Sakura Taisen 3 - Koubu Knuckle FAQ! V 0.1 Falcon Flame This FAQ belongs to me! So please ask if you want to use it. Thanks!!! I allow GameFAQs to post this on their site. This Guide is Copyright 2002 to Falcon Flame. FAQ History * * * * * * * August 19, 2002 - Guide Submitted to GameFAQs August 19, 2002 - Guide Updated with a few tidbits and grammar fixes August 17, 2002 - Guide Finished August 17, 2002 - Guide Started * * * * * * * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 - Info about Koubu Knuckle 2 - Getting Koubu Knuckle 3 - General Koubu Knuckle Game Info 4 - Controls 5 - Starting a New Game 6 - Assists 7 - Items 7(a) - Food items 7(b) - General items 8 - End of level points 9 - Enemies 10 - Strategies 10(a) - General Strategies 10(b) - Bonus Level Strategies 10(c) - Boss Strategies 11 - Super Secret Special Move 12 - High Scores 13 - Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - Info about Koubu Knuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Koubu Knuckle is a game very similar to that of Streets of Rage or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time. The Main differences between those games and Koubu Knuckle is that Koubu Knuckle is on Dreamcast... And that you don't really progress through the levels but start out in a rectangular-ish stage where enemies and crates appear. And that you can walk around the entire stage from the start and you win by killing all the enemies in a certain amount of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------2 - Getting Koubu Knuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you don't know Japanese (which I don't) this is going to be one of the least entertaining parts of your gaming career. But you do want to get Koubu Knuckle don't you? First of all you need to beat the game. Doing this unlocks the first quiz in the 'An elegant day in Paris' mode, which can be found at the church. At the church Father Reynard asks you questions about the game and you have to answer ten in a row. What makes this difficult is that (a) the questions orders are random, (b) the answers orders are random, (c) there are about thirty answers to pull from, and (d) you have limited amount of time to answer them. After beating the church quiz the next two are at the Bleumer Mansion entrance and the police station respectively. My suggestions to unlock this is for you to clear about 30-45 minutes for each quiz out of your schedule and just sit there answering the questions until you memorize the answers. But be aware (although I think this is only in the last quiz) that two or more questions might have the same list of answers but the correct answer is different. One thing to keep note of is that if the question has a movie in it you can press start to skip the movie so it doesn't waste a whole lot of your time. You can find Koubu Knuckle at the Chattes Noirs entrance where Gran Mere will talk to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------3 - General Koubu Knuckle Game Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The default high score in Koubu Knuckle is 130000 if you beat this you get the picture!!! The menu (as with all other mini-games) is like so. When you first enter the game: Start the Game Practice mode Quit After finishing a game (either dying or beating the game): Start a new game Quit Score erase If you pause the game it has a different menu than the other mini games so be careful: Resume Quit Retry Be aware that when you first enter the game in the top right corner (below where is says Koubu Knuckle) displays instructions of how to play the game and only after you finish by either losing or beating the game it will display your scores, so just keep in mind that your scores have not been erased! Finally you can only use Ogami's Koubu and you can only play one player : ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------4 - Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A - Attack (up to five can be combined just as in the normal game) B - Jump X - Use an assist item Y - Not in use Analog Stick - Move D-pad - Not in use L and R triggers - Not in use ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 - Starting a New Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When you start a new game you get the option of choosing which Koubu you would like to use the Koubu F or the Koubu F2. Here are details of each. Koubu F Power * * * Speed * * * * * You may ask yourself why you would need speed in a game that has absolutely miniscule levels, the enemies come to you AND are pretty easy to get away from even if you were a blind tortoise with no legs that had just been eaten. And the truth is you don't, and while playing the game with the Koubu F you will notice absolutely no difference in speed then if you were playing with your F2. But something that you will notice is how much less damage you do compared to the amount done with an F2. So why would you use a Koubu F? Well believe it or not it has its advantages. (1) You have to attack the enemies more so you can get more points (although this is not always true -see below-) (2) You are lighter so if you jump onto an enemy while they are doing an upswing you get knocked high into the air. This is most noticeable against the final boss where you can get knocked so high that you can see the sky outside and that for some reason the building has no roof : P (3) For some strange unknown reason, the Koubu F can absolutely murder the final boss and does something around 3 times more damage to it than the F2 (doing jump-kicks though) Koubu F2 Power * * * * * Speed * * * The Koubu F2, what are its advantages? Well: (1) You do a significant amount more than the Koubu F (2) You look much cooler than the Koubu F. You have jet packs!!! (but you don't get to use them) What does the Koubu F have??? Absolutely nothing. (3) Your attacks look much more neater. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 - Assists ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are five different assists in the game, one for each girl. All of the assists are the same shape (but I have absolutely no idea what shape that would be...) but they are different colours depending on the character of whom the assist belongs to. These are not to be confused with the diamonds which are a dark purple and are a different shape (but you may still get confused I guess...). These are the different assists. Coquelicot: This assist is orange and it stops time!!!! But don't get to excited because the enemies are immune to time stop so basically what it does is tints the screen blue and stops the timer. This is only in effect while the music is changed and the screen is blue. Glycine: This assist is blue and it adds +2 to your defense. This is only in effect while the music is changed. Lobelia: This assist is green and adds +2 to your attack. This only stays in effect while the music is changed. Hanabi: This assist is purple and doubles your points. This only stays in effect while the music is changed. Erica: This assist is pink and fully heals your character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 - Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7(a) - Food Items: These are your health items, and can help you significantly, although you can beat the game quite easily without ever picking up any. (Just on a side note if you have full health and you collect one of these items you get points which are listed after the description of the item.) Chocolate Bar: The worst of the health items. It restores around 25% of your health bar. Picking this up with full health will net you 2000 points. Apple: This restores over half of your health which I think is pretty significant for an apple, but then again it's a pretty big apple. With full health it gives you 3000 points. Meat: I am pretty sure this gives you full health by picking it up. With full health it gives you a whopping 10000 points!!!!!! 