohgami! We've got Masou Kihei out there!! You guys need to go destroy that, don't you!? I...... can't pilot the Kohbu! Commander Yoneda...... And besides...... Just let me take care of the Mikasa. Please. I understand, Commander Yoneda. We'll leave the Mikasa to you. I'm really sorry. The Mikasa...... is like a son to me. < b - <== LIPS 2-20 === Captain...... I have a plan. What if we split up the squad in two? ......Go on. It would be suicide for Commander Yoneda to go off alone to the underground Mikasa engine room. Therefore...... Kohran, Iris, Orihime, and Reni would provide support. As for the Masou Kihei that have appeared in Ginza, the Captain, Sakura, Sumire, Kanna, and I would repel them. Under those conditions, the military strength of the Captain's group would be too low. It doesn't seem to be a good strategy. But...... Without these members, supporting Commander Yoneda would be quite difficult. Kuh...... What should we do......? Incoming emergency message from the Paris Kagekidan, Chattes Noires!! I'm putting it on the monitor. What!? From Chattes Noires!? You seem to be in a bit of a fix. You should be getting a present from us right about now. A present? Incoming message from the mechanics squad!! I'll read it off! Erica-san's Kohbu-F2 has apparently been delivered from the Paris Kagekidan!! What's more, steam filters for the Kohbu to counteract the gold steam have been sent as well! So it's finally here!! Ohgami-san, I'm going out too!! That's all right with you, isn't it?! Yes, of course, Erica-kun! Come with me!! Erica, you make sure you do your job right. Show them the true skill of the Paris Kagekidan! Yes, ma'am!! I'll do my best! Now we have a chance of victory. Captain, in both aboveground and underground...... we should have no problems as far as military strength is concerned. All right...... Ohgami, I trust you're ready for battle. In that case, give the order to move out!! Yes, sir!! === LIPS 2-21 ==> - a - Teikoku Kagekidan, move out! - b - Commander Yoneda, we leave the Mikasa to you! - c - Erica-kun, are you ready!?! - time up - = - b > Commander Yoneda, we leave the Mikasa to you! As for Ginza, please leave that to us!! Yes, I'm counting on you. Don't you tell me the Tei-Geki's gone when I get back. Yes sir, understood. Now then, Teikoku Kagekidan, Hana-Gumi, move out!! Yes, sir!! < b - <== LIPS 2-21 === ~ {Eyecatch 2-2} ~ Ginza The Grand Imperial Theatre An enemy Masou Kihei is approaching the Grand Imperial Theatre!! Expanding the Tei-Geki defensive wall!! The Grand Imperial Theatre will now proceed to absolute defensive mode! All mechanics and other related personnel are to please evacuate to within the confines of the wall once the Hana-Gumi has dispatched!! Here it comes!! Everyone, brace yourselves for the shock! Kyaaaah!! Masou Kihei Hakushiki Th-the Tei-Geki Defensive Wall's...... been destroyed!? That's impossible! Can't Ohgami and the others get out there yet!?! Enormous energy readings have been detected from within the enemy Masou Kihei!! Here comes the second attack! Nooooo!! Teikoku Kagekidan, go forth! Prepare yourself!! We won't let you lay another finger on the Tei-Geki!! So you're the enemy who's been doing evil deeds in Tokyo!! I, Erica Fontaine of the Paris Kagekidan, Hana-Gumi, shall punish you! Consider my bullets to be punishment from God, and prepare yourself for what's coming!! Ohgami-kun, can you hear me? We've just received the results from our analysis of that Masou Kihei!! That Masou Kihei is receiving its power from the 'forcefields' situated at four different corners in Ginza! It seems to be drawing out five times as much battle strength as normal from the power of the forcefields! I see...... In that case...... === LIPS 2-22 ==> - a - All we have to do is defeat the Johki, then! - b - All we have to do is destroy those forcefields, then! - c - If we help Commander Yoneda! - time up - = - a > I see......! Then if we destroy all the Masou Kihei, his power should weaken! ......Ca-Captain, that's not right! First we have to destroy the 'forcefields.' H-huh? Was that it......? You couldn't possibly hear it any other way...... Please get a grip on yourself. I see...... So first we need to destroy the 'forcefields.' < a - - b > I see! So if we destroy the 'forcefields,' his power should weaken! That's the Captain for you...... That's exactly right! So we destroy the 'forcefields' while trying to dodge his attacks...... Hm, sounds like things