Sakura Taisen 3 ~ Pari wa Moeteiru ka ~ Translation - Hanabi's Ending ===================================================================== Translation 2001 By Kayama . ver. 1.01 Last updated 2001.08.08 This is a translation of Hanabi's ending sequence in Sakura Taisen 3 ~ Pari wa Moeteiru Ka ~ ("Sakura Wars 3 ~ Is Paris Burning? ~") and contains some Japanese text in S-JIS encoding. It is best viewed in a monospace (uniform character width) font. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirety for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. This translation may be found at the following locations: - primary location ###################################################### # Disclaimer # ###################################################### This work is not authorized by SEGA, RED, or any other company. I do not profess to be fluent in Japanese. I do not guarantee a 100% accurate translation. All Sakura Taisen games are copyright Sega, Red, and/or Overworks and all other copyrighted works are trademarks of their respective companies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Update Info: | Ver 1.01 - 2001.08.08 - Corrected (hopefully) the romanization of the French that appears in 'Kokoro no Kasa wa.' Ver 1.00 - 2001.08.08 | - Finished the ending. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- == Hanabi's Ending Translation =========================================== {This translation begins at the fifth eyecatch in the final episode.} Ogami: And so, one month passed...... The city of Paris has finally been brought back to life, and smiles have returned to the people's faces. We, the Paris Floral Assault Squad, are enjoying a belated vacation thanks to the Manager's arrangements. Coquelicot: Hey, everyone!! There's an interesting-looking pavillion over that way, too! Hanabi: Now, now, Miss Coquelicot, if you get so excited you'll fall down. Please be careful. Erica: Heheheh...... Say, Mr. Ogami. With the reopening of the European Exposition, the people of Paris sure seem to be enjoying themselves. Lobelia: It's almost enough to make you want to boast about the fact that we saved Paris. Glycine: Hmph...... That is better off left unsaid. But what's wrong with that - the people's smiling faces are our medals of honor. Ogami: That's right. We should enjoy the European Exposition ourselves, shouldn't we. Coquelicot: Hey, Ichiro! We're going off to that pavillion over there!! Ogami: Okay, I'll be right there too. Huh? Hanabi, you're not going to go with them? Hanabi: Yes...... because I have decided to always stay by your side, Mr. Ogami...... *sigh*. Umm...... Mr. Ogami...... might it be all right for me to make just one request, I wonder......? Ogami: Yes, it's all right. What sort of request is it? Hanabi: Our vacation will end today. So...... there is a place I would like you to accompany me...... *sigh*. Ogami: Yeah, that's fine. Well then, shall we go together? Hanabi: Yes! Thank you very much, Mr. Ogami. * * * * * Ogami: Sore ni shite mo...... ikinari puuru de deeto to wa...... Still...... to think that she would want a date at the pool so suddenly...... Hanabi: Chotto hazukashii no desu keredo...... It's a trifle embarrassing, but...... ......hajimete jibun de mizugi wo erande mita n desu. ......I tried picking out a swimsuit on my own for the first time. Ogami: ......Tottemo yoku niau yo. ......It looks very good on you. Hanabi: Arigatou gozaimasu. Thank you very much. Ogami: Hanabi-kun!! Daijoubu ka!! Hanabi!! Are you all right!?! Hanabi: Ha, hai. Y- yes. Ogami: Yuuki wo dasu n da!! Bring out your courage!! Hanabi: Hai! All right! Ogami: Ha, Hanabi-kun!! Ha- Hanabi!! Hanabi: Oogami-san, atashi, dekimashita! Mr. Ogami, I did it! * * * * * {Cast listing. See the general episode 11 faq.} * * * * * Ci: Everyone, long time no see! How do you find Chattes Noires for the first time in a month? Mell: Today, in commemoration of our reopening, we've prepared a special performance!! Ci: Please enjoy as those girls, overflowing with charm, perform the French can-can!! Ogami: ......Magnificent. They've all got...... wonderful smiles. And the audience is enjoying it from the bottoms of their hearts. We truly do have peace. Grand Mere: Monsieur, could I see you for a moment? Ogami: Manager, what's the matter? Grand Mere: Tomorrow morning...... Could you show up in the Manager's office for a bit? Ogami: Eh...... ah, yes, I understand. Grand Mere: Looks like the can-can's over...... All right, I'll be counting on you to see the audience off. Ogami: What could be the matter with the Manager? Something seemed a bit strange about her...... The Manager's office tomorrow morning, huh...... I'd better take care not to be late. * * * * * Ogami: Ogami Ichiro, at your service. Manager, is there something you need? Hanabi: Miss Grand Mere, what