7(b) - General Items: The only thing these are good for are points, so don't get too excited. Necklace: 1500 points - See you would figure a necklace to be valuable but this nets you less than a chocolate bar... Hammer: 500 points - This is the least valuable of all items in the game. Hat: 2000 points - This is the hat that Coquelicot wears during her circus acts. Cat: 3000 points - This is the cat that Coquelicot draws on her Koubu in episode 3, and the cats she shoots at the enemies with her special move. Diamond (Amethyst): 1000 points - its purple! Teddy Bear: 2500 points - I think it is Iris's teddy bear but then again what do I know?!?!? Bomb: This gives you no points and takes off half your life if you are hit by it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 - End of level points ------------------------------------------------------------------------ After each level you get a bunch of points and here I am going to explain what they are for. Life - How much life you have remaining Assist - The only tricky one. You get 1000 points for every assist that you have at the end of the level that you didn't use Destroy - For everything that you destroy Time - For having lots of time remaining ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 - Enemies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Blanche: These are the most common and least difficult enemies. They are also the only ones that don't have any weapons. They are a silver-ish colour with red stripes, which is a bit strange because blanche means white in French. Gris: These are the second most common enemies, and I think they actually have less or at least the same amount of health as the Blanche pawns. The difference is that these carry a sword, have longer range AND do lots more damage. They are a grey colour with purple stripes. Orange: These only show up after the bonus stage. They carry a double- sided lance and can dish out a bunch of damage while also having quite long range. They have a huge supply of health although jumping on their heads tends to drain it quickly. They are the only enemy named after their stripes colour, which is obviously Orange and their body colour is black. Leon: The final boss and also a big irritation. He has extremely strong attacks that you should definitely avoid wherever possible. He uses his same steam beast as in the normal game the 'Marche'. It is a lion model that attacks with fire punches. The Steam Beast also has some pretty big gun turrets (seriously) in the most surprising (or least surprising depending on how you look at it) of places. (The gun turrets and the final boss model are probably the two things that won't make it to the US version.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 - Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10(a) - General strategies: Normally try to use combos of three against enemies because you can easily link them together and keep the enemies stunned. Against the ORANGE pawns (that's their name, they are the ones with the double sided lance) you may want to use your five linked combo because the final attack does a significant amount of damage. If there is one enemy isolated and against a wall (even better if they are in a corner) try jumping on their head and continue jumping on their head, because you can do a ton of damage quite easily. BUT don't bother jumping on a group of enemies heads because usually they can hit you still and can leave you very vulnerable. For the most points get links of around 20 or 30 and then do the combo of 5 because it gives you around 5000-10000 points. And finally travel by jumping (or jump kicking if the mood suits you) because you go faster. 10(b) - Bonus level strategies: The blue and black cars (top and bottom row respectively) can be easily destroyed by normal attacks, while the white cars take a lot punishment before they explode. But the white and black cars (middle and bottom row respectively) can be destroyed easily by jumping on them but the blue cars can take a lot of it. For the utmost points walk in a straight line to the right and continuously use combos of 3 attacks until you get around 20 or 30 points and then do one combo of 5 attacks. If you continue to do this until the time is up you can rack in 30000 or more points. I have yet to be able to destroy all cars but I can get it down to three cars left. It is very possible to do though if you are able to jump from one car to the other without hitting the ground. I don't know if you get more points for destroying all the cars than you would if you just used the above suggestions. But if I find out I will update the guide. Feel free to e-mail me if you find out before me. 10(c) - Final boss strategies: Use jump kicks against him, if you are using a Koubu F you should finish him off in no time. If you are using a Koubu F2 you tend to be able to get right on top of him and bounce on his head. This is the ideal position for you to be in and I recommend you utilize it to the fullest if you are ever in such a position. What I would definitely advise against is trying to kill the pawns before you fight the boss because you end up wasting a ton of time trying to do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 - Super secret attack (because I haven't seen anybody post it anywhere else) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To do this attack press the jump and attack buttons at the same time and Ogami will do a whirlwind type of attack. But be aware that this does sap away a fair amount of life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 - High scores ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is my high score which I think is very beatable so if you get a better one e-mail me and I will post it up next time I update. ~~~~~~~~ ~202330~ ~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 - Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to thank: Kayama (for making the translation guides to help me through the game, and so I could copy a few names so I made sure I got the spelling right) Gundam dubya (for giving me some of the quiz locations) THE_GuyLS (for checking it over) Major Gamer (for also checking it over) And finally if you have any questions about Koubu Knuckle feel free to e- mail me at Copyright Falcon Flame 2002