have gotten interesting now! < b - <== LIPS 2-22 === All right, everyone, let's go...... Destruction of the 'forcefields' takes top priority! Don't let your guard down! Yes, sir! === Battle 2-1 === === After the first forcefield has been destroyed ==> Ohgami-san!! Commander Yoneda has arrived in the Mikasa engine room! I'll send the transmission from the Commander over to you! ......Ohgami, leave this to me. You get your job done without worrying about me. ......You got that? Commander Yoneda...... Understood. We'll leave the Mikasa to you. Please stop the engine, without fail. Heh...... So you can bring yourself to say it now. Well, I'll be counting on you too. I understand. Commander Yoneda...... We'll be praying for your luck. Yeah, and I'll be praying for yours. So long...... I've got a job to do. <== After the first forcefield has been destroyed === === At the beginning of Sumire's first turn ==> Sumire-kun, you seem to be lost in thought. What's the matter? Well...... About the play, earlier - I was wondering if I were not being selfish...... That's no true. Having you tell me your opinion is more useful for me to take into consideration when it comes to directing. Is that so......? It relieves me to hear you say that. As for myself...... Though it may be for the child's sake, working so hard as to destroy one's body...... I do not wish to acknowledge such a thing as love! Having one's parents by one's side...... That, I feel, is the most important for a child. Sumire-kun...... ......Oh, no. How foolish of me, during the middle of my duty...... Lieutenant...... we shall discuss the play later. Right now, defeating the enemy here before us takes priority! Yeah, that's right! All right, let's go, Sumire-kun. We'll protect the Tei-Geki! Yes, sir! <== At the beginning of Sumire's first turn === === After the second forcefield has been destroyed ==> Okay...... The enemies have gotten quite a bit weaker now. Ohgami-han!! Yoneda-han's...... been shut inside! What!? What do you mean!? ......When the steam started pouring out, the barrier walls activated. The temperature inside the engine room has already passed the critical level. We're in the Kohbu, so we'll be all right, but...... Yoneda-han's...... Commander Yoneda! Please respond!! Commander Yoneda! ......What is it? You sure are noisy. Don't make such a ruckus. Commander!! Please get out of there at once! ......That I can't do. If I leave this place, who'll stop the Mikasa from going out of control? Commander Yoneda!! This is not the time to be saying such things! Please evacuate immediately!! We'll make our way there at once! Damn fools!! Have you forgotten your duty!? If the Mikasa's rampage continues, it won't end just with you guys...... Teito here will cease to exist as well!! I don't care what happens to me...... If the rest of you are...... if Teito is safe, then that's enough for me!! Having all of you live on is the most important thing to me! Commander Yoneda!! === LIPS 2-23 ==> - a - You're important to us too!! - b - How can you say such things? - time up - = You're important to us too!! We all want to be together! I know...... That's why I've got to do this. You guys, you know...... to me, you're like children. A parent doesn't need a reason to protect his children...... <== LIPS 2-23 === Commander Yoneda, have you forgotten? You told us to come back alive, did you not!? I'm sorry...... I know it, but...... it doesn't look like it's gonna happen. I'm...... more worried about you guys...... than I am about myself. Is that...... a parent's love? It may be...... When I think of you guys, I just can't think about myself. Commander Yoneda...... === LIPS 2-24 ==> - a - Your children wouldn't wish for that!! - b - Commander...... Do you intend to throw your life away? - c - ......We'll leave the Mikasa to you. - time up - = - a > Your children wouldn't wish for that!! Not for their parent to sacrifice himself...... for their sake! That's right! Won't you think about us, Commander!? A child...... wishes to be with its parents, no matter what may happen. I agree...... I think that's what makes happiness for a kid. Please come back alive. We...... want to be with you, Commander Yoneda. < a - <== LIPS 2-24 === You guys...... You really care that much about me......? I understand...... I promise. I will come back alive. But...... if the Mikasa can't be stopped...... then when that time comes...... I'm sorry, all of you...... This...... is