is it you wish to speak about? Ogami: Hanabi!? Why are you here? Grand Mere: I called her here. I have something I want to tell both of you. The fact is...... an order came telling me to return Monsieur back to the Imperial Floral Assault Squad. Ogami: Is- is that true!? Grand Mere: I don't know the details, but it looks like they need your help in Tokyo. Your departure's in one week...... I'm sorry for being so sudden about it - I just couldn't bring myself to say it...... Hanabi: Th- that's...... Ogami: Hanabi!! Grand Mere: And what's more...... I haven't yet told the others that you'll be going back to Tokyo. You have to make sure to say your goodbyes yourself. You got that? Ogami: ......Yes, ma'am. Mell: Mr. Ogami...... please go after her at once. Ci: At times like these...... a girl wants to be with the one she likes, even if it's only for a little longer...... Ogami: Yeah, I understand...... * * * Ogami: Hanabi...... So this is where you were. Hanabi: It's finally come, hasn't it. The time for us to say good-bye...... Ogami: Hanabi...... I'm sorry...... Hanabi: I shall be waiting in front of your apartment...... Once you have finished saying good-bye to everyone, please be sure to come...... I shall be waiting...... for as long as it may take...... Ogami: Hanabi...... I'll be sure to come...... But, first...... I have to go say good-bye to everyone...... {At this point, a free movement sequence will begin in which you are free to say good-bye to everyone in Paris. For those translations, see the general episode 11 faq. To end the free movement sequence, proceed to Ogami's apartment where Erica is waiting.} ~~ At Ogami's apartment (大神のアパート) ~~ Hanabi: Ah...... Mr. Ogami...... So you've come...... Umm...... have you finished - all your good-byes to everyone? == Prompt 11.1 Start == -- Option 1 - Yes, it's finished. -- {Skip down past the end of prompt 11.1.} -- Option 2 - No, not yet. -- {Returns you to free movement.} == == Prompt 11.1 End == Ogami: Yes, I've finished. So, Hanabi...... What is it you wanted to talk to me about? Hanabi: There's only a week left...... until you return to Tokyo...... isn't there, Mr. Ogami. I realize it is immodest for me to say such a thing...... But...... please hear me out. Mr. Ogami...... I beg of you...... please take me out on a date. Ogami: Sure, Hanabi. Now then, shall we go? * * * * * Hanabi: To think that the night should come so soon...... Ogami: During pleasant times...... time sure does pass quickly, doesn't it. Hanabi: Eheheh...... You're right. When I'm with you, Mr. Ogami, I always forget about the passing of time. Ogami: Time really does pass by quickly, doesn't it. It feels as though everything I've been through here in Paris happened just the other day...... This half a year...... really went by before I realized it. Hanabi: It's true, isn't it...... It feels almost as though we've been having one long dream...... Ogami: Hanabi...... You've really changed completely during this half a year. You've become much more positive...... And you've even become able to speak your own opinion, haven't you. Hanabi: I suppose you're right...... Everyone in the Paris Floral Assault Squad has changed me. Through fighting alongside everyone else...... I've come to be able to think for the first time in my life of 'living.' I think these feelings that have lain dormant inside me have slowly...... awakened. Ogami: Hanabi...... Hanabi: Mr. Ogami...... You told me, a woman...... that I should "make my future alive." Ogami: Yes...... that's exactly right. In making one's future, it makes no difference whether you're a man or a woman...... Rather...... I think it's the women who really build up our future. Hanabi: The women build up our future...... That's wonderful, isn't it. It would be nice if both your future...... and mine...... could someday become one, wouldn't it. * * * * * Ogami: And so, a week passed...... and the day came that I would part from Paris...... Grand Mere: This is finally good-bye, Monsieur. It was only a half a year, but a lot sure happened. Ogami: Yes. It was a short time, but thank you for putting up with me. Grand Mere: Now, everyone. Say good-bye to Monsieur. Erica: Uuh...... Farewell, Mr. Ogami. Once you arrive in Paris...... please be sure to write. Ogami: Uh, um...... Erica...... I'm going back to Tokyo...... Glycine: Captain...... Take care. I shall be praying for your luck in battle in Tokyo. Ogami: Thank you, Glycine. It was interesting being a maid at the Bleumer mansion, too. Coquelicot: I...... Ichiro...... Once I grow up, I'll be sure to go to Tokyo! Ogami: I'll be waiting, Coquelicot. When that time comes, I'll show you around the marketplaces in Tokyo. Lobelia: You should study up on being bad a little more. Once you do I'll treat you right. Ogami: Lobelia, you never change. I understand, I'll