something I have to finish...... since I'm the one who made the Mikasa. ......I understand. In that case, we'll defeat the enemy at once and put a stop to the gold steam. Yeah, I'm counting on you. ......Everyone, you heard that. The gold steam that's causing the Mikasa to malfunction is coming from that one there. Strike him down at once!! Let's rescue Commander Yoneda as fast as we can! Yes, sir!! <== After the second forcefield has been destroyed === === After the third forcefield has been destroyed ==> Now the large Masou Kihei's strengths should be diminished...... but we can't afford to let our guard down...... <== After the third forcefield has been destroyed === === After dealing a significant amount of damage to the boss ==> All right...... Did we finish him!? Abnormality Detected Wh-what!? Has the Kohbu stopped dead already!?! According to the calculations...... since we have the steam filters attached, we should be able to fight for another hour!! Ohgami-kun...... the amount of gold steam is an order of magnitude greater than last time!! No...... We can still make it! In order to save Commander Yoneda, we can't afford to retreat right here...... The enemy's attacks...... I'm begging you, please work! Lost Control Abandon the Kohbu and get out of there! If this keeps up, the Kohbu will go out of control! Damn it...... Is there nothing we can do!?! Ohgami-san, you mustn't give up!! We...... the Paris Kagekidan are here for you, aren't we!?! Pa-Paris Kagekidan? But you're all...... in Paris right now, aren't you!? If you give the order, they'll move out anywhere!! That is what makes the Paris Kagekidan! B-but...... Come!! Please give the Paris Kagekidan the order to attack!! Ohgami-san, quickly! ......I understand. === Analog LIPS 2-1 ==> - Paris Kagekidan, move out! = - Bar at the top of the window > Paris Kagekidan, move out!! Your destination, Teito...... Provide the Teikoku Kagekidan with support!! Yes, sir!! < Bar at the top of the window - <== Analog LIPS 2-1 === * * * The attack order from Captain Ohgami has been confirmed!! Revolver Cannon, set up!! Prepare for launch! Booster units are ready! Rockets are loaded in place. Set alignment. Target: The Grand Imperial Theatre! Oui, owner! Alignment has been adjusted. Overriding angle limit! Alignment set is complete! Revolver Cannon, fire! Yes, they'll get the job done. Show them the power... ...of the Paris Kagekidan. * * * Paris Kagekidan, go forth!! Are you all right? We shall take over things here!! What are you doing!?! This isn't like you, against mere peons such as these! Everyone...... You've really come? Here you go...... Hang in there, Ichiro. Are you hurt anywhere? No, I'm fine. Now, if we can just do something...... about this steam! Ohgami-san...... and Yoneda-san...... are working their hardest. I won't allow you to stop them!! Angel protector who dwells within this earth, show your noble appearance...... here before us...... Let there be...... light! Oh, the Kohbu's working!! Thank you, Erica! Naturally! Once I get serious, this is nothing. Ohh, Erica, you always let praise go right to your head. Ha-ha-ha...... Eveyone, thanks. You really helped us out. Don't worry about it. Fighting for one's comrades is only natural. Whether you be in Tokyo or not, nothing changes the fact that you are a member of the Paris Kagekidan. Captain! The Masou Kihei have begun to move!! What...... Are we surrounded!? We, the Paris Kagekidan, will take care of the small fry!! Is that all right with you, Captain!? All right...... === LIPS 2-25 ==> - a - Paris Kagekidan, destroy the enemy!! - b - Everyone, I'm counting on you! - c - Are you gonna be all right with the change in time zones!? - time up - = - b > Everyone, I'm counting on you! Get the job done right!! Yes, sir...... understood. If they are your orders. Please leave the surrounding enemies to us. All of you take the large Masou Kihei! < b - <== LIPS 2-25 === All right, we'll strike down the gold Masou Kihei!! Got it!? Yes, sir!! (The Teikoku Kagekidan and the Paris Kagekidan are here for me......) (If we can't win now...... then I'm not fit to be Captain!) <== After dealing a significant amount of damage to the boss === === After defeating the boss === Captain!! He's planning on launching a suicide attack on the Tei-Geki! M-more gold steam!? The steam filters have reached their limit! A-all members' spiritual energy has dropped to zero......!? At this rate, my Kohbu'll stop working too! If only I could move these legs...... Damn it! Isn't there- isn't there anything I can do!? There's no time...... No, not yet! I won't give up!! What's this...... There was a booster here left behind!? I can make it with this! This short time I've got left until the Kohbu shuts down is my final chance...... For Commander Yoneda's sake, and for the sake of everyone else - I will stop you! We're counting on you!! Ohgami-saan!! It's over...... We have defended...... Teito!! Ah...... Ohgami-san!! You're all right. Thank goodness...... Thank you for all the hard work. I think the malfunction in the Mikasa's engine should be stopped now too. Ohgami-han!! The barrier wall's opened! And Yoneda-han's all right!! I- I'm sorry...... I didn't mean to worry you...... Commander Yoneda....... We kept our promise. Yeah...... Thanks. Now then...... Let us do the usual thing! Ahh!! Wait just a second please! We're going to do it with you!! Hm-hm-hm...... All right. I guess we'll wait a little while until Orihime and the others get here. * * * Excuse me...... Captain. About the production of 'Les Miserables'...... I think we should leave Jean Valjean and Fantine's scene the way it was originally. I was thinking of saying that as well. Once I heard how Commander Yoneda felt...... I felt as though I could understand what a parent's love is. The love a child has for its parents...... The love a parent has for its child...... I'm sure they're the same thing. But just because...... the expression of that love may be different, I don't think either of the two is wrong. Commander Yoneda and Fantine...... Both purely wishing for the happiness of their children rather than themselves...... a parent's love. That scene...... I can finally see that the original direction, honestly expresses a parent's love, is for the best. Okay, I understand. If all of you say so, then let's do that. Sorry to keep you waiting!! All right, let's do the victory pose!! J-just a second!! Iris and Reni aren't here yet!! Sorry to keep you waiting!! I've brought Reni with me! You wouldn't mind if we joined in the victory pose too, would you!?! No, of course not. Now then, all of us are here together, right? All right, here we go. Victory...... pose!! ~ {Eyecatch 2-3} ~ Now then...... Shall we have the welcome party tonight? That is an idea. The incidents in Teito have been resolved, after all. When you say "welcome party," you mean that sort of welcome party!? A welcome party...... Ahh...... what a wonderful sound. Truly tres bien...... Erica...... You alone haven't changed even having come to Tokyo...... Hey, hey, is there anything I can do to help too? Give me anything! Well, let's see...... In that case, go help Kanna with the decorations. Over this way!! Coquelicot, help me for a second. Okay!! I got it! Ahh, someone please help us baking this cake over here!! We haven't got enough people! *Cough* *cough*...... Orihime-han keeps messing everything up, so we can't get the thing baked right. Ah, in that case...... Cake-baking is one of my specialties, so...... *sigh*. Hahh...... This is supposed to be a welcome party for us...... What would you bother to do any work for? You agree with me, don't you, Captain? It's enough work as it is just being the ones getting the welcome. === LIPS 2-26 ==> - a - How about you help out too? - b - They're having fun - what's wrong with that? - c - Well then, shall the two of us go have a drink? - time up - = - b > They're having fun - what's wrong with that? Parties are fun even when you're setting them up. Is that so? I don't think you need to bother setting them up, myself. < b - <== LIPS 2-26 === Umm...... a little more to the right...... Reni, hold the chair steady. That's dangerous, Iris...... That high up...... Ahh, geez...... I can't stand to watch anymore. Hey, you little runt over there...... Here, give that to me. I'll get this for you. You little guys go decorate the tables with flowers or something. Eh-heh-heh...... Thank you!! In that case, please, if you would! Let's go, Reni! Ha-ha-ha...... Lobelia may talk tough...... but she is helping out after all. Peace has come to Teito...... Now...... everything's been cleared up. Ohgami...... Everything seems to be coming along smoothly. Ah!? Manager Yoneda! I'm sorry, were we too loud for you? I don't mind. I like it when things get rowdy. The play's going smoothly, we managed to stop the one responsible for all those incidents...... Ohgami...... You've