take it into consideration. Mell: We'll always keep your ticket-clipper's uniform handy...... so please come back someday. Ogami: I got it, Mell. Thank you, truly, for everything up until now. Ci: Take care, Mr. Ogami! Please send some tasty treats from Tokyo!! Ogami: Hahaha...... That's just like you, Ci. In that case, I'll send some sembei or something. Jean: Captain, you haven't got me over there, so don't go breaking the Koubu. Ogami: Yes, I understand. I really caused you a lot of trouble, Squad Leader Jean. Sakomizu: Ogami...... I've learned a lot from you. You remain firm over in Teito. Ogami: Ambassador Sakomizu...... I'll be counting on you...... with the Paris Floral Assault Squad. Grand Mere: Hanabi, what are you doing? Are you going to be all right not saying good-bye to Monsieur? Hanabi: No...... It doesn't seem that I'd be able to express my feelings of gratitude toward you...... in words alone. I've written my feelings right now in this letter...... Would you read it later? Ogami: I understand...... Hanabi. Grand Mere: It looks like...... the train's about to leave. Go on...... off to Tokyo. Ogami: I'm off. All of you...... take care. Erica: Have a good trip, Mr. Ogami. Glycine: So long, Captain. Coquelicot: Ichiro, take care...... Hanabi: Mr. Ogami...... Farewell...... Ogami: Farewell, Hanabi. Hanabi: (I can't see you...... even if I am alive, can I...... That way...... is much harder.) Mr. Ogami, please don't go!! Please...... please take me with you! Erica: Mr. Ogami!! Glycine: Captain!! Coquelicot: Ichiro!! Hanabi: Mr. Ogaaamiii!! * * * Ogami: Hanabi...... You've become surprisingly strong...... I wonder just what's written...... in this letter. Hanabi: Greetings. It is said that meetings are the beginnings of partings, but partings truly are lonely things indeed. However, unlike before, I have become able to meet all things with a positive outlook. Mr. Ogami shall be gone from before my eyes...... I feel that for myself, who have lived always following a gentleman's instruction, this is the perfect opportunity to cultivate the strength to live on my own. Mr. Ogami, you told me those words. That "women build up our future." As a human being...... And, as Vice-Captain of the Paris Floral Assault Squad, Flower-Division...... I shall strive to do my best, with your words in my heart. Sincerely, Kitaoji Hanabi Mr. Ogami Ichiro Ogami: Farewell...... Flower capital, Paris. Thank you...... everyone at Chattes Noires. Hanabi...... Let's meet again someday. * * * * * Hanabi: P.S....... I love you even now, Mr. Ogami. Earlier, I said I would always be waiting for you, but, I would like you to allow me to withdraw those words. Until, someday, when I am reunited with you, Mr. Ogami, I shall be strengthening myself. And, I feel I would like to change your feelings. Bidding farewell to these black garments, I shall someday go forth to Tokyo. Until that day comes, please take care of yourself...... == Song Translation ======================================================= 心の傘は Kokoro no Kasa wa (The Umbrella for the Heart) 作詞?広井王子 Lyrics: Hiroi Ohji 作曲?田中公平 Composer: Tanaka Kouhei 編曲?浜口史郎 Arrangement: Hamaguchi Shirou 歌? Vocals: 鷹森淑乃(北大路花火) Takamori Yoshino (Kitaoji Hanabi) 街の色が 雨に濡れて シュブナエルの 夢が消えた 物語に恋した わたしはいない 海の色が 霧に霞み ボンボヤージュ 愛が消えた もう何も見えなくて わたしは泣いた 置き去りになった過去 心の傘は誰が差してくれるの 忘れられないあなたを 橋の下を 川が流れ メランコリー 月が滲む 語る言葉忘れた わたしは沈む 橋の上を 人が流れ アデュー・ア・トワ 星が滲む 語り合う恋人を わたしは見てる いつの日か救われる 心の傘は誰が差してくれるの 出会えるはずねあなたに {- Romanization -} Machi no iro ga Ame ni nurete Jubunaeru no Yume ga kieta Monogatari ni koi shita Watashi wa inai Umi no iro ga Kiri ni kasumi Bonboyaaju Ai ga kieta Mou nani mo mienakute Watashi wa naita Okisari ni natta kako Kokoro no kasa wa dare ga sashite kureru no Wasurerarenai anata wo Hashi no shita wo Kawa ga nagare Merankorii Tsuki ga nijimu Kataru kotoba wasureta Watashi wa shizumu Hashi no ue wo Hito ga nagare Adyuu-a-towa Hoshi ga nijimu Katariau koibito wo Watashi wa miteru Itsu no hi ka sukuwareru Kokoro no kasa wa dare ga sashite kureru no Dearu hazu ne anata ni {- English translation -} The colors of the city Are drenched in the rain That juvenile dream Has disappeared I once fell in love like in a fairytale That me is no longer here The colors of the sea Grow hazy in the fog Bon voyage Love has disappeared Unable to see anything anymore I wept The past that you left behind with me Who would raise the umbrella for my heart Over you whom I cannot ever forget Underneath the bridge The river passes by The melancholy Moon spreads out over it Having forgotten all words I would speak I sink to the depths Up atop the bridge The people pass by Adieu a toi The stars spread out over them The lovers exchanging words I'm watching them Someday I shall be saved Who would raise the umbrella for my heart I will surely be able to meet with you -eof-