really shown some top-notch work this time. Oh, no...... === LIPS 2-27 ==> - a - It's all thanks to everyone else. - b - Gee...... You're making me blush. - c - I simply put all my heart and soul into it. - time up - = - a > It's all thanks to everyone else. The Teikoku Kagekidan and the Paris Kagekidan...... It's all because they were here for us. No...... Despite all that, it was your great work that got them all together as one. Everyone knows it. Without you, there is no Floral Assault Group. Manager...... < a - <== LIPS 2-27 === Well, this takes a load off my mind. Ohgami, I'll see you...... I'll leave the rest to you. Ah, yes, sir..... Manager Yoneda...... What's gotten into him? Ohgami-saan! Could you possibly help us decorate over here?! Ahh!! The ribbon's tangled around my legs! Mr. Ohgami, please save me!! I- I'll be right there!! Just hang on a second! * * * * * ......So this is the 'Ginza Monjo.' Who would've thought it'd be hidden beneath Nihonbashi? It hasn't been since the incident with Tenkai...... {9} that that gate's been opened. I've got to get this to Ohgami fast. Although now that this whole matter's been cleared up, it may not be necessary...... Who's there!?! Hm......? Just my imagination...... I didn't feel any kind of impact. I can feel a faint trace of mystical energy...... but there's not a trace of anything on the blade...... Hmm...... Maybe I'm just overthinking this...... All of our enemies that make use of the golden steam have been defeated. Now then...... I'd better go attend that welcome party at the Tei-Geki. Gwahh!! That spiritual throne...... of silver...... Edo...... * * * * * Big brother!! This way, this way! Iris, if you keep running around all excited like that, you'll fall down. Ha-ha-ha...... Everyone looks like they're having a good time. Ohgami-san, Ohgami-san!! They tell me that this is "wasabi." It really makes your nose tingle! Erica-kun...... Have you only been eating the wasabi by itself? Here, Ohgami-san, you too - say ahh! === Analog LIPS 2-2 ==> - Ahh! - = - Bar fairly low > Ahh...... Gack! I...... don't really care much for wasabi...... Ah, is that so? It's really quite tasty once you get used to it. < Bar fairly low - <== Analog LIPS 2-2 === Here...... here's some water for you. Hm-hm-hm...... Captain, you seem to be enjoying yourself as well. Yeah, thanks. A party's a nice thing to have every once in a while. Yes, enjoying ourselves like this, one really gets the feeling that peace has truly come. Ohgami-saan! Kayama-san's just arrived. Ahh, got it. I'll head right over there!! * * * Hey, Ohgami...... You look like you're enjoying yourself. Well, yeah. You should go enjoy yourself too today. No, I'm sorry...... A little something just came up. Here...... This is the 'Ginza Monjo.' Sorry it's so late. So this is the 'Ginza Monjo' Ambassador Sakomizu mentioned...... Thanks, Kayama. Do......don't mention it. Well, I've got business to take care of...... And one more thing, Ohgami...... This whole incident's not over yet. Don't...... let your guard down. Kayama...... === LIPS 2-28 ==> - a - ......Understood. - b - You're not hiding something from me, are you? - c - You really won't come to the party? - time up - = - b > You're not hiding something from me, are you? You like almost as if you're in pain. ......It's nothing. Don't you...... worry yourself about it. Don't worry about it...... I can't do that! Ha-ha-ha...... Don't worry about it. I have no intention of being a burden to you. Next time you have a party...... I'll be sure to show up. Well, see you...... Ohgami. Kayama...... < b - <== LIPS 2-28 === What's this......? Didn't Kayama-kun come by? Ah, Kaede-san. If you're looking for Kayama, he already left. I see...... But he couldn't possibly have gone very far just yet. I'm going to go catch up with him. Oh, and...... it's about time to wrap up the party. Go tell the others that. Yes, ma'am, understood. Now then...... in that case, I guess I'll head back to the courtyard...... ......Blood? Why would there be any here? It couldn't be...... * * * Kayama-kun, wait!! I need to speak with you! Kaede-san...... Is something the matter? Kayama-kun...... your...... back is injured, isn't it? Come, now...... I would never be so careless...... as to get cut across the back...... Kayama-kun!! Stop this tough-guy act at once! I...... will never allow the line of thinking that says it's all right to die. I'll give you some of this ointment, handed down over the generations of the Fujieda clan...... rub some on yourself. ......I understand. I humbly accept. The enemy's...... still out there, isn't it? Yes...... I'll reopen the investigation. * * * * * ......'Ginza Monjo.' So the history of Ginza is written in this book...... Yes, come on in. The door's not locked. Forgive the intrusion. Ohgami-kun...... did you receive the 'Ginza Monjo' from Kayama-kun? Yes, I was just about to read it. I see...... Might I read it with you? Sure...... I don't mind. "......Ginza, together with Kinza, shalt be the village that makes the foundation of Edo's monetary economy." "Ginza...... through the use of silver, shalt be the land to ward off evil. For that end, shalt the Kagura dance in Noh." "The Kagura-mai shalt be the duty of the Ginza Konparu clan who defend Ginza. The Konparu Nou-gakushi shalt communicate with the world beyond." Evil is sealed within Ginza...... That's the first we've heard of that, isn't it? Ohgami-kun...... Now that we've read this far, is there anything you'd like to ask? === Prompt 2-1 ==> - a - Ask about Ginza and Kinza. - b - Ask about the Konparu-ryu and the Kagura-mai. - c - Not especially. = - a > What does that mean, "Ginza and Kinza?" Kinza produced gold coins...... while Ginza produced silver ones. Together, they both produced money. Kinza no longer exists, but Ginza, at least, still remains even now...... What's more, the 'Ginza Monjo' says 'through the use of silver, it shall ward off evil'...... So, conversely, Kinza may have been a place that summoned evil. Gold that summmons evil...... Could that have been that golden steam......? < a - - b > What does the Konparu-ryu have to do with the Kagura-mai? Let's see...... It said they would seal off the evil of Ginza...... They danced the Kagura-mai, which was used in Noh to appease the gods. You don't hear about it anymore these days, but during the Edo period, they would present the Kagura-mai. Now that you mention it...... When we all went to see the Noh play, Iris and I...... We saw the illusion of a mysterious Noh-gakushi...... It looked almost like a vengeful spirit. I see...... If the both of you saw it, it may not be an illusion. It maybe have been trying to tell you something. It may be necessary to do some checking up on the Konparu-ryu Noh-gakushi of Ginza. < b - <== Prompt 2-1 === Ohgami-kun, don't let your guard down. This battle...... isn't over yet. Yes, ma'am. I understand. ~ {Eyecatch 2-4} ~ === End of Act 2 === === Translation Notes ======================================================= {1} Noh is a form of traditional Japanese theatre, in which the performers, generally masked, "use their visual appearances and their movements to suggest the essence of their tale rather than to enact it." See for further information. {2} The Noh play "Takasago" (literally, "dune") tells the story of spirits of pine trees who appear before a group of visitors to Takasago. These two spirits are said to symbolize harmonious marriage. Thus, as mentioned later, the play is often performed at traditional weddings. {3} "Nougakushi" (能楽師) is the name of a performer who puts on a Noh play. {4} The "Kagura-mai" is a sacred Shinto dance offered to the gods. It is apparently always performed by women. {5} "Hyu-hyu" is sort of a whistle or catcall. Ci has more or less adopted this as her trademark. {6} From Feena, a French Sakura Taisen fan: "The name of the cake is 'Tarte de Lintz'. I have never tried it myself, but it's some kind of raspberry pie apparently. A correct translation would be 'Lintz pie' I guess. It's strange that [it's referred to as] a biscuit [Iris uses the loanword 'bisuketto' (ビスケット) in the above line], though, because it seems to be a pie." Thanks goes to Feena for the information. {7} 'Tenteko-mai' (てんてこ舞い) is a figure of speech meaning "whirl of business" or "humming with activity," indicating a state of activity so busy one has no time to rest. "Tenteko" is the sound of the drums in music played during festivals for the gods and the like. {8} Tofu, as you may already know, is a very soft food made from the milk of soybeans and used in a lot of asian cooking. Hiyakko consists of chilled tofu pieces garnished with ginger and spring onion. Sashimi is essentially raw fish served with soy sauce and wasabi (horseradish). Yakiniku is grilled meat cooked on a griddle and eaten with vegetables cooked in the same way. {9} See the first 'Sakura Taisen' game. {-eof-}